The Seaxe Newsletter of the Middlesex Heraldry Society Editor – Stephen Kibbey, 3 Cleveland Court, Kent Avenue, Ealing, London, W13 8BJ (Telephone: 020 8998 5580 – e-mail:
[email protected]) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. No. 51 (Founded 1976) February 2006 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Otto Hupp – Heraldic Artist Extraordinary. Otto Hupp was born in Düsseldorf on 21st May 1859. His father was an engraver and medal maker which probably explains Otto’s interest in painting and later engraving, guilding, polishing, metalwork, carving, pottery and the embossing of leather. In 1882 he married Franziska Eilhammer and they set up home in the outskirts of Munich. His greatest love was heraldry and it was this subject to which he dedicated the greater part of his working life. He amassed a vast collection of books and personal and corporate arms. His output was prodigious. It is said he produced more than six thousand heraldic drawings, paintings, and pieces of graphic design, which involved wine bottle labels, postage stamps, bank notes, and posters. He is best known for ‘The Münchener Kalender’. This was a cheaply produced calendar which ran from 1885 to 1936. Hupp illustrated it with full achievement of arms in various forms over that entire period. The illustration above is typical of his work and was taken from ‘Otto Hupp – Das Werk Eines Deutschen Meisters’. In spite of his enormous output in every kind of medium and the high quality of his work he only considered himself a competent craftsman rather than an outstanding artist which he undoubtedly was. He died, aged eighty, in 1949 at Schleifβheim. The above account draws largely on Anthony Wood’s article, ‘Otto Hupp, Artist Extraordinary’ published in The Coat of Arms N.S.vol.