
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 11/11 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 294 - Juni 2011 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, Auf Seite ??? in diesem Newsletter le- “Im Übrigen stimmte auch nicht die liebe Filmfreunde! sen Sie in der Rubrik “Wolfram Hanne- Info vom Verleih, dass der Film „in Ein Blick in den Kalender verrät es: In manns Film-Blog” dessen Kritik zu dem den allerletzten Zügen liegt“. Aber genau einem Jahr feiert die LASER neuen deutschen Film ARSCHKALT, das wusste der Verleih da auch noch HOTLINE ihr 20jähriges Bestehen! Da- die seit 7. Juni 2011 bereits online un- nicht. Der Schnitt und die Dramatur- mit hätten wir selbst in unseren kühn- ter www.wolframhannemann.de zu le- gie und auch die Musik hat sich da- sten Träumen nicht gerechnet, als wir sen ist. Am 17. Juni erreichte unseren nach noch einmal radikal geändert. Anfang August 1992 unseren Versand- Film-Blogger nun per E-Mail eine Stel- Glauben Sie mir, ich war vom handel für LaserDiscs amtlich angemel- lungnahme des Komponisten René 1.Screening genauso enttäuscht wie det haben. Ehrlich gesagt trauern wir Dohmen, der für die Filmmusik von Sie! Jetzt ist es ein wirklich toller heute noch jenen Zeiten nach, in denen ARSCHKALT verantwortlich zeichnet. Film geworden!” die Sammlerherzen Woche für Woche Dieser schreibt: höher schlagen durften angesichts der Ob sich der Filmverleih allerdings an- oft so faszinierenden “Special “Lieber Wolfram Hannemann, gesichts dieser radikalen Veränderun- Editions” auf den großen Silber- ich habe Ihre Kritik zu „Arschkalt“ gen gegenüber der Erstfassung des scheiben. Seither hat sich viel geän- gelesen und möchte Sie darauf auf- Films zu einer weiteren Pressevor- dert. Die Sammelobjekte sind wesent- merksam machen, dass Sie eine Musik führung entschließen wird, steht mo- lich kleiner geworden und längst nicht kritisiert haben, die zu über 80% gar mentan noch in den Sternen. Wir jeden- mehr so hochwertig und aufwändig in nicht von uns stammt. Zu diesem Zeit- falls sind Herrn Dohmen sehr dankbar der Verpackung. Konnte man auf den punkt des Screenings, der leider viel für diese Insider-Informationen. Unser herrlich großformatigen LaserDisc- zu früh gewählt wurde, lagen unter Film-Blogger Wolfram Hannemann hat Covern noch mit bloßem Auge alles dem Film noch Temp Tracks. Also inzwischen natürlich einen entspre- lesen, so ist inzwischen eine Lupe zum Fremdmusiken aus anderen Filmen, chenden Hinweis auf seiner Website Lesen der winzigen Aufdrucke auf den zum größten Teil von dem preisgekrön- hinzugefügt. Ob er sich den Film noch- Amarays unser ständiger Begleiter ge- ten Hollywood-Komponisten Chri- mals in der endgültigen Fassung an- worden. Aber was nützt es zu jammern stoph Beck. Das ist, wie Sie bestimmt schauen wird, bleibt abzuwarten. – die Hollywood-Studios interessiert wissen, Usus, dass im Schnitt mit die- das leider herzlich wenig. Dort wird nur sen sog. Temporary Tracks gearbeitet Ihr Laser Hotline Team darüber sinniert, wie man durch weitere wird. Sie werden also verstehen, dass Einsparungen an Material und Qualität wir nicht darüber erfreut sind, dass die Kosten reduzieren und damit den wir öffentlich für etwas kritisiert wer- Profit steigern kann. Aber so ist das den, für das wir nicht verantwortlich nun einmal in unserer kapitalistischen sind! Wir wären Ihnen dankbar, wenn Welt – kein Platz für Idealisten. Dass Sie das klarstellen würden. wir trotzdem noch weitermachen ist Mit freundlichen Grüßen alleine unserer Begeisterung für das René Dohmen” Medium Film geschuldet. Und dass wir damit offenbar genau richtig liegen, Der gewünschten und durchaus be- beweist unser großer, treuer Kunden- rechtigten Klarstellung sind wir damit stamm Monat für Monat aufs Neue. nachgekommen. Allerdings halten wir Und genau ihm gebührt unser Dank! es für sehr fahrlässig vom Filmverlei- Aber lassen Sie uns jetzt erst einmal her, Filmkritikern nur eine vorläufige die 20 Jahre voll machen, bevor wir uns Fassung eines Films zu zeigen. In der hier weiter in Sentimentalitäten verlie- Einladung zum Presse-Screening war ren. Aber ein Blick in die Zukunft sei nur lapidar zu lesen: uns an dieser Stelle schon gestattet: getreu dem Motto “nicht nur konsumie- “BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Der Film be- ren, sondern selber kreativ sein” sind findet sich noch in den allerletzten wir momentan dabei, ein neues Betäti- Zügen der Postproduktion, daher zei- gungsfeld für LASER HOTLINE aufzu- gen wir eine fast finale Version per bauen. Einen ersten kleinen Vorge- Digi-Beta (Tonbestimmung noch nicht schmack können Sie sehen, wenn Sie final).” unsere Website www.laserhotline.de besuchen. Gleich auf der Startseite gibt Nicht der geringste Hinweis darauf, es einen Link mit dem Titel “Check out dass es sich um einen vorläufigen our Promo Clip”. Einfach anklicken und Music Score handeln würde. Kompo- anschauen. Viel Spaß dabei! nist René Dohmen dazu weiter:

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011

Summer Fun

Sonne, Biergärten, Flussufer, Picknicks und Grillab- ende. Der Sommer ist da! Für Filmfans bedeutet das vor allem eins: ab ins Kino! Klimaanlagen und Blockbuster, wo könnte es schöner sein? Doch was tun, wenn die Blockbuster den Block nicht so recht busten wollen? Wie dieses Jahr? Mal ehrlich, The Hangover 2? Mr. Popper’s Penguins? Noch ein Pirates of the Caribbean? Da kann man sein hart verdientes Geld und die knappe Freizeit besser einsetzen. Doch für uns eingefleischte Filmfans geht es ohne Film nicht. Nicht verzagen, Anna fragen! Hier sind meine Tipps, um einen filmtastischen Sommer zu erleben, ohne auf die mickrige aktuelle Aus- wahl zurückgreifen zu müssen.

Süße Filmsünden zum Selbstzaubern!

Im Sommer braucht man leichte Filmkost, weshalb Klassiker wie oder gute Animationsfilme wie Toy Story besonders Spaß machen und helfen abzu- schalten. Auch für diejenigen, die Familie haben, sind diese Filme eine tolle Möglichkeit, gemeinsam etwas zu erleben. Aber nur die DVD reinzuschieben ist zu ein- fach. Machen Sie ein Event aus dem geplanten Film- abend! Nutzen Sie die heiße Mittagszeit, um der prallen Sonne zu entkommen und stellen Sie (und ihre Kinder/ heimlich viel Spaß beim Zubereiten und das anschlie- Neffen/Enkel) sich in die Küche, um für das filmische ßende Naschen ist auch nicht ohne! So verbringen Sie Abendmahl Außergewöhnliches zu backen: Star Wars einen herrlichen Nachmittag. Am Abend können Sie vor Plätzchen und Toy Story cake pops, wie sie uns ihrem Lieblingsfilm entspannen. Oder Sie kennen jeman- Bakerella zeigt. Die cake pops habe ich schon selbst den, der Filmfreak ist und Geburtstag hat oder einen getestet. Ich kann Ihnen versprechen: Sie machen un- sonstigen Grund zum Feiern? Backen Sie eine Film- rolle, eine Klappe oder gleich das Ringeltier aus Steel Magnolias! Mit dem Internet und einer großen Portion Willen geht es bestimmt! Übrigens eignen sich diese Backorgien nicht nur für Familien, sondern auch für WGs und ganze Studentenwohnheime. Von Back to the Future bis Notting Hill – es gibt Kuchen für jeden Film!

Open Air-Kino!

Backen ist Ihnen zu anstrengend? Dann gönnen Sie sich eine Open Air-Vorstellung! Meistens spielen Open Airs nicht nur aktuelle Filme, sondern auch moderne Klassiker wie Lord of the Rings oder The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Packen Sie eine Decke, einige kühle Ge- tränke, ein paar Sandwiches und Kekse ein – schon ist

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 der Filmabend unter den Sternen gelungen! Open Air- Gleichgesinnten selbstgeschriebene Szenarien durchzu- Kino gibt es in fast jeder deutschen Stadt. In München spielen. Hört sich etwas verrückt an, aber ich finde es nennt es sich “Kino, Mond und Sterne”, in Karlsruhe bie- toll! tet das tolle Schauburg-Kino ein Programm, das von über Mamma Mia! bis 2001: A Space Odyssee Filmen! Sie! alles hat, was Freude bringt. So können sie die filmi- schen Enttäuschungen dieses Jahres umgehen und Die Filme dieses Sommers sind Ihnen zu doof? Wie müssen trotzdem nicht auf den Gang ins Kino verzich- wäre es mit eigenem Material? Ob nur Szenen oder ten. Außerdem kann man bei Open Air prima neue Leute ganze Epen, Kreativität ist angesagt! Scharen Sie kennenlernen, was so manchem Filmfreak nicht leicht Freunde und Familie um sich und legen Sie los! Eine fällt. Bringen Sie dafür einfach ein paar Getränke und Flipcam kostet heutzutage nicht mehr die Welt – und Snacks mehr mit, so dass Sie im richtigen Moment et- Sie oder jemand in ihrem Bekanntenkreis hat bestimmt was zum Teilen haben. schon eine. Auch Schnittprogramme und Spezialeffekte sind billig, wenn man es richtig anstellt. Für das kleine Rollenspiele, aber richtig! Portemonnaie empfehle ich Ihnen www.indymogul.com . Auf dieser Seite finden Sie vom selbstgemachten Harry- Machen wir uns frei von der Idee, dass Kino immer mit Potter-Zauberstab über die Waffe von Hellboy bis hin zur Filmgucken gleichgesetzt werden muss. Wieso nicht Weltraumausrüstung alles, was Sie je für ihre Drehbü- selbst etwas erschaffen? Lassen Sie ihrem Spieltrieb cher brauchen können. Ein YouTube-Account ist schnell freien Lauf! Für Sci-fi- und Fantasy-Fans gibt es hunder- eingerichtet. Wer weiß, vielleicht sind Sie schon auf te Brett- und Kartenspiele, mit denen Sie einen Abend, dem Weg zu einer Million Hits? wenn nicht die ganze Nacht, füllen können. Begeben Sie sich auf den Battlestar Galactica oder reisen sie nach Wenn der normale filmische Sommer uns nicht gefällt, Mittelerde um dort neue Abenteuer mit ihren Lieblings- gibt es mehr Optionen, als nur Zuhause den Fernseher figuren aus der Lord of the Rings-Saga zu erleben. Ent- einzuschalten oder die immer-gleichen DVDs rotieren zu scheiden Sie sich für diese Art von Unterhaltung, so lassen. Nutzen Sie das schöne Wetter ebenso wie die möchte ich Sie allerdings warnen: Nur hinsetzen und herrlichen Sommergewitter, um sich mit Leuten zu um- spielen gilt nicht! Kostüme müssen her und auch einige geben, die Sie lieben und mit denen Sie Freude haben. passende Deko-Elemente sollten nicht fehlen. Schnei- Wir Filmfreaks tendieren viel zu oft dazu, als One-Man- den Sie von den Notizblöcken der Spieler die Ecken ab, Show zu leben. Doch Freaksein macht zusammen mit stellen Sie (echte oder falsche) Zigarren zur Verfügung, anderen doppelt so viel Spaß! Seien sie kreativ! Sie wer- servieren Sie farbige Getränke in ungewöhnlichen Glä- den sehen, Film ist nicht immer Film ist nicht immer sern – schon haben Sie die perfekte Galactica-Atmo- Film. sphäre geschaffen. Kelche aus der Wühlkiste im Anna Rudschies Spielzeugladen, die Schmuckschatulle der Partnerin/ Mutter/Schwester geplündert, Kristallleuchten vom Aldi und herzhafte Snacks, da schlägt jedes in Fantasy ver- liebte Herz höher. Einzige Gefahr bei solchen Rollenspiele: Sucht! Wenn Sie mit den richtigen Leuten spielen, wird garantiert nicht nur im Sommer, sondern das ganze Jahr über ge- spielt. Ich kenne ein paar Herren, die ihre eigenen Klan- Flaggen haben. Sie nehmen diese sogar mit auf Reisen und stecken sie neben sich in den Urlaubssand. Und ich kenne eine Dame, die ihre eigenen Kostüme näht, eine Anna freut sich über Ihr Feedback: beeindruckende Sammlung an Körperfarben besitzt und [email protected] regelmäßig wochenlang in den Wald fährt um dort mit

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 06. Juni 2011 raubt ist die Filmmusik vom Gespann Gesichter... Zurück auf die Schulbank Dürbeck & Dohmen. Die klingt so einfalls- Eine Romantikkomödie eröffnete heute eine los, als hätte sie ein Amateur mit einem der THE TREE OF LIFE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) quantitativ recht dünne Pressewoche. Viel- vielen Musikprogramme generiert, die in- OT: The Tree Of Life leicht klappt es ja dafür mit der Qualität? zwischen für PCs verfügbar sind. Und es Verleih: Concorde ist viel zuviel Musik im Film. Eine gute Land/Jahr: USA 2011 LARRY CROWNE (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Filmmusik muss auch einmal schweigen Regie: Terrence Malick OT: Larry Crowne können. (Bitte beachten Sie hierzu das Darsteller: Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, Jessica Verleih: Kinowelt “Editorial” auf Seite 2 in diesem Chastain Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Newsletter!) Bleibt fairerweise noch zu Kinostart: 16.06.2011 Regie: erwähnen, dass uns heute leider nur eine Darsteller: Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Vorabversion des Films gezeigt wurde, da Alle zehn Jahre liefert Ausnahmeregisseur Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Cedric The Entertai- sich das Werk momentan noch in der Nach- Terrence Malick einen neuen Film ab. Die ner, George Takei bearbeitung befindet. Die Bild- und Ton- lange Wartezeit zwischen seinen Werken Kinostart: 30.06.2011 qualität des gezeigten DigiBeta-Materials schraubt die Erwartungen natürlich ent- spottete jeder Beschreibung und machte für sprechend hoch, stammen doch Filme wie Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung le- mich viele der Dialoge höchst unverständ- IN DER GLUT DES SÜDENS und DER sen Sie die Kurzrezension erst ab 30. Juni lich. SCHMALE GRAD von ihm. Was Malick 2011 unter www.wolframhannemann.de jedoch jetzt mit dem in Cannes hoch umju- WERNER – EISKALT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) belten Epos THE TREE OF LIFE in die Dienstag, 07. Juni 2011 Verleih: Constantin Kinos bringt, dürfte die Zuschauer eher Kältewelle Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2010 verstören denn begeistern. Es ist eigentlich An einem schwülen Tag gleich zwei Filme Regie: Gernot Roll die Geschichte einer durchschnittlichen präsentiert zu bekommen, die kalte Tempe- Darsteller: Rötger Feldmann, Ivonne amerikanischen Familie mit drei Kindern, raturen im Titel verkünden, halte ich für Schönherr, Marysol Fernandez die in den sechziger Jahren in einem kleinen einen gelungenen PR-Gag. Kinostart: 23.06.2011 texanischen Ort aufwachsen. Der Vater, ein Offizier, ersucht seine Söhne nach bestem ARSCHKALT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Wer glaubte, dass es mit WERNER endgül- Wissen und Gewissen zu erziehen. Und Verleih: NFP tig vorbei sei, der hat sich aber getäuscht! das bedeutet: streng gläubig und extrem Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 Herr Brösel, Autor und Hauptdarsteller in hart. Im Laufe der Jahre führt dies beim Regie: André Erkau Personalunion, zelebriert eine weitere Auf- ältesten seiner Söhne dazu, dass er seinen Darsteller: Herbert Knaup, Johannes lage seiner bekannten Figuren. In der Vater zu hassen beginnt, sich sogar Mord- Allmayer, Elke Winkens Hauptsache geht es in diesem Mix aus gedanken hingibt. Natürlich kommt alles Kinostart: 21.07.2011 Real- und Animationsfilm um die andauern- anders und der Film nimmt das tragische de Rivalität zwischen Werner und seinem Ende bereits zu Beginn vorweg. Doch nicht Rainer Berg ist ein richtiges Ekelpaket. Erzrivalen Holgi. Die liefern sich schon genug mit dieser Familiengeschichte. Denn sein persönliches Leid lässt er alle seit ihren Tagen im Kinderwagen halsbre- Malick packt das Ganze in einen seine Mitmenschen spüren. Jetzt arbeitet cherische Rennen, bei denen immer Holgi universumübergreifenden Zusammenhang, der ehemalige Fabrikinhaber als Fahrer bei gewinnt. Das natürlich spornt Werner im- zelebriert die Entstehung der Erde mit einer einem Tiefkühlkostlieferanten. Seine Frau mer wieder zu neuen (Un)Taten an, die sein hat sich schon lange von ihm getrennt und Motorrad gesetzeswidrig schnell werden sein im Seniorenheim lebender Vater glaubt lassen. Die gefühlten drei Stunden (der immer noch, dass sein Sohn das einst er- Film dauert knapp über 90 Minuten) wälzt folgreiche Familienunternehmen weiter sich der Film äußerst gerne in Fäkalien oder führt. Da treten drei neue Situationen in Erbrochenem und man sehnt sich das Ende sein Leben. Die neue Chefin hat ihn auf des Films schon nach den ersten 15 Minu- dem Kieker, seinen Kollegen soll er ten herbei. WERNER – EISKALT bietet einlernen und sein Vater will unbedingt selbstverständlich auch einen Witz – und seinen Geburtstag in der Fabrik feiern! Ob es ist exakt 1 Witz. Multiplexklientel mag er will oder nicht – Rainer muss sich mit das reichen, um Bölkstoff und XXL Pop- seinen Mitmenschen arrangieren, um de corn zu genießen, dem etwas anspruchsvol- Schein aufrecht zu erhalten. Doch das ist leren Kinogänger jedoch mit Sicherheit extrem schwierig... Zugegeben: diese Ko- nicht. WERNER – EISKALT ist jener Film mödie hat durchaus ihre lichten Momente. des Jahres, bei dem man selbst auf den Und damit sind nicht nur die philosophi- Einsatz einer Freikarte verzichten sollte. schen Betrachtungen zur Tiefkühlkost ge- Um es in Werners Worten auszudrücken: meint, die sozusagen als “Running Gag” “Hau wech die Scheeeiße!” immer wieder Szenenübergänge bilden. Man kann die Situationen, in die sich die Mittwoch, 08. Juni 2011 Protagonisten hineinmanövrieren, durchaus Die Entstehung der Erde und alles andere verstehen und kann sogar leise vor sich auch noch hinschmunzeln. Was dem Betrachter aber Die letzte Pressevorführung in dieser Wo- schon nach kurzer Zeit wirklich den Nerv che generierte zweifelnde und fragende

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gewaltigen Bilderflut, bei denen Kubricks müssen. Erst die eisige Kälte Sibiriens, man schnell ziemlich satt. Immerhin gibt es 2001: ODYSSEE IM WELTRAUM Pate danach die Gluthitze jenseits der mongoli- zwei interessante und gut besetzte Neben- stand (die Handschrift von Special Effects schen Grenze. Unterwegs gabelt der kleine charaktere, über die man sich amüsieren Guru Douglas Trumbull ist nicht zu über- Trupp ein Mädchen auf, das bald schon als kann. Elizabeths Kollegin Amy beispiels- sehen!) und unterlegt alles mit aus dem Off Sprachrohr zwischen den sehr unterschied- weise, die Vorbild für ihre Schützlinge sein gesprochenen spirituellen Fragen. Ein lichen Männer fungiert. Saoirse Ronan ist will, aber deshalb genau von denen nicht bisschen zuviel des Guten. Der Film ist hier eine willkommene Abwechslung in dem für voll genommen wird. Oder die etwas trotz Überlänge keineswegs langweilig, ansonsten sehr behäbigen Film. Visuell beleibte und ältere Kollegin, die alles ande- doch er wirkt extrem abstrakt und bedarf bietet der Film grandiose Landschafts- re als Selbstbewusstsein ausstrahlt. Eine einer Erklärung. Und hat damit eine zweite aufnahmen (National Geographic ist politisch vollkommen inkorrekte Komödie, Parallele mit Kubricks Sci-Fi-Epos: auch er Mitpoduzent des Films!), die jedoch den bei der am Ende sogar die Verdorbenheit entließ das Publikum mit Fragen, auf die er Langeweilefaktor nicht wirklich drosseln zum Erfolg führt. Amerika – das Land der keine Antwort lieferte. Sollte es sich also können. unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. bei Malicks Film etwa auch um ein Mei- sterwerk handeln? Die Antwort darauf wird Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011 Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2011 die vor uns liegende Filmgeschichte liefern. Nicht gerade ein Vorbild Noch mehr Pinguine! Wieder nur eine einzige Pressevorführung Gerade als man dachte, dass das Kino Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011 heute – man wird richtig entwöhnt... sämtliche Pinguin-Angriffe überstanden Ein langer Marsch hat, schickt Jim Carrey gleich eine ganze Manche Kinofilme fühlen sich länger an als BAD TEACHER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Meute! Aber zuvor gab es wenigstens noch sie tatsächlich sind... OT: Bad Teacher brillantes britisches Kino. Verleih: Sony Pictures THE WAY BACK – DER LANGE WEG Land/Jahr: USA 2011 ALLES KOSCHER! (1:1.85, DD 5.1) (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Regie: Jake Kasdan OT: The Infidel OT: The Way Back Darsteller: Cameron Diaz, Justin Verleih: Senator Verleih: Splendid (Fox) Timberlake, Lucy Punch Land/Jahr: England 2010 Land/Jahr: USA 2010 Kinostart: 23.06.2011 Regie: Josh Appignanesi Regie: Peter Weir Darsteller: Omid Djalili, , Darsteller: Jim Sturgess, Ed Harris, Saoirse Elizabeth hat eigentlich nur eines im Sinn: Archie Panjabi Ronan, Colin Farrell Leben im Luxus. Ihren Job als Lehrerin übt Kinostart: 30.06.2011 Kinostart: 30.06.2011 sie nur aus, um an Geld zu kommen. Und sie hängt ihn liebend gerne an den Nagel, Mahmud ist Pakistani, überzeugter, doch Polen 1940. Die Russen haben das Land als die Hochzeit mit ihrem reichen Freund nicht ganz so strenger Muslim, glücklich besetzt und gehen rücksichtslos gegen ansteht. Dumm nur dass der einen Rückzie- verheiratet, Vater zweier Kinder und beruf- Regimegegner vor. Einer von ihnen ist her macht. So steht sie dann doch wieder lich erfolgreich. Sein Sohn möchte heiraten, Janusz, dessen Frau durch Folter gezwun- vor einer Schulklasse. Aber warum sich mit doch seine zukünftige Braut benötigt dafür gen wurde, gegen ihn auszusagen. Janusz Arbeit belasten, wenn man den Kleinen das Ja-Wort ihres zukünftigen Stiefvaters, wird in ein sibirisches Arbeitslager depor- auch Filme zeigen kann? Elizabeth tut des radikalen Muslim Arshad El Masri. tiert. Zusammen mit anderen politischen wirklich alles, um kein Vorbild für die Und genau der will erst einmal das Eltern- Gefangenen sowie Schwerverbrechern wird Schüler zu sein. Als sie den sympathischen haus des Schwiegersohns in spe auf dessen er bei eisigen Temperaturen zu Schwerstar- Aushilfslehrer Scott aus reichem Hause beit gezwungen. Die Begegnung mit kennenlernt, schöpft sie Hoffnung, bald Khabarov, einem in Ungnade gefallenen schon in Saus und Braus leben zu können. Schauspieler, und Mr. Smith, einen in Ge- Doch es gilt eine Hürde zu nehmen: sie fangenschaft geratenen Amerikaner, mündet braucht dringend eine Brustvergrößerung, in einem Fluchtplan. Gemeinsam mit vier um ihre Chance bei der Balz zu erhöhen. weiteren Häftlingen wagen die drei Männer Allerdings balzt sie nicht alleine: ihre all- die Flucht aus dem Gulag. Ihre einzige seits beliebte Kollegin Amy findet eben- Hoffnung: die Tausende von Kilometer falls Gefallen an Scott... Man könnte entfernte Mongolei. Nur mit einem Messer durchaus Gefallen finden an dieser bewaffnet und einer Handvoll Proviant Anarchokomödie. Selbst Cameron Diaz in beginnt ein wahres Martyrium... Ob Ab- der Titelrolle ist noch halbwegs zu ertra- sicht oder nicht: am Ende des Films fühlt gen, läuft sie dieses Mal doch nicht kom- man sich als Zuschauer genau so, wie sich plett aus dem Ruder. Doch der Grundtenor die Überlebenden des ewig langen Fußmar- dieser Komödie, die sich darin gefällt, stets sches gefühlt haben müssen: total er- unter die Gürtellinie zu schlagen, holt ei- schöpft. Dem Film merkt man leider jede nen schnell wieder auf den Boden der Tat- Minute seiner 133 Minuten Spielzeit an. sachen. Warum nur müssen Komödien, die Ein echter Durchhaltefilm. Regisseur Peter sich im Schulmilieu abspielen, immer mit Weir stützt sich bei seiner Inszenierung auf zweideutig Eindeutigem ausstaffiert wer- den Tatsachenroman von Slawomir den? Humor kann auch anders richtig gut Rawiczs und zeigt in vielen Einzelheiten funktionieren. Wohl aber nicht in Amerika. die Qualen, die die Männer durchlaufen Wie auch immer – den BAD TEACHER hat

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Religionstreue hin prüfen. Ausgerechnet in Zu seiner Überraschung schwirren bald probleme. Ob er jemals sein Versprechen dieser Situation erfährt Mahmud aus dem sechs hungrige Pinguine durch sein Luxus- einlösen wird, rechtzeitig zur Geburt sei- Nachlass seiner eben verstorbenen Mutter, Apartment! Immerhin: seinen Kinder gefal- nes unehelichen Kindes wieder zuhause zu dass er als Baby adoptiert wurde und ei- len die watschelnden Kerlchen extrem gut. sein? Die Antwort auf diese Frage liefert gentlich Jude ist! Der vollkommen Verwirr- Fast scheint es, als ob die Familie plötzlich der Film, bleibt jedoch auch in gewisser te behält die Wahrheit für sich und forscht wieder zusammenwächst... Endlich darf Weise offen und veranlasst dadurch den nach seinen leiblichen Eltern. Zu seinem sich Jim Carrey mal wieder in einer Rolle Zuschauer, über die hoffnungslose Situati- Erstaunen lebt sein Vater zwar noch, liegt zeigen, die kein “Aus-dem-Ruder-Laufen” on illegaler Einwanderer nachzudenken. aber im Sterben. Doch man will ihn erst erfordert. Er spielt den redegewandten Mit Nik Xhelilaj in der Titelrolle hat der dann an das Sterbebett lassen, wenn er sich Geschäftsmann, der plötzlich wieder Ge- Regisseur einen Glücksgriff getan. Xhelilaj mit dem Judentum auseinandergesetzt hat. fühle entdeckt, sehr überzeugend. Überzeu- spielt seine Figur überzeugend authentisch. Mit Hilfe eines jüdischen Taxifahrers lässt gend ebenfalls die Kombination aus echten DER ALBANER ist zwar nicht das ganz sich Mahmud in die jüdischen Gebräuche und digital entworfenen Pinguinen. Die große Kino, aber ein diskussionswürdiger einführen – mit bösen Folgen. Wenn es in können einem schon sehr ans Herz wach- Film. letzter Zeit einen guten Film zum Thema sen. MR. POPPER’S PINGUINE ist ty- Toleranz gegeben hat, dann ist das dieser! pisch amerikanisches Family Entertainment Montag, 20. Juni 2011 Regisseur Josh Appignanesi führt seinem ohne bitteren Nachgeschmack und mit vor- Die Wunden der Kindheit Publikum auf sehr amüsante und höchst programmiertem Happy End, das wunder- Mit einem faszinierenden Drama begann britische Weise vor Augen, was Multi- bar in die Weihnachtszeit passen würde. heute meine Filmwoche. Das macht Appe- Kulti tatsächlich bedeutet. Es gibt nicht die Der Kinostart im Hochsommer ist etwas tit auf mehr. einzig wahre Religion, sondern jede Religi- gewagt. on hat ihre Berechtigung und sollte im Ein- DIE EINSAMKEIT DER PRIMZAHLEN klang mit allen anderen Religionen bestehen Freitag, 17. Juni 2011 (1:2.35, DD 5.1) dürfen. Dass seine Komödie so wunderbar Ausweglos OT: La Solitudine Dei Numeri Primi funktioniert, ist dem Schauspieltalent von Das letzte Screening in dieser Woche – Verleih: NFP (Filmwelt) Omid Djalili geschuldet, der den arg ge- ziemlich depressiv. Land/Jahr: Italien, Deutschland, Frankreich plagten Mahmud aus voller Seele spielt. 2010 Auch werden immer wieder winzig kleine DER ALBANER (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Regie: Saverio Costanzo Geschichtchen eingestreut, über die man OT: Shqiptari Darsteller: Alba Rohrwacher, Luca wahrhaftig lachen kann. So spielt bei- Verleih: Zorro Marinelli, Isabella Rossellini spielsweise Mahmuds kleine Tochter Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Albanien 2010 Kinostart: 11.08.2011 zuhause mal eine Jihad-Kämpferin, mal Regie: Johannes Naber eine Hisbolla-Soldatin – ohne natürlich zu Darsteller: Nik Xhelilaj, Stipe Erceg, André Alice und Mattia – zwei verwundete See- wissen, was das alles bedeutet. ALLES Hennicke len, die füreinander bestimmt zu sein schei- KOSCHER! macht sich dabei jedoch nie- Kinostart: 28.07.2011 nen, aber nie richtig zueinander finden - mals über Religion lustig, zieht diese nie in stehen im Mittelpunkt eines faszinierenden den Dreck. Wenn man in diesem Film lacht, Arben ist der älteste Sohn einer armen Dramas über die Wunden der Kindheit, die dann letztendlich über sich selber und weil albanischen Familie. Um zu überleben, das ganze Leben bestimmen. Alice erleidet man erkennt, wie sinnlos es ist, sich über müssen die Männer ins Ausland gehen, wo als Kind einen schweren Skiunfall, den ihr Religion zu streiten. Sehr empfehlenswert. sie mit Arbeit etwas Geld verdienen kön- rücksichtsloser Vater zu verantworten hat nen. Arben möchte unbedingt Etleva heira- und durch den sie für den Rest ihres Le- MR. POPPERS PINGUINE (1:1.85, DD ten. Doch um die Schulden ihres Vaters zu bens hinken wird. Mattia, der als Kind 5.1) begleichen, wurde sie bereits einem wohl- ständig auf seine geistig etwas behinderte OT: Mr. Popper’s Peguins habenden Geschäftsmann versprochen. Zwillingsschwester achten muss, lässt die- Verleih: Fox Doch Arben gibt nicht auf. Um das not- se ein einziges Mal alleine auf einer Park- Land/Jahr: USA 2011 wendige Brautgeld zu verdienen, lässt er bank zurück. Sie taucht nie wieder auf und Regie: Mark S. Waters sich illegal nach Deutschland einschmug- Mattia gibt sich die Schuld daran, entwik- Darsteller: Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino, An- geln. Dort, so sagt man, kann man in kur- kelt sich zum genialen, aber einsamen Son- gela Lansbury zer Zeit sehr viel Geld verdienen. Aller- derling. Diese Einsamkeit ist es auch, die Kinostart: 23.06.2011 dings wird er schnell auf den Boden der Alice mit Mattia unmerklich verbindet, als Tatsachen geholt. Denn kaum Deutsch sich die beiden im Teenageralter erstmals Mr. Popper ist ein erfolgreicher und aal- sprechend bekommt er nur schlecht bezahl- begegnen. Es ist die eigene Einsamkeit, die glatter Geschäftsmann, der für eine te Tagelöhnerarbeiten angeboten. Die Hoff- jeder im anderen wiedererkennt und sie zu Immobiliengruppe lukrative Objekte in nung auf das große Geld beginnt, als er sich Freunden werden lässt. Als Mattia schließ- New York aufkauft, damit diese abgerissen auf illegale Geschäfte einlässt: Arben wird lich zum Studium ins Ausland geht, bricht und neu bebaut werden können. Als es als Schleuser angeheuert. Damit aber begin- für beide eine schlimme Zeit an... Dass der darum geht, das traditionsreiche Restaurant nen die Probleme erst... Mit schmuddeli- Film den Zuschauer von Anfang an in sei- von Mrs. Van Gundy der Gruppe einzuver- gen, farbreduzierten Bildern erzählt Regis- nen Bann zieht und ihn nicht mehr loslässt, leiben, erhält er eine Abfuhr. Doch ein Pop- seur Johannes Naber eine Geschichte, wie liegt an der kunstvollen Verschachtelung per gibt sich nie geschlagen! Ausgerechnet sie tagtäglich passieren könnte. Immer tie- der verschiedenen Zeitebenen, in denen die in dieser schwierigen Situation erhält der fer versinkt sein Held in dubiosen Geschäf- Geschichte der beiden Außenseiter geschil- geschiedene Vater zweier Kinder eine große ten, muss sich ständig verstecken, um nicht dert wird. Es braucht zwar etwas Zeit, um Holzkiste aus dem Nachlass seines Vaters. aufzufliegen und hat trotzdem noch Geld- sich darin zurechtzufinden, aber die gesteht

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog der Regisseur seinem Publikum zu. Auch Juliette in die geheimnisvolle Welt Kairos retten ist. Doch das Projekt scheint zum die teilweise betörenden Bilder von Chef- einweiht, desto stärker fühlt sich Juliette Scheitern verurteilt zu sein... Immer wieder kameramann Fabio Cianchetti sorgen dafür, zu ihm hingezogen... CAIRO TIME könnte erfahren wir anhand von langen Rückblen- dass der Film bis zum Ende interessant man als das passende Pendant zu LOST den die gemeinsame Geschichte von Cindy bleibt. Er nutzt das CinemaScope-Format IN TRANSLATION bezeichnen. Dort war und Dean. Der erste Blickkontakt, das er- sowie die Farbgestaltung in hervorragender es eine tiefgreifende Begegnung in Tokio, ste Kennenlernen, das erste Rendezvous, Weise, um die tiefen Wunden der Protago- hier ist es der Nahe Osten. Mit atmosphä- der erste Sex. Als Cindy von einem anderen nisten auch visuell auszudrücken. Mit Alba risch stimmigen Bildern der grandiosen Freund ungewollt schwanger wird, springt Rohrwacher als Alice und Luca Marinelli Stadt vor der einmaligen Kulisse der großen Dean in die Presche und heiratet sie als Mattia hat Saverio Costanzo eine Ideal- Pyramiden, erzählt die kanadisch-syrische schließlich. Als Zuschauer lassen uns die besetzung gefunden. Beide Darsteller Regisseurin Ruba Nadda eine sehr zarte hervorragenden Darsteller an allen Statio- brillieren in ihren Rollen, der auch vollen Liebesgeschichte. Die Chemie zwischen nen diese Ehe teilhaben, die Jahre später in Körpereinsatz von ihnen abverlangt. Als Patricia Clarkson und Alexander Siddig kompletter Desillusionierung und handfe- weiteres interessantes Gestaltungsmittel stimmt perfekt und lässt die Liebelei sehr sten Streitigkeiten endet. Szenen einer ame- fungiert die Musik, die sich stilistisch an realistisch und dadurch nachvollziehbar rikanischen Ehe, extrem realistisch darge- das jeweilige Jahrzehnt anpasst, in dem die erscheinen. Hoch anzurechnen ist es den stellt. Rückblenden spielen. Komponist Mike Filmemachern auch, dass sie beim Ende des Patton zitiert sogar ein Thema von Ennio Films nicht zum Äußersten gehen, sondern Morricone, das der Altmeister in den sieb- denselben Weg wählen wie bereits Sofia ziger Jahren für seinen Landsmann Dario Coppola in LOST IN TRANSLATION. Argento komponierte. Surreal wirkendes CAIRO TIME ist anspruchsvolles Date- Kino mit depressiver Grundstimmung vom Kino für die reiferen Kinogänger. Feinsten. DER ZOOWÄRTER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Dienstag, 21. Juni 2011 OT: Zookeeper Lost in Cairo Verleih: Sony Pictures Das Witzige an diesem Kinotag war die Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Tatsache, dass es beim zweiten Film für Regie: Frank Coraci jeden anwesenden Journalisten einen ihm Darsteller: Kevin James, Leslie Bibb, persönlich zugeordneten Security-Guard gab! Kinostart: 07.07.2011

CAIRO TIME (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung gibt OT: Cairo Time es die Kurzrezension erst ab 25. Juni 2011 Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) unter www.wolframhannemann.de Land/Jahr: Kanada, Irland, Ägypten 2009 Regie: Ruba Nadda Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011 Darsteller: Patricia Clarkson, Alexander Szenen einer amerikanischen Ehe Siddig, Elena Anaya Die letzte Pressevorführung in dieser Wo- Kinostart: 01.09.2011 che offenbarte hervorragende Darsteller- leistungen. Kaum in Kairo angekommen erfährt die Diplomatengattin Juliette, dass ihr Mann BLUE VALENTINE (1:1.66, DD 5.1) im Gaza-Streifen festsitzt. An seiner Stelle OT: Blue Valentine wird sie von dessen ehemaligem Kollegen, Verleih: Senator dem Ägypter Tareq empfangen. Der hat Land/Jahr: USA 2010 sich schon vor einiger Zeit von der UN Regie: Derek Cianfrance verabschiedet und verbringt seinen vorzei- Darsteller: , Michelle tigen Ruhestand mit dem Betreiben eines Williams, Faith Wladyka Cafes. Als die attraktive Juliette am näch- Kinostart: 04.08.2011 sten Morgen erstmals alleine in den Stra- ßen Kairos unterwegs ist, wird sie von Die Ehe von Dean und Cindy steht nach jungen ägyptischen Männern belagert. Sie nur sechs Jahren vor dem Aus. Die beiden weiß jetzt, dass sie nicht alleine spazieren Eheleute - Sie Ärztin, er ehemals Möbel- gehen kann und bittet Tareq darum, ihr packer und jetzt Hausmann, der sich um Begleiter zu sein. Bereitwillig übernimmt die kleine Tochter kümmert – wollen mit der alleinstehende, charismatische Ägypter einer gemeinsamen Nacht in einem Liebes- die Aufgabe als Reiseführer. Je mehr er motel versuchen zu retten was noch zu

Immer aktuell: der Filmblog im Netz: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

AV Visionen(Trimax) 24.06.2011 Kara No Kyoukai - Fukan Fukei 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041446 Dir. Ei Aoki Animation Soundtrack-CD Chuggington 09 - Super-Bastian Zeichentrick/Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 59min. Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Ach- Chuggington Dir. Sarah Ball AV Visionen( Video) 29.07.2011 med Trickfilm 2008-2010 FF DD 2.0 (D) 50min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041447 Dir. Lotte Reiniger (Universal) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1923-1926 66min. 04.08.2011 Gullivers Reisen Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041395 Gulliver’s Travels 17.09.2011 Dir. Dave Fleischer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041479 Chuggington 10 - Koko und der Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1939 min. kleine Hund Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Aristocats 17.09.2011 Chuggington The Aristocats 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041474 Dir. Sarah Ball Dir. Wolfgang Reitherman Trickfilm 2008-2010 FF DD 2.0 (D) 50min. Zeichentrick 1970 76min. Die Hexe und der Zauberer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) The Sword In The Stone 04.08.2011 17.09.2011 Dir. Wolfgang Reitherman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041396 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041472 Zeichentrick 1963 76min. Dragonball Z - Box 10/10 (3 Discs) Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Aufstand der Tiere - Farm 17.09.2011 Dragonball Z Animal Farm 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041480 Dir. Daisuke Nishio Dir. John Halas, Joy Batchelor Booklet Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1954 73min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1989-1996 FF DD Ein Hoch auf Huckle Teil 4 - Rät- Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 2.0 (D) 375min. selhafte Ereignisse in Busytown 17.09.2011 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.07.2011 Busytown Mysteries (Hurray For Huckle!) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041476 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041332 Dir. Ken Cunningham Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2007-2009 Ltbx Bernard & Bianca - Die Mäuse- Dumbo 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 96min. polizei Dumbo Foreign Media Group Germany(FM kids) The Rescuers Dir. Ben Sharpsteen 15.07.2011 Dir. Wolfgang Reitherman, John Lounsbery, Zeichentrick/Komödie 1941 61min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041360 Art Stevens Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 73min. 17.09.2011 Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 - Staf- Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041469 fel 01, Teil 01 17.09.2011 Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041477 Eureka Seven: Good Night, Sleep Zeichentrick/Action 2009 min. Tight, Young Lovers Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Beyblade Metal Fusion - Volume Kokyô Shihen Eureka Seven: Poketto Ga 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041574 7 (Folgen 27-30) Niji De Ippai Metaru Faito Beibureedo Zeichentrick/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Ein Junge namens Charlie Brown Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima (D) DD 5.1 (Jap) 117min. A Boy Named Charlie Brown Trickfilm/Action 2009 105min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.06.2011 Dir. José „Bill“ Melendez Edel Germany(Panini) 15.07.2011 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041328 Zeichentrick 1969 75min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041591 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Der fantastische Mr. Fox (Blu-ray) 17.09.2011 Beyblade Metal Fusion - Volume Fantastic Mr. Fox 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041475 8 (Folgen 31-34) Dir. Wes Anderson Metaru Faito Beibureedo Featurettes Kiriku und die Zauberin Trickfilm/Komödie 2009 87min. Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Kirikou Et La Sorcière Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Action 2009 105min. Dir. Michel Ocelot Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Edel Germany(Panini) 15.07.2011 Zeichentrick 1998 71min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041614 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041592 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 17.09.2011 Biene Maja - Teil 25 Feivel der Mauswanderer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041470 An American Tail Dir. Seiji Endô, Hiroshi Saito Dir. Don Bluth Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1975 FF DD 1.0 (D) K-on! - Vol. 1 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986 78min. 96min. K-On! Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 17.09.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041419 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041478 AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.07.2011 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041329 Bleach - The Movie: Memories of Fly Me to the Moon Nobody (Blu-ray) Fly Me To The Moon 3D K-on! - Vol. 1 (+ Sammelschuber) Bleach: Memories Of Nobody Dir. Ben Stassen K-On! Dir. Noriyuki Abe Trailer, Wendecover Zeichentrick/Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Booklet, Interviews, Storyboard, Trailer, Galerie Trickfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. Zeichentrick/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) (E) 81min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 29.07.2011 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (It) DD 2.0 (It) 87min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041330 AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.06.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041435 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041345 The Garden of Sinners - Vol. 6: Max & Ruby - Max und sein Mei- Blood Shadow 2 Verlorene Erinnerung (+ Audio- sterwerk Blood Shadow 2 Max And Ruby Zeichentrick/Erotik min. CD) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2002-2007 FF DD

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2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 96min. Vision) 17.06.2011 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Foreign Media Group Germany(FMkids) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041366 22.09.2011 15.07.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041652 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041361 The Super Hero Squad Show - Mama Doom und andere Monster! 30 Days to Die (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Prinzessin Lillifee (Geschenk- (Episode 22-26) 30 Days To Die Shirly Brener, Wendy Carter, Laurence edition mit Krone) The Super Hero Squad Show Cohen, Samantha Cope, Kevin Kazakoff, Dir. Alan Simpson, Ansgar Niebuhr, Xu Zhi- Dir. Mitch Schauer, Michael R. Gerard, Patty Kristina Kreyling, Gina La Piana, Marquito Jian Shinagawa Sanchez, Kady Zadora, Brendan Connor - Prinzessin Liliifee-Krone, Ausmalbilder, Einladungskarten, Zeichentrick 2009-2010 (D) (E) 110min. Trailer, TV Clips Dir. Griff Furst Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 70min. Vision) 17.06.2011 Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Universum Film(Universum Kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041365 (E) 90min. 26.08.2011 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041601 Unten am Fluss 25.08.2011 Watership Down 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041526 Rango (+ DVD, inklusive Digital Dir. Martin Rosen, Tony Guy Copy) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1979 88min. 30 Days to Die (k.J.) Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Rango 30 Days To Die 17.09.2011 Dir. Shirly Brener, Wendy Carter, Laurence Kinoversion mit 107 Minuten Laufzeit, Extended Version mit 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041471 Cohen, Samantha Cope, Kevin Kazakoff, 112 Minuten Laufzeit, Entfallene Szenen, Picture-in-Picture, Kristina Kreyling, Gina La Piana, Marquito Behind the Scenes, Featurettes The Winx Club - The Winx Club Sanchez, Kady Zadora, Brendan Connor - Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 3.Staffel, Box 3 (2 Discs) Dir. Griff Furst 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (It) DD 5.1 (F) 107min. The Winx Club - The Winx Club Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Paramount Home Entertainment 19.08.2011 Fantasy/Zeichentrick 2004-2008 220min. Thriller/Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041559 Foreign Media Group Germany(FM Kids) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Rango (Inklusive Extended Versi- 15.07.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041344 25.08.2011 on) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041514 Rango Yakari - Geschenkbox 3 (2 Discs + Dir. Gore Verbinski 2 CDs) 300 (Premium Collection) (Blu- IKinoversion mit 103 Minuten Laufzeit, Extended Version mit ray) 107 Minuten Laufzeit, Audiokommentar, Alternatives Ende, Yakari Entfallene Szenen, Featurette Dir. Xavier Giacometti 300 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Zeichentrick 2005-2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) Gerard Butler, Lena Headey, Dominic West, (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 104min. 225min. David Wenham, Vincent Regan, Michael Paramount Home Entertainment 19.08.2011 Edel:Kids 22.07.2011 Fassbender, Tom Wisdom, Andrew Pleavin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041536 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041494 Andrew Tiernan, Rodrigo Santoro, Giovani Antonio Cimmino - Dir. Das Schloss des Cagliostro (Blu- Yakari - Geschenkbox 4 (2 Discs + Action/Abenteuer 2007 116min. ray) 2 CDs) Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041565 Rupan Sansei: Kariosutoro No Shiro Yakari Dir. Dir. Xavier Giacometti (Blu-ray) 60-seitiges Booklet, Storyboard-Video, 2 Trailer Zeichentrick 2005-2007 FF DD 2.0 (D) Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 1979 Ltbx DD 5.1 225min. (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (F) DD 2.0 (F) 90min. Emma Roberts, , Tamsin Eger- Edel:Kids 22.07.2011 AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.07.2011 ton, Ophelia Lovibond, Shanika Warren- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041495 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041347 Markland, Natalie Britton, Steven Cree, Alan McKenna - Dir. Noel Clarke, Mark Davis Sekirei - Staffel 2, Vol. 02 Trailer Sekirei Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Dir. Keizo Kusakawa Film MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Booklet, 2 Postkarten, Poster Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.08.2011 Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041352 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. 2012 Armageddon AV Visionen(Anime Video) 24.06.2011 Quantum Apocalypse 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041326 Rhett Giles, Stephanie Jacobsen, Stuart Lafferty, Gigi Edgley, Kirsten Quintrall, Pe- Emma Roberts, Noel Clarke, Tamsin Eger- Sekirei - Staffel 2, Vol. 03 ter Jurasik, Jenna Craig, Shirly Brener, ton, Ophelia Lovibond, Shanika Warren- Sekirei Marcus Lyle Brown - Dir. Justin Jones Markland, Natalie Britton, Steven Cree, Alan Dir. Keizo Kusakawa Action/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD McKenna - Dir. Noel Clarke, Mark Davis Booklet, 2 Postkarten, Poster 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 86min. Trailer Zeichentrick/Action 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 100min. 22.09.2011 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. AV Visionen(Anime Video) 29.07.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041639 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.08.2011 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041327 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041336 2012 Armageddon (Blu-ray) The Super Hero Squad Show - Quantum Apocalypse 5 Dollars a Day Complete Boxset (Episode 1-26) Rhett Giles, Stephanie Jacobsen, Stuart $5 A Day (5 Discs) Lafferty, Gigi Edgley, Kirsten Quintrall, Pe- Christopher Walken, Sharon Stone, Dean ter Jurasik, Jenna Craig, Shirly Brener, Cain, Alessandro Nivola, Nectar Rose, The Super Hero Squad Show Marcus Lyle Brown - Dir. Justin Jones Bridget White, Josh Berry, Beth Bailey, Dir. Mitch Schauer, Michael R. Gerard, Patty Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailershow, Wendecover Bailey Ann Scheller - Dir. Nigel Cole Shinagawa Action/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 Trailer Zeichentrick 2009-2010 (D) (E) 572min. (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Komödie 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Clear

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

(D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Herbstman, Jared Parker, Thomas Toner, Ben Hur Koch Media 08.07.2011 Richard Bekins, Matt Malloy, Nigel Barker, Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd, Jack 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041371 Tuffy Questell, Sara Chase - Dir. Jason Hawkins, Haya Harareet, Hugh Griffith, Winer Martha Scott, Cathy O’Donnell, Finlay 5 Dollars a Day (Blu-ray) Komödie 2011 min. Currie, Sam Jaffe, Frank Thring, Terence $5 A Day Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Longdon, George Relph, André Morell - Dir. Christopher Walken, Sharon Stone, Dean 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041502 William Wyler, Andrew Marton Cain, Alessandro Nivola, Nectar Rose, Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1959 min. Bridget White, Josh Berry, Beth Bailey, Arzt ohne Gewissen Warner Home Video Germany 30.09.2011 Bailey Ann Scheller - Dir. Nigel Cole Ewald Balser, Wolfgang Preiss, Barbara 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041560 Trailer Rütting, Cornell Borchers, Wolfgang Komödie 2008 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Kieling, Erica Beer, Karin Baal, Emmerich Ben Hur (Ultimate Collector’s Edi- DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 98min. Schrenk, Giorgio Listuzzi - Dir. Falk tion) (Blu-ray) Koch Media 08.07.2011 Harnack Ben Hur 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041378 Wendecover, Booklet Charlton Heston, Stephen Boyd, Jack Drama 1959 DD 1.0 (D) 91min. Hawkins, Haya Harareet, Hugh Griffith, Abraham Lincoln Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Martha Scott, Cathy O’Donnell, Finlay Abraham Lincoln 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041490 Currie, Sam Jaffe, Frank Thring, Terence Huston, William L. Thorne - Dir. D.W. Longdon, George Relph, André Morell - Dir. Griffith Auf eigene Faust William Wyler, Andrew Marton Drama/Biographie 1930 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Ride Lonesome Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1959 min. (E) 95min. Randolph Scott, Karen Steele, Pernell Ro- Warner Home Video Germany 30.09.2011 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) berts, James Best, Lee Van Cleef - Dir. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041561 25.08.2011 Budd Boetticher 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041515 Western 1959 73min. Benny & Joon (Blu-ray) Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Benny & Joon Alles, was wir geben mussten 08.10.2011 Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson, Never Let Me Go 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041583 Aidan Quinn, Julianne Moore, , Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley, Andrew Auschwitz CCH Pounder - Dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik Garfield, Charlotte Rampling, Sally Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Musikvideo, Hawkins, Nathalie Richard, Andrea Maximilian Gärtner, Friedhelm Gärtner, Dr. Trailer Riseborough, Domhnall Gleeson - Dir. Mark Uwe Boll, Arved Birnbaum, Nik Goldman, Komödie 1993 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DTS-HD 2.0 Romanek Alexis Wawerka - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll MA (E) DD 2.0 (F) (Sp) 98min. Drama/Science Fiction 2010 99min. Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 73min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Germany 12.08.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041633 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041597 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041342 Auschwitz (Blu-ray) Anne Waters Alles, was wir geben mussten Maximilian Gärtner, Friedhelm Gärtner, Dr. Conviction (Blu-ray) Uwe Boll, Arved Birnbaum, Nik Goldman, Hilary Swank, Sam Rockwell, Minnie Driver, Never Let Me Go Alexis Wawerka - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Melissa Leo, Peter Gallagher, Clea DuVall, Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley, Andrew Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) 77min. Juliette Lewis, Ari Graynor, Loren Dean, Garfield, Charlotte Rampling, Sally Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 Conor Donovan, Owen Campbell, Tobias Hawkins, Nathalie Richard, Andrea 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041649 Campbell, Bailee Madison, Karen Young, Riseborough, Domhnall Gleeson - Dir. Mark Talia Balsam, John Pyper-Ferguson, Gor- Romanek Baseline don Michaels - Dir. Tony Goldwyn Drama/Science Fiction 2010 103min. Baseline Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer, Bilderga- Jamie Foreman, Dexter Fletcher, Zoe Tap- lerie Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 per - Dir. Brendon O’Loughlin Germany 12.08.2011 (E) 107min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041357 Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG (D) DD 5.1 (E) 96min. 18.08.2011 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Arthur 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041394 Arthur nema) 19.08.2011 Russell Brand, Helen Mirren, Greta Gerwig, tba BestellNr.: 20041555 Betty Anne Waters (Blu-ray) Jennifer Garner, Geraldine James, Luis Baseline (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Conviction Guzmán, Nick Nolte, Christina Calph, Hilary Swank, Sam Rockwell, Minnie Driver, Baseline Murphy Guyer, José Ramón Rosario, John Melissa Leo, Peter Gallagher, Clea DuVall, Jamie Foreman, Dexter Fletcher, Zoe Tap- Hodgman, , Evander Holyfield, Juliette Lewis, Ari Graynor, Loren Dean, per - Dir. Brendon O’Loughlin Peter van Wagner, Robert Clohessy, Ed Conor Donovan, Owen Campbell, Tobias Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS Herbstman, Jared Parker, Thomas Toner, Campbell, Bailee Madison, Karen Young, (E) 100min. Richard Bekins, Matt Malloy, Nigel Barker, Talia Balsam, John Pyper-Ferguson, Gor- Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Tuffy Questell, Sara Chase - Dir. Jason don Michaels - Dir. Tony Goldwyn Winer nema) 19.08.2011 Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, B-Roll, Trailer, Bilderga- Komödie 2011 min. tba BestellNr.: 20041571 lerie Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041488 Baseline (Blu-ray) HD 5.1 MA (E) 111min. Baseline Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Arthur (Blu-ray) Jamie Foreman, Dexter Fletcher, Zoe Tap- 18.08.2011 Arthur per - Dir. Brendon O’Loughlin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041413 Russell Brand, Helen Mirren, Greta Gerwig, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS Jennifer Garner, Geraldine James, Luis (E) 100min. (+ Digital Guzmán, Nick Nolte, Christina Calph, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Global Ci- Copy) (Blu-ray) Murphy Guyer, José Ramón Rosario, John nema) 19.08.2011 The Big Lebowski Hodgman, Scott Adsit, Evander Holyfield, tba BestellNr.: 20041570 Jeff Bridges, John Goodman, Julianne Moo- Peter van Wagner, Robert Clohessy, Ed re, , Peter Stormare, David Ben Hur (Blu-ray)

