REGIONAL#4-5 / 2019 20 Caucasian Leopard: The Mystical Beauty of the POSTCAUCASUS Armenian Highlands Returned

04 RA Minister of Environment: “ is Actively Involved in the International Processes of Envi- ronment Protection” 14 Daniel Haas: “BMZ Pays Particular Attention to Cross-Country Exchange” 40 SevaMod Project: Predicting the Future Development of Lake Sevan 60 AUA Acopian Center for the Environment: The Independent Voice of Nature within GREEN ISSUE: Armenian Society the new ecological identity of Armenia presents

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Dear reader, We are extremely happy to present you our spe- The leopard, which was considered extinct in the cial issue entirely dedicated to the environment, territory of Armenia only a few years ago, is now its challenges and potential solutions. back to the Khosrov Reserve. The recovery of The Green Issue has been in production for the leopard population was made possible only more than six months. During that time, we not because of the recovery of the entire food-chain, only tried to understand and assess all the eco- an extremely complicated and multilayered task. logical challenges that Armenia and the Cauca- And that in itself is symbolic – we need new com- sus Region face or will face in the near future plex solutions, new modern approaches and new but we also tried to uncover the organizations philosophies to deal with sometimes overwhelm- and individuals who are making the overall posi- ing environmental problems. The good news is tive tone of our publication possible. we now have more and more organizations and Yes, there are a lot of challenges – from global individuals who focus their attention on envi- warming to deforestation, from devastating im- ronment dedicating their time and efforts and of pact of mining to the issues surrounding Lake course, money to the ecological challenges. Sevan, from substantial losses in biodiversity to I would also like to use this introduction to thank the much needed rethinking of the ecological our many partners, especially the Ministry of responsibility of the organizations and so on… Environment of the Republic of Armenia and but when we dived into all those issues we Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam- found some positive, encouraging signs which menarbeit (GIZ), without whom this Issue would filled us with hope and maybe even with the simply be impossible. They do so much to pre- expectation that many of the challenges we serve our nature and bring new solutions to our face, at least on the national level, will be ad- ecological challenges. dressed adequately. So, please enjoy the Green Issue, listen to its The symbol of the changes that we are just now podcasts, which are available on our website, starting to witness in various fields of environ- and decide for yourself what actions you your- ment is undoubtedly the Caucasian Leopard. self can undertake in order to contribute to The Government of Armenia declared the year a better future for our children, for our country of 2019 “The Year of the Caucasian Leopard”. and for our planet.

Executive Director Arshak Tovmasyan REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS


04 Erik Grigoryan: 20 The Leopard “We Should be Both The Mystical Beauty of the Optimistic and Ambitious” Armenian Highlands Returned RA Minister of Environment talks Caucasian Leopard, King of Armenian about the biggest ecological topics, Highlands, returns to Armenia after from mining to climate change. years of absence.

Cover Photo: WWF Armenia

Executive Director Art Director Arshak Tovmasyan Nona Isajanyan

Editor in Chief Layout Designer Artavazd Yeghiazaryan Artak Sargsyan

Proof Editing Sales Manager 08 Saving the planet: 26 Birds and Butterflies: Silva Hovakimyan Bella knyazchyan Paradox of Centuries Indicators of Ecosystem Dynamics

Deputy Minister of Environment Soon Armenia will have its first Contributors of Armenia Irina Ghaplanyan bird and butterfly atlases. Margarit Mirzoyan, Karine Ghazaryan, Ani Yavrents, explains why is the idea Arshak Tovmasyan, Areg Davtyan, IBiS of saving the planet 30 Practical Approaches for Photos and illustrations paradoxical. Environmental Awareness-Raising Angin Arakelyan, Emilia Paytyan, GIZ, UNDP, and Education to Protect Armenia’s AUA, Proper Company, SolarOn,, 12 SAVING THE LIFE-GIVING Rich Biodiversity RA Ministry of Environment, Embassy of Georgia to SPECIES OF OUR ECOSYSTEM GIZ and the RA Ministry of Environment the Federal Republic of Germany Vardan Melikyan, the newly launched an environmental awareness appointed Deputy Minister raising campaign in Armenia. Regional Post LLC of Environment, talks Address: 62/1 about the ambitious project 34 Safeguarding the Rich Biodiversity of restoration of Armenia’s and Ecosystem Services of Pastures email: [email protected] forests. and Grasslands of Armenia phone: +374 55 387887 Why has GIZ been promoting sus- Printed in “TIGRAN METS” PUBLISHING HOUSE CJSC 14 Daniel Haas: tainable use and management of “BMZ pays particular pasture and grassland ecosystems? © 2016-2019 Regional Post attention to cross-country Any use of the materials or extracts from the exchange” 38 Integrated Erosion Control: magazine in any language is permitted exclusively Interview with the Head of Community Ownership upon the written consent of Regional Post LLC German Development Cooperation as a Key for Success in the South Caucasus. The maintenance of good soil quality can play a large role in food security and the livelihoods of people.

40 SevaMod Project: Predicting the Future Development of Lake Sevan Գրանցման վկայական՝ N 03Ա962676 German scientist Dr. Martin Schultze Գրանցման ամսաթիվ՝ 07.05.2014 explains the project, its initial Հասցե՝ ք. Երևան, Այգեձոր 62/1 results, and future outlook.

2 #4-5 / 2019 44 Shape of water 52 Armenian Forests for Present 74 INTEGRATING ENERGY EFFICIENCY CULTURE USAID and the Urban Foundation and Future Generations IN THE BUILDING SECTOR OF ARMENIA started the PURE Water project What is the condition of the remain- Energy efficiency was always at the to help Armenia not to lose one ing Armenian forests today, and focus of UNDP, and in the past years of its biggest natural treasures what does their future look like? it has implemented various relevant with the help of locals. projects all across the country. 56 Armenian Forests: UNDP Perspective UNDP introduced two initiatives tackling the problems of forests and providing hands-on solutions.

60 AUA Acopian Center for the Environment: The Independent Voice of Nature within Armenian Society 46 Ecosystem-Based ACE has been around for over 25 years 78 SolarOn: Planning Approach with a mission to make the environ- “Solar power is the best choice and For Public Servants and Local ment a central point at the global solution in every field” Self-Government Bodies discussions taking place in Armenia. Regional Post's interview with Artur “Integrating Ecosystem Services Alaverdyan, the head of the first into Development Planning” (IES) 64 REDESIGN/RETHINK, company in Armenia to manufacture guide is an important methodologi- REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE solar batteries. cal tool, applied in Armenia. Waste governance initiatives by the AUA Acopian Center for 80 EcoFarm by ICARE 48 Payments for the Environment A unique project of EcoFarm, founded Ecosystem Services (PES): Regional Post talked about the ACE by the International Center for Agri- Innovative Approach to Finance projects and their results with business Research and Education. Nature Conservation Harutyun Alpetyan, the Circular PES Schemes reveal a potential Economy Specialist at ACE. 82 Off the RECord: to increase the financing for REC Caucasus Regional Mandate the management of natural 66 The Urban Foundation: Covering the Topic of Ecosystem resources by drawing on public A player of from the CSO super league Services in the South Caucasus and private funds Organization has undertaken more Nune Harutyunyan, Executive than 80 successful initiatives Director of REC Caucasus, talks 50 GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUM 2019 throughout Armenia, and plastic about the regional mandate of the Transforming Intelligence recycling is one of its key projects. organization with a particular focus FAST Foundation’s second GIF on ecosystem services. had its focus on “Transforming 68 Proper solutions Intelligence.” for the proper future 86 HayBuis Festival Proper Plastic addresses plastic HayBuis Festival annually celebrates pollution and waste management, by the unique Armenian herbs and tra- converting waste plastic materials ditional knowledge used to harvest into commercially viable products. and prepare them.

72 Energy Challenges in Rural Armenia ARTIFACT There is a need to increase the efficiency of households’ heating, to 88 Wildlife protection posters explore and promote the alternatives. in Soviet Armenia REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE

commitment made by the developed countries under Paris Agreement from 2020. Armenia has a number of climate projects financed by the GCF includ- ing the National Adaptation Plan for the amount of close to USD 3 million, a USD 20 million project on retrofitting buildings for energy efficiency, as well as Readiness support. It is also important to note that Armenia is the first country in the region to have a national accred- ited entity under the GCF – which is the Environmental Project Implementation Unit. I am also happy to inform, that Deputy Minister Irina Ghaplanyan is a Board member of the GCF along with 11 representatives of developing and 12 representatives of developed nations. Reflecting on bilateral engagements, our Ministry has a number of bilateral MoUs on cooperation in environmental sector with an extensive list of governments, most recent of which was signed with China and the United Arab Emirates. Recently, I had the honor to represent Armenia in the Climate Summit of the United Nations. In our written statement delivered to the Summit we presented Erik Grigoryan: an innovative climate finance mech- anism, which our government has worked on over a year and which offers “We Should be Both Optimistic and Ambitious” a great opportunity both for developed and developing nations to meet their Environment protection has become a central issue for all societies and climate commitments under the Paris states across the world, and Armenia is not an exception. Amulsar, Sevan, Agreement by means of utilizing the debt-for-nature swaps. This mechanism burning forests, and the global question of climate change: all these issues was also communicated to the Pres- have been at the headlines of news for several months. Regional Post ident Macron of France and we have spoke with the Minister of Environment Erik Grigoryan to shed light on the been working with his cabinet. This mechanism is not limited to Armenia approaches and views of the Ministry on these matters. and in case of success, it can become a scalable for the rest of the world. Interview : Arshak Tovmasyan Photo : RA Ministry of the Environment Which three sectors in Armenia would you high- light in which we will see considerable changes Globally speaking, recently, Armenia participated signed and ratified the Paris Agreement in the future? in the UN Climate Change Summit. What did we setting the stage for climate action. Ar- learn and what is the role of Armenia in the menia is, perhaps, one of the pioneers — I can speak about where we solution of these global issues? when it comes to active engagement already have significant changes. with large climate funds, such as the We have progressed with small hy- — First, I would like to mention that Green Climate Fund (GCF). The GCF dro-power stations on sustainable wa- Armenia is actively engaged in the pro- is the largest climate fund, whose plat- ter resource management, limitation of cesses happening on the international form will play a key role in utilizing parts excess water abstractions and many climate and environment platforms. We of the USD 100 billion – the financial other matters. With the previously

4 #4-5 / 2019 operated hardware set up these sta- ties. In many countries fines and penal- Consequently, we don’t know whether or not tions have causing major environmen- ties for air and water pollution and tailing there’s a need for a new EIA, do we? tal damage by depleting the water in dumps are quite high, so preventive the rivers. This is because the proper measures operations are more financially — The relevant legislation of Armenia water flow meters were not set up sound and also required. In Armenia, does not stipulate any legal provision and were not being overseen. We had many companies bypassed preventive whereby an EIA could be immedi- also had positive changes in water use measures as the fines for polluting the ately revoked, with the exception of licensing, both from bureaucratic and environment were extremely low. provision, which states that in case if content perspectives. We progressed a mining company does not proceed in the forestry sector as well. Two days Where are we in terms of Amulsar? with any functioning activities ranging ago, during the government session at from opening and construction to mine the National Assembly, I was accused — When the Investigative Committee operation for one year. However, even of the depletion of firewood and that received the final report of ELARD – the in this case the Inspectorate for Nature the costs for it have increased, to company that undertook third party Protection and Mineral Resources must which I responded that there would be assessment of the Amulsar gold mine visit the site, check and document it. very limited qualities of fuelwood and project – we received instructions from In all other cases, be it a change in the that we would have to find alternatives the government to examine the report project, unaddressed violations, a new for the heating and cooking needs of and provide feedback. In this process ecological factor, etc., the relevant our rural communities. We are also we reached out to other relevant legislation requires a series of actions continuing to review legislation on both governmental bodies and scientific to be taken before the EIA can be water and forest sectors and intend to institutions and gathered respective revoked. It can be inspections or an have substation legislative proposals data. As a result, we had several reve- inquiry undertaken by the Environ- for both. The processes are optimized. lations which, at this moment, I would mental Impact Expertise Center state For example, previously, environment rather refer to as inconsistencies. non-commercial organization. So legally monitoring was the responsibility of Some of these will be clarified after the it is not possible even if there are any our Ministry, the forest monitoring was Inspectorate for Nature Protection and inconsistencies in the EIA for a Minister the function of the Ministry of Agricul- Mining Resources undertakes relevant to deem an EIA invalid immediately. ture, hydrometereological monitoring inspection, and the rest – after the was conducted at the Ministry of Investigative Committee concludes You’ve mentioned that only around six from Emergency Situations and Zvartnots relevant investigations. The changes to 28 metal mines are active, but are there going Meteorological Monitoring was trans- the submitted plan of the mining proj- to be any measures for the rest 22? ferred part of the Transport Ministry. ect and the question of whether or not Now all these entities are incorporated the respective official state bodies had — Yes, the Law on Environmental under our Ministry’s umbrella, which been properly informed about these Impact Assessment and Expertise will allow us to optimize, consolidate and some other matters will fall in the has a provision, which states that if and innovate all of these crucial moni- spectrum of the Inspectorate’s inquiry. in one year after having received the toring functions and services.

Now one of the most important question for today – mining industry. Where are we now and ining should be a temporary activity. The mine is opened, the re- in which direction are we going? source is utilized, then the mine is closed, recultivated, and the territory is returned to economic and environmental balance — Currently, 28 metal mines have re- m ceived operation permissions but in fact only 6-7 of them actually operate. These mining sector activities together with the environmentally inadequate legal frame- work resulted in large-scale environmen- tal pollution. The pollution prevention was not sufficiently regulated and the amount of compensation was not calcu- lated properly, which created a situation where it is more beneficial for the mining companies to overuse the resources

instead of conducting preventive activi- SOS Sevan

Sevan’s green surface, 2019 REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE mine license, the mining company does not — Sevan is a strategic water resource 800 hectares of potentially swamping undertake any operations, then the not only for Armenia but also for the coastal area of the lake in the next permit can be deemed invalid. We have region. Due to decades of unsustain- three years. In 2020 we have allocated applied to the Inspectorate for Nature able management of the lake today the required funds for the state bud- Protection and Mineral Resources with Sevan is experiencing a significant get to undertake the coastal cleaning inquiry on the status of these mines and volume of pressure on its ecosystem, activities and what is important to note have received information that there ranging from human-induced pollution here is that since we have increased are more than ten metal mines which to climate change. Given the immense the total area subject for cleaning the do not operate and have reported this pressure on the lake, we are currently unit cost per cleaning has decreased. information to the Ministry of Territorial working on devising an integrated For example, if in the previous year the Administration and Infrastructure De- water resource management plan for Ministry undertook activities to clean velopment, which is the state body in the lake, the first goal of which targets up to 100 hectares of coastal area, in charge of revoking their licenses. reducing the pollution inflow into this the coming year we plan to clean up strategically vital water body. Howev- to 280 hectares of already swamp- Some people claim that in a long term perspec- er, simply not polluting the lake is no ing coastal area for almost the same tive, mining is not beneficial for the country. In longer sufficient, because the accu- budget. We strongly believe that with today’s Armenia, do we have an accurate strate- mulated nutrient volume in the lake, more hands on approach we will have gic approach regarding how we view the mining which was built up over the decades of a significant improvement in efficiency sector in the long run? inflow of untreated community waste of conducted cleaning and mitigation water is already putting an immense measures. In addition to these mea- — At this moment, the mining strategy, and unsustainable pressure on Sevan, sures we have also initiated a series of which is to provide answers to all the and on top of preventing pollution, field work activities to collect data for questions you’ve mentioned, is in the we also must work in the direction of calculation of potential costs of building development phase. This might sound eliminating new inflows of nutrients as sustainable sewage management sys- strange but, in my opinion, the opera- well as removing, where possible, all tems for the coastal communities and tions of small- and medium-sized mines the existing point source of nutrient what would be the potential financing should be eliminated, because although inflow. At the moment, the Ministry is options for placing biological wastewa- small or medium they still can cause working on finalizing a road map for ter treatment systems in at least three substantial damage to the environment reducing this pressure. This plan in- coastal and near-coastal towns. We without appropriate benefits in terms of volves detailed activities ranging from have communicated our findings to the boosting the economy and providing meticulous cleaning the coastal areas government, and the Prime Minister’s sufficient employment and taxes. Nev- to suggestions on capturing farming office has instructed the Ministry of Ter- ertheless, several of our large mines, and agricultural run off into the lake. ritorial Administration and Infrastructure such as Zangezur Copper-Molybde- Last year, our staff worked on clearing Development to assess the financial num Combine, must first and foremost visuals captured via satellite and drone and technical estimates for these mea- comply with the principles of preventing imagery to identify the areas located sures to be undertaken. This year we pollution to begin with, as opposed at the forecasted increase of Sevan’s succeeded in not only reducing the vol- to paying fines for polluting. All in all, surface, currently standing at the el- ume of water discharge from the lake mining should be a temporary activity, evation of 1901.5 meters above the by around 30 million cubit meters as i.e. a mine is opened, the resource is sea level. It is planned to clean up to compared to previous years, but also utilized, then the mine is closed, recul- tivated, and the territory is returned to economic and environmental balance. Currently, we don’t have this practice in Armenia, but the Ministry is working towards this. In the long run, I think that mining is not a prospective sector for Armenia.

Let’s talk about Sevan because recently it has become another central issue for discussion. The story of environmental pressure and negative impact on Sevan goes back to early 1920s-30s. What is the state of the lake now?

6 #4-5 / 2019 Hovtashen storks, victims of the pollution

in discharging even less than indicated in the submitted permission. In addition oung generation is becoming increasingly demanding from to that we succeeded to stream signifi- governments to make real commitments and take action to en- cantly larger volumes of water into Se- sure that they are left with sustainable and thriving planet van via Arpa-Sevan hydro tunnel. We Y have to further expand these measures as we are observing change in climate patterns which has led to increase we have already brought forward some Today, Greta Thunberg is the most vo- in evaporation by around 100 million new legislative measures. For example, cal proponent of climate action but this cubic meters as well as reduced inflow we have enacted stricter provisions for young activism is not new. Back in 1992 from the rivers. We have to realize, that criminal and administrative charges for during the Rio Conference Severn Su- we can’t continue doing “business as offence related to illegal logging. We zuki, a 12 year old girl shook the world usual”, we not only have to reduce the also have introduced legal amendments by her poignant speech, raising sharp pressure on the lake but start actively pertaining to more sustainable opera- questions about biodiversity, water remediating it. tion of hydro-power stations as well as management and other environmental prevention of illegal water wells. This is issues. This triggered a number of pro- What about environmental pollution by different just the start. In the next few years we cesses and I would attribute it both to businesses and companies? We have the example foresee introducing up to 250 legislative Rio as a major undertaking but also to of the storks in Hovtashen. Generally speaking, proposals. While the goal is to produce Severn and her passionate speech. what is the approach of the Ministry in such cases? more rigorous environmental policies, we also aim to ensure that we max- So, we can be optimistic about the world and — Look, in the post-Soviet countries imally simplify various administrative Armenia, in particular? the concepts underlying the policies of procedures. environmental protection are based on — In case of Armenia, we should be the principle of “polluter pays”, meaning Environment protection has become an import- both optimistic and ambitious. For ex- that when a business causes pollution ant topic for society, especially for youth. Take ample, now we have a project aiming to it pays fines for the damage. However, the example of Greta Thunberg. Do you think double the forest cover of Armenia by unfortunately the fines for pollution that this active involvement of young people has 2050, which is a large-scale and very are usually too low and certainly not a positive effect on decision-makers? ambitious undertaking, but I believe enough for remediating the loss and that despite the imminent challenges damage caused to a given ecosystem. — Yes, absolutely, and not just pos- we must pursue its implementation. At the moment we are working on itive, but I also believe that the youth The mechanism I talked about earlier developing new legal provisions that can have a much larger impact by be- suggests combining the commitments will fundamentally change changing ing demanding. Moreover, on different of developed countries taken under the the approach towards environmental international platforms we always em- Paris Agreement together with the debt- management thus transition from the phasize that youth has the most pow- for-nature swaps. This potentially will concept of “polluter pays” to preventing er to bring significant change. Young streamline the much needed large-scale pollution to begin with. This approach generation is becoming increasingly finance for the measures that need to be would require upfront measures to en- demanding from governments to undertaken for the increase of the forest sure that the right mitigation measures make real commitments and take cover. This will have lasting and positive are put in place, but in the mid to long action to ensure that they are left with impact not only from environmental but term perspective this model is actually sustainable and thriving planet. Youth also social-economic perspective, as more economically beneficial for busi- today is aware and well informed and many communities will get involved in nesses. In the scope of this undertaking always poses poignant questions. large-scale afforestation operations.

Erik Grigoryan on UNESCO International Water Conference REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE

We have witnessed a number of very hot and dry summers over the past few years. Is this becom- ing a new norm?

— Scientific data and forecasting is telling us that it is going to get even hot- ter and this will take place across the country. The most recent data tells us that if before the temperature increase that we had registered stood at 1.23 degrees Celsius, the most up to date information has brought that number to 1.3 C. In addition to the increasing temperatures, we have also registered a decrease in precipitation, which cur- rently stands at 9%. This is very alarm- ing especially for Armenia – a country whose economy largely depends on agriculture.

What does Armenia do to overcome this situa- tion? Do we have a strategy?

