superman the animated series mp4 download 10 Best : The Animated Series Episodes. Almost forgot about this other DC Animated Series in the rest of the continuity. Superman: The Animated Series was the next installment in a connective universe for DC Animation, after the success of Batman: The Animated Series . Stepping away from the dark and gloomy setting of Gotham and jumping into the bright and color city of Metropolis was a major change to what the creators were use too, but still managed to make it work with this show. Another interesting change for them was the storytelling of Superman, while writing for a character like Batman might be easier since he is a human dealing with some situations that could be a bit more real. With Superman, they had to create a show that was grounded and compelling about a man who is virtually indestructible. Luckily, they managed to incorporate some of classic villains to test the Man of Steel with the likes of Darkseid, Parasite, Metallo and Bizzaro. Even going as far as creating original villains with Livewire, Volcana, and Mala. The series also made sure to make connections to its other series with episodes that features Batman, Dr. Fate and The Flash. So as we continue our lists for the best episodes from DC’s Animated Series, these are the best ones from Superman: The Animated Series . Season 1, Episodes 1, 2 & 3: The Last Son of Krypton. The pilot episode to the series tells the story most people around the world already know about. However, it still remains as one of the best episodes due to its accurate and in depth depiction of Kal-Els journey from man to Superman. The scientist Jor-El discovers that Krypton is on the verge of destruction, when he approaches other Kryptonians about the information he has gathered, the people turn to the opinion of Brainiac who shoots down the theories. In order to prevent the extinction of Kryptons people, he puts his only son in a rocket to save him from annihilation and prevent Kryptons extinction. Kal-Els ship crashes in Smallville and is picked up by Martha and Johnathan Kent and given the name Clark Kent. Years later while attending Smallville High, Clark witnesses an RV crash and a family inside. Quickly he responds to the incident and saves the family completely unharmed. Disturbed by his resilience and newly discovered powers, his parents decide it is time to explain to him how they found him and possibly where he came from. Several more years later, we jump ahead to an adult Clark Kent who has established himself at the Daily Planet as a reporter. He is introduced to Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane and is directed to follow Lane to learn to ropes of the job. Clark and Lois are sent to report on the demonstration of a new weapon from LexCorp called the Lexo-Skel Suit 5000, but things quickly become dangerous when mercenaries attack the ceremony and attempt to steal the Lexoskel suit. Clark decided to make his appearance as Superman and appears on the scene to stop the mercenaries and save the suit. The mercenaries fire a missile to take out a plane, Superman goes to save the plane and the mercenaries get away with the suit. Later, Lois is investigating a Kaznian tanker ship docked in Metropolis Harbor and on board finds John Corben and the stolen suit. Luckily Superman arrives to save Lois and finally destroy the suit, establishing himself as a hero and his willingness to fight for Truth, Justice and the American Way. Season 2, Episode 4: Speed Demons. Who is the ‘Fastest Man Alive’? This episode begins with a race put together to determine who is faster, Superman or The Flash. Making his first appearance in the DC Animated Universe, the Flash seems to have a slight lead on the Man of Steel. Meanwhile, a man named Ben holds a rod that can manipulate the weather and is being powered by the high velocity ionic energy generated by the speed of Superman and Flash. The rod is stolen by Ben’s older brother Mark who has dubbed himself the Weather Wizard. To demonstrate the power of the rod he creates a storm off the coast of Australia, causing oil tankers to crash into each other and spill oil into the ocean. Superman and Flash respond to the incident and save the sailors as well as repairing the tankers and cleaning the oil spill. Flash and Superman travel to the Nimbus Tracking Station to confront Weather Wizard, but are caught in a blizzard created by the Wizard and frozen in ice but Superman manages to escape with the use of his heat vision. Weather Wizard threatens to destroy Metropolis if his demands aren’t met, but is foiled by the combined help of Superman and the Flash who finish the episode by continuing their race to determine who the fastest man alive is. Season 2, Episode 6: Identity Crisis. When Clark and Lois are in a car accident that sends Clark flying out of the car, he is caught by Superman. Superman? Clark Kent? None of this makes any sense, Clark changes into his suit and quickly catches up to Superman who has been flying around Metropolis and saving people. Superman approaches him and tries to figure out who or what he is. The two Supermen try to figure each other out, as the imposter starts losing patches of skin and reveals a white skin underneath. The two have a brief spare, before the imposter retreats back to the laboratory he came from and is met by Lex Luthor. When the imposter looks in the mirror, it reveals his true face in the form of a pale, deformed monster. Mercy dubs him “Bizarro” which