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September 2008 Volume XXXVII Number 9 The A Publication of the American Translators Association CHRONICLE

In this issue: ATA Board Elections: Candidate Statements Interpreting in Juvenile Court Thinking Like a Business Owner Translating for the Cosmetic Industry ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:45 PM Page 2

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September 2008 American Translators Association Volume XXXVII 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590 • Alexandria VA 22314 USA Number 9 Tel: +1-703-683-6100 • Fax: +1-703-683-6122 Contents September 2008 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: A Publication of the American Translators Association ATA Board Elections: Candidate Statements 9 ATA will hold its regularly scheduled election to elect four directors (three three-year positions and one one-year position). 18 18 Interpreting in Juvenile Court By Alexandra Wirth What are the main characteristics of interpreting in a juvenile court, and how are the dynamics of this setting different from interpreting in an adult court? 22 The “Business” of Freelancing By Rob Cruz This article will discuss how to develop an “owner’s perspective” toward your language services, and how basic small- business concepts relate to the field of translation and interpreting. 28 Translating for the Cosmetic Industry: An Introduction By Karen M. Tkaczyk Here is a brief introduction to the cosmetic industry and the bodies that regulate it, outlining core concepts and providing key resources. The Translator’s Binoculars, Part II: Desktop Search Tools 32 and How They Can be Used to Search Reference Texts By Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes A review of built-in and downloadable desktop search tools. 38 ATA/Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters Court Interpreting Seminar 22 By Eric Vidoni XXX ATA’s latest professional development seminar was an “ear-opening” experience! 28 Columns and Departments

6 Our Authors 47 New ATA-Certified Members and 7 From the President Active Membership Review 8 From the Executive Director 48 Success By Association 43 Upcoming Events 49 The Onionskin 44 Business Smarts 50 Dictionary Review 45 GeekSpeak 56 The Translation Inquirer 46 Member News 58 Humor and Translation 47 Certification Exam Information 62 Directory of Language Services 3 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:46 PM Page 4

The ATA Chronicle (ISSN 1078-6457) is published monthly, except bi-monthly in November/December, by the American Translators Association, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ATA Chronicle, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA. The American Translators Association (ATA) was We Want You! established in 1959 as a not-for-profit professional society to foster and support the professional development of translators and interpreters and to promote the translation and interpreting professions. The subscription rate for a member is $43 (included The ATA Chronicle enthusiastically encourages in the dues payment). The U.S. subscription rate for a nonmember is $65. Subscribers in Canada and members and nonmembers to submit articles of Mexico add $25; all other non-U.S. subscribers add interest. For Submission Guidelines, log onto $45. Single copies are available for $7 per issue.

©2008 American Translators Association The ATA Chronicle is published 11 times per year, with a combined Reprint Permission: November/December issue. Submission deadlines are two months Requests for permission to reprint articles should be sent to the editor of The ATA Chronicle at [email protected]. prior to publication date.

Editor Jeff Sanfacon [email protected]

Proofreader Sandra Burns Thomson

Design Ellen Banker Amy Peloff Advertising Advertising Matt Hicks McNeill Group Inc. Directory [email protected] Monterey Institute of +1-215-321-9662 ext. 19 17 International Studies Fax: +1-215-321-9636 Executive Director National Security Agency Walter Bacak 63 [email protected] Membership and across Systems 64 SDL International General Information 5 Maggie Rowe [email protected] Gerald Geiger Star Group America, LLC website: 55 [email protected] 2 55 Honyaku Corporation 27 University of Chicago Moving? Find an error with /translationstudies/ata your address? Send updates to: The ATA Chronicle 225 Reinekers Lane Suite 590 Alexandria, VA 22314 USA Fax +1-703-683-6122 [email protected] 4 The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:46 PM Page 5 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:46 PM Page 6

Our Authors September 2008

Rob Cruz is a certified court interpreter in Tennessee and the a diploma in French and a PhD in organic chemistry from the owner of RCIT, a “single operator” interpreting, translation, and University of Cambridge. She worked in the pharmaceutical industry consulting company. He has also developed numerous workshops in Europe and in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics in the U.S. Her and programs for entrepreneurs and small business owners, and has experience includes manufacturing and regulatory affairs. Contact: conducted workshops on business development and best business [email protected]. practices. He was on the board of directors of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of East Tennessee. He serves on the board Eric Vidoni is a qualified interpreter for of directors of the National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and the Commonwealth of Kentucky and an Translators and the Tennessee Association of Professional independent translator concentrating in Interpreters and Translators. Contact: [email protected]. the fields of business and marketing (from English and Italian into Spanish). Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes is an He has a BS in business with an ATA-certified Portuguese¡English emphasis in management from Brescia freelance translator. She has a PhD in University, and is currently enrolled in linguistics from the University of São the Translation Studies Certificate Program at the University of Paulo. Before becoming a linguist, she Chicago. He has been involved with the world of interpreting and earned a BS in mechanical engineering translating for the past 10 years. Contact: [email protected]. and an MS in physics from the University of California, Los Angeles. Alexandra Wirth has been a freelance English¡Spanish inter- She specializes in legal, medical, and engineering translations. preter and translator since 1993, specializing in the legal field. Contact: [email protected]. She has a master’s degree in applied linguistics and a bachelor’s degree in public relations from the University of Wisconsin- Karen Tkaczyk is a French¡English Milwaukee. She is certified as a court interpreter by the Wisconsin and Spanish¡English freelance trans- State Courts Office, and has worked as a court interpreter in crim- lator in Nevada. Her translation work is inal court, juvenile court, and federal court for the past eight entirely focused on chemistry and its years. She is also a faculty member of the Wisconsin Supreme industrial applications. She has a Court Orientation Program for Court Interpreters, and has taught master’s degree in chemistry from the court interpreting at Milwaukee Area Technical College. Contact: University of Manchester, as well as [email protected].

It’s time to start planning for the 49th ConferenceAnnual American Translators Association Orlando, Florida November 5 – 8, 2008

Visit for all the latest details!

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From the President Jiri Stejskal [email protected]

ATA to Host XIX FIT World Congress

Last month, we reviewed organization, where the council and (South Africa) was elected president, the fifth bylaws objective, namely to executive committee are elected. The and Huang Youyi (China) and Miriam “provide a medium for cooperation council consists of 17 members, Lee (Ireland) were elected as the other with persons in allied professions,” including a six-member executive two vice-presidents. Andrew Evans and looked at ATA’s cooperation with committee (president, three vice-pres- (Luxembourg) will serve as the treas- the Joint National Committee for idents, treasurer, and secretary). urer, and Frans de Laet (Belgium) as Languages at the national level. Let us Following their election at the the secretary general. now look at ATA’s international involvement. ATA has been a member of the Fédération Internationale des Trad- ucteurs (FIT), or International Feder- At the closing ceremony the organizer of the XVIII FIT ation of Translators, since 1963, and has maintained a strong presence in the fed- World Congress and executive vice-president of the eration. For the past nine years, ATA’s past president and current treasurer, Translation Association of China, Guo Xiaoyong, handed Peter Krawutschke, has served on FIT’s executive committee—the last three as the Congress flag to ATA’s president, who will organize FIT’s president. Founded in Paris in 1953, FIT is a the XIX FIT World Congress in San Francisco in 2011. federation of associations of translators, interpreters, and terminologists, bringing together more than 100 organ- izations from all over the world. Its pur- pose is to promote professionalism in Congress, the council and executive At its July meeting, ATA’s Board the disciplines it represents. FIT is also committee members assume a three- agreed to submit a proposal to host the concerned with the conditions of pro- year mandate to administer the orga- next FIT World Congress. ATA’s pro- fessional practice in various countries, nization’s business. posal was accepted, and at the closing and strives to defend freedom of expres- The XVIII FIT World Congress ceremony the organizer of the XVIII sion in general and translators’ rights in was held August 4-7, 2008 in FIT World Congress and executive particular. FIT maintains formal consul- Shanghai, and was hosted by the vice-president of the Translation tative relations with the United Nations Translation Association of China. The Association of China, Guo Xiaoyong, Educational, Scientific and Cultural event attracted about 1,500 attendees handed the Congress flag to ATA’s pres- Organization (UNESCO). UNESCO’s from more than 70 countries. The ident, who will organize the XIX FIT Recommendation on the Protection and theme of the Congress was “Trans- World Congress in San Francisco in Improvement of the Legal and Social lation and Cultural Diversity,” and 2011. This will be the first time the Status of Translations and Translators, over 400 delegates made presenta- Congress is held in the U.S., and it will adopted in Nairobi in 1976, is a mile- tions in 90 seminars on a wide variety provide ATA members with a unique stone in the history of FIT. of topics. The World Congress was opportunity to interact with colleagues Every three years, FIT holds a preceded by a Statutory Congress, from translation and interpreting associ- World Congress. The event provides where the federation’s business was ations from around the world. Stay translators and interpreters with a conducted and new council members tuned to find out how you can con- unique opportunity to meet their col- were elected. ATA maintained its tribute to and benefit from a truly global leagues from around the world and to strong involvement during the two- event that fosters international coopera- discuss their professions in formal day Statutory Congress, with ATA’s tion. You will find more information on workshops and informal discussion president being elected as one of the FIT at and on the groups. FIT’s Congress also serves as three vice-presidents of FIT for the Shanghai World Congress at the supreme governing body of the 2008-2011 period. Marion Boers

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From the Executive Director Walter Bacak, CAE [email protected]

Navigating ATA’s Wealth of Information

ATA strives to provide just as easy to hit the Delete key public is reading regarding the profes- information to help you do your job without opening the message. ATA sions. It is also a good way to stay better and to grow professionally. To News and Notes is the name of ATA’s abreast of your colleagues as their this end, one of the challenges is get- broadcast e-mail notifications. companies’ activities are featured. ting this information to you. We are Previously, we would send messages Following the news summaries are all facing information overload these when we received requests—or reject usually four links to ATA-related days. So, here is what ATA is doing to ones which were inappropriate for the news. If you would like to access ATA help you navigate the wide spectrum entire membership. ATA News and Newsbriefs online, please go to of material available to members. Notes is sent as often as weekly, depending on the amount, impor- Division newsletters: ATA’s division tance, or urgency of the content. In Of course, in addition to these newsletters provide a wealth of spe- addition, ATA’s Member Services and means of obtaining information, I cialized information that you will not Project Development Manager, Mary have not even touched on The ATA find anywhere else. Division mem- David, who produces ATA News and Chronicle (all back copies since 2000 bers are notified about the publication Notes, includes some interesting are online in the members only sec- of new issues through announcements links. For example, the August 21 edi- tion of ATA’s website); the Annual in ATA’s broadcast e-mail, News and tion featured links addressing collec- Conference; ATA’s various publica- Notes. By combining newsletter tions issues, so be sure to check them tions; and all the other items on ATA’s announcements into a News and Notes out. If you would like to access ATA website. broadcast, we are able to reduce the News and Notes online, please go to Thank you for taking the time to number of e-mails members receive look at the e-mail messages ATA from ATA. However, in reducing the sends. You will see that the links pro- number of e-mails, we are now ATA Newsbriefs: ATA Newsbriefs vided make it worth your while as you hearing from some members and the debuted earlier this year as ATA’s navigate all the content ATA has volunteers who work so hard to pro- online monthly newsletter, providing to offer. duce these fine newsletters that divi- summaries of articles featuring trans- Thank you for being a member sion members are not aware when a lation and interpreting in the news. of ATA. new issue is online. This is a great way to see what the To make members more aware of the division newsletters and how to get to them, we have added a link on Register Today for Make plans to attend ATA’s 49th Annual ATA’s homepage under “In the Conference, November 5-8, 2008 at the ,” as well as a separate page under the Divisions section of ATA’s ATA’s Hilton in the Walt Disney World Resort in website, and also a link under the Orlando, Florida. Please visit the conference Publications section of ATA’s site. We page on ATA’s website for the most up-to- have also added a feature in The ATA date information on the 150 educational Chronicle to publicize and promote sessions, the sold out Exhibit Hall, and the the division newsletters and their online links. (Please see page 17.) registration form. Register today online at Related, we are also including links to various division listservs as another means of getting information. (Please see page 42.) 49thAnnual ATA News and Notes: We all know the pluses and minuses of e-mail. It is a cheap and easy way to disseminate Conference information, but on the flip side, it is

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ATA Board Elections: Candidate Statements ATA will hold its regularly scheduled election at the upcoming 2008 ATA Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, to elect four directors (three three-year positions and one one-year position).

Director honored to be able to represent ATA at ambitious projects that would be diffi- the Frankfurt Book Fair while I was in cult or even impossible to undertake (three-year term) Germany for another purpose. on our own. The synergies of collabo- Lois Feuerle As ATA continues to grow, I would ration are increasingly important in an [email protected] like to have a more active role in that atmosphere of tight resources. growth. In particular, I am especially The ATA has been doing a tremen- interested in being involved in the dous job in terms of outreach and Interpreters Division decision-making raising public awareness of the impor- I have been an ATA member for as it charts the course for the develop- tance of translation and interpreting. I approximately 20 years, and have ment of an ATA certification examina- hope to participate in helping to make watched and been a part of the growth tion for interpreters. This exam would everyone who has anything to do with of the Association as it has expanded serve the needs of both our members the selection of translators and inter- from under 3,000 members to over and the public, without merely preters conscious of the importance of 10,000 members. For me, joining echoing the interpreter examinations focusing on quality when these selec- ATA was the first, and perhaps most that are already available for qualifi- tions are being made, and of the neg- important step in building my transla- cation to work in the state and federal ative consequences that can result tion career. I became an accredited courts. My background in testing with when their entire focus is on obtaining translator—that is what it was called three state court systems and my these services at the lowest price. in those days—shortly after joining familiarity with the instruments used Finally, as a teacher of translation the organization. Now, of course, it is in those contexts would provide valu- and organizer of training and contin- called certification, so I am an ATA- able insights. uing education events, I know that the ¡ certified German English translator. Another important aspect that I importance of training cannot be Over the years, I have served on a would like to work on is developing underestimated, and I would like to be number of committees, i.e., more and closer cooperative working a voice in ATA that supports variety Dictionary Review Committee, Ethics relationships with organizations out- and quality in these efforts. Committee, and the Honors and side of ATA whose goals and missions I would welcome the opportunity Awards Committee (which I now complement those of our organiza- to make a contribution to ATA as a chair). I have presented and co-pre- tion. There is strength in numbers, and member of the Board. Thank you. sented at the national and regional we should continue to build on the conferences, a professional develop- many ways in which these collabora- ment seminar, and, in the 1990s, was tions make it possible to undertake

Director ware company, and ultimately back to educate their clients and meet their (three-year term) freelancing. demands while trying to find and David C. Rumsey This broad range of experience, in retain high-quality freelancers. david@northcountrytrans addition to my practical skills as the Meanwhile, professional freelancers administrator of ATA’s Nordic Division, struggle to distinguish themselves will be a valuable asset to ensure that from the millions of amateur and hob- ATA continues to provide the best byist translators/interpreters around I am happy and honored to be nomi- quality services and resources for its the world who are creating a wide nated to run for a position on ATA’s members. range of prices. Board of Directors. In the past 17 years, The translation industry has been The importance of large organiza- I have been involved in all aspects of undergoing major changes. As the tions such as ATA in addressing the the translation business: starting out as a global market expands, end clients are issues related to our craft cannot be freelance translator (Scandinavian and realizing the importance of transla- understated. The success of the German into English), becoming a tion, but they struggle to find a way to Certification Program has helped to project manager with an agency, being pay for it or understand what they are bring legitimacy to the translation hired to work as an end client at a soft- buying. Project managers struggle to profession among end users. My ¬