— Before jumping into our projects and strategies, I would like to mention that Armenia has signed and ratified the Paris Agreement, and with this historic agreement along with many developed and developing countries, committed to tackling climate change. This agreement was essential in establishing climate jus- tice – that is, documenting that warming of the planet is due to greenhouse gas emissions and the lion portion of these emissions fall on the shoulders of devel- oped countries. Moreover, this agree- SAVING THE PLANET: ment ensured that developed countries took commitments to support develop- ing nations in climate change adaptation Paradox of Centuries and mitigation measures. As a political scientist for me the issue What is Armenia’s perspective on climate change mitigation and why is the idea of climate change is the most pressing of saving the planet paradoxical? Regional Post discussed some of the central global challenge today, because we all – developed and developing nations – questions of the environmental agenda in Armenia and the world with the Deputy have to come to an agreement and Minister of Environment Dr. Irina Ghaplanyan. make immediate changes in the way we run our economies, i.e. ensuring just Interview : Arshak Tovmasyan Photo : RA Ministry of the Environment transition to a sustainable model both from social and economic perspectives while at the same time reducing green- house gas emissions. There was a great momentum during and after the signature of the Paris Agreement back in 2015, however, as

8 #4-5 / 2019 some of the large developed economies although this is perhaps one of the Equally important is the National Ad- are stepping back and withdrawing, the most critical periods in human history aptation Plan – this is a very crucial process has largely stalled. There was where both developed and developing plan for Armenia, which is aimed at a great hype in the run up to the Climate nations have to come to a mutual un- conducting comprehensive medium Summit this year in New York, to which derstanding, make political decisions of and long term climate adaptation the UN Secretary General called all planetary scale and take swift and joint planning. This plan spans virtually all the nations to “come with a plan, not action, the scale of which is unprece- sectors of human activity from health a speech.” But unfortunately, instead of dented, I do believe that humanity after to transport, from agriculture to urban hearing strong commitments from the all will want to save itself on this planet. planning. One of the most important biggest emitters in the world to ambi- We must understand that this is an outcomes expected as a result of tious GHG reduction plans, we heard existential issue for us as species – the NAP is integration of climate change mediocre commitments or even at planet existed for 4.5 billion years and it into Armenia’s national decision-mak- times adversary sentiments. Luckily, the will continue to exist whether we make ing. It is important to remember, that voice of the youth was loud and clear joint political decisions or not. as the temperatures continue to rise, and I am sure we will witness a great and as we experience a decrease in momentum and a snowballing effect So how does Armenia figure into this planetary precipitation, we would have to adapt from the new generation demanding bargain? virtually all infrastructures and sectors climate justice and ownership of our of our livelihoods. generation’s leaders to commit to am- — Well, for us it is important to remem- bitious action in order to prevent the ber that no country is too small to make The processes you’ve mentioned are quite exten- climate perils of our planet. a difference. Armenia has a unique sive in their scale. Thus, they definitely require The window of making drastic and opportunity to be a poster child of cli- massive financial investments. Where would the critical political decisions on the way mate smart transition – we are a fossil funding come from?

rmenia has a unique opportunity to be a poster child of climate smart transition – we are a fossil fuel importing country with Aa very strong potential for growth of renewable energy we globally run our economies is nar- fuel importing country with a very strong rowing down very fast. Major GHG potential for growth of renewable ener- reduction strategies and actions have gy. So we have a good opportunity to to be adopted and kicked off in the continue what is called ‘decoupling’ – next 10 years – essentially, the global the movement of two important curves economy at large and largest econo- in climate related calculations further mies in particular have to fully readjust away from each other: the curve of eco- from fossil fuel energy dependency nomic growth going up, and the curve to renewables. Is it doable? Yes. Is it of GHG emissions going down. going to be costly and incredibly dif- As part of the commitments undertaken ficult? Absolutely. But these changes under the Paris Agreement, Armenia must be viewed from the perspective along with other signatories has commit- of long term both economic as well as ted to developing the so called Nationally environmental investments. Because Determined Contributions. This is a set of if we do not take swift and large scale long term goals, which the country com- decisions and actions today, the costs mits to in order to reduce its emissions of environmental, social and economic and to adapt to the impacts of climate loss and damages to the livelihoods of change. This is a very complex and nations around the globe would be so comprehensive document, and current- vast that it would virtually be impossible ly Armenia is working on its preparation to calculate let alone manage. with the support of a number of inter- On the bright side, I want to say that national organizations and partners. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE

— Indeed, they would and thank you for this past September, but in brief, this cially once we create the right infrastruc- bringing up this question. As I stated, in mechanism employs the concept of tures and work streams. The challenges the framework of the Paris Agreement debt-for-nature swap and works on are that Armenia is a mountainous developed countries have committed to a bilateral level between a developing country and does not have an abun- supporting developing nations, and this and a developed country. For Armenia, dance of low elevation land suitable for support also entails financial assistance. we foresee working with at least 5 bilat- reforestation, additionally, as noted, we It may come from different platforms eral partners, with France and Germany do not have the necessary capacity and organizations, including the funds being the first countries, with whom we in terms of nurseries for saplings as created in the framework of the United would like to kick off the debt-for-nature well as reforestation skilled work force Nations Framework Convention on or debt-for-climate swap. This is a win- and quality monitoring to ensure good Climate Change (UNFCCC). One such win mechanism, because developed survival rate of the plantings. However, platform and the largest climate fund countries also use this opportunity to all of these challenges have good and in the world is the Green Climate Fund meet the commitments that they have systemic solutions, and we intend to (GCF). Armenia is one of the most ac- taken under the Paris Agreement. We work with all interested stakeholders in tive if not the most active country in our have already commenced our negotia- order to ensure that we meet this goal. region in the format of its engagement tions with France and are very positive It was in this spirit that the Prime Minis- with the GCF – this is reflected both that the process will be successful. ter, together with Minister Erik Grigoryan with our presence on the Board of the Moreover, we are quite confident that and CEO of FAST Foundation Dr. Ar- GCF as well as Armenia’s climate proj- should this work for Armenia then it will men Orujyan made the announcement ect portfolio, a lion portion of which is become a successfully scalable model on October 18th during the Global Inno- funded by the GCF to include the above for the world. vation Forum on the 10-10-10 project, mentioned NAP. The Fund’s 10th and one of the largest projects in the region is the $20 million project on “De-risking and Scaling-up Investment in Energy rmenia has taken an ambitious commitment in the frame- Efficient Building Retrofits” coordinated work of the Bonn Challenge to double its forest cover by the Ministry and implemented by the by 2050, bringing it to its original optimal cover UNDP office in Armenia. A This year the GCF is entering its second and crucial replenishment, where devel- oped countries contribute to the Fund. Coming back to more local problems, let’s talk which entails planting 10 million trees on Crucial because in the wake of 2020 about the forest issue in Armenia. In the past October 10th of 2020. As we do our job the commitment of developed countries years, this problem has become quite vocal, but as a government agency in charge of to mitigating the risks associated with still, it doesn’t receive well-deserved attention reforestation, we need to bring everyone climate change and to helping develop- and respect from society, even though Armenia on board in this effort as we all collec- ing countries to adapt to climate change has a commitment to restore its forest cover. tively benefit from more trees, but more will be tested in the form of their finan- importantly, this initiative intends to raise cial contributions to the GCF as well as — Over the past 30 years Armenia awareness and call to action everyone to other platforms and initiatives. It is has recorded an extensive forest loss. to take ownership of their future important to note here, that under the According to the GEF data, Armenia’s Paris Agreement developed countries optimal forest cover stood at 20.1% of Could you tell us a few words about Armenia’s have committed to mobilize $100 billion its total territory, but unfortunately, by biodiversity? Recently, there has been some pos- in climate finance per year by 2020. In various accounts due to illegal logging itive progress with conservation efforts of the light of this as well as taking into consid- and unsustainable forest management Caucasian Leopard and this year was proclaimed eration that besides the platforms of the Armenia has lost close to half of its orig- as the year of protection of the Caucasian Leop- existing UN funds there must be other inal forest cover. But at the same time, ard. Could you elaborate a little bit more on this? working platforms and mechanisms for Armenia has taken an ambitious com- developed countries to allocate climate mitment in the framework of the Bonn — Armenia has unique biodiversity – finance, Armenia over the past more Challenge to double its forest cover by yet not many know about this and it than a year has been working on de- 2050, bringing it to its original optimal is our goal to promote this and raise veloping an innovative climate finance cover. In reality, this is a very ambitious awareness both domestically and in- mechanism. We have communicated plan, as it would require reforesting ternationally. Armenia is in the top 25 the details of this mechanism during around 260.000 hectares of Armenia’s biodiversity hotspots with very unique the UN Climate Summit in New York territory. Nevertheless, it is doable espe- pockets of small yet very diverse

10 #4-5 / 2019 ecosystems. Additionally, Armenia is of successes, to include the increase Do you think that humans and nature are com- considered as a very important route in the total head count of this beautiful patible? on the migrating paths of birds and and majestic feline. There is plenty of you can spot unusual species for this evidence that we have increased pop- — This is an existential question yet region such as pelicans or flamingos ulation of the leopards, which is mainly perhaps it is more relevant today twice a year, as they stop to feed and documented through the motion cap- than ever before. The problem with rest. Biodiversity documentation and ture cameras installed across the habitat humans is that for centuries, as conservation is a very hard, meticulous areas of the animal. The other important species, we considered ourselves and systemic work, and requires a lot factor that has led to the success in outside of the ecosystem. This his- of knowledge, experience and skill. On the feline’s repopulation efforts was torically has been one of the most this note I want to thank our partners, the restoration of the population of the fundamental errors of our existence particularly the German Government for leopard’s main source of sustenance – on this planet – through this prism, of supporting Armenia in undertaking very bezoar goats and Armenian mouflons. viewing ourselves as outside of the important work on conservation of our This is yet another important example ecosystem, we continued to extract country’s unique biodiversity. of how well balanced the ecosystem is, from nature, pollute the environment So why did we focus this year specifical- and Armenia is not an exception. With and put ourselves on the pedestal or ly on the Caucasian Leopard – well first these positive achievements and in the rather outside of the ecosystem. In of all, it is a critically endangered Red spirit of spreading awareness about the reality, true balance can be achieved Book specie and the largest surviving significance of conservation of the feline, only if we position ourselves inside feline in the whole of Europe. Such large the government of Armenian announced the ecosystem. And we need to stop carnivores are key to ensuring that the 2019 as the Year of Protection of the pushing forward this narrative of balance of the ecosystem stays intact. If Caucasian Leopard. This year we had saving the planet, we need to start they disappear, the balance of the eco- a number of events featuring the Leop- realizing and acting on the simple system shifts and we can witness var- ard – from minting a special coin by the truth that a balanced and respectful ious chain reactions from loss of some Central Bank with a photo of the Cauca- attitude and approach to the envi- species to dangerous overpopulation of sian Leopard engraved on it, to publica- ronment saves us as species on the others. Equally important were the con- tion of a new postal stamp to Caucasian planet. Earth will live on – we need servation efforts of the Caucasian Leop- Leopard being this year’s mascot for the to figure out how we, as species ard that have been conducted together Marathon. We want to thank all survive, and we can do so only col- with various local and international the partners in helping us spread aware- lectively and by respecting and caring organizations, which have led to a series ness about this majestic creature! for the nature. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE SAVING THE LIFE-GIVING SPECIES OF OUR ECOSYSTEM

“The restoration of the forests should be a pan-Armenian initiative as this is not a task of only one person or organization. We have to do this with mutual efforts. I believe it's possible,” says Vardan Melikyan, the newly appointed Deputy Minister of the Environment. We talked with Mr. Melikyan about the main causes of forest fires in Armenia and discussed the approaches fostered by the Ministry.

Interview : Arshak Tovmasyan Photo : RA Ministery of the Environment

The firefighting part is organized at We saw on the news that starting from October 1, sufficient level, all relevant institutions the salaries of the foresters were increased, so cooperate successfully. For example, I want to talk about the specialists in this sphere. Hayantar SNCO employees and rang- Do we have any HR problems? ers of protected areas work closely with the Ministry of Emergency Situa- — I can say without unnecessary tions, and the Ministry of Defense joins diplomacy that yes, we do. We have the operations if necessary. In some a problem here taking into account areas we also have volunteers from the lack of relevant educational op- the local communities. All of these are portunities in Armenia. In Soviet times, response measures, but we have to Armenian specialists used to receive think about prevention. I would lie if their education either in Georgian, I said that it’s possible to eliminate all Russian, or Ukrainian institutes. As forest fire risks, but we can significant- a result, we had people with relevant ly reduce the number of such cases. knowledge. However, since the pro- Here, we have long-term, mid-term, fession was relatively unattractive in and short-term tasks to accomplish. recent years, most of the graduates In the long term perspective, the goal worked in different spheres and had is to make the ecosystems more re- no practical experience. Regarding silient via fostering the improvement the increase in salaries, it’s a signifi- Mr. Melikyan, you entered the cabinet this past of forest management. This will take cant step, especially because at this summer, at the peak of the forest fires in Arme- decades, but we have to start the moment, the wages of only the lower nia. Why do we have this amount of fires? Do we works today. In the mid-term phase, ring employees – foresters and forest manage to control and fight them successfully? we have to focus on awareness-rais- guardians – are raised. In my opinion, ing activities and educating people. these people have crucial importance — There are many reasons for such Finally, our short-term goal is to devel- forest management, because they are active forest fires, mostly human-re- op information systems. Currently, the the ones who directly interact with the lated: still burning cigarette butts on Ministry of the Environment in cooper- forest and respective stakeholders. By the ground, not extinguished bonfires, ation with UNDP designs Forest Fires empowering the lower ring, we will be and other such cases become a direct Information System. The latter will able to fight the illegal activities and, cause. Another cause is the unsustain- enable us to predict fire risks a week from a long-term perspective, even able management, which resulted in or ten-days prior, based on the analy- eliminate these. degraded forests with favorable envi- sis of up-to-date information received ronment for fires. There’s also a global from satellitesand meteorological sta- Elaborating on the topic of illegal activities, reason for this – the climate change tions. Depending on risk level, official namely the loggings, the serious approach of the which caused dry and hot weather in actions, such as banning open fire at Government received quite a positive response the months of July and August, and specific locations or prohibiting human from the society. What has changed in the out- the lack of sufficient precipitation. access, can be issued. look of the Ministry?

12 #4-5 / 2019 — The increase in salaries is one of the steps towards the improvement of the situation. When talking about the elimination of illegal logging, we should separate the people involved in these activities into at least two groups. The first one includes people who do that for social reasons. When there’s no fuel available and their income doesn’t enable them to purchase it, their primary resource becomes the fire- wood. For this case, we consider the development of an alternative energy resource market, namely the bri- quettes, which can be produced from any biomass. Currently, we’re study- ing the model of Moldova. In just five is harvested and sold by Hayantar and WWII the forest coverwas signifi- years, they managed to develop the SNCO and it mainly goes to the cen- cantly reduced, encompassing only briquettes industry to a point where tral marzes because the residents of 7-8 percent of the land. After this, about 10 percent of overall energy de- forest areas either don’t have enough large-scale forest plantings took place mand is covered by biomass. Accord- money or they have an opportunity and currently, we have around 11%. ing to estimations, we have biomass to receive up to 8 cubic meters of Here the issue is not only about the enough to replace around 1 million deadwood. Of course, we have to be forest cover. We can have about the cubic meters of fuelwood. Of course, attentive when we see fuelwood on same cover but not the same forest. this is an optimistic prognosis but we sale, but it’s not always illegal. The species are changing. Our quality have this estimate, and even though tree species gradually disappear. Of the part suitable for replacement is But how can we distinguish one from the other? course, there are no bad trees, but smaller, we still have a vast potential. the ecosystem services the forests The second group involved in illegal — First of all, they must have proving can provide depend on the species logging includes those, who used to documents, the so called “forest tick- of trees we have. The second issue is regularly conduct illegal logging in et,” which indicates the car and the the density of forests. If previously we the forests via exploiting the locals. transporting person, etc. Recently, had locations where the forest density The latter received money from these during one of our visits to , reached 100%, today this percentage groups, but that wasjust a small part we came across such a vehicle. In too has decreased. As a result, the of their actual income from wood sale. that case, everything was OK, the soil changes and consequently, the There was information in the media information on the paper matched the vegetation growing under the trees that the protests that took place in car and the quality description of the changes too. were organized by these ille- fuelwood, etc. If you have doubts, you gal businessmen and had no social can approach the Inspectorate, which Armenia committed to double its forest cover by basis. Obviously, in this case, we has the capacity to verify whether or 2050. Is it a realistic goal? cannot speak about tolerance. We not the firewood is legal. On the other cannot sacrifice our forests for their hand, I have to highlight that selling — Whether it’s realistic or not, it de- prosperous lives. Here, we cooperate the fuelwood from the cars can be pends on us. I think that it’s possible, with police and other law enforcement a case of illegal business. but we have to use the upcoming bodies. There are police bases estab- 3-5 years for in-depth planning. We lished in Tavush and Lori, and there In the past 30 years, how much damage was have to improve our technical capac- is cooperation with the Inspectorate caused to our forests and in what condition are ities, educate a new generation of for Nature Protection and Mineral they now? As far as I know, in previous decades, specialists, establish new nurseries, Resources which has the control 20% of the Armenian land was covered with find funding, as well as measure the function. This helped decreasing the forests, but now this number hardly exceeds 11%. financial and economic effects. We number of cars, transporting fuelwood discuss huge expenses but there will to the central marzes of Armenia. — Last time Armenia had 20% forest be economic benefits as well. Forest, However, I want to mention that cover was at least hundred years ago, after all, is a life-giving ecosystem and there’s also legal fuelwood, which and during 1930’s industrialization we have to save it. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE Daniel Haas: “BMZ Pays Particular Attention to Cross-Country Exchange”

Interview with Mr. Daniel Haas, the Head of German Development Cooperation in the South Caucasus.

Interview : Areg Davtyan Photo : Embassy of Georgia to the Federal Republic of Germany

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Coopera- to integrate cross-border exchange tion and Development (BMZ) has active cooperation at technical level, which we see as an with the three countries of the South Caucasus – essential component of each project Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. What is the frame and programme in order to establish and the main focus of this cooperation? connections between the countries that would otherwise not be possible — BMZ cooperates with all three coun- due to the conflict in the region. tries of the South Caucasus within the With commitments of about EUR 130 framework of the Caucasus Initiative of million over the last six years, Ger- the German Federal Government. The many is currently the largest bilateral three priority areas are sustainable eco- donor for environmental protection nomic development, good governance, and natural resources management in and environmental protection. the South Caucasus. All BMZ funded programmes have a regional perspective towards the German Cooperation consists of the technical three countries of the South Caucasus and the financial cooperation. What are the most with activities adapted to the specific important features that characterize each of the circumstances and needs of each two approaches? country. This approach makes it possi- ble to join forces, achieve real improve- — Technical and financial cooperation ments, and maximize impact. At the are closely interlinked and have an same time, it opens the opportunity impact on various levels. The technical

ermany is currently the largest bilateral donor for environmental protection and natural resources management Gin the South Caucasus 14 #4-5 / 2019

REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS EXCLUSIVE cooperation projects are mainly imple- the effects of climate change, which Georgia, we support the introduction of mented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft are increasingly noticeable. Just as sustainable forest management prac- für Internationale Zusammenarbeit on a global scale, all these valuable tices, an important aspect for conserv- (GIZ) GmbH, developing the capac- ecosystem services are at risk in this ing biodiversity, as forests cover about ities of individuals, organizations, region as well. In all the three coun- 40% of Georgia’s territory. and societies in partner countries. tries, there is enormous pressure on Environmental awareness raising Financial cooperation projects are nature and natural resources, driven among the population is a cross-cut- implemented by KfW Development by poverty and unsustainable use of ting topic in all the three countries, Bank assisting with financing of de- resources. which leads people to better under- velopment measures, by providing stand the benefits of nature and con- both grants and loans. We also work What are the key strategic goals of BMZ in the sequently, use it in a sustainable way with and through other partners in the South Caucasus region for improving the environ- and protect it. We also assist in in- region, like WWF and the Caucasus ment and biodiversity? creasing energy efficiency and expand- Nature Fund (CNF), the latter having ing renewable energy, e.g. by providing been set up through the support pro- — German Development Corporation loans via commercial banks to finance vided by the German government. has made a multi-year commitment to energy-efficiency measures in private support the South Caucasus region's houses or to install solar devices and Environmental issues in the South Caucasus are quest to find solutions to the mentioned small hydropower plants. one of the priority areas of the BMZ. Looking at problems and to pursue a development Germany has been contributing to the the worlds' main challenges in the field of environ- path that would meet the needs of the development and proper manage- ment, what is the situation in the South Caucasus? society while protecting the environ- ment of protected areas in the South ment and biodiversity. Important global Caucasus for more than 20 years — In recent years, besides climate frameworks, such as the Sustainable by providing infrastructure, special change, the loss of biodiversity has Development Goals (SDGs) of the equipment, and modern manage- become one of the greatest global 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement on ment planning. Local communities challenges. The report from the In- tergovernmental Science-Policy Plat- form on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reveals that around ich biodiversity is vital for the economic opportunities of one million animal and plant spe- local communities in South Caucasus countries: agriculture, cies worldwide are threatened with extinction, and many of these will Renergy, water supply, and tourism are good examples become extinct within the next few decades. This is an unprecedented rate in human history, which is driven by several environmental challenges climate change, and the Convention on must benefit from the protected such as habitat loss and degradation, Biological Diversity (CBD) have been areas. Therefore, our programmes climate change, pollution, overex- ratified by the three countries. We sup- promote sustainable agriculture and ploitation, and unsustainable use of port the countries in implementing income-generating activities such as natural resources. This trend is also these commitments. beekeeping and eco-tourism. To en- visible in the South Caucasus, an With support from the German gov- sure the long-term functioning of the area, which is considered to be one ernment, a number of strategies and protected areas, we operate through of the world’s biodiversity “hotspots.” laws related to improved conservation a local partner, the Caucasus Nature Therefore, the countries of the South of nature and biodiversity have been Fund (CNF). Today, the CNF financial- Caucasus have a great responsibility developed and are now being applied. ly supports 18 protected areas cov- in conserving the unique biodiversity In Armenia, the platform on sustain- ering an area of 550,000 ha (almost of their region. Rich biodiversity is able pasture management has been 1,236,000 acres). The CNF, set up as vital for the economic opportunities established, which is a good example an endowment fund, is also a cham- of local communities in South Cau- for intersectoral collaboration. Stake- pion in terms of financial sustainability casus countries: agriculture, energy, holders from different ministries, uni- because its activities are largely fi- water supply, and tourism are good versities, civil society organizations and nanced by its own capital revenues. examples. The rich flora and fauna communities come together to discuss It is a strategic interest of BMZ that also fulfill important functions for cli- relevant issues and work on joint strat- more donors or philanthropic partners mate protection and help to adapt to egies balancing diverging interests. In contribute to the fund, which creates

16 #4-5 / 2019 a unique return on investment – intact is KfW’s Eco-Corridor Programme: by nities to promote dialogue between ecosystems and conservation of the connecting protected areas through the three countries, regardless of the invaluable wealth of the region’s bio- eco-corridors, isolated populations existing conflict. logical diversity for current and future of wild animals can migrate and thus generations. prevent genetic degradation. And Finally, a personal question: what makes this again, here as well, we work with and region a special place for you? How can German Development Cooperation through the local communities where contribute to regional cooperation and exchange villagers are engaged in and directly — As it happens to many diplomats, taking into consideration the existing conflict? profit from conservation activities both in our family, too, we quickly lost our socially and economically. hearts to the South Caucasus, its — All BMZ supported programmes In the framework of the technical co- friendly people, and its diverse and pay particular attention to cross-coun- operation programmes, regional con- ancient cultures. And, of course, the try exchange, which creates cooper- ferences, training events, and joint abundance of nature and the most ative relationships and also promotes study tours are organized providing impressive landscapes are part of the rapprochement between the coun- the opportunity to exchange on top- magic, which make the region a special tries. The South Caucasus comprises ics like ecosystem services, erosion place for me. It is a privilege to work large ecosystems and habitats, which control, and sustainable forest and here with committed partners and to do not end at political borders. An ex- pasture management, among others. join forces in order to preserve what ample of transboundary cooperation Such events are valuable opportu- has been borrowed by humanity.

GREEN ISSUE: the new ecological identity of Armenia REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE The Leopard The Mystical Beauty of the Armenian Highlands Returned

The King of the Armenian Highlands promenades around its kingdom, moving its giant paws, shifting from one leg to another. It soundlessly moves between the trees, listening to the whispers of the forest, leaving no trace of its presence. Very few people have encountered the animal from a close distance, as it chooses to stay away and live its life in privacy. Despite its secretive character, the Caucasian Leopard (Panthera pardus ciscaucasica), a native of these lands, has earned the respect to be named King of Armenian Highlands. In the late 90s, the King left the mountainous area of Armenia, turning into a legend of our elders. Only in recent years, however, the situation appears to have changed. The Leopard has been spotted at several sites around the country: marking its trails in the north, chasing its prey in the south. The mystical beauty, they say, has returned to breathe a new life into the Armenian highlands.

