As always, our season wouldn’t occur without the generous support of our sponsors. Rod & Cathy Pascoe from D&B Auto Electrics and Michael Adams at Golden West Holden have yet again helped to keep our fees low and enable us to provide equipment to minimise costs to families. Please think about returning the support next time you need automotive repairs or are in the market for a vehicle.

In addition to our major sponsors, we have had generous assistance from a number of other businesses. If you require any of the services they provide, please ensure you consider supporting them as a show of thanks from our club. Presidents Report 2016

I would like to thank the Dubbo Rugby Club for the opportunity to be President of such a successful organisation. The previous president Steven Wheeler left me with a solid foundation and great executive to continue his great work - thanks Steve.

Once again Rugby Junior Cricket has been a successful and strong club with multiple teams in each grade. Our junior development is going from strength to strength with Milo and U9’s producing many new players for the future. This development would not have been possible without Warren Saunders. Warren left us during the season to further his career in Sydney; he will be greatly missed as an organiser, great clubman and friend. The challenge for us as the ongoing executive committee is to continue Warren’s great work and keep the grass roots level strong.

The current committee of Glenn Shepherd, Andrew Rose, Colin Harper, Donna Ambler, Dave Coote and Rachel Daly have done an outstanding job this year. It was Rachel’s first year in an official capacity and as registrar she has to be commended for doing a great job. Glenn and Rachel organised and implemented online player registrations, which was highly successful. To all coaches who attend meetings and support the committee - a big thanks.

Once again the season would not be possible without our sponsors. A special mention to the continuing support from Golden West Holden, principle Michael Adams has been a valued supporter of the Club.

A big thanks also to DB Auto Electrics and Air Conditioning for their continued support as a major sponsor. To all the other sponsors, thanks for helping make this year a great experience for the kids. In particular, the Amaroo Bistro, Geolyse, the Verb Garden and Andrew McDonald Commercial.

During the representative season some very talented girls and boys proudly represented Rugby. When we had the rep photo taken it was amazing to have all the players from across the grades together. We certainly have some exciting talent coming through.

I would like to wish all the teams in the final all the best of luck, stay focused and enjoy your cricket. To the teams that didn’t make it hope you had a great year and look forward to seeing you in the 2016/2017 season.

Peter Hennessy

(Please note: Despite appearances, to the best of our knowledge, our esteemed President has no links to outlaw bikie gangs or organised crime. Background checks are ongoing) U9 White Coaches: Tam Shepherd & Warren Saunders

Another fantastic year of T20 Blast cricket. The format certainly seems to be working well. This year we had a lovely bunch of children who thoroughly enjoyed their cricket and were a pleasure to coach. We said goodbye to Warren and Oscar Saunders at Christmas and gained two new players in the New Year. Fortunately Liam and Ned were just as enthusiastic about cricket as Oscar had been and it was a pleasure to welcome them into the team.

Austin Hunt - loves his cricket, being one of the big hitters for the team and always wanting longer boundaries. Austin managed 6 fours in one innings, his top score was 30 and best figures of 1 for 9.

Brydie Pascoe - very consistent performer who worked hard at her bowling and saw it improved over the season. Brydie hit 2 sixes in 1 over and had best effort with the bat of 20 and bowling figures of 1 for 20.

Cam Lyon - quiet performer who was always ready to . He loved to throw the stumps down for a runout. He had a top score of 24 and best bowling figures of 2 for 13.

Fergus Attenborough - started the season strongly but was MIA for second half of the season, hopefully not because of the new coach! His top score was 16 and his best figures of 3 for 15.

George Murphy - passionate about his cricket and wanted to play over the holiday break. He was one of our most consistent bowlers. He had a great top score of 38 and best figures 2 for 19.

Jasmine Shepherd - very enthusiastic cricketer each week, possibly louder than the coach. She was the top taker with 4 . Jas’ best effort with the bat was 19 and best bowling figures of 3 for 11.

Liam Antaw - new comer to the team who worked extremely hard in the field. He was always read to back up at the stumps. His best batting knock was 31 and his best bowling was 2 for 26.

Oscar Saunders - ‘Mr Cricket’ who has cricket running through his veins. Before heading to the big smoke Oscar’s top score was 44 and his best bowling was 2 for 9.

Ned Connors- the new ‘Mr Cricket’ who replaced Oscar after Christmas. He loves a chat in the field and kept us on our toes, particularly with his knowledge about what should happen. His top score was 19 and best bowling was 0 for 18.

Shea Pascoe - the quiet achiever of the team. Like her sister Brydie she worked hard with her bowling and her action improved considerably. Her highest score was 28 and she had best bowling of 1 for 16.

Thank you to all the parents for coming and supporting us each week, particularly during the last couple of hot weeks. We hope that the children enjoyed their season and look forward to seeing them again next year. U9 Blues and Whites

Coaches: Bill Williamson & Warren Saunders Back Row: Jack Arndell, Cameron Lyon, Shea Pascoe, Brydie Pascoe Middle Row: Gus Johnson, Jasmine Shepherd, Oscar Saunders, Austin Hunt Front Row: Hugh Mitchell, Max Hawkins, Tom Williamson

Rugby T20 Blast stars with “Thunderman” U9 Blue Coach: Bill Williamson

Rugby Blue U9s this summer consisted of Hugh Mitchell, Max Hawkins, Jack Taylor, Tom Williamson, Jack Arndell, Tom Arndell, Luke Furney and Angus Johnson. Together these players worked hard in every game to field and bat, with strong efforts against a range of competition

Some notable achievements:

 16 wickets taken in one game, 15 in another  superb catching from junior players with 3 catches in one game  one player who managed two run-outs in one game and another run-out the following week  a partnership of 39 runs with the next pair getting 37  the Blues managed 166 runs in one game and 147 in another

Despite the warm evenings, a lot fun had by all and some substantial improvements in skills, aided by the professional support from the club. U10 Coaches: Ryan O’Connor & Dave Coote

What a terrific first season of “real cricket”! Throughout, the team played with great discipline and enthusiasm, and demonstrated a pleasing willingness to listen – no mean feat from 11 spirited (lippy?) nine-year olds. Excellent commitment from the boys too, with all but two playing each and every game.

