A publication of Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 Women Against Military Madness Trump: Trumpeting for a War on Iran? by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich The Trump IN THIS ISSUE: FOCUS ON IRAN Administration’s rhetoric Trump: Trumpeting p1 and actions have alarmed for a War on Iran? the world. The in response to by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich his visa ban have overshadowed and distracted from a darker threat: war Stop Funding p2 with Iran. Is the fear of the threat Terrorists! H.R. 608! greater than the threat itself ? The from WAMM End War answer is not clear. Committee Certainly and non- U.S. Troops p3 Americans who took comfort in the fact Have Moved to that we would have a more peaceful Russia’s Borders world believing that Trump would not by Polly Mann start a nuclear war with Russia must John Pilger’s The p4 now have reason to pause. The sad and Coming War on China stark reality is that U.S. foreign policy by Polly Mann is continuous. An important part of this While President continuity is a war that has been waged initiated the Rapid Deployment Whistleblowers, p8 against Iran for the past 38 years — Force and put boots on the ground War and Truth: an Interview with unabated. in the Persian Gulf, virtually every The character of this war has U.S. president since has threatened by Margaret Sarfehjooy changed over time. The 1980s began Iran with military action. It is hard to with a failed coup which attempted remember when the option was not on to destroy the Islamic Republic in its the table. However, thus far, every U.S. early days, and continued with the administration has wisely avoided a U.S. aiding Iraq’s Saddam Hussein head-on military confrontation with Iran. with intelligence and internationally- To his credit, although George prohibited chemical weapons to kill W. Bush was egged on to engage Iranians during the eight-year Iran- militarily on Iran, the 2002 Millennium to helping and promoting the Challenge, exercises which simulated terrorist MEK group, the training and war, demonstrated America’s inability to recruiting of the Jundallah terrorist win a war on Iran. The challenge was too group to launch attacks in Iran, putting daunting. It is not just Iran’s formidable Special Forces on the ground in Iran, defense forces that have to be reckoned and the imposition of sanctioned with, but the fact that one of Iran’s Photo: Martin S. Fuentes, terrorism—the list goes on and on, strengths and deterrents has been U.S. Navy as does the continuity of it. continued on page 6

4200 Cedar Ave. S., Suite 3, , MN 55407 • 612-827-5364 • WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Stop Funding Terrorists! Support H.R. 608! from the WAMM End War Committee

FOCUS ON No one knows the trag- The statements and opinions SYRIA edy of war better than reflected in this newsletter are its victims and veterans. the views of the author and not necessarily official positions of That’s why it’s important to listen to U.S. WAMM. We encourage a diversity Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, of opinion to represent the range of perspectives that coexist under a military veteran of the Iraq War and a the banner of WAMM’s mission member of the Armed Services and Foreign statement. Affairs Committees of Congress, who intro- Newsletter Editor Mary Beaudoin duced the Stop Funding Terrorists Act, H.R. Newsletter Committee 608. After returning from a trip to Syria in U.S. Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Polly Mann, Carol Masters, January of this year, she proposed this leg- Lee Ross, Margaret Sarfehjooy, the new Administration to answer the Sarah Martin, Mary Beaudoin, islation to prohibit U.S. government funds Linda Hoover from being used to support al-Qaeda, ISIS, pleas of the Syrian people immediately Proofreaders Layout or other terrorist groups. Unfortunately, the and support the Stop Arming Terrorists Ilze Mueller Kristin Dooley Act. We must stop directly and indirect- Carol Walker congresswoman has been pilloried by the ly supporting terrorists—directly by Women Against Military war-biased U.S. and UK mass media and Madness is a nonviolent, feminist both sides of the aisle in Congress, which providing weapons, training and logis- organization, founded in 1982, chose to characterize her trip as something tical support to rebel groups affiliated that works in solidarity with others to create a system of slightly sinister because, among the many with al-Qaeda and ISIS; and indirectly social equality, self-determination Syrians she met, she also met with Pres- through Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and justice through education, action and the empowerment of ident Assad, even though she issued the and Turkey, who, in turn, support these women. WAMM’s purpose is requisite statement about not being in Syria terrorist groups. We must end our war to dismantle systems of militarism, economic exploitation and to support him. On behalf of the people of to overthrow the Syrian government global oppression. Syria, she urges Congress (a handful of and focus our attention on defeating WAMM Staff Democrats and Republicans are co-spon- al-Qaeda and ISIS. Director: Suzanne Al-Kayali Office Manager: Jamie Huberty-Koerner soring) and all Americans to support this From Iraq to Libya and now WAMM Office bill. An excerpt from Congresswoman in Syria, the U.S. has waged wars of 4200 Cedar Avenue South, Suite 3 Gabbard’s statement on Syria: regime change, each resulting in un- Minneapolis, 55407 612-827-5364 (phone) imaginable suffering, devastating loss “My visit to Syria has made it abun- 612-827-6433 (fax) of life, and the strengthening of groups [email protected] dantly clear: Our counterproductive WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org like al-Qaeda and ISIS. regime change war does not serve WAMM Office Hours Mon–Fri: 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. America’s interest, and it certainly isn’t Urge your congressional WAMM is funded primarily in the interest of the Syrian people. Representative to co-sponsor through the generous As I visited with people from the Stop Funding Terrorists Act: contributions of our members. across the country, and heard heart- H.R. 608 WAMM also receives funding from Community Shares Minnesota breaking stories of how this war has devastated their lives, I was asked, ‘Why is the and its allies helping al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups try to take over Syria? Syria did This newsletter is printed on not attack the United States. Al-Qaeda ImagePrint® Multiuse, a Domtar EarthChoice® socially and did.’ I had no answer. environmentally I return to Washington, DC responsible paper. Contains fiber from with even greater resolve to end our well-managed, illegal war to overthrow the Syrian independently certified forests. government. I call upon Congress and

