Effective as of 23 September 2019 Dow Jones Sustainability Index Company Country Industry Group Comment Chile Banks Banco de Credito e Inversiones SA Chile Banks Chile Banks Itau CorpBanca Chile Banks AntarChile SA Chile Capital Goods SA Chile Capital Goods Enjoy SA Chile Consumer Services Addition Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat SA Chile Diversified Financials Inversiones La Construccion SA Chile Diversified Financials SA Chile SA Chile Food & Staples Retailing Cia Cervecerias Unidas SA Chile Food, Beverage & Tobacco Embotelladora Andina SA Chile Food, Beverage & Tobacco Multiexport Foods SA Chile Food, Beverage & Tobacco Addition Vina SA Chile Food, Beverage & Tobacco CAP SA Chile Materials Empresas CMPC SA Chile Materials Enaex SA Chile Materials Parque Arauco SA Chile Real Estate Plaza SA Chile Real Estate Addition SACI Falabella Chile Retailing SONDA SA Chile Software & Services Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones SA Chile Telecommunication Services Latam Airlines Group SA Chile Transportation Sociedad Matriz SAAM SA Chile Transportation AES Gener SA Chile Utilities Aguas Andinas SA Chile Utilities Colbun SA Chile Utilities Enel Americas SA Chile Utilities Enel Chile SA Chile Utilities Inversiones Aguas Metropolitanas SA Chile Utilities

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