Rugby maintained an admirable record, ending with seven wins, two losses and two rain-affected draws. Most of Rugby’s seven wins were close, but also included two big ones: in Round 2 against RSL Colts (averaging 105 to 6.4) and again in Round 7 against Newton (142 to 6). Mind you, this Rugby cohort will have their work cut-out in years to come against Macquarie with the John Fuller coached team handing out both losses.

There’s plenty of stars in the Rugby stables. Every player showed improvements in all areas of the game, none more so than Joe “The Boy” O’Brien. His Irish name belies an obvious natural talent for the English game, and considering his initial unfamiliarity with it, he quickly proved his ability with ball, bat and particularly behind the wickets. It’s a brave keeper who keeps in shorts, but he willingly shinned many a ball and saved plenty of byes.

The pinch-hitting pair of Isaac Burchall and Jonty Schulz clocked 26 boundaries between them, every one of them over and through mid-wicket. Their preference for brute force with the bat stands in stark contrast with their lithe finesse around the field. Each took a catch, affected run-outs and remained vigilant for opportunities.

Lincoln “the Gentleman” Boyle hearkens back to a bygone era of polite applause and watercress sandwiches, but the stat’s aren’t fooled. On four occasions Lincoln collected best bowling figures for the match, more than any other player, and on average took a wicket every 11 balls.

With a kitbag the envy of any self-respecting cricketer, Aydan Hunt’s brim-full kitbag of shots gives away his unfair cricket pedigree. Aydan’s bowling also found some nice rhythm in the second half of the season, as he accurately bowled his wristy spinners on a nagging length. Special mention too for some outstanding zinc application.

Enter the players on big contracts, Ty Sissian and Mason Olney - and didn’t they live up to their hype. A devastating partnership with the bat, Mason edged out Ty for runs scored, while Ty did the same with the ball. We won’t burden Mason with “Bradman-like” comparisons (despite averaging 200-plus), mainly because Bradman couldn’t bowl (Mason’s too-hot-to-handle fireballs went down at a rate of just 3.2 runs per over). But not to be outdone, Ty’s 11 wickets at 5.5 runs says a bit, and his best figures of 2 for 1 says even more.

Will Haseler proved to be a fine timer of the ball, and similar to Isaac and Jonty, showed a particular disdain for the mid-wicket boundary (12 boundaries in total). Most impressive was Will’s hunger for a quick single and his merciless punishment of overthrows.

Then, there’s the Big Show, Thomas Chrystall. While he prefers (okay, requests) comparisons to David Warner, this brute of a boy backed up his impatience for defensive play with some big boundaries (20 in total) and an impressive average of 60. And Thom: David Warner can’t boast best bowling of 2 for 1.

So to the coaches’ boys: Bailey O’Connor and Spencer Coote. Spence probably listened too much to his father’s advice to “play in the V”, since while his team mates chased Big Bash contracts, Spence patiently played straight and protected his wicket. He rightly put aside that advice at the pointy end of the season to find the boundary and accumulate plenty of runs. And because he’s related to a coach … did anyone see that awesome catch off his own bowling in the game against St John’s – what a cracker! In a season cruelled by injury, Bailey deserves accolades enough for his positive attitude and assistant- coaching. But cue Round 9 vs Colts: with Rugby needing fast runs, Bailey shrugged aside the crutches and with many a dance down the pitch and three boundaries in an unbeaten 28, the rest of the players will be queuing up for meniscal damage to keep up. Then there was Bailey’s diving catch in the outfield …

Many thanks from the coaches to all the great parent and sibling supporters for keeping the mood light and the refreshments cold. It’s testament to the success of the season that we’re looking forward to 12Bs next Summer.

Ryan O’Connor and Dave Coote


Standing: : Lachlan O’Connor (Strapper), Jonty Schulz, Lincoln Boyle Seated/Reclining: Isaac Burchall, Bailey O’Connor, Ty Sissian, Aydan Hunt, Thomas Chrystall, Joe O’Brien, Mason Olney, Spencer Coote, Will Haseler U12B Coach: Greg Cant

A very enjoyable season once again. 2015 / 16 was our introduction to the more structured competitive cricket and the boys showed they were very much ready for the challenge. The team started using the hard ball this season and this was definitely not an issue.

The team’s competitive spirit and will to win have enabled them to end the regular season on top of the ladder with only two losses for the season.

To the boys, thank you all for your efforts each week, both in training and in games. Many of them worked hard on their game away from the team and your efforts have been clear in our games both with bat and ball. You should be very proud of yourselves and hope to see you back for season 2016 / 17.

Angus Rose – This boy loves his cricket, loves the running between the wickets (suicidal or not!), loves being around the boys and loves to talk! Likes to remind the batsmen he is there but needs to broaden his cricket vocab, ‘Chit-a-chatter beats the batter’ wore thin very early in the season! Over the off season Gus will need to focus on his throwing arm – water balloons are a useful tool for this.

Dudley Shepherd – The ‘Mr Cricket’ in the team, he lives and breathes the sport. A very skilful batsmen and spin bowler who will go a long way in the sport – in saying a long way I don’t mean the travel from Trangie each week.

Dugald Shepherd – Too much cricket – never! This boy would play every day of the week if possible. A very talented boy with both bat and ball. He loves to hit boundaries rather than run between the wickets, which very much suits his nervous batting partners. Another player who could do with some water balloon work in the off season.

Harrison Quinn – ‘I love cricket more than league’, a quote from Harrison early in the season, a fair comment when you don’t get out once in the season! He hits the ball hard and is the owner of the only six hit by the team this year. He loves to ask questions and no Harrison you can’t bowl and wicket-keep at the same time!

Jai Reeves – A wonderful addition to the team. Known as ‘Mr Consistent’ with the ball and ever reliable with the bat, don’t worry mate the retirement is just around the corner! He was often the go to player when things got tough. The hard luck story of the season for Jai was claiming a wicket only for it to be called a dead ball for his wicket-keeper talking – no prizes for guessing the keeper!

Joe Sinclair – The master blaster of the team. Joe firmly believes that the best form of defence is attack - when Joe hits the ball it stays hit! The unusual bowling style works wonders for one of the most improved bowlers in the side. Joe’s highlight of the season was that innings 28 against Colts – his old team!

Louis Russell – Early in the season Louis believed that just getting bat to ball was the game but as the season progressed so did his effort to get it to the boundary and run between the wickets – and did the runs come. What a wonderful retirement in the last round! One of my highlights of the season.