2 WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 PM: U.S. Troops Have Moved to Russia’s Borders by Polly Mann WAMM Committees FOCUS ON The Russian reply could U.S./EUCOM Issues Committees: have been predicted. military personnel Book Club RUSSIA End War Committee ’s and equipment Middle East spokesman is reported to have said, “We have been St. Joan of Arc/ WAMM Peacemakers perceive it [the deployment of troops] deploying to these Ground All Drones Committee as a threat. These actions threaten our countries near the Tackling Torture at the Top interests, our security. Especially as Russian border WAMM Second Monday Movies Standing Committees: it concerns a third party building up in Operation Coordinating its military presence near our borders. Atlantic Resolve. Finance Fundraising It’s the U.S., not even a European New Member state.” (, January 12, Newsletter likely but there have been dangerous 2017). These plans were made under Personnel developments. Russia alarmed eastern Program/New Issues the Obama administration ahead of the Silent Action European states by moving nuclear next president and are part of EUCOM WAMM Board capable Islander M missiles to its naval (U.S. European Command is one of the Anne Bellamy base at Kaliningrad in the autumn.” Marie Braun, Treasurer seven combatant commands that the Sally Kundert Is it any wonder that Russia entire globe has been divided into for Vanessa Lawrow acted thusly with the tremendous build Sarah Martin, Co-Chair U.S. military “responsibility.”) During Brigid McDonald up on its borders? the presidential campaign, Donald Pepperwolf Major General Timothy Carla Riehle Trump said he would rather work with Coleen Rowley McGuire, deputy commanding Putin than confront him. But his chosen Margaret Sarfehjooy general of the U.S. Army Europe says, Lucia Wilkes Smith, Secretary Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, said Carol Walker, Co-Chair “The best way to maintain peace is that the should recognize that Putin preparation.” How about the best way to was trying to break NATO, which has maintain peace is not preparing for war been struggling to cope with Russia’s use but actually maintaining peace? of hybrid, or many faceted, warfare. The U.S. sent Poland 87 tanks Polly Mann is a co-founder of WAMM and 144 armored vehicles. And Britain and a frequent contributor to the is sending troops — 1,000 of them. This is WAMM newsletter. part of Atlantic Resolve, training events taking place with command over European troops along Russia’s borders, with 4,000 U.S. troops and 2,000 tanks arriving in Eastern Europe. (The U.S. Marines have also arrived in Norway.) We are told that the U.S. military build-up on Russia’s borders is to reassure NATO partners after the referendum of the Crimea area of Ukraine resulted in it joining Russia in 2014 — that, and the continued Russian involvement in Ukraine (no Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar, flanked by Senators Lindsey Graham mention of U.S. involvement!). and John McCain, in a December 30, 2016, interview on the Ukrainian Ewen McAskill of The affiliate of Radio Free Europe. They spoke of Congress getting tough on Guardian stated, “Few at NATO Russia, authorizing sanctions, and sending “lethal weapons” to Ukraine. seriously believe war with Russia is tinyurl.com/hus2kt9

WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 3 John Pilger’s The Coming War on China by Polly Mann

U.S. military surrounds China. Map: The New Internationalist Magazine, Base Nation.

