BHSAT 2021 Packet 6.Pdf

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BHSAT 2021 Packet 6.Pdf Bulldog High School Academic Tournament 2021 (XXX): “I feel like ACF Regionals 2021 is a confusing subtitle for a set that’s not ACF Regionals 2021.” Written by Yale Student Academic Competitions (Zach Alvarez, Peter Cappaert, Jordan Davidsen, Stephen Eltinge, Michał Gerasimiuk, Mauricio Gonzalez-Sanchez, Hasna Karim, Sophie Lai, Louie Lu, Daniel Ma, Nathaniel Miller, Alisia Pan, Matt Pecoraro, Joshua Rothbaum, David Rubin, Matthew Siff, Varun Sikand, Daniel Sheinberg, Jeremy Sontchi, and Sebastian Torres) with Adam Fine, Michael Kearney, Olivia Murton, Annabelle Yang, and Bo You Edited by Jordan Brownstein, Jaimie Carlson, Stephen Eltinge, Adam Fine, Hasna Karim, Michael Kearney, Daniel Ma, Daniel Sheinberg, and Annabelle Yang, with contributions from Olivia Murton Packet 6 Tossups 1. During this dynasty, the scholar Zhu Xi canonized the Four Books and made them the basis of all subsequent civil service examinations. Bi Sheng invented movable type during this dynasty. This dynasty’s New Policies, which furthered the Qingli reforms, were opposed by conservative historian Sima Guang and advocated by Wang (*) Anshi. The breakdown of the Alliance Conducted at Sea with the Jurchen Jin forced this dynasty to abandon its capital at Kaifeng and begin its “Southern” phase, centered at Hangzhou. The first to print national paper money, for 10 points, name this dynasty of China that ruled between the Tang and Yuan dynasties. ANSWER: S ong Dynasty (LL) 2. After losing a contest of this activity, Féng Méng bludgeons his teacher to death. One hero performs this activity to save the world when all ten inhabitants of a mulberry tree come out at the same time. A pill that grants immortality is Hòu Yì’s reward for performing this activity. Kama owns an object used for this activity made of sugarcane and bees. Odysseus kills (*) P enelope’s suitors after passing a trial of this activity involving twelve axe heads. Philoctetes receives objects for this activity that are coated in venom from the Lernean Hydra. Artemis and Apollo wield weapons used in this activity. For 10 points, give this activity, which can be performed with the Bow of Heracles. ANSWER: a rchery [accept answers indicating the use of either bow or arrow s before “Bow” is read; accept shooti ng down the sun(s); prompt on h unti ng by asking “with what kind of weapon?”] (AY) 3. In a story from this country, the elderly “boss” is distracted from his son’s death in World War I as he kills a fly by dropping inkblots on it. Prospector Walter Moody encounters a zodiac-themed council in The Luminaries, a novel by this country’s Eleanor Catton. Another writer from this country describes a “lovely pear tree” after Bertha Young sees her husband embracing Miss Fulton in the story (*) “Bliss.” That author from this country also wrote a story in which Laura asks “isn’t life–” upon seeing Mr. Scott’s corpse while bringing his family a basket of leftovers from the title event. For 10 points, “The Garden Party” takes place in what country once home to author Katherine Mansfield? ANSWER: N ew Zealand [or A otearoa ] (The first story is “The Fly” by Katherine Mansfield.) (DS) 4. Due to previous backlash from the church, Cherubini’s D-minor work in this genre does not include any female singers. Harp arpeggios and a rising violin melody accompany vocalists in the heavenly third section of a work in this genre. An organ accompanies a solo soprano in the following section of that seven movement example of these works. Fauré unusually closed a piece in this genre with a section meant for burials, (*) “In Paradisum,” and replaced another section with the “Pie Jesu.” Offstage trumpets sound in a loud “Tuba Mirum” from one of these pieces composed by Verdi. The “Dies Irae” typically features in, for 10 points, what Masses for the dead? ANSWER: R equiem Mass [prompt on M ass or Mass for the dead before “Masses” is read] (AY) 5. This character’s confession that he had faked his own death is mistakenly interpreted as a confession that he was bald. February 15th is “Annoy [this character] Day.” This character helps fulfill a friend’s bucket list after that friend eats some “homemade” pies that were actually made “in a factory—a bomb factory.” In one episode, this character’s pet, (*) Snellie, loses in a race to a rock. In the episode “Band Geeks,” this character leads a marching band to compete with his rival, Squilliam Fancyson. He plays the clarinet and is the head cashier at the Krusty Krab. For 10 points, name this octopus who lives in a moai and is neighbors with Spongebob Squarepants. ANSWER: S quidward Tentacles [ accept either underlined name] (MP) 6. The Jewish prefect of