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BEPERMANENT4G?A4BB 1PePaXPBT_c( #4G?A4BB CANORDERANINCORRECTVERSION0? • MERENGUE • TANGO • FOXTROT • WALTZ • CHA CHA • SALSA • RUMBA Outstanding Distributor French Language Classes HUSTLE • Cultural and Next Session You Can Be • Leon McCleod SAMBA Social Events SWING Starts Sept. 25 • The Star That Library • MAMBO I just wanted to tell you MAMBO • how nice Leon is at the Is Dancing! • SWING Anacostia Metro station. SAMBA • Every morning, he • HUSTLE hands out papers with • MERENGUE 25% a smile on his face... NIGHTCLUB • and he recognizes me OFF RUMBA • every morning when I • BALLROOM come to get the paper. SALSA • • COUNTRY & WESTERN COUNTRY — Anacostia Metro Rider Francais Langue Etrangére Francais Langue Etrangére Authorized use by Hachette Authorized use by Hachette CHA • Bonjour! Fall Classes Free WALTZ • Now Introductory To recognize an outstanding distributor, please email [email protected]. Please include your name, city and metro station. Lesson Forming FOXTROT • • Alex/Landmark Tysons Corner TANGO 703-751-4336 703-556-0088 TANGO Silver Spring A Arere YYouou a TTraumarauma SSurvivor?urvivor? • • Hwy 29 N. FOXTROT 301-681-4466 H Haveave YYouou LLivedived TThroughhrough a LLife-Threateningife-Threatening Event?Event? Gaithersburg Bethesda 301-590-0387 301-657-2700 • Columbia, MD WALTZ Opening Soon An event such as physical/sexual abuse, injury, accident • CHA COUNTRY & WESTERN COUNTRY • or disaster? If so, we are asking you to volunteer for • research studies that involve: SALSA 202.234.7911 Authorized use by Hachette Francais Langue Etrangére BALLROOM • Brain imaging www.francedc.org • • [email protected] WWW.ARTHURMURRAYDC.COM RUMBA • Measurement of stress hormones What you do on the dance floor is our business! HUSTLE HUSTLE • SWING • MAMBO • SAMBA • MERENGUE MERENGUE • Free trial of commonly used medications if indicated • NIGHTCLUB • We want to understand the differences in how people Advance you. respond to and cope with a traumatic experience. “Careers” can move you up and ahead. Compensation provided. Mondays. French Language & Cultural Center U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Call: 1-866-627-6464 National Institutes of Health 2142 Wyoming Ave., N.W. • Located between Dupont Circle & Woodley Park (TTY: 1-866-411-1010) The National Institute of Mental Health X017a 1x1 CD4B30Hk($!