A Special Bulletin for Leaders of Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism

Winter, 2002 8001 BRADDOCK ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, VA 22160 www.nrtw.org (703) 321-8519

CEAFU has been at the forefront in the battle against forced unionism abuses in public education for more than 26 years. In order to enhance its effectiveness, CEAFU has been transferred to and become a Special Project of the National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a nonprofit, charita- ble organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by abuses of compulsory unionism.

consistently low-performing schools. More funding should be available for charter schools that are gener- ally freer from teacher union boss influence.

Mrs. Rees reviewed efforts to improve teacher quality, more effective certification and teacher union officials’ power plays with their restrictive monopoly bargaining contracts. Photo by Cathy Jones When asked what the Bush Administration could do to help teachers, CEAFU guests responded unani- mously that the administration should work to pass the National Right to Work Act, expressed gratitude for the enforcement of the Beck decision and asked The Honorable J. C. Watts (R-OK) with CEAFU Key Activist David Kirkpatrick. IN THIS ISSUE th CEAFU 26 Annual Seminar Precedes 2 Oklahoma Teachers Freed From Forced Union Teacher Union Conventions Dues

CEAFU kicked off the summer season with a two- 3 NEA and Democratic National Committee Policial Spending Scandal Unearthed day 26th annual seminar. On Wednesday, June 20, CEAFU Key Leaders had a White House meeting 6 NEAFT Partnership Provides Opportunity for with Mrs. Nina Shokraii-Rees, Deputy Assistant to the Freedom-Loving Organizations Vice President for Domestic Policy. A staunch sup- porter of freedom for teachers, Mrs. Rees discussed 6 NEA Officials Call Again for an Increased in the No Child Left Behind program, which delegates Monopoly Bargaining federal education dollars to states and individual school districts, fostering flexibility and local control. 7 NEA Assembly Delegates Still Wrestling With Sexual Orientation Resolution

Teacher union officials will no longer be able to 8 Strikes hide behind monopoly representation contracts in Winter, 2002 - 2 -

Mike Antonucci, Education Intelligence Agency (EIA) Director, spoke about the immi- nent teacher union conventions and gave predictions on the issues which would affect CEAFU mem- bers: the NEAFT Partnership, political spending, monopoly bar-

Photo by Cathy Jones gaining and the NEA’s Sexual Orientation Resolution. CEAFU’s Spring 2001 Insider’s Report featured a report on the NEAFT Partnership. As its name suggests, the NEAFT Partnership The Honorable J. C. Watts poses with Professional Educators of North Carolina group leaders (left to right, Jim Stegall, Susan Carter-Hope, Congressman J. C. Watts, agreement will allow National Susan Simpson). Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers that the administration continue to (AFT) union officials to work listen to the voices of freedom- Dr. Elizabeth Gressette, together on certain projects. See loving teachers and concerned Executive Director of the Palmetto “NEA Partnership Provides educators about education reform. State Teachers Association for 26 Opportunity for Freedom-loving years, headed a panel of experts on Organizations” on 6 for more CEAFU hosted a reception for alternative teacher certification details. congressional National Right to programs. The panelists included Work Act supporters and staff. Dr. Leo Klagholz, Dr. Michael The annual CEAFU seminar Congressman J.C. Watts (R-OK), Poliakoff and David Chester. The provides a venue for the exchange House Republican Conference panelists outlined the certification of ideas and strategies to keep Chairman, greeted and posed for process; explained how the teachers tuned in to the reality of photographs with each guest. National Board for Professional forced dues and teacher union offi- Among other congressmen present Teaching Standards (NBPTS) was cials’ power. were Howard Coble (R-NC) and failing to ensure teachers were Sue Myrick (R-NC) as well as properly prepared and pointed out staffers from Representatives Jim the effects of teacher union offi- DeMint (R-SC), Van Hilleary (R- cials’ influence on the certification Oklahoma Teachers TN), Floyd Spence (R-SC) and process. Freed From Forced Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC). Union Dues Mrs. Dianne Foster, a CEAFU Thursday’s meeting consisted Key Leader, joined Milton Oklahoma state Right to Work of a powerful lineup of speakers Chappell, a National Right to leaders dealt a major blow to NEA against compulsory unionism Work Legal Defense Foundation and AFT teacher union officials abuses, including Mrs. Stella attorney, in a review of the institu- with voters’ majority consent to Harrison, of the Juno Online tion of mandatory forced dues last Question 695, Oklahoma’s Right Network. She discussed electron- year in California and litigation to Work amendment. On Tuesday, ic mail’s usefulness to groups like currently underway to combat it. September 25, Oklahoma joined CEAFU and other independent Mrs. Foster has fought California the 21 other states which allow education associations. forced dues for the past 26 years. teachers the freedom and the right Winter, 2002 - 3 -