FOCUS ON Is it possible? The weapons and that nuclear weapons bombers blocked sea lanes in the CHINA United States would are lawful weapons. Straits of Malacca, cutting off go to war against The following is a synopsis China’s access to oil, gas, and other nuclear-armed China? The renowned of some major points Pilger makes: raw materials from the Middle East Australian-born international The rise of China as an and Africa. This fear of a U.S. Navy journalist John Pilger says, “Yes.” economic power is declared by blockade has caused China to build He produced the documentary The U.S. hegemonic powers to be an airstrips on disputed reefs and islets Coming War with China, and has existential threat to this country. called the Spratly Islands, in the written the feature article, with the Already more than 400 U.S. military South China Sea. same title, for the magazine The New bases encircle China with missiles, The U.S. has Pacific partners Internationalist (December 2016) bombers, and warships. The use in threatening China. Groundwork with the aim, he says, “to break a of nuclear arms is even being for this was laid in 2010 when silence. A nuclear war is no longer discussed. Under Obama, proposed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unthinkable.” Pilger warns that, in spending on nuclear weapons was demanded that the Philippine 2015, the Pentagon released its Law higher than it’s ever been. government (under former President of War Manual which states that The U.S. staged a huge Aquino) reopen the U.S. military the U.S. is not committed to a treaty military exercise in 2015—an bases on its soil that it closed in the rule that prohibits the use of nuclear armada of ships and long-range 1990s following violence, generated

4 WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 by the bases, that was perpetrated on affairs of a third of the members of Recommended Reading women and others. Handed millions the United Nations. “Americanism” of dollars in arms and military is touted as the solution to all The China Mirage: the Hidden equipment, the government of problems. In September, the think History of American Disaster President Benigno Aquino broke off tank Atlantic Council referred to an in Asia by James Bradley (Little, bilateral talks with China and signed “increasingly aggressive” China and Brown and Company, 2015); a secret agreement with the U.S. the idea that the only salvation is the From the nineteenth century As a result, five U.S. bases were U.S. military. through World War II and the restored. The Obama Administration A strategist in China told origins of the , this then launched a propaganda Pilger, “We are not the enemy, but if book examines the history of campaign that cast China as a threat you [in the West] decide we are, we American misconceptions about to “freedom of navigation”. [With must prepare without delay.” Pilger China that have distorted our Presidents Duterte and Trump cites George Kulacki of the Union of domestic and foreign policies now in power, the Philippines’ Concerned Scientists explaining that and have led to what the writer relationship with the U.S. is in flux.] China is discussing putting its nuclear believes are the avoidable deaths Another U.S. Pacific partner missiles on high alert so they can be of millions. It explores the role is South Korea. The Pentagon’s launched quickly in warning of an of prominent American families, High Altitude Defense System, attack. “America’s nuclear weapons political figures, fortunes made known as THAAD, is ostensibly policies are the most prominent in the opium trade, and the aimed at North Korea but actually external factor influencing Chinese contributions of missionaries targets China and all of Asia. advocates for raising the alert level of and the media. It should help Off Korea’s coast, a gigantic China’s nuclear forces.” American understanding of the naval base was constructed on Jeju We need to listen to John troubled history that defines Island for U.S. aircraft carriers, Pilger’s warning and break the U.S.-China relations today. nuclear submarines, and destroyers silence about the possible use of equipped with Aegis missile nuclear weapons. And, if we are systems. And, despite resistance ever to have world peace, the United from the inhabitants, the Japanese States is going to have to change its island of Okinawa is also host to the world outlook and get accustomed U.S. military with 32 installations. to its place as just one of the many China is Australia’s biggest trader, nations determined to live in peace and much of the national economy with one another, rather than running relies on this, but, Pilger says, the show. Australia takes its orders from Polly Mann is a co-founder of Washington. Women Against Military Madness, a The world is shifting east, regular columnist and contributor to but the vision of Eurasia from China this newsletter. is barely understood in the West. “The New Silk Road” will connect WAMM launched a Campaign trade, ports, pipelines, and high- Against Nuclear Weapons in speed trains. It has the approval January of this year. Contact of much of humanity and will WAMM 612-827-5364 if you bring Russia and China together would like to obtain a petition and connect to Europe. China is to circulate, postcards negotiating with 28 countries for to send to congressional approval of train routes. representatives, and/or find Many nations, however, out about other activities to remain under the aegis of the United end the nuclear war threat. States, which has intervened in the

WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 5 that this happens to be the same year Actions Against Iran Continue Trump: Trumpeting for a War the Nigerian Islamist terror group, War on Iran has never been a first on Iran continued from page 1 Boko Haram, was “founded.”) option. The neoconservative think In 2007, the United States tank The Washington Institute for FOCUS ON its ability to retaliate IRAN on any attack by African Command (AFRICOM) Near East Policy (WINEP) argued closing down the Strait helped consolidate this push into in its 2004 policy paper “The of Hormuz, the narrow passageway the region. In 2011, a publication Challenges of U.S. Preventive off the coast of Iran. Given that 17 titled “Globalizing West African Oil: Military Action” that the ideal million barrels of oil a day, or 35 U.S. ‘energy security’ and the global situation was (and continues to percent of the world’s seaborne oil economy” outlined “U.S. positioning be) to have a compliant regime in exports, go through the Strait of itself to use military force to ensure Tehran. Instead of direct conflict, the Hormuz, incidents in the Strait would African oil continued to flow to the policy called for the assassination be fatal for the world economy. United States.” This was but one of scientists, introducing a malware Faced with this reality, over strategy to supply oil in addition to design flaw, sabotage, introduction the years, the United States has or as an alternate to the passage of of viruses, etc. These suggestions, taken a multi-prong approach to oil through the Strait of Hormuz. which include the Stuxnet attack, prepare for an eventual/potential Nigeria and Yemen took on were fully and faithfully executed military confrontation with new importance. against Iran. Iran. These plans have included In 2012, several alternate With the policy enacted, promoting the false narrative of an routes to the Strait of Hormuz much of the world sighed with relief imaginary threat from a nonexistent were identified which at the time when the Joint Comprehensive Plan nuclear weapon and the falsehood of the report were considered to of Action (JCPOA, or the “Iran of Iran being engaged in terrorism be limited in capacity and more Nuclear Deal” which restricts Iran’s when in fact Iran has been subjected expensive. However, collectively, domestic nuclear power in exchange to terrorism for decades (previously the West African oil and control of for the lifting of sanctions on Iran) described above). These “alternate Bab Al-Mandeb would diminish the was signed in the naïve belief that facts” have enabled the United strategic importance of the Strait of a war on Iran had been alleviated. States to rally friend and foe against Hormuz in case of war. Obama’s genius was in his execution Iran, and to buy itself time to seek In his article for the of U.S. policies which disarmed and alternative routes to the Strait Strategic Culture Foundation, “The disbanded the antiwar movements. of Hormuz. Geopolitics Behind the War in But the JCPOA was not about Yemen: The Start of a New Front improved relations with Iran, it was Plan B: West Africa and Yemen against Iran,” geopolitical researcher about undermining them. As recently In the early 2000s, the renowned Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya correctly as April 2015, as the signing of the British think tank Chatham House states that “the U.S. wants to make JCPOA was drawing near, during issued a publication that determined sure that it could control the Bab a speech at the Army War College African oil would be a good Al-Mandeb, the Gulf of Aden, and Strategy Conference, then Deputy alternate to Persian Gulf oil in case the Socotra Islands [belonging to Secretary of Defense Robert Work of oil disruption. This followed an Yemen]. The Bab Al-Mandeb is an elaborated on how the Pentagon earlier strategy paper for the U.S. important strategic chokepoint for plans to counter the three types of to move toward African oil— the international maritime trade and wars supposedly being waged by “African White Paper” that was energy shipments that connect the Iran, Russia, and China. on the desk May 31, 2000, of then Persian Gulf via the Indian Ocean As previously planned, the U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney, with the Mediterranean Sea via the purpose of the JCPOA was to pave a former CEO of energy giant Red Sea. It is just as important as the way for a compliant regime Halliburton. In 2002, the Israeli- the Suez Canal for the maritime in Tehran faithful to Washington. based think tank IASPS suggested shipping lanes and trade between Failing that, Washington would be that America push toward African Africa, Asia, and Europe.” better prepared for war as under the oil. (It is an interesting coincidence JCPOA, Iran would open itself up

