Presidents Report

It is with great pleasure I report another successful season both on and off the playing fields for Rugby Junior . The season kicked off back in June 2011 with a well attended annual general meeting, from which a strong executive was again formed. From there, player and coaches recruitment days were put in place and come the start of the season we were able to nominate nine sides from under 9’s through to under 16’s. This resulted in our club gaining one extra side and nominating a under 16 side for the first time in many years from the previous seasons nominations. Rugby Cricket nominated the most sides in Dubbo Junior Cricket, an effort all coaches, players, administrators and supporters can be proud of.

Of course, for this to happen, not only do we need a strong leadership team but healthy sponsorship. The club again welcomed Golden West Holden on board as its major sponsor and to Mick Adams once again thank you for your generosity. The club also welcomed back Andrew McDonald Commercial and Central West Gates and Fencing as sponsors. To Mick (GWH) Andrew and Yvette (AMC), Craig and Tanya (CWG) we sincerely thankyou and we hope the club has done you proud.

Once again our club has had on field success to date with the Under 10, 12a Rugby Blue, 14b and 14a sides qualifying for this year’s semi-finals. A special mention to the two under 14 sides as they have, to date gone through the season undefeated, in turn picking up the minor premiership. The club this season entered two under nine sides and in turn welcomed on board three new coaches in Glenn Shepherd, Craig Rosenbaum and Lachlan Harper. Welcome guys and many thanks for your efforts. To Pete Hennessey, Andrew Rose, Grant Berryman, Paul Knaggs and Shane Bargmann your efforts are also appreciated and do not go unnoticed. It is because of your efforts and respect that you as individuals command, has put Rugby Junior Cricket at the forefront of Dubbo junior cricket.

To the current executive another job well done. To give up your time for the future of our club is something I appreciate and I’m sure so do our players and supporters. Thank you for your attendance and look forward to growing our club stronger with you into the future. A special mention, to Tanya McGrath, on her efforts on organising the Pink Stumps Day fundraiser. You certainly helped put RJC on the map. Great effort and well done.

To our parent supporters, I have got to say you are the best I have seen at any junior sport levels. We appreciate your support and the commitment you make to get your boys and girls to training and games each day.

When this goes to press we will have teams playing in the final series. I would like to wish all these sides and coaches the very best of luck. Remember teams play hard, but fair hoping you can bring home premiership.

I would like to finish up by saying once again thank you to you all for participating in what I believe the premier club.

Thanks and Regards,

Steven Wheeler

Rugby Blue Under 9’s

Coach: Craig Rosenbaum & Lachlan Harper

Junior Cricket started the season with a fresh bunch of Rugby junior cricketers excited about playing on Thursday nights. A new beginning for junior cricket in Dubbo. In our first game we played the Rugby Red’s and quickly settled into a routine for the following four months. Four girls in the team added significant girl power to the team.

A great year has been enjoyed by the junior cricketers, with all passing the 1st year with honours.

Thank you to the parents who have supported the Rugby junior cricketers in their journey of enjoying and playing cricket.

A summary of the players profile for the year are:

Ben Rosenbaum: Big hitting all rounder who often grabs a vital with a bright future.

Nate Ambler: Very determined little player, consistent with bat and ball in hand.

Kieran Rosenbaum: Mini Brett Lee with ball in hand and more than capable with the bat, likes to get his pants dirty in the field as well.

Graycen Schipp: Very accomplished batswoman who usually sneaks in a wicket or two.

Jonathon Dixon: Solid batsman who rarely loses his wicket, very handy with the ball also.

Bonnie Vance: An excellent fielder who took an extraordinary catch halfway through the season, known for being feared by batsman also after a few body hits.

Jack Benias: A bowler who bowls with some serious pace and venom who can turn a game around with his big hitting.

Brendon Thomas: A passionate player who chips in well with bat and ball.

Charlotte Harper: Very capable batswoman and right arm farm bowler who’s improving with every game.

Meg Rosenbaum: Uses perfect timing and sensible shots to help herself get runs and usually takes the game changing .

Donald Vance: A tough little batsman who will always defend his wicket and keeps an economic rate.

Daniel Barber: A great all round player who bats and field’s well who can also throw in the leg spinner when bowling to bamboozle the batsman.