20 #4-5 / 2019 Zangezur Sanctuary

Caucasian Leopard Text : Margarit Mirzoyan caught on the hidden Photo : WWF Armenia camera

Today, there are around ten population illustrates that the project individuals permanently inhabiting Ar- has reached its primary goal. To cel- menia, while two decades ago there ebrate the tangible results achieved, was no trace of the leopard. The the RA Ministry of Environment de- experts named several reasons for its clared 2019 the “Year of the Cauca- departure. The rise of poaching on sian Leopard.” leopard and its declining food base This initiative has a number of pillars. (particularly, bezoar goat and Arme- For the first time in 15 years, the nian mouflon) were amongst them. leopard was captured on a camera Besides, protected areas available trap from a close distance, which for its population in Armenia repre- means that it has become more sented only 12% of its usual habitat. trustful and perceives the camera “The Caucasian Leopard is not a tiny as something usual, like a tree or animal to live in a small area; each a stone. Also, as the number of the leopard needs 5,000-20,000 hect- species of its prey in the country has ares,” says Dr. Karen Manvelyan, the increased, a need to raise public Director of WWF Armenia. “Thus, awareness has emerged. it would be impossible to make the The Leopards inhabit the central animal stay in this small area, there and eastern parts of Khosrov Forest was a need to provide it with a new Reserve southwards to the Armenian- home.” Having in mind this objective, Iranian state border, covering the since 2002, the large-scale project Geghama, Zangezur, Vayots Dzor, on Caucasian Leopard Conservation and ridges. The has been implemented, and the re- habitats of Leopard include arid cent positive trend in the size of the mountain grasslands, arid sparse

he Leopards inhabit the central and eastern parts of Khosrov Forest Reserve southwards to the Armenian- TIranian state border

Khosrov Forest State Reserve Leopard Neo’s first photo REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE forests, mountain grasslands, subal- pine and alpine meadows. The max- he research identified that Khosrov and imum possible number of Leopards Reserves were the only Protected Areas suitable for the in Armenia is 10-15 individuals. The 2 life of the leopard extent of occurrence is 7497.2 km . t The area of occupancy is 2856.8 km2. The presence of Leopard is beneficial for the sustainability of the *** ecosystem. An animal at the top of Back in 2002, when experts had just the ecological pyramid keeps the begun operating in the region, there dynamics of its prey species and was no hint about these develop- makes the ecosystem functional ments. In that period, Dr. Victor Lu- and stable. karevsky, a wildlife expert well-known “To communicate these ideas to the for his work “Operation: Snow Tiger” broader public, the Ministry estab- was invited by WWF and with the local lished a working group and initiated experts Mr. Alexander Malkhasyan and a number of events and activities. Dr. Igor Khorozyan made a survey on Press conferences, publications, and the identification of possible habitats of social clips are only a small portion the Caucasian Leopard. They were the of the planned operations,” indicates first specialists to place camera traps, Ms. Diana Yeritspokhyants, Assistant and in 2005 they received the first to the Deputy Minister of Environ- images of the leopard. Unfortunately, ment. In February of 2019, a work- the research identified that Khosrov shop on development of the Nation- and Shikahogh Reserves were the only al Action Plan for Conservation of protected areas suitable for the life of Leopard in Armenia for 2020-2030 the leopard, representing only 12% was organized by the RA Ministry of of its historic habitat size. The further Environment and WWF in Vayk town. operations became a basis for one The Ministry of High-Tech Industry of the first projects of WWF Armenia, suggested creating a new postmark “The Conservation of the Caucasian with the image of the animal. The Leopard” supported by WWF Germany Central Bank, in its turn, will release and WWF Switzerland. Since 2002, a commemorative coin called “The WWF has been supporting the RA Year of the Caucasian Leopard.” The Ministry of Nature Protection (now RA central event of the initiative – the Ministry of Environment) in planning Caucasian Leopard Summit is set and establishing new protected areas, to happen in 2020 in Lori region, to include more leopard habitats under gathering experts and Government protection and to promote the safety of representatives from all the countries the leopard and its prey species. that have leopard populations. The Finally, in 2009, Areviq National Park guests of the summit will visit the with an area of 34,401 ha and Zange- Khosrov Reserve, and a declaration zur state sanctuary with an area of for mutual strategic cooperation on 17,368 ha were established in the matter will be signed. under WWF/CEPF projects. In 2013, Finally, the RA Ministry of Environ- under a UNDP/GEF project and WWF ment took the conservation of the co-financing, Khustup state sanctu- animal to a higher level, introducing ary was established with an area of a new bill on the matter of poaching 6,947 ha, and Zangezur state sanctu- of the leopard. The draft law sug- ary was expanded to 25,871 ha. gests increasing the previous 3 mil- To promote safe migration of the leop- lion AMD fine to 100 million AMD ard and species of prey, in 2015 WWF and sets a higher penalty of 500 mil- started a project on the creation of lion AMD for the hunt in specially an eco-corridor in southern Armenia, protected areas. which will connect protected areas in

22 #4-5 / 2019 Khosrov Forest State Reserve Syunik region with the Khosrov Forest State Reserve. The project is funded by KfW, on behalf of BMZ. The main purpose of the project is the establish- ment of an eco-corridor via the cre- ation of Community Conserved Areas for the protection and sustainable use of natural resources as well as for the migration of the leopard and some other large mammals. As of today, five Community Conserved Areas have been created by the Council Decisions of five communities, covering a total area of 61,000 ha. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

To protect and to monitor biodiversity in Community Conserved Areas 20 caretakers from local communities are recruited and trained. WWF provided these people with all the necessary equipment, camera traps and off- road vehicles. These guardians also receive monthly salaries, which also addresses the lack of job opportuni- ties in rural Armenia. Wildlife expert Mr. Alexander Malkhasyan works at these sites half of the year. In Ararat, Vayots Dzor, and Syunik regions, he monitors large ungulates and defines the main trails of the leopard with the rangers of the protected areas and caretakers of the Community Con- served Areas. Even though he has heard the roar of the Leopard, he has

Alexander Malkhasyan during field work

Khosrov Forest State Reserve

Zangezur Biosphere Complex, Areviq National Park

Noravank canyon in winter

24 #4-5 / 2019 esides the enlargement of its habitat, the food base of the Caucasian leopard – the bezoar goat population – has also Bincreased, reaching more than 3000 individuals

*** Recently the Caucasus Nature Fund and Nakhijevan. His parents, Yeva and (CNF) marked the 10th anniversary of Aras, the latter having injured his leg at its work in Armenia. In 2009 CNF be- the border, were previously spotted on gan supporting the protected areas the territory of Armenia. Several other by covering operational costs and co- individuals were noticed in the south financing the state budget (including of the country, in Areviq National Park. salary supplements, essential equip- People say, a female leopard has settled ment, and maintenance of the PAs). in Noravank Canyon (part of the Arpa CNF support has been crucial in en- Protected Landscape) and, from time hancing the management effectiveness to time, can be seen looking down at of the PAs particularly the conservation the Monastery. of the main habitats of the leopard (Are- Unfortunately, up to this day, there are viq National Park, Khosrov Forest State many threats facing the Caucasian never seen the animal closely and Reserve, Gnishik Protected Landscape, leopards, especially near the borders. says that he does not believe that any etc.). “Today CNF not only contributes The locals put traps and snares to one has. “There have been very few to the essential costs of PAs but also catch a goat or a wild boar for hunting, cases of actual encounter. Those who introduces new technologies to the and eventually, the leopards fall into have really seen the animal, say that it PAs such as online cameras, drones, these traps and get severe injuries. won’t attack you but on the subcon- camera traps, and other. Thus, CNF Since 2014, the situation at the bor- scious level, the form of the head and significantly supports the protection of der in Nakhijevan has worsened with the spots arouse huge fear in them,” leopard’s habitats,” mentions Mr. Ar- new block posts and mines, and it says Alexander. man Vermishyan, Representative Office has become very dangerous for the Director of CNF in Armenia. leopards to stroll in those areas; three Besides the enlargement of its habitat, leopards were seen with injured paws. the food base of the Caucasian leop- To prevent similar cases, the experts ard – the bezoar goat population – has and rangers work hard to detect these also increased, reaching more than traps and remove them. 3000 individuals, and this was another reason why the leopard came to stay. *** Previously, some male specimens would Since ancient times, Armenians have visit the country and then disappear, but honored feline family animals portray- now several reproducing couples have ing them on historical engravings and settled near the borders of Iran and dynasty emblems. Thus, the return of Azerbaijan as well as Armenia and Azer- the animal home is not only of environ- baijan. With regards to the latter, three mental but also of historical and cultural leopard cubs were born at Zangezur importance. “They have a secret life. Mountain Range. Then, after a year of They usually hunt at night or early in silence, in 2018 a male cub leopard was the morning to stay unnoticed. Foggy, photographed in Khosrov Forest State snowy and rainy weather proves per- Reserve, the Northern habitat of the fect for their activities,” says Alexander, leopard. It was a huge surprise as the “but the images from Khosrov Reserve last leopards in that location were killed illustrate that they have started moving back in 1999. His name is Neo and he around in the daytime as well.” This is three years old now. According to the means that the animal feels safe in the WWF information, the cub was born Armenian mountains and, most likely, will in the border area between Armenia stay here, at least in the near future. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Birds and Butterflies: Indicators of Ecosystem Dynamics

Birds and butterflies are vital indicators for the state of ecosystems and biodiversity. They are living reminders of how important it is to take care of our environment and how insignificant human borders are when it comes to nature. Soon Armenia will have its first bird and butterfly atlases, joining such projects as European Breeding Birds Atlas 2, for the successful conservation of the rich diversity of the species. The atlases will include hundreds of butterfly and breeding bird species flying over the mountains and valleys of Armenia.

Text : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : TSE

The extended information analyzed and summarized in the atlas on prime butterfly areas, the potential threats to these areas, and the measures aimed at the elimination of these threats are available on the website of Butterfly Conservation Armenia (, making the information accessible for all interested stakeholders.

26 #4-5 / 2019 The world “atlas” reminds me of decision-making processes. It can also the beautiful hardcover books that my contribute to the formation of develop- grandfather used to show me when ment strategies on conservation and I was a child. The fascinating images management in the relevant sector. of animals and plants were the only During the interview, the Executive meaning these books could convey to Director of the NGO, Dr. Karen Agh- me at the age of eight. When I recent- ababyan highlighted that the creation ly came across the news that Armenia of the “Atlas of Butterflies in Armenia,” was about to publish its first atlases of in particular, is based on an enormous birds and butterflies, I had the same amount of data and analysis. feeling of fascination that I used to ex- On a more practical level, the atlas, perience as a child, glancing through which will be published soon, follows the colorful pages of the European the universal scheme of all well-estab- or Asian atlases during the summer lished atlases. The main section of the holidays at my grandfather’s veranda. book is dedicated to the Species Ac- It turned out that atlases have a much counts. Here all the necessary infor- more important application than mation about the species is compiled. highlighting the beauty of flora and Among other parts, the atlas has an fauna. Years of diligent data collection Application section, which provides an and monitoring lie at the core of each atlas, and the information collected can be used for a variety of purpos- es. For example, the first atlases in Reed Bunting Armenia that will cover butterflies and breeding birds have a goal to introduce long-term, self-sustaining monitoring approaches, which can serve as a basis for identifying chang- es in the natural ecosystems. Indeed, way before the invention of innovative methods as early-warning systems for natural disasters, people would read the changes in the attitude of different animal and plant species to discover Colias alfacariensis the dynamics in the ecosystems. When working on this article, I was introduced to the Towards Sustainable overview of the practical use of data Ecosystem (TSE) NGO – the organiza- he authors managed to for the assessment of the condition of tion behind the profound data collec- highlight the progress ecosystems. The authors managed tion on birds and butterflies. TSE has from simply collecting to highlight the progress from simply two branches involved in the project, T collecting the information to the long- Butterflies Conservation Armenia and the information to the term monitoring of the species. Even- Armenian Bird Census. In the frame- tually, glancing through the atlas, one work of the environmental programme long-term monitoring of can witness how the data collected supported by GIZ, TSE undertook the species since 1874 have turned into a useful data analysis and development of at- tool for tracking changes at the levels lases on butterflies and breeding birds, of species and ecosystems. as essential milestones for biodiversity I was surprised to learn how much monitoring in Armenia, using the data work it takes to assemble all the infor- collected up to this day. The robust, mation for the atlases and how many in-depth data collected and analyzed professionals participated in making for the atlases directly benefit the this knowledge available. Currently, government sector since reliable in- TSE’s Butterfly Conservation Armenia formation is indispensable for efficient has 500 members and five permanent REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE specialists, not to mention the numer- species populations, dynamics, and responsible ecotourism. It will touch ous international experts. The network habitats will be available. One section upon topics such as citizen science is planned to be enlarged to cover the will introduce the conservation status and investment in innovative methods entire territory of the country. Today, of the species, as well as the existing for cost-effective biodiversity monitor- the data cover the butterfly species of and proposed conservation measures. ing. The second workshop will address the 50% of Armenia’s land and the bird Beyond the preparations for the pub- the mainstreaming of biodiversity into species of about 70% of the country. lication of the “Atlas of the Breeding other sectors. Participants from min- Birds in Armenia,” the project is also istries, private companies, and NGOs *** preparing two workshops on the topics will explore opportunities and win-win Currently, the Programme “Manage- of biodiversity monitoring and ecosys- solutions of the sustainable co-exis- ment of natural resources and safe- tem services provided by wildlife. The tence of nature and economics. guarding of ecosystem services for first workshop will be targeted at rep- During the project implementation, TSE sustainable rural development in the resentatives of the state, NGOs, and has been successfully implementing South Caucasus” (ECOserve) supports tourism companies to highlight breed- measures on capacity building with the development of the “Atlas of the ing birds’ functions in sustainable and businesses and community residents on Breeding Birds in Armenia.” The Arme- nian Bird Census branch of the TSE NGO has over 2600 members and a team of 10 permanent experts. Data Agriades dardanus collection started in 2003, and today the database consists of 300,000 records of 374 species, including 241 species of breeding birds. The data are being used for computation of species populations as well as are being transformed into graphs of population dynamics, and up-to-date maps of breeding birds in Armenia since 1990s. The process also caters to reviewing current bird conservation methods and could potentially lead to the development of new approaches. The format of the atlas will be similar to the one for butterflies. Information on Eurasian Bee-eater

environmentally friendly operations and living. The team of TSE NGO recognized the immense hunting threats to bird populations and initiated a campaign to raise awareness in different pilot com- munities of , Urtsadzor, Areni, Arpi, and Meghri. Going beyond changing attitudes towards hunting birds, the NGO offered residents alternative ways of income by supporting them to be- come guides in protected areas and, thus, to preserve the birds rather than shoot them. Around ten people made use of this opportunity and now offer visitors wildlife tourism and show them the beauty of nature. Eventually, bird watching turned into a new source of revenue for these rural families. This is

28 #4-5 / 2019 just a small step that has the potential to lead to a more substantial transforma- White stork tion within these communities. In other words, the publication of these atlases can lead to further integration of butterfly and birdwatching in Armenia, eventually, turning it into a popular branch of eco- tourism in the country. The work on both bird and butterfly atlases also overlapped with the new publication period of the Armenian Red Book of Animals. The two processes are closely interlinked and can lead to the successful incorporation of data from the atlases into the Red Book. Stonechat

plement environmental assessments. Another important fact is that the Breeding Birds Atlas, in particular, will contribute to the pan-European initia- tive of the European Breeding Bird At- las 2, demonstrating the in-depth data on bird species and their habitats at the national level. Bird monitoring has been designed and implemented in all parts of the world both in developed countries such as Europe, US, Can- ada, Australia, and New Zealand and in developing countries. This is due to the fact that birds are considered as a vital indicator of ecosystem changes, and their monitoring is a cost-effective, early-warning solution, with thousands of citizen scientists actively involved in the process of data collection. The target group of the butterfly and After all, for me, the role of atlases bird atlases includes relevant ministries, he atlases can be used for transformed from being merely a book universities, related research institutions, studying and monitoring with mesmerizing images to a treasure, as well as public libraries. The audience of vital species and can able to positively influence different also includes businesses working in T people. My other interviewee, Dr. Ast- the ecotourism sector and international also become a solid basis ghik Danielyan, Adviser at GIZ Armenia, organizations. The atlases can be used mentioned that when working on the for studying and monitoring of vital spe- for further development of atlas the team came up with names for cies and can also become a solid basis monitoring methodology to be some of those butterfly species, which for further development of monitoring did not have any. This means that methodology to be used by the Govern- used by the Government these atlases have gone beyond their ment. The content is relevant for school hardcovers, turning its content into programmes, and the atlases can serve scientific discovery. As a result, when as a foundation for teaching materials at reading the atlas, we uncover a new educational institutions. world, one page at a time and when The data collected can also be used putting the book aside, our imagination by both private and non-profit sectors, is filled with fascinating colors of butter- enabling various companies to im- fly wings and alluring bird songs. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Practical Approaches for Environmental Awareness-Raising and Education to Protect Armenia’s Rich Biodiversity

Practical approaches for environmental awareness- raising and education are critical nowadays, as, more than ever, it is vital for people to acknowledge the importance of biodiversity, as well as to learn about the various ways of protecting it. Biodiversity conservation can only be achieved if people acquire knowledge and motivation, engagement and responsibility needed to protect the natural resources. The awareness-raising of the public can be increased with the help of such practical tools as digital applications, social spots, educational movies, and engaging mini-campaigns. Taking this into consideration, the RA Ministry of Environment jointly with GIZ recently launched an environmental awareness-raising campaign in Armenia, which included mass media, presentations and screenings, talks, exhibitions, and other interactive techniques, addressing the public. In the framework of the campaign, visualized and practical approaches were effectively used to clearly show the importance of biodiversity, such as rare and threatened plant and animal species, and of nature protection in general.

Text : IBiS Photo : GIZ 30 #4-5 / 2019 One of the key elements of the campaign: raising awareness through education

Biodiversity in Armenia is very In the framework of the Programme rich with exceptionally high rate of “Integrated Biodiversity Management endemism. This is explained by the in the South Caucasus” (IBiS), multi- country’s location at the junction of dimensional campaigning has been three biogeographic zones (the Lesser introduced, which targets broader Caucasus, Iranian, and Mediterranean audience to cover various topics zones), a broad altitude variation (from related to forests and other ecosys- 375 to 4090 m above sea level), and tems. A forest movie and three spots the presence of ten distinct land- related to forests were filmed to show scape-climatic zones in a relatively the importance of forests and how compact area. All the main natural to effectively use forest resources ecosystems of the Caucasus are rep- without harming them. The Green resented in Armenia except the humid Bus mini-campaign was a successful subtropical zone. Every part of this component of the overall campaign. mountainous area is home for unique It travelled around Armenia stopping species of animals and plants. To con- in the regions of Aragatsotn and serve these unique ecosystems, there Shirak, and actively engaging school is a need for societal outreach beyond children into environmental seminars regular PR campaigns. on Armenia’s biodiversity, endan-

forest movie and three spots related to forests were filmed to show the importance of forests and how to effectively use Af orest resources without harming them. The Green Bus mini- campaign was a successful component of the overall campaign REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

Community school teachers he Red Book application is a user-friendly resource with its were trained to develop their knowledge and environmental target audience being mobile phone users including students teaching skills Tof all ages, their parents and educators, other community members, and foreign visitors

gered species, waste management, Republic of Armenia and was given forests, nurseries, and other related legal status. Criteria of IUCN Red topics with a strong focus on out- List of Threatened Species served as door activities and practical games. a basis for the assessment conduct- It is important to mention that prior ed for the Red Book. The Red Book to the bus tour, community school of Armenia comprises the lists of rare teachers, within the Green Bus mini and threatened plant and animal spe- campaign, were trained to develop cies and, thereby, aims at the preser- their knowledge and environmental vation and recovery of the country’s teaching skills for further use in the rich biodiversity. classrooms, and the teachers’ manu- als were reprinted. *** In 2010, the updated Red Book was The Red Book mobile application, an- approved by the Government of the other highlight of the overall campaign,

32 #4-5 / 2019 Red Book Armenia application interface

The Red Book presents rare, aims at raising public awareness of the essential information, including disappeared, declining, or un- the endangered species and avert- pictures, are only a touch away. It certain-status species of animals ing their extinction. The mobile appli- works offline as well, which makes and plants. The first edition of the Red Book of Animals of RA, cation, unlike the hardcopy version it usable in the wilderness with no published in 1987, included fea- of the Red Book, gives everyone internet access. To make the experi- tures of each species, its quanti- direct, instantaneous access to all ence even more satisfying, the ap- ty trends, distribution areas, and species recognized in endangered plication has a feedback feature and morphology. In the 2010 edition status with the possibility to quickly a questionnaire. Since ensuring the of the book, 308 species of animals were included. The Red filter them out according to their safe exploration of endangered spe- Book of Plants of RA, designed types and/or geographic location at cies and their habitats is the ultimate in 1989, has a similar structure. Marz level. The Red Book applica- goal of the application, the exact co- The latest edition of the book tion is a user-friendly resource with ordinates of the species abundance (also published in 2010), was its target audience being mobile were altered. The administrative based on 2007 data on around 452 plants and 40 mushroom phone users including students of all component of the app is dynamic, descriptions, and separately ages, their parents and educators, and the RA Ministry of Environment listed 223 species of plants with other community members, and can add new species or edit the concerning status or trends. foreign visitors. existing information as needed. The application can be on a par with oth- *** er biodiversity related online games Based on the device’s GPS coordi- and mobile apps since it appeals to nates, the app displays icons indicat- the user’s natural curiosity, is easy ing the nearby protected areas and to use and has a friendly, intuitive the species of animals and plants. All user interface. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Safeguarding the Rich Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of Pastures and Grasslands of Armenia

Armenia is one of the world’s renowned biodiversity hotspots. A huge part of that rich biodiversity is within the pasture and grassland ecosystems. Besides the provision of fodder for livestock, pasture and grassland ecosystems also provide a variety of other services, such as regulation of terrestrial water cycle, maintenance of soil productivity and carbon storage, provision of edible plants, medicinal herbs, etc.

Text : IBiS Photo : GIZ

In Armenia, 70% of the rural population earn their living from agriculture. With natural fodder areas constituting around half of the country’s agricultural land, livestock keeping is the main agricultural activity, and pastoralist grazing has a long tradi- tion. For the rural households in the Armenian highlands the production of meat and dairy products is not only an import- ant income source, but also an integral part of the daily diet. At the same time, natural fodder areas are highly valuable in terms of biodiversity. On a global level, Armenia is a vital center of origin of agrobiodiversity and endemism of wild relatives of cultivated plants. Being rich with the latter, the natural fodder areas are also an important constituent of the country's agricultural biodiversity. Besides fodder for livestock, pasture ecosystems also provide a variety of oth- er ecosystem services. They are essential to the terrestrial water cycle, maintenance of soil productivity, and elimination of the risk of soil erosion as well as natural hazards and disasters. The loss of these multidimensional biomes would mean loss of their rich biodiversity and decrease of services they provide. Despite the significance of natural fodder ar- eas, they are increasingly endangered because of degrada-

34 #4-5 / 2019 35% of the territory and 59% of the total agricultural land in Armenia represent natural forage lands.

tion processes. The main causes are inappropriate pasture plementation of Sustainable Management Plans for Pastures management practices. Pastures and grasslands are identi- and Grasslands provide instructions for elaborating commu- fied as one of those ecosystems in the world that are most nity-based pasture management systems. Based on these, affected by degradation and biodiversity loss. the pilot communities in the regions of Syunik and Tavush Recognizing the need to build local capacities and to pro- started to implement monitoring of pasture conditions and vide appropriate methods and tools for improved pasture developed community pasture management plans, including management, GIZ, together with its key partners, including rotation schemes. Due to these sustainable pasture man- the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development agement practices, the diary and meat production increased (now RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastruc- in the pilot communities leading to an average growth of ture), RA Ministry of Agriculture (now RA Ministry of Econo- farmers’ income. my) and the Strategic Development Agency (SDA), has been Nevertheless, the community-adjacent pastures often reach promoting sustainable use and management of pasture and a level of degradation where natural rehabilitation by rotation grassland ecosystems in the framework of environmental is no longer effective. Community representatives mentioned programmes since 2012. that they lack the know-how for improving these sites. In In this context, a toolbox for the monitoring and sustainable response to this issue, the practice-oriented Guidelines for management of natural fodder areas suitable for the Ar- the Rehabilitation of Degraded Natural Fodder Areas (Pas- menian context has been developed by the environmental tures and Grasslands) of Armenia have been developed. programme supported by GIZ. A Manual for Monitoring of The purpose of developing the Guidelines was to provide Pastures has been elaborated allowing to analyze local pas- a standardized and comprehensive practical instrument for ture conditions for developing and evaluating management rehabilitating degraded natural fodder areas in Armenia. Ac- mechanisms. The Guidelines for the Development and Im- cordingly, the programme has carried out a comprehensive REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE piloting of the Guidelines to test their validity in Aragatsotn, Shirak and Syunik regions of Armenia targeting different landscapes and different types of degradation. Together with the local working groups the results of the rehabilitation activities in all pilot sites have been assessed. In one year, the vegetation cover on rehabilitation sites im- proved by 29-77% compared to the baseline. Particularly, high-quality edible forage plants showed a clear increase, and their content almost doubled in some sites. An analy- sis of the plant communities also indicated increased plant biodiversity in these areas. Representatives of the pilot communities emphasize that the combination of rehabilitation measures and pasture manage- ment plans has led to positive results and improved fodder quality. The coordinated pasture management has also changed the people’s mind-set. The local population starts to understand that the overgrazing of pasture areas can lead to negative ecological impact, and that sustainable pasture man- agement is necessary. In various ways, participation, coopera- tion and coordination have been the driving forces of success of the pilot projects on sustainable pasture management and rehabilitation. On the one hand, active participation of the community stakeholders in the decision-making and coordi- nation of the local intervention has been crucial. This approach also helped to build capacities within the communities, which is valuable for developing future community-based projects. The above-mentioned toolkits, jointly developed, tested and approved by the correspondent local partners, are now widely used in Armenia. The toolkit is thus an important con-

Pasture rehabilitation activities: before and after

36 #4-5 / 2019 Platform members and associates: RA Ministry of Economy, RA Ministry of Territorial Adminis- tration and Infrastructure, RA Ministry of Envi- ronment, CARMAC project powered by the World Bank, SDA, GIZ, UNDP’s “Sustainable Management of Lands and Forests in North Armenia Mountain- ous Landscapes” project, Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development (CARD) Foundation, Envi- ronmental Law Resource Center of YSU, Armenian Territorial Development Fund (ATDF), Armenian National Agrarian University, and others.

