EU Case Law Outline Spring 2014 Tommaso Pavone (
[email protected]) Note: All page references are from: Craig, Paul, and Grainne de Burca. 2011. EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials (5th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Further, particularly foundational cases are underlined. This is a personal subjective selection, and not one that is necessarily in accordance with the analysis provided by the above text. I. Direct Effect Van Gend en Loos (1963), pg. 183 Full reference: Case 26/62 NV Algemene Transporten Expeditie Onderneming van Gend en Loos v. Nederlandse Administratie der Belastingen [1963], ECR 1. Summary: Van Gend en Loos, a postal and transportation company, imported chemicals from Germany into the Netherlands, and was charged an import duty that had been raised since the entry into effect of the Treaty of Rome. Van Gend paid the tariff but then sought reimbursement in court (before the Dutch Tariefcommissie), alleging violation of Article 12 of the Treaty of Rome which prohibits new tariffs or customs on imports and exports being promulgated in addition to those already in place at the time of the Treaty of Rome’s ratification. The Dutch Tariefcommissie sought a preliminary ruling from the ECJ regarding whether Article 12 of the Treaty of Rome directly applicable within member state territories, such that nationals of the states could leverage EEC law in domestic cases. The ECJ argued that based on the spirit and wording of the Treaty of Rome, EEC law was indeed directly effective in national legal orders. It argued