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Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara

Universitas Sumatera Utara AUTHOR‟S DECLARATION


Signed :

Date : 02 September 2020


Universitas Sumatera Utara










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Alhamdulillah, all praise to Allah SWT who always gives me blessing, power, strenght and love in my entire life and in terms of my study, especially in completing this thesis as one of the requirements to get a first degree from

English Department, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of

Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S, The Head of English

Departement, Prof.T. Silvana Sinar, M.,Ph.D, and the secretary of English

Department, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A.,Ph.D, and to all the lecturers of

English Department for all assistances, valuable, knowledge and facilities during my academic year.

My sicere gratitudes go to my Supervisor, Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,

M.A.,Ph.D and my Co-Supervisor, Dian Marisha Putri, S.S.,M.Si who have given me a considerable amount contribution of knowledge, spare their valuable time to comment, encourage, and guide me in finishing this thesis.

To my family, especially my mother is Hj.Sariani.Amdkeb.SKM.M.Kes and my father is H.Drs.Paraduan Tanjung. I want to say thank for their supports, advice, love in my days, who have taught me to be always patient and their prayers to make me a better person to everybody. Thanks to my beloved uncle,

Ibarahim Siregar.S.Pd.M.Si for your support and advice who always make me feel calm and always ready for help me when I need your help all the time. And I also Thankyou for my mother in law is Elfi Herianti Lubis.SKM who has accompanied from the proposal examination to the final examination.


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To all my friends, thank you for their understanding and encouragement in many precious moments, especially to my closest friend who have always loyally supported my activities.

In writing this thesis, I realized that this thesis is far from being perfect though I have done my best, so I hope suggestion for this thesis. Without any helps and support from all parties, this thesis would not be completed. Finally, I expect this thesis would be useful for the readers in the future.

Medan, 03 September 2020 The Researcher



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This study investigates the application of Critical Discourse Analysis to Narenda Modi speech Maan Ki Baat. In this study, the focus is on the text structure and the ideology that represented in the speech. The theory used is Van Dijk‟s text structure model which concentrates on the three elements of text structures; macrostructures, superstructures, and microstructures. The discourses are from the speech of NarendaModi. The research was qualitative research using the critical discourse analysis to analyze the data. The data were analyzed through Van Dijk‟s text structure model. All discourse on the speech of Narenda Modi chosen as the data. The data collected from v=oEB5RnaDZmE. This study has revealed that, first the macrostructure of three speeches is about the Prime Minister NarendraModi asked Indians to stay more vigilant than ever against the threat of COVID-19. Second, superstructure of three speeches gives the information about the condition of Indian and poor people against the effect of covid-19 and his recommendation to people in following the protocol during the pandemic period. Third, microstructure of three speeches shows that Modi wants to give the good image in his speech, so that the positive word used in the speech. Then, the ideology that represented in the text is socialism.

Keywords; critical discourse, speech, covid-19, van dijk, socialism.


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AUTHOR DECLARATION ...... v COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT...... vii ABSTRACT ...... viii ABSTRAK ...... ix TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 7 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 7 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 7 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Discourse Analysis ...... 9 2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis ...... 10 2.3 Van Dijk Theory ...... 11 2.3.1 Macrostructure ...... 12 2.3.2 Superstructure ...... 12 2.3.3 Microstructure ...... 12 2.4 Ideology ...... 14 2.4.1 Ideology in the World ...... 16 Liberalism ...... 16 Capitalism ...... 16 Communism ...... 16 Nationalism ...... 17 Socialism ...... 17 Marxism ...... 17 Feminism ...... 17 2.5 NarendaModi‟s Mann Ki Baat ...... 18

CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Method ...... 20 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 20 3.3 Data Collecting Method ...... 21 3.4 Data Analysis Method ...... 21

CHAPTER IV FINDINGAND DISCUSSION ...... 22 4.1 Findingsand Discussion ...... 22 4.1.1 MacrostructureAnalysis ...... 22 4.1.2 SuperstructureAnalysis ...... 23 4.1.3 Microstructure Analysis ...... 25


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4.1.4 IdeologyAnalysis ...... 31 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ANDSUGGESTION ...... 33 5.1 Conclusion ...... 33 5.2 Suggestion ...... 34



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This chapter tells about the background of the research such as the reason why the writer chooses the topic in the study, formulation of the problems, objectives of the study, scope of the studyand significance of the study in theoretically and practically.

1.1 Background of theStudy

Nowadays all people in the world face the new pandemic since December

2019. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.

Most of countries in the world are worrying with the virus threat.

WHO is gathering the latest international multilingual scientific findings and knowledge on COVID-19. The global literature cited in the WHO COVID-

19 database is updated daily (Monday through Friday) from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and the addition of other expert-referred scientific articles. This database represents a comprehensive multilingual source of current literature on the topic. While it may not be exhaustive, new research is added regularly.

This strategic preparedness and response plan outlines the public health measures that the international community stands ready to provide to support all countries to prepare for and respond to COVID-19. The document takes what we have learned so far about the virus and translates that knowledge into strategic


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action that can guide the efforts of all national and international partners when developing context-specific national and regional operational plans.

A language is a structured system of communication used as tool to increase and foster the people awareness by giving them some speeches or counseling about this pandemic. We know that language, in a broader sense, is the method of communication that involves the use of – particularly human – languages. There are two ways of realizing a communication, they are directly and indirectlycommunication. Directly communication means that there is no barrier between the speakers and listeners. In other word, it can be said as spoken language. Brown and Yule (1983) states that spoken language is a form of communication from one person to another, which the speaker is produces with

„voice quality‟ effects, such as facial expression, postural and gestural systems.

One example of spoken language is face-to-face conversation by people around us. While communication indirectly means there is something a bridge between the speakers and listeners (it can be said as written language). The written language means the representation of language by means of writing systems, such as grammar of English and punctuation (Brown and Yule,1983).

Recently days, the function of language is not only a tool communication but it can be used as a device to spread and defend the ideology of someone or group of people. As we know that a language reflected the personal attitude in interaction. In this case context of language is used to generate particular purposes, in other words to produce particular discourses. The conception of language always needs a discourse, so this can be said language as a form of socialpractice.


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Linguistic and social phenomena come from a part of language. Linguistic phenomena are social meanswhenever people speak, listen, write, or read they are determined socially and have social effects. Then, social phenomena are concerns with the language activity. They are social contexts, social processes and practices. So, it can be concluded that language has an important role in the social life includingit is a part of discourse, because discourse and social life is the unity.

The term of discourse has some definitions. In the study of language, discourse often refers to the speech patterns and usage of language, dialects, and acceptable statements, within a community. It is a good thing for subject of study who lives in isolated area and share similar speech conventions. Teun A. Van

Dijk is one of the theories of Critical Discourse Analysis that the theory is to analyze the underlying social practice of discourse. Critical Discourse Analysis

(CDA) is not only focus on linguistic elements, but also concern to the context behind the discourse. Therefore, CDA according to Van Dijk explained that the analysis of discourse not only based on the text analysis, but also examines how the text produced (Van Dijk, 2001).

The term Critical Linguistics (CL) or commonly called Critical Discourse

Analysis (CDA) is a term that concerns with language as social practice

(Fairclough and Wodak, 1997). Furthermore, CDA focuses only in the relationbetween language and power. Now, the term CDA is widely used for critical linguistic approach of scholars. CL and CDA concerned with structural relationships of dominance, discrimination, power and control as manifested in language (Wodak and Meyer, 2001).


