This Holy Seed
This Holy Seed THIS HOLY SEED Robin Daniel As often as you mow us down, the more numerous do we become: The blood of the Christians is seed. For who, when he sees our obstinacy “There is hope for a tree. is not stirred up to find its cause? If it is cut down, it will sprout again, Who, when he has enquired, and its new shoots will not fail.” does not then join our Faith? And who, when he has joined us, “Like a terebinth or an oak, does not desire to suffer, whose stump remains standing when it is felled. That he may gain the whole grace of God? The holy seed is its stump.” 1 Job 14:7; Isaiah 6:13 Tertullian Despite the fiercest opposition, the terror of the greatest persecutions, FOR MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Christians have held with unswerving faith HEIRS TO THE SAINTS AND THE MARTYRS. to the belief that Christ has risen, that all men will rise in the age to come, and that the body will live forever. And this belief, proclaimed without fear, has yielded a harvest throughout the world, 2nd edition, 2009 and all the more when the martyrs’ blood ISBN: 978 0 9538565 3 4 Produced in this format by Tamarisk Publications, 2014 was the seed they sowed. email: 2 Augustine Text and maps © Robin Daniel, 1992, 2009 Also available in French as L’héritage chrétien en Afrique du Nord (Editions Tamaris, 2008) and in Arabic as (Dar Manhal al Hayat, Beirut, 1999).
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