City Council Site Allocations Plan Examination

Actions from Stage 1 Hearings 14th December 2017

Leeds Local Plan

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The Inspectors Actions arising from the hearings are listed in full below, along with the Council’s response, or note that this response is to follow.

Site Allocations Plan Hearing Day 1 24 October 2017


1. Confirm in writing, the base dates of the viability work which contributed to the adopted Core Strategy (Core Document CD2/1) and Community Infrastructure Levy (Core Document CD6/42).

The Council can confirm that the base dates are January 2013 for the ‘The Economic Viability Study (EVS)’ (CD2/12) and May 2014 for the ‘EVS Position Update’ (May 2014) (CD2/13). Both documents contributed towards the Adopted Core Strategy and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

2. Provide Inspectors with list of sites where landowners have indicated a preference for housing rather than employment/office as identified /proposed to be allocated in the Plan.

The Council refers the Inspector to the Examination webpage – document HD1 which specifies all this information.

3. Reference was made to The Inclusive Growth Strategy at the hearings. The Council informed the Inspectors of errors within it. The Council to liaise with Thorp Arch Trading Estate (TATE) to establish the status of the Inclusive Growth Strategy in respect of the trading estate.

Please see Appendix 1.

3a. Although any discussion was deferred to Stage 2, a Statement of Common Ground in relation to the status of the Inclusive Growth Strategy, between the Council and TATE, would be welcomed, before the beginning of the Stage 2 Hearings.

Please see Appendix 1. The Council considers that this establishes the factual basis of the Growth Strategy and the error therein. A copy of this will be sent to TATE for their views.

4. Provide information to Inspectors, which illustrates the effect of the safeguarded HS2 route in relation to proposed designated Green Space.

Appendix 2 of this response contains four tables, which set out the Green Spaces that will be affected by the HS2 safeguarded route and what effect the route will have on them, including what area may potentially be lost and the size of the remaining green space provision. It also includes a summary of the effects on surpluses and deficiencies by typology within the wards affected, assuming no mitigation occurs and two plans showing the route of HS2 and green spaces affected. Notwithstanding this, the Council is of the view that the HS2 development will, at the time of implementation, provide mitigation to address any loss of Green Space. The Council’s view is supported by material in preparation for Phase 2a routes elsewhere Page 2 of 11

in the country which explicitly include criteria for the mitigation of open space loss. See Appendix 2.1 ¶4.1 and ¶4.2.

5. Matter 4 Green Space – Statement of Common /Uncommon Ground was requested by the Inspectors between the Council and Mr McKinnon.

A SOCG has been sent to Mr McKinnon for comment. He has requested some more time to consider and a final version will be sent to the Inspector before Christmas.

6. Council to consider how the policy relating to Green Space could be clarified to ensure consistency in interpretation for future decision makers and readers of the Site Allocations Plan – especially relating to large sites where car parks and spaces between buildings are proposed to be designated for Green Space.

The Council has considered the clarity of policy GS1 in light of the Inspectors’ questions relating to the inclusion, within large Green Space sites, of areas of car parks and spaces between buildings. In response, the Council propose a Main Modification to continue SAP (CD1/1) paragraph 2.98 by including the following words of clarification: “Green Space sites may include ancillary non green space uses such as car parks, or school buildings where they are linked to the overall dominant green space designation and aid the function of the site as Green Space. Proposals for development on sites will be considered against the impact of the proposal on the integrity and function of the Green Space”.

7. Confirm to Inspectors whether areas of land covered by East Leeds Orbital Route is included in surplus / deficiencies of Green Space calculations, including whether this has implications for the delivery of green space

The Council confirms that there are no green space sites included in the land covered by the route of ELOR therefore it has no effect on the calculations of surpluses and deficiencies as set out in the Green Space Background Paper (CD1/32). Notwithstanding this, in any event, the proposals for ELOR will provide new additional green space (including a 9.8ha country park) over and above the designations in the Plan.

8. Council to consider whether to amend the Site Allocations Plan to refer to the provision of off-site Green Space in accordance with local needs information where available through Neighbourhood Plans and whether a Main Modification would be necessary.

Core Strategy Policy G4 has primacy in this instance and applies to the SAP. Notwithstanding this the Council propose a Main Modification to the Plan for clarity and flexibility as to the role of Neighbourhood Plans, to continue paragraph 2.100 of the SAP (CD1/1) by inserting the following:

“Where opportunities arise for the provision of new green space, priority should be given to addressing identified deficiencies in green space typologies in the area. Decision makers should also consider the provisions of any made neighbourhood plan covering the new green space site and be guided by the policies, projects and evidence of local needs and views contained in the made Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying Evidence Base.”

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9. Prepare a note for Inspectors explaining why the proposed Further Modification 36 (EX9) regarding Green Space G1718 which seeks to reinsert the site omitted from the Submission Draft Site Allocations Plan (CD1/1) may be required to make plan sound

See note attached as Appendix 3.

9a.To agree landownership and boundaries of G1718 through a Statement of Common Ground (with Chartford Homes)

Response to follow

10. Submit relevant Development Plan Panel reports as part of evidence base and signpost Inspectors to relevant paragraphs where decisions on proposed or discounted employment and office allocations were made

Response to follow

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Site Allocations Plan Hearing Day 2 25 October 2017


1. Confirm to Inspectors whether the amendments proposed to the Infrastructure background paper (in relation to highway requirements) as set out in Paragraph 3.6 of the Statement of Common Ground with Highways ) will be carried through to the Site Allocations Plan.

Yes. The amendments will be carried through to the Site Allocations Plan. The agreed following wording will be inserted into paragraph 2.41 of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which is Appendix 1 to the Infrastructure Background Paper CD1/35, as a modification.

“The site requirements for allocated sites contain details of the locations where contributions towards improvements will be required from the allocated sites. Sites included in the Unitary Development Plan (Identified sites) where development has not yet commenced and where planning permission has not been granted or has lapsed or new permissions are sought will also be expected to contribute towards these schemes in line with the Core Strategy Policies SP1(vi), SP11 and T1.”

The Council also propose, that in order to assist plan users and aid effectiveness of the Plan, that the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Appendix 1 of CD1/35) be an appendix to the SAP. To that end, a Main Modification is proposed to the beginning of the IDP and to the SAP (CD1/1) to continue paragraph 2.55, as follows:

“The Infrastructure Delivery Plan is up to date as at the date of Adoption and assists the implementation of the Local Plan. It will be kept regularly up to date in liaison with the Combined Authority and relevant infrastructure providers, on the Council’s web- site. Applicants should have regard to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan when preparing planning applications”

This Modification will have the effect of making references to the Infrastructure Background Paper in the Plan needless. Additional modifications will be required to make consequential changes throughout CD1/1 from “Infrastructure Background Paper” to “Infrastructure Delivery Plan”.

2. Provide Inspector with list of updates to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan schedule since submission of the Site Allocations Plan.

Please see Appendix 4 attached to this response, which details updates to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, agreed with Highways England since the submission of the Site Allocations Plan.

3. Council to consider whether the Site Allocations Plan adequately signposts developers to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, and the need for them to consider it when submitting planning applications for allocated and identified sites.

Page 5 of 11 The Council considers that signposting is necessary alongside a clarification as to the status of the IDP as an appendix to the Plan. Q.1 above contains a Main Modification which addresses this. This deals with allocated sites.

For identified housing, office and general employment sites it is proposed that the following sentence be added after paragraphs 2.29, 2.85 and 2.88 respectively: “Applicants for sites which are unimplemented allocations in the Leeds Unitary Development Plan (UDP) should have regard to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.”

4. Provide Inspector with a list of all employment sites, indexed by identified and allocated employment sites, their current status and any extant planning permissions.

This information has already been submitted in relation to identified sites; (HD2). Appendix 5 attached to this response provides an update for proposed employment allocations.

Page 6 of 11 Site Allocations Plan Hearing Day 3 26 October 2017 Actions

1. As it was noted by the Inspectors that there was a discrepancy between Employment Background papers and the Site Allocations Plan for some sites, the Council are to clarify what the correct site capacities are for each of the office and general employment allocations and identified sites.

There are no substantive differences in capacities and areas between the SAP (CD1/1) and the Employment Background Paper (CD1/29). The only difference is that the site area in the Employment Background Paper is given to one decimal place whereas in the SAP it is presented to two decimal places.

There are two exceptions to this: the Inspectors are requested to note that the submission draft SAP contains an error in relation to site EG2-25 (Wortley Low Mills Whitehall Road, Outer West HMCA), (CD1/1l), page 661, instead of the site area being specified as 1.7ha the site area should be specified as 2.46ha (as in the Employment Background Paper CD1/29). The Council propose a Main Modification to the Plan to amend this from 1.7ha to 2.46ha. This does not affect the site capacity, which remains correct as 1.7 ha.

The second exception is EG1-1 (Coney Park, HMCA). The correct capacity for this site should be 16.5ha, in order to reflect the extant permission 14/03251/EXT. The Council propose a Main Modification to the Plan to amend the capacity to 16.5ha.

2. Provide Inspectors with chronology of dates that Town Centre frontage surveys were undertaken.

Response to follow

3. Confirm to the Inspectors the most recent date that each individual allocated and identified employment and office sites were assessed in the Employment Land Assessment against deliverability. To be provided in a schedule.

The Employment Land Assessment is maintained as a live database to assist in monitoring the District’s employment land supply, implementing the adopted Core Strategy, and supporting the Aire Valley AAP as well as the SAP preparation. The Council cannot provide this information as a schedule as the dates of assessment have subsequently been overwritten with more up to date assessments (the Council’s database has now been amended so that future iterations will record historic information). For all employment sites: site visits and surveys were undertaken between Aug 2015 and May 2016, and desktop and data inputting continued into early 2017.

Section 3 of the Employment Background Paper (CD1/29) explains the work on Employment Land Review and Employment Land Assessment (ELA). A final version was produced in May 2017 (base date March 2016) (EB3/7) to accompany the Submission SAP (May 2017).

Page 7 of 11 As part of the ongoing update to the ELA consultation with identified and allocated employment site owners took place between December 2016 and May 2017. As a result of the Council’s consideration of land owner responses, one further main modification has been proposed to the Inspector (Council’s Schedule of Proposed Further Modifications, 12 Sept 2017 EX9). This is modification number 45 concerning EG1-48 Gelderd Road, Wortley in Outer South West HMCA, to delete the area for a future Jewish burial ground from the site boundary as this is no longer available for employment use.

Paragraph 3.10 of the Employment Background Paper (CD1/29) specifically points out that the ELA is maintained as live evidence with further updates expected. The most recent update of the ELA site deliverability was on 24 July 2017 to reflect the land owner consultation exercise. Where there was new information, the ‘Availability’ and ‘Achievability’ scores and relevant commentaries were refreshed. This also resulted in the proposed modification to the Plan as detailed above. The Council remains confident that the ELA provides a robust basis on which to identify and allocate employment land sites in line with the provisions of the NPPG.