National Right to Work forces exacting fees for “representation” were joined by the Association of they have neither wanted nor Professional Oklahoma Educators requested. Teacher union officials (APOE), led by Executive can no longer run and hide from Director Ginger Tinney, a staunch allegations of dues for political CEAFU supporter for many years. purposes. Recent revelations have Photo by Cathy Jones Over two thousand of Oklahoma’s blown the lid off the biggest NEA 40,000 public school teachers political spending scheme ever. have already chosen freedom by becoming APOE members. Many Internal communications of more are now free to follow. the Democratic National Education Intelligence Director Mike Committee (DNC) reveal the Antonucci gives the scoop on NEA APOE leadership polled their NEA was considered one of that teacher union officials. members in weekly email updates political party’s “national part- to refrain from membership in a and those who responded over- ners,” exercising almost complete labor union. Indiana Professional whelmingly supported freedom of veto power over the party’s plat- Educators President, Jane Ping, choice for educators. Even form and election tactics during worked with Right to Work forces though APOE fully supports the the 1996 campaign. in Indiana to pass a Right to Work Right to Work principle, it is not law for teachers in 1995. generally their policy to use mem- Recent disclosures resulted bers’ dues to finance political from a Federal Election This is a momentous occasion issues, as they are a non-union Commission (FEC) investigation in the story of Right to Work for education association that into Democratic Party funding of teachers. In the past decade, believes in their members’ right to 1996 political candidates. NEA teacher union officials have had choose the political issues they teacher union officials funneled little success forcing their compul- will support. unprecedented amounts of forced sory dues and monopoly bargain- dues into Democratic Party cof- ing strictures on teachers in other Even with the Right to Work fers and were rewarded with posi- states. In 1999, New Mexico protection afforded Oklahoma tions on state party steering com- Governor Gary Johnson allowed teachers, CEAFU forces must mittees. the monopoly bargaining law remain diligent to ensure teachers’ there to “sunset” or lapse so that rights are not violated through Teacher union and Democratic monopoly bargaining now occurs monopoly bargaining which still Party officials have sued to only at the will of local school exists in the state. repress this information, and U.S. boards. District Judge Gladys Kessler temporarily sealed the records, Union officials have already prohibiting further examination. filed a federal court lawsuit to NEA and Democratic Before the suit was filed, howev- overturn Oklahoma’s new Right National Committee er, copies of the incriminating to Work law, and the National Political S pending documents were made public, Right to Work Legal Defense & Scandal Unearthed forcing NEA President Bob Chase Education Foundation, Inc., has and his helpers to scramble for vowed to defend the law with “all For years CEAFU has report- some powerful and far-reaching resources necessary.” ed on various schemes by NEA damage control. teacher union bosses to subjugate In the successful passage of honest, hard-working teachers to William McGurn, chief Right to Work in Oklahoma, their ideological campaigns by Editorial writer for the Wall Street Winter, 2002 - 4-

and directed opposition research. Wilson was recently appointed the NEA national affiliate’s Executive Director.

