CEAFU INSIDERS REPORT A Special Bulletin for Leaders of Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism Winter, 2002 8001 BRADDOCK ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, VA 22160 www.nrtw.org (703) 321-8519 CEAFU has been at the forefront in the battle against forced unionism abuses in public education for more than 26 years. In order to enhance its effectiveness, CEAFU has been transferred to and become a Special Project of the National Right to Work Legal Defense and Education Foundation, Inc. The Foundation is a nonprofit, charita- ble organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by abuses of compulsory unionism. consistently low-performing schools. More funding should be available for charter schools that are gener- ally freer from teacher union boss influence. Mrs. Rees reviewed efforts to improve teacher quality, more effective certification and teacher union officials’ power plays with their restrictive monopoly bargaining contracts. Photo by Cathy Jones When asked what the Bush Administration could do to help teachers, CEAFU guests responded unani- mously that the administration should work to pass the National Right to Work Act, expressed gratitude for the enforcement of the Beck decision and asked The Honorable J. C. Watts (R-OK) with CEAFU Key Activist David Kirkpatrick. IN THIS ISSUE th CEAFU 26 Annual Seminar Precedes 2 Oklahoma Teachers Freed From Forced Union Teacher Union Conventions Dues CEAFU kicked off the summer season with a two- 3 NEA and Democratic National Committee Policial Spending Scandal Unearthed day 26th annual seminar. On Wednesday, June 20, CEAFU Key Leaders had a White House meeting 6 NEAFT Partnership Provides Opportunity for with Mrs. Nina Shokraii-Rees, Deputy Assistant to the Freedom-Loving Organizations Vice President for Domestic Policy. A staunch sup- porter of freedom for teachers, Mrs. Rees discussed 6 NEA Officials Call Again for an Increased in the No Child Left Behind program, which delegates Monopoly Bargaining federal education dollars to states and individual school districts, fostering flexibility and local control. 7 NEA Assembly Delegates Still Wrestling With Sexual Orientation Resolution Teacher union officials will no longer be able to 8 Strikes hide behind monopoly representation contracts in Winter, 2002 - 2 - Mike Antonucci, Education Intelligence Agency (EIA) Director, spoke about the immi- nent teacher union conventions and gave predictions on the issues which would affect CEAFU mem- bers: the NEAFT Partnership, political spending, monopoly bar- Photo by Cathy Jones gaining and the NEA’s Sexual Orientation Resolution. CEAFU’s Spring 2001 Insider’s Report featured a report on the NEAFT Partnership. As its name suggests, the NEAFT Partnership The Honorable J. C. Watts poses with Professional Educators of North Carolina group leaders (left to right, Jim Stegall, Susan Carter-Hope, Congressman J. C. Watts, agreement will allow National Susan Simpson). Education Association (NEA) and American Federation of Teachers that the administration continue to (AFT) union officials to work listen to the voices of freedom- Dr. Elizabeth Gressette, together on certain projects. See loving teachers and concerned Executive Director of the Palmetto “NEA Partnership Provides educators about education reform. State Teachers Association for 26 Opportunity for Freedom-loving years, headed a panel of experts on Organizations” on 6 for more CEAFU hosted a reception for alternative teacher certification details. congressional National Right to programs. The panelists included Work Act supporters and staff. Dr. Leo Klagholz, Dr. Michael The annual CEAFU seminar Congressman J.C. Watts (R-OK), Poliakoff and David Chester. The provides a venue for the exchange House Republican Conference panelists outlined the certification of ideas and strategies to keep Chairman, greeted and posed for process; explained how the teachers tuned in to the reality of photographs with each guest. National Board for Professional forced dues and teacher union offi- Among other congressmen present Teaching Standards (NBPTS) was cials’ power. were Howard Coble (R-NC) and failing to ensure teachers were Sue Myrick (R-NC) as well as properly prepared and pointed out staffers from Representatives Jim the effects of teacher union offi- DeMint (R-SC), Van Hilleary (R- cials’ influence on the certification Oklahoma Teachers TN), Floyd Spence (R-SC) and process. Freed From Forced Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC). Union Dues Mrs. Dianne Foster, a CEAFU Thursday’s meeting consisted Key Leader, joined Milton Oklahoma state Right to Work of a powerful lineup of speakers Chappell, a National Right to leaders dealt a major blow to NEA against compulsory unionism Work Legal Defense Foundation and AFT teacher