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g I anarchist fortnightly FREE CTS WE WELCOME news, reviews, articles, let- SWEDEN ' ters. Copy deadline for next issue (No. 15) is Frihetlige Forum, Landsvagsgatan 19 , MONDAY 31 JULY. A 41304 04 GOTEBORG. Si FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY 29 June - 12 Jul 1978 NEXT DESPATCHING DATE is THURSDAY Vol 39 N014 JULY 22 3 AUGUST. Come and hel from 5 .m. Baden: ABF lnfoburo, Postfach 161, 761 ILFRACOMBE: l.L. 50p;TELFORD: M.A. 50p; (Help also welcomed the previous Tliursday, Schwabisch Hall. NEWCASTLE: .l.M. £ 5; ENFIELD: Z.J. E 5; 27 July for folding Review section). “P Berlin: Anarkistische Bund. Publishers of DENMARK: J.H. 50p; LONDON W7: M.M. _:%_‘I-tin-l"____4 ' Anarkistische Texte ', c/o Libertad Verlag, £ 1; WOLVERHAMPTON: J.L. 5:‘. 1; .l.K.W. I .-up-. Postfach 153, 1000 Berlin 44. 10p; CHEAM: O.L. L. 50p; BRIGHTON: M.C. International 'Gewaltfreie Aktion' (non-violent action) 50p; Anon: £ 3; BLACKBURN: H.M. 50p; DUBLIN: P/D. £ 1; PORTUGAL: J.S. £1.15. @ \l\ll-lllT HUMANS AUSTRALIA groups, throughout FDR, associated WRI , For information write Karl-Heinz Song, . Canberra: Altemative Canberra Group, 10 Total : £ 20.25 Methfesselstr. 69,2000 Hamburg 19. Previously acknowledged : 5 624.65 Beltana Road, Pialligo, ACT 2809. New South Wgl_§_ Groups in other places: tell us if you want TOTAL to DATE £ 644.90 Black Ram, P.O. Box 238, Darlinghurst, l'O be listed. NSW 2010. , 3 Wm-\r Disintegratorl P.O. Box 291, Bondi Junct- ion, Sydney, NSW, f7 RlG?l4T$ Sydney Anarcho-Syndicalists, Jura Books Col- LONDON.
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