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CDA is a critical perspective; it focuses on social problems, especially on the role of discourse in the production and reproduction of power abuse or domination (Wodak and Meyer, 2001). This is shows that CDA takes focus on dominated groups, which is takes the experiences, opinions of members of groups and supports the struggle for against inequality. CDA not only analyses the text from discourse. CDA takes the important role in our social life. The definition of CDA concerns with the ideology.

There are many approaches in the CDA. Each CDA‟s approaches have different meaning and mission. The former researcher also used different approaches of CDA for his/her research. CDA takes the problems from social discourse. CDA is not only criticizing the phenomena but also the ideology from discourse. It is can be called the power in discourse (Fairclough, 1989).

Discourse is so influential, it can help to produce and reproduce unequal power relations between different ethnicities, social classes, genders, ages, and certain groups. CDA is concerns with the relationship between language and power to influence people. It points out how Narenda Modi‟s Mann Ki Baat gives the motivation for his people. He is motivates the people through language of getting along and makes them ready face the pandemic in unity. Narendra

Damodardas born 17 September 1950 is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current Prime Minister of since 2014. He was the Chief Minister of

Gujarat from 2001 to 2014 and is the Member of Parliament for Varanasi. Modi is a member of the (BJP) and of the Rashtriya

Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist volunteer organisation. He is the first prime minister outside of the Indian National Congress to win two


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consecutive terms with a full majority and the second to complete five years in office after Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

Many investigators have been used CDA as main theory in their studies.

The first previous research entitled Political Discourse: A Critical Discourse

Analysis of President MuhammaduBuhari‟s Inaugural Speech by Sharndama

(2015). The article published in European Journal of English Language and

Linguistic Research Online Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 12-24. This article focused on the

Norman Fairclough‟s three-dimensional Analytical Models. The model was analysis description (text analysis), interpretation (processing/ analysis) and explanation (social practice and analysis). The data for analysis only used 28 paragraphs speech and this study used qualitative approach for doing analysis.

The aims of this study are uncover the ideologies underlying the speech, unveil the plans of President MuhammaduBuhari and strategies of sustaining power.

The result of this article declared that the content of the inaugural speech consist of appreciations and exposition of ideological plans in new and pastgovernment.

The second research entitled Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Luther

King‟s Speech in Socio-Political Perspective by Sipra (2013). This research analyzed the speech in social-political context. It is used basis of application of

Fairclough version of CDA in the first part of the text, which consists of 31 sentences. Fairclough 3D Model proposed by Norman Fairclough introduced three aspects for the critical analysis of any discourse or text. It is consists of text, socio-cultural practices and discursive practices in a society. By applyingFairclough 3D Model, this research investigates the textual/stylistic strategies and interpretation of relational, expressive values in the speech with


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special focus on wider socio-political and economic perspectives. This research analyzes the whole text based on three aspects in a broader macro and micro level; which are related to the analysis of linguistic choices (text), discourse practices in the back scene of that particular text and socio-cultural practices keeping in view particularly social, economic and political factors.

The third research entitled A Critical Discourse Analysis on Marty Natalegawa‟s

Speech on Meeting of the 5th Global Forum of United Nations Alliance of Civilizations by Marwan (2015). This research used three stages of analysis of critical discourse analysis. First stages is description, aims to elaborate the content and analysis by describing the text critically. Second is interpretation, aims to interpret the text which is correlated with discourse practice, process of production, and consumption of the text.

Third stage is explanation, aims to find the explanation from the result of interpretation

(second stage). This research has several objectives, which are to describe and reveal the discourse of the speech, relation and identity, and interpreting the production and the consumption of the text through discourse practice analysis, and to explain the sociocultural that exist in the text. The result of this research revealed that the minister

Marty Natalegawa used words, diction, phrase, clauses, and grammatical in order to show the representation of text. From discourse practice, this research found that the minister delivered a speech not only as formality, but also as an action of strategy for foreign policy.

From the previous studies above, the writer uses similar way for the using of

CDA approach as the useful tool to analyze other issue in the speech. The writer takes a recommendation from the journal article. The writer take a speech of NarendraModi as the object of the study. The writer uses CDA approach to analyze the speech with theory from Van Dijk. The theory is three elements of text structures: macrostructures, superstructures and microstructures. Moreover, the researcher uses analysis of ideology


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in the speech. This research focuses on the speech of English subtitle NarendaModi about Covid 19 in Mei 31 2020.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Based on the background above, the writer has some problems to be analyzed. The problems are as follows :

1. How are the structures of English subtitle from NarendraModispeeches?

2. What is the main ideology that represented in NarensdraModi


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are :

1. To describe the structure of the text: macrostructure, superstructure, and

microstructure in NarendraModispeeches.

2. To describe the main ideology that represented in NarendraModi


1.4 Scope of the Study

The scope of this research is focuses on analyzing the language used on

NarendraModi speeches using Van Dijk CDA model. The writer uses CDA theory proposed by Van Dijk which analyzing the text structure.

The limitation of this research is the writer only focus onthe speech of

English subtitle NarendraModi about Covid 19 in Mei 31 2020 in Mann Ki Batt.

Besides, this research analyzes the text structure of NarendraModi‟s speech and the ideology representation in thethree-speech texts. The reason why the writer put


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the speech is because of the issue as the topic in his speech. In addition, in order to get deep understanding for doing analysis. The text structure divided into three elements: macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure.


1.5 Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that this research can provide the contribution for the linguistic students to explore their insight about Critical Discourse Analysis theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study is supposed to be useful for anyone and give more understanding about the development of discourse analysis theories. Practically, this research can be input to the competent parties, with respect to increasing knowledge and the results of this study can contribute the understanding of discourse analysis of the speech of NarendaModi.


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This chapter describes the review of research and literature related with the topic. Literarily, this chapter supports the concepts and backgrounds in the previous chapter. It is describes how NarendraModi expressed his ideology through the speech and describes the structure of the text in NarendraModi‟s speech. This study mainly focused on the structure of text (macrostructures, superstructures, and microstructures) and the ideology that represented in the speech.

2.1 DiscourseAnalysis

Discourse is said as language use (based on language context). Brown and

Yule (1983) states that the analysis of language in use is not only limited to the textual analysis or the structure of a certain text, but it is also purposed to relate the language in use in social fields. Therefore, discourse is how the speaker uses language in order to inform intended information to therecipient.

According to Paltridge (2006), a discourse analysis concerns about knowledge of language, which is the language, consists of word, clause, phrase, and sentence. The language that people used in everyday life is a tool for successful communication. The term „discourse analysis‟ was first introduced by

Zellig Harris in 1952 as a way for connected speech and writing. Discourse analysis involves an analysis of the ways of discourses proceed, such as text and talk that constitute the social world. The discourse concerns about the language, but the text refers to images, film, etc. Then talk in social fields means that


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people needs a device for communicating each other, and people need a language.

2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a theory and method analyzing the way that individuals and institutions use language (Richardson, 2007).

Practically, CDA formed of discourse analysis that aims for addressing social problems. Critical is used in the special sense of aiming to show up connections that may be hidden from people such as the connections between language, power, strategies, and ideology (Fairclough,1989).

