APRIL 17-21, 2013 movie art >>> movie art SCHEDULE

Tuesday, April 16 Wednesday, April 17 Thursday, April 18 Friday, April 19 Saturday, April 20 Sunday, April 21

11:00 A.M. 1 Canicula (11:00 a.m.)

Noon 7 The Home Movie Archive 9 “Open Space Patricia Zimmermann Documentary” (Noon) w/ Patricia Zimmermann and Helen de Michiel (Noon) 1 1

.EDU 1:00 P.M. Al Otro Lado Alamar (1:00 p.m.) w/ Patty Zimmermann and Natalia Almada (Skype) (1:00 p.m.)

6 Dim Sum Warriors: w/ Colin Goh and Yen Yen Woo (1:00 p.m.) 19A 2:00 P.M. 2 “Ruins in Recent 2 4 Ming Wong: Artist’s Independent Chinese Talk and Performance Cinema” (Video) (2:00 p.m.) Lecture by Berenice Reynaud (2:00 p.m.) 3:00 P.M.

4:00 P.M. 2 Amarillo w/ Lynn Stephen, 2 “The U.S. - Mexico 2 “Singlish: An Authentic 1 Singapore Dreaming 1 Inori (4:00 p.m.) Ruth Wikler-Luker, and Jorge Border Through the Eyes of or Broken Voice?” w/Colin Goh and Yen Yen Vargas (4:00 p.m.) a Writer” Colin Goh and Yen Yen Woo Woo (4:00 p.m.) 5 Imitation of Life w/ (3:30 p.m.) (4:00 p.m.) (4:00 p.m.) 5:00 P.M. movie art >>> movie art 6:00 P.M. 2 Video Art w/Chip Lord 8 “Ant Farm Then and (6:00 p.m.) Now” w/ Chip Lord (6:00 p.m.) 1 Best of the Northwest Filmmakers Festival: Buoy 1 Alien Boy and short films w/ Steve w/ Brian Lindstrom (6:30 p.m.) 1 The Love Songs of Doughton (6:30 p.m.) Tiedan w/ Berenice Reynaud (6:30 p.m.) 7:00 P.M. 1 Three Burials of 3 “On Screenwriting and Melquiades Estrada w/ Directing” Guillermo Arriaga (7:00 p.m.) Talk by Guillermo Arriaga 5 The Burning Plain (7:00 p.m.) w/ Guillermo Arriaga (7:30 p.m.) 8:00 P.M.

9:00 P.M. 1 Jeremy Rourke: Live 1 Alien Boy Music and Animation w/ Brian Lindstrom (9:15 p.m.) (9:15 p.m.) 1 The Burning Plain w/ Adrenaline Film Project Guillermo Arriaga (9:15 p.m.) 2 Fringe Festival Fiesta and Afterparty (9:30 p.m.) (9:30 p.m.) 180 PLC, UO Campus 23A

LOCATIONS 1 Bijou Art Cinemas: 492 East 13th 4 White Box Gallery: 24 NW 1st Ave, Portland 7 Knight Library: UO Campus 2 Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art: 1430 Johnson Lane, UO Campus 5 NW Film Center Whitsell Aud.: 1219 SW Park Ave., Portland 8 Willamette 100, UO Campus KEY 3 Oak Hill School, 86397 Eldon Schafer Dr, Eugene 6 Eugene Public Library: 100 W 10th Avenue, Eugene 9 Lawrence Hall #249: UO Campus


