Catalogue 57 Classics of Science & Medicine, Including Neuroscience Jeremy Norman & Co., Inc. P.O. Box 867 Novato, CA 94948 Voice: (415) 892-3181 Fax: (415) 276-2317 Email:
[email protected] References to in this catalogue are to the online interactive version at Garrison- and Since the bibliography went online in 2015 I have corrected hundreds of mistakes that remained in the 5th printed edition, and have extensively improved hundreds of old entries and added hundreds of new ones across many subject areas. There is a new subject index to more than 600 subjects. The old G-M numbers to entries in the 5th printed edition have been retained, but for accuracy and functionality the online version supersedes all printed editions. Jeremy Norman Copyright © 2016 Jeremy Norman & Co., Inc. Classic of Hand Anatomy 1. Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried (1697-1770). Historia muscu- lorum hominis. 4to. 696pp. 4 plates of the hand, each with outline, drawn & engraved by Jan Wandelaar. Leiden: Haak & Mulhovius, 1734. 255 x 198 mm. Blind-tooled vellum ca. 1734, title inked on spine, covers a bit warped. Some foxing & uneven browning, but still very good. Stamp of Swiss surgeon and psychiatrist [Jean] Charles [Walker] Coindet (1796-1876) on title, gift inscription to Coindet on front free endpaper; stamps and withdrawal stamp of the Bibliothèque Publique de Genève. $1500 First Edition. Very detailed descriptions of all the muscles of the human body, with excellent illustrations depicting the muscles of the hand. The hand is shown life-size with all the muscles, tendons, liga- ments, and bones; according to Punt, these were the first plates in which Wandelaar “applied the ‘architectonic’ procedure of ‘projective’ transpo- sition of the objects to paper with the aid of a pair of compasses and a ruler” (Punt, Albinus, p.