Final Legend Central FEB 2013
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Pleistocene Early Devonian to Pennsylvanian Cape St. John Group Middle to Late Ordovician SD:mc Quartz gabbro, diabase (Chorlton, 1980a) Surficial deposits Bimodal sequence of mainly rhyolitic and trachytic ash Red-brown, grey and buff, very thick-bedded, polymict Massive to moderately foliated granodiorite and minor DB:c flow tuffs, flows and agglomerates, and dark green to sandstone, conglomerate and breccia; minor black shale O:g tonalite. with many small mafic to ultramafic fragments Q:u Unconsolidated sediments (comp. various sources) purplish mafic flows and pyroclastic rocks; includes (comp. Dickson, 1996a) Fine- and medium-grained, pink biotite- and muscovite- (Whalen and Currie, 1988) SD:n eS:C subordinate andesitic to dacitic flows and pyroclastic bearing, two-feldspar leucogranite; local pegmatite and a rocks, cross-bedded sandstone, and conglomerate; Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Early to Late Devonian single exposure of a tuffisite dyke (comp. Chorlton and metamorphosed in the greenschist and amphibolite Granby Island Formation Dildo Pond pluton Overflow Pond Granite Knight, 1983) Dark grey to black slate, argillite, and greywacke; minor facies (Williams et al., 1985) O:GY Pegmatitic, biotite-titanaugite gabbro (comp. Currie, Coarse-grained, locally garnetiferous, two-mica granite boulder conglomerate (Hibbard, 1983) JK:D D:O 1995a) (Evans et al., 1994a) Piccaire granite Charles Lake volcanic rocks Pink, equigranular, medium-grained, biotite granite SD:PI Quartz - feldspar porphyritic, flow-layered, pink to Middle Ordovician Budgells Harbour Gabbro Dark green, locally brown-weathering pyroxenite and (comp. Colman-Sadd et al., 1979) D:m purple ignimbrite, quartz-porphyritic yellow rhyolite, Impure, fossiliferous and pyritiferous limestone Analcite gabbro, hornblende gabbro, hornblende gabbro; diorite and quartz diorite (O'Brien, 1998) JK:B and pink felsic tuff; equigranular to rarely plagioclase- mO:ls conglomerate and calcarenite, containing ophiolitic pyroxenite, and biotite gabbro (Williams et al., 1985) Quartz veins (Colman-Sadd et al., 1979) porphyritic, grey to black, very thick basalt flows, rare SD:qv eS:CL detritus (comp. Colman-Sadd et al., 1992) Fine to medium grained, massive gabbro and diorite grey sandstone and pillow lava; felsic and mafic D:g Pennsylvanian (Blackwood et al., 1984) volcanic rocks are commonly interlayered; local, volcanic clast-rich, cobble conglomerate (comp. Gummy Brook gabbro Howley Formation SD:rs Red and grey, micaceous sandstone and conglomerate (possibly equivalent to the Botwood Group) (comp. Dickson, 2000c) Medium-grained equigranular gabbro sills; minor dark Grey to red sandstone, pebble-cobble conglomerate and Big Round Pond Granite Evans et al., 1994a) grey diorite sheets; coarse-grained glomeracrystic P:H siltstone, black carbonaceous shale, minor bituminous Massive, medium-grained, biotite granite (Jayasinghe, D:BR Western Head Granite mO:G gabbro and diabase (in places cutting epidotized and coal (Hyde, 1982) 1978) saussuritized gabbro); pretectonic relative to structures Buff, black and white, medium-grained, equigranular, Botwood Group in the Exploits Subzone (O'Brien, 2001b) locally foliated, biotite hornblende granodiorite, Mississippian to Pennsylvanian Sedimentary rocks at La Hune Bay Subaerial mafic and felsic flows and pyroclastic rocks, eS:W and shallow marine to subaerial, red, green and grey containing cognate xenoliths of diorite; unseparated Red and grey conglomerate, sandstone, shale, siltstone S:B Thwart Island gabbro B:s Weakly cleaved, calcareous siltstone and sandstone with sandstone, siltstone, shale, and minor conglomerate septae of Roti Intrusive Suite (O'Brien, 1990b) and minor limestone (Kean et al., 1994b) lenses of carbonate, overlying fractured, carbonate- (comp. Williams et al., 1985) Layered or massive, medium- to coarse-grained, lD:H cemented rubble zone in granite; caliche-like zone mO:H hornblende-pyroxene gabbro sills (comp. Dickson et al., Gull Pond Ridge pluton Late Devonian to Mississippian containing pebbles and boulders of granite (comp. 2000; comp. Dickson, 2000c) Dickson et al., 1996b) Dolland Pond formation Light brown to pale reddish brown, medium-grained Deer Lake Group eS:G hornblende +/- biotite monzonite, pyroxene-hornblende Thin- to medium-bedded, moderately cleaved, dark Red and grey conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and greenish-grey sandstone, siltstone, shale and polymict diorite, and leucogabbro (Hibbard, 1983) Ebbegunbaeg Hill granite M:D mudstone; grey calcareous dolostone and dolomitic Great Bay de l'Eau Formation pebble conglomerate; minor thick-bedded, subangular, Lineated or foliated, fine- to medium-grained, limestone, with some