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 9 Blue

Rugby Red U9’s

Coach: Glenn Shepherd

We started the year with a raw but very enthusiastic group of boys ready to have a crack at some cricket. Each Thursday we would meet for 30-45 minutes before the match and run through a few skills to get the hang of the game. And the best part for me as coach was to watch the boys enjoy the game and improve week-by-week.

For our first game, we demonstrated the full range of skills from promising to plenty of room to improve! But the most encouraging thing was that everyone turned up each week with a smile and keen to learn something new. And after a while, a few of those practise sessions reaped great rewards. We even managed to snare a few catches along the way and started talking to each other when running between wickets! And what amazed me was that by the New Year, every team member could bowl with a straight arm. I think a lot of the credit for that must go to all the mums and dads who obviously spent many an hour in the backyard over the holidays! A quick rundown of the team:

Connor Clarke – Biggest smile in the team. Great enthusiasm and will only get better with practise. Must stand next to his brother so his coach can work out which Clarke he is.

Jacob Clarke – Most improved bowler for the year, with a great straight arm. Great square cut off a fast bowler in the last round to top off his season. Must stand next to his brother so his coach can work out which Clarke he is.

Zac Clissold – Co-nominee for best talker in the team. Showed great improvement with his bowling through the year. With more practise his batting will get better and better.

Ryan Duffy – Power hitter of the team. Dealt some big blows to the opposition throughout the year. His bowling was lethal when on target, but sprays them a little like his old man. Handy in the field too.

Samuel Harland – The quiet man of the team. Ambidextrous batsman who even has the coach confused. Showed great perseverance to end up with a straight bowling arm after Christmas.

Ryan Maxwell – Cheekiest team man. Infectious smile and gives it everything he’s got. When he connects when batting, they stay hit. Found some genuine pace with his bowling in the last couple of rounds.

Alexi Pawlenko - Co-nominee for best talker in the team. Another player bubbling with enthusiasm and can really clout a ball. Pulled off the catch of the year and a run out at the same time, all without even realising he’d done it! Best drink truck spotter in the comp.

Lawson Shepherd – Mr Cricket of the team. Would play 7 days a week if he could. Livened a few opposition members up with some pace bowling and doesn’t believe in anything but full blooded attack when batting. Comes in handy for chores around the house too.

Lachie Sinclair – Another big hitter in the team. Full effort goes into everything and always with a smile. With plenty of practice, a big chance of best batsman for the 2012-13 season.

Hamish Wood – Sly man of the team. Always a cheeky grin and clever comment to keep the coach on his toes. May need substance testing after an amazing display of bowling in the final round. Or Julie puts “something extra” in the chocolate cakes at team Wood. Investigations will be ongoing.

I appreciate all the parents for showing a genuine interest in the boys and the game. I had a great time every Thursday and the boys will only enjoy the game and get better with all those backyard games. Thanks to everyone for contributing to the weekly BBQ and making it a great social occasion, with special thanks to Tam as chief BBQ attendant!

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 9 Red

Rugby U10’s

Coach: Peter Hennessy

This year saw our numbers swell to 12 players. We had a mix of new and returning players for the new format on Thursday nights. The players and parents really embraced this week day evening game, with a good role up and a great social atmosphere. Special thanks to the Smiths with their BBQ. It was excellent to come off the field for drinks break to be handed a nice feed before returning to the game.

The boys should be proud of their season. They have come a long way this year. The bowling from all the boys has improved out of sight from the beginning of the season. With a little practice over the off season it will only get better. A great stat for the team is we have taken the most wickets for the season in the U10’s. This has been because of great fielding with lots of run outs and good bowling.

Our batting has been consistent through the season with noticeable improvements in the boy’s technique week by week. This is highlighted with us achieving the 3rd highest run tally for the year.

As coach this year I thank the players and their parents for making this season such a success.

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 10s

Rugby Blue U12a

Coach: Tub Wheeler

Rugby Blue again have enjoyed another successful season together by making the semi final playoffs. The side welcomed newcomer Will Grant into the side this season and set about putting some very strong performances together as a team. We were faced with many new challenges, in particular wearing protection gear and facing the new red leather ball to name some. The boys were quick to adapt and after many anxious moments and adjustments have now formed a formidable outfit with the older teams looking over their shoulders.

The boys have played very consistent cricket only losing two games to date, with the highlight undoubtedly the thrashing of the older CYMS side just prior to Christmas.

