DBV Bring Kersvreugde In
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Thursday 19 December 2019 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE Lillian Schmidt en Nonnie Carreira vertroetel een van die diere by die Bfn-DBV. Ariannah de Wee en Isla Maritz geniet die Kersliggies DBV bring Kersvreugde in Bfn Pierce van Heerden doel aangesien alle bydraes aangewend pad van Kimberley kom, het aan Courant net vir Bloemfontein nie, maar vir die res [email protected] word vir diereversorging en hulpverlening. gesê dit is die tyd om te gee, veral aan van die land, dat elke mens ’n vrede- en Met Bloemfontein Courant se besoek om die diegene wat dit nodig het. “My wens is nie vreugdevolle feestyd sal ervaar. Ek dink Kersfees is ongetwyfeld vir meeste mense “liggies te gaan kyk” is ons begroet deur ’n die idee van die DBV is fantasties, dis ’n die wonderlikste tyd van die jaar. Daar toneel uit ’n Kersfeesfliek, vrolik laggende wonderlike geleentheid vir families om saam word met kinderlike verwagting deur kinders wat die pretritte en poppespel hierheen te kom.” oud en jonk uitgesien na dié spesiale geniet saam met hul ouers, en families wat “Kersfees is ’n tyd vir familie, vir liefde, vir dag, opwinding hang in die lug en liggies kwaliteittyd saam deurbring. saamkom en God se liefde vir ons en die skyn helder by die Bloemfonteinse Volgens Magdel Coetzee, ’n vrywilliger feit dat Jesus vir ons sondes aan die kruis Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) waar by die DBV, het sy besluit om te help by gesterf het, te vier. My wens is eenvoudig: Bloemfontein Courant besoek gebring het die DBV aangesien sy voel daar soveel net ’n bietjie meer liefde en welwillendheid aan die bestuurder en senior inspekteur, gedoen word vir elke dier in nood, sonder teenoor elkeen,” sê Louise Schmidt. Reinet Meyer, en haar elfie-helpers wat uit diskriminasie of ’n keuse van wie en wat hul pad gegaan het om die feesseisoen se gehelp word. “Kersfees is vir my ’n tyd om liggies helder te laat skyn. saam met jou familie en vriende deur te Die jaarlikse DBV-Kersliggievertoning in bring en my Kerswens is vreugde, liefde en Bloemfontein is nie net daar vir inwoners om genade vir elkeen,” sê sy. te geniet nie maar dien ook ’n veel groter Nog ’n besoeker, Kim Maritz, wat al die ‘n Sneeumanornament Werkers van die DBV saam met vrywilligers. Vrywilliger Magdel Coetzee Bloemfontein: Wiseman Midas 80 Nelson Mandela Drive Tel: 051 430 3971 Goldco Midas 180 Church Street Tel: 051 448 9481 Scotty's Midas 24 MC Gregor Street Tel: 051 448 2385 Fleurdal Midasas Game Centre Fleurdal Tel: 051 421 0637 35,&(69$/,'817,/'(&(0%(5 $872*($53,(&(0(75,& $872*($53,(&( $8$ 72*($5 5$7&+(7:5(1&+6(7 722/.,7 3,(&(62&.(7 .((77 NEW &KURPHILQLVK &KURPHYDQDGLXP %,76(7 6L]HPP Ő ~ŐGULYH ~GULYH~ 5:0 6.06 $872*($52*(*($$55 3,(&(5$7&+(7&++((77 6&5(:'5,9(56(76(6(7 563& 7.3& 3ULFHVYDOLGXQWLO'HFHPEHU8QOHVVZHVWDWHDVSHFLƓFOLPLWDWLRQ0LGDVZLOODWWHPSWWRKDYHVXIƓFLHQWDGYHUWLVHGVWRFNDYDLODEOHWRPHHWFRQVXPHUVōDQWLFLSDWHGQHHGV6KRXOGZHVWLOOUXQRXWRIVWRFNZHZLOODWWHPSWWRREWDLQYHVXIƓFLHQWDG WKHVWRFNRUZHZLOORIIHU\RXDUHDVRQDEOHDOWHUQDWLYH:HDW0LGDVWDNHVSHFLDOFDUHWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHDGYHUWVSODFHGDUHFRUUHFWDGYHU ,IDPLVWDNHRFFXUVRULQFRPSOHWHLQIRUPDWLRQLVSULQWHGZHZLOOGLVSOD\DQRWLFHLQVWRUHZLWKDOOWKHFRUUHFW &+&2 GHWDLOV3ULFHVLQFOXGH9$7RI&$6+25&5(',7&$5'621/< 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 19 December 2019 Animals taken care of after zoo closure Nomaqhawe Mtebele were shut by the Free State Department of Maswanganye, the organisation will be are in good condition. However, there were [email protected] Small Business Development, Tourism and doing inspections throughout the festive areas of concern, including cages with a Environmental Affairs (Destea) on Tuesday, season every second day to ensure that lot of trees, unnecessary plants and some The Bloemfontein SPCA will do intensive after months of raised concerns over the animals are looked after despite the were dirty,” he said. inspections of the Bloemfontein Zoo while welfare of animals kept at the city’s zoo. closure. “We did an inspection with Destea. Mangaung Metro Municipality the facility is temporarily closed. Gates According to SPCA inspector, Tebogo The animals do have food and water and spokesperson Qondile Khedama, stated that the zoo will remain closed until Destea decides to reopen it. “The City only received such notice on 17 December 2019 and is busy studying the contents thereof to ensure compliance. Unfortunately, the zoo is temporarily closed until further notice,” he said. SUPPLIER The SPCA welcomes the closure as the facility has been a controversial issue for some time. “We believe that the closure is a good thing and hope that it will cause DATABASE the management of the zoo to improve the facility. There has been a long period of