School Details (including Oversubscriptions) SECTION 6 79 80 Addresses of First and Primary Schools in Northumberland The addresses of schools are listed by school partnership. All First Schools in Northumberland take children from age 4 (reception year) to age 9 (national curriculum year 4). All Primary Schools take children from age 4 (reception year) to age 11 (national curriculum year 6). Some schools have made arrangements to take in younger children (eg from 2 year’s old). A school’s details are entered like this: Category of School/Admission Authority: Name of School – if the Community (Comm), County Council school has a religious (CC) Voluntary Aided (VA) Governing character this will be Body (GB), Voluntary Controlled shown as part of its name Admission No: (VC), Trust and Academy. The maximum number of children who will be offered a place in the reception class in September Feeder Schools Swansfield Park Primary School (2015) C Feeder Schools: The Avenue, Alnwick NE66 1UL O m The Duchess’s Community High Email :
[email protected] m Tel: 01665 602267 / C Admission No: 45 C *Pre/After School Provision: (Both) (Breakfast Club) (After School Activities) * Please contact the school for further details. Links to the Web pages for all schools can be found at: 81 Schools in the Alnwick Area Swansfield Park Primary School (2015) C Feeder Schools: The Avenue, Alnwick NE66 1UL