Arxiv:1107.5041V1 [Hep-Th] 25 Jul 2011 Rca Geometry

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Arxiv:1107.5041V1 [Hep-Th] 25 Jul 2011 Rca Geometry View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by MPG.PuRe AEI-2011-037 Geometry and field theory in multi-fractional spacetime Gianluca Calcagni Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) Am M¨uhlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: We construct a theory of fields living on continuous geometries with frac- tional Hausdorff and spectral dimensions, focussing on a flat background analogous to Minkowski spacetime. After reviewing the properties of fractional spaces with fixed dimension, presented in a companion paper, we generalize to a multi-fractional scenario inspired by multi-fractal geometry, where the dimension changes with the scale. This is related to the renormalization group properties of fractional field the- ories, illustrated by the example of a scalar field. Depending on the symmetries of the Lagrangian, one can define two models. In one, the scalar has a continuum of massive modes, while in the other it only has a mass pole. If the effective dimension flows from 2 in the ultraviolet (UV), geometry constrains the infrared limit to be four-dimensional. At the UV critical value, the model is rendered power-counting renormalizable. However, this is not the most fundamental regime. Compelling ar- guments of fractal geometry require an extension of the fractional action measure to arXiv:1107.5041v1 [hep-th] 25 Jul 2011 complex order. In doing so, we obtain a hierarchy of scales characterizing different geometric regimes. At very small scales, discrete symmetries emerge and the notion of a continuous spacetime begins to blur, until one reaches a fundamental scale and an ultra-microscopic fractal structure. This fine hierarchy of geometries has implica- tions for non-commutative theories and discrete quantum gravity. In the latter case, the present model can be viewed as a top-down realization of a quantum-discrete to classical-continuum transition. Keywords: Models of Quantum Gravity, Field Theories in Lower Dimensions, Fractal Geometry. Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Fractional Minkowski spacetime 5 2.1 Definition 5 2.1.1 Embedding and calculus 5 2.1.2 Measure 8 2.1.3 Boundary 10 2.1.4 Metric and distance 12 2.2 Hausdorff, spectral and walk dimensions 13 2.3 Fractional Poincar´etransformations 15 3. Dimensional flow 19 3.1 External scale or renormalization group picture 20 3.2 Multi-fractional spacetime 21 3.3 Dimensionality and the role of dH = 2 and D =4 25 3.4 Experimental bounds on dimensional flow 27 4. Scalar field theory 30 4.1 Power-counting renormalizability 30 4.2 Actions of fractional field theories 32 4.2.1 Role of symmetries 32 4.2.2 Fractional Klein–Gordon equation 34 4.3 Integer-symmetry scenario 36 4.4 Fractional-symmetry scenario 37 4.5 Propagator 39 4.6 Superficial degree of divergence 44 5. Complex fractional theory 45 5.1 Fromrealtocomplexfractionalorder 45 5.2 Discrete scale invariance 49 5.3 Log-oscillations 51 5.4 Dimensions 53 6. Discussion and research agenda 54 6.1 From continuum to discrete geometry 54 6.2 Comparison with early proposals 57 6.3 Open issues 61 6.3.1 Fractal regime 61 –1– 6.3.2 Scale hierarchy and the Planck length 62 6.3.3 Quantum fractional theories 63 6.3.4 Fractional gravity 64 6.3.5 Inflation, big bang, cosmological observations 64 6.4 Other applications 66 6.4.1 Doubly special relativity 66 6.4.2 κ-Minkowski 67 6.4.3 Fuzziness of spacetime and phases of quantum gravity 68 1. Introduction With the birth of quantum gravity models, it became clear that ordinary geometry is inadequate to describe the microscopic texture of spacetime. Using the concept of spectral dimension, borrowed from the spectral theory of fractal geometry, it was realized that many scenarios are characterized by a scale-dependent dimension. The spectral dimension dS is an indicator of the effective number of directions a pointwise probe feels when diffusing in a given ambient spacetime for a short amount of time. For ordinary manifolds, it corresponds to the integer topological dimension D, but for fractals this may not be the case. Several quantum gravity or quantum space- time scenarios such as causal dynamical triangulations (CDT) [1, 2], asymptotically safe quantum Einstein gravity [3], spin foams [4]–[6], Hoˇrava–Lifshitz gravity [7, 8], κ-Minkowski non-commutative field theory [9], and non-local super-renormalizable quantum gravity [10] are defined in ambient spacetimes with D = 4 dimensions, but the spectral dimension at small scales differs from that value and dS < D (in many cases, d 2) in the UV. The change of dimensionality with the scale is another S ∼ typical property of fractals (more precisely, multi-fractals). Thus, it may be natural to regard all these models as different manifestations of the fact that the application of quantum mechanics to spacetime itself leads, in general, to