Nazis Claim Ure of St

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Nazis Claim Ure of St ™ ■• X . -. r-»'av;i?a ' . ’ - " V ■:«; il V ' a 1 . } * - v ^ TUESD AY, JU1?E 11,194S The Weather AYormge Deiiy Circolation rw aeu rt at D . 8. WauttMP BaMHi ^ A G I MamknAn Ctmtino 3 m «0I For Ihe' Month o f May, lB4a ' eXondy, warmer tonight Mid Tha|p||ay; local thnader i lim#«iri Tha Ladlea Aid aoctety of the Brer Ready Clrela of Klng’a Emerseficy Doctors Maachaster Methodlat church will Law Graduate EkrResident Member of the Audit jpauditara, bacauaa of unfavorable meet tomorrow afternoon at '2 ^ About Town HALE'S SELF SERVE Bureau of CIrenlattaaa weather, called off Ita picnic today- Phyalclana of the Mancheater | o'clock at tha home of Mra Fred Mancheiter— A City of ViUage Charm at Mra. C. B. WUaon'a cottage at , _l«dlcal Aaaoclatlon who w^lll! Smith, 134 North Sphool atreet. It On Visit Here The OriffinBi lit New Engiand! Cryatal lake, and Inatead will hold r e a ^ d to emergency calla tO; ' will be the annual bualneaa aeaalon «*iMWtty w u e ^ e d on •• Ita final meeting until fall tonight (TWENTY-SIX PAGES -i- IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE THREE CENTi^ today by tha Rod Croaa vol>- ; morroWv afternoon are Dr. with election of offlcera and re- (Cla.Baiffed Advertlaiag on Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1940 at 7:45 at the Whlton Memorial Robert Kaeney and Dr., A l- 1 portWt Mra.. Nellie Marka and Mra. John T. BrinU^ Native of AND HEALTH MARKET VOI.. LIX., NO. 216 untoar workci at tha T. M. C. A., library. I f will, be the annual and hnnorrow at tha aama houra, ! f red BundquI Charlea Hllla will aaalat the hoat- bualneaa aaaalon with election of eaa. *■ Town, Has Been Away to ts U and l to S. it w ill ba acw- offlcera and reporU and a good w Mora worliefa in both de- attendance la hoped for. The For .18 Years. Wed. Morning Specials pattaNnU are uryantly naaded. name hoateaaea. will aerva. Robert Sandala. aon titMT. and The Manchester G irl' Scout Mra. N. Sandala of 169 EMridge Council will have a meeting and John. J. Brink, secretary and GreEn Stamiy Given With Cash Saies. picnic Tuesday, June. 18, a t ' the Omtar Chordi Woman'a Guild atreet, and a.atudent at Connecti­ treasurer of the Adams Brothers' win bold lU doalBC maaUnK for Mary Buahnell Chaney auxiliary, cut College of Pharmacy, Ne^ Girl Scout camp. The meeting will . tiia tomorrow aftamoon at United Spanlah War Veterana will Haven, h£i been awarded high be held at 5 o’clock, after which Salesbook Company of Topeka, of St. hold Ita regular bualneaa meeting ure Tha (ueat Opeaker will ba honora for three jl^ara, aa an­ the members will be guests of the Kansas, was a visitor In Mshches- C risco J2 f M 9 c_vL^„ 18c .Nazis Claim tomorrow evening In the State Itia.'Rater J. Gaacio of Hartford, nounced by Dean Johnaon of the Girl Scout Leaders' association ter today. Armory. for the plenic. Transportalton will and haar oubjact, "Flow er Arranifa- achool. In addition, he »waa Mr. Brink Is a native of Man--: mant." awaieiled a |10 piire given by the be furnished those who desire It The Mother'a Circle of the Saf Veterana' Aaaoclatlon to an out- if they, will call Mrs. Albert Rob­ Chester, the son of the late_ Mf*- Oxydol 2 39 c Tha weakly 'maatlnf of the cred Heart will meet tomorrow atandlng member of the Junior inson of Ridge street. Kach Coun­ and Mr#. Pehr Brink and attend­ Navy Botmber for Allies Cracks Up, Kills Pilot Woman'a Home LeasiJa o f tha Sal­ evening at 8 o'clock at the home claaa for merltorloua work. cil member la requested to provide ed the Ninth District school. South Campbrll's vation Army will be omitted to­ of Mra. Beatrice McCarthy of 18 her own knife, fork and spoon. Manchester High school afid was Work Is Ordered 120,000 French Taken morrow afternoon. A apeclal Pine Hill atreet. Erik Modean, Herald sports edi- J graduated with the class of 1899 for 2 5 c mOaUnEr will be called for Wednea- tor, returned last night from The Women's League of the from the Morse Business Oillege Tomato Soup day of next week to make plane Rock Island, III , where he has Second Congregational church witl of Hartford. for the annual outiBy, i The Mothera Circle of Olbbona ! Aa#embly. Catholic Ladlea of Co- been attending the Slat annual hold Its final meeting tomorrow After working In Mancheater. I Beardsley's Started by N|ivy convention of the Evangelical Lu­ Hartford and New Britain for a | The Ladlea' Sewing dub of St. lumbua. will meet tomorrow eve­ afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Prisoners; Lines Get, theran Augustana Synod of North few ye.