movie art >>> >>> art movie movie art >>> >>> art movie 24 19A 23A 5 Y Y AFTERPART ADRENALINE FILM PROJECT AND workshop that culminates in a public screening onAdrenaline Film Project is the 72-hour filmmaking 180. Between April 17 and April 20, the (PLC) April 20 at 9:30 p.m. in UO’s Prince Lucien Campbell filmmakers Leigh Kilton-Smith, Omar Naim, and12 teams of three filmmakers, mentored by professional their short films. Following the screening on Rom Alejandro will write, cast, shoot, edit and premiere featuring music and refreshments in the Afterparty, April 20, ticketed guests can attend the Adrenaline Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. FIESTA FRINGE FESTIVAL Local artists have been producing video remixes of a classic film from Mexico, Macario (1960), for the Theannual Cinema Pacific Fringe Festival competition, whose winners will be announced in mid-April. April 19, from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. remixes will be on display at the Fringe Festival Fiesta on Friday, and other They will be supplemented by dance music, delicious Mexican food, and by “digital pinatas” astonishing projections coordinated by UO Digital Arts professor John Park. OREGON FILMMAKERS Festival, featuring that festival’s the Best of the Northwest Filmmakers This year’s festival will include Steve Doughton for best feature, Buoy, accompanied by filmmaker 2012 audience prizewinner (Apr. 19 at 6:30 p.m.). with Alien Boy: The will be director Brian Lindstrom Also coming from Portland (Apr. International Film Festival Portland Chasse, the sensation of the recent Life and Death of James 20 at 6:30 p.m. and 9:15 p.m.). Film Festival, the film delves into Cosponsored with the Good Works police and asks larger questions about how society the tragic beating and killing of Chasse by Portland treats mental illness. DOCUMENTAR OPEN SPACE and Helen De Michiel will demonstrate and discussIn their presentation, speakers Patricia Zimmermann Using newly available of Open Space Documentary. examples of media projects that exemplify the spirit can communicate stories, imagine social change, andtools and apps, filmmakers are testing how media April 19 at noon is This free program on spaces.” function as a dynamically evolving interactive “open Arts and Administration Programs. cosponsored with the New Media and Culture and ANT FARM WEST OF CENTER: CHIP LORD AND of Center: Art and the Counterculture of Art’s “West In collaboration with the Jordan Schnitzer Museum to the Schnitzer Cinema Pacific will bring video artist Chip Lord Experiment in America, 1965-77,” and discuss three of his independent video artworks,Cinema on April 17, at 7:00 p.m. Lord will present often mixing the two. As a co-founder of Antwhich straddle documentary and experimental genres, Media Burn and The Eternal Frame as well as theFarm, Chip Lord produced the video art classics 18 at 6:00 p.m., Lord will present an illustrated On April Cadillac Ranch sculpture in Amarillo, Texas. Chip Lord’s visit is cosponsored with UO Departments of Art and talk titled Ant Farm Then and Now. History of Art and Architecture. NAUD ON NEW CHINESE CINEMA BERENICE REYNAUD ON NEW CHINESE FELLOW FESTIVAL an illustrated lecture on April Festival Fellow Bérénice Reynaud will deliver This year’s Cinema Pacific phenomenon currently taking Chinese cinema is addressing an overwhelming 18 on how independent She will also introduce an of ruins as part of planned urban renewal. place in China–the production Songs of Tiedan (Apr. 18 at 6:30 p.m.), from China titled The Love exciting new narrative feature a practiced for centuries in China.to the er ren tai form of bawdy folk singing larkish and erotic tribute for Asian and Pacific by the UO Confucius Institute and the Center Reynaud’s visit is supported Studies. novel that is also an educational Chinese-English iPad app. Cosponsored with the UO Center for Asian with the UO iPad app. Cosponsored also an educational Chinese-English novel that is Asian Studies, CABA,and Pacific Studies, and Literatures, and East Asian Languages Comics Studies, Linguistics. y as “a graceful satire on Western Western on satire graceful “a as Variety