4. Confirm to Inspectors in relation to the Employment Land Assessment whether the Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan have formed part of site assessment and where this information is recorded.

The adopted Natural Resource and Waste Local Plan has formed part of the site assessment. The Employment Background Paper (CD1/29) paragraphs 2.10-2.13 explain the rationale and how the Natural Resource and Waste Local Plan has been taken into account.

Inspector Actions 1. Provide details of work needed in respect of the Council’s justification for the requirement in Policy EG3 (bullet 2) for a wider area Supplementary Planning Document than the site allocation (within 21 days).

The Inspectors have now provided this information (available on the Examinations website) and given the Council 28 days to respond. A separate response will be submitted.

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Site Allocations Plan Hearing Day 4 27 October 2017


1. Insufficient sites are proposed to address the identified need for gypsy and traveller accommodation over the full plan period. Council to confirm how this shortfall will be addressed and when.

This question has been answered within Question 1 of the Council’s Matters and Issues 8 Statement (M8/1) and was addressed further during the Matter 8 Hearing session. In summary, the Core Strategy identified a need for 25 Council run pitches, 28 private pitches and 9 Negotiated stopping pitches. The SAP will fully met the identified Council run need when taking into account the latest proposals to increase the capacity of Kidacre Street (HG6-2) by an additional 2 pitches (total 13 pitches). This change will be proposed as a Main Modification to the Plan, as specified within paragraph 1.10 of the Council’s Matter 8 statement. The SAP will also fully meet the need for 9 Negotiated Stopping pitches through a managed approached to transit provision which is further detailed in para 1.18 of the Council’s Matter 8 statement. The SAP proposes 14 private pitches out of a need of 28 pitches. The shortfall of 14 pitches is largely due to the lack of suitable, available sites. It is intended that this shortfall will be met through planning application submissions which will be determined in accordance with Policy H7 of the Leeds Core Strategy. This is further detailed in paragraphs 1.12-1.17 of the Council’s Matter 8 Statement. It is anticipated that these additional private sites will be delivered as and when the private pitch need materialises within the plan period. The Council will regularly monitor the Gypsy and Traveller pitch delivery across Leeds (Council run, private and negotiated stopping), and will take remediation action if insufficient pitches have been delivered, such as through an early review of the Plan.

2. Confirm to Inspectors whether the Council considers a car Showroom use contributes to employment land supply and where this is set out in the evidence.

A car showroom is a Sui Generis use and does not contribute to employment land supply. Paragraph 2.80 of the SAP sets out the use classes that fall within the definition of employment.

Whilst a planning application was approved in 2015 for a car showroom on site EG2- 11 in Inner HMCA, it has not been implemented, and the site remains suitable for employment use. There has been no representation from the landowner to amend the identification of the site.

3. The Council explained at the hearing that any planning applications for development on the identified UDP sites carried forward would be assessed against the relevant UDP policies. The Inspectors suggest this is not clear from reading Policies EO1 or EG1. Council to confirm (a) how this relates the Saving Direction relation to the UDP; (b) how decision makers will know what the relevant site requirements relating to identified Unitary Development Plan Page 9 of 11 allocations are; (c) whether the site requirements remain necessary in each case having regard to the adopted CS and the SAP.

Response to follow

4. Confirm to the Inspectors what is meant by “recently expired” permissions (i.e. confirm what the base date is).

The base date for the Plan is 1st April 2012. Paragraph 1.6 of the SAP explains that the Plan identifies specific allocations for development between 1st April 2012 and 31st March 2028 (the Plan Period). For this reason, as detailed in paragraph 2.29, any planning permission, including those expired, since 1st April 2012 is included as an identified site. The Council propose a Main Modification to the Plan to delete the word ‘recently’ from paragraph 2.29 of the Plan.

5. Provide to Inspectors a list of sites which include site requirements relating to non-designated heritage assets.

Response to follow

6. Reassess the area north of identified sites EG1.35 / 36 given the impact the safeguarded HS2 route has on it.

Response to follow

7. The Council to clarify the position regarding allocated site EG2-23 in respect of the assessment of its capacity and site area taking into account the limit placed on floorspace provision under the extant planning permission

Site EG2-23, land at Nepshaw Lane, Asquith Avenue, , in Outer South West HMCA has been assessed both for housing (SHLAA site ref 1112) and employment uses (ELA site ref 2303010_2303011). The SAP site assessments are contained within CD1/38 and summarised in the Housing and Employment Background Papers respectively (CD1/34 and CD1/29). The site has been rejected for housing allocation for the reason that “The site is a significant portion of a larger strategic employment allocation which is well located for this use.”

The outline permission granted is as follows: proposed employment development for up to 92,148 sq m of use classes B1(b) (Research and Development) and B1(c) (Light Industrial Uses), B2 (General Industrial Uses) and B8 (Storage and Distribution Uses), with two points of access off Gelderd Road and one point of access off Asquith Avenue (planning application ref no. 12/02470/OT). The permission was granted on 1st April 2015 and the limit placed on the floorspace provision is to respond to the impact any development over and above that stated will have on the highway network, which only has capacity for the trips generated by the maximum development permitted.

The capacity in the SAP is based on the area of the site which is 29.04ha. The planning permission is based on floorspace.

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List of appendices:

Appendix 1: Thorp Arch Trading Estate and the Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy Consultation Document

Appendix 2: Green Space affected by the Proposed HS2 route

Appendix 3: Justification for Main Modification relating to Green Space site G1718

Appendix 4: Infrastructure Delivery Plan Updates since submission of the SAP

Appendix 5: Update on planning permissions on employment allocations

Page 11 of 11 Appendix 1 Thorp Arch Trading Estate and the Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy Consultation Document

1. The Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy sets out how , the private sector, universities, colleges and schools, and social enterprises in the city will work together to grow the Leeds economy. 2. It was subject of public consultation in September and October 2017. 3. It was prepared by officers in Economic Policy and contained an error on the status of the Thorp Arch Trading Estate. 4. The Head of Economic Policy has issued a retraction of this error as set out below:

It has been brought my attention that the published consultation draft of the Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy (IGS) contains an error.

On page 53 in the key to the map, the text “THORP ARCH ESTATE – Proposed residential redevelopment for c 1500 dwellings, as part of a mixed use business park over 155 ha” occurs. Elsewhere in the IGS, for instance on pages 13 and 18, Thorp Arch is mentioned in the context of the need for employment locations in the District. It is for this reason that Thorp Arch was included on this map and the reference to residential development was an error. This will be corrected in producing the final strategy and I apologise for any confusion that this may have caused.

Simon Brereton Head of Economic Policy, Innovation and Sector Development Leeds City Council 26th October 2017

Appendix 2 High Speed 2 Impacts on Green Space 1. The proposed HS2 route affects greenspace sites in Outer South and Outer South East HMCAs. The tables below set out the green space sites that may be affected by HS2 (by HMCA and Ward), what area may be lost, the size of the remaining green space site and details of the nature of the HS2 line (e.g. surface, viaduct, tunnel, cut-cover). The sites potentially affected are shown on the accompanying plans.

2. Outer South HMCA

2.1 Potential Loss by site

Site Address Ward Typology Area ha lost % of site ha left HS2Type (Line/SG area) Ref ha lost G1009 Fleet Lane Rec Rothwell Parks and Gardens 8.2 3.6 44 4.6 Surface/Surface (Local Recreation Area) G1010 Fleet Bridge Wood Rothwell Natural 4.3 0.3 7 4 Viaduct/Surface G1102 Moss Carr Woods Rothwell Natural 21.9 2.3 10 19.6 Surface/Surface G1115 Woodlesford Park Rothwell Parks and Gardens 3.9 1.0 27 2.9 Tunnel/Sub-surface (Local Recreation Area) G1119 Water Haigh Rothwell Natural 7.2 0.2 2 7 Surface/Surface G1120 Pit Head Wood Rothwell Natural 14.2 1.7 12 12.5 Viaduct/Surface G1121 Eshald Wood Rothwell Natural 6.6 1.1 16 5.5 Surface/Surface G1123 Fleet Wood Rothwell Natural 4.0 0.5 12 3.5 Viaduct/Surface G1128 Rookely Woods - (Part Rothwell Natural 11.1 4.2 38 6.9 Surface/Surface of the Methley Estate) G1130 Winter Woods Rothwell Natural 4.2 0.8 19 3.4 Viaduct/Surface /Clumpcliffe Wood G1135 Fleet Lane Woods Rothwell Natural 23.4 3.8 16 19.6 Viaduct/Surface G1136 Rothwell Community Rothwell Natural 8.2 7.3 89 0.9 Surface/Surface Park (Rear of) G1138 Canal Side Ponds - Rothwell Natural 4.5 0.9 19 3.6 Cut-Cover/Surface Woodlesford Lock G1258 Woodlesford Primary Rothwell Outdoor Sport 1.2 0.9 76 0.3 Tunnel/Sub-surface School G148 Rothwell Country Park Rothwell Natural 52.5 5.4 10 47.1 Surface/Surface G816 River / Canal Towpath Rothwell Green Corridor 59.7 3.6 6 56.1 Surface/Surface TPT East

2.2 Potential Loss by Typology Site Typology Total ha in HMCA Total ha lost to HS2 % HMCA total Notes safeguarding areas lost to HS2 Green Corridor 42.5 3.6 8.50% Parks and Gardens 24.4 4.6 18.90% 3.6ha at surface, 1ha above bored tunnel Natural 292.6 28.5 9.70% 21.4ha at surface, 7.1ha below viaducts Outdoor Sport 49.5 0.9 1.80% 0.9ha above bored tunnel G816 G816 G1136

G816 G148 G1138



G1135 G1115

G1121 G1119 G1009 G1010




Outer South HMCA - Green space sites affected by July 2017 HS2 alignment

HS2 safeguarding areas

G1128 HS2 track alignment G1102

Affected greenspace site

Outer South HMCA

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL Crown Copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567 3. Outer South East HMCA

3.1 Potential Loss by site Ref Address Ward Typology Area ha lost % of ha left HS2Type (Line/SG area) ha site lost G1014 Hawkes Nest Wood and Natural 5.63 3.1 55 2.53 Surface/Surface Garforth

3.2 Potential Loss by typology Site Typology Total ha in HMCA Total ha lost to HS2 % HMCA total lost Notes safeguarding areas to HS2 Natural 600.6 3.1 0.50% G1014

Outer South East HMCA - Green space sites affected by July 2017 HS2 alignment

HS2 safeguarding areas

HS2 track alignment

Affected greenspace site

PRODUCED BY CITY DEVELOPMENT, GIS MAPPING & DATA TEAM, LEEDS CITY COUNCIL Crown Copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100019567 4. Effects of potential loss on surpluses and deficiencies The loss of these areas of green space – with no mitigation - will have the following effects on surpluses and deficiencies:

Ward Typology Standard Previous Area lost (ha) New total New total Surplus surplus (ha) (ha/1000 (ha/1000 (ha/1000 population) population) population) Rothwell Natural (outside 2ha/1000 105.08ha 28.5 206.54 - 28.5 92.31 90.31ha MUA/major people = 178.04 settlements) Rothwell Parks & Gardens 1ha/1000 0.94ha 4.6ha affected although 43.87 - 3.6 = 1.78 0.78ha people can assume only 3.6ha 40.27ha lost as 1ha is above a bored tunnel and therefore assumed as unaffected Rothwell Outdoor Sport 1.2ha/1000 0.23ha/k 0.9ha affected although 0.23ha people all 0.9ha is above a bored tunnel and therefore assumed as unaffected so remains as 0.23ha/1000 surplus Garforth & Natural (outside 2ha/1000 86.01ha/k 3.1ha 460.1 - 3.1 = 87.42 85.42ha Swillington MUA/major people 457ha settlements)

5. Conclusions Whilst the HS2 proposed route does impact upon the green space sites listed within the two HMCAs of Outer South and Outer South East, it has potential to give rise to a minimal effect assuming no mitigation and does not result in any of the typologies affected within the respective HMCAs concerned falling into a deficit against the standards set out in Core Strategy Policy G3. However, notwithstanding this it is the Council’s view (from experiences on other routes which are more advanced) that open space mitigation will be explicitly addressed at the implementation stage of HS2 (see Appendix 2.1 to this document). Appendix 2.1: Extract From HS2 Information Paper



This paper outlines the approach to the mitigation of significant community effects on public open space and community facilities.

