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The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Campus Archives University of Maine Publications Spring 4-14-2014 Maine Campus April 14 2014 Maine Campus Staff Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Staff, Maine Campus, "Maine Campus April 14 2014" (2014). Maine Campus Archives. 5200. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Campus Archives by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FREE Monday, April 14, 2014 • Vol. 132, No 21 The Maine Campus Pride Week 2014 celebrations Editorial: Campus sustainability Baseball back on track with 4-1 stretch Events celebrate LGBT equality Page A12 Efforts should prioritize fscal responsibility Page A6 UML sweep highlight of recent success Page B1 President Ferguson’s Entrepreneurs Sustainability Council compete for Steps that are being taken, need to be taken for sustainable campus Cameron Paquette cash at Big Gig News Editor Danielle Walczak that infusing vodka is the Sustainability is a word Staff Writer future of the alcoholic bev- that has been thrown around erage. a lot in the last fve years. Northern Maine Distill- The Big Wigs shared Global awareness of hu- ing Company was tipping their opinions between manity’s effect on the en- its glasses Tuesday night pitches. The panel fea- vironment, as well as the after winning $1,000 as tured Susan MacKay from realization of just how fnite contestants in the Big Gig Cerahelix; investor Don Earth’s resources are in the Pitch-Off held in the Foster Gooding from the Maine face of an ever rising popu- Center for Student Innova- Center for Entrepreneurial lation has led the world’s tion at the University of Development; and Jay For- best minds to fnd ways to Maine. tier from University Credit reduce humanity’s collec- Big Gig, a collaborative Union. UCU donated the tive impact. effort among the towns of prize money. However, some of the Orono and Old Town, The After Jewell’s pitch technology that has been University of Maine, Hus- came Thick & Thin De- associated with “going son University and Black- signs’ talk. The cupcake green” and the sustainability stone Accelerate Growth, topper-makers decided to movement are expensive. promotes networking start their venture after A recent example would among innovators and en- making back their initial be the VolturnUS offshore trepreneurs in the greater investment in two weeks windmills being developed Bangor area and Maine. from online buyers. at the Advanced Structures The Pitch-Off was a fina- As a teaching assistant and Composites center. Al- Cameron Paquette - News Editor le networking event where in the New Media pro- though there are benefts to A 25 ton compressor on top of Barrows Hall. three new entrepreneurs gram, Josh Carney, works be had down the road, the competed for a cash prize with the laser printer at the money that needs to be in- on their capstone projects. test goes well, it could be directly back to the fund for by pitching their product to IMRC. The idea for a zom- vested is signifcant. In the One of these projects is a implemented campus wide future projects. a panel of three “big wigs.” bie cut-out came when he midst of the current budget mini-twin heat pump that is under the Green Loan Fund. Harvey, who is also the To make it to the Pitch-Off wanted to practice what the worries that the University smaller than conventional The Green Loan Fund is executive director of facili- each entrepreneurial team IMRC’s value of commer- of Maine System is facing, heat pumps and has an ef- a fnancial partnership be- ties management on campus won a similar event in the cialization he preached. it’s important to focus on fciency rate of 300 percent, tween the Orono campus as well as being on Presi- past months sending them What started out as poten- ways to both save money all while acting as a heater and the University of Maine dent Ferguson’s council, is to the final. Event attend- tial game pieces turned into and be sustainable. or air-conditioner depending System that is designed to excited by the prospect of ees voted to choose the cupcake toppers. This is the purpose of on the need. support faculty, staff and student led innovation. winner. “We’ve had nothing President Ferguson’s Coun- Labrecque hopes that the student-led projects to im- “[The heat pump cap- UMaine alumna Chris- but positive feedback. We cil on Sustainability. council, with the input of prove the environmental stone] is just a small ex- tine Carney and her hus- found a niche market; we friend and colleague Stew- sustainability