?578 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL 3ENEALOGY COLLECTION J ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 01151 0382 THE HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA f Rocecp uTfl V VOLUME I PROCEEDING AT READING, PA., APR1 13, 1918 1652578 OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY FOR 1918-1919 President The Rev. JOHN BAER STOUDT Northampton, Pa. Vice Presidents The Rev. PAUL deSCHWEINITZ, D.D. Bethlehem, Pa. * Hon. S. LESLEY MESTREZAT Uniontown, Pa. The Rev. J. NATHAN LEVAN Lebanon, Pa. Secretary MRS. ROBERT S. BIRCH Reading, Pa. Treasurer W. A. HERBERT REIDER Reading, Pa. Chaplain The Rev. LEE M. ERDMAN Reading, Pa. Executive Committee Dr. DANIEL N. BERTOLET, U.S.A. Reading, Pa. Hon. ROBERT GREY BUSHONG Reading, Pa. CHARLES R. ROBERTS Allentown, Pa. WILLIAM M. ZECHMAN Reading, Pa. W. D. DeLONG, D.D.S. Reading, Pa. CYRUS FOX Reading, Pa. DANIEL K. HIGH Reading, Pa. * Deceased Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 MINUTES OF FIRST MEETING OF THE HUGUE- NOT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA T the call of Rev. John Baer Stoudt, of Northampton, Pa., a number of persons of known Huguenot descent met in the rooms of the Berks County Historical Society, Reading, January 9, 1918, for the purpose of effecting an or- ganization. Those present were : Dr. Daniel Bertolette, Mr. Cyrus T. Fox, Rev. J. B. Stoudt, Hon. Robert G. Bushong, Mr. W. A. H. Reider, Mrs. Robert S. Birch, Mr. D. K. High, Mr. William H. Zechman, Mr. Charles R. Roberts and Mr. H. Winslow Fegley. The temporary chairman. Rev. Stoudt, at some length, explained the object of the meeting.
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