It will be of particular interest to those potentially affected by the Government’s proposals for high speed rail.

This paper was prepared in relation to the promotion of the Bill: High Speed Rail (West Midlands-Crewe). Content will be maintained and updated as considered appropriate during the passage of the Bill.

If you have any queries about this paper or about how it might apply to you, please contact the HS2 Helpdesk in the first instance.

The Helpdesk can be contacted:

by email: [email protected]

by phone (24hrs): 08081 434 434 08081 456 472 (minicom)

or by post: High Speed Two (HS2) Limited 2 Snowhill, Queensway Birmingham B4 6GA

Version 1.0 Last updated 17 July 2017

1 4. Public open space and community facilities affected permanently Where there is a permanent and significant community effect resulting from the permanent loss of public open space or a community facility, mitigation is likely to take one of the following forms: improvements or alterations to the remaining portion of the public open space (in instances where the public open space is partially occupied) or community facility, e.g. reconfiguring pitch layouts or relocating play areas; provision of compensatory open space or community facilities as part of the design of the permanent works within the Bill limits; improvements to other public open spaces or community facilities in the area; improving accessibility to other existing public open space or community facilities; and/or identifying land owned by the relevant local authority that could be brought into use as public open space or used to accommodate community facilities with its agreement. Where none of these other mitigation measures can provide suitable mitigation the Secretary of State could potentially acquire land for the mitigation of permanent significant effects on community facilities. Where a community facility is owned and operated as a commercial enterprise (i.e. is not in public or charitable ownership; or, does not provide publicly or charitably funded services) the above policies do not apply. In such cases, the nominated undertaker will work with the affected landowner to help them identify a solution which will enable them to continue to operate, on the basis that they could be eligible for compensation under the Compensation Code (see Information Paper C4 – Land Acquisition and Disposal). 5. Significant in-combination and isolation effects on community resources Significant in-combination effects on open space and community facilities arise from the combination of two or more residual significant air quality, sound noise and vibration, visual or heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) construction traffic effects. Community isolation effects arise where the Proposed Scheme will sever or disrupt routes which are used for access between residential properties and community facilities on a regular basis. Where reasonably practicable, the mitigation of significant in-combination and isolation effects on community resources and public open space during construction will be identified on a case by case basis in relation to the specific individual effects which will be experienced by the affected community

4 Appendix 3 Justification for Main Modification relating to Green Space site G1718

Green space site G1718 Shire View (North HMCA) was identified as in a green space use in the Leeds Open Space Sport and Recreation Assessment (EB6/4) as part woodland and part open grassland and was therefore classified within the assessment as “natural” green space. In line with the methodology set out in the Submission Draft Green Space Background Paper (para 2.2 – 2.3, CD1/32), it was identified at Issues and Options stage and proposed for designation in the Publication Draft SAP in recognition of its green space function.

However, the site was inadvertently deleted from the Submission Draft SAP North HMCA (CD1/1f), as a result of an administrative error. It also was also omitted from the calculation of surpluses and deficiencies in the Submission Draft Green Space Background Paper (CD1/32). The omission was not the result of any re-assessment of the site’s green space status.

The Council maintains that the site functions as natural green space, providing opportunities for informal recreation (see photographs below) and therefore designation is justified. One of the SAP’s roles is to identify and protect green space across the city and as this site has a green space function, its designation as such is justified and sound.

Headingley Ward is in deficit for natural greenspace and the designation of this site helps lessen that deficit. As such the Council maintains the need for the proposed modification 36 (EX-9) which is required to make the Plan sound.

Appendix 4: Infrastructure Delivery Plan Updates since submission of the SAP


5.1 The following pages set out the Infrastructure Schedule for Leeds. The base date of the Schedule is 2013, as it is considered to be important to show the history of the infrastructure planning process in relation to the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan (SAP). The Aire Valley Local Area Action Plan (AVLAAP) also has a separate schedule as the Aire Valley is at a more advanced stage (Aire Valley Leeds Area Action Plan - Infrastructure Delivery Plan Background Paper Update Dec 2016). A number of schemes have now been completed or are nearing completion. The delivery periods are organised into five year time bands dating from 2014, with the final 20 year band being outside of the Core Strategy timescale but included as being important to show the longevity of major infrastructure provision. 5.2 The Schedule includes identification of the projects which are critical for the delivery of the Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan, alongside identifying those which are desirable but not essential. This includes consideration of the schemes which are funded, and those where the funding is more uncertain. Predicting future levels of funding beyond the short-term is difficult and it is particularly problematic in the current economic and funding climate, where funding has considerably reduced from the levels available in previous y ears. This is recognised in national guidance. Where exact levels of funding are unknown, the Schedule identifies the project alongside any funding information or estimates currently available. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan is up to date as at the date of Adoption and assists the implementation of the Local Plan. It will be kept regularly up to date in liaison with the Combined Authority and relevant infrastructure providers, on the Council’s web-site. Applicants should have regard to the Infrastructure Delivery Plan when preparing planning applications.

5.3 The information in the schedule is organised into three levels of priority with green (1)/ amber (2) / red (3) colour coding. This coding is used to identify both the priority of a specific project, and the likelihood of its funding as set out below:





Leeds Core Cycle Network Route Implementation Plan 1: £223k D Cycle 10 Bradford – City Centre £248,000 2011/12, £25k 2012/13. Phase 1 Complete.

Leeds Core Cycle Network Route D Cycle 12 Garforth to City Centre £478,000 Phases 1 and 2 complete. Highways Enhanced priority for buses at Traffic light priority £710,000 D (local) signalised junctions. LTP scheme. Transport Bus Lane Enforcement Cameras D (Bus) Phase 2 Neutral LTP scheme Leeds Core Cycle Network Route CC Cycle 2 £315,000 Opened spring 2014 – Leeds station to universities Leeds Core Cycle Network Route CC Cycle 9 £1, 600,000 Opened May 2015 – to City Centre. Phase 1 Transport Leeds City Bus additional routes Not known Started operation April 2015 CC (Bus) – route 70 Highways M1 Jn 44 signalisation £2.4m Opened April 2015 E (strategic) Not known Home Office awarded £215.9 million for 3 new Police facilities including Elland Rd. Planning City and new Police Emergency application approved 2012, Divisional Headquarters at I Services - completed April 2014. Site is up - Private Finance Not known Police and running and has been for a Initiative scheme number of years. Given that it is 2017 does this need to be deleted now? Introduction of full-time traffic signal controls to address nose to tail collisions at roundabout entry Highways M621 Junction 2 points and manage traffic I (strategic) Islington roundabout £325,000 movement effectively along A643. Completed May 2013. Road Integrated Public Outbound bus lane. Completed Dec I Transport Scheme (Bayswater £433,000 Transport Rd - Lane) 2013 Transport Elland Road Park and Ride £2,550,000 Opened June 2014 I (Bus) Highways Roundabout £3,000,000 Completed Oct 2015 N (local) signalisation Fire and New replacement fire station on Not known Opening July 2015 OS Rescue the existing Rothwell site Highways OW (local) Thornbury Barracks roundabout £3,400,000 Opened May 2015 Highways OW (local) Rodley roundabout signalisation £3,200,000 Completed Aug 2015 Transport New park and OW (Rail) ride extensions and £1,140,000 Opened Jan 2014 access Highways M62 Jn 25-30 Smart Motorway Not known Completed September 2013 R (strategic) Transport Apperley Bridge station £8,000,000 Opened Dec 2015 R (Rail) Linking East Coast area to the Yorkshire Water £6.7m 2010 - R Water grid, to pump water over a £6,700,000 2015 to connect Scarborough greater area to better allow for and Filey area to the Yorkshire localised droughts Grid.

Transport Leeds City Station Southern £14,400,00 CC (Rail) Access 0 Opened Jan 2016 Highways M1 Jn 39-42 Smart Motorway Not known Completed Feb 2016 R (Strategic)

Transport Forge station £8,000,000 Opened June 2016 N (Rail)

CC Highways A58(M) £25,000,000 Completed Sep 2016 (strategic) Major Maintenance Scheme.

City Connect cycle superhighway £21,200,000 23km segregated cycle D Cycle superhighway. Western section opened June 2016 and eastern section was effectively complete in October 2016 I Transport Elland Road Park and Ride – Opened Oct 2016 (visitor centre (Bus) expansion of surfaced car £1,800,000 Dec 2016) parking to 800 spaces and new visitor centre

Residual Waste Facility (RERF), Part of wider Part of 25 year £460m contract. D Waste Newmarket Approach, Cross £460m The facility opened in 2016. Green contract PLANNED INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS 2017 ONWARDS

5yr 10yr 15yr 20yr AND AREA TOPIC DATES NOTES FUNDING PRIORITY SCHEMES SOURCES DELIVERY PARTNERS TOTAL COST School requirement Details being 1 1 In total approximately 80 FE of additional primary    District wide resulting progressed. Developer contributions provision is needed as a result of the housing from SAP including sites / CIL / LCC plans, equivalent to 40 new 2 FE primary schools. and AVLAAP sites, LCC budget The SAP and AVLAAP have identified options for

allocations (Core including Basic Need 50 FE. With safeguarded sites/land included, this Strategy housing grant allocation rises to demand of 88FE and solutions for 60FE. growth) D In total approximately 60 FE of additional secondary provision are needed as a result of the Education housing plans (SAP & AVLAAP), equivalent to 7-8 new secondary schools of around 8 forms of entry each. The plans have identified options for 28FE. With safeguarded sites/land included demand rises to 66 FE (with no further sites agreed).

