SEDERI Yearbook ISSN: 1135-7789
[email protected] Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies España Holland, Peler "A Kind of Character in thy Life": Shakespeare and the Character of History SEDERI Yearbook, núm. 23, 2013, pp. 7-31 Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies Valladolid, España Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative "A Kind of Character in thy Life": Shakespeare and the Character of History' Peler Holland Uni7..lersity ofNatre Dame ABSTRAer This article explores the early modern concept of IIcharacter" and Shakespeare's use of the word - as a way to rethink the nature of Shakespearean biography. Through the material of evidence of Shakespeare's character, his writing, 1 turn to the figuring of IIhistory" in Shakespeare's plays, the writing of letters (leaving traces of characters as writing), before finally imaging a different kind of Shakespeare biography. KEYWüRDS: biography, character, history, Richard Quiney, Henry IV Part 2. The circle of lny concerns in this articIe began as a cOlnplex inleraction or inlerlwining between Shakespeare's biography and Shakespeare's writing of biographies, between, in effect, two forn1s of history. It was in part an avenue for lne ta think through a way bolh of wriling Shakespeare's biography and of wriling aboul il again, lhis time for Bruce Smilh's forthcoming Cambridge World Shakespeare Enc1jclopedia.