l A 1995-96 “National Coordinated Campaign Steering Committee” meeting at DNC headquarters “normal- Photo by Cathy Jones ly included” NEA teacher union operatives. The com- mittee held at least 6 meetings, during which it planned to reg- ister voters and worked to CEAFU Key Leaders confer with Nina Shokarai-Rees, Deputy Assistant, Education ensure they voted for the Policy, to Vice President Cheney. Democratic ticket. Other rep- resentatives at the table includ- Journal, commented, “Those of us at their disposal, NEA teacher ed members of the Democratic who have long dismissed the union bosses had plenty of office Congressional Campaign National Education Association as space to lend to political activities. Committee; the Clinton/Gore a tool of the Democratic Party Their two million members consti- ’96 Primary Committee and have been badly mistaken. tute a large army of staff to help General Committee; and Apparently it’s just the opposite. with various campaign activities. Emily’s List, a fundraising As documents now sealed under a group for female Democratic judge’s order indicate, it’s the The various documents sub- candidates. Democratic Party that is the tool of poenaed by the FEC contained the the NEA.”1 following shocking revelations. l Project ’95/’96, a coalition including NEA teacher union The Demoratic Party memos l While he was president of the officials, brought “in-kind con- form a record of talks between North Carolina Education tributions” to the table in an party and labor officials, detailing Association, John Wilson was effort to counteract the tactics used to contact, register and a member of the National Republican majority in the ensure that citizens vote for Coordinating Campaign House of Representatives. Democrats. NEA teacher union Steering Committee that officials are attractive to political worked to elect Democrat can- l Both NEA national and state machines because of vast didates. The committee was affiliate teacher union officials resources they can call up: money involved in early vote pro- played significant roles in from forced dues, a plethora of grams, staff development, and Democratic campaigns in office space, and people to volun- canvassing voters, as well as Pennsylvania, Kansas, teer for campaign activity. voter registration. The com- Minnesota and Nebraska.2 mittee also gathered demo- With approximately 16,000 graphic data on selected vot- Although NEA teacher union local UniServ and affiliate offices ers, took public opinion polls, operatives steadfastly denied

1 William McGurn, “Are the Democrats Teachers’ Pets?”, Wall Street Journal, 8/2/01, http://interactive.wsj.com. 2 Hannah Gladfelter Rubin, “Legal Group: NEA Doesn’t Report Political Spending,” Education Daily, 7/30/01. Winter, 2002 - 5 - spending any dues money on poli- Established in 1972, NEA- Convention delegates could obtain tics, the NEA 1996-1997 Strategic Political Action Committee (NEA- interest-free loans for meeting Plan and Budget tells another PAC) became the first education expenses. Delegates were encour- story. A total of 2,183,800 mem- organization PAC. A mere 4 years aged to wear distinctive yellow bers paid a total of $194,135,050 later, NEA-PAC became the leader NEA jackets which made them in dues for the 1996-1997 fiscal of the PACs devoted to electing stand out in the crowd. year. Democrats. NEA teacher union officials sent 405 delegates to the Debra DeLee was appointed CEAFU’s Fall 1996 Insider’s 1996 Democratic National Executive Director of the DNC in Report reported that the 1996-97 Convention, more than all the 1993 during her tenure as NEA Strategic Plan & Budget indicated other states combined sent, except Government Relations Manager; a $20.7 million allocation for California. The AFT, as an affili- three years later, she became the building “a broad-based support Chief Executive Officer for the for a public quality education sys- 1996 Democratic Convention in tem.” Strategic Objective Activity . 1.4 called for the union to “build bipartisan constituencies among NEA teacher union officials those running for and elected to openly admitted their involvement public office to support public in the 1996 campaign. “Since the education.” beginning of the Clinton Photo by Cathy Jones Administration, NEA involvement Another component calls for with the Democratic National technical assistance and training in Committee/White House initia- political campaign work to affili- tives has been substantial . . . The ates and members at all levels, and Association works closely with the increasing efforts to rally NEA Congressman J. C. Watts with CEAFU Association of State Democratic members for legislative and cam- Key Activists Dr. Don Senese, Vice Chairs on a regular basis.”4 paign activity. President, Sixty Plus and Linda Cross, CEAFU Key Leader and high school Mary Elizabeth Teasley, NEA English teacher from Wisconsin. Components 3 and 7 of Government Relations Director, Strategic Objective Activity 1.4 ate of the 13-million member declared the NEA’s 2000 Strategic call for expansion of PAC American Federation of Plan and Budget language was fundraising activities and to “iden- Labor/Congress of Industrial “misleading”; and while she tify and evaluate new/innovative Organizations (AFL-CIO), sent admitted to having served on the ways to affect election results. . .” 117 delegates to the same conven- National Coordinated Campaign “Component 7 allocates $56,100 tion. Steering Committee, her presence for carrying out unified campaigns was strictly “for ‘informational and mobilizing members to assist NEA-PAC paid the airfare plus purposes’ . . . and ‘every dime’ in the election of candidates at all a $400 stipend to all NEA dele- contributed to any political cam- levels of government and to win gates attending the 1996 paign was given through a political ballot measures.”3 Democratic convention. action committee.”5

