Cotton Ginners Handbook W.S
^%SH Av. s United States Department of Agriculture Cotton Ginners Agricultural Research Service Handbook Agricultural Handbook Number 503 December 1994 c^ •t>c: en„JO en: 2Sm cnC >2 1 A .LÎBRAR T3 en "■-" ¡ir"!) _j -c Cotton Ginners Handbook W.S. Anthony and William D. Mayfield, Managing Editors AJBSTRâCT Anthony, W.S., and William D. Mayfield, eds. 1994. Cotton Ginners Hand- book, rev. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Handbook 503, 348 pp. he principal function of the cotton gin is to separate lint from seed, but the gin must also be equipped to remove foreign matter, mois- ture, and other contaminants that significantly reduce the value of the ginned lint. Gins must produce a quality of lint that brings the grower maximum value while meeting the demands of the spinner and consumer. Operating gin machinery in accordance with the recommended speeds, adjustments, maintenance, and throughput rates will produce the highest possible fiber quality. A standardized sequence that includes dryers to obtain the proper moisture level as well as machines to remove the foreign matter is recommended for processing cotton at the gin. This publication addresses the key ginning issues concerned with facilities, machinery, cleaning, ginning, drying, packaging, and waste collection and disposal as well as ancillary issues concerned with pollution, management, economics, energy, insurance, safety, cotton classification, and textile machinery. Kejnvords: Ginning, machinery, cleaning, packaging, pollution, textile, management, economics, moisture, heating, cotton, drying, safety, insur- ance, cotton classification, saw ginning, and roller ginning. Trade names are used in this publication solely for the purpose of providing specific information.
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