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 12a Blues

Many of the boys have performed well during stages , with all the boys I believe improving their skills again this season. I told the boys at the season start this was going to be a team effort and I believe this will hopefully get us over the line.

Many thanks go out to Chris Ambler and Dave Willetts for the times they have spent scoring and also Alison Rumble and Steve Wallace for the times they did it.

To all the parents and supporters a big thank you. You are a terrific bunch and should be proud of how you have raised your boys. They show me a lot of respect and I am certainly proud of being their coach.

When this goes to print the season will not be finished. I hope I can coach the boys to a big upset premiership. I look forward to many more seasons together.

Batting Statistics

High Name Matches Innings Not outs Runs Average Score

Roland Kelly 10 7 3 106 26.50 30

Baye Wallace 9 6 1 40 8.00 23

Ben Wheeler 10 6 3 122 40.66 31

Logan Watmore 10 7 4 61 20.30 13

Hayden Lew 9 5 1 28 7.00 12

Max Rumble 9 6 2 76 19.00 31

Dom Ambler 10 4 2 6 3.00 4

Pat Hennessey 9 3 0 12 4.50 9

Angus McDonald 8 3 1 26 13.00 23

Tom Pascoe 10 4 1 20 6.60 13

Ethan Willetts 10 6 2 48 12.00 20

Will Grant 10 6 3 53 17.66 27

Mitch 10 3 0 15 5.00 10 Rosenbaum

Bowling Statistics

Times Over’s Runs Wickets Best Name Average Bowled Bowled Against Taken Bowling

Roland Kelly 8 19 25 4 6.25 2-4

Baye Wallace 7 18 49 4 12.25 1-2

Ben Wheeler 7 16 27 7 3.85 3-1

Logan Watmore 9 27 40 8 5 2-4

Hayden Lew 5 10 35 3 11.66 2-16

Max Rumble 4 11 24 5 4.8 2-7

Dom Ambler 9 27 56 5 11.2 1-1

Pat Hennessey 8 22 54 3 18 1-2

Angus McDonald 8 21 44 6 7.33 2-3

Tom Pascoe 6 17 53 6 8.83 2-6

Ethan Willetts 9 24 67 4 16.75 2-3

Will Grant 9 28 34 8 4.25 2-2

Mitch 7 21 56 1 56 1-5 Rosenbaum

Rugby Red U12a

Coach: Andrew Rose

We started the season off with welcoming 5 new players to the committed core group of players coming up from last year’s Under 10 team. It was also a new experience for all players, as it was the first year with a hard ball and all the protective cricket gear. However with all of this, the team settled in well to the start of the season winning 2 of the first 3 games.

After a short period of time the Under 12 competition was split between A’s & B’s which along with the Rugby Blue’s we moved into the Under 12A competition. This was a big step up for the team, however it has benefited them and their cricket skills enormously for future years. All the boys have personally developed their cricket skills during the year. They have been a great pleasure to coach, which I thank them greatly for.

Even though they did not win many of their matches in the new competition, they have shown some great cricket skills and fighting characteristics. Most of the games have been played against boys 12 months older than them. I look forward to them applying all their developed skills next season and being a team that will be able to compete very competitively.

The team consisted of Hugh Duncan, James Debus, Harry Connell, Mat Riley, Charlie Lawler, Sam Knaggs, Angus Smith, Campbell Rose, Hamish Grant, Will Jameson, Nick Pawlenko, Cooper Riley & Oscar Mathews.

The leading wicket takes for the year were:

Sam Knaggs – 10 (wickets)

Hamish Grant – 6

Angus Smith – 5

Harry Connell – 5

The leading run scorers were:

Campbell Rose – 97

Hugh Duncan – 73

James Debus - 63

Sam Knaggs – 57

I know I can speak on behalf of the boys, we are all very appreciative of the parents and supporters with the support given to us throughout the season. Without you all, Saturday mornings would not be even possible and enjoyable as it is. To the Dubbo Rugby Cricket Club and committee members, thank you to everyone for all that you have done throughout the year. Without the devoted committee members we would not have the wonderful Rugby Cricket Club that we have.

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 12a Red

Many thanks go to the parents that assisted with the scoring, especially to David Duncan, Peter Debus and Simon Lawler. Lucky we didn’t have too many close games that the books needed to add up for!!!

To everyone, enjoy the offseason and we are looking forward to an even bigger and better season ahead next year.