Critical discourse analysis offers not only a description and interpretation of discourses in social context, but also offers an explanation of why and how discourses work (Rogers, 2004). Van Dijk states that CDA focuses on the relation between discourse, power, dominance, and social inequality (Van Dijk,

1993). CDA addresses broader social issues, attends to external factors, including power, ideology, inequality and draws on the social philosophical theory to analyze and interpret written and spoken texts. Critical discourse analysis draws from work carried out in the area known as critical theory, which concentrates the social, cultural, economic, and political ways (Pennycook,

1997). A critical perspective on discourse analysis explores the connections between language use, social context, and political context in which it occurs. It does this in a way that deals critically with the norms and expectations of particular discourse communities, raises issues of social, economic and political concern, yet aims to provide students with the tools they need tosucceed.Van

Dijk states that the characteristic of critical discourse analysis divided into five


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parts (Eriyanto, 2012). First, action concerns that discourse is observed as the matter that its goal is to influence, to persuade, and to react. Second, context confirms that discourse considers the context such as background, situation, event, condition and all of matters outside of the text and other factors that influence the meanings of discourse such as language participants and the situation when the text is produced. It means that discourse should be interpreted in a certain situation and condition. Third, history places discourse in a specific social context and cannot be understood without concerning the attached context.

Fourth, power elaborates that discourse is a form of power fight. Fifth, ideology focuses on the text and conversation that is a form of ideologicalpractice.

2.3 Van DijkTheory

This theory is one of the simply to analyze a discourse. Its theory has the main point that connects three core dimensions of discourse, unity in one analysis. The three core dimensions of discourse are text structures, social cognition, and social context (Van Dijk,2009).

There are three main points of elements in Van Dijk theory, which are

Macrostructure, Superstructure, and Microstructure. First, the meaning of macrostructure is global or general from a text that more underline on the meaning, which can be observed by seeing at the topic and themes from a text.

Second, the meaning of superstructure is how a discourse framework being organized by conventional schemata. It refers to the way of text become a whole text with the good arrangements. Last, microstructure, in this level thereare several point to analyze that is by observing the semantics, syntax, stylistic and


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rhetoric aspects.

2.3.1 Macrostructure

Macrostructure can be said as thematic organization. The thematic organization of discourse plays a crucial role (Van Dijk, 1988). It can become a reference to identify the opinion of the writer. Macrostructure is the element to show the theme or main idea of the text (Van Dijk, 1988). Topic

The element of macrostructure is theme or topic, which is focus on the global meaning of the text (Van Dijk, 1980). It means that macrostructure focused on the global meaning that emphasizes more on the meaning in the topic ofdiscourse.

Topic is a central role in the text. It is because topic characterizes the meaning of a whole discourse. Topic of the text can be summaries, abstracts, titles or headlines.

2.3.2 Superstructure

Superstructure is the schematic form that organizes the global meaning of a text,

(Van Dijk, 1980). In the other words, macrostructures deal with content and superstructures deal with form (Rankeema, 2004). Superstructure refers to the framework of a discourse or schemata, such as the dominance of a conversation or writing that starts from the opening section, content section, and closingsection.

2.3.3 Microstructure

Microstructure focuses on the local meaning of the discourse, by observing the semantic, syntactic, stylistic and rhetorical aspects (Van Dijk,

1993). Microstructure divided into several parts, those are analyzing the words, sentences, propositions, clauses, paraphrasing. The use of certain words,


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sentences, and diction aims not only to view the way of communication but also to view as a method of political communication that to influence public opinion, to create support, to strengthen the legitimacy, and to eliminate the rivals.

Microstructure divided into four aspects: semantic aspects, syntactical aspects, stylistic aspects, and rhetorical aspects. Those aspects of microstructure will be explained asfollows. Semantic

This aspect presents the meaning which tends to emphasize on the text, for example by giving detail on one side or making the explicit on another side. In semantic aspects, it divides into three elements; those are detail, background and presupposition.

a. Detail

Detail is related to information control which is delivered by the author.

Communicator will show excessive information that is worth for him, and it aims to create good image and vice versa. The author will show a little information if it is detrimental to his position. Detail element is the author‟s way to express his opinion implicitly.

b. Background

Background is an element that contains perspective of reader. Background generally applies writer‟s reason from their opinion (Eriyanto, 2012).

Background is chosen determines which way the views of readers want to be directed. It is also contains the intention of writer. From the background element can analyze the intention and purpose of the writer.


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c. Presupposition

Discursive element of presupposition is a statement that is used to confirm the meaning of a text and it has an effort to confirm the ideas by giving premise which is believed to be true (Eriyanto,2012). Stylistic

Stylistic is the study of style. It is related to how diction and figure of speech used in a text .The style of language is used to select and arrange words and sentences that are considered the most express a theme, idea, emotion, and the experience of the speaker or writer. The element of stylistic is lexicon.

Stylistics is used to create particular image or meaning. Syntactic

Syntactic aspects of a discourse are related to how phrases or sentences are arranged and presented, including forms of sentences (associated with a logical way of thinking that explains the proposition in a series of sentences), coherence (relation between word and sentence), and the selection a number of pronouns. Rhetoric

Strategy in rhetoric level is style that is expressed when a person speaks or writes. How the speaker or author deliver the messages, which will be deliver to public or audience. The elements of rhetoric are graphics and metaphor.

Graphics is form of writing, whether capital letter, lowercase, big size or small size, italic, bold, underline, number, colored or not. Then, metaphor, it is sentence to support the main idea.

2.4 Ideology

There are many definition related to „ideologies‟. Van Dijk (2000) assumes that ideology is the basic belief that belongs to a group and internalized by all


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members of the group. Ideology is symbolizing the principles underlying socialcognition.

Ideology classified in three domains. First, ideology is a belief system that produced empirically, but the society around a person or social-position can be determines the ideology. Second, ideology is a set of categories that were made and fake consciousness in which the ruling or dominant groups to dominate.

Third, the ideology is the term that used to describe meaning production. In this term, the greatest role in society is government. Because the government have a power to organizes the nation (Van Dijk,1993).

According to Hamilton (1987), the definition of ideology has many concepts that appear in the literature.It consists of ideas, beliefs, understanding and attitudes,etc. Generally, the definition of ideology consists of ideas, beliefs, understanding, and attitudes. The four parts of ideology are important things in order to know the ideology for someone. It is because the four parts are the representation of human in social life.

a. It is associated with a particular group, class or collectivity within the


b. It is associated with the whole society orcommunity.

Point (b) and (c) are closely related. The definition of ideology can refer as system of ideas associated with a particular group or class or movement. The example is if someone of group has the same idea, belief, understanding for achieves one goal, it is can be said that the person has ideology based on particular group or class or movement.


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2.4.1 Ideology in theworld Liberalism

Liberalism is an ideology that advocates equality of opportunity for all within the framework of a system of laws. It includes a belief in government as an institution whose primary function is to define and enforce the laws. Liberalism is also very much concerned with allowing a maximum of freedom for the individual within the context of a system of laws, which limit interference with individual rights by government or by other individuals. Hence, the liberal ideology also invariably involves a bill of rights to define the rights of individuals and especially to limit the power of government to interfere with those rights (Eagleton,1991). Capitalism

Capitalism is an economic system where private entities own the factors of production. The four factors are entrepreneurship, capital goods, natural resources, and labor. The owners of capital goods, natural resources, and entrepreneurship exercise control through companies. The individual owns his or her labor. The only exception is slavery. However, slavery is illegal throughout the entire world (Eagleton, 1991). Communism

Though the term "communism" can refer to specific political parties, at its core, communism is an ideology of economic equality through the elimination of private property. The beliefs of communism, most famously expressed by Karl

Marx, center on the idea that inequality and suffering result from capitalism

(Eagleton, 1991).