upsets the creature and provokes him to venture back into Metropolis to prove he is the real Superman. Bizarro contains the same interests as Superman, including affection for Lois Lane. Bizarro takes Lois to a restaurant where she records on a tape his explanation of the laboratory he was created in. She asks him to take her there, when they arrive they explore to lab and find that Luthor took some of Supermans blood from a previous battle and has been attempting to replicate the Man of Steel. Superman discovers the tape Lois made of her conversation with Bizarro and flies to their location. When he arrives, he finds an angry Bizarro who has a hatred for Superman. The two engage in battle, but when Superman tries to save Lois who is trapped under a large piece of cement, Bizarro realizes that Superman isn’t his enemy and helps Superman and Lois escape the building before it is destroyed. Superman and Lois make it out, the building explodes with Bizarro still inside and hope that they might someday see Bizarro again. Season 2, Episode 12: Brave New Metropolis. While doing an editorial with Dr. Hamilton, Lois Lane is caught in a machine that sends her to another dimension. A world in disarray, where Superman is not looked at as a savior but rather a dictator. Lois is found by Jimmy Olsen who is the leader of the resistance group who fight against Superman and his oppression. Lois tries to flee but is caught by Mercy and taken to Lex Luthor. Luthor and his team conduct DNA research to confirm that she is the real Lois Lane, and orders his men to eliminate her so Superman will not know of her existence. Lois gets away and is finally discovered by Superman, who explains to her his reasoning behind his regime and how it revolves around her death. Continuing to explain to his involvement with Lex Luthor to keep peace and security to the world they have created together. Superman believes he also holds an iron fist of Luthor, but Lois tells him that Luthor has been conducting criminal activity behind his back. Superman takes the side of the resistance to march into Luthors office and overthrow him. Luthor tries to escape, but Superman manages to catch him and bring him to justice. Superman takes Lois back to the place that sent her there, and she manages to go back to her world. In hopes that the world she was in can now prosper and return back to what it once was. Season 2, Episode 16, 17 & 18: World’s Finest. Another three part episode, we are finally given the chance to see the Dark Knight from Batman: The Animated Series , clash with this version of Superman. The Joker has tried enough times to take down the bat and decides he needs a bit of a change. He and Harley Quinn steal a rare artifact made of kryptonite and travel to Metropolis, while Batman is right on their trail. Joker meets with Lex Luthor to purpose a deal, if Luthor lends his resources to him then he will be able to use the kryptonite against Superman to kill him. Luthor agrees, and just as Batman shows up in Metropolis so does Bruce Wayne who swoons Lois Lane into going on a date with him. Meanwhile, Joker muscles into the gangs of Metropolis to have working henchmen. Leading Batman to interrogate one of them at night club, but is interrupted by Superman and causing the two heroes to finally meet face to face. Superman uses his X-Ray vision to see under Batmans cowl to see he is Bruce Wayne, Batman uses kryptonite against Superman and tells him that Joker has tons more. Batman places a tracker on Superman to follow him to his home and discover his alternate identity as well. As Batman continues to hunt Joker, the Clown Prince of Crime sets up a trap for Superman nearly defeating him. Batman manages to help Superman, realizing that they must work together to stop Joker, Harley and Luthor. Season 2, Episode 25 & 26: Apokolips… Now! When a strange new weaponized tank robs a bank in Metropolis, the machine seems to be too powerful to be stopped even for Superman. It is revealed the tank is from Apokolips and the person behind the robbery is a crime boss named Manheim, who has been given the Apokoliptic weapon by Darkseid. Later during a press conference, a man crashes the party in search of Superman. After he is taken for examination, he awakens to tell Superman about an impending doom. The man named Orion accesses his mother box to show Superman the reason for his arrival and the origins of New Genesis and Apokolips. Mother Box explains the treaty that was made between the light and prosperous New Genesis and the dark and vile world of Apokolips. In an act to make peace with one another, High Father from New Genesis proposed the trading of sons. However, it did not cease Darkseids ambitions to locate the Anti-Life Equation, a formula that allows its user complete control of any living thing. He has searched countless planets for the equation and laid waste to any that didn’t hold the equation, making Earth his next target. The battle begins on earth as Darkseid and his forces invade Earth, despite Superman and Orions best effort they are overrun by the army of Parademons, along with Steppenwolf and Kalibak. When Superman is captured by the Lord of Apokolips, the people Earth retaliate against Darkseids forces. After Superman manages to escape Darkseids clutches, High Father and the army of New Genesis arrive to declare Earth as under its protection and any further attacks made on Earth is considered an act of treason against the treaty made between High Father