Rugby Red U14a 2011-2012

Coach: Paul Knaggs

This season has been a stop start affair due to Mother Nature, which due to the nature of the Reds has not suited our game. Having said that the side as a whole has gelled at training with the boys all having fun and making steady improvement from the 2010/11 season.

The photo below depicts it best - sort of ready but not!

LIKE HERDING CATS as one parent put it!

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 14a Red

I would like to thank the parents for their support over the season, in particular Tim Manning for all his help on Saturdays and with Pink stumps day. It has been much appreciated.

I would also like to thank Tub Wheeler, Colin Harper and Grant Berryman for their support over the season. Grant has been fantastic help at training with his passion for the game.

The sportsmanship the boys have developed is something I’m very proud of, best of luck next season.

Well done

Rugby Blue U14a 2011-2012

Coach: Mark Munro

This outstanding team of young cricketers continued on their way as the leading team in the competition.

Unlike the previous two seasons they have finally lost a game of cricket, that being the final round of the year against a red hot Newtown out-fit that was simply too good on the day.

The members of the blues settled into their cricket, developing specialist fielding, batting and bowling positions as we have the past two seasons. This was especially important with four of the side, Kyle Munro, Strath Munro, Pat Kelly and Blake Watmore earning selection in the Macquarie Valley side. The blues , Blake Watmore, deservedly was selected in the Western Zone side.

Two other members of this team, Nick Karydis (unavailable at time of selection in October) and Cayden McGrath, should have been part of the Macquarie valley side but were overlooked.

The continued development of our other members of the side gives me great pleasure. Whilst they might not take the 5 wicket hauls or score the 50 not outs, their contribution is just as important to the success of this TEAM.

Connor McLeod can bowl 3rd change and score runs at no.8 and always chases every ball in the field with real commitment. Macca has a passion and great intensity that is evident when he takes a wicket!

Jarrod Wilson can keep wickets very capably when called upon to wear the gloves. He can and does bat anywhere in the order and has developed a solid offside batting game. Jarrod has to decide if he wants to bowl offies, leggies or medium pace>

Brad Watson has a very strong arm which means he spends a lot of time in the outfield, you have to be quick between the wickets if you want two and Brad is near the ball. His batting defence and in-swing bowling has improved very well this season.

Taylor Wood now has a run up! In just her second season of cricket her batting technique has improved and Taylor can handle the willow with confidence against the quicker bowlers. Taylor drops the ball on the batsmen from well above their eye-line. No more bouncers in the 20/20 please Taylor.

Blake Bailey said he wanted to improve and he did. The big highlight for Blake was top scoring in our 20/20 game and winning some money off his father that day who bet against him top scoring. Great strategy dad!

Archie Hamilton came into the team as a transfer from Narromine. Archie had a top score of only 17 , yet he could come on take wickets, he has good hands at point taking several good catches and is very fast in the field with a good arm.

I am a massive fan of developing our good players that want to achieve rep honors. The blues have been lucky enough to have 4-6 players the past seasons that have made the MVCC side. These blokes naturally score a lot of the runs and take a lot of the wickets which make the team successful.

Our openers, Kyle Munro and Nick Karydis scored heavily again. Kyle scored 258 runs at 86.0 with a top score of 49. Kyle is a classical opener accumulating his runs and batting for long periods. Kyle keeps wicket and when he can will give the gloves away to take up the ball and then clean some batsmen up with his medium . Outstanding cricketer and great young bloke.

Nick Karydis again scored heavily literally bashing all bowlers to all parts of the ground. 244 runs at 61.0 with a top score of 61no. Nick scores quickly and runs well between the wickets, needs to call louder, doesn’t he Kyle? Nick also bowled 3rd change with great pace; he fields close to the bat with great reflexes. Nick also played many games for the 16’s.

Our captain, Blake Watmore had another wonderful season. Blake opens the bowling and has a great out-swinger that saw him top the wickets in the competition, 19 at 5.37. Blake also had a top score of 54no and averaged 21.0 with the bat. Blake’s captaincy will continue to develop and his passion and commitment to success for himself and the team must be congratulated.

Cayden McGrath is an absolute livewire on Saturday mornings. Cayden bowls first change and had best figures of 4/7 at an average of 7.64. if it were possible “caydos” would field every ball! He had a top sore of only 16no but had little time at the crease. Caydos also played almost every game for the 16’s.