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Huddleston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Flea, Black - Der schwarze Blitz DVD 6 Germany 30.09.2011 Leon Russom, Sam Elliott, Tara Reid, John The Black Stallion 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041486 Turturro, , Ben Gazzara - Dir. Mickey Rooney, Richard Cox, Michele Joel Coen Goodger - Dir. Mitchell Gabourie, Paolo Boys Don’t Cry (Blu-ray) Komödie/Thriller 1997 117min. Barzman Boys Don’t Cry Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Abenteuer 1990-1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) Hilary Swank, Chloë Sevigny, Peter 11.08.2011 100min. Sarsgaard, Brendan Sexton III, Alison 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041418 Edel Germany(Black Hill Pictures) Folland, Alicia Goranson, Matt McGrath, 15.07.2011 Rob Campbell, Jeanetta Arnette - Dir. Big Mamas Haus - Die doppelte 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041509 Kimberly Peirce Portion (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Audiokommentar, Featurette, Trailer, TV-Spots Blood Out (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1999 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Copy) (Blu-ray) (E) 118min. Blood Out Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Val Kilmer, Baird, Luke Goss, 50 Martin Lawrence, Brandon T. Jackson, Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Cent, Tamer Hassan, Ed Quinn, Lance E. Jessica Lucas, Michelle Ang, Portia 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041598 Doubleday, Emily Rios, Ana Ortiz, Henry Nichols, Ambyr Childers - Dir. Jason Hewitt Lubatti, Lorenzo Pisoni, Tony Curran, Marc Interviews, Trailer Action/Thriller 2011 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD Brighton Rock John Jefferies, Brandon Gill, Zack Mines, 5.1 MA (E) DTS (F) DTS (Portu) 89min. Brighton Rock Trey Lindsey, Max Casella, Ken Jeong, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sam Riley, Andrea Riseborough, Helen Mir- Susan Walters - Dir. John Whitesell ren, John Hurt, Philip Davis, Nonso Anozie, XL - Ungekürzte Fassung und XXL - Extended Cut, 11.08.2011 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Best of, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041411 Craig Parkinson, Andy Serkis, Sean Harris, Outtakes, Musikvideos, Trailer Geoff Bell, Steven Robertson, Maurice Komödie 2011 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA Blood Out (k.J.) Roeves, Steve Evets, Francis Magee, Adri- (E) DTS (Sp) DD 5.1 (Sp) 106min. Blood Out an Schiller - Dir. Rowan Joffe Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Val Kilmer, Diora Baird, Luke Goss, 50 Trailer, Wendecover Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Germany 19.08.2011 Cent, Tamer Hassan, Ed Quinn, Lance E. (E) DD 5.1 (F) 107min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041356 Nichols, Ambyr Childers - Dir. Jason Hewitt Interviews, Trailer Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Big Mamas Haus - Die doppelte Action/Thriller 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 08.09.2011 Portion (inkl. Digital Copy) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 85min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041449 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son Brighton Rock (Blu-ray) Martin Lawrence, Brandon T. Jackson, 11.08.2011 Brighton Rock Jessica Lucas, Michelle Ang, Portia 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041392 Sam Riley, Andrea Riseborough, Helen Mir- Doubleday, Emily Rios, Ana Ortiz, Henry ren, John Hurt, Philip Davis, Nonso Anozie, Lubatti, Lorenzo Pisoni, Tony Curran, Marc Brothers (+ Digital Copy) Craig Parkinson, Andy Serkis, Sean Harris, John Jefferies, Brandon Gill, Zack Mines, (Blu-ray) Geoff Bell, Steven Robertson, Maurice Trey Lindsey, Max Casella, Ken Jeong, The Blues Brothers Roeves, Steve Evets, Francis Magee, Adri- Susan Walters - Dir. John Whitesell John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Kathleen an Schiller - Dir. Rowan Joffe XL - Ungekürzte Fassung und XXL - Extended Cut Freeman, James Brown, Murphy Dunne, Komödie 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Trailer, Wendecover Donald , Willie Hall, Matt Murphy, Cab Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- (E) 102min. Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, HD 5.1 MA (E) 111min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment John Landis - Dir. John Landis Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Germany 19.08.2011 Action/Komödie 1979 min. 08.09.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041341 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041453 25.08.2011 The Big Sky - Der weite Himmel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041417 Burgtheater The Big Sky Werner Krauss - Dir. Willi Forst Kirk Douglas, Dewey Martin, Elizabeth Blues Brothers (Blu-ray) Wendecover Threatt, Arthur Hunnicutt, Buddy Baer, The Blues Brothers Drama 1936 FF DD 1.0 (D) 102min. Steven Geray, Henri Letondal, Hank John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Kathleen Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Warden, James Davis, Robert Hunter - Dir. Freeman, James Brown, Murphy Dunne, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041424 Howard Hawks Donald Dunn, Willie Hall, Matt Murphy, Cab Abenteuer 1952 121min. Calloway, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Cheyenne Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) John Landis - Dir. John Landis Cheyenne Autumn 08.10.2011 Action/Komödie 1979 123min. Richard Widmark, Carroll Baker, Karl 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041550 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Malden, James Stewart, Edward G. 11.08.2011 Robinson, Sal Mineo, Dolores del Rio, Big Valley - 3. Staffel (7 DVDs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041416 Ricardo Montalban, Gilbert Roland, Arthur The Big Valley Kennedy, Patrick Wayne, John Carradine, Trailer, Wendecover Bones - Season Five (6 Discs) Mike Mazurki, Elisabeth Allen, Ben Johnson, Western FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 1232min. Bones Harry Carey Jr., Denver Pyle, John Qualen, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 Emily Deschanel, David Boreanaz, Michaela Mae Marsh, Victor Jory - Dir. John Ford 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041432 Conlin, Eric Millegan, T. J. Thyne, Jonathan Western 1963 154min. Black - Der schwarze Blitz DVD 5 Adams, Tamara Taylor, John M. Jackson, Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Adam Lieberman - Dir. Greg Yaitanes, Allan 08.10.2011 The Black Stallion Kroeker, Jesús Salvador Treviño, Patrick 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041579 Mickey Rooney, Richard Cox, Michele Norris, Sanford Bookstaver, David Hugh Goodger - Dir. Mitchell Gabourie, Paolo Jones, Dwight H. Little, James Whitmore Chopper (k.J.) Barzman Jr., Tawnia McKiernan, Tony Wharmby, Joe Chopper Abenteuer 1990-1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) Napolitano, Donna Deitch, Bryan Spicer, Eric Bana, Vince Colosimo, Simon Lyndon, 100min. Steven DePaul, Kate Woods Kate Beahan, David Field, Daniel Wyllie, Bill Edel Germany(Black Hill Pictures) Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Young, Kenny Graham, Gary Waddell, Fred 15.07.2011 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2005-2010 Ltbx 16x9 Barker, Serge Liistro, Peter Hardy, Renee 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041508 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (It) min. Brack, Terry Willesee - Dir. Andrew Dominik Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Featurettes,

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Trailer Thriller 2010 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. DD 5.1 (E) 80min. Drama/Thriller 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Sunfilm Entertainment 07.07.2011 DD 5.1 (E) 90min. 22.09.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041546 Legend Home Entertainment 11.08.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041655 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041457 Devilman (k.J.) Dear Mr. Gacy (k.J.) Debiruman Chuck - Die komplette dritte Staf- Dear Mr. Gacy Hisato Izaki, Yûsuke Izaki, Ayana Sakai, fel (6 Discs) William Forsythe, Jesse Moss, Emma Asuka Shibuya, Ryudo Uzaki, Yôko Aki - Chuck Lahana, Cole Heppell, Belinda Metz, Micha- Dir. Hiroyuki Nasu Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, Joshua el Ryan, Eric Keenleyside, Daryl Fantasy/Action 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Gomez - Dir. Robert Duncan McNeill, Shuttleworth, Patrick Gilmore, Andrew DTS-ES 6.1 (D) (Jap) 112min. Jeremiah S. Chechik, Allan Kroeker, Jay Airlie, Michael Kopsa, Jeffrey Bowyer- Legend Home Entertainment 11.08.2011 Chandrasekhar Chapman, Hunter Elliott, Bertt Dier - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041462 Komödie 2009-2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Svetozar Ristovski DD 2.0 (E) DD 2.0 (Sp) DD 2.0 (Poln) min. Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Die dunkle Macht Warner Home Video Germany 23.09.2011 Thriller 2010 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 100min. Zapreshchennaya Realnost 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041534 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Igor Petrenko, Alexander Baluew, Lubow 22.09.2011 Tolkalina, Andrej Chubchenko, Aleksej Come Early Morning - Der Weg 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041641 Dmitriew, Waleri Gurjew, Tina Kandelaki, Anna Khodush, Olga Kowalewa, Anton zu mir Dementia 13 Come Early Morning Makarskj - Dir. Konstantin Maximow Dementia 13 Ashley Judd, Laura Prepon, Diane Ladd, Trailer William Campbell, Luana Anders, Bart Pat- Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Jeffrey Donovan, Tim Nelson, Scott Wilson, ton, Mary Mitchel, Patrick Magee, Eithne 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Russ) 89min. Stacy Keach, Pat Corley, Ray McKinnon - Dunne - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Sunfilm Entertainment 22.09.2011 Dir. Joey Lauren Adams Horror 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) tba BestellNr.: 20041544 Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 75min. (E) 93min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 Die dunkle Macht (Blu-ray) Universum Film 05.08.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041426 Zapreshchennaya Realnost 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041340 Igor Petrenko, Alexander Baluew, Lubow Crazy Heart (Blu-ray) Dementia 13 (Digital Remastered) Tolkalina, Andrej Chubchenko, Aleksej Dmitriew, Waleri Gurjew, Tina Kandelaki, Crazy Heart (Blu-ray) Anna Khodush, Olga Kowalewa, Anton Jeff Bridges, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Dementia 13 Makarskj - Dir. Konstantin Maximow Keane, Anna Felix, Paul Herman, Tom William Campbell, Luana Anders, Bart Pat- ton, Mary Mitchel, Patrick Magee, Eithne Trailer Bower, Ryan Bingham, Beth Grant, Rick Action/Science Fiction 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD Dunne - Dir. Francis Ford Coppola Dial, Robert Duvall, Colin Farrell - Dir. Scott 7.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (Russ) 93min. Horror 1963 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Cooper Sunfilm Entertainment 22.09.2011 78min. Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20041566 Drama 2009 112min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041440 Edward mit den Scherenhänden Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Edward Scissorhands 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041612 Departed - Unter Feinden Johnny Depp, , Dianne Wiest, (Premium Collection) (Blu-ray) Dead Man Walking (Blu-ray) Alan Arkin, , Anthony Michael The Departed Hall - Dir. Dead Man Walking Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Audiokommentar, TV-Spot, Begriffsbezeichnungen Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Robert Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, Fantasy/Komödie 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 Prosky, Raymond J. Barry, R. Lee Ermey, Ray Winstone, Vera Farmiga, Anthony (D) DD 4.0 (E) 101min. Celia Weston, Lois Smith, Scott Wilson, Anderson, Alec Baldwin, Kevin Corrigan, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Roberta Maxwell - Dir. Tim Robbins Badgett Dale, David O’Hara, Mark Rolston, Germany 15.07.2011 Audiokommentar, Trailer Robert Wahlberg, Kristen Hocking - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20041343 Drama 1995 120min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Thriller/Drama 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Elektra Luxx Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 (E) 152min. Elektra Luxx 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041613 Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Carla Gugino, Er- Deadly Dragon (k.J.) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041563 mahn Ospina, Jake Hames, Patrick Kocou, Kathleen Quinlan, Melissa Stephens, Lucy Yellow Dragon Destination Death (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Punch - Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez Yasuaki Kurata, Maki Miyamoto, Saishin Smile Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Kudo, Shouei, Chan Wai-Man - Dir. Tsumotu Armand Assante, Robert Capelli jr., Harriet Komödie 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Kashima MacMasters-Green, Antonio Cupo, Manuela (E) 96min. Making of, Featurette dtp entertainment AG 25.08.2011 Action/Science Fiction 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD Zanier, Mourad Zaoui, Giorgia Massetti, tba BestellNr.: 20041338 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (Jap) 96min. Tara Haggiag - Dir. Francesco Gasperoni Intergroove Media(Pasadena) 29.07.2011 Trailer Horror 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) DTS- Elektra Luxx (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041433 HD 7.1 MA (E) 84min. Elektra Luxx Dear Mr. Gacy (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sunfilm Entertainment 07.07.2011 Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Carla Gugino, Er- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041569 mahn Ospina, Jake Hames, Patrick Kocou, Dear Mr. Gacy Kathleen Quinlan, Melissa Stephens, Lucy William Forsythe, Jesse Moss, Emma Destination Death (k.J.) Punch - Dir. Sebastian Gutierrez Lahana, Cole Heppell, Belinda Metz, Micha- Smile Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie el Ryan, Eric Keenleyside, Daryl Armand Assante, Robert Capelli jr., Harriet Komödie 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) Shuttleworth, Patrick Gilmore, Andrew MacMasters-Green, Antonio Cupo, Manuela DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. Airlie, Michael Kopsa, Jeffrey Bowyer- Zanier, Mourad Zaoui, Giorgia Massetti, dtp entertainment AG 25.08.2011 Chapman, Hunter Elliott, Bertt Dier - Dir. Tara Haggiag - Dir. Francesco Gasperoni tba BestellNr.: 20041354 Svetozar Ristovski Trailer Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Horror 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D) Endlich Witwe (Blu-ray)

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Enfin Veuve Fargo Discs) Michèle Laroque, Jacques Gamblin, Wladi- Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi, Die Feuerzangenbowle / Der Hauptmann mir Yordanoff, Tom Morton, Valérie William H. Macy, Peter Stormare, Harve von Köpenick Mairesse, Claire Nadeau, Eva Darlan, Presnell, John Carroll Lynch, Kristin Heinz Rühmann, Hilde Sessak, Karin Agnès Boury, Michel Lagueyrie - Dir. Isa- Rudrüd, Steve Reevis, Steve Park, José Himboldt, Erich Ponto, Paul Henckels, Hans belle Mergault Feliciano - Dir. Joel Coen Leibelt, Lutz Götz, Max Gülstorff, Margare- Making of, Outtakes, Trailer Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Featurette, Trailer, TV Spot te Schön, Hans Richter, Rudolf Schippel, Komödie 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD Thriller/Komödie 1995 97min. Albert Florath, Hannelore Schroth, Martin 5.1 (F) 97min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Held, Erich Schellow, Willy A. Kleinau, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Leonard Steckel, Walter Giller, Otto Wer- AG(Alamode) 08.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041615 nicke, Wolfgang Neuss, Ilse Fürstenberg - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041377 Faustrecht der Prärie Dir. Helmut Weiss, Helmut Käutner Wendecover Die Erfindung des Verderbens My Darling Clementine Komödie 1944-1956 181min. Vynález Skázy Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell, Victor Mature, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Lubor Tokos, Arnost Navratil, Jana Walter Brennan, Tim Holt, Cathy Downs, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041603 Zatloukalová, Miroslav Holub, Frantisek Ward Bond, Alan Mowbray, John Ireland, Slegr, Vaclav Kyzlink - Dir. Karel Zeman Don Garner, Francis Ford, Grant Withers, J. Filmlegende Humphrey Bogart (2 Science Fiction 1957 75min. Farrell MacDonald, Russell Simpson, Mae Discs) Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Marsh - Dir. John Ford Mr. Dodd geht nach Hollywood / Der Tiger 17.09.2011 Western 1946 92min. Leslie Howard, Joan Blondell, Humphrey 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041473 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Bogart, Alan Mowbray, Zero Mostel, Ted de 08.10.2011 Corsia, Everett Sloane, Roy Roberts, Der Exorzismus der Anneliese M. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041548 Lawrence Tolan, King Donovan, Bob Steele - Der Film Filmlegende Cary Grant (2 Discs) - Dir. Tay Garnett, Bretaigne Windust, Raoul Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes Walsh Nicole Muller, Gerold Wunstel, Kai Cofer - Leoparden küsst man nicht / Unternehmen Wendecover Dir. Jude Gerard Prest Petticoat Komödie 1937-1951 167min. Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn, Charles Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Horror 2011 FF DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Ruggles, May Robson, Barry Fitzgerald, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041604 90min. Walter Catlett, Fritz Feld, Leona Roberts, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) George Irving, Tala Birell, Virginia Walker, Filmlegende Liselotte Pulver (2 28.07.2011 John Kelly, Tony Curtis, Joan O’Brien, Dina Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041381 Merrill, Arthur O’Connell, Gene Evans, Ri- Ich denke oft an Piroschka / Kohlhiesels chard Sargent - Dir. Howard Hawks, Blake Töchter Der Exorzismus der Anneliese M. Edwards Liselotte Pulver, Gunnar Möller, Wera - Der Film (Blu-ray) Trailer, Wendecover Komödie 1938-1959 202min. Frydtberg, Gustav Knuth, Margit Symo, Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Rudolf Vogel, - Dir. Kurt Nicole Muller, Gerold Wunstel, Kai Cofer - 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041599 Hoffmann Dir. Jude Gerard Prest Wendecover Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Filmlegende Gary Cooper (2 Komödie 1955-1962 193min. Horror 2011 FF DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 5.1 MA (E) 94min. Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041605 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Im Geheimdienst / 12 Uhr mittags - High 28.07.2011 Noon Filmlegende Maureen O’Hara (2 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041406 Gary Cooper, Lilli Palmer, Robert Alda, Discs) Vladimir Sokoloff, J. Edward Bromberg, Sindbad, der Seefahrer / Der Glöckner von Eine Familie Marjorie Hoshelle, Ludwig Stössel, Helene Notre Dame En Familie Thimig, Dan Seymour, Marc Lawrence, Charles Laughton, Maureen O’Hara, Tho- Jesper Christensen, Lene Maria Christen- Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges, Ian MacDonald, mas Mitchell, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, sen, Pilou Asbæk, Anne Louise Hassing, Thomas Mitchell, Katy Jurado, Lon Chaney Edmond O’Brien, Alan Marshal, Walter Coco Hjardemaal, Gustav Fischer Kjærulff, jr., Otto Kruger - Dir. Fritz Lang, Fred Hampden, Harry Davenport, Katharine Line Kruse - Dir. Pernille Fischer Christen- Zinnemann Alexander, Douglas Fairbanks jr., Anthony sen Trailer, Wendecover Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Thriller 1946-1952 177min. Quinn, Walter Slezak, George Tobias, Jane Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Greer, Mike Mazurki, Sheldon Leonard - Dir. (Dän) 99min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041600 William Dieterle, Richard Wallace Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Trailer, Wendecover Drama 1939-1947 226min. 04.08.2011 Filmlegende Heinz Erhardt (2 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041391 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041606 Drei Mann in einem Boot / Immer die Rad- Eine Familie (Blu-ray) fahrer Filmlegende Peter Alexander (2 En Familie Heinz Erhardt, , Peter Kraus, Discs) Jesper Christensen, Lene Maria Christen- Hans-Joachim Kulenkampff, Wolf Albach- Im Weißen Rössl / Die Fledermaus sen, Pilou Asbæk, Anne Louise Hassing, Retty, Waltraut Haas, Katharina Mayberg, Peter Alexander, Waltraut Haas, Adrian Coco Hjardemaal, Gustav Fischer Kjærulff, Inge Meysel, Corny Collins, Edith Elmay, Hoven, Gunther Philipp, Karin Dor, Eric Line Kruse - Dir. Pernille Fischer Christen- Traute Duscher, Walter Janssen, Christiane Jelde, Werner Finck, Frithjof Vierock, Willy sen Hörbiger, Günther Bauer, Walter Giller, Loni Millowitsch, , Marika Rökk - Dir. Interviews, Featurette, Trailer Heuser, Ina Duscha - Dir. Hans Deppe, Hel- Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- , Geza von Cziffra mut Weiss HD 5.1 MA (Dän) 103min. Wendecover Trailer, Wendecover Komödie/Heimatfilm 1960-1961 202min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Komödie 1958-1961 181min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 04.08.2011 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041607 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041410 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041602 Fargo (Blu-ray) Filmlegende Heinz Rühmann (2 Filmlegende Peter Ustinov (2

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Discs) Filmlegenden Edition 2 (10 Discs) Funny Money Das Böse unter der Sonne / Tod auf dem Das Böse unter der Sonne / Im Geheim- Chevy Chase, Penelope Ann Miller, Armand Nil dienst / Leoparden küßt man nicht / Sind- Assante, Christopher McDonald, Robert Sir Peter Ustinov, David Niven, Bette Davis, bad, der Seefahrer / Loggia, Guy Torry, Rebecca Wisocky, Kevin Mia Farrow, Jane Birkin, Lois Chiles, Jon Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Lloyd Bridges, Sussman - Dir. Leslie Greif Finch, Olivia Hussey, George Kennedy, Ian MacDonald, Thomas Mitchell, Katy Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD Angela Lansbury, Simon MacCorkindale, Jurado, Lon Chaney jr., Otto Kruger, Sir 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. , Colin Blakely, Diana Rigg, Peter Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Colin Blakely, Intergroove Media(Starlight) 29.07.2011 James Mason, Nicholas Clay, Roddy Diana Rigg, James Mason, Nicholas Clay, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041422 McDowall, Sylvia Miles - Dir. John Roddy McDowall, Maggie Smith, Sylvia Guillermin, Guy Hamilton Miles, Lilli Palmer, Robert Alda, Vladimir Genie des Bösen (Deluxe Edition, Making of, Interview, Trailer, Wendecover Sokoloff, J. Edward Bromberg, Marjorie 2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 1977-1981 246min. Hoshelle, Ludwig Stössel, Helene Thimig, The Most Dangerous Game Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Dan Seymour, Marc Lawrence, Cary Grant, Leslie Banks, Joel McCrea, Fay Wray, Ro- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041608 Katharine Hepburn, Charles Ruggles, May Armstrong, Noble Johnson - Dir. Ernest Robson, Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Catlett, B. Schoedsack, Irving Pichel Filmlegende Romy Schneider (2 Fritz Feld, Leona Roberts, George Irving, Trailershow, Bildergalerie, Interview, oiriginal s/w-Fassung Discs) Tala Birell, Virginia Walker, John Kelly, Thriller 1932 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Mädchenjahre einer Königin / Sissi Leslie Howard, Joan Blondell, Humphrey 60min. Romy Schneider, Adrian Hoven, Magda Bogart, Alan Mowbray, Douglas Fairbanks dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Schneider, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Paul jr., Anthony Quinn, Maureen O’Hara, Walter 28.07.2011 Hörbiger, Christl Mardayn, Rudolf Vogel, Slezak, George Tobias, Jane Greer, Mike 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041384 Fred Liewehr, Alfred Neugebauer, Karl- Mazurki, Sheldon Leonard, David Niven, heinz Böhm, Gustav Knuth, Uta Franz, Bette Davis, Mia Farrow, Lois Chiles, Jon Glückliche Fügung Vilma Degischer, Erich Nikowitz, Prof. Peter Finch, Olivia Hussey, George Kennedy, Annika Kuhl, Stefan Rudolf, Arno Frisch, Weck, Josef Meinrad - Dir. Ernst Marischka Angela Lansbury, Simon MacCorkindale, Maria Simon, Juan Carlos López, Hanns Interview, Wendecover Tony Curtis, Joan O’Brien, Dina Merrill, Ar- Zischler, Jana Thies, Anne Weinknecht, Drama/Melodram 1954-1955 204min. thur O’Connell, Gene Evans, Richard Hans Christian Steyer, Lawrence Davis - Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Sargent - Dir. Fred Zinnemann, Guy Dir. Isabelle Stever 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041609 Hamilton, Fritz Lang, Howard Hawks, Tay Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 87min. Garnett, Richard Wallace, John Guillermin, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Movienet) Filmlegenden Edition 1 (10 Discs) Blake Edwards 19.08.2011 Drei Mann in einem Boot / Die Feuerzan- Dokumentation, Making of, Interviews tba BestellNr.: 20041556 genbowle / Die Fledermaus / Der Haupt- Abenteuer 1937-1981 963min. mann von Köpenick / Ich denke oft an Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 Gossip Girl - Die komplette dritte Piroschka / Im weißen Rössl / Immer die 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041611 Staffel (5 Discs) Radfahrer / Kohlhiesls Töchter / Mädchen- Gossip Girl jahre einer Königin / Sissi Footsoldier 2 - Bonded by Blood Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Penn Heinz Rühmann, Hannelore Schroth, Martin (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Badgley, Chace Crawford, Ed Westwick, Held, Erich Schellow, Willy A. Kleinau, Bonded By Blood Kelly Rutherford, Matthew Settle, Connor Leonard Steckel, Walter Giller, Otto Wer- Adam Deacon, Tamer Hassan, Vincent Paolo, Jessica Szohr, Zuzanna nicke, Wolfgang Neuss, Ilse Fürstenberg, Regan, Michael Socha, Dave Legeno, Szadkowski, Nicole Fiscella, Margaret Hilde Sessak, Karin Himboldt, Erich Ponto, Kierston Wareing, Lucy Brown, Terry Colin, Amanda Setton, Robert John Burke, Paul Henckels, Hans Leibelt, Lutz Götz, Stone, Rebecca Walsh, Susie Amy, Simon Yin Chang, Allan Byer - Dir. Norman Max Gülstorff, Margarete Schön, Hans Phillips, Alex Macqueen, Neil Maskell, Buckley, Tony Wharmby, Mark Piznarski, J. Richter, Rudolf Schippel, Albert Florath, Siobhan Hewlett, Jessica Jones, Nathan Miller Tobin Peter Alexander, Willy Millowitsch, Hans Constance, Sacha Bennett, Robert Fucilla, Komödie/Drama 2008-2009 Ltbx 16x9 min. Moser, Marika Rökk, Heinz Erhardt, Hans- Christopher Fosh, Duncan Meadows - Dir. Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Joachim Kulenkampff, Loni Heuser, Ina Sacha Bennett 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041543 Duscha, Liselotte Pulver, Gunnar Möller, Audiokommentar, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Wera Frydtberg, Gustav Knuth, Margit Interviews, Trailer The Great St. Louis Bank Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Symo, Rudolf Vogel, Annie Rosar, Waltraut Robbery Haas, Adrian Hoven, Gunther Philipp, Karin MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. The Great St. Louis Bank Robbery Dor, Eric Jelde, Werner Finck, Frithjof Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.07.2011 Steve McQueen, Crahan Denton, David Vierock, Mady Rahl, Peter Kraus, Wolf 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041647 Clarke - Dir. Charles Guggenheim, John Stix Albach-Retty, Katharina Mayberg, Inge Kriminalfilm 1959 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Meysel, Corny Collins, Edith Elmay, Traute Footsoldier 2 - Bonded by Blood 89min. Duscher, Walter Janssen, Christiane (k.J.) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Hörbiger, Günther Bauer, Helmut Schmid, Bonded By Blood 22.09.2011 Dietmar Schönherr, Adeline Wagner, Hein- Adam Deacon, Tamer Hassan, Vincent 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041642 rich Gretler, Peter Vogel, Alexa von Regan, Michael Socha, Dave Legeno, Porembsky, Romy Schneider, Magda Kierston Wareing, Lucy Brown, Terry Halloween-Party XXL Reloaded Schneider, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Paul Stone, Rebecca Walsh, Susie Amy, Simon Hörbiger, Christl Mardayn, Fred Liewehr, Phillips, Alex Macqueen, Neil Maskell, (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Alfred Neugebauer, Karlheinz Böhm, Uta Siobhan Hewlett, Jessica Jones, Nathan The Haunting of Winchester House / Legi- Franz, Vilma Degischer, Erich Nikowitz, Constance, Sacha Bennett, Robert Fucilla, on of the Dead / Die Nacht der lebenden Prof. Peter Weck, Josef Meinrad - Dir. Hel- Christopher Fosh, Duncan Meadows - Dir. Toten / Die rabenschwarze Nacht / mut Käutner, Helmut Weiss, Geza von Sacha Bennett Shallow Ground / Tanz der toten Seelen / Cziffra, Kurt Hoffmann, Werner Jacobs, Audiokommentar, B-Roll, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Zombie Night / Zombie Night 2: Hans Deppe, Axel von Ambesser, Ernst Interviews, Trailer Awakening Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Marischka Horror 832min. Interviews, Dokumentation (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Komödie 1944-1962 963min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.07.2011 22.09.2011 Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041631 tba BestellNr.: 20041654 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041610 Funny Money Halloween-Party XXL Reloaded

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(3 Discs) (k.J.) Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.07.2011 Horror Edition Vol. 6 - Das Wachs- The Haunting of Winchester House / Legi- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041385 figurenkabinett (k.J.) on of the Dead / Die Nacht der lebenden High Life - Vier Gangster und ein Nightmare In Wax Toten / Die rabenschwarze Nacht / Cameron Mitchell, Anne Helm, Scott Brady, Shallow Ground / Tanz der toten Seelen / todsicheres Ding Berry Kroeger, Victoria Carrol - Dir. Bud Zombie Night / Zombie Night 2: High Life Townsend Awakening Timothy Olyphant, Stephen Eric McIntyre, Bildergalerie, Trailershow Horror 800min. Rossif Sutherland, Joe Anderson, Steve Horror 1969 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Ratzlaff, Mark McKinney, Ernesto Griffith, 92min. 22.09.2011 Kelly Wolfman - Dir. Gary Yates Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041645 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041427 Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Hals über Kopf - Die komplette 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 75min. Hotel der toten Gäste Kinder-Kult-Serie (6 Discs) Koch Media 29.07.2011 , Karin Dor, Wolfgang 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041517 Luzian Walter Bappert, Friedrich Georg Kieling, Gisela Uhlen, Frank Latimore, Claus Biederstaedt, Elke Sommer - Dir. Dr. Eber- Beckhaus, Karl Dall, Winfried Glatzeder, High Life - Vier Gangster und ein Wolfgang Gruner (Polizeiobermeister hard Itzenplitz Hund), Charlotte Mathiesen (Frau Wurzel), todsicheres Ding (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 1965 92min. Anouschka Renzi, Michael Schönborn High Life Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 (Herr Wurzel), Jan Schöning, Santiago Timothy Olyphant, Stephen Eric McIntyre, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041586 Ziesmer - Dir. Rainer Boldt, Hans-Henning Rossif Sutherland, Joe Anderson, Steve Borgelt, Thomas Draeger, Gero Erhardt, Ilse Ratzlaff, Mark McKinney, Ernesto Griffith, Howl - Das Geheul Hofmann, Stefan Lukschy, Stephan Meyer Kelly Wolfman - Dir. Gary Yates Howl Komödie 1987-1990 FF DD 2.0 (D) 1105min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer James Franco, Todd Rotondi, Jon Prescott, Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.07.2011 Aaron Tveit, David Strathairn, Jon Hamm, MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 79min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041507 Andrew Rogers, , Mary-Louise Koch Media 29.07.2011 Parker, Heather Klar, Kadance Frank, Treat Hand aufs Herz, Folgen 1-30 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041527 Williams, Joe Toronto, Johary Ramos, Nan- cy Spence, Alessandro Nivola, Jeff Dani- Vanessa Jung, Andreas Jancke, Oliver Hop - Osterhase oder Superstar? Petszokat, Caroline Maria Frier, Christopher els, Allen Ginsberg - Dir. Robert Epstein, Hop Kohn, Verena Mundhenke, Sebastian Hölz, Jeffrey Friedman James Marsden, , , Marie Schneider, Franziska Traub, Selina Interviews, Trailer Elizabeth Perkins, Tiffany Espensen, David Drama 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Müller, Rocco Stark, Sonja Bertram, Hasselhoff, Chelsea Handler, Dustin 80min. Franciska Friede, Dennis Schigiol, Kasia Ybarra, Carlease Burke, Veronica Alicino - Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Borek, Amelie Plaas-Link, Barbara Sotel, Dir. Tim Hill 08.07.2011 Ulrich Drewes - Dir. Kai Meyer-Ricks Featurettes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041370 Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) 660min. Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Black Hill Pictures 15.07.2011 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Türk) 91min. Hung - Um Längen besser - Die 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041510 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) komplette zweite Staffel 04.08.2011 Hung Harry & Sally (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041339 When Harry Met Sally Thomas Jane, Jane Adams, Eddie Jemison, Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Bruno Kirby, Carrie Hop - Osterhase oder Superstar? Charlie Saxton, Sianoa Smit-McPhee, Anne Heche, Rebecca Creskoff, Loren Lester, Fisher, Lisa Jane Persky, Steven Ford, (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Copy) (Blu- Michelle Nicastro, Gretchen Palmer, Robert Gregg Henry, Steve Hytner, Marylouise Alan Beuth, David Burdick, Joe Viviani, ray) Burke, Alanna Ubach, Natalie Zea, Gina Harley Koz, Franc Luz, Tracy Reiner, Kyle Hop Hecht, Joshua Leonard, Rhea Perlman - Dir. T. Heffner - Dir. Rob Reiner James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco, Gary Cole, Alexander Payne, David Petrarca, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Musikvideo, Featurette, Elizabeth Perkins, Tiffany Espensen, David Bronwen Hughes, Craig Zisk, Scott Ellis, Trailer Hasselhoff, Chelsea Handler, Dustin Matt Shakman, Jim McKay, Seith Mann, Komödie 1989 96min. Ybarra, Carlease Burke, Veronica Alicino - Daniel Attias Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Tim Hill Komödie 2009 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) min. Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Featurettes Warner Home Video Germany 23.09.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041616 Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041542 HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (Türk) DTS (Arab) High Kick Girl! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 95min. I Want to Be a Soldier Hai Kikku Gâru! Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) I Want To Be A Soldier Rina Takeda, Tatsuya Naka, Kumi Imura, 04.08.2011 Fergus Riordan, Ben Temple, Valeria Marini, Shinji Suzuki, Rumi Maeda, Yû Kamio, Mayu 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041404 Danny Glover, , Cassandra Gamô, Sayaka Akimoto, Kazutoshi Gava, Andrew Tarbet, Cameron Antrobus, Yokoyama - Dir. Fuyuhiko Nishi Hop - Osterhase oder Superstar? Josephine Barnes, Jo Kelly - Dir. Christian Making of, Featurettes, Trailer (Blu-ray) Molina Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Hop Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Jap) 83min. James Marsden, Kaley Cuoco, Gary Cole, Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.07.2011 Elizabeth Perkins, Tiffany Espensen, David (E) 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041408 Hasselhoff, Chelsea Handler, Dustin dtp entertainment AG 25.08.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041511 High Kick Girl! (k.J.) Ybarra, Carlease Burke, Veronica Alicino - Dir. Tim Hill Hai Kikku Gâru! Featurettes I Want to Be a Soldier (Blu-ray) Rina Takeda, Tatsuya Naka, Kumi Imura, Trickfilm/Komödie 2011 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS- I Want To Be A Soldier Shinji Suzuki, Rumi Maeda, Yû Kamio, Mayu HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS (Türk) DTS (Arab) Fergus Riordan, Ben Temple, Valeria Marini, Gamô, Sayaka Akimoto, Kazutoshi 95min. Danny Glover, Robert Englund, Cassandra Yokoyama - Dir. Fuyuhiko Nishi Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Gava, Andrew Tarbet, Cameron Antrobus, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer 04.08.2011 Josephine Barnes, Jo Kelly - Dir. Christian Action/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041355 Molina DD 5.1 (Jap) 79min. Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie

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Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Rapid Eye Movies HE 15.07.2011 Hodge - Dir. Danny Boyle HD 5.1 MA (E) 89min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041390 Trailer, Wendecover dtp entertainment AG 25.08.2011 Thriller 1994 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041523 Izzat (E) 90min. Izzat Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) I’m a Gangster Emil Marwa, Khawar Gomi Sadiq, Assad 18.08.2011 Asylum Siddique, Bente Wethal - Dir. Ulrik Imtiaz 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041436 Julien Courbey, Jean-Marie Lamour, Rolfsen Jacques Frantz, Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Alex- Featurettes, Entfallene, alternative und erweiterte Szenen, Der Kuss vor dem Tode andre Pesle, Abel Jafry, Frédéric Saurel, Audiokommentar, Trailer, Easter Eggs A Kiss Before Dying Kriminalfilm/Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Jeanne Savary - Dir. Olivier Chateau Matt Dillon, Sean Young, James Bonfanti, (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Norweg) 103min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Max von Sydow, Diane Ladd, Martha Legend Home Entertainment 11.08.2011 (D) DD 2.0 (F) 78min. Gehman - Dir. James Dearden 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041463 Intergroove Media(Pasadena) 29.07.2011 Wendecover Thriller 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041423 Kali Yug (2 Discs) (E) 89min. In Angst gefangen Kali Yug, La Dea Della Vendetta / Kali Yug MIG Film 11.08.2011 (II), Le Mystère Du Temple Hindou 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041464 Atrapados En El Miedo Paul Guers, , Lex Barker, Adriana Vega, Sara Mora - Dir. Carlos Klaus Kinski, Sergio Fantoni, Claudine La Linea 2 - Drogenkrieg in Mexi- Aured Bildergalerie, Trailer, Animierte interaktive Menüs Auger, Joachim Hansen - Dir. Mario ko Horror 1985 FF DD 2.0 (D) 84min. Camerini Across The Line cmv-Laservision 22.07.2011 Abenteuer 1963 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) Aidan Quinn, Andy Garcia, Mario van 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041498 183min. Peebles, Danny Pino, Claudia Ferri, Luke Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Goss, Gary Daniels, Gina Gershon, In einer besseren Welt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041358 Bokeem Woodbine, Jordan Belfi, Geoffrey Hævnen Ross, Raymond J. Barry, Elya Baskin, Mikael Persbrandt, Trine Dyrholm, Ulrich Der Kandidat Corbin Bernsen, Daniel Faraldo - Dir. R. Thomsen, Markus Rygaard, William Jøhnk The Best Man Ellis Frazier Nielsen, Bodil Jørgensen, Elsebeth Henry Fonda, Cliff Robertson, Edie Adams, Kurzfilm, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Steentoft, Martin Buch, Anette Støvelbæk, Margaret Leighton, Shelley Berman, Lee Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Kim Bodnia - Dir. Susanne Bier Tracy, Ann Sothern, Gene Raymond, Kevin (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 94min. Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 McCarthy - Dir. Franklin J. Schaffner Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.07.2011 (Mehrsprachig) 112min. Drama 1964 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041386 Universum Film 02.09.2011 98min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041359 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 La Linea 2 - Drogenkrieg in Mexi- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041459 ko (Blu-ray) In einer besseren Welt (Blu-ray) Across The Line Hævnen The Kids Are All Right (Blu-ray) Aidan Quinn, Andy Garcia, Mario van Mikael Persbrandt, Trine Dyrholm, Ulrich The Kids Are All Right Peebles, Danny Pino, Claudia Ferri, Luke Thomsen, Markus Rygaard, William Jøhnk Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Mark Goss, Gary Daniels, Gina Gershon, Nielsen, Bodil Jørgensen, Elsebeth Ruffalo, Mia Wasikowska, Josh Bokeem Woodbine, Jordan Belfi, Geoffrey Steentoft, Martin Buch, Anette Støvelbæk, Hutcherson, Yaya DaCosta, Rebecca Ross, Raymond J. Barry, Elya Baskin, Kim Bodnia - Dir. Susanne Bier Lawrence, Kunal Sharma - Dir. Lisa Corbin Bernsen, Daniel Faraldo - Dir. R. Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Cholodenko Ellis Frazier HD 5.1 MA (E) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Mehrspra- Komödie/Drama 2010 (D) (E) 106min. Kurzfilm, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer chig) 117min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Universum Film 02.09.2011 04.08.2011 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 98min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041373 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041414 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 19.07.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041409 Inception (Premium Collection, 2 Kikaninchen Discs) (Blu-ray) Christian Bahrmann - Dir. Manuela Stacke, Lady Snowblood 2 - Love Song of Patrick Schlosser, Ute Hilgefort Inception Vengeance (OmU) Kinderfilm 2009 90min. Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shurayukihime: Urami Renga Universal Music Family Ellen Page, , , Meiko Kaji, , Kazuko Entertainment(Karussell) 01.07.2011 Dileep Rao, Cillian Murphy, , Yoshiyuki, Shin Kishida, - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041594 , Pete Postlethwaite, Sir Toshiya Fujita Michael Caine, Lukas Haas, Ryan Hayward Interviews, Bildergalerie, Trailer The King’s Speech - Die Rede Action/Eastern 1974 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 - Dir. (Jap) 89min. Thriller/Science Fiction 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 des Königs (2 Disc Oscar Edition) Rapid Eye Movies HE 15.07.2011 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 The King’s Speech 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041389 (It) 148min. Colin Firth, , , Guy Pearce, Timothy Spall, Derek Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Lars und die Frauen (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041562 Jacobi, Jennifer Ehle, Anthony Andrews, Claire Bloom, Michael Gambon, Eve Best - Lars And The Real Girl Invisible Waves (OmU) Dir. Tom Hooper Ryan Gosling, Emily Mortimer, Paul Schnei- der, Kelli Garner, Lauren Ash, Patricia Invisible Waves Audiokommentar, Trailer, Interview, Making of, Dokumentation Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Clarkson, R.D. Reid, Nancy Beatty, Doug , Kang Hye-jeong, Maria (E) 113min. Lennox, Joe Bostick, Liz Gordon, Nicky Cordero, Tsang Chi-wai, Hiranyasup Toon, Senator Home Entertainment 02.09.2011 Guadagni - Dir. Craig Gillespie , Jitsuyama Hideki, Kuga 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041372 Entfallene Szene, Featurettes, Trailer Tomono, Hiro Sano - Dir. Pen-ek Komödie/Drama 2007 107min. Ratanaruang Kleine Morde unter Freunden Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Making of, Original Kinotrailer Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Drama/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (E) Shallow Grave 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041617 DD 2.0 (Jap) DD 2.0 (Korea) DD 2.0 (Thai) Kerry Fox, Christopher Eccleston, Ewan 115min. McGregor, Keith Allen, Ken Stott, John

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The Last Man on Earth (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041643 Horror 340min. The Last Man On Earth dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Vincent Price, Franca Bettoia, Emma Die letzten Drei der Albatros 22.09.2011 Danieli, Giacomo Rossi-Stuart, Umberto Harald Juhnke, Joachim Hansen, Horst 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041644 Raho - Dir. Ubaldo Ragona, Sidney Salkow Niendorf, Horst Frank - Dir. Wolfgang Entfallene Szenen, Bildergalerie Becker Lola (OmU) Horror/Science Fiction 1964 Ltbx DD 2.0 Abenteuer 1965 76min. Lola (D) DD 2.0 (E) 86min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Anita Linda, Rustica Carpio, Tanya Gomez, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041590 Jhong Hilario, Eusebio - Dir. Bril- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041439 lante Mendoza Die letzten Tempelritter Booklet, Wendecover, Trailer Last Samurai (Premium The Da Vinci Treasure Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (Tagalog) Collection) (Blu-ray) C. Thomas Howell, Lance Henriksen - Dir. 110min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 12.08.2011 Peter Mervis 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041448 Tom Cruise, Timothy Spall, Ken Watanabe, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailershow, Wendecover Abenteuer/Action 2006 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Billy Connolly, Tony Goldwyn, Hiroyuki (E) 91min. Lost Dogs (2 Discs) Sanada, Koyuki, Shichinosuke Nakamura, dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) The Lost Dogs Shun Sugata, Seizo Fukumoto, Masato 25.08.2011 Ron Moody, Lesley Joseph, Tom Watt, Cara Harada, Shin Koyamada, William Atherton, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041513 Bamford, Sean Boru, Marc Danbury, Scott Wilson, Togo Igawa - Dir. Edward Jeremy Edwards, Jason Stevens, Martin Zwick Die letzten Tempelritter (Blu-ray) Trenaman, John Webber, David Nicholas Action/Drama 2003 Ltbx 154min. The Da Vinci Treasure Wilkinson - Dir. Jim Doyle Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 C. Thomas Howell, Lance Henriksen - Dir. Copy-to-go-Disc 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041564 Peter Mervis Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of, Trailershow, Wendecover 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Leben & Tod einer Pornobande Abenteuer/Action 2006 DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Infopictures 19.08.2011 (Special Edition, OmU) (Blu-ray) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 95min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041368 (k.J.) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Zivot I Smrt Porno Bande 25.08.2011 Lost Dogs (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Mihajlo Jovanovic, Ana Acimovic, Predrag 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041525 The Lost Dogs Damnjanovic, Radivoj Knezevic, Srdjan Ron Moody, Lesley Joseph, Tom Watt, Cara Jovanovic, Ivan Djordjevic, Bojan Zogovic, Lieber wär ich Libero Bamford, Sean Boru, Marc Danbury, Natasa Miljus - Dir. Mladen Djordjevic Anche Libero Va Bene Jeremy Edwards, Jason Stevens, Martin Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Making of, Interviews, Entfal- Alessandro Morace, Kim Rossi Stuart, Bar- Trenaman, John Webber, David Nicholas lene Szenen, Clips, Booklet bora Bobulova, Marta Nobili, Pietro De Wilkinson - Dir. Jim Doyle Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx (Serb) 112min. Silva, Roberta Paladini, Tommaso Ragno - Copy-to-go-Disc Bildstörung 01.07.2011 Dir. Kim Rossi Stuart Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2005 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041374 Trailer, Interview, Behind the Scenes, Screen Tests, Entfalle- (D) DTS-HD 2.0 (E) 94min. ne Szenen, Bildergalerie Infopictures 19.08.2011 Leben & Tod einer Pornobande Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041375 (Special Edition, OmU) (k.J.) (It) 104min. cmv-Laservision 30.06.2011 Zivot I Smrt Porno Bande Love-Fighters 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041363 Mihajlo Jovanovic, Ana Acimovic, Predrag Tuff Turf James Spader, Kim Richards, Paul Mones, Damnjanovic, Radivoj Knezevic, Srdjan Liebestoll im Abendrot - Jovanovic, Ivan Djordjevic, Bojan Zogovic, Robert Downey Jr., Olivia Barash, Panchito Natasa Miljus - Dir. Mladen Djordjevic Tasogare Gómez, Michael Wyle, Cat Sassoon, Herb Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Making of, Interviews, Entfal- Tasogare Mitchell - Dir. Fritz Kiersch lene Szenen, Clips, Booklet Kyoko Hayami, Yasuko Namikibashi, Drama 1984 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 100min. Thriller/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Masaru Taga, Kenji Yoshioka, Kanako Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.06.2011 (Serb) DD 2.0 (Serb) 107min. Kotani - Dir. Shinji Imaoka 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041636 Bildstörung 01.07.2011 Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041364 Komödie/Erotik 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Maneater (Blu-ray) DD 2.0 (Jap) 64min. Maneater Der letzte König von Schottland - Rapid Eye Movies HE 15.07.2011 Gary Busey, Ty Wood, Diana Reis, Ian D. In den Fängen der Macht (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041388 Clark, Jessica Burleson, Sarah Constible, Kristen Harris, Aaron Hughes - Dir. Gary ray) Lieder klingen am Lago The Last King Of Yates Forest Whitaker, James McAvoy, Kerry Maggiore Abenteuer/Horror 2007 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Washington, Gillian Anderson, Simon Der singende Vagabund 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. McBurney, David Oyelowo, Abby Mikiibi Fred Bertelmann, Antje Geerk, Oliver MIG Film 18.08.2011 Nkaaga, Adam Kotz - Dir. Kevin Macdonald Grimm, Grethe Weiser, Helga Schlack, Rolf 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041504 Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer Castell, Carola Höhn, Franz Otto Krüger, Drama 2006 123min. Wolfgang Wahl, Klaus W. Krause - Dir. Maverick - Den Colt am Gürtel, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Hans Grimm ein As im Ärmel Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Drama/Lovestory 1962 FF DD 1.0 (D) Maverick 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041618 88min. Mel Gibson, , James Garner, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Graham Greene, James Coburn, Alfred Der letzte Mohikaner Classic Selection) 04.08.2011 Molina, Paul Smith, Geoffrey Lewis, Max The Last Of The Mohicans 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041595 Perlich, Dub Taylor, Robert Fuller, Doug Harry Carey Jr., Hobart Bosworth - Dir. McClure, Bert Remsen, Denver Pyle, Will Ford Beebe Box (k.J.) Hutchins, Waylon Jennings, Danny Glover - Abenteuer 1932 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Die Nacht der lebenden Toten / Plane Dir. Richard Donner 104min. Dead - Der Flug in den Tod / Return of the Western/Komödie 1994 121min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Living Dead 4: Necropolis / Return of the Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) 22.09.2011 Living Dead 5: Rave to the Grave 08.10.2011

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9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041552 Glenn Goltz, Nina Hoger, Carol Kloevekorn, Winfried Glatzeder, Rolf Becker, Diana Kör- - 3. Staffel (4 Discs) Mega Python vs. Gatoroid ner, Ulli Lothmanns, Theresa Scholze, René Monk Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid D. Ifrah, David Lutz, Heiko Blaschke, Katrin , , , Deborah Gibson, Tiffany Darwish, A Lippisch, Dirk Dehmel, Margot Nagel - Dir. Jason Gray-Stanford, Stanley Kamel, Kane Martinez, Kathryn Joosten, Kevin M. Karola Hattop Ritchotte, Carmen Electra, Willie Garson - Horton, Carey Van Dyke, Arden Cho, Carl Drama 1996 min. Dir. Randall Zisk, Jerry Levine, Michael Ciarfalio, Michelle Coutinho, Jeff DuJardin, Universum Film(ZDF Video) 15.07.2011 Zinberg, Andrei Belgrader, Scott Foley, Sarah Belger - Dir. Mary Lambert 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041454 Allison Liddi Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Featurettes Abenteuer/Horror 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Meuterei auf der Bounty (Classic Thriller 2003-2004 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Collection, 2 Discs) 659min. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Mutiny On The Bounty 25.08.2011 11.08.2011 Marlon Brando, Trevor Howard, Richard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041512 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041400 Harris, Hugh Griffith, Richard Haydn, Mega Python vs. Gatoroid (Blu- Tarita, Tim Seely, Percy Herbert, Duncan Monk - 4. Staffel (4 Discs) Lamont, Gordon Jackson, Noel Purcell, Monk ray) Eddie Byrne - Dir. Lewis Milestone Tony Shalhoub, , Ted Mega Python Vs. Gatoroid Abenteuer 1962 178min. Levine, Stanley Kamel, Jason Gray- Deborah Gibson, Tiffany Darwish, A Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Stanford, Emmy Clarke, Lennie Loftin, David Martinez, Kathryn Joosten, Kevin M. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041539 Horton, Carey Van Dyke, Arden Cho, Carl Valcin - Dir. , Randall Zisk, Ciarfalio, Michelle Coutinho, Jeff DuJardin, Miller’s Crossing (Blu-ray) Philipp Casnoff, Jerry Levine, Robert Sarah Belger - Dir. Mary Lambert Singer, Stephen Surjik Miller’s Crossing Featurette, Behind the Scenes Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Gabriel Byrne, Albert Finney, John Turturro, Abenteuer/Horror 2011 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Thriller 2004-2005 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Marcia Gay Harden, Jon Polito, Mike Starr, MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. 656min. Al Mancini, Richard Woods, Thomas Toner - dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Joel Coen 25.08.2011 11.08.2011 Making of, Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041401 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041524 Kriminalfilm 1990 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) DD 5.1 (F) DD 5.1 (Sp) 115min. Monk - 5. Staffel (4 Discs) Mein Glück Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Monk Schastye Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Tony Shalhoub, Traylor Howard, Jason Viktor Nemets, Wladimir Golowin, Alexei 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041596 Wertkow, Dimitriy Gotsdiner, Olga Gray-Stanford, Ted Levine, Stanley Kamel, Shuwalowa, Maria Varsami, Boris Mit stahlharter Faust , Susan Ward, Greg Grunberg - Dir. Randall Zisk, Jerry Levine, Chris Kamorzin, Wlad Iwanow, Olga Kogut - Dir. Man Without A Star Long, Stephen Surjik, Peter Weller, David Sergei Loznitsa Kirk Douglas, Jeanne Crain, Claire Trevor, Grossman, Andrei Belgrader, Anton Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 122min. William Campbell, Richard Boone, Mara Cropper, Mike Listo, Anthony Palmieri, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Corday, Myrna Hansen - Dir. King Vidor Wendey Stanzler 19.08.2011 Western 1955 89min. tba BestellNr.: 20041554 Audiokommentar, Bonusfolge Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Thriller 2005-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 08.10.2011 Meine Nächte sind schöner als 660min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041581 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) deine Tage 11.08.2011 Mes Nuits Sont Plus Belles Que Vos Monk - 1. Staffel (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041402 Jours Monk Sophie Marceau, Jacques Dutronc, Valérie Tony Shalhoub, Bitty Schram, Ted Levine, Monk - 6. Staffel (4 Discs) Lagrange, Myriam Mézières, François Stanley Kamel, Gail O’Grady, Jason Gray- Monk Chaumette, Laure Killing - Dir. Andrzej Stanford, Linda Kash, John Bourgeois - Dir. Tony Shalhoub, Traylor Howard, Jason Zulawski Eric Laneuville, Dean Parisot, Kevin Inch, Gray-Stanford, Ted Levine, Stanley Kamel, Erotik/Drama 1990 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD Rob Thompson, Randall Zisk, Nick Marck, Snoop Dogg, David Banner, Marcello 1.0 (F) 106min. Stephen Cragg, Adam Arkin, Adam Thedford - Dir. , Randall Zisk, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. Davidson, Adam Shankman, Milan Cheylov Andy Breckman, Wendey Stanzler, Michael KG(WGF Film) 25.08.2011 Featurettes Watkins, Jonathan Collier, Anton Cropper 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041492 Thriller 2001-2002 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Audiokommentar 540min. Thriller 2006-2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD Meine Nächte sind schöner als Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 2.0 (E) 651min. deine Tage (Blu-ray) 11.08.2011 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041398 Mes Nuits Sont Plus Belles Que Vos 11.08.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041403 Jours Monk - 2. Staffel (4 Discs) Sophie Marceau, Jacques Dutronc, Valérie Monk Lagrange, Myriam Mézières, François Mordsache Dünner Mann (Classic Tony Shalhoub, Bitty Schram, Ted Levine, Chaumette, Laure Killing - Dir. Andrzej Collection) Jason Gray-Stanford, Tony Plana, Jorge Zulawski The Thin Man Cervera Jr., Stanley Kamel, David Rasche - Erotik/Drama 1990 Ltbx DTS-HD 2.0 MA (D) Myrna Loy, William Powell, Edward Ellis, Dir. Randall Zisk, Ron Underwood, Michael DTS-HD 2.0 A (F) 111min. Nat Pendleton, Maureen O’Sullivan, Minna Spiller, Lawrence Trilling, Jerry Levine, Tom SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH & Co. Gombell - Dir. William S. van Dyke II DiCillo, , Michael Fresco, KG(WGF Film) 25.08.2011 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1934 88min. Tony Bill, Craig Zisk 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041503 Behind the Scenes, Trailer Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Thriller 2002-2003 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041540 Mensch, Pia! (3 Discs) 671min. Alexandra Maria Lara, Henry Hübchen, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Moulin Rouge (Blu-ray) Brigitte Karner, Gudrun Okras, Robert 11.08.2011 Moulin Rouge Glatzeder, Janette Rauch, Micaela Kreißler, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041399 , Ewan McGregor, John

