Talent Development & Excellence
October 2013 Talent Development & Excellence Guest Editors: Mimi Wellisch & Marion Porath Official Journal of the Editor-in-Chief: Albert Ziegler Associate Editors: Bettina Harder Jiannong Shi Wilma Vialle This journal Talent Development and Excellence is the official scholarly peer reviewed journal of the International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE). The articles contain original research or theory on talent development, expertise, innovation, or excellence. The Journal is currently published twice annually. All published articles are assessed by a blind refereeing process and reviewed by at least two independent referees. Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Albert Ziegler, University of Erlangen- Nuremberg, Germany. Manuscripts can be submitted electronically to Editor@iratde.org. Editor-in-Chief: Albert Ziegler, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Associate Editors: Bettina Harder, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Jiannong Shi, Academy of Sciences, Beijng, China Wilma, Vialle, University of Wollongong, Australia International Advisory Board: Ai-Girl Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Barbara Schober, University of Vienna, Austria Carmen M. Cretu, University of IASI, Romania Elena Grigorenko, Yale University, USA Hans Gruber, University of Regensburg, Germany Ivan Ferbežer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Javier Tourón, University of Navarra, Spain Mantak Yuen, University of Hong Kong, P.R. China Marion Porath, University of British Columbia, Canada Osamah Maajeeni, King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi- Arabia Peter Merrotsy, University of New England, Australia Petri Nokelainen, University of Tampere, Finland Robert Sternberg, Tufts University, USA Wilma Vialle, University of Wollongong, Australia Wolfgang Schneider, University of Würzburg, Germany Impressum: V.i.S.d.P.: Albert Ziegler, St.Veit-Str. 25, 81673 München, Germany Talent Development & Excellence Volume 5 Number 2 2013 Contents Special Issue: The Elusive Search for the Gifted Personality Guest Editorial 1 M.
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