Entanglement measures in and classical chaos Arul Lakshminarayan, Jayendra Bandyopadhyay, M. S. Santhanam, and V. B. Sheorey

Abstract— Entanglement is a Hilbert-space based measure of nonsepa- of particle ¡ cannot be written as a pure state, it is described rability of states that leads to unique quantum possibilities such as telepor- by an impure state, and specified by a . This fol- tation. It has been at the center of intense activity in the area of quantum lows from the fact that there exist no states that belong solely to

information theory and computation. In this paper we discuss the impli-

cations of quantum chaos on entanglement, showing how chaos can lead to the individual of particles and ¡ such that their %'© large entanglement that is universal and describable using outer () product is the ¦ [2]. theory. We also indicate how this measure can be used in the Hilbert space formulation of classical . This leads us to consider purely Hilbert- II. QUANTIFYING ENTANGLEMENT space based measures of classical chaos, rather than the usual phase-space based ones such as the Lyapunov exponents, and can possibly lead to un- How do we quantify entanglement? Is it ? These derstanding of partial differential equations or nonintegrable classical field theories. are two different questions, the latter is still unclear, although Keywords— Quantum chaos, , Random matrix there are proposals for indirect measurements [4]. Quantifying theory, Perron-Frobenius . entanglement is also not easy or clear in the case when more than two subsystems are involved. (The subsystem can consist I. INTRODUCTION of one or more particles.) Thus while there are many new ad- vances in the theory of entanglement it is by no means complete. UANTUM entanglement was first discussed by Shrodinger¨ The simplest case, with which we will concern ourselves below, [1] to point out the “weirdness”, or non-classicality, im- is when we have a system in a pure , consisting of plied by the laws of . It is the property that two subsystems (“bipartite”) among which we study the entan- leaves the cat, named after him and inhabiting a closed box with glement. In this case the reduced density matrices of the subsys- a deadly trigger, in the Vishwamitra space between the living tems, carry information about entanglement. If there is no en- and the dead.It is however a natural consequence of the Hilbert tanglement, then the reduced density matrices will correspond space of the states of the cat. These states get entangled with the to density matrices of pure states and hence the von Neumann states of the trigger device inside the box, and the consequence of the reduced density matrices (RDMs) is a measure of is the much discussed limbo. entanglement, it will vanish for unentangled states. In a more prosaic setting, consider two spin-half particles

Suppose that the state space of a bipartite quantum system

¢¤£ ¥§¦ ¨ © ¦ ©

say labelled by and ¡ . Use the standard basis

(,+02143 (0/576 is ()*(,+%-.(0/ , where dim dim , and

(“up”,”down”) for each particle. Then the spin singlet state:

? ? ?

<=;>@?BA ¦ C © DEC ¦

dim(8:95;1,6 . If is an ensemble rep- (

 resentation of an arbitrary state in , the entanglement (of for-


¦ © ¦ ¨ ©¦  ©"!#¦ ©¦ ¨§©$

?HG ?

¦ C ©$ mation) is found by minimizing >F?A over all possible

ensemble realizations. Here G is the von Neumann entropy of

is an example of an entangled state. This two-particle state for- ?

C © the RDMs of the state ¦ belonging to the ensemble, i.e., its

bids the allocation of a pure state to either of the particles, it I© entanglement. For pure states ¦ there is only one unique term implies a correlation between the two that is over and above that in the ensemble representation and the entanglement is simply which is classically possible, it violates the Bell-type inequali- the von Neumann entropy of the RDM.

ties maximally [2]. 


The two RDMs of the bipartite state ¦ are Tr ¡

Recall that if the particle were in a pure state, it should 

+ ¦ I© DKL¦ $ ¦ I© and

be sure of the consequences of the spin measurements (“up” or Q



+YX /X


¦ %¤&©

? ?

¦ CW ©Z¦ C[W © P©

“down”) every time. For the state if measurement of ¦ (1)



£ ¡

particle is done for the ¢ component, the component is


known, but only to those that measured , and who have prior ? 3^ where ¨]\ are the (nonzero) eigenvalues of either RDMs

knowledge of the two-particle state. It leaves the two-particle and the vectors are the corresponding eigenvectors. The von

¦ ¨ © ¦ © ¦ © ¦ ¨§©


states in either or with equal probability. G

¢_ I©$ Neumann entropy is the entanglement ¦ given by

Hence spin measurement on ¡ can never be deterministic, no



matter which way we orient the Stern-Gerlach apparatus. Par- V



? ?