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Leguizamo, Jim Broadbent, Richard Nikola - Die komplette dritte Staf- Gene Rizzi, Frank Darien, Pat West, Carl Roxburgh, Garry McDonald, Jacek Koman, fel (3 Discs) Stockdale - Dir. Howard Hughes, Howard Matthew Whittet, Kerry Walker, Caroline Hawks Mariele Millowitsch, Walter Sittler, Friederi- O’Connor, David Wenham, Christine Anu, Western 1940-1943 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 ke Grasshoff, Eric Benz, Oliver Reinhard, Natalie Mendoza, Lara Mulcahy, Kylie (E) 112min. Xenia Seeberg, Kerstin Thielemann, Jenny Minogue, Deobia Oparei, Linal Haft - Dir. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Alexander Schottky, Baz Luhrmann 28.07.2011 Roland Jankowsky - Dir. Ulli Baumann Audiokommentar, Picture-in-Picture, Intro, Featurettes, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041383 Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Live Extra Komödie 1999 (D) min. Drama/Musical 2001 126min. Edel Germany(Anvil Media) 24.06.2011 Pale Rider - Der namenlose Rei- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041496 Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 ter 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041619 Nikola - Die komplette vierte Pale Rider Staffel (3 Discs) , Michael Moriarty, Carrie Snodgress, Sydney Penny, Richard Dysart, Die nackte Bombe Mariele Millowitsch, Walter Sittler, Friederi- Chris Penn, Richard Kiel, Doug McGrath, The Nude Bomb ke Grasshoff, Eric Benz, Oliver Reinhard, , Charles Hallahan, Marvin J. Don Adams, Sylvia Kristel, Rhonda Fleming, Xenia Seeberg, Kerstin Thielemann, Jenny McIntyre, Fran Ryan - Dir. Clint Eastwood Dana Elcar, Pamela Hensley, Andrea Elvers-Elbertzhagen, Alexander Schottky, Western 1985 111min. Howard, Bill Dana - Dir. Clive Donner Roland Jankowsky - Dir. Ulli Baumann Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Wendecover Komödie 2000 (D) min. Komödie 1980 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 08.10.2011 Edel Germany(Anvil Media) 24.06.2011 94min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041549 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041497 MIG Film 11.08.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041458 Nordwand (Blu-ray) Der Partykönig von Ibiza People: Jet Set 2 Benno Fürmann, Johanna Wokalek, Florian Die neun Pforten (Blu-ray) , José Garcia, Ornella Muti, Lukas, Simon Schwarz, Georg Friedrich, The Ninth Gate Elie Semoun, Rossy de Palma, Jean-Claude Ulrich Tukur, Erwin Steinhauer, Petra Johnny Depp, Frank Langella, Lena Olin, Brialy, Patrice Cols, Lambert Wilson, Marisa Morzé, Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart, Branko Emmanuelle Seigner, Barbara Jefford, Jack Berenson, Bernard Fracy, Patrick Mille, Samarovski - Dir. Philipp Stölzl Taylor, Jose Lopez, James Russo, Tony Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer Miglen Mirtchev, Maria Jurado - Dir. Fabien Amoni, Willy Holt, Maria Ducceshi, Jacques Abenteuer/Drama 2008 126min. Onteniente Collard - Dir. Roman Polanski Majestic Filmverleih(CineProject) Komödie 2004 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 Making of, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Biografie, Wende- 12.08.2011 (Tschech) 79min. cover MIG Film 18.08.2011 Horror/Thriller 1999 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041620 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041493 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 133min. Der Ochsenkrieg (3 Discs) Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 Der Partykönig von Ibiza (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041442 Denise Virieux, Christian Spatzek, Robert Hoffmann, Rolf Zacher, Alexander Strobele, People: Jet Set 2 Jack Nicholson Western Edition Stefan Behrens, Peter Debnar, Frantisek Rupert Everett, José Garcia, Ornella Muti, Elie Semoun, Rossy de Palma, Jean-Claude (2 Discs) Dibarbora, Margit Geissler, Massimo Girotti, Luc Lavandier, Svatopluk Matyás - Dir. Sigi Brialy, Patrice Cols, Lambert Wilson, Marisa Ride In The Whirlwind / The Shooting Rothemund Berenson, Bernard Fracy, Patrick Mille, Jack Nicholson, Cameron Mitchell, Millie Abenteuer/Heimatfilm 1986 DD 2.0 (D) Miglen Mirtchev, Maria Jurado - Dir. Fabien Perkins, Katherine Squire, George Mitchell, 312min. Onteniente Rupert Crosse, Dean Stanton, Tom Filer, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.09.2011 Komödie 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Warren Oates, Will Hutchins, B. J. Merholz, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041630 (Tschech) 83min. Cuy El Tsosie - Dir. Monte Hellman MIG Film 18.08.2011 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041505 Western 1965-1967 157min. Once Fallen - Einer wird verlie- AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot ren! Pat Garrett jagt Billy the Kid Le Fou) 29.07.2011 Once Fallen Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041362 Brian Presley, Ed Harris, Taraji P. Henson, James Coburn, Kris Kristofferson, Bob Amy Madigan, Peter Weller, Ash Adams, Dylan, Jason Robards, Jack Elam, Katy Nicht von schlechten Eltern - Chad Lindberg, Sharon Gless - Dir. Ash Jurado, Richard Jaeckel, Chill Wills, R. G. Adams Staffel 2 (3 Discs) Armstrong, Luke Askew, John Beck, Ri- Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Ulrich Pleitgen, Sabine Postel, Patrick Bach, chard Bright, Rita Coolidge - Dir. Sam (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 93min. Tina Ruland, Steven Bennett, Colin Kippen- Peckinpah MIG Film 11.08.2011 berg, Renate Delfs, Paul Frielinghaus, Western 1973 106min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041337 Sharon Brauner, Marion Breckwoldt, Camil- Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) lo D’Ancona, Ulrich Faulhaber, Konstantin Once Fallen - Einer wird verlie- 08.10.2011 Graudus, Michael Greiling, Julia Hentschel, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041551 Diana Körner, Micaela Kreißler, Hardy ren! (Blu-ray) Krüger jr., Andrea L’Arronge, Ottokar Once Fallen Paul - Ein Alien auf der Flucht Lehrner, Ann-Kristin Leo, Karl Lieffen, Hol- Brian Presley, Ed Harris, Taraji P. Henson, Paul ger Mahlich, Andreas Mannkopff, Robert Amy Madigan, Peter Weller, Ash Adams, Simon Pegg, , Bill Hader, Joe Lo Viktor Minich, Luciane Nascimento, Dirk Chad Lindberg, Sharon Gless - Dir. Ash Truglio, John Carroll Lynch, Kristen Wiig, Plönissen, Joachim Regelien, Udo Schenk, Adams Sigourney Weaver, Blythe Danner, Jeffrey Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Michael Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Tambor, Jason Bateman, Jane Lynch, Schönborn, Jochen Senf, Jany Tempel, 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) 97min. , Mia Stallard, David House - Christof Wackernagel, Egon Wellenbrinck - MIG Film 11.08.2011 Dir. Greg Mottola Dir. Rainer Boldt, Monika Zinnenberg 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041353 Komödie/Science Fiction 2011 100min. Komödie 1993 FF DD 2.0 (D) min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sony Music Entertainment & New Business The Outlaw - Geächtet (2 Discs) 18.08.2011 Division(Pixis) 22.07.2011 The Outlaw 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041393 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041593 Jack Beutel, Jane Russell, Thomas Mitchell, Walter Huston, Mimi Aguglia, Joe Sawyer, Paul - Ein Alien auf der Flucht

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(Blu-ray) Keith Richards, Dame Judi Dench - Dir. Rob 08.10.2011 Paul Marshall 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041582 Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Bill Hader, Joe Lo Abenteuer 2011 136min. Truglio, John Carroll Lynch, Kristen Wiig, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Rain Man (Blu-ray) Sigourney Weaver, Blythe Danner, Jeffrey 22.09.2011 Rain Man Tambor, Jason Bateman, Jane Lynch, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041349 Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, Jesse Plemons, Mia Stallard, David House - Jerry Molen, Jack Murdock, Michael D. Ro- Dir. Greg Mottola Pirates of the Caribbean - Frem- berts, Ralph Seymour, Lucinda Jenney, Komödie/Science Fiction 2011 104min. de Gezeiten (Blu-ray) Bonnie Hunt, Barry Levinson, Kim Robillard Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger - Dir. Barry Levinson 18.08.2011 Tides Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szene, Trailer Drama 1988 133min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041412 Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Geoffrey Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Rush, Ian McShane, Kevin McNally, Astrid Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Paul - Ein Alien auf der Flucht Berges-Frisbey, Sam Claflin, Stephen 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041621 (Limited Edition, + Digital Copy) Graham, Gemma Ward, Richard Griffiths, (Blu-ray) Keith Richards, Dame Judi Dench - Dir. Rob Rambo - First Blood / Terminator Marshall Paul Abenteuer 2011 136min. 2: Ultimate / Universal Soldier: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Bill Hader, Joe Lo Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Regeneration (3 Discs, Steelbox) Truglio, John Carroll Lynch, Kristen Wiig, 22.09.2011 Sigourney Weaver, Blythe Danner, Jeffrey (k.J.) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041348 Tambor, Jason Bateman, Jane Lynch, First Blood / Terminator 2: Judgment Day / Universal Soldier: Regeneration Jesse Plemons, Mia Stallard, David House - Planet der Affen - Legacy Dir. Greg Mottola Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Brian Komödie/Science Fiction 2011 104min. Collection (5 Discs) Dennehy, David Caruso, Jack Starrett, Mi- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Eroberung vom Planet der Affen / Flucht chael Talbott, Jean-Claude van Damme, 18.08.2011 vom Planet der Affen / Der Planet der Affen Dolph Lundgren, Zahary Baharov, Jon Foo, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041415 / Rückkehr zum Planet der Affen / Die Garry Cooper, Emily Joyce, Aki Avni, Kerry Schlacht um den Planet der Affen Shale, , Linda Paul und Virginie - Die komplette Trailer, Biografien Hamilton, Edward Furlong, Robert Patrick, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1968-1973 Abenteuerserie (4 Discs) Joe Morton, Xander Berkeley, Earl Boen - 458min. Dir. Ted Kotcheff, John Hyams, James Paul Et Virginie Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Cameron Pierre-François Pistorio, Véronique Jannot Germany 15.07.2011 Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, BD-Live, Entfallene - Dir. Pierre Gaspard-Huit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041522 Szenen Entfallene Szenen Action 1982-2009 343min. Drama/Abenteuer 1974 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD Puppen unterm Dach Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 1.0 (F) 360min. Toys In The Attic 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041450 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dean Martin, Geraldine Page - Dir. George AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 28.10.2011 Roy Hill Rambo II - Der Auftrag (Uncut) 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041468 Drama 1963 Ltbx DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) (k.J.) Perrak 87min. Rambo: First Blood 2 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Horst Tappert, Werner Peters, Erika Pluhar, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041460 Charles Napier, Steven Berkoff, Julia Arthur Brauss, Hubert Suschka, Carl Lan- Nickson-Soul, Martin Kove, Andy Wood, ge, Walter Richter, Wolf Roth, Judy Winter, Quo Vadis (Classic Collection, 2 William Ghent - Dir. George Pan Cosmatos Berno von Cramm - Dir. Alfred Vohrer Discs) Audiokommentar, Trailer, TV-Spots, Wendecover Wendecover, Booklet Action 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Kriminalfilm 1970 DD 1.0 (D) 88min. Quo Vadis (D) DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Sir Peter Ustinov, Robert Taylor, Deborah Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041489 Kerr, Leo Genn, Patricia Laffan, Finlay 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041443 Currie, Abraham Sofaer, Marina Berti, Sir Pirates of the Caribbean - Frem- Felix Aylmer, Ralph Truman - Dir. Mervyn Rambo III (Uncut) (k.J.) LeRoy de Gezeiten Rambo 3 Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1951 162min. Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Doudi Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Tides Shoua, Marc De Jonge, Kurtwood Smith, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041541 Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Geoffrey Spiros Focas, Sasson Gabai - Dir. Peter Rush, Ian McShane, Kevin McNally, Astrid MacDonald Berges-Frisbey, Sam Claflin, Stephen Audiokommentar, Teaser, Trailer, Wendecover Graham, Gemma Ward, Richard Griffiths, Raavanan Action 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 Keith Richards, Dame Judi Dench - Dir. Rob Chiyaan Vikram, Aishwarya Rai, Prithviraj, (E) 97min. Marshall Karthik, Prabhu, Priyamani, Munna, Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 Abenteuer 2011 131min. Ranjitha, Vaiyapuri, John Vijay - Dir. Mani 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041444 Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Ratnam 22.09.2011 Making of, Trailer, Poster Rambo Trilogy (3 Discs, Ultimate Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041333 (D) DD 5.1 (Tamil) 134min. Edition) (k.J.) Rambo 1-3 Pirates of the Caribbean - Frem- Rapid Eye Movies HE 19.08.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041553 Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna - Dir. de Gezeiten (Blu-ray 3D, + Blu- Ted Kotcheff, George Pan Cosmatos, Peter ray 2D) (Blu-ray) Rächer der Enterbten MacDonald Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger The True Story Of Jesse James Diverse Action 1982-1987 293min. Tides Robert Wagner, Jeffrey Hunter, Hope Lan- Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Geoffrey ge, Agnes Moorehead, Alan Hale Jr., Alan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041451 Rush, Ian McShane, Kevin McNally, Astrid Baxter, John Carradine - Dir. Nicholas Ray Berges-Frisbey, Sam Claflin, Stephen Western 1957 92min. Rambo Trilogy (6 Discs, Steelbox) Graham, Gemma Ward, Richard Griffiths, Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek)

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(k.J.) Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2008 Ltbx 16x9 Drama 1996 120min. Rambo 1-3 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna - Dir. dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Ted Kotcheff, George Pan Cosmatos, Peter 22.09.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041623 MacDonald 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041640 Diverse Royal Pains- Staffel 1 (4 Discs) Action 1982-1987 278min. Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Royal Pains Kinowelt Home Entertainment 18.08.2011 Erde 2 (Blu-ray) Mark Feuerstein, Paulo Costanzo, Jill Flint, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041445 Journey To The Center Of The Earth Reshma Shetty, Campbell Scott, Dieter Greg Evigan, Dedee Pfeiffer, Jennifer Riesle, Henry Winkler, Anastasia Griffith, Red Riding Hood Dorogi, Sara Tomko, Caroline Attwood, Brooke D’Orsay, Christine Ebersole, Rupak Red Riding Hood Vanessa Lee Evigan, Leah Grimsson, Ginn, Paola Turbay, Ezra Miller, Meredith Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez, Max Jason S. Gray, Michael Tower, Vanessa Hagner, Bruno Campos, Marcia Gay Irons, , Julie Christie, Billy Mitchell, Amelia Jackson-Gray, Dylan Diehl, Harden, Anna George, Patrick Heusinger, Burke, Lukas Haas, Virginia Madsen, Mi- Damien Puckler, Oliver Rayon, Nino Zagaroli Peter Jacobson, Jason Kravits, Andrew chael Shanks - Dir. Catherine Hardwicke - Dir. Davey Jones, Scott Wheeler McCarthy, Bob Gunton, Ajay Mehta, Michael Fantasy/Horror 2011 min. Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Mulheren, Armando Riesco, Sharon Wa- Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Biografien shington, Michael B. Silver, Zachary Booth, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041487 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2008 Ltbx DTS- Ana de la Reguera, Tijuana Ricks, John C. HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 89min. Vennema, William Abadie, James Rebhorn - Red Riding Hood (Blu-ray) dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Dir. Jace Alexander, Constantine Makris, Red Riding Hood 22.09.2011 Michael Watkins, Matthew Penn, Dennie Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez, Max 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041653 Gordon, Jay Chandrasekhar, Don Scardino, Irons, Gary Oldman, Julie Christie, Billy Ed Fraiman, Michael Rauch Burke, Lukas Haas, Virginia Madsen, Mi- Der Rest ist Schweigen Komödie/Drama 2009 min. chael Shanks - Dir. Catherine Hardwicke Hardy Krüger, Peter van Eyck, Ingrid Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Fantasy/Horror 2011 min. Andree, Adelheid Seeck, Rudolf Forster, 18.08.2011 Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 Boy Gobert, Heinz Drache, Charles Régnier 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041397 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041501 - Dir. Helmut Käutner Booklet Sacrifice - Tag der Abrechnung Red River Drama 1959 DD 1.0 (D) 100min. Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Red River 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041491 Sacrifice John Wayne, Montgomery Clift, Joanne Dru, Lara Daans, Zion Lee, Christian Slater, Walter Brennan, Coleen Gray, Harry Carey Ringo Cuba Gooding Jr., Kim Coates, Devon Sr., John Ireland, Noah Beery jr., Harry Stagecoach Bostick, Angelica Lisk, Sean Tucker - Dir. Carey Jr., Chief Yowlachie, Paul Fix, Hank John Wayne, Claire Trevor, John Carradine, Damian Lee Warden, Mickey Kuhn, Ray Hyke, Wally Thomas Mitchell, Andy Devine, Donald Behind the Scenes, Trailer Wales - Dir. Howard Hawks, Arthur Rosson Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Meek, Louise Platt, George Bancroft, Western 1948 126min. (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 95min. Berton Churchill, Tim Holt, Francis Ford - Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Universum Film 05.08.2011 Dir. John Ford 08.10.2011 Wendecover 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041529 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041585 Western 1939 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 89min. Sacrifice - Tag der Abrechnung Reich und schön - Box 2: Wie al- HMH Hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs (k.J.) les begann (5 Discs) GmbH(Great Movies) 04.08.2011 Sacrifice Fashion Affairs 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041425 Lara Daans, Zion Lee, Christian Slater, Bonus-Special: Best of, Featurettes, Vorspann-Sequenzen Cuba Gooding Jr., Kim Coates, Devon Drama/Komödie FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) The Rocky Horror Picture Show Bostick, Angelica Lisk, Sean Tucker - Dir. 630min. (OmU) (Blu-ray) Damian Lee AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing The Rocky Horror Picture Show Behind the Scenes, Trailer AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 14.10.2011 Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 , Susan Sarandon, Barry 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041467 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 91min. Bostwick, Peter Hinwood, Richard O’Brien, Universum Film 05.08.2011 Pat Quinn, Jonathan Adams, Nell Campbell, Reise nach Transylvanien 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041518 , Charles Gray, Jeremy Newson, Transylvania 6-5000 Hilary Labow - Dir. Jim Sharman Sasori Vol. 2 - Jailhouse 41 (k.J.) Jeff Goldblum, Geena Davis - Dir. Rudy De US- und UK-Version des Films, Alternativer Filmanfang und Luca Abspann, Sing-Along, Audiokommentar, Bildergalerie, Behind Joshuu Sasori: Dai-41 Zakkyo-Bô Wendecover, Audiokommentar ,Trailer, Storyboard, Still the Scenes, Outtakes, Musikvideo, Featurettes, Trailer, Live Meiko Kaji, Fumio Watanabe, Kayoko Gallery, TV Spots Extras Shiraishi, Yukie Kagawa, Hiroko Isayama, Komödie/Horror 1985 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Musikfilm/Musical 1975 94min. Hosei Komatsu - Dir. Shunya Ito 91min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Trailer, Bildergalerie Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.06.2011 Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Action/Drama 1972 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041634 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041622 DD 1.0 (Jap) 89min. Rapid Eye Movies HE 15.07.2011 Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der William Shakespeares Romeo & 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041387 Erde 2 Julia (Blu-ray) Journey To The Center Of The Earth ’s Romeo & Juliet Der schmale Grat (Blu-ray) Greg Evigan, Dedee Pfeiffer, Jennifer Leonardo DiCaprio, Claire Danes, Brian The Thin Red Line Dorogi, Sara Tomko, Caroline Attwood, Dennehy, John Leguizamo, Pete Sean Penn, Adrien Brody, James Caviezel, Vanessa Lee Evigan, Leah Grimsson, Postlethwaite, Paul Sorvino, Diane Venora, Ben Chaplin, George Clooney, John Jason S. Gray, Michael Tower, Vanessa Harold Perrineau jr., Paul Rudd, Jesse Cusack, Woody Harrelson, Elias Koteas, Mitchell, Amelia Jackson-Gray, Dylan Diehl, Bradford, Dash Mihok, Miriam Margolyes, Jared Leto, Dash Mihok, Nick Nolte, John Damien Puckler, Oliver Rayon, Nino Zagaroli Vondie Curtis-Hall, Christina Pickles, M. Travolta, John C. Reilly, Larry Romano, - Dir. Davey Jones, Scott Wheeler Emmet Walsh - Dir. Baz Luhrmann John Savage, Arie Verveen, David Harrod, Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Picture-in-Picture, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergale- Thomas Jane, Polyn Leona, Miranda Otto - Biografien rie, Interviews Dir. Terrence Malick

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Trailer, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041346 Featurette Kriegsfilm 1998 170min. Drama 186min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment SOKO Wien - Staffel 4 (4 Discs) BROKEN SILENCE(Halmar Home- Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Stefan Jürgens, Gregor Seberg, Lilian Entertainment) 24.06.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041624 Klebow, Dietrich Siegl, Mona Seefried, San- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041646 dra Cervik, Helmut Bohatsch - Dir. Erhard Die Schöne und die Bestie (+ 2 Riedlsperger, Erwin Keusch, Christine That’s What I Am DVDs) (Blu-ray) Wiegand, Robert Sigl That’s What I Am La Belle Et La Bête Kriminalfilm 2008 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) Ed Harris, Chase Ellison, Molly Parker - Dir. Jean Marais, Josette Day, Mila Parély, Nane 675min. Michael Pavone Germon, Marcel André - Dir. Jean Cocteau EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Komödie/Drama 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Dokumentationen, Audiokommentar, Interview, Trailer, Bilder- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041456 galerien DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (F) 97min. Drama/Fantasy 1946 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Die Spur des Falken (Classic Clear Vision(WWE) 15.07.2011 (F) 90min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041334 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Collection) AG(Alamode) 29.07.2011 The Maltese Falcon That’s What I Am (Blu-ray) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041379 Humphrey Bogart, Mary Astor, Peter Lorre, That’s What I Am Sydney Greenstreet, Gladys George, Bar- Ed Harris, Chase Ellison, Molly Parker - Dir. Shock (k.J.) ton MacLane, Elisha Cook Jr., Ward Bond, Michael Pavone Shock Jerome Cowan - Dir. John Huston Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Bildergalerie Daria Nicolodi, John Steiner, David Colin jr., Kriminalfilm/Thriller 1941 96min. Komödie/Drama 2011 Ltbx DTS (D) DTS (E) Ivan Rassimov - Dir. Mario Bava Warner Home Video Germany 02.09.2011 DTS (F) 101min. Horror 1977 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041538 Clear Vision(WWE) 15.07.2011 (It) min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041350 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Stay (Blu-ray) 25.08.2011 Stay Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041516 Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts, Ryan Frage der Zeit Gosling, Bob Hoskins, Janeane Garofalo, Los Cronocrímenes Sinatra Club - Der Club der Gang- Kate Burton, B.D. , Elizabeth Reaser, Karra Elejalde, Candela Fernández, Barba- ster - Dir. Marc Forster ra Goenaga, Juan Inciarte, Nacho Featurettes, Interviews, Audiokommentar, Wendecover Sinatra Club Vigalondo - Dir. Nacho Vigalondo Thriller 2005 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Kurzfilm „7:35 de la manana“, Interviews, Making of, Danny Nucci, Jason Gedrick, Joey HD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. Featurette, Trailer Lawrence, Mark Belasco, Ellen Hollman, Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Thriller/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD Michael Nouri, Leo Rossi, Andrew Davoli - 18.08.2011 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 89min. Dir. James Quattrochi 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041452 Koch Media 08.07.2011 Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041519 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Swordbrothers (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) 85min. Hyultoo Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine MIG Film 11.08.2011 Park Hee-Soon, Jin Ku, Ko Chang-Seok, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041455 Frage der Zeit (Blu-ray) Kim Kap-soo - Dir. Park Hoon-jung Los Cronocrímenes Behind the Scenes Karra Elejalde, Candela Fernández, Barba- Sinatra Club - Der Club der Gang- Action/Abenteuer 2011 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 ra Goenaga, Juan Inciarte, Nacho ster (Blu-ray) (D) DD 5.1 (Korea) 106min. Vigalondo - Dir. Nacho Vigalondo Sinatra Club Splendid Film(Amazia) 26.08.2011 Kurzfilm „7:35 de la manana“, Interviews, Making of, Danny Nucci, Jason Gedrick, Joey 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041557 Featurette, Trailer Lawrence, Mark Belasco, Ellen Hollman, Thriller/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD Michael Nouri, Leo Rossi, Andrew Davoli - Swordbrothers (Blu-ray) 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 92min. Dir. James Quattrochi Hyultoo Koch Media 08.07.2011 Wendecover Park Hee-Soon, Jin Ku, Ko Chang-Seok, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041528 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Kim Kap-soo - Dir. Park Hoon-jung MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 89min. Behind the Scenes Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine MIG Film 11.08.2011 Action/Abenteuer 2011 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Frage der Zeit (Special Edition, 2 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041481 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 (Korea) 111min. Splendid Film(Amazia) 26.08.2011 Discs) Die Sklavin - Gefangen - Geflo- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041572 Los Cronocrímenes hen - Verfolgt Karra Elejalde, Candela Fernández, Barba- ra Goenaga, Juan Inciarte, Nacho I Am Slave Tales from the Crypt (Season 1-4) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Vigalondo - Dir. Nacho Vigalondo Wunmi Mosaku, Isaach De Bankolé, Yigal Kurzfilm „7:35 de la manana“, Interviews, Making of, Naor, Lubna Azabal, Hiam Abbass, Nonso Tales From The Crypt Featurette, Trailer, Chronologische Schnittfassung, Bilder- Anozie - Dir. Gabriel Range Brad Pitt, Lea Thompson, Whoopi Goldberg, galerie Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 , Tim Curry, Tom Hanks, Michael Thriller/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD (E) 80min. J. Fox, Brooke Shields - Dir. , 5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 89min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Robert Zemeckis, Richard Donner, Stephen Koch Media 08.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041331 Hopkins, Russell Mulcahy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041520 Hintergrundinfo Die Sklavin - Gefangen - Geflo- Horror 1989-1996 FF DD 2.0 (D) 800min. Timecrimes - Mord ist nur eine hen - Verfolgt (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Starlight Film) Frage der Zeit (Special Edition, 2 29.07.2011 I Am Slave Discs) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041438 Wunmi Mosaku, Isaach De Bankolé, Yigal Los Cronocrímenes Naor, Lubna Azabal, Hiam Abbass, Nonso Elisabeth Taylor - Ein Geschenk Karra Elejalde, Candela Fernández, Barba- Anozie - Dir. Gabriel Range ra Goenaga, Juan Inciarte, Nacho Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- des Himmels / Damals in Paris Vigalondo - Dir. Nacho Vigalondo HD 5.1 MA (E) 84min. Father’s Little Dividend / The Last Time I Kurzfilm „7:35 de la manana“, Interviews, Making of, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Saw Paris Featurette, Trailer Dame Elizabeth Taylor Thriller/Science Fiction 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD

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5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Sp) 92min. Jennifer Rubin, Alana Dimaria - Dir. Scott Arc Koch Media 08.07.2011 Wheeler Peter Facinelli, Raina Simone Moore, Ann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041530 Trailershow Cusack, Sean Apple, Jonah Blechman, Science Fiction/Action 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD Garrett M. Brown, Logan Grove, Chris Hall, To Save a Life 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (E) Mel Harris, Ken Howard, Billy Lush, Sean P. To Save A Life 82min. Neelon - Dir. Robert Ethan Gunnerson Randy Wayne, Deja Kreutzberg, Joshua Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD Weigel, Steven Crowder, D. David Morin, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041421 2.0 (E) 113min. Sean Michael, Thomas Lewis, Robert Infopictures 26.08.2011 Bailey Jr. - Dir. Brian Baugh Transmorphers 3 - Der dunkle 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041369 Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideos, Bilder- Mond (Blu-ray) galerie Transmorphers: Fall Of Man Unrated - The Movie (Blu-ray) Drama 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Bruce Boxleitner, Shane Van Dyke, 115min. (k.J.) Jennifer Rubin, Alana Dimaria - Dir. Scott dtp entertainment AG 22.09.2011 Eleanor James, Eileen Daly, Vivian Schmitt, Wheeler 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041638 Andreas Schnaas, Manoush, Timo Rose, Trailershow Magdalena Kalley, Annika Strauß, Marc Science Fiction/Action 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD Rohnstock, Mario Zimmerschitt, Lars To Save a Life (Blu-ray) 5.1 MA (D) DTS-HD 2.0 MA (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Rohnstock, Nadine Trautwein - Dir. Timo To Save A Life MA (E) DTS-HD 2.0 MA (E) 82min. Rose, Andreas Schnaas Randy Wayne, Deja Kreutzberg, Joshua Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 29.07.2011 Weigel, Steven Crowder, D. David Morin, Making of, Trailer 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041437 Horror 2009 DTS-HD 5.1 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 Sean Michael, Thomas Lewis, Robert (E) 84min. Bailey Jr. - Dir. Brian Baugh Triple Dog Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideos, Bilder- Intergroove Media(Starlight) 12.08.2011 galerie Triple Dog 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041650 Drama 2009 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E) Brittany Robertson, Alexia Fast, Scout 120min. Taylor-Compton, Janel Parrish, Emily Unser Charly - Die komplette 10. dtp entertainment AG 22.09.2011 Tennant, Carly McKillip, Aubrey Mozino, Staffel (3 Discs) Brett Davern, Jeffrey Ballard - Dir. Pascal 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041651 Ralf Lindermann, Saskia Valencia, Franzis- Franchot ka Heyder, Gary Bestla, Regina Lemnitz, Thriller/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Tödliche Bekenntnisse Aurelio Malfa, Brigitte Böttrich, Frank DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Sur Mes Lèvres Behnke, Karin Thaler, Judith Richter, Leo- Planet Media Home Entertainment Vincent Cassel, Emmanuelle Devos, Olivier nie-Benice Baeßler, Mike Zobrys, Delia 19.08.2011 Gourmet, Olivia Bonamy, Olivier Perrier, Deborah Wagner, Jens-Peter Nünemann - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041335 Céline Samie, , David Dir. Christoph Klünker, Franz Josef Gott- Saracino, Christophe Van de Velde, Pierre Triple Dog (Blu-ray) lieb, Carl Lang, Monika Zinnenberg Diot, Serge Boutleroff, Christiane Cohendy, Komödie 2004 (D) 585min. Triple Dog Bô Gaultier de Kermoal, Chloé Mons - Dir. Edel Germany(Aviator) 15.07.2011 Brittany Robertson, Alexia Fast, Scout 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041506 Trailer Taylor-Compton, Janel Parrish, Emily Thriller 2001 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (F) Tennant, Carly McKillip, Aubrey Mozino, Unstoppable - Außer Kontrolle 110min. Brett Davern, Jeffrey Ballard - Dir. Pascal AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Franchot (Blu-ray) Le Fou) 26.08.2011 Thriller/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Unstoppable 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041465 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 94min. , , Rosario Planet Media Home Entertainment Dawson, Elizabeth Mathis, Jessy Schram, Tödliche Bekenntnisse (Blu-ray) 19.08.2011 Kevin Dunn, Kevin Chapman, Jeff Wincott - Sur Mes Lèvres 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041351 Dir. Tony Scott Vincent Cassel, Emmanuelle Devos, Olivier Making of, Featurette, Interview, Audiokommentar, Trailer Action 2010 98min. Gourmet, Olivia Bonamy, Olivier Perrier, Über den Todespass Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Céline Samie, Bernard Alane, David The Far Country Germany 05.08.2011 Saracino, Christophe Van de Velde, Pierre James Stewart, Ruth Roman, Corinne 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041629 Diot, Serge Boutleroff, Christiane Cohendy, Calvet, Walter Brennan, John McIntire, Jay Bô Gaultier de Kermoal, Chloé Mons - Dir. C. Flippen, Henry Morgan, Steve Brodie, Unternehmen Rosebud Jacques Audiard Royal Dano, Gregg Barton, Chubby Rosebud Trailer Johnson, Eddie C. Waller - Dir. Anthony Peter O’Toole, Lord Richard Attenborough, Thriller 2001 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA (D) DTS- Mann Cliff Gorman, Claude Dauphin, John v. HD 5.1 MA (F) 114min. Western 1955 97min. Lindsay, Peter Lawford, Adrienne Corri, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Yossef Shiloah, Isabelle Huppert, Kim Le Fou) 26.08.2011 08.10.2011 Cattrall - Dir. Otto Preminger 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041482 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041578 Action/Abenteuer 1975 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 Transit Underworld Gangster (Blu-ray) (D) DD 1.0 (E) 121min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 11.08.2011 Clemens Schick, Annika Blendl, Bernd Mi- (k.J.) chael Lade, Andreas Hoppe, Jürgen Vogel - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041461 Arc Dir. Philipp Leinemann Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Interview, Teaser, Peter Facinelli, Raina Simone Moore, Ann V (Season 1) (3 Discs) Trailer Cusack, Sean Apple, Jonah Blechman, V Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 Garrett M. Brown, Logan Grove, Chris Hall, Elizabeth Mitchell, Morris Chestnut, Joel (D) 74min. Mel Harris, Ken Howard, Billy Lush, Sean P. Gretsch, Logan Huffman, Lourdes Turbine Medien 24.06.2011 Neelon - Dir. Robert Ethan Gunnerson Benedicto, Laura Vandervoort, Morena 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041367 Drama/Kriminalfilm 2006 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 Baccarin, Scott Wolf - Dir. Yves Simoneau (D) DTS-HD 2.0 (E) 117min. Science Fiction 2009-2010 min. Transmorphers 3 - Der dunkle Infopictures 26.08.2011 Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Mond 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041376 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041535 Transmorphers: Fall Of Man Bruce Boxleitner, Shane Van Dyke, Underworld Gangster (k.J.) V (Season 1) (Blu-ray)

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V Viel Lärm um nichts (Blu-ray) Rauch, Kristina Nel, Adrian Hoven, Bern- Elizabeth Mitchell, Morris Chestnut, Joel Much Ado About Nothing hard Helfrich - Dir. Horst Hächler Gretsch, Logan Huffman, Lourdes , Michael Keaton, Robert Drama 1977 96min. Benedicto, Laura Vandervoort, Morena Sean Leonard, Keanu Reeves, Emma Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Baccarin, Scott Wolf - Dir. Yves Simoneau Thompson, Denzel Washington, Richard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041588 Science Fiction 2009-2010 min. Briers, Kate Beckinsale - Dir. Kenneth Warner Home Video Germany 09.09.2011 Branagh Wall Street - Geld schläft nicht 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041558 Making of, Trailer (Blu-ray) Komödie 1993 110min. Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps Der Verdammte der Insel Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment , Shia LaBeouf, Josh Outcast Of The Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 Brolin, Carey Mulligan, Eli Wallach, Susan Sir Ralph Richardson, Trevor Howard, Ro- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041625 Sarandon, Frank Langella, Austin Pendleton bert Morley, George Coulouris, Wilfrid - Dir. Oliver Stone Hyde-White, Frederick Valk, Wendy Hiller, Vierzig Wagen westwärts Entfallene und erweiterte Szenen, Audiokommentar, Inter- Kerima, Betty Ann Davies - Dir. Sir Carol The Hallelujah Trail views, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Reed Burt Lancaster, Lee Remick, Jim Hutton, Drama/ 2010 110min. Booklet Pamela Tiffin, Donald Pleasence, Brian Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 1951 95min. Keith, Martin Landau, John Anderson, Tom Germany 05.08.2011 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Stern, Robert Wilke, Jerry Gatlin - Dir. John 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041628 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041420 Sturges Komödie/Western 1965 149min. Wall Street (Blu-ray) Vergessene Filmklassiker Vol. 7 - Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Wall Street Die scharlachrote Blume 08.10.2011 Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Martin The Scarlet Pimpernel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041580 Sheen, Daryl Hannah, Terence Stamp, Sean Leslie Howard, Merle Oberon, Raymond Young - Dir. Oliver Stone Massey, Nigel Bruce, Bramwell Fletcher, Vogelfrei Trailer, Entfallene Szenen, Intro, Featurette, Making of Drama 1987 126min. Anthony Bushell - Dir. Harold Young Colorado Territory Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Abenteuer 1935 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) Joel McCrea, Virginia Mayo, Dorothy Germany(CineProject) 12.08.2011 93min. Malone, Henry Hull, John Archer - Dir. Ra- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041626 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) oul Walsh 29.07.2011 Western 1949 (D) (E) 94min. Der weiße Löwe 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041635 Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) White Lion 08.10.2011 Jamie Bartlett, John Kani, Thabo Malema - Vergessene Western Vol. 23 - 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041576 Dir. Michael Swan Schreckensnacht am Black River Making of, Portrait, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sunset Trail Von Menschen und Göttern Abenteuer/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 Ken Maynard - Dir. B. Reeves Eason Des Hommes Et Des Dieux (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Originalfassung Lambert Wilson, Michael Lonsdale, Olivier Sunfilm Entertainment 11.08.2011 Western 1932 FF 86min. Rabourdin, Philippe Laudenbach, Jacques 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041545 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Herlin, Loïc Pichon, Xavier Maly, Jean-Marie 29.07.2011 Frin, Abdelhafid Metalsi, Sabrina Ouazani, Der weiße Löwe (Blu-ray 3D) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041434 Abdallah Moundy, Olivier Perrier, Farid (Blu-ray) Larbi, Adel Bencherif - Dir. Xavier Beauvois White Lion Vergessene Western Vol. 24 - Das Drama 2010 min. Jamie Bartlett, John Kani, Thabo Malema - Warner Home Video Germany 16.09.2011 Geheimnis der toten Stadt Dir. Michael Swan The Trail Of The Silver Spurs 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041537 Making of, Portrait, Bildergalerie, Trailer Ray Corrigan, John ‘Dusty’ King - Dir. S. Abenteuer/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 Roy Luby The Wackness - Verrückt sein ist MA (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (E) 93min. Western 1941 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 (E) 62min. relativ Sunfilm Entertainment 11.08.2011 Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) The Wackness 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041568 29.07.2011 Sir Ben Kingsley, Mary-Kate Olsen, Famke 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041637 Janssen, Josh Peck, Olivia Thirlby, Method Der weiße Löwe (Blu-ray) Man, Aaron Yoo, Charlene Biton - Dir. White Lion Die Verlobung des Monsieur Hire Jonathan Levine Jamie Bartlett, John Kani, Thabo Malema - Monsieur Hire Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Dir. Michael Swan Michel Blanc, Sandrine Bonnaire, Luc Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Making of, Portrait, Bildergalerie, Trailer Thuillier, André Wilms - Dir. DD 5.1 (E) 96min. Abenteuer/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 Wendecover Koch Media 05.08.2011 MA (D) DTS-HD 7.1 MA (E) 93min. Thriller 1989 Ltbx 16x9 (D) (F) 76min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041521 Sunfilm Entertainment 11.08.2011 Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041567 04.08.2011 The Wackness - Verrückt sein ist 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041428 relativ (Blu-ray) H.G. Wells - Hundred Years to The Wackness Come (Extended Version, 2 Discs) Die verlorene Welt Teil 1+2 Sir Ben Kingsley, Mary-Kate Olsen, Famke Things To Come The Lost World / Return To The Lost Janssen, Josh Peck, Olivia Thirlby, Method Raymond Massey, Edward Chapman, Sir World Man, Aaron Yoo, Charlene Biton - Dir. Ralph Richardson, Margaretta Scott, Sir John Rhys-Davies, David Warner, Eric Jonathan Levine Cedric Hardwicke, Maurice Braddell, So- McCormack, Nathania Stanford, Daren Pe- Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer phie Stewart, Derrick de Marney - Dir. ter Mercer, Tamara Gorski, Sala Came - Dir. Komödie/Drama 2007 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA William Cameron Menzies Timothy Bond (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 99min. Science Fiction 1936 FF DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 1992 DD 2.0 (D) Koch Media 05.08.2011 (E) 88min. DD 2.0 (E) 193min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041531 dtp entertainment AG(Great Movies) Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 28.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041575 Waldrausch 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041382 Alexander Stephan, Uschi Glas, Siegfried