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Nationalism is an ideology that holds that a nation is the fundamental unit for human social life, and takes precedence over any other social and political principles. Nationalism typically makes certain political claims based upon this belief: above all, the claim that the nation is the only fully legitimate basis for a state, that each nation is entitled to its own state, and that the borders of the state should be congruent with the borders of the nation (Eagleton, 1991). Socialism

Socialism deals with the sympathy, empathy, and attention between individuals to other individuals without looking the social class (Eagleton, 1991). This ideology usually used by people who concerns about the humanity. Marxism

The political and economic philosophy of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in which the concept of class struggle plays a central role in understanding society's allegedly inevitable development from bourgeois oppression under capitalism to a socialist and ultimately classless society (Eagleton, 1991). Feminism

Feminism was once about standing up for women, their safety and freedom. It was about protecting women and empowering them to make their own choices about work and family. However, new feminism is different. By making men and women “equal,” we have removed the notion of chivalry from society, and, apparently, gone too is the idea that a man should never be violent towards a woman (Eagleton, 1991).


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2.5 NarendraModi

NarendraDamodardasModi born 17 September 1950 is an Indian politician serving as the 14th and current since 2014. He was the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014 and is the Member of

Parliament for Varanasi. Modi is a member of the BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) and of the RashtriyaSwayamsevakSangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist volunteer organisation. He is the first prime minister outside of the Indian National

Congress to win two consecutive terms with a full majority and the second to complete five years in office after AtalBihari Vajpayee.

Born to a Gujarati family in Vadnagar, Modi helped his father sell tea as a child and has said he later ran his own stall. He was introduced to the RSS at the age of eight, beginning a long association with the organisation. Modi left home after finishing high-school in part due to an arranged marriage to

JashodabenChimanlalModi, which he abandoned and publicly acknowledged only many decades later. Modi travelled around India for two years and visited a number of religious centres before returning to Gujarat. In 1971 he became a full- time worker for the RSS. During the state of emergency imposed across the country in 1975, Modi was forced to go into hiding. The RSS assigned him to the

BJP in 1985 and he held several positions within the party hierarchy until 2001, rising to the rank of general secretary.

Modi was appointed Chief Minister of Gujarat in 2001 due to Keshubhai

Patel's failing health and poor public image following the earthquake in Bhuj.

Modi was elected to the legislative assembly soon after. His administration has been considered complicit in the 2002 Gujarat riots, or otherwise criticised for its


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handling of it. A Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team found no evidence to initiate prosecution proceedings against Modi personally. His policies as chief minister, credited with encouraging economic growth, have received praise. His administration has been criticised for failing to significantly improve health, poverty and education indices in the state.

Modi led the BJP in the 2014 general election which gave the party a majority in the Indian lower house of parliament, the LokSabha, the first time for any single party since 1984. Modi's administration has tried to raise foreign direct investment in the Indian economy and reduced spending on healthcare and social welfare programmes. Modi has attempted to improve efficiency in the bureaucracy; he has centralised power by abolishing the Planning Commission.

He began a high-profile sanitation campaign and weakened or abolished environmental and labour laws. He initiated a controversial demonetisation of high-denomination banknotes.

Following his party's victory in the 2019 general election, his administration revoked the special status of Jammu and . His administration also introduced the Citizenship Amendment Act, which resulted in widespread protests across the country. Described as engineering a political realignment towards right- wing politics, Modi remains a figure of controversy domestically and internationally over his Hindu nationalist beliefs and his role during the 2002

Gujarat riots, cited as evidence of an exclusionary social agenda.


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3.1 ResearchMethod

The research method used in this research is qualitative method. In this method used to describe systematically through the structure of the text of speech. According to Biklen (1998) qualitative research discussed about general cases in social phenomena and it describes specifically why and how it is.

Therefore, the researcher used qualitative method to know the structure of the speech texts of NarendraModi: macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure; and to find the representation of ideology in the speech about

Covid 19.

This research relies on the interpretive and critical approach to social cognition, in which the reports contains description and detail explanation. Through qualitative method, the researcher can analyze what is behind this discourse (macro-micro analysis). Moreover, the researcher can find the structures of discourse, social context, and the ideology in the discourses. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a type of discourse analytical research that primarily discusses about the social cognition, social power abuse, dominance, and inequality that accepted by a social group and movement especially in the social and political context (Van Dijk, 1997).

3.2 Technique of DataCollection

3.2.1 DataSource

The data of this research is the speech text of NarendraModi that talk about

Covid 19 in India. Moreover, the data that used in this research is subtitle of utterances from NarendraModi and the data taken from website


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3.2.2 Instrument

In this study, the riter is the instrument. It means that the writer herself are collecting and evaluating the data by applying theory from Van Dijk. The writer collects the data on the website oEB5RnaDZmE and

usethe speech from NaredraModi.

3.2.3 Procedure of DataCollection

In data collection, the writer used thespeech from NarendraModi about

Covid 19 in May 31 2020 as source of data. The writer used some procedures to collect the data:

1. Searching the data on thewebsite

2. Downloading thedata

3.2.4 DataAnalysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used several steps:

1. Reading the textcarefully

2. Analyzing themacrostructures from the data

3. Analyzing thesuperstructures from the data

4. Analyzing themicrostructures from the data

5. Finding the ideology from the data


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This chapter consists of finding and discussion. The finding includes data description and result of analysis. The analysis has a purpose to answer the research problem. Then, the discussion has a purpose to discuss the result of data analysis.

4.1 Findings andDiscussion

The following subsections presents the result of the analysis of three speeches from NarendaModi that use three elements of text; macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure proposed by Van Dijk and the ideology that represented in the speech texts.

4.1.1 MacrostructureAnalysis

Macrostructure deals with the global meaning of the text. It is focuses on thematic element. Thematic element can called as general description that is main idea, summary, or the main point from a text. Theme or topic shows dominant concept and central point of text. After reading the speeches of

NarendaModi, the writer found the theme or topic in each speech. The writer can find the topic after reading the whole text in detail.

The speech was taken from Maan Ki Baat radio broadcast. Prime Minister

NarendraModi asked Indians to stay more vigilant than ever against the threat of

COVID-19, a day after the Union government notified a phased opening up of the economy termed “Unlock-1”.

Mr. Modi was addressing the nation via his monthly radio broadcast Mann ki Baat.


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“We should not be careless in our fight against corona. We have to continue to follow social distancing and other protocols as there is no vaccine, or even precedents, on how to combat the disease”.

4.1.2 SuperstructureAnalysis

Superstructure is the schematic structure that arrangement of the part of the text. The part consists of opening section, content, and closing section. Every parts of the text are important because there is message conveyed by the author/speaker in the speech. The following are the data obtained in the speech of NarendaModi.

Superstructure analysis of the speech isCoronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threat. This speech is analyzed based on three parts of superstructure.

1. OpeningSection

In this opening section, Modi talks about the condition of Indianrelated to the impact of covid-19. Until now, Our Mann kiBaat too has not remained untouched by the effect of Corona.But Modi asked the Nation to more alert and careful. Whether it‟s the mandatory two yards distancing, wearing face masks or staying at home to the best extent possible, there should be no laxity on our part in complete adherence.The following is an excerpt from the opening section:

“Our Mann kiBaat too has not remained untouched by the effect of Corona. The last time I spoke to you through „Mann Ki Baat' , passenger train services, busses and flights had come to a standstill. This time around much has resumed-Shramik special trains are operational; other special trains too have begun. With utmost precautions, flights have resumed; industry too is returning to normalcy; thus, opening up a major segment of the economy. In such a scenario, we need to be even more alert and careful. Whether it‟s the mandatory two yards distancing, wearing face masks or staying at home to the best extent possible, there should be no laxity on our part in complete adherence”.


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2. ContentSection

In this part, Prime Minister Modi also spoke of the large humanitarian crisis over inter-State workers, who he said had faced the worst of the pain during this period.