Pastures and grasslands provide around 75% of the food supply for the livestock sector.

tribution to establishing a common participatory approach in and has even entered the international market, increasing the sector of sustainable pasture management, which was its demand for locally produced milk. The higher and more characterized by a diversity of different and not harmonized stable incomes provide an incentive for farmers to continue methodologies in the past. and extend the sustainable management of local pastures. Owing to the improved natural fodder base, pilot com- Besides IBiS, there have been numerous programmes and munities produce increasing amounts of high quality milk. projects in Armenia working on pasture management in However, because of the remote, mountainous location of recent years. The need to strengthen cooperation and ties the communities and the limited access to adequate mar- within the sector at national level has been repeatedly high- kets, the improved milk production has not translated into lighted by many stakeholders during relevant conferences increased economic benefits for the farmers. and meetings. Based on their long-term cooperation, GIZ, the Seyran Arakelyan from settlement runs one of the Sustainable Development Agency NGO (SDA), and the Com- few milk processing companies in the area that focuses on munity Agricultural Resource Management and Competitive- using locally produced milk, providing a steady income to ness project (CARMAC II) initiated discussions on developing few nearby supplying farmers. The company had identi- a national coordination platform on pasture management. In fied the economic opportunity of catering to the increasing July 2018, the Coordination Platform for Sustainable Man- demand for high value dairy and cheese products. Thus, agement of RA’s Natural Fodder Areas: Pastures and Grass- in order to increase competitiveness, the company, with lands has been established. The members of the platform GIZ support, obtained a pasteurization machine, which is coordinate relevant programmes and projects, exchange indispensable for meeting quality and safety standards for experiences, implement joint projects, and formulate strate- dairy products. In addition, the company made its main gies. The fact that under the umbrella of the platform different investments into upgrading the production, administrative stakeholders come together can be considered as a big step and storage areas. With the improvements, the company towards more coordinated efforts of improving the natural and has considerably increased its sales of high value products economic conditions of Armenian forage lands. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Integrated Erosion Control: Community Ownership as a Key for Success

Soil is one of the most important components of the ecosystems on earth. It plays a major role in determining the distribution of natural vegetation, crops, and even human settlements. Healthy and In the framework of the IBiS pro- tion. Thereby, it is very important to fertile soil contributes to nearly all gramme, the Integrated Erosion identify the “change agents” in the aspects of human life - from food Control (IEC) component, co-financed community who are able to take up by the Austrian Development Agency good initiatives, set good examples, production to climate regulation. (ADA), addressed these challenges mobilize and influence their peers, and In Armenia, soil erosion might not seem on different levels. Showcasing inte- inspire positive change. a top priority issue, especially in rural grated erosion control measures in The territorial reform and the subse- high-risk mountain areas, influencing quent enlargement of the communities areas where the residents have to cope national policies and regulations for presented another challenge for the with socio-economic challenges on sustainable land use help the coun- whole work. Some pilot communities a daily basis. However, the maintenance try to meet its obligations under the became settlements within consolidat- United Nations Convention to Combat ed communities, and the former local of good soil quality can play a large Desertification (UNCCD) and the Unit- self-government bodies were no longer role in food security and the livelihoods ed Nations Convention on Biological in charge. However, the territorial re- of people as well as the proper Diversity (UNCBD). form also brought new opportunities. Ten communities were selected in For example, in Aparan, the project functioning of ecosystem services. Aragatsotn and Shirak regions for started working with the municipality the implementation of local erosion and could thus bring the ideas and Text : IBiS Photo : GIZ control measures, such as afforesta- proposals on sustainable land man- tion and bioengineering. Among the agement to a larger number of settle- important criteria for the selection of ments, resulting in wider impact. the sites were not only the technical With regards to afforestation, rep- dimensions related to the degree of resentatives of regional administra- degradation and soil characteristics tion, local self-government bodies, but also the interest of the communi- national and international experts, ties and their willingness to contribute. and community members jointly as- Soil erosion – the process of mobilization and The sense of ownership and active sessed and selected potential sites displacement of soil particles – is the most engagement of local self-government for afforestation, following an agreed visible effect of land degradation. Water erosion bodies as well as community mem- set of criteria. Of course, tree planting and wind erosion are the most important types bers turned out to be key factors of is a long-term process. In order to of soil erosion. success in preventing land degrada- generate some short-term benefits

38 #4-5 / 2019 for the community members, some Raising awareness and capacities in Kazbegi, Georgia on October 2018. fruit trees and berries were included on sustainable land management The conference was initiated by the in the planting schemes. In the frame- practices at different levels is con- IBiS programme in partnership with work of the project, approx. 650.000 sidered a key success factor. Within the UNCCD and the Regional Envi- tree seedlings were planted in small the scope of IBiS, the Handbook on ronmental Center for the Caucasus units on a total area of 200 ha. About Integrated Erosion Control was de- (REC Caucasus). The conference, 37 km of fence were built to protect veloped, tailored specifically to the with about 80 participants, was the plantations. The work was im- case of Armenia (available at https:// mainly aimed at the representatives plemented by around 420 local resi- of state and civil society institutions dents, including men and women, as files/5b6d79708896a.pdf). It provides of the three countries of the South well as youth. This is one of the first concrete information on the activities Caucasus – Armenia, Azerbaijan, and examples of community afforestation and results achieved on the ground Georgia. Contributions by selected in Armenia. Considering the Govern- and gives step by step instructions on international participants also allowed ment’s ambition to increase Armenia’s integrated erosion control for training for input beyond the regional scope forest cover, such experiences pro- institutions, farmers and local self-gov- of the South Caucasus – such as vide important lessons learned. As far ernment bodies. Besides practical tips the mountainous regions of Central as the bio-engineering measures are and tricks, the book also provides in- Asia and the Himalayas. The aim of concerned, the main objective was to depth information on the different forms the conference was the regional ex- support the rehabilitation of vegeta- of erosion, the soil conditions in Arme- change of knowledge and experience tion cover on degraded areas. Electric nia, and important aspects to consider on sustainable land management fencing was applied to prevent the for extending the practical measures to and the development of strategies grazing animals from entering the other parts of the country. Some of the for expanding the implemented pilot bioengineering sites. methods and approaches are already measures even further. Land degra- Bioengineering measures proved to replicated in other parts of Armenia. dation was identified as an important provide positive effects on vegetation Finally, a regional conference on Inte- challenge in the South Caucasus. The cover already after one year. grated Erosion Control was organized conference provided an opportunity to clearly connect practical measures and actions on the ground with the Soil bioengineering is the use of living plant materials to construct structures that perform some en- global agenda, such as the respective gineering functions. For this purpose, locally available materials are usually used that increase surface UN Conventions and the Sustainable stability, control erosion, and protect the soil. Development Goals. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE SevaMod Project: Predicting the Future Development of Lake Sevan

One of the three great seas of historic Armenia, Lake Sevan is a unique high-altitude freshwater lake, the most important natural resource and national treasure of present-day Armenia. While largely important from ecological, economic, and cultural perspectives, Sevan had been taken for granted and mercilessly exploited for many decades. The alarming trend of water level reduction forced the authorities to partially redirect two of the nearby rivers to the lake through tunnel projects in 1981 and 2004. Level stabilization alone, however, could not prevent continued ecological deterioration of the Lake Sevan. In July of 2018, an excessive algal bloom caused greenish discoloration of Sevan waters, alerting experts of yet another serious problem with water quality. The SevaMod project was initiated with a vision to provide solid, scientifically substantiated solution to this issue. We talked to the SevaMod project coordinator, German scientist Dr. Martin Schultze about the project, its initial results, and future outlook.

Text : IBiS Photo : UFZ

40 #4-5 / 2019 he world began to realize that we can- not only make use of natural resources, Tbut we also have to take care of them, so that the generations to follow will have a chance to experience it

The Project “Development of a Model for Lake Sevan for the Im- Measurements in sediment core provement of the Understanding of its Ecology and as Instrument for the Sustainable Management and Use of its Natural Resources” (SevaMod) was operated from June 2017 to Thermistor chain ready May 2019 by the Helmholtz Centre for implementation for Environmental Research – UFZ in partnership with the Institute of *** Hydroecology and Ichthyology of the After the initial surveys by the German To build up the limnological charac- National Academy of Sciences of RA scientists, year-round monitoring terization of Lake Sevan, the Seva- and the Environmental Monitoring of water quality started through the Mod project started with developing and Information Center of the Minis- monthly sampling of Lake Sevan wa- a one-dimensional (1D) physical try of Nature Protection of RA (now ters. Temperature and oxygen con- model for Lake Sevan, which would Ministry of Environment). The project centration sensors were placed in the describe the surface stratification consisted of several components, lake. These operations brought much and mixing processes of the lake, in- but the core idea was to develop deeper insight and understanding of cluding heat distribution in both Big a long-term scientific instrument able the temporal and spatial dynamics of Sevan, which has a relatively shallow to predict water quality dynamics the lake’s physics and chemistry. The maximum depth of 35 meters, and for management purposes so that implementing team collaborated with the Small Sevan, which reaches the bodies responsible for the lake the regional players, the administration down to 80 meters. The vertical management could make decisions of Sevan National Park and the Foun- temperature distribution is especially based on scientific data. “The world dation for Restoration of Sevan Trout important in summer months due to began to realize that we cannot only Stocks and Development for Aqua- the heating at the surface and insuf- make use of natural resources, but culture. The representatives of various ficient exchange between shallow we also have to take care of them, EU projects, state officials, and the and deep layers resulting in a stable so that the generations to follow will Embassy of the Federal Republic of density stratification that prevents have a chance to experience it,” says Germany in Armenia also largely sup- exchange between bottom and sur- Dr. Schultze. ported the project. face waters. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

he residence time, which is time to exchange all the water in Sevan, is in Tthe range of 25-40 years, which means that it needs much longer than Lake Con- stance to get rid of its “bad matters”

for future comparisons. In Dr. Schultze’s words, “Our task is not only to do good science but to develop applicable solu- tions which can be transformed into technical and political actions to man- age natural resources.”

*** After preliminary analysis, the results Taking sediment of the Lake Sevan health assessment cores are concerning. Last July, when the bloom in the lake was quite extensive, a simple “white disk” test was carried In science terms, this phenomenon is model of the lake basin would collect out to quantify the general water qual- called thermal stratification, or layering. much more information, but it would be ity of the lake. A white disk is lowered The warmer water, which is lighter, exceedingly complex, resource-inten- into the lake to the depth where it is stays above the heavier colder water. sive, and very difficult to manage and no longer visible. In contrast to clear Absence of substantial circulation sustain. Therefore, a 1D model was water that offers 10-meter visibility, and mixing prevents replenishment pursued since it would provide suffi- surface waters of Lake Sevan allowed of deeper layers with much-needed ciently reliable data, gain understanding visibility at only 4.5-2.5 meters, which oxygen, and all the organisms living and guide lake management in the right is considered problematic. During our there have to survive with the amount direction while fitting within the budget, interview, Dr. Schultze brought the of oxygen that remains since the pre- timeframe, and scope of SevaMod. example of Lake Constance in Ger- vious period of uniform temperatures This model is also the cornerstone of many, which is similar to Lake Sevan and circulation. The sedimentation is providing projections for the effects of in size and had also experienced another natural process correlated with climate warming on Lake Sevan. excessive amounts of phosphorus. stratification. Anything that enters the In support of the project, the Armenian A lake restoration programme imple- lake and grows or dies there eventu- partners collected all available water mented by the German, Swiss and ally falls to the bottom and undergoes quality data from previous studies and Austrian governments in the 1970s decay mediated by bacteria. As long state monitoring archives to understand took about 25 years to return the lake as there is enough oxygen at the sed- longer-term trends observed before, to its original condition. The volume iment-water interface, only a small flux and to assure the project team of the of Lake Constance is naturally ex- of phosphorus, which is released by applicability of scientific approaches changed every five years by the inflow mineralization, gets back into the water commonly used for other lakes. Anoth- of rivers, but it takes three times longer body. Once the oxygen is depleted, er important step was the examination to wash out all the phosphorus and large amounts of absorbed phospho- of samples of Lake Sevan sediment. all other contaminants. The residence rus are released from the sediment due None of the prior research projects time, which is time to exchange all the to reductive conditions and spread into focused on the concentration and the water in Sevan, is in the range of 25- the whole water body when mixing geochemical form of phosphorus in 40 years, which means that it needs resumes in winter. In the next spring, the sediments. Thus, the SevaMod much longer than Lake Constance these nutrients induce massive growth team took Lake Sevan research to to get rid of its “bad matters.” If the in the well-lit surface waters and cause a new level never attained before and interpretations of the SevaMod project what is called algal blooming. collected new data that can be used scientists are right, it may take over Theoretically, a three-dimensional (3D) today but will also serve as a baseline 125 years to restore water quality if

42 #4-5 / 2019 Measuring with multi parameter probe

Lake Sevan is turned into a fully pol- feedback from several journals that are taking is well beyond the scope of luted system; this is why it is crucial to interested in publishing such a special SevaMod project. Should SevaMod have a good understanding of how to issue. The majority of previous publi- continue into another phase, it would manage the lake successfully and to cations on Lake Sevan by Armenian implement more sophisticated mon- make predictions for a long run. and Soviet scientists were in Russian, itoring to populate the model with “To implement new tools to predict the remaining largely unknown to the inter- the appropriate amount and types of future development of Lake Sevan, national limnological community. The data. Dr. Schultze says, “We need to i.e. a fully coupled physical-ecological expected special issue will make Lake be sure that the instrument we are lake model, will be an effective instru- Sevan data available to all specialists constructing and plan to hand over ment but not the only one,” Dr. Schul- around the globe. However, the team to the managers is beneficial and tze says, “We need not only good does not mean to wait until the data not misleading and thus resulting in technical approaches developed by are published. In late April, a one-day wrong decisions. Otherwise, it will be scientists and engineers for solving or workshop was organized for specialists irresponsible.” avoiding problems but we also need and officials responsible for Lake Sevan The project gets funding in its sec- the right legislative framework and management. The event was highly ond phase, and it is planned to the acceptance of the local people. successful as it communicated scien- develop the ecological part of the Otherwise, we will not be able to tific data and forecasts and resulted in model and also design a 3D phys- implement developed technical mea- continued constructive discussions on ical lake model of Sevan reflecting sures. In that sense, we want to con- the issue. the lake basin in detail and showing tribute one piece of the system that is local details of mixing processes. needed: developing a model that can *** The 3D model will enable to quan- reliably predict the development of The coordinator of the project Martin tify the influence of the lake’s large Lake Sevan.” Schultze indicated that the currently size and the complicated bottom, developed physical model is only as it can only be accomplished via *** a basic component of a complex comparing the monitoring results The SevaMod team is working on man- model necessary for the sustainable with the simulation. However, at this uscripts of a special issue of an interna- development of the lake. The future stage, the team will provide the 1D tional scientific journal focusing primarily model should be able to simulate model of the lake and the results of on Lake Sevan. The scientists plan to the ecological behavior of the lake the sediment investigation, as well have the edition in print by the end of depending on all foreseeable circum- as the summary and evaluation of 2019. They already received positive stances. However, such an under- the existing data. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Shape of water

USAID and the Urban Foundation started the Participatory Utilization and Resource Efficiency of Water (PURE Water) project to help Armenia not to lose one of its biggest natural treasures.

Text : Artavazd Yeghiazaryan

July 28, 2019. It's a hot summer day the Urban Foundation decided to use One of the selection criteria of the com- in Armenia, around 35C. But people this national fest to make people un- petition was that proposals should be are not hiding from the sun; actually, derstand that we need to care about elaborated jointly with representatives of streets and parks and squares are full water so it would care about us. the communities involved in PURE-Wa- of kids, youngsters and elders. Many ter project to ensure their relevance to of them are clothed as if on the beach, *** local needs. One of the winning proj- and most of them are totally wet. And Educational Vardavar is only one of ects was about the famous Armenian if you appear to walk by and be no- the numerous activities the Urban drinking water fountains – pulpulaks: ticed being dry, just wait a second and Foundation and partners are im- the idea was to create an app to make a bucket of water will be poured on plementing in the framework of the the information about the location of you. But don’t panic – it’s not an act of USAID funded PURE-Water project these fountains accessible for tourists terrorism; it’s the most funny and pop- which aims to promote resource effi- so that plastic bottles are reduced. ular national festival day – Vardavar – ciency and participatory utilization of Another project establishes water which originated thousands of years water particularly targeting groundwa- metering devices on irrigation canals, ago, during pagan times, as a way to ter resources of Ararat Valley. Earlier the other one installs garbage traps on worship water. It takes place each July this year, within another initiative, the them. The interactive website created and brings joy to thousands of people. PURE-Water project solicited water for the Water Users Association helps But do we really understand the value saving ideas from young citizens with farmers to follow if water is supplied to of water, or do we take it for granted? a scientific mindset. The Selection their plots in due time and quantity. This year, the joyful festival took a bit Committee (SelCom) was established The PURE-Water project Chief of Party different tone in one of the regional for assessing the proposals submitted Armen Varosyan says, “By engaging communities of Armenia. Members of by scientist citizens. citizens in various activities we raise their awareness about waning water resources and urge them to become responsible water users. In other Vardavar holiday words, we urge them to think of their celebrations in own way of saving precious water.” Armenia *** The Ararat Valley is feeding Armenia: it makes up 4% of Armenia's total land area, and yet it yields 40% of Armenia's agricultural production. This shows how important these lands are

44 #4-5 / 2019 for the country and how catastrophic the lack of water resources may be. Ararat Valley is the largest depository of high-quality natural groundwater in Armenia and the region. As a result of poor management, uncontrolled increase of water usage by fisher- ies and other bid users, dilapidated infrastructure, corrupt practices as well as climate change, many com- munities in the valley now experience dire shortage of drinking and irrigation water. If the problem is not addressed soon, the groundwater area will shrink further, eventually turning Armenia’s breadbasket into a desert. Each of the many stakeholders have their own move to make, and the PURE-Water

Participants of the Fish farm PURE-Water project in the Ararat Valley

project works with them – from gov- with water supply,” Hayastan Stepa- their respected communities. Through ernment bodies to schoolchildren – to nyan, the component lead says. But it competitive process, 5 infrastructural support them. wouldn’t work if those same citizens projects involving energy-saving and The PURE-Water project is based were not empowered to do so. That’s innovative technologies are selected for on four components. The first one is why the “Public education and behav- funding; one of them located in Aratash- “Policy and regulatory improvements ioral change” component is very im- en village is already completed providing to foster participatory use of water.” portant. The Urban Foundation works 24-hour quality drinking water to the Its goal is to identify gaps in the legal with all groups in the communities start- formerly water-stressed community. environment, develop a strategy and ing from kindergartens and schools. It is a roadmap of legal improvements important to raise a generation that fully *** based on broad consensus of stake- understands the importance of proper With the support of USAID, the Urban holders. The second component is to water resource management. Foundation is making its modest contri- spur “Participation in and oversight of And finally, the fourth component refers bution to resolving water sector issues water resources management.” “We to the involvement of the community in Armenia. With joint efforts there is want to make people understand that members in practical problem solv- a hope water in Armenia will be treated it’s up to them to demand, communi- ing through identifying and prioritizing the way it deserves and will find its cate, feedback and control the situation infrastructural improvement needs in proper shape. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Ecosystem-Based Planning Approach For Public Servants and Local Self-Government Bodies

Nature is the biggest treasure shared among all nations – the ultimate source of all human life on Earth. The benefits provided by nature such as food, fresh water, medicinal resources, pollination, carbon storage, protection from natural disasters, and others are often referred to as ecosystem services. While ecosystem services are key to sustained livelihood and health, human activities often alter nature irreversibly. Thereby today, more than ever in human history, the consideration of ecosystem services in different sectors of economy and society is crucial for effective and ecosystem-friendly planning processes to secure the well- being of current and future generations. The “Integrating Ecosystem Services into Development Planning” guide is an important methodological tool to advance cross-sectoral integration of ecosystem services, applied in Armenia in the framework of IBiS prog- ramme by the joint initiative of the Public Administration Academy of the RA (PAARA) and GIZ on behalf of BMZ. To explore the overall framework of IES in Armenia, we talked to Meri Margaryan, Chief Specialist and Instructor at the Department of Training, Qualification Improvement and Research at the Public Administration Academy of RA (PAARA), and Alla Berberyan, Adviser at GIZ Armenia.

Text : IBiS Photo : GIZ

Development plans and policies often take place at the expense of nature as well as people, whose liveli- hoods depend on nature. Recognizing how certain actions depend on or affect nature is vital for elaborating a sustain- able development strategy, policy or plan. GIZ’s methodological guide and international training course “Integrating ecosystem services into development planning” (IES) aims to assist policy- makers and development planners in various countries to create environmen- tally responsible strategic plans, which account for nature conservation and development needs. IES methodology is based on the Economics of Ecosys- The IES methodology helps deci- approach can also be applied at any tems and Biodiversity (TEEB) – a global sion-makers to integrate the risks and level across the country, but it is particu- initiative focused on “making nature’s opportunities related to ecosystem larly relevant for local and regional levels. values visible.” Recognizing the wide services into their development plans The methodology of IES training con- range of benefits provided by ecosys- through a step-by-step approach. A de- sists of 6 steps, includes a fictitious tems and biodiversity, demonstrating velopment plan can range from a gov- case study, based on Harvard Case these values in economic terms, and ernment policy or plan, spatial plan to Methodology, and offers interactive using these values in decision-making a protected area management plan or practical work for practitioners. The to address local as well as global chal- community development plan. The IES reason for having a fictitious case study lenges such as climate change not only approach is applicable to any sector is that everybody can easily relate to contributes to ecological but also eco- with projects and programmes that are the same context and use the same nomic well-being. nature-based or reliant on nature. The level of knowledge and information.

46 #4-5 / 2019 Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from nature.

