Report-TE-PCDRPEHP-Final 101058
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KINGDOM OF MOROCCO Participatory Control of Desertification and Poverty Reduction in the Arid and Semi-Arid High Plateau Ecosystems of Eastern Morocco (PCDPR-HPE) PROJECT TERMINAL EVALUATION REPORT Rate of Exchange Weights and Measurements Calendar Acronyms and Abbreviations Project Brief Executive Summary I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………14 II. PROJECT DESCRITION AND IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS……………15 III. PROJECT STRATEGY AND APPROACH……………………………………………...19 IV. SCOPE AND APPROACH OF EVALUATION…………………………………………19 V. EVALUATION OF PROJECT RELEVANCE…………………………………………...20 VI. PROJECT COST…………………………………………………………………………..25 VII. EVALUATION OF PROJECT EFFICIENCY……………………………………………26 VIII. ASSESSMENT OF PROJECT PRODUCTS AND OUTPUTS…………………………..26 IX. EVALUATION OF PROJECT EFFECTIVENESS………………………………………32 X. EVALUATION OF PROJECT IMPACTS………………………………………………..38 XI. EVALUATION OF SUSTAINABILITY/OWNERSHIP………………………………...43 XII. INNOVATION AND UP SCALING……………………………………………………..45 XIII. PERFORMANCE OF PARTNERS………………………………………………………46 XIV. LESSONS…………………………………………………………………………………48 XV. RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………………………………49 XVI. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………50 List of Tables Table.1. Project financial results………………………………………………………………………21 Table.2. Effective unit cost as compared to estimated design cost……………………………………22 Table.3.Rating of effectiveness of Project and components ………………………………………….29 i Table.4. Project results by output……………………………………………………………………..29 Table.5. Household mean income……………………………………………………………………..36 Table.6. Beneficiary appreciation of the first project impacts………………………………………..36 Table.7.Change in equipments owned by beneficiaries……………………………………………….37 Table.8.SLM impacts on vegetation standing crop and cover………………………………………...37 List of figures Fig.1.Perception of the future of the project area Fig.2.Beneficiary expressed degree of satisfaction with the project Fig.3.Preferred activities for future action Annexes 1. Project Log frame 2. Summary of supervision and midterm mission recommendations 3. Project results 4. Project effective costs 5. Coordinates of the meteorological stations 6. Coordinates of the micro dams 7. Coordinates of water points equipped with photovoltaic panels 8. Mission notes on meetings with stakeholders 9. Project impacts study 10. Agreement with the Federation 11. Mission program 12. Project Biophysical Monitoring Report ii Rate of Exchange Currency = Moroccan Dirham (MAD) 1,00 USD = 8.31 MAD at Project Design 07/2007 1,00 MAD = 0,12 USD at Project Design 07/2007 1,00 USD = 9.71 MAD at Project completion 10/2015 1,00 MAD = 0,102 USD at Project completion 10/2015 Wright and Measurements Metric System CALENDAR Financial Exercice 1er janvier-31 décembre Acronyms and Abbreviations ADO Agence de Développent de l’Oriental ADS Agence de Développent Social AMC Association de micro crédit ANDZOA Agence Nationale pour le développement des zones oasiennes et de l’arganeraie ANOC Association Nationale Ovine et Caprine ATP Accord tripartite CCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climatic Changes CCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification CCSP Central Cell for the Project Supervision CCTSP Centre de Contrôle et de Traitement des Semences Pastorales CLDH Comité local de développement humain CPDH Comité provincial de développement humain CR Commune Rurale CRRA-O Centre Régional de la Recherche Agronomique pour l’Oriental iii DAR Direction des Affaires Rurales DPA Direction Provinciale d’Agriculture - Provincial Directorate for Agriculture DLCDPN Direction de Lutte Contre la Désertification et de Protection de la Nature DPEFLCD Direction Provinciale des Eaux et Forêts et de la Lutte Contre la Désertification DREFLCD-O Direction Régional des Eaux et Forêts et de la Lutte Contre la Désertification pour l’Oriental GEF Global Environmental Facility GM Global Mechanism EHP Eastern High Plateaus GOM Government of Morocco HCEFLCD Haut Commissariat aux Eaux et Forets et à la Lutte Contre la Désertification IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development INDH Initiative Nationale pour le Développement Humain INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAPM Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime Ministry of Agriculture and Marine Fishery MATEE Ministère de l’Aménagement du Territoire, de l’Eau et de l’Environnement Ministry of Territory Planning, Water and Environment MENA Middle East and North Africa MENARID MI Ministry of the Interior NAPCCD UNCCD National Action Programme to Combat Desertification ODCO Office pour le développement de la coopération PANE Plan d’Action National pour l’Environnement PDPEO-II Projet de développement des parcours