Forensic Data Recovery from the Windows Search Database
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This is a repository copy of Forensic Data Recovery From The Windows Search Database. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Submitted Version Article: Chivers, Howard Robert and Hargreaves, C (2011) Forensic Data Recovery From The Windows Search Database. Digital Investigation. pp. 114-126. ISSN 1742-2876 Reuse Items deposited in White Rose Research Online are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved unless indicated otherwise. They may be downloaded and/or printed for private study, or other acts as permitted by national copyright laws. The publisher or other rights holders may allow further reproduction and re-use of the full text version. This is indicated by the licence information on the White Rose Research Online record for the item. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. [email protected] This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: Author's personal copy digital investigation 7 (2011) 114e126 available at journal homepage: Forensic data recovery from the Windows Search Database Howard Chivers*, Christopher Hargreaves The Centre for Forensic Computing, Cranfield University, Shrivenham SN68LA, United Kingdom article info abstract Article history: Windows Search maintains a single database of the files, emails, programmes and Internet Received 7 October 2010 history of all the users of a personal computer, providing a potentially valuable source of Received in revised form information for a forensic investigator, especially since some information within the 12 December 2010 database is persistent, even if the underlying data are not available to the system (e.g. Accepted 7 January 2011 removable or encrypted drives). However, when files are deleted from the system their record is also deleted from the database. Existing tools to extract information from Keywords: Windows Search use a programmatic interface to the underlying database, but this Digital forensics approach is unable to recover deleted records that may remain in unused space within the Desktop search database or in other parts of the file system. This paper explores when unavailable files are Microsoft windows indexed, and therefore available to an investigator via the search database, and how this is Database modified by the indexer scope and by attributes that control the indexing of encrypted Carving content. Obtaining data via the programmatic interface is contrasted with a record carving approach using a new database record carver (wdsCarve); the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches are reviewed, and the paper identifies several different strategies that may be productive in recovering deleted database records. ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction This rich content has the potential to provide the forensic investigator with a valuable additional source of information Microsoft Windows Search1 provides a database infrastructure about the files available to a system; however, despite the and user interface to allow users to search for files, programmes, potential value there is little prior work on obtaining infor- emails, and Internet history records. As files are created, mation from this database, and almost none on the possibility accessed or modified, they are indexed in a single database. The of recovering records that have been deleted. data recorded includes standard file metadata, such as path and The Windows Search system stores its records using date-time information, content-specific metadata, such as the a Microsoft database technology known as the Extensible address of an email or the resolution of a picture, and a summary Storage Engine (ESE), about which much is documented and for of file content. The content summary may also allow a signifi- which Microsoft provide an application programming inter- cant part of an indexed file’s content to be recovered; in the case face (API). Tools designed to manage or query this database of small files such as emails, often the whole text is available in provide one means of obtaining data from the search index, the index. The database contains records for all the users in the and this is the main option which has been available to system, and retains index information about files and folders investigators to date (see Section 2). However, similar to file that are unavailable,for exampleremovable or encrypted drives. system forensics where data can be recovered either by * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (H. Chivers). 1 We acknowledge Microsoft copyright in the terms used in this paper to describe Microsoft products, including: Windows, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Search, Extensible Storage Engine (ESE), esentutl, Shadow Copy, Encrypted File System, and BitLocker. 1742-2876/$ e see front matter ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.diin.2011.01.001 Author's personal copy digital investigation 7 (2011) 114e126 115 traversing the directory structure or by carving files from a disk 2007) are documented on-line. The material on Desktop image, so too could database records be carved without the use Search is mostly in the form of user and administrator guides; of database indexing and page structure. Both methods have this may be useful to a forensic investigator, since it describes potential, but the absence of an effective carving tool has pre- when files are indexed, which may in turn identify Registry vented a study of their respective strengths and weaknesses. keys and other configuration information. In contrast, the This paper presents such a study, based on practical results information on ESE includes a complete reference guide to its from a newly developed carving tool (wdsCarve2). Application Programming Interface (API). This paper describes the two aspects of Windows Search Two substantial studies of Windows Search (then known that may assist forensic data recovery: as Windows Desktop Search) were carried out by Douglas (2009) and Gordon (2009); these are still relevant and contain How the behavior of the search system provides investiga- a wealth of important material, despite recent updates to both tors with opportunities to obtain information about files and ESE and Windows Search. Gordon’s work is focussed on doc- folders that are otherwise inaccessible, for example that are umenting the data artefacts used by ESE and Windows Search, on remote, removable, or encrypted drives; including entries in the Windows Registry, a description of The possibility of recovering historical search records that transaction files, and an overview of the data formats used to have been deleted from the search database. store database records. In contrast, Douglas’ work shows how to extract Desktop Search data from the database program- The paper reports representative experiments that matically, using the Microsoft ESE API. demonstrate the behavior of Windows Search in practice. Detailed documentation about the internal structure of ESE Experimental evaluation of such systems cannot be exhaus- and the database schema used by Windows Search can be tive; however, the results presented here provide the forensic found in “Windows Search: Analysis of the Windows Search investigator with sufficient information to be able to reason Database” and “Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Database File about the effectiveness of different recovery options for indi- (EDB) format specification”, which are available from the vidual cases and the likely outcome in terms of forensic value. libesedb project page (Metz, 2010a). Metz has also published an The results described here were obtained using Windows overview of this information (Metz, 2010b), which includes an 7, and while some of the detail is different for Windows XP and example of an indexed Windows Mail message demonstrating Windows Vista, the overall conclusions are the same. how the original content is made available in the autosummary This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes field. previous work, including related tools and sources of docu- From a forensic perspective, this documentation provides mentation, followed by Section 3 which defines some back- a wealth of information about the data artefacts created by ground terms and concepts. Section 4 describes what data are Windows Search; however, investigators should be cautious indexed, the user actions that give rise to indexing, and what about attempting a manual analysis of such data. In particular, is recorded about files and folders. This is followed by Section the more extensive use of UNICODE in Windows 7 has resulted 5 which describes the prospects for data recovery, supported in many of the file names and paths being compressed to save by the results of practical experiments. Section 6 provides an space within the database, and as a consequence it is now much overview of the database record format, and describes the harder to identify known fields with string searches. (See carving strategy and how this ensures the reliability of carved Appendix A for an approach to this problem.) The Windows records; this is followed by a practical example of the recovery Search schema changes as Windows is enhanced, and so the of Internet history data in Section 7.