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ATA Board Elections: Candidate Statements Continued

two terms as administrator of the clients, as well as providing a greater also as the division’s newsletter editor Nordic Division and my work with number of technical and training serv- for Aurora Borealis. I have also been a end clients has convinced me of the ices through our website. ATA’s website board member of two local service need to support this program and should act as a portal to the profession organizations and my condo associa- expand it to smaller languages, so that with expanded member profiles, tion. I have the skills and dedication clients can appreciate the importance forums, online courses, and downloads. to ensure that ATA continues to pro- of languages beyond the traditional However, serving on the Board of vide the best services and features to “FIGS” (French, Italian, German, and Directors is less about policy and its members. Spanish). more about doing the work that is I would appreciate your consideration I also see a greater role for ATA in required to make the organization run. in the upcoming election. Thank you. facilitating better communication I have served two terms as the admin- between freelancers, agencies, and end istrator of the Nordic Division and

Director deadline for accumulating CE points interpreter specializing in science and and to instruct the CE Requirements technology, finance, business, law, (three-year term) Committee to review the require- and environment. I joined ATA in Boris Silversteyn ments to bring them in line with the 1986, received English¡Russian cer- [email protected] above objectives. The improvements tification in 1989, and was certified in that were implemented have brought Russian¡English in 1990. the desired results. Having been fortunate profession- I also suggested finding ways to ally, I have always tried to give back For the past three years, I have had expand the Certification Program to to the profession when and where I the privilege of serving as an ATA language pairs for which no exams could. For six years I chaired the director. I am honored to be nomi- were offered at the time. With my par- Dictionary Review Committee. I par- nated for this position again. ticipation, the English¡Ukrainian ticipate in the Certification Program When I ran in 2005, I promised to pair was added in 2006. Several other as an English¡Russian and English¡ focus on two areas—continuing edu- pairs are in the works. Ukrainian grader. I have given presen- cation (CE) and conferences. Having concentrated on solving tations at ATA conferences and pub- It was necessary to address CE CE problems during my first term, if lished papers in various publications. I requirements for certification, expand elected, I will try to work with the also volunteer as an interpreter for our the range of activities counted for CE Board and Headquarters to find ways county health department. points, and bring the number of points to reduce the cost of attending ATA Being a freelancer, I know free- assigned to each activity into better conferences. Conferences are one of lancers’ needs and interests. As a alignment with their actual educa- the most valuable membership bene- Board member, I always keep my eye tional values. At the time of my elec- fits, but for many members, especially on defending those interests. I will tion, CE requirements were heavily newcomers, their cost imposes a continue doing this if elected. tilted toward costly activities, financial hardship. We must find ways For many years now, ATA Board including ATA conferences and semi- to reduce costs so more people can members have been guided by the nars. A number of highly skilled attend. This is a harder nut to crack, common goal of serving the members members were in danger of losing but encouraged by the success with and advancing the profession. With their certification if they failed to the CE requirements, I think that by your support, I would be honored to meet those requirements by January 1, concentrating on an issue that is continue working toward this objective. 2007. Immediate action was neces- clearly in the interests of members, it sary to prevent this from happening. is possible to change things in the Together with Board members right direction. Dorothee Racette and Nicholas A few words about myself. I am a Hartmann, I proposed, and the Board Russian and Ukrainian translator and unanimously agreed, to extend the

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Director been participating in Espalista, the that matter to their members. I have (three-year term) SPD’s listserv group, and was really always believed that you can get Milly Suazo- excited to meet my colleagues in people more involved in service when Martinez person. By the end of the conference, I they are personally invested, and the [email protected] felt empowered to continue my free- only way to achieve that is through lance business not only because of the personal relationships. The work of a information and knowledge gained, freelance translator can be quite Growing up, I had the best role but also because of the networking and lonely at times due to the very nature model regarding service: my father. friendships developed. A few months of the profession, and it can be quite As early as I can remember he was later, SPD’s administrator, Rudy comforting to know that there are col- always an active participant in both Heller, asked me if I would be willing leagues available to you at the click of community and professional organi- to take on the role of division treas- a mouse. This is the area where I zations, so it was no surprise to my urer. Pleasantly surprised and feeling believe that most of my strengths are, parents to see me run for class treas- honored, I said yes. and where I hope to get an opportu- urer or class president, organize the I served two terms as division nity to work on fostering member graduation trip, and be involved in all treasurer and another one and a half as involvement and volunteerism. kinds of activities. From him I learned division administrator, and was part As a member of ATA’s Board of that everyone has something to offer of many exciting events. The SPD Directors, I hope to bring with me the and that serving others can be was able to organize its very first Mid experience gained during my years of extremely rewarding. Year Conference in January 2002, and service with the SPD, the largest ATA I joined ATA and the Spanish went on to have successful confer- division with about 4,000 members. It Language Division (SPD) in March of ences in San Antonio, Jersey City, Las has not been a simple task to create 1999, when I finally decided to take Vegas, and Philadelphia. Espalista cohesion in such a big group, but we my translation career to the next level. continued to grow and our newsletter, have made much progress. I know Little did I know that I would be Intercambios, started to be published that I have a lot to learn, but if given writing this candidate statement 10 in electronic format. the opportunity, I will do my best to years later. Interestingly enough, the Organizations like ours function make a difference in the future of first ATA Annual Conference I thanks to the dedication of volunteers ATA. Just like my dad taught me. attended was in Orlando in 2000. I had who are passionate about the issues

Director finance, and using computer tools. To feel privileged to have studied transla- be competitive and improve our tion at the PhD level in São Paulo, (three-year term) quality of life, we must never stop Brazil, and to have taught the Naomi J. Sutcliffe learning. Fortunately, our intellectual Portuguese¡English medical and sci- de Moraes curiosity probably inspired most of us entific modules of a two-year profes- moraes@justright to become linguists in the first place. sional translation course. ATA should I am amazed at how much easier provide more information on how trans- and faster I can now translate legal lators can get translation-related and During an economic downturn, documents after studying for a law subject area training through online or there are two principal ways for trans- degree. While my BS in mechanical distance-learning courses and through lators and interpreters to make more engineering and MS in physics (both universities and other associations. money: work more hours or work from the University of California, Los I also feel that ATA should attempt faster. Since few of us want to work Angeles) allow me to translate engi- to determine what kinds of training longer hours, we must learn to work neering and science documents faster, translators want and need and then faster and smarter, which, aside from they were not much help when trans- plan a way to provide it at the Annual years of experience, comes from lating contracts. Conference and regional seminars— studying translation techniques and Most cities do not have a university rather than just relying on sponta- specialty areas, such as law and graduate program in translation, and I neous session proposals on ¬

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ATA Board Elections: Candidate Statements Continued

random topics. Some members com- ATA should also provide more I would like to thank the Nomin- plain that ATA’s Annual Conference is computer tool learning opportunities ating Committee for their confidence too expensive, and it is expensive, but for members at the Annual in me. Your vote will indicate that over the years no one has found a way Conference and other continuing edu- continuing education, not just certifi- to make it cheaper. Perhaps the cation programs. I hope my articles in cation maintenance, should be more problem is not the absolute price, but The ATA Chronicle and Language prominent. Better trained members rather the cost/benefit ratio. Some Technology Division newsletter are better linguists, better paid, and members attend the conference just for column on computers have increased thus happier, which will keep the pro- the networking functions and forgo the members’ knowledge of available fession interesting for its practitioners sessions altogether! I would like to tools and the importance of using and make us more valuable to our work to bring more outside speakers to them to increase productivity, but they clients. I hope to represent you over ATA conferences—specialists in areas are just a beginning. Another impor- the next three years. such as law, finance, and medicine—so tant area in which ATA could offer that no one will leave the conference training is business skills, including without knowledge they can use imme- tax preparation, accounting, and diately when working. direct marketing techniques.

Director Interpreters Network, an ATA chapter. to see ATA truly represent interpreters, (three-year term) I own a boutique firm specializing in as it does translators. Izumi Suzuki Japanese and English translation and When I first joined ATA, I was interpreting, and work as the chief extremely impressed with the JLD. I interpreter and translator of the firm. think people join ATA mainly because While I was interpreting at a dis- they are attracted to meeting and trict court about 10 years ago, I was working with others who are involved It is an honor to be nominated for shocked by the lack of competence of in the same language or the same sub- the Board again. It has been eight these so-called interpreters that the ject. Divisions are vital to the future years since I was last a Board police and the court hired. When I growth of ATA. In recent years, it member. When I completed my three- learned that California offered court seems to me that increasingly ATA has year term, I was slated to be adminis- certification in Japanese, I took the negatively restructured division activ- trator of ATA’s Japanese Language exam and was certified in 2001. Since ities. There is a growing perception Division (JLD), so I did not run again. that time, more and more courts have among division leaders that their rele- Fortunately, JLD is administered started to require certified interpreters vance is gradually being taken away. I under very capable hands now. in the court, which is a wonderful feel that the Association needs to I joined ATA in 1989, and became development. I strongly feel that certi- improve its communications with a grader for the English¡Japanese fication would definitely help raise the divisions. I support active divisions certification exam in 1991. I served as public recognition of our profession, and chapters, and would like to a language chair a couple of times as ATA’s translation certification commit myself to further the growth within ATA’s Certification Program, shows. Although court interpreting of divisions and chapters, which will but now I am back to being a grader. I certification is covered by the National strengthen ATA. have been mainly an interpreter for Consortium of Supreme Courts as the past 30 years, since my training is well as the National Association of in conference interpreting. I am a Judiciary Interpreters and Translators, member of JLD and the Interpreters there is no certification for general Division. Back in Michigan, I am the interpreting. ATA should be the organ- president of the Michigan Translators/ ization to lead this effort. I would like

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Director President Ann Macfarlane honored 2. Health insurance: Together with (one-year term) me with the invitation to chair the Mary David, member benefits and Lilian Van Vranken Certification Committee. During my project development manager at [email protected] tenure, and with the unwavering sup- ATA Headquarters, we have been port of ATA’s Board and dedicated researching health care programs graders, the Certification Program offered by other associations. It is a underwent pivotal changes that ele- complex issue due to significant vated the stature of our exam, created differences in state and federal reg- Since I joined ATA in 1990 as a more transparency for graders and ulations beyond our control, and newly immigrated translator from candidates, and helped us reach a new while there is no national group Argentina, our association has seen an level of excellence. coverage available, I remain com- explosive growth and positioned itself It is my goal to apply the same mitted to exploring this area of to create much needed awareness work ethics to the service of ATA and member benefits. about our profession. I am indebted to its members and, in the past year, I all our colleagues who had the have undertaken the following proj- 3. Accreditation: I continue to be extraordinary vision to shape the ects that resonate with many of us involved in the efforts to pursue future of ATA. who work in a highly competitive lan- ANSI accreditation of the Certifi - I have a degree in legal translation guage combination: cation Program spearheaded by from the University of Buenos Aires fellow board members Dr. Claudia (traductora pública), and in my 20 1. Tools for freelance translators to Angelelli and Professor Alan Melby, years of experience, I have worked as a market themselves better: As a who are working closely with the staff translator for a law firm in full-time freelance translator and Certification Committee. Argentina, as a project manager and in- editor, I have experienced major house translator for a translation com- changes in the way business is con- I will always strive to do what is pany in Houston, and as a full-time ducted, and there is no denying the best for the translation and inter- freelance English¡Spanish conference ever-increasing need to reinvent preting community, and I firmly interpreter, translator, and editor. ourselves to keep a grip on a believe that our mandate as profes- The opportunity to make a differ- changing market. I have stated this sional translators and interpreters is to ence in our profession prompted me need, and the Board responded by seek continuous self-improvement, to get involved in ATA activities. I requesting the Public Relations create translation and interpreting became a grader (English¡Spanish) Committee to design workshops education awareness, and fight for for the Certification Program in 1995, for the upcoming Annual Confer- recognition. Thank you for trusting and after holding the positions of lan- ence in Orlando. me with your vote. guage chair and member of the Certification Committee, past ATA

ATA Annual Conference | Job Analysis Focus Group

You’ve explained your job at parties, business meetings, and even to the cashier at the grocery store. Now you have the opportunity to make it official in a job analysis focus group being held at ATA’s 49th Annual Conference. Participants will be asked to offer feedback on prepared statements that describe the job of a translator, such as published articles on translation competence and international standards. This free session will include lots of brainstorming and a fun exchange of ideas. Open to ATA-certified translators. To register for this session and for more information:

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References are to Articles, sections, and subsections of the ATA Bylaws as revised on November 2, 2006. Material proposed to be deleted is struck through; material proposed to be added is underlined. To see the marked up bylaws as proposed, please go to

Category 1 Objectives and means for meeting them

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

1 II.a.4) “.. stimulate and support the training education of According to experts in the field of translation and interpreting pedagogy, the term “training” translators and interpreters..” is discouraged and the preferred usage is “education.”

2 II.b.4) “maintaining membership in working relationships This change is proposed in order to reflect the fact that ATA's purpose is not simply to maintain with professional organizations in related fields;” membership in organizations such as the Localization Industry Standards Association (LISA), National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT), American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL), etc., but in fact to cultivate relationships with those organizations and their members.

2a II.b.5) “... in such matters as the training education and con- See Key no. 1 above. tinuing education of translators and interpreters;”

3 II.b.6) “supporting a system of mutual assistance for its Article II.a.2) already states the objective of “[promoting] the communication and dissemination members, including a reference library, a consultation of knowledge for the benefit of translators and interpreters,” and the means identified in II.b.6) service, and the like;” are considered overly specific and now outdated.

3a II.b.7) “7) 6) conducting any and all other activities ...” Renumbers this section to reflect deletion of the former section II.b.6) (see Key no 3 above).

Category 2 Consistency and format

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

4 II.a.1) “... translation and interpretation interpreting professions...” The preferred term used in our industry is “interpreting" rather than "interpretation.”

4a III.2.e, f, h “... translation or interpretation interpreting professions...” See Key no. 4 above.

5 Articles III, [Capitalize names of membership categories, i.e. This change is proposed in the interest of clarity and consistency. IV, VII Active, Corresponding, Associate, Student, Institutional, Corporate, Life, Honorary]

6 III.4.b, XVI “... officers and directors Directors ...” By established usage, the word “director” (uncapitalized) refers to all 13 members of the Board of Directors, including the Officers. The word “Director” (capitalized) refers only to the “... Director(s) director(s) ...” nine members of the Board who are not Officers. This change is proposed in order to ensure consistent usage of the word.

6a VI.1.c, XI.2 “directors Directors” See Key no. 6 above.

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Category 2 Consistency and format Continued

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

6b X directors Directors See Key no. 6 above.

7 III.2.g. “Life: Life membership is available to any person who This change is proposed in the interest of consistent usage. has reached 60 sixty years of age and has completed at least 20 twenty consecutive years as a member of the Association."

8 IV.3.b. “Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be This stipulates that a minimum (rather than an absolute) number of Board members must called by the President, and the President must call a request a special meeting. special meeting at the written request of at least six members of the Board.”

9 IV.3.e “Notice of any meeting of the Board shall be given This new clause globally defines how notice of Board meetings is to be given. by mail, electronic mail, or fax.”

10 XI.1 “Regular or special meetings of voting members shall The existing wording is felt to be superfluous and archaic. be held at such locations as shall be determined by the Board of Directors within or without the State of New York.”

11 XI.5 “For the purpose of determining the members enti- The proposed change better expresses the fact that fixing a Record Date is a requirement, tled to vote at any meeting of voting members or any not an option. adjournment thereof, or for the purpose of any other action by the voting members, the Board of Directors may shall fix, in advance, a date as the Record Date for any such determination of voting members. Such Record Date shall not be more than fifty nor less than ten days before the date of such meeting.”