oil shale (Williams et al., 1985) S:DP Red, purple and buff, pebble to boulder conglomerate; polymict, cobble conglomerate; metamorphosed in the Star Lake intrusive suite mO:E equigranular biotite granite (Colman-Sadd and Swinden, lD:G minor green conglomerate and red and black shale; grey 1989) lower greenschist facies (Colman-Sadd and Swinden, Slightly to moderately foliated granite and minor mafic sills and flows; local hornfels (O'Brien, 1998) Shanadithit Formation 1989; Dickson, 1990c) granodiorite intrusions ranging from subsolvus Poorly indurated, red and grey sandstone and eS:R muscovite-garnet granite, through metaluminous and Great Burnt Lake granite Mi:S conglomerate; minor limestone and siltstone (Whalen, Pools Cove Formation Dolman Cove Belt peraluminous compositions, to peralkaline arfvedsonite Strongly foliated or mylonitic, pink to white, mostly 1993a) Buff, pink and red, pebble and boulder conglomerate and Felsic volcanic rocks, principally fine-grained, felsic granite (comp. Whalen, 1993a) D:PC mO:BL megacrystic, biotite granite (comp. Colman-Sadd et al., arkosic sandstone (comp. O'Brien, 1998) pyroclastic rocks and felsic to intermediate schist, but 1992) Anguille Group (Deer Lake Basin) also including rhyolite, welded tuff, agglomerate, felsite, Topsails Igneous Suite Grey and red sandstone, conglomerate, black and grey Cinq Isles Formation and tuffaceous metagreywacke; lesser amounts of mafic Granite, granodiorite, syenite and gabbro, including S:D Medium-grained, biotite-muscovite granite and shale, minor dolostone and limestone, deposited in Red micaceous sandstone, red and grey quartz-pebble metavolcanic rocks, amphibolite, metagreywacke, eS:T peralkaline intrusions, and lesser volcanic rocks (comp. mO:g DB:Ad metasiltstone, semipelitic schist, conglomerate, and pegmatitic, garnetiferous, muscovite granite (comp. lacustrine and fluviatile environments (Williams et al., D:C conglomerate, red shale, and red and grey limestone Whalen and Currie, 1988) injection gneiss (comp. Chorlton, 1980a; comp. Colman-Sadd and Russell, 1988) 1985) (O'Brien, 1998) Chorlton, 1980b) Donamagon Granite Through Hill Granite Devonian to Carboniferous Early to Middle Devonian Medium- to coarse-grained, pink, biotite granite La Poile Group eS:D Garnet-tourmaline-muscovite pegmatitic granite Gander Lake Granite Ocean Pond Granite (Hibbard, 1983) mO:TH Massive to stratified quartz-feldspar crystal tuff; bedded (Colman-Sadd, 1985a) Massive, grey to white, K-Feldspar megacrystic, Partly synmetamorphic, leucocratic, garnetiferous, lithic tuff and agglomerate; massive to flow-banded D:E medium- to coarse-grained, biotite granite (comp. muscovite-tourmaline granite (O'Neill, 1991a) rhyolite and welded tuff; minor breccia; quartz-rich, Flatwater Pond Group D:G Lewaseechjeech Brook plutonic suite O'Neill and Colman-Sadd, 1993; comp. O'Brien et al., S:L cross- and planar-bedded sandstone; conglomerate, grit, Pillow lava, pillow breccia, and diabase dykes and sills; 1991) tuffaceous wacke, slate and argillite; schistose to Massive to foliated, equigranular or porphyritic, biotite- Early Devonian eS:F mafic and felsic volcaniclastic rocks; black slate and hornfelsic equivalents (comp. O'Brien and O'Brien, mO:L hornblende granodiorite and tonalite (comp. Whalen, boulder conglomerate (comp. Hibbard, 1983) Indian Point granite 1989) 1993a) Terra Nova Granite Red to orange, medium-grained, pink to eD:P Mainly massive, pink, medium to mainly coarse- orange,leucocratic biotite granite (O'Brien, 1998) Burlington Granodiorite grained, K-feldspar porphyritic to equigranular Springdale Group D:TN Mainly light grey to greenish grey, medium-grained, biotite+/- hornblende granite, rare aplite (comp. Subaerial felsic, intermediate and mafic flows and eS:BU hornblende-biotite granodiorite and quartz diorite; minor O'Brien et al., 1991) Feldspar porphyry and tonalitic to granitic intrusions pyroclastic rocks; fluviatile red sandstone, conglomerate eD:c S:S related monzonitic and granitic phases (Hibbard, 1983) (comp. Currie and Williams, 1995) and shale; felsic and intermediate subvolcanic intrusive rocks (comp. Williams et al., 1985; comp. Coyle, 1992) Maccles Lake Granite Glover Island Granodiorite Loon Bay batholith Mainly massive, medium to coarse grained, feldspar Foliated, white to beige, medium-grained, equigranular, Massive, medium-grained tonalite to granodiorite and Indian Islands Group DB:ML porphyritic or megacrystic biotite granite (comp. biotite-amphibole granodiorite with minor granite, foliated biotite-hornblende diorite; marginal phase of eS:GI Blackwood et al., 1984; comp. O'Brien et al., 1991) eD:B Grey calcareous siltstone with local fossiliferous gabbro and diorite (comp. Cawood and van Gool, 1998; biotite tonalite to granodiorite with prominent anhedral limestone lenses, overlain