(Apr. 20 at 4 p.m.),4 at 20 (Apr. Dreaming Singapore by praised

FOCUS: SINGAPORE COLIN GOH AND YEN YEN WOO have released two feature films, Woo Yen Visiting Singaporean filmmakers Colin Goh and Yen including capitalism in the East.” Goh and Woo’s film freely employs the ‘Singlish’ (Singaporean English) film freely employs the ‘Singlish’ Goh and Woo’s capitalism in the East.” dialect that the Singaporean government has attempted to suppress. On April 19, Goh and Woo Goh at the Eugene Public Library, will deliver a Jeremiah Lecture on the controversial dialect. Finally, (Apr. 20 at 1 p.m.), will project and discuss episodes from Dim Sum Warriors their graphicand Woo : EMOTION PICTURES : EMOTION Focus: Singapore Ming Wong has been recognized internationally Biennale, Wong Singapore’s representative to the 2009 Venice engage with the history of world cinema andfor his ambitious performance and video works that Museum of Art will present, from popular forms of entertainment. The Jordan Schnitzer (2010, 16 min.), Life and Death in Venice 3-screen video installation, April 12–June 2, Ming Wong’s from . On view at the White Box Gallery in Portland a revisiting of isconti¹s 1971 film Death in Venice Life of Imitation (2009, 13 min.),Apr. 4–May 4 will be Wong’s inspired by the classic Hollywood Film Center).melodrama Imitation of Life (screening at 4 p.m. on April 21 at the Northwest Wong on April 21 at 2 p.m. in the JSMA and Portland’s will give a live performance and artist talk via Skype White Box Gallery. ocumentar Focus: Mexico New Mexican D Mexican documentaryFocus: Mexico will also highlight the exciting renaissance in contemporary director-cinematographers will be featured: Natalia Almada, who won the 2009 filmmaking. Two Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio, whose film Alamar hasDocumentary Directing Award at Sundance, and in a Skype conversation following thebeen an international sensation. Almada will participate . Rubio’s Alamar (Apr. 21 at 1 p.m.),April 20, 4 p.m. screening of her feature debut, Al Otro Lado to the life of a fisherman, will be followed by thea beautiful portrait of a father introducing his son screening of his latest film, Inori (Apr. 21 at 4 p.m.), town in on the aging inhabitants of a dying Japan. Also screening is Canicula (Apr. 20 at 11 a.m.), filmed by Rubio, portraying the miraculous also Focus: Mexico Finally, of Veracruz. people flying dance rituals of the Totonac “voladores” Línea de of Teatro by OntheBoards.tv, includes a special presentation of the HD film, produced (Apr. 17 at 4 p.m.).Sombra’s multimedia theater performance, Amarillo

Arriaga exico Guillermo Focus: M for Guillermo Arriaga, renowned the legendary screenwriter is proud to welcome Cinema Pacific in his trilogy borders, most notably characters across national narratives that connect his nonlinear to Oregon, whereBabel. Arriaga is returning , and Inarritu: with Alfonso in 2008. and , in Portland , starring CharlizeTheron he filmed The Burning Plain Program, Consulate ofis cosponsored with the Latin American Studies Guillermo Arriaga’s visit MeCha, and the Oregon Humanities Center, UO International Affairs, Mexico, Oregon Film, the Northwest Film Center. speak at each of the following events: Guillermo Arriaga will The Burning Plain: Art Museum Auditorium, Portland April 16, 7:30 p.m., Whitsell April 18, 9:00 p.m., Bijou Estrada: The Three Burials of Melquiades April 17, 7:00 p.m., Bijou “The U.S.the Eyes of a Writer”: - Mexico Border Through April 18, 4:00 p.m., JSMA “On Writing and Directing”: April 19, 7:00 p.m., Oak Hill School HIGHLIGHTS 4

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movie art >>> >>> art movie >>> art movie 24 19A 23A 6 FESTIVAL PROGRAMS sensual atmosphere oftheliveperformance. OntheBoards.tv, retainstheimmersiveand This presentationofAmarillo,filmedbySeattle’s landscapes ofgeographyandcultural identity. multimedia performancethattravels imagined Línea deSombrareconstructthisjourney ina Jorge Vargas andhiscollaboratorsinTeatro displaced objectsandnaturalelements,director images, bilingualmonologuesandaseaof Amarillo, Texas. Throughstunningprojected and vanishesbeforereachinghisdestination: A mandepartsfortheUS-Mexicanborder FREE Jordan SchnitzerMuseumofArtLectureRoom 4:00 p.m. Vargas Wikler-Luker, Lynn Stephen,anddirectorJorge Screening andpaneldiscussionwithRuth AMARILLO WEDNESDAY, APRIL17 damaged pasts. the centralfemalecharacterswhosufferfrom are andGina(KimBasinger), first starringrole), (eighteen-year-old JenniferLawrence,inher Mariana and places.Sylvia(CharlizeTheron), celebrated scriptsforAmoresPerros andBabel. approach tostorytellinghebroughthis as director,Arriagabuildsonthemultifaceted 2009,107min.)Inhisdebutfeature (USA, Northwest FilmCenter,Portland 7:30 p.m. With writer-directorGuillermoArriaga THE BURNINGPLAIN TUESDAY, APRIL16 in different times in differenttimes several characters drama following is anensemble Burning Plain Portland, The Shot inpart

