Out and About – Winter 2017-18 (Download PDF)

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Out and About – Winter 2017-18 (Download PDF) Events, activities and attractions in the parks and countryside of Leeds AUTUMN WINTER 2017/18 Welcome Welcome to the autumn-winter edition of Out ERH%FSYX8LMWPIE¾IXMWTVSHYGIHF]0IIHW 'MX]'SYRGMP´W4EVOWERH'SYRXV]WMHI7IVZMGI ERHEMQWXSKMZI]SYEXEWXISJ[LEX´WKSMRKSR at our sites from Oct 2017 – March 2018. 8LIIZIRXWERHEGXMZMXMIWJIEXYVIHMRXLIPIE¾IXTVSZMHIE VERKISJIRXIVXEMRQIRXHIWMKRIHXSLIPT]SYIRNS]XLI KVIEXSYXHSSVWPSGEPP]IZIRMJXLI[IEXLIV´WRSXWSKVIEX -X´WLEVHXSQMWWXLIWM\0IIHW'MX]'SYRGMPFSR½VIW XEOMRKTPEGIEGVSWWXLIGMX]SR*VMHE]VH2SZIQFIVFYX [I´ZIKSXIZIV]XLMRKJVSQ,EPPS[IIREX8IQTPI2I[WEQ XSXLI1EKMGEP'LVMWXQEWGIPIFVEXMSREX0SXLIVXSR,EPPEW [IPP%RHJSVXLSWIQSVIMRXIVIWXIHMRXLIREXYVEP[SVPH [L]RSXXV]EJYRKEPJSVE]SVETTPIHE] &IGEYWIXLIVIMWR´XQYGLVSSQMRXLIPIE¾IX[IGER´X PMWXIZIV]IZIRXXLEX´WXEOMRKTPEGIWSXSOIITMRXSYGL follow us on Twitter @leedsparks or Facebook ‘Leeds Parks’.8LIVI´WEPWSWSQIKVIEXIZIRXWJIEXYVIHEX www.leedsinspired.co.uk. %PWSHYIXSPEGOSJWTEGISRP]SYVQSWXTSTYPEVWMXIW EVIJIEXYVIHFYX[IPSSOEJXIVPSXWSJSXLIVTEVOWERH KVIIRWTEGIWEGVSWWXLIGMX]8S½RHSYXQSVIZMWMX www.leeds.gov.uk/parksandcountryside. Event Key 'EV4EVO Tennis Courts &SSOMRK6IUYMVIH )RXV]'LEVKIW Toilets 'LEVKIW%TTP] 'SRJIVIRGI6SSQ ;EXIV*IEXYVI *EVQ Woodland Site Key Golf Course Accessible Contacts Key Motorised *SSXTEXLW 7GSSXIV%ZEMPEFPI E Email Accessible WC Museum T 8IPITLSRI Animal Attraction 4PE]KVSYRH W Web Address &EF]'LERKI 7LST F *EGIFSSO Bowling Green 7TIGMEPMWX+EVHIRW Tw Twitter Café 7XIEQ8VEMR Pudsey Park 0IIHW0766 4YHWI]4EVOMWEWQEPPFYXZIV]TSTYPEV GSQQYRMX]TEVO[MXLETPE]KVSYRHWOEXITEVO WXYRRMRK¾S[IVFIHWERHEFS[PMRKKVIIR8LI ;IWX0IIHW'SYRXV]4EVOZMWMXSVGIRXVIMWFEWIHH MRXLITEVO¯WSGLIGOSYXSYVERMQEPGSPPIGXMSRXSWIIXLI[MPX XL MPHPMJHPMJI SJ0IIHW MRGPYHMRKVEFFMXW½WLQMGI VEXW YTGPSWI Visitor Centre Winter Opening Hours: )ZIV]HE]EQXSTQ I\GITX'LVMWXQEW&S\MRK(E]ERH2I[ =IEV´W(E] More info: www.leeds.gov.uk/pudseypark T ETEVOW$PIIHWKSZYO SatNav0766 Temple Newsam Estate 0IIHW07%( %XEGVIW8IQTPI2I[WEQMWSRISJ )YVSTI´WPEVKIWXTEVOW%W[IPPEWXLIMQTVIWWMZII 8YHSV.EGSFIERQERWMSRXLIIWXEXISJJIVW JSVQEPERHMRJSVQEPKEVHIRWX[STPE]KVSYRHW I\XIRWMZI[SSHPERHWPEOIWEKSPJGSYVWIERHIZIRMXWS[RJEVQMX J House and Farm Admission: There is an entrance fee for the House and Farm, check the website for details. Winter Opening Hours: House –'LIGOXLI[IFWMXIJSVHIXEMPW