%k4G?A4BBk" ;4BB>==>C;40A=43)!PAPERA-ICHIGANJUDGEORDERED"RANDON $ICKENSTOWRITEASPUNISHMENTFORDUCKINGJURYDUTYWASPLAGIARIZED THEJUDGE SAYS4HE YEAR OLDSAIDHISPAPERMERELYCONTAINEDhQUOTEDMATERIALv =PcX^] Bg;kb^_ 1dbW)>X[3T_T]ST]RT7dacb6a^fcW 5A43>=80=H BcPcTCa^^_TabE^fc^=PQ Ik^lb]^gmikhfbl^lmh E^cX]VH^da?^RZTcQ^^Z 5dVXcXeT0UcTa>UUXRTa3TPcW a^eid^^iN'L'phkd^kl ¨)NAYEARWHENPOLITICSISBEING Hg^h_mphmkhhi^klZf[nla^] ROILEDBYANGRYDEBATEOVERTHE \hfi^mbmbo^bgfZkd^ml )RAQWAR MIDTERMELECTIONSMAYBE pabe^l^Zk\abg`_hkZg^l\Zi^] JUSTASAFFECTEDBYANXIETYOVERTHE \hgob\m]b^]Lng]Zrh_ablbgcn& ?8=4H?>8=C<3kIk^lb]^gm;nla ECONOMY\C^SPh0BTRcX^] kb^l%Zg]lmZm^iheb\^ohp^]mh fZkd^]EZ[hk=ZrhgFhg]Zr[r \Zimnk^ma^fZgma^r[^eb^o^dbee^] ikhfblbg`mha^eid^^iN'L'phkd& abf'Chl^iaEhg`h[Zk]hpZllahm ^kl\hfi^mbmbo^bg`eh[ZefZkd^ml bgma^e^`pabe^hgZlmZd^hnm_hk Zg]k^]n\^N'Lk^ebZg\^hg_hk^b`g lZrlen``blaf^]bZg^Zkgbg`llahp KZeiaÊ;n\drËIabeebilbgpaZm hbelhbm]h^lgÍm\ahd^N'L'^\hghfb\ iZr\a^\dlaZo^_Zbe^]mhd^^iiZ\^ aZl[^\hf^ZfZllbo^%_bo^&fhgma ^qiZglbhg' pbmabg_eZmbhg%Zg]ma^rghm^kblbg` fZgangm'LmZm^iheb\^lZrIabeebilbl Ê=^i^g]^g\^hg_hk^b`ghbec^hi& a^Zema\Zk^Zg]^g^k`r\hlml' ma^ikbf^lnli^\mbgma^lgbi^k&lmre^ Zk]bs^lhnk\ZiZ\bmrmh`khp%Ë;nla :o^kZ`^ikb\^lZmma^`Zlinfi lahhmbg`lh_mphmkhhi^kl'0? lZb]bgZli^^\a_h\nl^]hgma^N'L' aZo^^Zl^]ho^kma^iZlmfhgma_khf ^\hghfrÉZd^rblln^bgGho^f[^k fhk^maZg,_hkZ`Zeehgh_nge^Z]& ^e^\mbhglmaZmpbee]^m^kfbg^pa^ma& ^]k^`neZk`Zlhebg^mh+'02'MaZm ^kma^@HIk^mZbgl\hgmkheh_ma^ aZl`bo^g:f^kb\Zgllhf^k^eb^_% Ahnl^Zg]L^gZm^' [nm;nlapZkg^]Z`Zbglm\hgmbgn^] =^fh\kZml\hgm^g]ma^fb]]e^ #(2)3'!2$.%2!0 k^ebZg\^hghbe&ikh]n\bg`\hngmkb^l \eZllblgÍm^gchrbg`ma^[^g^_bmlh_ A0;;H)0RESIDENT"USHSAIDTHE53MUSTREDUCEITSDEPENDENCEONFOREIGNOILOR pa^k^ma^Ngbm^]LmZm^lblngihin& k^\^gmN'L'^\hghfb\`Zbgl'Ma^r ECONOMICGROWTHWILLSUFFERINA,ABOR$AYSPEECHIN0INEY0OINT -D ON-ONDAY eZk'341A8427<0==0? *5,)/#/24%:!0 &RIENDSMOURNOUTSIDETHEAPARTMENT ;PQ^a3PhAP[[XTb COMPLEXIN#HICAGOON3UNDAY BcdSh)>[STa3PSbD_AXbZ^U0dcXb\ 3aPfCW^dbP]Sb ?Zma^klZ_m^k-)fn\a p^k^Zefhlmlbqmbf^lfhk^ebd^er m^lm^]bgZ[khZ]^kihineZmbhgmh 278206> mhaZo^Znmblfhkk^eZm^]]blhk]^kl l^^b_lbfbeZk_bg]bg`lphne]h\\nk B0=5A0=28B2>kBg_ZklfZee^kgnf& >UUXRXP[b)2P]S[Tb2PdbTS fhk^ebd^ermhaZo^Z maZgmahl^_Zma^k^][rf^grhng`^k bghma^k^magb\`khnil' [^klmaZgma^r]b]mabllikbg`%lni& 0_Pac\T]c5XaTCWPc:X[[TS% \abe]pbma]blhk]^k maZg,)%Zg]fhk^maZghg^&Zg]&Z& BmÍlghmma^_bklmmbf^_Zma^klÍZ`^ ihkm^klh_bee^`Zebffb`kZgmlfZk\a^] <Zg]e^lnl^]_hkeb`ambgZgZiZkm&
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