Improvements to £86,722,628 1 1 Calculations for period 2017-2028 (11 years).    greenspace quantity from Policy £86,722,628 from Policy This is to the end of the Core Strategy plan and/or quality as result G4/G5 G4/G5 funding. CIL period. Calculations factored in City Centre and D of new housing funding. CIL contribution as yet Outside City centre split. Assume 60% delivery of development. contribution as Unknown. new Greenspace through G4/G5. CIL contribution Green Infra Green yet unknown not included as this is currently unknown.

District wide child’s £19,360,376 1 £19,360,376 from Policy Calculations does not include laying out of Play    fixed play as a result of from Policy G4/G5 funding. CIL Facilities as this is costed elsewhere (see above). new housing G4/G5 contribution as yet Period is for 11 years and assumes a D development; play funding. CIL unknown 20% child /adult split. (average ONS data 2014) areas, MUGA, and contribution as Green Infra Green skate/BMX. yet unknown.

Leeds Core Cycle £573,000 1 1 Connections to East Leeds Link, Aire Valley and  Network Route 16 - Sustrans, British Coal Trans Pennine Trail. LTP scheme 2015. D Valley Residuary Authority, HS2 Cycle (phase 2). D D D D


Highways Highways Flood Defence cycle TOPIC (local) (local) Phase 2 Phase Pedes zones and limits 20 mph Alleviation Flood Aire River highway super 2 Connect City

t rian

Scheme Scheme crossin SCHEMES


Cycle Cycle g s –

schemes of Range schemes of Range £35,000,000 £6,750,000


1 1 1 1




to others with work ca Phase 1 Phase s risk of River of risk work. Currently Currently work. years, likely to extend beyond this - this beyond extend to likely years, 3 next for LTP through Supported scheme. LTP years,3 likely to extend beyond this - next for LTP through Supported scheme. LTP bey Aire River pri The 2018. summer in contract a construction awarding and tendering to a view with progressed be will design outline the which following 2017, autumn in be submitted to expected is case business The progressing. how and cost it will what beachieved, can this Leeds, how for protection of standard appropriate the establish will which case, business a full develop to Work 2. Phase for stage design initial and feasibility the undertake to awarded been has A contract scheme. 1 Connect City the to links providing City Centre Leeds within superhighways cycle of network current extend to Scheme u t c c h h m a s Kir s m ent to identify opportunities where we can can we where opportunities identify to ent a are ary k

stall a stall

n floodi Aire aim of the scheme is to r to is scheme the of aim ) to deliver, now is deliver, to take will it long on -

undertaking 15 schemes per year. per 15schemes undertaking we d the Lee d the n

d Stourton ( Stourton d u red wi l l also lo l also g in Leed in g flood ce DELIVERY d

s bou s NOTES o k at the upper upper the at k o the along risk utside of the the of utside n s i dary.


ongoing work. ongoing cl

e ongoing ongoing u duce the the duce

a are ding


2018 DATES

   

5yr   



20yr D D D D D D D AREA

Energy Education Water Transport Transport Housing TOPIC (Rail) (Bus) 20 yr20 project by consideration under Partnership district wide wide district replacement pipe Gas provision care child and Nursery deficiency of areas investigate to modelling plus wide, District replacement pipe andsewerage Water stock rolling additional of Provision WYCA Quality Bus of Investigation S106 via including initiatives housing Affordable . .

Contracts . .

- - SCHEMES 190km 190km

/ N/A £8,000,000 known Not £300,000 yetNot Not

k nown c




2 2 1 1 1 1

PRIORITY voluntary and and voluntary Private, Government grants Government independent sector independent Developers, LCC, LCC, Developers, LTP, WYCA and WYCA LTP, Yorkshire Water Yorkshire Rail operators Rail operators Bus Northern Gas Northern Networks FUNDING

1 2 1 2 1 2 SOURCES


13,000 a 13,000 i requ completed/underway. phases initial year project, 20 sector. independent and voluntary private, through primarily bedelivered To quality. water drinking improve to in Leeds pipes lead 40,000 replacing million £8 spending Currently Nort approaches. Partnership and Contract Bus Quality the both evaluate and develop to 2014 Sept in agreed WYCA grants Government and programmes, LCC funding, S106 providing development new of result as Delivered h re and ern m

ddit ent to provide additional capacity for capacity additional provide to ent i onal pe onal Tra ns ns . . Pe ak pas ak

n ni DELIVERY n g sen e franchise e franchise NOTES c Leeds into ers ontinue to ontinue

. . - 2017 19 DATES      

5yr   

10yr   

15yr 

20yr D D D D


Pedestrian Health Green Green TOPIC Infra Infra Network Way Of Rights Public population new support to necessary where centres health New yet determined) not (location woodland new of Development improvements facilities and pitch Playing


Not yet costed Not yetNot overall cost of of cost overall £1,200,000 Cost within within Cost recreation outdoor outdoor


2 2 2 2

PRIORITY on- Grant funding, developer developer funding, Grant NHS/individual practices NHS/individual £800k from LTP, grants, grants, LTP, from £800k Sport governing bodies, bodies, governing Sport developer contributions contributions developer and on- Generally funded by by funded Generally site/ contributions and and contributions site/

site provision site FUNDING /CIL CIL

2 2 3 2 SOURCES


as pa as Additional Additional = period year 3 each for assumed been assumpti beyond this through ongoing work. ongoing through this beyond years 3 next for netw sche that reflect to estimate) lowest the (half £1.2m of used been therefore has estimate A cautious requirements. statutory basic the above and over are part) in (which improvements highlighting document as an aspirational viewed be mainly grants. party third and Plan Transport Plus Yorkshire West contributions, an additi and£3.9m £2.3m between funding seek to need would Council City the years, ten next the over delivered be to were projects identified the of all If 2017. by again be reviewed will ROWIP Leeds The provision. care health of context national evolving the through and system, planning the through necessary as basis by site a site on beassessed To . funding CIL possible and Strategy Core through delivery Infrastructure green overall of Part contributions/CIL. developer and and RFU, FA, the including bodies governing Sport by Funded sites. numerous at projects facility pitch on - are there Leeds for Strategy Pitch Playing existing the with accordance In o aspirational. are mes rt of developm of rt rk rk o i o s a LTP scheme, aLTP s nal n 3 rd o

f £75k LTP f LTP £75k f £50

t gran party

with £7 with 0 , including through developer through including , k. e

nt sc nt 5 k andl k

s andprovisi s DELIVERY u h

p sup nding nding emes emes The Plan should should Plan The The The NOTES i orted t orted ke going playing playing going c h h u l e th as as as

rrent PROW PROW rrent y to extend y extend to An An a h o ssum g rou n

£300k. £300k.

refore refore on site site on




DATES    

5yr    

10yr   


20yr D D D D D D D


Libraries Cycle Cycle Cycle Cycle Community Transport TOPIC Centre (Rail) City Centre Libraries Centre City Rothwell to City Centre City to Rothwell electrification schemes electrification Scholes to City Centre City to Scholes centres as necessary as centres Morley to City Centre City to Morley Network Route 11 - Route Network 13 - Route Network Network Route 8 - Route Network 7 - Route Network Leeds Core Cycle Cycle Core Leeds Cycle Core Leeds Cycle Core Leeds Lee Local rail network network rail Local New community community New Farnley Farnley d s Core s -



Not yet costed Not yet costed Not Not yet costed Not £1,110, £932, £887, £611,000

0 0 TOTAL COST 0 00 00 00

3 3 3 3 3 3 2

PRIORITY Ward based funding, funding, based Ward ward based funding based ward LCC, other grants other LCC, Via S106 / CIL / CIL / S106 Via / other grants other / LTP IT Block IT LTP Block IT LTP Block IT LTP Block IT LTP FUNDING 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 - SOURCES


ward based funding / other grants. other / funding based ward / CIL / S106 through necessary when delivered funding / ward based funding / grants / funding based ward / funding capital LCC through necessary when delivered and Funded libraries. existing of reconfiguration p in Increase 10 Route to Links area. regeneration to Links Co (16). Way Beck and Wyke (17) Way Penda's to Connects reconfiguration use/ enhanced or centres, community new for need for lead may population in Increase and priorities business costs, confirm to required Studies n n e c ts to Route 3 3 Route to ts

White Rose shopping centre and and centre shopping Rose White

. opulation may lead for need for need for lead may opulation

of existing centres. Funded and and Funded centres. existing of

a nd






5yr       

10yr 



Flood Defences Education Transport (Rail) TOPIC (FAS) – Alleviation Flood Aire River Grange Skelton at school through secondary primary 2FE and site Copperfields the of corner SW the to primary 2FE capacity local rail rail local capacity ride Additional park and park Additional

stations Phase 1 Phase

Scheme Scheme


Not yet costed Not £49,300,000 £19,600,000


1 1 3

PRIORITY - - Agency Environment the Growth Fund, £8.5m from from £8.5m Fund, Growth Developer contributions / / contributions Developer Regional Regional the from £3.3m Flood Defence Grant in in Grant Defence Flood CIL / LCC sites, LCC LCC sites, LCC / CIL £3.8m LEP funding £3.8m £23.7m of DEFRA of £23.7m Aid (FDGiA)and LCC, from £10m growth funding, growth WYPTF budget FUNDING




• Train Station and G and Station Train ces defen K of defences, of U we Protection of • Parkway. East of Leeds location the upon dependent is scheme Garforth the although inWYPTF the priorities as identified been have Garforth and Morley Horsforth, for Schemes required. study further approved, be yet to are but LTP by funded IP1 through be progressed to andMirfield Pontefract stations. rail Yorkshire at West capacity andride park Additional i) 1 compr Phase FAS The 2069. will provide a 1 in 1 a provide 1will Phase and down city from flooding al flooding from city 1 Phase e betwe Aire River the

and Canal the merge to Cut nostrop nder cons nder Educati R and £5.2m f £5.2m and 0 £15,4 2 £12,3 g a throu 4FE (only i (only 4FE i o Kn at rs emove ex emove

k emban : - 0 per 0 per o

str n F Create flood de flood Create h sch h t ruction. Comp ruction.

str e wal from floodi from m i i we sting u i We Knostrop to am o s

o prim nding Ag nding r 2FE pri plement ec p ool). l i requ as s and Cr and ts men o a ra nda o ry pupil, ng a4. ng ry Wharfiii) Re Wharfiii) nary n Lee rs rs e ry m n e d w , terra o a climate with g ncy DELIVERY ary pu wn f l nd red betw red

ences ences etion summer summer etion a Stand years 100 ds Central S Central ds i 5 kilome 5

th pri a 2FE th NOTES p

so £2.6m for £2.6m so build rat build install moveable install Point ii) Provide ii) Point il, so £9.2m for a for £9.2m so il, c ing, setting ba setting ing, i t 3elemen ses p The r. rot e

t en Leeds en re e e River Aire . Aire River m cting the cting s

g chan tcstre : t m FAS FAS ov

ation ation 2

ary as 017. 1FE e rd h of h of e to e to ck s: s:

2016 2021 DATES

  

5yr 

10yr 

15yr 20yr AVL AVL AVL


Highways (local) Green Infra Green Infra TOPIC Logic Leeds Link Leeds Logic development housing new of result as quality and/or green to Improvements skate/BMX and MUGA, areas, play development; housing new of result a as play fixed Child’s space quantity quantity space


£11,700,000 £2,500, £3,550,000


1 1 1

PRIORITY Developer contributions contributions Developer sites larger on Provided prudential borrowing prudential EZ business rates, rates, business EZ and grant funding grant and by

developers. FUNDING



to local green space infrastructure estimated as as estimated infrastructure space green local to Improvements £7M. at estimated out lay to Cost on‐ anticipated an generates This supply. adequate of areas jobs. The LE The jobs. facili thereby H to LCREZ a new on based Costs flats. be to assumed target housing of third One space. green existing on infrastructure new of 40% leaving allow public transport to c to transport public allow is delivered on‐ delivered is space green assuming target, housing the of 60% green of areas in located requires G4 Strategy 2028. to gross dwellings 7,950 of target housing AAP (rounded). borr d pru LCC In £ 7,950 of figures housing AAP parks. existing to improvements new for a need to lead will population in increase The si = flat per children 0.1 and house per children At 0.62 4.7M te calculation rates. calculation te o ential b ential areas of green space as well as as well as space green of areas wing wing costs £645 per house and house per £645 costs

s green space. green

Capi pi n u e road thr e road s o a t t al Program i rrow P has agreed to repay the the repay to agreed P has new the to access sustainable ating ng retai ng lton Moor res Moor lton

site requirement for 36 hectares. 36hectares. for requirement site site, the other the site, Assume 60% delivered on‐ delivered 60% Assume dwellings gross to 2028. Core Core 2028. to gross dwellings i ng. £2. ng.

o n

80 sq.mtrs/unit where sites sites where sq.mtrs/unit 80 ugh ed ed m


c onne space deficiency. For For deficiency. space e, initially funded by funded initially e, i Log i m provide m Z busi Z dential com dential

2014 green space off space green 2014 NOTES

40% is located in is 40% located c Lee c t dire t £104 per flat flat per £104 n ess r ds. p sup d to c tly from the the from tly m a This will will This tes. unity, site, site,

ort ort

DATES   

5yr  

10yr  



Public Pedestrian Highways (strategic) Highways (local) TOPIC Transport crossing river and Road and Park Green Temple infrastructure bridge of provision through connectivity Improved scheme 2 improvement 45 M1 Junction - North Leeds Valley Aire Ride

South Link Link South


Not yet costed Not £24,8 £8,500,000 £8,000, 0

0,000 TOTAL COST 0 00

1 1 1 1

PRIORITY borrowing, developer developer borrowing, Highways England Highways funding, WYPTF funding, Enterprise Zone Zone Enterprise


1 3 1 2 SOURCES


2017. summer in open to scheme £8.5m The funding) scheme major devolved DfT includes (which Fund Transport Plus Yorkshire in West prioritised Funding spaces. parking 1,000 enhancements, of Part bridge. pedestrian/cycle per £1m approximately At footbridge. Fold Low the and footbridge Square Sovereign the requires area Bank South the example For connectivity. improve to requirements ambitions/ Specific scheme Strategy Investment Route Funded Park). Business Skelton to entry (including l control signa traffic of enhancement 3 lanes, 2 to from widening roundabout roundabout, to entries ELLR and road slip off southbound and northbound of Widening construction ofpart the Investment Road Strategy E Highways Type A to Type C merge. Announced in 2014 that signal control. Extension of merge northbound traffic of enhancement lanes, 3 to 2 from widening road and ELLR entries to roundabout, roundabout Widening of northbound and southbound off slip funding). scheme major devolved DfT includes (which Fund sport Tran Plus Yorkshire in West prioritised Funding CIL. the for role potential A Road. andPontefract Road Grange Skelton between junction the at improvement and estate industrial Green Cross into crossing andriver link road Grange Skelton Includes Road. Pontefract with Road Link Leeds East connect to road link and bridge river New

package of transport connectivity transport of package ngland will deliver the improvements the deliver will ngland

link route protection for a new anew for protection route link


. Scheme under

from from

as as

2017 2028 2017 DATES

 

5yr 

10yr 



Highways Highways (Strategic) Waste Transport Public TOPIC (Strategic) Management (Rail) Transport to roundabout to entries andA61(N) slip off southbound M621 - control signal traffic coordinated and improvements J7 M621 Park Valley per as J7 M621 Leeds Valley Aire obligations, Station Grange Skelton J44 M1 obligations Station Grange Skelton Valley Aire Solution, Waste Residual High Speed Rail Ride and Park Stourton


Power Power at at

Power Power (HS2) - -


Not yetNot yet cost Not £460,000,000 Not known Not known Not

cost TOTAL COST e e

d d

1 1 1 1 1 2 2

PRIORITY Leeds PT Investment Investment PT Leeds Developer funded Developer funded Developer Veolia, LCC Veolia, Programme FUNDING DFT 2 2 1 3 2




roundabout. Scheme reconsideration need may Scheme roundabout. off southbound - control signal traffic coordinated and Improvements reached. is trigger generation trip Park Valley Leeds when beimplemented To progressed is Stourton P&R if reconsideration need may Scheme roundabout. to entries - control signal traffic andcoordinated Improvements although development has not come forward yet. northern dumbbell roundabout M1 J44widening of approach Road on Pontefract to if P&R Stourton is progressed is Stourton P&R if 2016. open to 2013, commenced Construction 2 PFI through appointed Services Environmental Veolia 2033 by Leeds to route of completion envisages Timetable study. national of Subject Leeds. and Manchester Birmingham, Londonto from links with proposals Network outline strategic case submitted to DfT Dec 2016 Dec DfT to submitted case strategic outline Programme Investment PT within Contained andride. park based bus space 1000 012 for 25 year £460m contract. contract. £460m year 25 012 for at M621 southbound off southbound M621 at - slip and A61(N) entries to to entries A61(N) and slip


NOTES Developer funded, funded, . Developer

- slip and A61(N) A61(N) and slip at M621 M621 at

2016 2033 DATES

   

5yr 

10yr 15yr 


Pedestrian / Cycle Highways (Strategic) TOPIC Network Cycle (National Trail Pennine Trans - obligations, Foods Arla

M1 J44

Route No. 67) No. Route SCHEMES

£1,200,000 Not Not known TOTAL COST

2 2

PRIORITY Developer funded, grants, grants, funded, Developer Developer funded Developer

Sustrans FUNDING



route an route rest Floodi Cyc HS2 Some elem Some • • • t o alth funded, improve a appro Park Valley Measures yet not has development southern dumbbell northern dumbbell roundabout and improvements to J44M1 r

i Fish Re Skelton Skelton g Valley Way. Estimated c Estimated Way. Valley over c over Lo Flood ram Equalities Equalities and off Estimated to repl to TPT/NCN walking a TPT/NCN Ar and riv g o m er. n re the af the re ew ew p p n ouri

ch to n to ch

ond ond widening of approach Road on Pontefract to ed, w ed, g du m a a d no e l - a nal for Skelton La Skelton for nal m e Sche c road G e ent rs nd o th to additional e current un e current create to ck l Wood to s e L ra ring wint ring i - de A den ooden cost £600k. cost nts may now may nts ock ock

s to sout to s ugh deve ugh funding funding fected secti fected wid n u e orth c bridge. Es bridge. ge R ge pgr

t compli t paths e – . ning of Pontefr of ning



Installati rn dumb rn Developer funded, although footbr de surf o e

ad Bri ad

i r 20 h wh s nd r esf l s a ern o

cycle reached trigger reached c atisf nt) s nt) p

i o ur o e togeth ch i 1 ment has n has ment

t DELIVERY d o ns. e fund be rd Lo rd imated cost £500k. cost imated ac o s 5/16 ha 5/16 b dumb d l availab rently g ke ute (Royal (Royal ute o u ro bell st £75 st e obl ge a e from Kn from e / - re n of

t NOTES ing of the ca the ing of wh

eppe ctory ( ctory

link to Wyk to link - c e

ks N i a elchair elchair gated ell. D ell. k. ct Ro ct d acc e s affected this this affected s nd - d fr w foo

l a r form r o 6km) 6km) a yet re ot nd no a cat . o o b


the m strop strop on Lee on a e o ac e e to e to d on d on t ss onto onto ss ut and and ut e n eloper eloper brid d, d,

t beck beck al al n c he - e

ss g

c ds ds e h e d


5yr  



20yr AVL AVL A A A


Leisure Airport Airport Highways Highways TOPIC

(local) route Thwaite (local) Centre Leisure Aireborough station parkway Leeds . road A65 Link Lane Knowsthorpe - p - Airport

rot route protection route

Bradford airport airport Bradford Gate Refurbishment e c tion - A658 link link A658



ction ction -

Not yetNot yetNot Not yetNot £38,2 £3,800, 0 c c c 0,000

o o o TOTAL COST 0 s s s 00 ted ted ted

3 1 1 3 3

PRIORITY WYPTF and third party party andthird WYPTF Leeds PT Investment PT Leeds Programme and Programme party contributions party contributions, LBA contributions,

None FUNDING 3 2 2 3 3 - - SOURCES


third third PARTNERS

dependent on funding. on dependent and 2020 By work. access gym, extend exterior, and reception, rooms, changing Refurbish 2016 Dec DfT to submitted case strategic outline Programme Investment PT within Contained districts. and surrounding city the for & ride park strategic providing and airport growth employment supporting passengers, airport for link rail a providing Airport, Bradford Leeds serving station A parkway 2021. by construction of astart for Authority Combined the through funding agreed has This Airport. the of north A658 the and Rawdon at A65 the between link road a new is measure term medium main The airport. the improve to measures (2025+) long and 2025) (to medium short, at looks which Strategy Access a Surface developing been has LBIA an associated when or term, longer the in forwards be brought only likely as available, currently not costs Outline Road. / Road Wakefield Pontefract / Gate Thwaite at improvement junction for protection Route Route o prop the to link when or term, longer in the l availab Outline River. the develop Knowsthorpe p rot e, as li as e, me e nt is pro is nt c tion for link f link for tion