position them as evidentiary and referential. position themasevidentiary andreferential. inert, ghostly, decayed. Scholars ofhomemovies Home moviesare often positionedasdead, FREE Knight Library Noon A talkbyPatriciaZimmermann THE HOMEMOVIEARCHIVE LIVE THURSDAY, APRIL18 also wontheBestScreenplayaward. whereGuillermoArriaga Film Festival(2005), the characterswhoselivesareintertwinedat his finestscreenplay, onethatisascomplex Mexico border.GuillermoArriagahascreated in thecontemporaryenvironmentofTexas- parable, aWestern, andaroadmovie,grounded 2005,122min.)ThreeBurialsisa (USA, Bijou ArtCinemas 7:00 p.m. With screenwriterGuillermoArriaga MELQUIADES ESTRADA THE THREEBURIALSOF mixing thetwo. documentary andexperimentalgenres,often and discusseshiswork,whichstraddles and single-channelvideotapes.Lordpresents in collaboration,producingvideoinstallations Since 1980,hehasworkedindependentlyand Cadillac RanchsculptureinAmarillo,Texas. Burn andTheEternalFrameaswellthe Lord producedthevideoartclassicsMedia Chip As amemberofAntFarm(1968-1978), FREE Jordan SchnitzerMuseumofArtLectureRoom 7:00 p.m. With visitingartistChipLord THE VIDEOARTOFCHIPLORD Award at the Cannes Award attheCannes him aBestActor extraordinary, earning performance is Tommy LeeJones’s the border.Director CHINESE CINEMA RUINS INRECENTINDEPENDENT performance andtheperformativityofremix. proactively togeneratenewspacesthrough how thehomemoviearchive“live” canfunction counterintuitive movetowards“live;” itponders This talkproposesanopposite,almost since his childhood. since hischildhood. border, aterrainthatArriagahasknown well directly withthetensionsonU.S.-Mexican Estrada, directedbyTommy LeeJones,deals Arriaga’s TheThreeBurialsofMelquiades directed: AmoresPerros, 21GramsandBabel. “death trilogy” hewrote andAlfonsoInarritu across nationalborders,mostnotablyinthe nonlinear narrativesthatconnectcharacters Arriaga isrenownedforhisfragmentary, the influenceofborderissuesonhiswork. Writer anddirectorGuillermo Arriagadiscusses FREE JSMA LectureRoom 4:00 p.m. A lecturebyGuillermoArriaga WRITER THROUGH THEEYESOFA THE U.S.-MEXICOBORDER American Studies The BartolomedelasCasasLectureinLatin Confucius Institute. will beshown.CosponsoredbyCAPSandUO Ou Ning,YingLiang,Wang Bing,andothers renewal. ExcerptsfromfilmsbyJiaZhangke, the productionofruinsaspartplannedurban phenomenon currentlytakingplaceinChina, this newcinemaisaddressinganoverwhelming last decade.Thispresentationwilldiscusshow has beenoneofthemostexcitingeventsin The emergenceoftheNewChineseCinema FREE JSMA LectureRoom 2:00 p.m. An illustratedlecturebyBereniceReynaud

work, theacclaimedSingleMan. obsession muchfurtherthaninhisprevious the envelopeofromanticlongingand erotic to comedyexpressionism.” Haopushes visual stylesfromethnomusicologyto musical draws fromabroad“rangeofcinematicand Tiedan, accordingtocriticBereniceReynaud, er rentaiformofbawdyfolksingingpracticed (China, 2012,91min.)Alarkishtributetothe Bijou ArtCinemas 6:30 p.m. With guestspeakerBereniceReynaud THE LOVE SONGSOFTIEDAN 1976. will bepresentedalongwithConventionCity, the Century,CadillacRanchandMediaBurn digital timecapsulefortheyear2030.Houseof video archiveandforwardtothefutureviaa works aswellpresentingrecentprojects.Ant Chip Lordrevisitsanumberofthoseseminal 1978. ThislecturebyAntFarm’scofounder architectural practiceduringthedecade1968- The groupAntFarmcreatedaradical FREE UO WillametteHall100 6:00 p.m. A lecturebyChipLord ANT FARM:THENANDNOW Love Songsof China, The region of mountainous the northwestern Hao’s homein in directorJie for centuries 1970s as a 1970s asa back tothe both looks project that stands asa Capsule] Van v.08 [Time Farm Media