The six steps of IES approach are: represents country-specific features (a) defining the scope and setting the of Armenia with names of the places stage; (b) screening and prioritizing sounding Armenian. An illustrative ficti- ecosystem services; (c) identifying tious map depicting Ayas was created. conditions, trends, and trade-offs; The trainers from PAARA and GIZ (d) appraising the institutional and went through an intensive qualification cultural framework; (e) preparing better enhancement programme in Georgia, decision-making; and (f) implementing where a group of potential trainers change. Each of these steps includes from the three South Caucasus coun- (1) theoretical input, (2) an interactive tries gathered to expand their knowl- exercise and group work, and (3) dis- edge. The IES training course has cussions for each step. a flexible format and can be adjusted between 3-5 days, depending on the *** target group. The contextualized train- In 2018, in the framework of IBiS and ing course was piloted for the heads of as part of the Klaus Toepfer Fellowship communities, administrative represen- Programme, the IES training course tatives of settlements, and local coun- was contextualized and adapted to the cil members of Aragatsotn and Shirak *** Armenian context, mainly based on regions. Around fifty-five participants The IES guide and the training high- in-depth situation analysis and needs took part in the sessions. As a result of light the complexity and interplay of assessment with the Ministry of Terri- the training, the communities identified human-nature interactions and their torial Administration and Development their priority ecosystem services and, influence on each other. Sustainable (now Ministry of Territorial Administra- for instance, Tsaghkahovit community pasture management in alpine and tion and Infrastructure), the regional included environmental measures in subalpine meadows can both contrib- administration of Aragatsotn region the existing 5-year community devel- ute to biodiversity conservation as well and local self-government bodies. The opment plan and the 2020 planned as support local livelihoods through development challenges and environ- action plan. dairy cattle-breeding. “How does mental issues particularly typical for One of the main advantages of IES development impact and depend on Aragatsotn and Shirak regions as well is its wide applicability. “We want the ecosystem services and what are the as for the whole country were identified. participants not just to receive informa- possible trade-offs? These are the key As a result, the Armenian version of the tion but also make concrete steps in questions to be considered in planning training materials and the case study the development planning to address processes” says Ms. Berberyan. “In was introduced fully compatible with different issues. We, the trainers, act this context, trade-offs mean achieving the socio-economic, environmental as facilitators. We only guide the par- a compromise between two compet- issues and the development challenges ticipants to arrive at their own conclu- ing or conflicting development and of the country. In the newly designed sions and to formulate their own action ecosystem conservation goals.” case study the fictitious country Ayas plan,” Ms. Margaryan explains. The success of the IES approach and training relies on its institutionalization. In this regard, it is planned to integrate the IES into the training curricula for public servants and local self-gov- ernment bodies, and to continue its implementation on a local level. Well-designed, tested, and optimized training tools play a major role in main- streaming biodiversity and ecosystem services across the political agenda of local self-government bodies. This process however, will not happen over- night. Yet short- and long-term policy decisions will start taking into account different aspects, and development paradigms in Armenia will shift towards a more sustainable future. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES): Innovative Approach to Finance Nature Conservation

Private entities that usually depend on nature’s benefits can ensure the long-term success of their operations, increase financial security, and make long-term savings if they consider natural resources in their plans and strategies. Still being relatively new to Armenia, Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes reveal a potential to increase the financing for the management of natural resources by drawing on public and private funds thus benefiting both businesses and communities alike. In the framework of IBiS programme, the RA Ministry of Environment jointly with GIZ, has explored the feasibility of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme in Armenia, specifically for the case of Tsaghkadzor.

Text : IBiS

Disclosing the PES Scheme As the pressure on biodiversity is increasing at a rapid rate private schemes beneficiaries of ecosystem services can have worldwide so does the need for financing biodiversity. The term a direct agreement with ecosystem service providers. In public biodiversity financing refers to raising and managing financial schemes, the government pays land or natural resource man- resources and using financial incentives to support sustainable agers to increase ecosystem services on behalf of the public. management and conservation of biodiversity. To meet the ex- And in public-private schemes both government and private isting needs in biodiversity financing the past decade has given funds are used to pay for the delivery of ecosystem services. rise to various biodiversity finance approaches that also include What is generally classified and accepted as PES has widened innovative and non-traditional finance solutions. Public-private to the point where the term PES is often used very broadly to partnerships have become more common, and merged fi- describe situations where some form of funding is provided to nancing models from different sources such as public, private, improve ecosystems. official development assistance, are taking far better shape. Mr Arthur Ghavalyan, Head of Division of Economic Mecha- Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) is one of those inno- nisms, Standards and Technical Regulations of Environmental vative finance solutions. To understand PES, one needs to be Protection at the RA Ministry of Environment and Head of the familiar with the concept of “ecosystem services.” Ecosystem Ministerial Working Group, notes, “The core idea behind PES services are the benefits that we derive from nature. They is the recognition, appreciation, and conservation of the eco- include services such as the provision of fresh air, water and system services we receive from nature, and the mobilization of timber, eco-tourism opportunities, soil formation, pollination new financial resources for this purpose. The crucial factor here and carbon sequestration. The basic concept under payments is the willingness of certain entities to voluntarily provide financ- for Ecosystem Services (PES) simply reflects the “user or ben- es. This has also to do with environmental awareness. If the eficiary pays” principle meaning that beneficiaries or users of person values nature, acknowledges its importance, and wants an ecosystem service pay the providers of that service, that is to conserve it, he might also be ready to pay for ecosystem whoever conserves, improves or maintains the ecosystem ser- services without any mandatory order.” vice. For example, water users can pay to those who conserve The concept of PES is quite new for Armenia. However, PES the watershed thus providing good quality water supplies. schemes can be useful in extending biodiversity conservation Ecosystem services for which the users pay should be well- beyond the protected area network, by rewarding and mak- defined, and payments should be made for actions that go be- ing sustainable land use practices economically attractive. In yond those, which would normally be expected under the law. this context, the promotion, piloting, and practical implemen- There can be different types of PES schemes. In self-organized tation of PES schemes in Armenia seems pertinent.

48 #4-5 / 2019 The Case of Tsakhkadzor PES Scheme In the framework of IBiS programme, GIZ and the RA development of tourism and recreation infrastructure in the Ministry of Environment have jointly implemented a fea- form of four trail options and associated facilities such as sibility study of a pilot project in the framework of PES benches, observation points, and signs. A 5-year financial scheme focusing on the forest area of Tsaghkadzor. model has also been developed to estimate the investment, “Tsakhkadzor, in addition to having unique nature, is a top management, and administrative costs of the packages tourist destination in the region. The advantage of Tsagh- and PES scheme. kadzor for PES scheme, unlike other areas, is basically The results of the feasibility study showed that the forests its longer seasonality for the tourists and the capacity to in Tsaghkadzor present a valuable asset for the tourism host tourists both in winter and summer months,” men- sector. The majority of the hotels in Tsakhkadzor con- tions Mr. Ghavalyan. firmed that the existence of these forests helps to attract Tsakhkadzor forest PES scheme envisages that mostly the visitors. They also expressed their willingness, in principle, tourism businesses (mainly in the form of hotels) as well as to participate in Tsakhkadzor forest PES scheme. On the Tsakhkadzor Municipality, the Armenian Government, and whole, stakeholders have been positive about the out- private donors could voluntarily pay for forest ecosystem comes of the assessment and their chances to collectively services, in this case for ecological measures, reforestation make a success of the scheme. and tourism infrastructure enhancement activities. The main “The results of the study offer a specific roadmap for the potential provider of services could be “Hayantar” SNCO scheme’s implementation where stakeholders both from through its Forest Enterprise. They manage Tsagh- private and public sectors can contribute to nature conser- kadzor forest and could be interested in increasing their vation. What is needed, is the proactiveness from the local services and contributions if provided with additional funds. key actors to jumpstart the initiative,” mentioned Ms. Alla Thus, the project would take the form of a public-private Berberyan, Adviser at GIZ Armenia. scheme focusing on Government as well as private funds In general, PES has a voluntary or negotiated element, for the provision of ecosystem services. To concretize the which separates it from strictly command-and-control or activities for the PES scheme, comprehensive activity pack- regulatory measures. It can thus reveal its best potential if it ages have been developed that would ensure the delivery can be used in a broader sense applying “the user or benefi- of ecosystem services that stakeholders are most interest- ciary pays” principle thereby involving the private sector and ed in. The packages focus on (a) ecological improvements community members more directly in improved ecological such as reforestation and forest rehabilitation; and (b) the outcomes often in partnership with the Government. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE GLOBAL INNOVATION FORUM 2019 Transforming Intelligence

This fall, the wave of innovation and technological advancement overwhelmed Armenia, and Global Innovation Forum 2019 entitled “Transforming Intelligence” (GIF19) was one of the key events which took place from 16 to 18 of October. The forum was co-organized by the Government of the Republic of Armenia and Armenian Scientific Diaspora Association (ASDA). Text : Margarit Mirzoyan

“We used to look at humans, we trate the impact of artificial intelligence Afeyanthe Founding CEO of Flagship looked at us through lenses of – I am technology on science and society Pioneering, and the Prime Minister of what I am. In the era of technology, from three perspectives: scientific, Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan. The latter we look at us, I am what I want me technological and industrial. The took the stage to make an import- to be. It is not an out of body fate, it thought leaders and opinion makers ant announcement. “I want to make is fate that is controlled by the specie of the sphere arrived in Armenia to a statement that relates to the very itself. And, how now that physical and share their expertise and participate initial and traditional thinking. Before social construct changes when you in academic discussions and vision- making this statement, I would like to apply Artificial Intelligence. How do ary debates. The forum started off invite the Minister of Environment of we improve our bodies with new dis- with an interactive opening ceremony the Republic of Armenia Eric Grigoryan coveries in genomics, genetics, and with a presence of AI and other dis- and the Founding CEO of FAST Armen biotechnology in general?’’ said the tinguished speakers, namely, Armen Orujyan to the stage.” When everyone Founding CEO of FAST Armen Orujyan. Orujyan, Ruben Vardanian,a business- entered the stage, Mr. Pashinyan con- The second GIF 19 was set to illus- man and Co-Founder of FAST, Noubar tinued, “Our government has devel-

50 #4-5 / 2019 oped a very ambitious plan that should track is where AL is in terms of having tion, Deep Insight, Industry Dialogue, reach its peak on October 10, 2020. life-changing role in the important do- New Voices and New Perspectives, On this day, we plan to plant 10 million mains of human life. The discussion Fishbowl session on Smart Earth and trees in the Republic of Armenia on the and debates were based on the follow- also session on Reshaping Innovation 10th day of the 10th month, which will ing topics: AI for Forecasting Human Ecosystems. symbolize the unity of 10 million Arme- Behaviour, AI in Agent-Based Systems, Around 90 scientists and field leaders nians around Armenian statehood, the AI in Education, Computer Vision, from 20 countries arrived in Armenia Republic of Armenia and the Republic Econophysics, Enabling Technologies to discuss the unprecedented tech- of Armenia. Thank you.” and AI, Natural Language Processing, nological advancement and their influ- and Reinforcement Learning. ence on humankind. *** The second track focused on the Such local and international high-tech In general, the forum had several ability of AI to transform the way we industry leaders as Dr. David Yang, primary goals: first, by means of state- do science today and what the po- Founder and Chairman of ABBYY, of-the-art research, to expedite both tential of AI is in the field of natural and Hovhannes Avoyan, the Founding global and local advancements, to sciences. In particular, the participants CEO of Picsart had their involvement contribute to the creation of a strong discovered the following topics: AI in in the Forum. network between local and internation- Astronomy, AI in Bioinformatics and Overall, the Global Innovation Forum al specialists, industry giants, potential Omics, AI in Biomolecular Structure aims to host the brightest minds of investors and governmental bodies, and Function, AI in Chemistry, AI in today’s Innovative world in order to and finally, to boost the outreach and Drug Design, AI in Materials Discov- become a base for the collaboration of impact of the research and products ery, AI in Medical Diagnosis, and AI in academia, industry, government and presented by the participants. Precision Medicine. policy makers, local and international The GIF followed two main tracks, The forum was innovative in terms organizations and financial institutions. namely Frontiers of AI and Science & AI. of its set up and structure as well. This year, the list of companies and The first track covered the question Through various session types in the institutions involved such names as whether AI can be used for the pro- futuristic atmosphere, the participants Facebook AI, Google Brain and Google duction of more accurate forecasting immersed into the world of AI. The DeepMind, Microsoft, and Flagship Pio- and have a positive impact on soci- discussion types followed the format neering setting a base for the innovative ety. The second question under this of Visionary Talk, Keynote Presenta- discussions in Armenia on world level. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Armenian Forests for Present and Future Generations

Have you ever traveled by car to Dilijan? Having passed by Lake Sevan and up some steeper hills, you emerge from a tunnel to a breathtaking view of a green wonderland opening out below. Or, have you ever cycled the road to Tsakhkadzor – where the color of the slopes shimmers from yellow to deep green as if, by some magic, the four seasons have come together? In these most precious natural spots, just like in many others, the one key element is the forest cover with its diverse beauty, with the abundant life it harbors, and all the good that it selflessly offers. Historically, forests covered about 40% of the present- day Armenia’s territory; this share has now fallen to a very low 11.2%. What is the condition of the remaining Armenian forests today, and what does their future look like?

Text : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : GIZ

52 #4-5 / 2019 First, there was the commitment to the Paris Agreement to increase the forest cover from 11.2 to 20.1 by 2050. Then came the recent announ- cement of the Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan during Global Innovation Forum 2019, that Arme- nia plans to plant 10 million trees by the 10th day of the 10th month, which will symbolize the unity of 10 million Armenians. It seems like the gov- ernment is determined to make Armenia a forest country. But let us start from the beginning. The economic crisis of the 1990s hit Armenia hard, and the forest ecosystem in the newly independent country fell under enormous pres- sure. Illegal logging for household purposes suddenly emerged as a rapidly growing prob- lem. The so-called “dark and cold years” result- he so-called “dark and cold years” resulted in ed in mindset changes, as a priority to sustain mindset changes, as a priority to sustain one’s one’s family was upheld by many citizens at the family was upheld by many citizens at the expense expense of the forest. Too many people chose T to temporarily disregard the importance of the of the forest forest for livelihood purposes. The forest has been, for centuries, a crucial factor in maintain- ing the appeal of their land with its stable, bal- anced, and nourishing environment year-round. might seem as a short-term solution to unem- “The problems we are facing, such as climate ployment, but the consequent maintenance and change, poor air quality, and many others have conservation work in the areas will continue to been solved by forests for millennia. Therefore, require significant human and financial resourc- it is crucial to recover the forests in Armenia to es. Left with no alternative, people do not think adapt to these challenges” indicates Mr. Samvel about the impact of cutting trees. Sahakyan, Head of the Forest Committee of the Another dimension is the international framework RA Ministry of Environment. given by the United Nations Framework Conven- tion on Climate Change. In the framework of the *** latter, Armenia committed to increase its forest The task of forest recovery has several dimen- cover up to 20.1% by 2050, which means an sions. One crucial aspect is the cooperation increase by around 265,000 ha. The available with forest-adjacent communities dependent on forest lands for achieving this target are currently the forest for their livelihood. The Forest Com- insufficient in Armenia. Here, enabling conditions mittee and “Hayantar” SNCO work closely with should be created for the establishment of for- these communities. Given the socio-economic ests on community and private lands. Addition- issues, especially in rural areas, they recognize ally, according to Mr. Sahakyan, there is a need reforestation and afforestation as a win-win to establish modern nurseries with newer and solution through creating new job opportunities more efficient technologies. In the past years, the and increasing the forest cover of the area. country used open-air nurseries, with bare root Reforestation and afforestation, at a glance, seedling production. In recent years the technique REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

of containerized seedling production has been is beneficial both from economic and environ- adopted. This ensures appropriate conditions for mental perspectives. Briquettes produced from the germination of the seedlings and successful non-wood raw materials, such as agricultural transplantation into new locations. remnants (e.g., straw), could contribute to de- creasing the demand for firewood. Still, a large *** segment of Armenia’s population continues to Both Mr. Sahakyan and Vahe Matsakyan, the act- use firewood. To make alternatives to firewood ing Director of “Hayantar” SNCO, emphasize the more attractive, they have to become more af- importance of environmental education as another fordable, while energy efficiency of rural house- essential measure for ensuring the well-being of holds has to be improved in parallel. the forests. Inhabitants of forest-adjacent com- munities should leave behind their perception of *** forests as a source of firewood. Instead, the forest For years, various environmental programmes should be seen as a vulnerable ecosystem that have been implemented in Armenia to contrib- belongs to them and needs their protection. The ute to sustainable forest management. Among lack of awareness and sense of ownership leads the important measures is the development of to another form of damage – human-induced fires. the National Forest Management Information For example, some villagers believe that burning System (NFMIS) with the support of GIZ on crop fields can lead to better production, but behalf of BMZ. NFMIS is an important tool for the fire they make often gets out of control and operational planning and forest information spreads to the nearby forest. Another challenge is management. It is based on a GIS client-server the limited access to formal education in forestry technology, which provides a common data- in Armenia while the country experiences a severe base and facilitates information processing shortage of local experts in the field. “Most of the and communication. The system is enabled to experts in the forest sector are already retiring, and contribute to sustainable forest management there is a need to make the sector more attractive through the provision of innovative and trans- to younger generations.” says Mr. Sahakyan, “But parent administrative and technical procedures. to accomplish this task, there is a need for higher NFMIS has been piloted in one forest enterprise salaries and modern technologies.” and it is planned to be institutionalized.

*** Both the Committee and “Hayantar” SNCO sup- he forest does not belong to the RA Ministry of port the institution of adequate administrative measures. There are different energy alterna- Environment or the Forest Committee. The state is tives to prevent the use of firewood. For exam- responsible for its preservation, but it belongs to ple, the technology of briquettes is gaining more T popularity in Armenia. This innovative approach the people and we encourage everyone's participation

54 #4-5 / 2019 *** In previous years, the forest sector experi- Samvel Sahakyan. “The forest does not be- enced several structural changes. Forest man- long to the RA Ministry of Environment or the agement was transferred from the RA Ministry Forest Committee. The state is responsible for of Agriculture to the RA Ministry of Environ- its preservation, but it belongs to the people ment. The new post-revolutionary government and we encourage everyone's participation in has placed forest conservation high on its taking care of it.” The growth from seedlings political agenda. “Forest is our heritage; all to a mature forest takes place across gener- countries which have large forest areas have ations throughout 80-120 years. Therefore, inherited this treasure from their ancestors. cross-generational work and responsibility are Some waste their inheritance, while others necessary to secure the sustainable manage- decide to maintain and enhance it,” concludes ment and growth of Armenian forests. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Armenian Forests: UNDP Perspective

Forest economy in Armenia selflessly supported the nation during the blockade years of early 90’s. The country managed to get out of the post-soviet crisis, but the forest sector in the country almost “drained,” suffering from unsustainable utilization and illegal loggings. In the past years, it became clear that time has come to put all efforts for the conservation and improvement of the forests in Armenia. UNDP, as a critical player, introduced two prominent initiatives tackling the problems of forests and providing hands-on solutions to these issues. Regional Post talked to the team standing behind these projects.

Text : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : UNDP

The first large-scale forest project initiated and led by UNDP (Mainstreaming Sustainable Land and Forest Management in Mountain Landscapes of North-Eastern Armenia) was introduced in 2016 and will conclude in 2020. Forest enterprises of Lori and Tavush regions are at the spotlight of the project, spreading in two directions. The first one refers to the collection and identification of accurate information about forests: through forest inventory and mapping via field computers, GIS, and GPS systems. Besides the purely technical components, the project includes capacity-building activities designed for the communities in which they operate to ensure the inclusive and long-term nature of the project. By the request of the Ministry of Environ- ment, a dendro-chronometer was donated to the National Bureau of Expertise. The apparatus shows the age transformation of the trees; since when illegal logging takes place, it’s usually hard to iden- tify when exactly the trees were cut, the latter is of great help. “The locals might claim that the tree was cut last year, but the tool enables to conduct an

56 #4-5 / 2019 S. Papikyan is getting acquainted with briquetting production unit in community

expert assessment which reveals that the tree was Improved de- cut, for example, a few months ago,” says Hovik graded pasture in Sayadyan, the coordinator of the project. “In other Gugarq community words, the tool helps to restore the real picture, promoting the development of criminology in forest sphere.” To engage the younger generation in this practical part of the field, the project cooperates with various research institutions and universities, namely, with , NAS RA In- stitute of Zoology and Institute of Botany, Armenian National Agrarian University, and others. The second key direction of the project aims to offer alternative income opportunities to the com- munities in forested areas, in order to relieve the pressure on this already damaged ecosystem. it generates is directed to the development of the The project has the objective of restoring ca 5000 village and to other greenhouses. In Tavush region, hectares of forests degraded due to tree logging, anti-hail nets for 18 ha have been procured for plot burning, shrublands, and windthrows. Up to vineyards and orchards. “The idea is that if people this moment, appropriate actions have been taken have constant harvest, they can sell it, generate toward restoring around 2000 hectares. About income, and then pay for gas consumption,” in- 600 people participated in the forest rehabilitation dicates Mr. Sayadyan. “The people in villages use activities, including the employees and residents of fuelwood all year round, to get warm in the winter six forest enterprises in Lori and Tavush regions. and to prepare food in the summer, but if people The project also touched upon the issue of pas- have an alternative income source and pay for tures in forest-adjacent areas, with a defined objec- the gas at least for half of the season, the amount tive of restoring around 1000 hectares of degraded of fuelwood utilization will decrease.” Within the Cultivation of forests or forest-adjacent pastures. Six target framework of the project, energy-efficient ovens degraded arable have been designed. They consume 30% less fuel- land under fodder communities were identified – and production in Mets Gugarq settlements in Lori region and , wood than ordinary ovens used in households and Parni community , Koghb and communities in Tavush are more efficient in terms of heating due to their region. The target communities received all the nec- unique design. The idea, design, and testing were essary technical support to work on degraded pas- conducted within the project, and the ovens were tures. 227 hectares were cultivated under fodder given to 280 community representatives so that production or improved in these six communities, to they demonstrate their positive impact. Later on, ensure the sustainable utilization of the meadows. a production of more similar ovens was ordered “It’s a common practice in Armenia when livestock but not within the project. is taken out to the grasslands to pasture on the day In cooperation with Bridge of Hope NGO in Ijevan, the snow melts, and in autumn they keep livestock the UNDP project installed photovoltaic systems at the pastures up until the moment it begins snow- and solar water heaters at six schools and kinder- ing,” implies Mr. Sayadyan. “This practice eventually gartens in near-border settlements such as Koti, disturbs the accumulation of nutrients by the plants, Berqaber, , , Koghb, and Ije- to blossom in spring. As a result, the pastures van. These schools previously used fuelwood as the degrade.” The whole idea of the project is to ensure primary source of heating and electricity. Each panel that at least in six communities (including about 200 is saving tens of cubic meters of firewood now and livestock breeders) the grazing period is optimized, providing healthy environment for our children. and early spring and late autumn are excluded. In cooperation with WWF, the programme also The project also works towards ensuring alternative provided small grants of AMD 1.2-1.5 mln to Te- employment opportunities for the locals. ghut and Haghartsin communities in Dilijan. Two Continuing its march, the project constructed hundred applicants applied for these grants, but a 280-square meter passive solar greenhouse in only 52 received them. As a result, various small community, Lori region, where the residents businesses flourished in the region which, at first can plant different vegetables year-round. The glance, may seem to have nothing to do with the greenhouse doesn’t belong to a single person; it is conservation of forests. For example, small phone the property of Ardvi foundation, and all the income repair facility, manufacturing of semi-precious REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE stones, textile or sewing machines, chicken coop, heaters both for school and kindergarten, as well and several guest houses. However, the point is to as introduce energy-efficient ovens to community. give community members an opportunity to prac- Another critical aspect of the project is the assess- tice social entrepreneurship and to stop using the ment of ecosystem services the forests of Arme- forest as an income-generating source. nia can offer. For example, we usually talk about Another critical achievement of the project is the climate change, but previously, there were no procurement of a briquetting facility and supporting laboratory analyses and field estimations of how Project expert is monitoring the agricultural machinery to establish a production of the forests in Armenia absorb CO2. Similar opera- briquettes and pellets made of mostly straw, as tions have been conducted for the entire Northern restoration of degraded forest an alternative to fuelwood. Currently, the project and north-eastern Armenia. Recently, in January, ecosystem in already has a portion of these produced at Lori ten employees from different forest enterprises region’s Mets Parni settlement. Until now, 400 tons and “Hayantar” SNCO participated in a training in forest enterprise of briquettes have been produced, and a large part Belarus, and a website for the State Forest Com- of it was given to vulnerable families based on so- mittee was developed. cial considerations and to promote briquette-based culture. Fortunately, this technology is prospering in *** Armenia, and UNDP plans to organize a forum of The next forest project of UNDP (Addressing pellet and briquette producers, for all field actors to climate change impact through the enhanced ca- get acquainted with each other. pacity for wildfires management in Armenia) was The support of small productions is another vital launched in 2017 and will wrap up in 2020. The component of the project. In settlement, project follows several directions, but the most in cooperation with the UNDP “Integrated support visible one is the provision with technical support to to rural development: Building resilient commu- the forest enterprises. The project procured vehicles nities” project funded by the Russian Federation, and equipment which is being forwarded to the a solar fruit drying facility was established, where Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of the berries from the forests are collected, frozen, Environment, and later on, directed to HAYANTAR processed, packaged, and sold. The project SNCO and specially protected areas. The equip- installed solar panels and a solar water heating ment enables to extinguish the fire more efficiently. system at the site so that all the operations in the “In Armenia, most of the fires are man-made. For output would be ecologically-friendly. The same example, people burn their land fields for more way, in Koti community the project supported an abundant production of crops; the fire gets larger, entrepreneur who initiated milk production in a bor- spreading to the near-located forests,” indicates der-adjacent settlement – providing an alternative Vardan Melikyan, the technical task leader of the to heating via fuelwood. In the Debet community, in project. Even though the Armenian law prohibits 81 households, the programme funded the devel- burning the fields, people continue this practice. opment of backyard berry plantations. The UNDP project is also aimed at the successful As mentioned before, the engagement of younger implementation of the law. To examine the current generations is also at the spotlight of the project. situation, the project requested data from the Min- In region, the project supported the istry of Emergency Situations, and it turned out local youth organization, enabling them to de- that there is a more significant number of wildfires velop drone technologies. High school students in Kotayk region than in other marzes. Analysis has managed to configure the drones, and currently, been done in that particular region, which revealed they are using these drones for mapping, and that people mostly burn bioresidue left after the they even conduct monitoring to prevent fires. In harvest of grains. But as there’s the technology the same area of Stepanavan, a small recreational of briquette production, they can create fuel from sports complex was established, with zip lines for organic waste. So instead of burning the bioresidue both amateurs and professionals. “The idea is to at the fields, the project wants to establish briquette show people that the forest can serve as a holi- production at Kotayk Marz and use these leftovers day location, not only for fuelwood. The income after the harvest to produce organic fuel. received will be directed to afforestation mea- During the fire in the Khosrov forest state reserve sures,” adds Mr. Sayadyan. Lori region’s Dzora- back in 2017, it became clear that there’s an ef- ghbyur community there is no gas and pressure ficient management issue as well because there on surrounding forests is essential. Project team was a confusion regarding the responsibilities of succeeded to install solar panels and solar water the organizations involved. Thus, the project also

