Creative Employment Programme Case Study Consortium

London Theatre Consortium (LTC) is a consortium of 13 of London’s leading producing : , Arts Centre, , , Theatre, Theatre, Lyric , , , Theatre Royal Stratford East, Tricycle Theatre, and .

Aims and objectives

The LTC works collaboratively on cross- in terms of growth and economic consortium projects that are beyond the Key facts development. However, we are failing to tap capacity of a single organisation to deliver. into a huge pool of talent by operating a The aims of the Creative Employment CEP grant awarded: £38,000 for 38 ‘traditional’ recruitment pipeline - ‘university, Programme resonated strongly with the apprentices unpaid internship, entry level job’. leaders of the LTC theatres who saw the programme as a chance to affect long-term Size of : Theatres range If we continue to recruit and train in the ways change in recruitment and staff development from 5 – 60 staff members we always have, the demographic make up of practices, and help to address the lack of Located in Greater London our workforces will remain the same. This will diversity in London’s theatre sector. Emma have a negative impact on our programming, Rees, Senior Coordinator, LTC, explains: Art form: Theatre our artistic and creative development, and mean that we fail to serve the communities “The cultural sector is a real UK success story in which we are based.” Funding the jobs Working together

Securing CEP funding helped the consortium Recruitment was an area where a consortium “We've seen our apprentice to unlock total funding of over £500,000 over approach was hugely beneficial. Recruiting 21 flourish and grow, both in her two years. Alongside CEP and National apprentices together allowed the LTC to take “ Apprenticeships Service grants the LTC had a creative and exciting approach, reaching confidence and in her skills as central funds available so could commit a wider networks. The theatres held four a member of the team." substantial sum to the programme to part recruitment Open Days, ran Assessment Days subsidise each theatre’s contribution to the as participatory workshops, and held panel salary costs. This enabled the LTC to pay all interviews. the apprentices adult national minimum wage, in order to remove financial barriers This collaborative approach has continued and enable young people from less with line managers from across the Learning from the experience” economically advantaged backgrounds to consortium meeting regularly to share apply. techniques, best practice and ideas. The Emma Rees, Senior Coordinator, LTC, advices apprentices also have access to people across others who are thinking about applying to the the LTC as mentors. College training has been CEP to have clear aims and strong partners: co-delivered with LeSoCo and LTC staff members have led specialist sessions, to “Early investment from the partners was “Having an apprentice brings ensure training reflects work-place realities integral to our success. Before applying as a and teaches employment-ready skills. “life to our team.” consortium we had to really interrogate what Lyric Hammersmith we hoped to achieve and why. Clarity around this shared commitment has been key, as has ” the collegiate approach and having LTC’s existing structure, resources and ability to Creative & Cultural Skills gives young The Creative Employment Programme is coordinate.” people opportunities to work and learn in a £15m fund provided by Arts Council the creative industries. We want to ensure England to support the creation of “The team at Creative & Cultural Skills were that employers benefit from a skilled traineeships, formal apprenticeship and tremendously helpful when we were putting generation of talent and continue on a paid internship opportunities in England our application together and continue to give course of economic growth. for young unemployed people aged 16-24 a fantastic level of support. The application wishing to pursue a career in the arts and process was fast and easy. It certainly made Our network of industry and education cultural sector. it easier to apply as a consortium and this has supporters – the National Skills academy for helped enormously with recruitment and Creative & Cultural – is open to those who Positions created will be in a wide range of delivery.” are committed to the provision of high disciplines, from technical to quality creative education and training, administrative roles, provided they are “Apprentices are learning a huge amount but apprenticeships and careers advice. located in England and fall within the Arts they are also bringing new perspectives into Council England’s footprint of: Music, our organisations. We know that some of the Together we‘ve created over 3,500 Creative Dance, Theatre, Literature, Visual Arts, apprentices we are working with now will be Apprenticeships in the UK since 2008. Contemporary Craft, Combined Arts, in senior positions in the theatre sector in the Creative & Cultural Skills is the National Carnival, Circus, Galleries, Museums, and future – they really are that !” Provider for the Creative Employment Libraries. Programme. Visit for Visit for more more information. information.

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