3 The “National Education Association of the Strategic Focus Plan and Budget, Fiscal Year: 1996-97,” a report of the National Education Association, Washington, DC, 1997. 4 Myron Lieberman, “The Teacher Unions,” The Free Press, , 1993, p. 80. 5 William McGurn, “Are the Democrats Teachers’ Pets?”, Wall Street Journal, 8/2/01, http://interactive.wsj.com. Winter, 2002 - 6 -

NEAFT Partnership voted in favor of the partnership ment provides an opportunity for Provides Opportunity for last year, when the idea was independent professional groups Freedom-Loving soundly voted down by NEA to establish an alternative to Organizations Representative Assembly dele- monopoly representation. gates. CEAFU continues its impor- Under the “no raid” agree- tant work of reporting on the two While teacher union officials ment, if membership in one affili- teacher union conventions. These celebrated the NEAFT ate in a specific area is no greater conventions always herald some Partnership, EIA Director Mike than 5% of the competing affiliate, new attack on teacher freedom. Antonucci remained skeptical neither will be able to hold a rep- about its future: “While the part- resentation election in that area. nership is a step on the road to Additionally, both affiliates agree merger, it remains to be seen to refrain from reducing member- whether or not it will be the last ship dues in order to entice teach- step on that road. Partnership was ers to switch allegiance. a half-measure, taken only after

Photo by Cathy Jones time ran out on attempts to draft a More state affiliates of both new merger agreement. unions plan mergers in an attempt Nevertheless, even a half-measure to further consolidate their finan- failed to get a two-thirds vote. cial and political power and tight- Ultimate national merger of the en the forced-dues noose around two teachers’ unions is still an teachers’ necks. CEAFU guests chat with Congressional uphill battle.”6 staffers. The NEAFT Partnership will The most important news to establish a 30-member joint coun- NEA Officials Call Again come from the summer’s teacher cil to coordinate activities of this for an Increase in union conventions was the estab- giant octopus of teacher union Monopoly Bargaining lishment of the NEAFT power. The Partnership instituted Partnership. After 3 years of futile a permanent, binding “no raid” The newly appointed attempts, officials of both the agreement, whereby neither union Executive Director, John Wilson, National Education Association will attempt to take members from has promised to increase NEA and the American Federation of the other. The no-raid agreement membership by stepping up Teachers teacher unions voted to will remain in effect until the end monopoly bargaining strictures, form the NEAFT Partnership. of July 2003, or until the complete, especially in southern Right to official merger of both affiliates Work states. Fresh from his tenure NEA Representative Assembly into a single national organization, as president of the North Carolina delegates voted during the first whichever occurs first. Education Association, Wilson is week of July for the NEAFT prepared to launch a full court Partnership, New Business Item A, Desperate for members, both press in southern Right to Work by a secret ballot. The following NEA and AFT teacher union offi- states. week, AFT teacher union officials cials have long engaged in this reaffirmed their vote to unite with raiding, which remained a princi- The South boasts the greatest the NEA national union. AFT pal deterrent to merger during past number of Right to Work states. It teacher union bureaucrats had conventions. The “no raid” agree- is also the epicenter of states