et de l’élevage dans l’Oriental- Phase II iv PMU Project Management Unit SAPS Système d’Alerte Précoce à la Sécheresse SIBE Site d’intérêt Biologique et Ecologique SLM Sustainable Land Management UNIDO United Nation Industrial Development Organisation v PROJECT BRIEF Project Identification Country Kingdom of Morocco Participatory Control of Desertification and Poverty Reduction in the Arid and Semi-Arid Project Title High Plateau Ecosystems of Eastern Morocco (PCDPR-HPE) GEF Focal Area Land degradation with linkages to Biodiversity and Climate Change SO-2: To generate mutual benefits for the global environment and local livelihoods through the up- GEF Strategic objectives scaling of SLM investments. Linkages to SO-1 GEF Operational Program OP#15 Sustainable Land Management Key Dates Starting Date Supervision Mid Term Evaluation Completion July 01, 2009 April 01 to May 15, 2013 December 31, 2015 Financing GEF $5 988 422 Co-Financing HCEFLCD $8 088 930 MAPM/IFAD $7 054 998 ADPO $287 950 Others : INDH, ADS, ANDZOA, CR, National Promotion $3 243 845 Beneficiaries $209 442 Total Co-Financing $18 845 166 Total $24 883 588 Stakeholders Implementers International Agency for Implementation UNIDO International Agency for Monitoring and Reporting IFAD National Agency for implementation: HCEFLCD DLCDPN: National Project Direction DREFLCD-O DPEFLCDs: Jerada, Taourirt, Figuig Ministry of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries (MAPM) DIAEA, DRA-O, DR-ONCA, CRRAO, ANDZOA, DPA Oujda, DPA Taourirt, DPA Figuig Partners i Ministry of the Interior (MI) DAR, Wilaya Oriental, Jerada Province, Taourirt Province, Figuig Province, DAR Figuig Ministry of Mines, Energy, Water, and Environment Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water, and Environment (MEMEE) Agency for the Development of Eastern Region (ADPO) Agency for Social Development (ADS) Office for the Development of Cooperation (ODECO) Rural Communes Community organizations Cooperatives, Unions, and the Federation Beneficiaries Beneficiaries The population of Project Area, Staff of different stakeholders participating in workshops and training Project Goal and Objectives Goal Generate mutual benefits for the global environment and local livelihoods through catalyzing SLM investments for large-scale impact in the rangelands of Morocco and the restoration and maintenance of their ecosystem functions and productivity Rural development and Protect the rangeland resources in the arid and semi-arid high plateaus, poverty reduction objective while improving the livelihoods of the rural poor in the eastern region of Morocco. This will be achieved by providing additional support to the GOM in synergy with the project PDPEOII, which is being implemented under an IFAD negotiated loan Environmental objectives At global level , the objective is to control and mitigate land degradation and desertification, and protect the natural ecosystem integrity, functions and services of pastoral ecosystem resources of the arid and semi-arid high plateaus of the eastern region At national level , the objectives are to: (i) Harmonize and mainstream SLM principles and criteria into priority GOM’s national rural development and environmental programmes; (ii) Enhance the efficiency of the coordination and evaluation of these programmes in relation to their impacts on mitigation of land degradation, desertification, and poverty reduction At local level , the project aims to: (i) Improve the institutional and administrative capacities of stakeholders including local communes and RUAs, in order to take responsibility and authority for protection of local environmental resources and control of land uses; (ii) Accelerate the adoption of SLM best practices for control of land degradation and desertification, rehabilitation of degraded areas, and protection of pastoral resources; (iii) Develop an effective SLM knowledge management and information system; and (iv) Support income-generating based on local products for improved communities’ livelihoods and reduced pressure on the natural resources ii Components Component Mainstreaming SLM At national level, in order to alleviate institutional and policy constraints, project activities principles for rangeland will involve mainstreaming SLM principles and criteria into priority national rural ecosystems (GEF development and environmental programmes, such as the NAP on Desertification, NAP on contribution : US$400.000, Environment, National Rangeland Development Strategy, National Rural Development Co-financing : US$673.400) Strategy and INDH Capacity building for national This component refers to “ natural disasters and climate change ” barriers and “ institutional and local institutions to support and policy constraints ” integrated SLM (GEF contribution : US$700.000, Co- financing : US$2.218.800) Up-scaling SLM best practices