Pat Kelly, what do you say? PK just moves the ball TOO much. You can bowl without luck for a while but not an entire season! Pk can move the ball both ways and with great bounce from his height and action. Pat batted everywhere in the lineup with a top score of 30no at 20.67. When PK masters “control” of his bowling abilities look out batsmen!

Strath Munro takes the new ball and had best figures of 4/13 at 6.71 for the season. “Morton” will continue to improve as he gains more control from a more consistent action. He likes to drop it in short to liven batsmen up. Strath has to pick when it is a good time to do this however! He is at his best when he bowls at the top of off. Consistency is the key. Morton had a top score of 19 at 9.86 and like his bowling needs to be more consistent and selective with choice of shot.

The team has finished first after the regular season and will have to be back at peak form to make the final and defend their premiership and make it three grand final wins a in a row.

With the future of under 16’s cricket in doubt it could well be the end of this great team. Third grade will benefit from this however the players who do not wish to pursue this option will have to line up in the reds. Much to consider for both the senior and junior Rugby players and associations

I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching this team. The rugby cricket club will be well served for many seasons by these wonderful players. To all of our parents and supporters thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have all been at every game to support not only your own child but their team mates as well. My job has been very easy because of your support for us all. I thank you so very much and appreciate the chance you have given me the past 7 seasons of cricket.

Captain’s Report: Blake Watmore

The season of 2011/2012 has been extraordinary on many levels. Once again we have been through the season and played to the best of our abilities.

The 10th of March was a significant day for all. It was the day that our side was defeated in three years. This was an extraordinary effort by the Newtown Tigers Black to defeat us. It is also an extraordinary effort from our team; it takes an amazing amount of team work, skill and effort to go three years in a row without being defeated. I think that it was the best thing that could have happened on the day because we now have a reason to play good cricket and our determination levels have now increased highly.

Throughout this season the team has put in an outstanding effort and we have played some great cricket. We all enjoy playing together as a group which at the end of the day is way more important than winning or losing. A special mention to Kyle and Nick, who are the two most outstanding batters in the whole Dubbo and District Junior Cricket Association. Kyle has managed to score 258 runs with an average of 86.00, and Nick has managed to score 244 runs with an average of 61.00. This is an amazing effort and these pair should be acknowledged for their achievements. Also with the ball three of our players have made it into the top ten bowlers of the association, being, myself at number one with 19 wickets and an average of 5.47, Strath ranked at number four has taken 13 wickets with an average of 6.23 and Cayden ranked at number seven has taken 11 wickets with an average of 5.82. These are outstanding figures and they should be proud of their efforts, but as we know it does take 12 cricketers to win and be competitive in a match and for that I acknowledge each and every one of you for your efforts. Rugby blue great teamwork and sportsmanship.

I would like to thank our wonderful Coach Mark for all the hard work he has done throughout the season to ensure we are playing the standard of cricket which we should be playing. He has been a great coach this season and on behalf of the team I would like to thank and congratulate him for his time and effort. I would also like to thank our 2 back up coaches Craig Wood and Craig McGrath. They were there to fill in whenever Mark was unavailable.

The 2 Craig’s also helped with the umpiring & scoring, thanks very much guys. Last but most certainly not least I would like to thank all of the parents on their efforts this season getting us to and from games every week and for being such a great support network, without you guys I don’t think the team would be the way it is today.

Now we just have to have our eyes set on winning the semi-final this week against Newtown and regain our dominance. It has been an honour to be the captain of such a wonderful group of young cricketers. I would love to have the privilege of leading the boys and Taylor to yet another premiership.

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 14a Blue (absent: Archie Hamilton)


Not Highest Total Batter Matches Innings 100’s 50’s 0’s Average Outs Score runs Kyle Munro 9 9 6 - - - 49 258 86.0 Nick Karydis 9 9 5 - 1 - 61 n/o 244 61.0 Patrick Kelly 9 9 3 - - 2 30 n/o 124 20.67 Blake Watmore 9 7 2 - 1 - 54 n/o 105 21.0 Jarrod Wilson 8 7 2 - - - 32 98 19.6 Brad Watson 9 7 3 - - 1 27 n/o 75 18.75 Strath Munro 9 7 - - - 2 19 69 9.86 Cayden McGrath 9 5 1 - - - 16 n/o 43 10.75 Archie Hamilton 8 6 2 - - 2 8 n/o 25 6.25 Taylor Wood 7 6 2 - - 2 3 9 2.25 Connor Macleod 8 4 0 - - 1 5 8 2.0 Blake Bailey 8 6 1 - - 2 3 n/o 8 1.6


