Daily Eastern News: February 21, 2007 Eastern Illinois University

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Daily Eastern News: February 21, 2007 Eastern Illinois University Eastern Illinois University The Keep February 2007 2-21-2007 Daily Eastern News: February 21, 2007 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2007_feb Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: February 21, 2007" (2007). February. 14. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2007_feb/14 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2007 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in February by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “Tell THE TRUTH AND don’T BE AFRAID.” WWW.DENNEWS.COM WEDNESDAY Eastern Illinois University, Charleston Volume | 93 Issue | 31 2.21.07 CAMPUS | FACULTY SENATE CAMPUS | GREEK LIFE Faculty discuss responsibility Airband prepares to ‘bring it on’ for disability assistance By Jess Kinsella Faculty development reporter At Eastern, 483 students are registered with having a disability. The disabilities range between learning, orthopedic or physical disabilities. Recently, according to Kathy Waggoner, assistant director of the Office of Disability Services, more students have registered as having a severe disability such as a traumatic brain injury. Some of these students may need accommodations in the classroom. Accommodations include a note taker, an alternate desk or chair, tape recorder or extended test time. Those students seeking assis- tance must be tested through the ODS, where Waggoner welcomes calls from faculty, instructors, par- ents and students, she said when speaking to the Faculty Senate on Tuesday. Waggoner, who has worked in the ODS for eight years, explained JOHN BAILEY | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS to the faculty how a disabled stu- Members of Sigma Chi fraternity practice their dance moves Tuesday night in the Lantz concourse in preparation for Eastern’s Greek Week dent must first contact their in- “Airband” event in April. structor to discuss accommoda- tions. Instructors then contact the Team members practice Week. naturally to those with prior make a mixed CD with eight songs ODS, she added. for Greek Week dance But she also understands that experience, many work eight weeks featuring lyrics related to the theme The process continues until not every team member has her to obtain perfection. for their five-minute routine, Potts ODS proctors the test and the in- competition same dance background. Participants started practicing said. structor picks it up from their of- “I can’t require the girls to have Jan. 28 to learn the choreography, “Our songs will have the words fice, she said. been in dance because a good how to dance on beat and mouth ‘angel’ and ‘devil’ or ‘heaven’ and Thomas Sinclair, special educa- By Stacy Smith majority of the team wasn’t,” said the lyrics. ‘hell’ in them,” she said. “Six girls tion professor, stated that this pro- Greek life reporter former high school cheerleader. Each group had chosen a will be angels and seven will be cess, which includes a large amount Airband is an event during different theme and is required devils.” of paperwork, is the number-one Beth Potts began dancing when Greek Week in which a fraternity or to wear costumes relating to the The most difficult part of reason why special-education pro- she was 2 years old. sorority chooses a song to perform theme. preparing for the competition fessors leave their profession. The Alpha Phi Airband captain a dance routine to. For example, Alpha Phi chose is teaching the routine to Vice Chair Jeff Ashley was con- took ballet and uses her experience The winning teams earn points angels and devils for this year’s inexperienced members. cerned with the “back and forth” to train other members of her toward placement in Greek Week. theme. process and questioned why it is sorority as they prepare for Greek Although dance may come The group is also required to » SEE AIRBAND, PAGE 6 the faculty’s responsibility to pro- vide accommodations for students CAMPUS | DINING TESTING PROCESS FOR ACCOMODATIONS THROUGH THE OFFICE OF DISABILITY SERVICES Meal plan options still diverse during lent » Student makes appointment with instructor to discuss accomodations Dining centers still the first century, people turned to day a week so complaints are rare, The Union still offers non-meat » instructor contacts ods fish. Horn said. items like Boca burgers and veggie offer several dining Vegetables and the ability to fish “I expected Taylor (Dining) subs so students off campus can » ods requests information from selections, including were free so as a way to honor Jesus not to celebrate Lent,” said Scott still have diverse selections. instructor during this time, tuning one’s diet Plepel, freshman pre-engineering Even if students are not » ods sends instructor a Test request non-meat entrees was required. major and Roman Catholic. “But giving up meat on Fridays or do Form electronically Panther Dining is trying to Taylor (Dining) has done a pretty not celebrate Lent for religious » Instructor completes Test request By Michelle Simek accommodate the needs of students good job rearranging foods for reasons, it is still popular to give Form and returns it to ods via e-mail Health and science reporter by having non-meat items offered religious reasons, so far.” up something during these 40 days every Friday, said Jody Horn, Plepel said depending on the and 40 nights. » ods schedules the test and sends the Something fishy will circulate director of Panther Dining. kind of fish served, he might “I try to give up something instructor and student a confirmation throughout campus today. For students not participating just stick to all vegetables during really hard,” Plepel said. “If it’s not notice via email Lent, the 40-day period before in Lent, normal dining selections Fridays. hard, I won’t stick with it.” » Instructor attaches the test to the Easter, begins today with Ash usually are not changed, she said. “It may be fish on Fridays,” This year Plepel will try to give Confirmation notice and sends it to ods Wednesday. Lent traditions have been at Horn said. “We sometimes offer up caffeine. » ods proctors the test During this time, many Eastern for quite some time and mac-and-cheese, but the selection When various students were » Instructor picks up the test Christian denominations do not the normal favorites, as well as Lent will always be non-meat.” asked what they plan on giving eat meat and vouch for fish every traditions, are both offered during Giving up meat one day a week up for Lent, choices included Friday. the period. is not going to be too hard, Plepel chocolate, sweets, pop and energy » SEE FACULTY, PAGE 6 Because meat was expensive in The foods are only changed one said. drinks. 2 news WWW.DENNEWS.COM | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS | WEDNESDAY 2.21.07 newsstaff Blizzard: big expense for city Production staff About The Daily Eastern News The Daily Eastern News is produced by the students Night chief ..............................................Nora Maberry of Eastern Illinois University. It is published daily Most action items Lead Designer ........................................Juliet Beaulieu Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., during fall placed on file in city Copy editors........................................ Nicole Weskerna and spring semesters and twice weekly during the ...............................................................Mike McGlothin summer term except during university vacations or council meeting ...................................................................Matt Daniels examinations. ................................................................ Kevin Kenealy One copy per day is free to students and faculty. Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents each in Online production ...................................Rich Lakeburg the Student Publications Office in Buzzard Hall. By Rob Siebert Editorial board The Daily Eastern News is a member of Senior City Reporter Editor in chief .........................................Nora Maberry The Associated Press, which is entitled to exclusive ....................................................... [email protected] use of all articles appearing in this publication. Managing editor .......................................Liza Bishton Subscription price | $50 per semester, $30 for ............................................DENmanaging@gmail.com summer, $95 all year. News editor .................................................Cathy Bayer Last week’s blizzard cost Comments | Tips Charleston $41,442. ............................................ [email protected] Sports editor .............................................Matt Daniels Contact any of the above staff members you believe Overtime costs for workers ..........................................DENsportsdesk@gmail.com your information is relevant to at their provided e-mail totaled $16,995, salt for the roads Opinions editor .............................................Jim Allocco address. was $19,192, and repairs cost .............................................. [email protected] You may also call 581-7942 or visit the student Photo editor .................................................Jay Grabiec publications newsroom at 1811 Buzzard Hall. $5,500, said Curt Buescher, director ...........................................DENphotodesk@gmail.com of Public Works, at Tuesday’s City ROBBIE WROBLEWSKI|THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS Online editor .................................... Brandon Campbell Corrections Council meeting. Council member Larry
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