Ned Jones – The Mitchell Johnson of the team with the fast left armer whipping those balls down. Ned is developing into a strike weapon for the team with his fluent bowling action and surprise full pitch ball. Once he gets some meat on those bones he will be feared with both bat and ball. Ollie Brown – One of the team’s hardest trainers and best listeners. He hits the ball hard and loves to score runs. Ollie bowls well we just haven’t figured out whether it is spin or pace, I don’t know if Ollie knows!

Paddy Cant – Typical coach’s son, listens to everyone but his dad. The mycricket guru, loved keeping an eye on the statistics and scoring – even in backyard cricket. Is developing into a cricketer but needs to learn from mistakes. Another boy who needs water balloon work in the off season.

Tom Knaggs – Another wonderful addition to the team. Tom is one of the most dedicated and energetic cricketers there is, giving 100% in everything he does. Another boy who loved batting against Colts - his old team! Tom took possibly the season’s best catch, what a screamer! One problem for Tom is he loves to sleep on the field.

Tom O’Donnell – Tom loves hanging around with his mates and getting hit in the leg by the pace bowlers in the nets! Disappointment on the weekend with Tom dropping an absolute sitter – two hands for beginners! Tom’s dedication to his team was displayed when he still turned up to field and bowl with a full arm cast.

Will Peirce – Will continued to improve throughout the season and this showed in his batting and a big score late in the season. He gains great enjoyment from the game and never complains even when getting two golden ducks in a row, ‘There is always next Saturday Mr Cant’, what a shame he got a diamond duck on that next Saturday!

A big thank you to Mark O’Donnell my assistant coach, your support and professionalism is very much appreciated. To Frank Cant thanks for your support over the past month since your move, we will have you full-time next season!

To the people who helped out with scoring and umpiring throughout the season; Trent Jones, Tony Quinn, Tom Brown and of course Mark O’Donnell thanks for your assistance.

To the Rugby Junior Cricket Club Committee; Pete, Glenn, Rachel, Col and Donna - thank you for your hard work behind the scenes and for your support to all teams and coaches.

I would have to be one of the luckiest coaches in cricket with the support I get from all of my parents and efforts from the boys. A huge thank you to you all, enjoy the off season and see you all in spring.

Bowling Batting Cat/ Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave R’out Brown, Oliver T 9 15.1 0 65 4 1/0 16.3 22.8 4.3 7 4 0 25* 70 23.3 4 Cant, Patrick 12 29 5 113 10 2/3 11.3 17.4 3.9 9 5 0 26* 129 32.3 4 Hunt, Aydan 2 5 1 20 0 0/10 NA NA 4.0 2 1 0 6* 6 6.0 1 Jones, Ned A 12 24 2 91 7 1/1 13.0 20.6 3.8 9 2 0 12* 53 7.6 2 Knaggs, Tom 12 26 1 91 7 1/4 13 22.3 3.5 7 0 0 21 51 7.3 6 O'Donnell, Tom 9 18 0 85 3 2/7 28.3 36.0 4.7 7 1 0 14 41 6.8 0 Peirce, William 9 17 0 110 2 1/6 55.0 51.0 6.5 8 2 0 17 30 5.0 0 Quinn, Harrison 10 21 2 62 4 2/3 15.5 31.5 3.0 8 8 0 27* 172 NA 6 Reeves, Jai 11 23 1 93 7 3/3 13.3 19.7 4.0 9 5 0 21 103 25.8 3 Rose, Angus 12 25 2 101 6 2/13 16.8 25.0 4.0 9 1 0 14 35 4.4 4 Russell, Louis A 11 21 1 118 5 2/9 23.6 25.2 5.6 7 4 0 25* 56 18.7 3 Shepherd, Dudley 11 27 8 79 8 2/8 9.9 20.3 2.9 8 6 0 27* 192 96.0 7 Shepherd, Dugald 10 19 4 38 4 2/2 9.5 28.5 2.0 9 3 0 20 71 12 6 Sinclair, Joe 9 19 1 79 4 1/2 19.8 28.5 4.2 7 2 0 28* 79 15.8 7 U12Bs

Back Row: Greg Cant, Ned Jones, Will Peirce, Dudley Shepherd, Jai Reeves, Mark O’Donnell Middle Row: Tom O’Donnell, Angus Rose, Dugald Shepherd, Paddy Cant, Louis Russell, Joe Sinclair Absent: Harrison Quinn (upper left), Tom Knaggs (top right), Ollie Brown (bottom right)


Back Row: Grace Osborne, Adhina Jose, Molly Skinner, Rosie Alexander, Charlotte Harper, Jess Ryan Middle Row: Meg Rosenbaum, Bridgit Isbester, Bridie Knaggs, Maddie Burdon, Macy Morrow Front Row: Jilly Rose and Tara Smith Under 12A Girls Coach: Colin Harper The team started the year with three new players, a different format of quarter’s cricket and two new teams, bringing the competition to six in the age group.

The season started off well with a tie in the first game and then run up against some strong teams in the middle. However continued cricket development saw us competitive in all matches. Our goal at the start of the season was to bat through all 40 overs and we achieved this with our highest score being 5/190. We were able to achieve two wins and a tie during the year, just missing the semifinals.

Jilly Rose stood up as captain for the year and led them well. Each player had a turn at being vice captain to help Jilly.

Three girls have made representative honours with Meg Rosenbaum, Jilly Rose and Tara Smith representing the Dubbo team in the Lachlan Inter-town competition.

I hope all the players have really enjoyed themselves during the year, learning new skills, having fun and making new friends.

I wish to thank the Dubbo Rugby Junior Cricket executive for assisting with the funding, equipment and coaching knowledge. To Craig Rosenbaum for his assistant coaching and scoring. To all other parents and supporters who have helped during the and getting the players to training and games. We hope to see you next year for more cricket.