Egypt, Tiberius Julius Alexander, supported this emperor while his army was winning the Second Battle of Bedriacum. Prior to his accession, this emperor led the Legio II Augusta during the conquest of Britain. Upon being criticized for his tax on public urinals, this emperor asked whether a gold coin smelled. This emperor patronized the (*) historian Josephus after besieging Masada and suppressing the Great Jewish Revolt. This emperor’s son Titus finished his work on the Colosseum, often named for his family. For 10 points, name this founder of the Flavian dynasty who prevailed in the Year of the Four Emperors in 69 AD. ANSWER: V espasian [or Titus Flavius V espasianu s] (LL) 7. Paneth cells sit adjacent to and maintain these other cells’ namesake “niche” in the bottom of small intestinal crypts. The procedure once known as bone marrow transplant is now referred to as the transplant of these cells, specifically of their hematopoietic [“he-MAH-toh-POH-et-ic”] variety. Transfecting somatic cells with Klf4, Oct4, SOX2, and c-Myc, the so-called (*) “Yamanaka factors,” can reprogram them into “induced” cells of this type. A controversial procedure harvests these cells from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst. For 10 points, name these kinds of undifferentiated cells which come in adult and embryonic types. ANSWER: s tem cell s [accept intestinal stem cell s or I SC s; accept hematopoietic s tem cell s or H SC s; accept induced pluripotent s tem cell s or IPSC s; accept embryonic or adult s tem cell s; accept s tem cell transplant] (HK) 8. Gibbsite is an aluminum mineral containing this an·ion. It’s heated with other bauxite minerals in a solution of this an·ion and sodium in the Bayer process. This an·ion is the most common nucleophile in saponification reactions, and its magnesium salt is a common antacid. “1 times 10 to the minus (*) 14” is the product of the concentration of this an· i on and the concentration of protons for the auto· ionization of water. Water reacts with the conjugate base of a weak acid to yield that weak acid and this ion. Arrhenius defined bases as substances that dissociate in water to form this an· i on. For 10 points, name this an· i on present in all strong bases, which has formula OH - [ “O-H-minus”]. ANSWER: h ydroxide [accept O H - before mention] (MP) 9. The speaker of one poem in this language is suddenly transported to “Asia’s gates” looking for the title island of Jesus’s beloved disciple, “Patmos.” The speaker of another poem in this language is saddened by a “fable of old” in which a sailor has “no eye for the jagged cliff” because he is “enraptured with a wild ache.” That poem in this language describes the (*) song of a lovely maiden who “combs her golden hair.” This is the language of a poem that praises the title concept as the “daughter of Elysium” and “spark of the gods.” “The Lorelei” and “Ode to Joy” were written in, for 10 points, what language of Heinrich Heine and Friedrich Schiller? ANSWER: G erman [or Deutsch ] (“Patmos” is by Friedrich Hölderlin.) (MG) 10. One form of this practice takes its name from the contraction of the words b hava , raga , and tala and makes frequent use of the a ramandi position. Black k hirqah a re removed before one instance of this action, leaving practitioners in felt sikke hats and white tenure gowns. Performing this action facilitates d hikr in sama ceremonies of the (*) Mevlevi order. A flaming halo encircles depictions of the tandav variety of this action performed by Shiva as Nataraj in order to destroy the universe. Some Muslims consider this physical action performed by namesake Sufi dervishes to be haram. For 10 points, name this rhythmic action often performed accompanied by music. ANSWER: d anc ing [accept Bharatanatyam or n atyam; accept whirl ing] (HK) 11. I n this building, a bronze sculpture of Death holding an hourglass emerges from a door partially covered by drapery of Sicilian jasper. A dove appears at the center of a glass oval window divided into twelve sections, which is found in this building above a wood and ivory chair. That throne in this building is flanked by four gilded bronze statues of the “Doctors” Athanasius, John Chrysostom, Ambrose, and (*) A ugustine. Another sculpture in this building adorned with bees features Solomoic, or twisting, columns holding up a bronze canopy. For 10 points, Bernini sculpted the Tomb of Alexander VII, the B aldacchino, and a cover for the throne of the first pope for what church in Vatican City? ANSWER: S t. Peter’s Basilica [or the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican; or Basilica Papale di S an Pietro in Vaticano; accept tomb of Alexander VII before “window” is read] (AY) 12.
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