Holy Cross Associates Celebrates 25 Years Recruit Students at the Notre by CAITLIN EARLY Dame, Saint Mary's and the News Writer University of Portland
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l Friday, February 21, 2003 Bengal THE Bouts kick off page 29 The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXVII NO. 100 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU Holy Cross Associates celebrates 25 years recruit students at the Notre By CAITLIN EARLY Dame, Saint Mary's and the News Writer University of Portland. In 1978, Holy Cross This year, Holy Cross Associates had its official Associates, a post-graduate start when five Notre Dame service program founded by graduates began their service the Congregation of the Holy experience at the program's Cross, marks its 25th anniver first domestic site in Portland, sary. Ore. Since that time, over 750 Holy Cross Associates will volunteers have served the begin its anniversary celebra program in Arizona, tions this Saturday at Moreau California, Colorado, Indiana, Seminary with a day of reflec Massachusetts. Oregon, tion entitled "Journey of the Pennsylvania and Chile. Heart," which is the first in a Each year a large pool of series of other activities and applicants from various .· ..... · ..·/(. gatherings scheduled to take schools throughout the coun place this year. try apply to become Holy .··-:: __ It was nearly 25 years ago Cross Associates. ·-·••. ">:o, .. when Father Tim Scully and Anne Moriarty. assistant " ........ Father Jerry Wilson first envi director of Holy Cross sioned a volunteer service Associates, said that applica program that would enable tions to the program have recent college graduates to increased. assist and serve in the various "People are applying a lot ministries of the Congregation earlier than in past years. of the Holy Cross. The one obvious trend is the "They wanted a program increase in the number of stu which would combine ele dents who are applying for lan Teal, Nathan Wittig, Kelly Smith, Doug Jones ('00), Kate Parsll, Rachel Lustig and ments particularly fitted to the program in Chile. We our own Holy Cross tradition received nearly 30 applica Katherine Valentyn take time out of their Holy Cross service to pose for a picture. and charisma which would tions for four or five spots," draw these young people into Moriarty said. ple to learn how to apply their violence services, youth min include "a commitment to ser a particular relationship with The application process gifts. We don't have a single istries, education, homeless vice, a desire to live and the Holy Cross community," includes a written application goal for our volunteers, service and HIV I AIDS min share in an Associate commu Father Paul Marceau said in a and an interview at one of the rather we encourage them to istries. nity, a simple lifestyle and June 1990 speech he deliv Holy Cross Associates sites. apply their gifts to the people "The social service agencies option for the poor and a spir ered at the Congregation's Applications can be submitted they encounter in their min who work with the volunteers ituality. prayer and Christian History Conference. from December until early istries," said John Pinter, trust us to make a match with commitment." In the fall of 1977, Father spring. director of Holy Cross someone whose interests and The program concludes in Richard Warner worked in Students who are accepted Associates. strengths match up with the May with an end of the year conjunction with Scully and into domestic programs make After volunteers attend a needs of that particular retreat at the University of Wilson to present the idea of a service commitment of one formal orientation in August agency," said Moriarty. Portland. the Holy Cross program to the year. Students serving in at the Moreau Seminary, they While in the community. the "Our mission is to empower Indiana Province of the CSC. Chile are required to make a begin service work on-site. Associates are also called to lay people to serve and devel After the program received two-year commitment. At these sites, volunteers integrate the four pillars of op their own gifts through the the necessary approval, Holy "Holy Cross Associates pro work in a number of different the program in to their every Cross Associates began to vides an experience for peo- ministries including domestic day lives. These pillars see HOLY CROSS/page 3 Roskelly emphasizes ND holds law symposium dents from across the country, including By JUSTIN KRMCKAS about 65 from Harvard alone and News Writer expect about 35 nationally renowned importance of teaching jurists and professors to serve as pan Law scholars and dignitaries will elists and debaters," said Ross. "I owe much to the teaching of vocational assemble today and Saturday at Notre Panelists for the event include profes By EMILY BRAMMER English," said Roskelly. "Sometimes college Dame to discuss issues of law and sor John McGinnis of Northwestern News Writer teachers forget how good we have it." human dignity