Player profiles Adhina Jose Adhina continued off from last year showing promise with the ball and bat. Staying out in the middle and keeping the score ticking over with the bat is Adhina’s strength. Highest batting score 5. Bowling is improving and when she gets the arm up higher will be even more dangerous. Best figures 2/9. A trip to India during the year has inspired Adhina to improve her cricket. Bridie Knaggs Bridie is the youngest player in the team. Is a willing learner and has progressed well in developing cricket skills. Has a taken a “two for” when bowling during the year. Best figures 2/25. Batting is developing and very good at defence. A willing trainer who would train all day if allowed. Keep going Bridie and you will continue to develop your cricket. Brigid Isbester Brigid the crocodile catcher has improved with her sledging and wicket taking during the year. Bridget loves her cricket and plays for the enjoyment. She puts her heart into bowling, often falling over. Best figures 2/17. Best batting 6 n.o. Has learnt important cricket skills like backing up, walking in with the bowler and calling runs. Charlotte Harper Charlotte has had a full season of cricket after last year’s injury. A solid performer with the bat and ball. Highest score 4 and Best bowling 1/15. Is willing to learn from the other coach’s direction. Loves the drinks truck. I hope to see Charlotte playing cricket next season. Grace Osborne Grace constantly gives encouraging talk on the field. Grace has tried her hand at all facets of cricket. A consistent participant at training and the game. Top score of 4 and best bowling figures 1/10. We hope to see Grace continue to improve and enjoy her cricket. Jess Ryan Jess was recruited by friends and quickly fitted into the cricket culture. A tall player who is able to get bounce from the pitch when bowling. Best bowling 1/18. Batting is showing promise with a highest score 4. Jess likes fielding in the outfield. We hope to see Jess back again for more cricket. Jillian Rose Jilly took on the captain role and led with great initiative and passion. Is a willing learner and loves her cricket. Jilly tries hard each week to keep the side motivated and doing their best. Is developing well into a wicket keeping role and improving her batting. Best batting 28 retired. Jilly represented Dubbo in the Lachlan Valley Inter-Town competition. Macy Morrow Macy's batting improved during the year with a top score of 9 retired. Macy is a willing learner of cricket, improving each week. Best bowling 1/13. Macy gets her energy playing cricket from the chocolate she brings. We hope to see Macy next season. Maddie Burdon Maddie joined the other girls with energy and enthusiasm and has quickly adapted to cricket, learning something each game. Height did not limit her strong batting defence. Has little bowling run up and lets it rip to the surprise of the batter. Best bowling 1/17. Looking forward to seeing her back next year. Molly Skinner Molly’s bowling improved this year with best figures 2/16. A nervous starter at the batting crease, she always wants to be at the non-strikers end. Molly can hit runs when the bat meets the ball or dismiss batters when bowling the ball. Molly is learning the fine art of cricket and we hope to see her next year. Meg Rosenbaum Meg has matured into a fine batter with a top score of 50 retired. Bowling is tight and economical, however sometimes bowls bean balls to shock the batter, then a yorker next ball. A fine catcher with several screamers during the year. Meg represented Dubbo in the Lachlan Valley Inter-Town competition. Rosie Alexander Rosie has continued her solid defence when batting. A very hard batter to get out. Is accurate with bowling and takes many batters by surprise with speed of the pitch. Best figures 2/10. A good fielder who keeps the batters on their toes. We hope to see you next year on the cricket field. Tara Smith Tara highest score 50. Tara started slowly during the year and her batting form returned late in the season. A handy bowler with regular wicket taking. Best figures 1/8 and economy rate 3.5 runs per over. A strong arm in the outfield. Batters beware running on Tara’s throw. Tara represented Dubbo in the Lachlan Valley Inter-Town competition. Bowling Batting Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn. Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave Alexander, Rosie 10 29 1 105 6 2/5 17.5 29.0 3.6 7 0 0 4 13 1.9 Burden, Madilyn 10 19 0 133 1 1/17 133.0 114.0 7.0 7 2 0 1* 2 0.4 Harper, Charlotte F 10 24 0 138 1 1/15 138.0 144.0 5.8 8 1 0 4 7 1.0 Isbester, Brigid 8 21.2 0 145 6 2/17 24.2 21.3 6.8 8 3 0 6* 19 3.8 Jose, Adhina B 10 18 0 91 3 2/9 30 36.0 5.1 6 1 0 5 13 2.6 Knaggs, Bridi 10 24 0 187 2 2/25 93.5 72.0 7.8 7 1 0 1* 2 0.3 Morrow, Macy 10 22 0 114 1 1/13 114.0 132.0 5.2 7 2 0 9* 13 2.6 Osbourne, Grace 9 24 0 128 1 1/10 128.0 144.0 5.3 7 1 0 4 14 2.3 Rose, Jillian 10 4 0 23 0 0/11 NA NA 5.8 8 1 0 28* 51 7.3 Rosenbaum, Meg 10 27 4 59 7 2/1 8.4 23.1 2.2 9 5 1 50* 125 31.3 Ryan, Jessica J 9 26 0 140 2 1/18 70.0 78.0 5.4 5 1 0 4 8 2 Skinner, Molly 9 18 0 86 3 2/16 28.7 36.0 4.8 5 1 0 5 6 1.5 Smith, Tara 10 20 3 73 3 0.1 24.3 40.0 3.7 7 2 1 50 93 19 U14B Blue Coach: Shane Sissian Manager: Donna Ambler

Once again this team has made it to the semi-finals. They have been a great bunch of boys and a delight to be associated with. Their team spirit and camaraderie are commendable and there is some fine talent amongst them, with half of the team representing Dubbo at some stage during the season.

There were a couple of changes to the line-up this year, with Jack Hammond joining the team and Jackson Bailey making a return. Jack is a happy-go-lucky boy who was a pleasure to have in the team and will continue to improve. We’re not sure what Jackson was standing in last season, but he came back to the team nearly as tall as Shane. He towered over some of the younger team members and proved that his strength is a real asset. Bear hands.

Nelson Shepherd made a significant contribution in the first half of the season before heading off to boarding school. He was excited to be given permission to re-join the team for our last competition round - the grudge match against Shep’s team. He has a very impressive economy rate of 1.7 and best figures of 4-0, making him one of the most efficient bowlers in this age group.

Sundries were kept low this season, with 34 maiden overs – 14 of which were from Nelson’s bowling. Nate took great pride in keeping the number of byes to a bare minimum in his new role as the team’s regular wicket keeper and was involved in 10 dismissals.

By the end of the season, three batsmen had scored not-out half centuries. These were significant personal milestones for Jack Benias, Nelson (who averaged 113), Koda Sissian and Darcy Chewings. Special mention to Jack B for the improvement in his batting, largely dominated by a quicker turn after his first run and better communication in the middle. The likelihood of Jack running himself out next season should be slim.

