Keeping Secrets REPORT The Protection of Classified and Security Sensitive Information REPORT 98 May 2004 © Commonwealth of Australia 2004 This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in whole or part, subject to acknowledgement of the source, for your personal, non- commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests for further authorisation should be directed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration, Intellectual Property Branch, Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, GPO Box 2154, Canberra ACT 2601 or by email to
[email protected]. ISBN 0-9750600-5-8 Commission Reference: ALRC 98 The Australian Law Reform Commission was established on 1 January 1975 by the Law Reform Commission Act 1973 and reconstituted by the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996. The office of the ALRC is at Level 25, 135 King Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. Telephone: within Australia (02) 8238 6333 International +61 2 8238 6333 TTY: (02) 8238 6379 Facsimile: within Australia (02) 8238 6363 International +61 2 8238 6363 E-mail:
[email protected] ALRC homepage: Printed by The SOS Printing Group (Australia) Pty Ltd The Hon Philip Ruddock MP Attorney-General of Australia Suite MF 21 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 31 May 2004 Dear Attorney-General, The Protection of Classified and Security Sensitive Information On 2 April 2003, the Commission received a reference from the then Attorney- General, the Hon Daryl Williams AM QC MP, pursuant to the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996, to undertake a review of the handling and protection of classified and security sensitive information in legal proceedings.