“It has also brought to the fore the vulnerability of our eastern States whose labour has contributed to building our country and who have the potential otherwise to be the economic engine of the country. There are many lessons to be learnt from this situation to improve our future. Many have already been taken to heart by some States. Some are setting up Migrant Commissions, others are mapping skills of returning workers, some are encouraging start-ups. Apart from that, certain decisions taken by the Centre would also contribute to the development of our rural areas as economic centres and contribute to their self- reliance,”. He commended the Indian Railways, which has been under fire for the facilities provided to inter-State workers on Shramik Special trains taking them home.

“Indian Railways has been working to get people home. They have worked round-the-clock for it”.

3. Closing Section of FirstSpeech

The closing section Modi gives the inspirational speech that is the motivation to the Nation to follow the rule in this condition. He singled out several philanthropic individuals, who on their own contributed to relief work during the lockdown.

“Those who serve are positive, vital and confident, and it was a pleasant discovery for me on how Indians across the country have pitched in to serve”. The Ayushman Bharat universal health insurance scheme clocked over 1 beneficiaries last week, a fact marked by Mr. Modi.

“For our poor, medical help is expensive and a choice has to be made between sinking further into poverty and not getting the required treatment. I am happy that over 1 crore beneficiaries, 80% of whom are from rural areas, and 50% of whom are women, got help under the scheme. Our honest tax payer also needs to be commended as it is through his/ her taxes that all these welfare programmes are funded,” the PM said. Mr. Modi reiterated that the phasing out of the lockdown cannot be seen as an end to COVID-19, but that social distancing and other measures should be followed.


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4.1.3 MicrostructureAnalysis

The last text analysis from Van Dijk model is microstructure.

Microstructure level in the CDA distinguishes the meaning and the expression about word, phrase, clause, and sentence forms. This is also contains four important aspects; those are semantic, stylistic, syntactic, and rhetoric to analyze the microstructure in the text. Semantic

Semantic aspect discuses about the meaning which tends to emphasize on the text. The meaning that found will be derived from relationship between sentence and propositions that build a particular meaning in the text. In semantic aspect, it divides into three elements; those are detail, background, and presupposition. The following are descriptions of semantic analysis that found in

NarendaModi speech.

1. Detail

Detail element is focuses on the information control that is delivered by the author. The author will show a little information that is worth for him and it aims to create good image and vice versa.

Detail analysis of the speech entitled Coronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threat.

In this speech, Modi talks about Our Mann kiBaat too has not remained untouched by the effect of Corona. But Modi asked the Nation to more alert and careful. Whether it‟s the mandatory two yards distancing, wearing face masks or staying at home to the best extent possible, there should be no laxity on our part in complete adherence. The following is an excerpt from the opening section:


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“In such a scenario, we need to be even more alert and careful. Whether it‟s the mandatory two yards distancing, wearing face masks or staying at home to the best extent possible, there should be no laxity on our part in complete adherence”.

2. Background

Background is an element that contains perspective of reader. Background generally applies writer‟s reason from their opinion. It is indirectly shows the purpose of the writing. In the first speech, the title is Coronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threat; the background element is described as follows:

“Friends, I have often refered to the spirit of service on part of our doctors, nursing staff, sanitation workers, police personnel and media persons. I have touched upon this in „Mann Ki Baat' too. There are innumerable people who are willing to give their all in the service of others. One such gentleman is K.C. Mohan of Tamilnadu. Shri Mohan ji runs a salon in Madurai. Through sheer hard work, he had saved five for his daughter's education. But he spent the entire amount in the service of the needy and the underprivileged in these difficult times. Similarly, Gautam Das ji of Agartala whose only means of sustenance is plying a handcart is feeding the needy by buying rice and pulses out of savings from his daily earnings. I have come to know of a similar example from Pathankot, Punjab. DivyangRaju through a small investment raised with help from others got over three thousand masks made and distributed them. In these difficult times, Brother Raju has arranged for feeding of around a hundred families..”

Modi revealed the reason why he supported the Indian. He knew the feeling of nationabout the impact of covid-19. Mr. Modi reiterated that the phasing out of the lockdown cannot be seen as an end to COVID-19, but that social distancing and other measures should be followed to help the government.

3. Presupposition

Presupposition element is an effort to support the opinion by providing a believable premise truth. Presupposition is a special type to know the hidden meaning of an author. This is the analysis of presupposition element in first


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speech, the title is Coronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threat.

Mr. Modiassume the nation via his monthly radio broadcast Mann kiBaat.

That we should not be careless in our fight against corona.we have to continue to follow social distancing and other protocols as there is no vaccine, or even precedents, on how to combat the disease.

“My dear countrymen, a clean environment is directly an integral part of our lives, and of our children's future too. Therefore, we have to ponder over this issue on individual level as well. I request you to serve nature on this 'Environment Day' by planting some trees and making some resolutions so that we can forge a daily relationship with nature. Yes! Summer is on the rise, so do not forget to facilitate water for the birds. Friends, all of us also have to bear in mind that after such austere penance, and after so many hardships, the country‟s deft handling of the situation should not go in vain. We must not let this fight weaken. Becoming careless or lackadaisical can not be an option. The fight against Corona is still equally serious! You, your family, may still face grave danger from Corona. We have to save the life of every human being, therefore, distancing of two yards, face masks and washing of hands are all those precautions that are to be meticulously followed in the same manner as we have been observing them so far. I am sure that you will take these precautions for yourself, your loved ones and for your country. With this assurance, my best wishes for your good health.” Stylistic

Stylistic is used to create particular image or meaning. The element of stylistic is lexicon. Lexicon is word choice and shows the ideology from the authororspeaker.InthefirstspeechentitledCoronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threatusing lexicon to emphasize the message in the text about justice for Negro. It can be seen in some selected utterances as follows:

“….Our Mann kiBaat too has not remained untouched by the effect of Corona.” The word “untouched” refers to covid-19 which is they are become victims of the effect of Corona. According to Oxford dictionary online, the word “untouched” is


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Not affected, changed, or damaged in any way. Another meaning of „untouched‟ is of a subject not treated in writing or speech; not discussed. Related to the statement, Modi spoke to the Nation through „Mann Ki Baat' , passenger train services, busses and flights had come to a standstill. This time around much has resumed-Shramik special trains are operational; other special trains too have begun. With utmost precautions, flights have resumed; industry too is returning to normalcy; thus, opening up a major segment of the economy.Mr. Modi was addressing the nation via his monthly radio broadcast Mann kiBaat. That theye should not be careless in our fight against corona. And also they have to continue to follow social distancing and other protocols as there is no vaccine, or even precedents, on how to combat the disease,”

“The battle against Corona is being fiercely waged in the country through collective efforts.”

The word “battle” means the fight of people each other. But in this case it refers to covid-19 as a disease challenges. The population itself is many times that of most countries. The challenges facing the country too are of a different kind, yet Corona did not spread as fast as it did in other countries of the world. The mortality rate of corona too is a lot less in our country. All of people deeply regret the loss that we had to undergo.

But whatever they have been able to save is a result of the collective resolve of the country. In a country as big as ours, everyone is determined to put up a fight; the entire campaign is people driven.

“I appreciate all such people who are helping others with a spirit of service….. I respect them and express my gratitude to them from the core of my heart” According to Oxford dictionary online, the word “core” means the part of something that is central to its existence or character. The important thing in this speech is about humanity and caring each other. Heappreciate all such people who are helping others with a spirit of service and respect them and express the gratitude to them.There are many people who are conveying their efforts through


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the NAMO app and other media.

