Fact and Fiction: Liz Rosenberg Talks About “Indigo Hill” TI Sisterhood
December 21-27, 2018 Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Volume XLVII, Number 51 BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK In wake of attacks, settlers ratchet up pressure on Netanyahu government By Sam Sokol in an interview with JTA. “We can’t be JERUSALEM (JTA) – Hundreds of Is- free from terror until we strengthen the raeli settlers, mostly high school students, checkpoints. We need a war on terror to took to the streets on the morning of De- break their [will]. We need to build more cember 16, heeding a call by leaders of the settlements. That’s the real solution.” settlement movement to protest outside of Speaking at the rally, Samaria Settlers’ the weekly Cabinet meeting at the prime Committee Chairman Tzachi Dickstein minister’s office in Jerusalem. called for the re-establishment of Unit Waving placards bearing the slogan 101, a disbanded IDF unit that carried “We’ve finished being quiet because we are out cross-border retaliatory raids during fed up to death,” the settlers vented their the mid-20th century in response to Arab rage at the government after a wave of terror fedayeen attacks on Israeli civilians. “The attacks rocked the capital and West Bank IDF needs to avenge our dead. We need the over the previous week, wounding more death penalty for terrorists and to expel their than 10 and leaving three dead. families,” Dickstein said. The violence and the settlers’ rage is Demanding that Israel also disband the ratcheting up the pressure on Prime Minister Palestinian Authority, Dickstein, too, was Benjamin Netanyahu and his government, met with loud calls of “death to the terror- which is simultaneously pro-settler but ists.” The “Zionist answer” to terrorism, he wary of inflaming what has been called an called out, was “building more settlements.” already tense situation.
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