Final Legend Central FEB 2013
Pleistocene Early Devonian to Pennsylvanian Cape St. John Group Middle to Late Ordovician SD:mc Quartz gabbro, diabase (Chorlton, 1980a) Surficial deposits Bimodal sequence of mainly rhyolitic and trachytic ash Red-brown, grey and buff, very thick-bedded, polymict Massive to moderately foliated granodiorite and minor DB:c flow tuffs, flows and agglomerates, and dark green to sandstone, conglomerate and breccia; minor black shale O:g tonalite. with many small mafic to ultramafic fragments Q:u Unconsolidated sediments (comp. various sources) purplish mafic flows and pyroclastic rocks; includes (comp. Dickson, 1996a) Fine- and medium-grained, pink biotite- and muscovite- (Whalen and Currie, 1988) SD:n eS:C subordinate andesitic to dacitic flows and pyroclastic bearing, two-feldspar leucogranite; local pegmatite and a rocks, cross-bedded sandstone, and conglomerate; Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Early to Late Devonian single exposure of a tuffisite dyke (comp. Chorlton and metamorphosed in the greenschist and amphibolite Granby Island Formation Dildo Pond pluton Overflow Pond Granite Knight, 1983) Dark grey to black slate, argillite, and greywacke; minor facies (Williams et al., 1985) O:GY Pegmatitic, biotite-titanaugite gabbro (comp. Currie, Coarse-grained, locally garnetiferous, two-mica granite boulder conglomerate (Hibbard, 1983) JK:D D:O 1995a) (Evans et al., 1994a) Piccaire granite Charles Lake volcanic rocks Pink, equigranular, medium-grained, biotite granite SD:PI Quartz - feldspar porphyritic, flow-layered, pink to Middle Ordovician
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