Lane and a pedestrian / c / apedestrian and Lane k development is progressed. is development ely only be only ely sed ne sed cos g r e t

s not c not s ssed. w bri w

o DELIVERY r route n route r

brought forwards forwards brought an ass dge cr NOTES ur

rently rently the surrounding o o o ssing of ssing ciat rth rth e o access to y d f c

le le


5yr   




Transport Regen Highways Green Green TOPIC (Rail) (local) Infra Infra South Bank. South the into HS2 integrate effectively and HS2 of benefits regeneration maximise to Infrastructure Market Kirkgate Victoria / Lane Meadow Centre in City parks pocket andsmaller Park City realm public Centre City

scheme Road

the the


Not yetNot yetNot Not yetNot Within overall Within £12,3 greenspace greenspace cost 0

c c c 0,000


s s s ted ted ted

1 1 1 1 1

PRIORITY development of sites of development In partnership with with partnership In developers, LCC developers, In part through through part In



this stage. this at unknown Costs Package. CityCentre WYPTF the of part form to likely are this of Elements Bank. South in the projects specific the inform will exercise This proposal. ask/ funding a as well as HS2, with associated growth maximise to required list plan and comprehensive a have will Council the strategy, growth and master station HS2 of completion Upon prudential include to £12.3m of budget Capital 2013. March approved Refurbishment priority Fund Transport Plus Yorkshire as West Identified Package. the Centre City of part form would This scheme. Road Victoria / Lane Meadow parks. smaller deliver to developments appropriate in opportunities will take in AVAAP. and (G5) We also Strategy Core the in identified is Park City The Centre. City of development for priority as Strategy in Core Identified


NOTES of infrastructure infrastructure of aspiration and key and aspiration



2028 2016 2022 DATES

  

5yr   

10yr   

15yr 

20yr CC CC CC E I


Fire and Transport Energy Highways Highways TOPIC Rescue (Rail) (local) (local) and Stanks in stations fire replace to Killingbeck in station fire New Park Thorpe Station, Leeds East projects heating district Civic Centre City 17 extension andplatform platform new Station City Leeds priority transport public and space public renaissance Square City

and Victoria Gate Gate Victoria and

Parkway and Esco,


Not yetNot yetNot yetNot £30,0 Not known Not 0 c c c 0,000

o o o TOTAL COST s s s ted ted ted

1 1 3 2 1

PRIORITY Investment Programme Investment WYPT National Rail/ Rail/ National WYFRS




2015. in open to underway, Construction 2016 Dec DfT to submitted case strategic outline Programme netw 500 (circa facilities and ride park providing while Selby and York Leeds, into links provide will station The CHP. acentral provide to extended be could University Leeds and LGI serving system (CHP) Power and Heat Combined Existing Aspiration. - (2014 5 Period Control for Specification Output Level High the of part forms but funded currently not Scheme priority Fund Transport Plus Yorkshire as West Identified Package. Centre City the of part form would This - orks.

700 spaces) close to major national road road national major to close spaces) 700 Contained within PT Investment Investment PT within Contained



2015 2019 2022 DATES

  

5yr    

10yr 


20yr N I I I I


Highways Highways Highways Highways Health - TOPIC (local) (local) (Strategic) (local) Leeds improve Ro prot route Buslingt 1- Jn Plan Management Corridor M621 improvement major Gyratory consideration under services of centralisation and reconfigurations Infirmary and Hospital St James's A65/A6120 u nda Leeds General General Leeds 7


- bout (major (major bout m h

7 RIS scheme 7 RIS orpe - e ent)

further further c

tion Horsf


Lane Lane




Not yetNot Not yet costed Not yetNot yet costed Not Not known Not c c o

o TOTAL COST s s ted ted

3 3 1 1 1

PRIORITY contr Devel /WYPTF England i Teach Leeds i Highways i requ bution Hospitals WYPTF o FUNDING per f per 1 3 2 2 - 2 2 SOURCES

u AND nding nding



identified through SAP evaluation. SAP through identified Further currently not costs Outline length. road of alignment poor improve to protected Route Package City Centre with WYPTF Route Funded Leeds. central in M621 the of sections of widening localised and enhancements Junction Transport Plus Yorkshire as West Identified yet costed. Not Package. Centre City the of part form would This traffic. general to Square City of closure planned to Linked enhancements. Capacity ongoing and Underway an associated development is development an associated when or term, longer the in forwards brought only Investment Strategy scheme. Integrates Integrates scheme. Strategy Investment s ignifi Fund priority Fund c ant ant

improvements to this to improvements






tion tion

as as

2021 2022 DATES

5yr   



20yr N N N N N


Highways Fire and Highways Highways Highways TOPIC (local) Rescue (local) (local) (local) Moortown and at ones the replace to area the in station fire New j Ro improvement and signalisation Rd Lane/Stonegate King King improvement and signalisation Rd Rd/Harrogate Hall Scott A61 and Road Ring Outer Moortown A61/A6120 u H D d A6120 ncti o a u r wson nd

s Lane/A6120 and and Lane/A6120 o f n with A6120 n with o h r ay Park La Park ay th ’ u s Co s


SCHEMES n r rne g –


Not yetNot known Not yetNot yetNot yetNot c c c c

o o o o TOTAL COST s s s s

ted ted ted ted

2 2 2 1 1


No FUNDING 3 2 2 2 2



PARTNERS i fund wi (wh pri Feas evaluation. SAP through Identified carriageway. Conv underway. search Property 2017. spring in construction of astart with win aquick as forward bebrought To funding). scheme major devolved DfT includes (which Fund Transport Plus Yorkshire in West prioritised Funding safety. road improve and congestion alleviate to junction signalled the to Improvements 2017. spring in construction of astart with win aquick as forward bebrought To funding). scheme major devolved DfT includes (which Fund Transport Plus Yorkshire in West prioritised Funding safety. road improve and congestion alleviate to junction signalled the to Improvements 2017. Signalisation A61/H t o h a start of c of astart h i ritis ch ch ng). To be brought forward as a quick w quick a as forward brought be To ng). i e i requ studies bility

a rs i e rro ncl i d in W d on gat u d o

e f single single f e Rd r Rd e of existing A61/A6120 an A61/A6120 existing of j ma devolved DfT s e o s nstr t Yorksh t o u un carri in ction d red. a

a DELIVERY i b re Plus T re Plus geway to du to geway

n Fu outs. NOTES s pr i ng or scheme scheme or ra ding n sport Fund Fund sport d a l

i n 2019 2019 2019 DATES

   

5yr 

10yr 




Transport Leisure Cycle Cycle Cycle Leisure Cycle TOPIC (Rail) rai c ' Penda C Weth dis Thorner to Gates Cross Spa Weth Network Lee Station Horsf Le Kirkstall A 4 - Route Network, Lee y e cle route cle lw d ntre d el Spur el

ay dis d s Core s e e o s Core s rby Le rby rby Boston to rth W rth

s Way

u -

s Route Route c e y


d rai cle route cle u sure Centre sure

o Cycle s i

sure sure ods

Cycle SCHEMES e d lw 1 7 i de ay



£1,400, yetNot yetNot £1,440, yet cost Not £1,000, £157, 0 0 0 c c 00 00 00 o o TOTAL COST 0 s s 00 ted ted e d

3 3 3 3 2 3 3

PRIORITY s ite/ Devel c LTP IT Blo IT LTP LTP IT Blo ontribution, ontribution,

None No FUNDING o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - per per


AND c on- c k k


funding fr funding beprogr To publ Sche work. By 2020 and dependent on funding. on dependent and By 2020 work. c Refurbish Exten Poss wh us for Route 2014. R to Links p pre fur Requires funding. on dependent and 2020 By access. heat to works c Refurbish exte to Spur as only brought forwards brought only as c s co Outline omplete). e n an n an i ared but ared c i m bility for delivery thr delivery for bility e s ation '' ation p

ion / Ea / ion es' es' as a as rot a o o s d is not inc not and is e m Network Rail Network m utes 7 a utes h h sociat e c n I t cy angi angi

nvestment in nvestment s ted for the for ted her ing / lighting / ventilation, reception, reception, ventilation, / lighting / ing s d coverage of d coverage sed with with sed cheme cheme s c t Leeds Orbital Route. Orbital Leeds t c tra le s n n e tudy. g ro g ro d deve n d 14. LTP3 sche LTP3 d 14. k (scheme is p is (scheme k h o o d

t a ms, extend gym, access access gym, extend ms, m, O existing d existing s not not s l evelop u s

o u in the longer term, or or term, longer the in l d DELIVERY

opment is is opment

no stat no ugh East L East ugh Local Maj Local tline bus tline r for this sc this for ed in LTP Ra LTP ed in

e route 15. route

- NOTES ori c urrently available, available, urrently e e r fundi r u ntate rec ntate i s s u i

n o in DfT DfT in sed heme. p art e

ee m r Tra r

s n o e post s caseis i ds g. No No g. gr ally

i railway lplan 7. 7. lplan e e


ssed. ption, s p

o rt rt

DATES    

5yr   





Leisure Cycle Leisure Highways Highways Cycle TOPIC (local) (local) Centre Rot railway disused Methley Pool Swimming Chippindale improve Ar Dyneley Road Ea railway disused Otley to Pool s h t of Otley Relief Relief Otley of t well Le well

- - m

cycle cycle route cycle ent m i sure sure s ju SCHEMES route

n c


£5,800, yet costed Not £250, yetNot yetNot yetNot 0 00 0

c c c 00 o o o

TOTAL COST s s s ted ted ted

3 3 3 3 3 3

PRIORITY Developer Funded Developer Grammar School Grammar Prince Henry Prince

None None FUNDING 3 3 3 3 3 3 - SOURCES



area, extend area, park car additional will be delivered be will from traffic through funding. l and re ref hall Pool ass an when or term, longer the in forwards be brought only likely as available, currently not costs Outline track. acycle as use for f protected Route and 2020 Acc appra in SAP Identified hou Otley A and A659 Route progressed. is development associated an when or term, longer the in forwards be brought only likely as available, currently not costs Outline track. acycle as use for f protected Route o e ciated ciated ssibility, energy and energy ssibility, p axati rot

s e dep e ing d o c 6 u

evelopm n area. Refurbish d Refurbish n area. ted for n for ted 60 rout gym. By rbishm

s ndent ndent ite.

by the developer of the Ea the of developer the by or the existing disused railway railway disused existing the or railway disused existing the or i

ng, fitness ng,

the town c town the e e e nt nt e s o

nt is pr is nt w r 2020 and dependent on and dependent 2020 n e i sal. -

as funding.

new atrium, atrium, new o wider refurb wider DELIVERY t of Otley, to remove remove to Otley, of t ad link ad link NOTES o

i sp / studio scheme This entre. gress rysi

b etw d e i e chang d. i c s ir e h

c en the en the ment, By By ment, nning nning ulation ulation s t of of t ng, ng,

DATES   

5yr  




Highways Highways Highways (local) TOPIC (strategic) (local) M1 J46. to improvement as Extension. Poss Extension. n a Leed Strat A6120 meteri slip road road slip M1 J46 bypass Garforth eed for s s

p o a c s Orbital s d Lee East of rt iated iated n

g sout

s – outhern outhern

e ramp

gy gy SCHEMES h

Road Road bou - i ble ble

East n d s

£116, c yetNot c yetNot o o s s ted ted 0 00,0


1 3 1

PRIORITY 1 developer contributions developer investigation including including investigation