Category 3 Procedural

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

12 III.4.c “... When a period of three or more years has elapsed It is felt to be unfair to require payment of membership dues for a period during which a since the applicant was an active member of the person was not receiving any of the benefits of membership. Association, the Association may require either passage of a (or another) certification examination or the recommenda- tion through a peer review process for reinstatement in that membership class. For membership lapses up to three years, membership dues in arrears must be paid before membership may be reinstated.”

13 V.2.a. “[...] The President shall share with the Treasurer the right A bond is no longer required, since the Treasurer is now covered by Directors and Officers to sign checks and warrants for the withdrawal of insurance. Association funds and, at the expense of the Association, shall furnish a bond in a sum fixed by the Board of Directors. [etc.]”

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Proposed Changes to the Bylaws Continued

Category 3 Procedural Continued

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

14 V.2.d “The Treasurer shall perform the duties prescribed by these See V.2.a (Key no. 13): a bond is no longer required since the Treasurer now is covered by Bylaws, by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Directors and Officers insurance. Association where it does not conflict with the Bylaws, or as may be provided by the Board of Directors from time to time. Some of the duties of this office may be delegated, if so authorized by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall, at the expense of the Association, furnish a bond in a sum fixed by the Board of Directors. [etc.”

15 V.2.d “[...] Disbursement of Association funds shall be by check This is an outdated provision, since payments have for some time also been by credit card, only. [etc.] and electronic payments are an additional option.

16 X “The annual meeting of all members shall be held at a Since only voting members can take action on resolutions, it is felt to be more sensible to time and place determined by the Board of Directors in move consideration thereof to the meeting of voting members. conjunction with the annual meeting of the voting mem- bers of the Association, and shall include such matters as determined by the Board of Directors, including presenta- tion and installation of newly elected directors and officers, and other matters or resolutions presented by the members at such meeting in accordance with procedures adopted by the Board of Directors.”

Category 4 Status of proxy holders

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

17 XI.8 "Every member entitled to vote at a meeting of members Although New York State law does not require that a proxy-holder be even a member, legal or to express consent or dissent without a meeting may counsel suggests it is reasonable that proxies be exercised only by persons who are them- authorize another person or persons voting member or selves entitled to vote. members to act for such member by proxy.

Continued on p. 61

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Read All About It! ATA Division Newsletters

Get the latest scoop on division activities and stay current with language- and specialty-specific information pertinent to your field. How? Just download the latest batch of division newsletters from 2008:

French Language Division À propos

German Language Division interaktiv

Korean Language Division Hangul Herald

Language Technology Division Language Tech News

Medical Division Caduceus

Portuguese Language Division PLData

Spanish Language Division Intercambios

Slavic Languages Division SlavFile

Translation Company Division TCD News

Division membership is included in your ATA annual dues. Visit to join any or all ATA divisions without additional fees.

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Interpreting in Juvenile Court By Alexandra Wirth

Although interpreters in the juvenile court system use the same basic skills as their colleagues The court interpreter must have a very clear working in the adult courts, juvenile court proceedings have unique char- understanding of the role each participant has acteristics that interpreters need to be aware of to be successful in this set- in the proceeding, plus knowledge of the ting. For instance, in most modern basic principles of juvenile law. legal systems, crimes committed by children and minors are treated differ- ently from the same crimes com- mitted by adults. In the juvenile involved, interpreters working in the of interpreting within the juvenile courts, the rehabilitation of the indi- juvenile courts usually deal with courts. The types of cases an inter- vidual is the primary focus. In addi- highly emotional issues on a more preter is likely to encounter, including tion, court interpreters working in the regular basis. Of course, court inter- some differences in procedure and ter- adult courts might face a broader preters must demonstrate the same minology, will also be covered. spectrum of cases on a daily basis, level of competence and profession- but, because of the complex relation- alism no matter where they interpret. Juvenile Court: Some Basics ship and the age of some of those This article presents an overview A juvenile court is generally

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defined as a court with jurisdiction over all cases involving children under a specified age, usually 18 years. Most Working in a termination of parental rights trial can be statutes provide that anyone under age exceptionally demanding and emotionally draining for 18 must first be processed by the juve- nile court. The juvenile court can then, interpreters because of the finality of its consequences. at its discretion, assign the case to an ordinary court. Cases within juvenile court are divided into two major categories: 1) child protection cases, where issues by children over the age of 16. juvenile court proceedings, the court such as child abuse or neglect are Despite the confidential nature of interpreter must have a very clear resolved; and 2) juvenile justice cases juvenile hearings, court interpreters understanding of each participant’s dealing with delinquent acts com- have the right to review case files role in the courtroom. For this, it is mitted by minors. In delinquency prior to commencing any interpreting important for interpreters to know the cases, the child is alleged to have vio- assignment. basic principles of juvenile law. lated the law through activities Throughout the U.S., juvenile law ranging from staying out past curfew Child Protection Cases pursues what is called “the best to the most serious charge, murder. In In general, child protection cases interest of the child.” In other words, child protection cases, the child’s par- require the appearance of several par- state laws try to ensure the physical ents are alleged to have created a con- ticipants. Among the parties involved safety and welfare of the child by dition that places the child’s health are the minor’s parents or guardians, making certain that basic needs such and welfare at risk. In both cases, the the parents’ attorney, a guardian ad as food and shelter are provided while focus of the proceeding is to provide litem (not a legal guardian, but a trying to safeguard the child’s emo- supervision over services for the child person appointed by the juvenile court tional stability. in order to return the child to law- to represent the interests of the minor Child protection cases are usually abiding behavior or to correct the con- during the duration of the proceed- initiated after a referral is made to a dition that places the child’s health ings), a social worker or representa- child protection agency. If the com- and welfare in danger. tive from a child protection agency, plaint is substantiated upon a prelimi- Juvenile court delinquency matters the foster parents, and a state attorney. nary investigation, a petition is are not open to the public, except Owing to the nature of these cases and presented in front of the court. The when serious crimes are committed the number of participants involved in name of this initial hearing varies from state to state. For example, in Illinois, the initial hearing is referred to as a temporary custody hearing, and in Figure 1: Sample State Child Protection Case Terminology Wisconsin, it is known as a detention hearing. Regardless of its name, the intent of the hearing is to present the Indiana, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, facts to the judge and set up a plan of Wisconsin New Mexico, Washington, Virginia Illinois action that will ensure the best pos- sible result for the children involved. (See Figure 1 for some other designa- CHIPS: Children in need of CHINS: Children in need of services Child Protection tions states have for court proceedings protection or services Division Cases involving child protection cases.) Once a minor has been determined JIPS: Juvenile in need of to be in need of services, a series of protection or services hearings will follow in order to imple- ment services for the parties involved. The number of hearings will ¬

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Figure 2: Terminology Differences Between Adult and Juvenile Court

Interpreting in Juvenile Court Continued Adult vary from case to case because the Moreover, court interpreters in the Court Juvenile Court court may impose a number of condi- juvenile court system often work on tions on the parents to ensure the cases involving the termination of safety of the minor involved. Such parental rights. Terminating parental Arrest Take into custody, Apprehend conditions may involve the parents rights means ending the legal relation- Warrant Capias monitoring and enforcing the rules set ship between a parent and his or her down by the judge and social worker, children. A termination of parental Probation Supervision attending family counseling sessions, rights decree has often been described Plea of not Deny the (facts of) petition or taking part in parent education by experts in juvenile law as the guilty 1 classes. The length of time that it imposition of a “civil death penalty.” Plea of guilty Admit to the (facts of) petition takes the parents to satisfy the condi- Hence, working in a termination of tions will vary, so the length of each parental rights trial can be exception- Misdemeanor, Delinquent act Felony case is dependent upon their level of ally demanding and emotionally compliance. draining for interpreters because of Sentencing Disposition In addition to temporary custody the finality of its consequences. hearings, interpreters working in the juvenile court system will also render Juvenile Delinquency Cases their services at permanency hearings. The second category of cases heard public, with the exception of serious One of the main goals of child protec- in juvenile court involves minors who crimes committed by children over tion proceedings is to accomplish some commit illegal acts. Under this cate- the age of 16. sort of permanency for the children gory, we find juveniles charged with When a minor commits a delin- involved in the case. A plan for family crimes similar to those tried in the quent act, the state attorney usually reunification and/or adoption may be adult courts. Most juvenile court files a petition alleging that a minor proposed at a permanency hearing. delinquency cases are not open to the has committed a delinquent act. The

Want to Learn More?

Black’s Law Dictionary, 8th edition (Thomson Getis, Victoria. The Juvenile Court and the Progressives West, 2004). (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000).

Gifis, Steven H. Law Dictionary, 5th edition (Barron’s Knupfer, Anne M. Reform and Resistance: Gender, Educational Series Inc., 2003), Delinquency, and America’s First Juvenile Court (New York: Routledge, 2001).

Facts About the American Judicial System (American Polier, Justine W. Juvenile Justice in Double Jeopardy: Bar Association, 1999), The Distanced Community and Vengeful Retribution (Hillsdale, New Jersey: L. Erlbaum, 1989). Clapp, Elizabeth J. Mothers of All Children: Women Reformers and the Rise of Juvenile Courts in Connoly, Norma C. Domestic Relations and Juvenile Progressive Era America (University Park: Pennsylvania Terms: Bilingual Dictionary (Gould Publications, State University Press, 1998). 2004).

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Online Glossaries

Ballantine’s Legal Dictionary Multilingual Glossary of Legal and Thesaurus and Court-related Terms

California Juvenile Crime Glossary National Association for Court Management espanol/glosario.htm

Federal Court Terminology National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators Juvenile Court/Child Welfare National Center for State Courts Juvenile Court Statistics Databook CourTopics/ResourceGuide.asp? topic=CtInte asp/glossary.asp Navegador Jurídico Internacional Juvenile Law Glossary practice-areas/criminal-law/ Nolo Legal Glossary juvenile-law/glossary

case is then conducted in a way that is court is the word “probation.” enced interpreter to think that inter- very similar to any adult court pro- “Supervision” is the preferred term preting in juvenile court is easy. ceeding. Again, the number of partic- here. Figure 2 on page 20 illustrates a However, juvenile court cases must ipants in this type of hearing might be few of the other terminological differ- receive the same consideration and greater than its adult counterpart. ences between adult and juvenile respect as any other type of case. Any Minors are often referred to men- court. Please note that terms vary interpreter who is considering inter- toring programs, therapy, group from state to state, so interpreters preting in the juvenile courts should homes, and shelters, just to name a need to verify the exact terminology take into account the differences out- few. Frequently, a representative from being used in their state. lined in this article before accepting each entity involved might be an assignment in this setting. required to appear in court. Understand the Issues Although delinquency hearings are To conclude, court interpreters Note similar in nature to their counterparts working in the juvenile court system 1. Wall, Joseph. “Evidentiary Issues in the adult court system, different ter- must understand the importance of the in Termination of Parental Rights minology is used to refer to some of issues being tried in these courts. Trials.” The Wisconsin Defender the same concepts. For instance, the They must understand the concepts (Summer 2003), 4. word “arrest” is not used when talking underlying juvenile cases because about apprehending a minor. The they differ from those found in the phrase that is favored in these situa- adult courts. There is the mistaken tions is “to take into custody.” perception that juvenile court cases Another interesting example of a term are not as serious as those tried in the used in adult court but not in juvenile adult courts, causing the inexperi-

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The “Business” of Freelancing By Rob Cruz

Freelance translators and interpreters need to start thinking of themselves as business owners as well Thinking like a business owner requires skills as professional language service providers. Many times, however, trans- that are quite separate from those required lators and interpreters only consider themselves business owners when they to translate or interpret. operate an agency or employ other individuals. As a result, freelancers can find themselves in a competitive busi- ness environment without having pany’s sole employee, responsible for The Need for a Plan learned the proper mindset to be as all the translation or interpreting. It is There are certain fundamental prin- successful as possible. As you will in these situations that the rules of ciples of small businesses that can and learn from this article, thinking like a business can get blurred or may not should be applied for practical, eco- business owner requires skills that are even get defined. It is imperative that nomic, and legal reasons, even by free- quite separate from those necessary to we recognize that as freelance transla- lancers. These principles can be woven translate or interpret. tors or interpreters, we still must disci- together into what is commonly First, the owner of any company pline ourselves to behave as a small referred to as a business plan. Many should place the interests of the busi- business and to attend to the details of believe a business plan is reserved for ness above everything else. This can daily operation. larger entities or different types of be difficult, however, when the busi- businesses that require such plans in ness owner also serves as the com order to secure financing or capital. In

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my experience, successful businesses every business takes time to “ramp- cessful small-business owners. For of any size, even those with “single up” to peak cash flow. Truly ana- instance, the interests of these dif- operators,” usually have some type of lyzing this issue will allow for a ferent “departments” may be at odds concrete plan. It is precisely while cre- projection of just how the “ends” with those of the “talent.” The suc- ating this plan that one begins to will meet. Everyone’s situation is cessful business owner will know the develop the insight crucial to different, but the conclusions reached proper hat to wear for every decision. Although at times it is a tough lesson to learn, the “talent” should not make all the decisions. Certain decisions should be made through the eyes of the owner, not the individual ren- As freelance translators or interpreters, we still must dering the services. discipline ourselves to behave as a small business and How Should I Organize to attend to the details of daily operation. My Business? Creating a business entity is often referred to as “organizing,” since one must choose what type of organiza- tion that entity will be. All individuals becoming an effective business owner. will help with the decision of how who work as a subcontractor should Some of the topics discussed in best to develop the business to be as consider organizing themselves as a this article should be a part of every profitable as possible. Be mindful that corporation (usually a Subchapter S), business plan, but remember that a a lack of immediate profitability or a limited liability corporation, or a plan need not be lengthy or compli- positive cash flow need not be a deter- limited partnership. When one oper- cated. It is simply where questions rent. In certain circumstances, such as ates simply as a subcontractor, the that are critical to the viability of your when equipment must be bought for a Internal Revenue Service considers it endeavor are posed and answered. particular project or when a signifi- a sole proprietorship. Sole proprietor- cant period of time will pass before ships offer no legal separation Is This the Right Type of invoicing is completed and collected, between the business and the indi- Venture for Me? instruments like a line of credit or a vidual. In matters of liability, this This is usually viewed as a finan- purchase order loan can be obtained places every personal asset at risk for cial question, but it also has several from financial institutions. Such legal remedy should something other implications. From a financial issues can be discussed with an unforeseen happen through some type standpoint, it is imperative that one’s accountant or banker. of litigation. The cost of organizing immediate and long-term income Apart from financial viability, it is can range between $500 and $1,500 needs be compared to the forecasted important to know what other skills for a basic entity, and do-it-yourself revenue that can and will be gener- will be needed to build the business, websites such as or ated. For example, the first thing I did especially since one must wear many offer this when contemplating the field of judi- hats. Usually, single operators also service for under $200. Everyone is ciary interpreting was to determine find themselves functioning as the urged to either talk to a lawyer, an the supply and demand of court inter- sales, marketing, accounting, human accountant, or otherwise carry out preters within my own market and to resources, legal, and collections extensive research to determine which examine the other possible revenue departments, in addition to doing the structure best meets his or her needs. streams associated with the profession actual work (what I call functioning based on my qualifications. I then as the “talented professional,” or just Will I Need Licenses or Permits? compared that forecasted possible the “talent” for short). Giving serious Apart from any possible profes- revenue to my long-term income thought to the nature of the business sional licensing by individual states or needs, weighing my immediate we are creating allows us to examine trade organizations, every business, income needs against the fact that the characteristics required of suc- including sole proprietorships, ¬

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The “Business” of Freelancing Continued

must have a business license. The • What financial institution will be impact margins can be fixed expenses rules will vary according to the juris- used and what types of accounts such as rent, telephone service, and diction. A business license is usually will be needed? Internet access, or variable like pay- required by the county and by the city • Will office space be needed? ments to contractors or purchases of when one operates within the city’s • Will location be important? software or equipment for a particular limits. The cost is typically nominal, • Will startup capital be needed? project. Revenue, income, and profit but it will vary. Some municipalities margin are all different concepts that also require an occupational license or Additionally, there are several con- are interconnected, but are not inter- permit. This is done to regulate the cepts and factors that can be problematic changeable. Translation and inter- types of commercial and home busi- for the fledgling business owner in preting businesses have the potential nesses that can operate within the city’s limits and to comply with zoning laws where applicable.

