arXiv:2008.07004v2 [math.DG] 28 Aug 2020 atbac,209Mdi,Spain Madrid, 28049 Cantoblanco, nvria Aut Universidad -aladdress E-mail nvriyo aiona rie A92617 address CA E-mail Irvine, California, of University ai acaFradzadJffe Streets Jeffrey and Garcia-Fernandez Mario : : [email protected] [email protected] eeaie ic Flow Ricci Generalized nm eMdi,adIsiuod inisMatem Ciencias de Instituto and Madrid, de onoma ´ aticas, ´ 2020 Subject Classification. 53C55, 53D18, 53E20, 53E30 Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Outline 2 1.2. On pedagogy 4 1.3. Acknowledgements 5

Chapter 2. Generalized Riemannian Geometry 7 2.1. Courant algebroids 7 2.2. Symmetries of the Dorfman bracket 12 2.3. Generalized metrics 20 2.4. Divergence operators 28

Chapter 3. Generalized Connections and Curvature 33 3.1. Generalized connections 33 3.2. Metric compatible connections 37 3.3. The classical Bismut connection 42 3.4. Curvature and the First Bianchi Identity 46 3.5. Generalized 49 3.6. Generalized scalar curvature 53 3.7. Generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional 58

Chapter 4. Fundamentals of Generalized Ricci Flow 67 4.1. The equation and its motivation 67 4.2. Examples 71 4.3. Maximum principles 75 4.4. Invariance group and solitons 78 4.5. Low dimensional structure 84

Chapter5. LocalExistenceandRegularity 87 5.1. Variational Formulas 87 5.2. Short time existence 91 5.3. Curvature evolution equations 94 5.4. Smoothing estimates 101 5.5. Results on maximal existence time 104 5.6. Compactness results for generalized metrics 108

Chapter 6. Energy and Entropy Functionals 111 6.1. Generalized Ricci flow as a gradient flow 111 6.2. Expander entropy and Harnack estimate 118 6.3. Shrinking Entropy and local collapsing 122 6.4. Corollaries on nonsingular solutions 125


Chapter7. GeneralizedComplexGeometry 129 7.1. Linear generalized complex structures 129 7.2. Generalized complex structures on 136 7.3. Courant algebroids and pluriclosed metrics 144 7.4. Generalized K¨ahler geometry 150 Chapter 8. Canonical Metrics in Generalized Complex Geometry 167 8.1. Connections,Torsion,andCurvature 167 8.2. Canonical metrics in complex geometry 172 8.3. Examples and rigidity results 178 Chapter 9. Generalized Ricci Flow in Complex Geometry 185 9.1. K¨ahler-Ricci flow 185 9.2. Pluriclosed flow 187 9.3. Generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow 192 9.4. Reduced flows 199 9.5. Torsion potential evolution equations 202 9.6. Higher regularity from uniform parabolicity 204 9.7. Metric evolution equations 209 9.8. Sharpexistenceandconvergenceresults 213 Chapter 10. T-duality 221 10.1. Topological T-duality 221 10.2. T-duality and Courant algebroids 224 10.3. Geometric T-duality 227 10.4. Buscher rules and the dilaton shift 231 10.5. Einstein-Hilbert action 235 10.6. Examples 237 Bibliography 243 CHAPTER 1


The Ricci flow is a nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation for a Rie- mannian metric that has yielded new results and insights in topology, Riemann- ian geometry, complex geometry, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics. The equation was introduced by Hamilton [92], who used it to classify compact Riemannian 3-manifolds with positive Ricci curvature. In the ensuing decades Hamilton went on to prove various results and formulate precise conjec- tures on the Ricci flow in low . The importance of Ricci flow was then permanently enshrined by Perelman, in his spectacular resolution of the Poincar`e Conjecture and Thurston Geometrization Conjecture [140, 141, 142]. Parallel to the story of Ricci flow in Riemannian geometry is that of K¨ahler- Ricci flow in complex geometry. The fundamental result of Cao [35] gave a proof of the classical celebrated theorems of Aubin-Yau [9, 186] and Yau [186] using Ricci flow. Since then the K¨ahler-Ricci flow has yielded many further results in complex geometry. In recent years the “Analytic minimal model program” of Song- Tian [154] has attracted much attention, aiming at fundamental breakthroughs in complex and algebraic geometry. A third parallel thread informs the study of Ricci flow, coming from mathematical physics. In the thesis of Friedan [68], it was observed that the Ricci flow equation arises in the context of renormalization group flow for nonlinear sigma models, and this connection was strengthened by Perelman, who noted [140] that this physical point of view loosely suggests some of his fundamental monotone quantities. More recently a natural extension of the Ricci flow equation has appeared in the context of generalized geometry, a relatively new subject drawing inspiration from Poisson geometry, complex geometry, and mathematical physics. An early appearance of this subject was the discovery of generalized K¨ahler structure in the seminal work of Gates-Hull-Roˇcek [74] in mathematical physics. Twenty years later these structures were rederived by Gualtieri [88] within the general frame- work of Hitchin’s generalized geometry program. Like generalized geometry itself, the generalized Ricci flow equation also has several different origins coming from considerations in classical geometry, complex geometry, and mathematical physics. The relationships between these points of view, and the realization that a priori different extensions of the Ricci flow equation are unified by a single equation, the generalized Ricci flow, have only been achieved recently. Thus,

The primary purpose of this book is to provide an intro- duction to the fundamental geometric, algebraic, topo- logical, and analytic aspects of the generalized Ricci flow equation.


Our focus is mostly on foundational results, although we will discuss some more technical global existence and convergence results in the penultimate chapter. As the mathematical study of the generalized Ricci flow equation is more nascent, the results described inevitably fall short of the depth of results attained for the Ricci flow. However it seems apparent that such depth of results are waiting to be attained in the context of generalized geometry, beyond tautologically recapturing what is known for Ricci flow. Thus, The secondary purpose of this book is to formulate ques- tions and conjectures about the generalized Ricci flow as an invitation to the reader.

These questions and conjectures will be interspersed througout the text.

1.1. Outline We begin in Chapter 2 by introducing fundamental concepts of generalized Riemannian geometry. The starting point is to extend the smooth structure of a , in the form of the Lie bracket on the tangent bundle, to new structures on the direct sum of the tangent and cotangent bundle, specifically the Dorfman and Courant brackets. These brackets come equipped with a symmetry group that includes the natural action of diffeomorphisms, but is enlarged by the action of B- fields. We then introduce generalized Riemannian metrics from the point of view of reducing the structure group of T T ∗ to a maximal compact subgroup. We show the equivalence between a generalized⊕ metric and a pair (g,b) consisting of a classical Riemannian metric and skew-symmetric two-form b. Having introduced the fundamental properties of generalized geometry, in Chap- ter 3 we introduce and analyze special generalized metrics. We begin with the theory of generalized connections, leading eventually to a derivation of natural curvature quantities associated to a generalized metric that naturally involve the curvature of the classical Bismut connection. Given this, we seek to define a class of canonical geometries through a variational principle generalizing the derivation of the classical Einstein equation. Specifically we generalize the Einstein-Hilbert action using a scalar curvature quantity natural to generalized geometry. Critical points of this functional satisfy a natural coupling of the classical Einstein equation with the equations for a harmonic three-form, again expressed naturally in terms of the Ricci curvature of the Bismut connection. With this in mind, we give the classification of Bismut-flat connections. This is a special case of a classical result of Cartan-Schouten, and we show that all examples are covered by semisimple Lie groups with bi-invariant metrics and torsion determined by the Lie bracket. In Chapter 4 we introduce the generalized Ricci flow equation as a tool for con- structing canonical generalized geometric structures, specifically generalized Ein- stein structures. We first introduce the equation, as expressed in terms of both classical and generalized objects. We explain the invariance properties of the equa- tion, and introduce natural classes of solutions, illustrated with basic examples. We discuss self-similar solutions of generalized Ricci flow, called solitons, and de- rive some of their basic properties. We end by discussing special properties satisfied by generalized Ricci flow in low dimensions, and special classes of solutions that illustrate connections to further extensions of the Ricci flow equation. 1.1. OUTLINE 3

We prove the fundamental analytic properties of generalized Ricci flow in Chap- ter 5. We first show that the equation is well-posed for arbitrary initial data on compact manifolds. We then exhibit evolution equations for the Riemannian and Bismut curvature , and use these to establish estimates on derivatives of curvature in the presence of bounds on the Riemannian curvature. This leads to the basic fact that the Riemannian curvature tensor must blow up at any finite time singularity of the flow. We end by recording compactness results for solutions to generalized Ricci flow. In Chapter 6 we show that generalized Ricci flow is the gradient flow for a natural energy functional. The construction leads furthermore to natural entropy functionals which are monotone along the generalized Ricci flow. As consequences of this we establish a noncollapsing result for broad classes of solu- tions to generalized Ricci flow, as well as results on the limiting behavior of certain nonsingular solutions of the flow. The remainder of the text focuses on the role of generalized Ricci flow in gen- eralized complex geometry. We start in Chapter 7, using generalized geometry to motivate and introduce generalized complex structures, natural objects which unify and extend classical complex structures as well as symplectic structures. Af- ter recording their most basic properties we describe other constructions in complex geometry and show their relationship to generalized geometry. In particular, we de- scribe pluriclosed structures (also known as strong K¨ahler with torsion structures) using generalized complex geometry. Lastly we define generalized K¨ahler geometry and discuss its basic properties and local structure. Having established the fundamental geometric properties of generalized com- plex structures, in Chapter 8 we discuss canonical metrics in the setting of gener- alized complex geometry, extending the discussion of Chapter 3. We recall basic aspects of different Hermitian connections relevant in complex, non-K¨ahler geome- try, and express the generalized Einstein equations in this setting in terms of their curvatures. In the setting of generalized K¨ahler geometry these equations can be reduced to certain scalar PDE using an extension of the classical transgression for- mula for the first Chern class. We end the chapter with a discussion of examples of and rigidity results for canonical metrics in this setting. In Chapter 9 we establish fundamental properties of the relationship between generalized Ricci flow and generalized complex geometry. We begin with the classi- cal point of view, introducing the K¨ahler-Ricci flow, then introduce the pluriclosed flow, an extension of the K¨ahler-Ricci flow to complex, non-K¨ahler geometry. We show that the pluriclosed flow is gauge-equivalent to generalized Ricci flow, and fur- thermore preserves generalized K¨ahler structure, yielding the generalized K¨ahler- Ricci flow system. We describe all of these flows directly in the language of gen- eralized geometry, and describe natural deformation classes of generalized K¨ahler structure which are preserved along the flow. We prove the short-time existence of solutions to all these equations and formulate conjectures on the sharp existence time. In the second half of this chapter we prove global existence and convergence results for the generalized Ricci flow in complex geometry. To begin we exhibit natural reductions of the generalized Ricci flow in the setting of complex geome- try, generalizing the reduction of K¨ahler-Ricci flow to a scalar equation modeled on the parabolic complex Monge-Amp`ere equation. Next we establish higher reg- ularity of the flow in the presence of uniform parabolicity estimates, generalizing 4 1. INTRODUCTION the classic estimates of Evans-Krylov and Calabi/Yau for the complex parabolic Monge-Amp`ere equation to the system of equations determined by the pluriclosed flow. We then give geometric settings where these uniform parabolicity estimates can be verified, leading to sharp global existence and convergence results for the flow. First we prove the theorem of Tian-Zhang on the sharp existence time for K¨ahler-Ricci flow. In the case of pluriclosed flow we prove global existence on com- plex manifolds admitting Hermitian metrics of nonpositive bisectional curvature, and prove exponential convergence to a flat, K¨ahler, metric on complex tori. This result includes a complete description of the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, and yields a classification result for generalized K¨ahler structures on tori. We finish in Chapter 10 by describing the relationship between the generalized Ricci flow and the physical phenomenon of T-duality. While T-duality first arose in physics, we recall the relatively recent, purely mathematical, formulation of this concept, focusing on the most fundamental topological and geometric aspects. We then show that T-duality naturally transforms solutions to the generalized Ricci flow. As corollaries we immediately obtain some global existence and convergence results for the generalized Ricci flow by applying T-duality to Ricci flow solutions whose behavior is known.

1.2. On pedagogy This book assumes a working familiarity with fundamental concepts of Rie- mannian geometry, i.e. smooth manifolds, tangent/cotangent/tensor bundles, dif- ferential forms, Lie groups, Riemannian metrics, connections, and curvature. We direct the reader to e.g. [121, 122, 143, 184] for background in these areas. We also assume some mild familiarity with the language and basic results of ordinary and partial differential equations, and direct the reader to e.g. [61] for general back- ground in the area. We also assume familiarity with complex geometry, although we briefly review some of this material at a more basic level within. We refer to [47, 87, 136] for further background. Notably, we will not assume familiarity with the Ricci flow equation itself, and instead will introduce the fundamental concepts of generalized Ricci flow whole cloth, without an independent discussion of the classical Ricci flow concepts in- evitably carried within. This choice is made in part to save space, but also since by now there are many excellent introductory texts on the Ricci flow e.g. [5, 26, 50, 52, 135]. Having said all of this, we will at times refer back to and discuss results specific to the Ricci flow when it aids in exposition. Moreover, prior familiarity with the Ricci flow equation would of course help in reading this text, as would reading a Ricci flow text in parallel. Ultimately we aim to make the text self-contained given the stated prerequisites, which will of course entail some overlap with existing texts. Generalized geometry employs many structures (e.g. Dirac structures, Courant algebroids) which have a rich history and outlook of their own, independent of the role they play in generalized geometry. Moreover, generalized geometry as a subject by itself appears related to a variety of questions in algebraic geometry, Poisson geometry, mathematical physics, etc. We will make no attempt at an exhaustive exploration of these various avenues, rather focusing on the aspects which are most relevant to understanding the analysis of generalized Ricci flow. One imagines that there are likely fruitful further generalizations of Ricci flow incorporating yet more 1.3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 5 structure from generalized geometry. We point out some possibilities for this as well as some preliminary results in the literature. 1.3. Acknowledgements The first named author is grateful to his collaborators Luis Alvarez´ C´onsul, Ra´ul Gonz´alez Molina, Roberto Rubio, Carl Tipler, and Carlos Shahbazi for useful conversations and insight on different aspects of this text. He would like to specially thank Nigel Hitchin and Marco Gualtieri for introducing him into the subject of generalized geometry. He would like also to thank Gil Cavalcanti, Pedram Hek- mati, Pavol Severa,ˇ Rafael Torres, Fridrich Valach, and Dan Waldram for helpful and inspiring conversations. He acknowledges support from the Spanish MICINN via the ICMAT Severo Ochoa project No. SEV-2015-0554, and under grants No. PID2019-109339GA-C32 and No. MTM2016-81048-P. The second named author is grateful to Vestislav Apostolov, Matthew Gibson, Joshua Jordan, Man-Chun Lee, Yury Ustinovskiy, and Micah Warren, for collab- orations underpinning many results in this text. Furthermore, his understanding of this subject has benefitted greatly from conversations with Jess Boling, Ryushi Goto, Paul Gauduchon, Marco Gualtieri, Nigel Hitchin, Chris Hull, and Martin Ro˘cek. He would like to thank David Streets for a careful proofreading. Finally, he would like to offer greatest thanks to Mark Stern and Gang Tian for their support, encouragement, guidance, and collaboration regarding this subject. He gratefully acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation via DMS-1454854, DMS-1301864, DMS-1006505, and from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.


Generalized Riemannian Geometry

On the road to understanding Riemannian geometry from the modern point of view, one begins with the notion of a smooth manifold, and derives various objects canonically associated to the smooth structure, such as the tangent and cotangent bundles, and the Lie bracket. Geometric structure enters by assigning a Riemannian metric, which measures the lengths of vectors in the tangent bundle. This way, one can associate an energy to a smooth curve, thought of as the trajectory of a point particle moving along the manifold, which leads to and Jacobi fields. Generalized geometry changes this story in a fundamental way. Whereas vec- tors and the tangent bundle have primacy in Riemannian geometry, the starting point of generalized geometry is to put vectors and covectors on equal footing, and to treat sections of T T ∗ as the fundamental object of geometry. This leads to a new bracket structure⊕ on such sections, the Dorfman bracket, which involves a delicate combination of the classical operators of differential geometry. This point of view also inspires the definition of a generalized Riemannian metric, which mea- sures sections of T T ∗. Such generalized metrics are equivalent to a choice of a classical Riemannian⊕ metric g together with a skew-symmetric two-form b. Similar to Riemannian metrics, a generalized metric can be used to define an energy for a surface mapping into the manifold, thought of as the trajectory of a ‘string’ moving along the target space.

2.1. Courant algebroids The fundamental object underlying generalized Riemannian geometry is a Courant algebroid. These first arose in the work of Courant [55] and Dorfman [58], partly in an effort to describe the geometry of equivariant moment map level sets, and was later axiomatized by Liu, Weinstein, and Xu [130]. Before giving the general definition of Courant algebroid we begin by describing the main example, with fur- ther examples to follow. The linear algebra of T T ∗ plays a central role in the subject, and we begin with some basic definitions.⊕ Definition 2.1. Given V a vector space of n, define an inner prod- uct on V V ∗ via ⊕ (2.1) X + ξ, Y + η := 1 (ξ(Y )+ η(X)) . h i 2 The inner product , is obviously symmetric and has signature (n,n), and thus determines a copy ofh Oi (n,n) consisting of endomorphisms preserving this product. Note that for an n-dimensional vector space V there is a natural decomposition

2n n n Λ (V V ∗)=Λ V Λ V ∗. ⊕ ⊗


n n As there is the natural determinant pairing between Λ V and Λ V ∗, this induces a 2n canonical identification of Λ (V V ∗) with R, and hence the positive real numbers correspond to a canonical orientation.⊕ The preserving both the symmetric product and this orientation will be isomorphic to SO(n,n).

Definition 2.2. Given M a smooth manifold, we denote T T ∗ := TM T ∗M. ⊕ ⊕ The Dorfman bracket on sections of T T ∗ is defined by ⊕ (2.2) [X + ξ, Y + η] = [X, Y ]+ L η i dξ. X − Y Note that this bracket restricts to the Lie bracket when acting on tangent vectors. However, some of the fundamental properties of the Lie bracket do not extend to the Dorfman bracket. We first observe that the familiar Leibniz rule still holds for the first-order differential operator [X + ξ, ] acting on sections of T T ∗. Before stating this we define the natural projection· ⊕

π : T T ∗ T, X + ξ X, ⊕ → 7→ which will be called the anchor map.

Lemma 2.3. Given a,b Γ(T T ∗) and f C∞(M), the Dorfman bracket satisfies ∈ ⊕ ∈ [a,fb]= f[a,b]+ π(a)fb.

Proof. Setting a = X +ξ,b = Y +η, we directly compute using the properties of Lie derivatives, [X + ξ,f(Y + η)] = [X,fY ]+ L fη i dξ X − fY = f[X + ξ, Y + η] + (Xf)Y + (Xf)η = f[X + ξ, Y + η] + (Xf)(Y + η), as required. 

The differential operator [X + ξ, ] is furthermore compatible with the inner product , , in the following sense: · h i Lemma 2.4. Given a,b,c Γ(T T ∗), the Dorfman bracket satisfies ∈ ⊕ π(a) b,c = [a,b],c + b, [a,c] . h i h i h i Proof. Setting a = X + ξ,b = Y + η,b = Z + ζ and using the identity i[X,Y ] = [LX ,iY ] we compute [a,b],c + b, [a,c] = 1 (i ζ + i (L η i dξ)+ i η + i (L ζ i dξ)) h i h i 2 [X,Y ] Z X − Y [X,Z] Y X − Z 1 = 2 (LX iY ζ + LX iZ η) 1 = 2 iX d(ζ(Y )+ η(Z)), as required. 

The main structural property of the Dorfman bracket is the Jacobi identity:

Lemma 2.5. Given a,b,c Γ(T T ∗) one has ∈ ⊕ [a, [b,c]] = [[a,b],c] + [b, [a,c]]. 2.1. COURANT ALGEBROIDS 9

Proof. Setting a = X + ξ, b = Y + η, c = Z + ζ, one has, using the identities i = [L ,i ] and L = L L L L , [X,Y ] X Y [X,Y ] X Y − Y X [[a,b],c] + [b, [a,c]] = [[X, Y ]+ L η i dξ,Z + ζ] + [Y + η, [X,Z]+ L ζ i dξ] X − Y X − Z = [[X, Y ],Z]+ L ζ i d(L η i dξ) [X,Y ] − Z X − Y + [Y, [X,Z]] + L (L ζ i dξ) i dη Y X − Z − [X,Z] = [X, [Y,Z]] + L L ζ L i dη L i dξ + i di dξ X Y − X Z − Y Z Z Y = [X, [Y,Z]] + L (L ζ i dη) i dξ X Y − Z − [Y,Z] = [a, [b,c]], as claimed. 

Despite these favorable properties, unlike the Lie bracket of vector fields, the Dorfman bracket is not skew-symmetric. In fact, one can easily show that (2.3) [a,b] + [b,a]=2d a,b . h i The skew-symmetrization of the Dorfman bracket, called the Courant bracket, will be useful for some calculations.

Definition 2.6. The Courant bracket on sections of T T ∗ is defined by ⊕ [a,b] = 1 ([a,b] [b,a]). c 2 − Notice that (2.4) [a,b] = [a,b] d a,b . c − h i Furthermore, a straightforward calculation leads to the following explicit formula: [X + ξ, Y + η] = [X, Y ]+ L η L ξ + 1 d (ξ(Y ) η(X)) . c X − Y 2 − We summarize the main properties of the Courant bracket in the following lemma. Lemma 2.7. The following hold:

(1) Given a,b Γ(T T ∗) and f C∞(M), the Courant bracket satisfies ∈ ⊕ ∈ [a,fb] = f[a,b] + π(a)fb a,b df. c c − h i (2) Given a,b,c Γ(T T ∗), one has ∈ ⊕ [a, [b,c]c]c+ [c, [a,b]c]c + [b, [c,a]c]c = 1 d ( [a,b] ,c + [b,c] ,a + [c,a] ,b ) 3 h c i h c i h c i Proof. We set a = X + ξ, b = Y + η, c = Z + ζ. To prove (1), we directly compute as in Lemma 2.3 1 [X + ξ,f(Y + η)] = [X,fY ]+ L fη L ξ + d (fξ(Y ) fη(X)) c X − fY 2 − = f[X + ξ, Y + η] + (Xf)Y + (Xf)η ξ(Y )df + 1 (ξ(Y ) η(X)) df c − 2 − = f[X + ξ, Y + η] + (Xf)(Y + η) 1 (ξ(Y )+ η(X)) df c − 2 = f[X + ξ, Y + η] + (Xf)(Y + η) X + ξ, Y + η df, c − h i as required. 10 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

As for (2), using Lemma 2.3 and the fact that [ξ,c] = 0 for any closed one-form ξ, we obtain [[a,b] ,c] = [[a,b] ,c] d [a,b] ,c c c c − h c i = [([a,b] d a,b ),c] d [a,b] ,c − h i − h c i = [[a,b],c] d [a,b] ,c . − h c i Using these properties we compute

[[a,b]c,c]c + [[c,a]c,b]c + [[b,c]c,a]c = 1 ([[a,b],c] [c, [a,b]] [[b,a],c] + [c, [b,a]] + cyclic) 4 − − = 1 ([a, [b,c]] [b, [a,c]] [c, [a,b]] 4 − − [b, [a,c]] + [a, [b,c]] + [c, [b,a]] + cyclic) − = 1 ([a, [b,c]] [b, [a,c]] + cyclic) 4 − 1 = 4 ([[a,b],c] + cyclic) = 1 ([[a,b]] c] + d [a,b] ,c + cyclic) 4 c c h c i 1 = 4 ([[a,b]c,c]c + [[c,a]c,b]c + [[b,c]c,a]c +d ( [a,b] ,c + [b,c] ,a + [c,a] ,b )) , h c i h c i h c i from which the claim follows. 

The structure (T T ∗, , , [, ], π) was formalized into a general definition, that of a Courant algebroid,⊕ firsth giveni in [130]. Definition 2.8. A Courant algebroid 1 is a vector bundle E M together with a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form , a bracket [, ] on→ Γ(E), and a h i bundle map π : E TM such that, given a,b,c Γ(E) and f C∞(M), one has → ∈ ∈ (1) [a, [b,c]] = [[a,b],c] + [b, [a,c]] (2) π[a,b] = [πa,πb] (3) [a,fb]= f[a,b]+ π(a)fb (4) π(a) b,c = [a,b],c + b, [a,c] (5) [a,b]h + [b,ai ]=h a,bi , h i D h i where : C∞(M) Γ(E) denotes the composition of three maps: the exterior dif- D → ferential d acting on functions, the natural map π∗ : T ∗ E∗, and the isomorphism → E∗ E provided by the symmetric product. → In the sequel, we will abuse notation and denote by π∗ the composition of π∗ : T ∗ E∗ with the natural isomorphism E∗ E provided by the symmetric → → product. The fact that our explicit structure (T T ∗, , , [, ], π) fulfills the con- ditions of a Courant algebroid follows from Lemma⊕ 2.3,h Lemmai 2.4, Lemma 2.5, equation (2.3), and the definition of π. Note that, in this explicit situation, we have that f =2df. D We leave as an exercise to check from the previous axioms that the image of π∗ is isotropic. To finish this section, we unravel Definition 2.8 for the particular class of Courant algebroids which is of primary interest for the present book.

1We retain the term Courant algebroid despite the fact that all brackets appearing in this definition are Dorfman brackets, not Courant brackets. 2.1. COURANT ALGEBROIDS 11

Definition 2.9. A Courant algebroid is exact if it fits into an exact sequence of vector bundles π∗ π 0 T ∗ E T 0. −→ −→ −→ −→ For exact Courant algebroids notice that, by definition, the image of π∗ coin- cides with the kernel of π. Further consider an isotropic splitting σ : T E of π. → Such a splitting can be constructed by choosing an arbitrary splitting σ0 : T E, and setting → 1 (2.5) σ = σ π∗τ, 0 − 2 2 where τ Sym T ∗ is defined by τ(X, Y )= σ0X, σ0Y . Using these structures we can give∈ a classification result for exact Couranth algebroids,i incorporating the first appearance of a closed three-form H, which features prominently in generalized geometry. Proposition 2.10. Given an exact Courant algebroid E with isotropic splitting σ, the map F : T T ∗ E defined by ⊕ → 1 F (X + ξ)= σX + 2 π∗ξ is an isomorphism of orthogonal bundles, for the symmetric product (2.1). Via this isomorphism the anchor map is given by π(X + ξ) = X and the Dorfman bracket is

(2.6) [X + ξ, Y + η]H := [X + ξ, Y + η]+ iY iX H, 3 where H Λ T ∗ is a closed three-form defined by ∈ (2.7) H(X,Y,Z)=2 [σX,σY ],σZ . h i Proof. We first note that 1 1 1 1 σX + 2 π∗ξ,σY + 2 π∗η = 2 (ξ(πσY )+ η(πσX)) = 2 (ξ(Y )+ η(X)), noting that σX,σY = 0, which proves that F is an isometry. Next we transport h i the Courant algebroid structure from E to T T ∗ using F . It follows from the ⊕ definition of F that the induced anchor map on T T ∗ is π (X +ξ) := πF (X +η)= ⊕ E X and that = π∗d =2d. The induced bracket, denoted [, ] , is defined via DE E F [X + ξ, Y + η]E := [F (X + ξ), F (Y + η)] (2.8) 1 1 1 = [σX,σY ]+ 2 [σX,π∗η]+ 2 [π∗ξ,σY ]+ 4 [π∗ξ, π∗η].

It is an exercise using the axioms of a Courant algebroid to show that [π∗ξ, π∗η]=0 for any ξ, η. For the second term on the right hand side we first observe that

π[σX,π∗η] = [πσX,ππ∗η] = [πσX, 0]=0.

Thus [X, η] T ∗, and we can compute, using axiom (5), E ∈ [σX,π∗η],σZ = σX, π∗η,σZ π∗η, [σX,σZ] h i h D h ii−h i = X π∗η,Z η(π[σX,σZ]) h i− = Xη(Z) η([X,Z]) − = dη(X,Z)+ Zη(X). We conclude that


The third term of (2.8) is similar, where using axiom (5) we conclude [ξ, Y ] = [Y, ξ] +2d ξ, Y = L ξ + dξ(Y )= i dξ. E − E h i − Y − Y Finally, we decompose the first term on the right hand side of (2.8) into tangent and cotangent pieces with respect to F . From axiom (2) it follows that π[σX,σY ] = 3 [X, Y ]. We define a tensor H (T ∗)⊗ via ∈ H(X,Y,Z)=2 [σX,σY ],σZ , h i and then it follows that 1 [σX,σY ]= σ[X, Y ]+ 2 π∗H(X, Y ) It is an exercise to show that H is indeed a tensor, and moreover is totally skew- symmetric. Putting the above observations back into (2.8) shows that [X + ξ, Y + η] = [X, Y ]+ L η i dξ + i i H, E X − Y Y X as claimed. The Jacobi identity of axiom (1) for [X + ξ, Y + η]E ensures that dH = 0. 