3 LCC capital receipt capital LCC from Red Hall site, site, Hall Red from Hig Devel Leeds city Council city Leeds Options under under Options h wa WYPTF,

o FUNDING per f per y s 2 3 SOURCES



major sc major Tr in i f January In receipt. Funding Funding over investigating mec t fu unde development. Northern s Northern development. sp G n deliver renegotiated Origi i appra SAP in scheme c Single signific a funded developer be primarily to intention Original Subje m Agree Current Agency. scheme nvestigati e fund o be or LCC to take a more leadi amore take to LCC or e nd

a n a er partn e ed ha rforth hous rforth ded. nsport nsport c h a n ific infrastruct ific r a Sect a r ani s c al tar al e dition to CIL CIL to contr in addition sumed a hou allocated of development to t d in d in a s nt element of d of element nt s i h p s

rr ship m e alre r n

F i delivered be to i ge m oritis d g feasibility for delivery, therefore L therefore delivery, for g feasibility a s for prov for s und (whi 2 g i g e fundin b t m agree on 6 019. t 2015 altho 2015 t

a o be traffic dependent. The The dependent. be traffic o eway byp eway i w ng si through in part y LCC, been dy n co ELE ith e d in W d a


ll cos ll t 2013 re p bedevelo to Likely e. ch i ch i

s in in ) wi ) sal. D sal. ion ev as establ n e t relation to relation i fund and s Executive Board de Board Executive c s u e eloper funding eloper e

DELIVERY s. Identified as potential potential as Identified s. t ent with the Highways Highways the with ent lu t Yorksh t t whole stre of by Lee h anexpectati h ction thr ction gh c n s d t states works to be to works states t i n NOTES o rect link to east of of east to link rect devolved DfT es g role i g role i rtium currently currently rtium s u h rrently being rrently ed d s City Cou City s

i ough R s re Pl re a ng pe n i s capital capital n butio

c part of site of part u c ific ific

s o s a ro h of ing n

e er er d Hall d Hall s o


n f a f land. land. as as i cil cil sion CC d. d.

2021 DATES

 

5yr  




Transport Cycle Transport Cycle Highways Highways TOPIC (Rail) (Bus) (strategic) (strategic) Improvem White Rose Station Rose White N Network Lee co D A653 E 1 – Route Network Leed Improvements Junction M1 J47 M1 J46

a o r st Middleton Spur Middleton st rth Morley Spur Morley rth ri d d s Core s s Core s or e


ws Route 6 Route e n nts b c

Cycle Cycle t ury Ro ury



d Not yetNot Not Not £19,8 Not £190, £448, Known

k 0 c nown 0 0 0,000 TOTAL COST o 00 00 s ted

1 3 2 2 1 1

PRIORITY /developer funded /developer England Highways England Highways LTP IT Block IT LTP Programme Investment Investment Leeds PT PT Leeds LTP IT Blo IT LTP WYPTF Highways

2 3 2 2 FUNDING

3 3





Identified in SAP appra in SAP Identified e of Parlington an Parlington of improve inc submitted to DfT Dec 2016.. Dec DfT to submitted case strategic outline Programme Investment PT centre. retail and employment the support to Rose at White station A new 13. Route of coverage extend to Spur Cr 2014 post scheme LTP 3. Route of coverage extend to Spur Ju sc identify d Lee East t developmen of result Ju Extension Leeds East proposed and ELOR accommodate to dumbbells eastern of widening and signalisation including junction the of sides both to required improvement Significant x pr os n n o c c rp e s bou s im tion im tion ss o rating m b us ent he s n pr pr d O

me. ser ary c ary s, park and park s, ovements l ovements bus bus rbital R rbital m develop Garforth of d East vi

c o p

e rri ri s o o d

s across East Le rity measur rity ad. Modelli ad. or or i

sal. will i r i k m mprove

i DELIVERY e de and e and de

ly to be required as as a ly be to required i be requ

NOTES Contained within within Contained

e n s g un ent, ent, nhanc , ju r e

d n e derway to to derway

ction ction ds an ds as a result result a as ed

ent d s. s.


5yr      




Transport Leisure Highways Highways Highways (local) TOPIC (Rail) (local) (local) parking expansion parking Station Pudsey New Pudsey improve D F Ch improve Ro Out A6110 p rot l arn a a wso a ec d pel La ey - ey

tion n

m m s C Le

ent scheme ent ent route route n i e s o e, r u rner ma rner


Ring SCHEMES re C re New New



j or or

c yetNot c yetNot c yetNot £17,6 o o o £2,000, s s s ted ted ted 0

0,000 TOTAL COST 0 00

1 3 3 3 1

PRIORITY Programme Investment Investment Leed WYPTF


2 3 3 2 s PT PT s



PARTNERS g Pro Investment when only as s Leed in 500 sp depe t refurbishmen N contr appra in SAP Identified carri Route Pl R p key intersecti key facilities as well as junc as well as facilities Inclu ub de M621 from Hig e c lanne o r w entr u m eas v ad. Fundi ad. s Tra s a h olved major olved s Br s ndent i n butio itted g way im way d an ass an p a e es es e itse capa brought forwards in the longer term, or or term, longer the in forwards brought d els d rot c way. Outline cos Outline way. a a e c n

e df nce and front and nce to e s o n s c p o a

n Jn h e o

pr DfT ted to improve to ted ort F ort rd c rd likely. n r park exp park r

, extend gym. By 2020 and 2020 By gym. extend , ciat anced pe anced w o funding. g pr ovement p ovement

h 1 to A647 A647 1 to ns. r

ere ere c sche o a Dec 2016 Dec e u ity for rri mme outline strat outline mme i

d develop nd or

Compl d o i tised in West in tised o m n (which inc (which

i Conta r. i

d ag a sal.

e fundin d Lee the park & ri park e t t nsion at N at nsion ion improvements at at improvements ion s not curr not s ac DELIVERY strian an strian e Stanni e, interior interior e,

t men

ka Developer alignment of existing of alignment

me NOTES g e for the e for g pro is nt g s me ned l n s d ude ). gley Bypass. Bypass. gley e with e d cycl d O

e e Yorksh e

ntly available, available, ntly uter Ri uter w Pudsey to Pudsey w s DfT DfT s within PT PT within a gic case case gic

s u

i i A6110 n the r ng r e e i s re re n ssed.



5yr  



20yr R R R


Public Transport Information Information technology TOPIC technology r C Broa – C S Lee L BDUK Yorkshire West The e

u i a rail station rail m develop g pro ties n Co per stleford In stleford d d s a ba n o n d Bradford Bradford d c d Plan al ra n ent e

m t c

ercha SCHEMES ted ted me


ge ge £8,700, £2,350, Not


nown TOTAL COST 0 0 00 00

1 1 1

PRIORITY ERDF, private private private s private DCMS, DCMS,


L e e

S, LCC, S, LCC, CC, c ct AND tor o


late Octo late approved but approved l redeve improve been drawn up, to include to up, drawn been (s investment investment investment investment started t started betw m co a LCC i Med Culture is there s 2mbp of a minimum get to able a bro co digital of availability the in change a step to complete i complete to comp C Follow additional of This £1.5m. L Kirklees, Calderdale, fundi The 2 to 2015 W premi of 90% that ensure to Aims proj a h e n stleford B stleford with ared st Yorksh st n e dba e e c l en the ete No ete c t ai t i ng the tivity. There is DCMS funding o funding DCMS is There tivity. opment. Overall funding yet to be be yet to funding Overall opment. m E h nd ( nd b m e third ph n 0 RDF funding funding RDF ent er g 18. s to foc to s mitment of £72k, of mitment a e 2


a v a and Sport funding of £1.5m, and £1.5m, of funding Sport and a private private n Sept. 2015. Sept. n s app s xpected to m to xpected i 2015, works 2015, Bradford) bus bus s. Aiming for Aiming s. also assumes a gap funding model model funding agap assumes also

re have a re p 4mb s a fe outline emb t covers rea


Station and a e ro u nd rail u a s+), wi s+), r 20 r s on s ary 2 ary se f se sector investment. sector p riate. c eeds, and Wakefield. The The and Wakefield. eeds, o a 1 o c f £780k, Depar £780k, f nd s a are urban

6. 0 e r rail station railstation r

stations, W stations, DELIVERY ib h

t com atch the pu atch the

15 op 15 publ ss to sup i rema the h

a range of of range a

e who i Current ph Current LCC fu the improv the Phase 2 to run Oct. Oct. run 2 to Phase lity options hav options lity

NOTES with private sector sector private with m i c e e

. For Leeds Leeds For . c l ning of ning n e of Bradford, e of s o n ce ce e nsultation in nsultation e s a ding s across Y rf bl M n C ase 1 due due 1 ase a e n

i i t f £14.4m £14.4m f c s ay 2016, d links d links ng ar A has A has ment for for ment d deliver d deliver

t the new the of s e

e c

t e o as as r

2016 DATES

  




20yr R R R


Transport Transport (Rail) Public Transport TOPIC (Rail) City Reg m develop sal internet u prod e and leis Bradford M Low peopl more million (44 day per trains more p pro train Hub Northern media. sm po topup m c Yorcard serv integrati a q a rd vending vending rd uipm a chin i rtc osals: up osals: c e each year). e each ct by s by ct e o

a onto s e e u or o r - s i nt, enabl nt,

d i r on metr on

n of other other n of nts, nts,

e ent of Leed of ent pr

s and R e ), on- ),

(sch ov a s mart mart

il Station, Station, il SCHEMES , to 700 700 to ision of of ision o b o i ol ol us us ng ng Card Card

s £580, £7,200, c yetNot o s ted 0 00,0 0



1 1 1

PRIORITY £6.14m for fir for £6.14m Department for Department Tra

pha FUNDING LTP n 1 1 3


se p




s Newca Hull, Halifax, d Midlan East Sheffield, Manche dir o Liverp Lee times trains trains Halifax rail s rail Halifax line the On Infrastruct I Liverpool. and Victoria fa 2 new 2017. a s develop s Tran for Department together although Metro contr Better Bus Area Fund Area Bus Better LTP funding LTP n relati million Executive Board on April 2 April on Board Executive W £6.14m to be to £6.14m e e u ct s ct st Yorksh st ccessful i

n butio p e ol to Manch er er s rvice s

We ter with local local with t trains per ho per trains t ds ds h u o re b

s s t Airport. Fa u


etwe s ation

£1.16milli i

e o Manch Better Bus Area Fund bi Fund Area Bus Better t York t g to York City York g to re Integrated re r Leed r from City Re from Manc pro s c proje on the pent s g plit not yet determi not plit e ram n Brad . C e b s h s to ster ster us hire’s est tl s almo for port

m e ompletion expected May expected ompletion (£4 o

s s, Ch s, s o u n e - North and ,

n. Later ph Later n. ter journey times to times journey ter e, funding e, t M p b r between Manche between r crease from 4 to 6 fast 6fast 4to from crease r u red er


e y 10 . ord Interc ord City Centre to to Centre City g a

s u pl million 33 7 2012 a 7 2012

Tra rators, r rators, ion Authoriti ion nc martcard networ martcard n Cou

e NOTES ster, Br ster, h - n 15 mi est s ced by 1 by ced p i fund cil t from t from t

ort Authority ort e confirmed. ases e r. Jo r. h East. t £5m to to £5m t n gr c n a a ed. Metro, Metro, ed. ent d to the the to d s eed n dford, dford, . ge and ge e

s u New assume assume he l 0 mins, mins, 0 ng) an ng) s and and s

y made y made rney rney £0.65 £0.65

RUS RUS s k ter .