How Will the Business Giving serious thought to the nature of the business we Affect My Taxes? It is highly recommended that are creating allows us to examine the characteristics everyone use an accountant’s services required of successful small-business owners. to answer questions related to taxes. It is worth mentioning that Subchapter S Corporations, limited liability corpo- rations, and partnerships usually file taxes on an attachment to an indi- general and for translation and inter- for a very high profit margin in com- vidual taxpayer’s form, and therefore preting services in particular. The fol- parison to other industries that often benefit from the lower individual tax lowing may also prove helpful. operate with margin percentages in rates. Again, you will need to consult the single digits. Knowing this with an accountant. Understand the Concept measure allows for concessions that The other tax issue is whether or of Profit Margin can be chalked up as a marketing or not to pay the “talent” as an employee Profit margin is an indicator of a public relations expense in high or as a contractor. Although it is not a company’s pricing policies and its margin situations. This measure can business’s choice but the nature of the ability to control costs. Because trans- also help to determine whether the work that ultimately determines this, lators and interpreters in essence are project, contract, or client is really our profession lends itself to this charging for time, either by the hour worth having. It is a fundamental option. In most cases, the benefits to or by the word, it is easy to forget to metric that should play a role in prac- the business of considering the perform this elemental business task. tically all decisions. For more infor- “talent” as a contractor far outweigh To calculate profit margin, first sub- mation, see the entry on Wikipedia at the benefits of being an employee. tract expenses from revenue (sales) to However, this option should also be determine net income. That number is margin. discussed with an accountant. then divided by the revenue. It is Although the above questions expressed as a percentage using the Productivity is Key should be addressed in every plan, simple formula: As simple and basic as this may there are many other questions that sound, time management is quite often the business plan can address, and PM= Net Income/Revenue one of the greatest obstacles to a suc- they will vary with every individual cessful business. When one is charging situation. Some examples of questions This calculation can be done for for time, nothing can be more impor- to ask include: individual projects as well as for the tant than managing that time wisely. business as a whole on a monthly or Successful planning and forecasting of quarterly basis. Things that can a project’s duration allow for maxi-

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More on what you need to know to start a business

ATA Business Practices Education Committee Business Smarts Online (Daily resource for entrepreneurs) practices/index.php (Compilation of the popular column in Internal Revenue Service The ATA Chronicle) IRS Publication 1779 “Contractor or Employee” (Official business link to the U.S. government managed by the Small Business Administration) Money BusinessWeek Small Business News default.mspx Profit Margins BusinessWeek BizCenter Small Business Tools Profit_margin QuickBooks Déjà Vu Small Business Administration Do-it-yourself Legal Sites writeabusinessplan/serv_bp_markanal.html Trados

mization of earnings and can both to check and answer e-mails remotely and www. create and maintain a healthy profit at any time. Simple accounting soft-, learning how to use margin. Utilization of basic technology ware such as Microsoft Money or a these tools should require no more than can be one way to streamline the basic edition of QuickBooks can sim- a basic understanding of a computer. process. E-mail and calendar programs plify your finances tremendously. All Additionally, sophisticated transla- like Outlook or Lotus Notes can help of these programs are relatively inex- tion software like Déjà Vu or Trados, with communication and schedule pensive and quite intuitive. With plenty for instance, can truly maximize your management. Blackberry devices, of tutorial software and instructional efficiency and consistency throughout iPhones, or a Pocket PC can allow you books on the market from sources like all of your projects. Keep in ¬

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The “Business” of Freelancing Continued

mind, however, that there will be a protection, but for all practical pur- may not work in very competitive learning curve, and since these pro- poses, contracts require litigation to be markets, and these strategies are not grams are not inexpensive, one should enforced. In an industry where time necessary in every case. Experience examine whether or not the type of literally is money, these types of situa- should teach when these types of pre- work that is being done merits the tions are time consuming and can take emptive tactics will be useful. No one investment of money and time. In any a bite out of productivity as well as the wants to scare off the client with cum- event, the key to productivity is time bottom line. One may be better served bersome prerequisites, but that should management and maximization. by borrowing common practices from be balanced against one’s billing his- tory and delinquency rates.

You Are Responsible for Your Success Although there is no one simple There are certain fundamental principles of small recipe for success in business, having a plan and understanding some basic businesses that can and should be applied for practical, concepts will greatly improve the odds. Always remember that whether economic, and legal reasons, even by freelancers. you own a translation or interpreting agency or you are a freelancer working alone out of your home, you are a business owner. When making decisions, it is important to be Whether one uses the tried and true other industries when requiring partial informed about the fundamentals of Day Runner or the latest cutting-edge payment to begin large projects or the business as well to be flexible and digital gadget, focusing on this con- when dealing with individuals rather patient in order to adapt to different cept is vital to any business’s success. than with companies. The concept of a situations. If possible, attend presenta- retainer is one that can also be imple- tions or workshops like the one this Be Preemptive in Order to mented. To use a retainer properly, one article is based on that are interactive Avoid Collection Issues should bill the client once the billable and teach basic business and entrepre- Although payment delinquency is services have reached approximately neurial skills. It will be these skills a fact of life in almost every industry, 70% of the retainer amount. In this that give us the proper mindset to be there are steps that one can take in our way, should the bill not be paid, the not just talented professionals, but also industry to head off possible prob- retainer would cover the time already successful and savvy business owners. lems. Entering into contracts with spent plus any billable services ren- clients can offer some semblance of dered after submitting the bill. This

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Translation Studies Certificate Programs

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Are you a freelance translator looking to improve your translation skills? Do you supervise or perform translations of documents and want to get to the next level? Are you bilingual and looking for a career in translation?

The Translation Studies Certifi cate program at the University of Chicago Graham School will move you from Level Two translation ability to Level Three or above.

Choose a course sequence focusing on: commercial, medical, or legal translation.

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Three days of coursework in Chicago, then eight weeks of assignments done on your own time. Fits into a busy lifestyle. Program format designed for those travelling from outside Chicago.

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How to Succeed Bubble as a Freelance Translator Windows The road to a successful translation business is often much harder than it has to be. In this guide to setting up shop, freelancer Corinne McKay offers lessons learned and shows you how to avoid the most common mistakes—from finding clients to collecting payment. This how-to is great for translators and interpreters just entering the field as well as for old hands who want to make NXT their businesses run better. How to Succeed as a Freelance Translator November 5-8, 2008 (members $20, nonmembers $30) is avail- American Translators Association able from ATA’s website. Look for the 49th Annual Conference online order form at Orlando, FL or call 703-683-6100.

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The cosmetic, toiletry, and fra- grance industry, frequently referred to Translating for the simply as the cosmetic industry, pro- duces personal care products that are considered everyday essentials. What Cosmetic Industry: follows serves as a brief introduction to translating technical material for this field. It covers common terminology An Introduction and provides definitions, resources, and reference materials. Although the By Karen M. Tkaczyk author translates from French into English, the information presented here will be useful for any translator working in the cosmetic field.

Areas of Interest For the technical translator, the most important areas of the cosmetic industry are:

• Laboratory and manufacturing processes (e.g., batch records, for- mulation, standard operating pro- cedures, packaging).

• Patents and regulatory affairs (e.g., labeling, litigation).

• Science (e.g., skin, hair, aging; emulsions, surfactants, dyes).

Typical texts for technical translators could deal with the following:

• A justification for the use of a cer- tain active ingredient in a sun- screen, its formulation, and protective effect on the skin.

• Manufacturing procedures for pro- ducing lipsticks on an industrial scale, then packaging them.

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• A patent application for a hair per- manent, complete with equations and chemical formulae. Translators need to understand the differences

• A label and insert for an anti-aging in the ways cosmetics, drugs, and soap are moisturizer that must comply with regulated in order to grasp the context rules governing the nature of the terms and claims used. in which their documents are framed. Industry Resources The following are important industry associations whose websites are generally excellent sources of SpecialChem Cosmetics these differences in order to grasp the wide-ranging background information: context in which their documents are (Contains information on formula- framed. Personal Care Products Council tion and ingredients.) Cosmetics (Formerly the Cosmetic, Toiletry, CosmeticsDesign In the U.S., the Food, Drug, and and Fragrance Association) Cosmetic Act [FD&C Act, sec. (This is a source for business news 201(i)] defines cosmetics as: European Cosmetics Association on cosmetics formulation and packaging in North America.) “Articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, Food and Drug Administration HBA Global Expo introduced into, or otherwise Center for Food Safety and Annual Health and Beauty America applied to the human body...for Applied Nutrition Trade Fair cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the (This is the place to go to find appearance.”1 La Fédération des Industries information on the largest product de la Parfumerie development event and education It is this intended use that is important, con fer ence for the personal care, and products that have two intended (This site contains links to other fragrance, wellness, and cosmetic uses are classified as both drugs and related French organizations.) industry.) cosmetics. A shampoo is a cosmetic because its intended use is to cleanse Society of Cosmetic Chemists the hair. An antidandruff treatment is a drug because its intended use is to 17&subcatid=527 treat dandruff. Consequently, an anti- Soap and Detergent Association (This site has links to many of the dandruff shampoo is both a cosmetic world’s large cosmetic companies, and a drug. Other examples include with flags showing the languages fluoride toothpaste, deodorants that Japan Cosmetic of each website) are also antiperspirants, and moistur- Industry Association izers and makeup marketed with sun Defining Cosmetics, protection claims. Drugs, and Soap Other useful industry sites include: There are differences in the ways Over-the-counter Drugs cosmetics, drugs, and soap are regu- Many products that are commonly lated. Translators working in the cos- referred to as cosmetics or toiletries metic industry need to understand are in fact over-the-counter (OTC) ¬

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Translating for the Cosmetic Industry: An Introduction Continued

drugs, that is, drugs sold without a ered to be ‘generally recognized as lished in the OTC sunscreen mono- prescription. The Food and Drug safe and effective’ (GRASE), and graph for formulation, labeling, Administration (FDA) website, and does not require specific FDA and testing.”2 particularly the Center for Drug approval before marketing. For Evaluation and Research (CDER), example, OTC sunscreen drug Soap provides a detailed explanation of the products can be legally marketed if Soap is a special case. Not every criteria and process for marketing they contain ingredients which product marketed as soap meets the OTC drugs. Some relevant links for comply with the standards estab- official definition of the term. The these types of drugs from the FDA and CDER include:

FDA Center for Drug and Evaluation and Research Office of Nonprescription Products default.htm Navigating the

FDA Frequently Asked Questions Cosmetic Industry on the Regulatory Process of OTC Drugs EU Cosmetics Directive OTC_FAQ.htm FDA Center for Devices and consolidated_dir.htm Radiological Health U.S. Food and Drug Administration cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm? FR=201.66 (This site contains information on Japan’s Pharmaceutical Affairs Law labeling.)

In this area, it is important to under- Comparison of FDA and EU Regulations from stand monographs, which specify active the Consumer’s Point of View ingredients for OTC drugs. Monographs are different from new drug applications u.s.-and-eu-cosmetic-regulation-similarities.html (NDAs), which are required for pre- scription drugs. The CDER explains the Cosmetic Ingredient Review distinction as follows:

“Legal marketing is in compliance Cosmetics & Toiletries with an OTC drug monograph. Unlike NDAs, which are based on drug products, monographs specify The Beauty Brains the active ingredients that can be contained within OTC drug prod- (A humorous blog: cosmetic scientists answer readers’ questions.) ucts. An OTC drug product con- taining ingredients that comply with standards established in an applicable monograph is consid-

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FDA interprets the term “soap” to apply only when: The three most important markets for the “The bulk of the nonvolatile matter cosmetic industry are the European Union, in the product consists of an alkali salt of fatty acids and the product’s the U.S., and Japan. detergent properties are due to the alkali-fatty acid compounds,” and “the product is labeled, sold, and represented solely as soap.”3 which were provided earlier in this for the cosmetic industry. Regulatory Bodies article. In the EU, the important The three most important markets resource is the Cosmetics Directive, Notes for the cosmetic industry are the which can be found in 19 languages at 1. U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic European Union (EU), the U.S., and Act, sec. 201(i) Japan. Although there are moves to consolidated_dir.htm. The “Annexes” standardize regulations worldwide— included at this site are very useful. fdcact1.htm Japan, in particular, used to have sub- This website also contains a very stantially different rules from the EU informative table comparing FDA and 2. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and the FDA—fundamental differences EU regulations from the consumer’s and Research, Regulatory Mech- still remain in terms of permitted effi- point of view (visit anisms for Marketing OTC Drug cacy and marketing claims, as well as Products ingredients on the positive list (the list eu-cosmetic-regulation-similari- of permitted ingredients). As a result, ties.html). reg_mechanisms.htm familiarity with the statutes and regula- tory bodies governing these key mar- Know the Industry 3. FDA Center for Drug Evaluation kets can be very useful for translators Familiarity with basic product cat- and Research, Center for Food practicing in the cosmetic field. egories, key markets, and regulatory Safety and Applied Nutrition [21 In Japan, the cosmetic industry is environments is important in under- CFR 701.20] governed by the Pharmaceutical standing the worldwide cosmetic Affairs Law ( industry. Translators will find these cos-218.html english/houseido/hou/lh_02070.html). core concepts very useful as a basis The U.S. cosmetic industry is regu- for tackling the more detailed tech- lated by the FDA, relevant links for nical problems common to translation

Stay in Touch with ATA’s Divisions Dual ATA’s 15 professional-interest divisions provide specialty- and language-specific information to assist their members in today’s Fuzzy competitive marketplace. They offer a wide variety of benefits and services, all organized by division volunteers. So, what are ATA Divisions up to now? For the latest news and events, visit

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The Translator’s Binoculars, Part II: Desktop Search Tools and How They Can be Used to Search Reference Texts By Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes

occurrences of the search term with a your hard drive and give the indices In Part I of this article in the few words of context to each side. names. This is very good for people August issue, I described several Clicking on the “Switch List” button who share their computer or use it for corpus tools that can be used by lin- at the bottom shows the same list, but both work and other purposes. Note, guists to search monolingual refer- with full path information for each file however, that Archivarius has an ence texts. This month, I will discuss instead of context. The right panel, a index size limit of 1.5G that may not various desktop search tools that were preview pane, shows much more con- let you create one index of your entire not created specifically for linguists, text for the occurrence selected on the hard drive, though you can create but can be used to search reference left. Note that the context is shown as many indices and search them all texts with differing degrees of ease. Desktop search tools usually create an index of the contents of all the words in files on your computer. Generally, only unformatted text is stored in the index to speed access Desktop search tools usually create an when searching. LogiTerm, men- index of the contents of all the words in tioned in Part I of this article, also indexes files in this way. files on your computer. Archivarius 3000 I downloaded Archivarius for the first time in order to review it, and now I cannot imagine how I lived simple text with no formatting. To simultaneously. Note that 1.5G is the without it. With eight years of files on open the original file, click on the size limit on the index, which contains my hard drives, finding an old file “Open file” button in the lower left. only text without formatting or used to be impossible, and both One nice feature is the ability to search images, so the size of the indexed files Archivarius and Copernic, discussed within the preview pane without would be much greater. below, are great at finding files con- having to open the original file (note Archivarius includes morphological taining specific words. the navigation buttons at the top of the searches for many languages and A search on “evapotranspiration” in right pane). You can even search for a indexes mailboxes for many e-mail for- my monolingual reference files on my different word inside the text version mats besides Outlook, including hard drive is shown in Figure 1 on of the file in the right pane. PocoMail, Barca, Netscape, and page 33. The left panel shows several You can index different parts of Thunderbird. ¬

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Figure 1: Archivarius Search Results Window

Figure 2: Copernic Desktop Search 2 Search Results Window

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The Translator’s Binoculars, Part II: Desktop Search Tools and How They Can be Used to Search Reference Texts Continued

indexes and searches all hard drives, Figure 3: Search Results Window and as a result, it often shows me sev- eral versions of a file: the original and several zipped backup copies. It shows both full path information and a bit of context around the search term. (See Figure 3.) Clicking on the entry opens the original file. It also seems to index only Outlook mail messages and contacts, and not those of other e-mail programs. Google desktop puts a search field on your Windows Start bar for easy access.