Best Strike Bowler Matches Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Average Economy Bowling Rate Blake 9 44 8 102 19 3/5 5.37 13.89 2.38 Watmore Strath 9 40 5 94 14 4/13 6.71 17.14 2.35 Munro Cayden 9 33 7 84 11 4/7 7.64 18.0 2.55 McGrath Patrick 9 26 3 81 7 2/2 11.57 22.29 3.12 Kelly Kyle 9 12 4 18 6 2/2 3.0 12.0 1.50 Munro Brad 9 18 4 41 5 2/10 8.2 21.6 2.28 Watson Nick 9 30.2 7 71 5 1/2 14.2 36.4 2.34 Karydis Taylor 7 7 0 36 3 2/17 12.0 14.0 5.14 Wood Archie 8 15 0 68 2 1/11 39.0 45.0 4.53 Hamilton Blake 8 4 0 21 1 1/6 21.0 24.0 7.0 Bailey Connor 8 16 1 51 1 1/5 51.0 96.0 3.18 Macleod Jarrod 8 7 0 14 0 0/3 - - 2.0 Wilson

Catches & Stumpings:

Fielder Catches Stumpings Kyle Munro 8 1 Nick Karydis 5 - Patrick Kelly 3 - Blake Watmore 1 - Jarrod Wilson - - Brad Watson 2 - Strath Munro 2 - Cayden McGrath 4 - Archie Hamilton 4 - Taylor Wood - - Connor Macleod 2 - Blake Bailey - -

Rugby U14b 2011-2012

Coach: Grant Berryman

Our 13 year olds were put in the 14 year olds competition this season. Two players joined our team this year. Jack Jones who came back to his age group after twelve months playing with Rugby Blue and Arthur Marais who had played with us in the Under 9’s competition and decided to come back to cricket. Both boys have settled in well with the team.

Batting Statistics

Name Matches Innings Not outs Runs Average High Score

Patrick Berryman 9 9 8 195 195.00 50 ret.

Mitchell Smith 9 8 1 128 18.28 50 ret.

Jack Jones 8 6 1 81 16.20 25

Will Druce 8 7 0 21 3.00 9

Charlie Beatty 9 6 3 69 23.00 31no

Adlai Shipp 9 7 2 28 5.60 10

Arthur Marais 8 6 1 9 1.80 4

Jock Menzies 7 4 0 31 7.75 18

Kel Rumble 9 5 0 47 9.40 20

Jordan Berryman 7 6 3 51 17.00 23no

Will Hodges 9 7 1 49 8.10 14

Isaac Hogan 8 7 2 78 15.60 21

We have had a great season. The boys have improved their game this year. They are starting to value their wicket and their scores are improving because of it. We have four teams in our competition and we are unbeaten at this stage.

Three of the boys in our team Patrick Berryman, Adlai Shipp and Mitchell Smith made the Dubbo under 13’s representative team that competed at the Western NSW Cricket Carnival held in Orange in January this year. They all played well and are better cricketers for the experience.

Thank you to the parents for your support and encouragement and a big thank you to the parents who took on the job of scoring at the games throughout the season.

I have thoroughly enjoyed another year coaching this group of young cricketers and look forward to seeing us all back together again next year.

Bowling Statistics

Runs Best Name Matches Innings Wickets Average Against Figure

Patrick Berryman 9 9 69 5 2/9 13.80

Mitchell Smith 9 11 116 13 6/13 8.92

Jack Jones 8 8 74 2 1/10 37.00

Will Druce 8 8 70 3 2/9 23.30

Charlie Beatty 9 9 73 3 1/2 24.33

Adlai Shipp 9 11 108 14 4/10 7.71

Arthur Marais 8 9 60 3 1/1 20.00

Jock Menzies 7 8 88 6 2/15 14.66

Kel Rumble 9 9 72 4 1/2 18.00

Jordan Berryman 7 1 7 0 0/7 (wicketkeeper)

Will Hodges 9 11 96 8 2/5 12.00

Isaac Hogan 8 9 54 1 1/5 54.00

Rugby U16 2011-2012

Coach: Shane Bargmann

The 2011 – 12 Under 16’s competition was a whole new ball game this year for the Rugby Boys. Ninety Overs of cricket, all day Sunday, needed commitment from both players and parents, which is greatly appreciated, with only one under 16 player Nathan Beetson and 4 under 14’s players making up the team. We were the youngest side in this year’s competition. Thanks to the four under 14’s players, Cayden McGrath Nick Karydis, Blake Watmore and Brad Watson. Great effort guys much appreciated.