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movie art >>> >>> art movie >>> art movie 24 19A 23A 8 leaders. proscriptions ofSinglishbySingapore’s political TalkingCock.com, designedinparttocounterthe their presentationwithsatiricalwebsite, affect freedomofexpression.Theywill illustrate Woo discusshowSingapore’slanguagepolicies Singaporean filmmakersColinGohand Yen Yen Drawing fromtheirpersonalexperiences, instead ofSingaporeanEnglish,or“Singlish.” Chinese dialects,andtospeak“GoodEnglish” urge themtospeakMandarininsteadofother economic successarelanguagecampaignsthat Among thepoliciesgivencreditforSingapore’s FREE Jordan SchnitzerMuseumofArtLectureRoom 3:30 p.m. A lecturebyColinGohandYen Yen Woo BROKEN VOICE SINGLISH: ANAUTHENTICOR Asia Pacificregion. environmental andsocialjusticeissuesinthe curating independentlymademedialookingat media portaldedicatedtopublishingand and projectsincludingEngageMedia,anew and discussexamplesofmediaorganizations “open space.” Thespeakerswilldemonstrate and functionasadynamicallyevolvinginteractive communicate stories,imaginesocialchange, apps, filmmakersaretestinghowmediacan conversation. Usingnewlyavailabletoolsand are evolvingnewpathwaysfordistributionand Emerging modelsforparticipatorydocumentary FREE Lawrence Hall Noon Helen DeMichiel A presentationbyPatriciaZimmermannand OPEN SPACE DOCUMENTAR FRIDAY, APRIL19 See Tuesday, April16,forsummary. Bijou ArtCinemas 9:15 p.m. With screenwriter-directorGuillermoArriaga THE BURNINGPLAIN Y AND ANIMATION JEREMY ROURKE:LIVEMUSIC taught inhislegendarymasterclasses. screenwriting andthetechniquesthathehas He willalsoshareinsightsintohisapproachto speak tonightabouthisevolutionasawriter. an eloquentspeakerandteacher,hewill and theOscar-nominatedBabel.Heisalso Gonzalez Inarritu:AmoresPerros, 21Grams international renownforhistrilogywithAlejandro author, director,andproducer,whoachieved Guillermo ArriagaisaMexicanscreenwriter, FREE Oak HillSchool 7:00 p.m. A talkbyGuillermoArriaga AND DIRECTING ON SCREENWRITING 6 min.). and LaterthanUsual(DavidHovan,Vancouver, Woodchips II(OrlandoNutt,Portland, 6min.) Dear Peter, Woodchips andDearPeter, Shown with: never showybitofinnovativefilmmaking.” The OregoniandescribesBuoyas“aboldbut Filmmaker’s Festivalin2012.MarcMohanfrom the narrativefeatureawardatNorthwest eighty-minute phonecall.Buoytookhome us hisfirstfeaturefilm,Buoy(2012,82min.), Portland filmmakerStevenDoughtonbrings Bijou ArtCinemas 6:30 p.m. With directorSteveDoughton BUOY AND3SHORTFILMS Best oftheNorthwestFilmmakersFestival animations, his works (which he accompanies animations, hisworks (whichheaccompanies pens, pencils,leaves, andstickstomakehis paint, shadows,wood, oldphotographs, musician livinginSanFrancisco.Using paper, Jeremy Rourkeisaself-taughtanimator and Bijou ArtCinemas 9:15 p.m. through a single through asingle relationship precious familial revival ofa traces the drama that a minimalist Mexican foodandmusicwillbeabundant. from thisyear’sCinemaPacificFringeFestival. including theawardwinningvideoremixes piñatas andothermiraculousvideoprojections, Come joinusforaspectacularnightofdigital Jordan SchnitzerMuseumofArtCafe 9:30 p.m.–12:30a.m. FRINGE FESTIVAL FIESTA to traffic drugs or to illegally cross the border into to trafficdrugsor illegallycrosstheborderinto Mexico, hefacestwo choicestoimprovehislife: Coming fromthedrugcapitalof other side”). dreams ofabetterlifeintheUnitedStates (“the three year-oldfishermanandaspiring composer, (USA/Mexico, 2005,70min.)Magdiel, atwenty Bijou ArtCinemas 1:00 p.m. director NataliaAlmada(viaSkype) With guestspeakerPatriciaZimmermannand (THE OTHE R SIDE) AL OTRO LADO it istrue,beautiful,andpoetic.” Iñarritu describesCanículaas“excitingbecause rituals. MexicandirectorAlejandroGonzález Observationiskeyinthisvisual flying dance”). footage oftheTotonac’s “voladores” ritual(“the photographed, thisdocumentaryfeaturesrare Totonac peopleofVeracruz, Mexico.Beautifully the richculturalheritageandtraditionsof ethnographic work,Caniculaisastudyof (Mexico, 2012,65min.)Acaptivating Bijou ArtCinemas 11:00 a.m. CANICULA SATURDAY, APRIL20 SF Weekly. named “bestnewanimator/musician” by film festivalsaroundthecountry. In2011,hewas live withguitarandvocals)havebeenshownat for the annual for theannual are underway preparations Cruz, where Zapotal, Santa small villagein journey toa Sum Warriors belonging. which migrantscreatetheirownformofcultural support familiesandcommunitiesleftbehind.His the UnitedStates,whereevenmenialjobscan satire onWestern capitalismintheEast.” Variety praisedtheirfilmas“agraceful American InternationalFilmFestival and for NarrativeFeatureatthe30th Asian- on hisfamily. AndthenPoh Huatsuddenly takes hisfeelingsoffailureandenvyout his workingclassreality, LohPoh Huat between hismiddleclassdreamsand of hiscareerandfrustratedbythegulf (Singapore, 2006,105min.)Attheend Bijou ArtCinemas 4:00 p.m. Yen Woo With guestdirectorsColinGohandYen SINGAPORE DEAMI stories fromtheircomicbookiPadapp, lawyer) willdiscuss,project,andperform respectively, aneducationprofessorand Yen Woo andColinGoh(whoarealso, Filmmakers andcomicbookcreatorsYen FREE Eugene PublicLibrary 1:00 p.m. With ColinGohandYen Yen Woo DIM SUMWARRIORS about kungfufightingChinesesnacks. ages, crazymartialartsadventurecomedy . Dim SumWarriors Audience Award Audience Award Goh wonthe Woo andColin lottery. Yen Yen dollars inthe wins $2million isanall- through through like ballads troubadour- the corrido, through are rendered experiences Dim Dim 9