2.2. Symmetries of the Dorfman bracket A classic fact in smooth manifold theory is that the only automorphisms of the tangent bundle preserving the Lie bracket structure are given by the tangent maps associated to diffeomorphisms of the underlying manifold. In this section we prove an analogous result for T T ∗ equipped with the symmetric product (2.1) and the ⊕ Dorfman bracket, and use this to obtain Severa’sˇ classification of exact Courant algebroids [150]. In particular the symmetry group of the Dorfman bracket is enlarged to include so-called B-field transformations. These extra symmetries play a central role throughout generalized geometry. With the group of generalized diffeomorphisms at hand, we provide a different interpretation of this group by means of a two-dimensional variational problem. This leads to a first-principles derivation of the Dorfman bracket and a conceptual explanation for some of its most basic features collected in Definition 2.8. Recall that a bundle automorphism of T T ∗ is given by a pair (f, F ), where ⊕ f Diff(M) is diffeomorphism of M and F : T T ∗ T T ∗ is a vector bundle automorphism,∈ which fit into a commutative diagram⊕ → ⊕ F / T T ∗ T T ∗ ⊕ ⊕    f  M / M Here, the vertical arrows denote the bundle projections. Definition 2.11. Given M a smooth manifold, a bundle automorphism (f, F ) of T T ∗ is said to be a Courant automorphism if F is orthogonal and the natural ⊕ action of (f, F ) on sections of T T ∗ preserves the Dorfman bracket. ⊕ Given a diffeomorphism f of M, we can define an orthogonal bundle automor- phism via (f, f), where f 0 (2.9) f := ∗ 1 . 0 (f ∗)−   2.2. SYMMETRIES OF THE DORFMAN BRACKET 13

It follows from naturality of the various operations in formula (2.2) that f preserves the Dorfman bracket. We next discuss a natural class of Courant automorphisms, given by (closed) B-field transformations, which are not associated to diffeomor- phisms of the manifold.

2 Definition 2.12. Given M a smooth manifold and B Λ T ∗, define the associated B-field transformation via ∈ 1 0 X eB(X + ξ)= = X + ξ + i B. B 1 ξ X     2 B Lemma 2.13. Given M a smooth manifold and B Λ T ∗, the map e is orthogonal with respect to , . ∈ h i

Proof. Given X + ξ, Y + η T T ∗ we directly compute ∈ ⊕ eB(X + ξ),eB(Y + η) = X + ξ + i B, Y + η + i B h X Y i 1 = 2 (η(X)+ iX iY B + ξ(Y )+ iY iX B) 1 = 2 (η(X)+ ξ(Y )) = X + ξ, Y + η . h i 

2 Proposition 2.14. Given M a smooth manifold and B Λ T ∗, we have ∈ B B B (2.10) [e (X + ξ),e (Y + η)] = e [X + ξ, Y + η]+ iY iX dB,

B for any X + ξ, Y + η Γ(T T ∗). Consequently, the map e is an automorphism of the Dorfman bracket∈ if and⊕ only if dB =0.

2 Proof. Fix X + ξ, Y + η Γ(T T ∗) and B Γ(Λ T ∗), and then compute using the Cartan formula ∈ ⊕ ∈

B B [e (X + ξ),e (Y + η)] = [X + ξ + iX B, Y + η + iY B]

= [X + ξ, Y + η] + [X,iY B] + [iX B, Y ] = [X + ξ, Y + η]+ L i B i d(i B) X Y − Y X = [X + ξ, Y + η]+ L i B i L B + i i dB X Y − Y X Y X = [X + ξ, Y + η]+ i[X,Y ]B + iY iX dB B = e [X + ξ, Y + η]+ iY iX dB. The result follows. 

Having exhibited that closed B-field transformations are Courant automor- phisms of the form (Id,eB) in Lemma 2.13 and Proposition 2.14, we now show that these, together with the differentials of diffeomorphisms (f, f), give all possible Courant automorphisms. Proposition 2.15. Let M be a smooth manifold and suppose (f, F ) is a Courant automorphism. Then F = f eB, that is, F can be expressed as a composition of a diffeomorphism and a closed◦ B-field transformation. 14 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

Proof. Since the given f is a diffeomorphism, we can define a bundle auto- 1 morphism via (f, f), as in (2.9). Setting Φ = f − F , we obtain that (Id, Φ) is also ◦ a bundle automorphism. Fixing sections a,b Γ(T T ∗) and a smooth function p, we obtain, using Lemma 2.3, that ∈ ⊕ Φ([pa,b]) = Φ (p[a,b] ((πb)p) a) − = pΦ([a,b]) ((πb)p) Φ(a). − On the other hand, again using Lemma 2.3, one has [Φ(pa), Φ(b)] = p[Φ(a), Φ(b)] (πΦ(b)p)Φ(a). − As Φ preserves the Courant bracket, the two quantities above are equal, and hence π Φ= π since a,b and p are arbitrary. On the other hand, the equality ◦ 1 2 b, Φ− dp =2 Φ(b), dp = πΦ(b)p = πbp =2 b,dp h i h i 1 implies that Φ− (and hence Φ) acts as the identity on T ∗. Together these facts imply that Id 0 Φ= , B Id   2 2 where B (T ∗)⊗ . Since Φ is also orthogonal, it follows that B Λ T ∗. Lastly, since Φ preserves∈ the Dorfman bracket, Proposition 2.14 implies tha∈ t B is closed. Thus F = f eB, as claimed.  ◦ Notice that the proof of Proposition 2.15 implies that a Courant automorphism (f, F ) is automatically compatible with the anchor map, in the sense that π F = f π. ◦ ◦ Proposition 2.10 and Proposition 2.14 make clear an elementary way to construct new Courant algebroids, by ‘twisting’ the standard Dorfman bracket by a three-form H. This is key to Severa’sˇ classification of exact Courant algebroids in Theorem 2.21 below.

3 Definition 2.16. Given M a smooth manifold and H Λ T ∗, we define the ∈ H-twisted Dorfman bracket on sections of T T ∗ via ⊕ [X + ξ, Y + η]H := [X + ξ, Y + η]+ iY iX H.

3 Proposition 2.17. Given M a smooth manifold and H Λ T ∗ such that ∈ dH =0, the triple (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π) defines a Courant algebroid. ⊕ h i H Proof. Most of the axioms in the definition of Courant algebroid are routine to check. The main difficulty is to verify axiom (1). Since H is closed and the computation is local, we can assume H = dB. We note that we can rephrase equation (2.10) as

B B B B e− [e (X + ξ),e (Y + η)] = [X + ξ, Y + η]+ e− iY iX dB

= [X + ξ, Y + η]+ iY iX dB


Using this, Lemma 2.5, and Lemma 2.13 we compute for any a,b,c Γ(T T ∗) ∈ ⊕ [[a,b]H ,c]H + [[c,a]H ,b]H + [[b,c]H ,a]H B B B B B B B B B = e− [e [a,b]H ,e c]+ e− [e [c,a]H ,e b]+ e− [e [b,c]H ,e a] B B B B B B B B B B B B = e− [[e a,e b],e c]+ e− [[e c,e a],e b]+ e− [[e b,e c],e a]=0. The proposition follows.  Our next goal is to provide a classification of exact Courant algebroids due to Severaˇ [150], which follows from Proposition 2.10 and Proposition 2.17. We first give the following abstract definition.

Definition 2.18. Given M a smooth manifold and E and E′ Courant alge- broids over M, an isomorphism between E and E′ is a pair (f, F ), where f is a diffeomorphism of M and F : E E′ is an orthogonal Courant automorphism, which fit into a commutative diagram→ F / E E′

   f  M / M We say that (f, F ) is small if f lies in the identity component of Diff(M). We say that E and E′ are in the same small isomorphism class if E and E′ are isomorphic via a small isomorphism. Theorem 2.19. Given M a smooth manifold, the small isomorphism classes of exact Courant algebroids on M are in one-to-one correspondence with the coho- mology group H3(M, R). Proof. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over M. By Proposition 2.10 we can choose an isotropic splitting σ of E, such that E is isomorphic via a small isomorphism to (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π), for H the closed three-form on M given by ⊕ h i Hσ σ (2.7). To the small isomorphism class of E we want to associate the Severaˇ class [H ] H3(M, R). σ ∈ Let us check that this is well-defined. First, if σ′ is a different choice of isotropic splitting, via the orthogonal automorphism E ∼= T T ∗ induced by σ we can identify ⊕ B σ′(X)= e (X) 2 for some B Λ T ∗. Therefore, from (2.10) ∈ Hσ′ = Hσ + dB, and the class [Hσ] is independent of the choice of isotropic splitting. Let E′ be another exact Courant algebroid over M, that we can identify with (T T ∗, , , [, ] ′ , π) for a closed three-form H′ on M. If E′ is isomorphic to E ⊕ h i H there exists (f, F ): E E′ which exchanges the brackets on E and E′. Without → loss of generality, we identify E with (T T ∗, , , [, ]H , π), where we set H = Hσ. 1 ⊕ h i We denote Φ = f − F , and arguing as in the proof of Proposition 2.15 we have ◦ B that π Φ= π and that Φ acts as the identity on T ∗. Thus, Φ = (Id,e ) for some 2◦ B Λ T ∗. Since (f, F ) exchanges the brackets we obtain ∈ B 1 B B e [a,b]H = f − [fe a, fe b]H′ . 16 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

Combined with 1 f − [fa, fb]H′ = [a,b]f ∗H′ for any a,b Γ(T T ∗), we are led to ∈ ⊕ (2.11) f ∗H′ = H dB. − If E′ is in the same small isomorphism class as E, then f is in the identity component of Diff(M) and by definition there exists a one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms f generated by X Γ(T ) such that f = f . Thus, using that H is closed t ∈ 1 1 d 1 f ∗H H = f ∗Hdt = f ∗(di H)dt = db, − dt t t X Z0 Z0 1 d 2 where b = f ∗(i H)dt Λ T ∗, and we conclude that 0 dt t X ∈ R H′ = H dB′, − for B′ = f (B + b), which implies [H′] = [H]. By Proposition∗ 2.17 the map that associates to any small isomorphism class of exact Courant algebroids its Severaˇ class is surjective. Finally, if E and E′ yield the same cohomology class, taking isotropic splittings as before we obtain H = H′ +dB and therefore by Proposition 2.14 we have that E and E′ are isomorphic via the B- field transformation eB, and consequently their small isomorphism classes coincide. 

As an immediate consequence of the proof of the previous theorem we obtain the following complete classification of exact Courant algebroids on a smooth manifold.

Corollary 2.20. Given M a smooth manifold, denote by Diff0(M) the compo- nent of the identity in Diff(M) and set ΓM = Diff(M)/ Diff0(M) the corresponding mapping class group. Then, the isomorphism classes of exact Courant algebroids 3 on M are in one-to-one correspondence with the quotient H (M, R)/ΓM .

Proof. By the proof of Theorem 2.19, the isomorphism classes of exact Courant algebroids on M are in one-to-one correspondence with H3(M, R)/ Diff(M). Since 3 the action of Diff 0(M) on H (M, R) is trivial, the proof follows. 

Another direct consequence of the proof of Theorem 2.19 is an explicit char- acterization of the group of automorphisms (f, F ): E E of an exact Courant algebroid E over a smooth manifold M. By a choice of→ an isotropic splitting of E, we can identify E with the twisted Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ]H , π) in Proposition 2.17. To state the result, we abuse notation and⊕ denoteh ai pair (f, F ) simply by F .

3 Proposition 2.21. Given M a smooth manifold and H Λ T ∗ a closed three- form, the group of automorphisms F : E E of the twisted∈ Courant algebroid → (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π) is given by ⊕ h i H B 2 Aut(E)= f e : f Diff(M),B Λ T ∗ such that f ∗H = H dB , { ◦ ∈ ∈ − } B B′ together with the product given, for F = f e and F ′ = f e , by ◦ ′ ◦ B′+f ′∗B F F ′ = f f e . ◦ ◦ ′ ◦ 2.2. SYMMETRIES OF THE DORFMAN BRACKET 17

Proof. The characterization of the group follows from (2.11) and the proof of Theorem 2.19. Following the notation in the statement, the composition law can be obtained from H = f (f ′ (H dB′) dB). ∗ ∗ − − 

Using the previous result, we can also give an explicit description of the Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of an exact Courant algebroid E. 3 Corollary 2.22. Given M a smooth manifold and H Λ T ∗ a closed three- form, the Lie algebra of the group of automorphisms of the twi∈sted Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π) is given by ⊕ h i H 2 Lie Aut(E)= X + B X T, B Λ T ∗,L H = dB , { | ∈ ∈ X − } together with the Lie bracket given by

(2.12) [X + B,X′ + B′] = [X,X′]+ L B′ L ′ B. X − X Proof. Let F = f eBt be a one-parameter family in Aut(E) with F = Id . t t ◦ 0 E Taking derivatives in f ∗H = H dB at t = 0, it follows that t − t ∂ ∂ X := f , B = B ∂t t ∂t t ! t=0 ! t=0 | | 2 satisfies LX H = dB. Conversely, given X+B T Λ T ∗ satisfying LX H = dB, we define − ∈ ⊕ − F = f eBt Aut(E) t t ◦ ∈ where ft is the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by X and t Bt = fs∗Bsds. Z0 Notice that t t dB = f ∗dB ds = f ∗L Hds = H f ∗H t s s − s Xs − t Z0 Z0 and hence Ft is well-defined. To calculate the Lie bracket, by Proposition 2.21 we have −1 ∗ 1 1 B+f∗Bt (f ftf) B F − F F = f f f e − , ◦ t ◦ − ◦ t ◦ ◦ and hence the adjoint action is 1 F − (X′ + B′)= f ∗X′ + f ∗B′ L ∗ ′ B. − f X Setting F = Ft and taking derivatives in this expression we obtain (2.12). Observe that we use the convention of right invariant vector fields for the Lie bracket.  We next provide a different view on the group Aut(E) in Proposition 2.21. As we will see, this is an infinite-dimensional Lie group which arises naturally from a 2-dimensional variational problem [150]. Here, we will avoid entering into any details about the theory of infinite-dimensional manifolds and Lie groups, but rather focus on formal aspects of the construction. Let M be a smooth manifold. Let Σ be a smooth compact surface (without boundary, say). To be consistent with our notation, we will denote the tangent and cotangent bundles of M by T and T ∗, while those of Σ will be denoted T Σ and T ∗Σ. Consider the infinite-dimensional 18 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY space of smooth maps from Σ to M, denoted C∞(Σ,M). Given a closed three-form 3 3 H Λ T ∗ on M representing an integral cohomology class [H] H (M, Z), we can∈ define a functional ∈

(2.13) S : C∞(Σ,M) R/Z, ϕ ϕ∗H, H → 7→ ZY where Y is a three-manifold with boundary Σ and ϕ: Y M is any smooth extension of ϕ to Y . Since H is assumed to have integral periods→ over the integer homology H3(M, Z) of M, this functional is well-defined. Notice also that when H is exact, by Stokes’ Theorem the functional reduces to

SdB(ϕ)= ϕ∗B. ZΣ This functional is known in the mathematical physics literature as the Wess-Zumino term in the action of a two-dimensional Σ-model (see e.g. [80]), and lies at the core of the relation between generalized geometry and string theory. Using that H is closed and applying Stokes’ Theorem again, the variation of SH is given by

δSH (X)= ϕ∗LX H = ϕ∗iX H, ZY ZΣ where X Γ(ϕ∗T ) is identified with a vector in the tangent space of C∞(Σ,M) at ∈ ϕ, and X Γ(ϕ∗T ) denotes any extension of X along ϕ. Observe that the formula ∈ for δSH makes sense even if H does not have integral periods. Solutions of the variational problem, that is, critical points of SH , are given by maps ϕ such that for all X Γ(ϕ∗T ) there exists a one-form ξ Γ(T ∗Σ) such that ∈ ∈ ϕ∗(iX H)= dξ.

In particular, if X + ξ Γ(T T ∗) is a global section satisfying ∈ ⊕ (2.14) iX H = dξ, by pulling-back to Σ via ϕ we obtain tangent directions on the space of smooth maps along which SH is constant. A natural question is whether these ‘flat directions’ of SH arise from some symmetries of the functional. As is customary in variational problems, we will try to provide an answer by looking at the space of Lagrangian densities, given in this case by the space of closed three-forms on M 3 3 Ω (M) := H Λ T ∗ : dH =0 . cl { ∈ } Note the group of diffeomorphisms Diff(M) acts on C∞(Σ,M) via ϕ f ϕ, for f Diff(M) and we have 7→ ◦ ∈ SH (f ϕ)= Sf ∗H (ϕ). ◦ 3 This suggests a left action of Diff(M) on Ωcl(M) given by push-forward. Consider now the semi-direct product of Diff(M) by the space of two forms on M 2 = Diff(M) ⋉ Γ(Λ T ∗), G with group structure

(f,B) (f ′,B′) = (f f ′,B′ + f ′∗B). · ◦ Then, the left action of Diff(M) on Ω3 (M) extends to a -action defined by cl G (f,B) H = f (H dB). · ∗ − 2.2. SYMMETRIES OF THE DORFMAN BRACKET 19

In terms of the corresponding functionals, setting H′ = f (H dB) we have ∗ − 1 SH′ (ϕ)= SH (f − ϕ) ϕ∗(f B). ◦ − ∗ ZΣ Notice that our formula for the -action reproduces the change of a closed three- form under an isomorphism of CourantG algebroids in (2.11) and, in fact, we have the following. Proposition 2.23. Given M a smooth manifold and a closed three-form H, the isotropy group of H is isomorphic to the group of automorphisms of GH ≤ G the twisted Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π). ⊕ h i H Proof. The proof is straightforward from Proposition 2.21 and the definition of the -action on Ω3 .  G cl By the previous result, a Lagrangian density for our variational problem, given by a closed three-form H, determines a geometric gadget, the exact Courant alge- broid with twisted bracket, such that symmetries of SH are realized as automor- phisms of (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π). In order to interpret condition (2.14) in the present ⊕ h i H setup, we need to regard elements in Γ(T T ∗) as symmetries. For this, it is better to think in terms of the Lie algebra ⊕ 2 Lie = Γ(T Λ T ∗) G ⊕ with Lie bracket (see Corollary 2.22) [X + B ,X + B ] = [X ,X ]+ L B L B . 1 1 2 2 1 2 X1 2 − X2 1 Given H Ω3 , the Lie algebra of its isotropy group is ∈ cl Lie = X + B : d(i H + B)=0 . GH { X } Proposition 2.24. Given M a smooth manifold and a closed three-form H, the following defines a normal Lie subalgebra of Lie : GH 0 Lie = X + dξ i H : ξ T ∗ . GH { − X ∈ } Proof. Using the identity i[X,Y ] = [LX ,iY ] we calculate [X + dξ i H, Y + B] = [X, Y ]+ L B L (dξ i H) − X X − Y − X = [X, Y ]+ di B + i d(B + i H) i H d(L ξ) X X Y − [X,Y ] − Y = [X, Y ]+ d(i B L ξ) i H X − Y − [X,Y ] for any Y + B Lie and X + dξ i H Lie 0 , as required.  ∈ GH − X ∈ GH To finish, we note that the normal Lie subalgebra Lie 0 ⊳ Lie is parametrized GH GH by elements in Γ(T T ∗). This vector space provides a natural representation for , via the action ⊕ G (f,B) (X + ξ)= f (X + ξ + iX B) · ∗ and there is a (right) -equivariant map GH 0 (2.15) Ψ: Γ(T T ∗) Lie : X + ξ X + dξ i H. ⊕ → GH 7→ − X We have now that the twisted Dorfman bracket is recovered via the infinitesimal action Ψ(X + ξ) (Y + η) = [X, Y ]+ L η i dξ + i i H, · X − X Y X 20 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY and the Jacobi identity in Lemma 2.5 is a direct consequence of the -equivariance GH of the map Ψ. The map Ψ determines special elements X + ξ Γ(T T ∗) such ∈ ⊕ that Ψ(X + ξ) = X, that is, iX H = dξ. The geometric content of this condition is that the classical infinitesimal action of the vector field X on T T ∗ via the is realized through the twisted Dorfman bracket via th⊕e differential operator [X + ξ, ] . Going back to our original variational problem, elements · H X + ξ Γ(T T ∗) such that i H = dξ provide tangent directions in the space ∈ ⊕ X of smooth maps C∞(Σ,M) along which SH is constant. The condition iX H = dξ appears also naturally in the context of reduction of Courant algebroids by the action of a Lie group in [31]. 2.3. Generalized metrics Recall the definition of a classical Riemannian metric, which is a smooth choice of positive definite inner product on the tangent spaces of a smooth manifold. The geometric kernel of this fundamental object is clear, as it allows one to assign the size of a vector tangent to a manifold, and hence by integration along a curve one obtains concepts of length, and eventually notions of differentiation, curvature, etc. The forthcoming definition of a generalized metric plays a similar role, when we substitute curves–regarded as the trajectories of point particles–by maps from a surface into the manifold–regarded as the trajectories of strings. To start, we introduce generalized metrics seen through the lens of structure groups. In particular, recall that a classical Riemannian metric is equivalent to a reduction of the structure group of the tangent bundle to O(n). If we now take the bundle T T ∗ with its neutral inner product instead of the tangent bundle, then reductions⊕ of its structure group should render interesting geometries. As discussed in 2.1, the neutral inner product already reduces the structure group to O(n,n), and§ as it turns out a further reduction to O(n) O(n) will yield the right notion of “generalized metric”. Unwinding this reduction× in terms of tensor fields (see Lemma 2.37) finally yields the fundamental notion. 2.3.1. Linear algebra. We shall first consider the linear algebra of gener- alized metrics. Let V and W be real vector spaces which fit into a short exact sequence / / π / / (2.16) 0 V ∗ W V 0. We assume that W is endowed with a metric , of split signature (n,n) such that h i the image of π∗ : V ∗ W ∗ is isotropic. Furthermore, we assume that the first arrow is given by the composition→ of 1 π : V W with the isomorphism W W 2 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∼= ∗ given by the metric. We denote by O(n,n) the→ group of orthogonal transformations of W . Of course, (2.16) corresponds to the exact sequence in Definition 2.9 for a fixed point on the base manifold. Definition 2.25. A generalized metric on W is an endomorphism of W satisfying G (1) a, b = a,b , (2) hGa,bG i= a,h bi, (3) ThehG bilineari h G pairingi a,b is symmetric and positive definite. hG i As a basic consequence of the definitions, it follows that 2 = Id. G Lemma 2.26. A generalized metric on W is equivalent to either 2.3. GENERALIZED METRICS 21

(1) a choice of maximal compact subgroup O(n) O(n) O(n,n), × ≤ (2) an orthogonal decomposition W = V+ V such that the restriction of , ⊕ − h i to V+ is positive definite. Proof. A choice of maximal compact subgroup O(n) O(n) inside O(n,n) requires a choice of plane on which the neutral inner product× is positive definite. Call such a choice V+, and let V denote the neutral orthogonal complement of − V+, and note that the neutral inner product is negative definite on V . Thus (1) − implies (2). Given the orthogonal decomposition W = V+ V as in (2), we can define a positive definite inner product on W via ⊕ −

G(a,b)= a+,b+ a ,b , h iV+ − h − −iV− where a = a+ + a V+ V and similarly for b. Using the neutral inner product we can identify W−with∈ its⊕ dual,− and so identify G with an endomorphism of W , which is easily seen to satisfy the axioms of a generalized metric. G Conversely, given a generalized metric, since is real and 2 = Id it follows that the only possible eigenvalues for are 1, withG eigenspacesG V . It follows G ± ± that V+ is a maximal plane on which the neutral inner product is positive definite, yielding a maximal compact O(n) O(n) given by orthogonal transformations which commute with . Note that of course× the two constructions are inverses, with the spaces V playingG the same role in each.  ± A generalized metric determines a series of useful isomorphisms and projections which we will employ in the sequel, and which clarify the relationship between the generalized metric and the classical data to be determined below. Definition 2.27. Given a generalized metric on W , define projection maps π : W V via G ± → ± π a := 1 (a a) . ± 2 ± G Since the pairing , vanishes on π∗V ∗ it follows that V V ∗ = 0 , and hence the map π : V V hash i no kernel. Since both are vector spaces± ∩ of{ dimension} n it follows that π±: V→ V is an isomorphism. ± → Definition 2.28. Given a generalized metric on W , define isomorphisms G 1 (2.17) σ := π−V : V V . ± | ± → ± Using now either σ+ or σ , we can define an isotropic splitting of (2.16) (see (2.5)) − 1 (2.18) σ = σ π∗τ , ± − 2 ± 2 where τ Sym V ∗ is defined by τ (X, Y )= σ X, σ Y . Recall that, similar to ± ∈ ± h ± ± i Proposition 2.10, the isotropic splitting σ determines an isometry F : V V ∗ W defined by ⊕ → 1 F (X + ξ)= σX + 2 π∗ξ for the symmetric product (2.1). Lemma 2.29. A generalized metric on W is equivalent to pair (g, σ), where g is a positive definite metric on V and σ G: V W is an isotropic splitting of (2.16), such that → 1 1 0 g− 1 (2.19) F − F = , F − (V )= X g(X): X V . G g 0 ± { ± ∈ }   22 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

We refer to the generalized metric determined by (g, σ) as (g, σ). G Proof. Given a generalized metric , we can construct σ as in (2.18). Notice that G 1 1 σ+(X) π∗τ+(X) σ + π∗τ ,a =0 − 2 − − 2 − for all a W , and therefore σ is independent of the choice of σ . We also have ∈ ± 0 < σ X, σ X = σ X, σ X = τ (X,X) hG + + i h + + i + for X = 0, and therefore g = τ is a positive definite metric on V . Thus, 6 + 1 F (X + g(X)) = σX + 2 π∗g(X)= σ+X 1 and therefore F − (V )= X + g(X): X V . Finally, since F is an isometry and + { ∈ } V is orthogonal to V+, (2.19) follows. Conversely, given a pair (g, σ), where g is a positive− definite metric on V and σ : V W is an isotropic splitting, it is easy to verify that defined by (2.19) is a generalized→ metric on W .  G Our next goal is to make our previous discussion more explicit, writing a gener- alized metric in terms of tensors on the vector space V in (2.16). This will help us to determine the classical data which is equivalent to the specification of a generalized metric, in the geometric situation below. We fix an isotropic splitting σ0 : V W , inducing an identification → W = V V ∗, ⊕ so that σ0(X)= X and the neutral metric on W is given by (2.1). Given another isotropic splitting σ : V V V ∗, it follows that b = σ σ : V V ∗, which can → ⊕ − 0 → be identified with an element b V ∗ V ∗. The isotropic condition implies further 2 ∈ ⊗ that b Λ V ∗ and therefore ∈ σ(X)= X + b(X)= eb(X). b Thus, we can identify the isometry F : V V ∗ V V ∗ with e , that is, ⊕ → ⊕ 1 0 X F (X + ξ)= eb(X + ξ)= = X + ξ + i b. b 1 ξ X     The next proposition follows now as an immediate consequence of Lemma 2.29.

Proposition 2.30. A generalized metric on V V ∗ is equivalent to a pair G ⊕ 2 (g,b) consisting of a positive definite metric g on V and b Λ T ∗, such that ∈ 1 1 1 b 0 g− b g− b g− (2.20) = e e− = − 1 1 . G g 0 g bg− b bg−    −  We refer to the generalized metric determined by (g,b) as (g,b). Furthermore, 2 G k k given k Λ (V ∗), we obtain a new generalized metric via k := e e− , with associated∈ pair (g,b + k). G G In terms of the previous explicit description of a generalized metric = (g,b) G G on V V ∗, we have that ⊕ V = X + (b g)X, X V , ± { ± ∈ } that the projections π : V V ∗ V in Definition 2.27 are given by ± ⊕ → ± 1 1 1 1 π (X + ξ)= (X + (b g)X)+ (ξ bg− ξ g− ξ), ± 2 ± 2 ± ± and that the linear sections σ : V V in Definition 2.28 are ± → ± σ (X)= X + (b g)X. ± ± 2.3. GENERALIZED METRICS 23

To conclude our study of the linear theory, we next characterize the tangent space to the space of generalized metrics. It will convenient to go back to the abstract setup at the beginning of this section (see (2.16)). We denote (W ) End(W ) G ⊂ the space of generalized metrics on W . Lemma 2.31. The tangent space at to the space of generalized metrics (W ) is given by G G Φ End(W ) Φ Λ2W, Φ + Φ=0 . G ∈ | ∈ G G Proof. Let  be a one-parameter family of generalized metrics on W , with Gt 0 = . Denote G G d ˙ = End(W ). G dtGt ∈ t=0

Setting Φ = ˙, by Definition 2.25 it follows that GG (2.21) Φ Λ2W, Φ + Φ=0. ∈ G G It remains to show that an element Φ End(W ) satisfying (2.21) can be realized ∈ t Φ through a curve of generalized metrics. For this, consider Φt = e− 2 O(W ) and define ∈

t =Φt Φ t. G G − It is easy to see that defines a path of generalized metrics and Gt d ˙ = = 1 Φ + 1 Φ= Φ, G dt Gt − 2 G 2 G G t=0 as required. 

