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Paediatric Dietitian Page 4 Issue 27 Spring 2012 North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Trust supports be clear on cancer campaign Hospital page 10 welcomes its 250th water baby page 7 A day in the life of a... paediatric dietitian page 4 Anthem | Spring 2012 1 Always hear to help When Eva Hunt kept losing her hearing aids, audiologists at the trust had the answer to her problem. Eva, from Easington, who celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this year was given a brightly coloured special hearing aid accessory to make sure she always knew where her hearing aids were. Audiologist Marie Hall explained: “The coloured clips we’ve given to Eva are what we typically give to children. But, after hearing that Eva was often losing her hearing aids, we thought they would be the perfect solution. “The clips come in lots of different colours and they attach to the hearing aid at one Children show their posters in the school assembly end then the other end gets clipped onto the person’s clothing. “Not only have they been made to look stylish, but they also prevent the hearing aid from accidentally falling out or Children in becoming lost. “There are many different hearing aid accessories which can be used by children and adults. Not only are they practical, Hartlepool to benefit they’re quite a fashion accessory.” Eva’s daughter Margaret said: “The audiology staff always have the answer and from tooth fairy fund never think anything of going that extra mile to support their patients’ and families.” A group of primary school children in The trust’s audiology department provide a Hartlepool are set to benefit from a resource service to residents in Stockton, Hartlepool, pack to help educate them about their Peterlee and Easington. dental health. Audiology service manager Gerry Children at St Helen’s Primary School on the Thompson added: “Hearing impairment has a great impact on the quality of life for many Headland in Hartlepool have received their people, but with the right help from the share a smile resource pack, which includes team here people can really benefit from a workbook, giant teeth and tooth brush and the latest in hearing aid technology.” a felt tooth anatomy display as part of the To find out about the help available for support package being offered by the trust’s hearing problems, call the audiology community dental team. department at One Life Hartlepool on 01429 Head teacher Vivienne Ingleton said: 860103, the University Hospital of Hartlepool “The pack is really useful to help the children on 01429 860976 or Peterlee Community learn. We know the importance of good Hospital on 0191 5869844. Alternatively dental health and we’re keen to take on Oral health promotion advisor Nicola Cronin with take a look at board schemes like this one, which we’re Kieran Holdsworth, Neave Wallace, McKenzie really pleased was recognised in a recent Stafford and Jessica Wallace OFSTED inspection.” schools across Teesside providing oral health education into the curriculum for children aged between seven and 11 years. It’s fantastic that we’ve been “We’ve always worked with schools and awarded this funding to make it other services on different projects to educate children and help reduce levels of possible to provide this resource pack tooth decay, but this funding has meant to the schools, which we know will that we have been able to put together a be greatly appreciated. special resource pack which will benefit more children. The trust was lucky enough to be one of “It’s fantastic that we’ve been awarded this 12 organisations in the country which successfully bid for funding from oral health funding to make it possible to provide this charity the British Dental Foundation and the resource pack to the schools, which we know Wrigley Tooth Fairy Fund, which will benefit will be greatly appreciated. thousands of school children. “It’s really important that children learn Oral health promotion advisor Nicola Cronin about how to look after their teeth and explained: “We’re supporting 59 primary maintain good oral health and we’ve created a schools and eight special educational needs really fun way for them to do that.” 2 Anthem | Spring 2012 A step in the right direction Patients are set to see big improvements now the podiatry staff at One Life Hartlepool have taken a Clinical director of pathology Sonali Natu, step forward to streamline biomedical scientists Jim France and John their service. Wharton and head of histology and mortuary In a busy department, which services of Sharron Williams hands out hundreds of pairs of specialist insoles to their patients to reduce lower limb pain symptoms and to Colleagues correct postural problems, the podiatry technicians decided recognised for it was time to take a good look at what changes could Lead podiatrist and team leader Sue Cantwell, muskelo skeletal podiatrist be made to give the patients a Mariann Waller, podiatry technician Lucy Graham, muskelo skeletal long service better service. podiatrist Shirley Bell and specialist podiatrist Tristan Grant Biomedical scientists Jim France and John improvements for the people patients through the door Wharton have been awarded with long who use the service.” and reduce waiting times, by service awards after an amazing 84 years By taking out The team of four podiatry freeing up clinical time. combined service. technicians, who work in “In the past patients could Colleagues gathered to recognise their the unnecessary the podiatry appliance lab, sometimes wait for up to achievement and hear about how their appointments, it were seeing a high demand six months for a new career started together when they worked means we can get for a variety of insoles. prescription and now we can at Winterton Hospital in Sedgefield. more patients through Sue continued: “Between get them their insoles within a Clinical director of pathology Sonali Natu 80 and 120 prescriptions few weeks. said: “I’ve always been impressed by the door and reduce come in each week from the “If patients have any problems John’s diligence and reliability and Jim’s waiting times, by podiatry staff. when they get their insoles, enthusiasm. I’d like to congratulate them freeing up clinical time. “Patients would have to come then they can just give us a and say thank you on behalf of the team in and have their insoles fitted. call and make an appointment. for everything they’ve done over the years. Lead podiatrist and team We realised there wasn’t a We’re giving patients a call It’s a pleasure to have them in the team.” leader Sue Cantwell need for this unless the patient four weeks after they’ve explained: “When you’re busy, is at risk of developing a critical received their insoles to make you often just get on with foot problem or if our patient is sure everything is ok. the job, but sometimes you a child, then we knew we’d still “After two years, if a patient just need to take a minute need to see them. still needs their specialist and think - is this the best “Now, our other patients can insoles, we will ask them to way to run the service and is it either collect their insoles refer themselves back into the the best for our patients? from One Life, Hartlepool or service for a review of their “That’s when we got started Lawson Street Health Centre insoles. We’re already seeing on the rapid process in Stockton. If patients live out big improvements. Not only improvement workshop of the area, then we can just will this improve the working (RPIW) – which is basically a post them out to their home. environment for the team, session of where we looked “By taking out the but it’s a great step in the at the way we run the service unnecessary appointments, right direction to improve the and how we can make it means we can get more service for our patients.” Muskelo skeletal podiatrist Mariann Waller Podiatry technician Lucy Graham Specialist podiatrist Tristan Grant Anthem | Spring 2012 3 A day in the life of a… paediatric dietitian Becci Dunn is one of the two paediatric dietitians at North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust. Becci explained: “I first realised staying in hospital. age of the child as they grow up. going on holiday. I try to make it my passion for working in health “I work with children from birth “I see children with long term fun and use games and quizzes for during my BSc (bachelor of science) up to 18 years at the University conditions and I specialise in the children. I also really enjoying degree in sports and exercise Hospital of North Tees and run diabetes and cystic fibrosis. I enjoy teaching children and families how science. I decided then I wanted clinics there and the University getting to know the families and to count carbohydrates and adjust to train as a dietitian and went onto Hospital of Hartlepool and Peterlee seeing the children grow up. You their insulin accordingly, which gives complete a postgraduate diploma Community Hospital. get to build a good relationship families much more flexibility with in nutrition and dietetics at Leeds “The nice thing about the job is with them.” their eating and lifestyle.” Metropolitan University. children just tell you how it is. But, Becci is also part of the Teesside Becci and the team are always “Once I’d qualified, I got my first job it’s not just the children; I’m working Cystic Fibrosis team.
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