Grep Grep is a Unix Copernic Desktop Search 2 Unfortunately, on my computer, utility which is built-in on Linux sys- Copernic is a free desktop search Copernic hangs (sometimes for sev- tems. Unlike the other tools described program that many readers may eral minutes) when trying to preview above, it does not index files in already use. It classifies files by types large Excel files and certain other file advance, but rather searches through and lets you search just in e-mail (but types. There is no way to open a file them on the fly when a search is per- only ) or just in through the program without pre- formed. The command “grep” is documents, for example. Its interface viewing it first, and context can only typed on the command line followed is very clean and intuitive. Unlike be seen in the preview window. by the search term and the files and/or Archivarius, you cannot create more Copernic does have a Corporate directories to be searched. Figure 4 than one index. The program allows Edition that appears to allow cus- shows an example where the file some special folders and drives to be tomization of the directories to be names in which the search term was excluded from the index, but is inflex- searched, in addition to other features found are in purple and the search ible. I back up files on my D drive to like company network searching. I did term itself is in red. Note that when a my C drive nightly, and I must not have time to try it, but the infor- word appears more than once in a file exclude my entire C drive if I do not mation on the website does not lead each occurrence is shown with its want two copies of every file to me to believe that its interface is dif- context on a separate line. This makes appear in search results. ferent from that of the free version. it more like AntConc and TextSTAT, Copernic’s search results window which I described in the first part of is similar to that of Archivarius, but it Google Desktop this article, than the desktop search uses a viewer to open the original file Google desktop is the least flexible tools described above. Grep can only in the preview pane and highlights the of the most common desktop search search text and text-like files. search term. (See Figure 2 on page tools and has almost no settings. It There is a version of Grep for 33.) Archivarius is better for the lin- guist because it gives you a bit of con- text in the left pane so you can Figure 4: Grep Command and Sample Results on Linux System quickly scroll through the results, whereas Copernic provides no context except in the preview pane. In prompt> grep Kalman *.tex mybib.bib —color Copernic, you cannot search for bertsekas-rhodes-TAC71.tex:A solução para o primeiro caso é o filtro de Kalman habitual. another word in the preview pane, mybib.bib:keywords={ Kalman filters, asymptotic stability, control nonlinearities, though you can scroll through the file. mybib.bib:title={On the identification of variances and adaptive Kalman filtering}, The original file can be opened by clicking on the Open button.

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Figure 5: Windows Grep Search Results Window

Windows unimaginatively called Windows Grep. It is similar to the original Unix version, but with a The best program for you depends on how and Windows interface. Figure 5 shows the results of a search on “evapotrans- where you store data on your computer, piration” in the same files searched in and which operating system you use. Figure 1 on page 33. The first thing I noticed was how long the program took to search the files, since it does not create an index in advance. The second thing I noticed was the inclu- text in the lower pane. Only text and desktop search utility. Since I do not sion of some legal documents in the text-like files can be searched. have a Macintosh, I cannot say much results list that do not actually contain about it, but a screenshot provided by the search term. Clicking on a file Spotlight a colleague is shown in Figure 6 on name shows the search term and con- Spotlight is the built-in Macintosh page 36. Clicking on the file ¬

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The Translator’s Binoculars, Part II: Desktop Search Tools and How They Can be Used to Search Reference Texts Continued

name opens the original file. Unfortunately, it does not show the Figure 6: Spotlight Search Results Window context of the search word, just the name of the file in which it occurs.

Windows Search 4.0 4.0 is made by Microsoft and can be downloaded free from the Microsoft site. Why in the world was it not built into the XP operating system!? This program or something similar to it is included in Microsoft Vista. The program places a search field on the Windows Start bar, and the results window looks suspiciously like the Spotlight window shown in Figure 6. This window can be enlarged to show a preview pane, but the search term is not highlighted and is not necessarily visible in the pane. There are also no navigation tools to search in the pre- view pane, just a scrollbar.

Indexing Some people do not like desktop search programs because they con- stantly index in the background and slow down your computer. Some pro- grams only index when the computer is idle, while Archivarius allows you to schedule indexing. LogiTerm, men- tioned in Part I of this article in the August issue, indexes only when you choose Index from the menu. Grep and Windows Grep do not index at all, and thus take longer to search files. As I write this, I have Archivarius, Copernic, Google Desktop, and Windows Search installed simultane- ously, and I have not noticed my com- puter slowing down.

Parting Thoughts The best program for you depends on how and where you store data on your computer, and which operating system you use. If you use Windows,

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Summary of Programs Evaluated in Part II

Program Cost Platform

Archivarius 3000 EUR 29.95 (about $47.00) Windows Copernic Home Edition is free, Corporate Edition is $59.95 Windows (about EUR 38.00) Google Desktop Free Windows, Linux, and Mac Grep Part of operating system Linux Spotlight Part of operating system Mac Windows Grep Free Windows Windows Search Free Windows

I would recommend Archivarius for References desktop searching because it is the Archivarius 3000 Windows Grep 2.3 most flexible and provides the output format most similar to that of the corpus tools described in the first part Copernic Desktop Search 2 (Home Windows Search 4.0 of this article in August. I usually use Edition) AntConc and LogiTerm (see Part I) to products/winfamily/desktop search reference files in my reference search/default.mspx file folders, but Archivarius allows me Google Desktop to search all files in all data folders.

What’s New on ATA’s Website?

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Business Smarts August 2008

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ATA/Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters Court Interpreting Seminar By Eric Vidoni The Court Interpreting Seminar, a professional development opportu- nity co-hosted by ATA and the Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters on June 21-22 at the Embassy Suites O’Hare in Chicago, Illinois, was without a doubt an “ear- opening experience.” This two-day event featured four guest speakers and attracted attendees from all over the country.

Retention Enhancement for Consecutive Interpreters Janis Palma, a federally certified interpreter for the U.S. District Court for the District of Puerto Rico, was the first speaker on the program. Her presentation on retention techniques for consecutive interpreters began with a brief overview of the inter- preter’s work ethics and environment. Her main message was that to excel as an interpreter, you have to identify with the speaker. Palma mentioned a short list of spe- cific and practical keys for a successful consecutive interpreting session:

• Create images to accompany the verbal information that the brain is processing to help you grasp the message more clearly and ascertain its meaning.

• Relate to how the speaker is com- municating the information: stay with the story and focus on the speaker’s feelings.

• Focus on the actual message.

• Maintain the pauses, inflection, and intonation of the speaker.

• Forget all distractions in the court- room: look at your note pad.

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• Do not sabotage yourself: thinking about forgetting will make you forget. To excel as an interpreter, you have to put

• Do not isolate the words; keep yourself in the speaker’s shoes. them in context.

• Do your homework. Memory and Notes Palma talked about the importance After the break, Palma presented • Do not be stingy with the paper. of advanced preparation in aiding the the “seven chunks of information court interpreter. Interpreters should theory” and discussed different ways • Write down the exact words you have a thorough understanding of the to help retain information. According heard and do not change the legal process. This includes court- to this theory, our brains are capable language. room procedure, such as the typical of storing an average of seven units of questions that are likely to be asked information. As a way of improving • Underline or circle inflected and during the session (e.g., “How close memory capability, Palma suggested stressed words. were you to the defendant?” or “How that instead of remembering isolated did you come to learn about this?”). words, we should try to group words • Use the easiest abbreviations. Having these commonplace utter- together that have strong associations ances already “prepackaged” in your with one another. This memory • Do not get lost in your notes. head will help smooth the wrinkles in training technique is also known as your performance, freeing up your chunking. For example, while Palma followed her talk with an mind to focus on the more important recalling a mobile phone number such exhaustive and useful retention information. On a similar note, Palma as 9849523450, we might break this enhancement exercise in which sev- discussed elocution, stressing that the into 98 495 234 50. Thus, instead of eral attendees where asked to partici- concept of what is being expressed is remembering 10 separate digits, pate. She started with one sentence more important than the words. For which would stretch our short-term and asked a person to repeat it. She example, se me vino el mundo encima memory capacity, we only need to then added an extra sentence to the should be rendered as “this is the end remember four groups of numbers. As previous one and asked another of the world,” rather than “the world another example, if the speaker starts person to repeat the whole passage. crumbled upon me.” off a sentence with “The cherry red The process went on until a long para- Another aspect of preparing ahead, sports car with dark tinted win- graph made of eight sentences had to as Palma noted, is to familiarize your- dows…,” instead of taking in every be repeated. Even though there were self with the parties involved in the single word as a unit (and thus, run- different levels of expertise among case by reviewing the file record and ning out of memory), visualize the the participants, the exercise proved taking note of the names, dates, and “car” along with its identifying char- to be practical (it was done in English other case-specific information. acteristics as a whole concept. only) and valuable, since it tied in all (Please keep in mind that attaining Grouping like items together will free the elements and techniques that had this kind of information is not always up more memory and allow you to been discussed earlier in the presenta- possible and varies according to each focus on the units of information that tion. After a round of questions and court.) Several attendees agreed with will follow in the rest of the sentence. answers, Palma closed the presenta- this suggestion, including a certified Palma stressed that note taking is tion with words of encouragement for interpreter from Greeley, Colorado, key for consecutive interpreting. the attendees and provided a packet who recognized and praised the help However, she pointed out that inter- with several memory retention and of the court staff where she has preters should not rely on their notes note taking exercises. worked in providing her with case alone, but rather use them as a comple- information ahead of time. mentary tool to perform their job. Here Simultaneous Interpreting are few tips for effective note taking: Following a relaxing lunch, the ¬

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ATA/Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters Court Interpreting Seminar Continued

afternoon session ensued with a presen- Are You Good Enough? ments in oral delivery. The practice tation covering advanced simultaneous Marty discussed the importance of logs included the type of exercise interpreting techniques offered by sharpening your skills as an inter- (such as condensing), the type of text María Cecilia Marty, a federally certi- preter, emphasizing that practice is being interpreted (jury instructions fied interpreter and translator. the only way to improve. Setting aside regarding various kinds of evidence), The presentation began with a quick just five minutes per day to work on the area of improvement (vocabu- review of the different interpreting an aspect of your interpreting per- lary), and the self-evaluations (before modes, such as simultaneous, consecu- formance that needs improvement and after listening to the recording).

Do You Have an Accent? Marty emphasized the interpreter’s Setting aside just five minutes per day to work on an accent. Since interpreting is a profes- sion that spans the globe, accents are aspect of your interpreting performance that needs frequently present in this field. Although a neutral accent is always improvement will help tremendously. preferred because it is easier to under- stand, Marty explained that it is acceptable for an interpreter to retain an accent during his or her delivery tive, and sight translation. Simultaneous will help tremendously. Here are a provided that it does not create a dis- interpreting is actually a misnomer, in few aspects of delivery to keep in traction or a communication barrier. that the word simultaneous suggests mind as you practice: As with the morning presentation, that the interpreter is interpreting a mes- Marty concluded with a round of sage as he or she hears it. In fact, there Diction: Do not take shortcuts; pro- questions and answers. is a delay between the moment the nounce every sound of each word interpreter hears a thought and the in the sentence. Sight Translation moment he or she renders that thought On Sunday, certified interpreter into the target language, because it takes Speed: Begin slowly; as you Patricia González Maraña discussed time to understand the original message progress, increase your speed. how to practice sight translation as a and generate a target-language rendition springboard for simultaneous inter- of it. Meanwhile, the speaker goes on to Pitch: Project your voice so that preting. She explained that translators the next thought, so the interpreter must everyone in the room can hear you. and interpreters who are new to the generate the target-language version of profession often find it hard to transi- the first thought while processing the Stress: Make sure the right syllable is tion from written translation or con- speaker’s second thought, and so on. being stressed. secutive interpreting to the more Marty explained that this delay is demanding mode of simultaneous known as décalage, from the French During the session, Marty made interpreting. Furthermore, seasoned word for time lag. The longer the inter- good use of several tongue twisters to professionals may face the challenge preter is able to wait before beginning demonstrate how to develop your of delivering a smooth rendition when the target-language version, the more skills. She started slowly, deliberately sight translating more complex texts. information he or she will have and the pronouncing every sound within each After mentioning the use of sight more accurate the target-language ver- word: “Peter Piper picked a peck of translation in court, González Maraña sion will be. Marty cautioned that each pickled peppers….” She then sped up asked attendees if they could read and interpreter should know his or her com- her delivery while still emphasizing translate at the same time. After fort zone in order to avoid getting every sound. Marty explained that it is receiving a few puzzled looks, she caught too far behind the speaker. This immensely helpful for interpreters to explained that it is in fact possible and will help minimize the risk of informa- record and listen to their delivery, and that the same variables that apply to tion getting lost in the interpretation. provided attendees with a sample log simultaneous interpreting are also found sheet as a means of tracking improve- in sight translation. To demonstrate this,

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Resources for she proposed the following technique: Court Interpreters Deverbalize: Focus on ideas and con- cepts and the words will follow. Federal Court Interpreter National Association of Judiciary Certification Examination Program Interpreters and Translators Anticipate: Start activating your long-term memory with words you may have to use. interp/fcice_exam/index.htm National Center for State Courts Scan: Speed read for key words. Federal Court Terminology ResourceGuide.asp?topic=CtInte Produce: Fill in the blanks (“sight- closing”). Federal Interpreter, Translator, U.S. Courts Case Management and Training Services Electronic Case Files As an exercise, González Maraña provided attendees with an Advisement of Rights, a document frequently used during trials. She U.S. District Court for the asked attendees to think about words Juvenile Court/Child Welfare District of Puerto Rico that are frequently encountered in this type of document and to scan quickly for them. When asked to read the doc- ument (which had a number of words intentionally left out), attendees were able to fill in the blanks with relative ease. A simple scan for key words and standing the legal system is essential Alexandra Wirth lists a few of the termi- concepts combined with the anticipa- to becoming a good interpreter. nological differences between adult and tion of the words that would likely Although sometimes incorrectly juvenile court. Please see Figure 2 on appear in such a document had acti- regarded as a lesser responsibility, page 20. vated their long-term memory, interpreting in juvenile courts is often allowing attendees to plug in all the nerve-racking and extremely stressful Final Thoughts missing words. These exercises due to the age of the participants (chil- Overall, the two-day seminar helped equip participants with the dren and teens), the nature of the proved to be particularly insightful in self-study tools needed to transition issues being treated, and the life-long terms of the information covered, and from translation or consecutive inter- consequences stemming from the case provided useful techniques to become preting to simultaneous interpreting. results (such as the termination of a better interpreter. The featured The tools provided by the speaker parental rights). speakers showed a clear under- also assisted experienced profes- Wirth explained that with more par- standing of the subject and were able sionals in honing their skills to ticipants required to be present in the to transmit the content so that atten- improve their performance in the courtroom (such as the guardian ad dees could immediately relate to it. In sight translation or simultaneous litem, the court appointed special advo- addition, attendees were given ample modes. cate, and the social worker), juvenile opportunity to meet with the speakers, court proceedings can add another layer network, and share their experiences Interpreting in the Juvenile Courts of difficulty for the inexperienced inter- with colleagues. The last session of the weekend preter. She then shared some examples was presented by Alexandra Wirth, a of how adult and juvenile courts use dif- American Translators Association certified court interpreter, who spoke ferent terminology to express the same 49th Annual Conference about interpreting in juvenile or concept. In her article in this issue, family court. Wirth noted that under- “Interpreting in Juvenile Court,”

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Division membership is included in your ATA annual dues. Visit to join any or all ATA divisions without additional fees.

