J. Paleont., 73(4), 1999, pp. 549-570 Copyright ? 1999, The Paleontological Society 0022-3360/99/0073-0549$03.00 A REVISEDCHITINOZOAN CLASSIFICATION FLORENTIN PARIS, YNGVE GRAHN, VIIU NESTOR, AND ISKRA LAKOVA Laboratoirede Paleontologie,UPR 4661 du CNRS, Universit6de RennesI, 35042 Rennes-cedex,France <
[email protected]>, Universidadede Estatodo Rio de Janeiro-UERJ,Faculdade de Geologia,20559-900 Rio de Janeiro,Brazil <
[email protected]>, TallinnTechnical University, Institute of Geology, 7 EstoniaAvenue, 10143 Tallinn,Estonia <
[email protected]>, and GeologicalInstitute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria<
[email protected]> ABSTRACT-The successful definitionof chitinozoangenera dependsprimarily on the precisionof the criteriaused. A standardized morphologicalterminology based upon detailsfrom scanningelectron microscope observations of the most representativetaxa bearing these charactersis thereforeproposed. The 143 genera,or subgenera,described so far in the literatureare reviewedin orderto exclude invalidtaxa and obviousjunior synonyms.Particular attention is paid to preventingthe overlapof genericdefinitions of the 56 genera ultimatelyretained. A brief accountof the diagnosticfeatures and stratigraphicrange of selectedgenera is given, andbasic information concerningthe type materialof these genera is listed. Finally, a supragenericclassification of the whole Chitinozoagroup based on diagnosticfeatures whose hierarchyis establishedon statisticaland evolutionarygrounds, is given. One new subfamily,Pogonochitin-