$ Zgihaj b

ticle B will behave exactly like a classical coin, realizing “up” ¢¤_`a! Tr (2)

?TS or “down” randomly. In fact particle can be measured along + any direction and the result is the same. In other words, the state There is only one entropy as the two RDMs are unitarily re- Arul Lakshminarayan is with the Department of , Indian Institute of lated, they share the same nonzero eigenvalues. Given the con-

Technology Madras, (corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]), Jayendra ? ¢[_ straint that < are density matrices, the maximum value that

Bandyopadhyay and V. B. Sheorey are with the Physical Research Laboratory,

 1=$ Ahmedabad, M. S. Santhanam is at the Institute for Complex Sys- can take is dml n . We note that the Schmidt decomposition is tems, Dresden, Germany. identical to the Singular Value Decomposition of Linear Algebra


+ ¤ /

and does not apply if more than two Hilbert spaces are involved. the spin-spin coupling. When either of the constants, ¤ or ,


 8  8

$ $*7  156 7

While it may appear odd that a general state in an dimen- is not zero the parity symmetry  , where


@? @?

7 :9<;>= 1BA>C $'-¥9/;>= 13A>C $

sional Hilbert space is represented as a sum over only 1 terms, , is broken. The dimensional-

$D $D


+YX /X

1  +E¡. 6  /F¡.

? ?

CW ©Z¦ CW © it should be kept in mind that the basis, ¦ are them- ity of the Hilbert spaces are and . selves state dependent, it is just that the basis is still of the form We note that for the parameter values considered below, the of an outer product. Thus for bipartite pure states entanglement nearest neighbor spacing distribution (NNSD) of the eigenan- may be equated to separability. gles of ¦E§ is Wigner distributed, which is typical of quantized

chaotic systems with time reversal symmetry [3]. Entangle- HAOS AND UANTUM NTANGLEMENT § III. C Q E ment production of time evolving states under ¦ have been While entanglement has been studied as a “purely quantum” studied for two different initial states. (1) The initial state is phenomena, a similar statement is often made of chaos, as a a product of directed angular momentum states, placed in the purely “classical phenomena”, which either means that there chaotic sea of . This is a completely unentangled state. (2) The initial state is maximally entangled and is given

is no true chaos, as the world is quantum mechanical, or that k


D@G *G ¦  ¨§$©4IH H 2 1 / by: +

something pretty strange is happening in the quantum-classical ( § transition that as radical a phenomenon as chaos miraculously These initial states are evolved under ¦ , and the results are

appears, and something as unusual as entanglement disappears. displayed in Fig. 1. In the first case, initially both the von Neu-


¢KJ 2L! + < $ It is by now well established that classical chaos leaves unique mann entropy and the linearized entropy ( Tr + ), “fingerprints” on quantization [3]. Notable, is the appearance of are zero, but with both entropies start increasing classically unstable periodic orbits in quantum wavefunctions (“scarring”) and the applicability of ensemble theories like the random matrix model to isolated simple few-degree of freedom systems, such as two quartic oscillators, or the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field. Several research groups have started exploring the connec- tions between chaos and entanglement [5], [7], using systems such as the , the kicked top, coupled quartic oscil- lators, spin chains the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian and quan- tum dots [4]. Some analytical aspects of this work are due to modelling using random matrix theory (RMT) [3]. Semiclassi- cal approaches are very difficult and are beginning to be stud-

ied. Generically we will consider Hamiltonians of the form

+¢¡ /£¡¥¤ +Y/§ + /  where and are the Hamilto-

nians of the two subsystems that interact through the third term.

We may consider the cases when ? are not chaotic (integrable),

but could be chaotic (nonintegrable), or when both ? and are nonintegrable. In fact entanglement and quantum informa- tion theory in general has been conjectured to provide a basis Fig. 1. Entanglement saturation of a completely unentangled initial state (solid

for studying complex quantum systems [6]. It appears that en- line) and a maximally entangled initial state (dotted line) under time evolu-

NPORQTS U3ORVTW X Y[Z\ORY ]¢ORVTW ^_ tanglement may be strange, but it is not uncommon. tion operator L M . Here and the phases . Inset shows similar behaviour of linear entropy. A. Top Models and saturate, apart from small fluctuations, at values less than

