Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper MUSicirAl (XE111111ESS No. 288 (NEW SERIES) EVERY FRIDAY PRICE 6d. JULY 18, 1952 Top left : US singer GuyMitchell,who arrived herethis week to open at the London Palladium, for a fortnight from Mondaynext.Top right: Mike Daniels' Band serenades Tower Bridge, in the first of the fortnightly " Rhythm on the River " trips last Sunday. Centre right: Happyopening of Ivor Kirchin's Man- hattan Club.(1. to r. seated)CabKaye, Phil Moore, Ivor Kir- chin. Standing, Jimmy Walker and Benny Lee. Bottom left: French nation- als celebrate July 14 inappropriatecos- tumeat Chelsea Town Hall.Bottom right:Luscious MarionDavis, who can be heard singing everyFridaynight withAmbrose and his Orchestra. 2 THE NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS formation to NME readers, par- ticularly in Yorkshire. The Palace Cinema,Heck- mondwike,arepresenting on Deal Sift August 1 and 2, a Republic Pic- ELL,ALL WRITE! ture which should be of great interest to jazz and pop fans tErrERs TO THE EDITOR 40 Foreign Orchestras and Musi-attempt cut everybody's throat,alike. cians.Jazz Concerts-June 28their own included. The title is "Chance of Heart"and exciting proposition to me.one way of doing it-if enough and 30. One such critic -cum -compereand features the bands of Count If the experiments come off,people joined in the Bunyard THANK you for publishing theof a well-known West End jazzBasie, Ray McKinley andthen everyone will jump on theProtest Movement, but person- statement we prepared. Ihaunt (in this case a modernFreddy Martin, with specialitiesband waggon to shout " I toldally I think the only way is for could spend a lot of time com-one)brought dawn from theby The Golden Gate Quartetyou so ".
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