58 #4-5 / 2019 Another initiative within the project is the Climate “Summer forest Change Technological Accelerator, which helps the camp” in nearby Mshkavanq church emerging IT companies and enterprises to bring their climate-related products into a presentable form for entering the market. Now, the initiative is in its second phase. The call of the first part was for the organizations working in the sphere of agri- culture and forest economies, but the target of the second phase is sustainable urban development projects. For six months, the startups attend the accelerators where they are trained in three direc- tions: technology, impact, and business. Here they finalize the product and become ready to search for financing and to enter the market. For example, on the topic of forest fires, they had two initiatives. One was about the application of sensors which identify smoke. This will help to prevent fires or at includes the development of protocols and in- least address them earlier and avoid more signifi- The installed solar structions for similar cases, so that the institutions cant catastrophes. The second one was software panels in Berqaber near-border village involved will have an idea of the overall operations. for modeling the spreading of forest fires. The kindergarten to In the future, there might be a need for legislative software enables to identify the fire tendencies exclude firewood changes to make these protocols a widely used based on the weather forecast, the geographical based heating practice in all institutions. In cooperation with the position, landscape of the burning location, and system relevant Ministries, the project also came up with the tree species in there. Primary information is the Forest Fires Information System, which will be already in the software but combining with the daily an online tool. “Employing satellite images and the forecast information, the product makes accurate data received from meteorological stations, the predictions. “The software is an excellent tool for software will identify the level of fire danger in differ- the firemen to define the right directions when ent locations,” explains Mr. Melikyan. Armenia has working in the field, and also it will be a useful tool such a system, but it needs to be upgraded. The for identifying the strategy of sustainable forest new tool will provide more accurate data, which will management,” says Mr. Melikyan. Recently, the enable to prevent the catastrophes much faster and project provided three small fire trucks to the Minis- take urgent steps. The next direction of the project try of Emergency Situations. They also purchased is the development of relevant curricula for the State equipment, tools, and specialized clothing for 360 Academy of Crisis Management of the Ministry of firefighters. In the future, awareness-raising activi- Emergency Situations and the Armenian National ties are in focus and also currently, the international Agrarian University to educate new specialists. Of expert of the project is developing a manual for course, there are firemen, emergency specialists, fighting forest fires. Based on the guideline, next but the forest fires have their peculiarities, and there year, TOT format classes will be conducted for the are very few people with that particular expertise. specialists of the relevant Ministries. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE AUA Acopian Center for the Environment: The Independent Voice of Nature within Armenian Society

The American University of Armenia (AUA) Acopian Center for the Environment has been around for over 25 years with a mission to make the environment a central point at the global discussions taking place in Armenia. Regional Post talked with the Director of the AUA Acopian Center Alen Amirkhanyan about the present and future of the center and its role in the transformation of the Armenian society. Interview : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : AUA Acopian Center

How was the ACE brought to life, and what is the Management and Conservation Center. graduate students have to complete main idea behind its operation? The first significant project they started one unit of environmental course to be in the first few years was The Birds able to graduate. Outside of AUA, we’ve — The AUA Acopian Center for the En- of Armenia project, which served as also developed environmental education vironment has been around since 1992. a base for the publication of The Birds materials. With UNDP support we’ve One year after the establishment of the of Armenia handbook, which remains a 20 hour environmental education AUA, Sarkis Acopian, the benefactor of the only field guidebook about the bird modules for civil servants and municipals the center contacted its administration, populations in the country. This was the works. This is now available as an online suggesting to establish an environmen- genesis of the center’s establishment. training tool. The center’s other direction tal center and later on hugely supported is Community Outreach. We engage its operations. Mr. Acopian was a mi- How does the center operate? What is its prima- with communities, such as through our grant from Iran of Armenian descent ry focus? Sustainable Energy Academy, where we who moved to the US and gained his work with communities to identify ways wealth in the electronics industry but — The center has three broad direc- in which communities can improve the had a huge passion and commitment tions. One is Education. We offer the energy efficiency of their buildings and to wildlife conservation. He and his bulk of the environmental courses to introduce renewable and clean energy family actively worked in this direction in the AUA undergraduate and graduate sources to meet their needs. We work Pennsylvania, cooperated with several students. At the undergrad level, the with community members to come up environmental organizations and edu- center offers more than 12 courses in with their own solutions, which also cational institutions to create a similar the frame of General Education offer- leads to community empowerment. type of awareness, educational and ings. The courses include introduction Last year, we even financed some of research base, and when AUA opened to environmental sciences, food, mining, these exceptional ideas for community its doors, they saw an opportunity to waste, water, sustainable cities, biodi- members to implement them. We’ve bring this passion to Armenia. Initially, versity, and more. We also teach several also have youth outreach programmes, the center was called Environmental courses at the graduate level. AUA working with a large network of youth

60 #4-5 / 2019 Government of Armenia Government

groups to engage them in understand- ing and acting on local environmental Engaging policymakers in key discussions. The challenges. Another key community Forest Summit 2019. outreach work has been organizing policy discussions and debates. We’ve been able to stimulate policy dialog on ecotourism, mining, waste governance, and forests. The events have been able to propel to center stage policy discus- AUA Ecotourism Con- sions that are missing in the country. ference 2019 field visit, The communities engaged cover the focused on protected rage: policymakers, civil society organi- areas and ecotourism. zations involved in the sector, relevant businesses, and academic institutions. We rarely organize conferences purely — There are two other initiatives. The country on mining that is socially and for academics; we do action-oriented first one is the AUA GIS and Remote environmentally responsible. This idea engagements. That’s why it’s called Sensing Lab that we created in part- was the main reason for creating this community outreach. The third direction nership with the AUA Akian College center, which brings an academic, ev- of the center is the Research compo- of Science and Engineering. The lab idence-based discourse on the critical nent, which ranges from fundamental brings know-how to AUA on using issue of the mining sector in Armenia. scientific research to policy research. earth observation platforms and satel- The latter, for example, is a study on lite images for environmental planning, What about international cooperation? How did waste governance, its legal and institu- monitoring, and diagnostics. The the center become a bridge between local and tional framework in Armenia and how geographic information systems (GIS) foreign organizations and initiatives? it can be aligned to circular economy tools, in turn, enable mapping of envi- principles. Currently, we also work on ronmental, public health, demographic — Armenia is environmentally a very several papers regarding the forest and more types of data. Our second rich and unique place and a lot of in- sector, which still can become starting major initiative is the AUA Center for ternational researchers in the field are points for policy discussions as well. We Responsible Mining, which was es- interested in a country like ours. Also, also have fundamental research on wa- tablished in 2014. It’s separate from Armenia is one of the EU’s Eastern ter and biogeochemical cycles. We also the AUA Acopian Center in terms of Partnership countries, and there’s a fo- are part of a large-scale EU Horizone its agenda because mining does not cus on including these countries into EU 2020 project, Respondrone, where we only pose environmental issues; there initiatives. So, our focus was to tap into are analyzing the needs of first respond- are public health, occupational safety, it and connect with all these networks ers in cases of environmental disasters. disaster management, community and and programmes. We had several EU national economic development as- funded projects, and we’ve applied for As far as I know, besides the AUA Acopian Center’s pects as well. Here in Armenia, there’s several new ones. We had tremendous core work, the center has started couple of a certain knowledge base on metal- success with the Horizon 2020 pro- parallel initiatives. lurgy, but there was not much in our ject, which is a major EU research and REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE commercialization funding facility. We — I think Armenia has come a long have two projects that have been ap- way. It has changed a lot in terms of proved, and this is connecting Armenia environmental awareness. I think Arme- to the leading researchers abroad. The nia has become much more dynamic in projects themselves are very interesting, this discourse; still, we have a lot to do but the relationships that come out of in terms of the environmentally informed these projects are also very critical for policies. Such policies should concern Armenian researchers and institutions. the ministries of economy, finance, We’re also largely engaged in academic territorial administration, environment, exchange programmes. For example, and education, to name a few. The with funding from DAAD in Germany, we challenge for us is to understand how have a flourishing cooperation with the we can see environmental issues as Hohenheim University on the use of GIS cross-cutting, issues that should con- tools in biodiversity monitoring and as- cern us all. If the concerns are delegat- sessment. We also have Erasmus Plus ed to one specialized group or agency, collaborations, where we’ve developed then they are more likely to become academic programmes and curriculums sidelined and marginalized. with our European partners. In addition, we’ve had EU Black Sea Cross Border Cooperation projects, and more is on its AUA Acopian Center way. Being part of this network means researcher inter- increasing and expanding the sphere of viewing community members on their influence of our work. natural resource use. Initiative partner, the My question might sound trivial, but why do you University of Hohen- think that educating the younger generation is heim, Germany more effective in promoting the environmental questions in Armenia than, for example, conduct- ing hands-on operations at the sights? Chambarak youth at the Sustainable En- ergy Academy 2018 — First of all, these two are not mutu- exploring solutions ally exclusive. I think you need several for their communities approaches to environmental work and our approach is not only education, but it’s also engagement and piloting in This challenge is not unique to Arme- nature. I think now all stakeholders from the communities, as well as research nia, but if we manage to overcome the both private and governmental sectors that investigates and analyzes the ex- isolation of the environmental topics, it should try to figure out how to realign perience and puts forth new ideas. All would be a great success for us and this relationship. these are very important for a healthy a great example to set for the world. system that tries to generate innova- Our center has been talking about the We discussed the role of the government and the tion. Of course there are sometimes circular economy approach, which economy. But what is the role of universities and conflicts of values. Different people promises to explore the interconnect- similar institutions in making this alignment possible? prefer one outcome over the other. edness of the economic and environ- Sometimes this preferences are based mental domains. It guides countries — I found that the universities in Ar- on inadequate understanding of facts on how to align economic activities menia are not utilizing their potential as and processes. I think that’s where with the material and energy flows that a force social transformation. I think that education is vital for the people – it can are within the ecologically possible. Of educational institutions have to become inform their values. Education creates course, historically, many rural societies more aggressive in figuring out their a common language and understand- lived that way – in harmony with the role in society. Here in Armenia, usually, ing of issues – a base on which people environment, but with modern urban- universities are service providers – they can have civilized discourse. ized and industrial economies we’d teach and at time are commissioned to gone the wrong way for a while and conduct research. They are rarely the Do you think that we have a lack of eco-education or the industrial revolution radically shifted ones that come up with ideas that chal- environmental awareness, particularly in Armenia? the relationship between humans and lenge society. My vision of this center

62 #4-5 / 2019 at AUA is that we should become that force, esp. by working with partners Nordic Solutions for and stakeholders. We as a center are Sustainable Cities focused on aligning about healthy dialog and discourse on the natural and the issues. Everyone can bring their ideas built environment. to the table. We can discuss, disagree, even dislike each other, but at the end of the day we have a healthy discussion and we can think about directions in which we can advance. In such discus- sions various interests are taken into account and the decisions are made on a very solid understanding of various positions, interests, costs and benefits.

Let’s get back to the center: what are you currently up to and what upcoming events and projects do you have?

— One major event is the AUA Eco- communities feel entitled to logging is tourism Conference 2019. This is the a clear example of policy failure. People fourth year we’ve done this conference. have become so dependent on the for- While for the last three ones we used to est that they feel like it’s their right to cut bring everyone who does something in the trees. This is a policy failure. Also the sphere of ecotourism in its broad- Armenia has committed to doubling er sense, this year we’ve decided to its forest cover by 2050. How are we change the format as, in my opinion, going to get there when we still rely so the previous one achieved what it was heavily on fuel wood from our forests? supposed to, viz., network people and These are the questions the summit will exchange ideas. This year we’re going address. It is a big multi-stakeholder to focus on one topic, namely, on the input for the government in developing ing experts and how to enhance this role of protected areas in development a national forest policy. trust. This is a critical part of enabling of tourism. We’ve invited EUROPARC We’ve also done smaller events, for ex- deliberative democracy. Federation, the organization creating ample, with Nordic Solutions for Sus- standards and processes in which tainable Cities, where we’ve connected What is the future outlook for the center? protected areas can become tourist the international experts with policy destinations but ensuring environmental decision-makers here to discuss urban — The center is a center of excel- as well as social and economic sus- sustainability, especially in the urban lence at the American University of tainability. IUCN’s World Commission mobility. Another prominent initiative is Armenia. It will continue to grow with for Protected Areas Tourism Specialists EU’s Horizon 2020 programme. As I’ve the number of projects it does and Group is also among the attendees. mentioned, two of our proposals have the staff. ACE will deepen its net- The International Ecotourism Society been accepted. One is Respond Drone works and expertise. We’re not going is present as well. We are bringing project, which we do in cooperation to be an institute of Zoology or Bota- significant capacity to Armenia to work with the Ministry of Emergency Situa- ny as there are experts in the country toward developing sustainable tourism tions and with German Space Center working on those topics. We see approaches that helps people and as a lead partner. It’s an 8-million-euro ourselves as a center where systems nature. The next big conference we’re project, and we have some of the top thinking takes place, defining how organizing is the Forest Summit. We are software developers in the world on things connect and what the missing doing this in partnership with the Ar- our board. The other project is called parts of this system are and how all of menian Tree Project. The whole idea of Peritia, and the lead partner here is the these are connected to social trans- this summit is to make forests a focus University College Dublin. This project formation. Our task is to bring to- of policy discussions. We've heard a lot examines the role of experts and trust gether the partners and the networks about forest issues in the news recent- in experts in policy making. So, this improve knowledge, policymaking, ly; illegal logging and the fact that some project tackles the conditions of trust- community awareness. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE REDESIGN/RETHINK, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Waste Governance Initiatives by the AUA Acopian Center for the Environment Text : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : AUA Acopian Center

When speaking of waste management in Armenia, we usually discuss problems with waste collection, littering in tourist areas or along roads, overuse of packaging materials including plastic bags, and low rates of recycling. Less talked about, though also critical, is what we do with the waste that we collect. The final disposal sites in Armenia are not managed to acceptable standards, opening the door for environmental, public health, and, even, economic harm. To provide a comprehensive understanding of these issues, the AUA Acopian Center for the Environment has several ongoing projects on solid waste governance in Armenia. Regional Post talked about these projects and their results with Harutyun Alpetyan, the Circular Economy Specialist at the Center.

Reportedly, Armenia has more than emissions of dioxins and other toxic Unless you live next to a dumpsite, 300 dumpsites used by communities. pollutants dangerous for human health. most people don’t care about what Not a single one of these, though, is In response to the inadequate waste happens to that waste. This mindset a sanitary landfill. A sanitary landfill governance in the country, Mr. Al- has to change. People have to care offers key engineering solutions, which petyan believes some simple but that the material that they’ve disposed are standard in the developed world. It immediate steps are needed to im- continues to have negative impact long compacts and covers waste to reduce prove the situation. He does, however, after it is out of their sight. They should volume and prevent dispersion. It con- highlight that, at least, Armenia has also care that it is material that was trols leachate—toxic liquids that form extensive coverage of collection in extracted, processed, transported, and in the landfill—from infiltrating into soil urban communities, which is a prima- produced at great environmental cost,” and underground water. It also collects ry precondition for having a modern emphasizes Mr. Alpetyan. Changes to methane produced from decomposition waste management system. this mindset have to come from more of biological waste, preventing explo- “Garbage on the streets that is not education and awareness raising. sions, fires, and emission of this potent collected on time is a big problem. While citizens can do a lot, they can- greenhouse gas. But most importantly, This is what people see and react to. not be expected to solve all waste and at a minimum, a sanitary landfill Addressing this issue requires having issues. Also important is investing in should have controls on what types adequate operational and contract infrastructure for waste management. of waste enter the landfill, preventing management capacity,” says Mr. Al- “We need to control what enters into entry of hazardous materials. The open petyan, “Less visible is what happens landfills, we need to have waste sort- burning of this waste alone results in to this waste once it is collected. ing system, we need to ensure toxic

School children learning about nutri- ent cycles through vermicomposting of organic waste. Initiative partner Yerevan Municipality in 2015 Experts sorting municipal waste for the Waste Quantity and Composition Study and hazardous materials are directed to specialized landfills or sections in landfills, etc. These are not things ordi- nary citizens can do. This is an institu- tional and an infrastructure investment issue,” says Alpetyan. To shed light on paths forward, the AUA Acopian Center for the Environ- ment is implementing four projects on waste governance. The broad question is to how we can improve the way view the materials flowing through our econ- omy and our lives, adopting a circular economy lens. All waste types, except radioactive and mining waste streams, the same methodology. The waste sam- ing laws and sub-legal acts. The library are considered. This includes municipal, pling and analyses were done in Yere- includes the database of institutions automotive, medical, industrial, electric van, Ararat, Gyumri, , Hrazdan, involved in the sector along with the and electronic, construction and demo- and cities. Hopefully, there will research and policy papers and report lition, and agricultural wastes. be resources to replicate this study at on projects implemented in the country. different seasons as the seasonality *** factor is crucial to waste composition. *** The first project is called “Waste Gov- “We didn’t want a consultant to come The issue of waste management is very ernance in Armenia.” The project is and do this for us. We emphasized complex and has many dimensions financed by the Ministry of Foreign the training and local capacity building including social, environmental and Affairs of Sweden and is implemented aspects,” says Mr. Alpetyan. “We built economic. These projects are a part of in partnership with Swedish Life Foun- an outstanding local team capable of a more significant direction the country dation and Miljö & Avfallsbyrån AB as repeating this study whenever enough has to move addressing the challenge expertise support. The project aims at resources are available.” from a circular economy perspective. providing independent expert advice to The third component of the AUA Acopi- This includes following the 4R principle: Armenian government decision mak- an Center’s waste governance direction redesign/rethink, reduce, reuse, and ers for development of national solid is the “Mapping of Waste Handling in recycle. “When saying recycle, people waste governance policy, strategy, and Armenia” project. It is implemented in usually imagine plastics,” says Mr. roadmap basing on the principles of collaboration with the Ministry of Terri- Alpetyan, “but we should think wider the Circular Economy. torial Administration and Infrastructure. and find ways to separate all recycla- The second project is called the “Waste The team will map where the waste is bles from the municipal waste stream Quantity and Composition Study.” It is generated, how it’s handled, and where to avoid losing value. Diverting organic funded by the AUA Manoogian Simone it is disposed of. The project will cover waste from landfills has a huge eco- Research Fund (MSRF) and studies the all communities in Armenia. “In short, nomic potential for biogas and fertilizer quantities and composition of the solid we are mapping the waste handling production. This also reduces the nega- waste in Armenia. It was developed in capacities: equipment, bins, and dump- tive environmental costs from leachates partnership with the RA Government, sites," indicates Mr. Alpetyan. “One and greenhouse gas emissions.” Soon namely with a special 22-member in- of the results of the project will be the Armenia will have two engineered land- teragency workgroup on waste issues registry i.e., the database of landfills with fills financed by the EU in the Kotayk formed by the decree of the prime min- their geospatial data.” The database region and Yerevan. “When spending ister in 2018. Advising on this project will be available online and will serve to millions of euros on closing the old is the Swedish firm, LL Bolagen. Previ- the public benefit. The project also has dumpsites and building new sanitary ously, eight studies have been done on a capacity-building element to help the landfills, we need to think at least of waste composition but they all vary in partner ministry to raise its efficiency. prolonging the use period as much as their methodology, geographical cover- And finally the fourth project is the possible,” suggests Mr. Alpetyan, “So age, and seasonality. While most of the Waste Recourse Library. The center has even if we manage to divert only or- previous studies focused on one region already developed a resource portal ganic waste, which makes 50% of our or community, the WQCS project aimed for waste governance in the country. It municipal waste, away from landfills, to get a country-scale representative has gathered information on the current we will exploit these expensive landfills sample making tests in 6 locations with legislation on waste in Armenia, includ- at least twice longer.” REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE The Urban Foundation: A Player of from the CSO Super League

This year the Urban Foundation celebrates 15 years of its official establishment, but the team has been working together well before 2004: From 2000-2004, as part of the Washington-based Urban Institute, the team implemented the largest USAID – funded project in Armenia – the Earthquake Zone Recovery Program (EQZRP), in the result of which more than 7000 earthquake- displaced households were permanently housed, hundreds of public spaces were rehabilitated and reclaimed. The success of the project, apart from generous support from the American people, was the result of an exceptional teamwork. After completion of the project, in April of 2004, the core of the team established the Urban Foundation, the Urban Institute’s spin-off – a local non-profit to continue supporting the development and democratization of Armenia. Thus, a long journey was launched to provide decent living and healthy environment for Armenian communities. Since then the Urban Foundation has undertaken more than 80 successful initiatives throughout Armenia and has earned its place in the super league of Armenian civil society organizations.