As the Hilbert space dimension and chaos have roles to play in k

n 1i$ the maximum possible ( dTl )

entanglement, coupled large spins are attractive models. Rather In fact we have pointedV out [7] the distribution of the eigen- than specifying Hamiltonians for continuous time evolution, we values of the RDM, the ? , as this must follow from the fact specify unitary operators for finite, discrete time translation, this

that eigenstates are described by RMT. The two RDMs have the

a` P P` may be thought of as Floquet operators of kicked Hamiltonians,

structure and , containing the vector components or quantum maps [3] The unitary time evolution operator, ¦¨§ , of the bipartite system. Thus using RMT implies that has considered here is [7]:

Gaussian distributed random entries, and the distribution of the




¦  ¦ +-©¦&/ $ ¦  ¦  ¦  $¤- ¦  ¦  $¦

+ / +Y/

+Y/ eigenvalues of are then already known, and can be directly /

+ (3)


? ? $# %'&

X ( /*)

/ used to estimate entanglement.

¦  !¦  " 

b W

where b (4) +

The density of the eigenvalues of the RDM < is given by

k Nk


?   /.

#-, #

) )




hfj ¦ + (

and +Y/









¦ 0

The  operators are simply rotation of each top about the



132 4

axis by , while the others are due to periodic -function V






¦ 5 !

kicks. The  operators are torsion about axis, and are (5)

1 ckj



Von V V V

parametrized by the strength that controls the amount of clas- V



H Hfe/g

 cf.6"2B1 1 9 sical chaos in the classical models, and the final term describes where , and $ is the num-


V V V F9

ber of eigenvalues within to ¡ . This has been derived interesting ones regarding large oscillator chains, such as the 1 under the assumption that both 6 and are large. Note that FPU. this predicts a range of eigenvalues for the RDMs that are of the


2 1 c¡  

order of  . For , the eigenvalues of the RDMs are ff bounded away from the origin, while for c there is a diver- While in fact quantum entanglement is purely a quantum fea- gence at the origin. All of these predictions are seen to be borne ture, we can ask what happens in the ? Here we out in numerical work with coupled tops. address a more modest problem, we wish to define a nonsepa- Fig. 2 shows how well the above formula fits the eigenvalue rability measure in , which must naturally distribution of reduced density matrices corresponding to the have many similarities to quantum entanglement [9]. While

eigenstates of the coupled tops. Time evolving states also have the quantum-classical correspondence has often been studied V

the same distribution. This figure also shows thatV the probabil- via the (psuedo) phase-space representation of quantum states,


H Hfe/g$ ity of getting an eigenvalue outside the range is we can also complement this by studying classical mechanics indeed very small. From this distribution we can derive expres- in a Hilbert space. The states are functions in phase-space, the dynamics is, like the quantum, a linear one, governed by the Liouville equation. We note in passing that there are known connections between entanglement and thermodynamic entropy and that the classical measure defined below has similarities to an elusive entropy-like quantity.

Now consider the classical mechanics as described in the


? ?


A $    phase-space , . The flow is generated by a Hamiltonian and the Frobenius-Perron (F-P) operator, which

is the exponentiation of the Liovillian, is defined through:


b b


? ? ? ?

 8  8  8  8 

$&¥9<; = ! ¥  $ g A $& $ A ¨§$ (6)

The F-P operator is unitary. We consider a class of functions that is broad enough to include physically relevant ones. For

simplicity, and obvious connections to quantum mechanics, we /

consider the space of  functions. Thus we allow for clas- sical “states” possibly complex functions over the phase-space. The differences between quantum and classical stands out at this early juncture: all the quantum states in the Hilbert space are as- sumed to be physically realizable, classically the relevant states are those that are at least real everywhere. Consider again a 4D map, or a 2-degree of freedom flow. Ex-

Fig. 2. Distribution of the eigenvalues of the RDMs of coupled kicked tops, b

O¤£¦¥!Z¨§ X O Q/Q

averaged over all the eigenstates ( ¢ ). Solid curves panding any function in the four-dimensional phase space in


  corresponds to the theoretical distribution function Eq. (5). terms of some  basis functions and for each degree of

freedom, we may write: 

sions for the expected saturation entanglement, which is of the R




A $  A $ A $' G" g 6¤ h $H A

+ + b / / / /   + +

n 1 © 1 2 6 $$ ©

form ¢¤_#@dTl , where is a function of the ratio (7)

6 ! 