By the second condition in (2.21), a tangent vector Φ at induces well-defined maps G

Φ V : V V+, Φ V+ : V+ V . | − − → | → − Furthermore, the first condition in (2.21) implies that Φ V+ is uniquely determined | by Φ V , thus leading us to the following result. | −

Lemma 2.32. The map Φ Φ V defines a linear isomorphism between the → | − tangent space at and Hom(V , V+). G −

Proof. By Lemma 2.31, the Φ Φ V is well-defined and injective. → | − Given R+ Hom(V , V+), we can define R Hom(V+, V ) by ∈ − − ∈ − R a+,b := a+, R+b h − −i − h −i for any a+ V+ and b V . Then it follows that Φ = R+ + R End(W ) is ∈ − ∈ − − ∈ tangent to , and furthermore Φ V = R+.  G | − Using Lemma 2.29 and Proposition 2.30, we unravel our previous discussion in terms of the vector space V in (2.16). By Lemma 2.29, the space of generalized metrics (W ) is in one-to-one correspondence with G (V ) (W ), M × S 24 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY where (V ) denotes the space of positive definite metrics on V and (W ) denotes the spaceM of isotropic splittings σ : V W of the sequence (2.16). UponS a choice of an element (g, σ) (V ) (W ),→ the space (W ) is bijective to ∈M × S G 2 GL(V )/O(V ) Λ V ∗, × where O(V ) denotes the space of orthogonal transformations of (V,g). Thus, the tangent space at = (g, σ) can be canonically identified with G G 2 2 Sym V ∗ Λ V ∗ = V ∗ V ∗. ⊕ ∼ ⊗ Lemma 2.33. Let = (g, σ) be a generalized metric, and consider the induced G G identification W = V V ∗ as in Lemma 2.29. Given a one-parameter family of generalized metrics ⊕= (g , σ ) with = , Gt G t t G0 G 1 1 1 ˙ 1 1 d b˙ 0 g− gg˙ − g− b g− gg˙ − (2.22) ˙ = t = [1 e , 0]+ − = − − , G dtG − G g˙ 0 g˙ bg˙ 1 t=0    − 

where d 2 d 2 g =g ˙ Sym V ∗, σ = b˙ Λ V ∗. dt t ∈ dt t ∈ t=0 t=0

In particular, the associated tangent vector to the space of generalized metrics in

Lemma 2.31 is 1 1 ˙ 1 ˙ g− g˙ g− bg− (2.23) Φ = = 1 . GG b˙ gg˙ −  − − 

Proof. Using the identification W = V V ∗ induced by σ, following the notation in Lemma 2.30 we can write = (g ⊕,b ) for Gt G t t 2 (g ,b ) (V ) Λ V ∗ t t ∈M × and b0 = 0. Then, (2.22) follows easily taking derivatives in expression (2.20). We leave (2.23) to the reader. 

Remark 2.34. Given Φ End(W ) satisfying (2.21) it is an exercise to verify ∈2 2 that there exists (g, ˙ b˙) Sym V ∗ Λ V ∗ such that (2.23) holds. ∈ ⊕ Given a generalized metric and a tangent vector Φ, using the isomorphism G σ : V V in (2.17) combined with the map π : V+ V we can regard the − → − → homomorphism Φ V in Lemma 2.32 as an element | −

π Φ V σ End(V ). ◦ | − ◦ − ∈ Then, using (2.23) we have the following. Lemma 2.35. Let = (g, σ) be a generalized metric. Given a tangent vector Φ as in (2.23), we haveG G 1 ˙ (2.24) π Φ V σ (X)= g− (g ˙(X) b(X)). ◦ | − ◦ − −

Proof. Using the identification W = V V ∗ induced by σ we have σ (X)= X g(X), and the proof follows from (2.23).⊕ −  − 2.3. GENERALIZED METRICS 25

2.3.2. Generalized metrics on manifolds. We next turn to the geometry, by introducing the notion of generalized metric on a smooth manifold M. Consider the exact Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ], π) studied in 2.1. ⊕ h i § Definition 2.36. Given M a smooth manifold, a generalized metric on T T ∗ ⊕ is an endomorphism Γ(End T T ∗) satisfying G ∈ ⊕ (1) (X + ξ), (Y + η) = X + ξ, Y + η , (2) hG(X + ξ),G Y + η =i X h+ ξ, (Y + η)i, (3) ThehG bilinear pairingi h (X + ξG), Y + η iis symmetric and positive definite. hG i Relying on Lemma 2.26, a generalized metric provides a reduction of the O(n,n)-bundle of frames of T T ∗ to a maximal compact O(n) O(n), thus show- ing that generalized metrics are⊕ natural analogues of ordinary met× rics (regarded as reductions of the frame bundle of M to the orthogonal group O(n)). The details of the following lemma are left to the reader.

Lemma 2.37. A generalized metric on T T ∗ is equivalent to either ⊕ (1) a reduction of the bundle of frames of T T ∗ to a maximal compact subgroup O(n) O(n) O(n,n), ⊕ × ≤ (2) an orthogonal bundle decomposition T T ∗ = V+ V such that the restriction of , to V is positive definite.⊕ ⊕ − h i + We will use the same notation for the bundle maps π , σ , σ as in the linear theory. The next proposition is fundamental to the study of± gene± ralized geometry, indicating the classical data which is equivalent to the specification of a generalized metric. In particular, a generalized metric is seen equivalent to a classical Riemann- ian metric g, together with a b-field. We have already seen closed b-fields playing a role as symmetries of the Courant bracket in 2.2, whereas here the associated b-field is not closed, and plays a nontrivial role in§ determining relevant associated geometric quantities. The proof of the following is straightforward from Proposition 2.30. Proposition 2.38. Given M a smooth manifold, a generalized metric on G T T ∗ uniquely determines a pair (g,b) consisting of a Riemannian metric on M ⊕ 2 and two-form b Γ(Λ T ∗). Conversely, such a pair (g,b) determines via ∈ G 1 1 1 b 0 g− b g− b g− = e e− = − 1 1 . G g 0 g bg− b bg−    −  We refer to the generalized metric determined by (g,b) as (g,b). Furthermore, 2 G k k given k Γ(Λ T ∗), we obtain a new generalized metric via k := e e− , with associated∈ pair (g,b + k). G G By Proposition 2.29, a generalized metric determines an isotropic splitting G on T T ∗ given by ⊕ σ(X)= eb(X)= X + b(X), and therefore a preferred presentation of the Dorfman bracket on Γ(T T ∗): ⊕ b b b e− [e (X + ξ),e (Y + η)] = [X, Y ]+ L η i dξ + i i db. X − Y Y X We also obtain a preferred representative db of the (trivial) Severaˇ class of the exact Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ], π). This situation extends naturally to the case of generalized metrics⊕ on generalh i exact Courant algebroids, as considered in Definition 2.9. 26 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

Definition 2.39. Given M a smooth manifold and an exact Courant algebroid E over M, a generalized metric on E is a bundle endomorphism Γ(End E) satisfying G ∈ (1) a, b = a,b , (2) hGa,bG i= a,h bi, (3) ThehG bilineari h G pairingi a,b is symmetric and positive definite. hG i The analogue of Proposition 2.38 for the case of a general exact Courant al- gebroid is provided by the following proposition. The proof follows directly from Lemma 2.29. Recall that an isotropic splitting σ : T E determines an isometry → F : T T ∗ E defined by ⊕ → 1 F (X + ξ)= σX + 2 π∗ξ for the symmetric product (2.1). Proposition 2.40. Given M a smooth manifold and an exact Courant alge- broid E over M, a generalized metric is equivalent to pair (g, σ), where g is a positive definite metric on M and σ : GT E is an isotropic splitting of (2.16), such that → 1 1 0 g− 1 F − F = , F − (V )= X g(X): X T . G g 0 ± { ± ∈ }   Consequently, a generalized metric determines a preferred presentation of the Dorf- man bracket on Γ(E), 1 F − [F (X + ξ), F (Y + η)] = [X, Y ]+ L η i dξ + i i H, X − Y Y X where H is a preferred representative of the Severaˇ class of E, given by H(X,Y,Z)=2 [σX,σY ],σZ . h i Given a generalized metric on an exact Courant algebroid E over M, our next goal is to characterize the groupG of generalized isometries, that is, the group of Courant automorphisms F : E E which preserve the generalized metric. Us- ing the isotropic splitting induced→ by , E is isomorphic to the twisted Courant G algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ]H , π), whose automorphism group has been characterized in Proposition⊕ 2.21.h i Proposition 2.41. Let = (g, σ) be a generalized metric on an exact Courant algebroid E over M. The groupG ofG generalized isometries of , defined as the group of Courant automorphisms F : E E which preserve theG generalized metric, is given by →

f : f Diff(M), such that f ∗H = H, f ∗g = g Aut(E) { ∈ }⊂ 3 ˇ where H Ωcl(M) is the preferred representative of the Severa class of E deter- mined by ∈. G Proof. Consider the isomorphism E ∼= (T T ∗, , , [, ]H , π) given by the generalized metric . With this identification, by Lemma⊕ h 2.29)i we have G 0 g 1 = − . G g 0   By Proposition 2.21, a general element f eB Aut(E) preserves , that is, ◦ ∈ G f eB = f eB, ◦ ◦ G G◦ ◦ 2.3. GENERALIZED METRICS 27 if and only if

1 1 1 (f ∗g)− (B(X)+ ξ)= g− ξ, (f ∗g)(X)= B(g− ξ)+ g(X) for all X +ξ Γ(T T ∗). Setting e.g. ξ = 0 this implies f ∗g = g, and consequently ∈ ⊕ B = 0, as claimed. Returning again to Proposition 2.21 it follows that f ∗H = H. 

Remark 2.42. With the notation in Proposition 2.38, the action of F = f eB on is ◦ G 1 F F − = (f g,f B). ◦G◦ G ∗ ∗ In particular, by Lemma 2.33 the infinitesimal action of X + B Lie Aut(E) is given by ∈ 1 1 1 g− B g− (LX g)g− (X + B) = − 1 . · G LX g Bg−  −  To finish this section, we show that a generalized metric determines an energy G functional S on the space of smooth maps C∞(Σ,M) from a surface Σ into our target manifoldG M. This functional can be thought of as an analogue of the energy functional which associates the length squared to a parametrized curve on M, leading to the notion of distance and geodesics in Riemannian geometry. Morally, 1 S can be similarly used to define a pseudo-metric on the space of loops C∞(S ,M) ofGM, by extremizing the energy with prescribed boundary components. We will follow our discussion at the end of 2.2. Let M be an oriented smooth§ manifold. Let Σ be a smooth compact surface (oriented and without boundary, say). Consider the infinite-dimensional space of smooth maps C∞(Σ,M). Let (E, ) be an exact Courant algebroid over M endowed with a generalized metric . By LemmaG 2.40, determines a Riemannian metric g G 3 G 3 and a closed three-form H Λ T ∗ on M. We will assume that [H] H (M, Z). We ∈ ∈ fix a Riemannian metric η on Σ with volume dVη. Then, we can define a functional

1 2 (2.25) S : C∞(Σ,M) R/Z, ϕ dϕ dVη + ϕ∗H. G → 7→ 2 | | ZΣ ZY 2 Here, dϕ denotes the norm squared of dϕ Γ(Σ,T ∗Σ ϕ∗T ) with respect to | | ∈ ⊗ the metric η∗ ϕ∗g and Y is a three-manifold with boundary Σ and ϕ: Y M is any smooth⊗ extension of ϕ to Y . This functional is known in the mathematical→ physics literature as the Polyakov action with Wess-Zumino term in the action of a two-dimensional Σ-model (see e.g. [80]). Note that the second summand in the definition of S corresponds to the functional SH in 2.2. Our next result shows that the criticalG points of S provide an interesting generalization§ of the harmonicity G condition for maps ϕ C∞(Σ,M). ∈ Proposition 2.43. The critical points ϕ C∞(Σ,M) of the functional S are the solutions of the equation ∈ G

1 ∗ ϕ + ϕ∗g− H, dV =0, ∇ ∇ η η where ∗ is the rough Laplacian for the product of Levi-Civita connections of η ∇ ∇ 1 1 and g, and ϕ∗g− H, dVη η Γ(ϕ∗T ) denotes the product of ϕ∗g− H Γ(ϕ∗T 2 ∈ ∈ ⊗ Λ T ∗Σ) with dVη with respect to η. 28 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

Proof. A calculation in coordinates shows that the functional S can be al- ternatively written as G

1 2 S (ϕ)= ϕ dVη + ϕ∗H. G 2 |∇ | ZΣ ZY This follows simply from the fact that action of the Levi-Civita connection on functions coincides with the exterior differential. Then, the variation of S along G X Γ(ϕ∗T ), identified with a vector in the tangent space of C∞(Σ,M) at ϕ, is given∈ by

δS (X)= ϕ, X dVη + ϕ∗iX H G h∇ ∇ i ZΣ ZΣ 1 = ∗ ϕ, X dV + ϕ∗g− H,X dV dV , h∇ ∇ i η ⊗ η η ZΣ ZΣ as claimed. 

2.4. Divergence operators As we have seen in the previous section, natural notions in generalized geometry are described in terms of the O(n,n)-bundle of frames of T T ∗. Starting with its definition as a reduction to a maximal compact subgroup,⊕ a generalized metric is a posteriori seen to be equivalent to a classical Riemannian metric g together G with a b-field. Since the neutral metric on T T ∗ is fixed in this geometry, how does generalized geometry keep track of conformal⊕ rescalings of the classical metric associated to ? In this section we answer this question, by means of the following device introducedG in [70]. Definition 2.44. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth manifold M. A divergence operator on E is a differential operator div: Γ(E) C∞(M) satisfying → (2.26) div(fe)= π(e)(f)+ f div(e), for all e Γ(E) and f C∞(M). ∈ ∈ As a consequence of the Leibniz rule (2.26), the divergence operators on E form an affine space modeled on Γ(E), since if we fix a divergence operator div, any other divergence operator div′ is given by

div′ = div + e, h ·i for some e Γ(E). The following result shows that this space is always non-empty. ∈ Lemma 2.45. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over M. Given a connection on T , one obtains a divergence operator on E via ∇ div∇(e)=tr π(e), ∇ where π : E T is the anchor map. → Proof. This follows from a simple calculation:

div∇(fe)= f div∇(e)+tr df π(e)= f div∇(e)+ π(e)(f). ⊗  2.4. DIVERGENCE OPERATORS 29

More explicitly, consider an isotropic splitting σ : T E and the induced → identification E = T T ∗, with anchor map ⊕ π(X + ξ)= X. Then, it follows that, for e = X + ξ,

div∇(e)=tr X. ∇ Assuming now that is torsion-free, so that tr X = tr ( L ), and that ∇ ∇ ∇X − X there exists a density µ Γ( det T ∗ ) preserved by , we obtain ∈ | | ∇ div∇(e)µ = LX µ, which recovers the standard notion of divergence for the vector field π(e)= X. In particular, for any choice of metric g on M we can choose its Levi-Civita connection and the associated Riemannian density µg, obtaining a divergence operator ∇ g g g div (e)µ = LX µ . Definition 2.46. Given a generalized metric on an exact Courant algebroid E, define its Riemannian divergence as G g Lπ(e)µ divG (e)= , µg where g is the Riemannian metric associated to in Lemma 2.40, and µg is the associated Riemannian density. G The relation between divergence operators and conformal geometry appears via the notion of Weyl structure [67]. Recall that a conformal structure on a smooth C manifold M is a set of Riemannian metrics, such that if g,g′ there exists a ∈ C smooth function f C∞(M) such that ∈ f g′ = e g. Definition 2.47. Let be a conformal structure on a smooth manifold M. A Weyl structure is a map C W : Γ(T ∗) f C → such that W (e g)= W (g) df for all g and f C∞(M). − ∈C ∈ Let us fix an exact Courant algebroid E over M, and denote by (E) the space of generalized metrics on E. By Lemma 2.40, there is a bijection G (E) = (T ) (E), G ∼ M × S where (T ) and (E) denote the space of Riemannian metrics on M and the space ofM isotropic splittingsS of E, respectively. Given (g, σ) (T ) (E), we denote (g, σ) the associated generalized metric. Our next∈ result M shows× S that a divergenceG operator provides a natural analogue of a Weyl structure in the context of generalized geometry. Lemma 2.48. Let div be a divergence operator on E. Define

W : (E) Γ(E): div divG, G → G 7→ − where divG is the Riemannian divergence of (see Definition 2.46). Then, G W ( (ef g, σ)) = W ( (g, σ)) n df, G G − h i for any (g, σ) (T ) (E) and any f C∞(M). ∈M × S ∈ 30 2.GENERALIZEDRIEMANNIANGEOMETRY

Proof. Consider the identification E = T T ∗ given by = (g, σ). Then, n f ef g f g ⊕ G G setting ′ = (e g, σ) we have µ = e 2 µ and therefore G G n f g ′ 2 LX (e µ ) n divG (X + ξ)= n = divG(X + ξ)+ 2 df(X) = divG(X + ξ)+ n df, X . e 2 f µg h i 

Our next goal is to understand a natural compatibility condition between a generalized metric and a divergence operator, which plays an important role in the definition of the generalized Ricci flow. Given a generalized metric on E and e Γ(E) we define an endomorphism G ∈ [e, ] End(E), G ∈ by [e, ](e′) := [e, e′] [e,e′]. G G − G It is an easy exercise, using axiom (3) of the Dorfman bracket in Definition 2.8, to check that [e, ] indeed defines a tensor. G Definition 2.49. Given a generalized metric on E, we say that e Γ(E) is an infinitesimal isometry if [e, ] = 0. G ∈ G Lemma 2.50. Let be a generalized metric on E. Then, e Γ(E) is an infinitesimal isometry ifG and only if ∈

LX g =0, dξ = iX H, where e = X + ξ via the identification E = T T ∗ given by . ⊕ G Proof. Consider the identification E = T T ∗ given by = (g, σ), so that e = X + ξ. Using the notation in 2.2, we have⊕ (see (2.15) andG RemarkG 2.42) § 1 1 1 g− (dξ iX H) g− (LX g)g− [e, ]=Ψ(X + ξ) = − − 1 , G · G LX g (dξ iX H)g−  − −  and the result follows.  Remark 2.51. Following the discussion in 2.2, an infinitesimal isometry pro- § vides a flat direction for the Wess-Zumino functional SH in (2.13). We introduce the following compatibility condition. Definition 2.52. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over M. A pair ( , div) is compatible if W ( ) is an infinitesimal isometry of , that is, G G G [W ( ), ]=0. G G As a straightforward consequence of Lemma 2.40 and Lemma 2.50 we obtain the following characterization of compatible pairs ( , div). G Proposition 2.53. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over M. Then, ( , div) is a compatible pair if and only if G 1 div = divG + σ(X)+ π∗ξ, 2 · where = (g, σ) and G G LX g =0, dξ = iX H. 2.4. DIVERGENCE OPERATORS 31

An interesting class of infinitesimal isometries, and hence of compatible pairs, is provided by closed 1-forms, that is, given by X = 0 and dξ = 0. More invariantly, this condition can be expressed in terms of the anchor map as [W ( ), ]=0, π(W ( )) =0. G G G This class of compatible pairs, associated to closed one-forms on the manifold, will be formally introduced in Definition 3.40 (see also Definition 3.48), and further studied in 3.6 and 3.7. § §


Generalized Connections and Curvature

Having established the fundamental properties of generalized metrics, we turn to the question of connections and curvature. The fundamental theorem of Rie- mannian geometry states that for each Riemannian metric there is a unique linear connection which is compatible with the metric and torsion-free. Here the story is more complicated, once one observes that the condition of having zero torsion does not determine a metric-compatible generalized connection uniquely. The relevant connections in generalized Riemannian geometry will be related to certain classi- cal connections on the tangent bundle, which in most cases will have nontrivial torsion. We analyze the curvature of these connections from the generalized and classical points of view, eventually leading to the definition of the generalized Ricci and scalar curvatures. In particular, we will study in detail the classical Bismut connection, a metric compatible connection with totally skew-symmetric torsion, deriving formulas for the curvature of this connection as well as Bianchi identities. With these fundamental concepts at hand, we turn to the task of defining canonical generalized geometries. For this, we seek to extend the classical Ein- stein equation to the setting of generalized geometry. By coupling the classical Einstein-Hilbert action to the torsion we motivate an Einstein-like equation from a variational point of view, and give nontrivial examples of generalized Einstein struc- tures. In particular, we will prove that all Bismut-flat connections are associated to bi-invariant metrics on semisimple Lie groups.

3.1. Generalized connections We start with the study of connections in the setting of generalized geometry. In the spirit of treating a Courant algebroid E as the generalized tangent bundle, we want to not only differentiate sections of E, but we want to differentiate them in the tangent as well as cotangent ‘directions’. Parallel to the notion of orthogonal affine connection in Riemannian geometry, we introduce next the concept of generalized connection, which allows us to differentiate sections of E along directions in E, in a way compatible with the inner product , . The study of generalized connections was initiated in [3], and largely expandedh ini [69, 70, 89, 109]. Definition 3.1. A generalized connection on an exact Courant algebroid E is a first-order differential operator

D : Γ(E) Γ(E∗ E) → ⊗ which satisfies the Leibniz rule and is compatible with , , i.e. h i Da(fb)= π(a)(f)b + fDab, (3.1) π(a) b,c = D b,c + b,D c . h i h a i h a i 33 34 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

We will use the notation D b = a,Db for the natural pairing between elements in a h i E∗ and elements in E. Lemma 3.2. Given E an exact Courant algebroid, the space of generalized con- nections is a nonempty affine space modeled on the vector space

Γ(E∗ o(E)), ⊗ where o(E)= Φ End(E): Φ, = , Φ . { ∈ h i −h i} Proof. Fix a standard orthogonal connection E on E, and then one can check that the formula ∇ (3.2) D b = E b a ∇π(a) defines a generalized connection on E. The proof that the difference of two gen- eralized connections lies in Γ(E∗ o(E)) is a straightforward exercise using the axioms (3.1). ⊗  Example 3.3. Using Proposition 2.10, choose an isotropic splitting σ : T E, → with corresponding isomorphism F : E T T ∗. Fix an affine connection on → ⊕ ∇ T , with connection ∗ naturally induced on T ∗ by enforcing ∇ X(α(Y )) = α( Y ) + ( ∗ α)(Y ). ∇X ∇X Then it is straightforward to check that the connection E = ∗ ∇ ∇ ⊕ ∇ on T T ∗ is orthogonal with respect to , , and thus will define a generalized con- nection⊕ via (3.2). Finally, pulling-back Dh ivia F , we obtain the desired generalized connection on E. Definition 3.4. Given E an exact Courant algebroid and D a generalized connection on E, the torsion TD of D is defined by (3.3) T (a,b,c)= D b D a [a,b],c + D a,b , D h a − b − i h c i for any a,b,c Γ(E). ∈ Using the axiomatic definition of Courant algebroid and the Leibniz rule for a generalized connection (see Definition 2.8 and Definition 3.1), one can easily 3 prove that formula (3.3) defines a three-tensor TD Γ(E⊗ ). Another elementary calculation using that D is compatible with , shows∈ that, indeed, h i 3 (3.4) T Γ(Λ E∗). D ∈ Further computations show that this definition is equivalent to other formulations which have appeared (eg. [3, 89]). Rather than giving an abstract proof of the sym- metries of the generalized torsion, we derive these by means of an explicit formula in the next result. We will use σ(a,b,c) to denote sum over cyclic pertumutations on a,b,c.

Lemma 3.5. Given M a smooth manifold let E = T T ∗ with H-twisted ⊕ E Dorfman bracket (2.6). Let be an affine connection on M, and let = ∗. o ∇ E ∇ ∇⊕∇ Given χ Γ(E∗ (E)), the torsion of D = π( ) + χ is given by ∈ ⊗ ∇ · 1 TD(a,b,c)= T (πa,πb),c + χab,c H(πa,πb,πc) . (3.5) h ∇ i h i− 6 σ(a,b,c) X  3.1. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS 35

0 E Proof. Denoting D = π( ), we have that ∇ · T (a,b,c)= T 0 (a,b,c)+ χ b χ a,c + χ a,b D D h a − b i h c i = T 0 (a,b,c)+ χ b,c , D h a i σ(Xa,b,c) where we have used that χba,c = χbc,a . Setting now a = X + ξ, b = Y + η, c = Z + ζ, we define h i −h i N := D0b D0a [a,b] a − b − = T (X, Y )+ X∗ η Y∗ ξ LX η + iY dξ iY iX H. ∇ ∇ − ∇ − − It follows that

T 0 (a,b,c)= N,c + D a,b D h i h c i = N,c + E a,b h i h∇Z i 1 1 = N,c + η( X)+ i ( ∗ ξ) h i 2 ∇Z 2 Y ∇Z = N,c + 1 η( X) 1 ξ( Y )+ 1 i d(ξ(Y )) h i 2 ∇Z − 2 ∇Z 2 Z 1 = H(X,Y,Z)+ T (πa,πb),c + X∗ η Y∗ ξ LX η + iY dξ,c − 2 h ∇ i h∇ − ∇ − i + 1 η( X) 1 ξ( Y )+ 1 i d(ξ(Y )) 2 ∇Z − 2 ∇Z 2 Z 1 = H(X,Y,Z)+ T (πa,πb),c + Z X X Z,b + Y Z Z Y,a − 2 h ∇ i h∇ − ∇ i h∇ − ∇ i + 1 i d(η(Z)) + 1 i d(ξ(Y )) 1 i d(ξ(Z)) 1 i L η + 1 i i dξ 2 X 2 Z − 2 Y − 2 Z X 2 Z Y 1 = H(X,Y,Z)+ T (πa,πb),c + Z X X Z,b + Y Z Z Y,a − 2 h ∇ i h∇ − ∇ i h∇ − ∇ i + 1 (L i i L )η + 1 (i L L i )ξ 2 X Z − Z X 2 Z Y − Y Z = 1 H(X,Y,Z)+ T (πa,πb),c + T (πb,πc),a + T (πc,πa),b , − 2 h ∇ i h ∇ i h ∇ i as claimed. The last part of the statement follows from the standard symmetry T (X, Y )= T (Y,X) for the torsion of an affine connection on T .  ∇ − ∇ ∇ With the previous result at hand, we can provide some Lie theoretic motiva- tion for Definition 3.4. Suppose for a moment that we have an abstract Courant algebroid E and assume that M is just one point. Then, the axioms in Definition 2.8 tell us that E is a quadratic Lie algebra, that is, a Lie algebra endowed with an invariant bilinear form , . In this setup, a generalized connection is simply an h i element χ E∗ o(E) and the torsion ∈ ⊗ T (a,b,c)= χ b,c 1 [a,b],c χ h a i− 3 h i σ(Xa,b,c) 3 measures the difference in Λ E∗ between the total skew-symmetrization of χ and the canonical Cartan three-form on the quadratic Lie algebra E. In order to study torsion-free generalized connection compatible with a general- ized metric in the next section, we finish this section with a detailed analysis of the space of generalized connections with fixed torsion, and its relation with divergence 3 operators in Definition 2.44. Let T be an element in Γ(Λ E∗), and consider the set T of generalized connections on E with fixed torsion T D T . D ⊂ D 36 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

Lemma 3.6. Given E a Courant algebroid and D a connection with torsion T . The space T is an affine space modeled on D

3 (3.6) Σ = χ Γ(E⊗ ): χ(a,b,c)= χ(a,c,b), χ(a,b,c)=0 .  ∈ −   σ(Xa,b,c)  Proof. Exercise .   Remark 3.7. The space Σ admits a canonical splitting (3.7) Σ = Σ Γ(E), 0 ⊕ where e Γ(E) corresponds to the mixed χe defined by ∈ χe(a,b,c)= a,b e,c e,b a,c h ih i − h ih i and the orthogonal complement of Γ(E) is given by

2n (3.8) Σ = χ Σ: χ(e , e , )=0 . 0 ∈ i i · i=1 n X o Here, 2n is the rank of E (twice the dimension ne of the smooth manifold M), e { i} is an orthogonal local frame for E and the ei are sections of E defined so that e , e = δ . { } h i j i ij More explicitly, given an arbitrary element χ Γ(E∗ o(E)) we have a unique e ∈ ⊗ decompositione e (3.9) χ = χ0 + χ , where χe b = a,b e e,b a a h i − h i with 1 2n e = χ e . 2n 1 ei i i=1 − X It follows by construction that χ χe Σ . − ∈ 0 e e The E∗-valued skew-symmetric endomorphism χ in the decomposition (3.9) is reminiscent of the ‘1-form valued Weyl endomorphisms’ in conformal geometry, which appear in the variation of a metric connection with fixed torsion upon a e conformal change of the metric. Similarly, our E∗-valued Weyl endomorphisms χ enable us to deform a generalized connection D with fixed torsion T inside the space T . For later applications in this work, it is important to study the interaction Dbetween the space T and the notion of divergence operator. This will allow us to ‘gauge-fix’ the WeylD degrees of freedom in the space of generalized connections T corresponding to Γ(E) in (3.7). The basic observation is that any generalized connectionD determines a divergence operator as in 2.4. Given this, one can show that the divergence constrains the Weyl degrees of freedom§ in the space generalized connections with fixed torsion, as required. Definition 3.8. The divergence operator of a generalized connection D on E is div (a)=tr Da C∞(M). D ∈ 3.2. METRIC COMPATIBLE CONNECTIONS 37

3 Lemma 3.9. Given E an exact Courant algebroid fix T Γ(Λ E∗) and div : Γ(E) ∈ → C∞(M) a divergence operator on E. Then T (div) := D T = T, div = div T D { ∈ D | D D } ⊂ D is an affine space modeled on Σ0, as defined in (3.8).

T Proof. Given D′,D , we denote D′ = D + χ with χ Σ (see (3.6)). Then, we have ∈ D ∈ 2n div ′ (a) = div (a) χ e ,a . D D − h ei i i i=1 X e Decomposing χ = χ + χe as in (3.9), for e Γ(E), we obtain 0 ∈ 2n χ e = (2n 1)e. ei i − i=1 X e Imposing now divD′ = divD = div, implies e = 0, which concludes the proof. 