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Wer mit dem Teufel reitet stian Gutierrez Ride With The Devil Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Special Interest Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Skeet Ulrich, Tobey Maguire, Jewel, Jeffrey (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 96min. Wright, Simon Baker, Jonathan Rhys Mey- dtp entertainment AG 28.07.2011 Into Eternity ers, James Caviezel, Tom Guiry, Tom 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041405 Into Eternity Wilkinson, Jonathan Brandis, Matthew Dir. Michael Madsen Faber, Stephen Mailer, John Ales, Zach Wüstenblume (Blu-ray) Interview, Trailer Grenier, Margo Martindale, Mark Ruffalo, Desert Flower Dokumentarfilm 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) Celia Weston - Dir. Ang Lee Liya Kebede, , Timothy Spall, DD 5.1 (E) 72min. Western/Drama 1999 132min. Juliet Stevenson, Craig Parkinson, Anthony AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) Mackie, Meera Syal, Soraya Omar-Scego - Le Fou) 26.08.2011 08.10.2011 Dir. Sherry Hormann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041466 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041584 Audiokommentar, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Trailer, Teaser, BD-Live, Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte Into Eternity (Blu-ray) Wiener G’schichten Drama 2009 129min. Into Eternity Marte Harell, Paul Hörbiger, Siegfried Majestic Filmverleih(CineProject) Dir. Michael Madsen Breuer, Hans Moser, Olly Holzmann - Dir. 12.08.2011 Interview, Trailer Géza von Bolváry 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041627 Dokumentarfilm 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 (D) Wendecover DTS-HD 5.1 (E) 75min. Komödie 1940 FF DD 1.0 (D) 92min. Wyoming (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Pierrot Kinowelt Home Entertainment 04.08.2011 The Jack Bull Le Fou) 26.08.2011 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041430 John Cusack, John Goodman, Miranda Otto, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041483 L. Q. Jones, John C. McGinley, John Wild Chicks Savage - Dir. John Badham Pina Still Waiting... Western/Drama 1999 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA Pina Bausch - Dir. Wim Wenders Justin Long, Vanessa Lengies, Steve (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (E) 119min. Dokumentarfilm 2011 min. Howey, John Michael Higgins, Alanna dtp entertainment AG 28.07.2011 Warner Home Video Germany 30.09.2011 Ubach, Luis Guzmán, Tania Raymonde, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041407 tba BestellNr.: 20041485 Jennifer Rhodes - Dir. Jeff Balis Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Zähl bis drei und bete Pina (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Trailer Komödie 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS 3:10 To Yuma Pina Bausch - Dir. Wim Wenders (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min. Van Heflin, Glenn Ford, Felicia Farr, Leora Dokumentarfilm 2011 min. Sunfilm Entertainment 07.07.2011 Dana, Henry Jones, Richard Jaeckel, Ro- Warner Home Video Germany 30.09.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041632 bert Emhardt, Sheridan Comerate, George tba BestellNr.: 20041499 Mitchell - Dir. Delmer Daves Wild Chicks (Blu-ray) Western 1957 (D) (E) 88min. Pina (Blu-ray 3D, 3 Discs) (Blu- Still Waiting... Süddeutsche Zeitung(SZ-Cinemathek) ray) Justin Long, Vanessa Lengies, Steve 08.10.2011 Pina Bausch - Dir. Wim Wenders Howey, John Michael Higgins, Alanna 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041577 Dokumentarfilm 2011 min. Ubach, Luis Guzmán, Tania Raymonde, Warner Home Video Germany 30.09.2011 Jennifer Rhodes - Dir. Jeff Balis Zombie Flesh Eater (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20041500 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Making of, Flesheater Trailer John Mowod, Leslie Anne Wick, Kevin Wenn einer von uns stirbt, geh Komödie 2009 Ltbx DTS-HD 7.1 MA (D) Kindlin, Charis Kirkpatrik Acuff, James R. ich nach Paris DTS-HD 7.1 MA (E) 94min. Rutan, Lisa Smith - Dir. S. William Hinzman Sunfilm Entertainment 07.07.2011 Making of, Bildergalerie Michel Haebler - Dir. Jan Schmitt 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041648 Horror 1988 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 2.0 (E) Dokumentarfilm 2007 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 88min. 81min. Wilde Wasser Intergroove Media(Pasadena) 29.07.2011 good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 08.07.2011 Marianne Hold, Hans von Borsody, Heinrich 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041429 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041587 Gretler, Corny Collins, Friedrich Schoenfelder, Beppo Brem, Franz Zweimal sterben ist einmal zuviel Muxeneder, Sieghardt Rupp - Dir. Rudolf Quincas Berro D’Água Schündler Mariana Ximenes, Marieta Severo, Paulo Booklet José - Dir. Sergio Machado Komödie 1962 96min. Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Pidax film media(Pidax film) 05.08.2011 Komödie/Drama 2010 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041589 DD 2.0 (D) DD 5.1 (Portu) 97min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Women in Trouble 04.08.2011 Women in Trouble 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041431 Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Connie Britton, Emmanuelle Chriqui, , Zweimal sterben ist einmal zuviel Marley Shelton, Rya Kihlstedt - Dir. Seba- (Blu-ray) stian Gutierrez Quincas Berro D’Água Outtakes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Mariana Ximenes, Marieta Severo, Paulo Komödie/Drama 2009 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) José - Dir. Sergio Machado DD 5.1 (E) 92min. Making of, Trailer, Wendecover dtp entertainment AG 28.07.2011 Komödie/Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS-HD 5.1 MA 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041380 (D) DTS-HD 5.1 MA (Portu) 101min. Kinowelt Home Entertainment(Arthaus) Women in Trouble (Blu-ray) 04.08.2011 Women In Trouble 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20041441 Carla Gugino, Adrianne Palicki, Connie Britton, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Sarah Clarke, Marley Shelton, Rya Kihlstedt - Dir. Seba-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 27 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100847 delightful songs, spellbinding visuals, and enduring themes of hope, friendship and love. Your family will experience the Animation spirit of the season all year long with the timeless magic Bambi II: Special Edition (Blu-ray ofBeauty And The Beast: The Enchanted Christmas. Romance, Animated Animals, Christmas, : My Two Favorite + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) All your favorite friends are back — Bambi, Thumper, Owl, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Holidays 2002 People Flower and Faline — in this magnificent Special Edition of 71min. Bambi II. Return to the forest and join Bambi as he reunites Disney / Buena Vista 22.11.2011 John DiMaggio, Jeremy Shada, Hynden with his father, The Great Prince, who must now raise the Walch young fawn on his own. But in the adventure of a lifetime, the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101018 The Adventure Time: DVD features proud parent discovers there is much he can learn from his one crazy adventure after another for human boy, Finn, and spirited young son. Celebrate the unbreakable bonds of family Care Bears: Share Bear Shines his best friend, Jake, a 28-year old dog with magical powers. and the power of friendship in this unforgettable coming-of- But remember, adventure isn’t always easy. In the feature age tale your family will enjoy again and again. Share Bear and a Twinklet named Gleamer lead a Emmy-nominated episode, My Two Favorite People, Jake tries Animated Animals, Disney, Family 2006 heartwarming mission in caring when they travel to Glitter to get Lady Rainicorn and Finn to become friends so he City, a magical place where Princess Starglo Twinklets doesn’t have to his time between the two. But the 72min. to become stars. Because no one believes in Princess escapades don’t stop there! Adventure Time: My Two Favorite Disney / Buena Vista 23.08.2011 Starglo, her confidence has dimmed...and she’s turning out People chronicles Jake and Finn as they are kidnapped by the 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100892 lights all over the night sky! With the power of belief and the Ice King, battle zombie candy and save Princess Bubblegum. help of the Care Power Team, Share Bear gets things glowing What time is it? Adventure Time! again in this sparkling movie adventure. , Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Bambi II: Special Edition (DVD + Family, Animated Animals 70min. Adventure 2010 min. Blu-ray Combo) (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 06.09.2011 Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 All your favorite friends are back — Bambi, Thumper, Owl, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100920 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101203 Flower and Faline — in this magnificent Special Edition of Bambi II. Return to the forest and join Bambi as he reunites Dinosaurs Prehistoric Adventure with his father, The Great Prince, who must now raise the Angelina Ballerina: The Shining young fawn on his own. But in the adventure of a lifetime, the Pack proud parent discovers there is much he can learn from his Star Trophy spirited young son. Celebrate the unbreakable bonds of family Dinosaurs, Animated Animals 160min. Angelina shines brighter than ever in this all-new movie! Ms. and the power of friendship in this unforgettable coming-of- Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Mimi announces that there’s going to be a big talent show at age tale your family will enjoy again and again. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101144 Camembert Academy and the winner will walk away with the Animated Animals, Disney, Family 2006 Shining Star Trophy. With celebrity guest judge Perry Parme- 72min. san deciding the winner, every minute of practice counts. But Disney Have A Laugh!: Volume 3 when Angelina goes out of her way to help her friends find Disney / Buena Vista 23.08.2011 Just when you thought it was safe to stop laughing yourself their special talents, she has little time to work on her own 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100893 silly, Mickey and his friends are back with more sidesplitting routine. Who will take center stage and win the Shining Star Have a Laugh high jinks! Set sail for the high seas of hilarity Trophy? Watch as Angelina follows her heart to become a true when Mickey, Goofy and Donald go a-whaling and wind up shining star! Barbie: Princess Charm School going overboard — literally! Bark with laughter as Pluto is Ballet, Family, Animated Animals 55min. Barbie stars as Blair Willows, a kind-hearted girl who is dogged by a pesky gopher who’s making mincemeat of Lionsgate 30.08.2011 chosen to attend Princess Charm School: a magical, modern Minnie’s garden. Then, have a ball with Goofy as he hits the place that teaches dancing, how to have tea parties, and links and — BLAM! — his „relaxing“ game of golf goes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100803 proper princess manners. Blair loves her classes as well as outrageously awry. Fully restored and remastered, these the helpful magical sprites and her new friends, Princesses amazing cartoons also feature a new „Re-MICKS“ — a mash- : Hadley and Delancy. But when royal teacher Dame Devin up music video of crazy cartoon clips remixed to the hit song, discovers that Blair looks a lot like the kingdom’s missing „I Gotta Feeling“ from the Black Eyed Peas. It’s a novel Volumes 1 - 7 / Aqua Teen Hunger princess, she turns Blair’s world upside down to stop her approach to uproarious classic comedy that’ll make you laugh from claiming the throne. Now Blair, Hadley and Delancy must out loud. Bursting at the seams with surprises, Have a Laugh Force Colon Movie Film For find an enchanted crown to prove Blair’s true identity in this — Volume 3 will tickle your funny bone ‘til it hurts! Theaters For DVD (8 Pack) charming and magical princess story! Disney, Family 2011 67min. Family min. Carey Means, Dave Willis, Matt Maiellaro, Disney / Buena Vista 14.06.2011 Universal Studios 13.09.2011 Neil Peart, , C. Martin Croker, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100764 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101006 Andy Merrill, Mike Schatz Based On TV Show, Cartoon Network, Disney Have A Laugh!: Volume 4 Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Adult Beauty And The Beast: Belle’s Just when you thought it was safe to stop laughing yourself Magical World silly, Mickey and his pals are back with more sidesplitting Swim min. Have a Laugh high jinks! Have an outrageously g’day with Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 A lot happened before Belle and Beast lived happily ever Mickey and Pluto when their adventure Down Under goes 383,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101069 after! Share the fun with one of Disney’s most spirited way over the top, thanks to a wayward boomerang and a Princesses and all her enchanted friends as their exciting humongous ostrich. Kick up your heels with Donald as his adventures continue in this sparkling Special Edition of fireside hula dance „heats up“ hilariously. Then, ride a tide of Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1: Belle’s Magical World — inspired by Disney’s beloved laughs with Goofy as he tries to catch a wave and — BLAM! Academy Award-winning masterpiece, Beauty And The Beast — gets clobbered by his surfboard. Fully restored and Volume 1 (1991: Winner — Best Song, Best Original Score; nominated remastered, these incredible cartoons also feature a new „Re- for Best Picture). Join Belle, Beast, Cogsworth, Lumiere, plus MICKS“ — a mash-up music video of crazy cartoon clips Carey Means, Dana Snyder, Dave Willis some charming new friends as they discover how love, Following their 100th episode, the Aqua Teen Hunger Force remixed to the hit song, „Play My Music“ performed by the teamwork, forgiveness and friendship can turn a once-gloomy Jonas Brothers. It’s a bold, new approach to classic comedy has gathered their wits and rebranded themselves as hard as castle into a dazzling palace fit for a princess! Adorned with they can! As the freshly coined Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1, that’ll make your spirits soar. Overflowing with fun and delightful bonus features, your favorite characters and great surprises, Have a Laugh — Volume 4 will paste a permanent they’re back in the moist, warm saddle that has carried them songs, this fun-filled, modern-day classic proves that true through the desert of late night television... only this time, smile on your face! beauty shines from within! Disney, Family 2011 65min. they’re gonna kick crime in the nuts! This 2 disc DVD set Romance, Animated Animals, Animated Fea- features 10 episodes as well as the final 7 Aqua Teen Hunger Disney / Buena Vista 14.06.2011 ture Films, Disney, Family, Fantasy 2003 Force episodes not seen on previous releases. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100765 Cartoon Network, Comedy, Dark Comedy, 99min. 2000 187min. Disney / Buena Vista 22.11.2011 Warner Bros. 11.10.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101014 Dooley And Pals: Being Our Best The Dooley and Pals Show, sometimes shortened to just 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101042 Dooley and Pals, is an American children’s television series. Beauty And The Beast: The The main character is Dooley, a friendly alien who has landed Bambi II: Special Edition in a backyard on Earth. He explores the planet with the Enchanted Christmas Special Edi- children of the neighborhood as his guides. The show is All your favorite friends are back -- Bambi, Thumper, Owl, tion meant to teach moral values and educational basics to Flower and Faline — in this magnificent Special Edition of children ages 2 - 5. Safety Day Green Eyed Monster Sticks Bambi II. Return to the forest and join Bambi as he reunites Celebrate the most magical time of the year with this Special and Stones Taking Care of Business with his father, The Great Prince, who must now raise the Edition of the irresistible holiday classic inspired by Disney’s young fawn on his own. But in the adventure of a lifetime, the Academy Award-winnng masterpiece, Beauty And The Beast Family, Preschool 2004 80min. proud parent discovers there is much he can learn from his (1991: Winner — Best Song, Best Original Score; nominated E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 spirited young son. Celebrate the unbreakable bonds of family for Best Picture). Share the wonder as Mrs. Potts (Angela 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100788 and the power of friendship in this unforgettable coming-of- Lansbury) recounts another „tale as old as time“ about a age tale your family will enjoy again and again. Christmas past that almost wasn’t — thanks to the scheming Animated Animals, Disney, Family 2006 of former court composer Forte (Tim Curry), now a gloomy, Dooley and Pals: Brighter Days 72min. holiday-hating pipe organ, determined to keep Belle and Beast The Dooley and Pals Show, sometimes shortened to just apart forever. Only a true Christmas musical could possibly Dooley and Pals. The Grumpies Rainy Day Blues Sweet Disney / Buena Vista 23.08.2011 thwart his dastardly plans. Reuniting the original voice cast, Dooley Dreams Promises Promises this spectacular gem sparkles with exciting bonus features,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 29 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Family, Preschool 2004 80min. Fox And The Hound and The Fox And The Hound II — in 09.08.2011 dazzling Blu-ray High Definition for the first time ever! E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 Experience these timeless tales of true friendship, set against 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100974 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100789 a backdrop of comedy and music in perfect harmony. And now, both inspiring classics sparkle on Blu-ray with spectacular The Lion King: Diamond Edition sound and unsurpassed picture quality. Plus, this 3-Disc Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Ballet Combo Pack includes a DVD of each film! Featuring lovable 2011 Adventures characters, brilliant animation, stellar voice talent and Embark on an extraordinary coming-of-age adventure as unforgettable songs, The Fox And The Hound 2-Movie Dora can’t wait to perform in her big dance show, but before it Simba, a lion cub who cannot wait to be king, searches for his Collection includes two fun, heartwarming stories of loyalty destiny in the great „Circle of Life.“ From the stunningly can start, she needs your help to move and groove back to her and trust that your family will treasure for all time. Dance School to find her ballet slippers. Will you help Dora beautiful opening sequence over African vistas, to the find her ballet slippers in time for the dance recital? Animated Animals, Disney, Family min. hilarious escapades of „Hakuna Matata“ with Timon and Disney / Buena Vista 09.08.2011 Pumbaa, to the awe-inspiring moment when Simba takes his Adventure, Ballet, Educational, Family, rightful place atop Pride Rock, you will be thrilled by the Nickelodeon, Preschool 95min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100852 breathtaking animation, unforgettable Academy Award(R)- Nickelodeon 30.08.2011 winning music (1994: Best Original Score; Best Original 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100911 The Fox And The Hound: Two Song, „Can You Feel The Love Tonight“) and timeless story. Disney, Family, Adventure, Animated Movie Collection (DVD + Blu-Ray Animals 1994 90min. Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Combo ) (Blu-ray) Disney / Buena Vista 15.11.2011 Enchanted Forest Adventures In of The Fox And The Hound’s 30th anniversary, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100842 Explore the Enchanted Forest with Dora, Boots, and King Disney proudly presents a special 2-movie collection of The Unicornio in this trilogy of magical adventures, concluding in Fox And The Hound and The Fox And The Hound II — in an enchanted double-length episode! Unicornio has been dazzling Blu-ray High Definition for the first time ever! The Lion King: Diamond Edition chosen King of Enchanted Forest but he needs help from Experience these timeless tales of true friendship, set against 2011 (Blu-Ray 3D + Blu-Ray + DVD Dora, Boots, and you to see that he is the right person for the a backdrop of comedy and music in perfect harmony. And now, job. Then King Unicornio, along with Dora and Boots, must both inspiring classics sparkle on Blu-ray with spectacular + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) leave the forest to help Diego rise the lost continent of Atlan- sound and unsurpassed picture quality. Plus, this 3-Disc tis by ending an ancient feud. Finally Dora and Boots return Combo Pack includes a DVD of each film! Featuring lovable Adventure, Animated Animals, Family 1994 to Enchanted Forest to save it from Owl, who has taken over characters, brilliant animation, stellar voice talent and 90min. asking and set up new rules! It’s up to Dora, Boots and their unforgettable songs, The Fox And The Hound 2-MOVIE Disney / Buena Vista 04.10.2011 forest friends to restore King Unicornio as king and make COLLECTION includes two fun, heartwarming stories of things right again! loyalty and trust that your family will treasure for all time. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100831 Adventure, Family, Friendships, Nickel- Animated Animals, Disney, Family min. odeon, Preschool 2011 93min. Disney / Buena Vista 09.08.2011 The Lion King: Special Edition Nickelodeon 13.09.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100853 Trilogy Gift Set (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101224 : - ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Special Edition ray) Disney’s THE LION KING SPECIAL EDITION features an Halloween Parade Elisabeth Moss, Jason Isaacs, Nathan all-new song, „Morning Report,“ and never-before-seen Happy Halloween! Celebrate with Dora, Boots, and Little Fillion animation, giving you even more of this award-winning Monster in two nighttime Halloween adventures, and then join Six legendary Green Lanters. Six interlocking stories. One masterpiece — the greatest animated adventure of all time. An Dora for a backpack and musical parade too! Your groundbreaking film.. With stories by acclaimed writers unforgettable story, breathtaking animation, beloved preschooler can join the fun in this brand new DVD! including , Alan Burnett and , this characters, and Academy Award(R)-winning music (Best Adventure, Family, Nickelodeon, Preschool DC Universe Animated Original Movie explores the rich Original Score, 1994; Best Song, „Can You Feel The Love mythology of the Green Lantern universe through six Tonight“) set the stage for the adventures of Simba, the feisty 97min. interlocking chapters. While awaiting a battle with , an lion cub who „just can’t wait to be king.“ But his envious Nickelodeon 30.08.2011 ancient enemy of the Guardians of the Universe, Earth’s Uncle Scar has plans for his own ascent to the throne, and he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100912 Green Lantern , , and other forces Simba’s exile from the kingdom. Alone and adrift, Simba members of the recount their greatest soon joins the escapades of a hilarious meerkat named Timon adventures to new recruit Arisia - everything from tales of the and his warmhearted warthog pal, Pumbaa. Adopting their Dora The Explorer: Dora’s first Lantern to the ominous events that led to the Corps’ carefree lifestyle of „Hakuna Matata,“ Simba ignores his real ! The power-packed voice cast includes responsibilities until he realizes his destiny and returns to Storybook Adventures Nathan Fillion, Jason Isaacs, Elisabeth Moss, Henry Rollins the Pride Lands to claim his place in the „Circle of Life.“ Now Unicorns, dragons, kings, witches, Pegasus, a giant, and and Arnold Vosloo. extensively restored and remastered — experience THE more! Join Dora for her most magical, double-length fairytale Based On Comic Book, Fantasy, Action, LION KING like never before, from its magnificent musical adventures in this three-DVD box set! Leap into a storybook opening over breathtaking African vistas to its emotional to help her bring color back to the Crystal Kingdom and to Adventure, Superheroes 2011 84min. climax. The al rescue the Snow Princess from a mean Witch! Warner Bros. 02.08.2011 Adventure, Animated Animals, Disney min. Adventure, Nickelodeon, Preschool 2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101233 Disney / Buena Vista 04.10.2011 282min. 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100832 Nickelodeon 13.09.2011 How The Toys Saved Christmas 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101228 Mary Tyler Moore, Maggie Castle, Tony The Little Cars 4: New Genie Randall, Mark Camacho, Bruce Dinsmore Adventures The Fox And The Hound Christmas, Family, Holidays 93min. The best-selling Little Cars continue with new adventures Disney proudly presents its 24th full-length animated film — Echo Bridge Home Entertainment when Kombo meets a genie who shows him the value of hailed as „vintage Disney“ by The Washington Post. This friendship, Cris gets the hubcaps of her dreams, Kombo highly acclaimed classic blends vibrant animation and 09.08.2011 temporarily looses his memory and the gang finds out whether breathtaking action to tell the story of two best friends who 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100973 Rusty Garden is really haunted or just filled with scrap. didn’t know they were supposed to be enemies. The fun and Computer Animation 48min. adventure begin when a lonely widow adopts an orphaned fox cub named Tod. The mischievous fox soon meets up with In Search Of Santa Gaiam Americas 13.09.2011 Copper, an adorable hound puppy. As the innocent pair grow Hilary Duff, Haylie Duff 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101139 up together in the forest, they become inseparable friends. But A Holiday Adventure Of Arctic Proportions. Even in the the day soon arrives when their friendship is put to the Coldest places on Earth, the magic of Christmas can warm the The Little Cars 5: Big Adventures ultimate test! „Echoing the dramatic moods and imagery of heart. Join penguin princesses Crystal (voice of Hilary Duff) Bambi and Lady And The Tramp“ (Seattle Times) — and and Lucinda (voice of Haylie Duff) on the adventure of a Big adventures ensue when Tony and friends enjoy snow and reflecting such timeless values as love, courage, and respect lifetime in this enchanting, fun-filled, CGI-animated movie. hot chocolate during the holidays, Chris gets to try out the for life — The Fox And The Hound has captured an honored When a sleigh bell mysteriously falls from the sky, pure- races for herself, and Tony finds out how a surprise can place among Disney’s most beloved and endearing animated hearted Princess Crystal is determined to prove it came from change his beliefs! classics. one of Santa’s reindeer. Together, she and her sister, Computer Animation min. Animated Animals, Disney, Family 83min. Princess Lucinda, set off one a daring journey to the North Gaiam Americas 13.09.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 09.08.2011 Pole to find Santa Claus. Along the way, the royal duo must work together to outrun hungry, wild beasts, outwit greedy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101141 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100836 pirates and try to keep three sneaky court penguins from stealing their parents’ throne. Featuring delightful characters, The Little Cars 8: Making A Mess The Fox And The Hound: Two great new songs and a heartwarming story, In Search Of Santa celebrates friendship, family and the most wonderful The Little Cars get their wheels dirty when they investigate Movie Collection (Blu-ray + DVD time of year. the legendary Monster Tractor, Mr. V8’s grease trails get Christmas, Holidays, Adventure 2004 mistaken for fine and the circus comes to the town of Combo) (Blu-ray) Rodopolis. In celebration of The Fox And The Hound’s 30th anniversary, 80min. Computer Animation min. Disney proudly presents a special 2-movie collection of The Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Gaiam Americas 13.09.2011

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 30 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101143 Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Rio (2 Pack) Mars Needs Moms Before Christmas 3D (Blu-Ray 3D Will I Am, Anne Hathaway, Jane Lynch, English: From Disney and Academy Award(R) winner Robert + Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital Copy) Wanda Sykes, Jamie Foxx, Jesse Eisen- Zemeckis (Best Director, Forrest Gump, 1994), comes the berg craziest adventure this side of the galaxy — Mars Needs (Blu-ray) Moms. Take out the trash, eat your broccoli — who needs This comedy-adventure centers on Blu, a flightless macaw moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo () finds out Now more astonishing and spectacular than ever, The who acts more human than bird. When Blu, the last of his kind, how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she’s Nightmare Before Christmas jumps off the screen and into discovers there’s another - and that she’s a she - he embarks nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their your living room, immersing your family in the jaw-dropping on an adventure to magical Rio. There, he meets Jewel and a own young. In a race against time and oxygen, his quest to splendor and mind-boggling fun of Disney 3D! Bored with the menagerie of vivid characters who help Blu fulfill his dream save her knows no bounds. And with some unexpected help, same old scare-and-scream routine, Pumpkin King Jack and learn to fly. Milo just might find his way back to her — in more ways than Skellington longs to spread the joy of Christmas. But his Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, one. Complete with intergalactic bonus features, it’s a merry mission puts Santa in jeopardy and creates a nightmare for good little boys and girls everywhere. Experience Tim Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated thrilling journey that’s pure, out-of-this-world crazy fun. Feature Films 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 96min. Disney, Family, Fantasy 2011 88min. Burton and ’s uncanny tale as it comes vividly to life right before your eyes! This 3D Combo Pack includes four 20th Century Fox 02.08.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 09.08.2011 ways to watch: Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Copy. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101031 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100838 Disney Blu-ray 3D — Magic In A New Dimension. Musical, Disney 1993 76min. Mars Needs Moms (Blu-ray + DVD Disney / Buena Vista 30.08.2011 Rio (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100833 Will I Am, Anne Hathaway, Jane Lynch, Combo) (Blu-ray) Wanda Sykes, Jamie Foxx, Jesse Eisen- From Disney and Academy Award(R) winner Robert Zemeckis (Best Director, Forrest Gump, 1994), comes the Olivia: Princess For A Day berg craziest adventure this side of the galaxy — Mars Needs With her little brother Ian, her best pal, Julian, and all of her This comedy-adventure centers on Blu, a flightless macaw Moms. Take out the trash, eat your broccoli — who needs friends in Mrs. Hogenmuller’s class, Olivia’s imagination who acts more human than bird. When Blu, the last of his kind, moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo (Seth Green) finds out turns the ordinary into the extraordinary! So find out what discovers there’s another - and that she’s a she - he embarks how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she’s happens when Olivia becomes princess for a day, the founder on an adventure to magical Rio. There, he meets Jewel and a nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their of her own country, a fashionista, and more! menagerie of vivid characters who help Blu fulfill his dream own young. In a race against time and oxygen, his quest to Animated Animals, Family, Nickelodeon and learn to fly. Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, save her knows no bounds. And with some unexpected help, 2011 95min. Milo just might find his way back to her — in more ways than Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated Nickelodeon 06.09.2011 one. Complete with intergalactic bonus features, it’s a Feature Films 2011 Ltbx DTS 96min. thrilling journey that’s pure, out-of-this-world crazy fun. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101217 min. 20th Century Fox 02.08.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101048 Disney / Buena Vista 09.08.2011 Prep And Landing 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100854 Disney presents Prep And Landing, a spirited comic adventure, bound to become a holiday tradition at your home Saturday Morning Cartoon Mars Needs Moms 3D (Blu-ray 3D for years to come — complete with two bonus stocking stuffer Classics shorts! On Christmas Eve, a high-tech team of elves from an + Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) elite unit known as „Prep & Landing“ ensures homes around Over 11 hours of Saturday morning cartoon classics fill this the world are prepared for Santa’s visit. But after working DVD collection. Whether it’s the Go-Go Gadget gizmos of (Blu-ray) tirelessly for 227 years, an elf named Wayne is upset when Inspector Gadget, the seafaring adventures of Treasure From Disney and Academy Award(R) winner Robert he doesn’t receive a promotion to be Director of Naughty List Island, the mischievous antics of Dennis The Menace, or the Zemeckis (Best Director, Forrest Gump, 1994), comes the Intelligence. Instead, he is partnered with Lanny, an idealistic irresistible charm of Madeline, everyone will find something craziest adventure this side of the galaxy — Mars Needs rookie. During their mission, Wayne and Lanny encounter to lvoe in this collection. Moms. Take out the trash, eat your broccoli — who needs unexpected challenges that push them to their limits and Nickelodeon 666min. moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo (Seth Green) finds out threaten Christmas for children everywhere. Now it’s going to Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 how much he needs his mom (Joan Cusack) when she’s take a great big effort from two mismatched little elves to save nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their the season! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101145 own young. In a race against time and oxygen, his quest to Disney, Fantasy 2009 30min. save her knows no bounds. And with some unexpected help, Scooby-Doo!: Legend Of The Milo just might find his way back to her — in more ways than Disney / Buena Vista 22.11.2011 one. Complete with intergalactic bonus features, it’s a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100822 Phantosaur thrilling journey that’s pure, out-of-this-world crazy fun. Matthew Lillard, Mindy Cohn, Catherine Disney, Family, Fantasy 2011 88min. Ratatouille (Blu-Ray + DVD Com- Cavadini, Frank Welker, Grey Delisle, John Disney / Buena Vista 09.08.2011 DiMaggio 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100828 bo) (Blu-ray) From the creators of Cars and The Incredibles comes a A relaxing spa getaway evolves into a prehistoric panic when breakthough comedy with something for everyone. With Scooby-Doo and the gang uncover the horrible Phantosaur, : Seasons 1 - 3 delightful characters, experience Paris from a new an ancient legend come to life to protect hidden treasures perspective, and savor a gourmet high-definition experience buried in secret desert caves. But this scare-a-saurus Mark Hamill, , Tommy Blacha, on Blu-ray? Disc. In one of Paris’ finest restaurants, Remy, a doesn’t stand a chance with Shaggy (voiced by Matthew Victor Brandt determined young rat, dreams of becoming a renowned French Lillard of the live-action Scooby-Doo theatrical movies) Cartoon Network, Comedy, Heavy Metal, chef. Torn between his family’s wishes and his true calling, around, after he finds his inner hero with the help of new-age Remy and his pal Linguini set in motion a hilarious chain of hypnosis. Like, it makes him more brave and less hungry! Music, Adult Swim 600min. events that turns the City of Light upside down. Experience With colorful suspects, including a free-wheeling motorcycle Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 Ratatouille with revolutionary clarity and spectacular audio gang, greedy corporate investors and over-zealous enhancement. It’s a rare treat you’ll enjoy again and again. scientists, there’s more pieces to this mystery than slices in a 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101061 pizza! Settle into your mudbath and let the Mystery, Inc. gang Comedy, Computer Animation, Disney, unearth a ton of fun for the whole family! New Adventures Of Captain Family, Academy Award Winners, Animated Comedy, Dinosaurs, Family, Mystery, Animals, Animated Feature Films min. Animated Animals 2011 min. Amazing-Lad Disney / Buena Vista 05.07.2011 The New Adventures Of Captain Amazing-lad. Captain Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 Amazing-lad is a true symbol of hope, justice and a brighter 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100798 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100921 tomorrow... unless it’s his day off. Contractually, Captain Amazing-Lad doesn’t do weekends or holidays. But make no Rio mistake about it, when evil-doers are abounding and mankind Scooby-Doo!: Legend Of The is in peril, Captain Amazing-Lad will save the day... we think. Will I Am, Anne Hathaway, Jane Lynch, Phantosaur (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Superheroes, Comedy min. Wanda Sykes, Jamie Foxx, Jesse Eisen- Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 berg tal Copy) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101046 This comedy-adventure centers on Blu, a flightless macaw Matthew Lillard, Mindy Cohn, Catherine who acts more human than bird. When Blu, the last of his kind, Cavadini, Frank Welker, Grey Delisle, John discovers there’s another - and that she’s a she - he embarks DiMaggio Nickelodeon 3 Movie Collection on an adventure to magical Rio. There, he meets Jewel and a A relaxing spa getaway evolves into a prehistoric panic when Barnyard Wild Thornberrys Movie Jimmy Neutron: Boy menagerie of vivid characters who help Blu fulfill his dream and learn to fly. Scooby-Doo and the gang uncover the horrible Phantosaur, Genius an ancient legend come to life to protect hidden treasures Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, buried in secret desert caves. But this scare-a-saurus Animated Animals, Comedy, Computer Ani- Adventure, Animated Animals, Animated doesn’t stand a chance with Shaggy (voiced by Matthew Feature Films 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 96min. Lillard of the live-action Scooby-Doo theatrical movies) mation, Family min. around, after he finds his inner hero with the help of new-age Paramount Pictures 13.09.2011 20th Century Fox 02.08.2011 hypnosis. Like, it makes him more brave and less hungry! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101220 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101028 With colorful suspects, including a free-wheeling motorcycle

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 31 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA gang, greedy corporate investors and over-zealous Dancing, Educational 52min. Dieselworks, where Percy is made to feel special by none scientists, there’s more pieces to this mystery than slices in a other than the master of mischief Diesel 10! But Percy doesn’t pizza! Settle into your mudbath and let the Mystery, Inc. gang Scholastic 26.07.2011 know that he is part of Diesel 10’s master plan to take over unearth a ton of fun for the whole family! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100766 the Sodor Steamworks. Can Percy lead the Steam Team to Comedy, Dinosaurs, Family, Mystery, reclaim the Steamworks or will the Diesels make it their new home? It’s full steam ahead to sure-fire excitement in this all- Animated Animals 2011 min. : Volumes 1 - 4 new movie from Thomas & Friends?! Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 Get ready for the American rural experience portrayed with Stop Motion Animation, Transportation 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100952 the kind of brutal honesty and integrity that only animated squids can deliver. Come, join Early Cuyler and the rest of 57min. his hillbilly squid family in the north Georgia mountains... just Lionsgate 06.09.2011 Shrek (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) be sure to stay off his property! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100922 (Blu-ray) Cartoon Network, Comedy, Adult Swim min. Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 , Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow, Tom And Jerry: Fur Flying 155,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101072 Michael Myers Adventures - Volume 3 You’ve never met a hero quite like Shrek, winner of the first 14 fur flying episodes from your favorite dynamic duo,Tom and Academy Award ® for Best Animated Feature. The endearing Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The Jerry! ogre sparked a motion picture phenomenon and captured the world’s imagination with...the Greatest Fairy Tale Never Told! Complete Season Three Comedy, Family, Animated Animals min. Critics are calling Shrek „not just a brilliant animated feature, Dee Bradley Baker, Matt Lanter Warner Bros. 04.10.2011 but a superb film on any level“ (Larry King, USA Today). The Clone Wars goes back to the original Star Wars film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101037 Relive every moment of Shrek’s (Mike Myers) daring quest to when Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker that he was once rescue the feisty Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz) with the a Jedi knight the same as your father and that they fought help of his loveable loudmouthed Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and together in the Clone Wars. Since that moment fans have been Up (Blu-Ray 3-Disc Combo Pack) win back the deed to his beloved swamp from scheming Lord obsessed with what the clone wars were. This new TV series (Blu-ray) Farquaad (John Lithgow). takes place immediately after the events of Star Wars - Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Adventure, Episode II: Attack Of The Clones. The series follows Obi- From the revolutionary minds of Pixar Animation Studios and Animated Animals 2001 90min. Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker and the acclaimed director of Monsters, INC. comes a hilariously introduces us to some new characters such as Ahsoka Tano a uplifting adventure where the sky is no longer the limit. Carl DreamWorks 30.08.2011 girl Jedi knight as well as characters we already know. Fredricksen, a retired balloon salesman, is part rascal, part 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100951 dreamer who is ready for his last chance at high-flying Cartoon Network, Computer Animation, excitement. Tying thousands of balloons to his house, Carl Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Star sets off to the lost world of his childhood dreams. Shrek 2 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Wars, Action, Adventure 2010 min. Unbeknownst to Carl, Russell, an overeager 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer who has never ventured beyond his (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 18.10.2011 backyard, is in the wrong place at the wrong time — Carl’s Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Mike Myers, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101198 front porch! The world’s most unlikely duo reach new heights and meet fantastic friends like Dug, a dog with a special Rupert Everett, Julie Andrews, Jennifer collar that allows him to speak, and Kevin, a rare 13-foot tall Saunders, John Cleese, Antonio Banderas Star Wars: The Clone Wars - The flightless bird. Stuck together in the wilds of the jungle, Carl Everyone’s favorite larger-than-life hero returns in Shrek 2, Complete Season Three (Blu-ray) realizes that sometimes life’s biggest adventures aren’t the the #1 comedy of all time hailed by critics and audiences alike ones you set out looking for. UP reaches new heights with as even better than its Oscar®- winning predecessor! USA Dee Bradley Baker, Matt Lanter pristine picture, theater-quality sound and hours of bonus Today proclaims „there are so many jokes and jests, not even The Clone Wars goes back to the original Star Wars film features. It’s an adventure that will send your spirits soaring! a jelly-bellied ogre could consumer them all in one sitting.“ when Obi-Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker that he was once Academy Award Winners, Adventure, Happily ever after never seemed so far far away when a trip a Jedi knight the same as your father and that they fought to meet the in-laws turns into another hilariously twisted together in the Clone Wars. Since that moment fans have been Animated Feature Films, Comedy, Computer adventure for Shrek and Fiona. With the help of his faithful obsessed with what the clone wars were. This new TV series Animation, Disney, Family min. steed Donkey, Shrek takes on a potion-brewing Fairy takes place immediately after the events of Star Wars - Disney / Buena Vista 05.07.2011 Godmother, the pompous Prince Charming, and the famed Episode II: Attack Of The Clones. The series follows Obi- ogre-killer, Puss In Boots, a ferocious feline foe who’s really Wan Kenobi and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100799 just a pussycat at heart! introduces us to some new characters such as Ahsoka Tano a Comedy, Family, Adventure, Animated girl Jedi knight as well as characters we already know. The Venture Bros.: The Complete Action, Adventure, Cartoon Network, Com- Animals 2004 105min. Seasons 1 - 4 DreamWorks 30.08.2011 puter Animation, Family, Fantasy, Science , Michael Sinterniklaas, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100953 Fiction, Star Wars 2010 min. Warner Bros. 18.10.2011 Christopher McCulloch, James Urbaniak, 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101213 Doc Hammer (Blu-ray + DVD Cartoon Network, Comedy, Science Fiction, Combo) (Blu-ray) Strawberry Shortcake: Growing Action, Adult Swim, Adventure min. Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Rupert Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 Everett, Justin Timberlake, Julie Andrews, Up Dreams 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101074 Strawberry and her friends can’t wait to grow up... so they Amy Poehler, Amy Sedaris, John Cleese, imagine what they’ll become some day! It’s all berry exciting Antonio Banderas, Ian McShane as their big dreams take them further than they ever Get ready for Thirds - the greatest fairy tale never told imagined... blasting them into a whole other world! Anything is continues with a whole new hilarious comedy of royal possible if you work hard and believe in your dreams! proportions. When his frog-in-law suddenly croaks, Shrek 2011 Ltbx DD 2.0 44min. Film embarks on another whirlwind adventure with Donkey and Puss In Boots to find the rightful heir to the throne. 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 Everyone’s favorite cast of characters is back, along with a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101103 10 Movie Family Adventure Pack magical misguided Merlin, an awkward Arthur, a powerful posse of princesses, and a bundle of unexpected arrivals. V. 1 Only Shrek can tell a tale where everyone lives happily ever Team Umizoomi: Journey To James Cromwell, Charles Durning, David laughter! Numberland Keith, Colm Meaney, John Savage, Nancy Family, Adventure, Animated Animals 2007 Team Umizoomi is ready for action! Join Milli, Geo, and Bot as Allen, Camilla Belle, Olivia de Havilland, Dan 92min. they use their mighty math powers to save the day! Identify Haggerty DreamWorks 30.08.2011 shapes and build a super flashlight to look for a Brachiosau- Action, Adventure, Drama, Family min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100954 rus, figure out missing numbers in a sequence to open a cave that holds a diamond key, climb up crystals in a pattern order, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment and so much more! 02.08.2011 Family, Nickelodeon 2011 93min. Shrinking Violet... And More 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101021 Stories For Young Performers Nickelodeon 06.09.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101218 Collect the entire library of Scholastic Storybook Treasures 10 Movie Family Pack and read along on screen with your favorite classic children’s stories, brought vividly to life on DVD. This beautiful story Thomas & Friends: Days Of The , Ron Perlman, Clint Wal- about self-confidence shows us what happens when the ker, Meredith Baxter, Melissa Gilbert, Mari- shyest girl in school gets the lead part in the play! This is the Diesels on Ross, Jaclyn Smith, Lindsay Wagner, tale of Sara’s feisty Russian grandmother and her birthday The Steamies and the Diesels face off in this action-packed celebration with „no presents“ from everyone. What will the movie adventure! When a fire breaks out on the Island of Keith Carradine, Burl Ives, Chad Lowe „no presents“ be? Gerald the Giraffe just wants to dance! Sodor, two new firefighting engines Flynn and Belle join Western, Comedy, Drama, Family 899min. Everyone else at the Jungle Dance seems to be a better Thomas and Percy to save the day! When Thomas starts Echo Bridge Home Entertainment dancer. Maybe with a little encouragement he’ll be the best of spending all his time with Sodor’s newest heroes, Percy is all! left feeling alone. Diesel sees this and invites Percy to the 02.08.2011

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101020 Fantasy, Horror 1998 693min. 4 Movie Marathon: Family Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 10-Movie Kid’s Pack V. 3 Comedy Collection 02.08.2011 James Earl Jones, Rod Steiger, Kevin The 4 Movie Marathon: Family Comedy Collection includes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101013 Zegers, Lorraine Ansell, Anne Archer, The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle, Josie and the Pussycats, McHale’s Navy (1997) and Thunderbirds. Star- 6-Movie Pack: Disaster! Yasmine Bleeth, Lea Moreno, Bill Cobbs, ring Robert De Niro, , Rosario Dawson, Tara Richard Ian Cox, Zac Efron, David Fox, Reid, Tom Arnold, Debra Messing and more! Heather McComb, Jacinta Mulcahy, Jill Mickey Rooney Boxed Sets, Comedy, Family min. Stapley, Cliff De Young, Bryan Genesse, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Universal Studios 20.09.2011 Rhett Giles, Brian Krause, Dale Midkiff, Fantasy 924min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101194 Andrew Lee Potts Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Action, Disasters, Drama, End Of The 02.08.2011 4 Movie Marathon: Horror World 534min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101022 Collection Echo Bridge Home Entertainment The 4 Movie Marathon: Horror Collection includes Slither, 02.08.2011 10-Movie Mega Pack V. 3 Altered, Cry Wolf and The Return. Starring Sarah Michelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101016 Linda Hamilton, Lynn Whitfield, Jacqueline Geller, Elizabeth Banks and more! Boxed Sets, Horror min. Bisset, Shannen Doherty, Cheryl Ladd, 6-Movie Pack: Sharks, Piranhas Universal Studios 20.09.2011 Christine Lahti, Virginia Madsen, Lisa 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101195 and Monsters Rinna, Victor Garber Lysette Anthony, Deborah Gibson, Patrick Thrillers, Comedy, Crime, Drama min. 4 Movie Marathon: Romantic Bergin, Ken Clark, Lorenzo Lamas, Paul Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Logan, Yvette Vickers 02.08.2011 Comedy Collection Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Horror 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101023 The 4 Movie Marathon: Romantic Comedy Collection includes Kissing a Fool, Heart and Souls, The Matchmaker and min. Playing For Keeps. Starring Robert Downey Jr., David Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 10-Movies Western Pack V. 1 Schwimmer, Marisa Tomei, Elisabeth Shue, Kyra Sedgwick, 02.08.2011 Willie Nelson, Cesar Romero, Clint Walker, Jason Lee and more! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101015 Romance, Boxed Sets, Comedy min. John Wayne, Angie Dickinson, Fred Asta- Universal Studios 20.09.2011 ire, Walter Brennan, Edgar Buchanan, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101196 8-Movie Pack: Midnight Chuck Connors, Robert Fuller, Ricky Nel- Collection V. 1 son, Guy Stockwell Jamie Lee Curtis, Mark Dacascos, Jason Romance, Western, Action, Adventure, The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Blu-ray+ Flemyng, Olivia Williams, Tommy Chong, Comedy, Drama, Family 807min. DVD+ Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) , Bill Moseley, Leslie Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Comedy, Romance, Sexy Comedies 117min. Nielsen, Tim Thomerson 02.08.2011 Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Drama, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101025 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100859 Fantasy, Horror min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 10-Movies Western Pack V. 2 The 5th Quarter 02.08.2011 Jack Palance, Slim Pickens, Sarah Chalke, Andie MacDowell, Aidan Quinn 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101017 Daniel Baldwin, Leif Garrett, Ryan Gosling, For every season there is a time to hurt, a time to heal, a time Burt Lancaster, John Phillip Law, Geoffrey to triumph.. In the spirit of The Blind Side comes this inspiring true story of family, faith and football. Aidan Quinn and Andie 8-Movie Pack: Midnight Lewis, Lee Van Cleef, Ron White, Chad MacDowell deliver emotionally stirring performances as the Willett mother and father of Jon Abbate, a rising football star at Wake Collection V. 2 Forest University. Their lives are suddenly shattered when Frances Marrington, Tanya McHenry, Amy Western, Action, Adventure, Drama, Family the family’s youngest son, Luke, is killed in a tragic accident. 926min. Inspired by Luke’s memory, Jon courageously leads the Wake Paffrath, Alli Kinzel, Hannah Marks, Lane Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Forest team to a series of last-minute victories - leading to a Compton, Shane Dean, John Patrick Jordan 02.08.2011 thrilling climax that will „make you stand up and cheer!“ (NYC Thrillers, Zombies, Comedy, Horror 663min. Movie Guru) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101026 Sports, Drama, Family Relationships, 02.08.2011 Football 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101019 3 Women: The Criterion 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100929 Collection (Blu-ray) 90210: 3 Season Pack Sissy Spacek, Shelley Duvall, Janice Rule An edgy, contemporary spin-off of the iconic drama Beverly In a dusty, underpopulated resort town, naive The 5th Quarter (Blu-ray) Hills: 90210, the new 90210 looks at life through the eyes of southern waif Pinky Rose (Carrie’s Sissy Spacek) idolizes Annie Wilson and Dixon, whose first day at West and befriends her fellow nurse, the would-be sophisticate Andie MacDowell, Aidan Quinn For every season there is a time to hurt, a time to heal, a time Beverly Hills High School leaves no doubt they’re not in „thoroughly modern“ Millie Lammoreaux (The Shining’s Kansas anymore. Shelley Duvall ). When Millie takes Pinky in as her to triumph.. In the spirit of The Blind Side comes this inspiring roommate, Pinky’s hero worship evolves into something far true story of family, faith and football. Aidan Quinn and Andie The CW, Comedy, Drama, High School, stranger and more sinister than either could have anticipated. MacDowell deliver emotionally stirring performances as the Romance, min. Featuring brilliant performances from Spacek and Duvall, this mother and father of Jon Abbate, a rising football star at Wake Paramount Pictures 30.08.2011 dreamlike masterpiece from Robert Altman (Short Cuts) Forest University. Their lives are suddenly shattered when careens from the humorous to the chilling to the surreal, the family’s youngest son, Luke, is killed in a tragic accident. 194,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100910 resulting in one of the most unusual and compelling films of the Inspired by Luke’s memory, Jon courageously leads the Wake 1970s. Forest team to a series of last-minute victories - leading to a thrilling climax that will „make you stand up and cheer!“ (NYC 90210: The Third Season Classics, Criterion Collection, Drama, Art Movie Guru) The third season of 90210 welcomes the West Beverly kids to House, Odd Couples 1977 124min. Sports, Drama, Family Relationships, their senior year of high school. It’s the time of college Criterion 13.09.2011 acceptances and lovers’ rejections, the time of prom dates and Football 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 96min. promises betrayed, the time of spring break, break-ups and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101171 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 make ups, but as is always the case in Beverly Hills, it all 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100958 happens in a world of sun and fun, palm trees and warm sea 4 Movie Marathon: Classic We- breezes, success and excess. Comedy, Drama, Romance, Soap Opera stern Collection 6-Movie Pack: Adventure min. The 4 Movie Marathon: Classic Western Collection includes Jason Scott Lee, Malcolm McDowell, The Texas Rangers, Canyon Passage,Kansas Raidersand Paramount Pictures 30.08.2011 The Lawless Breed. Starring Fred MacMurray, Susan Casper Van Dien, , Richard 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100909 Hayward, Rock Hudson, Tony Curtis, Audie Murphy and Chamberlain, Greg Evigan, , more! Stacy Keach, Christopher Lee, Sean An Affair To Remember (Blu-ray) Western, Boxed Sets, Classics min. Cameron Michael Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr Universal Studios 20.09.2011 Science Fiction, Action, Adventure, Drama, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101193 Although each is engaged to someone else, Nickie (Cary

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 33 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Grant) and Terry (Deborah Kerr) meet aboard an ocean liner that life in the Animal Factory is not about rehabilitation, it’s Brain Damage Films 06.09.2011 and fall deeply in love. They agree to rendezvous six months about survival. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100985 later atop the Empire State Building, but tragedy strikes...and Prison, Crime, Drama 94min. the lovers’ future takes an emptional and uncertain turn. Lionsgate 06.09.2011 Classics, Drama, Romance 1957 Ltbx S 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101003 Backdraft (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital 115min. Copy) (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 The Anniversary At Shallow From Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101128 Backdraft is a visually stunning, emotionally charged, action- Creek thriller about the adventurous lives of professional Aliens Vs. Avatars When Sam and Paige decide to escape the stress of medical firefighters. Kurt Russell and William Baldwin star as two school for a romantic getaway in the mountains outside L.A., feuding siblings carrying on a heroic family tradition as Kim Argetsinger, Dylan Vox their four best friends end up tagging along and turning it into firefighters. When a puzzling series of arson attacks Don’t get caught in the middle. A race of creatures known as a weekend of partying. Little does the group know that their is reported, they are forced to set aside their differences to the Scythe have become a plague in the universe. Cunning beautiful lodge has a dark history: exactly one year before, solve the mystery surrounding these explosive crimes. Scott and powerful foes, they possess the ability to transform into the house was the scene of a grisly double murder and the Glenn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Rebecca DeMornay, Donald anything from which it has consumed DNA. On a mission to killer was never caught. Now, as night falls and the group Sutherland and Robert De Niro also star in this critically stop the plague that her people unleashed, a beautiful alien drinks beer by the bonfire, a predator hides in the darkness, acclaimed suspense story that features Academy Award- named Ava has followed the Scythe to Earth. Meanwhile, six watching them all through the crosshairs of a sniper rifle. In nominated Special Effects and Sound with some of the most college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip find an instant, the friends’ night of partying turns into a bloody awe-inspiring fire sequences ever filmed. themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with the Scythe. fight for survival. The Anniversary at Shallow Creek is a Thrillers, Action, Disasters, Drama, Not knowing what to do or who to trust, they struggle to slick homage to horror classics and a clever update of the Firefighters 137min. protect themselves and keep it together. Reluctantly joining genre that never leads where the audience suspects. As the forces with Ava, they quickly learn what they are up against. kill count rises, the remaining friends find themselves to be Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Can they defeat the Scythe before it slaughters them one by pawns in a horrifying game, one that promises to test their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100863 one? survival skills and the strength of their relationships. Science Fiction, Space, Action 2011 81min. Thrillers, Horror 89min. Bad News Bears: 4 Movie Tempe DVD 20.09.2011 Breaking Glass Pictures 14.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100791 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100802 Collection Bad News Bears (2005) The Bad News Bears (1976) The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training The Bad News Bears All About Eve (Blu-ray) Apollo 13 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Go To Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, Celeste Holm, Copy) (Blu-ray) Sports, Baseball, Comedy, Drama, Family, George Sanders, Marilyn Monroe, Walter Nominated for nine ®, including Best Friendships min. Hampden, Thelma Ritter, Barbara Bates, Picture, Apollo 13 blasts off onto Blu-ray? Hi-Def with Paramount Pictures 06.09.2011 exclusive bonus features. Produced by Academy Award® 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101214 Hugh Marlowe, Gary Merrill, Gregory Rat- winner Brian Grazer and directed by Oscar® winner Ron off Howard, Apollo 13 stars two-time Academy Award® winner From the moment she glimpses her idol on Broadway, Eve Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise and Ed The Bad Seed (Blu-ray) Harrington (Anne Baxter) strives to upstage Margo Channing Harris in the inspiring and riveting story of the real-life space (Bette Davis). After cunningly stealing Margo’s role, Eve flight that gripped a nation and changed the world. Nancy Kelly, Henry Jones, Patty disrupts the lives of anyone close to the actress in this Space, Technology, Disasters, Drama, McCormack, Eileen Heckart, Evelyn Varden timeless cinematic masterpiece that earned a record 14 Oscar She’s the perfect daughter. Rhoda Penmark (Patty Nominations, winning six - including Best Picture! Academy Award Winners, Action, McCormack) is a well-mannered 8-year-old little lady - and Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Adventure 140min. an efficient, unfeeling killer. And in this spellbinding chronicle Universal Studios 28.06.2011 of evil, whatever Rhoda wants, she ruthlessly gets. Her AFI Top 100, National Film Registry 1950 FF mother Christine (Nancy Kelly), reluctantly made to see her M 138min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100862 offspring’s moral blindness at work, is heartrendingly torn 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 between the love for the child she bore and grief for Rhoda’s Army Wives: The Complete Fifth victims. From Maxwell Anderson’s stage hit, The Bad Seed 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101127 ticks like a time bomb under the skillful direction of Mervyn Season LeRoy, who cast several Broadway production originals, Alpha Dog (Blu+Ray + DVD + Di- including Kelly (recreating the role that won her a Tony), War, ABC, Drama, Romance 559min. McCormack and Eileen Heckart. their harrowing gital Copy) (Blu-ray) Disney / Buena Vista 27.09.2011 performances captured three of this suspenseful movie’s four 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100839 Academy Award nominations - and make this thriller one of the Troubled Youth, Crime, Drama 118min. great ones. Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Classics, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100860 Asylum Seekers Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 1956 129min. Work, deadlines, family, terrorism, information overload... As modern life pushes the world to the brink of madness, six Warner Bros. 11.10.2011 American Gangster (Blu-Ray + strangers decide there’s only one sane response: head 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101053 DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) through the door marked EXIT. It leads to a deluxe, exclusive, luxuriously-appointed mental asylum where a staff will wait on Academy Award® winners Denzel Washington and Russell them hand and foot for the rest of their carefree lives. The The Bang Bang Club Crowe team with director (Gladiator) in this problem? The asylum has only one vacancy. Now, the group of As apartheid comes to a violent end, four fearless powerful, epic story. Armed with ruthless tactics and a strict would-be patients will have to prove who among them is truly photographers, bonded by their friendship and a sense of sense of honor, crime boss Frank Lucas (Washington) rules most deranged. Of course, not everything in the asylum is as purpose, risk their lives to capture the bloody struggle and Harlem’s chaotic drug underworld. When outcast cop Richie it seems, and as the applicants turn themselves over for expose the truth. Starring Ryan Phillipe, Malin Ackerman and Roberts (Crowe) sets out to bring down Lucas’s multimillion- evaluation, they learn that the insanity has just begun. Taylor Kitsch. Based on the incredible true story. dollar empire, it plunges both men into a legendary Director Rania Ajami’s boldly original feature-length debut is South African, Action, Adventure, Drama, confrontation. a surreal black comedy that questions the ways we define Crime, Drama min. what is normal and what is not. Asylum Seekers takes its Friendships 97min. Universal Studios 28.06.2011 characters - and the audience - deep into the rabbit hole to a E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100861 place where sanity is not an option. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100942 Comedy, Fantasy 90min. Breaking Glass Pictures 30.08.2011 The Bang Bang Club (Blu-ray) Animal Adventures Four-Pack 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101011 Paulie Mousehunt Arctic Tale Dreamer As apartheid comes to a violent end, four fearless Animated Animals, Comedy, Documentary, photographers, bonded by their friendship and a sense of Back To The Beyond purpose, risk their lives to capture the bloody struggle and Fairy Tales, Family, Horses min. expose the truth. Starring Ryan Phillipe, Malin Ackerman and When a paranormal research team investigates a haunting Taylor Kitsch. Based on the incredible true story. Paramount Pictures 13.09.2011 inside a home on Port Island, a sparsely inhabited island off 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101219 the Maine coast, they learn that it is eerily similar to the plot South African, Drama, Friendships, Action, of a classic television show. This 90-minute supernatural Adventure 97min. thriller opens with a gripping scene of terror. A group of E1 Entertainment 19.07.2011 Animal Factory amateur videographers attempt to capture a seemingly When first time felon Ron Decker (Edward Furlong; American supernatural force within the remote island home. When the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100963 History X, T2: Judgement Day) is sentenced to two years in a paranormal research team investigates the haunting, they decaying prison, he is quickly introduced to a world there discover the remains of the amateur videographers and proof Barry Lyndon (Blu-ray) violence is the only way of life. After witnessing a riot, Ron is of the legendary haunting captured on video. While one soon taken under the wing of Earl Copen (Willem Dafoe; member of the team believes the haunting is only „made for TV“ Marisa Berenson, Patrick MaGee, Diana Platoon, The English Patient), a veteran convict who has fiction, the investigation reveals an encounter with a sinister Koerner, Hardy Kruger, Leon Vitali manipulated the system to his every advantage, earning the supernatural force, proving just how real it all is. The film is How does an Irish lad without prospects become part of 18th- respect of the toughest cons and the favor of the crooked Blair Witch Project meets Amityville Horror. century English nobility? For Barry Lyndon (Ryan O’Neal) guards. But sometimes even respect in a community of Thrillers, Haunted Houses, Horror 78min. the answer is: any way he can! His climb to wealth and convicts can hold you prisoner. Now, Ron will soon discover privilege is the enthralling focus of this sumptuous Stanley