and Darkseid. In the Dark Gods last act of cruelty, he uses his Omega beams to vaporize Supermans friend Dan Turpin. Fortunately, the episode ends with the words “Not the End” implying Darkseids return. Season 3, Episode 2: Knight Time. Batman and Supermans second crossover in the series. After Roxy Rocket makes her appearance in Metropolis, she leaks Batmans recent absence in Gotham. Superman travels to Gotham and assists Robin in stopping a heist, Robin discloses to him that Batman has been missing for the last couple days after leaving a strange voicemail saying he would be gone for a while. Superman takes it upon himself to act on the Dark Knights behalf and dawning the cape and cowl. Answering the call of the Bat-Signal, Commissioner Gordon discloses to Batman the appearance of Bane in town. Batman and Robin continue the investigation of Bruces location, they discover nanites on Bruces office supplies and have entered his body. At the same time, they are still on the hunt for Bane. Batman interrogates the Penguin to learn the location of Bane, as well as his co- conspirators The Riddler and Mad Hatter. Making for a very humor scene, Batman manages to take all the hits thrown at him with ease, shocking the villains at the same time. Powered up Batman then lands blows to Bane, giving him a beating unlike any he’s ever felt before. They force Mad Hatter to study the nanites they have discovered and reveals they are of alien origin. Further investigation leads them to Wayne Aerospace where they find Bruce under the control of Brainiac. An episode that provided more of an interesting setting for the two heroes. Season 3, Episode 7: In Brightest Day… Introducing us to the comic artist Kyle Rayner, whose will and strong persona leads a glowing green ring onto his finger and making him the Green Lantern. As Lois and Clark report to the upcoming landing of a space craft, the shuttle is knocked out by the appearance of another unidentified flying object and forcing Superman to jump into action. The other space craft landed elsewhere and revealing the pilot to be Abin Sur, the Green Lantern of his section. Unfortunetly he is on his last breath and with it he orders his ring to find another worthy wearer of his ring, choosing Rayner as its successor. Superman investiagates the crash site of Abin Sur and is found by Sinestro, who has been chasing Abin Sur through space to get his hands on the ring and Lantern. Meanwhile, Rayner attempts to learn the power of the ring and how to control it. Shortly after though, he inevitably runs into Sinestro who is attempting to remove the ring from Rayner. Superman is sent to Oa, the home of the Green Lanterns. The Guardians of the Universe explain to him the importance of being a Green Lantern and Sinestros quest to gain more power by wiping out the entire Green Lantern Corps. They plead for Superman to assist Rayner and learn the potential of the ring. Kyle uses his Lantern to charge his ring while reciting the Lanterns oath, gaining enough power to take on Sinestro. With the strength of his will, Rayner manages to defeat the yellow villain and has a brief meeting with the Guardians who explain the worthiness he has shown to be the next Green Lantern. Season 3, Episode 11: The Demon Reborn. The final crossover episode with Batman before the two assemble the Justice League. Talia Al Ghul has come to Metropolis in search of the Shaman Staff, Superman attempts to intervene but fails in stopping them from taking the staff. When Batman arrives to the scene, he explains to Superman the power of the staff and its healing abilities. Suddenly, Lois Lane is found falling from the top of a building but when Superman catches her, it turns out not to be Lois but Talia. She insists that Superman come with her to meet her father Ra’s Al Ghul, Superman refuses and forces Talia to use the staff to drain Supermans powers. Superman is introduced to an old dying Ra’s, who intends on using the staff to steal Supermans power and transfer it into his body. Batman further investigates a crime scene where Talia knocked out Lois Lane and after some detective work, he discovers traces of jet fuel on Lanes carpet and giving Batman a location of where he might find Ra’s. After Batman arrives at the airstrip and takes out the assassins, he discovers Ra’s has taken Superman to an ancient city that carries a machine capable of transferring Supermans power to Ra’s body. The process begins and is interrupted by Batman, but Ra’s has gained enough power to become a deadly threat to Batman and Superman. Season 3, Episode 12 & 13: Legacy. Darkseid makes his long awaited return in this two-part series finale of Superman: The Animated Series . Darkseids forces achieve victory in battle over an alien planet with the assistance of a new elite solider fighting alongside them. The soldier reports back to Darkseid, and when he removes his helmet it is revealed to be Superman. Furthermore, the Dark God congratulates him for his success in taking over the planet. As a token of his achievement he will be given the opportunity to take over another planet for him to rule over, Earth. However, Superman and Clark Kent still makes an appearance in Metropolis as reporter and hero. Later revealing Supergirl has been controlling robot versions of the Man of Steel, since the real Superman is missing. Back on Apokolips, it’s revealed that Superman has been undergoing “therapy” provided by Granny Goodness. Granny has been manipulating the mind of