6 WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 to inspections. In other words, the Security Council) believes that received a $120 million contract plan would act as a Trojan horse to Obama helped ISIS rise and the from the Obama Administration, provide America with targets and Pentagon believes that ISIS helps and for the past several years has soft spots. Apparently the plan was Iran continue its “mischief.” Is it any been working with Arab countries not moving forward fast enough to wonder that Trump is both confused — UAE in particular — in the please Obama, or Trump. In direct and confusing? “security” and “training” of militias violation of international law and And is it any wonder that in the Gulf of Aden, Yemen. concepts of state sovereignty, the when on January 28th Trump signed So will there be a not so distant Obama administration slammed an Executive Order calling for a military confrontation with Iran? sanctions on Iran for testing plan to defeat ISIS in 30 days, the Not if sanity prevails. And missiles. Iran’s missile program U.S., UK, France, and Australia ran with Trump and his generals, that was and is totally separate from a war games drill in the Persian Gulf is a big if. While for many years the JCPOA, and Iran is within its that simulated a confrontation with the foundation has been laid and sovereign rights and within the Iran—a country that has, itself, been preparations made for a potential framework of international law to fighting ISIS? When Iran exercised military confrontation with Iran, build conventional missiles. its right, by international law, to test it has always been a last resort; Trump followed suit. Trump a missile, the United States lied and not because hegemonists do not ran on a campaign of changing accused Iran of breaking the JCPOA. want war, but because they cannot Washington, and his speeches Threats and new sanctions ensued. win THIS war. In spite of all their were full of contempt for Obama; Trump, the self-acclaimed efforts throughout the years, Iran ironically, like Obama, candidate deal maker who took office on has prevailed. Various American Trump continued the tactic of the promise of making new jobs, administrations have come to the disarming many. By calling himself slammed more sanctions on Iran. realization that while it may take a a deal maker, a businessman who Sanctions take jobs away from village to fight Iran, attacking Iran would create jobs, Trump used the Americans and they also compel would destroy the global village. rhetoric of noninterference. But Iranians to become fully self- It is time for us to remind few intellectuals paid attention to sufficient, breaking the chains of Trump that we don’t want to lose his fighting words, and fewer still neocolonialism. What a deal! our village. heeded the advisors he surrounded Even though Trump has Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich himself with, or they would have lashed out at friend and foe, Team is an independent researcher and noted that Trump considers Islam as Trump has realized that when it writer with a focus on U.S. foreign the number one enemy, followed by comes to attacking a formidable policy and the role of lobby groups in Iran, China, and Russia. enemy, it cannot do it alone. influencing U.S. foreign policy. She is The ideology of those he has Although both in his book Time a peace activist, essayist, and public picked to serve in his administration to Get Tough and on his campaign speaker. Soraya has a bachelor’s reflects the contrarian character of trails, Trump has lashed out at degree in international relations from Trump and indicates their support Saudi Arabia, in an about-face he the University of Southern California of this continuity in U.S. foreign has not included Saudis and other (USC). She pursued her master’s policy. Former intelligence chief Arab state sponsors of terror on his degree in Middle East studies at the and Trump’s [prior to his February travel ban list. It would appear that University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 13 resignation] National Security someone whispered in Mr. Trump’s and completed her master’s in public Advisor Michael Flynn stated that ear that Saudi Arabia, the United diplomacy at USC Annenberg for the Obama administration willfully Arab Emirates (UAE), and Qatar Communication and USC’s School of allowed the rise of ISIS, yet the are fighting America’s dirty war in International Relations. Her writings newly appointed Pentagon Chief Yemen (and in Syria) and killing are published by various national “Mad Dog Mattis” has stated: “I Yemenis. In fact, the infamous Erik and international websites, and she is consider ISIS nothing more than Prince, founder of the notorious often a guest political commentator an excuse for Iran to continue its Blackwater, who is said to be on radio and television. mischief.” So the NSC (National advising Trump from the shadows, More on Iran: page 10

WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 7 Whistleblowers, War and Truth: an interview with Coleen Rowley