6Mike Antonucci, “EIA Summer School”, The Education Intelligence Agency Communiqué, http://members.aol.com/educationintel/, 7/6/01. Winter, 2002 - 7 - which prohibit monopoly bargain- vention, sparking more vehement from its position. They could not ing, either by statute or local cus- protests. be any further away from the truth. tom. “The ‘New B’ Resolution con- We will not allow our policies to sisted of the following compo- be dictated to us by people outside NEA President Bob Chase l nents: this organization,” Bob Chase said continues to concentrate on his of the concerned citizens who usual soapbox subjects: smaller providing curriculum and peacefully protested the resolution class size, “rigorous yet reasonable instructional materials devised across the street from the conven- standards,” higher salaries, more l to “meet the needs” of gay stu- tion hall.8 teachers, national board certifica- dents; tion, and teacher quaility. involving gay educators in Assembly delegates eventually generating classroom materi- compromised by creating a task While these proposals may be als; force, while President Chase worth some consideration, they l programs which stand up for demanded the right to appoint the also serve to increase teacher gay and questioning students; task force members himself. This union membership, forced dues l which speak to the high desperate last ditch effort to pro- and more teacher union official dropout and suicide rates and mote the agenda will be one of the control over education. their health risks; last projects Chase may undertake, Implementation of these demands l acknowledging gay educators as his presidential reign will end would require more teachers, more as role models; next July. taxpayer money for salaries, more ensuring gay people’s role in control over curriculum, and more l U.S. history, culture and Although this year’s delegates control over professional develop- heritage is not diminished; and voted to drop the “New B” ment. working with other groups to Resolution and organize a task promote understanding of gay force, the issue is far from dead. people’s contributions to her- itage, culture, history and NEA Assembly health.”7 Delegates Still W restling W ith Sexual Orientation Despite the fact that Gay & Resolution Lesbian Caucus Co-Chair Kathy Figel suggested the resolution be The 1995 NEA Representative put aside, NEA President Bob Assembly shocked and enraged Chase remained determined to moral-minded teachers by passing keep the sexual orientation resolu- Resolution B-9, which encouraged tion at the forefront of the NEA’s schools to develop objectionable radical agenda, demonstrating that curriculum materials for homosex- NEA union officials continue to be uality and programs that address at odds with their membership. problems such as suicide and

“health risk behaviors.” The “There are those outside this Photo by Cathy Jones revised 2001 “New B” Resolution hall who have attempted to inter- David Chester reviews alternative certifi- made its debut at this year’s con- pret this as NEA backing away cation programs.

7Joel Hardi, “NEA’s Chase Affirms Support for Gay Students’ Rights”, Education Daily, 7/9/01. 8Mike Antonucci, “EIA Summer School”, The Education Intelligence Agency Communiqué, http://members.aol.com/educationintel/, 7/5/01. Winter, 2002 - 8 -

Other resolutions regarding sexual thousand children were deprived Teachers, the AFT’s state affiliate, orientation issues which call for of an education and thousands of declared, “This is a democracy; we counseling, curriculum, and affir- teachers were compelled to leave have a right to demonstrate in the mative action programs regarding their jobs. Strikes are illegal in all workplace.”10 “sexual orientation,” remained three states.9 untouched. Comerford defended the posi- The citizens of Granite City, tion taken by pointing out that IL, protested when the AFT-affili- administrators contemplated a ate, Granite City Federation of complete shutdown of the dis- Strikes Teachers voted to strike September trict’s 11 schools on September 17 12, upon expiration of the current and 18. Strikes have been a part of the contract, the very day after the back-to-school scene since the tragic terrorist attack on all of introduction of monopoly bargain- America. ing in 1961. Only one month into the 2001-2002 school year, there By September 17, teacher had already been reports of three union officials had coerced more strikes in Pennsylvania districts, than 400 members of the AFT two in Rhode Island, and one in affiliate to strike, citing disagree- . ments on health care benefits, Catherine Jones, a 1975 grad- salary increases and the length of uate of the University of Maryland While NEA teacher union the pending contract. in Catonsville, Maryland, serves spokespeople declare “unions and as Director for Concerned districts are working hard to usher Dave Comerford, spokesman Educators Against Forced in an era of collaboration,” over 15 for the Illinois Federation of Unionism. Nothing here is to be

Please support CEAFUs work by making a contribution to the National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc. Contributions to the Foundation are tax- deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

CEAFU will continue to educate the teachers of this nation about the coercive agenda of the National Education Association’s and American Federation of Teachers’ hierarchies as a Special Project of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. You will, however, see some changes because the Foundation, as a Section 501( c )(3) organization, is gov- erned by different rules than those under which we previously operated, such as restrictions on legislative and political action. As this is a transitional newsletter, I have, in part, reported on how CEAFU spent its final months as a division of the National Right to Work Committee.

9Julie Blair, “Teachers Strike in PA, R.I.; Most Unions Report Quiet,” Education Week, 9/12/01. 10Julie Blair, “Teachers Criticized for Striking During National Crisis”, Education Week, 9/26/01.