3.2. Metric compatible connections In this section we prove an analogue in generalized geometry of the Fundamen- tal Lemma of Riemannian geometry, that is, the existence of a unique torsion-free connection compatible with a given metric. In generalized geometry there is always the freedom to choose a compatible torsion-free generalized connection, that we will constrain via the Weyl gauge fixing mechanism introduced in Lemma 3.9. This will lead us to the definition of canonical operators in the next sections, providing a weak analogue of the Fundamental Lemma. Throughout this section we fix an exact Courant algebroid E over a smooth manifold M and a generalized metric . Ideas in this direction appeared originally in [89, 100]. Our discussion here followsG closely [70]. Definition 3.10. A generalized connection D on E is compatible with if G D 0. G ≡ Equivalently, this condition will hold if

D(Γ(V )) Γ(E∗ V ). ± ⊂ ⊗ ± Thus, the space of -compatible generalized connections on E, which we denote ( ), is an affine spaceG modeled on D G Γ(E∗ o(V+)) Γ(E∗ o(V )). ⊗ ⊕ ⊗ − Such a connection is thus determined by four first-order differential operators + D : Γ(V+) Γ(V ∗ V+),D+− : Γ(V ) Γ(V+∗ V ), − → − ⊗ − → ⊗ − + D+ : Γ(V+) Γ(V+∗ V+),D− : Γ(V ) Γ(V ∗ V ), → ⊗ − − → − ⊗ − satisfying the Leibniz rule (formulated in terms of the projections π ). The opera- ± tors D± are called pure type, whereas the operators D± are called mixed type. We furthermore± say that the torsion of such a connection D∓ is of pure type if 3 3 TD Γ(Λ V+∗ Λ V ∗). ∈ ⊕ − 38 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

The next lemma shows that the mixed-type operators D± are fixed, if we vary a generalized connection D inside ( ) while preserving the∓ torsion T . And D G D furthermore when the torsion is of pure-type then D± are uniquely determined by the generalized metric and the bracket on E. ∓ 3 Lemma 3.11. Let D ( ) with torsion T Γ(Λ E∗). ∈ D G ∈ (1) If D′ ( ) and TD′ = T , then (D′)± = D±. ∈ D G ∓ ∓ (2) Furthermore, T is of pure-type if and only if the mixed-type operators D± are ∓

(3.10) Da b+ = [a ,b+]+,Da+ b = [a+,b ] . − − − − − Proof. Given a,b,c Γ(E), we have ∈ (3.11) T (a ,b+,c+) = (Da b+ [a ,b+],c+), − − − − and therefore (2) follows. To prove (1), we subtract from (3.11) the analogous expression for TD′ (a ,b+,c+).  − The second part of the previous lemma provides a weak analogue of the Koszul formula in Riemannian geometry. The canonical mixed-type operators (3.10) were first considered in [100] and further studied in [89], and relate to the following classical connections with skew-symmetric torsion. n 3 Definition 3.12. Let (M ,g,H) be a and H Λ T ∗. The Bismut connections associated to (g,H) are defined via ∈ 1 (3.12) ± Y,Z = Y,Z H(X,Y,Z), ∇X h∇X i± 2 where denotes the Levi-Civita connection of g. These are the unique metric- compatible∇ connections with torsion H. ± Our next goal is to show that the canonical mixed type operators in Lemma 3.11 are determined by the classical Bismut connections associated to the generalized metric via Proposition 2.40, first observed in [100, Theorem 2]. Thus, the Bismut connection plays a fundamental role in generalized Riemannian geometry. To see this, we will work with the explicit presentation of the Courant algebroid E given by . Recall that determines an isometry F : T T ∗ E (Proposition 2.40), andG for any X TGwe have isomorphisms σ : T ⊕ V →given by (see Definition 2.28) ∈ ± → ± F (X gX)= σ X. ± ± We need the following basic identity. Lemma 3.13. Given a generalized metric on E, consider the associated closed 3 G three-form H Λ T ∗ and isometry F : T T ∗ E in Proposition 2.40. Then, one has the equality∈ ⊕ → 1 (3.13) F − [σ X, σ+Y ] = [X, Y ]+ iY iX H + LX iY g + LY iX g diX iY g. − − Proof. We directly compute, using (2.17) and the definition of the twisted Courant bracket, 1 F − [σ X, σ+Y ] = [X gX,Y + gY ]H − − = [X, Y ] + [X,i g] [i g, Y ]+ i i H Y − X Y X = [X, Y ]+ L i g 1 di i g + L i g 1 di i g + i i H X Y − 2 X Y Y X − 2 Y X Y X = [X, Y ] + (L i g + L i g di i g)+ i i H. X Y Y X − X Y Y X 3.2. METRIC COMPATIBLE CONNECTIONS 39

Proposition 3.14. Given a generalized metric on E, consider the associated 3 G closed three-form H Λ T ∗ with associated Bismut connections ±. Then one has the equality ∈ ∇

± Y = π [σ X, σ Y ] . ∇X ◦ ∓ ± ±

Proof. Let (X, Y )= π [σ X, σ+Y ]+. We first compute N ◦ − (fX,Y )= π π+[fσ X, σ+Y ] N ◦ − = π π+ (f[σ X, σ+Y ]+ Y fσ X σ X, σ+Y f) ◦ − − − h − i D = fπ π+[σ X, σ+Y ] ◦ − = f (X, Y ). N Next we obtain

(X,fY )= π π+[σ X,fσ+Y ] N ◦ − = π π+ (f[σ X, σ+Y ] + ((πσ X)f)σ+Y σ X, σ+Y f) ◦ − − − h − i D = fπ π+[σ X, σ+Y ] + (Xf)π π+σ+Y ◦ − ◦ = f (X, Y ) + (Xf)Y. N This implies that does indeed define a linear connection on T . We next show that this connectionN is metric compatible. First observe using Proposition 2.40 that

(3.14) g( (X, Y ),Z)= σ+ (X, Y ), σ+Z = π+[σ X, σ+Y ], σ+Z . N h N i h − i Then we can compute, using Proposition 2.40 and also Property (5) of Definition 2.8,

π+[σ X, σ+Y ], σ+Z + π+[σ X, σ+Z], σ+Y h − i h − i = [σ X, σ+Y ], σ+Z + [σ X, σ+Z], σ+Y h − i h − i = π(σ X) σ+Y, σ+Z σ X, σ+Z , σ+Y − h i − hD h − i i σ+Z, σ X, σ+Y − h D h − ii = X σ Y, σ Z h + + i = Xg(Y,Z), which yields the claim comparing against (3.14). It remains to compute the . First, arguing as in (3.14) we have T (X,Y,Z)= g( (X, Y ) (Y,X) [X, Y ],Z) N − N − (3.15) = π+ ([σ X, σ+Y ] [σ Y, σ+X]) , σ+Z g([X, Y ],Z) h − − − i− = [σ X, σ+Y ] [σ Y, σ+X], σ+Z g([X, Y ],Z). h − − − i− Now, using Lemma 3.13, and observing that the final three terms in (3.13) are symmetric, we obtain

[σ X, σ+Y ] [σ Y, σ+X], σ+Z = 2 [X, Y ]+ iY iX H, σ+Z h − − − i h i (3.16) = 2 σ [X, Y ]+ i[X,Y ]g + iY iX H, σ+Z − = g([ X, Y ],Z)+ H(X,Y,Z). Using (3.16) in (3.15) yields the claim T = H, and so the result follows.  40 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

To proceed further, we must analyze the space of torsion-free -compatible generalized connections, which we denote G 0( )= ( ) 0. D G D G ∩ D Proposition 3.15. Given a generalized metric on a Courant algebroid E, there exists a torsion-free generalized connection on EG compatible with . G Proof. We construct first a -compatible generalized connection D on E G which has torsion of pure-type. For this, we define the mixed-type operators D± by (3.10). To define the pure-type operators, we choose arbitrary metric connections∓ + on V+ and − on V , and set ∇ ∇ − Da b := ± b . e e ± ± ∇π(a±) ± 0 Finally, we define our torsion-free generalizede connections D by explicitly removing the torsion, that is 1 D0 = D T , − 3 D where we use the metric , to regard h· ·i o o TD Γ(V+∗ (V+)) Γ(V ∗ (V )). ∈ ⊗ ⊕ − ⊗ − Note that the pure-type condition on T implies that D0 is still -compatible.  D G Given a generalized metric, the torsion-free condition does not determine a compatible generalized connection uniquely. Unlike in Riemannian geometry, the generalized Levi-Civita connections form an affine space, modeled on the pure-type mixed symmetric 3-tensors + Σ Σ−, ⊕ where 3 Σ± = Γ(V ⊗ ) Σ, ± ∩ and Σ is as in (3.6). There are canonical splittings

(3.17) Σ± =Σ0± Γ(V ), ⊕ ± where the first summand corresponds to ‘trace-free’ elements, in analogy with (3.7). + + o To see this, fix ei an orthonormal local frame for V+. Given χ Γ(V+∗ (V+)), set { } ∈ ⊗ n 1 + e+ := χe+ ei . n 1 i i=1 − X Then, on V+ the splitting (3.17) corresponds to the following direct sum decompo- sition

+ + e+ (3.18) χ = χ0 + χ+ , + where χ0 is such that n + + (χ ) + e =0, 0 ei i i=1 X and (3.19) (χe+ ) b = a ,b e e ,b a . + a+ + h + +i + − h + +i + 3.2. METRIC COMPATIBLE CONNECTIONS 41

Example 3.16. Using the above discussion we can produce finally an explicit example of a torsion-free generalized connection compatible with a generalized met- ric. Let be a generalized metric on an exact Courant algebroid E over a manifold G M of dimension n. The generalized metric induces an isomorphism E = T T ∗, ∼ ⊕ where the twisted bracket on T T ∗ is given by a closed 3-form H in the Severaˇ class of E in H3(M, R). Via this⊕ isomorphism, the generalized metric takes the simple form: V = X g(X): X T , ± { ± ∈ } where g is the Riemannian metric induced by the isomorphism π V+ : V+ T . Using Lemma 3.11 and Proposition 3.14, we see that the initial| step→ of the construction is forced upon us, where we must use the Bismut connections ± to define the mixed type operators. As in the proof of Proposition 3.15, we∇ must choose metric compatible connections to define the pure-type operators, and it is natural to still use the Bismut connections. Doing so we obtain the Gualtieri-Bismut connection DB, introduced in [89], with pure-type operators πDB σ Y = + Y, σ+X + ∇X B πDσ X σ Y = − Y. − − ∇X By construction this connection is compatible with , and has torsion TDB = π H + π H. Following the proof of Proposition 3.15,G we construct a torsion- ∗V+ ∗V | | − free generalized connection D0 0(V ) from DB by ∈ D + 0 B 1 D = D T B . − 3 D A computation shows that this has pure-type operators πD0 σ Y = +1/3Y, σ+X + ∇X 0 1/3 πDσ X σ Y = − Y, − − ∇X 1/3 where ± denotes the metric connection with skew-symmetric torsion (cf. (3.12)) ∇ 1/3 1 ± Y,Z = Y,Z H(X,Y,Z). ∇X h∇X i± 6 D E To finish this section, we introduce the space of torsion-free metric connections compatible with a fixed divergence operator div, that is, (3.20) 0( , div) = D ( ) T =0, div = div . D G { ∈ D G | D D } This space of connections plays an important role in the definition of the generalized Ricci tensor. By Lemma 3.9, 0( , div) is an affine space modeled on D G + Σ Σ−. 0 ⊕ 0 In the next result we show that 0( , div) is non-empty. Recall from Definition D G 2.46 that a generalized metric has an associated Riemannian divergence divG. Lemma 3.17. Let ( , div) be a pair given a generalized metric and a di- G G vergence operator div on E. Denote divG div = e+, + e , , for e V . Then, − h ·i h − ·i ± ∈ ± 0 0 0 (1) D ( , divG ), where D is defined as in Example 3.16. ∈ D G 42 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

(2) D 0( , div), where ∈ D G 0 1 e+ e− (3.21) D = D + χ+ + χ , n 1 − −   and χe± are defined as in (3.19). ± Proof. To prove (1), consider the Levi-Civita connection of the Riemannian ∇ metric g induced by and the generalized connection D′ = ∗ as in Example 3.3. Then, a simple calculationG shows that ∇ ⊕ ∇ g LX µ div ′ (e)=tr X = . D ∇ µg 0 Applying now [69, Proposition 3.6] it follows that D′ and D differ by a totally skew-symmetric element in Γ(E o(E)) and therefore div ′ = div 0 . ⊗ D D As for (2), we choose an orthogonal frame ei for E with dual frame ei and calculate { } { }

div (e′)= e ,D e D h i ei i i X 1 e+ 1 e− e0 = divD (e′)+ ei, (χ+ )ei e′ + ei, (χ )ei e′ n 1 h i n 1 h − i i i − X − X 1 = divG(e′)+ ee,e π e ,e′ e ,e′ ee, π e n 1 h i +ih + i i − h + ih i + ii i − X 1 e e + ei,e π ei,e′ e ,e′ ei, π ei n 1 h −ih − i − h − ih − i i − X = divG(e′) ee+,e′ e ,e′ e − h i − h − i = div(e′). The proof follows from the decomposition (3.17), which shows that D is torsion-free and metric compatible. 

3.3. The classical Bismut connection Proposition 3.14 shows that the Bismut connection, as presented in Definition 3.12, plays a fundamental role in generalized Riemannian geometry. In this sec- tion we pause for a moment in the development of the general theory, in order to present some basic features of this classical object. It is interesting to observe that Bismut naturally came across this connection in the context of index theory prob- lems in complex non-K¨ahler geometry. We note here that historically this family of connections was considered by Yano [185] in his study of manifolds with an almost product structure. Remarkably, Cartan-Schouten [37, 36] also encountered these connections in their study of Riemannian manifolds admitting an “absolute parallelism”, i.e. a flat metric compatible connection. In particular they showed that, beyond classical flat Riemannian metrics, the only examples are semisimple Lie groups with bi-invariant metric and torsion determined canonically by the Lie algebra structure, as well as an exceptional example on S7. In the Lie group case the torsion is skew-symmetric and closed, thus fitting naturally into our setting, whereas the exceptional S7 example has nonclosed torsion. We will go back to this interesting class of examples in 3.7. § 3.3. THE CLASSICAL BISMUT CONNECTION 43

Our first result gives a formula for the curvatures of the Bismut connection in terms of the . Throughout this section will denote ∇ 3 the Levi-Civita connection of a fixed Riemannian metric g. Given H Λ T ∗, we will denote by + the associated Bismut connection as in Definition 3.12.∈ We will denote by Rm+∇, Rc+, and R+, the curvature tensor, the Ricci tensor, and the scalar curvature of +, respectively. Similarly, we will use the notation Rm, Rc, and R ∇ for the curvatures associated to the metric via . We denote by d∗ the adjoint of the exterior differential acting on differential forms∇ with respect to the metric g. n 3 Proposition 3.18. Let (M ,g,H) be a Riemannian manifold with H Λ T ∗, dH =0. Then ∈ Rm+(X,Y,Z,W ) = Rm(X,Y,Z,W ) + 1 H(Y,Z,W ) 1 H(X,Z,W ) 2 ∇X − 2 ∇Y (3.22) 1 H(X, W ),H(Y,Z) + 1 H(Y, W ),H(X,Z) , − 4 h i 4 h i + 1 2 1 Rc = Rc H d∗H, − 4 − 2 R+ = R 1 H 2 , − 4 | | where (3.23) H2(X, Y ) := XyH, Y yH = H(X,e ,e )H(Y,e ,e ). h i i j i j i,j X Proof. It suffices to establish the first formula for local normal coordinate vectors, i.e. X Y (p) = 0 and [X, Y ] = 0 etc. Using the definition of the Bismut connection we∇ thus directly compute Rm+(X,Y,Z,W ) = + +Z + + Z + Z, W ∇X ∇Y − ∇Y ∇X − ∇[X,Y ] = D ( +Z), W + 1 H(X, +Z, W ) E ∇X ∇Y 2 ∇Y ( + Z), W 1 H(Y, + Z, W ) − ∇Y ∇X − 2 ∇X 1 1 1 1 1 = ( Z + g− H(Y,Z, )), W + H(X, Z + g− H(Y,Z, ), W ) ∇X ∇Y 2 · 2 ∇Y 2 · 1 1 1 1 1 ( Z + g− H(X,Z, ))W H(Y, Z + g− H(X,Z, ), W ) − ∇Y ∇X 2 · − 2 ∇X 2 · = Rm(X,Y,Z,W )+ 1 H(Y,Z,W ) 1 H(X,Z,W ) 2 ∇X − 2 ∇Y 1 H(X, W ),H(Y,Z) + 1 H(Y, W ),H(X,Z) , − 4 h i 4 h i as required. Taking the trace of this with respect to the first and fourth indices, we obtain + + Rc (Y,Z) = Rm (ei,Y,Z,ei) = Rm(e ,Y,Z,e )+ 1 H(Y,Z,e ) 1 H(e ,Z,e ) i i 2 ∇ei i − 2 ∇Y i i 1 H(e ,e ),H(Y,Z) + 1 H(Y,e ),H(e ,Z) − 4 h i i i 4 h i i i 1 2 1 = Rc(Y,Z) H (Y,Z) d∗H(Y,Z), − 4 − 2 as required. A final trace, using that the trace of d∗H is zero, yields the formula for the scalar curvature.  The classical Bianchi identities in Riemannian geometry reflect the diffeomor- phism invariance of the curvature tensor. More general forms of these identities 44 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE hold for connections with torsion as well (cf. [114, Theorem 5.3]), and play a fun- damental role in the study of the generalized Ricci flow. We begin with an identity on the divergence operator acting on the tensor H2, and then prove the Bianchi identity for connections with torsion.

n 3 Lemma 3.19. Given (M ,g) a Riemannian manifold and H Λ T ∗, dH =0, one has ∈

2 1 2 mn div H = H (d∗H) H . i 6 ∇i | | − imn  Proof. We choose local normal coordinates for g at some point and compute, suppressing some appearances of the and using that H is closed

div H2 = H2 j ∇i ij = (H H )  ∇i imn jmn = (d∗H) H + H H − mn jmn imn∇i jmn = (d∗H) H + H ( H H + H ) − mn jmn imn ∇j imn − ∇m ijn ∇n ijm 1 2 = (d∗H) H + H 2H H , − mn jmn 2 ∇j | | − imn∇i jmn where in the last line we rearranged indices. Comparing the third and fifth lines above yields that H H = 1 H 2, and so the lemma follows.  imn∇i jmn 6 ∇j | |

n 3 Proposition 3.20. Given (M ,g) a Riemannian manifold and H Λ T ∗, dH =0, one has ∈

(3.24) R+(X, Y )Z = H(H(X, Y ),Z) + ( + H)(Y,Z) , ∇X σ(X,Y,Z) σ(X,Y,Z) X X  and

(3.25) ( + R)(Y,Z)+ R+(H(X, Y ),Z) =0, ∇X σ(X,Y,Z) X  and

0= ( + H)(Y,Z,U)+2g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)) ∇X (3.26) σ(X,Y,Z) X  ( +H)(X,Y,Z), − ∇U and

R+(X,Y,Z,U) R+(Z,U,X,Y )= 1 +H(X,Y,Z). (3.27) − − 2 ∇U σ(X,Y,Z,UX )

Proof. The first two formulas are exercises. The third formula follows from dH(X,Y,Z,U)= ( + H)(Y,Z,U)+2g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)) ( +H)(X,Y,Z), ∇X − ∇U σ(X,Y,Z) X  3.3. THE CLASSICAL BISMUT CONNECTION 45 and dH = 0. To show the fourth we first rewrite (3.24) using (3.26)

0= R+(X,Y,Z,U) g(H(H(X, Y ),Z),U) + H(Y,Z,U) − − ∇X σ(X,Y,Z) X  = R+(X,Y,Z,U) g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)) + H(Y,Z,U) − − ∇X σ(X,Y,Z) X  = R+(X,Y,Z,U)+ g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)) +H(X,Y,Z) − ∇U σ(X,Y,Z) X  Summing this over cyclic permutation of the entries yields 0= R+(X,Y,Z,U)+ R+(Z,X,Y,U)+ R+(Y,Z,X,U) +H(X,Y,Z) − ∇U + R+(U,X,Y,Z)+ R+(Y,U,X,Z)+ R+(X,Y,U,Z) +H(U,X,Y ) − ∇Z + R+(Z,U,X,Y )+ R+(X,Z,U,Y )+ R+(U,X,Z,Y ) +H(Z,U,X) − ∇Y + R+(Y,Z,U,X)+ R+(U,Y,Z,X)+ R+(Z,U,Y,X) + H(Y,Z,U) − ∇X + g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)) + g(H(U,X),H(Y,Z)) σ(X,Y,ZX ) σ(U,X,YX ) + g(H(Z,U),H(X, Y )) + g(H(Y,Z),H(U,X)). σ(Z,U,XX ) σ(Y,Z,UX ) One observes that the first and third columns of curvature terms collectively cancel, as do the terms of type H2, yielding 0=2R+(X,Z,U,Y ) 2R+(U,Y,X,Z) − +H(X,Y,Z) +H(U,X,Y ) +H(Z,U,X) + H(Y,Z,U). − ∇U − ∇Z − ∇Y − ∇X The result follows. 

Our next result (cf. [18] Theorem 1.6) gives an analogue of the first Bianchi identity for Levi-Civita connection, which relates the curvature tensors of the Bis- + mut connections and −. ∇ ∇ n 3 Proposition 3.21. Let (M ,g) be a Riemannian manifold and fix H Λ T ∗, dH =0. Then ∈

+ R (X,Y,Z,W )= R−(Z,W,X,Y ).

Proof. Using the formula for the Bismut curvature in Proposition 3.18 sepa- rately for ± and the symmetry of the Riemann curvature tensor we see ∇ + R (X,Y,Z,W ) R−(Z,W,X,Y ) − = 1 ( H(Y,Z,W ) H(X,Z,W )+ H(W, X, Y ) H(Z,X,Y )) 2 ∇X − ∇Y ∇Z − ∇W + 1 ( H(X, W ),H(Y,Z) + H(Y, W ),H(X,Z) 4 − h i h i + H(Z, Y ),H(W, X) H(W, Y ),H(Z,X) ) h i − h i 1 = 2 dH(X,Y,Z,W ) = 0, as required.  46 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

3.4. Curvature and the First Bianchi Identity We turn next to the study of curvature quantities in generalized geometry. We fix an exact Courant algebroid E over a smooth manifold M. Definition 3.22. Let be a generalized metric on E, and D a metric compati- ble generalized connection.G Associated to D there are the two generalized curvature operators o D± Γ(V ∗ V ∗ (V )), R ∈ ± ⊗ ∓ ⊗ ± defined by + (a+,b )c+ = Da+ Db c+ Db Da+ c+ D[a ,b ]c+, RD − − − − − + −

− (a ,b+)c = Da Db+ c Db+ Da c D[a ,b ]c . RD − − − − − − − − − + − In general, the curvatures of a torsion-free generalized connection are not an invariant of the generalized metric , but rather depend on D via the choice of pure-type operators. We illustrate thisG with the following example. Example 3.23. Consider the torsion-free metric compatible connection D0 constructed in Example 3.16. We choose a one-form ϕ on M and use this to deform D0 to a different torsion-free metric connection, via deformation of the associated divergence operator (see Definition 3.8). We set ϕ = π ϕ using the orthogonal projections π : E V and define ± ± ± → ± 0 1 ϕ+ ϕ− D = D + χ+ + χ , n 1 − ϕ± −   where χ are defined as in (3.19). By Lemma 3.17, D is torsion-free and metric compatible,± and the associated divergence is g LX µ 1 div (e) = div 0 (e) ϕ, e = ϕ(X) D D − h i µg − 2 for e = X + ξ T T ∗. Being torsion-free, by Lemma 3.11 the generalized connection D is completely∈ ⊕ determined by the corresponding pure-type operators, given in this case by

+1/3 1 1 πD σ Y = Y + (g(X, Y )g− ϕ ϕ(Y )X), σ+X + ∇X 2(n 1) − (3.28) − 1/3 1 1 πDσ+X σ Y = − Y + (g(X, Y )g− ϕ ϕ(Y )X). − ∇X 2(n 1) − − + We are now ready to calculate the curvature of D following [69] (e.g. for D). First, we have R

1/3 + 1 + 1 1 + D D σ Z = σ Z + g(X, Z)g− ϕ ϕ( Z)X , σ+X σ−Y + + ∇X ∇Y 2(n 1) ∇Y − 2(n 1) ∇Y  − −  + 1/3 1 + 1 1 + D D σ Z = σ Z ϕ(Z) X + g(X,Z)g− ϕ σ−Y σ+X + + ∇Y ∇X − 2(n 1) ∇Y 2(n 1) ∇Y − −

1 1 1 i d(ϕ(Z))X + i d(g(X,Z))g− ϕ . − 2(n 1) Y 2(n 1) Y − − ! Using the equality

[σ+X, σ Y ] = [X, Y ] g( X Y + Y X, )+ H(X,Y, ) − − ∇ ∇ · · 3.4. CURVATURE AND THE FIRST BIANCHI IDENTITY 47 we also obtain

1 1 D[σ+X,σ−Y ]σ+Z = σ+ [X,Y ]Z + g− H(2[X, Y ]+ X Y + Y X,Z, ) ∇ 6 ∇ ∇ ·

1 1 1 g− H(g− H(X,Y, ),Z, ) − 6 · · 1 g 1 ϕ(Z)([X, Y ] X Y + g− H(X,Y, )) − 4(n 1) − ∇Y − ∇X · − 1 + (g(Z, [X, Y ] X Y )+ H(X,Y,Z))ϕ . 4(n 1) − ∇Y − ∇X − ! Finally, the identity ( H)(Y,Z, )= (H(Y,Z, )) H( Y,Z, ) H(Y, Z, ) ∇X · ∇X · − ∇X · − ∇ · leads us to the following expression for the curvature + πR (σ+X, σ Y )σ+Z D − (3.29) 1 1 + + = R(X, Y )Z (g(X,Z)g− ϕ i ( ϕ)X) − 2(n 1) ∇Y − Z ∇Y − where e

1 1 1 R(X, Y )Z = R(X, Y )Z + g− ( X H)(Y,Z, ) ( Y H)(X,Z, ) 2 ∇ · − 6 ∇ ·

e 1 1 1 1 + H(X,g− H(Y,Z, ), ) H(Y,g− H(X,Z, ), ) 12 · · − 12 · ·

1 1 H(Z,g− H(X,Y, ), ) . − 6 · · ! + 1/3 The tensor R is a hybrid of the second covariant derivatives for , , and −, and can be identified with the generalized curvature of D0. More∇ invariantly,∇ it∇ can be written ase 1/3 + + 1/3 1/3 + R(X, Y )Z = Z Z + + Z Z. X Y Y X X − Y ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ ∇∇Y − ∇∇X From the previouse formulae, it is transparent that the generalized curvature oper- ators ± depend on the choice of torsion-free compatible connection D. RD Our next goal is to define curvature quantities which only depend on the gen- eralized metric . Before we address this question in 3.5, we prove an algebraic property of the curvaturesG of a torsion-free generalized conne§ ction, that we will use later in Lemma 3.44. Proposition 3.24 (First Bianchi identity). Let D be a torsion-free generalized connection compatible with V+. Then, for any e ,a ,b ,c Γ(V ) we have ± ± ± ± ∈ ± (3.30) ± (a ,e )b ,c =0. hRD ± ∓ ± ±i σ(Xa,b,c) Proof. We argue for + , as the other case is symmetric. We decompose RD + (a+,e )b+,c+ = I + J + K, hRD − i σ(Xa,b,c) 48 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE where

I = Da+ ([e ,b+]+),c+ , h − i σ(Xa,b,c)

J = [e ,Da+ b+],c+ , − h − i σ(Xa,b,c) K = D b ,c . − h [a+,e−] + +i σ(Xa,b,c) Using that TD = 0 and formula (3.3) we have

K = Db+ [a+,e ],c+ [[a+,e ],b+],c+ + Dc+ [a+,e ],b+ −h − i − h − i h − i σ(Xa,b,c)

= [a+,e ],Db+ c+ Dc+ b+ [[a+,e ],b+],c+ h − − i − h − i σ(Xa,b,c) π(b+)( [a+,e ],c+ )+ π(c+)( [a+,e ],b+ ), − h − i h − i where in the last equality we used the compatibility between D and , . Using again this last property, we also have h· ·i

I = π(a+)( [e ,b+],c+ ) [e ,b+],Da+ c+ , h − i − h − i σ(a,b,c) X 

J = π(e )( [a+,b+],c+ )+ [e ,c+],Da+ b+ , − − h i h − i σ(a,b,c) X  where in the last equality we used property (C4) of the bracket (see Definition 2.8)). From this, using property (C5) of the bracket, which implies [e ,a+]= [a+,e ], we obtain − − −

I + J + K = [[a+,e ],b+],c+ + [[b+,e ],a+],c+ [[c+,e ],a+],b+ −h − i h − i − h − i + π(b+)( [c+,e ],a+ ) π(a+)( [c+,e ],b+ ) π(c+)( [b+,e ],a+ ) h − i − h − i − h − i π(e )(TD(a+,b+,c+)) π(e )( [a+,b+],c+ ). − − − − h i Finally, using again (C5) we have an equality

π(c+)( [e ,b+],a+ )= c+, [a+, [e ,b+]] + [[e ,b+],a+] , h − i h − − i and from TD = 0 we conclude

I + J + K = [[e ,a+],b+] + [a+, [e ,b+]] [e , [a+,b+]],c+ , h − − − − i which vanishes by the Jacobi identity (property (C1)).  The algebraic Bianchi identity (3.30) for torsion-free generalized connections is a remarkable property, as their construction typically involves standard connections with skew-torsion in the tangent bundle of M. Recall from Proposition 3.20 that a torsionful connection on a manifold satisfies complicated Bianchi identities which involve first-order derivatives of its torsion, as well as quadratic terms in H. To illustrate this, we compare now the generalized curvature operator in Example 3.23 with the curvature of the torsionful generalized connection DB in Example 3.16. Proposition 3.25. Given a generalized metric on E, let DB denote the associated Gualtieri-Bismut connectionG in Example 3.16. One has

π ±B (σ X, σ Y )σ Z = Rm±(X, Y )Z, RD ± ∓ ± ∼ 3.5. GENERALIZED RICCI CURVATURE 49 where Rm± denotes the curvature of the standard Bismut connection in (3.22).