Peace activist Margaret Sarfehjooy, The telling example who inspired Russia “hacked the presidential a member of Women Against Military our award happens to be CIA ana- elections”? Do you think this claim Madness Newsletter Committee, asked lyst Sam Adams,2 who confronted is used as justification for U.S. and another peace activist, former FBI Westmoreland and other generals for NATO military buildup in Eastern whistleblower Coleen Rowley, to talk lying about the enemy troop strength Europe and Norway? about telling the truth in time of war. during the Vietnam War. A: Russian hacking claims are only Laws exist that are designed Q: Time Magazine selected you the latest in a long series of false to make it illegal to even classify (along with two corporate whis- accusations and information warfare information to cover up government tleblowers) as one of its three that the U.S. has launched since the illegality from the public. Other laws “Persons of the Year” in 2002 for Ukraine coup, the Crimea referendum theoretically provide employees disclosing the FBI’s mishandling of to rejoin Russia, and Russia’s unex- with the right to warn Congress and information related to the September pected military intervention in Syria. protect the revealing of fraud, waste, 11, 2001 attacks. You were the first Essentially only bald asser- abuse, illegality, and/or danger to recipient of the tions, lacking real evidence, were public safety. These laws are mostly for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII)1 made public as to the Obama Admin- ignored in time of war. When illegal in 2002. Some of the more recent istration’s “intelligence” assessments orders are issued from the highest recipients of the Sam Adams that President Vladimir Putin autho- levels, as was the case, for instance, Award — and rized “Russian hacking” that helped with the torture programs of both the — are worried for put Mr. Trump in the White House military and the CIA, there really is their safety if they come to the U.S. (see our January VIPS memo3). It’s no way of protecting anyone who Others, like and the very true, however, that all countries, tells the truth. Obama prosecuted Danish whistleblower , with the technical ability, do “hack” at least three times as many whis- have been imprisoned, and still to try to gain advantages in interna- tleblowers under the old 1917 “Espi- others, like are tional affairs by intercepting the onage Act” as had been prosecuted still in prison (to be released May communications of foreign leaders in all of American history. Before 20). Why do you think it is so dan- and entities, even allies. It is now the post 9-11 “perpetual wars,” the gerous to be a whistleblower today? well known that the U.S. has con- Espionage Act was believed to apply ducted such electronic surveillance A: Truth is the first casualty of war. only to real spies and not to employ- and spying all over the world for By the way, our SAAII is not solely ees revealing criminal activity to the many decades, sometimes employing for whistleblowers. Yet many of American public. I would expect information so collected to topple the post 9-11 awards have gone to that as long as the wars, war crimes. foreign governments (even demo- truthtellers who have been charged, and deceitful “intelligence” practices cratically elected ones), a practice it prosecuted, or have had to seek continue, there will be ever worse proudly terms “regime change.” political asylum outside the U.S. draconian punishment meted out When the CIA and other That’s because during the lead-up to on anyone, including on publishers, intelligence agencies refuse to pro- and sustaining of all wars of aggres- who try to reveal the truth to the vide any evidence for such serious sion, “intelligence” becomes so American public. allegations, history tells us that a highly politicized. And this is when Q: You belong to Veteran Intel- strong inference should arise that no officials are unduly incentivized to ligence Professionals for Sanity real evidence exists. (You can check bend and skew facts to fit the policy (VIPS), a distinguished group of out the entire series of nearly 50 goals of their commander in chief current and former officials of the VIPS memos on Consortiumnews4 (the President) and/or his top mili- U.S. intelligence community. Why that document the use of false tary aides to cover up war crimes. did VIPS dispute the claims that “intelligence,” beginning with our