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Kubrick version of William Makepeace Thackeray’s novel. Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100902 For this ravishing, slyly satiric winner of 4 Academy Awards, Kubrick found inspiration in the works of the era’s painters. 100, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Costumes and sets were crafted in the era’s designs and Period Piece 1959 212min. The Best Of The 80s: Magnum P.I. pioneering lenses were developed to shoot interiors and Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 Get ready to relive and enjoy the best episodes from one of exteriors in natural light. The result is a cutting-edge movie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101231 the greatest television series of all time because the bringing a historical period to vivid screen life like no other unforgettable Primetime Emmy® and Golden Globe® Award- film before or since. winning series is back like never before! This two-disc set Drama, Epics, Family Relationships, Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary features 10 of the best episodes including the unforgettable Historical / Period Piece, War 1975 191min. Ultimate Collector’s Edition series premiere and finale from Magnum P.I., the hit series Warner Bros. 23.08.2011 that was nominated for 30 awards during its acclaimed eight- Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha year run. Tom Selleck is Thomas Magnum, television’s most 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101247 charismatic private eye, and joining him in his action-packed Scott, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd, Sam cases are Higgins, T.C. Rick and, of course, the revved-up Jaffe, Hugh Griffith red Ferrari. Filled with tropical sunsets, sizzling women, and Le Beau Serge: The Criterion Experience the visual splendor, thundering action and high-octane good times, this collection brings back Magnum Collection towering drama of this record-setting winner of 11 Academy P.I. like never before and solidifies the show’s rightful place Awards®* including Best Picture. Charlton Heston brings a in pop culture history! It’s a must-own for every Magnum P.I. Gerard Blain muscular physical and moral presence to his Best Actor fan! Of the hallowed group of Cahiers Du Cinema critics turned Oscar®-winning role of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in Action, Detectives min. filmmakers who would transform French film history, Claude Palestine whose heroic odyssey includes enslavement by the Chabrol (Les Bonnes Femmes) was the first to direct his own Romans, vengeance against his tormentors during a furious Universal Studios 14.06.2011 feature. His stark and absorbing landmark debut, Le Beau arena chariot race and fateful encounters with Jesus Christ. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100903 Serge, follows a successful yet sickly young man (A Woman Best Director Oscar® winner William Wyler masterfully grips Is A Woman’s Jean-Claude Brialy) who returns home to the the reins of an enduring and spellbinding spectacular. small village where he grew up. There, he finds himself at National Film Registry, Religion/Spirituality, The Best Of The 80s: odds with his former close friend (Les Cousins’s Gerard Relive the steamy action, the iconic fashions and the original, Blain) - now unhappily married and a wretched alcoholic.and Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top unforgettable music that defined a decade with the best of the provincial life he represents. The remarkable and raw Le 100, Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Miami Vice. Ride shotgun with suave Vice cops Sonny Beau Serge heralded the arrival of a cinematic titan who Period Piece 1959 212min. Crockett (Golden Globe winner Don Johnson) and Rico would go on to craft provocative, entertaining films for five Tubbs (Philip Michael Thomas) as they battle a never-ending more decades. Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 gallery of criminals. Set to an electrifying soundtrack of rock Rocky Relationships, Art House, Criterion 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101227 legends and joined by stellar guest stars, including Julia Roberts, Ving Rhames and Jimmy Smits, every episode Collection, Drama, Foreign, French, crackles with excitement and stylish flair. This two-disc set Marriage Woes 1958 94min. Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary includes eight of the best episode including the unforgettable Criterion 20.09.2011 Ultimate Collector’s Edition (Blu- series premiere and finale from the hit show that remains one 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101157 of television’s most innovative and influential series. It’s a ray) must-own for every Miami Vice fan! Feel the heat! Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha Action, Cops, Crime min. Le Beau Serge: The Criterion Scott, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd, Sam Universal Studios 14.06.2011 Collection (Blu-ray) Jaffe, Hugh Griffith 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100904 Gerard Blain High-definition blu-ray hits greater heights with the arrival of Of the hallowed group of Cahiers Du Cinema critics turned the visual splendor, thundering action and towering drama of The Best Of The 80s: The A-Team filmmakers who would transform French film history, Claude this record-setting winner of 11 Academy Awards®* including Chabrol (Les Bonnes Femmes) was the first to direct his own Best Picture. Charlton Heston brings a muscular physical and Action, Adventure min. feature. His stark and absorbing landmark debut, Le Beau moral presence to his Best Actor Oscar®-winning role of Universal Studios 14.06.2011 Serge, follows a successful yet sickly young man (A Woman Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in Palestine whose heroic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100905 Is A Woman’s Jean-Claude Brialy) who returns home to the odyssey includes enslavement by the Romans, vengeance small village where he grew up. There, he finds himself at against his tormentors during a furious arena chariot race and odds with his former close friend (Les Cousins’s Gerard fateful encounters with Jesus Christ. Best Director Oscar® Better Off Dead (Blu-ray) Blain) - now unhappily married and a wretched alcoholic.and winner William Wyler masterfully grips the reins of an the provincial life he represents. The remarkable and raw Le enduring and spellbinding spectacular. Comedy min. Beau Serge heralded the arrival of a cinematic titan who Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Paramount Pictures 02.08.2011 would go on to craft provocative, entertaining films for five Piece, Academy Award Winners, Action, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100894 more decades. AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Religi- Rocky Relationships, Criterion Collection, on/Spirituality 1959 212min. Drama, Foreign, French, Marriage Woes, The Big Bang Theory: The Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 Art House 1958 94min. Complete Fourth Season 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101248 Criterion 20.09.2011 Johnny Galecki, Kunal Nayyar, Kaley 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101174 Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Jim Parsons The Best And The Brightest CBS, Comedy 2010 529min. Belly Of The Beast (Blu-ray) , Amy Sedaris, Bonnie Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 Somerville, Christopher McDonald, Kate Steven Seagal, Tom Wurth, Byron Mann 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100808 A father’s rage knows no limits.. Steve Seagal is Jake Mulgrew, Bridget Regan, John Hodgman, Hopper, once an operative on the inside on his way to Peter Serafinowicz The Big Bang Theory: The retirement, when he receives some startling news. While The Best And The Brightest follows a fresh-faced couple, Jeff vacationing in Thailand, his daughter has been kidnapped by (Neil Patrick Harris, ) and Samantha Complete Fourth Season (Blu-ray) a notorious terrorist group, Abu Karaf. The C.I.A. launches an (Bonnie Somerville, The Ugly Truth. An oddball consultant, attack mission to save her, but that’s not good enough for Sue Lemon (Amy Sedaris, Strangers With Candy), gets them Johnny Galecki, Kunal Nayyar, Kaley Hopper. He has never been one to play by the rules and this an interview, but it’s based on a lie: that Jeff is a renowned Cuoco, Simon Helberg, Jim Parsons time - there are no rules. poet, instead of the humdrum computer programmer he is in CBS, Comedy 2010 529min. Kidnapping, Action, Revenge, Terrorism real life. Keeping this ridiculous lie aloft proves more and more difficult, as Jeff is forced to play the role of a raunchy Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 2003 91min. „sexting“ poet for the entire school board. Featuring an all- 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100827 Image Ent. 19.07.2011 star cast including Christopher McDonald (Harry’s Law), 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101124 (: Voyager), Bridget Regan (Legend Of The Seeker), John Hodgman (The Daily Show With Jon A Big Box Of Cowboys, Aliens, Stewart) and Peter Serafinowicz (Couples Retreat), The Best Robots And Death Rays Ben-Hur: 50th Anniversary Edition And The Brightest offers a refreshingly „adult“ twist on This box set includes 8 westerns, all containing of Charlton Heston, Jack Hawkins, Martha contemporary parenting. Comedy, Family Relationships 2010 93min. sci-fi, horror, robots, death rays, and mystery: Radio Ranch, Scott, Haya Harareet, Stephen Boyd, Sam Ghost Patrol, Tombstone Canyon, Riders of the Whistling New Video DVD 16.08.2011 Skull, Sky Bandits, Gun Packer, Saddle Mountain Roundup, Jaffe, Hugh Griffith and Vanishing Riders. Experience the visual splendor, thundering action and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100767 towering drama of this record-setting winner of 11 Academy 471min. Awards®* including Best Picture. Charlton Heston brings a The Best Of The 80s: Knight Rider E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 muscular physical and moral presence to his Best Actor 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100771 Oscar®-winning role of Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman in David Hasselhoff is Michael Knight, crime fighter and driver Palestine whose heroic odyssey includes enslavement by the of the world’s most dynamic, high-tech talking car, K.I.T.T. As Romans, vengeance against his tormentors during a furious the two battle villains, crooks and bad guys scheming to Big Box Of Wood arena chariot race and fateful encounters with Jesus Christ. exploit K.I.T.T.’s technology, you’ll be thrilled by the explosive action that set the standard for all TV actions series to come! Long regarded as one of the most inept writers and directors Best Director Oscar® winner William Wyler masterfully grips in Hollywood, Ed. D. Wood’s career spanned over 25 years, the reins of an enduring and spellbinding spectacular. Action, Science Fiction min. including low budget horror and sci-fi, and toward the end of National Film Registry, Religion/Spirituality, Universal Studios 14.06.2011 his career, grindhouse and sexual exploitation films. Each of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 35 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the films in this box bear the unmistakable mark of Ed’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100769 heartaches of life in The Complete Fifth Season of ABC’s twisted creativity although few would argue about their stirring drama, Brothers And Sisters. Featuring a sensational entertainment level. The films in this box span from 1954’s ensemble cast, including Sally Field, Calista Flockhart, Jailbait all the way to the 1978 exploitation film, Hot Ice. Blue Bloods: The First Season Patricia Wettig, and Rachel Griffiths, Brothers And Sisters is Thrillers, Crime, Director / Writer Box Sets outstanding television at its warm and witty best. It’s a season CBS, Cops, Crime, Drama, Family of new beginnings. The family is reunited for Justin’s 944min. Relationships 2010 946min. homecoming party, love is in the air as Nora and Kitty get E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 Paramount Pictures 13.09.2011 back in the dating game, and Sarah’s and Kevin’s 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100786 relationships are put to the test. Relive the excitement and the 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101222 emotion of every captivating moment of Season Five in this 6- DVD set, complete with never-before-seen bonus features A Big Box Of Zombies Body Of Proof: The Complete available only on DVD. It’s a must-have for every Brothers This box is packed with 8 cult classic zombie films that span And Sisters fan! the decades! Included in this set are Teenage Zombies (1959), First Season ABC, Drama, Family 2010 774min. Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Step into the world of ABC’s compelling new drama starring Disney / Buena Vista 23.08.2011 Became Mixed Up Zombies (1964), I Eat Your Skin (1964), Dana Delaney as a sharp-witted, headstrong medical Superargo (1966), Hand of Power AKA The Zombie Walks examiner with unorthodox crime-solving methods and strained 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100807 (1968), Feast of Satan (1971), Revolt of the Zombies (1936), relationships with the living. Dr. Megan Hunt (Delaney) was and She Demons (1957). second to none — a brilliant neurosurgeon in a class all her Brother’s Justice Zombies, Horror 1995 663min. own — but when her life-saving gift is destroyed in a career- Dax Shepard, , David Palmer, E1 Entertainment 30.08.2011 killing car accident, she reinvents herself as a medical examiner. Armed with keen instincts and vast medical Tom Arnold, , David 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100945 knowledge, Dr. Hunt uses the victims’ bodies to tell the stories of their lives and untimely deaths. Relive all the twists Koechner and turns of each case as Dr. Hunt seeks justice for every Comedy, Martial Arts 2010 80min. Bio-Dead victim while also embarking on a journey of personal Well Go USA 12.07.2011 After a biological disaster kills twelve million people, a redemption. Own each thrilling episode of Body Of Proof: The hazmat team searches the contaminated waste land for Complete First Season, including never-before-seen bonus 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101239 survivors. But what they find is a vicious predator with a features, in this 2-disc set. hunger for human flesh. ABC, Drama 2010 min. Brother’s Justice (Blu-ray + DVD Horror 2009 83min. Disney / Buena Vista 20.09.2011 Combo) (Blu-ray) E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100840 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100787 Jon Favreau, David Palmer, Tom Arnold, Bradley Cooper, David Koechner, Dax Bodyguards And Assassins BKO: Bangkok Knockout Shepard , Donnie Yen, Leon Lai Comedy, Martial Arts 2010 80min. Rittkrai is a legend in Thai action cinema. The director of In this action-packed martial arts film, the gang must work Born to Fight and fight coordinator for such classics as Ong together to protect Sun Yat-Sen who is destined to lead them Well Go USA 12.07.2011 Bak and Chocolate, he was the star of many action films in the to a new, modern China from a group of deadly assassins. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101250 70s and 80s, and is a famous mentor to some of the top action They must act with their courage, strength and conscience superstars working today, including Tony Jaa (Ong Bak), Dan and ignite a revolution. Chupong (Born to Fight) and Jija Yanin (Chocolate). BKO Brother’s Justice (Blu-ray) features a range of martial art disciplines. A group of ‘fight Action, Chinese, Drama, Foreign, Martial club’ pals whose styles vary from Muay Thai and Capoeira to Arts 2009 min. Jon Favreau, David Palmer, Tom Arnold, Kung Fu and Tai Chi must fight for their lives when one of Vivendi Visual Entertainment 26.07.2011 Bradley Cooper, David Koechner, Dax their friends is kidnapped. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101160 Shepard Action, Fighting, Martial Arts 106min. Comedy, Martial Arts 2010 80min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 30.08.2011 Boyz ‘N The Hood (Blu-ray) Well Go USA 12.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100980 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101251 Laurence Fishburne, Ice Cube, Angela BKO: Bangkok Knockout (Blu-ray) Bassett, Cuba Gooding Jr., Morris Chestnut The critically acclaimed story about three friends growing up By The Devil’s Hand: The 666 Kil- Rittkrai is a legend in Thai action cinema. The director of in a South Central neighborhood, and of street ler Born to Fight and fight coordinator for such classics as Ong life where friendship, pain, danger and love combine to form Bak and Chocolate, he was the star of many action films in the reality. „The Hood“ is a place where drive-by shootings and 6 days... 6 Victims... 6 Ways To Die!. 25 years ago the 70s and 80s, and is a famous mentor to some of the top action unemployment are rampant. But it is also a place where mysterious 666 Killer left a trail of corpses. When the Killer’s superstars working today, including Tony Jaa (Ong Bak), Dan harmony co-exists with adversity, especially for the three thirst for blood has been renewed , only the unsuspecting Chupong (Born to Fight) and Jija Yanin (Chocolate). BKO young men growing up there: Doughboy (Ice Cube), an Jamie Anderson ( Susana Gibb) stands in his way By The features a range of martial art disciplines. A group of ‘fight unambitious drug dealer; his brother Ricky (Morris Devils Hand explores the dark troubled world of the infamous club’ pals whose styles vary from Muay Thai and Capoeira to Chestnut), a college-bound teenage father; and Ricky’s best 666 Killer and the last hypnotic hours of his victims as he Kung Fu and Tai Chi must fight for their lives when one of friend, Tre (Cuba Gooding Jr.), who aspires to a brighter continues his campaign of carnage! their friends is kidnapped. future beyond the „The Hood.“ In a world where a trip to the Serial Killers, Drama, Horror 90min. Fighting, Martial Arts, Action 106min. store can end in death, the friends have diverse reactions to Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Magnolia Home Entertainment 30.08.2011 their bleak surroundings. Tre’s resolve is strengthened by a strong father (Larry Fishburne) who keeps him on the right 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101060 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101001 track. But the lessons Tre learns are put to the ultimate test when tragedy strikes close to home, and violence seems like Cagney & Lacey: Together Again Bloodlust Zombies the only recourse. Drama, Gangs, Action, Music, National Film New York’s toughest lady detectives re-team to solve the murder of a homeless transient who had been terrorizing the Registry 1991 min. Zombies, Horror 80min. residents of a posh apartment building with screaming threats, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment insults and physical intimidation. Though the cops think the Breaking Glass Pictures 05.07.2011 19.07.2011 culprit is another street person, Cagney and Lacey believe 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100850 the real killer is one of the tenants, many of whom have ample 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101208 reason to have murdered the boorish bum. Crime, Drama, Mystery 1995 95min. Bloodworth Breath E1 Entertainment 30.08.2011 Hilary Duff, Dwight Yoakam, Kris A prisoner on death row and a woman who’s drawn to his 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100946 Kristofferson, Frances Conroy plight go through their own spring, summer, fall and winter of It’s been 40 years since E.F. Bloodworth (Kris Kristofferson) love in Breath, a typically quirky chamber drama by helmer abandoned his loving wife and sons for a life on the road. Kim Ki-duk. Nominated for the Golden Palm at Cannes, this The Cape: The Complete Series Now at the end of the line, Bloodworth reappears, forced to emotional tour-de-force from the world-renowned Korean He’s righteous. He’s heroic. He’s The Cape.. Vince Faraday reckon with the stale aftermath of his departure. With his ex- auteur will sweep you away with restrained passions painted (David Lyons, E.R.) is an honest cop on a corrupt police wife Julia (Frances Conroy) mentally destroyed and his three in seasonal colors. Award winning actor Chen Chang of force. But when he’s framed for murder and presumed dead, he sons, Warren (Val Kilmer), Boyd (Dwight Yoakam) and Brady Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Red Cliff and 2046 fame finds that he must go into hiding, leaving behind his wife, (W. Earl Brown), soured by years of anger, Bloodworth’s leads leads an excellent cast that includes Jung-Woo (The Dana (Jennifer Ferrin, Life on Mars), and son, Trip (Ryan only solace is a budding relationship with Fleming, the Chaser, The Fox Family) and Park Ji-a (The Coast Guard). Wynott, Forward). Determined to battle the criminals grandson he never knew. But when Fleming meets Raven Romance, Drama, Korean 84min. who now control his hometown, Vince takes the law into his (Hilary Duff), the woman of his dreams, will Bloodworth’s own hands and becomes The Cape his son’s favorite comic presence force history to repeat itself? Bloodworth features E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 book . Featuring an incredible supporting cast, music produced by Academy Award winner, T Bone Burnett 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100930 including James Frain (), Keith David (Death at a (Best Original Song, Crazy Heart, 2009), and an original Funeral), Summer Glau (Terminator: The Sarah Connor song from legend Kris Kristofferson. Chronicles), Dorian Missick (The Manchurian Candidate), Romance, Drama 2010 min. Brothers and Sisters: The Martin Klebba (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Vinnie Jones Complete Fifth Season (Snatch), it’s the action-packed series that has critics raving, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment „‘The Cape’ is cloaked in awesome.“ (OK! Magazine) 28.06.2011 Spend some time with the Walkers, a family much like your own, as they support each other through the joys and Action, Drama min.

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Universal Studios 05.07.2011 George Coulouris exciting team of Joel and Ethan Coen. Fargo. The sixth 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100923 Orson Welles’ masterwork (#1 in the American Film collaboration of filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen, Fargo b Institute’s list of Best American Movies) dazzles anew in a Collections, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Dark superb 70th-anniversary digital transfer. It’s grand Comedy, Drama, Kidnapping, Action, Carlito’s Way (Blu-ray + DVD + entertainment, sharply acted (starting many of Welles’ Mercury Players on the road to thriving film careers) and Adventure, Thrillers 1996 DTS min. Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) directed with inspired visual flair. Chronicling the stormy life 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 From the director of Scarface comes the critically acclaimed of an influential publishing tycoon, this Best Original 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100959 crime thriller Carlito’s Way. Oscar® winner gives Screenplay Academy Award winner (1941) is rooted in themes an electrifying performance as former drug kingpin Carlito of power, corruption, vanity - the American Dream lost in the Brigante, who is sprung from prison by his high-powered mystery of a dying man’s last word: „Rosebud.“ The Coffin attorney (Academy Award® winner Sean Penn). He stuns the National Film Registry, Rocky Relationships, Su and Chris are two strangers whose lives have been struck New York underworld by vowing to go straight from a history Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, by tragedy - Su has been diagnosed with lung cancer just of violence, but his plans are undermined by misguided days before her wedding and Chris’ longtime girlfriend has loyalties and an outmoded code of honor. In a life-or-death Classics, Drama 1941 119min. fallen into a mysterious coma. When they both learn of a battle, Carlito takes on the relentless forces that refuse to let Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 bizarre Thai ritual in which a living person lies in a coffin to him go. Co-starring John Leguizamo and Luis Guzmán, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101146 reverse bad Karma, they both decide to partake in a mass Carlito’s Way is a powerful, action-packed ride all the way to funeral for the living. Soon, their lives have turned around - its explosive conclusion. Su’s cancer vanishes and Chris’ girlfriend awakes from her Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama 144min. Citizen Kane: Ultimate Collector’s coma - but the good fortune is short-lived. A series of Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Edition (Blu-ray) terrifying paranormal events suggests that Su and Chris may 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100864 have upset the Karmic balance of the universe by cleansing Orson Welles, Dorothy Comingore, Agnes themselves of bad luck, and the people closest to them may Moorehead, Joseph Cotten, Ray Collins, ultimately pay the price. International stars Karen Mok and Carlos: The Criterion Collection Ananda Everingham star in this brooding tale about the fear of George Coulouris death and the cost of love. Based on a real-life ritual and shot Edgar Ramirez Orson Welles’ masterwork (#1 in the American Film on location in Bangkok, ancient Thai spiritual grounds, and an Carlos, directed by Olivier Assayas (Summer Hours), is an Institute’s list of Best American Movies) dazzles anew in a active crematorium, The Coffin is a nightmarish and ultimately epic, intensely detailed account of the life of the infamous superb 70th-anniversary digital transfer. It’s grand moving supernatural thrill ride. international terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sanchez - also known as entertainment, sharply acted (starting many of Welles’ Religion/Spirituality, Romance, Thrillers, Carlos the Jackal. One of the twentieth century’s most- Mercury Players on the road to thriving film careers) and wanted fugitives, Carlos was committed to violent left-wing directed with inspired visual flair. Chronicling the stormy life Horror 84min. activism throughout the seventies and eighties, orchestrating of an influential publishing tycoon, this Best Original Breaking Glass Pictures 30.08.2011 bombings, kidnappings, and hijackings in Europe and the Screenplay Academy Award winner (1941) is rooted in themes 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101009 Middle East. Assayas portrays him not as a criminal of power, corruption, vanity - the American Dream lost in the mastermind but as a symbol of seismic political shifts around mystery of a dying man’s last word: „Rosebud.“ the world, and the magnetic Édgar Ramírez (The Bourne Classics, Drama, Academy Award Winners, Cold Fish Ultimatum) brilliantly embodies him as a swaggering global gangster. Criterion presents the complete, uncut, director- AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, Rocky Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Den Den, Makoto approved, five-and-a-half-hour version of Carlos. Relationships 1941 119min. Ashikawa Terrorism, Art House, Crime, Criterion Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 When Shamoto’s teenage daughter was caught stealing, a generous middle-aged man helps to resolve the situation. The Collection, Drama, Foreign, French 2010 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101169 man and his wife offer to have Shamoto’s daughter work at 339min. their fish store. Shamoto soon discovers the horrific truth of Criterion 27.09.2011 Clash the seemingly perfect couple... who force him to get his hands dirty in their brutal business. Inspired by true events, Cold 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101154 Ngo Thanh Van, Hieu Hien, Hoang Phuc Fish is a bloodcurdling suspense drama that unveils the Nguyen underlying insanity of an ordinary man. Carlos: The Criterion Collection Vietnamese, Action, Crime, Foreign min. Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, Japanese 2010 (Blu-ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment 09.08.2011 min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 23.08.2011 Edgar Ramirez 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101163 Carlos, directed by Olivier Assayas (Summer Hours), is an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101204 epic, intensely detailed account of the life of the infamous The Clone Returns Home international terrorist Ilich Ramírez Sanchez - also known as The Conqueror (Taras Bulba) Carlos the Jackal. One of the twentieth century’s most- A Japanese astronaut is killed in an accident while on a wanted fugitives, Carlos was committed to violent left-wing space-walk. But fortunately, scientists are able to clone him In the midst of a brutal war, the youngest son of warrior Taras activism throughout the seventies and eighties, orchestrating using a radical experimental procedure. But contrary to their Bulba disowns his father and swears allegiance to the enemy. bombings, kidnappings, and hijackings in Europe and the expectations, the clone awakens with his consciousness But while on a quest for pride and glory, Taras’ eldest son is Middle East. Assayas portrays him not as a criminal trapped during a period of his childhood when his twin brother captured, sending him on an epic mission for vengeance. mastermind but as a symbol of seismic political shifts around died in a tragic accident. One day while walking in the forest, Based on the acclaimed novel Taras Bulba by Nikolai Gogol. the world, and the magnetic Édgar Ramírez (The Bourne the clone finds his original human’s body and carries it off in War, Action, Adventure, Foreign 2010 Ultimatum) brilliantly embodies him as a swaggering global a journey, believing it to be the body of his deceased twin. 133min. gangster. Criterion presents the complete, uncut, director- What shattering discoveries will the clone make in the approved, five-and-a-half-hour version of Carlos. remnants of his childhood home? Filled with stunning imagery E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 and haunting stillness, The Clone Returns Home combines 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100794 Terrorism, Crime, Criterion Collection, Dra- subtly nuanced sci-fi with a uniquely Japanese perspective ma, Foreign, French, Art House 2010 on themes of family, love, life and death. 339min. 2008 110min. Roger Corman Drive-In Collection Criterion 27.09.2011 E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 John Ireland, Marie Windsor, Susan Cabot, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101173 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100795 Lisa Montell, Jack Nicholson, Dick Miller, William Campbell, John Brinkley, Bruno Castle: The Complete Third Coen Brothers Collection (Blu- VeSota, Michael Forest, Tom Pittman, Season ray) Anthony Carbone Roger Corman is hotter than ever! The legendary filmmaker Famous mystery novelist Rick Castle and NYPD Detective William H. Macy, John Turturro, John recently received an honorary Academy Award for his Kate Beckett return for the suspenseful Third Season of Goodman, Marcia Gay Harden, Dan extraordinary contributions to the state of motion picture arts. ABC’s brilliantly funny series, Castle. Enjoy every inspired Corman also helped launch the careers of such Hollywood idea and flirtatious moment as this fiery duo solves the Hedaya, Holly Hunter, Frances McDormand, luminaries as Jack Nicholson, Robert De Niro, Charles strangest homicides New York has to offer. It’s the most Nicolas Cage, Steve Buscemi, Gabriel Bronson, Sylvester Stallone, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin entertaining season yet as Castle’s wildly funny storytelling Scorsese, and James Cameron. Starring Jack Nicholson, skills work their way into every case. Between his mixed-up Byrne, M. Emmet Walsh, John Getz Brilliant filmmaking comes alive on Blu-ray.. The films of Boris Karloff, Dorothy Malone, Tony Miller and more. The partnership with Beckett and his relationships with his diva Wasp Woman Creature From The Haunted Sea Last Woman mother and his clever daughter Alexis, Castle is always on Academy Award winners Joel Coen and Ethan Coen are breathtakingly bold, stunningly original and marvelously On Earth The Terror Dementia 13 Swamp Women The Wild his toes. Crime fighting has never been this much fun! Get on Ride T-Bird Gang High School Big Shot the beat and relive every wild and witty moment in this 5-disc entertaining. This must-own collection from these visionary DVD set. filmmakers includes four iconic movies, presented in Action, Collections 1963 1041min. breathtaking Blu-ray high definition. Blood Simple. This Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 ABC, Drama 946min. critically-acclaimed thriller set in rural Texas combines Disney / Buena Vista 20.09.2011 chilling suspense with offbeat humor to create an all-American 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101165 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100820 version of the classic „film noir.“ Abby (Frances McDormand) is cheating on her saloonkeeper husband, Marty (Dan Les Cousins: The Criterion Hedaya). The object of her affections is Ray (John Getz), one Citizen Kane: Ultimate Collector’s of Marty’s bartenders. Marty hires Visser (M.Emmet Walsh), Collection an unscrupulous detective, to kill them but Visser has other, Edition more lucrative plans of his own. So begins a calculating round Gerard Blain Orson Welles, Dorothy Comingore, Agnes of double and triple crosses that build to a bloodcurdling, In Les Cousins, (Les Bonnes Femmes) crafts surprise-filled climax. It’s an evil-minded masterpiece from the a sly moral fable about a provincial boy who comes to live Moorehead, Joseph Cotten, Ray Collins, with his sophisticated bohemian cousin in Paris. Through

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA these seeming opposites, Chabrol conjures a piercing, darkly Silent Night, Bloody Night The Severed Arm extraordinary true story of a woman who achieves stardom comic character study that questions notions of good and evil, Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, against all odds and uses her celebrity to make a difference in love and jealousy, and success in the modern world. A mirror Collections, Horror 1981 1358min. the land she left behind. image of Le Beau Serge, Chabrol’s debut, Les cousins recasts National Geographic, Drama, Biography Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 that film’s stars, Jean-Claude Brialy and Gérard Blain, in 2009 120min. startlingly reversed roles. This dagger-sharp drama won the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101166 Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and was an important Virgil Films And Entertainment 19.07.2011 precursor to the French New Wave. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100830 Odd Couples, Art House, Criterion Dawn of the Dead (Blu-ray + DVD Collection, Dark Comedy, Drama, Family + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) : The Relationships, Foreign, French 1959 Packed with more blood, more gore, and more bone-chilling, 112min. jaw-dropping thrills, Dawn of the Dead: Unrated Director’s Complete Seventh Season Cut is the version too terrifying to be shown in theaters! The action gets even wilder in the sizzling seventh season of Criterion 20.09.2011 Mekhi Phifer, Ving Rhames and Sarah Polley star in an edgy, ABC’s acclaimed dramatic comedy, Desperate Housewives. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101161 electrifying thrill ride. When a mysterious virus turns people Experience all the humor, mystery and juicy thrills in this into mindless, flesh-eating zombies, a handful of survivors spectacular 5-disc collection. It’s high noon on Wisteria Lane wage a desperate, last-stand battle to stay alive...and human. as a brand-new rival (Vanessa Williams) stirs up even more Les Cousins: The Criterion Zombies, Horror 110min. excitement, deceit and romance in the neighborhood. Lynette Collection (Blu-ray) gets jealous when Renee starts spending time with Tom, and Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Bree finds herself falling for Keith (Brian Austin Green). Gerard Blain 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100866 Meanwhile, Gabrielle makes a shocking personal discovery, In Les Cousins, Claude Chabrol (Les Bonnes Femmes) crafts Susan copes with a life-threatening event and a mysterious a sly moral fable about a provincial boy who comes to live shooting has everyone on edge. Through all of the drama, the with his sophisticated bohemian cousin in Paris. Through Dead Man (Blu-ray) world’s most famous housewives are bound together by the these seeming opposites, Chabrol conjures a piercing, darkly Johnny Depp, Lance Henriksen, Billy Bob friendship they share and the secrets they keep. Relive every comic character study that questions notions of good and evil, red-hot episode, and dive deeper into television’s most love and jealousy, and success in the modern world. A mirror Thornton, Robert Mitchum, Michael Wincott, addicting primetime series with never-before-seen bonus image of Le Beau Serge, Chabrol’s debut, Les cousins recasts Iggy Pop, Mili Avital, John Hurt, Alfred features. It’s the perfect gift for every Desperate Housewives that film’s stars, Jean-Claude Brialy and Gérard Blain, in Molina, Gabriel Byrne, Crispin Glover, Jared fan! startlingly reversed roles. This dagger-sharp drama won the ABC, Comedy, Drama, Romance 946min. Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival and was an important Harris, Gary Farmer, Eugene Byrd, Mark precursor to the French New Wave. Bringleson Disney / Buena Vista 30.08.2011 Odd Couples, Criterion Collection, Dark Johnny Depp (The Tourist) delivers a remarkable 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100806 performance in this highly acclaimed tale of adventure and Comedy, Drama, Family Relationships, intrigue in the wild, Wild West! A young man in search of a Foreign, French, Art House 1959 112min. fresh start, William Blake (Depp), embarks on an exciting Detroit 1-8-7: The Complete First Criterion 20.09.2011 journey to a new town...never realizing the danger that lies Season ahead. But when a heated love triangle ends in double murder, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101176 Blake finds himself a wanted man, running scared-until a What does it take to be a detective in one of America’s mysterious loner teaches him to face the dangers that follow a toughest cities? Follow one homicide unit as Detroit’s finest Criminal Minds: Six Season Pack „dead man.“ With an outstanding supporting cast including reveal the crisis and revelation, heartbreak and heroism that Gabriel Byrne (TV’s In Treatment) and Robert Mitchum (Cape characterize these inner city cops in Season 1 of Detroit 1-8- Thrillers, Boxed Sets, CBS, Crime, Drama, Fear), Dead Man is another motion picture triumph from 7. Headed by Lieutenant Maureen Mason, a strong-willed filmmaker Jim Jarmusch. single mom struggling to balance home and work, the team is FBI, Mystery min. made up of quite the firing squad. There’s the damaged but Paramount Pictures 06.09.2011 Cult Film / TV, Drama, Fantasy, Action, Art driven Detective Louis Fitch () along with 368,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101216 House 1995 121min. his new partner, Detective Damon Washington. Detective Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ariana Sanchez is the sexy and beautiful rising star in the 09.08.2011 department who teams up with narcotics undercover cop John Criminal Minds: The Sixth Stone. Last but not least, Sergeant Jesse Longford is the 30- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100991 year veteran who forms an amusing match of experience and Season enthusiasm with his partner, Detective Vikram Mahajan, a Thrillers, CBS, Crime, Drama, FBI, Mystery fully Americanized son of Indian immigrants. Deadgirl (Blu-ray) ABC, Boxed Sets, Cops, Crime, Drama 2011 1021min. It has been called „audacious“ (Hollywood Reporter), Paramount Pictures 06.09.2011 „unsettlingly sexual“ (IndieWIRE) and „pretty much f-ing 792min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101215 brilliant“ (Ain’t It Cool News). Thought to be too controversial Lionsgate 30.08.2011 to release, it would go on to shock festival audiences, outrage 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100804 religious groups, and blow away midnight movie crowds from The Cycle coast to coast. It remains one of the most daringly original and Ezzatolah Entezami disturbing films of our time. Shiloh Fernandez (Red), Noah Do Dooni Chaar Segan (Brick), (Kill Bill) and Candice Accola From the Disney World Cinema Collection, Do Dooni Chaar The Cycle, Dariush Mehrjui’s modern-day classic about the (Juno) star in this story of two high school misfits who cut impact of social and political corruption, helped launch the is a heartwarming comedy about life, family and the pursuit of school to explore the remains of an abandoned hospital. The dreams. Life can be tough for honest, principled schoolteacher Iranian New Wave-one of the most important film movements of gruesome discovery they make will test the very limits of their the late 20th century. Produced under the Shah of Iran’s Santosh Duggal. He’s constantly coping with the demands of sanity and tear apart their young lives forever: A woman his family versus his ever-decreasing salary. His teenaged regime, The Cycle. Ali struggles to care for his invalid father stripped naked and chained to a table. She’s abandoned, after moving him to a Tehran hospital. With few opportunities daughter is an independent rebel. His ambitious son is beautiful and dead—or is she? From the producer of involved in illegal gambling. His wife has a taste for the finer to make money, he sells his blood on the black market of Hellraiser and Heathers comes this depraved, poignant and dealers who buy and sell the much-needed substance inside things in life. They’re just a typical, middle-class genre-busing new indie classic about intimacy, morality and dysfunctional family. When the Duggal family decides to follow the hospitals. Tired of being exploited, Ali decides to join the the horror of growing up. You may scream in terror, gasp with illegal trafficking of products, rising to the top of the black their dream and upgrade from a to a car, they embark disgust, or debate it for days, but one thing is for certain: You on a roller-coaster ride filled with chaos, laughter and market. Along the way, he becomes cold and corrupted as he will never forget Deadgirl. sells everything from left-over food to tainted blood. The title ultimately, the true meaning of family. comes from a line by 14th-century poet Hafiz: „Because of the Thrillers, Horror min. Comedy, Disney, Family, High School min. cycle of the universe, my heart is bleeding.“ MPI 30.08.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 26.07.2011 Crime, Drama, Family Relationships, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100955 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100770 Foreign, Iranian 1978 101min. Facets Video 26.07.2011 Desert Flower Doctor Who: The Talons Of Weng 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101244 Sally Hawkins, Timothy Spall Chiang - Special Edition The extraordinary true story of the woman who crossed a Dark Moon Trilogy Collection desert and changed the world.. Based on the best selling book Louise Jameson, Tom Baker, John Bennett by Waris Dirie and Cathleen Miller, Desert Flower tells the Death stalks the fogbound streets of Victorian . Young Vincent Price, William Smith, Dean extraordinary true story of a woman who achieves stardom women are going missing. Horribly mutilated bodies are found Stockwell, David Janssen, Mary Woronov, against all odds and uses her celebrity to make a difference in floating in the Thames. And criminal gangs terrorize the David Hemmings, Anita Ekberg, Rosie the land she left behind. innocent. At the heart of this tangled web sits the mysterious National Geographic, Biography, Drama Li H’sen Chang, sorcerer and hypnotist, and his grotesque Holotik, Barbara Lass, Erica Blanc, Bela 2009 120min. sidekick - the all-too-lifelike ventriloquist’s dummy, Mister Lugosi, Dean Jagger, Angus Scrimm, Duane Sin. The Doctor dons deerstalker hat and cape to seek out the Virgil Films And Entertainment 19.07.2011 Jones, Paolo Malco, David G. Cannon sinister force lurking in the shadows of the metropolis. For 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100821 the talons of Weng-Chiang are reaching out to shred the 16 midnight movies featuring vampires, zombies, werewolves, human race. and lunatics! Starring some of the most prolific horror actors Time Travel, Adventure, BBC, British, Cult of all time including Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi, Mary Desert Flower (Blu-ray) Woronov, David Hemmings, Anita Ekberg, Dean Stockwell, Film / TV, Foreign, International TV, Science John Carradine, Erica Blanc, Patrick O’Neal, and more! Sally Hawkins, Timothy Spall Fiction 1977 150min. Grave Of The Vampire The Devil’s Nightmare Werewolf Of The extraordinary true story of the woman who crossed a Washington Moon Of The Wolf Last desert and changed the world.. Based on the best selling book BBC Home Video 11.10.2011 Man On Earth Revolt Of The Zombies Scream Bloody Murder by Waris Dirie and Cathleen Miller, Desert Flower tells the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100837

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09.08.2011 Dragon Crusaders Eureka: Season One (Slim Pack) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100977 A group of fugitive Knights Templar attacks a pirate ship and Some of the government’s best-kept secrets are waiting to be they are cursed to turn into hideous monsters. To fight the uncovered as Eureka:Season One arrives on DVD! Step into Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Blu- curse and ultimately save they world, they must defeat the the quirky and seemingly perfect small town of Eureka, where wizard-dragon who is determined to destroy it. the hidden work of America’s brightest scientists can lead to ray + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu- Action, Fantasy 90min. innovation or utter chaos. Making sense of the mysteries is Sheriff Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson), a former U.S. marshal ray) Asylum Home Entertainment 27.09.2011 who is stranded in the surreal small town after a random car Peter (Jason Segel) is a struggling musician who finds his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100896 accident. Now fans can get in on his entertaining adventures world turned upside down when his TV celebrity girlfriend, with this 3-disc set packed with over 10 hours of bonus Sarah Marshall (Kristen Bell), dumps him for a tragically hip features and innovatively packaged in eco-friendly materials rock star. It’s the hysterically funny look at how far one man Drop Box that were „Made in Eureka.“ Nothing is as it seems in the will go to forget a girl and all the fun he finds along the way! The story revolves around a video rental store clerk and a brilliant and witty new series critics are calling „the most Romance, Comedy 111min. pop star who accidentally places her sex tape in the store’s original new drams“ (The Courier-Journal). Universal Studios 28.06.2011 drop box. Realizing the magnitude of her mistake and the Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction havoc it would generate if anyone saw the tape, she quickly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100867 returns to the store to harass the clerk to get her tape back. min. The task of getting her tape back becomes increasingly Universal Studios 05.07.2011 difficult when the clerk, irritated by her arrogance, not only 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100900 The Frighteners (Blu-ray) refuses to give it back but threatens to put it on the internet. Michael J. Fox, Chi McBride, Trini Alvarado, She reports the clerk to the manager, who offers her no Dee Wallace, Jake Busey, John Astin, support because he’s a bigger ass than the clerk. For those Eureka: Season Two (Slim Pack) who’ve either worked in a video store or shopped in one, the Return to the same small town with even bigger secrets as Jeffery Combs, Peter Dobson customers will all feel familiar, the attitude of the clerk each quirky and unpredictable episode of Eureka: Season No Rest for the Wicked. In the sleepy town of Fairwater, a accurate but the underlying story is ripped from today’s Two lands on DVD! This three-disc set with over 8 hours of monstrous evil has awakened...an evil so powerful, its reach tabloids. You can guess how the story ends...or can you? fun behind-the-scenes extras will take you back to the extends beyond the grave. For Frank Bannister (Michael J. Comedy 2006 75min. seemingly perfect town of Eureka, where the hidden work of Fox), death is a great way to make a living: ridding haunted E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 America’s brightest scientists can lead to innovative houses of their unwelcome „guests.“ But he’s in cahoots with discoveries and unnatural chaos! Follow Sheriff Jack Carter the very ghosts he promises to evict! It’s the perfect 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100773 (Colin Ferguson) as he struggles to keep a sense of normalcy scam...until Frank finds himself at the center of a dark amid the scientific mayhem, big brains and bigger adventure in mystery. A diabolical spirit is on a murderous rampage, and this unusual little town in the Pacific Northwest. the whole town believes Frank is behind it. The Edison Death Machine Ghosts, Horror, Serial Killers 1996 min. In the final years before his death, it was rumored that Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction legendary inventor and avowed agnostic Thomas Alva Edison min. Universal Studios 13.09.2011 experimented with a device, known as The Spirit Phone that Universal Studios 05.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100891 would allow the living to communicate with the dead. Did the machine actually exist? Some swore they saw it but when 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100901 Edison died, everything was destroyed. Or was it? What if Fringe: The Complete Third one machine survived? What if it fell into the wrong hands? The Event: The Complete Series Season Join a group of world-class thieves as they stumble upon the infamous machine, only to discover it has powers that Edison Suspenseful, mysterious and action-packed, The Event is „a Jasika Nicole , Blair Brown, John Noble , never contemplated. Rather than contacting the dead, it Lost meets 24 thrill-ride“ (OK! Magazine). When everyman Joshua Jackson, Lance Reddick resurrects them! The thieves travel the globe, resurrecting Sean Walker goes looking for his missing girlfriend, he stumbles upon a massive government conspiracy that is bigger Immersive. Compelling. Hypnotic. Brilliantly imaginative. historical figures and along with them, priceless artifacts from Endlessly thrilling. Pick your term. The mystery of the their era but before long, they attract the attention of a than the President himself. Jason Ritter (Parenthood), Blair Underwood (The New Adventures of Old Christine) and universes deepens in the critically acclaimed 22-episode third powerful and ruthless mob boss. And then things really go season of television’s most exciting sci-fi. The Fringe team wrong. Laura Innes (ER) star in this epic series from the executive producer of 24. With „great effects and stunning twists“ (The escapes from the parallel universe - except for Olivia, Thrillers, Action, Horror 2006 106min. Oakland Tribune), The Event is unlike anything you’ve ever trapped in the other world and replaced in ours by her double, E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 seen before! This five-disc set includes all 22 thrilling who turns Peter and Olivia’s tentative relationship into a love 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100943 episodes, presented in 5.1 surround sound, plus hours of affair. Then Olivia returns, bonds of trust fray, ever more explosive bonus features you won’t see anywhere else. bizarre and terrifying phenomena occur and secrets that Action, Aliens, Boxed Sets, NBC min. stretch back to 1985 threaten to destroy our universe. Or Elvira’s Movie Macabre: The theirs. „Fringe continues its hot streak known as Season 3. Universal Studios 23.08.2011 It’s been firing on all cylinders all season.“ (Andrew Hanson, Brain That Wouldn’t Die/The 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101082 LATimes.com). Manster Thrillers, FBI, Fox, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction 2010 1012min. Following the nationally syndicated re-launch of the series Exit 33 that made her a worldwide icon, Elvira is back hosting some A few miles off Exit 33 lies Ike’s Last Chance Gas, an old, Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 of the greatest B-movie classics of all time. Includes the forgotten hideaway where the reclusive Ike pumps gas and 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101029 Frankenstein-styled, cult classic „he Brain That Wouldn’t Die practices his taxidermy skills. Though he might come across and The Manster, an unforgettable creature feature. as a simple soul, Ike has a dark secret: he’s obsessed with Double Features, Horror 183min. women who have enchanting eyes - eyes he wants to keep for Fringe: The Complete Third E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 himself. Now, as four friends make their way to their 5-year Season (Blu-ray) high school reunion, they all make the mistake of taking Exit 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100933 33, and they won’t be making it back to the highway any time Blair Brown, Jasika Nicole , Joshua soon. Starring the legendary Kane Hodder (Jason Vorhees of Jackson, Lance Reddick, John Noble Elvira’s Movie Macabre: The Ter- the Friday the 13th series), Exit 33 is a no holds barred gore- Immersive. Compelling. Hypnotic. Brilliantly imaginative. fest that dares viewers to look away. With its unrelenting Endlessly thrilling. Pick your term. The mystery of the ror / Eegah! suspense and biting humor, it’s a bloody throwback to slasher universes deepens in the critically acclaimed 22-episode third Following the nationally syndicated re-launch of the series classics that will satisfy any horror fan’s bloodlust. season of television’s most exciting sci-fi. The Fringe team that made her a worldwide icon, Elvira is back hosting some Road Trips, Friendships, Horror min. escapes from the parallel universe - except for Olivia, of the greatest B-movie classics of all time. Includes The Breaking Glass Pictures 02.08.2011 trapped in the other world and replaced in ours by her double, Terror, Roger Corman’s cult classic starring Jack Nicholson who turns Peter and Olivia’s tentative relationship into a love and Boris Karloff, and Eegah featuring notorious Bond villain 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101007 affair. Then Olivia returns, bonds of trust fray, ever more Richard Kiel as a Neanderthal maniac! bizarre and terrifying phenomena occur and secrets that Musical, Double Features, Drama, Fantasy, Family Adventure Vol. 2 stretch back to 1985 threaten to destroy our universe. Or theirs. „Fringe continues its hot streak known as Season 3. Horror 183min. Caroline Goodall, Olivia de Havilland, Barry It’s been firing on all cylinders all season.“ (Andrew Hanson, E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 Corbin, Paul Kelly, Alan Ladd, David Ladd, LATimes.com). 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100934 Sam Huntington, Art Smith FBI, Fox, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Rivers End. The Proud Rebel. Lassie: The Painted Hills. Thrillers 2010 1012min. Eureka: Season 4.0 Triple Feature, Adventure, Family 268min. Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 Everything you thought you knew about the small town of Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101047 Eureka is about to change. Sheriff Carter (Colin Ferguson) 09.08.2011 and the resident geniuses are accustomed to the strange occurrences that make their town unlike any other. But, when 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100976 Frozen Kiss five of them are shunted back in time to Eureka’s Founder’s When two young lovers are stranded during a raging blizzard Day, their return trip delivers them to a present-day Eureka Family Drama Triple Feature they must try to find refuge from both the elements and the that’s anything but familiar. mysterious figures who are trailing them. Terror is as cold as Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction Neil Patrick Harris, Teri Garr, Linda Kelsey, ice in this true story of rescue and survival. Starring Mimi min. Rick Schroder, Gregory Harrison Rogers. Mystery, Thrillers 2009 86min. Universal Studios 05.07.2011 Triple Feature, Drama, Family min. E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100899 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100776 A Horrible Way To Die (Blu-ray) Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Amy Seimetz, A.J. Bowen Ghastly Grabs: Vol. XII Seventh Season Forget everything you’ve ever seen in a serial killer movie Schizophrenic/Necromaniac - Most vile pieces of filth ever and get ready for the chiller that stunned festival audiences Let the healing begin. Primetime television’s most beloved around the world: notorious murderer Garrick Turrell has filmed! Get ready for a rusty rollercoaster ride through the doctors return for an unprecedented season of emotional dank sewers of an insane man’s hell. Harry Russo, an escaped from police custody and resumed his killing spree. twists and turns. Relive every mesmerizing moment with His former girlfriend Sarah is a recovering alcoholic trying to aggravated writer, killer and drug addict, will stop at nothing ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete Seventh Season. It’s a to destroy those who stand between him and insanity. Driven put her life back together in a new town with a new man. Her year of new beginnings for the medical team of Seattle Grace past continues to haunt her. And now her ex-boyfriend is by the demonic voices of his ventriloquist dummy, Hospital as they slowly recover from the tragedy that hit too Rubberneck, Harry begins his killing spree. The pair will leaving a trail of slaughter in his hunt to find her. Prepare close to home. New relationships emerge and the strongest yourself for A Horrible Way To Die. mutilate, screw, chop, snort and defecate on anything that commitments are tested in this moving 6-disc set. From moves! Schizophrenic/Necromaniac. The doctor’s arrival successes in the operating room to mistakes in the bedroom — Horror, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2010 87min. worsens when he can’t figure out her illness causing a forced and all the thrilling drama in between — the doctors find a / Anchor Bay 06.09.2011 quarantine of everyone inside the house until he and the way to survive as long as they lean on each other. Relive 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100962 scientist outside can find a cure. Panic starts to spread every heartbeat and get even more — including the extended among the guest and Victor learns that the illness may not be version of the moving Musical Event and music videos Whitney but something deep inside the house. Return of the featuring the doctors like you have never seen them before — Hostage Curse. only on DVD Action extrordinaire Bruce Willis (Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Boxed Sets, Horror min. ABC, Drama, Romance 2010 946min. The Sixth Sense) stars as Jeff Talley, a big city hostage Brain Damage Films 06.09.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 13.09.2011 negotiator who voluntarily trades trauma for house calls when 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100982 he becomes Chief of Poilice in a sleepy town. But when a 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100848 random crime escalates into a deadly standoff, Talley finds himself thrust into a situation far more volatile and terrifying Ghastly Grabs: Vol. XIII Heartland: The Complete First than anything he could ever imagine! Also starring Kevin Stockholm Syndrome. Terror Factor. Return of the Curse. Pollack (The Usual Suspects, The Whole Nine Yards), Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Horror min. Season Jonathan Tucker (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and Ben After Heartland, the family ranch in the foothills of the Rocky Foster (3:10 to Yuma, The Mechanic), this explosive hit Brain Damage Films 06.09.2011 Mountains, falls into debt, the ambitious Lou must leave her packs the punch in more ways that one. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100983 city life behind to help her grandfather Jack and her fiery Action, Cops, Crime, Hostage Crisis min. teenage sister Amy keep their dream alive. Starring Amber Lionsgate 23.08.2011 Marshall and based on the best-selling books by Lauren Ghastly Grabs: Vol. XIV Brooke. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100895 Edger Allen Poe’s Darkness. The Expedition. Return of the Drama, Family 2007 585min. Curse. E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Horror min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100777 Brain Damage Films 06.09.2011 Copy) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100984 From the creators of comes the Hot Fuzz Henry’s Crime Ultimate Edition! Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) is the unstoppable cop who, with the help of a bumbling partner : The Second Keanu Reeves, Vera Farmiga, James Caan (Nick Frost), turns up the heat in a small, quiet town and The real crime is not committing to your dreams.. Henry’s delivers some big-city justice. See all of the action and Season Crime is a fun comedy with irresistible heist and heart.“ (Box comedy in this Ultimate Edition that features non-stop CBS, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Office Magazine. entertainment, heart-pounding thrills and outrageous laughs! Comedy, Crime 2010 Ltbx DD 5.1 108min. Action, British, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Politics, Romance 2011 997min. 20th Century Fox 23.08.2011 Cops, Crime, Foreign 121min. Paramount Pictures 13.09.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100825 Universal Studios 28.06.2011 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101223 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100868 Good Will Hunting (Blu-Ray+ Di- Henry’s Crime (Blu-ray) Keanu Reeves, Vera Farmiga, James Caan iCarly: The Complete 3rd Season gital Copy) (Blu-ray) The real crime is not committing to your dreams.. Henry’s iOmg, it’s Season 3 of iCarly, the web show that has made you Matt Damon, Minnie Driver, , Crime is a fun comedy with irresistible heist and heart.“ (Box laugh, laugh, and laugh some more. It’s everything you’ve Office Magazine. been waiting for: the big Carly Shay room reveal, the return of Ben Affleck, Stellan Skarsgard Nevel Papperman, Penny Tees on the market, and the ongoing A true motion picture phenomenon, this triumphant story was Comedy, Crime 2010 Ltbx DTS 108min. 20th Century Fox 23.08.2011 saga of Creddie and Seddie! nominated for 9 Academy Awards(R) winning Oscars for Comedy, Family, Friendships, Nickelodeon Robin Williams (Best Supporting Actor) and hot newcomers 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100834 Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (Best Original Screenplay). The 2011 311min. most brilliant mind at America’s top university isn’t a student Nickelodeon 30.08.2011 ... he’s the kid who cleans the floors! Will Hunting (Damon) is Heroes Of Horror Collection a headstrong, working-class genius who’s failing the lessons 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101079 of life. After one too many run-ins with the law, Will’s last Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, chance is a psychology professor (Williams), who might be Christopher Lee, Bela Lugosi Ill Met By Moonlight the only man who can reach him! With acclaimed Starring Vincent Price, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, Boris performances from Academy Award(R)-nominee Minnie Driver Karloff, Peter Cushing, and more. Bowery At Midnight Cyril Cusack, Marius Goring, Dirk Bogarde, (Grosse Pointe Blank) and Ben Affleck (Shakespeare in Love, Invisible Ghost Spooks Run Wild The Corpse Vanishes The Christopher Lee, Michael Gough, Laurence The Town) you’ll find Good Will Hunting a powerful and Ape Man Bela Lugosi Meets A Brooklyn Gorilla Island Mon- unforgettable movie experience! sters The Terror The Veil: Complete 10 Episode TV Series. Payne, David Oxley Drama, Academy Award Winners, Art Boris Karloff hosts and stars in this horror-suspense series On the Nazi occupied island of Crete, two British officers are based upon real-life reports of psychic phenomena and assigned to kidnap the commanding German General and House 1997 min. supernatural happenings. The Last Man On Earth The Bat deliver him to allied forces in Cairo. Aided by local patriots, Lionsgate 30.08.2011 Horror Express Circus Of Fear the abduction itself goes smoothly. However, the subsequent chase across the rocky Cretan landscape proves to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100997 Vampires, Zombies, Collections, Ghosts, problematic. Based on W. Stanley Moss’s autobiographical Horror 1973 Ltbx 16x9 S 1540min. account of the operation, this was to be the last collaboration The Grace Card Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 of the motion picture team of Powell and Pressburger. Released in the U.S. as Night Ambush, it was trimmed by its Michael Joiner, Michael Higgenbottom 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101200 American distributor to 93 minutes. This restored DVD is the After police officer Mac McDonald loses his son in an original uncut 104 minute widescreen version. accident, years of bitterness and pain erodes his love for his A Horrible Way To Die War, World War II, Action, Adventure, Dra- family and leaves him angry with God... and everyone else. Can Mac and his new patrol partner, Sgt. Sam Wright, Amy Seimetz, A.J. Bowen ma 1957 104min. somehow join forces to help one another when it’s impossible Forget everything you’ve ever seen in a serial killer movie Hen’s Tooth 16.08.2011 to look past their differences - especially the most obvious and get ready for the chiller that stunned festival audiences 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101062 one? Every day, we have the opportunity to rebuild around the world: notorious murderer Garrick Turrell has relationships and heal wounds by extending and receiving escaped from police custody and resumed his killing spree. God’s grace. Offer The Grace Card... and never His former girlfriend Sarah is a recovering alcoholic trying to In Bruges (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital underestimate the power of God’s love. The Grace Card stars put her life back together in a new town with a new man. Her Michael Joiner, Michael Higgen bottom and Academy Award past continues to haunt her. And now her ex-boyfriend is Copy) (Blu-ray) Winner, Louis Gossett Jr. leaving a trail of slaughter in his hunt to find her. Prepare Colin Farrell and Academy Award-nominee Religion/Spirituality, Tragedies, Cops, Dra- yourself for A Horrible Way To Die. star in this edgy, action-packed comedy, filled with thrilling Serial Killers, Thrillers, Horror 2010 87min. chases, spectacular shoot-outs and an explosive ending you ma 2010 min. won’t want to miss! Hit men Ray (Farrell) and Ken (Brendan Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Starz / Anchor Bay 06.09.2011 Gleeson, Harry Potter) have been ordered to cool their heels 16.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100936 in the storybook city of Bruges (it’s in Belgium) after finishing a big job. But since hit men make the worst tourists, they soon 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101187 find themselves in a life & death struggle of comic proportions