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movie art >>> >>> art movie movie art >>> >>> art movie 24 23A 19A 10 sponsored withGoodWorks FilmFestival. system grapplingwithaccountability. Co- after histragicdeath,andacity life, thestruggleforhisfamilytofindjustice intimate andcomplexstoryofoneman’s at Chasse’slife.Whatemergesisan hours later. not suspectedofacrime,norhadhe motionless onthepavement.Hewas who beatandtasedJamesuntilhelay three policeofficersinPortland, Oregon, 2006, JamesChassewasstoppedby 2013,90min.)OnSeptember17, (USA, Bijou ArtCinemas 6:30 p.m.and9:15 With guestfilmmakerBrianLindstrom DEATH OFJAMESCHASSE ALIEN BOY: THELIFEAND Cosponsored by CulturalForum. the JordanSchnitzer MuseumofArt! featuring musicandrefreshments in into thecelebratoryAdrenalineAfterparty, Adrenaline FilmProject,featuringtwelve Come seetheresultsofEugene’sfourth campus PLC 180ontheUniversityofOregon 9:30 p.m. and RomAlejandro Hosted byLeighKilton-Smith,OmarNaim, SCREENING ANDAFTERPART Y ADRENALINE FILMPROJECT Alien Boy your ticket will get you your ticketwillgetyou Following thescreening, prize, theKalbAward. will alsoselectitstop jury offilmprofessionals Audience Awardanda crowd willvoteforan hours. Theassembled films made in the past 72 takes a deep look takesadeeplook about two about two of police custody died inthe one. He committed in Stephen Holdenwrites:“Thecharacters directors asRainer Werner Fassbinderand visual stylesand tropesofsuchiconicfilm talk andliveperformanceinconjunction Portland vialivevideotogiveanartist’s Artist MingWong willvisitEugeneand FREE Room andWhiteStagBuilding,Portland Jordan SchnitzerMuseumofArtLecture 2:00 p.m. PERFORMANCE: MINGWONG ARTIST TALK ANDLIVE Old ManandtheSea González-Rubio crafted a beautiful, organic, Mayan originsinMexico.FilmmakerPedro a trip,hopingtoteachhimabouthis from hiswife,takessonNatanon (Mexico, 2009,73min.)Jorge,separated Bijou ArtCinemas 1:00 p.m. ALAMAR SUNDAY, APRIL21 evokes fablesfrom has anoverarchingmythicresonancethat constructed afilminwhichthejourney themselves, butGonzález-Rubiohas Alamar may be playing versions of maybeplayingversionsof .” Robinson Crusoe through the through the cinema. Working history ofworld engage withthe video worksthat performance and for hisambitious internationally been recognized exhibition, with histwo-city Pictures York Times’ The New with experience and visual visceral, . Wong has Alamar Emotion Emotion to The toThe