union officials abuses, including Mrs. Stella attorney, in a review of the institu- with voters’ majority consent to Harrison, of the Juno Online tion of mandatory forced dues last Question 695, Oklahoma’s Right Network. She discussed electron- year in California and litigation to Work amendment. On Tuesday, ic mail’s usefulness to groups like currently underway to combat it. September 25, Oklahoma joined CEAFU and other independent Mrs. Foster has fought California the 21 other states which allow education associations. forced dues for the past 26 years. teachers the freedom and the right Winter, 2002 - 3 - National Right to Work forces exacting fees for “representation” were joined by the Association of they have neither wanted nor Professional Oklahoma Educators requested. Teacher union officials (APOE), led by Executive can no longer run and hide from Director Ginger Tinney, a staunch allegations of dues for political CEAFU supporter for many years. purposes. Recent revelations have Photo by Cathy Jones Over two thousand of Oklahoma’s blown the lid off the biggest NEA 40,000 public school teachers political spending scheme ever. have already chosen freedom by becoming APOE members. Many Internal communications of more are now free to follow. the Democratic National Education Intelligence Director Mike Committee (DNC) reveal the Antonucci gives the scoop on NEA APOE leadership polled their NEA was considered one of that teacher union officials. members in weekly email updates political party’s “national part- to refrain from membership in a and those who responded over- ners,” exercising almost complete labor union. Indiana Professional whelmingly supported freedom of veto power over the party’s plat- Educators President, Jane Ping, choice for educators. Even form and election tactics during worked with Right to Work forces though APOE fully supports the the 1996 campaign. in Indiana to pass a Right to Work Right to Work principle, it is not law for teachers in 1995. generally their policy to use mem- Recent disclosures resulted bers’ dues to finance political from a Federal Election This is a momentous occasion issues, as they are a non-union Commission (FEC) investigation in the story of Right to Work for education association that into Democratic Party funding of teachers. In the past decade, believes in their members’ right to 1996 political candidates. NEA teacher union officials have had choose the political issues they teacher union officials funneled little success forcing their compul- will support. unprecedented amounts of forced sory dues and monopoly bargain- dues into Democratic Party cof- ing strictures on teachers in other Even with the Right to Work fers and were rewarded with posi- states. In 1999, New Mexico protection afforded Oklahoma tions on state party steering com- Governor Gary Johnson allowed teachers, CEAFU forces must mittees. the monopoly bargaining law remain diligent to ensure teachers’ there to “sunset” or lapse so that rights are not violated through Teacher union and Democratic monopoly bargaining now occurs monopoly bargaining which still Party officials have sued to only at the will of local school exists in the state. repress this information, and U.S. boards. District Judge Gladys Kessler temporarily sealed the records, Union officials have already prohibiting further examination. filed a federal court lawsuit to NEA and Democratic Before the suit was filed, howev- overturn Oklahoma’s new Right National Committee er, copies of the incriminating to Work law, and the National Political S pending documents were made public, Right to Work Legal Defense & Scandal Unearthed forcing NEA President Bob Chase Education Foundation, Inc., has and his helpers to scramble for vowed to defend the law with “all For years CEAFU has report- some powerful and far-reaching resources necessary.” ed on various schemes by NEA damage control. teacher union bosses to subjugate In the successful passage of honest, hard-working teachers to William McGurn, chief Right to Work in Oklahoma, their ideological campaigns by Editorial writer for the Wall Street Winter, 2002 - 4- and directed opposition research. Wilson was recently appointed the NEA national affiliate’s Executive Director. l A 1995-96 “National Coordinated Campaign Steering Committee” meeting at DNC headquarters “normal- Photo by Cathy Jones ly included” NEA teacher union operatives. The com- mittee held at least 6 meetings, during which it planned to reg- ister voters and worked to CEAFU Key Leaders confer with Nina Shokarai-Rees, Deputy Assistant, Education ensure they voted for the Policy, to Vice President Cheney. Democratic ticket. Other rep- resentatives at the table includ- Journal, commented, “Those of us at their disposal,
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