Farm –8YIW¯7YREQTQ[MXLPEWXIRXV]QMRYXIWFIJSVI closing. Tea Rooms – 1SR¯7YREQTQ Gift Shop – 8YIW¯7YREQTQ ,SYWIJEVQERHGEJqEVISTIRSRFEROLSMPHE]WI\GPYHMRK 'LVMWXQEW&S\MRK(E]ERH2I[=IEV´W(E] More info: www.leeds.gov.uk/templenewsam www.twitter.com/homefarmTN www.facebook.com/templenewsamestate T Estate T House EXIQTPIRI[WEQ$PIIHWKSZYOSatNav 07%( Volunteering: Friends of Temple Newsam TETEYPMRIE[SSH$]ELSSGSYO Volunteer Groups TEHEZMHXLSVTI$PIIHWKSZYO Roundhay Park 0IIHW07,, 6SYRHLE]4EVOIRGSQTEWWIWSZIVEGVIW SJVSPPMRKTEVOPERHMRGPYHMRKWTIGMEPMWXKEVHIRW PEOIW[SSHPERHERHSYXHSSVWTSVXWJEGMPMXMIW -XEPWSFSEWXWX[STPE]KVSYRHWX[SGEJqWERH Photo: Jill Parkinson XLIREXMSREPP]VIRS[RIH8VSTMGEP;SVPHZMWMXSVEXXVEGXMSRM Tropical World Admission: There is an entrance fee for Tropical World, check the website for details. Tropical World Winter Opening Hours: EQXSTQ PEWXEHQMWWMSRTQ Tropical World Café Winter Opening Hours: 1SRXS7YREQTQ More info: www.tropicalworldleeds.co.uk www.leeds.gov.uk/roundhaypark www.twitter.com/tropworldleeds www.facebook.com/tropicalworldleeds TETEVOW$PIIHWKSZYO SatNav07,, Volunteering: Friends of Roundhay Park W[[[JSVTSVKEWIGVIXEV]$JSVTSVK tw$JSVTPIIHW Middleton Park 0IIHW077, 8LIEGVIWXLEXQEOIYT1MHHPIXSR4EVO MRGPYHIE[MPHPMJIVMGLERGMIRX[SSHPERHJSVQEP TEVOPERHPSXWSJMRXIVIWXMRKLIVMXEKIXVEMPWE GLMPHVIR´WTPE]KVSYRH½WLMRKTSRHFS[PMRKKVIIRR GEJqERHZMWMXSVGIRXVI Café & Visitor Centre Opening Hours: EQTQ 1SRXS*VM EQTQ ;IIOIRHW More info: www.leeds.gov.uk/middletonpark T ETEVOW$PIIHWKSZYOSatNav 077, Volunteering: Friends of Middleton Park TEMRJS$JSQTGSYO Middleton Park Estate Volunteers E+VEIQIEWLXSR$PIIHWKSZYO T www.tropicalworldleeds.co.uk Lotherton Hall 0IIHW07)& 0SXLIVXSR,EPPWXERHWMRERIPIKERX)H[EVHMER GSYRXV]TEVO%HIIVTEVOKEVHIRWX[STSTYPEVEV GLMPHVIR´WTPE]KVSYRHWERHEREXMSREPP]MQTSVXERXRX FMVHKEVHIREVIEPPPSGEXIH[MXLMRXLITEVO Winter Opening Hours: House, café, shop & bird gardenEQTQ PEWXIRXV]TQ Estate gates (October to March)EQTQ Lotherton Hall Estate Admission: There is a fee for entry to the Lotherton Hall estate, check the website for details. More info: www.leeds.gov.uk/lothertonhall www.twitter.com/lothertonhall www.facebook.com/lotherton T SatNav 07)& Volunteering: Lotherton Hall Estate Volunteers TE 8LSQEWLEVVMWSR$PIIHWKSZYO Kirkstall Abbey Park 0IIHW07), 3RISJXLIFIWXTVIWIVZIH'MWXIVGMEREFFI]W MRXLIGSYRXV]WXERHWEXXLILIEVXSJXLMWPSZIP] TEVO[LIVILMWXSVMGKVSYRHWERHPERHWGETIH[EPOWOW Photo: Eugene Ivanoff