->rs he went to Kansas 38 John’a church w ill meet thla eve­ ning at 8 o'clock at the home of church. Sewing for mlaalona will Winiam F. FergiMOn I Mra. John Alllaon, 40 Wcatmlnatcr America aa delegate from the New be completed and plana made for years ago and for the past 34 fPeonut Butter 2 5 c ning with Mra. Charlea Skrabac* England Conferenr's. years has been connected with the ^ 87 North atreet. ' " 1 Road. the strawberry supper snd Hmor- ganbord on June 20. The members william P. Ferguson of 76 Sum­ company of which he Is now sec- On 22 New Ships mer street wa.s graduated with the are also reminded to bring arti­ rctiary snd treasiirer, His work, 4 r.. 17 c# The Emblem Club will hold its flegree bachelor o f laws from the Grapefruit Anal monthly meeting of the aca- cles of serviceable clothing, es­ which consists of selling aalcs- Nearer Paris Today Hartford Colleges of Law and In- pecially children's clothing snd books snd Installing systems.' has i abn tomorrow afternoon at the Bumnee st commencement exer­ Two 45,000-Ton Battle­ ‘Aliens Told to Get T h e i i ^ Elks home In Rockville. Sev­ shoes, clean- and ready for wear, taken him to nearly all of the th be delivered to Mra.'.AIIan Rich­ cises held today. He waa grad­ larger cities In the United States First Papers or Lose Jobs eral matters of buslneas are to be uated from Manchester High HEALTH MARKET ships and - '20 Other ardson, 151 Hartford Road, whose and In Canada. ^Slttlnir i^Stocks Is Too Captives Include 6 Gen* attended to. Including the mem­ School In 1924 ami attended Cath­ More Than 100 German 1 appeal for clothing for Ihe French Warships j.and Auxil­ Chicago, June 12.—(/P>—A ll bers dinner for June 19 and the olic University Is-fore enrolling al He married In Kansas and Is the Hard; Substitutes Sought erals; Materials Taken tite be bewlUifnl your meat most be fresh, tender, Juicy! For refugees was msde from all local aliens employed In a Chicago Divisions Attackiiif( on annual outing. the Hartford (.'olleges. father of six children, all being yew preterMon oar meats are BENT8Clll.r,BWr,n with West- pulpits, Sunday, and has met with Fronkf urts_____ _cb. 2 5 c iaries Assigned With­ I restaurant . chain faced the Described as Incalcnl*, married except two sons, twins I choice today of getting their Broad Front from Low­ Plymouth, Mass., June '12.— b ig h o M Stertlamps. Our meat department w ill gladly show you Mrs. C. A. Goddrlch, vice chair­ a splendid' response. who are now 21 years of age. He The University Club, organized in Hour After Roose­ I first citizenship papers within (/PI—Plymouth is looking for a able; Battleship or the Installatlaa W estingf^ae reom.tly„«impleted for us. man of the Republican town com­ has one son who Is now In bual- er Seine to Argonne during the past season, held Its l a fortnight or losing their Jobs. couple of "tough guy*'' to spend mittee, and Mra. George F. Bbrat^ Mrs. Wllllsm Foiilds, Jr. snd ticBs In Boston and lives in Brook­ Loaf Cheese i.b. 2 5 c velt Signs Navy Act. next Saturday In the stocks - t o Heavy Cruiser Hit by SPECIALS W ED NESD AY MORNIJNG president of the Manchester Re­ Arst outing Saturday afternoon at line, Mass., and he intends to visit “If they don’t take out pa­ Forest; Naxis Engulf Miss Catherine M. Murphy who pers, they’ll have to look for this old town of the Puritan fa­ FOR FRICASSEE publican Women's. club, were Moodus. A. varied program of him before he returns home. Bomb and Damaged in have been spending some time at sports in the afternoon was fol- Washington, June 12.— j work elsewhere," declared Senlisy 26 Miles from thers ’Cwo men who had agreed giiesta at the luncheon for presl- Roulhem' Pines, N. C., • sre al Mr. Brink noted many changes FOWL loweel by a chicken itlnner al 6 Style Cheese i.b: 37 c (A P )— The Navy announced I ! President Robert J. Eltel of the -to sit t o the stocks to add color Air Raid on Le Havrei denta and vice chairmen of the present at "The- Beverly".- 125 in Manchester since he left hero Paris; Orders Issued to the 301-year-old "market Republican clubs throughout o'clock. Outdoor ilanring was also and was able to meet but few of today that work was ordered I i firm bearing his name. "Those East .tOth street.
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