8 WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 first attempt Feb. 5, 2003, refuting Bomb Iran” banners? his stupid immigration ban. Almost Colin Powell’s bogus case for war A: “If I had a banner!” was our none of this opposition would have on Iraq before the United Nations.) effective version of Pete Seeger’s existed vis à vis Hillary Clinton and Q: You have been interviewed on great song.5 Unfortunately, some of her neocon warmonger cabal. numerous international news media the hundred or so we displayed over The challenge facing us, with audiences in the millions. Why the years may need to come out of however, is to garner some of the do you think your voice is no longer storage. We may need to put up the energy of the feminist, environmen- heard on U.S. mainstream media? highway blog [Coleen Rowley refers talist, immigrant, and other causes and direct some away from general A: To repeat, truth is always the first to a series of large banners in huge type font spelling out “Don’t Bomb political partisanship into stopping casualty of war. Most U.S. journalists the perpetual U.S. wars, which most are now fully “embedded” in a vari- Iran,” which were displayed on vari- ous sites and footbridges over lanes of Trump’s protesters do not appear ety of ways with Washington’s pow- concerned with. Political partisan- erful neocon cabal of warmongers of highway traffic, as “the highway blog.” See photo.] again to try and ship is an especially counterpro- and the war profiteers of the Military ductive approach wherein opposing Industrial Congressional Complex. warn people of Trump-Flynn’s insane threat to launch war on Iran. party loyalists blindly attack Trump They work in tandem to tamp down even for his efforts in the right the truth and any “war weariness” on Q: Do you think it will be easier direction — for instance, Trump’s the part of Americans. Unfortunately, to stop a war with Trump in power long-announced promise to seek they have succeeded in normalizing than it would have been if Hillary rapprochement with Russia, step- a “perpetual war” that continues to was President? What direction do ping back from dangerous military grow larger and more dangerous in Trump’s advisers and appointees brinkmanship, and working together scope to ever greater numbers of seem to be steering him on to get resolution of the conflicts in people, now putting us on an insane foreign policy? Syria and Ukraine-Crimea. trajectory to mutually assured A: With the unprecedented millions Endnotes nuclear destruction. of people in the street, marching to 1. Samadamsaward.ch Q: Besides being an antiwar activist, “Resist Trump,” and his public dis- 2. Samadamsaward.ch/history-of- author, public speaker, and orga- approval polls already much higher the-sam-adams-award nizer, you are also known locally than prior presidents’ at this early 3. Consortiumnews.com/2017/01/17/ as a creative sign-maker with many stage, the answer should be obvious. a-demand-for-russian-hacking-proof of your huge signs and banners at Calls for impeachment have already 4. consortiumnews.com/vips-memos protests and rallies. Do you think it’s gone out and the federal judiciary 5. “If I had a banner!” (2008 video time (again) to bring out the “Don’t was quickly emboldened to stop at: youtu.be/9ZbwNGUjjHY)

WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 9 Always Unwise to Threaten Iran

FOCUS ON “For eight years, Recommended Reading IRAN from 1980 to 1988, (mentioned in “Trumpeting War Iran fought not just on Iran”) Iraq, but virtually the whole world. America and its allies funded “The Challenges of U.S. Saddam Hussein’s war against Preventive Military Action”. Iran, and gave it intelligence and The Washington Institute for Near weaponry, including internationally- East Policy (WINEP). 2004. The prohibited chemical weapons. This neoconservative think tank described was a period when Iran was reeling a covert, hybrid war on Iran in its from a revolution, its army was in 2004 policy paper. All of the tactics disarray, its population was virtually have since been executed. one third of the current population, “The Geopolitics Behind the War Correction and it was reliant on American in Yemen: The Start of a New In the “interview with Lee Ross,” weaponry left over from the time of Front against Iran”. Mahdi Darius the U.S.-supported Shah. Yet, in the WAMM newsletter, Vol 35 No. 1: Nazemroaya. March 29, 2015. It was “a city official,” not Lee end, Iran prevailed. Global Research, Canada. Ross herself, who told one sup- Various American tinyurl.com/oulvege. porter, “Don’t hitch your wagon administrations have come to realize to McCarthy’s cart…” Also, Lee that while it may take a village to identified the person as “a home- fight Iran, attacking Iran would less man” (not “the mafia”) that destroy the global village. It is time the FBI “hired to sit in a building for us to remind Trump that we and make a list of everyone walk- don’t want to lose our village.” — ing down the street.” Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