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Visit the ATA Calendar Online for a more comprehensive look at upcoming events. Upcoming Events

October 10-12, 2008 October 29-31, 2008 December 8-12, 2008 International Medical Languages and the Media Localization Industry Interpreters Association 7th International Conference and Standards Association 2008 International Conference on Exhibition Forum Europe 2008 Medical Interpreting Berlin, Germany "The Business Impact of Operating Boston, MA Without Standards" Dublin, Ireland November 5-8, 2008 October 15-18, 2008 American Translators Association American Literary Translators Association 49th Annual Conference December 27-30, 2008 31st Annual Conference Orlando, FL American Assn of Teachers of Minneapolis, MN Slavic & Eastern European Languages Annual Conference November 21-23, 2008 San Francisco, CA October 17-18, 2008 American Council on the Teaching of International Translation Foreign Languages Conference on Health Sciences 2008 Convention and December 27-30, 2008 Lisbon, Portugal World Languages Expo Modern Language Association Orlando, FL 124th Annual Convention conf-med/index.htm San Francisco, CA October 18-19, 2008 November 29-30, 2008 Colorado Translators Association Organización Mexicana de Traductores March 13-15, 2009 Trados Workshop XII International Congress of Translation Mid-America Chapter of ATA Westminster, CO and Interpretation 2009 Symposium San Jerónimo 2008 Overland Park, KS Guadalajara, Mexico October 21-25, 2008 Association for Machine May 13-16, 2009 Translation in the Americas December 4-7, 2008 Association of Language Companies 8th Biennial AMTA Conference National University of Singapore 7th Annual Conference Waikiki, HI Centre for Language Studies Austin, TX 3rd International Conference Singapore October 23-25, 2008 May 15-17, 2009 American Medical Writers Association National Association of Judiciary 68th Annual Conference Interpreters and Translators Setting the Pace 30th Annual Conference Louisville, KY Scottsdale, AZ

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Business Smarts Targeting Your Résumé

An informative and concise prefer a concise format that fits on a puter directory where each version is résumé can do much to attract busi- single page, and are interested in easy to find. To give an example, a ness. This column shares advice on finding out exactly what your lan- “medical” version of a freelance creating and maintaining a folder of guage background is, including your résumé would focus on past experi- specifically targeted résumés that are education, international experience, ence translating in the medical field, ready to send out upon request. and certifications. Translation agen- highlighting project data such as “50- cies additionally want to know about page manual, pacemaker equipment, Dear Business Smarts, your computer equipment and com- English into Spanish.” This same ver- As a newcomer to self-employ- puter-aided translation tools. If you sion of the résumé might also mention ment in translation and interpreting, I also provide a brief description of past membership in ATA’s Medical have a question about the appropriate projects and names of references, Division, attendance at specific work- format of my résumé. I am currently keep in mind that you may still be shops, or other related experience. using my general résumé, which high- bound by confidentiality agreements This document can be sent out lights my past work experience and and cannot disclose, without permis- promptly in response to a project educational background. When sion, the identity of specific end- inquiry about medical material. A prospective clients ask for my résumé, clients for whom you worked through slightly modified version, containing is that what they are looking for, or an agency. It is acceptable to state that different work experience and refer- should I focus on translation experi- you worked for Agency ABC, but not ences, can be saved, for example, as ence? This is a little more difficult in that you worked through them for your “pharmaceutical” résumé. This my case because I just started out. Fortune449 Inc. We also advise approach saves time in the long run, Any advice? asking for permission before you list and helps you provide the specific Pilar S., by e-mail anyone’s name as a reference. information project managers are It is absolutely imperative to go looking for. The only drawback to this Dear Pilar, over every detail of your résumé with method is that you have to keep mul- For maximum effectiveness, your great care. Spelling errors make a bad tiple documents updated, since an résumé should focus exclusively on impression, of course, but so do assignment you did two or three years your translation and interpreting sloppy formatting, missing commas, ago is not necessarily an indication of background. Past work experience or font discrepancies, and they can your current capabilities. should be listed only if it has a direct lead to instant rejection of your appli- Another approach is to maintain connection to your area of specialty cation. Print out a copy of your draft your electronic résumé files in both or current translation work. This and carefully review every aspect of English and foreign-language ver- means that the résumé templates pro- the document, possibly enlisting the sions. Whether this is worthwhile vided in many software packages are help of another person. depends on your typical client profile not helpful, or need to be adapted in Many seasoned translators prepare and marketing approach, but the dual- order to produce an effective free- several electronic versions of their language strategy can once again save lancer’s résumé. résumé and keep them up to date on time when an immediate response to Most project managers and their computer. We recommend set- an inquiry is needed. recruiters at translation companies ting up a separate folder in your com-

Comments? The information in this column was compiled by members of ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee for the benefit of ATA members. This column is not intended to ATA members can discuss business issues online constitute legal, financial, or other business advice. Each individual or company should at the following Yahoo! group: make its own independent business decisions and consult its own legal, financial, or other advisors as appropriate. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of group/ata_business_practices. You will ATA or its Board of Directors. Send your questions about the business of translation need to register with Yahoo! (at no charge) if and interpreting to The ATA Chronicle—BPEC Q&A, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, you have not already done so, and provide your Alexandria, VA 22314 USA; Fax: +1-703-683-6122; E-mail: full name and ATA member number in order to [email protected]. Questions must be accompanied by a complete name join the group. and address, but will be published anonymously or pseudonymously upon request.

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The GeekSpeak column has two goals: to inform the community GeekSpeak Jost Zetzsche about technological advances and at the same time encourage [email protected] the use and appreciation of technology among translation pro- fessionals. Jost also publishes a free technical newsletter for translators ( As Iron Sharpens Iron…

I have recently worked on a I know that for some of you, I have well, that is because it is not easy to number of projects that have made me already raised your hackles, but I implement technology quickly that realize once again how much our pro- really think that language technology someone else spent years developing. fession is changing. needs to take the next jump in the But as I was saying that I felt even One project illustrated that in par- commercial applications that most of more stupid because that is really not ticular. It was a project with 15,000 or us are working in. It is a shame that what it is. I certainly do not have the so words—or maybe I should say it some advanced technology exists but complete answer, but I think part of it was a project with 15,000 or so words is not yet readily available for most of is that often developers live in a or so, since I really did not translate us. For instance, I am talking about slightly different world from the prac- many “words” at all. Instead, it was better confluences of machine transla- titioners, that is, the translators. And if actually just managing language tion and translation memory, maybe they have come up with a couple of chunks that were all in the translation through Google Translate as presently good features, as they all have, they memory (TM) and termbase. All I included in Lingotek, or maybe tend to get stuck with them instead of needed to do for the entire project was through some of the partnerships going on a truly never-ending quest to rearrange and newly arrange. I am between translation memory and for the ever-more-sharpened tool. not really complaining—it was a well- machine translation vendors such as And though it is always easy to paid project—and it certainly was not the one between Across and Language blame the tool vendors, the ball the first project of its kind on which I Weaver. We need more advanced should end up in our—the users’— have worked. But more than ever “chunk replacement techniques” and court. It is up to us to demand those before it got me thinking: Where is the paths of communication between TMs missing features and, if our particular line between translation and “lan- and termbases as they are used in Déjà tool vendor does not listen, either to guage management?” And while “lan- Vu’s EBMT feature or Heartsom’s take our business elsewhere or (and guage management” still sounds fairly Quick Translation and Swordfish’s this is where it becomes really hairy lofty, activities like this should prob- Auto-Translation. What we also need and demanding) to join one of the ably more appropriately be termed is better sub-segmentation processes. ongoing open-source projects. “language chunk management.” For those features, Multitrans or These truly sharpened tools, filed Obviously I do not mean to com- MemoQ have an advantage over other by the friction of iron upon iron, user plain about the rise of language tech- tools. We need ready-made access to upon developer, real life experience nology and how it has changed our online TMs, and not just for corporate and requirements upon theoretical profession. There is no doubt that it tools—sort of what Wordfast offers foundations, are not pie in the sky. We has. What I really wonder is this: Are with its VLTM technology. And the need them. Let’s work together to we caught between a technology that list could go on and on. sharpen them into reality. allows us to work much more profi- The other day, I was introducing a ciently by taking away so much of group of folks to translation tech- the repetitiveness and brainlessness nology, and they asked me why no that we used to get frustrated with, one has ever come up with the idea of but which is still not good enough to taking all these good things and com- automate the last missing repetitive bining them into one tool. I did not pieces? want to look really stupid so I said, Fuzzy Term Take Advantage of ATA’s Member Benefits Organization of American States Staff Federal Credit Union For additional information:

The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 45 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:47 PM Page 46

Send your news to Jeff Sanfacon at [email protected] or American Translators Association, 225 Member News Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314.

• The following language services Iverson Language Associates The Inc. 5,000 list represents com- providers have been named among (Milwaukee, WI) panies that have had significant rev- the 5,000 fastest growing private enue growth over three consecutive companies in the U.S. by Inc. mag- JTG inc. years, are independent and privately azine. (Vienna, VA) held, and are based in the United States. CETRA, Inc. Language Services Associates (Elkins Park, PA) (Willow Grove, PA) • Laura A. Wideburg received ForeWord Magazine’s 2007 Book of Dynamic Language Center LinguaLinx, Inc. the Year Award for Translation for (Seattle, WA) (Schenectady, NY) her translation of Inger Frimansson’s novel, Good Night, My Darling Eriksen Translations New-Global Translations (Caravel Books). (Brooklyn, NY) (New York, NY)

Geneva Worldwide, Inc. Sajan, Inc.

(New York, NY) (River Falls, WI) ^ ‘

In Memoriam | Dr. Marijan A. Boskovic 1939-2008 ^ Dr. Marijan A. Boskovic,´ who was instrumental in adding Croatian to ATA’s Certification Program, passed away on August 6, 2008. Born in 1939 in Zagreb, Croatia, Marijan began his translating and interpreting career in his native country in the 1960s. He translated Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Russian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian into English, and these languages plus Italian, German, and Polish into Croatian. Marijan became an active member of ATA in 1978. He served as language chair for the English into Croatian language pair from its inception in 2004 until 2006. A Fulbright Scholar, Marijan was one of the first Croatians to attain an advanced degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he studied food science and technology. He worked at Kraft Foods as a principal scientist, and was awarded a patent for his research on flavor encapsulation. He was an emeritus member of both the American Chemical Society and the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), and co-founded a chapter of IFT. He retired in 2004. For all Marijan’s education and experience, he was unpretentious. He was rigorous and disciplined but loved a joke, and he embraced his friends and ATA colleagues with enthusiasm and devotion. Everyone who knew Marijan will miss his curiosity, his kindness, and his zest for life. Remembrances will appear in the October issue of Translation Journal ( and in a future issue of SlavFile, the newsletter of ATA’s Slavic Languages Division. —Paula Gordon

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ATA Certification Exam Information All candidates applying for ATA certification must Upcoming Exams provide proof that they meet the certification program eligibility requirements. Please direct all inquiries regarding general certification information to ATA Florida Headquarters at +1-703-683-6100. Registration for Orlando all certification exams should be made through ATA November 8, 2008 Headquarters. All sittings have a maximum capacity Registration Deadline: and admission is based on the order in which October 24, 2008 registrations are received. Forms are available from ATA’s website or from Headquarters.

New Certified Members Congratulations! The following people have successfully passed ATA’s certification exam:

English into Chinese English into Russian Spanish into English Samson Wong Elena Lyness Piers Armstrong San Francisco, CA Astoria, NY Los Angeles, CA

English into Croatian Croatian into English Rose A. Berbeo Venice, CA Jasenka Tezak-Stefanic Rudolf Vedo Culver, IN Rockford, IL

Active and Corresponding Membership Review Congratulations! The Active Membership Review Committee is pleased to grant active or corresponding status to:

Active Corresponding Nelly Chadi Aguillier Juan Chen San Pedro, CA Jiangsu, China Abigail L. Dahlberg Roles Kansas City, MO

Michael J. Engley Louisville, KY

Ke L. Liang Mishawaka, IN

The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 47 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:47 PM Page 48

Success by Association Association of Translators and Interpreters in the San Diego Area

• Established: 2008 • Association of Translators and The Association of Translators Quick • Website: Interpreters in the San Diego Area and Interpreters in the San Diego Area 3525 Del Mar Heights Road (ATISDA) is an independent nonprofit • E-mail: #610 organization devoted to bridging lan- Facts [email protected] San Diego, CA 92130 guages and cultures one translation at a time. Formally established in January 2008, ATISDA is an interdisciplinary network of translators and interpreters seeking to represent the profession as a and government agencies in the local • Educational workshops and whole, with an emphasis on both bilin- and international community. networking events. gual and bicultural translation and inter- preting studies and their evolution as an • Fostering ties with allied • ATISDA Newsletter, a quarterly emerging discipline. organizations. electronic publication.