“….My dear countrymen, one more thing that has touched my heart is innovation at this moment of crisis..”

The word “touched” means bring one's hand or another part of one's body into contact with. This word refers to the efforts of the people in helping each other in the pandemic period. Through this speech, Modi stated aboutinnovation at this moment of crisis. A multitude of countrymen from villages and cities, from small scale traders to start ups, our labs are devising even new ways of fighting against Corona; with novel innovations. Syntactic

Syntactic related to how phrases or sentences formed in the text. There are three elements of syntactic; those are sentence form, coherence, and preposition.

But in the three speeches only find one element that is coherence. So, the explanation of coherence from the speech will be explained below: Coherence

Coherence is the bridge of one sentence to the other sentence, which is using conjunction word. The following is an explanation of the coherence element in the first speech entitled Coronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threat:

“Friends, in this fight, besides the resolve of our countrymen, the other biggest strength is their spirit of service. In fact, during this pandemic, we, the people of India have visibly proved that the notion of service and sacrifice is not just our ideal; it is a way of life in India.”

The use of „and‟ in that sentence showed a unity meaning from the previous sentence. The word „and‟ in that sentence aims to convince the service and sacrifice is not just our ideal; it is a way of life in India. Then, the word „and‟


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gives the emphasis of thesentence and Modi as a speaker wants to indicate his big hope for the people.

“….Through sheer hard work, he had saved five lakh rupees for his daughter's education. But he spent the entire amount in the service of the needy and the underprivileged in these difficult times. Similarly, Gautam Das ji of Agartala whose only means of sustenance is plying a handcart is feeding the needy by buying rice and pulses out of savings from his daily earnings.”

The word „but‟ in the sentence showed the contrary meaning. The use of

„but‟ defined as true meaning of the speaker. In the sentence, Martin worried about the people who have been helping each other in the pandemic period. He always thought the solution to fight the coronavirus and help each other.. Rhetoric

This aspect discusses about the communicator give the particular pressure to the content of the text. The particular pressure is used in order the meaningthatexpected be received by audiences. This aspect divided into two elements, those are graphic and metaphor. But, in the speech only find one elements that is metaphor. Metaphor

Metaphor element is how the communicators used figure of speech, expression, or parable in the discourse. It has function as basis of reasoning, justification for the opinion or particular idea to audience.

The following is an explanation of the metaphor element in the first speech entitled Coronavirus, Stay more vigilant than ever against COVID-19 threat.

“….The battle against Corona is being fiercely waged in the country through collective efforts. When we glance at the world, we can actually experience the magnitude of the achievements of the people of India.”


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In the sentence above, Modi said how worried he is about covid-19in this fight. Besides the resolve of the countrymen, the other biggest strength is their spirit of service. In fact, during this pandemic, Modi state that the people of India have visibly proved that the notion of service and sacrifice is not just the ideal; it is a way of life in India. They are familiar with the dictum- service is a joy in itself….service is a satisfaction in itself. People must have observed that a person devoted to the service of others never suffers from any kind of depression or tension. Every moment of his life and attitude towards life exudes immense self- confidence, positivity and vivacity.

“I appreciate all such people who are helping others with a spirit of service….. I respect them and express my gratitude to them from the core of my heart” In this sentence, the word “core” means the part of something that is central to its existence or character. The character itself is Modi as a speaker.

The important thing in this speech is about humanity and caring each other.

Heappreciate all such people who are helping others with a spirit of service and respect them and express the gratitude to them. There are many people who are conveying their efforts through the NAMO app and other media.

4.1.4 Ideology Analysis

Prime Minister NarendraModi asked Indians to stay more vigilant than ever against the threat of COVID-19, a day after the Union government notified a phased opening up of the economy termed “Unlock-1”.

Mr. Modi was addressing the nation via his monthly radio broadcast Mann kiBaat.

He stated that the people should not be careless in our fight against corona. They have to


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continue to follow social distancing and other protocols as there is no vaccine, or even precedents, on how to combat the disease. As he explained in his speech:

“….“We should not be careless in our fight against corona. We have to continue to follow social distancing and other protocols as there is no vaccine, or even precedents, on how to combat the disease.” “Work being done in our labs on Corona vaccine is being keenly observed by the world and we are hopeful too. In order to change circumstances, besides resolve, a lot depends on innovation too. The journey of the human race, spanning thousands of years has reached this modern phase on account of continuous innovation. Thus, these special innovations form the firm basis of our victory over the pandemic..” “You, your family, may still face grave danger from Corona. We have to save the life of every human being, therefore, distancing of two yards, face masks and washing of hands are all those precautions that are to be meticulously followed in the same manner as we have been observing them so far. I am sure that you will take these precautions for yourself, your loved ones and for your country.” After analyzing the speech of NarendaModi, the ideology can be described as socialism ideologies. Because in three speeches, he puts great attention of the people and he always concerns about the social issues in the world. Therefore, the ideology of NarendaModi issocialism.

Socialism deals about attention, sympathy, and empathy between one individual to other individual. It can be seen in three speeches from NarendaModi that he reallycare about the nation of his country. He reminds the people that they may still face grave danger from Corona. They have to save the life of every human being, followed all the healthy protocol in the same manner as they have been observing them so far. He is sure that the people will take these precautions for themselves. With this assurance, he wishes for the people good health..


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5.1 Conclusion

From the data analysis, this study analyzes three elements of text structure

(macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure). By analyzing three elements of text structure, it can prove the ideology from NarendaModi. The study has revealed that first the macrostructure of three speeches is about the

Prime Minister NarendraModi asked Indians to stay more vigilant than ever against the threat of COVID-19. Second, superstructure of three speeches gives the information about the condition of Indian and poor people against the effect of covid-19and his recommendation to people in following the protocol during the pandemic period. Third, microstructure of three speeches shows that Modi wants to give the good image in his speech, so that the positive word used in the speech.

The ideological analysis from the speech can find after analyzes three elements of text structures. From the analysis of three elements of text structure then the ideology can be revealed. The the speech from NarendaModiis about Indians was asked to more alert and to stay more vigilant than ever against the threat of COVID-19.

With the suffering of the people, NarendaModi ad Prime Minister wanted to motivate the people through his speech. NarendaModi as a speaker shares his idea for helping and caring each other. From the analysis of three element of text structure in the speech, concludes that Modi have socialism ideology. It is because the definition of socialism ideology suits with the utterances from Modi


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in his speech. Socialism has a characteristic that socialist more concerned with public importance rather than his importance.

5.2 Suggestion

The writer wants to give suggestion to the next writer, especially to the students of

English literature department. First, they should understand the theory of Critical

Discourse Analysis and they have to know the other theories about critical discourse analysis. By knowing, another theory will facilitate the further research for better understanding of critical discourse analysis. Second, they could use another theory to make their study different from the writer. Moreover, the further researcher could use the same theory but with different object, such as using media from television program. The further researcher could use the same object but different theories, such as theory from

Michael Foucault. The main point in the Foucault‟s theory divided into four parts, those are discourse, discontinuity, power and knowledge,episteme.


