Computational Design Framework 3D Graphic Statics
Computational Design Framework for 3D Graphic Statics 3D Graphic for Computational Design Framework Computational Design Framework for 3D Graphic Statics Juney Lee Juney Lee Juney ETH Zurich • PhD Dissertation No. 25526 Diss. ETH No. 25526 DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000331210 Computational Design Framework for 3D Graphic Statics A thesis submitted to attain the degree of Doctor of Sciences of ETH Zurich (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich) presented by Juney Lee 2015 ITA Architecture & Technology Fellow Supervisor Prof. Dr. Philippe Block Technical supervisor Dr. Tom Van Mele Co-advisors Hon. D.Sc. William F. Baker Prof. Allan McRobie PhD defended on October 10th, 2018 Degree confirmed at the Department Conference on December 5th, 2018 Printed in June, 2019 For my parents who made me, for Dahmi who raised me, and for Seung-Jin who completed me. Acknowledgements I am forever indebted to the Block Research Group, which is truly greater than the sum of its diverse and talented individuals. The camaraderie, respect and support that every member of the group has for one another were paramount to the completion of this dissertation. I sincerely thank the current and former members of the group who accompanied me through this journey from close and afar. I will cherish the friendships I have made within the group for the rest of my life. I am tremendously thankful to the two leaders of the Block Research Group, Prof. Dr. Philippe Block and Dr. Tom Van Mele. This dissertation would not have been possible without my advisor Prof. Block and his relentless enthusiasm, creative vision and inspiring mentorship.
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