Mission • Encouraging the improvement of Additional Information ATISDA’s mission is to serve mem- professional standards and ethics, For complete information on what bers through education, networking, practices, and competence among ATISDA has to offer, please visit its and the promotion of the translation and translators and interpreters. website at interpreting professions, while pro- viding a lively platform for debate, the Benefits sharing of knowledge, and the coordi- • Voting rights. nation of different translation-related activities, conferences, and publica- • Profile in the online directory. ATA’s chapters and its affiliates, along with other groups, serve translators and tions. ATISDA’s other goals include: interpreters, providing them with • ATISDA Google Group, a discus- industry information, networking oppor- • Conducting research in the field, sion forum where important infor- tunities, and support services. This offering consulting services, and mation is posted about the industry column is designed to serve as a quick facilitating contacts between the and the association, and where resource highlighting the valuable con- profession and potential clients. members share professional tributions these organizations are resources. making to the profession. • Providing language resources to indi- viduals, businesses, organizations,

ATA Translation Earnings Calculator Calculate Your Potential Earnings

How much should you charge for your work? This is a great question! When it comes to rates, most translators and interpreters would like to know that they are in the same ballpark as everyone else, and newcomers just want to know what the ballpark is. The best answer? You have to find out how much money you need to earn, and then figure out how much work it takes to earn it. Check out ATA’s Earnings Calculator at

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The Onionskin offers a behind-the-scenes look at translations in the public domain—kudos The Onionskin Chris Durban for best practice and advice for perpetrators [email protected] who could surely do better. Comments and leads for future columns are welcome (please include full contact details). Kultur automatik in Culture Contact: [email protected]. on the Rocks in France “Me Tarzan, you Christine lions of words were involved, via sev- English are particularly well served Albanel,” crowed the French opposi- eral hundred sub-sites. “We simply given the availability of bilingual pro- tion weekly newspaper Charlie- haven’t got the budget,” a technical ceedings of the European Parliament Hebdo, taking the country’s adviser lamented, who nonetheless and Canada’s Hansard, notes specialist eponymous minister of culture to task specified that the computer-generated Terence Lewis. The same is not true in early June. Blogs at highbrow Le texts would carry a “warning.” for translations from French into the Monde and Le Nouvel Observateur Not good enough, said two of the other foreign languages targeted by agreed. Language was the issue, more country’s translator associations, the Ms. Albanel’s team. The German, specifically what commentators Société Française des Traducteurs Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, described as a misguided effort to (SFT) and the Association des Dutch, and Polish versions will thus be “appear multilingual” in the run-up to Traducteurs Littéraires de France even worse than the English-to-French France’s six-month presidency of the (ATLF), who eschewed indignation in text the French media poked fun at. European Union, which started July 1. favor of an informative joint letter As this Onionskin went to press, The articles followed a call for underscoring the pitfalls of this there was still no official response from tender seeking suppliers to machine- wannabe-multilingual ploy. To make the Ministry of Culture, although its translate all 150 of the Ministry of their point, they appended a computer- counterparts in charge of the French Culture’s Web domains into eight for- generated translation of the same letter prime minister’s website (www.pre eign languages. produced by Google’s language tools expressed amaz- The move astonished language from an English version prepared by a ement when informed of the project. professionals, who have long argued professional translator. It was the silli- The prime minister’s editorial team is that software-generated translation nesses of this French text that caught subject to the same budget constraints as should be used for inbound texts the eye of the French press. the Ministry of Culture folk, but has only—to find out what the other guys As usual, the challenge is more opted to focus on quality rather than are up to (sort of), not to promote complex than it seems: floating in the quantity. They analyze content up front warty versions of your own products sea of purple prose of the Google- and translate only a selection of texts and services to unknown readers. back-translated letter submitted by deemed to be of particular interest to for- Instant translation by computer is also ATLF and SFT are some useable eigners—some 1,500-1,600 words per a handy means of selecting texts to be phrases. And it is true that computer- month. They also restrict the number of translated in full by humans—fast and ized translation has come a long way foreign-language versions to English, efficient triage upstream from the since the early days, not least fol- German, and Spanish, and use (human) wordface, say experts. lowing a switch to statistical machine professionals to do the job right. “It’s But in the case of the French translation, where the size of the manageable,” said our contact. Ministry of Culture, the tender speci- corpus of vetted bilingual texts on Watch this space for additional fied no revision. When we called, which computer translations are based comments. technical advisers confirmed that mil- carries some weight. Here French and

Translation: Getting it Right Translation getting it right “By applying even half the tips in this guide, you will improve your chances of getting a translation that works.” Translation: Getting it Right is an ATA client education booklet anslations A guide to buying tr available in print and online. ATA members can order up to 100 copies at no cost. To download a PDF copy of this booklet, visit

american translators association

The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 49 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:47 PM Page 50

Compiled by Dictionary Review Peter A. Gergay [email protected]

Le Nouveau Petit Robert de la Hark! Le Nouveau Petit Robert Rey, stresses the importance of cap- langue française 2008 2008 on CD-ROM is fresh off the turing both language change and lan- (v. 3.1) hydraulic press. Released from the guage contact in the 21st-century design offices of Bureau van Dijk editions of Le Petit Robert. Thus, there Publisher: with an even more user-friendly inter- are many new words in Le Nouveau Dictionnaires Le Robert/Sejer Windows face, this version for Macs and PCs Petit Robert 2008—some arising out contains the complete Le Nouveau of new 21st-century domains of Software designer: Petit Robert 2008 hardcopy edition. activity, and others that have been Bureau van Dijk With 60,000 words, 300,000 defini- imported from other languages that tions, 185,000 examples, 35,000 cita- have experienced significant cross- Publication date: tions culled from 1,200 authors, cultural contact—explained in consid- 2007 180,000 links to synonyms, and erable detail in the Famille 470,000 inflected forms, this mono- étymologique (etymology notes) Price: lingual French dictionary remains whenever applicable. €70.00 tops in its category, 41 years fol- ( $195.00 at Amazon) lowing its first publication. Words New words in the 2008 edition, Available from: System Requirements reflecting significant linguistic For PCs: Windows XP/Vista; a Pentium change and cross-cultural contact, III or higher processor; 128 MB of arise in a series of specifically tar- Reviewed by: RAM; Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher; geted domains of activity: sports, Françoise Herrmann and 300 MB of hard disk space. cooking, medicine, European law, and music. For example, in the exponen- For Macs: Mac Leopard OS (10.3.9, tial domain of medicine, you will find 10.5 downloadable patch) and higher; terms such as électrocardiogramme 128 MB of RAM; Safari 1.2 or higher; d’effort (stress EKG), myélogramme 300 MB of hard drive disk space; and (myelogram), and ostéodensitométrie MAC Intel compatibility. (bone densitometry) correlating with new electronic diagnostic procedures. Installation You will also find anisakiase (anisaki- Installation is an especially fast, asis), atopie (atopia), cruralgie (cru- three-click process with no reboot ralgia), and fibromyalgie needed. You will need to keep your (fibromyalgia) correlating with newly CD handy, however, as it must be identified illnesses. There is also reinserted every 45 days for licensing addictologie (the study of addictions), purposes. The CD case includes a implantologie (implantology), and small 23-page user manual containing parodontologie (periodontics), which all of the information you need to correspond to some of the new disci- install and search the dictionary. Once plines of medicine and dentistry. the installation process is started, you These terms seem to permeate will also find an online help button everyday language use in an unprece- (look for the ? icon) at every critical dented manner. juncture of the interface. In the domain of cooking, also tar- geted as an area where significant lin- What’s New in Le Nouveau Petit guistic change and cross-cultural Robert 2008? contact has taken place in the 21st cen- Le Nouveau Petit Robert’s editorial tury, you will find it interesting to see committee, directed by one of the how boldly Le Robert has elected to founding fathers at Le Robert, Alain include such words as ceviche, chop

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suey, coleslaw, enchilada, fajita, Nouveau Petit Robert embraces lan- on the disk. maffé, naan, pancake, and pastrami, guage change and contact across bor- e-access which so accurately capture migra- ders and time. As a result, the All of the dictionary’s main fea- tions and modern cooking trends, even timeliness and razor-sharp appropri- tures have been perfectly harnessed in a country like France, which prides ateness of the information is no fig- and designed as function buttons itself on a cultural heritage several ment of your imagination. Second, Le appearing on a horizontal tool bar. centuries old in the domain of gas- Nouveau Petit Robert structures the (See Table 1 on page 52.) Thus, for tronomie. Similarly, in the domain of information in a uniquely useful and any given entry, you may click on: music, you will find newly listed complete manner. For each entry Plan, for an outline of the article; instruments such as the dijderidoo listed, Le Nouveau Petit Robert pro- Etymology, for in-depth information, (from Australia), the koto (from vides extensive (pop-up) etymolog- with pop-ups, on the origins of the Japan), the djembe (from West Africa), ical and grammatical term; Conjugation, for a pop-up and the berimbau (from Brazil), each (gender/number) information in a window containing all the inflected of which correlate with many different context that includes forms of the verb; or “Féminins fusions of contemporary 21st-century definitions, examples, citations, syn- pluriels,” for a pop-up window with music in France and elsewhere. onyms, antonyms, and homonyms. gender and number inflections. Thus, Le Nouveau Petit Robert fulfills Similarly, for any given entry, you Linguistic Pollination several different types of querying may click on: Citations, for a list of all Beyond the more than 500 new needs—semantic, morphological, syn- the author citations of the article; words selected as having recently tactic, and historical—in a single Examples and Expressions, for a list enriched everyday French language, package. Finally, on a bonus qualitative of all the examples; Synonyms and Le Nouveau Petit Robert’s editorial note, you will find that all of the exam- Antonyms, for a list of synonyms and committee also appears particularly ples and citations, so meticulously opposites; and Homonyms, for a list of sensitive to language variation and selected, function as undoubtedly the homonyms. These function buttons let what is traditionally referred to as la best explanations and supplements to you access and display the informa- francophonie (the French-speaking the definitions in a didactic mode. tion you are seeking in a neatly world of Belgium, Switzerland, Consider as an example the citation extracted format, immediately, with- Luxembourg, Quebec, Africa, and the culled from Claude Levi-Strauss that is out searching for it. They greatly sim- Caribbean). For example, Léopold included in the entry for the term plify navigation of large articles, and Senghor, the former first president of anthropologie (anthropology): “l’an- even smaller ones, enabling you to the Republic of Senegal and the first thropologie cherche […] à élaborer target your query with the accuracy of black member of the Academy la science sociale de l’observé” a honing device. There is even a Française, is now included among the (“Anthropology seeks […] to set forth toggle button that allows you to revert list of cited authors, with a score of the social science of observation”). immediately back to the full form of citations, in particular to illustrate the the article, no matter how much you term négritude, which he and his leg- Why an Electronic Petit Robert have previously sliced through it. endary colleagues, Aimé Césaire and 2008 on CD-ROM? Léon-Gontran Damas, coined in 1933. The CD-ROM version of Le Nouveau e-audio, e-find, and e-spell Petit Robert 2008 offers all of the above A Pronunciation button allows you Why Le Nouveau Petit Robert 2008? to the e-power of electronic speed and to hear not only the difficult pronunci- There are many monolingual access, plus more. More, in the form of ation of 16,000 words in this version, French language dictionaries. Le audio pronunciation of terms, hypertext but also the pronunciation of 300 com- Nouveau Petit Robert, an institutional linking of the content, and sophisticated plete citations, each of which is tagged giant, is outstanding on more counts search functions enabling you to perform with a small speaker icon. There is also than one, especially for translators. customized searches, which would have a vertical toolbar with a Find button First, unattached to myths of language been unthinkable with a paper edition. (magnifying glass icon) that will locate purity, such as those described by More new features to make your usage any word or sequence of words within Alain Rey in his most recent book nimble and daring, and to give you easy an article. (See Table 1.) Two arrow L’amour du français (2007),1 Le and total access to all of the information buttons enable you to retrace your ¬

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Dictionary Review Continued

navigation steps forward or backward. of potential matches. you are unsure which part of a com- For those with sore eyes, two letter e-search pound term is listed as a headword. “A” buttons with ascending and Beyond this perfectly correlated Thus, you will find the term bête à descending arrows let users increase or design of the main features of the bon Dieu (ladybug) listed under the decrease the size of the screen font. hardcopy dictionary, Bureau van Dijk headword coccinelle (ladybug) after Also included are the familiar MS has also spruced up the dictionary inputting bête or Dieu or bon Dieu to Office function buttons for pasting and search functions. You may search the a compound list search. copying, printing, and online help. main listing of the dictionary con- Last but not least, a spelling (ORTH.) taining all of the entries and any of Advanced e-search button, located right next to the input three tabbed sub-lists containing com- The five advanced search functions field, allows you, in the absence of cor- pounds, expressions, and inflected (full text, phonetic, etymology, cita- rect spelling, to enter your search term forms. For example, you will want to tions, and headword), which are “just as it sounds” in exchange for a list search the tabbed compound list when accessed via the double magnifying

Table 1: Interface of Le Nouveau Petit Robert 2008 on CD-ROM

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glass icon below the input field, access the corresponding complete information in ways that are simply enable searches that are impossible to headword entry elsewhere in the dic- impracticable in a flip page mode. It perform with the paper edition. For tionary. Single-click hyperlinks also would be truly difficult, if not impos- example, you can search the complete exist for cross-references to synonyms sible, to find a better monolingual text of the dictionary for: all the and antonyms, expressions, related (nontechnical) French dictionary, so occurrences of a single word or meanings appearing in boldface grab a copy and enjoy! expression (lemmatized or not); head- purple, the names of cited authors, and words using a few letters or the begin- etymological information. Note: ning or end of words (for crossword 1. Rey, Alain. L’amour du français: puzzle buffs); words containing a par- Nothing small About Le Nouveau Contre les puristes et autres ticular phonetic sound or a sequence Petit Robert…unless it’s nano! censeurs de la langue (Paris, of sounds (for translators of poetry, Le Nouveau Petit Robert 2008 is the France: Editions Denoël, 2007). rhymes, or commercial jingles); best, both in terms of content and elec- words according to their origins or tronic design. In it you will find: an up- dates; and citations according to mul- to-date listing of French-language tiple criteria such as author, period- usage, complete with etymologies, Françoise Herrmann is a freelance translator ical, or book, among others. multiple definitions, cross-referenced and interpreter for French and English meanings, examples and expressions (sometimes Spanish) based in San Francisco, e-links: Hypertext to illustrate contemporary usage; cita- California. She occasionally teaches scientific The hypertext links in Le Nouveau tions carefully culled to illuminate fur- and technical translation at the Monterey Petit Robert 2008 enable double-click ther and explain meanings; and Institute of International Studies and the Institut navigation from one word to another synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms. Supérieur d'Interprétation et de Traduction in anywhere in the dictionary. Thus, Designed in electronic format, you will France. Contact: [email protected] or when the results of your search include find direct, targeted, and immediate words that are unfamiliar, you can just access to the content, plus the means to double-click on any one of them to navigate easily and retrieve all of this

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To register for HOLOCAUST DOCUMENTS ATA’s What’s New? 49th Annual TRANSLATED Conference, Check out ATA’s please see page 59 Medical Records—Legal Papers Translator for a copy of the Deciphering Old German Gothic official handwriting no Earnings registration longer in use since end of Calculator form. World War II ! on ATA’s website ... PROPERTY CLAIMS— NAZI RULINGS, JARGON ATA Member. ATA certified business_practices/ G-E, F-E, I-E, S-E, P-E PATENTS; Medical earnings_calculator.php Latin, Greek CONFIDENTIAL— Synch NOTARIZED/Verified

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Gerald Geiger Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur Chevy Chase, Maryland

Upcoming Events in Looking for a business partner October in Japanese translation? See page 43 for a comprehensive list. HONYAKU Corporation has provided an unsurpassed translation service in multiple October 15-18, 2008 fields in a wide range of languages since our American Literary Translators Association establishment in 1972. We are now looking to 31st Annual Conference form partnerships with translation companies in the US and worldwide. Minneapolis, MN We offer high quality translation services in the following fields and more. We welcome all October 17-18, 2008 inquiries: International Translation „ Manuals & localization (using TRADOS) Conference on Health Sciences „ Finance & economics Lisbon, Portugal „ Legislation & legal „ Healthcare, bio-related & chemistry conf-med/index.htm „ IT, telecommunications & software „ Environment & energy (nuclear energy) „ Semiconductors October 23-25, 2008 American Medical Writers Association HONYAKU Corporation Hongo MF Building, 1-24-1 Hongo, 68th Annual Conference Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0003, Japan Setting the Pace Tel: +81-3-5802-1971 Louisville, KY Fax: +81-3-5802-1981 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

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The Translation Inquirer John Decker [email protected]