Superman, adding new memories into his mind and making him believe he is the son of Darkseid who only wants to bring order to the universe. Aware of Supermans absence, Luthor prepares for a possible retaliation by Superman if he were to be found. Superman is given a banner of his symbol and sent to Earth to begin the invasion. Supergirl attempts to stop him, but is quickly defeated when Superman sees her baring the same logo as is and yet fights against him. After nearly killing Supergirl, Superman manages to fight against the mind control and pieces everything together. Unfortunately, a kryptonite missile is shot at Superman that nearly kills him and Supergirl. When Superman awakens, he is imprisoned in a red sun chamber that weakens his powers. Now Superman must try to escape and fight against the Apokoliptic army and put an end to Darkseids reign. But even after Superman once again saves Earth, how would they ever trust him again? Superman the animated series mp4 download. This video file is only available in AVI format. Sadly, most browser are unable to play this format. Until this video is converted in a format that your browser can stream, you can use the download link bellow to view the full resolution file on your computer. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video. Log in to Download Format: AVI Resolution: 320x240 Size: 14,307,328 bytes Log in to Download Format: MP4 Resolution: 320x240 Size: 3,026,183 bytes. Marsupial: Kangaroo Kangaroo, Robot. I think is quite a fun scene, having the zany-cartoonlike kangaroo robot, with its large pearshaped body, getting his butt kicked hard by superman. All Seasons. Jor-El, a Kryptonian scientist and Council Member, rescues his son Kal-El from the dying planet by launching the baby to Earth. S01E02 The Last Son of Krypton (2) September 6, 1996 The WB. Young Clark Kent discovers his true identity; and as an adult presents himself to Metropolis as Superman. S01E03 The Last Son of Krypton (3) September 6, 1996 The WB. Superman thwarts a plot by Lex Luthor to sell the LEXO-SKEL SUIT 5000 to Kaznian terrorists, via their agent John Corben. S01E04 Fun and Games. September 7, 1996 The WB. Superman rescues Metropolis thug Bruno Mannheim - and Lois - from the vengeful Toyman. S01E05 A Little Piece of Home. September 14, 1996 The WB. Lex Luthor discovers Superman's vulnerability to Kryptonite, and attempts to exploit this weakness to rid himself once and for all of the Man of Steel. S01E06 Feeding Time. September 21, 1996 The WB. After toxic chemicals transform janitor Rudy Jones into the energy-draining Parasite, he imprisons Superman, intent on keeping the Man of Steel as his own personal power source. S01E07 The Way of All Flesh. September 28, 1996 The WB. Thanks to the orchestrations of Lex Luthor, terrorist John Corben becomes Metallo, a skin-covered cyborg with a Kryptonite heart. Luthor then sets the supervillain on a quest to kill Superman. S01E08 Stolen Memories. November 2, 1996 The WB. Brainiac, once Krypton's all-knowing planetary computer, comes to Earth as part of his information-gathering trek across the galaxy. But, as Superman discovers, Brainiac's intent after gathering the world's knowledge is to destroy the Earth. S01E09 The Main Man (1) November 9, 1996 The WB. Intergalactic bounty hunter Lobo is employed to capture the Man of Steel, but thanks to a double-cross by the rare-species-collecting Preserver, both Superman and Lobo end up trapped in the Preserver's personal zoo. S01E10 The Main Man (2) November 16, 1996 The WB. Superman and Lobo team up to escape the Preserver and a vile band of competing bounty hunters with their own vendetta against the "Main Man". S01E11 My Girl. November 23, 1996 The WB. Clark's childhood sweetheart Lana Lang comes to Metropolis, and puts her own life in danger by trying to spy on Lex Luthor for Superman. S01E12 Tools of the Trade. February 1, 1997 The WB. Bruno Mannheim's Intergang terrorizes Metropolis with hi-tech weapons from Darkseid, while SCU Inspector Dan Turpin goes on a personal hunt for answers. S01E13 Two's a Crowd. February 15, 1997 The WB. When embittered scientist Earl Garver goes into a coma before revealing the location of a ticking bomb, Superman risks enlisting the Parasite to drain the information from Garver's mind. Season 2. S02E01 Blasts from the Past (1) September 8, 1997 The WB. Superman decides to release Mala, a Kryptonian criminal, from the Phantom Zone, but when Mala proves too power-hungry for this world, Superman tries to send her back. Mala escapes with the Phantom Zone Projector and releases Krypton's most notorious traitor, Jax-Ur. S02E02 Blasts from the Past (2) September 9, 1997 The WB. Superman and Professor Hamilton start building a new Phantom Zone projector to balance the odds. However Jax-Ur and Mala manage to send Superman into the Phantom Zone, and then destroy the Projector. As their decimating attacks begin, it's up to Lois and Professor Hamilton to rescue the Man of Steel in time. S02E03 The Prometheon. September 12, 1997 The WB. A giant humanoid creature with incredible strength and heat-sapping abilities, falls to Earth and now threatens the planet. Superman has to fight the creature's advances and send it back into outer space. S02E04 Speed Demons. September 13, 1997 The WB. Superman and the Flash stage a charity race to find out "Who is the Fastest Man Alive." But the villainous Weather Wizard plans to use the hero's power to his own advantage in order to become rich, even