FSVHIVXLIVMZIV%MVI8LIZMWMXSVGIRXVIQETWXLILMWXSV] SJXLITEVOERHEFFI][LMPWXXLITSTYPEV%FFI],SYWI1YWIYQ LSYWIWHMWTPE]WERHEGEJq8LITEVOSJJIVWQER]EGXMZMXMIWWYGLEW XIRRMWERHXLIVI´WEPWSEKVIEXGLMPHVIR´WTPE]KVSYRH Museum Winter Opening Hours: EQTQ 8YIWXS7YR PEWXEHQMWWMSRTQ 'PSWIH1SRHE]WI\GITXFEROLSPMHE]W Museum Admission: )RXV]XSXLIEFFI]MWJVIIThere is an entrance fee for the Abbey House museum, check the website for details. More info: www.leeds.gov.uk/kirkstallabbey TSatNav 07), EOMVOWXEPPEFFI]$PIIHWKSZYO Golden Acre Park 0IIHW07&5 'SRWMWXMRKSJEVSYRHEGVIWSJKEVHIRW ERH[SSHPERHWYVVSYRHMRKEREXXVEGXMZIPEOI Golden Acre has been a huge attraction since ½VWXSTIRMRKXSXLITYFPMGEWEREQYWIQIRXW TEVOMR Bakery Coffee House Winter Opening Hours: 1SRHE]XS7YRHE]EQTQ More info: www.leeds.gov.uk/goldenacrepark T SatNav 07&5 Volunteering: Golden Acre Park Volunteers TEHIERPSGO[SSH$PIIHWKSZYO Chevin Forest Park, Otley 0IIHW07(( 'SZIVMRKEGVIW'LIZMR*SVIWX4EVOMWQEHII YTSJ[SSHPERHQSSVPERHLIEXLPERHERHVSGO]] GVEKW-X[EWHIGPEVIHE0SGEP2EXYVI6IWIVZIMRR JSVMXWZEVMIX]SJ[MPHPMJIERHMXWQER]TEXLWW ERHFVMHPI[E]WSJJIVWGIRMGZMI[WSZIVXLI;LEVJI:EPPI]J:PP White House Café Opening Hours: EQTQ 1SRXS*VMI\GPYHMRK8YIWHE]W EQTQ ;IIOIRHW More info: ETEVOW$PIIHWKSZYO T www.leeds.gov.uk/chevinforestpark SatNav 07(( Volunteering: Friends of Chevin Forest Park – www.chevinforest.co.uk TEGSYRXV]WMHIVERKIVW$PIIHWKSZYO Other parks in Leeds (YIXSPMQMXIHWTEGIXLMWPIE¾IXSRP] features our major parks and visitor attractions but there are literally hundreds more parks and green spaces MR0IIHWXSIRNS]8S½RHSYXQSVIZMWMX www.leeds.gov.uk/parksandcountryside. Volunteer! Have fun; improve the environment; get some exercise; learn new skills. These are all reasons why people volunteer with the parks and countryside service – why not join them? Volunteer Groups 8LIVIEVISZIVZSPYRXIIV KVSYTW[SVOMRKEPSRKWMHIXLI4EVOWERH'SYRXV]WMHI WIVZMGI+VSYTWVERKIJVSQXLI*VMIRHWSJ1MHHPIXSR TEVOXSXLI*VMIRHWSJ0E[RW[SSH'IQIXIV]ERH XLI]HSEPPWSVXW¯REXYVIGSRWIVZEXMSRSVKERMWMRK IZIRXWJYRHVEMWMRKKEVHIRMRKIXG8LI]EVIJVMIRHP] [IPGSQMRKERHEP[E]WPSSOMRKJSV RI[QIQFIVW'SRXEGXYWJSV EPMWXSJKVSYTWSVJSVEHZMGISR WIXXMRKYT]SYVS[R Corporate Volunteering *SVEXIEQFYMPHMRKHE][MXLE HMJJIVIRGI[L]RSXZSPYRXIIV JSVXLITEVOWERHGSYRXV]WMHI WIVZMGI#%ZEVMIX]SJXEWOWEVIEZEMPEFPI VERKMRKJVSQXVIITPERXMRKXSTEMRXMRKTPE]KVSYRHW For more information or to get involved visit: www.leeds.gov.uk/parksvolunteering, email [email protected] or call 