Hdbfitea Belay
S/2283 7 August 1951 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH ---- -... -.-.-- ----___ __ -----..-L-,.- ..-.- _.--- - .----I L-I_ _ --.- ..-. NOTB'DATFD 6 AT,iGUST1751 FROM THE REPREsENTkTLyE OF m, UNITED ST@?-@ ADDRESF;D TO THE.S~RE'I!ARy~ENERAL TIWVSMITPING DGHT COMMUNIQ~ ISSUED BY THE HEADQUARTERSOF THE UNITED NATIbNS ?OMMLND IN KOlA . The Repreeentative of the.JWte$'States to the UnZtd Nations preeents his compli?nen.@ to the Secr@%ry-Genez%l of'the United Natlans and has the honor to transmit herewith, for the informat1on.of the Security Council, the following communiques itiywl by the He$quarterB'.of the United Nations Commend, a6 -hdbfitea belay: Far &st Air Forces CoImnuntqrie 405, ooverfq lkday, A&uElt 3, 1951, aperatlone Far.East Nasal HGa&qparters s-y, covering Fri&y*s, August 3, 1951, operatlona Eighth AxnyCommunique 531, issued at B:,OO P.M., Saturday, August 4, 1951 (6:00 A.M., Sat&&y, Eastern d+%yllght titne) 'Pm &eaet Air ForceB. summar~"+'S&g$&y,. %iyLWt 4, l?51, OPeratiOIX3 - E1gh:htd Army cojntnudque 533~‘~isai& at 8:0? P.M., Sunday, Aueuat 5, 1351 (6:oo A.M., Sunday, lW3tekn'dayl1ght time) . 'Un%tea Nations Nava& Foraee s-y of +%-day, August 5, 1951, operations . ' : . General Headquarters cow&e 967, for the twenty-To& hours ended ~:w&.M,, MO&~, @gust 6, 131 (4:oo P.M., Sunday, Eaeterm,aayllght time): :. '. Eighth Army communique 534, issub& at 10:00 A.M., Mo$ay, Auguet'6, 1951 (8:00 P,M,, Sunday, Eastern tijlight We) s/2283 Peg9 2 FAR EXW! AIR FORCES C(MMUNIW 405, COVERING I?= CPRWXONS Poor visibility, rain showers and low clouds were encountered in the target area over Korea yeaterdaj by Far East Air Boroes 'war planes ae they flee 285 sort&s.
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