20Th Century European, World Conflicts Dr. Klein Hist-396\696 Spring '09
20th Century European, World Conflicts Dr. Klein Hist-396\696 Spring '09 Syllabus: Part 2: Additional Readings 1) IMPERIALISM AND WORLD POLITICS The standard work on the diplomacy of the imperial era, although old, is William Langer=s Diplomacy of Imperialism ; the most brilliant, is by Hannah Arendt, Imperialism , also found as Pt. 1 of her Origins of Totalitarianism , but it is a difficult work. A literary classic of significance is Joseph Conrad =s. Heart of Darkness . Another, on the internal impact of imperialism is George Orwell =s Burmese Days . A synthesizing book, useful for this course in Winfred Baumgart =s Imperialism . D.K. Fieldhouse puts forward his ideas in Colonialism and The Colonial Empires. The important ideas of John Gallagher and R. Robinson are discussed in William R. Lewis, Imperialism , The Gallagher-Robinson Controversy . See also, J. Gallagher and R. Robinson, Africa and the Victorians . Another writer of intellectual significance is A. P. Thornton, whose works include The Imperial Idea and Its Enemies , Doctrines of Imperialism and Imperialism in the Twentieth Century . Among works that deal with diplomatic features of imperialism are George Monger, The End of Isolation and Ian Nish, The Anglo-Japanese Alliance , both focusing primarily on British policies. For French expansion see John Cady, The Roots of French Imperialism in Eastern Asia , Herbert Priestly, France Overseas ; Stephen Roberts, French Colonial Policy ; Thomas Power, Jules Ferry and French Imperialism . For Germany, A.J.P. Taylor, Germany =s First Bid for Colonies ; and W.O. Aydelotte, Bismarck and British Colonial Policy ; and M.E. Townsend The Rise and Fall of Germany =s Colonial Empire ; and W.D.
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