d 2020 by Aim DATES

  

5yr 



20yr R R R R


Highways Highways Transport Transport TOPIC (Strategic) (Strategic) (Rail) (Rail) Colton Colton g throu ca c exit M62 J w sout M62 improve infr c Inter York of a e Manch electrif Tra ir apac d nd Lee o r c rks ri a n ulatory s h

a s - s Penn s J lip and and lip regional rail rail regional ern ern tructure g

ity and and ity 2 2 h Garforth to to h Garforth i e J c

8 7 and Selby m ster way u ation w n s, and o and s, d n ent

o u c e in rthern rthern

m tion w tion

st bound bound st Victoria Victoria s

e SCHEMES betw bell bell

n e

a e st st nd en en Not yetNot yetNot £2,000, £1,500, £2.2m £2.6m c c

o o TOTAL COST 0 0 s s 00 00

ted ted

2 3 1

3 1

PRIORITY Hig Hig Dft/WYCA, LPA & LPA Dft/WYCA, contr Garforth only Garforth h h Potentially Potentially p develo wa wa

i FUNDING n butio y y 1 1 s s 3 2 - SOURCES 2 2

England England

er er AND s


scheme scheme t a Ne Garforth at n co S106/CIL Selby. deliver the scheme in the in the scheme the deliver Hig in 2018. construction start dueto Scheme A650. the to slip exit westbound M62 the from movement the to dedicated lanes two accommodate to carriageway circulatory of Widening / Midlands / im Line £100m. d Lee to co DfT Annou deliver the scheme in the in the scheme the deliver scheme Hig 2018. in construction off westbound the widen to and dumbbell northern the at capacity additional provide to Scheme h h wa wa work

n m p Includes line Includes s, N s, y

c y

a mitment to fund core route Stalybridge route core fund to mitment rov s Planned f Planned e a s


d in d nd

England England England England Rail, RUS a Rail, RUS station (£1. station ev e Manchester i ments be ments i s tribution for a for tribution

s ille ille Cha -

i intend slip i intend Hill to C to Hill o n . Scheme due to start start to due Scheme . h r completion by completion r h cel

as i as cap as i as

ng to t ng to n 5 l w or d a national d anational m). Total cos Total m).

de a de e / London. Unfunded but is is but Unfunded London. / ' o DELIVERY c s en Le en n n n Ju lton ntified this p this ntified i

c ntified this p this ntified ext 4 years. 4 ext ty upgrades. Potential ty upgrades. Statement N Statement ext 4 years. 4 ext r fundi r bid fo bid for fundi bid for cess im NOTES e ds ds c

tion 2022 a p p nd t ro riority. s


v o

over n

n and tential tential o Sheffield ements ements tential tential g to g to

g to g to v 2011. v 2011.

2022 DATES

 

5yr  



20yr R R R R


Highways Highways Highways Highways (Strategic) TOPIC (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) n dema enha M62 J m Sche Developer Snowhill M1 J41 improve h Strategic roads we of M62 J t ncemen s

2 2 t fa d r 5 7 m - len 32 cap 32 e c ent i d ing g u g h s

ction SCHEMES thening thening s and o and s way

s l ip ip a city


r U Not U £250m+ n n Not yetNot c k k o n

n k s o nown o ted wn TOTAL COST wn

3 3 3 3


o FUNDING per per 3 1 3 3 - - - SOURCES


Works to provide freeflow link freeflow provide to Works Devel plan the over i requ Infrastruct Hig £10m. yet cost Not saf Potential Metering Ramp M621 South. on A62 Lane Turning Left Segregated and Associated M621 and Westbound M62 between Road Link New and South M62 M621to from roads link new Potential n dema i requ Lon h g wa re er term term er r o e

per f per m d. provide mainli provide d to y s ents

u England England re u e e nded d but expect d but f

ty sche peri urth on the Str on the Study to identify the infras the Study identify to o e

scheme d. Ongo r i

s en m

c Westbound Slip Road Road Slip Westbound a e r h a rr a t n e e e y DELIVERY n

cem Le a out ing quir gic Route Network Network Route gic i be more d to secur p e ca ng w NOTES s e . e

d lon d o nts will nts acity or acity e rk. d by S278. d by

g .

er e

be ds

t than red term. term. ruct

u u

ce ce re re



10yr 


20yr R R


Highways Highways Highways Highways Highways TOPIC (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) M62 junctions 30 to 32 30to M62 junctions Interchange: Lofthouse M1/M62 M1 J47 n and sig Slip off bound west to improvements M62 J Inter M62 J c hange 3 2 0 9 Loftho



£250 £50 U £25 n <£5m <£5m k - - - n £500M 100m 50m o TOTAL COST wn

2 1 1 3 2 2

PRIORITY investigating opportunities investigating Highways England England Highways Highways England Highways

FUNDING 2 2 3 3 3 - - SOURCES


M1/M62 Loft M1/M62 part of the the of part Interc directions. directions. both in capacity mainline additional Provide congestion at and around the junction. - 2020/21 period the in construction commencing of objective developed in the current roads period with the to enhance the capacity of the Interchange to be Strategy Investment Road Government widening slip off EB dive westbound the Unfu w two current Increase e stbo n h ded ang u nd 2024/25. This is intended to address address to is intended This 2024/25.

Provision of traffic signals traffic of Provision e to three la n e to three s Infra Route o

h n M62 thr n M62 a Interch ouse rge slip road. slip rge

lanes eastbound and eastbound lanes o t u r es uc g DELIVERY u Loftho h

in each dir each in t nge sc ure Strategy (RIS) NOTES

h eme. se se

(RIS) scheme scheme (RIS) at the end of of end the at e c t ion. Not Not ion.


5yr   



20yr AREA

Highways Highways Highways Highways Highways TOPIC (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) M1 junction 44 M1 junction (A659) 45 junction A1(M) ) A1(M) road link northbound M1 to M621 44 M1 junction junction 44 (A64 44 (A64 junction


£250m+ £5 £5 <£5m <£5m - - 25m 25m TOTAL COST

2 2 2 2 2



3 3 3 3 3 SOURCES

AND PARTNERS improvement to viaduct needed to facilitate this facilitate to needed viaduct to improvement require to north/ at issues Capacity off northbound of Signalisation S required. study Feasibility link. strategic a missing provide to scheme major Potential ( o operation. signal junction Improved potential l potential ff ignalise whole junction. junction. whole ignalise - slip slip improvement. improvement. further require to likely is e upgrad ing of ing engthen

to type D1. Possible Possible D1. type to

3 lane section) lane 3 DELIVERY eastbound merge merge eastbound

NOTES - slip. slip.


likely likely .



10yr    




Highways Highways Highways TOPIC (Strategic) (Strategic) (Strategic) M1 junction 46 junction M1 46 M1 junction 46 to 45 M1 junctions


£25 <£5m <£5m - 50m TOTAL COST

1 2 2

PRIORITY Developer funding



junction Road to connect into the roundabout at the motorway allow to scheme Developer Study) 2013 per as lane filter turn right (Remove South M1 left segregated of Removal directions. capacity carriageway mainline additional 2030 by byhowever 2022, required improvements merge northbound M1 J45 .

will be required required be will

the Manstonthe Lane Link DELIVERY -

turn lane from A63 to from lane turn NOTES in both in both


5yr  

10yr 


20yr Appendix 5: Updated Planning Position on Allocated Employment Sites

In response to the Inspector’s Question 4 on Hearing Day 2 (25 Oct 2017), the table below summarises the latest position for the planning and delivery status of the SAP allocated employment sites based on recent planning application activity, pre-application enquiries and up-to-date building control information for sites that are now under construction or completed.

NB. The table below does not include the allocated mixed use sites. The list of all identified employment sites status has already been provided to the Inspector (HD2).

SAP Ref HMCA Latest Position (as at 1 April 2017) EG3 Aireborough No planning permission. EG2-22 City Centre Site has a temporary retrospective change of use of vehicle storage to self-store container storage (use class B8) for 42 containers under 15/01968/FU (approved 24/06/2015). EO2-6 City Centre No planning permission. EO2-9 City Centre Site has expired permission under 12/03025/FU for change of use of former soft play centre to warehousing & distribution (use class B8) with small factory shop and ancillary offices (expired on 09/10/2015). EG2-27 East Leeds No planning permission.* EO2-2 Inner Area Site has expired permission for office/ residential use under 10/05497/FU (expired 06/06/2014). EG2-11 Inner Area Site was approved for car dealership, MOT/service centre under 15/05199/FU on 15.12.2015. Subsequent applications for conditions and minor modifications approved (under 16/06753/COND, 17/02386/COND, 17/9/00145/MOD and 17/9/00239/MOD). EG2-13 Inner Area Site has expired permission under 08/04632/FU for B1c and B2 use (expired on 22/10/2011). EG2-10 Inner Area No planning permission. EG2-12 Inner Area No planning permission. EG2-36 Inner Area No planning permission. EG2-2 Outer North West No planning permission. EG2-3 Outer North Site has expired outline permission under 29/217/95/OT for West extension and layout car parking to mill (expired on 28/11/1999) EG2-14 Outer South Site has expired outline permission under 21/71/05/OT (expired on West 10/05/2008) for showroom with first floor offices and with car parking. EG2-19 Outer South West No planning permission. EG2-20 Outer South No planning permission. West EG2-21 Outer South West No planning permission. EG2-23 Outer South Site has extant permission for general employment use under West 12/02470/OT approved on 01/04/2015. EG2-16 Outer South Site has expired outline permission under 21/179/04/OT (expired West 18/11/2007) to erect new high school and layout sports playing pitches. EG2-26 Outer South Site was completed on 01/10/2016 following approval of West 15/07581/FU for general employment use. EG2-9 Outer West Site has expired permission under 25/149/02/FU for single storey extension to side and rear of factory, (expired on 22/08/2005). EG2-25 Outer West No planning permission. EG2-7 Outer West No planning permission. EG2-6 Outer West No planning permission.

*EG2-27, East Leeds has no planning permission. Please note this is incorrectly listed as having planning permission in EX8 “Update of planning permissions for housing, employment and green space sites”.