Proof. The proof follows as an exercise from Example 3.16. 

3.5. Generalized Ricci curvature Different approaches to the definition of the generalized Ricci tensor and scalar curvature can be found in [23, 53, 70, 86, 109, 151, 152] (see also references therein). In [53, 69, 110, 152] the authors gave a treatment of generalized con- nections and curvature and their relationship to supergravity theories. To proceed with our approach to the Ricci tensor in generalized geometry following [70], we introduce next the definition of Ricci tensor for a metric-compatible generalized connection.

Definition 3.26. Let be a generalized metric on E. The Ricci tensors G cD± Γ(V ∗ V ∗) of a generalized metric-compatible connection D ( ) are definedR ∈ by ∓ ⊗ ± ∈ D G

c± (a ,b ) = tr(e ± (e ,a )b ), R D ∓ ± ± → RD ± ∓ ± for e Γ(V ). ± ∈ ±

Our next result investigates the variation of the Ricci tensors when we de- form a torsion-free generalized connection in ( ), while preserving the pure-type condition of the torsion and the divergence (seeD G Definition 2.44).

Proposition 3.27. Let ( , div) be a pair given by a generalized metric and a G divergence operator on E. Let D,D′ ( ) with divergence div = div = div ′ . ∈ D G D D If TD = 0 and TD′ is of pure-type then cD± = cD±′ . In particular, cD± = cD±′ 0 R R R R for any pair D,D′ ( , div) (see (3.20)). ∈ D G

+ Proof. Without loss of generality we will argue for c , since the case − R D RD is analogous. Setting χ = D′ D, the condition divD = divD′ combined with TD′ being of pure-type imply that−

+ χ = χ + χ−, where (see (3.17))

3 χ± = χ0± + σ± Σ0± Λ (V ). ∈ ⊕ ± 50 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

+ n Let ei i=1 an orthonormal frame for V+. Given e Γ(V ) we calculate { } ± ∈ ± (3.31) n + + + + c ′ (a ,b+)= ei , R ′ (ei ,a )b+ R D − h D − i i=1 X n + + + + + = cD(a ,b+)+ ei ,χ + (Da− b+) Da− (χ + b+) χ + b+ R − h ei − ei − [ei ,a−]+ i i=1 Xn + + + + + = cD(a ,b+)+ χ + ei ,Da− b+ + χ + b+,Da− ei R − − h ei i h ei i i=1 X  + + + + + ιπ(a−)d χ + ei ,b+ χ + ei ,b+ h ei i − h [a−,ei ]+ i n  + + + + + = cD(a ,b+)+ χ + b+, [a ,ei ] χ + ei ,b+ , R − h ei − i − h [a−,ei ]+ i i=1   Xn + + + + + = cD(a ,b+)+ (χ0 )e+ b+, [a ,ei ]+ (χ0 )[a ,e+] ei ,b+ R − h i − i − h − i + i i=1 X   n + + 3 where have used i=1 χ + ei = 0, Lemma 3.11, and that σ± Λ V . To conclude, ei ∈ ± given x M and a V x, using the previous formula we shall prove that ∈ P− ∈ −| + + c ′ (a ,b+)= c (a ,b+), R D − R D − + + and hence the statement will follow since cD′ and cD are bilinear. For this, we construct a special orthonormal frame in orderR to evaluateR formula (3.31). Choose + + an orthonormal frame ei around x for V+ which satisfies Da− ei = 0 at x. This frame can constructed{ } by smooth extension of the parallel transport for the connection D+ along a curve starting at x with initial velocity π(a ). The proof − + − + now follows from the previous formula, using that [a ,ei ]+ = Da− ei . The last part of the statement follows from Lemma 3.9. − 

Definition 3.28. Let ( , div) be a generalized metric and a divergence operator div on the exact CourantG algebroid E. The Ricci tensorsG

c± Γ(V ∗ V ∗) R ∈ ∓ ⊗ ± of the pair ( , div) are defined by c± = cD± for any choice of generalized con- nection D G ( , div). This is well-definedR R by Proposition 3.27. ∈ D G In the next result we calculate the variation of the Ricci tensors c± when we fix the generalized metric and vary the divergence operator div. RecallR from Definition 2.46 that a generalizedG metric has an associated Riemannian divergence divG.

Lemma 3.29. Let ( , div) be a pair as in Definition 3.28. Denote divG div = e, , for e Γ(E). Then,G setting e = π e, we have − h ·i ∈ ± ± + + c ( , div)(a ,b+)= c ( , divG )(a ,b+) [e+,a ],b+ , R G − R G − − h − i c−( , div)(a+,b )= c−( , divG )(a+,b ) [e ,a+],b . R G − R G − − h − −i 3.5. GENERALIZED RICCI CURVATURE 51

+ 0 Proof. We argue for c , as the other case is symmetric. Let D ( , divG) R + ∈ D G and D ( , div) as in Lemma 3.17. Let e n be an orthonormal frame for ∈ D G { i }i=1 V+. Then, + c ( , div)(a ,b+) R G − + = c (a ,b+) R D − + = c 0 (a ,b+) R D − n 1 + e+ 0 0 e+ e+ + + + + ei , (χ+ )e (Da− b+) Da− ((χ+ )e b+) (χ+ )[e ,a ] b+ n 1 h i − i − i − + i − i=1 X n + 1 + + = c ( , divG)(a ,b+)+ χ + ei , [a ,b+]+ R G − n 1 − h ei − i i=1 − X  e+ + e+ + e+ + + + + + (χ+ )e b+, [a ,ei ]+ + ιπ(a−)d (χ+ )e ei ,b+ + (χ+ )[a ,e ] ei ,b+ h i − i h i i h − i + i +  = c ( , divG)(a ,b+) e+, [a ,b+] + ιπ(a )d e+,b+ + C R G − − h − i − h i + = c ( , divG)(a ,b+)+ [a ,e+],b+ + C, R G − h − i where n 1 e+ + e+ + C = (χ+ )e+ b+, [a ,ei ]+ + (χ+ )[a ,e+] ei ,b+ . n 1 h i − i h − i + i i=1 − X   Arguing as in the proof of Proposition 3.27, we can now choose a point x M and + + ∈ ei which satisfies [a ,ei ]+ = 0 at x. Thus, C = 0 and the statement follows from{ } axiom (5) in Definition− 2.8. 

Our next result provides an explicit formula for the Ricci tensors c± associated to a pair ( , div). We follow the notation in Definition 2.46 and LemmaR 3.29. G Proposition 3.30. Let ( , div) be a pair as in Definition 3.28. Denote divG div = G − e, , and set ϕ = g(πe , ) T ∗. Then, one has h ·i ± ± · ∈ + 1 2 1 + c (σ X, σ+Y )= Rc H d∗H + ϕ+ (X, Y ), (3.32) R − −4 − 2 ∇  1 2 1  c−(σ+X, σ Y )= Rc H + d∗H −ϕ (X, Y ). R − −4 2 − ∇ −   Proof. First, observe that c±( , divG) = c±B by Proposition 3.27. Now, R G R D by Proposition 3.25 we have that cD±B can be identified with the Ricci tensor for the classical Bismut connection inR (3.22). More precisely, we have

1 2 1 c±B (σ X, σ Y )= Rc H d∗H (X, Y ). R D ∓ ± −4 ∓ 2 Applying now Lemma 3.29, we obtain 

c±(σ X, σ Y ) := c±( , div)(σ X, σ Y ) R ∓ ± R G ∓ ± 1 2 1 = Rc H d∗H (X, Y ) [e , σ X], σ Y . −4 ∓ 2 − h ± ∓ ± i The statement follows from  1 [e , σ X], σ Y = σ ± (g− ϕ ), σ Y h ± ∓ ± i − h ±∇X ± ± i 1 = g( ± (g− ϕ ), Y )= ( ±ϕ )(X, Y ). ∓ ∇X ± ∓ ∇ ± 52 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

We leave as an exercise to recover formula (3.32) by taking traces in (3.29), when e T ∗.  ∈ The Ricci tensors c± of a pair ( , div) can be assembled naturally into an endomorphism of E, whichR we will callG the generalized Ricci tensor. Definition 3.31. Given a pair ( , div) as in Definition 3.28, define the gener- alized Ricci tensor via G + c( , div) = c c− End(E), R G R − R ∈ where c± = c±( , div) are regarded as maps c± : V V ∗ ∼= V using the inducedR metricR on VG . R ∓ → ± ± ± Recall the compatibility condition for pairs ( , div) introduced in Definition G 2.52, which states that e Γ(E), defined by e, = divG div, is an infinitesimal isometry of , that is, ∈ h i − G [e, ]=0. G so Our next result proves that the generalized Ricci tensor is an element of (E) ∼= Λ2E End(E) if and only if ( , div) is a compatible pair. This structural property of the⊂ Ricci tensor in generalizedG geometry is strongly reminiscent of the symmetric property of the Ricci tensor in Riemannian geometry. In particular, it implies that the two Ricci tensors c± contain the same information and, furthermore, that we can regard c( , div)R as a tangent vector to the space of generalized metrics (see Lemma 2.31).R G This is the basic principle which will allow us to define the generalized Ricci flow in the next chapter. Lemma 3.32. Let ( , div) be as in Definition 3.28. Then, we have G c( , div) = c( , div) . G ◦ R G −R G ◦ G Furthermore, c( , div) so(E) R G ∈ if and only if ( , div) is a compatible pair in the sense of Definition 2.52. G Proof. The first part of the statement follows directly by Definition 3.31 and Lemma 2.32. As for the second part, identify V = T via the anchor map π. Regard ± ∼ c± T ∗ T ∗ and consider the decomposition c± = h± + k± into symmetric Rand skew-symmetric∈ ⊗ parts. Then, the property cR( , div) so(E) is equivalent to R G ∈ + + (3.33) h = h−, k = k−. − Using formula (3.32) it follows immediately that c( , divG ) so(E). Finally, setting c := c( , div), Lemma 3.29 implies that R G ∈ R R G c(a),b + a, c(b) hR i h R i + + = c (a ,b+)+ c (b ,a+) c−(a+,b ) c−(b+,a ) R − R − − R − − R − = [e+,a ],b+ [e+,b ],a+ + [e ,a+],b + [e ,b+],a − h − i − h − i h − −i h − −i = [e+,a ],b+ [e+,b ],a+ + [e,a+],b + [e,b+],a − h − i − h − i h −i h −i [e+,a+],b [e+,b+],a − h −i − h −i = [e+,a ],b+ [e+,b ],a+ + [e,a+],b + [e,b+],a − h − i − h − i h −i h −i + a+, [e+,b ] + b+, [e+,a ] h − i h − i = [e,a+],b + [e,b+],a . h −i h −i 3.6. GENERALIZED SCALAR CURVATURE 53 and therefore c so(E) if and only if [e, ] = 0.  R ∈ G

Remark 3.33. By Lemma 3.32, the generalized Ricci tensor c( , divG ) as- sociated naturally to a generalized metric is an element in so(RE).G From the classical point of view, this tensor incorporatesG the Ricci curvatures of both Bismut connections (associated to H). The more general quantity c( , div) considered here, with varying divergence± operator div, plays an importantR roleG in the interplay between the generalized Ricci flow and pluriclosed flow in Chapter 9, as well as T-duality in Chapter 10. Remark 3.34. When the divergence div in Proposition 3.30 is such that e = 4df, for some smooth function f (so that ϕ+ = ϕ = 2df), the pair ( , div) is automatically compatible (see Proposition 2.53).− In− this case, the two naturalG quantities h and k which arise from the generalized Ricci tensor agree exactly with the leading order term in α′ expansion of the so-called β-functions for the graviton and fields in the sigma model approach to type II string theory [34]. This establishes an identification between the 1-loop renormalization group flow of this physical theory and the generalized Ricci flow in the next chapter.

3.6. Generalized scalar curvature In this section we define a notion of scalar curvature in generalized geometry, following the approach from [53, 70], using Dirac operators and their associated Lichnerowicz formulae. Throughout this section we will assume that the smooth manifold M is endowed with a spin structure. This assumption can be removed either working locally, or considering the approach to the generalized scalar curva- ture in [152] via the Schr¨odinger-type operator introduced in [138] (see (6.1)). Let be a generalized metric on an exact Courant algebroid E. G Let CL(V+) and CL(V ) denote the bundles of complex Clifford algebras of V+ and V , respectively, defined− by the relation − (3.34) v v = v, v · h i for v V , and , given by the restriction of the neutral pairing to V . Via the isometries∈ ±π : V h i (T, g), where g is the Riemannian metric associated± to , we can fix complex± → bundles± S for the orthogonal bundles V . We assumeG that ± ± S+ (resp. S ) is associated to the fixed spin principal bundle given by the spin structure on−M, for a choice of irreducible representation of the complex Clifford n n algebra on n-dimensional (R ,g0) (resp. (R , g0)) (see [120], and note the different convention for the relation (3.34) in the Cliffor− d algebra). In order to define the generalized scalar curvature, we need to further study the Koszul-type formula in Lemma 3.11. The freedom in the construction of a torsion- free generalized connection compatible with the generalized metric corresponds to the choice of pure-type operators G

+ D+ : Γ(V+) Γ(V+∗ V+),D− : Γ(V ) Γ(V ∗ V ). → ⊗ − − → − ⊗ − We define next a pair of Dirac-type operators which are independent of these choices, once we fix a divergence operator div on E (see Lemma 3.9). For any choice of such connection, and via the isometries π : V (T,g), the operators D± can be identified with standard metric connections on± (T,g→ ) and induce canonically± 54 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE spin connections

S+ S− (3.35) D+ : Γ(S+) Γ(V+∗ S+),D : Γ(S ) Γ(V ∗ S ). → ⊗ − − → − ⊗ − Recall that we denote by 0( ) the space of torsion-free generalized connections compatible with , while D0( G, div) 0( ) denotes the subspace compatible with a given divergenceG operatorD div.G ⊂ D G Definition 3.35. With the assumptions above, given a generalized connection D 0( ), define a pair of Dirac-type operators ∈ D G + D/ : Γ(S+) Γ(S+), D/ − : Γ(S ) Γ(S ), → − → − given explicitly by n S ± ± D/ α = ei± D ± α, · ei i=1 X n for α Γ(S ), and a choice of orthonormal ei± i=1 of V , i.e. such that ∈ ± { } ± e±,e± = δ . i j ± ij + Lemma 3.36. The Dirac operators D/ and D/ − are independent of the choice of generalized connection D 0( , div). ∈ D G Proof. Let D ( , div) and consider a torsion-free -compatible general- ∈ D G 0 G ized connection D′ = D + χ ( ) with ∈ D G + + χ = χ + χ− Σ Σ−. ∈ ⊕ Using the decomposition in (3.18) there exists e Γ(V ) such that ± ∈ ± e± χ± = χ0± + χ . ± Then, we obtain

divD′ = div (n 1) e+, (n 1) e , − − h ·i − − h − ·i 3 and therefore divD′ = div implies e+ = e = 0. Define σ Γ(Λ E∗) by − ∈ σ(e ,e ,e )= χ e ,e , 1 2 3 h e1 2 3i and note that the total skew-symmetrization c.p.(σ) vanishes, since D′ and D are + torsion-free. Decomposing σ = σ + σ− in pure-types, the result follows from 1 D/ ′± = D/ ± c.p.(σ±)= D/ ±. − 2 

Remark 3.37. In [70], the canonical Dirac operators D/ ± are defined using twisted spinor bundles (for a choice of root of det S∗ ). This twist is required to ± ensure a canonical choice of the spin connections DS± on more general Courant algebroids, but it is not necessary in our setting. ± 1/3 Consider the metric connections ± and ± on (T, g) associated to the ∇ ∇ ± generalized metric , as in Example 3.16. We will abuse notation and let ± 1/3 G ∇ and ± also denote the spin connections induced on a given spinor bundle for ∇ 1/3 g. Furthermore, by / ± we mean the cubic Dirac operator, that is, the Dirac ± ∇ 1/3 operator associated to ± . We will use the following Lichnerowicz-type formula for the cubic Dirac operator∇ due to Bismut [18] (see also [1, Theorem 6.2]). Note the different sign convention for the Clifford algebra relations (3.34). 3.6. GENERALIZED SCALAR CURVATURE 55

Lemma 3.38. The spinor Laplacian ( ±)∗ ± and the square of the cubic Dirac 1/3 2 ∇ ∇ operator / ± are related by ∇   2 1/3 1 1 2 / ± ( ±)∗ ± = R H . ∇ − ∇ ∇ ∓4 ± 48| |   The following lemma provides the structural property for the definition of the generalized scalar curvatures. Observe that the canonical mixed-type operators associated to in Lemma 3.11 induce canonical spin connections as in (3.35) G S+ S− D : Γ(S+) Γ(V ∗ S+),D+ : Γ(S ) Γ(V+∗ S ). − → − ⊗ − → ⊗ − We follow the notation in Definition 2.46, Lemma 3.29, and Lemma 3.36. Proposition 3.39. Let ( , div) be a pair given by a generalized metric and G G a divergence operator div on the exact Courant algebroid E. Denote divG div = − e, , and set ϕ = g(πe , ) T ∗. Then, for any spinor η Γ(S ) one has h ·i ± ± · ∈ ∈ ± S 2 D/ ± η DS± ∗DS± η ± − ∓ ∓ (3.36)     1 1 2 2 = R H 2d∗ϕ ϕ +2dϕ 4 g±−1ϕ η. ∓ 4 − 12| | ∓ ± − | ±| ± ± ∇ ± ! Proof. We derive a formula for 2 + S+ S+ ∗ S+ := D/ + D D , S − − −     + using Lemma 3.38. A similare formula for −, defined as replacing + by , follows from the analogue of Lemma 3.38 forS the opposite CliffordS algebra relations−

(3.34). Via the isommetry π V+ : V+ (T,g),e we have | → 2 + = / + ∗ + S ∇ − ∇ ∇     acting on sections of the fixede spinore bundle for g, where is as in (3.28): ∇ +1/3 1 1 X Y = Y + (g(X, Y )g− ϕ+ ϕe+(Y )X). ∇ ∇X n 1 − − Let e1,...,ene be a local orthonormal frame for (T,g). An endomorphism A End({T ) satisfies} ∈ n A = g(Ae ,e )ei e , i j ⊗ j i,j=1 X j i j so 1 for e the dual frame of ej . Since e ej e ei (T ) embeds as 2 ej ei in the{ Clifford} bundle Cl(T ),{ an} endomorphism⊗ −A so⊗(T )∈ corresponds to ∈ 1 A = g(Ae ,e )e e Cl(T ). 4 i j j i ∈ i,j X Then, given a local spinor η, we have 1 η = +1/3η + ϕ (e )e e η ei ϕ (e )e e η ej ∇ ∇ 4(n 1) + j j i ⊗ − + i j i ⊗ i,j − X e 56 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE and hence,

+1/3 1 / η = / η + ϕ (e )e e e η ϕ (e )e e e η ∇ ∇ 4(n 1) + j i j i − + i j j i i,j − X e +1/3 1 = / η + ϕ (e )(2δ e e )e η ϕ (e )e η ∇ 4(n 1) + j ij − j i i − + i i i,j − X +1/3 1 = / η ϕ η. ∇ − 2 + From this, we calculate

2 +1/3 2 1 1 1 / η = / η e +1/3(ϕ η) ϕ e +1/3η + ϕ 2η ∇ ∇ − 2 j∇ej + − 2 + j ∇ej 4| +| j j     X X e +1/3 2 1 1 1 = / η e ( +1/3ϕ )η (e ϕ + ϕ e ) +1/3η + ϕ 2η ∇ − 2 j ∇ej + − 2 j + + j ∇ej 4| +| j j   X X 2 +1/3 1 +1/3 +1/3 1 2 = / η (ie ϕ+)ej ekη −1 η + ϕ+ η, ∇ − 2 k ∇ej − ∇g ϕ+ 4| |   Xj,k 2 +1/3 1 1 1 2 = / η + (d∗ϕ )η (dϕ )η + ϕ η ∇ 2 + − 2 + 4| +|  1  1 H(e ,g− ϕ ,e )e e η −1 η − 12 j + k j k − ∇g ϕ+ Xj,k 1 1 H(g− ϕ ,e ,e )e e η − 24 + j k k j Xj,k 2 +1/3 1 1 1 2 + = / η + (d∗ϕ+)η (dϕ+)η + ϕ+ η −1 η, ∇ 2 − 2 4| | − ∇g ϕ+   j j where we used that e α+αe =2α(ej ) for any α T ∗, combined with the standard formulae ∈

d∗α = i α, − ej ∇ej j X α(e ,e )= 1 dα(e ,e )+ 1 (i α + i α). ∇ j k 2 j k 2 ek ∇ej ej ∇ek The proof follows now from Lemma 3.38. 

Observe that the right hand side of (3.36) defines a differential operator of order 1 acting on . The degree zero part of this operator has a scalar component and a component of degree two, the latter given by dϕ . If we insist in defining a scalar out of (3.36), there are two natural conditions∓ forced± upon us. The first condition is that ±−1 is a natural operator, depending only on ( , div), so ∓∇g ϕ± G that it can be absorbed in the left hand side of (3.36). This is achieved provided that πe = 0, which implies ϕ+ = ϕ and (see Lemma 3.11 and Proposition 3.14) − − S± ±−1 = ±−1 De . ∇g ϕ± −∇g ϕ∓ ≡− ∓ Given this, the second condition is that e = ϕ T ∗ satisfies dϕ = 0. As observed in [70], this pair of conditions relate naturally∈ to the theory of Dirac generating operators on Courant algebroids introduced in [3, 150]. 3.6. GENERALIZED SCALAR CURVATURE 57

Definition 3.40. Let ( , div) be a pair given by a generalized metric and a divergence operator div on theG exact Courant algebroid E. We say that ( G, div) is G closed if e Γ(E), defined by divG div = e, , satisfies πe = 0 and de = 0. ∈ − h ·i By Proposition 2.53, it follows immediately that if ( , div) is closed, then it is a compatible pair in the sense of Definition 2.52. We areG ready to introduce our definition of the scalar curvatures for a closed pair ( , div). G Definition 3.41. Let ( , div) be a closed pair on the exact Courant algebroid E. The generalized scalar curvatureG

= ( , div) C∞(M) S S G ∈ of the pair ( , div) is defined by G + := − S S − S where C∞(M) are defined by the following Lichnerowicz type formulae S± ∈ 2 1 + S+ S+ ∗ S+ S+ := D/ + D D De , −2S − − − − − (3.37) 2 1  S−  S  S / − ∗ − S− − := D D+ D+ De+ . −2S − − − This is well-defined by Lemma 3.11, Lemma 3.36, and Proposition 3.39 Remark 3.42. More explicitly, if ( , div) is a closed pair and we denote G divG div = ϕ, , for a closed one-form ϕ Γ(T ∗), one has − h i ∈ 1 2 1 2 (3.38) = R H d∗ϕ ϕ . S − 12| | − − 4| | An important fact that we will use later in 3.7 is that ( , div) does not coincide § S G with the trace of the Ricci tensors c± in (3.32). Note also that we can regard (3.37) as a local formula on M, soR that there is no obstruction for the existence of the spinor bundles. Therefore we can define the generalized scalar curvature for exact Courant algebroids over any smooth manifold. Remark 3.43. When the divergence div in Proposition 3.30 is such that e = 4df, for some smooth function f (so that ϕ+ = ϕ =2df), the generalized scalar curvature is given by − − 1 (3.39) = R H 2 + 4∆f 4 f 2, S − 12| | − |∇ | 2 where ∆f = d∗df = tr f. Formula (3.39) agrees exactly with the leading − g ∇ order term in α′ expansion of the so-called β-function for the dilaton field in the sigma model approach to type II string theory [34] (cf. Remark 3.34). We finish this section with an alternative point of view on the Ricci tensor, using the canonical Dirac operators as above (formula (3.40) below corrects a factor of two in the statement of [70, Lemma 4.7], taking into account the different normalization for the Dirac operators).

Lemma 3.44. Assume that M is positive-dimensional. Let V+ E be a gener- alized metric and let div be a divergence operator on E. Then the generalized⊂ Ricci tensors in Definition 3.28 can be calculated by

r± 1 S / ± S± S± / ± ± (3.40) ιa∓ c± η = D Da∓ Da∓ D ei± D ± η, ± 2 R · − − · [ei ,a∓]∓ i=1  X  58 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE where η Γ(S ) and a Γ(V ). ∈ ± ∓ ∈ ∓ Proof. We give a complete proof for c+, as the other case is symmetric. It is easy to see that the right hand side ofR (3.40) is tensorial in a Γ(V ). + ∓ ∈ ∓ To evaluate (3.40), we choose an orthogonal frame ei for V+ around x M + { } ∈ which satisfies Da− ei = 0 at the point x. This frame can constructed as in the proof of Proposition 3.27, by smooth extension of the parallel transport for the V -connection D+ along a curve starting at x with initial velocity π(a ). With the conventions− above− we have − r± S / ± ± [D ,Da− ]η ei± D ± η − · [ei ,a∓]∓ x  i=1 | Xn + + + + = ei (De Da− Da− De D[e ,a ])η · i − i − i − i=1 Xn + + + = ei (ei ,a ) η · RD − · i=1 X = 1 tr(d+ + (d+,a )) η 2 → RD − · 1 + + + + + + + (c.p.ijk (ei ,a )ej ,e )ei ej e η, − 2 hRD − k i · · k · i

EH(g)= Rg dVg, ZM is a second order diffeomorphism invariant functional, whose critical points in the Riemannian setting, n 3, satisfy Rc 0, and are dubbed Einstein metrics. This functional and the≥ attendant Einstein≡ metrics were discovered in the early 3.7. GENERALIZED EINSTEIN-HILBERT FUNCTIONAL 59

20th century and have played a central role in the development of Riemannian geometry and . By means of our analysis in generalized geometry we will introduce a more general, flexible class of metrics which can yield useful geometric structure on a wider class of manifolds. To begin we consider a certain generalization of the Einstein-Hilbert functional for generalized metrics. Definition 3.46. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid on an oriented smooth manifold M. Define the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional for a generalized metric via G ( ) := ( )dV = R 1 H 2 dV . EH G S G g g − 12 | |g g ZM ZM  Here we abuse of the notation and denote ( ) := ( , divG) (see Definition 3.41). As we show in the next proposition, theS criticalG pointS G equation is naturally expressed in terms of the generalized scalar curvature ( ) and the generalized S G Ricci tensor c( ) := c( , divG) (see Definition 3.31). R G R G Proposition 3.47. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over an oriented smooth manifold M n, with n 3. A generalized metric on E is a critical point for the generalized Einstein-Hilbert≥ functional if and onlyG if c( )= 1 ( ) . GR G 2 S G G Equivalently, in terms of the associated pair (g,H), the critical points of the func- tional are given by solutions of the equation Rc+ 1 Rg 1 H 2 g =0. − 2 − 12 | | Proof. The proof involves computing variation formulas for the different pieces of the integrand, and these are carried out in 5.1 below. Specifically, using Lemmas 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, and applying the divergence§ theorem one derives d (g ,b )= ( ∆ tr h + div div h h, Rc ) ds EH s s { − g − h i s=0 ZM

1 2 H,dK 3 h,H2 + R 1 H 2 1 tr h dV − 12 h i− − 12 | | 2 g g 1 2 1 1 2 3  o = h, Rc + 4 H + 2 R 12 H g 2 d∗H,K dVg. M − − | | − h i Z nD   E o Thus this variation vanishes for all choices of (h,K) if and only if

1 2 1 1 2 Rc H R H g =0, d∗H =0. − 4 − 2 − 12 | |   The first part of the statement follows combining Proposition 3.30, equation (3.38), and Lemma 2.33. As for the second part, by Proposition 3.18, the vanishing of d∗H is equivalent to vanishing of the skew-symmetric part of Rc+. We reinterpret the scalar piece of the first equation in terms of the Bismut scalar curvature to obtain the equivalent equation Rc+ 1 Rg 1 H 2 g =0, − 2 − 12 | | as required.  60 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

Observe the strong analogy between the critical point equation for this func- tional, formulated in the generalized geometry language, and the classical Einstein equation. While these generalized Einstein metrics are of interest, it turns out to be more useful to adopt a more flexible functional, where we allow for the divergence operator to vary independent of the generalized metric. Following the definition of the scalar curvature in Definition 3.41, we introduce the class of compatible pairs ( , div) of main interest. G Definition 3.48. Let ( , div) be a pair given by a generalized metric and a divergence operator div on anG exact Courant algebroid E. We say that ( G, div) is G exact if e Γ(E), defined by divG div = e, , satisfies πe = 0 and e = 2df for ∈ − h ·i some smooth function f C∞(M). ∈ Being a special case of the closed pairs in Definition 3.40, an exact pair ( , div) is automatically compatible in the sense of Definition 2.52. Exact pairs areG closely related to the notion of density in the smooth manifold M. For our purposes it will be sufficient to assume that the manifold M is orientable and deal with the case of volume forms. Given a volume form µ on M, there is an associated divergence operator on the exact Courant algebroid E defined by (cf. 2.46) L µ divµ(e)= πe . µ Given now a generalized metric on E we can write G f µ = e− dVg for some smooth function f C∞(M), and therefore we obtain ∈ µ divG (e′) div (e′)= π(e′)f = 2df, e′ − h i µ for any e′ Γ(E). Therefore ( , div ) is exact. Conversely, any exact pair ( , div) is of the form∈ div = divµ, forG some volume form µ uniquely determined upG to a positive multiplicative constant. Definition 3.49. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid on an oriented smooth manifold M. Define the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional for exact pairs ( , divµ) via G ( , divµ)= ( , divµ)µ EH G S G (3.41) ZM 1 2 2 f = R H + 2∆ f f e− dV . − 12| |g g − |∇ |g g ZM   The last explicit formula in (3.41) follows directly from (3.38) taking ϕ =2df. Using the identity f f 2 f ∆ (e− )= e− f e− ∆ f g |∇ |g − g and integration by parts, we obtain the more amenable formula