if it means the destruction of Metropolis. S02E05 Livewire. September 13, 1997 The WB. Radio shock-jock Leslie Willis is turned into a being of pure electricity, and begins her media-crazed rampage to drain Metropolis' power and kill Superman in the bargain. S02E06 Identity Crisis. September 15, 1997 The WB. Superman encounters Bizarro, an imperfect genetic double of The Man of Steel, who tries to take Superman's place as Metropolis' hero. S02E07 Target. September 19, 1997 The WB. Someone has it in for Lois and tries to kill her. It's up to her and Superman to find out who the mysterious aggressor is. S02E08 Mxyzpixilated. September 20, 1997 The WB. Superman must repeatedly deal with Mr. Mxyzptlk a strange and powerful being from the fifth dimension.7.0. S02E09 Action Figures. September 20, 1997 The WB. On an island with a active volcano that is about to erupt, Metallo appears with temporary amnesia. S02E10 Double Dose. September 22, 1997 The WB. Livewire manages to escape from prison and tries to get her back on Superman, but once again, she underestimated his skills. So, she convinces an unlikely ally - the Parasite - to help her taking Superman out for good. S02E11 Solar Power. September 26, 1997 The WB. Edward Lytener escapes from Stryker's Island and becomes Luminus. He hopes to render Superman powerless by hijacking a number of satellites so that they permit only red light to filter through from the sun. S02E12 Brave New Metropolis. September 27, 1997 The WB. Lois stumbles into a parallel world where Superman and Lex Luthor work together as dictators of Metropolis. S02E13 Monkey Fun. September 27, 1997 The WB. A monkey returned to earth from space begins to grow incredibly large and threatens Metropolis. S02E14 Ghost in the Machine. September 29, 1997 The WB. Lex Luthor is forced to build a new body for Brainiac who has downloaded himself into LexCorp's computers. S02E15 Father's Day. October 3, 1997 The WB. Kalibak, the son of Darkseid, comes to Metropolis to kill Superman, and prove himself to his father. S02E16 World's Finest (1) October 4, 1997 The WB. Batman travels to Metropolis when the Joker steals a solid Kryptonite statue and makes a deal with Lex Luthor to kill Superman. S02E17 World's Finest (2) October 4, 1997 The WB. Lois Lane becomes romantically tied to Bruce Wayne and is kidnapped by the Joker in an attempt to lure Superman to his death. S02E18 World's Finest (3) October 4, 1997 The WB. Lois ends her romance with Bruce Wayne when she discovers that he is Batman. Lex Luthor tries to end his alliance with the Joker, but the Joker turns the tables and kidnaps Lex and steals a powerful aircraft to attack Metropolis. S02E19 The Hand of Fate. October 6, 1997 The WB. When an evil demon named Lord Karkull is unleashed, Superman attempts to enlist the aid of the now retired wizard superhero, Doctor Fate. S02E20 Bizarro's World. October 10, 1997 The WB. Bizarro learns of the destruction of Krypton and attempts to recreate the destruction in Metropolis. S02E21 Prototype. October 11, 1997 The WB. A suit of power armor is given to police officer who unfortunately is corrupted by the power it gives him. S02E22 The Late Mr. Kent. November 1, 1997 The WB. Clark Kent is thought to be dead after an automobile accident. Superman must nevertheless save an innocent man from execution and find the real culprit. S02E23 Heavy Metal. November 8, 1997 The WB. Superman teams up with Steel to deal with Metallo. S02E24 Warrior Queen. November 22, 1997 The WB. Maxima, Queen of Almerac, kidnaps Superman with the intent of making him her husband. S02E25 Apokolips. Now! (1) February 7, 1998 The WB. Superman teams up with Orion, an escapee from Apokolips, to take on Darkseid as he prepares to attack Earth. S02E26 Apokolips. Now! (2) February 14, 1998 The WB. Darkseid invades Earth with the help of Steppenwolf. With help from the citizens of Metropolis and the arrival of troops from New Genesis, Superman is able to stop his advance, but not without losses. S02E27 Little Girl Lost (1) May 2, 1998 The WB. Superman discovers a teenage girl in stasis while exploring the remains of his home world Krypton. She is the last survivor of Argos, a sister planet of Krypton whose civilization was destroyed when Krypton exploded. On returning to Earth she discovers that she has superpowers like superman and wanting to prove herself she goes to Metropolis to take on Granny Goodness and Intergang. S02E28 Little Girl Lost (2) May 2, 1998 The WB. Granny Goodness gets help against Supergirl from the Female Furies from Apokolips. Superman arrives but is captured and taken to Apokolips. Supergirl must rescue him and destroy a comet directed towards Earth by Granny Goodness. Season 3. S03E01 Where There's Smoke. September 19, 1998 The WB. Superman gets caught in the middle of a fight between Volcana, a woman with powerful paranormal skills, and the government agents that want to turn her into a weapon. S03E02 Knight Time. October 10, 1998 The WB. After Bruce Wayne is kidnapped, Superman must go undercover as Batman to find him. S03E03 New Kids in Town. October 31, 1998 The WB. Brainiac travels back in time from the year 2979 to destroy a young Clark Kent before he can become Superman. The Legion of Superheroes, however, send three of their own to stop him: Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy, and Chameleon Boy. S03E04 Obsession. November 15, 1998 The WB. Superman must stop the Toyman as he tries to abduct Darci Mason a popular supermodel