While strong and reliable members of the top order with the bat, both Darcy (with a batting average of 53) and Koda (averaging 31.6) were equally impressive when it came to their bowling. Darcy continues to sets high standards for himself and has an impressive record that is both reliable and economical. This season Koda changed his action and took to spin – proving that persistence and time in the nets can make a real difference.

Alex Jones was the team’s second spin bowler with his style improving since last year. With a boost of confidence, Alex was one of the boys who was chosen to represent Dubbo in under the 12s competition. In his second season, Leo Bassingthwaighte managed to take three wickets and deliver a maiden over, showing his ability to improve in the middle. Ben Hoey scored the most runs in total for the team this year and had a highest score of 43, with best bowling figures of 2-2. He impressed the selectors and made his way into the under 14s team that will travel to Bowral in April.

Justin Dunn’s bowling improved this season and he used his strength in the outfield to the team’s benefit. He proved to be both reliable and accurate – returning an impressive number of balls to directly hit the stumps. Rory Hurford also displayed energy in the field and was a consistent and reliable team member throughout the season.

Special thanks to super-sub, Ty Sissian, who came up from under-10s to play four matches for the season. Ty’s thunderbolt arm saw him feature in several run-outs that took our opponents by surprise. He proved he could hold his own with this team, conceding only 24 runs in his six overs – not bad for a nine year old!

Our thanks also go to all the boys’ parents for their support during the season, particularly our regular scorers, Nick Hurford and Dimitri Benias. Richard Chewings was again reliable in providing help at training and in setting a challenging boundary each week. A big thanks to Shane and Fiona for hosting a few training sessions at their backyard nets, which were a relaxing venue for a few nibbles during a couple of training sessions. The Amblers have tried to outclass them by putting their nets inside a new tennis court next to their swimming pool, so the team will now be spoilt for choice when it comes to alternate training venues next season.

All the members of this team should be proud of their efforts and we hope they have enjoyed the game enough to back up again next season.

U14B Blues

Back Row: Koda Sissian, Jack Benias, Justin Dunn, Shane Sissian (coach), Jack Hammond, Leo Bassingthwaighte Front Row: Nelson Shepherd, Ben Hoey, Alex Jones, Darcy Chewings, Rory Hurford, Nate Ambler Absent: Jackson Bailey Bowling Batting Cat/ Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn. Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave R’out Ambler, Nathaniel 9 9.2 0 42 2 1/11 21.0 28.0 4.5 8 3 0 32* 137 27.4 10 Bailey, Jackson 9 12 0 81 1 1/11 81.0 72.0 6.8 4 1 0 10 26 8.7 2 Bassingthwaighte, 9 24 1 137 3 1/13 45.7 48.0 5.7 6 1 0 5 13 2.6 3 Leo Benias, Jack 9 39 4 115 5 1/1 23.0 46.8 3.0 6 1 1 50* 89 17.8 7 Chewings, Darcy 9 44.2 7 104 9 2/7 12 29.6 2.4 7 4 2 51* 159 53.0 7 Dunn, Justin J 8 16 0 112 2 2/17 56.0 48.0 7.0 3 0 0 1 1 0.3 0 Hammond, Jack 9 22 0 106 3 1/5 35.3 44.0 4.8 6 0 0 6 12 2.0 1 Hoey, Ben 9 36 5 107 10 2/2 10.7 21.6 3.0 9 2 0 43 178 25.4 7 Hurford, Rory 8 22.5 0 88 6 2/12 14.7 22.8 3.9 5 1 0 7 13 3.3 0 Jones, Alex 8 12.5 0 50 5 2/8 10.0 15.4 3.9 6 1 0 5 11 2.2 1 Shepherd, Nelson 7 37 14 63 9 4/0 7.0 24.7 1.7 5 4 1 50* 113 113 4 Sissian, Koda 9 38 3 131 8 2/6 16.4 28.5 3.5 9 4 1 50* 158 31.6 2 Sissian, Ty 4 6 0 24 0 NA NA NA 4.0 1 1 0 4* 4 NA 0

All the U14B Rugby crew

Coaches: Glenn Shepherd and Shane Sissian Back Row: Leo Bassingthwaighte, Ben Hoey, Koda Sissian, Lawson Shepherd, Felix Connors, Samuel Harland, Jack Benias, Ryan Maxwell, Darcy Chewings, Jack Hammond, Rory Hurford, Justin Dunn Front Row: Nate Ambler, Nelson Shepherd, Alex Jones, Connor Mathieson, Eli Hausia, Joe Cant, Darcy Richardson, Oscar Harvey, Liam Readford U14B Red Coach: Glenn Shepherd This season we welcomed Liam Readford and Darcy Richardson to our team. Neither had played before but they fitted right in to our happy group very easily. I’d like to thank our returning players for making them feel welcome and showing them the ropes.

We started the season with a bang by outrighting Macquarie. A great knock of 51no by Brad Deveigne set up an imposing 8 dec/203, before Lawson Shepherd ripped through the batting order to claim 4.3-2- 4-9, including a hat trick! When they batted again, it was a great team effort to secure the outright. As usual, all players got a bowl, and 7 of them claimed at least 1 wicket.

We took on the Rugby Blue’s in a 1-dayer for round 2 and it was a cracking game, with the Blue’s narrowly winning by 13 runs. A great 34no from Felix Connors nearly got us over the line, but we just ran out of overs.

Another 1-dayer against a strong St. John’s Yellow saw us outclassed, only managing 72 and being passed fairly comfortably. However, it did see Liam Readford display his developing skills with a caught and bowled and a run out to claim the only wickets we managed for the whole game!

Eli Hausia & Lawson Shepherd scored a pair of 30s against RSL Colts White, but it wasn’t enough to chase down a daunting 236. Brad Deveigne with 6-2-3-18 and Oscar Harvey 3-1-2-12 chipped in with wickets, but the Olney brothers were unstoppable with the bat, scoring 50s for RSL Colts White.

We returned to the winners circle with a strong 100 run win against RSL Colts Red in a 2-dayer. Brad’s uncle (some unknown medium pacer called Glenn McGrath!) dropped in on day 2 and spurred the boys into action. Felix notched up a great 50, Ryan Maxwell hit 30no and Connor Mathieson managed a hard-hitting 23. Brad used some family magic to rip through the top order to claim 5-3-3-4. Darcy Richardson claimed his second victim for the year in a tidy spell of 4-0-1-10. Joey Cant’s developing offies got a whirl as well to take 1-0-1-1. We have been lucky to have Joey behind the stumps which has unfortunately meant we haven’t seen as much of his bowling as we probably needed. Alexei Pawlenko showed he could bowl decent offies to take a wicket as well. He would have taken more for the season if he could have spent more time at training to work on them.