µ 1 2 2 f (3.42) ( , div )= R H + f e− dV . EH G − 12| | |∇ |g g ZM   This functional is known in the mathematical physics literature as the low energy string effective action in the sigma model approach to type II string theory [34]. It will play a key role as an energy functional for the generalized Ricci flow in Chapter 6. 3.7. GENERALIZED EINSTEIN-HILBERT FUNCTIONAL 61

Theorem 3.50. Given E an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth manifold M of dimension n 3. Then, an exact pair ( , divµ) is a critical point for the generalized Einstein-Hilbert≥ functional if and onlyG if (3.43) c( , divµ)=0, ( , divµ)=0. R G S G Proof. We postpone the proof of the variation until Lemma 6.7, and apply µs formula (6.6) directly. Let ( s, div ) be a curve of exact pairs. In terms of the G µs classical data (gs,bs,µs) given by ( s, div ) (see Lemma 2.33 and Proposition 2.38) we have G ∂ ∂ ∂ g = h, b = k, µ = ( 1 tr h φ)µ. ∂s s ∂s s ∂s s 2 g − s=0 s=0 s=0 µs Thus, the tangent vector to ( s , div ) at s = 0 is given by (see Lemma 2.31) G ∂ ( , divµs ) = ( Φ, d(2φ tr h)). ∂s Gs G − − g s=0

Applying formula (6.6) and formula (3.32),

d µs 1 2 2 1 ( , div )= Rc + H f,h + ( d∗H fyH) , k ds EH Gs − 4 − ∇ 2 − − ∇ s=0 ZM  1 2 2 1 f + R H + 2∆f f tr h φ e− dV − 12 | | − |∇ | 2 g − g  f 1  fi = c, Φ e− dV + tr h φ e− dV , hR G i g S 2 g − g ZM ZM and hence the statement follows.   It is not difficult to see that any critical point of the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional on a compact manifold has necessarily vanishing three-form H = 0 and constant f. This follows taking the trace in the Ricci tensor Rc+ and comparing with the formula for the generalized scalar curvature (see the proof of [70, Propo- sition 5.8]). Thus, Ricci flat and scalar flat pairs ( , divµ) reduce to the classical Einstein metrics on a compact manifold. The situationG is more interesting if we consider solutions of (3.43) for closed pairs ( , div), as in Definition 3.40, rather than exact, as illustrated in the next example.G Example 3.51. Consider the compact four-dimensional manifold M = S3 S1. We use the Lie group structure given by identifying × M = SU(2) U(1). ∼ × Consider generators for the Lie algebra su(2) R = e ,e ,e ,e , ⊕ h 1 2 3 4i such that de1 = e23, de2 = e31, de3 = e12, de4 =0, j j ij i j for e the dual basis, satisfying e (ek)= δjk, and the notation e = e e and similarly.{ } We take k R and define a left-invariant three-form ∧ ∈ H = ke123. − This corresponds to a constant multiple of the pull-back of the Cartan three-form on the SU(2) factor, and hence it is bi-invariant and closed. Thus, it defines an equivariant exact Courant algebroid on E = T T ∗, with Dorfman bracket twisted ⊕ 62 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE by H. To define a closed pair ( , div), we fix x R a non-zero constant, and define the bi-invariant metric G ∈ g = k(e1 e1 + e2 e2 + e3 e3 + x2e4 e4), ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ and the closed form ϕ = xe4. − Then we define our pair ( , div) taking the generalized metric determined by g and the standard isotropicG splitting T E, and the divergence G ⊂ div = divG ϕ, . −h i We leave as an exercise to check that this pair satisfies the equations (3.43). As a hint, observe that g is the product of invariant metrics on the simple group SU(2) and the Abelian group U(1). Then, arguing as in Proposition 3.53 below it follows that ± are flat. Thus, (3.43) reduces to check that (see (3.32) and (3.38)) ∇ 1 2 1 2 ±ϕ =0, H d∗ϕ ϕ =0. ∇ 6| | − − 4| | As we will see in Chapter 6, by considering variations of which fix a back- ground volume element, the critical point equation no longerEH includes the scalar curvature vanishing, and we obtain an Euler equation determined only by the vanishing of the generalized Ricci tensor. We thus adopt the following general definition: Definition 3.52. Given an exact Courant algebroid E over a smooth manifold M n, we say that a generalized metric , with compatible divergence operator div, is generalized Einstein if G c( , div) = 0. R G It is elementary to see that a special case of such metrics occurs for ( , divG), where the associated pair (g,H) has vanishing classical Bismut Ricci tensor.G To finish this section we give examples of generalized Einstein metrics. A basic source of Einstein metrics in Riemannian geometry arises from the famous uni- formization theorem. This classical result classifies complete metrics with constant sectional curvature, showing they are all quotients of the three classical model spaces n n of the round sphere (S ,gSn ), the flat Euclidean plane (R ,gEucl) and hyperbolic n space (H ,gHyp). In generalized geometry, the presence of torsion gives a wider class of examples. In the examples below we will always have div = divG, so that the generalized Einstein equation reduces to asking for the classical Bismut Ricci tensor to vanish, which will in particular be satisfied when the Bismut connection is flat. We begin with the explicit construction of flat generalized metrics on simple Lie groups. Proposition 3.53. Let G be a Lie group with bi-invariant metric g. Define connections ± as the unique metric connections with torsion T (X, Y )= [X, Y ], ∇ ± acting on left-invariant vector fields. Then ± are flat. ∇ Proof. Recall that left-invariant vector fields on a Lie group with bi-invariant metric g satisfy g([X, Y ],Z)= g(X, [Y,Z]). 3.7. GENERALIZED EINSTEIN-HILBERT FUNCTIONAL 63

Using this, a direct calculation shows that the Levi-Civita connection takes the form Y = 1 [X, Y ]. ∇X 2 Furthermore, it follows that the tensor H(X,Y,Z) := g(T (X, Y ),Z) is skew-symmetric, since it is obviously skew-symmetric in X and Y , while H(X,Z,Y )= g(T (X,Z), Y )= g([X,Z], Y ) ± = g([Z,X], Y )= g(Z, [X, Y ]) = H(X,Y,Z). ∓ ∓ − Thus we can express the connection with torsion T as 1 1 1 ± Y,Z = Y,Z + H(X,Y,Z)= [X, Y ],Z [X, Y ],Z . ∇X h∇X i 2 2 h i± 2 h i + It is clear that X− Y,Z vanishes identically, and is thus flat. For , this formula easily yields ∇ ∇

R(X, Y )Z = ( Z) ( Z) Z ∇X ∇Y − ∇Y ∇X − ∇[X,Y ] = [Y,Z] [X,Z] [[X, Y ],Z] ∇X − ∇Y − = [X, [Y,Z]] [Y, [X,Z]] [[X, Y ],Z] − − = 0, by the Jacobi identity. 

We next give the classification of generalized Riemannian metrics with vanish- ing Bismut curvature. As discussed above, this result was originally established in the work of Cartan-Schouten [37, 36], who proved a more general statement classifying Riemannian manifolds admitting an absolute parallelism. More recently a short proof of this theorem which does not rely on the classification of symmet- ric spaces was given by Agricola-Friedrich [2]. We provide an adaptation of their proof in our setting which is significantly simplified due to the fact that we already assume the torsion is skew-symmetric and closed. Theorem 3.54. Let (M n,g,H) be a complete simply-connected Riemannian manifold with dH = 0 such that the Bismut connection associated to (g,H) is flat. Then (M n,g) is isometric to a product of simple Lie groups with bi-invariant 1 metrics g, and g− H(X, Y )= [X, Y ] on left-invariant vector fields. ± Proof. For convenience we set (σ )(X,Y,Z,U)= H(X, Y ),H(Z,U) . H h i σ(X,Y,ZX ) First note that since the connection is flat, combining (3.24) and (3.26) and using that dH = 0 we obtain (3.44) 0= dH(X,Y,Z,V )= σ (X,Y,Z,U) ( +H)(X,Y,Z). H − ∇U Inserting this identity back into (3.26) yields σH = 0 (Exercise). Comparing against (3.44) we see that +H = 0. A further elementary computation shows + 1 ∇ + that H H = 2 σH = 0, thus H = 0. Having shown H = 0, Proposition 3.18 yields∇ − ∇ ∇ ∇ Rm(X,Y,Z,W )= 1 ( H(X, W ),H(Y,Z) H(Y, W ),H(X,Z) ) 4 h i − h i 64 3. GENERALIZED CONNECTIONS AND CURVATURE

In particular, the sectional curvatures satisfy 1 H(X, Y ) 2 K(X, Y )= | | 0. 4 X 2 Y 2 X, Y 2 ≥ | | | | − h i This implies a splitting of the torsion tensor in the presence of a metric splitting. In particular, if the metric splits as a product M = M1 M2 g = g1 g2, then for × 2 ⊕ Xi TMi unit we obtain 0 = K(X1,X2) = H(X1,X2) , hence H = H1 H2. Thus∈ we may reduce to analyzing the case that| (M,g) is irreducible.| ⊕ Now fix an orthonormal basis ei for some point p M. Since is flat, by parallel transport we can extend this{ to} a global orthonormal∈ frame on∇M. By the identity

[ei,ej]= T + (ei,ej). − ∇ it follows directly that e are Killing fields and also { i} 0= H(e ,e ,e )= e ( [e ,e ],e ), ∇ei j k l − i h j k li in other words the functions [ei,ej ],el are constant. Thus ei are the basis for a Lie algebra. The correspondingh simply-connectedi Lie group{ is} a simple, compact Lie group isometric to (M,g).  We next turn to low dimensional examples, and in the next proposition give a classification of solutions in dimension n = 3. Proposition 3.55. Let (M 3,g,H) be a generalized Einstein three-manifold. 3 Then there exists λ R such that H = λdVg, and (M ,g) is isometric to a space form with either zero∈ sectional curvature if λ =0, and positive sectional curvature otherwise. Proof. From the generalized Einstein equation we know that H is harmonic. But since H Λ3 and M is three-dimensional this means that ∈ 0= d H = d H , ∗ dVg   hence H λ, as claimed. Given this it follows that H2 =2λ2g, and hence by the dVg ≡ vanishing of Rc+ we obtain + 1 2 λ2 Rc = Rc + 4 H = 2 g. Hence g is an Einstein metric. Expressing the Ricci curvature in terms of an orthonormal frame, one observes that R1212 + R1313 = R2121 + R2323 = R3131 + R3232, which implies that R1212 = R1313 = R2323. Since this holds for an arbitrary orthonormal frame it follows that the metric has constant sectional curvature, and so g is a space form, as claimed.  Example 3.56. Note that in the previous proposition that a generalized Ein- stein structure can be associated to a classical Einstein metric with nonzero Einstein 3 constant. In particular, consider the example of (S ,gS3 ), the three sphere with the round metric of constant sectional curvature 1. This metric is Einstein, in g 3 particular Rc S = 2gS3 . Now set H = 2dVg. This is a parallel three-form, and a direct calculation shows that H2 = 8g, and hence it follows that Rc+ 0, and ≡ so the structure (gS3 ,H) is generalized Einstein. This example is actually Bismut flat, and is left-invariant on the Lie group S3, in line with Theorem 3.54. 3.7. GENERALIZED EINSTEIN-HILBERT FUNCTIONAL 65

ni Example 3.57. Given (Mi ,gi,Hi), i = 1, 2 two generalized Einstein struc- tures, we form a product from these structures as follows. First set M = M M , 1 × 2 with canonical projection maps π : M M . We furthermore set g = π∗g + π∗g i → i 1 1 2 2 and H = π1∗H1 + π2∗H2. It is easily checked that this gives another generalized Einstein structure. This allows us to form our first nontrivial example, namely 3 1 1 we take (S ,g 3 , dV ) and (S ,g 1 , 0), both generalized Einstein (see Example S 2 gS3 S 3.56), and so the resulting product structure is a nontrivial generalized Einstein structure. This example plays a central role in the study of generalized Einstein structures in complex geometry, as we will see in Chapter 8. Note also that not 3 1 only is the product metric π1∗gS3 +π2∗gS1 not an Einstein metric, but S S cannot admit any Einstein metric by the Hitchin Thorpe inequality (cf. [98, 177× ]). Question 3.58. A classical result of Alekseevskii-Kimelfeld [4] establishes that a homogeneous Riemannian manifold M = G/K with zero Ricci curvature is locally Euclidean, and so isometric to a product of a Euclidean space with a flat torus. An elementary proof of this fact was given by B´erard-Bergery ([14]) which we briefly recount here. Using Cheeger-Gromoll splitting [43, Theorem 5], the space splits as a product of a compact homogeneous Ricci flat space with a flat Euclidean space. Using the Bochner argument on the compact piece, it follows that all Killing fields are parallel. Thus there is a global parallel frame and so the compact piece is flat. Does this result extend to generalized setting? That is, given (M n,g,H) a homo- geneous Riemannian manifold with H invariant and zero Bismut-Ricci curvature, is the associated Bismut connection flat?


Fundamentals of Generalized Ricci Flow

Having established fundamental properties of generalized geometry, and some basic notions and examples of canonical structures in generalized geometry, it is natural to ask the question, Which manifolds admit canonical generalized geometries, and how can we construct them? As stated this question is quite broad, and we cannot expect satisfying answers without further restrictions. In the context of Riemannian geometry, Hamilton introduced a powerful tool, the Ricci flow, for approaching these questions in a broad, principled, way. Ricci flow is an evolution equation for Riemannian metrics taking the form ∂ g = 2 Rc . ∂t − The basic philosophy underpinning the Ricci flow equation is at once elementary and profound. This equation is meant to be interpreted as a heat equation for Riemannian metrics, where one expects the curvature to smooth out and become in a certain sense uniform, eventually yielding a canonical Riemannian metric, say an Einstein metric, as a limit. The generalized Ricci flow seeks to adapt this same philosophy to the setting of generalized geometry, and can be expressed in the language of generalized geometry as

1 ∂ − = 2 c( ). G ∂tG − R G As we will see, this is a kind of heat equation which deforms generalized metrics, at least in principle, towards a canonical structure, say a generalized Einstein metric. From this basic starting point we will show in the remainder of the text that the generalized Ricci flow equation is rich with geometric structure, broad enough to encompass meaningful geometric and topological questions, and yet tame enough to yield global existence results.

4.1. The equation and its motivation In this section we give various definitions and equivalent formulations of gen- eralized Ricci flow, of increasing conceptual complexity. To begin we give the equations first from the point of view of classical objects in Riemannian geometry.

4.1.1. Classical formulation.

n 3 Definition 4.1. Given M a smooth manifold, H Λ T ∗, dH = 0, we say 0 ∈ 0 that a one-parameter family (gt,bt) of pairs of Riemannian metrics and two forms

67 68 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW is a solution of generalized Ricci flow if, setting H = H0 + dbt, one has

∂ 1 2 g = 2Rc+ 2 H , (4.1) ∂t − ∂ b = d∗H. ∂t − g As discussed in Chapter 3, this system first appeared in physics literature from the study of renormalization group flow [34], with the first mathematical results appearing in [138, 157]. From a naive point of view this flow is a natural coupling of the Ricci flow equation with a degenerate heat equation for a two-form. To get a feeling for the generalized Ricci flow, we recall some basic aspects of parabolic equations. Consider the initial value problem for a section u of some smooth vector bundle E over M with connection , ∇ ∂u = aij (t, x, u, u) u + f(t, x, u, u), (4.2) ∂t ∇ ∇i∇j ∇ u(0) = u0. Here of course the right hand side should be defined by some coordinate invariant operators, and the equation (4.2) is to be interpreted in some coordinate chart. Definition 4.2. The equation (4.2) is parabolic at (u,x,t) if aij (x, t, u, u) > 0 ∇ in the sense of bilinear forms. The standard theory of parabolic partial diffferential equations gives that for any initial data u0 on a compact manifold such that (4.2) is parabolic at all points (u0, x, 0), there exists ǫ> 0 and a solution to (4.2) on [0,ǫ). For more context and further results in these areas we direct the reader to [61, 82, 126]. Due to the issue of gauge invariance, the generalized Ricci flow is not a strictly parabolic equation. However, the resemblance of generalized Ricci flow to a heat equation can be seen in the next lemma.

3 Lemma 4.3. Fix M a smooth manifold, H Λ T ∗, dH = 0, and (g ,b ) 0 ∈ 0 t t a solution of generalized Ricci flow. Assuming dg∗b = 0, in harmonic coordinates centered at a point (p0,t0), the generalized Ricci flow is expressed as ∂ ∂2g g = gkl ij + Q (g,∂g,H ,∂b), ∂t ij ∂xk∂xl 1 0 ∂ ∂2b b = gkl ij + Q (g,∂g,H ,∂b)+ Q (g, b, ∂2g), ∂t ij ∂xk∂xl 2 0 3 where the quantities Qi denote quadratic expressions in the arguments.

Proof. By [143, Lemma 49] we know that at the center of a harmonic coor- dinate chart one has ∂2g Rc = 1 gkl ij + Q(g,∂g) ij − 2 ∂xk∂xl for some quadratic expression Q(g,∂g) in first derivatives of g. As the term H2 in the definition of generalized Ricci flow is expressed as a quadratic in H0 and first 4.1. THE EQUATION AND ITS MOTIVATION 69 derivatives of b, the first claimed equation follows. As we have assumed dg∗b = 0, we can furthermore express ∂ b = d∗ (H + db) ∂t ij − g 0 = ∆db + Q(g,∂g,H0) ∂2b = gkl ij + Q (g,∂g,H ,∂b)+ Q (g, b, ∂2g), ∂xk∂xl 2 0 3 as claimed.  Thus we see that in special coordinates for g, together with the divergence-free condition for b, the generalized Ricci flow appears to be a strictly parabolic equation. The choice of coordinates and imposition of dg∗b = 0 relate to the gauge-invariance of the flow, explored more in 4.4, and exploited in the proof of short-time existence § of the flow in Chapter 5. For instance, the condition dg∗b = 0 corresponds to a choice of gauge-fixing rendering bL2-orthogonal to the infinitesimal action of inner B-field symmetries, given by the image of T ∗ via (2.15), in the space of generalized metrics (see Remark 2.42). In a slight abuse of terminology, the one-parameter family of pairs (gt,Ht = H0 + dbt) will also be referred to as a solution of generalized Ricci flow. In the next lemma we record the evolution equation for H. n 3 Lemma 4.4. Given M a smooth manifold, H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 =0, and (gt,bt) a solution of generalized Ricci flow, one has ∈ ∂ ∆ H = 0. ∂t − d,gt   Proof. Using the flow equations of (4.1) and the fact that H0 is closed we compute ∂ ∂ H = (H0 + db)= dd∗ H = ∆d,g H, ∂t ∂t − gt t as required.  Remark 4.5. The tensor H2 is positive semidefinite, thus it follows that a solution to generalized Ricci flow is automatically a supersolution of Ricci flow, i.e. ∂ g 2 Rc . ∂t ≥ − Many results have appeared in recent years concerning Ricci flow supersolutions (cf. for instance [96, 115, 133, 175]), and thus all such results automatically apply for generalized Ricci flow. 4.1.2. Generalized formulation. It is useful to express the generalized Ricci flow directly in terms of the language of generalized geometry. To begin we give an elementary lemma which expresses the generalized Ricci flow in terms of the curvature of the Bismut connection. n 2 Lemma 4.6. Fix M a smooth manifold and H Λ T ∗, dH = 0. Then 0 ∈ 0 (gt,bt) is a solution of generalized Ricci flow if and only if ∂ (g b)(X, Y )= 2 Rc+(X, Y ), ∂t − − 70 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW where Rc+ denotes the Ricci curvature tensor associated to the Bismut connection + 1 1 = + g− H. ∇ ∇ 2 Proof. This follows directly from the evolution equations (4.1) and the for- mulas for the symmetric and skew-symmetric parts of the Bismut Ricci curvature exhibited in Proposition 3.18. 

These formulations make it clear that the generalized Ricci flow equations in- volve precisely the data of a generalized metric on an exact Courant algebroid, namely a Riemannian metric and a skew-symmetric two-form. Furthermore, it is clear from Lemma 4.6 that the fixed points of the generalized Ricci flow are pre- cisely Bismut Ricci-flat structures. It is thus natural to express the flow equations directly in these terms, which is carried out next. We fix a generalized metric 0 on an exact Courant algebroid E over the smooth manifold M. Using the splittingG determined by (see Proposition 2.40), we can G0 identify E = T T ∗ endowed with the H0-twisted Courant bracket. Given now a one-parameter family⊕ of generalized metrics on E, via Proposition 2.38 we can Gt identify t with a one-parameter family of pairs (gt,bt). Recall from Lemma 2.33 that we haveG the following explicit formula for the derivative of along the family Gt 1 1 1 1 ∂ g− h g− kg− (4.3) − = 1 , G ∂tG k hg−  − −  where ∂ ∂ g = h, b = k. ∂t ∂t 1 Notice that − = by definition of generalized metric. It is also important to observe thatG (4.3) isG written in the isotropic splitting induced by the metric . Gt To state the next result, we denote c( )= c( , divG) the generalized Ricci tensor associated to a generalized metricR G viaR itsG Riemannian divergence (see Definition 3.31 and Definition 2.46). G

Proposition 4.7. Given (E, [, ], , ) M an exact Courant algebroid, a one- parameter family of generalized metricsh i → satisfies Gt 1 ∂ (4.4) − = 2 c( ) G ∂tG − R G if and only if the one-parameter family of pairs (gt,bt) determined by t and the initial splitting associated to satisfies generalized Ricci flow. G G0 Proof. Notice that c( ) defines a tangent vector to the space of generalized metrics at by LemmaR 2.31G and Lemma 3.32. Then, (4.4) follows directly from Lemma 2.35,G Lemma 4.6, and Proposition 3.30. 

Remark 4.8. The condition c( ) = c( ) in Proposition 3.30 shows that we can alternatively write theGR generalizedG −R RicciG flowG as (see [70, 162]) ∂ = [ c( ), ]. ∂tG R G G 4.2. EXAMPLES 71

4.2. Examples Before delving into the analysis of generalized Ricci flow, we record some fun- damental examples which give context to the analysis to follow and also indicate the role the torsion tensor H plays in affecting the qualitative behavior of the flow. We first record some terminology for certain kinds of entire solutions.

Definition 4.9. We say that a solution (gt,Ht) to generalized Ricci flow is (1) ancient if it is defined on M ( , 0), (2) immortal if it is defined on M× −∞(0, ), (3) eternal if it is defined on M ×( ,∞ ). × −∞ ∞ 3 Example 4.10. Consider (S ,gS3 ) the three-dimensional sphere with round metric of constant sectional curvature 1. As noted in Example 3.56, this metric g 3 satisfies Rc S = 2gS3 . What is more, due to the scale invariance of the Ricci λg 3 tensor, for any λ > 0 one has Rc S = 2g 3 . Fix now a constant η R and let S ∈ H = ηdV . Note that for any pair of the form (g,H) = (λg 3 , ηdV ) one has gS3 S gS3 η2 2 3 that d∗H = d∗ ηdVg 3 = 0, and H =2 2 gS , hence g λgS3 S λ B  g 1 2 1 1 η2 (4.5) Rc = Rc H d∗H = 2 2 g 3 . − 4 − 2 g − 2 λ S We now construct solutions to the generalized Ricci flow within this ansatz, i.e.

3 (gt,Ht) = (λtgS , ηtdVgS3 ). Using (4.5), we see that it will always be the case that ∂ ∂t η = 0, and so our flow reduces to the evolution of λ, which we obtain from (4.1) and (4.5) via 2 ∂ ∂ 1 2 η0 λ g 3 = (λg 3 )= 2Rc+ H = 4+ g 3 , ∂t S ∂t S − 2 − λ2 S     which implies ∂ η2 (4.6) λ = 4+ 0 . ∂t − λ2 Here the analysis splits into two cases, whose behavior is markedly different. ∂ In particular, in the case η0 = 0, we simply obtain ∂t λ = 4, and so the solution λ0 − to the flow exists on the time interval [0, 4 ), with explicit solution (gt,Ht) = ((λ0 4t)gS3 , 0). Note that, as H = 0 along the flow, the generalized Ricci flow has reduced− to the classical Ricci flow equation, and this example indicates one of the basic qualitative behaviors of the Ricci flow, namely that the round sphere shrinks homothetically at a constant rate until its diameter goes to zero at the finite λ0 time 4 . This solution in fact can be extended for all negative times, giving a basic example of an ancient solution. In the case η0 = 0, i..e when the H field is present, the generalized Ricci flow behaves quite differently.6 In particular, we see in this case that there is a η0 unique fixed point of (4.6), namely when λ = | 2 | . Furthermore, this fixed point η0 ∂ η0 is attractive in the sense that for λ < | 2 | one has ∂t λ > 0 and for λ > | 2 | one ∂ has ∂t λ < 0. Elementary calculus arguments show that for any choice of λ0, the η0 solution to (4.6) exists on [0, ), and λt converges as t to the value | 2 | . Thus we see a striking difference in∞ the qualitative behavior→ in ∞ this example depending on the presence of H, where in some rough sense the presence of H attenuates the otherwise singular behavior of the flow, turning what was once a finite time 72 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW singularity into a flow with infinite existence time and convergence at infinity. One may argue that, in the case when H = 0, a simple rescaling in space and time to normalize the volume along the flow suffices to recover global existence and convergence at infinity to gS3 , but nonetheless this example gives a sense of what can be expected conjecturally in more general cases, where the overall behavior η0 is not as elementary. We note that, if λ | 2 | > 0 initially, the solution extends backwards in time to be an eternal solution,− otherwise it will only be immortal. 3 Example 4.11. Consider (M ,gHyp) a compact hyperbolic 3-manifold with constant sectional curvature 1. Then RcgHyp = 2g . Fix a constant η R − − Hyp ∈ 3 and let H = ηdVgHyp . Note that for any pair of the form (g,H) = (λgS , ηdVgS3 ) 2 2 η one has that d H = d ηdV = 0, and H =2 2 gHyp, hence g∗ λg∗ Hyp gHyp λ

2 B g 1 2  1 1 η (4.7) Rc = Rc H d∗H = 2 2 g . − 4 − 2 g − − 2 λ Hyp We now construct solutions to the generalized Ricci flow within this ansatz, i.e.