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 40 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA against one very angry crime boss (Fiennes)! Get ready for within us all. the outrageous and unpredictable fun you will have In Bruges, Comedy, Drama 98min. The King Of Fighters the movie critics are calling, „wildly entertaining“ - Stephen Lionsgate 06.09.2011 Rebello, Playboy. Maggie Q, Ray Park, Sean Faris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101004 Art House, British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Swordfighting, Action, Adventure, Based Foreign 107min. On Video Game 2010 93min. Universal Studios 28.06.2011 The Jackal (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Well Go USA 26.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100869 tal Copy) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101240 Bruce Willis is a ruthless assassin, known only as The Inside Man (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- Jackal, who has been hired to eliminate someone at the very top of the U.S. government. In order to track down this cold- The King Of Fighters (Blu-ray + tal Copy) (Blu-ray) blooded killer and prevent the hit, the FBI’s Deputy Director DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Academy Award® winner Denzel Washington, Academy (Sidney Poitier) and a Russian intelligence officer (Diane Award® nominee Clive Owen and Academy Award® winner Venora) enlist the aid of an imprisoned Irish terrorist (Ri- Maggie Q, Ray Park, Sean Faris Jodie Foster star in this intense and explosive crime thriller. chard Gere). These unlikely allies enter a global race against Swordfighting, Action, Adventure, Based The perfect bank robbery quickly spirals into an unstable and the clock to stop the mysterious mercenary before he can On Video Game 2010 93min. deadly game of cat-and-mouse between a criminal mastermind complete his deadly assignment. (Owen), a determined detective (Washington), and a power Music, Thrillers, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Ac- Well Go USA 26.07.2011 broker with a hidden agenda (Foster). As the minutes tick by tion 125min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101252 and the situation becomes increasingly tense, one wrong move could mean disaster for any one of them. From acclaimed Universal Studios 28.06.2011 director Spike Lee comes the edge-of-your-seat, action- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100871 The King Of Fighters (Blu-ray) packed thriller The Wall Street Journal calls „a heist film Maggie Q, Ray Park, Sean Faris that’s right on the money.“ Swordfighting, Action, Adventure, Based Thieves, Thrillers, Cops, Crime, Drama, Jane Eyre On Video Game 2010 93min. Hostage Crisis 129min. Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland), Michael Fassbender (Inglourious Basterds) and Academy Award® winner Judi Well Go USA 26.07.2011 Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Dench (Shakespeare in Love) star in acclaimed director Cary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101253 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100870 Fukunaga’s daring new adaptation of the timeless romance. When orphaned governess Jane Eyre (Wasikowska) arrives at imposing Thornfield Hall, she’s intrigued by her brooding Knocked Up (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Insidious wealthy employer, Rochester (Fassbender). His dark moods From the makers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious is the and the strange occurrences in the house lead her to discover gital Copy) (Blu-ray) terrifying story of a family who, shortly after moving, a terrible secret that he had hoped to hide from her forever. The writer and director of The 40-Year-Old Virgin delivers discovers that dark spirits have possessed their home and Critics proclaim this captivating, sensual film is „Beautiful. A another hilarious hit comedy! They say that opposites attract. that their son has inexplicably fallen into a coma. Trying to splendid example of how to turn a beloved work of classic Well, for slacker Ben () and career girl Alison escape the haunting and save their son, they move again only literature into a movie.“ (A.O. Scott, The New York Times) (Katherine Heigl), that’s certainly the case, at least for one to realize that it was not their house that was haunted. Romance, Drama min. intoxicated evening. Two months and several pregnancy test Possession, Thrillers, Fantasy, Horror 2010 Universal Studios 16.08.2011 later, Ben and Alison go through a hysterically funny, anxious and heartwarming journey that leads to huge laughs in the min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100965 most outrageous comedy of the year! Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Romance, Comedy 129min. 12.07.2011 Jane Eyre (Blu-ray) Universal Studios 28.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100768 Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland), Michael Fassbender 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100872 (Inglourious Basterds) and Academy Award® winner Judi Dench (Shakespeare in Love) star in acclaimed director Cary Insidious (Blu-ray) Fukunaga’s daring new adaptation of the timeless romance. The Last Starfighter (Blu-ray + From the makers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious is the When orphaned governess Jane Eyre (Wasikowska) arrives terrifying story of a family who, shortly after moving, at imposing Thornfield Hall, she’s intrigued by her brooding DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) discovers that dark spirits have possessed their home and wealthy employer, Rochester (Fassbender). His dark moods Science Fiction, Space, Intergalactic War, that their son has inexplicably fallen into a coma. Trying to and the strange occurrences in the house lead her to discover escape the haunting and save their son, they move again only a terrible secret that he had hoped to hide from her forever. Action, Adventure 101min. to realize that it was not their house that was haunted. Critics proclaim this captivating, sensual film is „Beautiful. A Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Horror, Possession, Thrillers 2010 min. splendid example of how to turn a beloved work of classic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100873 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment literature into a movie.“ (A.O. Scott, The New York Times) Romance, Drama min. 12.07.2011 Universal Studios 16.08.2011 Laugh To Keep From Crying 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100797 Step into Tyler Perry’s neighborhood, peel back the rough 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100988 exterior and behold! Get on the laugh wagon as some of your favorite stage stars strut, sing and remind us, no matter how Invisible Adversaries Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost tough it gets, that laughter, faith and love are the best Anna, a photographer living in , is losing her grip on remedies. her sanity just as her lover loses interest in her-or perhaps Tom Selleck returns as Paradise’s anguished former Chief of Comedy, Drama, Musical, Plays On Stage because of this. Her profound sense of loss and alienation Police, Jesse Stone, in his most gripping mystery yet. Cindy manifests itself in her belief that space aliens are colonizing Van Aldan was like a daughter to Jesse. Now she’s dead. min. the minds of her fellow citizens, especially men, which raises Although all signs point to a suicidal drug overdose-a Lionsgate 30.08.2011 the aggression level. The outside world seems and looks checkered history riddled with addiction, associations with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100970 disjointed as her inner world falls apart in this experimental homicidal mobsters and an involvement in prostitution-Jesse narrative in which the lines between outward reality and inner knows his friend better than that. This time it’s personal, and fantasy are blurred. Original and provocative, Invisible Jesse will stop at nothing to avenge the lost innocence and Law & Order: Los Angeles - The Adversaries is a psychologically revealing and sexually frank subsequent death of the young girl he once mentored. take on gender and culture from an almost-forgotten era when TV Movies, Mystery, Action, Cops, Crime Complete Series women filmmakers like Valie Export readily expressed min. Boxed Sets, Cops, Crime, Detectives, themselves in avant-garde film. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Photography/Art, Rocky Relationships, Art 02.08.2011 NBC min. House, Austrian, Drama, Foreign 1977 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101186 Universal Studios 20.09.2011 112min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100968 Facets Video 26.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101242 Buster Keaton: The Short Films Collection - 1920-1923 Law & Order: Special Victims It’s The Rage Buster Keaton Unit - The Twelfth Year When everyone’s armed and dangerous, one wrong move can For the first time ever, Kino International proudly presents a Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Mystery, get you killed. Enter into the world of seven strangers each of box set of all of Buster Keaton’s classic silent short films in NBC min. whom find their lives changed when their fates collide at one collection. All films have been digital remastered in high gunpoint. Helen (Joan Allen) and Warren (Jeff Daniels) definition and include all new extras. The High Sign One Universal Studios 27.09.2011 Harding are an affluent couple on the brink of divorce. Their Week Convict 13 The Scarecrow Neighbors The Haunted 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101197 separation causes their lives to intersect with eclectic and House Hard Luck The Goat The Playhouse The Boat The tormented individuals including a paranoid computer mogul Paleface Cops My Wife’s Relations The Blacksmith The (Gary Sinise), an adulterous lawyer (André Braugher), a Frozen North Day Dreams The Electric House The Lizard Boy disillusioned cop (Robert Forster), a jilted lover (David Balloonatic The Love Nest Dr. Gino Conti is a brilliant geneticist working on a secret Schwimmer), a video store manager (Josh Brolin), a street Silent Film, , Classics, Comedy government project. After his fiancée dumps him because his urchin (Anna Paquin) and her schizophrenic brother 386min. sperm was deemed not viable, he creates his own son by (Giovanni Ribisi). Through a series of coincidences, this combining reptilian and human DNA, but discovers fatherhood unpredictable story touches the lives of each of these Kino Video 12.07.2011 is an extraordinary challenge when his scaly surrogate son strangers, lovers and acquaintances and examines the anger 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101246 has anger management problems, martial arts moves and some

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 41 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA adolescent issues that include eating the neighbors. Soon learns that his invalid alcoholic father is coming home from the reports of brutal attacks are heard throughout Cuesta County. hospital, he unleashes his resentment and rage on Sam and What’s a father to do? Madea’s Big Happy Family Willie with devastating consequences. Lonny Price, who Action, Comedy, Horror 98min. Madea, everyone’s favorite wise-cracking, take-no-prisoners portrayed Hally on Broadway, captures all the heartbreak and E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 grandma, jumps into action when her niece, Shirley, receives humanity of one of the most celebrated plays of our time. distressing news about her health. All Shirley wants is to African Americans, Drama, Friendships 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100938 gather her three adult children around her and share the news as a family. But Tammy, Kimberly and Byron are too distracted 2010 83min. by their own problems: Tammy can’t manage her unruly Image Ent. 11.10.2011 Lock, Stock And Two Smoking children or her broken marriage; Kimberly is gripped with 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101078 Barrels (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital anger and takes it out on her husband; and Byron, after spending two years in jail, is under pressure to deal drugs Copy) (Blu-ray) again. It’s up to Madea, with the help of the equally Master Harold“... And The Boys Streetwise charmer Eddie (Nick Moran) enters the biggest rambunctious Aunt Bam, to gather the clan together and make (Blu-ray) card game of his life with the savings of his three best things right the only way she knows how: with a lot of tough friends: Tom (Jason Flemyng), Bacon (Jason Statham) and love, laughter...and the revelation of a long-buried family Ving Rhames, Freddie Highmore Soap (Dexter Fletcher). But he leaves the table owing his secret. Freddie Highmore (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and underworld boss Hatchet Harry half a million and has a week Comedy, Drama, Family min. Golden Globe winner Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction) are to come up with the money. Now Eddie and his friends must Lionsgate 31.08.2011 unforgettable in Athol Fugard’s searing coming of age outsmart and outgun all types of lowlifes on their way to pay masterpiece set in apartheid-era South Africa. On a rainy off Harry before time runs out. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100975 afternoon in his mother’s tea house, lonely 17 year-old Hally Action, Art House, British, Comedy, Crime, and Sam and Willie, two middle-aged black servants, share Madea’s Big Happy Family (Blu- idyllic memories of their lifelong friendship. But when Hally Cult Film / TV, Dark Comedy, Foreign learns that his invalid alcoholic father is coming home from the 108min. ray) hospital, he unleashes his resentment and rage on Sam and Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Madea, everyone’s favorite wise-cracking, take-no-prisoners Willie with devastating consequences. Lonny Price, who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100874 grandma, jumps into action when her niece, Shirley, receives portrayed Hally on Broadway, captures all the heartbreak and distressing news about her health. All Shirley wants is to humanity of one of the most celebrated plays of our time. gather her three adult children around her and share the news Drama, Friendships, African Americans Lolita (Blu-ray) as a family. But Tammy, Kimberly and Byron are too distracted 2010 83min. by their own problems: Tammy can’t manage her unruly James Mason, Peter Sellers, Sue Lyon, children or her broken marriage; Kimberly is gripped with Image Ent. 11.10.2011 Shelley Winters anger and takes it out on her husband; and Byron, after 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101123 Newly arrived in Ramsdale, New Hampshire, European spending two years in jail, is under pressure to deal drugs emigre Humbert Humbert is smitten. He plans to marry Char- again. It’s up to Madea, with the help of the equally lotte Haze. That way he’ll always be close to his dear one - rambunctious Aunt Bam, to gather the clan together and make Masters Of Terror Charlotte’s precocious daughter! Filmmaker Stanley Kubrick things right the only way she knows how: with a lot of tough Jamie Lee Curtis, Eva Mendes, Michelle explores the theme of sexual obsession (a subject he would love, laughter...and the revelation of a long-buried family revisit 37 years later in Eyes Wide Shut) with his darkly secret. Williams, Josh Hartnett comic and deeply moving version of Vladimir Nobokov’s novel. Comedy, Drama, Family min. Thrillers, Vampires, Crime, Drama, Horror, James Mason plays devious, deluded Humbert: wedded to Horror Series 353min. needy Charlotte (Shelley Winters); rivaled by the ubiquitous Lionsgate 31.08.2011 Clare Quilty (chameleonlike Peter Sellers); and enraptured to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100998 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment his gelatinous core by the blithe teen (Sue Lyon) with that 02.08.2011 „lovely, lyrical, lilting name“ - Lolita. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101012 Classics, Comedy, Drama, Romance 1962 Mamma Mia! The Movie (Blu-ray 154min. + DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Matrimony Warner Bros. 23.08.2011 Sophie has just one wish to make her wedding perfect: to have her father walk her down the aisle. Now she just has to Flash Point’s Fan Bing Bing stars in this ghostly Chinese 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101249 find out who he is. Join the music, laughter and fun of the love story. When Junchu’s girlfriend, Manli, is killed in a car irresistibly charming Mamma Mia! The Movie. Academy accident, her ghost is determined to be with him forever. The Lookout (Blu-ray) Award-winner Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast, including However, Junchu is forced to marry another woman, Sansan. Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth as well as up-and-comers Unable to earn his love and affection, Sansan makes a pact Bruce McGill, Carla Gugino, Isla Fisher, Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper, in this musical with Manli’s ghost, but as their love for Junchu clashes their , Jeff Daniels, Matthew celebration of mothers, daughters and fathers, and true loves agreement turns from friendship to terrifying vengeance. lost and new ones found. Based on the Broadway smash-hit Reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock classic Rebecca but with Goode and filled with the ABBA songs you know and love, it’s the a supernatural twist, Matrimony. This is a Blu-Ray DVD made for Blue-laser Format players feel-good experience that will have you singing and dancing Romance, Horror 2007 91min. which produce higher quality picture and sound. . over and over again. Screenwriter Scott Frank (Minority Report) makes a mind- E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 blowing directorial debut in The Lookout - now more riveting Comedy, Musical, Romance 109min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100790 than ever on Blu-ray Disc. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Jeff Daniels and Isla Fisher (Wedding Crashers), this gritty, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100875 high-tension crime thriller „spins a web that will pull you in“ Matrimony (Blu-ray) (Peter Travers, ). Chris „Slapshot“ Pratt (Gor- Flash Point’s Fan Bing Bing stars in this ghostly Chinese don-Levitt), whose once-bright future has been dimmed by a A Man For All Seasons, A love story. When Junchu’s girlfriend, Manli, is killed in a car head injury, is a night janitor at a bank. Lonely and frustrated, accident, her ghost is determined to be with him forever. Chris falls prey to a con man’s seductive promise of romance Charlton Heston, Vanessa Redgrave, Ri- However, Junchu is forced to marry another woman, Sansan. and a better life, and agrees to help rob the bank. Experience chard Johnson, John Gielgud, Roy Kinnear Unable to earn his love and affection, Sansan makes a pact stunning, „you are there“ visual clarity; jump out of your seat Adaptation of Robert Bolt’s play chronicling Sir Thomas with Manli’s ghost, but as their love for Junchu clashes their as the spectacularly enhanced audio raises suspense to a More’s struggles with corrupt King Henry VIII. agreement turns from friendship to terrifying vengeance. fever pitch. You’ll hang on each unexpected twist and every TV Movies, Drama, Historical / Period Reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock classic Rebecca but with explo Piece, Religion/Spirituality, Royalty 1988 a supernatural twist, Matrimony. Caper, Crime, Drama, Thieves, Thrillers Romance, Horror 2007 91min. 150min. 2007 99min. E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100800 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101206 09.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100992 Maneater Meet The Browns: Season 1 When Mr. Brown discovers a letter from his deceased father The Lovers & Friends Show A former FBI profiler turned small town sheriff investigates asking him to „take care of the old,“ he dutifully opens a the cannibalistic murders of several local teens, only to learn senior-care facility. Then he finds the second page of his Kendall Starr that killer he’s hunting is a blood-thirsty monster. Starring father’s letter, finishing the sentence „...Thunderbird in the Charming, funny, bright, seductive and mischievous are just a Dean Cain and Stephen Lunsford. garage.“ So begins Mr. Brown’s big adventure. few of the words describing the characters: Lisa (Kendall Horror 2009 91min. Comedy, Drama, Family min. Starr), a med student new to the world of lesbianism; Kai E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 (Marlaina Law), the best friend with the heart of gold who is Lionsgate 30.08.2011 dealing with her psycho ex-girlfriend; Tori (Nicole Pina), the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100778 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100972 entertainment columnist who falls in love with her boss; Yasmin (BeBe Brunswick), an outspoken political firecracker; Master Harold“... And The Boys Mercedes (Christy Rodriguez), the social climbing magazine Meteor Storm editor and Dre (Shakelia Tharpe), the bad boy sweet talker Ving Rhames, Freddie Highmore Kari Matchett, Eric Johnson, Michael who keeps a flock of women. Freddie Highmore (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and Trucco Comedy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Golden Globe winner Ving Rhames (Pulp Fiction) are unforgettable in Athol Fugard’s searing coming of age San Francisco becomes a target for waves of destructive Romance 16min. masterpiece set in apartheid-era South Africa. On a rainy meteors after a rogue comet orbits the earth. For astronomer Wolfe Video 28.06.2011 afternoon in his mother’s tea house, lonely 17 year-old Hally Michelle Young, what was meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101221 and Sam and Willie, two middle-aged black servants, share celestial event turns into her worst nightmare as thousands of idyllic memories of their lifelong friendship. But when Hally meteors break the surface of the atmosphere and bombard the

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 42 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA city. survival of the fittest. Dae-woong. A modern love story steeped in ancient folklore, TV Movies, Action, Disasters, Meteors / Action, Adventure, Comedy 2010 78min. My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho is the latest must-see Korean TV Asteroids, Science Fiction, Space 2010 E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 drama from the creators of You’re Beautiful And My Girl. Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Korean, 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100779 Romance 2010 960min. Monarch Home Video 23.08.2011 Mountain Apple 26.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101027 (Blu-ray + 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101237 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) The Middle: The Complete Se- , Andie MacDowell, , My Life As A Dog: The Criterion cond Season Jeffrey Tambor, F. Murray Abraham, David Collection (Blu-ray) Eden Sher, Patricia Heaton, Neil Flynn, Arquette, Josh Charles, David Goelz, Bill Anton Glanzelius Charlie McDermott, Atticus Shaffer, Chris barretta, Hollywood Hogan Swedish, Classics, Criterion Collection, Kattan Space.It’s Not As Deep As You Think.. are back Foreign, Art House 1985 101min. ABC, Comedy, Family, Family Relationships in a new zany comedy, Muppets From Space. The Muppets embark on a hilarious extraterrestrial adventure in hopes of Criterion 13.09.2011 2010 528min. finding out about ’s past, and discover that Gonzo’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101177 Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 family members are aliens from a distant planet! Gonzo then 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101034 gets a message that his relatives are coming for a visit... from outer space! But when word gets out on ’s talk NCIS: Eight Season Pack show, UFP Mania, that the friendly aliens are coming, a Mike & Molly: The Complete First secret government agency led by K. Edgar Singer (Jeffrey Thrillers, Action, Adventure, CBS, Crime, Tambor) captures Gonzo and goes to great lengths to learn Military, Mystery min. Season when his extra-terrestrial family will arrive. Now only the Muppets, led by Kermit and Miss Piggy, can save Gonzo and Paramount Pictures 23.08.2011 Swoosie Kurtz, Reno Wilson, Nyambi make the world safe for a friendly alien invasion! Muppets 536,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100907 Nyambi, Melissa McCarthy, Katy Mixon, Billy From Space (featuring Andie MacDowell, Ray Liotta and Gardell David Arquette, among others) is a star-studded close NCIS: Los Angeles: The Second Mike & Molly is a love story. It’s about two people, ordinary encounter with far-out fun! yet extraordinary, who have always protected themselves and Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Muppets, Season relied on their ability to laugh through life. Now, with the help Puppets, Science Fiction, TV Remakes of each other — and the Overeaters Anonymous meeting Thrillers, Action, CBS, Crime, Drama, Milita- where they met — they are learning to open up and trust one 1999 min. ry, Navy min. another. But falling in love is no easy task, especially when Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Paramount Pictures 23.08.2011 surrounded by friends and family who are just a little too 16.08.2011 close — and a little too opinionated. From the hilarious minds 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100908 of Two And a Half Men. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101210 CBS, Comedy, Romance 2010 min. NCIS: The Eighth Season Warner Bros. 20.09.2011 The Muppets Take Action, CBS, Drama, Military, Mystery, Navy 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100969 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) min. Frank Oz, Gregory Hines, Joan Rivers, Paramount Pictures 23.08.2011 Mike & Molly: The Complete First Linda Lavin, , , 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100906 Season (Blu-ray) Art Carney, , , Swoosie Kurtz, Reno Wilson, Nyambi David Goelz, James Coco, Steve Whitmore Nikita: The Complete First Broadway bound, the Muppets take Manhattan by storm in this Nyambi, Melissa McCarthy, Katy Mixon, Billy magical musical about breaking into show business! Fresh out Season Gardell of college, Kermit, Fozzie and the entire cast of Kermit’s Aaron Stanford, Maggie Q, Melinda Clarke, Mike & Molly is a love story. It’s about two people, ordinary musical „Manhattan Melodies“ head for the Big Apple with yet extraordinary, who have always protected themselves and plans to turn their small play into a big hit! All they need now , Shane West, Xander relied on their ability to laugh through life. Now, with the help is someone to produce their show! But when no one in town Berkeley of each other — and the Overeaters Anonymous meeting will even meet with them, it’s up to Kermit to believe hard Looks do kill. In this sexy and suspenseful series, Nikita has where they met — they are learning to open up and trust one enough for all of his friends that the show WILL go on! Family gone rogue. Division is an ultra-secret government agency another. But falling in love is no easy task, especially when entertainment has never been more fun than in this comedy whose operatives are recruited young people with severed surrounded by friends and family who are just a little too marking Frank Oz’s solo directorial debut. ties to family, friends and society. Trained to be invisible close — and a little too opinionated. From the hilarious minds Comedy, Family, Muppets, Musical, Puppets assassins, no one ever leaves Division — except the of Two And a Half Men. 1984 min. charming and deadly Nikita, who has managed to escape, CBS, Comedy, Romance 2010 min. making it her mission to undermine the now-corrupt Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Warner Bros. 20.09.2011 organization. A force to be reckoned with, the rogue Nikita 16.08.2011 taunts Division, staying on their radar, but always one step 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100989 ahead. Yet as determined as Nikita is to bring down her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101211 former agency, there are those just as determined to stop her, including Division’s newest recruit Alex, a beautiful young Miller’s Crossing (Blu-ray) My Dear Tom Mix / Don’t Fool woman who seems destined to replace Nikita as their next top John Turturro, Marcia Gay Harden, Albert operative. Finney, J.E. Freeman, Gabriel Byrne, Jon With Love (2 Pack) The CW, Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama Polito Ana Ofelia Murguia, Manuel Ojeda, 2010 1012min. A Coen Brothers Film. Filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen Federico Luppi, Eduardo Palomo Warner Bros. 30.08.2011 (Barton Fink, Fargo) create a complex and graphic vision of According to the films in this two-DVD set, Old Mexico was 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100793 gangsterism set during Prohibition and featuring a riveting filled with handsome men, beautiful women, deep passion, and rouges’ gallery of killers and con men. Leo (Albert Finney), a true romance. And, if that was not the way it really was-well, likeable Irish gangster boss, rules an Eastern city along with that’s the way it should have been. My Dear Tom Mix. hero Nikita: The Complete First Tom (Gabriel Byrne), his trusted lieutenant and counselor. But Tom Mix - the King of the Cowboys - imploring him to ride to just as their authority is challenged by an Italian underboss the rescue on Tony the Wonder Horse to save her village. Season (Blu-ray) (J.E. Freeman), Leo and Tom also fall for the same woman. Don’t Fool With Love. Tomas Gutierrez Alea. Aaron Stanford, Maggie Q, Melinda Clarke, Tom, caught in the jaws of a gangland power struggle, walks a Romance, Western, Double Features, Dra- deadly tightrope as he tries to control and manipulate its Lyndsy Fonseca, Shane West, Xander violent outcomes. ma, Fantasy, Foreign, Mexican 211min. Berkeley Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Thrillers Facets Video 28.06.2011 Looks do kill. In this sexy and suspenseful series, Nikita has 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101236 gone rogue. Division is an ultra-secret government agency 1990 Ltbx DTS 115min. whose operatives are recruited young people with severed 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 ties to family, friends and society. Trained to be invisible 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100960 My Girlfriend Is A Gumiho assassins, no one ever leaves Division — except the In Korean mythology, a „gumiho“ is a nine-tailed fox spirit and charming and deadly Nikita, who has managed to escape, a shape-shifter that usually appears in the guise of a woman making it her mission to undermine the now-corrupt Minty: The Assassin with magical powers and an appetite for human organs. Wan- organization. A force to be reckoned with, the rogue Nikita Minty is a raven haired, punk rock, feminist super heroine, nabe movie star Dae-woong (Lee Seung-Gi, Brilliant Legacy) taunts Division, staying on their radar, but always one step that gets her super powers from eating chocolate. One day learns that a gumiho isn’t so evil after all when he ahead. Yet as determined as Nikita is to bring down her Minty’s agent, Big Boss, is taken hostage by Doctor Brain accidentally frees 500-year-old Mi-ho (Shin Min-Ah) into the former agency, there are those just as determined to stop her, Bender, the evil neuro-scientist. Minty then fights her way up human world. Naive, inquisitive, and beautiful, Mi-ho just including Division’s newest recruit Alex, a beautiful young various perverse floors of Doctor Brain Bender’s paranormal wants to hang out with Dae-woong and eat beef every day, woman who seems destined to replace Nikita as their next top building to rescue Big Boss. Throughout this wild odyssey, bringing barrels of unexpected troubles into his life. Mi-ho operative. Minty educates her adversaries on the fascinating world of learns of a way to become human from a mysterious hunter Crime, Drama, Action, The CW, Thrillers natural science and then uses her beauty, her brains, and named Dong-joo (Noh Min-Woo). But what Mi-ho doesn’t 2010 1012min. pure brutality to demonstrate the biological theory of the know is that her dream of becoming human could end up killing Warner Bros. 30.08.2011

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100801 struggle to make a difference while they also grapple with the can be. With outstanding performances by personal demons that led them there. Join a stellar ensemble and Clayne Crawford, co-writer/director Nick Tomnay takes cast as they portray a flawed but fearless band of doctors us on a suspense-filled ride where nothing is as it seems. The No Ordinary Family: Season 1 who will go to the ends of the earth to change the world for Perfect Host is a slippery psychological thriller that exposes The Powells are about to go from ordinary to extraordinary. the better — one patient at a time. Relive every moment of this true human nature and reveals just how far we’re willing to go After 16 years of marriage, Jim (Michael Chiklis, „The uplifting series, and enjoy never-before-seen bonus features to satisfy our needs. Shield,“ „Fantastic Four“) feels disconnected from his including outtakes and deleted scenes. If you crave Thrillers 93min. workaholic wife, Stephanie (Julie Benz, „Dexter“), and two adventure, suspense, romance and exotic surroundings, go Magnolia Home Entertainment 30.08.2011 teenage children, Daphne (Kay Panabaker, „Summerland“) and Off JJ (Jimmy Bennett, „Star Trek“). To encourage family bonding ABC, Drama 301min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100979 time, Jim decides the family will join Stephanie on her Disney / Buena Vista 23.08.2011 business trip to South America. When their plane crashes into The Perfect Host (Blu-ray) the Amazon River, they barely enjoy a moment to celebrate 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100835 their survival before returning to the grind of everyday life. Warwick Wilson is the consummate host. He carefully But they will soon realize that their lives have been forever Out of Africa (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- prepares for a dinner party, the table impeccably set and the changed. Each member of the family starts to show signs of duck perfectly timed for 8:30 p.m. John Taylor is a career new, unique and distinct super powers. Will their newfound gital Copy) (Blu-ray) criminal. He’s just robbed a bank and needs to get off the streets. He finds himself on Warwick’s doorstep posing as a abilities finally bring them together or push them further Winner of 7 Academy Awards®, including Best Picture, Out of apart? friend of a friend, new to Los Angeles, who’s been mugged Africa is a cinematic masterpiece filled with breathtaking and lost his luggage. As the wine flows and the evening ABC, Comedy, Drama, Family 880min. passion and majestic imagery. Robert Redford and Meryl progresses, we become deeply intertwined in the lives of Lionsgate 06.09.2011 Streep star in the fascinating true story of a woman who these two men and discover just how deceiving appearances 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101005 travels to Kenya to be with her cold husband and falls in love can be. With outstanding performances by David Hyde Pierce with a mysterious adventurer. Directed by Sydney Pollack, and Clayne Crawford, co-writer/director Nick Tomnay takes this epic tale of love, loss and self-discovery amid the us on a suspense-filled ride where nothing is as it seems. The Norwegian Ninja stunning vistas of the African continent is an unparalleled Perfect Host is a slippery psychological thriller that exposes filmmaking achievement. In 1984 high ranking Norwegian diplomat Arne Treholt was true human nature and reveals just how far we’re willing to go tried and convicted of acting as a spy on behalf of the Soviet Romance, Academy Award Winners, AFI to satisfy our needs. Union. But what if the courts got it wrong? What if the case Top 100, Classics, Drama, Epics 161min. Thrillers 93min. against him was a sham? What if - dare we consider - Treholt Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Magnolia Home Entertainment 30.08.2011 was not a spy at all but a patriot of the highest order and the leader of a secret ninja force created by King Olav? A ninja 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100876 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101000 force locked in a secret battle against all who would challenge Norwegian sovereignty? A fictionalized account of Outside The Law The Phantom Carriage: The the most notorious political scandal in Norwegian history, Norwegian Ninja is a deliciously tongue-in-cheek spoof of the Three brothers. One destiny. at all costs. Nominated Criterion Collection for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award, Outside Cold War spy movie, with added ninja action. Because, as The last person to die on New Year’s Eve before the clock everyone knows, every story can be made better with ninjas. The Law is the story of three brothers fighting for Algeria’s independence from France after World War II. strikes twelve is doomed to take the reins of Death’s chariot Blending historical events and actual newsreel footage of the and work tirelessly collecting fresh souls for the next year. Treholt affair with his own less-than-historical elements, War, World War II, Action, Adventure, So says the legend that drives The Phantom Carriage writer-director Thomas Cappelen Malling creates the Crime, Drama, Foreign 138min. (Körkarlen), directed by the father of Swedish cinema, Victor Rushmore of ninja films, a film that wryly questions just how E1 Entertainment 02.08.2011 Sjöström (The Wind), about an alcoholic, abusive ne’er-do- truthful the truth really is. And then sends a ninja to punch the well (Sjöström himself) who is shown the error of his ways truth in the face. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100927 and the pure-of-heart Salvation Army sister who believes in Ninjas, Norwegian, Action, Comedy, Martial his redemption. Based on a novel by Nobel Prize winner Arts 80min. Outside The Law (Blu-ray) Selma Lagerlöf, this extraordinarily rich and innovative silent classic (which inspired Ingmar Bergman to make movies) is a MPI 30.08.2011 Three brothers. One destiny. Freedom at all costs. Nominated Dickensian ghost story and a deeply moving morality tale, as 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101135 for the Best Foreign Language Film Academy Award, Outside well as a showcase for groundbreaking special effects. The Law is the story of three brothers fighting for Algeria’s independence from France after World War II. Silent Film, Swedish, Art House, Criterion Nowhere To Run (Blu-ray) War, World War II, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Collection, Foreign, Ghosts 1920 107min. Ted Levine, Rosanna Arquette, Joss Action, Adventure 2010 138min. Criterion 27.09.2011 Ackland, Kieran Culkin E1 Entertainment 02.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101164 Van Damme is back! An escaped prisoner hiding from 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101167 authorities, Sam always manages to be in the wrong place at The Phantom Carriage: The the right time. Risking his hard-fought freedom, he aids a beautiful young widow against a ruthless developer who Paul Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) wants her land. Hunted by the police and the developer’s Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) The last person to die on New Year’s Eve before the clock hired killers, Sam pulls no punches in his furious fight for reunite as sci-fi geeks taking a pilgrimage to America’s UFO strikes twelve is doomed to take the reins of Death’s chariot survival. heartland. There they meet a smart-ass alien, Paul (voiced by and work tirelessly collecting fresh souls for the next year. Cops, Cult Film / TV, Action 1993 94min. Seth Rogen), who takes them on an insane road trip. As they So says the legend that drives The Phantom Carriage Image Ent. 19.07.2011 struggle to return Paul home, the little might just (Körkarlen), directed by the father of Swedish cinema, Victor take the outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes. From the Sjöström (The Wind), about an alcoholic, abusive ne’er-do- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101125 director of Superbad, Greg Mottola, and with a stellar well (Sjöström himself) who is shown the error of his ways supporting cast including Jason Bateman, Kristen Wiig, Bill and the pure-of-heart Salvation Army sister who believes in Of Gods And Men (Blu-ray + DVD Hader, Joe Lo Truglio, Jane Lynch and Sigourney Weaver, his redemption. Based on a novel by Nobel Prize winner Paul is a must-own comedy adventure not to be missed! Selma Lagerlöf, this extraordinarily rich and innovative silent Combo) (Blu-ray) Aliens, Comedy 2011 min. classic (which inspired Ingmar Bergman to make movies) is a Loosely based on the life of the Cistercian monks of Tibhirine Universal Studios 09.08.2011 Dickensian ghost story and a deeply moving morality tale, as in Algeria, from 1993 until their kidnapping in 1996, Of Gods well as a showcase for groundbreaking special effects. And Men tells a story of eight French Christian monks who 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100843 Silent Film, Swedish, Criterion Collection, live in harmony with their Muslim brothers. When a crew of Foreign, Ghosts, Art House 1920 107min. foreign workers is massacred by an Islamic fundamentalist Paul (Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital group, fear sweeps through the region. The army offers them Criterion 27.09.2011 protection, but the monks refuse. Should they leave? Despite Copy) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101178 the growing menace in their mids, they slowly realize that Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) they have no choice but to stay... come what may. reunite as sci-fi geeks taking a pilgrimage to America’s UFO Phantom Pain 2010 min. heartland. There they meet a smart-ass alien, Paul (voiced by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Seth Rogen), who takes them on an insane road trip. As they A passionate cyclist and urban slacker sees his life change in struggle to return Paul home, the little green man might just an instant when he loses his left leg. But through love, 05.07.2011 take the outcasts from misfits to intergalactic heroes. willpower and introspection, he overcomes the challenge. 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101184 Starring Inglourious Basterds’ Til Schweiger. Based on a true Comedy, Aliens 104min. story. Universal Studios 09.08.2011 Romance, Drama 2011 97min. Off The Map: The Complete First 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100889 E1 Entertainment 30.08.2011 Season 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100948 From the Golden Globe-winning creators of Grey’s Anatomy The Perfect Host comes a riveting new drama about a team of idealistic young Warwick Wilson is the consummate host. He carefully The Pit And The Pendulum doctors committed to saving lives and pushing the boundaries prepares for a dinner party, the table impeccably set and the of medicine with nothing but brains, instinct and the untapped duck perfectly timed for 8:30 p.m. John Taylor is a career Lance Henriksen, Mark Margolis, Stephen healing powers of the uncharted jungle. Experience all the criminal. He’s just robbed a bank and needs to get off the Lee, William J. Norris excitement of Off The Map: The Complete First Season. It may streets. He finds himself on Warwick’s doorstep posing as a be lush and tropical, but it’s a far cry from friend of a friend, new to Los Angeles, who’s been mugged Adventure, Drama, Horror 1991 97min. paradise...Welcome to „La Ciudad des las Estrellas“, a tiny and lost his luggage. As the wine flows and the evening Echo Bridge Home Entertainment village in the South American rainforest with just one progresses, we become deeply intertwined in the lives of 02.08.2011 understaffed, under-stocked medical clinic. Against this low- these two men and discover just how deceiving appearances tech, high-stress backdrop, seven maverick physicians 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100971

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 44 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

09.08.2011 Pray that you drown first. On the beautiful but dangerous waters of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, ship delivery man Predatory Instinct 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100996 Luke and four friends chart a yacht to its new owner. Along A group of young adults meet a charismatic stranger at closing the way, their ship is torn open by sharp rocks and begins to time of the bar where they work. They accept an invitation to Public Enemies (Blu-ray + DVD + sink, leaving the passengers with a terrifying choice: stay on join a gathering he is attending with some friends in a board with slim hope of rescue, or swim twelve miles to the secluded desert house. At first charmed by their interesting Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) nearest island - through shark-infested waters. When they hosts, a violent encounter changes the tone of their evening, From award-winning director (Heat, enter the water, an unstoppable, relentless Great White and the group begins to realize that all is not as it seems with Collateral) comes the film inspired by one of the country’s immediately follows their trail for a white-knuckle chase that their new acquaintances. Faced now with a decision to either most captivating and infamous outlaws John Dillinger. Johnny will fill the waters with blood! From the director of the wait out the morning or plot an escape, they contend not only Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean series) stars as the acclaimed monster hit Black Water comes a pulse-pounding, with the ambiguous true nature of their hosts, but also strange charismatic and elusive bank robber marked by the FBI as visually stunning thriller that never lets go until the final, humanoid creatures roaming the desert who may pose a threat America’s first „Public Enemy Number One.“ Academy heart-stopping scream! to all involved. Award® winner Marion Cotillard (La Vie en Rose) plays Sharks, Thrillers, Australian, Drama, Thrillers, Horror 94min. Billie Frechette, the only woman capable of capturing his Foreign, High Seas, Horror, Killer Animals Brain Damage Films 06.09.2011 heart. Hunted relentlessly by top FBI agent Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale, The Dark Knight), Dillinger engages in an 2010 88min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100981 escalating game of outrunning and outgunning the FBI, Image Ent. 19.07.2011 culminating in an explosive, legendary showdown. „It’s a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101091 Pride & Prejudice (Blu-ray + DVD landmark crime saga“ (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone). Thrillers, Crime, Drama, Historical / Period + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Piece 140min. The Reef (Blu-ray) Academy Award® nominee Keira Knightley stars in the Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Gyton Grantley, Andrew Traucki greatest love story of all time. When Elizabeth Bennet Pray that you drown first. On the beautiful but dangerous (Knightley) meets the handsome Mr. Darcy (Matthew 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100878 waters of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, ship delivery man Macfadyen), she believes he is the last man on earth she Luke and four friends chart a yacht to its new owner. Along could ever marry. But as their lives become intertwined, she Raising Arizona (Blu-ray) the way, their ship is torn open by sharp rocks and begins to finds herself captivated by the very person she swore to sink, leaving the passengers with a terrifying choice: stay on loathe for all eternity. Jane Austen’s masterpiece novel comes Holly Hunter, Nicolas Cage, John Goodman board with slim hope of rescue, or swim twelve miles to the to the screen in the film critics said „makes you believe in true Nicolas Cage, Holly Hunter and John Goodman star in Ethan nearest island - through shark-infested waters. When they love and happily-ever-after“ (Stephen Holden, The New York and Joel Coen’s acclaimed screwball love story filled with enter the water, an unstoppable, relentless Great White Times). mad chases, unexpected plot twists and wild pyrotechnics. immediately follows their trail for a white-knuckle chase that Romance, Drama, Historical / Period Piece Vowing to go straight, a convenience store bandit (Cage) will fill the waters with blood! From the director of the 129min. proposes marriage to the police department’s photographer acclaimed monster hit Black Water comes a pulse-pounding, (Hunter). All is wedded bliss until they discover she’s unable visually stunning thriller that never lets go until the final, Universal Studios 28.06.2011 to get pregnant and are turned down by every adoption agency heart-stopping scream! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100877 in town. It doesn’t take long before they realize the only Sharks, Thrillers, Drama, Foreign, High solution is to kidnap one of the town’s celebrated quintuplets and hit the road! Seas, Horror, Killer Animals, Australian Private Practice: The Complete Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Kidnapping 1987 2010 88min. Fourth Season Ltbx DTS 94min. Image Ent. 19.07.2011 Experience every complex romance, medical crisis and moral 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101126 dilemma of ABC’s Private Practice: The Complete Fourth Season. Don’t miss a moment of TV’s sexiest drama, from the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100961 creators of Grey’s Anatomy. Join the Oceanside Wellness Rounders (Blu-ray) Group family as they try to balance work, friendship and love Reality Star Academy Award winner Matt Damon ( Good Will Hunting, The while they lean on each other for the help and support they Rainmaker) and Edward Norton (The People vs. Larry Flint, need. As Pete and Violet prepare for their wedding day, An Estonian TV station is losing viewers. As a last resort to Primal Fear) lead a critically acclaimed cast in this story of disagreements at the clinic put a strain on Addison and Sam’s get the TV station back on track, they decide to hire a top passion, risk and the extreme price of friendship! Dealt a relationship. Meanwhile, Charlotte and Cooper struggle in the notch producer from L.A. He’s got only one week. Inspired by painful lesson when he blows his hard-earned savings in a aftermath of a traumatic personal event, and Derek’s sister, the notorious Paris Hilton sex tape, the producer organizes a high-, underground card club, master poker player Amelia, returns from Seattle with a destructive secret. It’s a similar scandal in Estonia by manipulating and involving Mike (Damon) thinks he’s played his final hand when he gives season of change and new hope for Dr. Addison Montgomery famous and regular people, in order to create one of the most up gambling for law school and a fresh start with his beautiful and her colleagues. Relive all 22 captivating episodes in this shocking videos ever that will change the history of the news girlfriend (-The Last Time I Committed spectacular 5-disc collection, complete with never-before- and the whole country. Suicide).But then, his best buddy (Norton) gets out of prison seen bonus features. ABC’s Private Practice is riveting Romance, Drama 84min. and in over his head with a ruthless Russian card shark drama at its best! E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 (-In The Line Of Fire, Con Air). From there, ABC, Drama, Romance 774min. Mike’s strong sense of loyalty and the irresistible lure of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100940 game draw strong sense of loyalty and the irresistible lure of Disney / Buena Vista 13.09.2011 the game draw him back to the tables in a do-or-die bid to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100849 Rec 2 rescue his friend! In this riveting motion picture also featuring John Turturro(The truce, The Big Lebowski) and Martin Manuela Velasco, Jonathan Mellor, Oscar Landau (Ed Wood, Mike ultimately finds himself forced to A Proper Violence Zafra wager his very future in a game he cannot afford to l After being released from prison, Morgan Edwards is striving The highly anticipated sequel to one of the scariest films of all Crime, Drama, Gamblers 121min. for change and searching for a new life. Desperate for time, Rec 2 picks up 15 minutes from where we left off, taking Lionsgate 23.08.2011 connection, he accompanies three strangers into the woods, us back into the quarantined apartment building where a and is forced to confront the demons of his past. When it is terrifying virus runs rampant. What they find inside lies 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100993 revealed that his new-found friends are connected to his beyond the scope of medical science - a demonic nightmare alleged crimes, redemption becomes secondary to survival. more terrifying than they could possibly imagine. Sci-Fi Collector’s Set V. 7 Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 102min. Spanish, Thrillers, Foreign, Horror 2009 Judd Nelson, Kristen Quintrall, Katee E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 84min. Sackhoff, Kristy Swanson, Paul Logan, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100928 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Jeremy London, Don Wilson 12.07.2011 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Action, Drama, The Prophecy 3: The Ascent (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101182 Horror 2007 355min. ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Christopher Walken, Brad Dourif, Kayren Red Faction: Origins 02.08.2011 Butler, Vincent Spano, Steve Hytner, Dave Twenty-five years have passed since Alec Mason (Robert Patrick) led the Martian Colonies to freedom...and 12 years 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101010 Buzzotta since vengeful enemies killed his wife, kidnapped his Mankind’s last hope from total destruction!. Christopher daughter Lyra (Tamzin Merchant), and left a broken hero in Scream Triliogy (Blu-ray) Walken and Vincent Spano star in The Ascent, the third their wake. Jake Mason (Brian J. Smith), Alec’s last thrilling installment of the action-packed Prophecy trilogy. As surviving son and an officer in the Red Faction Militia, has Murder Mysteries, Slasher, Boxed Sets, fearsome armies of rebel angels continue to wage war in his world turned inside out when he discovers that now, 12 Film About Film, Horror, Horror Series min. heaven and on earth, Pyriel, the brutal Angel of Genocide, years after her kidnapping, his sister is still alive. As a rises to power with the evil intent to destroy all of mankind. powerful new enemy swarms across the planet, Jake goes out Lionsgate 06.09.2011 The only one on earth with the ability to stop the bloodshed is to find her, only to learn that his lost sister is one of them...a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101179 Danyael, who was born of an angel and a woman. But he is cold-blooded soldier sworn to destroy the Red Faction. unaware of his true purpose...until, during a harrowing min. journey of discovery, Danyael meets Gabriel (Walken), the The Sentiment Of The Flesh Universal Studios 30.08.2011 fallen angel who has acted as his secret guardian. Brace Thibault Vincon, Pascal Nzonzi, Emmanuel yourself for an epic battle of the ages, as Danyael sets out to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100845 confront Pyriel in a bid to save the world and fulfill his Salinger ultimate destiny. A dark, sensual psychological thriller. A psycho-sexual Fantasy, Horror, Thrillers 2000 89min. The Reef thriller about Helena, an anatomical drawing student, and Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Gyton Grantley, Andrew Traucki Benoit, a young radiologist, whose mutual attraction leads to a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA dark obsession with the human body. In the tradition of David 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100964 million contract is put out on him, Aces tries to pull his Croenenberg’s Dead Ringers, The Sentiment Of The Flesh greatest disappearing act before a rogues’ gallery of ex-cons, fearlessly explores the limits of eroticism as the characters hit men and smokin’ hot assassins tries to rub him out in this enter into a bizarre game of pushing each other’s sexual Sinbad And The Minotaur dark action comedy that takes no prisoners. boundaries. On a dangerous quest for a legendary treasure, Sinbad Thrillers, Action, Comedy, Crime, Dark Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Drama, ventures into an ancient labyrinth where he must face the Comedy 109min. Erotica, Foreign, French 2010 91min. deadly Minotaur. Featuring Manu Bennett (Starz hit series Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Strand Releasing 26.07.2011 Spartacus). As seen on . Action, Adventure 2011 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100880 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100986 E1 Entertainment 30.08.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100949 Sons Of Anarchy: Season Three Serenity (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Ron Perlman, Katey Sagal, Mark Boone Copy) (Blu-ray) Sister Wives 2 Junior, Charlie Hunnam The action-packed adventure Serenity continues on Blu-ray Just as the sister wives get comfortable with fourth wife The sins of the father come crashing down on the son in the Hi-Def! With exclusive all-new bonus features, this must-own Robyn and her children; the Brown family is once again stunning, suspense-filled Season Three of Sons Of Anarchy! edition takes you deeper into the incredible worlds created by thrown into turmoil. Coming out of the closet has changed Chaos and confusion reign after Jax’s infant son has been (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly). some things for the better, as they don’t have to hide their kidnapped and Gemma (Golden Globe winner Katey Sagal) It’s an edge-of-your-seat experience that can’t be missed. lifestyle anymore, but immediately after going public as has been framed for murder. When Abel’s trail leads Science Fiction, Space, Action, Adventure, polygamists they learn that they are under investigation by the SAMCRO to Belfast, Ireland, secrets are revealed and the Based On TV Show 119min. police. They try to go on with their lives, but the tension bonds of brotherhood are shattered. Jax is left reeling with mounts steadily, until finally, fearing that their happy loving more questions than answers as he struggles with the legacy Universal Studios 28.06.2011 family could be torn apart, the Browns make an enormous of his father, the future of the club, and the fate of the family. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100879 decision. Action, Adventure, Drama, Gangs 2010 Family Relationships, Reality, Religion/ 591min. Sherlock Holmes Film Festival Spirituality 195min. 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 Basil Rathbone, Christopher Lee, Nigel Gaiam Americas 27.09.2011 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101040 Bruce 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101118 Dressed To Kill Sherlock Holmes And The Secret Weapon Sons Of Anarchy: Season Three Terror by Night Woman In Green Sherlock Holmes And The Skateland Deadly Necklace Murder At The Baskervilles The Sign Of (Blu-ray) Four The Specked Band A Study In Scarlet The Triumph Of Shiloh Fernandez, Ashley Greene Ron Perlman, Katey Sagal, Mark Boone Sherlock Holmes It was a time when life was easy... in a place they thought Junior, Charlie Hunnam Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Sherlock would never change.. Ashley Green (Twilight Saga) and Shiloh Fernandez (Red Riding Hood) co-star in this powerful The sins of the father come crashing down on the son in the Holmes, Classics, Detectives 1020min. coming-of-age drama that took the film festival circuit by stunning, suspense-filled Season Three of Sons Of Anarchy! Image Ent. 21.07.2011 storm. For Ritchie Wheeler (Fernandez), a carefree teenager Chaos and confusion reign after Jax’s infant son has been 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101092 growing up in a small Texas town, Skateland is more than just kidnapped and Gemma (Golden Globe winner Katey Sagal) a local roller rink... it’s a fading symbol of friendship and good has been framed for murder. When Abel’s trail leads times. Now, everything’s changing and the one thing Ritchie SAMCRO to Belfast, Ireland, secrets are revealed and the Shockorama: The William can hang on to is his budding romance with the sweet and bonds of brotherhood are shattered. Jax is left reeling with beautiful Michelle (Green). But one fateful night will force more questions than answers as he struggles with the legacy Beaudine Collection Ritchie to face the future and make the most important of his father, the future of the club, and the fate of the family. Narda Onyx, John Lupton, Cal Bolder decision of his life. Drama, Gangs, Action, Adventure 2010 Two great movies from William Beaudine! The world’s most Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS 98min. 591min. diabolical killer! The world’s deadliest gunfighter! Dracula 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 travels to the American West, intent on making a beautiful ranch owner his next victim. Her fiancé, the outlaw Billy the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100826 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101054 Kid, finds out about it and rushes to save her. A great Cheezy Flick - and one we are sure you will love as much as we did! Skateland (Blu-ray) Soul Surfer Legendary outlaw of the Old West, Jesse James (John Lupton), joins a small gang and attempts to pull a stagecoach Shiloh Fernandez, Ashley Greene Dennis Quaid, , Helen robbery. When things go wrong, he finds himself on the run It was a time when life was easy... in a place they thought Hunt, AnnaSophia Robb, Lorraine Nicholson from Marshal MacPhee. With MacPhee on the hunt, Jessie would never change.. Ashley Green (Twilight Saga) and hides out in a castle with a very peculiar tenant - Baron Shiloh Fernandez (Red Riding Hood) co-star in this powerful Sports, Surf, Action, Drama 2011 min. Frankenstein’s granddaughter Maria (Narda Onyx), who, coming-of-age drama that took the film festival circuit by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment after killing just about everyone in the surrounding town, storm. For Ritchie Wheeler (Fernandez), a carefree teenager 02.08.2011 proceeds to transform Jesse’s slow-witted pal Hank (Cal growing up in a small Texas town, Skateland is more than just Bolder) into a bald zombie, which she lovingly names Igor. a local roller rink... it’s a fading symbol of friendship and good 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101189 Western, Cult Film / TV, Dracula, Franken- times. Now, everything’s changing and the one thing Ritchie can hang on to is his budding romance with the sweet and Soul Surfer (Blu-ray + DVD Com- stein, Horror, Monsters 161min. beautiful Michelle (Green). But one fateful night will force Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Ritchie to face the future and make the most important bo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101056 decision of his life. Dennis Quaid, Carrie Underwood, Helen Drama 2010 Ltbx DTS 98min. Hunt, AnnaSophia Robb, Lorraine Nicholson 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 Silver Screen Cowboys Drama, Action, Sports, Surf 2011 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100957 Collection Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 02.08.2011 Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Nan Leslie, Mary Smoke Screen Lee, Carol Hughes, Ann Rutherford, Julie 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101212 Currie Graham, Jaime Pressly, Garwin Bishop, Maxine Doyle, Sally Payne, Sanford Spooky Buddies Katherine DeMille, Elyse Knox, Patricia Based on the electrifying novel by best-selling author Sandra White, Mary Hart, Sally March, Bob Steele, Brown, television reporter Britt Shelley (Jaime Pressly, TV’s Disney’s irresistible talking puppies are back in an all-new Smiley Burnette, Clayton Moore, Noah My Name is Earl) made her name by uncovering a story movie that takes them far across town to a mysterious mansion regarding arson at a police station and the deception where something very spooky is going on. With the help of Beery Jr, Dale Evans, George Hayes, Ken surrounding it. Five years later, Britt wakes up next to the some unexpected new friends — including a friendly ghost — Maynard, Jack La Rue, Fred Kohler, dead body of one of the detectives involved in the story, not this exciting adventure is howling-good Buddy fun. In a race Thurston Hall, Morgan Wallace, Earle remembering a thing that happened. Now, she’s caught up in a against a no-good hound, the Buddies and their new friends, web of corruption, involving not only the police department, Pip, Zelda, Rodney and Skip, must stop Warwick the Warlock Hodgins, Frances Grant, Ivan Miller but also major political players who have everything to lose if — and save the world from his dastardly deeds. Overflowing 26 classic westerns starring Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and the truth is uncovered. with action, humor, and a bag full of bonus features, Spooky Randolph Scott. Billy The Kid Returns. In Old Caliente. Buddies is a spooktacular adventure that treats you to a Rough Riders’ Round-Up. The Arizona Kid. Sheriff of Mystery, Crime, Thrillers, TV Movies 2010 celebration of friendship and teamwork your whole family will Tombstone. The Carson City Kid. Young Bill Kickok. Home In min. enjoy. Oklahoma. King of the Cowboys. The Cowboy and the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Disney, Family 88min. Senorita. Man of the Frontier. Oh, Susanna!. Rim of the Canyon. Public Cowboy No. 1. Round-Up Time In Texas. 16.08.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 20.09.2011 Riders of the Whistling Pines. Springtime in the Rockies. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101191 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100841 Rootin’ Tootin’ Rhythm. In Old Santa Fe. Man From Music Mountain. Rage at Dawn. To The Last Man. Wagon Wheels. Buffalo Stampede. The Fighting Westerner. Abilene Town. Smokin’ Aces (Blu-ray + DVD + Spooky Buddies (Blu-Ray + DVD Spaghetti Westerns, Western, Collections Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Combo) (Blu-ray) 1949 FF S 1611min. Slick Las Vegas illusionist Buddy „Aces“ Israel isn’t playing Disney’s irresistible talking puppies are back in an all-new Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 nice. Turns out, he’s telling mob secrets to the FBI. After a $1 movie that takes them far across town to a mysterious mansion