0113 336 7548. open weekend 7 & 8 October 10am–3.30pm Fun activities for all the family! Leeds’ much loved horticultural nursery based at Red Hall, relocates to new state of the art premises: • 19,000 m2 glasshouse • Eco friendly • Quality plants, trees, shrubs • Café and play area • Winner of 5 Chelsea Flower Show medals Thorner Lane, Leeds LS14 3FB Events All events are free unless otherwise stated, however there are charges to get into the house and farm at Temple Newsam, Lotherton Hall Estate and Tropical World (see site information). Regular events Middleton Park Tuesday 24th October 2017, Bramley Park, Cross Flatts Wednesday 25th October 2017, Park, Roundhay Park, Temple 8YIWHE]XL*IFVYEV] Newsam, Woodhouse Moor ;IHRIWHE]XL*IFVYEV] Every Saturday from 9am 1pm - 3pm Parkrun Children’s Play Sessions Join thousands of others across 'LMPHVIR´WTPE]WIWWMSRW XLIKPSFIJSVEOQVYREVSYRH JSVSYV]SYRKIV*VMIRHWMR ]SYVPSGEPTEVO EWWSGMEXMSR[MXLPSGEPGLMPHVIR´W W www.parkrun.org.uk/leeds organisations. Meet at visitor centre. Middleton Park T 07747092459 Every Tuesday E [email protected] 10.30am - 12pm Oakwood Clock Knit and Natter Every 3rd Saturday of the &VMRKEPSRK]SYVORMXXMRK Month GVSGLIXMRKSVWXMXGLMRKTVSNIGXW Oakwood Farmers’ Market SVPIEVRXSORMXWXMXGLSV %TSTYPEVPSGEPGSQQYRMX] crochet – materials can be JSSHERHTVSHYGIQEVOIX[MXL TVSZMHIH3VNYWXGSQIJSVE around 20 stalls. REXXIV¯EPPEVI[IPGSQI 1IIXMRK4PEGI3EO[SSH 1IIXMRK4PEGI:MWMXSV'IRXVI Clock, Roundhay Park T W www.oakwood Middleton Park farmersmarket.com Every third Saturday of the Temple Newsam month. 10am – 12pm Every Tuesday from 2pm Leeds Young Friends of Temple Archaeologists Club Newsam Park Walks *SVFYHHMRKEVGLEISPSKMWXW )RNS]WSQIJVIWLEMVERH FIX[IIRXLIEKIWSJERH I\IVGMWIMRXLI[SRHIVJYP T IRZMVSRQIRXSJ8IQTPI E [email protected] 2I[WEQ W leedsyac.wordpress.com 1IIXMRK4PEGI7XEFPI'SYVX]EVH E [email protected] Winter Golf Offer Play Temple Newsam or Roundhay park golf course this winter for just £10.20 weekdays and £13.50 weekends* or 9 holes for £8.10. Offer valid from 1st October 2017 until 31st March 2018 *Booking required for weekends. Concessionary rates for juniors, seniors, Leeds Card holders etc. still apply, visit the website for full details. Contact Try out our 0113 2647362 (Temple Newsam) new 9 hole golf or 0113 2661686 (Roundhay) course at Temple Newsam? www.leeds.gov.uk/golf Other events Cragg
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