back and forth that involved us giving them numerous warnings. They would REGISTRATION clean up but things would go back to similar conditions again,” explained Maswanganye. Khedama explained that workers will remain on the grounds throughout the Consulting and Professional Services 1 closure period, however long that may be. “The City wishes to put it on record that Advisory Services . Strategy . Outsourcing . Change Management . Recruitment . the animals’ wellbeing and health are not The Central University of Technology Innovation Services compromised. Municipal workers will be on Financial Planning and Analysis . Internal Audit . External Audit . Forensic Audit . (Pty) Ltd (CUTis) is a wholly owned entity of the Central duty to take care of animals,” he said. Risk Management . Supply Chain (Scm) . Taxation . Human Resources . Training University of Technology, Free State (CUT). The vision of A petition to permanently close down and Development Consultants . Architects . Consulting Engineers . Incubation CUTis is stated below as: the Bloemfontein Zoo is set to be handed Support Services . Mentorship (Business & Technical) for Incubated to the Metro in January 2020. One of the Entrepreneurs . Technology and Innovation Fundraising . Innovation Support & petitioners, Nicole Viljoen, expressed that CUTis shall be an engaged entity that serves as a Entrepreneurial Support Services . Technology Transfer and Technology the closure is a step in the right direction catalyst in the commercialisation of innovative projects Management Services . Real Estate Agencies. for animal welfare. “To be honest, I’m very and products for the public good, primarily in the central proud of the department because I didn’t region of South Africa and in so doing, shall, at the same expect such a quick response. This is a time, contribute to the financial sustainability of the Financial Services 2 Training and Development 4 victory for the community and the animals,” she said. Central University of Technology, Free State. Banking . Insurance Services . Facilitation . Moderation . SETA Bloemfontein Courant requested Mergers and Acquisitions . Investment Accredited Training Providers . comment from Destea but had not received and Restructuring . Transaction Assessor. one by time of publishing. Advisory . Facilities Management 5 Legal 3 Repairs and Maintenance . Security . Employee/Labour Relations . Contract Waste Management . Cleaning. Management . Advisory . Litigation . CUTis invites suppliers of the commodities listed below Intellectual Property . Debt Collection. Events Management 7 to apply to be registered on the new CUTis Supplier Database. Contractors 6 Catering . Transportation . Audio Visual . Public Address Electrical . Plumbing . Repairs and Maintenance. Sound System . Venue Bookings. Public Relations 8 Marketing and Communications . Information and Communication 9 Advertising . Printing . Branding Technologies (ICT) The evaluation of applications will be as follows: Services . Strategy . Corporate Gifts . Hardware . Software . ICT . Graphic Design . Signage PHASE 1 Online application and upload of documents. Consumables . Networking . Support . Licenses . Consulting . Application PHASE 2 Verification of Information. Travel 10 Design and Development Services . PHASE 3 References and/or site visits. Cyber Security . Web Development Travel Management . Booking and Hosting Services . PHASE 4 Communication of application outcome to suppliers. Services . Car Rental . Telecommunications . Data According to the SPCA, although animals were in good condition, a number of enclosures were not Please visit www.cutis.co.za/suppliers Accommodation . Flight Bookings . Transmission Services . Broadband, Visa Arrangement. up to standard at the Bloemfontein Zoo. PHOTO: Internet Services . Repairs and NOMAQHAWE MTEBELE Maintenance . Archiving. For more information, Longelo Motopi Stationery and Office Supplies 11 please contact: 051-507 3214 . [email protected] Stationery . Flower Arrangements . Courier Services . Audio and Video Systems . Electronic Equipment . Kitchen/Electrical Appliances . Motor Vehicles . Office Equipment . Refrigeration Equipmenmt . Office Furniture . Office Consumables. Energy and Water Supplies 12 Occupational Health and Safety 13 Applications Gases and Fuels . Water Quality Fire Servicing . Advisory . Audit. closing date: Friday, 31 January 2020 Testing/Analysis. The Bloemfontein Zoo has been temporarily closed since Tuesday afternoon. PHOTO: THINKING BEYOND FACEBOOK Editor - Pieter Delport REPORT NEWS: [email protected] SALES STUDIO AUDIT Corni Fourie - 051 505 0997 The distribution of this ABC Community Specialist - Seithati Semenokane Marelize Dunlop - 082 291 4124 Elmarie Venter newspaper is independently [email protected] 082 3701 268 Mitzi Noome - 082 575 0571 audited to the professional