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA where something very spooky is going on. With the help of Comedy, Dark Comedy, Foreign, Horror min. English some unexpected new friends — including a friendly ghost — Breaking Glass Pictures 02.08.2011 Love. Unattainable. Forbidden. Forever.. The Thorn Birds. A this exciting adventure is howling-good Buddy fun. In a race priest torn between God and human passion. A beautiful girl against a no-good hound, the Buddies and their new friends, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101008 desiring only what she cannot have. Five decades of ambition, Pip, Zelda, Rodney and Skip, must stop Warwick the Warlock fear, longing and revenge. From Colleen McCullough’s — and save the world from his dastardly deeds. Overflowing Supernatural: The Complete bestseller, The Thorn Birds tells this epic story against the with action, humor, and a bag full of bonus features, Spooky limitless horizons of Australia’s Outback. With a brilliant all- Buddies is a spooktacular adventure that treats you to a Sixth Season star cast, this TV landmark won six Emmy Awards and celebration of friendship and teamwork your whole family will remains one of the most beloved miniseries of all time. Mary enjoy. Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki Carson (Barbara Stanwyck), the owner of a large sheep Disney, Family 2011 88min. The prize: ending the Apocalypse. The price: Sam’s life. ranch, becomes enamored of parish priest Ralph de Disney / Buena Vista 20.09.2011 Season 5’s horrific finale left Dean alone, as Sam descended Briccasart (Richard Chamberlain) even as he takes notice of into Hell. Now a different man, Dean vows to stop hunting and Mary’s niece Meggie Cleary (Sydney Penny, later Rachel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100855 devote himself to building a family with Lisa and her son Ben. Ward). When Ralph does not return her ardor, Mary plots to Then, mysteriously, Sam reappears, drawing Dean back into influence his destiny - even from the grave. Although drawn to Spooky Buddies (DVD + Blu-Ray the old life. But Sam’s a different man too. He’s returned Meggie, Rev. de Bricassart leaves the parish to begin his without his soul. How the Winchesters confront this greatest climb in the Church hierarchy. The Clearys (Jean Simmons Combo) (Blu-ray) challenge yet to their powerful bond is the troubled heart - and Richard Kiley) agree to run Drogheda, a decision that and soul - of the profound and thrilling 5-Disc, 22-Episode leads to catastrophe and death. Ordained an archbishop in Disney’s irresistible talking puppies are back in an all-new Season 6. As the brothers struggle to reunite, they must also movie that takes them far across town to a mysterious mansion , Ralph is still tormented by his love for Meggie, who battle deadly supernatural forces. Demons. Angels. Vampires. marrie where something very spooky is going on. With the help of Shapeshifters. And a terrifying new foe called the Mother of some unexpected new friends — including a friendly ghost — All. ABC, Drama, Religion/Spirituality, Romance this exciting adventure is howling-good Buddy fun. In a race 1983 666min. against a no-good hound, the Buddies and their new friends, The CW, Thrillers, Drama, Horror, Mystery Pip, Zelda, Rodney and Skip, must stop Warwick the Warlock 2010 924min. Warner Bros. 21.06.2011 — and save the world from his dastardly deeds. Overflowing Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101068 with action, humor, and a bag full of bonus features, Spooky Buddies is a spooktacular adventure that treats you to a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101030 celebration of friendship and teamwork your whole family will Tim And Eric Awesome Show, enjoy. Supernatural: The Complete Great Job!: Seasons 1 - 5 Disney, Family 2011 88min. Sixth Season (Blu-ray) Eric Wareheim, Tim Heidecker Disney / Buena Vista 20.09.2011 Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is a fast paced, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100856 Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles absurd collection of short films, parodies, animations, The prize: ending the Apocalypse. The price: Sam’s life. emotions, phone calls, pranks and musical numbers featuring Season 5’s horrific finale left Dean alone, as Sam descended comedians, celebrities, bad actors and pets. From the Spy Game (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- into Hell. Now a different man, Dean vows to stop hunting and creators of . devote himself to building a family with Lisa and her son Ben. tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Then, mysteriously, Sam reappears, drawing Dean back into Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Comedy, When a top-secret, unauthorized mission goes awry, CIA the old life. But Sam’s a different man too. He’s returned Sketch Comedy 600min. agent Tom Bishop (Brad Pitt) is captured-and sentenced to without his soul. How the Winchesters confront this greatest Warner Bros. 05.07.2011 die. With just 24 hours to get him out alive, Bishop’s boss, challenge yet to their powerful bond is the troubled heart - Nathan Muir (Robert Redford), must battle enemies abroad and soul - of the profound and thrilling 5-Disc, 22-Episode 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101073 and the system inside the CIA to save his friend. Now the Season 6. As the brothers struggle to reunite, they must also clock is ticking and the race is on ... as the deadliest game of battle deadly supernatural forces. Demons. Angels. Vampires. To Be Twenty (Avere Vent’ Anni) all explodes into the spectacular, adrenaline-fueled thriller Shapeshifters. And a terrifying new foe called the Mother of that ABC Radio says „sizzles with suspense!“ All. Sex and politics caused the censoring of many Italian films of the 1960’s and 70’s and this version of To Be Twenty (Avere Special Forces, Thrillers, Action 127min. Drama, Horror, Mystery, The CW, Thrillers Vent’anni) includes the first original uncut version never Universal Studios 28.06.2011 2010 924min. before available on DVD (the cut / re-edited version is also 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100881 Warner Bros. 13.09.2011 included). Twenty-something, beautiful, sexy and liberated, and fed up with their provincial lives, Lia and Tina decide to 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101050 hitchhike their way to Rome to find a commune where they can State Of Play (Blu-ray + DVD + stay and live the life of free love... or so they think. Things Swingers (Blu-ray) don’t go as they have planned though, and soon they become Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) involved in prostitution, the police and an aggressive gang Academy Award®-winner leads an all-star Hip and Hilarious-critics and audiences alike are raving which all culminates with a brutal and unexpected violent end. cast, including Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams & Helen Mirren about this must-see comedy hit that’s so money, it catapulted Erotica, Foreign, Italian 1978 86min. in the blistering thriller about deception, manipulation & Vince Vaughn (The Break-Up, Wedding Crashers) and Jon corruption. When D.C. Reporter Cal McCaffrey (Crowe) is Favreau (Couples Retreat, Iron Man) to stardom! It’s the E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 assigned to investigate the murder of an assistant to an up- laugh-out-loud look at a fun group of friends who spend their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100796 and-coming politician (Affleck), he uncovers a conspiracy that days looking for work and their nights in and out of threatens to bring down the nation’s power structures. In a Hollywood’s coolest after-hours hangouts! When the lovesick town of spin-doctors and wealthy power brokers, he will Mike (Jon Favreau) can’t seem to shake a relationship rut, Traffic (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital discover one truth: when fortunes are at stake, no one’s his smooth, fast talking buddy Trent (Vince Vaughn) decides Copy) (Blu-ray) integrity, love or life is safe. From director Kevin Macdonald he’ll do whatever it takes to show Mike a good time! Whether of The Last King of Scotland, State of Play brings together laughing over martinis in smoky cocktail lounges...or Winner of four Academy Awards®, including Best Director, gripping performances, riveting suspense and is searching for beautiful babies on an outrages road trip to Traffic is „an astonishing experience!“ (Jeffrey Lyons, „sophisticated, intelligent and powerful“ (Shawn Edwards, Vegas, the young Swingers are determined to rewrite the WNBC-TV ). It’s the high-stakes, high-risk world of the drug Fox-TV). rules of modern dating! trade as seen through a well-blended mix of interrelated Road Trips, Art House, Comedy, Cult Film / stories: a Mexican policeman (Benicio Del Toro) finds himself 128min. and his partner caught in an often deadly web of corruption; a Universal Studios 28.06.2011 TV, Drama 98min. pair of DEA agents (Don Cheadle and Luis Guzmán) work 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100882 Lionsgate 23.08.2011 undercover in a sordid and dangerous part of San Diego; a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100995 wealthy drug baron living in upscale, suburban America is arrested and learns how quickly his unknowing and pampered Strangers Online wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones) takes over his business; and the Erotica, Horror 106min. Sympathy For Delicious (Blu-ray) U.S. President’s new drug czar (Michael Douglas) must deal Juliette Lewis, Laura Linney, Mark Ruffalo, with his increasingly drug-addicted teenage daughter. Breaking Glass Pictures 26.07.2011 Substance Abuse, Academy Award 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100851 Orlando Bloom A newly paralyzed DJ gets more than he bargained for when Winners, Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama he seeks out the world of faith healing. Blessed, or cursed, 148min. Strigoi: The Undead depending on who you ask, with the power to heal, DJ Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Podoleni Village may seem like a typical Eastern European Deliciuos contends with all of the glory and attention that 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100883 town, but when a young local named Vlad goes searching for comes with his newfound gift. his grandfather’s runaway dog, he uncovers a mysterious Comedy, Drama min. death. As Vlad digs deeper into the possible murder mystery, Maya Entertainment 23.08.2011 Treasure Island his trail leads him to the Tirescus - an ex-Communist couple who happen to be the richest landowners in town. Though 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101049 Charlton Heston, Oliver Reed, Richard Vlad is determined to confront the Tirescus, his quest takes a Johnson, Julian Glover, Isla Blair, Christo- sudden detour when he learns that the two bullies may be The Thorn Birds: Complete pher Lee, Christian Bale bloodsuckers in more ways than one...Strigoi: The Undead is TV Movies, Adventure, High Seas, a Vampire movie that defies categorization. Shedding a Collector’s Edition Historical / Period Piece, Pirates, fantastic light on a post-Communist Romanian village, the film Richard Chamberlain, Christopher Plummer, introduces us to an ancient myth: Strigoi, the belief that Swashbucklers 1990 131min. Barbara Stanwyck, Jean Simmons, Jack people who’ve been wronged can rise again to Warner Bros. 27.09.2011 seek justice and satisfy their thirst for blood. A deeply human Thompson, Rachel Ward, Amanda Donohoe, take on an old horror story, this dark comedy explores the old 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101207 world versus the new and delves into the heart of modern Julia Blake, Olivia Burnette, Robert Taylor, Romania. , Simon Westaway, Zach

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 47 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Troll Hunter U-571 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Trevino, Paul Wesley The government says there’s nothing to worry about, it’s just Copy) (Blu-ray) They’re back - and they’re not alone. The seductive a problem with bears making trouble in the mountains and characters of The Vampire Diaries return for a stunning 5- forests of Norway. But local hunters don’t believe it and A U.S. Navy Captain and his crew are just beginning to enjoy Disc 22-Episode Season Two. This time Elena, Stefan, Damon neither do a trio of college students who want to find out the 48 hours of leave when they receive word to immediately and the other residents of Mystic Falls are joined by sinister truth. Armed with a video camera, they trail a mysterious return to duty. On a top-secret assignment, they must disguise new blood. Released from the tomb, Katherine unleashes her „poacher,“ who wants nothing to do with them. But their themselves as Nazis and infiltrate a severely damaged Nazi personal brand of evil in a diabolical plot. The Originals - the persistence lands them straight in the path of the objects of U-boat. Once on board, they are to steal the Nazi’s top-secret world’s oldest and most dangerous vampires - hunt for Elena, his pursuits: Trolls. They soon find themselves documenting decoding device and sink the sub before the Germans catch who discovers she has a terrifying connection to their world. every move of this grizzled, unlikely hero the Troll Hunter, on to what’s really happening. Their mission is more And now bloodsuckers aren’t the only monsters in town. On risking their lives to uncover the secrets of creatures only dangerous and frightening than anything they could have ever moonlit nights, werewolves roam in search of thought to exist in fairy tales. imagined, but one which has the power to turn the tide of victims...including vampires, who succumb to a single Adventure, Horror 103min. battle. werewolf bite. The Vampire Diaries: unending suspense, Thrillers, War, World War II, Drama, Action undying romance. Magnolia Home Entertainment 23.08.2011 117min. The CW, Vampires, Drama, Fantasy, High 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100978 Universal Studios 28.06.2011 School, Horror, Romance 2010 935min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100884 Warner Bros. 30.08.2011 Troll Hunter (Blu-ray) 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101036 The government says there’s nothing to worry about, it’s just a problem with bears making trouble in the mountains and Ultimate Dog Tails Vol. 1 forests of Norway. But local hunters don’t believe it and Action, Adventure, Family 452min. The Vampire Diaries: The neither do a trio of college students who want to find out the Complete Second Season (Blu- truth. Armed with a video camera, they trail a mysterious Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 „poacher,“ who wants nothing to do with them. But their 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101147 ray) persistence lands them straight in the path of the objects of his pursuits: Trolls. They soon find themselves documenting Candice Accola, Sara Canning, Katerina every move of this grizzled, unlikely hero the Troll Hunter, Ultimate Dog Tails Vol. 2 Graham, Kayla Ewell, Ian Somerhalder, Paul risking their lives to uncover the secrets of creatures only Action, Adventure, Family 455min. Wesley, Steven R. McQueen, Michael thought to exist in fairy tales. Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Trevino, Zach Roerig Horror, Adventure 103min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101149 They’re back - and they’re not alone. The seductive Magnolia Home Entertainment 23.08.2011 characters of The Vampire Diaries return for a stunning 4- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100999 Disc 22-Episode Season Two. This time Elena, Stefan, Damon Unanswered Prayers and the other residents of Mystic Falls are joined by sinister Samantha Mathis, Danny Chambers, Patty new blood. Released from the tomb, Katherine unleashes her (Blu-ray) personal brand of evil in a diabolical plot. The Originals - the Duke, Madchen Amick, Jennifer Aspen, Eric world’s oldest and most dangerous vampires - hunt for Elena, Close who discovers she has a terrifying connection to their world. The world’s greatest action hero, Jackie Chan (The Karate And now bloodsuckers aren’t the only monsters in town. On Kid), delivers twice the excitement and twice the fun in this The film explores the themes of marriage, family, community and second chances with love. It is the story of a happily moonlit nights, werewolves roam in search of nonstop, stunt-filled comedy thriller! Starring in dual roles, victims...including vampires, who succumb to a single Jackie plays Boomer, a streetwise martial arts expert living in married father (Eric Close) living the American dream. When the woman (Madchen Amick) of his high school fantasies werewolf bite. The Vampire Diaries: unending suspense, and his long-lost twin brother, John, a classical undying romance. musician from New York! They’ve never met...but when John returns home, he has to face his past and will be presented travels to Hong Kong to give a concert, these total-opposite with a choice that could change his future forever. Drama, Fantasy, High School, Horror, identical brothers become unwittingly mixed up in a hilarious TV Movies, Drama 2010 min. Romance, The CW, Vampires 2010 935min. case of mistaken identity! With hard-hitting martial arts thrills Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Warner Bros. 30.08.2011 and endless comedy hijinks, Twin Dragons packs everything you’ve come to love about the wildly popular movies of 09.08.2011 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101051 stuntmaster Jackie Chan. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101190 Comedy, Martial Arts, Action 89min. Van Helsing (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Uncle Buck (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- gital Copy) (Blu-ray) 09.08.2011 tal Copy) (Blu-ray) The director of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns brings 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100990 John Candy stars in Uncle Buck, the outrageous comedy three of Universal’s classic monsters back to life like never written and directed by John Hughes (The Breakfast Club). before in the action-packed Van Helsing! Legendary monster Twin Dragons / As an idle, good-natured bachelor, Uncle Buck is the last hunter Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman, X-Men) must rely on the person you would think of to watch the kids. However, during help of the beautiful and mysterious Anna Valeris (Kate (Double Feature) a family crisis, he is suddenly left in charge of his nephew Beckinsale, Underworld) as he engages in an epic battle with and nieces. Unaccustomed to suburban life, fun-loving Uncle the ultimate forces of darkness, Dracula, the Wolf Man and Chieng Mount Ha, Mars, Sidney Yim, Buck soon charms his younger relatives Miles and Maizy Frankenstein’s Monster! Get ready for non-stop action and Maggie Cheung, Jackie Chan, Teddy Robin, with his hefty cooking and his new way of doing the laundry. spectacular adventure in this pulse-pounding thrill ride , Jackie Chan, Barry Wong, His carefree style does not impress everyone though - loaded with eye-popping visual effects and exciting bonus especially his rebellious teenage niece, Tia, and his impatient features! Cheung Tung Jo, Teddy Robin, Tsui Hark, girlfriend, Chanice. With a little bit of luck and a lot of love, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Frankenstein, Ringo Lam, Jackie Chan Uncle Buck manages to surprise everyone in this Historical / Period Piece, Horror, Monsters The world’s greatest action hero, Jackie Chan (Rush Hour, heartwarming family comedy. min. Rumble In The Bronx), delivers twice the excitement and Comedy, Family, Family Relationships min. Universal Studios 28.06.2011 twice the fun in this nonstop, stunt-filled comedy thriller! Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Starring in dual roles, Jackie plays Boomer, a streetwise 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100887 martial arts expert living in Hong Kong and his long-lost twin 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100885 brother, John, a classical musician from New York! They’ve never met...but when John travels to Hong Kong to give a Unleashed Unrated (Blu-ray + Venom (Blu-ray) concert, these total-opposite identical brothers become Meagan Good, Agnes Bruckner, Laura unwittingly mixed up in a hilarious case of mistaken identity! DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) With hard-hitting martial arts thrills and endless comedy Ramsey, Method Man, Bijou Phillips, hijinks, Twin Dragons packs everything you’ve come to love Martial-arts superstar Jet Li delivers a breakout performance Jonathan Jackson, D.J. Cotrona, Rick about the wildly popular movies of stuntmaster Jackie Chan. in Unleashed - the gripping, action-packed story about a man International action superstar Jackie Chan (Shanghai Knights raised from childhood by a ruthless crime boss (Academy Cramer and Rush Hour 1 & 2) rules in Dragon Lord), the action- Award® nominee Bob Hoskins) who becomes a violent killing He never hurt a soul until the day he died.. Venom is a fright- packed adventure filled with death-defying stunts and knock- machine. When a blind piano tuner (Academy Award® winner filled voodoo thriller loaded with a sizzling cast of the out fight scenes. Between some of the best and most thrilling Morgan Freeman) takes him in, Danny (Li) tries to start a new screen’s hottest young stars! Set deep in the eerie swamps of stunt action of Chan’s career, lifelong best friends Dragon life, but his brutal past follows him, forcing him to fight back. southern Louisiana - Agnes Bruckner (Murder By Numbers), (Chan) and Cowboy become rivals over a beautiful girl and Featuring breathtaking fight choreography by Yuen Wo Ping Jonathan Jackson (Tuck Everlasting) and Meagan Good (Roll then regain their friendship when they uncover a plot to (The Matrix and Kill Bill: Volumes 1 & 2), Unleashed is a non- Bounce) are among a group of teenagers trying to uncover the stop showcase of „sensational martial-arts sequences“ (Ro- truth behind a friend’s mysterious death. What they find is an Action, Cult Film / TV, Martial Arts min. ger Ebert, Ebert & Roeper). evil force more deadly than anyone could have imagined! Now Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Martial Arts, Action 102min. they are the ones running for their lives! Also starring Bijou 28.06.2011 Universal Studios 28.06.2011 Phillips (Almost Famous) and Method Man (Garden State. Horror, Zombies 2005 87min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101131 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100886 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Twisted Tales 09.08.2011 The Vampire Diaries: The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100994 2001 308min. Complete Second Season E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 Candice Accola, Sara Canning, Katerina 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100783 Vision Graham, Kayla Ewell, Steven R. McQueen, Heino Ferch, Barbara Sukowa, Lena Stol- Zach Roerig, Ian Somerhalder, Michael

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA ze, Hannah Herzsprung Wrecked (Blu-ray) Concerts, , Music, New Wave, Pop Lushly shot in original medieval cloisters of the fairytale-like Oscar winner Adrien Brody (The Pianist, Predators) stars as Music, 1988 FF DD 5.1 German countryside, Vision is the profoundly inspirational a man who wakes up trapped in a crashed car in the middle of 71min. portrait of Hildegard von Bingen, a woman who has emerged nowhere, surrounded by two dead passengers, a pile of cash from the shadows of history as a forward-thinking and and a gun. He has no recollection of who he is or how he got Music Video Distribution 21.06.2011 iconoclastic pioneer of faith, change and enlightenment. A there. Is he an innocent victim? A dangerous criminal? All he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101134 visionary in every sense of the word, this famed 12th-century knows is he’s fighting for his life and his sanity in the middle Benedictine nun was a Christian mystic, composer, of the deep woods. Like a cross between Deliverance and philosopher, playwright, poet, naturalist, scientist, physician, The Bourne Identity, director Michael Greenspan’s feature Afro-Latino Music: Sons Of herbalist and ecological activist. Reuniting with recurrent debut showcases another acclaimed turn by one of the most Benkos / Hands Of God (2 Pack) star Barbara Sukowa, New German Cinema auteur lauded and talented actors of our time. Margarethe von Trotta brings the story of this extraordinary Thrillers 91min. Afro-Latino Music. Hands Of God. figure to cinematic life. In a staggering performance, Sukowa Documentary, Double Features, Drums, MPI 30.08.2011 portrays Hildegard’s fierce determination to expand the Latin Music, Music 106min. responsibilities of nuns within the order, even as she fends 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100956 off outrage from some in the Church over the visions she Facets Video 26.07.2011 claims to receive from God. She was truly a woman ahead of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101245 her time. X Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Foreign, In the erotic thriller X, the oldest profession becomes the most German 2009 110min. dangerous game when two call girls become hunted prey after Bach: Sacred Music - Helmuth they witness a murder. High class prostitute Holly Rowe (the Rilling Zeitgeist Films 19.04.2011 stunning Viva Bianca, Spartacus: Blood and Sand) needs a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101238 partner for the final „date“ of her career - then it’s off to Paris Helmuth Rilling conducts, and also plays the organ, as he and retirement. She recruits 17-year-old runaway Shay examines J.S. Bach’s greatest sacred music, with excerpts (Hanna Mangan Lawrence) for the evening, and the two set from Bach’s organ chorales, oratorios, passions and cantatas Wanted (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital off on what should be an easy job. But when violence on the life of Jesus Christ. Copy) (Blu-ray) explodes unexpectedly, Holly must use her hard-earned Classical Music, Music, Orchestral, Organ savviness and sexual allure to keep them both safe through Wesley’s (James McAvoy) life is over his pathetic old one, 58min. the most terrifying night of their lives. Kultur 30.08.2011 anyway... Fortunately, it is all because of a girl. Enter Thrillers, Drama, Erotica 90min. sizzling-hot Fox (Angelina Jolie), who crashes into his life 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100814 and introduces him to the Fraternity, a secret society of MPI 30.08.2011 assassins, led by the enigmatic Sloan (Morgan Freeman). 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100925 Seems Wes’s long-lost father was killed while working for Bach: Secular Music - Nikolaus the Fraternity and Wes has been selected to target the rogue member who murdered him. But before he can complete his Your Highness Harnoncourt assignment, Wes must first uncover the dark secrets behind Get high and mighty with Danny McBride, James Franco and In this program featuring excerpts from secular works by the Fraternity in order to determine his own destiny. Natalie Portman in Your Highness, the epic and hilarious Johann Sebastian Bach, Nikolaus Harnoncourt strives to Thrillers, Boxed Sets, Crime, Action, Based action-comedy from the director of Pineapple Express. Two reveal something of the mystery and fascination of Bach’s On Comic Book min. royal princes, slacker Thadeous (McBride) and the noble compositional art in the domain of non-sacred music. With his Fabious (Franco) join with an elusive warrior (Portman) on a Concentus musicus Wien and the vocal soloists Janet Perry Universal Studios 28.06.2011 quest to free a princess from an evil wizard. Along the way, and Robert Holl, Harnoncourt interprets passages and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100888 they’ll have to vanquish horrific creatures and traitorous movements from Bach’s Orchestral Suite No. 3, the Branden- knights in this raunchy trip loaded with footage too burg Concertos Nos. 3 and 5, Bach’s arrangement of outrageous for theaters. Benedetto Marcello’s Oboe Concerto and parts of the „Coffee Win Win Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Historical / Cantata“. „In my view, Bach is a total musician. No matter in Academy Award nominee Paul Giamatti stars as a lovable yet what musical domain he lands, he immediately deploys his full long-suffering lawyer and high-school wrestling coach who Period Piece min. resources and creates the greatest music that is imaginable in takes us on a brilliantly heartfelt journey through the game of Universal Studios 09.08.2011 his time in this respective domain. [...] I feel that sacred and life... where you can’t lose ‘em all. When Mike Flaherty 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100844 secular music are of equal value in the lives of all significant (Giamatti) comes across a teenage runaway who also composers, because an important composer of that time was a happens to be a champion wrestler, Mike’s luck turns around believer, and he didn’t make any distinction between the in spectacular fashion. But his win-winsituation soon Your Highness (Blu-ray) spiritual and the secular. In his secular life, he is just as becomes more complicated than he ever imagined when the pious as in his spiritual one, and when he eats and drinks, Get high and mighty with Danny McBride, James Franco and when he lives and loves, he is as much of a Christian boy’s family affairs come into play. Co-starring Oscar nominee Natalie Portman in Your Highness, the epic and hilarious Amy Ryan and directed by Oscar nominee Tom McCarthy, this action-comedy from the director of Pineapple Express. Two Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 55min. touching and funny comedy will leave you cheering. royal princes, slacker Thadeous (McBride) and the noble Kultur 30.08.2011 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 106min. Fabious (Franco) join with an elusive warrior (Portman) on a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100815 20th Century Fox 30.08.2011 quest to free a princess from an evil wizard. Along the way, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101243 they’ll have to vanquish horrific creatures and traitorous knights in this raunchy trip loaded with footage too Bad Company: Live At Wembley outrageous for theaters. Concerts, Music min. Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Historical / Winter In Wartime (Blu-ray + DVD Eagle Rock 28.07.2011 Period Piece min. Combo) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101142 Nazi-occupied Holland, 1945. In a snow-covered village, Universal Studios 09.08.2011 thirteen-year-old Michiel (Martijn Lakemeier) is drawn into 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100890 the Resistance when he aids a wounded British paratrooper. Bad Company: Live At Wembley Michiel’s boyish sense of defiance and adventure soon turns (Blu-ray) to danger and desperation, as Michiel is forced to act without Zokkomon knowing whom to trust among the adults and townspeople Disney presents Zokkomon, a thrilling Bollywood action Concerts, Music min. around him. Wartime’s harsh reality encroaches on childhood adventure film about an ordinary boy who overcomes Eagle Rock 28.07.2011 innocence as Michiel confronts good and evil, courage and extraordinary challenges to become a magical hero. Kunal is duplicity, and his own burden of responsibility. Based on teh an orphaned nine-year-old boy who discovers how cruel life 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101170 bestselling novel by Jan Terlouw. is when he is abandoned by his heartless uncle. Left to fend 2008 min. for himself, Kunal discovers the hero within when he returns Chet Baker: Candy to his village disguised as a ghost-like superhero, Zokkomon, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and rescues the village from his corrupt uncle and inspires Michel Graillier, Chet Baker 26.07.2011 the villagers to let go of superstitions and follow their dreams. A 1985 video recording features legendary jazz trumpeter 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101185 Action, Adventure, Disney, Family 90min. Chet Baker joined by Michel Graillier and Red Mitchell on piano and Jean-Louis Rassinfosse on bass. Also includes an Disney / Buena Vista 26.07.2011 interview with Baker. Track Listing Candy Love For Sale Wrecked 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100805 Tempus Fugue It Sad Walk Red’s Blues Nardis Bye Bye Oscar winner Adrien Brody (The Pianist, Predators) stars as Blackbird My Romance a man who wakes up trapped in a crashed car in the middle of Trumpet, Concerts, Jazz, Music min. nowhere, surrounded by two dead passengers, a pile of cash Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 and a gun. He has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. Is he an innocent victim? A dangerous criminal? All he 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101043 knows is he’s fighting for his life and his sanity in the middle Music of the deep woods. Like a cross between Deliverance and Beastie Boys: The Complete Sto- The Bourne Identity, director Michael Greenspan’s feature A.I.M.S Gala: Live At The Royal debut showcases another acclaimed turn by one of the most ry (+ Autobiographical CD) lauded and talented actors of our time. Albert Hall This 2 disc set celebrates the longevity and quality of the Thrillers 91min. An all-star evening of music filmed live at The Royal Albert Beastie Boys’ extraordinary music and incredible career and MPI 30.08.2011 Hall, London in 1988. This ‘One Night Only’ performance was includes an hour long DVD documentary about the Beasties, recently unearthed from the archives of Rolling Stone Bill the music they’ve made and the lives they’ve led (including 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100924 Wyman, who originally organized this phenomenal live event rare behind the scene footage and exclusive interviews) and which attracted a superstar line-up and featured some of the a CD biography and interview set which fills in numerous most unique collaborations in Rock ‘n’ Roll history. gaps in the Beastie’s story on which the boys themselves

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 49 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA come clean about all manner of topics close to their collective Music, Opera, Performing Arts min. Doobie Brothers: Live At The hearts. Arriving fully formed in the mid-1980’s as obnoxious Naxos 26.07.2011 white boy rappers who fought for their ‘right to party’ and Greek Theatre started a trend that kept every Volkswagen driver wondering 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101098 if their vehicle badge of indent would make it through the Concerts, Music min. night. The Beastie Boys were seen as little more than a quick- Eagle Rock 03.07.2011 buck novelty act upon their entry into the music industry. But Dancehall Gladiator 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101158 some quarter century later, the group remain amongst the most VYBZ Kartel, Gyptian, Bounty Killer, innovative and groundbreaking acts in the world as they Copper Cat continue to release music that is as far removed from those Antonin Dvorak: Sacred Music early tracks as it’s possible to get, in which they incorporate Artists include: Vybz Kartel & The Empire, Jah Vinci, funk, soul, jazz, hip-hop, house rock Popcaan, Bounty Killer & The Alliance, Patex, Iyara, Einstein, Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 281min. Documentary, Music 118min. Atomic, Copper Cat, Lust and Gyptian. Naxos 26.07.2011 World Music, Concerts, Dancehall/Ragga, Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101099 Reggae 60min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101041 Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 Eastern Voices 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101083 Blues And The Alligator: The First World Music, Documentary, Music 110min. Twenty Years Of Alligator Naxos 26.07.2011 : Live At Montreux - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101100 Records Highlights 1973-1991 Koko Taylor, Sonny Boy Williamson Concerts, Jazz, Music min. Emerson Lake & Palmer: 40th Film about famous Chicago blues label, Alligator Records Eagle Rock 21.06.2011 featuring icons such as Koko Taylor and Sonny Boy Anniversary Reunion Concert Williamson as well as newer school blues artists like Kenny 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101150 Neal and Lucky Peterson. The folks at Alligator started a love (Blu-ray) affair with the blues 40 years ago and this is the story of the Deep Purple: Phoenix Rising Greg Lake, Keith Emerson, Carl Palmer first 20 years. Emerson Lake & Palmer, also known as ELP, as English Blues, Music 52min. Concerts, Music min. progressive rock super group. They found success in the Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Eagle Rock 28.06.2011 1790s, sold over forty million albums and headlined large stadium concerts. They legendary rock band reunited to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101044 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101156 celebrate their 40th Anniversary and headlined London’s first High Voltage Rock Festival. This was the historic moment Boomtown Rats: On A Night Like Deep Purple: Phoenix Rising when Emerson Lake & Palmer. min. This (Blu-ray) Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Led by the inimitable Sir Bob Geldorf (and totally Concerts, Music min. overshadowed by his later charity work on the Band Aid and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101052 Live Aid projects), the Boomtown Rats were nevertheless an Eagle Rock 28.06.2011 important and notable band who were a real force in the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101175 Peter Erskine: Everything I Know charts and active between 1975 and 1986. 5 of the band’s top 40 singles, including 2 Number 1’s, are included in this Deep Purple: Phoenix Rising - A Work In Progress rousing performance to a rammed crowd filmed in the Dominion A collection of lessons by Peter Erskine, Professor of Theatre, London in 1985. Track Listing Charmed Lives Lucky (DVD + CD) Practice of Jazz Studies and Director of Drum set Studies Neon Heart Someone’s Looking At You Dave Hold Of Me I and USC’s Thornton School of Music. Recorded in the Don’t Like Mondays Talk In Code Rat Trap Drag Me Down Concerts, Music min. DrumChannel.com studio and produced by industry and Looking After No. 1 Eagle Rock 28.06.2011 pedagogical inspiration Don Lombardi, the video captures Concerts, Music 56min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101155 Peter at his teaching best as he’s accompanied by three of his Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 favorite musicians. These 2 DVDs contain a lifetime of paying 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101035 experience and a year or mores’ worth of lessons. Deep Purple: Video Singles Drums, Instructional, Jazz, Music 2011 Deep Purple 180min. : The Road To The After an 11 year hiatus, superstar hard rocking group Deep Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Railway Purple re-emerged in 1985 with Perfect Strangers, the album which went on to sell 2 million copies worldwide. Equally 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101087 When an artist has made as many truly great albums as David newsworthy for this TV-shy band was the release of their Bowie, there will always be disagreement over which is their first videos, all three of which are presented in The Video Figaro: Living In The Moment Of very finest. So while the selection of Bowie’s iconic 1975 LP, Singles. Here too, are two acclaimed videos from their album Station To Station does not feature as first choice for every The House Of Blue Light, Bad Attitude and The Call Of The A Character fan of the man, it certainly has many who hear it as the essen- Wild reveal a deeper level of Purple. This band’s sense of 15 singers, two countries and the music of Mozart: The stage tial bridge between his just completed Plastic Soul phase and humor is as devastating as their music. Track Listing Call Of his Berlin Trilogy just around the corner. This film traces the was set for and incredible journey between two music The Wild Perfect Strangers Knockin’ At Your Back Door schools, (the Louisville School of Music and the journey from the end of Bowie’s chameleon era (Ziggy Noboody’s Home Stardust, Aladdin Sane, and Diamond Dogs] to the release of Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice, ) Station To Station in early 1976 and in so doing examines how Music, Music Videos 32min. thousands of miles apart in both distance and language, to put this extraordinary set of songs ever came about. Featured Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 on a show. The show, Marriage of Figaro, Amadeus Mozart’s here are rare performance footage, previously unseen archive 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101038 comic opera, would be the language that would unite both material, exclusive period interviews, contributions from casts. Extensive filming throughout the production’s three- those around Bowie at the time, and from the finest writers month period provides insight not only into the rigorous and experts plus seldom seen photos, news reports, location Dialogues Des Carmelites schedule of its performers, but behind the scenes of all the shoots and a host of other features. Also includes ‘extras’ departments responsible for bringing the house to its feet! such as extended interviews, digital interactive gaming Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing Documentary, Music 2010 119min. feature and more. This DVD is not authorized by David Bowie Arts 149min. E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 Music 2011 61min. Naxos 26.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100775 E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101097 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100772 Foreigner: Live Dimebag Darrel: Riffer Madness Universally hailed as one of the most popular rock acts Eric Burdon: The Lost Broadcasts Featuring Nick Bowcott throughout the ’70s and ’80s, Foreigner still puts on an The Lost Broadcasts are a series of Audio and Visual CD/ absolutely thrilling and sensational show thirty years later. DVD sets featuring performances that have rarely been seen Nick Bowcott, Dimebag Darrell Singer Kelly Hansen and lead guitarist Mick Jones are a since the original transmission on German television, in some In this DVD, Dime’s good friend protégé, metal maestro Nick wicked combination on songs like Hot Blooded and Double cases more than forty years ago. Some of the artists featured Bowcott, helps pass Dime’s torch to the next generation. Nick Vision. Foreigner’s showmanship is outstanding and this within the series are legendary and these Lost performances takes 97 Dime’s critical riffs and patterns and uses them as a sensational concert is packed with smash hits like Cold As will be a fine addition to any music fan’s collection. The jumping-off point to help young guitarists play their favorite Ice, Juke Box Hero and Urgent, as well as the newest single session that produced this CD/DVD package was filmed in guitar parts and, more importantly, understand the creativity, Too Late. Night Life Head Games Cold As Ice Waiting For A September 1970 and features four tracks. The performance attitude, feeling and intention underlying each pattern. Nick Girl Like You Too Late Say You Will Long Long Way From features the hit single Spill The Wine alongside Tobacco covers 97 riffs and patterns, killer rhythm guitar, power Home Double Vision Blue Morning Blue Day Dirty White Boy Road, Bare Back Rider and Paint It Black. grooves and pick squeals, psychotic syncopation, holes of Starrider Feels Like the First Time Urgent Juke Box Hero I Music 2011 40min. silence, chromatics, diabolical dyads and much more! Want to Know What Love Is Hot Blooded Guitar, Guitar Rock Instrumental, Heavy Concerts, Music, 2008 105min. E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 Metal, Instructional, Music 90min. Image Ent. 12.07.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100774 Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100898 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101086 Le Coq D’Or Foreigner: Live (Blu-ray)

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Universally hailed as one of the most popular rock acts centuries. Originally established as the private collection of Microcinema DVD 26.07.2011 throughout the ’70s and ’80s, Foreigner still puts on an the Russian Empress Catherine the Great, the collection absolutely thrilling and sensational show thirty years later. continued to grow with works of art regularly added, and in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100846 Singer Kelly Hansen and lead guitarist Mick Jones are a the mid 19th century it was opened to the wider public. As you wicked combination on songs like Hot Blooded and Double encounter the masterpieces of one period after another you B.B. King: Live Vision. Foreigner’s showmanship is outstanding and this will understand how prehistoric cultures arose, developed sensational concert is packed with smash hits like Cold As and died out, then the culture of the antique world, the Re- The man needs no introduction. Truly the reigning king of Ice, Juke Box Hero and Urgent, as well as the newest single naissance period and classicism; each time to die and be blues, over the last 60 years B.B. King has developed one of Too Late. Night Life Head Games Cold As Ice Waiting For A reborn in the works of masters of a later age. Music the world’s most identifiable guitar styles and has influenced Girl Like You Too Late Say You Will Long Long Way From performed by the State Hermitage Orchestra, the Millennium thousands of musicians. Known for integrating precise and Home Double Vision Blue Morning Blue Day Dirty White Boy Chamber Choir and the St Petersburg Neva-Klassika string complex string bends with left hand vibrato, King has a Starrider Feels Like the First Time Urgent Juke Box Hero I quartet will enhance your enjoyment as you travel through the uniquely regal and velvety tone making every note count. With Want to Know What Love Is Hot Blooded museum and visit the different epochs of the various cultures trademark Gibson „Lucille“ settled on his lap, B.B. King on display. presents a concert filled with staggering guitar jams on hits Concerts, Music, Pop Music 2008 105min. like „The Thrill Is Gone“ and „Downhearted.“ In between Image Ent. 12.07.2011 Classical Music, Documentary, Music songs, King’s characteristic affable persona shines through 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100914 116min. as he introduces the band he’s always toured with and shares Kultur 30.08.2011 stories from his life. Throughout the show special guests 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100809 Terrence Howard, Solange, and guitarist Richie Sambora stop Glyndebourne: Comedy & by to jam and pay tribute to this renowned blues master. Don’t miss legend B.B. King performing in his element in this Tragedy The Hollies: The Lost Broadcasts amazing concert! Everyday I Have the Blues See That My Boxed Sets, Music, Opera, Performing Arts Grave Is Kept Clean How Many More Years Downhearted, I The Lost Broadcasts are a series of Audio and Visual CD/ Need You So I Got Some Help I Don’t Need Thrill Is Gone min. DVD sets featuring performances that have rarely been seen Nobody Loves Me But My Mother Let the Good Times Roll Naxos 26.07.2011 since the original transmission on German television, in some Thrill cases more than forty years ago. Some of the artists featured 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101148 within the series are legendary and these Lost performances Blues, Concerts, Music 2009 54min. will be a fine addition to any music fan’s collection. The Image Ent. 12.07.2011 Dave Grohl: The Man With The sessions featured on this CD/DVD package run from May 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100897 1966 through to June 1982. From the sixties we have various Midas Touch sessions spanning May 1966 through to March 1969 and Nearly twenty years since Nirvana imploded, former drummer including versions of some of the bands biggest hits including B.B. King: Live (Blu-ray) Dave Grohl is among the most respected men in I Can’t Let Go, Look Through Any Window, Carrie Ann, The man needs no introduction. Truly the reigning king of and remains a true icon of the American post-grunge Jennifer Eccles Sorry Suzane and Listen To Me. There is blues, over the last 60 years B.B. King has developed one of landscape. Having made his mark in Washington D.C. also the very rare outing of Blowin’ In the Wind. the world’s most identifiable guitar styles and has influenced hardcore band Scream in the mid 1980’s, Grohl is said to have Music 2011 30min. thousands of musicians. Known for integrating precise and performed with more than 30 different bands during his career E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 complex string bends with left hand vibrato, King has a to date, but it will long remain Nirvana and The Foo Fighters uniquely regal and velvety tone making every note count. With for which he is remembered first, last and always. This film 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100781 trademark Gibson „Lucille“ settled on his lap, B.B. King tells the Dave Grohl story from his earliest performances as a presents a concert filled with staggering guitar jams on hits teenager at the 9:30 Club in D.C. right up to his global status The Jam: Transglobal Unity like „The Thrill Is Gone“ and „Downhearted.“ In between as a mainstay in one of the world’s finest bands around today. songs, King’s characteristic affable persona shines through Featuring rare footage throughout, including never before Express as he introduces the band he’s always toured with and shares seen film from his very first appearances, archive stories from his life. Throughout the show special guests performances and interviews, contributions from those who The Jam Terrence Howard, Solange, and guitarist Richie Sambora stop have known him best and a host of other features, this On the 21st of March 1982, a Sunday night at the Bingley Hall by to jam and pay tribute to this renowned blues master. Don’t extraordinary film goes some way to explaining what it is that in Birmingham, give cameramen wisely anchored their miss legend B.B. King performing in his element in this makes Dave Grohl ‘The Man with the Midas Touch’. This film cameras to pillars to avoid the crush of 5000 fans, and waited amazing concert! Everyday I Have the Blues See That My is not authorized by Dave Grohl, his management or record in mounting and nervous excitement to capture the power of Grave Is Kept Clean How Many More Years Downhearted, I company. The Jam... Live! This DVD shows their raw power, emotion Need You So I Got Some Help I Don’t Need Thrill Is Gone and atmosphere of early gigs from a band that changed a Nobody Loves Me But My Mother Let the Good Times Roll Documentary, Music 76min. of young people. This concert presentation was E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 Thril originally released on VHS in 1985 but ever available on Blues, Concerts, Music 2009 54min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100932 DVD. It includes UK number one single Town Called Malice, a cover of Curtis Mayfield class Move On UP and several Image Ent. 12.07.2011 performances of rare Jam material not available elsewhere. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100913 Lionel Hampton & The Golden The band here consists of Paul Weller (Vocal/Guitar), Bruce Foxton(Vocal/Bass), Rick Buckler (Drums), Steve Nichol Men Of Jazz (Trumpet) and Keith Thomas (Saxophone). Adam Laloum It’s truly an all-star with Lionel Hampton and his Alternative, Concerts, Music, Punk min. group of jazz greats, including Clark Terry, Harry ‘Sweets’ Classical Music, Music, Piano 88min. Edison, James Moody, Al Grey, and the rhythm section Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Naxos 26.07.2011 featuring Junior Mance, Jimmy Woode, and Louie Bellson. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101039 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101108 The program includes performances of Lester Leaps In, St. James Infirmary (with an approving Cab Calloway in the audience), On The Sunny Side Of The Street, and more. The Jesus Lizard Club Live From James Moody performs his signature tune, Moody’s Mood for Underground heavyweights The Jesus Lizard return to the Love, and there’s a rare drumming duet with ‘Hamp’ and Louie stage and this DVD Is from the first show of their reunion DMBQ, Suishou No Fune Bellson. It’s jazz royalty at its finest, with Lionel Hampton and tour. The original band (David Yow, Duane Denison, David This documentary looks at Tokyo’s music culture as a his Golden Men of Jazz. Wm, Sims, Mac McNeilly) was untouchable back in the ’90s reflection of Japanese society and in relation to international Blues, Jazz, Music 79min. and are the exception that proves the rule when it comes to music culture. Tokyo’s reputation for an overwhelming variety punk reunion shows/tours. Always, an insanely tight live of global information, media-saturated urban environment and Kultur 30.08.2011 band, this show proves they still got it when it counts. Singer cutting edge innovation, makes it the perfect sample for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100817 David Yow is the demented James Brown to the rest of the addressing a new outlook on music culture as it explore this band’s famous flames, blood, sweat, punches, hair pulling and eccentric music culture set within modern Japanese more! Recorded July 14, 2009. Track Listing Puss Seasick megalopolis. Brands include DMBQ, Suishou no Fune, Heifetz Master Classes Boilermaker Gladiator Destroy Before Reading Mouthbreaker Munemo Senju, Shintaro Miyazaki and more. Jascha Heifetz, this country’s greatest violinist, makes a rare Blue Shot Glamorous Killer McHann One Evening Then Documentary, Japanese, Music 2010 min. television appearance, sharing his technical wizardry and Comes Dudley Chrome Nub Blockbuster Monkey Trick 7 vs. 8 Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 performance wisdom in the acclaimed Master Class Series Thumbscrews Fly On The Wall My Own Urine Dancing filmed at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles in Naked Ladies Wheelchair Epidemic Bloody Mary 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101059 1962. „Heifetz Teaching Rare Television Treat“ - Variety. „It’s Concerts, Music, Punk min. a privilege to look in on Jascha Heifetz, the master violinist, Manchester Fiesta: 5th in action, and this new series catches him in a rare blend of Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 sternness and informality as he works with gifted students.“ - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101080 Anniversary - Part 1 The Globe Gyptian, Copper Cat, Vybez Kartel Violin, Classical Music, Documentary, Music The Judson Church Horse Dance Artists include: Vybz Kartel & The Empire, Jah Vinci,k 1962 221min. Popcaan, Bounty Killer & The Alliance, Patex, Iyara, Einstein, Mike Kelley Atomic, Copper Cat, Lust and Gyptian. Kultur 30.08.2011 An evening of performance and music by Mike Kelley 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100812 presented at the Judson Memorial Church in World Music, Concerts, Dancehall/Ragga, in 2009. Including: The Judson Church Horse Dance and Reggae min. The Hermitage: A Journey In performances of instrumental soundtrack music from Kelley’s Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 Day Is Done, composed in collaboration with Scott Benzel. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101084 Time And Space Plus: the world premier of The Offer (Extracurricular Activity Projective Reconstruction #33), a composition for 12 horns The unique collections held in the Hermitage will take you on and vocalist. Manchester Fiesta: 5th this absorbing journey in time and space. The introduction to Concerts, Music, Performing Arts 2010 the Winter Palace skillfully weaves in the history of the Anniversary - Part 2 museum collection that now dates back more than three 60min.