Text : Artavazd Yeghiazaryan Photo : Urban Foundation

What does specifically the Urban Foundation do? The team promotes integrated community development approach where business, social and environmental aspects coexist harmoniously in the community. Sounds idealistic but the Urbaners are not daydreamers. They try to achieve their ambitious mission by helping improve communities’ down-to-earth functions, for example waste management. Improving waste management throughout Armenia has been on the Urban Foundation’s agenda, long before the government of Armenia declared it as a priority. Dozens of innovative projects on waste separation have been implemented by the organiza- tion in different parts of Armenia – from promoting waste sorting among citizens to establish a recycling plant that uses plastic waste to substitute cement in producing construction materials.

66 #4-5 / 2019 What’s next? Recycling, indeed. After several months of research, the Urban Foundation found the perfect solution: The plastic waste will be used as a component in producing construction materials according to a simple but new technology in Armenia, popular elsewhere. It was decided to start the recycling plant in Kapan. This project became possible thanks to financial support of the EU and cost-sharing from Armenia’s state budget. The munici- pality of Kapan is a key partner in this project. Kapan is one of the largest cities in Armenia, which means it produces a lot of plastic waste that could go into the production of polymer-sand mixture. Besides, it is one of the communities Why plastic? where the Urban Foundation had previously implemented waste Because it constitutes up to 35 percent of total volume of management programmes, so all the needed infrastructure waste. It all started ten years ago with several bins for sep- was already in place. “We made thorough research before we aration of plastic in the industrial town of Alaverdi. The team proposed the technology. All details were considered, feasibility advocated for so called source separation, versus mixed was studied, commitments from partner communities to supply dumping in the landfill as recyclable materials become dirty plastic waste were solicited, profiles of production line vendors and damaged there. Source separation is an efficient way were studied,” Samvel Nazaryan, the project coordinator says. of waste management; besides, it brings about behavior The cost of the project around €750,000 of which more than change among citizens. The then mayor of Alaverdi was not €500,000 has been provided by the European Union. The afraid of pioneering with us but at the same time, he was not project has a strong environmental context not only because sure whether citizens would bother to throw different types it helps reduce plastic waste that end up in the nature, but of garbage in different bins. The next step was awareness because environmental management system and operational raising: programmes on local television, posters, booklets, safety and health system are going to be established in the seminars, events and many more. plant that will pave the way for ISO certification. The project “This battle consists of three components. First, you have to has conducted market research for the construction materials create conditions and physical infrastructure – containers, comprising of plastic waste and sand and will support the balers, storage facilities, trucks, etc.,”Armine Tukhikyan, plant in promoting the products with construction companies Urban Foundation’s programme director says, “Second, and vendors. The plant is Kapan municipality’s ownership. fostering behaviour change is as important. Citizens have to The benefits of this initiatives are evident: garbage is turned into learn why it is important and commit to change their habits, useful products that can be sold for money; The service life of pitch in and do their part. And last, but not least, work with landfills is extended as about 30% of waste is reused, nature municipal authorities so they adopt it as a management gets rid of an alien component contaminating environment. practice and plan for dealing with separated waste.’’ Now After visiting the plant this May, the EU Ambassador Petr more than two dozens of municipalities work with this mod- Switalski was pleased with the result. In his speech he said: el, and considerable amount of plastic waste is accumulated “When I saw this proposal submitted for funding I had some in their storages. misgivings – will it work? And I am really glad that you have proved that it works. I want to credit those who developed the project and wish success in its implementation.” The project will create 35 new jobs and provide better economic opportunities for related businesses. Trainings was provided for the new employees who will handle this new technology. Meanwhile, first batches of curbstones, street tiles, fences, roofing and other construction materials are already produced. They are going to be sent to the communities that supplied the plastic waste to the plant, so that public spaces in those communities are improved to demonstrate the residents what an added value can be received thanks to their effort. The Urban Foundations’ model can be replicated in other plac- es. “It is a good business idea and we will be happy to share the knowledge we have gained. At the same time, we have other great ideas which we are ready to share with communi- ties and help them to realize,” Samvel Nazaryan says. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Proper solutions for the proper future

In 2018 Armenia's first sustainable design lab, Marianna Vardanyan, the co-founder of Proper, states Proper Plastic, was founded. The company that it all started back then in 2016, when the crew came up with a vital idea of building a bridge between creative work innovatively addresses plastic pollution and and social impact. Despite the fact that growing your own waste management, by converting waste plastic company can be quite challenging, but it allows to create materials into commercially viable products a ‘climate of influence’ here in Armenia. A few examples of such efforts are organising Armenia’s first Social Design while raising environmental awareness. “Proper Summit, establishing Proper Plastic sustainable design lab Plastic” is another chapter for shaping a new and organising PechaKucha Yerevan Nights. mindset for the society in Armenia, leading them One of the most vital challenges that the world faces every single day is the rapid intrusion into non-biodegradable waste. care for nature and environment. According to the United Nations, international plastic produc- tion has ballooned nearly 300 times in the last 65 years. A ma- Text : Ani Yavrents Photo : Proper company jority of wasted plastic makes it into the global water stream, eventually leading to our oceans where it forms massive, im- mortal islands of trash. To fight that you need to be creative. Proper Plastic is currently researching and exploring ways to create long term sustainable design products from single use plastic. The company works in 3 directions mainly: up- cycling, education, community-building.

68 #4-5 / 2019 Smart Eco-Table made from recycled plastic

e are collecting type 2 HDPE plastic (high density polyethylene). So our Wfirst prototype was an eco table, as we call it, a smart eco table, which is equipped Proper Plastic’s anti-plastic campaign with two solar panels

*** Social Design Summit was the first one of its kind to bring But what makes Marianna and her colleagues even more together speakers from six countries to discuss how proud, is creating new products: “We are collecting type 2 cross-disciplinary collaboration, digital tools and practical HDPE plastic (high density polyethylene). So our first pro- approaches can all combine with design thinking to deliver totype was an eco table, as we call it, a smart eco table, real and lasting social change. PechaKucha Nights is a glob- which is equipped with two solar panels.” The table was al network of 1,200 cities holding themed presentation exhibited at the UNDP Green Initiative Urban installation, the events. It has a simple presentation format where people first zero-waste installation. ‘Green Initiatives’ is a series of show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance events, installations and artworks based on thinking, going automatically and you talk along to the images. PechaKu- and living green. It was designed to inspire people to make cha nights are one of those focal points of the link between positive changes to how we use the Earth’s resources, with creative youngsters and unexplored information. the focus on three vital areas: Climate Change, Loss of Some of the topics covered during PechaKucha nights are Biodiversity, and Soil Degradation. The space was divided social innovation, applying best practices from business and into several places. The ‘Green Pavilion’ created in coop- tech on public governance, designing more human-centered eration with SNKH architectural studio, was a big, open air cities, improving innovation ecosystem in Armenia, the fu- “apartment” on Northern Avenue that gave the opportunity ture of modern parenting and more. On 2018, PechaKucha to examine the sustainable lifestyle of the future, by standing hosted an event “Living Green,” bringing together self-start- in the present. Some of ‘rooms’ of this open air apartment ers who made an active difference to improving the environ- demonstrated furniture made from upcycled plastic. The ment. This was the first step of turning “green initiatives” into visitors had a chance to recharge their devices from a solar real actions. panel and etc.


Green Initiatives: Zero-Waste Pavilion designed with snkh studio

*** In the 1960s, in the UK, a lot of designers came togeth- er to sign a manifesto, covering their vision: the design industry should serve wider topics than advertising and selling products. Thus, the main notion of signing the manifesto was to put more effort into wider realms like social, environmental, health and other aspects of the economy. Nowadays, after 60 years, Marianna still notes that there’s a perception in Armenia that creative indus- tries are either for leisure or for commercial and adver- tising work. So since the very beginning, for the agency it was important to work with clients that have their own positive impact in Armenia. “We started experimenting with different formats: doing workshops for younger designers and trying to explore how we can integrate this capacity and the potential of creative industry to address wider social issues,” Marianna says. Throughout 2018 Proper company has been working with UNDP’s environmental department, organizing public awareness campaigns, covering topics like biodi- versity, soil degradation and climate change, which led them to the realization of the huge scale of environmental catastrophes that the world is facing today. Moreover, the UN has estimated that people only have 17 years to tackle climate change and after that the actions will not be reversible. Accordingly, Marianna claims “So basically there’s just 17 years left and learning about these factors of biodiver- sity, soil degradation, climate change and also energy effi- ciency - and also doing work around waste management and waste prevention, had led us to start our own startup, ‘Proper Plastic’.”

70 #4-5 / 2019 Zanazan Alphabet magnet set by Proper Company

PechaKucha Yerevan

e started experimenting with different formats: doing workshops for younger Wdesigners and trying to explore how we can integrate the potential of creative industry to address wider social issues *** Marianna mentions that this spring they have teamed up with Global Shapers Yerevan Hub and Revolve Consulting, to or- Marianna Mishoyan ganize a public event for school children to educate them on (in the middle) during the principles of circular economy and waste prevention. PechaKucha Yerevan Nearly 200 students, from 5 public and private schools were participating in these one-hour workshops in their schools, which was then followed by gathering in Mashtots Park and doing color separation, which is the first phase of the upcy- cling process. The aim of the project was to raise awareness and understand- ing of the problems caused by plastic misuse, encourage and support others to become “Green Heroes,” empower kids and young people to believe they can make significant change, even at an individual level. Despite the technical and logistical challenges, Proper Plas- tic company continues to grow shaping the ideal figure of networking communities. For this moment, the company is in the phase of experimenting with materials and moulds, aiming to build long lasting items. “Sustainable Design for a Better Future” – this is what makes the company grow, no matter how hard the challenges may be. “Proper Plastic” seems to be the first step to an eco-friendly environment normalizing the notion of caring about nature. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Energy Challenges in Rural Armenia Text : IBiS Photo : GIZ During the recent decades the use of fuelwood and dung for heating and cooking purposes has been a common practice in the rural households of Armenia. Unsustainable production and inefficient use of these fuels is linked to different areas including household economics, health, energy, and forests. Excessive use of fuelwood has negative consequences for human well-being and forests. There is a need to increase the efficiency of households’ heating as well as to explore and promote the alternatives. This will help to conserve the limited forest resources of Armenia for future generations and improve the livelihoods in rural Armenia.

Natural gas makes the highest proportion in the total energy supply profile of Armenia. Gas is imported from Russia (80-85%) and Iran (15-20%). The other energy sources are nuclear power, followed by oil, hydropower and biomass. Thus, the Armenian energy sector highly depends on imports. With an officially reported share of only 4-6%, biomass (including fuelwood) seems to have minor contribution to the Armenia’s overall energy mix. And yet, it is worth to have a closer look. Although nearly all communities have access to natural gas, it is rarely used in rural households for heating during the winter. Over the past fifteen years, prices for gas and electricity have in- creased substantially, posing a problem especially for low-income households. As a result, the demand for fuelwood as an attractive alternative heating collect up to 8 cubic meters of dead rural households. Often houses are source has increased dramatically. The wood per household by themselves heated partially, and lots of heat is be- demand for fuelwood exceeds by far free of charge. The designated areas ing lost because of different reasons. the supply of fuelwood that can be en- are remote and not easily accessible In addition, preparation of fuelwood sured by the growth of forests. It leads by vehicle. Nevertheless, fuelwood and dung for heating is time and work to forest degradation, which poses remains the most affordable and at- consuming. serious threats to the forest ecosys- tractive fuel source in many villages. In this respect, the practice of using tems including soil erosion, disturbance Recent surveys show that heating moist fuelwood is one of the important of hydrological balance, and other. costs constitute up to 20% of house- issues to be addressed. It is not only Local residents report that it is ex- hold incomes, depending on the heat- inefficient, but also causes indoor air pensive to buy fuelwood from the ing option. Still, heating is perceived pollution. In many cases, people also forest enterprise. In forest adjacent as an inefficient, insufficient, and burn plastic, rubber and other waste in communities, people are entitled to uncomfortable process, especially in the stoves, producing toxic emissions.

72 #4-5 / 2019 all, raising awareness and knowledge public-private partnerships, etc. To on energy-related topics among the achieve the desired changes, it is population is a precondition for further necessary to invest in people, in their actions. Measures to ensure a suf- education and talent. ficient level of forest protection and Looking at these diverse options, control are required to prevent unau- there is another important aspect thorized fuelwood supply. Promotion of to be considered: women play an sustainable forest management princi- important role in energy decisions at ples and practices is another important household level and can be powerful aspect to be considered. Still, without catalysts of change. For example, the the provision of feasible alternatives regulation of air temperature in the to rural communities the issue of ex- house, determining the consumed Women and children are particularly cessive use of fuelwood can hardly amount of fuelwood and other house- vulnerable, since they spend compar- be addressed. Thereby, options to hold tasks are mostly under women’s atively more time at home close to the increase energy efficiency at household control. Educating and enabling wom- stove and can suffer from respiratory level, such as the use of dry fuelwood, en as change makers can have great problems and intoxication. improved stoves and thermal insulation influence on the energy consumption Apart from fuelwood, animal dung is measures need to be promoted. The habits of their children, who will shape used as energy source, especially in production of pellets and briquettes the future generation. non-forested regions. It is available for from woody biomass or other agricul- Within its focus on sustainable man- free, dried and piled up close to most tural residues as alternative fuel materi- agement of natural resources, the GIZ rural households that own livestock. als should be supported and extended supported ECOserve programme, that Burning dung means that it can no to other areas. Despite its growth over started recently, provides opportunities longer be used as valuable organic the past few years, the market for re- to tackle some of the challenges relat- fertilizer. This can lead to decreased newable energy appliances (e.g., solar ed to rural energy. soil fertility, with a negative impact on water heaters, solar panels for electric- A good example for practical measures pastures and agricultural productivity. ity generation) still has a huge potential are the two schools in Nahapetavan To address the multiple challenges for expansion. (Aragatsotn region) and Saralanj (Shirak related to rural energy, several fields A smart energy policy is needed, region) – winners of ECOserve’s “Green of action have been identified, on the considering affordable financing and Idea Contest.” Until now, these schools supply and the demand side. First of incentives for energy end-users, have been using diesel to heat the classrooms during the winter. This is not only dangerous in terms of fire risk, but it also produces toxic emissions that im- pact the health of children and teachers. The selected schools receive support for the establishment of solar panels, which will produce electricity to heat the elementary class rooms and cafeteria. In general, coordinated actions at different levels are needed to address the current energy challenges in rural Armenia. This will not only reduce the pressure on already limited forest re- sources but will also improve the liveli- hoods of the rural population.


The largest final energy consumer in Armenia is the residential sector (over 38 % in 2016). Thus, it’s among the top priorities of the country when it comes to climate change mitigation. The climate of the country contributes to this tendency with an extended period of heating. With improvement of the economic situation in the country the greenhouse gas emissions from residential sector increased six fold in 2016 (1170 GgCO2eq) compared to 2000. The energy efficiency is one of priority areas of national policy and was in the focus of UNDP programmes. In the past years various projects were implemented all across the country. Regional Post discussed the latest project aimed at scaling up investments in energy efficient building retrofits with the manager of the project, Vahram Jalalyan.

Text : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : UNDP

Energy efficiency in the residential sector has been at the spotlight of UNDP Armenia since 2010 with its first major project “Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings.” The project was financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) aimed at showcasing the expertise in energy efficiency from the technical perspective. It also had legal, educational, aware- ness-raising components. In the six years of its operation, the project achieved a considerable number of advancements. The first energy efficient retrofit of multi-apartment building in the country was introduced in district of Avan, Yerevan. In the framework of cooperation of Swiss Development Agency with the government, a social house in city of has been constructed in 2012. The UNDP project contributed with integration of energy efficiency measures in the design and construction stages, resulting in 60% energy savings. In “Cas- cade Hills” residential complex, the recommended inclusion of energy efficiency ensured 40% savings, as well as expansion of the living area in buildings by 900 m2 generating additional value of ~ USD 1.5 mln for the developer. The similar energy efficient measures were introduced during the construction of the residential buildings in Akhuryan community under state housing programme. “When the project began, there were no laboratories in the country to test thermal insulation materials and we had to transfer all these materials to Russia for testing, which was a massive obstacle for the advancement of the field,” re- Energy efficient retrofitted residential building in Avan administrative members Mr. Jalalyan, “Eventually, we decided to purchase district of Yerevan, next to similar non-retrofitted one. Same view specialized equipment and establish testing laboratories in with thermal imaging camera.

74 #4-5 / 2019 Boiler house before and after retrofit

Vahram Jalalyan, Project Manager De-Risking and Scaling-up Investment in Energy Efficient Building Retrofits UNDP-GCF Project

Armenia.” One in the National University of Architecture and Construction for educational purposes and the other one in the specialized accredited private company. One of the critical components of the project was the im- provement of the legal framework. The building codes re- lating to the energy efficiency were developed/renewed and adopted by Government in 2013-2016, besides that several European standards were adapted. The project considers as key obstacle the weak management system for the multi-apartment residential buildings. By Prime Minister’s decree a working group was established with a task to develop a new law on multi-apartment building manage- ment. Currently, Armenia has two relevant laws but none of them is properly enforced. UNDP supported the process with engagement of international experts and organizing study tour for key stakeholders to Estonia, as a country close to Armenia by its scale and similar building stock. Estonia has a success- ful experience in energy efficiency retrofitting and management of multi-apartment buildings after the collapse of the USSR.

View of the lobby of the Erebuni youth and hen the project began, there were no lab- creativity center before and after retrofit. oratories in the country to test thermal Winsulation materials and we had to trans- fer all these materials to Russia for testing

“Today, the management bodies of residential buildings don’t enjoy trust of the people, and for many subjective reasons the residents refuse to invest in the well-being of their building,” says Mr. Jalalyan, “People don’t feel ownership for the building, just like for the car: the roof, the basement with its rats, gar- bage and even the smell, as well the lifespan of the building.” In the ideal world to improve energy efficiency in the building, its management body in consultation with residents is deciding on investments in the building, for example, to thermally insulate the building and acquiring loans for that. Then, the same man- agement body hires design/construction firm, which renews the building and the repayment of the loan is ensured from re- sulting savings. It’s a simple logic, which doesn’t work in Arme- nia as, previously, the management of the buildings was highly politicized, and their reputation went beyond them. Another reason for the ineffectiveness of building management bodies is the simple ”egg and hen” paradigm – residents are not paying building’s operation and maintenance fee to the management, which consequently, refuses to do execute their function. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

View of the dance hall in Erebuni youth and creativity center before and after energy efficient retrofitting

*** In 2017, UNDP narrowed down its focus to investment scal- ing-up processes in the energy efficiency of the building ret- rofits, in the frame of the new six-year project “De-risking and Scaling-up Investment in Energy Efficient Building Retrofits” implemented by UNDP under the coordination of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Armenia. The project will lead to tangible energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions with its target on multi-apartment, single-family individual houses and public buildings. The project has four components. The first one is the MRV – Measuring, Reporting and Verification system creation, which will enable the monitor- ing of the energy flows in the buildings and organize the mon- etization of the savings achieved, making the process mea- surable, transparent and affordable. The first component also involves awareness-raising activities. The second and third components are dealing with the policy de-risking and financial de-risking, correspondingly covering the lack of an appropriate legal background and financial mechanism and identifying the obstacles preventing these schemes from working. The fourth component refers to the Financial Incentives, with its primary

View of the Erebuni youth and creativity center building from backyard before and after energy efficient retrofitting

76 #4-5 / 2019 focus on targeted subsidies to ensure that the most vulnerable households can afford energy efficiency retrofits. n 2017, UNDP narrowed down its focus to The project had received a USD 20-million grant from the investment scaling-up processes in the Green Climate Fund. In addition to that there’s also an amount energy efficiency of the building retrofits, of combined co-financing from Yerevan Municipality (around I USD 8 mln), the government of Armenia (USD 400,000), UNDP in the frame of the new six-year project (USD 420,000) and parallel financing from International Finan- cial Institutions. Roughly, USD 6 million from the grant funding covers the first three components of the project, and the remaining USD 14 million is allocated within the fourth compo- construction architects and engineers, heating and air con- nent only, i.e., the targeted subsidies. The funding can cover in ditioning specialists, renewable energy specialists, energy average 20-40 percent of the amount needed for the energy auditors, which is, by the way, a new term in Armenia. efficient retrofit of residential buildings, up to 20 percent for Overall around 150 kindergartens will be involved in the proj- public buildings and 10 percent for private houses. ect, from which around 50 will go for deep renovation and the other ~100 will be subject for introduction of so-called *** “horizontal measures,” in other words not invasive. In 2018, In cooperation with the Municipality of Yerevan, the project is the Yerevan municipality received a loan of EUR 7 mln from providing the technical support for improving energy efficien- European Investment Bank for public buildings’ restoration cy of about 50 kindergartens, Erebuni youth and children’s accompanied with a grant of EUR 5 mln from E5P for the creativity center, also to “Muratsan” hospital, Agricultural horizontal measures. The municipality also committed to Academy and others. Currently, the project partners with invest from its own budget and UNDP decided to join and around ten design companies working on several projects. provide technical assistance of around EUR 1 mln. All these processes are overlooked by the relevant expert As a continuation of the previous project, UNDP cooperated team, with all the highly-professional specialists, including with the RA Urban Development Committee on improving legal framework, namely the development of multi-apartment building operation and maintenance rules. The other initiative is the creation of the building passport form. Both initiatives are View of the gymnastics hall before and after energy finalized and submitted to UDC. “This practice was common efficiency retrofit in Erebuni youth and creativity center in Soviet times; however, in today’s Armenia it became tough to receive accurate information about a specific building as there’s no centralized database or document pack,” indicat- ed Mr. Jalalyan. To create this document, the experts should come, evaluate the technical state of the building to compile its capital and current renovation history. The passport should include the necessary information about the building, its man- agement body, and residents, etc. Eventually, the passport becomes one complete document for which the next step will be the creation of buildings’ digital database. Additionally, an operation manual is developed for work with the public buildings, and currently, they are working on another scheme for the residential buildings, which is a much harder part of the project. It’s easier to work with public buildings where there’s only one beneficiary, consequently, one decision-maker. “The residential buildings have a number of shortcomings, namely the issue of building management body and collective decision-making, implies Mr. Jalalyan, “In Europe, it’s possible for the residents to have soft loans for their building, benefit from EU accession funds but in Armenia, we don’t have it.” Besides all the above-mentioned goals and targets, one of the most important parts of the project is to make it self-sustaining in the future. In the upcoming years, the practices developed during the project can become a part of the governmental protocol and serve as a guideline for scaling up the building energy efficient retrofits. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

energy sources are not new, even in ancient times people used the energy of water and wind, for example, wa- Solaron: termills and windmills. Now humanity is living in the era of the 4th industrial “Solar power is the best revolution, and here, one of the key choice and solution in areas is the transformation of hydro- carbon-based energetic to renewable. every field” The rapid development of modern technologies has led to a sharp reduc- tion of the cost of solar and wind ener- Alternative energy sources become gy, and along with the global warming a huge and important trend in today’s challenges facing humanity, hydro- world. Armenia with its climate and carbon and nuclear energy are being replaced worldwide by environmentally — To start such a project, you need sunny weather is already doing its friendly, affordable and cheap energy a long-term vision of 15-20 years, an un- own share, with booming in solar sources - the sun, wind and others. derstanding of the trends in the science energy market. We talked about and technology development, people Solaron's history is dating back to 2012. Where with extensive experience in creating perspectives and importance of the did this idea come from? Is it a business idea, or and developing innovative industries, field with the head of SolarOn Artur something more? the desire to use gained knowledge Alaverdyan, first company in Armenia and experience in creating an inno- — We have been engaged in energy- vative economy to transform Armenia to manufacture solar batteries. efficient technologies for more than into a developed modern country. 15 years and this idea has matured for Interview : Areg Davtyan Photo : Solaron a long time, however, its implementa- Was it easy to find specialists for the fields that tion only began in 2016, as certain fa- is quite new for Armenia? vorable market, country and legislative Mr. Alaverdyan, why is it important for the world factors developed. The idea comes — No, this is not easy, but there are to use alternative energy sources? from the company's mission – to be- many ambitious young people in Arme- come a catalyst for the development nia who are ready and willing to learn — The development of human civi- of the solar energy industry in Armenia new things, who are able to learn new lization cannot be imagined without and in the long term to contribute to specializations, open to the world and sources of cheap and affordable en- the transformation of Armenia’s ener- new opportunities. We rely on such ergy. Since the time when the energy getics to its own resources – the sun, people, they form the backbone of our of human muscles was replaced with wind, along with the existing devel- team, the results of the past three years the energy of animals (horses, bulls, oped hydropower. inspire us, and we are optimistic about elephants), then with the energy of the future. fire and steam, next with the energy Knowing how many sunny days there are in of hydrocarbon fuel, the human being Armenia it seems quite logical to do solar panel What is the best way to use solar panels, partic- tried to extract more and more energy business here, but it seems that it cannot be the ularly Solaron's production: private houses, multi from the available substance, and this only pillar to base the project on. What else do apartments, public spaces? process will be continued. “Alternative” you need to create such an ambitious project? — Solar power has gained a lot of interest over the last few years in Armenia and it has become increas- Solar panel ingly popular both for residential and manufacturer commercial markets. The use of solar in Armenia power is the best choice and solution in every field. They are designed to reduce electricity bill as you will require less electricity from the power grid. Renewable energy systems are practi- cal, reliable, productive for people and