and robot created by the Toyman. S03E05 Little Big Head Man. November 21, 1998 The WB. Mr. Mxypzptlk magically transports Bizarro back to Metropolis in order to torment Superman. S03E06 Absolute Power. January 16, 1999 The WB. Superman stumbles across a world ruled by Phantom Zone criminals and tyrants Jax-Ur and Mala. S03E07 In Brightest Day. February 6, 1999 The WB. Superman teams up with Kyle Rayner the new Green Lantern in order to stop Sinestro. S03E08 Superman's Pal. February 20, 1999 The WB. Jimmy becomes known as Superman's pal, which although may sound cool at first, it certainly attracts lots of trouble to Jimmy. S03E09 A Fish Story. May 8, 1999 The WB. Marine animals attack Metropolis because Lex Luthor has captured Aquaman. S03E10 Unity. May 15, 1999 The WB. Superman and Supergirl team up to save Smallville from an alien menance. Season 4. S04E01 The Demon Reborn. September 18, 1999 The WB. Superman and Batman team up against an aging Ra's Al Ghul who sees Superman as the key to his continued immortality. S04E02 Legacy (1) February 5, 2000 The WB. Superman is stripped of his memory and is adopted by Darkseid in an effort to take over Earth. S04E03 Legacy (2) February 12, 2000 The WB. Superman breaks free of Darkseid's control and goes to Apokolips to try to stop Darkseid once and for all. Additional Specials. SPECIAL 0x1 Brainiac Attacks! June 20, 2006 The WB. Embittered by Superman's heroic successes and soaring popularity, Lex Luthor forms a dangerous alliance with the powerful computer/villain Brainiac. Using advanced weaponry and a special strain of Kryptonite harvested from the far reaches of outer space, Luthor specifically redesigns Brainiac to defeat the Man of Steel. But when Brainiac betrays Luthor and reveals its sinister plans for world domination, Superman must brave the mysterious Phantom Zone to find the strength to survive this deadly showdown. SPECIAL 0x2 Doomsday. July 12, 2008 The WB. When LexCorp accidentally unearths the intergalactic serial killer Doomsday, Superman battles the creature head on in the fight of his life. literally. The world collectively mourns their fallen hero; humanity realizes it will never feel truly safe again. Superman's enemies rejoice - all but Lex Luthor, who grieves the loss in his own demented manner, setting off a chilling chain of events that even he couldn't have forseen. Inspired by the bestselling graphic novel of all time, DC Comics' The Death of Superman, this feature-length animated movie boasts exciting action sequences that rivals anything you've ever seen starring the Man of Steel! Superman: The Animated Series. The creative team behind the Emmy® Award-winning Batman: The Animated Series chronicles the adventures of Superman, the World’s Greatest Super Hero. Fly with Superman in this all-new collection of adventures. Superman: The Animated Series. Other seasons. Superman: The Animated Series. Superman: The Animated Series. Available on. Description. The creative team behind the Emmy® Award-winning Batman: The Animated Series chronicles the adventures of Superman, the World’s Greatest Super Hero. Fly with Superman in this all-new collection of adventures. As the Planet Krypton is destroyed, its leader, Jor-El, secures his infant son, Kal-El, in a rocket that will transport him to Earth. There, as Clark Kent (voiced by series star TIM DALY), he discovers the truth about his interplanetary heritage and, upon reaching adulthood, assumes the identity of Superman, the Man of Steel. In the city of Metropolis, he battles the forces of villainy and continues his quest for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way." In season three, Volcana (voiced by guest star PERI GILPIN), a villainess who can control fire, goes on a crime spree; Darkseid (voiced by recurring guest star MICHAEL IRONSIDE) erases Superman's memory; and Superman masquerades as Batman to confront a host of bad guys when Batman mysteriously goes missing, among other adventures. Episodes. Where There's Smoke. Season 3, Episode 1 TV-G CC SD. Volcana (guest star voice PERI GILPIN), a villainess who can control fire, goes on a crime spree stealing valuable artifacts while on the run from government agents and Superman (series star TIM DALY). Knight Time. Season 3, Episode 2 TV-G CC SD. Superman masquerades as Batman to confront Roxy Rocket (guest star voice CHARITY JAMES), Penguin (guest star voice PAUL WILLIAMS) and a host of other bad guys who are on a crime spree in Gotham City during the real Batman's (guest star voice KEVIN CONROY) mysterious absence. New Kids In Town. Season 3, Episode 3 TV-G CC SD. In Clark's hometown of Smallville, a teenage Clark Kent (guest star voice JASON MARSDEN) teams with Chameleon Boy (guest star voice JASON PRIESTLEY), Cosmic Boy (guest star voice CHAD LOWE) and Saturn Girl (guest star voice MELISSA JOAN HART) from the New Legion to battle Brainiac (recurring guest voice COREY BURTON). Obsession. Season 3, Episode 4 TV-G CC SD. Smitten with love, Toyman (recurring guest star voice BUD CORT) will do anything, even destroy Metropolis, to possess Darci Mason (guest star voice NANCY TRAVIS), a mechanical fashion model. The only person standing between Toyman and his obsession for Darci is Superman. Little Big Head Man. Season 3, Episode 5 TV-G CC SD. Mxyzptlk (recurring guest star voice GILBERT GOTTFRIED) gets into trouble with the rulers of his planet--and Superman--when he enlists Bizarro's (series star TIM DALY) help to wreak havoc on Earth. Absolute