of the Hilbert space dimensionalities, and as , it tends 


 1 ©  2  to unity. For 6 , . For a much more detailed where the are expansion coefficients. Now the “reduced

account of the coupled tops and related entanglement issues we density matrix” is simply the partial trace:


refer to recent works [7]. R


< G" 'g GE   $ G" 'g 6¤ h $ G!E  Kg 6¤ h $

+ (8) 

B. Quartic Oscillators b

 / We have also begun the study of entanglement properties of and a similar expression holds for < , while the von Neumann

anharmonic oscillator chains [8]. The simplest case considered entropy of these reduced density matrices is the entropy of clas-

Nk  k

/ / / /


2 $ 2 ¡ ¤ ¡  + / $& ¤ ¨ ¢#" ;! +

/ + / is a 2D potential + For sical “entanglement” and is given by: Tr

the two oscillators interact and in general the eigenstates are en- The analogy to the quantum definitions are evident and the exis-

¢$" tangled, and for even modest values of ¤ the oscillators are clas- tence of a Schmidt decomposition follows. The entropy can sically chaotic. Earlier investigations had shown up a series of be zero or positive, if it is zero there is no entanglement, and “channel localized” eigenstates, those that are dominated by the the densities are separable into each degree of freedom, while

straight-line periodic orbits, which correspond to 1D if it is positive this is not possible. The basis independence of



" / along either + or directions. We have found that these states the entropy (the choice of and ) follows from the two are also local minima for entanglement, another clear signature trace operations, and thus it represents a physically meaning- of classical mechanics in something that is considered purely ful quantity, with possible relevance to quantum entanglement, quantum mechanical. There are many open questions, including at least numerically, if not conceptually. We clarify that we do 64 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR SYSTEMS & DYNAMICS not mean to imply by this formalism that there is classical en- of the classical Hilbert space and the at least polynomially in- tanglement in the same footing as quantum entanglement. The creasing frequency components, the classical calculations in a measure we have defined is function-space based and may be truncated Hilbert space lead to rapid loss of accuracy. The case extended to partial differential equations wherein there is no im- of full-fledged chaos is, classically, computationally prohibitive. mediate phase space, or trajectories to diverge exponentially or otherwise. 0.4

A. Coupled Standard Map Model 1

¢¡ /

/ 0.3

Consider the classical map defined on the four-torus :

? ?



 ¡ A  $  mod

? 0.2


? ?

  A !¤£#F2¥£   $ A mod (9)


?  where aj and the potential is










  ! l © 1 l © 1 +Z$ l © 1 / $ ¡

$ (10)

/¨§ /¨§ §


1 $ 1 $

?TS +

0 0

This is a symplectic transformation on the torus  and may 1 2 3 4 5 6 be derived from a kicked Hamiltonian in the standard manner [3], [9]. The parameter controls the interaction between the

¦ Fig. 3. Classical and quantum entanglement as a function of time for initial



two standard maps, while determine the degree of chaos in states localized at the fixed point at the origin. The interaction  ,

 O O V ] the uncoupled limit. The advantage in studying such maps is while Z . our ability to write explicitly the relevant unitary operators, both classical and quantal. In Fig. 3 we plot both the entanglements as a function of time

The classical unitary F-P operator over one iteration of the for a fixed value of the interaction. We see qualitatively similar


? behaviour. The quantum entanglement tend to saturate at higher

 - /

map is + where is the F-P operator for /

values for larger 1 , in consonance with what we discussed ear-

the standard map on and acts on the “single-particle” Hilbert  spaces, while  is the interaction operator on the entire space. lier, while the classical entanglement seems to be continuously

We use as a single-particle basis the Fourier decomposition: increasing. This is however difficult to see numerically due to


h h


 increase of errors, for instance at the highest time shown in the


   9/;>= 1 G ¡ A$$

 Then the matrix ele-

figure, , the normalization deteriorated from unity to     ments of the F-P operators are: k

about . More elaborate work is needed to establish the


? ? ? ?

h h


? ? ?


D@G  ¦ ¦ G ¦ ©&  $>4

H¨  H   

J H (11) properties of the so-called classical entanglement we have in-


 troduced here. The larger classical entanglement is to be seen


¦ ¦D@G=+ ¦&+ g G / / ©& ¦ g*G  D@G

/ / + +


as due to the fine phase-space structures, structures that are not




h h h h


b &+3¡ [/ $ 2 $ b &+'! [/ $ 2 $ 4 4

   J J  (12)

( inhibited by the .



h  G !dG $ G !RG $$ 2

+ /


where + and the delta func- REFERENCES

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