In January 2008, the Translation Airlines went bankrupt in April 2008. Inquirer reported the existence of ATA Now I am inclined to preserve care- Abbreviations Airlines. While flying on one of their fully the two napkins against the possi- used with this column planes in October 2007, I collected two bility that the company may not be different napkins with the company’s able to reorganize under the corporate D-Dutch F-French logo, which looks nothing like ours. bankruptcy laws. If it fails to do so, my Da-Danish G-German What I did not know in January is that ATA napkins may soon be worth some- E-English I-Italian the company was in the final stages of thing on the collector’s market, as in [E]-English Po-Polish a slide toward insolvency. ATA eBay. What fun! acceptable as an R-Russian answer, the Sp-Spanish original query did New Queries amount and backlash compensation not involve English (D-E 9-08/1) Losbladige bundel were input.” What is it, and what is the caused problems for a Lantra-l user, German for it? whose job included a list of publica- pour la correspondance: OFFICE tions referenced. The entire citation (E-G 9-08/4) The truly arcane term NOTARIAL 169 Boulevard 33120. The looked like this: “Delfos-Roy, Y. “high-dose hook effect” appeared in a overall context is patents. Russian, L.L.A.M. (1998). Losbladige bundel text on pharmaceuticals. Here is more please, or English for this one. Jurisprudentie (N) BW, Samsom H.D. context, happily provided by a ProZ Tjeenk Willink, supplement, D II. member: “Because of the assay archi- (G-I [E] 9-08/8) This general engi- Losbladige bundel Jurisprudentie (N) tecture, which employs separate incu- neering query comes from ProZ, and BW, pp. 3-6. Wetensch. publ. refereed bation with solid phase and labeled is part of a list of hardware. We will (artikel in tijdschrift).” Is this a antibodies, no high-dose hook effect provide the listing containing the replaceable group of pages in a binder? is experienced.” This was in a product problem word (Führungsklotz) and enclosure for an assay to determine the listing before it, just to make you (Da-Sp [E] 9-08/2) I knew it was only proinsulin in plasma probes. comfy: Stahlbuchse für Aufnahme a matter of time before the boilerplate Hauptkolbenzylinder hinten (im of a prenuptial agreement would come (E-Po 9-08/5) In the world of import Seitenteil), and then Kolben führ - into this column! A ProZer asked duties and motor vehicles, how to ungsrohr-Führungsklotz vorne (Kunst - about rådige over vore boer, which express Freight Clearance Centre in stoff). Any ideas? was unclear in this paragraph: Polish? It has to do with a motor Underskrevne ... født ... cpr. nr ... vehicle brought permanently into the (I-E 9-08/9) A ProZ member working boence ... Aloe ... Ankeborg og medun- European Community, with instruc- in the field of market research was derskreven ... cpr. nr. ... boende tions that a form must be taken puzzled by the words in bold print: I sammesteds, der begge er myndige cg without delay to a DVLA local office, tempi di realizzazione vanno in base al rådige over vore boer, og son agter at and £1,069 in import charges must be tipo di architettura e alle dimensioni indgå ægteskab, opretter herved føl- paid. del progetto. Possono variare molto: gende ægtepagt.” dal progetto semplice, 10-15 giorni, al (E-Sp 9-08/6) Are you adept in phar- progetto molto complesso che può (E-G 9-08/3) The term “backlash maceuticals? Then this brain teaser is richiedere mesi. What are they? compensation” appeared in a docu- for you: with virtually no context, ment on a wire-coding machine, and convey isomeric flavonolignans into (Sp-E 9-08/10) In a text on pesticides the ProZ user believes that it relates good Spanish. to protect the growth of rice, a ProZ more to error messages that affect the user encountered añublo de la vaina, machine’s dielectric than to anything (F-R [E] 9-08/7) This problem phrase Rhizoctonia solani, with the following else. The error message was “SET (Oppositions pour la correspondance) context: para el control de añublo de PARAMETER” and the description is one from a graph from a registry of la vaina, Rhizoctonia solani se was “READY ON was attempted merchants and companies, and it reads recomienda aplicar a los 30 y 60 días before the pitch error compensation like this in the original: Oppositions después de la germinación del cultivo

56 The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:47 PM Page 57

a las dosis recomendadas, de acuerdo Carta Blanca, Southern Comfort, and dégustation restait toujours un plaisir. a la presión del patógeno. Anyone about nine other ingredients, some want to try this? arcane, some not. Norma Kaminsky (Sp-E 6-08/10) (chascarillo): Coming gives the South African definition of from a non-sentence, this word, says Replies to Old Queries the word: a drink taken at the end of a Leonor Guidici, appears in a context (E-Sp 6-08/3) (toggling machine): day’s work. where men are talking about women, Leonor Guidici is not fully satisfied adding chascarillos (pieces of narra- with the meager amount of context, (G-R [E] 7-08/8) (Eintopfsonntag): tives that include a joke that is light, but thinks it might be báscula, since Gabe Bokor reports that a good racy, perhaps spicy, with a double the verb for “to toggle” is bascular. description of this phenomenon can be meaning, and containing sexual con- found at notations). Here the word for joke (E-Sp 6-08/4) (source heads): Cabeza Eintopfsonntag. Stew Sunday is his is chiste. is out of context here, says Leonor unofficial translation of it. Selma Guidici. Lacking any broader context, Benjamin describes the occasion as (Sp-E 6-08/11) (potenciada): Peter Leonor suggests fuentes de energía. winter Sundays during the Third Christensen likes “weighted” for this. Reich, when the Germans were The word here means “enhanced,” (E-Sp 6-08/5) (dropbox): Evidently, ordered to limit their Sunday dinners says Leonor Guidici. The context says Troy Kelley, this refers to a soft- to one course and donate the money sentence is rendered as “axial and ware backup product. You have to they saved to the national winter sagittal enhanced T1-weighted seq- connect to this backup device before charity called Winterhilfe. Selma, uences or images.” you can transfer information to it, and being Jewish, left the country in 1936 every computer has its unique address and does not know whether the prac- With even a little luck, in October called an Internet Protocol (IP) tice extended beyond that year, but there will be queries involving address, which is used to gain access opines that it was one of the few Oriental languages. We came close to the product. “social” programs of the Nazi govern- this time, but the queries we found ment. Her family contributed during were quotes in which English and the (F-E 6-08/6) (objectif de carrière): the first three winters of the Third Oriental language were mixed, and we Bougouma Mbaye Fall suggests Reich, just out of fear of being feared that would become messy. “objective” or “career goal” for this in denounced. Her suggested translation: Thanks to the contributors in the a résumé context, indicating what the one-pan Sundays. Replies section! person is looking for in terms of employment. Peter Christensen likes (I-E 4-08/8) (riprendersi la scena This column is solely intended as a means of facilitating a “career objective,” which is a fixture musicale): Besides the suggestion general discussion regarding terminology choices. For feed- on most English-language résumés. from Mark Herman and Ronnie Apter back regarding pressing terminology questions, please try for this page 45 of the June issue, one of these online forums: Lantra-L ( (G-E 6-08/7) (Sundowner): Yes, this is Gianluigi de Lucca offers “…only athens/7110/lantra.htm), (, or Translators Café ( a German-to-English query, and if you during 1940 was the Banda able to be do not believe it, go to page 44 of the back in the musical scene.” Address your queries and responses to The Translation June issue. Troy Kelley states that a Inquirer, 112 Ardmoor Avenue, Danville, Pennsylvania Sundowner is a recreational vehicle. (I-F [E] 6-08/8) (godibile): Arthur 17821, or fax them to (570) 275-1477. E-mail address: His suggestion for the advertising McRae quotes the Harper-Collins- [email protected]. Please make your submissions by the question is: “It’s still to be known, Sansoni dictionary in asserting that this first of each month to be included in the next issue. where your love for nature should be simply means “enjoyable.” Gianluigi Generous assistance from Per Dohler, proofreader, is grate- enjoyed—where you are to find your de Lucca goes with “pleasantly enjoy- fully acknowledged favorite spot for your Sundowner.” able,” a phrase typical of art critics. Ingrid Lansford, however, believes it Peter Christensen is offering the to be a fruit cocktail including Bacardi French for this, namely dont la

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Herman is a librettist and translator. Submit items for future columns via e-mail to [email protected] or via snail mail to Mark Herman, 1409 E Gaylord Street, Humor and Translation Mark Herman Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-3626. Discussions of the hermanapter@ translation of humor and examples thereof are preferred, but humorous anecdotes about translators, translations, and mistranslations are also welcome. Include copyright English Music? You Can’t Be Serious! information and permission if relevant.

Popular music has always of C major, is F, A-flat, D-flat) and the Between soprano and tenor is alto, existed in English-speaking cultures, siciliano (a piece of instrumental or surely an Italian word if ever there but during certain historical periods vocal music suggestive of a pastoral was one. Well, no! English has two serious American or British music was scene, also called pastorale). But not words, “alto” and “contralto,” some- considered to be something of an oxy- all musical terms are Italian, and many times used interchangeably and some- moron. Symphonies were German, bal- Italian terms have equivalents in other times used to distinguish between lets were Russian, operas were Italian, languages. For example, the German somewhat higher and somewhat and all serious music was continental composer Richard Wagner (1813- lower female voices. Italian has only European. Concomitantly, opera 1883) could stipulate a musical tempo contralto; “alto” does not exist in singers were, or pretended to be, Italian of mäßig, and the Russian composer Italian, or at least did not until it was and operas were routinely performed in Modest Musorgsky (1839-1881) could taken in from another language. And Italian even if Italian was not the orig- stipulate a musical tempo of evthtyyj. between soprano and alto is “mez- inal language of the operas. The But I have yet to hear of an English- zosoprano” (also written as “mezzo- Russian Israel Baline (1888-1989) emi- speaking composer who did the equiv- soprano” and “mezzo soprano”). This grated to the U.S. as a child and alent by stipulating that his or her is indeed an Italian word, though the became the quintessentially American music should be played “moderately.” Italian plural is mezzisoprani while popular songwriter Irving Berlin. But English-speaking composers always the English plural is “mezzoso- the Polish-Irish conductor and arranger use the Italian word moderato. pranos.” However, far more inter- of serious music Leopold Stokowski However, English musical terms esting is the difference in (1882-1977), born in London, England, and Italian musical terms, contrary to pronunciation. English speakers an American citizen since 1915, and popular opinion, are not always iden- almost universally say “metsoso- even a champion of new American tical. Even an English term taken prano,” while Italian speakers almost music, nonetheless saw fit to remain directly from Italian, such as universally say medzosoprano. Polish right down to his hard-to-under- “soprano,” is, in the plural, usually Finally, there is at least one stand and possibly fake Slavic accent. not the Italian soprani but the angli- pseudo-Italian musical term, glis- I say serious music rather than clas- cized “sopranos.” And some English sando, which has nothing at all to do sical music, because, strictly speaking, terms have been anglicized even in with Italian etymologically. It is an the term “classical” refers only to the singular: Italian tenore becomes Italian word now, but again only serious music of a certain style, written English “tenor,” Italian basso because it has been taken into Italian mainly during the second half of the becomes English “bass.” from another language. A glissando is eighteenth century by composers such And then there are those musical a rapid slide through a series of scale as Mozart and Haydn. terms that sound Italian, and that most notes. One of the most famous in To English speakers, not only is English-speaking musicians believe orchestral music is the clarinet glis- opera in particular Italian, but so are all are genuinely Italian, but that differ sando at the beginning of Rhapsody in musical terms in general. And indeed, significantly in some way from any Blue (1924) by American composer many musical terms are Italian. Some word that Italians would recognize as George Gershwin (1898-1937). even have Italian place names associ- their own. English “glissando” is a graft of ated with them, such as the Neapolitan Consider voice parts. Soprano, “-ando” onto the French glisser, sixth (a sixth chord which, in the key tenor, and bass are mentioned above. meaning “to slide.”

October 15-18, 2008 November 5-8, 2008 March 13-15, 2009 American Literary Translators Association American Translators Association Mid-America Chapter of ATA 31st Annual Conference 49th Annual Conference 2009 Symposium Minneapolis, MN Orlando, FL Overland Park, KS

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Proposed Changes to the Bylaws Continued from p. 16

Category 5 Term limits

Key no. Reference Text with markup Accompanying comments

18 V.1 The officers shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Past Presidents of the Association were asked for their opinion on this issue. Unattributed Secretary, and Treasurer. The officers shall be elected as excerpts from their responses, reflecting the approximate proportion of those for and provided in Article XI, Section 2. Only the Secretary and against, are reproduced below: Treasurer shall be eligible to succeed themselves for a sec- ond term of office. No President shall be elected to serve “When ATA had 800 members, or 2,000, it was not outlandish to claim that potential lead- more than one full term, and no Secretary or Treasurer ers were thin on the ground. But an organization of 10,000 that can't find a new talent to shall be elected to serve more than two full terms in that serve in office is just failing in its leadership development effort... Barring repeat service, in office. [etc.]" short, is not unreasonable. It won't cripple the association or place an unfair burden on prospective officers, and it won't interfere with anyone's 'career' path.”

“This is an excellent revision and would have my support...”

“I completely agree with the change. It is the best way to grow and rejuvenate an organiza- tion.”

“I believe that a change of this nature is in accord with current best practice for associations and I support it. It is vital to continue to draw new blood into the leadership if an associa- tion is to thrive.”

“Why paint the association into a corner? There may be a time when the Association may need a past president to step up because there is no other viable candidate or in the time of need.”

Attention Exhibitors ATA’s 49thAnnual Plan now to exhibit at ATA’s 49th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, Conference November 5-8, 2008. Exhibiting at ATA’s Annual Conference offers the best opportunity to market your products and services face-to-face to more than American Translators Association 1,500 translators and interpreters in one location. Translators and interpreters are consumers of computer hardware and software, technical publications and Orlando, Florida reference books, office products, and much more. November 5 – 8, 2008 For additional information, please contact Matt Hicks, McNeill Group Inc.; [email protected]; (215) 321-9662, ext. 19.

The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 61 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:47 PM Page 62

DIRECTORY OF LANGUAGE SERVICES To place an ad contact Matt Hicks at 215-321-9662, ext. 19 or [email protected]

7ETHINKYOURLANGUAGE The best professional technical translations, especially for Euro, African and Brazilian Portuguese. Quality, reliability, speed. Let us help you optimize your project. )NLINE4RANSLATION3ERVICES )NC 7"ROADWAY 3TEs'LENDALE #!  sINFO INLINELACOM 800.769.7891 Fax 908.245.5434 WWWINLINELACOM [email protected]

Comprehensive Arabic ÏËGh¥¸?Ï©¹¸?»É¹W Solutions • Translation & Localization (Technical, medical, software & more) • Translation Memory Tools To Advertise call (Trados, Déjàvu) Matt Hicks • PC & Mac DTP E-mail: [email protected] • today at 501-I So. Reino Rd., #358, Newbury Park, CA 91320 215-321-9662, ext. 19 Tel.: (818) 991-1277 • Fax: (805) 498-9955

Wanted to Buy Translation business with established customers Fax details: 480-282-8573

Interpretation Equipment Rental

Transmitter/Receivers Weekly or Monthly ADVERTISE IN ATA Landmark Audio Technologies Call 888-677-4387 & WATCH YOUR AD TRANSLATE INTO $$$ Translator Biomedical/Health-Sciences (English to Spanish) Deadline: 10/17/2008 NIH Library, Translations Office, Bethesda, Maryland, looking Contact Matt Hicks today for part-time translator/reviewer with five+ years experience translating biomedical research, for rates and information. medicine, public health, scientific reports, legal texts into Spanish. Must demonstrate professional competence in biomedical and/or 215-321-9662 ext. 19 health field, have academic qualifications, training, experience and membership in professional associations. Spanish native speaker [email protected] with full professional proficiency in English, including technical terminology. U.S. resident required. Work from home. Proposals must be received by October 17. Call Mary Hash for complete information, 301-594-6606.

62 The ATA Chronicle I September 2008 ATA Sept08final.qxd:Sept.qxd 9/12/08 2:47 PM Page 63


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