(gt,Ht) = (λtgHyp, ηtdVgHyp ). Using (4.7), we see that it will always be the case ∂ that ∂t η = 0, and so our flow reduces to the evolution of λ, which we obtain from (4.1) via ∂ ∂ η2 λ g = (λg )= 2Rc+ 1 H2 = 4+ 0 g , ∂t Hyp ∂t Hyp − 2 λ2 Hyp     which implies ∂ η2 λ =4+ 0 . ∂t λ2 It follows from elementary arguments that for arbitrary λ0 > 0 this solution exists λt for [0, ), and λt is asymptotic to 4t in the sense that limt t = 4. These solutions∞ extend backwards to be immortal, but are not eternal→∞ solutions. We now address the issue of how to appropriately renormalize this flow to obtain some form of convergence. In particular, we set g H g = t , H = t , t t t t and define a new time parameter via s = log t. Then we compute e e ∂ ∂ g ∂g g g = t t = t = 2Rc+ 1 H2 g = 2 Rcg + 1 H2 g, ∂s ∂t t ∂t − t − 2 − − e 2 − where the last equality follows since the Ricci tensor is scale invariant, as is the e quantity He2. A similar calculation yields e e ∂ H = ∆ H H. ∂s d − Thus this scaling has the effect of adding normalizing terms to the original equa- e e e e tions. Since H was fixed under the original flow, it follows easily that H 0, λ → whereas since t approaches 4, we will obtain g 4g . t → Hyp e Example 4.12. The presence of the torsion term H will of course not remove all singular behavior. One only expects the terme H to prevent the collapse of the length of vectors v for which vyH = 0, a condition which is difficult to verify in general along a solution to the flow, but6 which we can illustrate with a simple exam- 3 1 ple. In particular, as in Example 3.56, on S , the structure (g,H) = (g 3 , dV ) S 2 gS3 4.2. EXAMPLES 73 is generalized Einstein, and so a fixed point of generalized Ricci flow. However, 3 3 1 consider M = S S , with g = π g 3 + π g 3 , and H = π (dV ). Elementary 1∗ S 2∗ S 2 1∗ gS3 arguments show that× the generalized Ricci flow with this initial condition will be- have as the product of the solutions on the factors of S3. In particular, the first factor will remain fixed as it is generalized Einstein, and the second factor will homothetically shrink to a point in finite time as described in Example 4.10. Example 4.13. A classical singularity model of the Ricci flow is the shrinking cylinder, which models regions of Ricci flow experiencing a neckpinch singularity. Let M = Sn R, and consider the one-parameter family of metrics × 2 g = 2(n 1)tg n ds , t − − S ⊕ 2 defined for t < 0. Since Rc n = (n 1)g n and the metric ds is flat, it follows gS − S that gt is a solution of Ricci flow. Thus this solution is ancient, and is meant to model a collapsing neck. The dynamics of necks under generalized Ricci flow can be quite different depending on the dimension and the choice of H. First consider S2 R, let × H dV 2 ds, fix constants φ,ψ > 0 and consider a metric g of the form ≡ S ∧ 2 g = φg 2 ψds . S ⊕ Note that the Ricci tensor for any such metric is

Rc = gS2 . Further direct computation shows that for these choices of g and H one has 2 1 1 2 2 H = φ− ψ− g 2 φ− ds . S ⊕ As H is harmonic with respect to any metric in the given ansatz, the generalized Ricci flow can thus be reduced to the system of ODE

∂ 1 1 1 φ = 2+ φ− ψ− , ∂t − 2 ∂ 1 2 ψ = φ− . ∂t 2 We leave as an exercise to show that, for any positive initial values of φ and ψ, the solution to this system of ODEs exists on a time interval of the form [0, ), where ∞ lim φ =0, lim ψ = . t t →∞ →∞ ∞ In other words, the neck can still collapse, although it takes infinitely long to do so. 3 On the other hand if we consider S R, with H = dVS3 and g = λgS3 ds2, then the solution to generalized Ricci× flow will split according to the product⊕ structure, and the dynamics of the S3 portion are the same as those described in the case of S3 in Example 4.10, and thus the neck stabilizes, yielding convergence to a cylindrical metric. To finish this section we analyze the generalized Ricci flow of all left-invariant 3 metrics on S ∼= SU(2). Before doing this we set up some general remarks on the generalized Ricci flow of left-invariant structures on compact semisimple Lie groups. First, as the unique left-invariant representative of any cohomology class is harmonic with respect to any left-invariant metric, it follows that H will remain fixed along any such solution. Furthermore, as indicated by the example of round 74 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW

S3 above, the initial cohomology class chosen for H can have a significant effect on the qualitative behavior of the generalized Ricci flow. In fact, even for the case of Ricci flow (H 0), there is not a general picture of the behavior of Ricci flow in this setting. However,≡ as described in Proposition 3.53, there are canonical Bismut- flat structures given by the unique bi-invariant metric g together with torsion H = g([ , ], ). ± · · · Conjecture 4.14. Let G denote a compact semisimple Lie group with bi- invariant metric g . Given g0 a left-invariant metric and ∞ H0 = g ([ , ], ), ± ∞ · · · the generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (g ,H ) exists on [0, ) and con- 0 0 ∞ verges to the Bismut-flat structure (g ,H0). ∞ Example . 3 4.15 We prove Conjecture 4.14 in the case of S ∼= SU(2). Recall we constructed generalized Ricci flat structures on SU(2) S1 in Example 3.51, using a left-invariant frame. Here we choose a slightly different× frame, in particular we choose left-invariant vector fields X1,X2,X3 such that [X ,X ]= 2X , [X ,X ]= 2X , [X ,X ]= 2X . 1 2 − 3 2 3 − 1 3 1 − 2 Such a basis is called a Milnor frame, and we refer to [134] for further information on the geometry of left-invariant metrics on Lie groups. This frame induces a global coframe µi , and we can consider left-invariant metrics of the form { } g = Aµ1 µ1 + Bµ2 µ2 + Cµ3 µ3. ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ The bi-invariant metrics occur exactly when A = B = C. An exercise shows that the only nonvanishing components of the Ricci tensor are 2 Rc(X ,X )= A2 (B C)2 , 1 1 BC − − 2  Rc(X ,X )= B2 (C A)2 , 2 2 CA − − 2  Rc(X ,X )= C2 (A B)2 . 3 3 AB − − Furthermore we can compute, up to a positive multiple,  H = µ1 µ2 µ3, 0 ∧ ∧ and hence associated to g and H0 we have that the only nonvanishing components 2 of H0 are 2 2 2 H2(X ,X )= , H2(X ,X )= , H2(X ,X )= . 0 1 1 BC 0 2 2 CA 0 3 3 AB

As remarked above, the generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (g0 = g,H0) will preserve Ht = H0 for all times. It follows from the above computations that the flow reduces to the following system of ODE for the positive numbers A, B, C: 1 A˙ = 4A2 + 4(B C)2 +1 , BC − − 1  B˙ = 4B2 + 4(C A)2 +1 , CA − − 1  C˙ = 4C2 + 4(A B)2 +1 . AB − −  4.3. MAXIMUM PRINCIPLES 75

Without loss of generality we can asssume A0 B0 C0. A computation shows that ≤ ≤ d C A (C A)=4 − B2 (A + C)2 +1 . dt − ABC − This can be used to show that At Bt Ct for all times such that the solution is defined. Furthermore, we observe that≤ ≤ 1 1 2 A˙ B− C− 4A +1 , ≥ − so a uniform positive lower bound for Ais preserved for all times. We can also compute

d C A 2 1 (4.8) − = 8A− B− (C A) (C + A B) 0. dt A − − − ≤   It follows that there is a uniform constant λ > 0 such that C λA. Using this estimate we furthermore obtain ≤ A 1 λ2 C˙ 8+4 + 4+ . ≤ − B AB ≤− C2 It follows that there is a uniform upper bound for C. With the uniform lower bound for A and upper bound for C in place, it follows that the solution to the ODE is defined for all t> 0. Returning to (4.8), it follows that there is a uniform constant δ > 0 so that d C A C A − δ − , dt A ≤ − A     and the solution converges exponentially to A = B = C , a multiple of the bi-invariant metric. ∞ ∞ ∞ It would be interesting to carry out a similar analysis for left-invariant solutions of generalized Ricci flow in other classes of Lie groups, which help us to understand qualitative properties of the equations. The case of nilpotent Lie groups has been studied in [139] (see also [21, 59] in the setting of pluriclosed flow in Chapter 9).

4.3. Maximum principles Moving beyond homogeneous examples, the most basic tool in analyzing second order elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations in general is the maximum principle, and these tools are crucial in understanding generalized Ricci flow. In this section we record statements and some proofs of elliptic and parabolic maximum principles on manifolds. Proposition 4.16. Let (M n,g) be a compact connected Riemannian manifold and suppose u C∞(M) satisfies ∈ Lu := ∆u + X u 0, · ≤ where X Γ(T ) is a vector field. Then u is constant. ∈ n Proposition 4.17. Let (M ,gt) be a compact manifold with a one-parameter family of Riemannian metrics. Suppose u C∞(M [0,T )) satisfies ∈ × ∂ ∆ u 0. ∂t − gt ≤   76 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW

Then sup u sup u M t ≤ M 0 ×{ } ×{ } for all t [0,T ). ∈ Proof. Fix ǫ > 0, and set u := u ǫ(1 + t). One obviously has that ǫ − supM 0 uǫ < supM 0 u =: λ. We will show that supM t uǫ < λ, which ×{ } ×{ } ×{ } will finish the proposition by sending ǫ to zero. If this claim was false, there exists a point such that u λ. Since M is compact, we can choose (x, t) M (0,T ) ǫ ≥ ∈ × such that uǫ(x, t) = λ, and uǫ(y,s) λ for all y M, 0 s t. Hence (x, t) is a spacetime maximum for u on M ≤ [0,t], and so∈ it follows≤ that≤ ∆ u 0 and ǫ × gt ǫ ≤ ∂ u 0 at (x, t). We conclude that, at (x, t) we have ∂t ǫ ≥ ∂ 0 u ∆ u ǫ< 0, ≤ ∂t ǫ ≤ gt ǫ − a contradiction. Hence supM t uǫ < λ for all t [0,T ), and the proposition follows. ×{ } ∈ 

For various applications one needs to consider more general reaction-diffusion equations beyond sub/supersolutions of the heat equation. We next formalize a general class of equations which suffices for our purposes.

n Definition 4.18. Given (M ,gt) a smooth manifold with a smooth one-parameter family of Riemannian metrics, Xt Γ(T ) a smooth one-parameter family of vector fields and F : R [0,T ) R which∈ is continuous in t and locally Lipschitz in x, define the associated× semi-linear→ heat operator via ∂ Lu := u ∆ u X u F (u,t). ∂t − gt − t − n Proposition 4.19. Let (M ,gt) be a compact manifold with a one-parameter family of Riemannian metrics. Suppose L is a semi-linear heat operator as in Definition 4.18, and suppose u, v C2(M [0,T )) satisfy ∈ × Lv Lu, sup (v u) 0. ≤ M 0 − ≤ ×{ } Then sup (v u) 0 M t − ≤ ×{ } for all t [0,T ). ∈ Proof. We set w(x, t) = u(x, t) v(x, t), and aim to show that w 0 at all points. Fix a time τ [0,T ). Since the− function F is locally Lipschitz in≥ space and the region M [0, τ]∈ is compact, there exists a constant K such that × F (u(x, t),t) F (v(x, t),t) K u(x, t) v(x, t) . | − |≤ | − | for all (x, t) M [0, τ]. Now fix ǫ> 0 and let ∈ × w (x, t)= u(x, t) v(x, t)+ ǫe2Kt. ǫ − 4.3. MAXIMUM PRINCIPLES 77

Using the given differential inequalities we compute ∂w ǫ ∆w + X, w F (u,t)+ F (v,t)+2Kǫe2Kt ∂t ≥ ǫ h ∇ ǫi− ∆w + X, w K w +2Kǫe2Kt. ≥ ǫ h ∇ ǫi− | | If ever wǫ = 0, then arguing as in Proposition 4.17 we can choose a point (x0,t0) such that wǫ(x0,t0)=0 and (x0,t0) realizes the minimum for wǫ on M [0,t0]. 2Kt0 ∂w×ǫ Note then that at the point (x0,t0), w = ǫe , wǫ = 0, ∆wǫ 0, ∂t 0. Thus we conclude − ∇ ≥ ≤ ∂w 0 ǫ Kǫe2Kt0 +2Kǫe2Kt0 Kǫe2Kt0 > 0, ≥ ∂t ≥− ≥ a contradiction. Thus wǫ > 0 for all ǫ> 0 and thus w 0 on M [0, τ], finishing the proof. ≥ × 

We end this section with the fundamental observation that if H vanishes at the initial time of a solution to generalized Ricci flow, then it vanishes for all time t > 0, and the one-parameter family of metrics evolves by the Ricci flow. This justitifes the terminology of “generalized Ricci flow,” and yields the important philosophical point that, without special assumptions on H, in the most general setting the results must be extensions of those for Ricci flow. However as we have already seen there are geometrically natural settings where the presence of H has important qualitative effects on the behavior of the flow.

n Proposition 4.20. Let M be a smooth compact manifold and suppose (gt,Ht) is a solution to generalized Ricci flow satisfying H0 0. Then for all t such that the flow is defined, H 0, and ≡ t ≡ ∂ g = 2 Rc, ∂t − that is, gt is a solution to Ricci flow.

Proof. Suppose the solution exists on [0,T ), fix some τ

K := sup Rmg . M [0,τ] | | × Using Lemma 4.4 and the Bochner formula (cf. 5.20 below) we obtain the differen- tial inequality ∂ ∆ H 2 CK H 2 . ∂t − | | ≤ | |   CKt 2 ∂ In particular, if we define Φ := e− H , we easily obtain ∂t ∆ Φ 0. Applying the maximum principle (Proposition| | 4.17) we see that for− all t ≤[0, τ]  one has ∈ CKt 2 CKt 2 sup e− H sup e− H =0, M t | | ≤ M 0 | | ×{ } ×{ } and so H vanishes on [0, τ]. This argument applies for arbitrary τ

4.4. Invariance group and solitons A fundamental feature of many evolution equations in geometry is the presence of an infinite dimensional invariance group. For instance, the Ricci tensor of a Riemannian metric is diffeomorphism covariant, and so diffeomorphisms can act on solutions to the Ricci flow, preserving the equation. More generally, one can pull a solution to Ricci flow back by a family of time-dependent diffeomorphisms. It is natural to consider this as equivalent to the original flow, as the corresponding time slices are isometric. However, the resulting flow equation now includes a Lie derivative term corresponding to the variation of the family of diffeomorphisms. This circle of ideas is relevant to the generalized Ricci flow as well. As discussed in 2.2, the relevant symmetry group includes B-field transformations. By letting a time-dependent§ family of symmetries act on a solution to generalized Ricci flow one produces a more general flow equation which includes modification by Lie derivative terms as well as a closed two-form.

4.4.1. Gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow. To begin we recall the deriva- tion of the gauge-fixed Ricci flow equation from the Ricci flow. We say that g = gt satisfies the gauge-fixed Ricci flow if there exists a one-parameter family of vector fields Xt Γ(T ) such that gt = (φt) gt is a solution of the Ricci flow, where φt is ∈ ∗ the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by Xt e ∂ X φ = φ . t ◦ t ∂t t Using the naturality of the of the Ricci tensor under diffeomorphisms, the gauge- fixed Ricci flow is equivalent to

∂ ∂ g = φt g LXt g = 2φt Rc(g)= 2 Rc(g) ∂t ∗ ∂t − ! − ∗ − and we obtain thee equation e ∂ (4.9) g = 2Rc+L g. ∂t − Xt Following this line of thought, we can define a gauge-fixed version of generalized Ricci flow. Definition 4.21. Given E an exact Courant algebroid, a one-parameter family of generalized metrics satisfies the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow if there Gt exists a one-parameter family of generalized diffeomorphisms Ft Aut(E) such that ∈ 1 = (Ft) = Ft tFt− G ∗G G is a solution of the generalized Ricci flow. e 3 Proposition 4.22. Given H Λ T ∗ such that dH = 0, consider the exact 0 ∈ 0 Courant algebroid E = (T T ∗, , , [, ] , π). Then, a one-parameter family of ⊕ h i H0 generalized metrics t satisfies the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow if and only if there exists a familyG of vector fields X and B Λ2 satisfying t t ∈

d (Bt + iXt H0)=0, 4.4. INVARIANCE GROUP AND SOLITONS 79 such that the associated one-parameter family of pairs (gt,bt) satisfies

∂ 1 2 g = 2Rc+ 2 H + LX g (4.10) ∂t − ∂ b = d∗H B + L b. ∂t − g − X Proof. Using the naturality of the generalized Ricci tensor c, we first observe that the generalized Ricci flow equation is equivalent to R

1 ∂ 1 ∂ 1 t− = Ft − + − ζt = 2Ft c( )= 2 c( ) G ∂tG ∗ G ∂tG G · G! − ∗R G − R G where ζ e denotese the infinitesimal left action of the Lie algebra elemente t · G 1 ∂ ζ = F − F Lie Aut(E). t t ∂t t ∈ Thus, = is a solution of the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow if and only if G Gt there exists a one-parameter family of infinitesimal automorphisms ζt Lie Aut(E) such that ∈

1 ∂ 1 (4.11) − = 2 c( ) − ζ . G ∂tG − R G − G t · G

We use now E = (T T ∗, , , [, ]H0 , π) to write this condition explicitly. We have (see Corollary 2.22) ⊕ h i Lie Aut(E)= X + B L H = dB = X + B d(i H + B)=0 . { | X 0 − } { | X 0 } A one-parameter family ζ = X + B Lie Aut(E) can be integrated to t t t ∈ F = φ eBt Aut(E) t t ◦ ∈ where φt is the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by Xt and t Bt = φs∗Bsds. Z0 Now, if = (g,b) as in Proposition 2.38, it follows that G G Ft (g,b)= (φt g, φt (b + Bt)), ∗G G ∗ ∗ and therefore 1 1 1 1 g− LXt g g− (LXt b Bt)g− − ζt = − − − 1 , G · G LXt b Bt LXt gg−  −  where the previous formula is written in the isotropic splitting given by the metric . From this, we conclude that the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow is given by Gt ∂ 1 2 g = 2Rc+ 2 H + LXt g, (4.12) ∂t − ∂ b = d∗H B + L b, ∂t − g − t Xt where H = H0 + db, as required. 

Remark 4.23. Note that in the formulation above, Bt is not necessarily closed. It is possible to rephrase the above gauge-fixed equation in terms of the action of a closed B-field. Namely set k = B i H + d(i b). t − t − Xt 0 Xt 80 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW

Then B + L b = k + i H + i db = k + i H, − t Xt t Xt 0 Xt t Xt and we obtain the following alternative description of the flow:

∂ 1 2 g = 2Rc+ 2 H + LXt g, (4.13) ∂t − ∂ b = d∗H + i H + k . ∂t − g Xt t

We will at times refer to this as (Xt, kt)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow. Observe that in either formulation the evolution of the three-form is ∂ ∂ H = (H + db)= dd∗H + L H. ∂t ∂t 0 − g Xt It turns out that it is possible to interpret the gauge-fixed flow naturally in terms of the generalized Ricci tensor c+ associated to a particular choice of di- vergence operator. R Proposition 4.24. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth man- ifold M. Let Xt be a one-parameter family of vector fields Xt on M. Then, a one-parameter family of generalized metrics satisfies Gt 1 ∂ + − π = 2 c ( , div) π , G ∂tG◦ − − R G ◦ − where div = divG + 2i g , , if and only if the one-parameter family of pairs (g ,b ) h Xt t i t t determined by t and the initial splitting associated to 0 satisfies the (Xt, kt)- gauge-fixed generalizedG Ricci flow (4.13) with k = d(i Gg ). t − Xt t Proof. Let ϕ T ∗ a one-form. From Proposition 3.30, the generalized Ricci + ∈ tensor c with divergence div = divG 2ϕ, is given by R − h i + 1 2 1 1 1 1 c (σ X, σ+Y )= Rc H + Lϕ♯ g d∗H + dϕ iϕ♯ H (X, Y ), R − − 4 2 − 2 2 − 2 where we have used the identity  + 1 1 1 ϕ = L ♯ g + dϕ i ♯ H. ∇ 2 ϕ 2 − 2 ϕ + Setting ϕ = iXt gt and identifying the generalized Ricci tensor c with a map + − R c : V V+, the statement follows combining equation (4.13) with Lemma R2.35. − → 

For the case of a gradient vector field the divergence div = divG + 2iXt gt, is exact (see Definition 3.48) and we can express the gauge-fixed generalizedh Riccii flow (4.13) as generalized Ricci flow with divergence operator. Proposition 4.25. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth mani- fold M. Let ft be a one-parameter family of functions on M. Then, a one-parameter family of generalized metrics satisfies Gt

1 ∂ µt − = 2 c( , div ), G ∂tG − R G

ft where µt = e− dVgt , if and only if the one-parameter family of pairs (gt,bt) deter- mined by t and the initial splitting associated to 0 satisfies the ( ft, 0)-gauge- fixed generalizedG Ricci flow (4.13). G −∇ 4.4. INVARIANCE GROUP AND SOLITONS 81

µ Proof. Recall from Definition 3.48 that div t = divG 2df, . Thus, by − h i Proposition 4.24 and Lemma 3.32, t satisfies generalized Ricci flow with diver- µt G gence operator div as above if and only if (gt,bt) satisfies (4.13) with (Xt, kt)= ( f , 0).  −∇ t 4.4.2. Generalized Ricci solitons. In understanding geometric evolution equations, a key role is played by the fixed points of the equation in determining the possible existence and regularity behavior of the flow. Initially we would say that the fixed points of the equation must satisfy c 0, and so are generalized Ricci flat structures. More generally though, it isR possible≡ for the flow to evolve along a one-parameter family of Courant symmetries, so that while the pairs (g,H) are indeed evolving, at each time slice they are geometrically indistinguishable, and these solutions are called solitons. To begin we recall the derivation of the Ricci soliton equations. In particular, Ricci solitons arise as special solutions of the gauge-fixed Ricci flow, upon impos- ing two conditions: the first is that gt evolves in a self-similar way, that is, by homotheties via the canonical dilation of a fixed metric g = (1 2tλ)g. t − Here λ 1, 0, 1 is a constant which determines the character of the soliton. Second is∈ that {− } 1 X = − X t 1 2λt for a vector field X which is constant in time.− From these conditions and (4.9), we get the Ricci soliton equation 1 Rc + 2 LX g = λg, which is expanding, steady, or shrinking depending on whether λ = 1, 0, 1, respec- tively. − To adapt these ideas to generalized Ricci flow, we first observe that the space of generalized metrics is not invariant under scaling. However, we can define a canonical variation which corresponds to scaling the underlying metric. Definition 4.26. Let λ 1, 0, 1 . The canonical variation of a generalized metric on E is given by ∈ {− } G 1 1 0 (1 2tλ)− g− t,λ = − G (1 2tλ)g 0  −  in the splitting determined by . Note that G 1 2tλ 0 t,λ = − 1 GG 0 (1 2tλ)−  −  is the canonical dilation in the splitting determined by . G Definition 4.27. Given (E, [, ], , ) an exact Courant algebroid, we say that is a generalized Ricci soliton if thereh existsi λ 1, 0, 1 such that the canonical Gvariation solves the gauge-fixed generalized∈ Ricci {− flow} (4.11) with Gt,λ 1 ζ = − (X + B), t 1 2λt − where X +B Lie Aut(E) is constant in time. We again call the soliton expanding, steady, or shrinking∈ depending on whether λ = 1, 0, 1, respectively. − 82 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW

Proposition 4.28. Given (E, [, ], , ) an exact Courant algebroid, suppose is a generalized Ricci soliton. If λ = 0h,i then H 0 and the associated metric Gg is an expanding or shrinking Ricci6 soliton. If λ ≡= 0 then one has the equivalent equations 0= Rc 1 H2 + 1 L g, − 4 2 X (4.14) 1 1 0= d∗H B, 2 g − 2 for B satisfying d(B + iX H)=0. Thus, in particular, 0= 1 ∆ H + 1 L H. − 2 d 2 X Proof. Applying the equations (4.12), we see that is a generalized Ricci soliton if there exists λ 1, 0, 1 such that G ∈ {− } 1 λg = Rc H2 + 1 L g, −4(1 2λt)2 2 X − 1 0= d∗H B , 1 2λt g − − for all t, where X + B Lie Aut(E). If λ = 0 then we obtain ∈ 6 1 λg = Rc+ 2 LX g, H =0, that is, it is a Ricci soliton in the usual sense. The claimed equations (4.14) in the case λ = 0 follow directly, and by taking the of the second equation of (4.14) we obtain the final claimed equation.  Remark 4.29. Thus we see that in our formulation, shrinking and expanding generalized Ricci solitons automatically have vanishing torsion. This arises in part because there is no obviously natural way to introduce a scaling of the b-field associated to a generalized metric. Nonetheless, in taking certain rescalings or reparameterizations of generalized Ricci flow, it is reasonable to consider flows for which the pairs (g,H) might both scale homothetically (cf. Definition 6.30 below for nonsingular solutions). Although, we are only aware of rigidity results showing that solitons for such flows automatically have H 0. ≡ Remark 4.30. The dilation t,λ in Definition 4.26 has appeared in [54] under the name of conformal change. HereGG we make the observation that, in order to be invariant, this transformation depends upon a choice of isotropic splitting on E. By adapting the point of view of Remark 4.23, it is possible to give a slightly different formulation for the generalized Ricci soliton equations which involve the action of a closed B-field instead. We state this as an equivalent definition, as it is a consequence of the above discussion. Definition 4.31. Given (E, [, ], , ) an exact Courant algebroid, a generalized metric is a steady generalized Riccih solitoni if there exists a vector field X and a closed two-formG k such that 0= Rc 1 H2 + 1 L g, − 4 2 X (4.15) 1 1 0= 2 dg∗H + 2 iX H + k. We furthermore say that the soliton is gradient if there exists a smooth function f such that X = f. ∇ 4.4. INVARIANCE GROUP AND SOLITONS 83

Question 4.32. Bryant has shown the existence of steady Ricci solitons with rotational symmetry [28]. Are there examples of steady generalized Ricci solitons with rotational symmetry and nontrivial torsion H? One fundamental consequence of Perelman’s energy formula for Ricci flow is that compact steady solitons for Ricci flow are automatically gradient. As we will see below in Chapter 6, by adapting these energy functionals to generalized Ricci flow, we can show that steady generalized Ricci solitons on compact manifolds are automatically gradient, and moreover satisfy k = 0. It is an interesting question to probe the possibilities for X and k in the noncompact setting. We end this section with some further structural results on solitons. First, we show that generalized Ricci solitons satisfy fundamental differential equations which generalize the fact that Einstein manifolds automatically have constant scalar curvature using the Bianchi identity. Proposition 4.33. Let (M n,g,H,f) be a gradient generalized Ricci soliton with k =0. Then (1) R 1 H 2 + ∆f =0, − 4 | | (2) R 5 H 2 + f 2 =0, ∇ − 12 | | |∇ | (3) R 1 H 2 + 2∆f  f 2 =0. ∇ − 12 | | − |∇ |   Proof. The first equation follows by tracing the first equation of (4.15) with g. For the second we begin by differentiating and applying (4.15) to yield

5 2 2 5 2 i R 12 H + f = iR 12 i H +2 i j f j f (4.16) ∇ − | | |∇ | ∇ − ∇ | | ∇ ∇ ∇   = R 5 H 2 + 1 H2 2 Rc f. ∇i − 12 ∇i | | 2 − ij ∇j But, using the Bianchi identity and property (1) we obtain  R = 1 H 2 ∆f ∇i 4 ∇i | | − ∇i = 1 H 2 f + Rc f 4 ∇i | | − ∇j ∇i∇j ij ∇j (4.17) = 1 H 2 + Rc 1 H2 + Rc f 4 ∇i | | ∇j − 4 ij ij ∇j = 1 H 2 + 1 R 1 (divH2) + Rc f 4 ∇i | | 2 ∇i − 4 i ij ∇j = 1 H 2 1 (div H2) +2Rc f, 2 ∇i | | − 2 i ij ∇j where the last line follows by combining the R terms and multiplying by 2. Also, using Lemma 3.19 and the skew-symmetric piece∇ of the soliton equation we obtain 1 2 1 2 1 mn (div H )i = i H + (d∗H) Himn (4.18) − 2 − 12 ∇ | | 2 = 1 H 2 1 H2 f. − 12 ∇i | | − 2 ij ∇j Plugging (4.17) and (4.18) into (4.16) yields the second claim. Taking twice the gradient of (1) and subtracting (2) gives claim (3). 

Remark 4.34. For the third equation in Proposition 4.33 it is possible to give a more conceptual argument using the functional to be introduced in Chapter 6. In particular, we know that a generalizedF steady soliton is a critical point for λ, but by definition the relevant f extremizes the -functional, thus by deforming f F 84 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW

1 2 2 by R 12 H + 2∆f f and perturbing the metric by scaling to preserve the unit volume− | condition,| − the |∇ claim| of Proposition 4.33 (3) follows from (6.6). In the next result we prove that compact steady gradient Ricci solitons are Einstein. Recall that, as a consequence of Perelman’s energy formula for Ricci flow, compact steady solitons for Ricci flow are automatically gradient. Thus any compact Ricci soliton is Einstein. However, there are compact steady generalized Ricci solitons with nontrivial H and nontrivial f (cf. Remark 8.28). This shows that the class of steady generalized Ricci solitons is strictly larger than the class of generalized Ricci flat structures. Proposition 4.35. Compact steady gradient Ricci solitons are Einstein. Proof. In the case of H 0 we have the simplified soliton equation ≡ Rc + 2f = 0. ∇ Taking the divergence of this equation and using the Bianchi identity yields 0= 1 R + ( f) 2 ∇j ∇i ∇j ∇i = 1 R + ∆f Rp f 2 ∇j ∇j − iji∇p = 1 R + ∆f + Rcp f. 2 ∇j ∇j j ∇p Using the first item of Proposition 4.33 yields 0= 1 R R + Rcp f. 2 ∇j − ∇j j ∇p Rearranging and taking another divergence yields ∆R = 2 Rcp f ∇j j ∇p = R, f +2 Rc, 2f h∇  ∇ i  ∇ 2 = R, f 2 Rc h∇ ∇ i− | | R, f . ≤ h∇ ∇ i Since M is compact, R is constant by the strong maximum principle (Proposition 4.16). 

4.5. Low dimensional structure In this section we consider the generalized Ricci flow in dimensions n = 2, 3, where the low dimensionality gives extra structure which renders the flow easier to study. In dimension n = 2 there are no nontrivial three-forms, and thus we expect that the flow must reduce to Ricci flow. We formalize this in the next proposition.