A strong CYMS outfit and some wayward bowling saw us chasing a large 259 in round 6. But a determined 50no from Ryan Maxwell and a pair of 30s from Eli and Felix saw us post a very respectable 4/198. The 88 sundries suddenly become rather important when you lose by 60! But to be fair to the boys, it was a very windy day and they stuck at their task very well against a quality opposition.

A low scoring but exciting one-day game was had against St. John’s White. After Connor Mathieson snared 4-0-3-7 to help restrict St. John’s White to 99, we had to scramble over the line to finish on 104. But Joey and Oscar showed nerves of steel to guide us home after losing 3-1 as the scored drew level! Lawson top scored with 26, but a great 18 from Samuel Harland was the highlight. Samuel showed all the boys how to be hungry for runs simply by using great running between wickets. His awesome backing up and putting pressure on the fielders helped us to at least another 10 runs on top of what he hit himself. Given we only won by 5, it highlighted the importance of doing all the little things right during a game. Great work Sam-U-L!!

Felix unleashed one of the best spells of bowling I’ve seen from a player his age to destroy Macquarie in round 8. He bowled rapid inswingers to have the batsmen in all sorts and it would have knocked over some of the best players in the competition. He ended up taking 5-1-4-8, and with Lawson chipping away at the other end to take 6-3-2-7, our lefties set the game up. Joey then compiled a great 40 and Brad chipped in with another 33 to see us declare at 5/144. We bowled them out a second time for 118, with Felix backing up to take another bagful; 5-0-4-23. Some great fielding also saw a couple of runouts. That left us with an unlikely 75 needed off 11 overs for an outright win, but someone forgot to tell Felix it was too hard. He came in and belted 25no off 4 overs to see us race to 60; close, but not quite close enough!

That left us with a showdown against Rugby Blue in the final round. Whoever won the game got to head onto the semis, with the loser missing out. As always, these games seem to produce the best out of all our Rugby players. After day 1, it was neck and neck, with only 5 runs separating the teams. But a superb batting effort from the Blue’s, including three 50s, took it away from us on day 2. We wish them all the best for the semis and hope they can do a great job on behalf of the club.

Overall, I thought we had a pretty good season and I was very proud of the boys’ efforts. Once again, their sportsmanship and attitude has been first class and something a number of the other teams in the competition could learn from. Whilst we always play to win, the way everyone chips in each week is fantastic to see. Lawson, Joey, Brad and Ryan had a crack at captaincy throughout the year and did themselves proud with minimal input from me. Whilst that may have cost us runs and the odd game, the boys have learnt a lot about how to think about the game. Special thanks to Dugald Shepherd, Pat Cant, Dudley Shepherd and Joe Sinclair for filling in from the U12Bs. Congrats to Lawson and Ryan on representing Dubbo & Macquarie Valley, and Joey on making the Max Shepherd Shield team too.

Thanks to all the boys for putting up with me, especially when getting frustrated on their behalf (only rarely because of them!!). You are a great bunch of kids and I hope I have been able to teach you a thing or two about the game. An extra special thankyou to all the parents who have shown an interest in the boys by coming and supporting so regularly. You’ve certainly kept the mobile coffee van in business if nothing else! Special thanks to Darren for taking the time to learn the ropes with the scorebook and is now an expert (you’re locked in now mate!) and looking after the boys when I was away. Also to Stu Harland for spending many overs at square leg to give me a spell. Thanks to everyone else who has chipped in (Nick, Tom, Scott, John) and of course Kath Harvey for my play lunch!



Bowling Batting Cat/ Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave R’out Cant, Joseph 9 24.1 4 98 4 1/1 24.5 36.3 4.1 8 2 0 40 157 26.2 6 Cant, Patrick 1 3 0 11 0 0/11 NA NA 3.7 1 0 0 15 15 15.0 0 Connors, Felix 9 37 2 164 11 4/8 14.9 20.2 4.4 9 6 1 50* 193 64.3 3 Deveigne, Brad 9 31 7 92 9 3/4 10.2 20.7 3.0 8 1 1 51* 95 13.6 5 Harland, Samuel 8 15 1 94 1 1/6 94 90.0 6.3 7 0 0 18 29 4.1 1 Harvey, Oscar 9 31 3 148 8 2/12 18.5 23.3 4.8 8 3 0 9 25 5.0 3 Hausia, Eli P 8 24 2 117 3 1/7 39.0 48.0 4.9 8 3 0 31* 97 19.4 2 Mathieson, Connor 9 28 1 119 5 3/7 23.8 33.6 4.3 7 1 0 23 32 5.3 0 Maxwell, Ryan 9 24 2 68 5 1/3 13.6 28.8 2.8 9 2 1 52* 141 20.1 4 Pawlenko, Alexei 8 14 0 78 1 1/4 78.0 84.0 5.6 3 0 0 1 1 0.3 2 Readford, Liam 9 23 0 139 4 1/7 34.8 34.5 6.0 3 0 0 0 0 0.0 3 Richardson, Darcy 8 19.2 0 111 4 1/3 27.8 29.0 5.7 6 1 0 4* 8 1.6 1 Shepherd, Dudley 1 3 2 5 0 0/5 NA NA 1.7 1 0 0 5 5 5 0 Shepherd, Dugald 3 9 0 27 1 1/5 27.0 54.0 3.0 2 1 0 9* 11 11.0 0 Shepherd, Lawson 9 48.3 12 110 9 4/9 12.2 32.3 2.3 8 0 0 32 126 16 3 Sinclair, Joe 1 2 0 13 0 0/13 NA NA 6.5 1 0 0 3 3 3.0 0 U14B Reds

Back Row: Lawson Shepherd, Felix Connors, Samuel Harland, Ryan Maxwell, Glenn Shepherd (coach) Front Row: Connor Mathieson, Eli Hausia, Joe Cant, Darcy Richardson, Oscar Harvey, Liam Readford Absent: Alexei Pawlenko (left inset), Brad Deveigne (right inset)

U14B Red Support Staff

Back Row: Stu Harland, Cath Richardson, Nick & Cath Connors, Glenn Shepherd, Scott Mathieson, John Hausia, Darren Maxwell Front Row: Ali Cant, all the boys plus Ned Connors!, Kim Harland, Kath Harvey U14A Coach: Peter Hennessy

This season was a great year for the boys finishing on top of the table with many team and individual highlights during the season. The weather and byes were a little frustrating but there’s nothing we can do about that.