. as white. as white. her heritageforachancetobeaccepted whoabandons Sarah Jane(SusanKohner), faces therejectionofherowndaughter, hastroublesofherownasshe Moore), Lora’s blackhousekeeper,Annie(Juanita is heldupasamasterpieceofDouglas (USA, 1959,125min.) (USA, Northwest FilmCenter,Portland 4:00 p.m. IMITATION OFLIFE Inori Documentary attheMoreliaFilmFestival, (Japan, 2012,71min.)WinnerofBest Bijou ArtCinemas 4:00 p.m. INOR motion pictures. geographic locationareconstructedby the meansthroughwhichsubjectivityand Wong Kar-wai,Wong’s practiceconsiders southeastern Nara Prefecture. in thelush,water-fed mountainsofJapan’s melancholy facedbytheagingpopulation by thenaturalwondersandinevitable memory.” Gonzalez-Rubiowasinspired hidden deepwithinalushforestisoneof of agingresidentsinaremotevillage González-Rubio’s tender look at the handful top tenundistributedfilmsof2012:“Pedro was cited by IndieWire as one of the wascitedbyIndieWireasoneofthe (Sandra Dee). (Sandra Dee). her daughter,Susie relationship with the expenseofany ambitions comeat Hollywood stardom mother whose plays Lora,asingle style. LanaTurner Sirk’s directing Imitation ofLife in recent in recent of mortality snapshots most poignant the saddest,

cinemapacific.uoregon.edu. For moredetails,visit accepted. Cash, Visa,andMasterCardare the publishedeventstarttime. at thevenueonehalf-hourbefore Day-of-sales: ticketsgoonsale screenings. the doorandonlineatnwfilm.org/ Film Centerticketsareonsaleat the EMUonUOcampus.NW Office, 541-346-4363,locatedin also onsalethroughtheUOTicket Tickets forallEugeneeventsare schedule cinemapacific.uoregon.edu/ Online ThroughApril16at: Eugene ShowsAreAvailable Tickets ForAll and theWhiteBoxGallery. Film Center’sWhitsellAuditorium Ave., andinPortland atthe NW at BijouArtCinemas,492E.13th locations ontheUOcampusand place inEugeneatvarious Cinema Pacificeventswilltake Information Venue andTicketing 11

movie art >>> 19A movie art >>> 23A THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS

Presenting Sponsors:

Primary Sponsors:

Lead Sponsors:

Cinema Pacific also receives major support from University Relations, the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, UO Confucius Institute, UO Libraries, Office of International Affairs, Oregon Humanities Center, Latin American Studies Program, Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, and Oregon Film.

The University of Oregon is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

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©2013 University of Oregon