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Major chunk of the economy now active, time to be more careful in battling COVID-19: Highlights of PM Modi's Mann kiBaat speech My dear countrymen, Namaskar! Our Mann kiBaat too has not remained untouched by the effect of Corona. The last time I spoke to you through „Mann Ki Baat' , passenger train services, busses and flights had come to a standstill. This time around much has resumed-Shramik special trains are operational; other special trains too have begun. With utmost precautions, flights have resumed; industry too is returning to normalcy; thus, opening up a major segment of the economy. In such a scenario, we need to be even more alert and careful. Whether it‟s the mandatory two yards distancing, wearing face masks or staying at home to the best extent possible, there should be no laxity on our part in complete adherence. The battle against Corona is being fiercely waged in the country through collective efforts. When we glance at the world, we can actually experience the magnitude of the achievements of the people of India. Our population itself is many times that of most countries. The challenges facing the country too are of a different kind, yet Corona did not spread as fast as it did in other countries of the world. The mortality rate of corona too is a lot less in our country. All of us deeply regret the loss that we had to undergo. But whatever we have been able to save is a result of the collective resolve of the country. In a country as big as ours, everyone is determined to put up a fight; the entire campaign is people driven. Friends, in this fight, besides the resolve of our countrymen, the other biggest strength is their spirit of service. In fact, during this pandemic, we, the people of India have visibly proved that the notion of service and sacrifice is not just our ideal; it is a way of life in India. We are familiar with the dictum- SewaParamoDharmah; service is a joy in itself….service is a satisfaction in itself. You must have observed that a person devoted to the service of others never suffers from any kind of depression or tension. Every moment of his life and attitude towards life exudes immense self-confidence, positivity and vivacity. Friends, I have often refered to the spirit of service on part of our doctors, nursing staff, sanitation workers, police personnel and media persons. I have touched upon this in „Mann Ki Baat' too. There are innumerable people who are willing to give their all in the service of others. One such gentleman is K.C. Mohan of Tamilnadu. Shri Mohan ji runs a salon in Madurai. Through sheer hard work, he had saved five lakh rupees for his daughter's education. But he spent the entire amount in the service of the needy and the underprivileged in these difficult times. Similarly, Gautam Das ji of Agartala whose only means of sustenance is plying a handcart is feeding the needy by buying rice and pulses out of savings from his daily earnings. I have come to know of a similar example from Pathankot, Punjab. DivyangRaju through a small investment raised with help from others got over three thousand masks made and distributed them. In these difficult times, Brother Raju has arranged for feeding of around a hundred families. Numerous stories of perseverance of women's self help groups are coming to the fore from all corners of the country. In villages and small towns, our sisters


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and daughters are making thousands of masks on a daily basis. Many social organizations too are helping them in this endeavor. Friends, one is getting to see and hear of many such examples day by day. There are many people who are conveying their efforts to me through the NAMO app and other media. Many a time, on account of paucity of time I am unable to name a lot of people, organizations and institutions. I appreciate all such people who are helping others with a spirit of service….. I respect them and express my gratitude to them from the core of my heart. My dear countrymen, one more thing that has touched my heart is innovation at this moment of crisis. A multitude of countrymen from villages and cities, from small scale traders to start ups, our labs are devising even new ways of fighting against Corona; with novel innovations. The example of RajendraYadav of Nasik is very interesting. Rajendraji is a farmer from Satna village in Nasik. To protect his village from the spread of Corona, he has devised a sanitization machine attached to his tractor and this innovation is performing very effectively. Similarly I was observing numerous photographs on social media. Many shopkeepers in order to adhere to the two yard distancing have installed big pipe lines in their shops. Merchandise is released from one end and collected at the other end by the customer. Meanwhile teachers and students have come together with myriad innovations in the field of education. Online classes, video classes are being innovated in different ways. Work being done in our labs on Corona vaccine is being keenly observed by the world and we are hopeful too. In order to change circumstances, besides resolve, a lot depends on innovation too. The journey of the human race, spanning thousands of years has reached this modern phase on account of continuous innovation. Thus, these special innovations form the firm basis of our victory over the pandemic. Friends, the path of our fight against Corona goes a long way. It is a calamity, a scourge that does not have an antidote in the entire world; there is no prior experience on that. Amid this scenario, we are facing newer challenges and consequent hardships. This is the situation of every Corona affected country in the world- India is no exception. There is no stratum in our country unaffected by the difficulties caused by the affliction-the most gravely affected by the crisis are the underprivileged labourers and workers. Their agony, their pain, their ordeal cannot be expressed in words. Who amongst us cannot understand and feel what they and their families are going through! All of us are trying to share their distress; the torment…..the entire country is doing that. Our railway personnel are at it day and night. From the centre, states, to local governance bodies, everybody is toiling around the clock. The way our railway men are relentlessly engaged, they too are front line Corona Warriors. Safely transporting of labourers in trains and busses, caring for their food, arranging for their quarantine in every district, testing, check up and treatment is an ongoing process on a very large scale. But friends, the current scenario that we are witnessing is an eye opener to happenings in the past to the country; it is also an opportunity for scrutiny and lessons for the future. Today, the distress our workforce is undergoing is representative of that of the country‟s eastern region. The very region which possesses the capacity to be the country‟s growth engine, whose workforce possesses the capability and the might to take the country to greater


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heights…the eastern region needs development. It is only the development of the eastern region that can lead to a balanced economic development of the country. Ever since the country offered me the opportunity to serve, we have accorded priority to the development of eastern India. In the last few years, much has been done in this direction which gives me inner satisfaction. And now, considering the migrant labourers, the need of the hour is devising a new solution - paradigm….we are ceaselessly taking steps in that direction. For example, at places skill mapping of labourers is being carried out; at other places start ups are engaged in doing the same…the establishment of a migration commission is being deliberated upon. Besides that, recent decisions taken by the Central government have opened up vast possibilities of village employment, self employment and small scale industry. The objective of these decisions is finding solutions to the situation, for the sake of a self-reliant India. Had our villages, towns, districts and states been self-reliant, problems facing us would not have been of such a magnitude as is evident today. But moving from darkness toward light is a human trait. Amidst multiple challenges, it gives me joy to see extensive deliberation in the country on Aatmnirbhar Bharat, a self-reliant India. People now have begun to take it as a movement of their own. Our countrymen are picking up the reins of leadership of this mission in their own hands. Many people have mentioned the fact that they have made complete lists of the products being manufactured in their vicinity. These people are now buying only these local products, promoting “Vocal for Local”. In order to encourage “” everyone is expressing one‟s own resolve. One of our friends from Bihar, ShrimanHimanshu has written to me on the Namo App that he dreams of the day when India reduces imoports to the bare minimum…be it the import of Petrol, Diesel, fuels, electronic items, urea or even edible oils. I understand his sentiments. There are many products that find their way into the country from outside resulting in wasteful expenditure on part of the honest Tax payers. Their substitutes can easily be manufactured in India. Sudeep from has written to me that he trades in local bamboo products crafted by women. He has decided that in the next two years, he will transform his bamboo products into a global brand. I firmly believe that the campaign will take the country to greater heights in this decade. My dear countrymen, during the ongoing Corona crisis, I spoke to mnay world leaders. I would like to share a secret today- I‟ve observed that during deliberations between world leaders; a lot of interest is evinced in Yog and Ayurved. Many leaders asked me if Yog and Ayurved could be of help in this calamitous period of Corona. Friends, 'International Day' is arriving soon. As 'Yoga' is getting integrated with people's lives, the awareness about their health, is also continuously on the rise among them. During the present Corona pandemic it is being observed from Hollywood to Haridwar that, while staying at home, people are paying serious attention to 'Yoga'. People everywhere want to know more about 'Yoga' and along with it 'Ayurveda' and adopt it as a way of life. Many people, who have never practiced yoga, have either joined online yoga classes or are also learning yoga through online videos. Truly , 'Yoga' is good for community, immunity and unity!