Power. Season 3, Episode 6 TV-G CC SD. Superman confronts Jax-Ur (recurring guest star voice RON PERLMAN) and Mala (new guest star voice SARAH DOUGLAS) while defending a distant planet that the two Kryptonian outlaws have enslaved. In Brightest Day… Season 3, Episode 7 TV-G CC SD. Kyle Rayner (guest star voice MICHAEL P. GRECO) is given a mysterious ring that enables him to transform into crime fighting superhero Green Lantern. When the Green Lantern's most dangerous enemy, Sinestro (recurring guest star voice TED LEVINE) attacks Earth, Rayner teams with Superman to defeat the villain. Superman's Pal. Season 3, Episode 8 TV-G CC SD. Jimmy Olsen (recurring guest star voice DAVID KAUFMAN) and Superman work together to combat Metallo (recurring guest star voice MALCOLM McDOWELL) when the evildoer returns to Metropolis. A Fish Story. Season 3, Episode 9 TV-G CC SD. When the marine life near Metropolis suddenly joins together to threaten the citizens, Lois Lane (series star DANA DELANY) discovers the cause: Lex Luthor (series star CLANCY BROWN) has taken Aquaman (guest star voice MIGUEL FERRER) prisoner! Unity. Season 3, Episode 10 TV-G CC SD. Superman teams with Supergirl to save his adoptive parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kent, along with the rest of Smallville, from an alien threat. The Demon Reborn. Season 3, Episode 11 TV-G CC SD. When Ra's Al Ghul, known as "The Demon," attempts to steal Superman's powers, Batman comes to the rescue. Legacy: Part 1. Season 3, Episode 12 TV-G CC SD. In another effort to take over Earth, Darkseid (recurring guest star voice MICHAEL IRONSIDE) erases Superman's memory and adopts him as a son. Part 1 of 2. Superman - The Animated Series, Season 1. As the Planet Krypton is destroyed, its leader, Jor-El, secures his infant son, Kal-El, in a rocket that will transport him to Earth. There Clark Kent discovers the truth about his interplanetary heritage and assumes the identity of Superman in the city of Metropolis. EPISODE 1. Superman: The Last Son of Krypton, Pt. 1. Before the planet Krypton is destroyed, scientist and leader Jor-El (recurring guest star voice Christopher McDonald) secures his infant son Kal-El in a rocket that will transport him to an uncertain future on Earth. Part 1 of 3. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Before the planet Krypton is destroyed, scientist and leader Jor-El (recurring guest star voice Christopher McDonald) secures his infant son Kal-El in a rocket that will transport him to an uncertain future on Earth. Part 1 of 3. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 2. Superman: The Last Son of Krypton, Pt. 2. Young Clark Kent (series star Tim Daly) discovers the truth about his interplanetary heritage. Upon reaching adulthood, he assumes the identity of Superman, the Man of Steel, in the city of Metropolis. Part 2 of 3. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Young Clark Kent (series star Tim Daly) discovers the truth about his interplanetary heritage. Upon reaching adulthood, he assumes the identity of Superman, the Man of Steel, in the city of Metropolis. Part 2 of 3. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 3. Superman: The Last Son of Krypton, Pt. 3. Lex Luthor's diabolical plan to sell his Lexo-Skel Suit 5000 to Kaznian terrorists through corrupt agent John Corben is foiled by the Man of Steel. Part 3 of 3. CC Apr 28, 2003 22 Minutes. Lex Luthor's diabolical plan to sell his Lexo-Skel Suit 5000 to Kaznian terrorists through corrupt agent John Corben is foiled by the Man of Steel. Part 3 of 3. CC Apr 28, 2003 22 Minutes. EPISODE 4. The Toyman (recurring guest star voice Bud Cort) weaves a wicked web that snares two disparate victims: Metropolis thug Bruno Mannheim (recurring guest star voice Bruce Weitz) -- and Lois Lane (series star Dana Delany). Only Superman can uncover and thwart the Toyman's evil plan. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. The Toyman (recurring guest star voice Bud Cort) weaves a wicked web that snares two disparate victims: Metropolis thug Bruno Mannheim (recurring guest star voice Bruce Weitz) -- and Lois Lane (series star Dana Delany). Only Superman can uncover and thwart the Toyman's evil plan. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 5. A Little Piece of Home. Lex Luthor (series star Clancy Brown) discovers Superman's Achilles' heel: A deadly vulnerability to Kryptonite. Armed with this lethal information, the vile fiend sets out to destroy the Man of Steel once and for all. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Lex Luthor (series star Clancy Brown) discovers Superman's Achilles' heel: A deadly vulnerability to Kryptonite. Armed with this lethal information, the vile fiend sets out to destroy the Man of Steel once and for all. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 6. After toxic chemicals transform unremarkable janitor Rudy Jones (recurring guest star voice Brion James) into the energy-draining Parasite, he imprisons Superman, intent on keeping the Man of Steel as his own personal power source. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. After toxic chemicals transform unremarkable janitor Rudy Jones (recurring guest star voice Brion James) into the energy-draining Parasite, he imprisons Superman, intent on keeping the Man of Steel as his own personal power source. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 7. The Way of All Flesh. Superman is the target of yet another of Lex Luthor's evil schemes. Lex Luthor transforms terrorist John Corben into Metallo (recurring guest star voice Malcolm McDowell), a flesh and metal Kryptonite-hearted cyborg with evil intent and no emotions. Metallo's only mission is to destroy Superman. But once he discovers that he is more machine than man, Metallo attacks his creator and Superman must save Luthor from his own invention. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Superman is the target of yet another of Lex Luthor's evil schemes. Lex Luthor transforms terrorist John Corben into Metallo (recurring guest star voice Malcolm McDowell), a flesh and metal Kryptonite-hearted cyborg with evil intent and no emotions. Metallo's only mission is to destroy Superman. But once he discovers that he is more machine than man, Metallo attacks his creator and Superman must save Luthor from his own invention. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 8. Brainiac (recurring guest star voice Corey Burton), once Krypton's all-knowing planetary computer, comes to Earth as part of his information- gathering trek across the galaxy. But, as Superman discovers, Brainiac's intent after gathering the world's knowledge is to destroy the Earth. CC Apr 28, 2003 20 Minutes. Brainiac (recurring guest star voice Corey Burton), once Krypton's all-knowing planetary computer, comes to Earth as part of his information- gathering trek across the galaxy. But, as Superman discovers, Brainiac's intent after gathering the world's knowledge is to destroy the Earth. CC Apr 28, 2003 20 Minutes. EPISODE 9. The Main Man, Pt. 1. Lobo (recurring guest star voice Brad Garrett), the infamous intergalactic bounty hunter, has been hired by the Preserver (recurring guest star voice Sherman Howard) to capture Superman, the last known survivor of his race. Lobo and Superman fight their way into deep space, where the double-crossing Preserver captures them both--Lobo is also the last of his kind. Part 1 of 2. CC Apr 28, 2003 20 Minutes. Lobo (recurring guest star voice Brad Garrett), the infamous intergalactic bounty hunter, has been hired by the Preserver (recurring guest star voice Sherman Howard) to capture Superman, the last known survivor of his race. Lobo and Superman fight their way into deep space, where the double-crossing Preserver captures them both--Lobo is also the last of his kind. Part 1 of 2. CC Apr 28, 2003 20 Minutes. EPISODE 10. The Main Man, Pt. 2. Superman and Lobo (recurring guest star voice Brad Garrett) join forces to escape the Preserver (recurring guest star voice Sherman Howard) and a wicked band of competing bounty hunters. After Lobo escapes to a tropical paradise, Superman transfers the Preserver's prisoners to the Fortress of Solitude. Part 2 of 2. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Superman and Lobo (recurring guest star voice Brad Garrett) join forces to escape the Preserver (recurring guest star voice Sherman Howard) and a wicked band of competing bounty hunters. After Lobo escapes to a tropical paradise, Superman transfers the Preserver's prisoners to the Fortress of Solitude. Part 2 of 2. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 11. Clark's childhood sweetheart, Lana Lang (recurring guest star voice Joely Fisher), arrives in Metropolis and is romanced by Lex Luthor. By the time Lana realizes that Lex is a dangerous criminal, she knows enough of his secrets to help Superman defeat him. But when Lex sees Superman and Lana together, he provides Lana with false information so he can trap the Man of Steel. Superman eventually discovers Luthor's plan and saves himself and Lana. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Clark's childhood sweetheart, Lana Lang (recurring guest star voice Joely Fisher), arrives in Metropolis and is romanced by Lex Luthor. By the time Lana realizes that Lex is a dangerous criminal, she knows enough of his secrets to help Superman defeat him. But when Lex sees Superman and Lana together, he provides Lana with false information so he can trap the Man of Steel. Superman eventually discovers Luthor's plan and saves himself and Lana. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 12. Tools of the Trade. Bruno Mannheim (recurring guest star voice Bruce Weitz) wants to destroy Superman. He and his Intergang terrorize Metropolis with high-tech weapons supplied by Kanto (recurring guest star voice Michael York), an agent of Darkseid (recurring guest star voice Michael Ironside). Will Superman triumph over this new evil? CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. Bruno Mannheim (recurring guest star voice Bruce Weitz) wants to destroy Superman. He and his Intergang terrorize Metropolis with high-tech weapons supplied by Kanto (recurring guest star voice Michael York), an agent of Darkseid (recurring guest star voice Michael Ironside). Will Superman triumph over this new evil? CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. EPISODE 13. When embittered scientist Dr. Earl Garver (guest star voice Brian Cox) goes into a coma before revealing the location of a ticking bomb, Superman risks enlisting the help of Parasite (recurring guest star voice Brion James) to drain the information from Garver's mind. CC Apr 28, 2003 21 Minutes. When embittered scientist Dr. Earl Garver (guest star voice Brian Cox) goes into a coma before revealing the location of a ticking bomb, Superman risks enlisting the help of Parasite (recurring guest star voice Brion James) to drain the information from Garver's mind.