of campus ample of a project that came band John, an intermedia aren’t trying to compete “Arguing about climate art Harvey, can “lead change facilities and operations. to us,” Harvey said. “We’re M.F.A. student, presented with China. We’re trying change is superfuous. De- for all institutions across the Each potential idea is put working on all kinds of proj- their cupcake topper busi- to be new and innovative,” termining what solutions state.” through a rigorous energy ects, but we’re also prepared ness: Thick & Thin De- Christine Carney said. are viable is paramount.” One of these super ef- savings analysis to deter- for the projects that come to signs. Other contestants Thick and Thin Designs Jim Labrecque is the fcient heat pumps is cur- mine how realistic and vi- us, and we understand and were Bruce and Kathy have been featured on owner of Flexware Control rently being installed in the able the project is, with total see the value in the fact that Chamberlain of Monroe- BuzzFeed and in the Wall Technology and is an ad- UMaine Facilities Manage- cost, savings and turnaround this is a student based proj- based Stone Fox Farm Street Journal. Because visor to mechanical engi- ment building as a way of time also considered. Any Creamery and Jessica Jew- most of their business is neering students working testing its effciency. If the savings from the project go See Campus Energy on A5 ell of Northern Maine Dis- done for clients out of tilling Co. state, the Carneys are ex- Couples and food were cited to bring their money the themes uniting the con- to Maine. testants, along with the pos- Jesse Moriarity, an event Relay for Life held in sibility of winning $1000. organizer and coordinator The winner, Jewell and her at the Innovation Center, husband created award- is excited about Big Gig’s winning Twenty 2 Vodka to growth. New Balance Rec Center revolutionize the way peo- What started two years ple look at flavored vodka. ago as a networking event The vodka is neutral, en- has grown into a launch Jocelyn Nerney Recreation Center. year new media and mass thing, and that’s cancer.” couraging infusion. pad for new entrepreneurs. For The Maine Campus “The main goal of Re- communications student The theme of this In her pitch, Jewell ex- According to Moriarity lay for Life is to bring and co-chair for the Col- year’s Relay for Life was plained how diverse her the first Pitch-Off event in On Friday, April 11 community and campus leges Against Cancer celebrating the American product is — flavors can the series had 40 people, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., members together to cel- group. “Though we do Cancer Society’s 100th range from strawberry to around 100 attended the the University of Maine’s ebrate the survivors we push fundraising to raise birthday, so the Rec Cen- McDonald’s French fries, Pitch-Off final Tuesday. Colleges Against Cancer, have, remember the ones money, the event is re- ter felt like one big party she said. Bruce Chamberlain had associated with the Amer- that we have lost to cancer, ally about creating aware- with energetic music, bal- Northern Maine Distill- the final pitch of the night. ican Cancer Society, host- and to fight back against ness and bringing a group loons, streamers and party ing Co. prides itself on be- When he and his wife, ed Relay for Life 2014 in this awful disease,” said of people together that hats everywhere. Although ing made from corn rather Kathy retired they wanted the New Balance Student Sarah Robinson, a fourth- are all connected by one the atmosphere was up- than potato, being gluten a project. Their project, beat and fun, there was a free and micro distilled. however, turned into a year serious undertone because The vodka, with zero addi- round business. everyone was there, unit- tives, challenges flavored With 40 scoop shops ed for a cause: to fight a vodkas such as Pinnacle, and a “mobile cone,” Stone horrible disease. which are flavored with ar- Fox Farm Creamery prides There were activities tificial chemicals. itself on using local ingre- going on every hour, in- As Jewell mentioned dients and supporting local cluding trivia, Twister, in her pitch, if you have farmers. All with the major dodgeball and live music strawberry flavored vodka criteria: “It had to be fun.” from The Trendy Robots. it should be bright red, not The duo wants to expand Event sponsors such as clear. to 60 scoop shops, adding Dunkin’ Donuts and Han- Jewell prides herself on a second mobile vehicle in naford provided coffee, trailblazing “instead of be- the next year.