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10 WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 WAMM WAMM Committee Ongoing Events WAMM Second Meetings Monday Movies Calendar Committee to Stop Second Monday of every Board Meeting FBI Repression month, 7:00 p.m. 4200 Cedar Please note that WAMM’s Third Tuesday of every month, Stand with the people Avenue South (enter on 42nd provision of information on 6:00 p.m. 4200 Cedar Avenue subpoenaed in a witch hunt, St.), Minneapolis. Projected other groups’ events is not South, Minneapolis. defend civil liberties. Learn on big screen. Free admission, meant to convey or endorse FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. what you can do. All who popcorn. All welcome. any action contrary to stand up and act for justice Discussion follows film. public policy that would be Book Club and solidarity are welcome. FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. FFI: Visit stopfbi.net and inconsistent with exempt Third Saturday of every or email [email protected]. month, 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. mnStopFBI.wordpress.com. purposes under Internal NEW LOCATION: Episcopal Command & Control, Monday, Revenue Code Section Homes Welcome Center, 1860 People of Faith March 13, 7:00 p.m., 4200 Cedar 501(c)(3), i.e., charitable University Ave., West, St. Paul Peacemakers Breakfast Avenue South, Minneapolis. purposes. FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. Second and fourth Documentary of hidden history Wednesdays of every month, exposing what can happen Ongoing Vigils End War 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. African if weapons built to protect for Peace First Monday of every month, Development Center, Riverside us threaten to destroy us. 6:00 p.m. 4200 Cedar Avenue and 20th Avenues South, Discussion with anti-nuclear Vigil to End War South, Minneapolis. Minneapolis. A resource activist Jay Kvale follows. Every Wednesday, 4:30 to 5:30 FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. and support group for those Co-sponsored by WAMM concerned about peace with Movie Committee, WAMM p.m. Note: Changes to 5:00 to Ground All Drones 6:00 p.m. in April. Lake Street/ justice from a faith perspective. End War Committee. First Thursday of every month, Marshall Avenue Bridge. Signs FFI: Visit www.justviewpoint. 4:45 to 6:00 p.m. 4200 Cedar Current Calendar available on St. Paul side. Brief org or call 612-333-4772. Avenue South, Minneapolis. circle up for announcements Special Events FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. Grandmothers for Peace after the vigil on St. Paul Side. First Wednesday of every Stop Endless Wars FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. Middle East month, 12:45 p.m. Edina Public 4200 Cedar Avenue South, Second Monday of every Vigil to End the Library, 5280 Grandview Anti-war Saturday, month, 10:00 a.m. at WAMM, March 18, 1:00 p.m. Gather at Occupation of Palestine Square, Edina. Programs 4200 Cedar Avenue South, around justice issues that help Mayday Plaza, 3rd St. & Cedar Every Friday, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Suite 3, Minneapolis. us to understand our role in Ave. South on the West Bank, corner of Summit Avenue and FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. changing unjust systems. Minneapolis. 1:30 p.m. March. Snelling Avenue, St. Paul. FFI: Call 952-929-1566. Closing location TBA. Initiated FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. St. Joan of Arc/WAMM by Minnesota Peace Action Peacemakers Peace Vigil Pax Salons Coalition. FFI: See back of Fourth Tuesday of every Every Tuesday, 6:30 to 8:30 Every Tuesday, 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. newsletter or call 612-275-2720 month, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. p.m. 943 West Seventh on the east side of the Franklin or 612-827-5364. St. Joan of Arc Church, Parish Street (St. Paul Gallery), Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis. Center, 4537 Third Avenue St. Paul. Please come. Topics MAP Peace Essay Contest Sponsored by: Prospect Hill South, Minneapolis. FFI: Call vary. Call for details. Small Winners & Storytelling Event Neighbors for Peace. Barbara 612-722-4444. donations accepted. FFI: Tuesday, March 21, FFI: Call 612-379-7398. Call 651-227-3228. 6:00 p.m., Landmark Center, Tackling Torture Grandmothers for F.K. Weyerhaeuser Auditorium, at the Top (T3) Middle East Peace Now 75 5th St. West, St. Paul. FFI: Peace Vigil Second Wednesday of every Usually second or third Larry Johnson at 612-747-3904 Every Wednesday, 4:45 to 5:45 month, 10:00 a.m. 4200 Cedar Saturday. Refreshments 9:30 or [email protected]. p.m. 50th Street and Halifax Avenue South, Minneapolis. a.m. Program 10:00 a.m. (1 block west of France), FFI: Call WAMM 612-827-5364. Location varies. Peace Bingo Edina. FFI: Call Marian Wright FFI: Visit mepn.org. Friday, March 31, 6:00 p.m., 612-927-7607. 4200 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis. Join WAMM for a fun night in! Donate to WAMM while having a great time! Raffle Prizes! Bingo Prizes! Beer and wine available! Grab your pals and wallet. Dab for a great cause! FFI: 612-827-5364.

WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org Volume 35 Number 2 Second Issue 2017 11 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWIN CITIES, MN 4200 Cedar Avenue South, Suite 3 PERMIT NO. 30308 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55407 (612) 827-5364 FAX: (612) 827-6433 e-mail: [email protected] WomenAgainstMilitaryMadness.org RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

14 years since the 2003 U.S. ‘shock & awe’ invasion of Iraq: Afghanistan Iraq Stop Endless Syria Libya U.S. Wars Pakistan Say NO to new U.S. war threats – Iran... & Everywhere! Yemen Say NO to racism & Islamophobia Funds for human needs, not war Somalia Anti-War Protest Saturday, March 18, 2017 1:00 pm, gather at Mayday Plaza 3rd Street & Cedar Ave. South on the West Bank in Minneapolis 1:30 pm, March Closing location to be announced Initiated by Minnesota Peace Action Coalition. For more information 612-275-2720 or 612-827-5364