at the Federalist Society University School of Law, professor In particular, Roskelly talked about the Symposium. Peter Edelman of Georgetown A lecture focusing on the necessity of ana "team teaching" method practiced amongst This event will mark the 22nd year University Law Center and professor lyzing teaching was held at Saint Mary's on the teaching staff in the writing clinic. that the symposium has been held. Kyron Huigens of the Cardozo School of Thursday. The guest speaker of the event "When you teach alongside another Notre Dame com- Law at Yeshiva was Hephzibah Roskelly, director of the teacher, you really start to think about your peted for the opportu University. Composition Program at the University of teaching, and you begin to think of teaching nity to host the sym "We have registered over Other schools being North Carolina-Greensboro. in a theorized way," Roskelly said. posium and began 400 students from represented by pan At the beginning of her talk, Roskelly It is precisely in this area of theorized work on the project a across the country, elists include Notre explained why and how she came to focus teaching that Roskelly has devoted much of year ago. In May, the Dame, Cornell, her energies in the area of pedagogy, or the her scholarly endeavors. In one of her books, University won the including about 65 from Brigham Young, the study of teaching. An Unquiet Pedagogy, Roskelly offers a new bidding process Harvard alone... Hudson Institute, the "In this age of diversifying classroom pop approach to teaching English in the high John Ross, coordi University of ulations, there is a critical need for scholar school and college classroom and discusses Pennsylvania, St. nator for the sympo John Ross ship on the subject of teaching," said a new relationship between literacy and the sium, is in charge of John's University, Roskelly. student. programming and symposium coordinator Stanford University, Roskelly said that her concentration in There are certain things necessary in other operations for the University of pedagogy began with the challenges she order to do scholarship of teaching, Roskelly the event. Chicago and the encountered teaching high school English. said. "A good pedagogical scholar must not "We are distinct as the host school in University of Maryland. She said there were many underprivileged only be a good theorist and observer, but he that usually the symposium is held at The Federalist Society was founded in students attending the high school, most of must love his students more than his sub one of the top 10 law schools in the 1982. Its principles contend that the whom had very poor literacy skills. jects," she said. "It makes you believe in your nation," said Ross. state exists to preserve freedom. Also, "This is unfortunately the case with many students and in yourself." The symposium lectures will be held the society believes that the separation public high schools," she said. This lecture is one in a series sponsored by in McKenna Hall. Speakers for the event of governmental powers is central to the To improve their skills, Roskelly worked the Center for Women's Intercultural include judges Diarmuid O'Scannlain of U.S. Constitution and that it is the duty with the disadvantaged students in a writing Leadership. the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and of the courts to rule on what the law is. clinic during her early years of teaching. The Frank Easterbrook of the Seventh experience led her to realize that she could Contact Emily Brammer at Circuit Court of Appeals. Contact Justin Krivickas at actually write about teaching. [email protected] "We have registered over 400 stu- [email protected] page 2 The Observer+ WHAT'S UP Friday, February 21, 2002 INSIDE COLUMN WHAT'S INSIDE CAMPUS WORLD& BUSINESS Ranking life NEWS NATION NEWS EDITORIAL SCENE SPORTS from 1 fo 10 Irish dancing U.S. professor, Business Defending Novel 'Region Big East Top 10 lists are everywhere these gains 7 others face students sign U.S. actions Rat' reviewed Swimming days from video countdowns to popularity terrorism deal and intentions Championships Letterman. Just like reality television, America can't get enough of this sen charges sation and has used such lists to rank every conceivable Justin Krlvlckas thing known to Marieke Van der Palestinian pro A deal was Matthew Scene reviews After the first day man. People can Maelen has faced fessor Sami Amin closed with the Assistant Klobucher writes a Richard in this tournament, develop an obses many obstacles but Al-Arian and seven Dominican News Editor rebuttle to Tom Laskowski's newly the Irish womens sion for the list has risen to become others were Republic to supply creating process, Seabaugh's Thurs. published novel team currently an integral member charged Thursday bednets for the viewpoint letter spending several entitiled 'Region leads the pack at of the Irish dance with funding ter country's new dis entitled that was hours a day creating and reforming rorist organiza tribution program.