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Friends, during the present Corona pandemic, Yoga becomes all the more important, because this virus affects our respiratory system maximally. In yoga, there are many types of Pranayama that strengthen the respiratory system; the beneficial effects of which we have been witnessing for long. These are time tested techniques, which have their own distinct significance. Most people will be familiar with 'Kapalbhati' and 'Anulom-VilomPranayam'. But there are many other forms of Pranayamas like 'Bhastrika', 'Sheetali', 'Bhramari'etc, which also have many benefits. By the way, the Ministry of AYUSH has also done a unique experiment this time to increase the practice of yoga in your life. The Ministry of AYUSH has started its International Video Blog competition entitled 'My Life, My Yoga'. Not only Indians, but people from all over the world can participate in this competition. To participate in this International Video Blog competition, you will have to make a three-minute video and upload it. In this video, you have to show performing Yoga, or Asana, that you usually do and also tell about the changes that have taken place in your life through yoga. I request all of you too participate in this competition, and through this novel way, be a part of the International Yoga Day also. Friends, in our country, for decades, of impoverished citizens have been living their lives engulfed by the constant concern- what will happen if they fall ill….to seek medical treatment or worry about earning bread for the family? Realizing this distress, the 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme was launched about one and a half years ago to ameliorate this constant worry. A few days ago, the number of beneficiaries of 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme crossed over one crore. More than one crore patients implies that more than one crore families of our country have been served. Do you know what more than one crore patients means? It maens the cumulative population of two Norways and two Singapores have been provided free treatment in such a short time. If the poor had to pay for the treatment post hospitalization, had they not received free treatment, according to a rough estimate, more than rupees 14 thousand crores would have been required to be paid out of their own pockets. The 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme has saved spending this huge amount of money belonging to the poor. I congratulate not only the beneficiaries of 'Ayushman Bharat' but also all the doctors, nurses and medical staff who treated patients under this scheme. An important feature with the 'AyushmanBharat' scheme is its portability facility. This portability of the scheme has also helped to paint the country in the color of unity, which means, an underprivileged person from Bihar will get the same medical facility in Karnataka, which he would have got in his home state. Similarly, if a deprived person from Maharashtra is in need of medical treatment then he would get the same treatment facility in Tamil Nadu. Due to this scheme, the underprivileged in any area where the system of health is weak are able to seek the best medical treatment in any corner of the country. Friends, you will be surprised to know that 80 percent of the one crore beneficiaries hail from the rural areas of the nation. About 50 percent of these beneficiaries are our mothers and sisters and daughters. And most of these beneficiaries were suffering from diseases which could not be treated with standard medicines. Of these, 70 percent people have had surgical intervention. You can guess how these people have got rid of their trouble.


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Kelansang, a six-year-old child in Chura-Chandpur, Manipur, has also got a new lease of life from the Ayushman scheme. Kelansang suffered from severe brain disease at such a tender age. Kelansang‟s father, a daily wage laborer, and the mother working as a weaver faced a situation where it was becoming very difficult to seek treatment for their child. But due to the 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme now, their son received free treatment. AmurthaValli of Puducherry had a similar experience. For her also, 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme appeared as a saviour! AmurthaValli's husband had tragically died of a heart attack. Her 27- year-old son Jeeva also had heart disease and Doctors had suggested surgery for Jeeva, but, for Jeeva, a daily wage laborer, it was near impossible to get such a large operation done on his own earnings. However, AmurthaValli registered her son in the 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme, and nine days later son Jeeva had heart surgery performed on him. Friends, I have only narrated a meagre three to four incidents but then there are more than one crore stories linked with 'Ayushman Bharat'. These stories are of live people and of our own families who have been salvaged from suffering. I request you, whenever you get time, you must definitely converse with a person who has benefitted from his treatment under the 'Ayushman Bharat' scheme. You will see that when an underprivileged steps out of the circle of the disease, you can witness in him a new vigour to combat poverty. And I want to tell the honest Tax payer of our country that the credit for happiness and satisfaction derived by the beneficiaries treated free under the 'AyushmanBharat'scheme makes you the rightful stakeholder of the benefic deed, our honest tax payer also deserves the Punya, the fruit of this altruistic deed. My dear countrymen, on one hand we are busy combating the Corona pandemic whereas on the other hand, we were recently confronted with natural calamity in certain parts of Eastern India. During the last few weeks, we have seen the havoc wreaked by Super Cyclone Amfan in West Bengal and Odisha. Many houses were razed by the storm. Farmers also suffered heavy losses. I went to take stock of the situation last week to Odisha and West Bengal. The courage and bravery with which the people of West Bengal and Odisha have faced the ordeal is commendable. In this hour of crisis, the country also stands in unison with the people of these two states in every manner whatsoever! Friends, on the one side where Eastern India is facing cyclonic calamity; on the other many parts of the country have been affected by locust attacks. These attacks again remind us of the great damage this small creature can inflict! The locust attack lasts for several days and affects a large area. Be it at the level of the Government of India, State Government, Agriculture Department or Administration, all are involved using modern techniques to not only help the farmers but also lessen the loss accruing due to this crisis. And attention is being paid to new inventions, and I am sure that together not only will we be able to battle out this crisis that is looming on our agricultural sector, but also manage to salvage our crops. My dear countrymen, a few days later, on 5th June, the entire world will celebrate „World Environment Day'. The theme for this year's 'World Environment Day' is Bio Diversity. This theme is especially pertinent in the current circumstances. During Lockdown in the last few weeks the pace of life may have slowed down a bit but it has also given us an opportunity to introspect


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upon the rich diversity of nature or biodiversity around us. Much of the avian fauna had sort of disappeared due to sound and air pollution, and now after years people can once again listen to their melodic chirping in their homes. There are also reports from many places of uninhibited behavioural patterns of animals. You must have read and seen these clips in social media just like I have. Many people are commenting, writing and sharing pictures that they are now able to see the hills far away from their homes, are able to see the sparkle of distant lights. By gazing at these pictures, a pledge must have arisen in the hearts of many of us – can we preserve scenes like these forever? These images have also inspired people to do something for nature. For ensuring that the rivers remain clean, animals and birds have the right to live freely and the sky remains pollution free, we must derive inspiration to live life in harmony with nature. My dear countrymen, we repeatedly hear the refrain that 'Water is life! If there is water there is a tomorrow', but we have a responsibility towards water as well. We have to save Rain water. Every drop has to be saved! How do we save rainwater in each and every village? The traditional conservation methods are in the form of very simple remedies, and employing these we can tap the water. If the water is retained for five days or a week, not only will it quench the thirst of mother earth, it will seep into the ground, and the same percolated water will become endowed with the power of life and therefore, in this rainy season, all of us should strive to save water, conserve water. My dear countrymen, a clean environment is directly an integral part of our lives, and of our children's future too. Therefore, we have to ponder over this issue on individual level as well. I request you to serve nature on this 'Environment Day' by planting some trees and making some resolutions so that we can forge a daily relationship with nature. Yes! Summer is on the rise, so do not forget to facilitate water for the birds. Friends, all of us also have to bear in mind that after such austere penance, and after so many hardships, the country‟s deft handling of the situation should not go in vain. We must not let this fight weaken. Becoming careless or lackadaisical can not be an option. The fight against Corona is still equally serious! You, your family, may still face grave danger from Corona. We have to save the life of every human being, therefore, distancing of two yards, face masks and washing of hands are all those precautions that are to be meticulously followed in the same manner as we have been observing them so far. I am sure that you will take these precautions for yourself, your loved ones and for your country. With this assurance, my best wishes for your good health. We will meet in another episode of „Mann Ki Baat' next month with many new topics.


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