Although finishing 5th this year, the side competed hard in all games and their never give up attitude made the way for some exciting cricket this season.

Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket 2011-2012 Under 16s

In the bowling department this year saw every player roll the arm over at some stage, which saw the wickets shared amongst the team. Lewis, Nick K, Nado, Blake, Caydo, Mark, Tom, Nathan, great effort guys. Lachlan Harper Bowling his off spin was a standout this year. Great line and length every week saw him finish with 13 wickets for the year. Runs this year were hard to get at times. This year saw several players make good starts, but their inexperience against a stronger bowling attack than what we have played against before challenge Rugby’s batsmen. Kurt, Nick T, Nado, Lachy, Curtis, Nick K, Tilsto and Blake batted consistently all year. Well Done. Congratulations to Kurt Davenport being our first century maker with 102 not out.

On a personal note I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the season. All the mums and dads, players, friends and families who helped out at training and game days, thanks very much it has been great to be a part of.

Best Bowler: Lachlan Harper

Best Batter: Kurt Davenport

All Rounder: Nick Karydis

Best and Fairest: Lachlan Harper

Encouragement Award: Jacob Walters

100 Club: Kurt Davenport

Batting Statistics

Player Mat. Inn. NO 100s 50s 0s HS Runs Ave.

Davenport, Kurt 9 10 1 1 1 0 102 304 33.78

Karydis, Nicholas 6 7 0 0 0 2 43 136 19.43

Bargmann, Curtis 5 6 1 0 0 1 35* 90 18.00

Beetson, Nathan 7 8 1 0 0 1 34 79 11.29

Harper, Lachlan T 9 10 2 0 0 1 29* 77 9.63

Thomasz, Nicholas 9 9 0 0 0 2 15 60 6.67

Watmore, Blake 3 2 1 0 0 0 26* 36 36.00

Tilston, Alex 9 10 0 0 0 5 13 32 3.20

Davenport, Mark 8 6 0 0 0 2 8 21 3.50

Hawkes, Nathan 9 9 2 0 0 3 4* 16 2.29

Miller, Lewis 6 5 0 0 0 2 9 16 3.20

Reid-Worrell, 6 6 1 0 0 3 9 15 3.00 Thomas

Watson, Brad 1 1 0 0 0 0 9 9 9.00

Walters, Jakob 7 8 3 0 0 2 3 8 1.60

Walters, Jacob 2 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 4.00

McGrath, Cayden 5 5 1 0 0 3 2 3 0.75

Bowling Statistics

Player Mat. Overs Maid. Runs Wick. Best Ave. SRate Econ.

Harper, Lachlan T 9 53 6 152 13 3/13 11.69 24.46 2.87

Miller, Lewis 6 17.3 0 77 7 3/30 11.00 15.00 4.40

Karydis, Nicholas 6 31 4 107 7 4/7 15.29 26.57 3.45

Beetson, Nathan 7 31.2 4 112 6 3/27 18.67 31.33 3.57

Reid-Worrell, 6 20 1 71 5 3/8 14.20 24.00 3.55 Thomas

Bargmann, Curtis 5 35 4 104 5 2/3 20.80 42.00 2.97

Hawkes, Nathan 9 27.4 1 118 4 1/0 29.50 41.50 4.27

McGrath, Cayden 5 19 4 47 3 2/12 15.67 38.00 2.47

Walters, Jakob 7 10.4 0 56 3 1/9 18.67 21.33 5.25

Davenport, Kurt 9 10 1 59 3 3/39 19.67 20.00 5.90

Davenport, Mark 8 31 3 120 3 2/16 40.00 62.00 3.87

Tilston, Alex 9 29 0 160 3 1/13 53.33 58.00 5.52

Watson, Brad 1 3 0 7 1 1/7 7.00 18.00 2.33

Walters, Jacob 2 7 2 19 0 0/6 NA NA 2.71

Watmore, Blake 3 17 6 36 0 0/8 NA NA 2.12

Thomasz, Nicholas 9 16 1 80 0 0/0 NA NA 5.00