We lost a couple of players and picked up three new boys Jayden Blake, Ben Rosenbaum and Will Schwager . These boys gave us a little more depth and were great assets to the team dynamics.

The bowling has improved with everybody contributing each week. Our main attack is one of the best in the comp and was reflected with Dom, Edward, Jayden and Ben all selected for representative duties during the year.

Our batting was excellent during the year and once again we didn’t rely on one or two players and each week we would see different players stepping up and getting big scores.

Dom Ambler captained the side again and he showed great maturity during the season and he would make sure all boys got a bowl and arranged his field to suit the conditions.

A big thanks, to the parents some have been with Rugby since the under 9’s. It’s great to have your support. A special thank you to Bernie Finch who helps with umpiring duties and boundary setting. Bernie also attained his umpiring qualification during the off season so your kids are in good hands.

And thanks to other parents who have helped during the year.

Our scorer Chris Ambler has done an amazing job this year and hasn’t missed a match. Chris has also back up on Sundays and scored the rep games for me.

The boys hopefully will win our semi and go onto our first final. What a turnaround from wooden spooners last year. Good luck boys - you deserve a crack at the final.

Peter Hennessy

Bowling Batting Cat/ Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn. Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave R’out Ambler, Dominic 7 30 8 60 10 3/1 6.0 18.0 2.0 7 3 1 53* 159 39.8 2 Blake, Jayden 7 19 4 46 8 3/6 5.8 14.3 2.4 7 2 1 51* 101 20.2 3 Duggan, Jack 7 25.5 3 77 6 2/15 12.8 25.8 3.0 5 3 0 48 75 37.5 2 Eggleton, Harry 7 7 0 22 2 1/2 11.0 21.0 3.1 2 0 0 4 7 3.5 0 Finch, James 7 2 0 3 0 NA NA 1.5 6 1 1 50* 98 19.6 4 Hennessy, Edward 6 28 5 64 7 3/10 9.1 24.0 2.3 5 2 2 51* 132 44.0 2 Rosenbaum, Ben 5 16.4 1 73 7 3/15 10.4 14.3 4.4 5 2 0 48 79 26.3 3 Rosenbaum, Kieran 7 22.5 10 33 10 4/8 3.3 13.7 1.5 6 0 0 19 62 10.3 0 Schwager, William 6 12 2 42 2 1/8 21.0 36.0 3.5 5 2 0 11 20 6.7 4 Shipp, MacKinley 7 27 2 102 6 2/6 17.0 27.0 3.8 3 2 0 6 15 15.0 4 Simpson, Ryan 7 6 1 20 0 NA NA 3.3 4 1 0 19 26 9 2 Taylor, Christopher 7 15.2 0 44 3 1/3 14.7 30.7 2.9 4 0 0 19 36 9.0 2 Whitney, Lachlan 7 13.2 1 53 3 1.0 17.7 26.7 4.0 4 0 0 7 11 3 1 U14A

Back Row: Dom Ambler, Peter Hennessy (coach and part time hitman), Jack Duggan, Ben Rosenbaum, Jayden Blake, Harry Eagleton, Kieran Rosenbaum, Chris Ambler (scorer) Front Row: Will Schwager, Lachlan Whitney, Mac Shipp, Edward Hennessy, James Finch Absent: Ryan Simpson, Chris Taylor


Back Row: Andrew Rose (coach), James Rich, Harry Connell, Lachlan Ryan, Connor Stewart, Tom Isbester, Jacob Draper Front Row: Aaron Bolye, Campbell Rose, Pat Hennessy, Sam Pay U16B Coach: Andrew Rose The season has been a mixed bag of performances on the field this year for the Rugby 16B team, though still ending up 3rd in the competition with the semis coming up this weekend. We welcomed a few new players into the team being Sam Pay, Tom Isbester, Lachlan Ryan, Connor Stewart and James Dennis. I would like to thank James for coming up from Peter Hennessy’s team in order to assist us at the start of the season when we were struggling for numbers; it was greatly appreciated. Unfortunately we lost a couple of team members at Christmas, who headed off to boarding school, being James Rich and James Dennis. We hope boarding school is treating you both well. As result we have only had 9 players since Christmas and would like to make special mention to all that have assisted in filling the team each week since then, especially Tom Pascoe, Dale Smith, Will Schwager, Harry Eggleton and Angus Rose. Both Peter Hennessy and Tub Wheeler have lead this by allowing players from their teams to fill in. Thanks all. I want to also thank Grant Berryman for his assistance early in the year with umpiring, while I was still hobbling around with the after effects of my spectacular horse fall before the season began. He did not hesitate in lending a hand when it was need and it was very much appreciated. Thanks Grant. The boys have worked hard on the field this season. There have been some great performances with each of them developing their skills at different paces. The great think is that I can see each have developed their skills further and are enjoying their cricket. Keep enjoying boys. Speaking on behalf of the boys, we are all very appreciative of the parents and supporters who have given us their support throughout the season. Without you all, Saturday mornings would not be possible and as enjoyable as it is. A special mention and thank you to the parents who have assisted with the scoring, especially to Kirsten Hennessy & Chris Dennis. To the Dubbo Rugby Cricket Club and committee members, thank you to everyone for all that you have done throughout the year. Without the devoted committee members we would not have the wonderful Rugby Cricket Club that we have. I wish the team all the best of luck for the semi’s and hopefully the final. Put your heads down, play hard and enjoy your cricket.