a fractal geometry. It is important to establish whether this is only an analogy or not, because the reduction of dimensionality is intimately related to the renormalization properties (meant as ultraviolet finiteness) of quantum gravity. In particular, there seems to be a conspiracy between UV finiteness and a spectral dimension d 2 at small S ∼ scales [11]–[13]. However, quantum gravity research has not fully exploited the vast field of fractal geometry, and the spectral dimension alone is insufficient both to characterize a physical process as “fractal” and to control its geometric properties. First, other notions of dimension can and, actually, must be compared with dS in order to classify the geometry more precisely. Second, finding the spectral dimension at a given scale is a far cry from having dimensional flow under full control at all –2– scales. Third, there exist other details in the geometric and topological structure of fractals which has never or seldom checked for in quantum gravity. In order to better understand the connection between quantum gravitational physics and fractal geometry, one can take two opposite perspectives. In one, a given model of quantum gravity can be chosen and its fractal properties checked. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, in the great majority of the cases the spectral dimension is the only computable fractal indicator. In the other perspective, one could start from fractal geometry itself and attempt to construct a theory of quantum gravity with the desired properties (dimensional flow from 2 to 4, UV finiteness, and so on). The second approach was advocated and outlined in its main qualitative features in [13]–[15]. To have a much closer contact with fractal geometry, a more rigorous programme has been initiated in [16, 17]. Exploiting the characterization of many fractals as systems governed by a fractional differential structure, we constructed a continuous space with Euclidean signature and whose Hausdorff and spectral di- mensions are non-integer. This empty space, called fractional Euclidean space and denoted by D, has a notion of distance, volume and dimension. In particular, it Eα has topological dimension D and Hausdorff and spectral dimensions dH = dS = Dα (for non-anomalous diffusion), where 0 < α 1 is a fixed real parameter. Further- ≤ more, it is endowed with symmetries, although not the usual rotation and translation group. In practice, on fractional Euclidean space one can ask the same questions and perform all the operations allowed in ordinary Euclidean space, but with a different calculus. In this paper, we construct upon the results of [16] and carry out the agenda spelled out therein in greater detail. The idea is (i) to extend D to a space with Eα Lorentzian signature, (ii) realize dimensional flow via tools of multi-fractal geome- try, (iii) discuss an example of field theory and its renormalization properties, and (iv) generalize to models with even more realistic fractal properties. It will turn out that step (ii), which was not really made in [13]–[15], contains some pleasant news: The renormalization group (RG) flow and the multi-fractal construction are one and the same entity, but described with two different languages. This may be unsur- prising, since the RG flow is based upon a scale hierarchy just like multi-fractals. What is perhaps surprising is the quantitative match: once symmetries are given, purely fractal geometric considerations lead to the same total action prescribed by an almost-traditional field theory analysis. On top of that, geometric requirements can fix the effective dimension of spacetime in the infrared (IR) to d = d 4, H S ∼ provided the dimension in the UV is 2. Also, step (iv) will be crucial to probe scales even smaller than those at which the RG flow takes place, and will allow us to make contact with some features discovered numerically in causal dynamical triangula- tions. The overall physical picture has been shortly presented in [17]. Gravity is not included, yet, but fractional Minkowski spacetime will be sufficient to illustrate the basic features of the proposal. We leave the fractional extension of general relativity –3– to another publication. Below is the plan of the paper. Section 2. Following the Euclidean construction of [16], we define a fractional • ambient space with Lorentzian signature and describe its geometry (section 2.1) and its Hausdorff and spectral dimensions (section 2.2). The choice of coordinate presentation and the role of the boundary, which were not discussed in [16], are here treater in detail. The fractional generalization of Lorentz transformations is presented in section 2.3. Section 3. Spacetimes with a multi-fractal structure are finally introduced. • Exploiting the lore of multi-fractal geometry, the measure in the action is ar- gued to be a linear superposition of contributions with fixed dimensionality (sections 3.1 and 3.2).
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