78 #4-5 / 2019 Founder of SolarOn Artur Alaverdyan

for the environment. SolarOn provides nessmen to start similar enterprises host young students. We also have an ready-made, customized solutions, in Armenia and there is already news internship programme for young pro- taking into account the clients’ needs, about two such expected projects. fessionals. SolarOn hosted students interests and requirements. We are We are also confident that the direc- not only from couple of universities specialized in offering ground based tion of solar energy, both production from Armenia, AYB school, but also and rooftop applications for home- and generation, is very promising from Munich and US universities who owners and corporate customers and for the country's economy and can successfully implemented their proj- have already implemented number of attract multibillion investments to the ects and made presentations. projects in all over Armenia. SolarOn is economy of Armenian. Recently, in parallel with the Consti- not only manufacturing company but tution Day of the Republic of Armenia service provider. Life long service is one On your website, we can see that one of Solaron's SolarOn organized the "Day of the Sun" of the key points which suppose taking main goals is the popularization of the idea of public event in Swan Lake. The main care of solar modules throughout life solar energy in the country. What kind of activi- aim was to highlight the importance (from installation till utilization). Besides ties are you doing for this? of the sun among renewable energy we implement extended 24 hour mon- sources, rise the interest and informa- itoring system and look after power — Carbon-based energy around the tion on environmental protection, solar plant performance starting its connec- world tends to transform into renewable energy. Throughout the celebration, tion to the grid. green technologies. We hope that the Armenian physicists and chemists Separate direction of our activities is development of Armenia should be in conducted various scientific experi- BIPV (building integrated photovolta- line with these trends and we are now ments using exclusively solar energy, ics) – solar panels integrated into the developing our vision to make Arme- presenting its potential and advantages. architecture of the building. In BIPV, nia 100% solar powered. This is how Today the public needs to be aware of PV modules are components of the we see our future, and do our best to the free energy source given to us, and building materials, an integral part spread renewable energy… our initiative is about to show, that sun of the building structure and, at the We have created and launched “Solar can give more than we usually take. It is same time, part of the overall archi- Ambassador Program.” This is a busi- a truly efficient and profitable source of tectural image of the building. This ness training course for our partners energy, which, we think, should be the innovative sector of the construction and interested bodies who are ready future of Armenia's energy sector. industry requires the joint creative to cooperate with us, want to start work of architects, planners, design- a business or are already involved in Do you think in the near future the world and Arme- ers, engineers and manufacturers of solar power plant installation business. nia will fully move to renewable energy sources? photovoltaic modules. The aim of the project is to build a team of solar ambassadors from different — I am absolutely sure of this, hu- Solaron is the only producer of solar panels in regions, provinces, who aspire to out- manity and Armenia as part of it Armenia. Why so? Do you think this field will spread the ideas of renewable energy have no other chance to fight global emerge by time? and business development in Armenia. warming and to ensure their ever-in- The programme begins with the rele- creasing energy consumption, but to — It’s true that we are the first and vant training and provision of necessary use free resources such as sun, wind, only manufacturer of solar panels in tools and skills, which can help to orga- sea waves and flows, etc. However, Armenia so far. Perhaps this is just by nize proper sales and installation works. science and technology do not stand, chance, there is always someone who The course provides not only theoretical in the future it will also be possible is the most passionate, ready to be materials, but also includes practical industrial use of thermonuclear fusion a pioneer and lead the rest. Howev- work, visit to our factory and site-visit. energy, while in the distant future more er, we are sure that our example will Our company also collaborates with efficient ways of extracting energy inspire other entrepreneurs and busi- schools and universities and regularly from substance will be invented. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE

Armenians are innovative, creative and entrepreneurial. Over the past two de- cades tens of thousands young Arme- nians left the country in a search for better jobs and lives of better quality. Armenia has been losing brainpower from the generation of youth who are supposed to be the driving force of the country today and in the years to come. That’s why today we need to create more change-makers in Arme- nia and for Armenia. Career in agriculture is probably the least what comes to the mind of youth in Armenia nowadays. Previ- ously imports and exports of goods couldn’t be conducted smoothly due to the bureaucratic procedure and lack of transparency. You write a soft- ware code, you send it to the client via email, you receive the money on the virtual wallet. That used to be a no-hassle business. Things are different when you want to Let’s nurture minds of the Armenian engage in primary agriculture produc- youth in understanding and tion or processing. Launching a local company would assume an array appreciating nature, and incubating of paperwork. And if you wanted to EcoFarm import technology or inputs for your agribusiness startups. That’s why a unique project of EcoFarm was production and export the ready prod- ucts, then things would have gotten founded by the International Center for much more complicated. Yet, there by ICARE Agribusiness Research and Education. are now positive developments in the market structure with more room and freedom for small and medium enterprises to maneuver and capture opportunities. “Oh no, no agriculture! a doctor, a lawyer, or at least a software devel- oper is what will ensure a comfortable life for your family, my son” would say to their kid the Armenian parents. Our society does not perceive agriculture as a good career path, and that is probably true for many other societ- ies. And why the Armenian parents would discourage their children from pursuing this career path, is because there are now more than 300 thou- sand farmers in the country, many of them hardly earning their living. Many depend on foreign remittances com- ing from their family members from all over the globe.

80 #4-5 / 2019 Can agriculture be highly profitable? environment, technology, business. That is a question asked even by coun- And here it comes – EcoFarm! a hall- tries with well-established agricultural mark for “Learn by Doing” agricultural sector. Agriculture constitutes around technology and agribusiness incuba- 18% of Armenian GDP. This may tion center, promoting environmentally sound like a big number, compared to conscious agriculture, healthy lifestyle, below 5% of agriculture contribution to and nature appreciation. And where GDP in many developed countries. Yet, else could such a center be located if it is high in Armenia, because other not in the outskirts of Yerevan, as the sectors of the economy are not as first offshoot with a potential to grow advanced as in developed countries. satellites around Armenia. In addition, our agriculture system is Next comes defining the structure and greatly inefficient often due to a lack activities for the EcoFarm. Having in of management capacity. And way mind the four pillars, EcoFarm will pro- before we need new technologies in vide agribusiness incubation opportu- the sector, we need people who can nities for ICARE students and all other efficiently utilize those technologies, students and young professionals and give freedom to their creativity and who are passionate about establishing entrepreneurship spirit. their agribusiness start-ups. EcoFarm will also be an agribusiness incubator *** in Armenia! The agribusiness start-ups ICARE was established in Armenia in incubated at EcoFarm will incorporate 2005 by Texas A&M University to edu- components of high-tech farming, or- cate agribusiness managers equipped ganic farming, or biodynamic farming. *** with up-to-date knowledge in man- For those who live in Yerevan it is A new word emerged recently – screen- agement, marketing, finance, and last impossible to find a place near the time. This is the time a person spends but not least soft skills, networking city for hobby farming after a hard every day working or playing on a com- and communication. This institution week in the office, unless one has puter or a phone, or interacting with any matriculated around 700 graduates a relative in a nearby village. And if other gadget. And this is getting really from its agribusiness and market- you are the lucky one with such an a sensitive issue when we talk about ing, winemaking and wine business, opportunity, there is a high chance kids. Kids who live in cities have way greenhouses management, and other you will be spending the weekend in more screen-time hours than those who agribusiness-related programmes. All a company of all your noisy relatives live in villages. To reduce the screen- graduates find professional employ- running around you and laying a table time, we need to engage them in enter- ment within only a few months after morning to evening. And this does taining activities, ideally on a farm. Driv- graduation. Being able to fully meet not come without firm persuasion that ing only 10 minutes from Yerevan and the industry needs for professionals, you got really thin and you need to bringing your kids to a farm where they majority of the graduates stay and gain a few pounds by devouring tasty can interact with small animals, water work in Armenia because they can dolma, harissa, ghapama and all other their own lettuce plants, harvest their ensure comfortable lives for them- amazing dishes that Armenian cuisine own melon, pick apricots or blueberries. selves and their families. These grad- is so rich with. But all this gastronomy Is there any better gift for a kid that uates are among the change-makers experience comes only if you are the a caring parent can make? EcoFarm will of Armenia. lucky one to be able to have village be exactly this facility! We see an increasing trend among relatives close enough to visit over the We invite you to join the efforts and youth, especially in the capital city weekend. And farming? No way! They start this amazing project this year. Let’s of Yerevan, who visualize their every won’t let you do that dirty work! So, if create a hallmark for nurturing children’s business idea through the prism of you live and work in Yerevan, your op- minds to become conscious about technology. So, we thought how portunities for outdoor healthy lifestyle nature and agriculture. Let’s embrace ICARE can on one hand fulfill the greed are limited to jogging in the city center those entrepreneurial minds who want for technology among youth, and on or exercising in the balcony under to establish their agribusiness startups. the other hand nurture their minds for scrutiny of the neighbors. EcoFarm Let’s help students who want to learn environmentally conscious and profit- will provide an opportunity for active by doing! Let’s make our nation health- able agriculture. ICARE team had four farming work in only 10 minutes’ drive ier and happier. Because we are Arme- pillars for brainstorming – agriculture, time from downtown Yerevan. nians. Because we can. Together. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE Off the RECord: REC Caucasus Regional Mandate Covering the Topic of Ecosystem Services in the South Caucasus

Natural heritage is precious and irreplaceable. Restoring and conserving our unique ecosystems needs our significant efforts and daily attention. We also need environmental actors, professionals to implement targeted efforts conserving the ecosystems and the natural heritage of the region. REC Caucasus is one of the key players behind numerous projects when it comes to environmental issues in the Caucasus region. Regional Environmental Center for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus) was established back in 1999 by the EU and the Governments of Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan in the frame of “Environment for Europe Process.” The primary goal of the center is to work towards the solution of environmental issues in the region and serve as a bridge among the stakeholders to achieve maximum efficiency. The development of civil society in the three states is another mission of this regional organization. We talked to Ms. Nune Harutyunyan, Executive Director of REC Caucasus about the regional mandate of the organization with a particular focus on ecosystem services.

Interview : Margarit Mirzoyan Photo : REC Caucasus

82 #4-5 / 2019 What are the results achieved by REC Caucasus frame of the project we discussed how the best methods of reforestation and on the regional level with a particular focus on we could promote ecosystem services restoration of the areas damaged as ecosystem services? and in which directions. One of the a result of various natural disasters and proposed ideas was about starting to undertake climate change adaptation — In 2009, we started implementing use the non-timber forest products and in selected communities. Finally, the the “Support development of biodiversi- the development of small and medium project had a mission to conduct ca- ty conservation policies and practices in businesses in the communities, which pacity building and awareness raising the mountainous regions of the South would create work opportunities for initiatives for the ones who are respon- Caucasus” (TEEB) project. This was the locals who, in their turn, would sible for the forest management. a pilot project, which was one of the be eager to conserve nature from the first initiatives to introduce the idea of economic perspective. In the three Interestingly, you have involved countries that ecosystems in the region. The project countries, afforestation and reforesta- are in conflict with each other: Georgia and was implemented in close cooperation tion operations were initiated. We have Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan... with governments, civil society and also prepared the mapping of ecosys- scientific sector with a primary goal tem services represented through GIS — Indeed, however, cooperation suc- to build capacity in local communities mapping tools. These are quite actual ceeded. Adygea, Shahriyar, Racha to address biodiversity loss in forest for more precise forest mapping in and Tavush regions were selected, ecosystems of the South Caucasus, communities where we have actually and together with our colleagues we and to raise awareness about the worked and restored the forest. conducted afforestation and reforesta- possibility of sustainable use of these tion measures as well as many visits ecosystems. It was financed from the Are these three countries the only participants and hands-on trainings on recover- grants of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of in the projects? ing the forests. We also developed Norway. We analyzed the spectrum of a national guideline on community ecosystem services we could have in — In most of the cases all three South reforestation models, indicating how Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan and Caucasus countries are participat- to manage forests and what practical conducted several national and regional ing in the regional projects and this knowledge is required for that. We also trainings, conferences and discussions, is the main idea behind cooperation had a community forest management which resulted in the emergence of the platforms of RECC. We had another model regional guideline, which we idea to have a comprehensive regional project on community forest manage- developed with Mike Garford, who is platform. All three countries included in ment, which was again financed by an English specialist with profound ex- the project had the issue of biodiver- EU. The project was called “Fostering perience. With the support of GIZ, we sity conservation in the mountainous community forest policy and practice organized experience exchange study regions, and in all of them there was in mountainous regions of the Cauca- visits to the Hessen region, Germany, a lack of awareness regarding EU en- sus” and, this time, Russia was among where we had a practical opportunity vironmental projects methodologies. the participants. The overall objective to study the model of community forest Besides, there were very few econo- of the project was to initiate a discus- management used in there. The forest mists\ecologists who could understand sion on legal, technical and institutional management model in their country is the valuation models of ecosystem systems of community forest manage- integrated into economic mechanisms services. In the last meeting in the ment. It also aimed to demonstrate and we can use these methods if we REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE decide to have planted forests for busi- different bodies such as the RA Min- neighboring communities. Also, we pro- ness purposes. The main idea behind istry of Territorial Administration and duced a social video clip on the topic. conservation and forest use is having Infrastructure, the Urban Development a balanced approach, which allows Committee, the local self-government Did any of your projects in the region address foresters to plan and restore forest and bodies, just to name a few. In terms the issue of land degradation? limit its use for industrial purposes with- of ecotourism, the RA Ministry of in legal and logical framework benefi- Emergency Situations should also be — Yes, we had a regional project ad- cial for society. We also have to keep involved to ensure the safety of tours dressing this issue. Three countries in mind that the model is applicable for around the country. The Ministry of teamed up to collect and examine the industrial forest use, while in our case, Agriculture, farmers and companies problems connected to soil degra- most of our forests have extreme biodi- dealing with agribusiness: they all can dation. Eventually, we came up with versity value in South Caucasus, since take part in the successful organization a report on the Analysis of Soil Erosion, our region is one of the most unique of the community life. There is a need where the causal link is described as biodiversity hotspots on this planet. for an integrated and multifaceted ap- well as the agricultural aspect and the proach. Another challenge is the con- soil pollution. The report was present- What are the challenges of working with the dition of forests. Forests play a crucial ed during our regional meeting. In the communities? role in helping us to adapt to climate frame of the project, several other pilot change. We need to remember how initiatives were conducted in cooper- — First, it’s the lack of awareness re- vulnerable are forests. They get burned ation with several NGOs. As a result, garding the importance of biodiversity and it's hard to recover the forest cover. Sustainable Land Management for Miti- and forest conservation. Then, there’s Decades are required to plant new gating Land Degradation and Reducing the lack of enforcement mechanisms for trees, improve the soil, ensure watering Poverty in the South Caucasus Region professional institutions which deal with and protection from diseases. Here report was compiled which later served control, monitoring, and data collection. again, the awareness plays a huge role as a basis for many other pilot initiatives. Well, if we try to make the principles for security and safety of forests, and The report covered policy planning and related to ecosystem services more protection from man-made disasters. regulatory policies, sustainable land use, practical, it might begin to work in So, there’s a massive importance of socio-economic factors analysis, inte- some areas. People should understand community involvement and ownership. grated natural resource management that nature can help to upscale the For this purpose, we developed infor- practical models and so on. We also economic conditions such as devel- mative packs which we handed over to developed sustainable land manage- opment of tourism and ecotourism. all the stakeholders, working with them ment plans, discussed them with LSGs Environmental protection is not merely for 8 years and explaining the value and adapted to the needs and specific- the function of the relevant ministry – it of forests and opportunities for small ities of the communities. We study the should be a process integrated across and medium business development for EU’s experience in relation to land-use and land degradation. There are bilat- eral action plans that comply with EU documents and guidelines, which we tried to employ in 16 communities. In Tumanyan, Alaverdi and Aghtala com- munities in Armenia and several other communities in Georgia. 12 pilot proj- ects have been implemented.

Tell us about the purpose of the conference in Georgia and the results of this regional meeting.

— In 2017, in cooperation with GIZ, we conducted the “Media workshop for environmental journalists on land deg- radation topics.” As a result, journalists from all three countries learned about the concept of integrated biodiversity management. The issues related to soil erosion, degradation and further needs

84 #4-5 / 2019 for professional training of media jour- nalists were discussed. Representa- tives from the Ministry of Nature Pro- tection, UNCCD and national UNCCD focal points attended the conference. The event also enabled many profes- sionals to connect strengthening the network among them.

What about agrobiodiversity, climate change? Are these concepts of your particular focus in the Nune Harutyunyan, Executive Director frame of the regional mandate? of REC Caucasus

— We had a project related to agro biodiversity, involving several trainings and pilot projects. REC Caucasus has been one of the pioneers in the region of South Caucasus in terms of support to conservation of agro biodiversity. This initiative was funded by the EU and received support from GIZ through the IBiS regional programme The most important output of the project was the development of vulnerability profiles for climate change adaptation for South — Recently, we had a project related green economic tool and practical ap- Caucasus countries and communities to Green Economy, again a regional proaches ensuring resource efficiency, representing vulnerable points related one. “Regional Resource-Efficient and economic savings and reduced waste. to climate change and agro biological Cleaner Production Demonstration” We also created Green Clubs in the re- diversity. Later became a part of Geor- programme, which was funded by gions and the members of these clubs gia’s 2nd National Communication European Union in collaboration with had participated in trainings on various of climate change. We also had the UNIDO. The project took place in environmental topics. The last compo- document in our Armenian 3rd National 2014-2017 and currently the project is nent was the assistance in the develop- Communication prepared by UNDP and launched again. Overall, the objective of ment of action, which would enable to in the 2nd communication of UNFCCC. the project was to improve the “environ- integrate efficient resource management The project was designed for arid mentally responsible” performance and in the production. Based on our rec- and semi-arid regions. In Armenia, we productivity of businesses and other or- ommendation, new innovative products implemented it in Vayots Dzor and in ganizations in the target industry sectors and approached were developed from other three communities. In terms of cli- of the Eastern Partnership Economies. the side-products and waste, which mate change, we worked on “Regional On more practical level, the purpose resulted in the revenue upscaling of the Approaches on Climate Change” which is to have clear production, which is given company. We have an upcoming is an interesting platform, addressing a strong side of REC as we have a list regional project of UNDP GEF covering the identification and implementation of of companies which have implemented the mapping of forest areas and the adaptation response to climate change and went through resource efficiency establishment of information database impact for the conservation and sus- and cleaner production audits. More on forest cover in all three countries. tainable use of agro biodiversity in arid than 90 audits have been implemented, Key partners of this project are the and semi-arid ecosystems of the South and we also worked on the creation of World Resource Institute, Ministry of Caucasus. However, the studies would agricultural, chemical, and construction Environment, Forest Committee, and need an updated data to restart the products using cleaner methodologies, “Hayantar” SNCO. Two stakeholder works, and conduct new pilot projects technological change, improved envi- discussions regarding this project have practicing new adaptation ideas for ronmental and health conditions. Based already taken place in each of the coun- agro-biodiversity conservation. on our experience we produced many tries, we have included suggestions and publications, among others a guide for recommendations of our stakeholders, What about the upcoming and ongoing projects? producers called “RECP Primer” which and will follow-up on them during the What are you currently up to? serves as a guide for those interested in project implementation. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS GREEN ISSUE HayBuis Festival

Since 2015 the HayBuis Festival has annually celebrated the unique Armenian herbs and the traditional knowledge used to harvest and prepare them. The festival is held in the picturesque Tavush region. In June 2019, visitors learnt about Armenian herbs, the diverse methods of using them, and their medicinal properties. Perhaps the most exceptional part of this year’s HayBuis was the record-breaking 20-meter long lavash “brtuch” (means wrap in Armenian).

Photo : Emilia Paytyan, Angin Arakelyan, GIZ

86 #4-5 / 2019 History In 2015, the co-founder of the Apaga resort, Irina Chibukhchyan, the artist-designer and director-an- imator Anna Qolozyan, and the author of family creative projects (“Seeds of pomegranate,” “Ayb Ben Gim,” etc.), the educational psychologist Gaya- ne Aghayan implemented the first herb festival in Armenia. HayBuis is a multifaceted festival with vari- ous master classes and lectures on the fields where plants are used: architecture, handicraft, light indus- try, medicine, education, music, art, etc. The aim of the HayBuis Festival is to promote the rational use of plants as one of the valuable resources of the country. The festival aims to teach to effectively use the plants in everyday life and to maintain healthy HayBuis 2019 lifestyle, to develop environmental thinking, as well In 2017 and in 2019, GIZ supported the Hay- as ability and desire to actively conserve the nature Buis Festival in the framework of IBiS pro- of the motherland. The concept of the festival can gramme. In June 2019, around 2000 guests at be expressed by the slogan: “We care for what we the festival took part in a wide range of infor- love. We love what we know!” mative and entertaining events such as exciting master-classes using herbs, the Armenian herb- al tea ceremony, educational games, and other activities for children. During the festival, IBiS introduced the new initiative: the “Green Bus Tour” that is part of its public awareness-raising campaign. Before embarking on its environ- mental education tour in different regions of Ar- menia, the “Green Bus” marked its first stop in Tavush and delivered environmental lessons for HayBuis participants. Among the many prizes awarded at the festival were the books “From Meadow’s to Kitchen – Grandma’s Secrets!” and the “Armenian Vine and Wine” 1 published by GIZ that highlight the rich biodiversity and endemism of Armenia.

The Big “Brtuch” The organizers of this beautiful event explained that the preparation of the “brtuch” symbol- izes the idea of the connection of the family (bread), life (Armenian herbs) and peace (the types of cheese rolled in the “brtuch” are either produced in different regions of Armenia or imported to represent various nations of the world) in Armenia. The embassies of foreign countries represented in Armenia participated in the making of the international “brtuch” by using the types of cheese produced in their own countries.

1 The books “From Meadow’s to Kitchen – Grandma’s Secrets!” and the “Armenian Vine and Wine” can be purchased at the bookstores in Yerevan and in Amazon. REGIONAL POST CAUCASUS ARTIFACT Wildlife protection posters in Soviet Armenia

Posters were one of the tools of the Soviet propaganda. This format was also used when it came to the wildlife protection, which was endangered, especially as a result of the fast industrialization of Soviet republics. Please, help! The protection of Posters : from the collection of National Library of Armenia nature is a nation- wide effort

Help to preserve these animals

Leopard is a rare animal, protect it

Do not shoot: Con- serving nature is a nationwide effort


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