Bowling Batting Cat/ Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn. Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave R’out Boyle, Aaron 9 25 4 89 3 2/5 29.7 50.0 3.6 8 1 0 16 39 5.6 1 Connell, Harrison 9 53.2 9 133 11 4/10 12.1 29.1 2.5 6 1 0 48* 65 13.0 4 Dennis, James 6 24 1 108 3 1/12 36.0 48.0 4.5 4 0 0 8 15 3.8 1 Draper, Jacob 9 29 1 120 4 2/15 30.0 43.5 4.1 7 2 0 8 12 2.4 1 Duggan, Jack 1 2 0 4 0 0/4 NA NA 2.0 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 Hennessy, Edward 2 7 0 31 0 0/2 NA NA 4.4 9 1 1 50 218 27.3 0 Hennessy, Patrick 9 60 10 199 13 3/9 15.3 27.7 3.3 7 2 0 6 21 4.2 1 Isbester, Tom 9 10 2 39 3 3/15 13.0 20.0 3.9 2 1 0 17* 32 32.0 3 Pascoe, Tom 2 1 0 5 0 NA NA 5.0 7 1 0 10 34 5.7 1 Pay, Sam 8 15 1 64 1 1/15 64.0 90.0 4.3 6 0 0 27 63 10.5 0 Rose, Campbell 9 39.2 5 126 8 4/13 15.8 29.5 3.2 9 2 1 98 312 44.6 3 Ryan, Lachlan 8 10.2 0 67 3 2/13 22.3 20.7 6.5 7 0 0 14 47 6.7 4 Schwager, William 1 3 0 11 2 2/11 5.5 9.0 3.7 1 0 0 4 4 4 0 Smith, Dale 2 12 2 19 1 1/13 19.0 72.0 1.6 1 0 0 5 5 5.0 0 Stewart, Connor 8 24 1 118 4 1/9 29.5 36.0 4.9 6 2 0 4* 13 3 0 U16A Coach: Tub Wheeler This season to date has had many stop starts with two washed out rounds and one forfeit from the opposition. The boys have managed to put this aside and since coming back from the Christmas break have played some excellent cricket to put us into second place on the table after the finish of the competition rounds.

With very little cricket highlights have been hard to find but there are a few I would like to mention:

Ben Wheeler 100 retired Round 10 v Gilgandra. A great knock and showed a great temperament for someone so young.

Baye Wallace 5 for 15 from 8 overs Round 10 v Gilgandra. Destroyed Gilgandra’s top order and came back on to mop up the tail.

Logan Watmore 48 not out v Cyms White. Would have scored more only coach declared innings.

Max Rumble 44 v Cyms Green. Another consistent season from Max with this innings the feature so far.

I am proud of the efforts and loyalty the boys and their parents have given me since day one. This season I am also proud to report that almost all of the boys have progressed into grade cricket for Rugby Senior Cricket. As coach I see this as my greatest achievement so far as most of the boys have been with me since the age of 9. Not only are the boys playing grade cricket many of the have gone on to represent at Dubbo and Western Zone levels this season.

Special mention goes to Max Rumble who has represented Western Zone and Combined Western- Riverina at the recent Under 14 state challenge in Dubbo.

Special mention again goes to Max and Ben on achieving milestone 100’s with the bat during the course of the season. These are great efforts from two boy’s so young.

I would like to personally thank the following parents who give up their time each week to help me with the boys.

Steve Wallace Scorer David Willets Scorer, umpiring

Andrew Grant Scorer, umpiring and coaching

Thankyou guy’s for all your help, it is very much appreciated. To the ladies and gents who provide me with a much needed coffee each week. I love you all.

To our band of loyal supporters the parents. I could not show up each week if I did not have your support. You have been a big part of the team’s success during the year’s we have been together.

To Peter Hennessy and his Committee team a big thankyou to you all for a very well put together season for the boys.

This week the boys go into the semi-final series full of confidence and if we can score enough runs and hold our catches a Grand final is the next step. I look forward to the outcome.

Best Regards

Coach Tub Bowling Batting Mat O M R W BBI Ave Str. Ecn. Inn NO 50s HS Runs Ave Grant, Will 8 47 10 134 6 2/4 22.3 47.0 2.9 5 4 0 22* 46 46.0 Green, Sam 8 17 5 47 5 2/3 9.4 20.4 2.8 5 1 0 10 27 6.8 Kelly, Roland 8 12 3 54 1 1/21 54.0 72.0 4.5 4 1 0 13 24 8.0 Lew, Hayden 8 5 1 0 23 33 8.3 Pascoe, Tom 7 3 0 11 1 1/9 11 18.0 3.7 1 0 0 0 0 0.0 Rosenbaum, Mitchell 8 43 9 112 4 1/6 28.0 64.5 2.6 8 0 0 38 68 8.5 Rumble, Max 8 3 0 16 0 0/16 NA NA 5.3 8 2 0 44 147 24.5 Smith, Dale 7 3 0 7 0 0/3 NA NA 2.3 5 0 0 29 53 10.6 Wallace, Baye 8 37 3 133 8 5/15 16.6 27.8 3.6 8 4 0 40* 87 21.8 Watmore, Logan 8 46 13 122 7 4/24 17.4 39.4 2.7 7 1 0 48* 127 21.2 Wheeler, Ben 8 21 2 85 6 2/6 14.2 21.0 4.1 5 2 1 100* 179 60 Willetts, Ethan 8 30 1 80 11 4/6 7.3 16.4 2.7 3 0 0 18 32 10.7

Back Row: Tub Wheeler (coach), Ethan Willetts, Mitch Rosenbaum, Dale Smith, Tom Pascoe, Roly Kelly, Logan Watmore Front Row: Will Grant, Max Rumble, Baye Wallace, Hayden Lew, Sam Green, Ben Wheeler A big congratulations to all our Rugby rep players from 2015-16. They have represented Dubbo in the Lachlan Valley intertown competition, Dubbo in the Max Shepherd Shield, Orange & Bowral carnivals, Macquarie Valley against Lachlan and Mitchell, Combined Western & Riverina teams, Western Zone PSSA and probably more! A number have also gone on to feature for the club in our 2nd and 3rd grade teams. The future of the club is looking very bright indeed.

Dubbo Rugby Rep Players for 2015-16

Back Row: Peter Hennessy (President), Ben Rosenbaum, Mitch Rosenbaum, Ben Wheeler, Baye Wallace Middle Row: Dominic Ambler, Ben Hoey, Ed Hennessy, Max Rumble, Jayden Blake, Campbell Rose, Koda Sissian, Tara Smith, Jilly Rose Front Row: Ryan Maxwell, Darcy Chewings, Lawson Shepherd, Joey Cant, Paddy Cant, Dugald Shepherd, Nelson Shepherd, Nate Ambler, Alex Jones