Jamestown Journal email:
[email protected] Circulation 1600 Vol 27. No. 1. $20,000 AVAILABLE FOR COMMUNITY PROJECTS Due to the outstanding success of the 2017 Ram & Ewe Ball, the committee, in partnership with Apex Jamestown, has $20,000 to give away to local community projects. The Ram and Ewe Ball was started in 2007 with the idea of bringing young people together, reducing social isolation by encouraging networking, and providing an opportunity for people to meet in a rural location. The funds raised by the ball have been donated to various charities and community projects over the last 10 years. In early 2017 we donated to local projects including swimming pool accessibil- ity upgrades, Bowling Club grounds improvements, Diggers Walk Signage, Wig Library, Railway Mu- seum upkeep, JPFNC canteen upgrade, Lions Catering Van and relocating the Canon to Memorial Park. We are very eager to continue this in 2018. We welcome you to send your submissions via email to ramnewe-
[email protected], or by post to PO Box 349, Jamestown. Submissions must include the name of your organisation/community group, amount of money requested and what the money will go towards. Submissions close on 12th March 2018. The Ram and Ewe Ball donation contributed towards the Jamestown Lions Club new Catering Van which has replaced the old van pictured FOR SALE - 6952 RM WILLIAMS WAY JAMESTOWN FOR RENT - 6 CRONIN ST JAMESTOWN 177 ACRES, STONE HOME & SHEDDING - $495,000 NEAT & TIDY - $200 PER WEEK • Located 4kms north of town, well setup for livestock • Recently