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Fantan Mojah, Richie Spice, Lady G, Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Salonen in Los Angeles. He is featured rehearsing Debussy’s Impressionistic orchestral piece La Mer with the Los Angeles Spragga Benz, Beenie Man, Kiprich 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101089 Philharmonic at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Music Artists Include: Assassin Khago, Chino, Richie Spice, Center of Los Angeles County, the orchestra’s winter home. Konshens, I-Octane, Fantan Mojah, Spragga Benz, Joseph The Popovich Brothers Of South The eminent Finnish composer and conductor Esa-Pekka Stepper, Kiprich, Lady G, Richi Stephens, Beenie Man and Salonen has been the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s Music Mr. Cool. Chicago Director since 1992. Under his dynamic leadership it is World Music, Concerts, Dancehall/Ragga, In a small community of steel workers, truck drivers, and recognized as one of the world’s most outstanding orchestras, Reggae 60min. teachers on the South Side of Chicago, a musical group called and the exciting musical partnership Salonen has established Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 the Popovich Brothers maintained the traditional music and with his musicians has been widely acclaimed in the interna- rich culture of their Serbian by performing in local tional press. The conductor’s lucidity, efficiency and lack of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101085 venues. During the 1970s, when this poignant but entertaining pretension have promoted a relaxed co-operation between documentary was produced, the Popovich Brothers had been himself and the orchestra which is particularly evident in the Megadeth: That One Night - Live performing for almost 50 years, bringing this music to young rehearsal process. This program gives a fascinating insight generations eager to embrace the culture and values of their into Esa-Pekka Salonen’s rapport with his musicians and also In Buenos Aires (Blu-ray) parents’ native country. The brothers play with an earnest into Debussy’s masterpiece. Filmed at his L.A. home, Esa- passion, making their love of the music and traditions Pekka Salonen talks about Debussy and the challenge his Filmed live at Obras Stadium, Buenos Aires, Argentina, on composition presents. October 9, 2005! Megadeth is one of the most commercially infectious. The Popovich Brothers Of South Chicago. successful heavy metal bands, selling more than 20 million Documentary, Family Relationships, Folk, Classical Music, Documentary, Music albums worldwide, including the Grammy nominated multi- Music 1978 60min. 55min. platinum Countdown to Extinction. In the U.S. alone, Kultur 30.08.2011 Megadeth have received four platinum records, six gold Facets Video 26.07.2011 records, and seven Grammy nominations for Best Metal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101241 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100813 Performance. Blackmail The Universe Set The World Afire Wake Up Dead In My Darkest Hour She Wolf Reckoning Day The Salzburg Concerts A Tout Le Monde Hangar 18 & Return To Hangar I’ll Be There A Portrait: Robert Schumann Tornado Of Souls Trust Something That I’m Not Kick The Classical Music, Documentary, Music, Or- Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 125min. Chair Coming Home Symphony Of Destruction Sells chestral min. Naxos 26.07.2011 Symphony Of Destruction (Alternate Version) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101111 Concerts, Heavy Metal, Music 2005 95min. Naxos 26.07.2011 Image Ent. 12.07.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101107 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100915 The Salzburg Concerts (Blu-ray) Recital At The Teatro Real - Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 125min. Nicki Minaj: Romans Revenge Nights In The Gardens Of Spain Naxos 26.07.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101130 Hood Affairs Enter. brings you an exclusive look into the life Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 103min. of Nicki Minaj with never before seen footage. This DVD Naxos 26.07.2011 contains interviews, photo shoots, performances, exclusive Sistas Of R & B Hip Hop Soul: videos and more. Nicki Minaj has come to be the biggest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101109 female rapper in the game and Hood Affairs shows you how Keyshia Cole & Mary J. Blige she rose to success. Recital At The Teatro Real - Keyshia Cole, Mary J. Blige Documentary, Music, Rap 2011 60min. Mary J. Blige is a true rags-to-riches phenomenon. Brought Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 Nights In The Gardens Of Spain up in the rough and tumble projects of the Bronx, New York, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101081 (Blu-ray) Mary used her unique vocal talents to overcome the odds of the streets. With the gift and perseverance to obtain her Classical Music, Music, Orchestral 103min. dream. Keshia Cole implements a sultry rhythmic voice that Orquesta De Guttarras De Barce- Naxos 26.07.2011 dominates the vocal airwaves. From the mean streets of 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101129 Oakland to the heartland of the hip hop community. lona: Concert Al Palau Documentary, Music 2011 120min. The Orquesta De Guitarras De Barcelona, conducted by Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Sergi Vicente, professor at the Barcelona Conservatory Red Hot Chili Peppers: Higher Superior De Musica del Liceu, has always been popular with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101033 guest soloists. World stars of classical music were regular Ground guests: L. Brouwer, D. Russell, J. Tomas, or J.L. Rodrigo, for Almost thirty years in the business and still as popular as The Spirit Of Africa example. On the first part of this dvd the orchestra plays with ever, the Red Hot Chili Peppers have earned their place as its original scoring. In the second part we see and hear one of the finest American rock bands of all time. And with Music 72min. soloists who were the most frequent guests. Former members new material now pouring out of them after a three year Naxos 26.07.2011 of the orchestra were invited to take part in the third part of hiatus, this extraordinary group is all set to repeat their past the concert. glories once again and delight fans across the globe. This film 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101093 Classical Music, Orchestral 68min. is a celebration of the Chili Peppers longevity, music, Music Video Distribution 26.07.2011 performances and style, and will prove to be the finest The Spirit Of Bellydance document on the band to emerge thus far. Featuring rare 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101183 footage of RHCP, interviews with the band and their ex- Bellydance is one of the most sensual and ancient art forms in members, contributions from their closest allies and the world. The Spirit Of Bellydance is a gathering of some of Pique Dame: The Queen Of colleagues, rare photographs from private archives and the biggest names in bellydance, as well as some of today’s numerous location shots showing the roots of the Chilis, plus hottest rising stars. Be mesmerized by captivating dance Spades a whole bunch of ‘extras’ such as interactive RHCP gaming performances, dramatic lighting, and sensational music from feature, digital discography, beyond DVD section and more. master musicians! Sedone: Orientalis Aubre: Al Bash’shar Classical Music, Music, Opera min. The Red Hot Chili Peppers: Higher Ground provides an ideal Karim Nagi: Mozart Tabla Arabiyya Amanda Rose: Raks Al Naxos 26.07.2011 opportunity for fans to get the low down on this pioneering Shadi Belly Dance Soulfire: Unveiled Dilek: Sulukule Aziza: 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101152 and cutting edge band. With the full story of how they formed Lonely Star by the Sea Sherri Cherchez La Femme: Saisi and how they overcame terrible odds to finally achieve their Festival Maria: Bastannak Lumina Dance Co.: Luxor Baladna goal Guzel Gilmeeva: Warda Willow: Taksim Nay Ansuya: Move Pique Dame: The Queen Of Documentary, Music 2011 60min. Your Body Ansuya with Karim Nagi: Turbo Tabla Bellydance, Dancing, Exotic Workouts, E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 Spades (Blu-ray) Instructional, Instructional Dance, Music 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100780 Classical Music, Music, Opera min. 2011 FF S 69min. Naxos 26.07.2011 Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101172 Rock & Roll Backstage Pass: Four 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101205 Movie Collection Robert Plant: Robert Plant’s Blue Do you love Rock And Roll? Have you always wanted a Various Artists: Gunsmoke Blues backstage pass to your favorite show? Now for the first time Note ever, Paramount Home Entertainment is proud to bring you to One weekend in September, 1971, blues afianado Link Wyler your favorite shows to see your favorite performers. The and his buddies from the Gunsmoke TV production crew, gave Robert Plant in to temptation. On production hiatus, they bolted from Holly- Robert Plant’s journey through the territories that have most trailblazing , the iconic Neil Young, the legendary Rolling Stones, and the great are all together for the first wood to go film Muddy Waters, Big Mama Thornton, Big Joe acutely informed and inspired his music is perhaps one of the Turner and George Harmonica Smith, who were then most multi-faceted of any artist from his generation. His time in this great 4-movie collection. Rolling Stones: Shine A Light. No Direction Home: Bob Dylan. U2: Rattle and Hum. barnstorming the Pacific Northwest with their bands. fantastic voyage has essayed the plantations of Mississippi, Available here, at the height of their careers, is an amazing the deserts and townships of Africa and the settlements of the Documentary, Music min. document of these legendary blues artists in intimate settings Appalachians. Features rare footage, performance archive, Paramount Pictures 30.08.2011 performing and speaking from their collective hearts. recorded interviews, contributions from his closest collaborators, expert critique from the finest music writers, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100919 Documentary, Music 60min. plus location film, news reports seldom seen photographs and E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 a host of other features. Esa-Pekka Salonen In Rehearsal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100944 Documentary, Music 2011 155min. This In Rehearsal program was recorded with Esa-Pekka

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 53 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Giuseppe Verdi: Falstaff elusive championship. In this action-packed program, yo 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101132 Sports, Basketball, Documentary, NBA 2011 Classical Music, Foreign, Italian, Music, min. Musical, Opera, Performing Arts, Plays On Appetite For Love (Softcore) Image Ent. 19.07.2011 Stage min. Holly Stevens, Victoria White, Brooke Lee 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101088 Naxos 26.07.2011 Adams, Tessa Taylor, Sienna Milano, Chris 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101094 Johnson, Ramon Nomar, Seth Gamble, Aa- 5 Day Fit: Abs ron Wilcox, Xander Corvus Giuseppe Verdi: Un Ballo In Tanja Djelevic, Ana Caban, Patricia Moreno, Satisfy your craving.... Explore the hunger you feel for that special someone, a desire so profound that you thirst for their Maschera Five different workouts with one goal in mind: amazing abs! touch... Passion erupts as each physical encounter feeds the Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Musicals Sculpt lean, toned core muscles that not only look great, but sensual craving deep within you...exposing your own special help you with daily life and compliment the rest of your fitness appetite for love... On Stage, Opera 145min. regime DVD Includes Build powerful, lean abs that help you 2010 min. Naxos 26.07.2011 look and feel your best. Focused core work that hits your abs (Softcore) 22.06.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101096 from every angle. No muscle will feel left out of this high- energy cardio and strength blend that increases core strength 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101232 and tone. Powerful martial arts and boxing-inspired moves to Fritz Von Runte: Bowie 2001 - A strength your core and re-shape your body. Create a sleek Black Belt Magazine: Tonfa - Ka- firm body by targeting your entire core, including abs, lower Space Oddity back, hips and glutes. rate Weapon Of Self Defense David Bowie , Fitness, Health, Pilates min. Originally adapted from an Okinawan farm implement, martial Bowie2001 the DVD is a new re-edited version of Kubrick’s Gaiam Americas 06.12.2011 artists today use the Tonfa to perform kata (techniques) and masterpiece 2001 that melds a classic film to reworking of as a self-defense weapon. Even law-enforcement agencies David Bowie songs, showcasing both in new & exquisite was. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101137 use the tonfa as a replacement for the baton. Indeed, Kubodo Fritz Von Runte re-imagined & re-mixed tracks spanning (practicing martial arts with ancient weapons) is now an Bowie’s vast discography creating a unique audio mix piece Alaska: The Edge Of Life established martial art that can be practiced by men, women of cosmic choreography which, woven meticulously, and children for defense as well as performing kata in their complements the visuals & tells a new story. A supersonic Alaska is a land of extremes - the biggest, coldest, windiest, martial art. Former national Freefighting Champion from musical piece, synchronized with an intergalactic film, create wildest. Its climate and land forms are shaped by two oceans, Japan, a member of the Black Belt Hall of Fame and tonfa the transcendent experience of Bowie2001: A Space Oddity. the moving earth and frozen polar air. Through it flows the authority, Fumio Demura teaches proper grips, strikes, Track Listing Ziggy Stardawn Starmann Everyone Says High Yukon River, perhaps the last untamed river on North stances, defense moves, attacks and other techniques that The Golden Dawn of Starmann Changed Angels Have Gone America. In this film, Alaska’s story is told as never before. will improve your overall skill and coordination. Topics Never Get Sound and Vision Life on Mars - 5 Years Later Hi Beautiful photography of stunning landscapes are modified include: Proper gripes, strikes, stances, defense moves, Hi Kaiser Fun Some Are Adventures White Port Gilly’s Grand with computer images to show how populations and natural attacks, techniques for improvement of overall skill and Union Infinite and Beyond The Space Oddity Marching Home forces have changed the land. Intimate portraits show the coordination. The Sound of Fame Heroes Survive 808 Kick Poem The Man spirit of the people, both native to Alaska and those who came Fitness, Health, Martial Arts 46min. Who Sold The World Riddle Dub Pressure Ashes To Dub to change the land ere were dominated by it. Let’s Dub Thursday’s Starchild Easy A Space Oddity A Space Discovery Channel, Documentary 1247min. BayView Entertainment 23.08.2011 Oddity - Second Movement Discovery Channel 06.09.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100918 Music, Science Fiction min. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101104 Music Video Distribution 09.08.2011 British Royal Weddings Of The 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101045 All About: A World Of Learning! 20th Century Vol. 1 Throughout the twentieth century, Royal Weddings were Wagner: Tannhauser events of majestic splendor. People would camp out overnight Educational 390min. Classical Music, Music, Opera, Performing in the streets of London to get a prime location for the Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 procession the next day. They would gather in their thousands Arts min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101151 to garner a glimpse of the newly married couple on the Universal - Music 26.07.2011 balcony of Buckingham Palace. Street parties were held up 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101140 and down the country in celebration - the extravagance, the All About: A World Of Learning! splendor, the sheer pomp and pageantry all combined to make for extraordinary scenes of patriotic pride and national unity. Zoot Sims: In A Sentimental Vol. 2 In this collection we relive all the major Royal Weddings of Educational 390min. the Twentieth Century, seeing them just as they cinema Mood audiences of the time would have experienced them. Join us in Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Red Mitchell, Zoot Sims a comprehensive and nostalgic look back and some of the most 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101153 memorable and extraordinary days, in just royal history, but in In a film shot just months before he died in 1985, legendary the history of Britain. Track Listing: 1922 Princess Mary 1922 saxophonist Zoot Sims plays such jazz classics as Gone with Lord Mountbatten 1923 Prince Albert wed Elizabeth Bowes- the Wind, In A Sentimental Mood, Autumn Leaves, and Castle American Metal: Classic Car Lyon 1934 Duke of Kent weds Princess Marina of Greece Blues. With Red Mitchell on bass and Rune Gustafsson on 1935 Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester 1947 Princess guitar. Track Listings: In A Sentimental Mood Gone With The Commercials Elizabeth weds Prince Philip Wind Castle Blues Sweet Lorraine Autumn Leaves A compendium of commercials from the Golden Age of Ameri- British, Documentary 180min. Concerts, Jazz, Music, Saxophone 1984 can automakers, the 50’s and 60’s, including Chevy, Chrysler Music Video Distribution 17.05.2011 min. / Plymouth, and Ford, plus gas and oil commercials. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101199 Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 2010 89min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101090 E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100785 Cameraman: The Life And Work Of Jack Cardiff America’s Great National Parks Jack Cardiff, Martin Scorsese, Charlton Special Interest Collection Heston, Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall, Kim Explore the canyon’s profound beauty and history. Learn the Hunter, John Mills story hidden within the canyon’s rock layers; explore the A star-studded documentary about one of the greatest Oscar 2011 NBA Champions: Dallas ruins of an ancient Peubloan culture; discover the roots of winning cinematographers to capture the beauty of such stars modern Native Americans within this region. Breathtaking as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren in Mavericks cinematography with a contemporary soundtrack of such memorable classics as The African Queen, The Red Entering the 2011 season, the Dallas Mavericks franchise and dreamscapes and rhythms. Renowned Grand Canyon artist Shoes, Barefoot Contessa and Black Narcissus. With a its roster of veterans had never tasted the glory of an NBA and resident, Bruce Aiken, has contributed astounding footage career spanning more than 80 years, this passionate championship. Fueled by their intense hunger to win, and from rarely seen below-the-rim locations. Celebrate the documentary reveals the craft of one of the cinema’s most bonded by their collective pursuit of success, the Mavericks preservation of Grand Canyon as a National Park and indelible image-makers, Jack Cardiff. finally reached the pinnacle of their sport. Led by NBA Finals discover what threatens its fragile ecosystems in today’s Biography, Documentary, Film About Film MVP Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas upset the Miami Heat to complete modern world. This program takes you on an intimate journey a stirring drive to the 2011 NBA crown. After three first round through the mysterious depths of one of the world’s most 2010 90min. playoff exits in the previous four years, many underestimated scenic natural wonders. Breathtaking imagery of Yosemite Strand Releasing 09.08.2011 the Mavericks when the season began. But with a quiet National Park - from the radiant granite domes of Tuolumne 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100987 determination, Dallas once again emerged as contenders in Meadows and magnificent giant sequoias of Mariposa Grove the West with 57 regular season victories. In the postseason, to the beauty of Yosemite Valley. Observe deer luxuriating in they overcame the Portland Trail Blazers before toppling the sun-dappled forested glens, the wild and resourceful black Cameraman: The Life And Work two-time defending champion Los Angeles Lakers in a bear, coyotes loping across grassy meadows. Behold the stunning sweep, and went on to defeat the young Oklahoma brilliant colors of Autumn - a last festival before Winter when Of Jack Cardiff (Blu-ray) City Thunder in a thrilling Western Conference finals. In the Yosemite becomes a Jack Cardiff, Martin Scorsese, Charlton NBA Finals, the Mavericks avenged their 2006 defeat to Documentary, Educational FF S 170min. Miami, as Nowitzki, their long-time superstar, carried his Heston, Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall, Kim team past Miami’s celebrated Big 3 to finally capture the Music Video Distribution 21.06.2011 Hunter, John Mills

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

A star-studded documentary about one of the greatest Oscar your core. that will touch your heart. winning cinematographers to capture the beauty of such stars Yoga, Fitness, Health 100min. Adventure, Disney, Documentary, as Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Sophia Loren in such memorable classics as The African Queen, The Red Gaiam Americas 06.12.2011 Educational, Family 2011 89min. Shoes, Barefoot Contessa and Black Narcissus. With a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101136 Disney / Buena Vista 04.10.2011 career spanning more than 80 years, this passionate 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101180 documentary reveals the craft of one of the cinema’s most indelible image-makers, Jack Cardiff. : Can A Brother Documentary, Film About Film, Biography Get Some Love? Disneynature: African Cats (DVD 2010 90min. Funnyman Lavell Crawford is quickly climbing the comedic + Blu-ray Combo) (Blu-ray) Strand Releasing 09.08.2011 ranks, taking second place in NBC’s Last Comic Standing and From Disneynature, the studio that brought you Earth and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101002 becoming a rising star. In Can A Brother Get Some Love, Oceans, comes the epic journey African Cats. Set against one Lavell returns to the historic Orpheum Theatre in his of the wildest places on Earth, you’ll experience the hometown of St. Louis and brings down the house with a side- extraordinary adventure of two families as they strive to make The Cat In The Hat:Tricks And splitting performance. Taking on topics such as life in heaven, a home in an untamed land. Stunning high-definition images President Obama and a hilarious bit on a Mama’s take your breath away as you come face-to-face with these Treats unconditional love and the universal rules of grocery majestic kings of the savanna and their true-life love, humor Family min. shopping with her, („You better not touch nothin’... ask for and determination. Blending family bonds with the power and nothin’...or say nothin’) Crawford will have you laughing out majesty of the wild, it’s an exciting, awe-inspiring experience NCircle Entertainment 16.08.2011 loud in this instant comedy classic. that will touch your heart. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101101 Comedy 80min. Adventure, Disney, Documentary, E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 Educational, Family 2011 89min. Chordability 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100937 Disney / Buena Vista 04.10.2011 Mastering the art of jazz voicing for the guitar.. This 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101181 instructional DVD offers a series of specific, in-depth Dalai Lama, H.H.- Contentment, lessons on rudimentary and advanced chord harmony techniques for the jazz guitarist, many of which have not been Joy and Living Well Drenched In Love (Softcore) available before in DVD lesson format. Roni Ben-Hur’s crystalline clarity in these 20 lessons makes clear his Dalai Lama XIV Diana Doll, Poppy Morgan, Briana Blair , reputation is impeccable as an elite jazz guitarist and a H.H. (His Holiness) The Dalai Lama discusses how our Britney Amber, Halie James, Skye Blue, master educator. Section 1, The Drop 2 and Drop 3 Voicings essential human nature is compassionate and affectionate, and Barrett Blade, Anthony Rosano, Marcus (5 lesson chapters) Section 2, Upper Extension Voicings (4 how when this combined with our intellect, this balance can lesson chapters) Section 3, The Diminished Chord (4 lesson contribute to happier human life and a better world for all London, T.J. Cummings, Carlo Carrera chapters) Section 4, Chord Progression Using the Major 6 beings. Mostly English with some Tibetan. Dive deep into your fantasies and find yourself swimming in and Diminished Chords (2 lesson chapters) Section 5, The Buddhist, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality ecstasy. Immerse yourself in each passionate, love soaked Major and Minor 6 Diminished Scales (4 lesson chapters) tale. Plunge into the feeling of bliss as the waves of passiong 165min. move through your body. Imagine being Drenched In Love. Educational, Guitar, Instructional, Jazz Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Wicked Passions 2011 Ltbx 16x9 S 149min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101058 2010 min. Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 Wicked Pictures (Softcore) 22.06.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101202 Dalai Lama, H.H: A Practical Way 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101226 Clarkson: Duel Of Directing Love And Compassion El Greco: Mystic Under The Jeremy Clarkson Blazing Sun BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- Dalai Lama XIV Our basic human nature is compassionate and gentle. H.H. In 1575, a foreigner came to live within the walls of Toledo, national TV 2009 78min. (His Holiness) The Dalai Lama describes how compassion is the spiritual center of Spain. He came from Greece, from the BBC Home Video 18.10.2011 the most precious treasure, and it involves a sense of island of Crete: His name was Kyriakos Theotocopoulos. The 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101070 responsibility for well being of others. Mixed Tibetan and people of Toledo called him El Greco, the Greek. At the court English. of the Spanish King El Greco had had no success, but the Buddhist, Documentary, Religion/Spirituality high dignitaries of Toledo, the bastion of Spanish Catholicism, Clarkson: Supercar Showdown liked his paintings with their somber, passionate 2011 165min. religiousness. Influenced by the icon painting in his home Jeremy Clarkson Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 country and by his years in Venice as a pupil of Titian, El In Supercar Showdown, Jeremy Clarkson travels the planet - Greco developed his unmistakable, expressive style: the from Spain via Strasbourg to Swindon, England - for the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101057 elongated figures in his pictures, painted in flickering forms Supercar Showdown to beat them all. The aim is simple - find and lines and the dramatic character of his landscapes the ultimate Supercar. He starts a fight between a prancing Damn! Is The Price Of Fame Too became his hallmark. This informative and entertaining horse and a raging bull as topless versions of the Ferrari 430 documentary was filmed in the Prado Museum and in the and Lamborghini Gallardo slug it out. The Glassardo’s big Damn High? churches and cloisters of Toledo where El Greco offset the cousin, the Murcielago, weighs in too. The Ferrari 599 GTB Damn! is the the story of Rent is 2 Damn High party founder blazing, summery light with dark, cool colors: This unique Fiorano struts its stuff and Audi’s R8 faces up to the Porsche Jimmy McMillan, a Vietnam veteran, black belt Karate master, program presents these contrasts in impressive shots and GT3 as his special guest, Nurburgring-know-all Sabine private investigator, former , and 70’s soul singer. draws a new picture of this artist, whose baffling modernity Schmitz, takes on The Stig. Jeremy turns into a Formula 1 Jimmy became an overnight sensation when his appearance on has still not lost any of its fascination. hero thanks to a Radical SR3, and he has a fantastic time in the televised 2010 New York gubernatorial debate went viral Biography, Documentary 30min. the Aston Martin Vantage V6 Roadster. Plus there’s a new kid on YouTube, receiving over 2 million views in 24 hours and Kultur 30.08.2011 on the block in the shape of the stunning Ascari A10. And the lifting Jimmy from political obscurity into the international line-up would not be complete without the 1000 horsepower, spotlight. In what becomes an unforgettable journey, Damn!. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100811 252 miles per hour Bugatti Veyron. So he blasts off in one of those too. Meanwhile, everything else explodes as he find out Documentary, Politics 73min. if there is such thing as „too much“ turbo power, a Renault E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 End Time Revelation Alpine A610 comes to the end of the road and he answers the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100931 From his seclusion on the Greek island of Patmos, John wrote big question-which is stronger, the electr letters to the 7 Churches that reveald his vision of the future BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- and the pathway he saw for achieving peace of mind in an Dirty South Movement: Lil Jon & uncertain and fearful world. The coming of the Four Horseman national TV 2007 78min. of the Apocalypse and the earth’s last great crisis, ultimately BBC Home Video 18.10.2011 Three 6 Mafia culminating in the Battle of Armageddon, are all part of John’s 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101071 Lil Jon, Three 6 Mafia vision. Could these 7 messages have meaning for mankind Dirty South Movement: Lil Jon & Three 6 Mafia. today? Documentary, End Of The World, Religion/ Seane Corn: Detox Flow Yoga Documentary, Rap 2011 120min. Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Spirituality 48min. Seane Corn Music Video Distribution 21.06.2011 Internally recognized yoga instructor Seane Corn created 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101032 Detox Flow Yoga as a way to help everyone achieve their 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101133 best life. Benefits of detoxifying include: increased circulation Disneynature: African Cats (Blu- (for better skin tone), elevated energy, lengthening and toning Exporting Raymond of the muscles, and de-stressing of the mind. DVD Includes: ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Sean talks directly to viewers introducing the concept of From Disneynature, the studio that brought you Earth and Philip Rosenthal Detox Flow Yoga as a way to create optimal health. Seane’s Oceans, comes the epic journey African Cats. Set against one Phil Rosenthal created one of the most successful sitcoms of inspirational instruction takes the consumer through a of the wildest places on Earth, you’ll experience the all-time, Exporting Raymond. He was a bona-fide expert in his practice of bending, twisting and stretching in order to extraordinary adventure of two families as they strive to make craft. And then.... the Russians called. In the hilarious detoxify the body. This intermediate practice increases a home in an untamed land. Stunning high-definition images Exporting Raymond, a genuine fish-out-of-water comedy that flexibility while also removing toxins and tension through take your breath away as you come face-to-face with these could only exist in real life, Phil travels to Russia to help focused movement and breath. Learn the benefits of majestic kings of the savanna and their true-life love, humor adapt his beloved sitcom for Russian television. The detoxification along with Seane’s suggestions for bringing and determination. Blending family bonds with the power and Russians don’t share his tastes. They don’t share his sense this concept into all aspects of our life... to life healthier and majesty of the wild, it’s an exciting, awe-inspiring experience of humor. But what Phil did discover was a real comedy, filled happier. A ten minute practice to strengthen, ton, and energize with unique characters and situations that have to be seen to

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA be believed. An audience award winner at multiple film Getting Away From It All animals have often been the focus of spirit encounters. This festivals across the country,Exporting Raymond proves that chilling series delves into the frightening true stories of even if you’ve never seen Exporting Raymond, you’ll still (Softcore) animal hauntings. The Haunted is a chilling and frightening enjoy this wildly entertaining film. Summer, Skye Blue, Brynn Tyler , show featuring true horror stories about animals and the Comedy, Documentary min. paranormal. Each program features one or two stories Kiara Diane, Angelica Raven, Mick Blue, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment recounted in past tense by the people who actually Johnny Castle, Chris Johnson, Bill Bailey experience them. Cinematic recreations serve to heighten the 02.08.2011 There’s nothing like escaping the routines of life with that drama caused by animal contact with the unexplainable and to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101188 special someone ...a time to celebrate passion, give in to lust. bring the witnesses’ testimonies to life. Join five couples as they allow themselves to be swept away Documentary, Ghosts 2009 min. Exporting Raymond (Blu-ray) in the romance of getting away... Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 2011 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101106 Philip Rosenthal Wicked Pictures (Softcore) 22.06.2011 Phil Rosenthal created one of the most successful sitcoms of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101229 all-time, Exporting Raymond. He was a bona-fide expert in his How To Fold A Flag craft. And then.... the Russians called. In the hilarious Seven years after Gunner Palace helped to shape the genre of Exporting Raymond, a genuine fish-out-of-water comedy that Ghost Adventures: Season 3 the Iraq War documentary, filmmakers Michael Tucker and could only exist in real life, Phil travels to Russia to help Petra Epperlein follow up to their 2003 hit documentary and adapt his beloved sitcom for Russian television. The Zak Bagans offer a complex portrait of what it means to come home. Russians don’t share his tastes. They don’t share his sense Renowned paranormal investigator Zak Bagans risks body of humor. But what Phil did discover was a real comedy, filled and soul by calling out ghosts in America’s most sinister Documentary 2009 85min. with unique characters and situations that have to be seen to settings. Investigating reports of spirit sightings in menacing Virgil Films And Entertainment 14.06.2011 be believed. An audience award winner at multiple film locations, from former slaughterhouses and insane asylums to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100824 festivals across the country,Exporting Raymond proves that haunted honky-tonks, Zak and his two fellow investigators even if you’ve never seen Exporting Raymond, you’ll still subject themselves to an overnight lockdown! enjoy this wildly entertaining film. Ghosts, Reality 2010 645min. Hunky Blues Comedy, Documentary 2010 min. Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 The Hungarian immigrant experience is revealed and revered Sony Pictures Home Entertainment in this special documentary by internationally acclaimed 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101120 director Peter Forgacs. Forgacs weaves photographs, home- 02.08.2011 movie footage, and interviews into an epic saga of escape and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101209 Ghost Stories 1 & 2 emigration, and integration and assimilation, as he chronicles the wave of Hungarian immigrants who arrived in America Documentary, Ghosts 2010 403min. between 1890 and 1921. From the rural countryside of Eastern Extraordinary Minds: Zainab Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Europe to Ellis Island, the film follows the struggles of Salbi ordinary Hungarians as they travel the well-trodden path to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101119 the American Dream. Zainab Salbi is Founder and CEO of Women for Women International (WFWI), a humanitarian and development Documentary, Foreign, Hungarian 2009 organization helping women survivors of wars rebuild their Gliding Graceful With Shannon 100min. lives. Since 1993, WFWI has helped 299,000 women Grifiths Fable Facets Video 28.06.2011 survivors of wars access social and economic opportunities through its educational and training programs, and has Gliding Graceful is an elegant combination of power and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101234 distributed more than $95 million in direct aid and micro-credit strength utilizing Gliding discs and fundamental concepts that loans. WFWI was awarded the 2006 Conrad N. Hilton fuse ballet with Pilates and Yoga. You’ll take your sculpting If A Tree Falls: Story Of The Earth Humanitarian Prize, becoming the first women’s organization workouts to the next level by shifting focus to body to receive this honor. Salbi is the author of two books, awareness and enhancing mobility while increasing muscular Liberation Front endurance in a functional fashion. Experience several new including the bestseller Between Two Worlds: Escape from If A Tree Falls: Story Of The Earth Liberation Front is the Tyranny: Growing Up In The Shadow Of Saddam (with Laurie movement patterns and twists on conventional exercises you’ve been doing year, linked together for an innovative remarkable story of the group’s rise and fall told through the Becklund). Salbi and her work have been featured on The transformation and radicalization of one of its members, Oprah Winfrey Show and in other media, and she has been sculpting experience. Gliding Graceful. Equipment required: Gliding Discs. Daniel McGowan. Academy Award nominated filmmaker honored by numerous organizations around the world for her Marshall Curry (Street Fight Racing Dreams) weaves a exceptional service. Fitness, Health 55min. chronicle of McGowan facing life in prison with a dramatic Biography, Documentary, Independent BayView Entertainment 23.08.2011 investigation of the events that led to his involvement with the Women 52min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100916 ELF, creating a film that is equal parts coming-of-age and cops-and-robbers thriller. Using never-before-seen archival Kultur 30.08.2011 footage and intimate interviews - with cell members and with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100816 Godfrey: Black By Accident the prosecutor and detective who were chasing them. If A With his signature wide-eyed humor and treasure trove of Tree Falls. Facez of Death 2000 (7-Pack) voices Godfrey asks the questions that plague the depths of Documentary, Environmental 85min. our being. Why do people duck in the rain and protect just one Oscilloscope Laboratories 30.08.2011 FACT... An act of violence occurs ever 17 seconds. FACT.. An ear? What if guido bouncers ran the TSA? Filmed live at New act of murder occurs every 65 seconds. Dare to take a shok- York City’s Gramercy Theatre, Godfrey brings the house 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101192 king look at our time. We live in a violent era where man’s down in this uncensored and extended special, with over 30 inhumanity to man abounds. Death tolls are rising and acts of minutes of unseen material! IMAX: Ocean Wonderland (Blu- violence are becoming increasingly frequent. As we close in Comedy, Comedy Central 2011 78min. on the year 2000, we must ask ourselves whether or not we ray 3D + Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) can end our cruelty. Witness first hand the horrific acts of Comedy Central 30.08.2011 violence that occur everyday. Murders, carjackings, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100917 Ocean Wonderland 3D is a stunning visual and sensorial executions, drive-by shootings, gang violence, mob hits, diving adventure beneath the waves to the pulsating heart of druge slayings and muc more, far too gruesome to be mention. the oceans: the coral reefs. Join your friendly host Aris the Feel the adrenaline of fear without being there. Witness the Goya: From Humble Abode To turtle and enter this magical and beautiful, yet endangered and raw horror of Facez of Death 2000. fragile world, from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef to the Boxed Sets, Shockumentary 720min. Royal Palace Bahamas. Discover the vast bio-diversity thriving there and This informative documentary traces the development of the the crucial role played by coral reefs within the marine Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 artist Francisco Goya from a painter of serene rococo idylls ecosystem by providing a habitat and food for a wide variety 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101077 to the creator of surrealistic visions of the subconscious. of fish species, and maintaining the well-being of our planet. Goya revealed behind the masks and facades of his Documentary, IMAX min. contemporaries the demonic nature of humanity, thus Universal Studios 07.06.2011 Forks Over Knives destroying the baroque idea of „the divinity of man“. Goya This feature film examines the profound claim that most, if not began as a cartoon painter, creating designs for the royal 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100858 all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be tapestry manufactory. Soon, however, he became the most controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of sought-after portraitist of Madrid’s high society and was IMAX: Sharks (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- animal-based and processed foods. appointed court painter to the King. His paintings breathed the Documentary 2011 Ltbx 16x9 96min. „new bourgeois spirit of the Enlightenment.“ At the age of 46 ray) (Blu-ray) Goya suffered a stroke while painting. For months he was Virgil Films And Entertainment 30.08.2011 paralyzed, and he remained deaf for the rest of his life. Yet Documentary, Educational, IMAX, Sharks 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100818 the loss of his hearing seemed to accentuate his artistic 42min. perception, for it was at this point in his life that his genius Universal Studios 07.06.2011 came to fruition, probing the depths of humankind as if with x- Forks Over Knives (Blu-ray) ray eyes. Not until the 20th century did art once again link up 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100857 This feature film examines the profound claim that most, if not with Goya’s expressive surrealistic visions. all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be Biography, Documentary 30min. Innovation You With Dr. Jeff controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of Kultur 30.08.2011 animal-based and processed foods. Degraff Documentary 2011 96min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100810 Dubbed the ‘Dean of Innovation‘ Dr. Jeff DeGraff is generally Virgil Films And Entertainment 30.08.2011 considered the guru to the innovation gurus! His work on how The Haunted to make innovation happen successfully is widely influential 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100829 in top companies worldwide including GE, Pfizer, Prudential Animals are commonly thought to be more sensitive to the and Coca-Cola to name a few. Now Jeff DeGraff, through a spirit world than humans are. Both in this world and beyond,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 56 Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Juni 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA national Public TV special, brings his groundbreakding trying to keep your eye on the ball can have hilarious results. approach of innovation to a personal level - You! This 3 DVD Watch again and again as stars and amateurs flip, trip, slip set includes the national Public TV special, plus another two Radley Metzger’s Erotica and slide through incredible feats and flubs, wounding only discs which contain 7 segments on how to create the ‘Innova- Psychedelica (Blu-ray) their pride in over 1,000 incredible bloopers preserved tion You Mindset.‘ Jeff, along with his colleagues, walk you forever in this one-of-a-kind DVD collection. step-by-step to help you make your goals come true. Plunge into the world of Erotica Psychedelica, the ’70s cinematic sexual revolution captured by Radley Metzger in Sports, Documentary 360min. 360min. elegant Europe. These three masterpieces deliver erotic Music Video Distribution 21.06.2011 E1 Entertainment 19.07.2011 fantasies, surrealism, drugs, parties, orgies, betrayal, and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100763 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100935 seduction, all shot with incomparable visual style accompanied by ultra hip music scores. This box set features restored High-Definition transfers made from the original Outsourced: The Complete Series Iris: The Happy Professor 35mm negatives of the original theatrical versions of Camile Welcome to India: a diverse country of exotic cuisine, Created by award-winning animator Henri Desclez, this 2000 (1969) , The Lickerish Quartet (1970) and Score (1972), fascinating cultures, unique social customs...and the home of world-class preschool series places children in a wacky along with many new Bonus Features, including never before the Mid America Novelties call center. Unsuspecting classroom where Professor Iris reveals the extraordinary seen On the Set footage and an exclusive Soundtrack CD. management trainee Todd Dempsy is shocked when his job behind the ordinary science of things like bees, shapes, big Limited numbered edition of 3,500 copies with collectible and department are relocated to the chaotic city of Mumbai. and small and laughter. Professor Iris with his over-sized lenticular artwork! With no other career options, the Kansas native makes the bowtie and magic teaching stick sings and dances his ways Erotica 293min. jump himself and discovers that his most important work might through lectures. Such enthusiasm! Such knowledge! Profes- E1 Entertainment 30.08.2011 just be teaching his eclectic group of Indian customer service sor Iris astonishes with what he knows and what there is to reps what being American is all about. Developed by writer learn. Under his charms, the classroom fixtures come alive. A 127,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101168 Robert Borden (The Drew Carey Show) and director Ken piano, a plant, a skeleton are puppets as amusing as Iris Kwapis (The Office), it’s 22 episodes of fun and hilarity himself! Jillian Michaels: Killer Buns & where laughter is never lost in translation. Preschool 58min. Boxed Sets, Comedy, Indian, Music Video Distribution 23.08.2011 Thighs Mockumentary, NBC, On The Job min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101063 Jillian Michaels Universal Studios 13.09.2011 Fitness, Health 135min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100967 It Starts With A Kiss (Softcore) Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101138 Alexis Texas, Samantha Ryan, Carolyn Parks And Recreation: Season Reese, Nika Noire, Breanne Benson, Skye Mythbusters: Collection 7 Three Blue, Evan Stone, Tommy Gunn, Cheyne Comedy, Mockumentary, NBC, On The Job Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage Collins, Denis Marti, Ryan Driller 447min. We’ve all felt it, when that special someone steals a glance Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman are special effects who will your way, something stirs within. The anticipation arouses a stop at nothing to find the truth. Using modern day science, Universal Studios 06.09.2011 desire deep inside. An eagerness, yearning to be satisfied, to they put everyday myths and urban legends to test to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100966 be fulfilled. You’ve felt it before. You are powerless to resist determine what’s busted... and what’s confirmed. Joined by it. You’re about to be seduced. You know you will give in. It fellow Mythbusters Tory Belleci, Kari Byron and Grant begins so gently... it starts with a kiss... Imahara, this team always ready to take it to the next level... John Pinette: Still Hungry with explosive results! Mini Myth Mayhem Dumpster Diving Still Hungry is the eagerly-anticipated follow-up to John 2010 min. Antacid Jail Break Unarmed and Unharmed Hidden Nasties Wicked Pictures (Softcore) 22.06.2011 Pinette’s record-breaking I’m Starvin. Boomerang Bullet Soda Cup Killer Drive To Survive Spy Car Comedy 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101230 Escape Bottle Bash Urban Legends, Discovery Channel, E1 Entertainment 02.08.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100926 Kidnap & Rescue Documentary, Educational min. Get an inside look at the true stories of kidnapping, rescue Gaiam Americas 13.09.2011 and recovery. This is a world that has been shrouded in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101112 Punkin Chunkin secrecy, until now. Told in first person by the operators who Brad Sherwood hosts the 2008 Punkin Chunkin Championship risk their lives to bring home the victims of kidnapping and from Bridgeville Delaware. This zany engineering competition hostage situations. Nightmare Next Door is a contest to launch an eight to ten pound pumpkin as far as Crime, Documentary, Kidnapping 2011 Each hour brings a new mystery and a new look behind-the- possible. Zach Selwyn and Mike Senese host the 2009 Punkin scenes of a tight-knight community where bad things don’t Chunkin World Championship from Bridgeville Delaware. 110 215min. usually happen. Interviews with investigators, prosecutors, Teams of backyard engineers will attempt to launch a pumpkin Gaiam Americas 27.09.2011 family members and neighbors piece together a twisting tale of as far as possible and take home the title of world’s furthest 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101116 a classic whodunit... And in true small town style, we’ll spend chunk. Following the heartache and the triumphs of last year’s extra time with the lead investigators, fleshing them out as chunk, teams from across the country have been working year characters, portraying them as the hometown heroes they are. round to build, and in some cases re-build, their prized Korper/S/Nobody 23-year-old Stephanie Bennett is brutally raped and murdered machines. Tempers flare, and sparks fly, as they try to in her suburban Raleigh apartment. Investigators work the complete their 2010 Chunkers! Each year 120 teams of Ballet, Performing Arts 268min. case for years but their leads go nowhere. A closer look at a backyard engineers converge in Bridgeville, DE for the Naxos 26.07.2011 peeping tom provides the break they desperately need. annual Punkin Chunkin World Championships. These 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101095 Michele Harris disappears on September 11, 2001. Would she competitors unleash their homebuilt machines and take aim at really leave behind her children and run away from her the coveted title of world’s furthest chunk. soured marriage? When blood splatters are found in the home, Documentary, Science 215min. The Long Home Run police begin to suspect Michele may have met a more sinister Gaiam Americas 27.09.2011 Omaha and the College World Series are synonymous. Their end. Ann Branson is found stabbed and beaten to death in her relationship is like no other in sports, nurtured and embraced Kentucky home. There is little evidence at the crime scene 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101117 for more than 60 years. „The Long Home Run“. and investigators struggle to find a motive. Ann’s financial Sports, Baseball, NCAA 47min. records proved the break authorities need Cops, Documentary, Murder Mysteries 2011 Radiohead: Life On Demand Team Marketing 05.07.2011 215min. It’s nearly 20 years since Radiohead’s debut album, and while 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101159 this was a wholly credible release featuring the world class Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 Creep single, it contained little to suggest this was a band 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101110 who would not just revolutionize music itself, but in addition Lost Tapes: Season 2 revolutionize the entire industry in which it operated. This This first-person, immersive series blurs the line between film looks at the part of the Radiohead’s career that included fact and fiction as it explores deadly encounters with the Omnibus: American Profiles the recording, release and aftermath of the band’s mysterious creatures that science refuses to recognize, and Hosted by Alastair Cooke, Omnibus was a monumental series, masterwork, OK Computer, the 1997 album that saw the revels facts about real-life insects and animals that have featuring diverse live broadcasts on science, the arts, and the group’s profile change from interesting indie types to world otherworldly biological and behaviorally attributes. From humanities. American Portraits is a historic 2 DVD collection class innovators. Taking this extraordinary record as starting werewolves and blood-sucking vampires to the legendary featuring fourteen segments that cover the iconic people and point, the film then moves backwards and forwards to look at Jersey Devil, Lost Tapes second season promises nastier places that shaped American pop culture as it stands today. the Radiohead ethos, philosophy and artistic development creatures and bigger scares with every spine-chilling, Featuring Dr. Seuss, Leonard Bernstein, Sugar Ray from a range of perspectives. Featuring exclusive interviews, dramatic moment caught on camera. Take an intense journey Robinson, Frank Lloyd Wright, William Faulkner and more. rare and classic footage, contributions from those closest to into terror as we find out what goes bump in the night. the band and those who have studied them in depth, plus some Pop Culture 356min. of the finest music ever to grace a digital file, the film unfolds Documentary 2009 220min. E1 Entertainment 26.07.2011 in a wholly unorthodox manner to ultimately go some way to Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100792 unraveling the mystery that is Radiohead. This film is not 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101105 authorized by Radiohead or their Alternative, Documentary 59min. Oops! 1001 Sports Bloopers Managing Menopause Naturally E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 Witness the zaniest collection of bloopers ever created as 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100939 Documentary, Health 2011 80min. hundreds of everyday sports stars show that even the best of E1 Entertainment 30.08.2011 us can have a bad day. Football Follies Basketball and Base- ball Blunders Soccer Screw-Ups And Many, Many More! Raging Boll 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100947 You’ll laugh out loud as blooper after blooper proves that

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Uwe Boll will lead you through focused exercises that are guaranteed heartbreak and hope as the villagers slowly begin to turn They picked the fight... He just made them regret it.. Widely to give you flat abs and a toned core. against them when the worlds donated tsunami money doesn’t recognized as the planet’s worst film director, Uwe Boll Fitness, Health 50min. materialize. The volunteers push on through the death threats embarks on a quest to conquer Hollywood and take vengeance Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 and break every rule in the ‘disaster aid books.’ Everyone is upon the film fanatics striving to destroy him. Filmed over needed: no skills required. three years on and off the set, Raging Boll is a walk in the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101122 Documentary 2011 94min. shoes of a man people love to hate. Virgil Films And Entertainment 12.07.2011 Biography, Documentary 2010 Ltbx 16x9 Shark Gordon: The Ultimate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100823 DD 5.1 85min. Shark Adventures Allegro Entertainment 09.08.2011 Co-produced with, and aired on Animal Planet, Shark Gordon Titans Of Yoga 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100950 follows internationally-renowned shark enthusiast, Ian Gor- don, into deep & dangerous waters. In each new episode, , David Swensen, Shiva Gordon takes us on a real life adventure as he strives to Rea, Khalsa, Seane Corn, Sara Rebirth understand these deadly creatures. Ivanhoe, Kim Eng, Lilias Folan, John Rebirth. The result of a decade-long process by director Jim Adventure, Documentary, Educational, Whitaker, the inspirational story of Rebirth follows the nearly Friendly, Vinnie Marino, Bryan Kest, David ten-year transformation of five people whose lives were Family, Sharks 390min. Life forever altered on September 11, 2001 - and simultaneously E1 Entertainment 16.08.2011 For the first time ever Titans Of Yoga unites twenty-five of the tracks via unprecedented multi-camera time-lapse 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100941 most prominent voices in the worlds of yoga, mindfulness, and photography the minute-by-minute evolution of the space into one enlightening documentary. Featuring such where the Twin Towers once rose. Both a singular cinematic respected professionals as Dr. Dean Ornish, Lilias Folan, the and human experience, Rebirth is deeply intimate and uplifting Speed (Softcore) „First Lady Of Yoga“ and many mothers, these voices speak - providing a moving portrait of how trauma and grief with over 600 years of combined experience to share their metamorphose into hope and rebuilding as the human spirit Jada Fire, Tory Lane, Marie Luv, Jessica deepest understanding of uniting the body and mind. Doing transcends the unthinkable over time. Drake, Alexis Texas, Alektra Blue, Kaylani their part to continue this 5,000-year tradition, these Documentary 108min. Lei, Shyla Stylez, , Devon Lee, internationally celebrated instructors and innovative leaders impart their wisdom, passing on the art and healthfulness of Oscilloscope Laboratories 06.09.2011 Kirsten Price, Misty Stone, Nyomi Banxxx, yoga to generations to come. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101162 Asa Akira , Max Mikita, Sophia Santi, Angie Yoga, Fitness, Health, Meditation 69min. Savage, Kayme Kai, Briana Blair , Chanel Gaiam Americas 06.09.2011 River Monsters: Season 3 Preston , Sandee Westgate, Mr. Marcus, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101121 Jeremy Wade Mick Blue, , Tommy Gunn, Jeremy Wade, biologist and extreme angler, is back with more Sascha, Eric Masterson, Brad Armstrong, Top Gear 16: The Complete investigations into the murky world of fishermen’s tales. Barrett Blade, Dale DaBone, Derrick Pierce, Jeremy investigates tales of frightening large and dangerous Season 16 river monsters that have attacked and even killed humans. In Marcus London, Prince Yahshua, Deep this season, Wade catches the most bizarre and dangerous Threat, Bill Bailey, Spyder Jonez, Keni Amber Heard, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, underwater creatures to inhabit earth, including a monster Styles Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James responsible for devouring certain male body parts in Papua Ride along with Wicked superstars , Kirsten May, John Bishop, Jonathan Ross New Guinea, and packs of eels that will rip the flesh from Price, Alektra Blue, Kaylani Lei, and award winning director The series begins with Jeremy, Richard and James embarking unfortunate swimmers. Jeremy’s search for the truth take him Brad Armstrong as they take off into the fast and furious world on a monster three-part US road trip which starts with on a dark and dangerous journey across the globe to reveal of California’s motorcycle club culture. This high octane epic America’s greatest driving road and ends with a race through that the truth is every bit as unbelievable as the myth. follows the exploits of four rival LA Bike Clubs in Armstrong’s New York. Later in the series Jeremy subjects the Skoda Yeti Documentary, Fishing 2011 min. most ambitious movie to date. And with a star-studded cast of to a remarkably thorough road test while James May makes a Gaiam Americas 20.09.2011 more than 40 adult’s finest performers in 11 pavement rare visit to the test track in the insane Aerial V8. The pounding sex scenes (Including a 16 person orgy) Speed is a boys also head to Albania to test the super luxurious Rolls- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101115 non-stop thrill ride that’s guaranteed to get your engine Royce Ghost, a Mercedes S65 AMG and a rather unusual revving. With over 100 bike club members, death defying stunt Bentley Mulsanne; back home, they discover some of the Nadia Santini: L’Invention De La riding, breath-taking locations, award-worthy acting, intense unusual pitfalls to watch out for when buying second hand sexual drama and a story that doesn’t quit Speed is a must convertibles. And Jeremy races the new Jaguar XJ against Cuisine (Inventing Cuisine) see. So grab your throttle and get ready for the ride of your something even bigger and more powerful - the rotation of the After filming portraits of French chefs - all men - Paul Lacoste life! Earth itself. „Celebrities in a Reasonably Priced Car“ include turns his lens on a woman, Nadia Santini. Here, as always, 2010 min. standup comedian John Bishop, tennis legend Boris Becker, Nadia has her entire family by her side: her mother-in-law, Wicked Pictures (Softcore) 22.06.2011 Jonathan Ross, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, and Amber her husband, her two sons, and her daughter-in-law. This is Heard. cuisine Italian style! This film speaks about tradition, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101225 BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, Inter- heritage, and history, but the focus is squarely on Nadia’s national TV 2010 348min. culinary art. Although her cuisine is often hidden behind the Theater Of Transparency traditions she works to revive, her absolute sincerity reveals BBC Home Video 09.08.2011 an unassuming pride in her work. From her viewpoint at Dal Theater Of Transparency. Over the past five decades, Rom- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101075 Pescatore in the northern Italian town of Canetto sull’Oglio, berg has produced paintings, books, installations, films and Nadia observes the world. In her hands, tradition is architectural watercolors that explore the analysis, translated into a vision of modernity, offering a different interpretations, and representation of art and art history. He Top Gear 16: The Complete approach to inventing cuisine. has exhibited widely, including at the Kunstlhistoriches Season 16 (Blu-ray) Educational, Foreign, Instructional 2011 FF Museum, Vienna; Kunstmuseum, Bonn; Ludwig Museum, Cologne; Sudo Museum, Tokyo; The Israel Museum, Jerusa- Amber Heard, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, S 62min. lem; The Jewish Museum, New York; the XLI Venice Biennial, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James Allegro Entertainment 12.07.2011 Israel Pavilion; the Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires; and the Van Abbenmuseum, Eindhoven, among others. 1. Besame May, John Bishop, Jonathan Ross 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101201 Mucho: A Hypertext about Love (1997-2003) 15 min This The series begins with Jeremy, Richard and James embarking opera focuses on the evolution of love between Carlos and on a monster three-part US road trip which starts with : Elmo’s Music Isadora, two plastic humanoids, of their relationship - one of America’s greatest driving road and ends with a race through suffering, lies, deceit, and perdition - the connection between New York. Later in the series Jeremy subjects the Skoda Yeti Magic love and guilt dissolves, and the portal to paradise opens. 2. to a remarkably thorough road test while James May makes a Jesus de Buenos Aires (2006) 18 min This video documents rare visit to the test track in the insane Aerial Atom V8. The Fran Brill, Rickey Boyd an unusual transformation in the passion of Christ. This time boys also head to Albania to test the super luxurious Rolls- Kids will discover the magic of music along with Elmo in this the „inquisitors“ are Jacques Lacan and Sigmund Freud. Royce Ghost, a Mercedes S65 AMG and a rather unusual delightful DVD. It features a special story where Elmo finds Accompanied by the sound of tango music and pictures by Bentley Mulsanne; back home, they discover some of the that with a wave of Abby’s wand he can make everyone on Giotto unusual pitfalls to watch out for when buying second hand Sesame Street Sing! Elmo and friends sing loud and soft, high Documentary 48min. convertibles. And Jeremy races the new Jaguar XJ against and low, and all over Sesame Street! But what happens when something even bigger and more powerful - the rotation of the everyone can’t stop singing? Featuring music videos with Microcinema DVD 26.07.2011 Earth itself. „Celebrities in a Reasonably Priced Car“ include many stars such as William, Jason Mraz and Feist, and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101102 standup comedian John Bishop, tennis legend Boris Becker, favorite Sesame Street songs, children will want to move and Jonathan Ross, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, and Amber sing along. Heard. Family, Music, Puppets, Sesame Street The Third Wave British, Documentary, Foreign, International 48min. The ultimate volunteer movie. No experience necessary.. A volunteer film. Four independent volunteers with little money TV, BBC 2010 348min. Warner Bros. 06.09.2011 and no experience race off to volunteer in tsunami ravaged Sri BBC Home Video 09.08.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101024 Lanka. They meet up at the airport by fate, rent a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101076 van, fill it with supplies and start driving down the coast to see where they can help. They stumble into Peraliya, a tribal Shape: Pink Power - Flat Abs 5 village which has been totally destroyed by a 40 foot wave Totally Trucks: Dirt Monsters Ways overturning a train and killing over 2500 people. Noone is Kids visit their favorite trucks at construction sites. There’s there helping so they set up a first aid station and find Achieve the firm, well-defined midsection you’ve always no pile of dirt too high and no hole too deep for these powerful themselves in charge of a refugee camp with over 3000 Dirt Monsters. Kids get to spell all the mighty things trucks wanted with the high-energy and ab-tastic routines on people. A two week journey turns into a year long odyssey of Shape’s Pink Power: Flat Abs 5 ways DVD. Jessica Smith do, and sing the alphabet too!

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2006 min. that the nonfiction format is about more than a cold, hard collection of facts and figures. Thirty years ago, Michael Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 Rubbo and two associates traveled to Cuba to interview Fidel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101064 Castro for a film, except Fidel never showed up, leaving Rubbo with hours of footage of modern-day Cuba and the personal ruminations of his companions. The end result - Totally Trucks: Fire Monsters Waiting For Fidel - became a milestone documentary in which Telefonische Hey Recruits! Grab your fire helmets and turnout gear, the quest became as revealing as the subject. More Bestellannahme: because we’re in training! You’re going to learn how to confession than traditional documentary, Late Night Talks Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr rappel, how to handle a hose and how to open a fire hydrant. With Mother finds Czech New Wave director Jan Nemec Want to know the difference between a pumper and an aerial revisiting his life as he unravels the threads of his difficult Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr ladder truck? Get your boots on and get ready to roll with the relationship with his mother. Voyage In Time. faces an Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Fire Monsters! uncertain future as he waits in for word of a new project. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr min. Triple Feature, Czech, Documentary, Family Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 Relationships, Foreign, Italian, Politics, Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101065 Rocky Relationships 189min. und Feiertags (Baden- Facets Video 28.06.2011 Württemberg) bleibt unser Totally Trucks: Garbage Monsters 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101235 Verkauf geschlossen. Ever wonder what happens to trash after the garbage truck leaves your street? Kids visit a recycling facility, a landfill The Wars Of The Roses: A Bloody and a green waste site were the Garbage Monsters run the show! Discover how many shapes it takes to make a truck. Crown Bet you can guess them all! Using historically-accurate battle-filled re-enactments and min. interviews with expert historians, this two-part documentary Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 series brings to vivid life the fascinating true stories behind 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101066 Britain’s bloody civil wars. War, Documentary 2010 128min. E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 Totally Trucks: Metal Monsters 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100782 Kids learn about recycling with these monsters machines as they crunch, crack and mangle mountains of metal. And they’ll learn to count too! Who knew a scrap yard could be so much The Wonderful World Of Albert fun! min. Kahn Over 72,000 color photographs. More than 180,000 meters of Music Video Distribution 02.08.2011 film. Hundreds of letters, diaries, and testimonies, describing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101067 extraordinary journeys through exotic lands. This vast treasury is held in the archives of the Albert Kahn Museum in Paris - home to the most important collection of early color Toughest Military Jobs photographs in the world. In 1909, the French financier Albert Newsletter 11/11 (Nr. 294) Defending a nation is no easy task. One mistake and billions Kahn decided to send photographers around the globe to ISSN 1610-2606 of dollars and countless lives can be lost. In this series, we document life on the planet. These photographers witnessed explore the most difficult and dangerous jobs on land, in the some of the most momentous events of the age, but they also Credits air, at sea and at military bases across the country. Following photographed the intimate details of the everyday lives of Redaktion: up on the success of Indigo Films, Toughest Carrier Jobs, ordinary people. A century on, viewers can see Kahn’s each episode focuses on one specific area of the military, and remarkable archive of vivid and hauntingly-beautiful pictures. Wolfram Hannemann the task necessary to keep every person safe and all high- BBC, Documentary, Photography/Art 2007 Design & Layout: tech equipment operating at the highest caliber demanded by the World’s most powerful fighting force. 450min. Wolfram Hannemann Military, On The Job 2010 172min. BBC Home Video 27.09.2011 Assistenz: Gaiam Americas 20.09.2011 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101055 Beate Hannemann 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101114 Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Young Artists Collection (3 Pack) Anna Rudschies Ultimate Comedy Tour Live From the musical masterpiece Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin to the tale of overcoming stage fright Shrinking Violet and the © (2011) by Featuring Rodney Perry outstandingly original The Dot, kids and parents will be LASER HOTLINE Four of the world’s funniest comedians join forces to bring entertained and inspired to tap into their inner artist! With ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt you the first edition of the most hilarious family comedy series celebrity narration and songs by Aretha Franklin, Zach Braff ever filmed . The Ultimate Comedy Tour. Kicking off in Los and more, this collection provides the perfect primer for young nur in Verbindung mit einem Angeles and spanning the States, it unites the comedic genius artists, musicians, and performers. Includes: The Star- „Persönlichen Import- of Rodney Perry, Small Fire, Cleto Rodriguez and A.J. Jamal Spangled Banner Keeping House Patrick Apt. 3 Includes: Ish in a show that’s guaranteed to have you rolling in the aisle, Norman The Doorman Wallace’s Lists Includes: Giraffes service“-Vertrag und be- crying with laughter. Shot on location, in LA’s historic Can’t Dance Amazing Grace inhaltet den Warenpreis Destiny Theatre, this documentary-style feature successfully Dancing, Educational, Music, Triple Feature proves that stand-up can not only be visually exhilarating and 167min. sowie alle anfallenden sidesplitting funny; it can be clean. Finally, a stand-up comedy Importkosten inkl. unserer series the entire family can enjoy. Scholastic 26.07.2011 Comedy, Family 2010 80min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100819 Vermittlungsprovision. E1 Entertainment 12.07.2011 * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40100784 das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Ultimate Guide: Dolphins Dolby Laboratories Inc. Peaceful, intelligent, friendly beings that swim as if they Der NEWSLETTER ist die owned the sea, dolphins have long evoked our affection and fascination, but we know little about them. Ultimate Guide: offizielle Informationsbro- Dolphins takes a fresh look at the world of the dolphins and schüre für Kunden der Fir- meets up with scientists who are deepening our understanding of them. With cutting-edge computer animation, Ultimate ma LASER HOTLINE. Guide: Dolphins shows what happened fifty million years ago, Alle in diesem Mailing ent- when wolf-like mammals evolved into the family of dolphins, porpoises, and killer whales. haltenen Angaben zu Pro- Discovery Channel, Documentary, dukten, die im Ausland ver- Educational, Science 1999 129min. öffentlicht werden, stellen Gaiam Americas 13.09.2011 kein Verkaufsangebot dar, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40101113 sondern dienen nur zur Information. Waiting For Fidel / Late Night LASER HOTLINE ist Talks With Mother / Voyage In autorisierter Time (3 Pack) Dolby Merchandise A trio of documentaries from three distinct auteurs reveals Händler

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