2 3 Proposition 4.36. Let M be a Riemann surface, fix 0= H Λ T ∗ = 0 , 0 ∈ { } and let (gt,bt) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on M. Then (gt,bt) satisfies ∂ ∂ (4.19) g = 2Rc = Rg, b =0. ∂t − − ∂t In other words, g is a solution of Ricci flow and b b . t t ≡ 0 3 Proof. Since the manifold is two dimensional, Λ T ∗ = 0 , and so Ht 0 for { } ∂ ≡ all t. Comparing against the generalized Ricci flow system we see that ∂t b = 0 and ∂ g = 2 Rc. Also in two dimensions Rc = 1 Rg, finishing the lemma.  ∂t − 2 4.5. LOW DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE 85

Remark 4.37. A complete picture of the Ricci flow on compact Riemann sur- faces was first completed by Chow/Hamilton [49, 93]. In all cases, the volume- normalized flow converges exponentially fast to a constant scalar curvature metric g . Later a different proof using energy methods from conformal geometry was given∞ by Struwe [174]. Using this result, and being slightly overpedantic, we could observe that the generalized Ricci flow converges up to a generalized gauge trans- formation to (g , 0), where by an overall b-field action we can set b to zero. ∞ 3 In dimension n = 3, all three-forms are closed, and Λ T ∗ is a rank 1 bundle, thus we can reduce the tensor H to an equivalent scalar function. We formalize this and derive the relevant evolution equations in the next proposition. 3 3 Proposition 4.38. Let M be a three-manifold, fix H Λ T ∗ and let (g ,b ) 0 ∈ t t be a solution of generalized Ricci flow on M. Define φ C∞(M) by t ∈ Ht φt = . dVgt Then ∂ g = 2Rc+φ2g, ∂t − ∂ φ = ∆φ + Rφ 3 φ3. ∂t − 2

Proof. By direct computations in normal coordinates and expressing dVg = dx1 dx2 dx3 one obtains ∧ ∧ H2 = H H gprgqs =2φ2g , H 2 =6φ2. ij ipq jrs ij | | Furthermore we can differentiate, using the generalized Ricci flow equation and Lemma 5.2, ∂ ∂ H φ = ∂t ∂t dVg ∆ H ∂ H = d 1 tr g dV − 2 g ∂t dV g   g = ∆φ + R 1 H 2 φ − 4 | | = ∆φ + Rφ 3 φ3,  − 2 where the penultimate line follows since, using that ⋆dVg = 1,

∆ H = (d⋆d⋆)(φdV )= d ⋆ dφ = ⋆ d∗dφ = ∆φdV . d − g − − g 

If we impose some symmetries on the underlying structure, it turns out that we can realize other naturally occurring geometric evolution equations as special cases of generalized Ricci flow. Proposition 4.39. Let S1 P M 2 be a principal S1 bundle, and suppose → → (gt,θt) is a solution to ∂ g = 2Rc+2F 2, (4.20) ∂t − ∂ θ = d∗F. ∂t − g 86 4. FUNDAMENTALS OF GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW

Let gt = gt θt θt, and Ht = Ft θt. Then (gt,Ht) is a solution of generalized Ricci flow on⊕ P .⊗ ∧ Proof. The proof relies on several basic computations, which are left as ex- ercises. First, the Ricci tensor of a metric g = g θ θ on P is expressed in natural block diagonal form as ⊕ ⊗ 1 2 1 Rc 2 F 2 d∗F Rc = 1− 1 2 . d∗F F  2 4 | |  Furthermore, for H = F θ, we obtain ∧ 2F 2 0 H2 = . 0 F 2  | |  Putting these computations together and using the definition of g shows that g satisfies the metric component of generalized Ricci flow. A further computation shows that dg∗ (F θ) = dg∗F θ. Since M is two dimensional we thus obtain ∧ ∧ ∂ ∂ H = F θ = d∗F θ + F ( d∗F )= d∗F θ = d∗H, ∂t ∂t ∧ − g ∧ ∧ − g − g ∧ − g as required.  The system of equations (4.20) is a natural coupling of the Ricci flow with the Yang-Mills flow for a U(1) principal connection. This system is thus called Ricci Yang-Mills flow, and was introduced in [173, 187] (up to a scalar factor on the F 2 term which can be fixed by rescaling the fiber metric). We see here that in the case of U(1) gauge group (or U(1) U(1)), the flow is a special case of generalized Ricci flow. This point of view×···× is useful in understanding the relationship of generalized Ricci flow to T -duality in Chapter 10. Further results on the global existence and convergence properties of (4.20) appeared in [158, 159]. Some related equations motivated by considerations in mathematical physics have appeared in [62, 97] Yet a different viewpoint on the equations (4.20) is as generalized Ricci flow on a transitive Courant algebroid on M 2 obtained by reduction of the (twisted) exact Courant algebroid T P T ∗P , as defined in [70]. This follows directly from the fact that any three-form⊕ on M 2 identically vanishes, and suggests that generalized Ricci flow is a robust geometric flow which is preserved under natural geometric operations on Courant algebroids such as generalized reduction [31] or T-duality (see Chapter 10). For stationary points of the flow, the preservation of the Ricci flat condition under generalized reduction has been proved in [12]. We leave the general case, concerning generalized Ricci flow, as an open question. CHAPTER 5

Local Existence and Regularity

In this chapter we address basic aspects of the existence and regularity of generalized Ricci flow. We saw in Lemma 4.3 that, with special gauge choices made, the generalized Ricci flow appears to be a nonlinear parabolic system of equations. Our first goal is to rigorously prove short-time existence of generalized Ricci flow with arbitrary smooth initial data on compact manifolds, using the method of gauge fixing. Given this we approach the question of how long the solution can be extended, and what the obstructions are to global existence. We begin by deriving evolution equations for the Riemannian and Bismut curvatures, which lead to smoothing estimates in the presence of a bound on the Riemannian curvature tensor. Using this we can show that the Riemannian curvature must blow up at any finite time singularity of generalized Ricci flow, first established in [157]. We end the chapter with a general discussion of the theory of compactness of sequences of solutions of generalized Ricci flow, omitting most of the technical detail.

5.1. Variational Formulas We record here elementary variational formulas related to Riemannian metrics, the Riemannian curvature tensor, and the Bismut curvature tensor, necessary for what follows.

Remark 5.1. We note here a notational convention we will use in several places. In particular, given tensors A and B on a Riemannian manifold (M n,g), we let A⋆B denote any tensor derived from A B by raising and lowering indices using g and taking contractions. ⊗

n Lemma 5.2. Given (M ,g) a Riemannian manifold and gs a one-parameter family of metrics such that

∂ g = h, g = g, ∂s s 0 s=0

then ∂ dV = 1 (tr h) dV . ∂s gs 2 g g s=0

Proof. Recall the local coordinate formula dV = det g (s)dx dx . gs ij 1 ∧···∧ n Also, for a one-parameter family of positive definite symmetric matrices As with ∂ ∂ p 1 variation ∂s s=0 As = B, one has ∂s s=0 det(As) = det(A0) tr A0− B . Combining 87 

88 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY these facts yields

∂ ∂ dV = det g (s)dx dx ∂s gs ∂s ij 1 ∧···∧ n s=0 s=0 1 q 1 = det gij tr g− h dx1 dxn 2√det gij ∧···∧ 1  = 2 (trg h) dVg, as required. 

n Lemma 5.3. Given (M ,g) a Riemannian manifold and gs a one-parameter family of metrics such that ∂ g = h, g = g, ∂s s 0 s=0 ∂ H = dK, H = H, ∂s 0 s=0

then ∂ H 2 = 3 h,H2 +2 dK,H . ∂s | | − h i s=0

Proof. Computing in local coordinates and using the symmetries of H and g we see that ∂ ∂ H 2 = gi1j1 gi2j2 gi3j3 H H ∂s | | ∂s i1i2i3 j1j2j3 s=0 s=0 i1k lj1 i2j2 i3j3 i1j1 i2j2 i3j3 = 3 g hklg g g Hi1i2i3 Hj1j2j3 +2g g g (dK) Hj1j2j3 − i1i2i3 = 3 h,H2 +2 dK,H , − h i as required. 

n Lemma 5.4. Given (M ,g) a Riemannian manifold and gs a one-parameter family of metrics such that ∂ g = h, g = g, ∂s s 0 s=0

then ∂ ( )k = 1 gkl ( h + h h ) , ∂s ∇ ij 2 ∇i jl ∇j il − ∇l ij s=0

∂ l 1 ql p p Rijk = 2 g i khjq i qhjk j khiq + j qhik Rijkhpq Rijq hkp , ∂s s=0 ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ − − h i ∂ R = 1 gqi( h + h ) ∆h tr h ∂s jk 2 ∇i∇j kq ∇i∇k jq − jk − ∇j ∇k g s=0  ∂ R = ∆ trg h + div div h h, Rc . ∂s − − h i s=0


Proof. We fix a point p M and choose normal coordinates for g at p. Using k ∈ that ∂igjk(p)=Γij (p) = 0, we directly obtain

∂ ∂ ( )k = 1 gkl (∂ g + ∂ g ∂ g ) ∂s ∇gs ij ∂s 2 i jl j il − l ij s=0 s=0 1 kl = g (∂ihjl + ∂j hil ∂lhij ) 2 − = 1 gkl ( h + h h ) , 2 ∇i jl ∇j il − ∇l ij as required. For the variation of the curvature tensor we recall the coordinate formula and k differentiate, again using the vanishing of ∂igjk(p) and Γij (p), to yield

∂ ∂ Rl = ∂ Γl ∂ Γl +Γp Γl Γp Γl ∂s ijk ∂s i jk − j ik jk ip − ik jp s=0 s=0 1 ql  ql = ∂ i g ( j hkq + khjq qhjk) ∂j g ( ihkq + khiq qhik) 2 ∇ ∇ − ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ 1 ql = g [ i j hkq + i khjq i qhjk j ihkq j khiq + j qhik] 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ = 1 gql h h h + h Rp h Rp h , 2 ∇i∇k jq − ∇i∇q jk − ∇j ∇k iq ∇j ∇q ik − ijk pq − ijq kp h i where the last line follows using the definition of the curvature tensor. Given this, the variational formula for the Ricci tensor follows directly by con- tracting. Finally we use this formula to obtain the variation of scalar curvature via ∂ ∂ R = gjkR ∂s ∂s jk s=0 s=0 jp qk  1 jk qi = g hpqg Rjk + g g ( i j hkq + i khjq) ∆hjk j k trg h − 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ − − ∇ ∇ = ∆ tr h + div div h h, Rc , − g − h i  as required. 

n Lemma 5.5. Given (M ,g) a Riemannian manifold and (gs,Hs) a one-parameter family such that

∂ ∂ g = h, g = g, H = dK, H = H, ∂s s 0 ∂s s 0 s=0 s=0

Furthermore set A = h + K. Then

∂ k + = 1 gkl +A + +A +A + 1 gkl Hp A + Hp A + Hp A ∂s ∇ ij 2 ∇i jl ∇j li − ∇l ji 2 − ij lp il jp jl pi s=0  l l  l  ∂ + l + ˙ + + ˙ + p ˙ + R = i j + Hij , ∂s ijk ∇ ∇ jk − ∇ ∇ ik ∇ pk s=0   i  i  i ∂ + + ˙ + + ˙ + p ˙ + Rjk = i j + Hij , ∂s ∇ ∇ jk − ∇ ∇ ik ∇ pk s=0     i   i i ∂ + + jk + ˙ + + ˙ + p ˙ + R = h, Rc + g i j + Hij . ∂s − ∇ ∇ jk − ∇ ∇ ik ∇ pk s=0        


Proof. We use the formula from Definition 3.12, expressed in components as + k k 1 kl (Γ )ij =Γij + 2 Hijlg , then apply the result of Lemma 5.4 to obtain ∂ ∂ + = 1 gkl ( h + h h )+ 1 H gkl ∂s ∇s 2 ∇i jl ∇j il − ∇l ij ∂s 2 ijl (5.1) s=0 s=0 1 kl 1 kl 1  kp ql = g ( ihjl + j hil lhij )+ dK ijlg Hijlg hpqg , 2 ∇ ∇ − ∇ 2 − 2 Using the definition of the Bismut connection, we see that h = ∂ h Γl h Γl h ∇i jk i jk − ij lk − ik jl = ∂ h (Γ+)l 1 H gpl h (Γ+)l 1 H gpl h i jk − ij − 2 ijp lk − ik − 2 ikp jl = +h + 1 Hp h + 1 Hp h . ∇i jk 2 ij pk 2 ik jp  Hence h + h h = +h + +h +h ∇i jl ∇j il − ∇l ij ∇i jl ∇j il − ∇l ij + 1 gpq (H h + H h + H h + H h H h H h ) 2 ijp ql ilp jq jip ql jlp iq − lip qj − ljp iq = +h + +h +h + gpq (H h + H h ) . ∇i jl ∇j il − ∇l ij ilp jq jlp iq Similarly we have (dK) = K + K + K ijl ∇i jl ∇l ij ∇j li = +K + +K + +K ∇i jl ∇l ij ∇j li 1 p p p p p p + 2 Hij Kpl + HilKjp + HliKpj + Hlj Kip + HjlKpi + HjiKlp = +K + +K + +K + Hp K + Hp K + Hp K  ∇i jl ∇l ij ∇j li ij pl il jp lj ip Plugging these computations into (5.1) yields the first equality. Next, using the definition of the curvature tensor, we differentiate the general coordinate formula to yield (5.2)

∂ + l ∂ + l + l + l + p + l + p R ijk = ∂i(Γ )jk ∂j (Γ )ik + (Γ )ip(Γ )jk (Γ )jp(Γ )ik ∂s s=0 ∂s s=0 − − n o  ˙ + l ˙ + l ˙ + l + p B l ˙ + p = ∂i(Γ ) ∂j (Γ ) + (Γ ) (Γ ) + (Γ ) (Γ ) jk − ik ip jk ip jk (Γ˙ +)l (Γ+)p (Γ+)l (Γ˙ +)p − jp ik − jp ik = +(Γ˙ +)l + (Γ+)p (Γ˙ +)l +(Γ˙ +)l (Γ+)p (Γ˙ +)l ∇i jk ij pk − ∇j ik − ji pk = +(Γ˙ +)l +(Γ˙ +)l + Hp (Γ˙ +)l , ∇i jk − ∇j ik ij pk + as required. Taking the trace over i and l yields the variation for Rjk. + jk + Lastly, using that R = g Rjk, we obtain ∂ ∂ R+ = gjkR+ ∂s ∂s jk s=0 s=0 ∂ = g jph gqkR+ + gjk R+ − pq jk ∂s jk  s=0  i i i + jk + ˙ + + ˙ + p ˙ + = h, Rc + g i j + Hij , − ∇ ∇ jk − ∇ ∇ ik ∇ pk         as required.  5.2. SHORT TIME EXISTENCE 91

5.2. Short time existence In this section we establish the fundamental fact that for smooth initial data on a compact manifold, there exists a smooth solution to the generalized Ricci flow on some small time interval depending on the initial data. As we will show in this section, the generalized Ricci flow equation is a degenerate parabolic equation, and so the classical theorems concerning short-time existence of nonlinear parabolic evolution equations do not directly apply. Many geometric evolution equations en- counter this obstacle, with the degeneracies of the equation arising from an infinite dimensional group of symmetries acting on solutions to the flow. The resolution of this issue is via the “DeTurck method”, where the large symmetry group is broken via the explicit introduction of extra terms tangent to the group action which render the new equation strictly parabolic. As such, one can now apply classical results to obtain a short-time solution to this flow. By construction, the extra terms can be removed via an application of the group action, producing finally a solution to the desired evolution equation. In the case of Ricci flow, the relevant group is the diffeomorphism group of the underlying manifold. As we have seen in 2.2, the symmetry group in generalized geometry is enlarged to include b-field transformations,§ which indeed preserve the generalized Ricci flow. Thus our proof exploits this enlarged group, but structurally follows the outline described above precisely. Theorem 5.6. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid over a compact manifold M. Given hai generalized→ metric on E, there exists ǫ > 0 and G0 a unique smooth solution t to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition 0 on [0,ǫ). G G Proof. Step 1: Short time existence of gauge-fixed flow The first step is to construct a solution of the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow, specifically the metric equation of (4.13) and the induced equation on H, for a particular choice of X and k = 0. Let g0 denote the Riemannian metric determined by 0. We will work in the splitting of E determined by 0. Given a metric g we defineG the vector field G X := X(g,g )=tr ( g g0 ) , 0 g ∇ − ∇ which is expressed in components as Xi = gpq (Γg)i (Γg0 )i . pq − pq This vector field is precisely the one used in showing short-time existence of so- lutions to Ricci flow, but we note here that it admits a natural interpretation in generalized geometry as the difference of divergence operators associated to and (cf. 2.4). Now define the differential operator G G0 § (g,H) := 2Rc+ 1 H2 + L g. O1 − 2 X(g,g0) We proceed to compute the symbol of in phases. We fix one-parameter families O1 (gt,bt) such that d d ds s=0 gs = h, ds s=0 H = dK. We first observe that the variation of 2 Rc is already contained in Lemma 5.4. Also, the dependence of the term H2 on−g is algebraic, and thus its linearization is 92 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY a zeroth order operator which we can ignore. To address the Lie derivative term, we fix normal coordinates for g at some point p M we compute ∈ d (L g)= d Xkg + Xkg ds s=0 X(g,g0) ds s=0 ∇i kj ∇j ki d k k = ∂iX gkj + Γ(g) ⋆X + ∂j X gki + Γ(g) X ds s=0 ∗ 1 pq 1 pq = ∂i g ( phqj + qhpj j hpq) + ∂j g ( phqi + qhpi ihpq) 2 ∇ ∇ − ∇ 2 ∇ ∇ − ∇ = 1 gpq ( h + h + h + h h h ) 2 ∇i∇p qj ∇i∇q pj ∇j ∇p qi ∇j ∇q pi − ∇i∇j pq − ∇j ∇i pq = div h + div h tr h + l.o.t, ∇i j ∇j i − ∇i∇i g where “l.o.t” denotes any term involving at most one derivative of h or K. Com- bining this calculation with Lemma 5.4, we obtain that (5.3) d (g ,H) = ∆ h + l.o.t. ds s=0 O1 s d On the other hand, examining it is clear that the only dependence on b occurs 1 in the term H2, which is first-orderO in b, and hence one immediately obtains (5.4) d (g,H ) = l.o.t. ds s=0 O1 s Next, let

(g,H) := ∆ H + L H. O2 d X(g,g0) We compute, using the Bochner formula, (5.5) d (g,H ) = ∆K + l.o.t. ds s=0 O2 s Also, note that the variation of with respect to g will be a certain second- O2 order differential operator, due to the second derivative terms appearing in ∆dH and LX(g,g0)H. However, the precise form of this operator is not relevant to the argument. In particular, combining this observation with (5.3)-(5.5) we obtain h ∆ 0 h σ D ( , ) = . (g,H) O1 O2 K ⋆ ∆ K        This shows that the system of equations

∂ 1 2 g = 1(g,H)= 2Rc+ 2 H + LX(g,g0)g (5.6) ∂t O − ∂ H = (g,H) = ∆ H + L H ∂t O2 d X(g,g0) is strictly parabolic. Applying the general result on existence of short-time solutions to strictly parabolic evolution systems on compact manifolds, we conclude that there exists ǫ> 0 and a unique solution to (5.6) on [0,ǫ). Remark 5.7. An alternative proof of the short-time existence of generalized Ricci flow could possibly be obtained directly from the gauge-fixed flow (4.10), for X as above and B = dξ i H for a suitable one-parameter family of one-forms t − Xt 0 ξt T ∗. This gauge fixing by inner symmetries of the exact Courant algebroid is very∈ natural, and we expect that it would provide a conceptual explanation of Lemma 4.3.

Step 2: Gauge modification to solve generalized Ricci flow 5.2. SHORT TIME EXISTENCE 93

Fix G0 a generalized metric, with associated pair (g0,H0). By the arguments of Step 1, there exists ǫ> 0 and a solution to (5.6) on [0,ǫ). We must perform a dif- feomorphism gauge transformation to properly gauge-fix the system. In particular, we define a one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms φt via ∂ φ = X(g ,g ) φ (5.7) ∂t t − t 0 ◦ t φ0 = Id . Now let

gt := φt∗gt

Ht = φt∗H. We first compute ∂ ∂ ∂ g = φ∗ g + (φ∗ (g )) ∂t t t ∂t t ∂s t+s t   s=0 1 2 −1 = φt∗ 2Rc+ H + LX(gt,g0)g L (φt∗gt) − 2 − (φt )∗X(gt,g0) 2 = 2 Rc + 1 H ,  − g 2 2 where the quantity H naturally employs the metric g. Next we compute ∂ ∂ ∂ H = φ∗ H + φ∗ H ∂t t t ∂t t ∂s t+s t   s=0  1 = φt∗ ∆d,gH + LX(g,g 0)H L(φ− ) X(g ,g )φt∗(Ht) − t ∗ t 0 = ∆d,gH.  We can now recover the 2-form potential b by direct integration. That is, we are given b0 and define bt via ∂ bt = d∗ H. ∂t − gt

It follows directly by comparing the evolution equations that H0 + dbt = Ht for all t. Thus we have proved that (gt, bt) is a solution to generalized Ricci flow, as claimed. Step 3: Uniqueness via coupled harmonic map heat flow A beautiful trick for establishing uniqueness of the Ricci flow equation reverses the above procedure, by connecting solutions to the Ricci flow to the appropriately gauge-fixed Ricci flow. The subtlety is to discover the appropriate gauge transfor- mation, which arises by expressing the ODE defining φt in terms of the metric g, after which it follows that φt is a solution to the harmonic map heat flow. In particular, given (gt, bt) a solution to generalized Ricci flow, let φt be the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms which is the unique solution to ∂ φ = ∆ φ (5.8) ∂t t gt,g0 t φ0 = Id .

Here ∆gt,g0 denotes the harmonic map Laplacian with source metric gt and target metric g0. As this is a strictly parabolic equation and M is compact, solvability of 94 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY this equation for some short-time ǫ > 0 follows. A fundamental computation (cf. [52] Remark 2.50) shows that, letting Id denote the identity map of M,

1 −1 (5.9) ∆gt,g0 φt = ∆(φ )∗g ,g Id = X((φt− )∗gt, g0). t t 0 − Now set

1 gt = (φt− )∗gt 1 Ht = (φt− )∗Ht

A standard computation using the generalized Ricci flow equation and (5.9) shows that gt satisfies the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow of (5.6). i i To finish the uniqueness argument, we suppose (gt, bt), i = 1, 2, are two so- lutions to generalized Ricci flow with the same initial data. These have induced i torsions Ht. By employing the gauge-fixing procedure described above, we pro- i i duce two solutions (gt,Ht ) of the gauge-fixed system (5.6) with the same initial data. This system is strictly parabolic, and enjoys uniqueness of solutions, thus 1 2 1 2 gt = gt ,Ht = Ht for all times where either is defined. As discussed above, we can i now interpret the relevant diffeomorphisms used to gauge-fix, φt, as solutions to the i 1 2 ODE (5.7). Since the two metrics gt agree, it follows that φt = φt for all relevant 1 2 1 2 ∂ 1 ∂ 2 times, and thus gt = gt , Ht = Ht for all times t. It follows then that ∂t bt = ∂t bt 1 2  for all times, and thus bt = bt for all t.

Remark 5.8. For various applications in geometry and mathematical physics it would be desirable to study the generalized Ricci flow on complete, noncompact spaces. In this setting even short-time existence is a delicate issue, and examples such as a cylinder with arbitrarily small necks pinched at infinity suggest that a general short-time existence result should not be attainable. With some form of control over the initial metric, say bounded curvature, it seems likely that the flow should admit short-time solutions, as is known in the case of Ricci flow [153]. Uniqueness of these solutions within the class of solutions with bounded curvature was established in [44], (cf. [116]).

5.3. Curvature evolution equations Fundamental to the study of generalized Ricci flow is to understand the evo- lution of quantities determined by the associated curvature tensors. Though the Bismut connection is in many ways the most relevant connection, the evolution of the Riemannian curvature is relevant for some applications. As we will see, while the key aspect of the proof of Theorem 5.6 was overcoming the lack of strict parabolicity of the equation, all gauge-invariant quantities such as curvature, tor- sion, and their derivatives, will obey strictly parabolic equations. The reason for this difference is because of the extra differential identity satisfied by curvature, namely the Bianchi identity, a manifestation of its gauge-invariance.

5.3.1. Riemannian curvature evolution. 5.3. CURVATURE EVOLUTION EQUATIONS 95

Lemma 5.9. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given t a solution to generalized Riccih flow,i → one has G ∂ ∆ Rm = 2 (Q Q Q + Q ) ∂t − ijkl jikl − ijkl − ikjl iljk   R Rc R Rc R Rc R Rc − qjkl iq − iqkl jq − ijql kq − ijkq lq + 1 H2 H2 H2 + H2 + R H2 + R H2 . 4 ∇i∇k jl − ∇i∇l jk − ∇j ∇k il ∇j ∇l ik ijkq ql ijql kq where 

(5.10) Qijkl := Rpijq Rpklq .

∂ 1 2 Proof. We insert the evolution equation ∂t g = 2Rc+ 2 H into the varia- tional formula of Lemma 5.4, and compute the two terms− separately. Formulaically this takes the form ∂ ∂ p ∂ Rm = Rm g + Rmp g ∂t ijkl ∂t pl ijk ∂t (5.11)  ijk  pl p = 2 Rc + 2H2 g + Rmp 2 Rc + 1 H2 . ∇ ∇ ijk pl ijk − pl 2 pl n o First, the contribution of the Ricci tensor yields  (5.12) p 2 Rc g = Rc Rc Rc + Rc Rp Rc Rp Rc . ∇ ijk pl − ∇i∇k jl −∇i∇l jk −∇j∇k il ∇j ∇l ik − ijk pl − ijl kp h i To see that the second derivative terms above are really ∆ Rm in disguise, we need to use the Bianchi identity. In particular, using several applications of the Bianchi identity, commuting derivatives and noting the definition of Q (5.10) we see (5.13) ∆R = R ijkl ∇p∇p ijkl = R R − ∇p∇j pikl − ∇p∇i jpkl = R R R R R R R R R − ∇j ∇p pikl − jppq qikl − jpiq pqkl − jpkq piql − jplq pikq R R R R R R R R R − ∇i∇p jpkl − ipjq qpkl − ippq jqkl − ipkq jpql − iplq jpkq = R Rc R + R (R + R ) Q + Q − ∇j ∇p klpi − jq qikl jpiq plqk pklq − jkil jlik R + R (R + R ) Rc R + Q Q − ∇i∇p kljp ipjq qlpk qklp − iq jqkl ikjl − iljk = R + R Rc R + Q Q Q + Q ∇j ∇l pkpi ∇j ∇k lppi − jq qikl jilk − jikl − jkil jlik + R + R Rc R + Q Q + Q Q ∇i∇l pkjp ∇i∇k lpjp − iq jqkl ijkl − ijlk ikjl − iljk = Rc + Rc + Rc Rc + Rc R + Rc R − ∇j ∇l ki ∇j ∇k li ∇i∇l kj −∇i∇k lj jq iqkl iq qjkl + 2 (Q Q + Q Q ) . ijkl − jikl ikjl − iljk Next, plugging directly into the result of Lemma 5.4 we simply record

2 2 p 1 2 2 2 2 H gpl = i kHjl i lHjk j kHil + j lHik (5.14) ∇ ijk 4 ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ 2 2   Rijkq H Rijlq H . − ql − kq Combining (5.11)-(5.14) yields the claim.   96 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

Lemma 5.10. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given t a solution to generalized Ricci flow,h i → one has G ∂ ∆ Rc = 2 Rm Rc 1 H2 Rc Rc 1 H2 ∂t − ◦ − 4 − ◦ − 4     + 1 ∆H2 2 H 2 + div H2 . 4 − ∇ | | ∇◦ h i Proof. We return to Lemma 5.4 to directly compute ∂ ∂ Rc = Ri ∂t jk ∂t ijk i = 2 Rc + 2H2 ∇ ∇ ijk (5.15) 1 gqi Rp 2Rc+ 1 H2 + Rp 2Rc+ 1 H2 − 2 ijk − 2 pq ijq − 2 kp  i p p  = 2 Rc + 2H2 + R Rci Rc Rc  ∇ ∇ ijk ijk p − j pk 1 p 2 i 1 p 2 R (H ) + Rc (H )kp. − 4 ijk p 4 j Next we simplify, commuting derivatives and applying the second Bianchi identity, (5.16) i 2 Rc = gqi [ Rc + Rc + Rc Rc ] ∇ ijk −∇i∇k jq ∇i∇q jk ∇j ∇k iq −∇j∇q ik qi  = ∆Rcjk + j kR j (div Rc) g i k Rcjq ∇ ∇ − ∇ k − ∇ ∇ = ∆Rc + 1 R gqi Rc gqiRp Rc gqiRp Rc jk 2 ∇j ∇k − ∇k∇i qj − kij pq − kiq jp = ∆Rc + 1 R (div Rc) Rp Rci Rcp Rc jk 2 ∇j ∇k − ∇k j − kij p − k pj = ∆Rc Rp Rci Rcp Rc . jk − kij p − k pj Also we simplify by commuting derivatives,

i 2H2 = 1 gqi H2 H2 H2 + H2 ∇ ijk 4 ∇i∇k jq − ∇i∇q jk − ∇j ∇k iq ∇j ∇q ik  = 1 ∆H2 1 H 2 + 1 (div H2) + 1 gqi H 2 4 jk − 4 ∇j ∇k | | 4 ∇j k 4 ∇i∇k jq = 1 ∆H2 1 H 2 + 1 (div H2) + 1 gqi H2 4 jk − 4 ∇j ∇k | | 4 ∇j k 4 ∇k∇i jq (5.17) 1 qi p 2 1 qi p 2 + 4 g Rkij (H )pq + 4 g Rkiq Hjp = 1 ∆H2 H 2 + (div H2) + (div H2) 4 jk − ∇j ∇k | | ∇j k ∇k j h qi p 2 qi p 2 +g Rkij (H )pq + g Rkiq Hjp . i Combining (5.15)-(5.17) yields the result. 

Lemma 5.11. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given t a solution to generalized Ricci flow,h i → one has G ∂ ∆ R = ∆R 1 ∆ H 2 + 1 div div H2 +2 Rc, Rc 1 H2 . ∂t − − 2 | | 2 − 4  

Proof. We leave as an exercise to derive this from Lemma 5.10. Here we derive the result directly from the variation formula for scalar curvature in Lemma 5.3. CURVATURE EVOLUTION EQUATIONS 97

5.4. Specifically, plugging the generalized Ricci flow equation into the variation formula and applying Bianchi identities and Lemma 3.19 yields

∂ R = ∆ tr 2Rc+ 1 H2 + div div 2Rc+ 1 H2 Rc, 2Rc+ 1 H2 ∂t − g − 2 − 2 − − 2 = ∆R 1 ∆ H 2 + 1 div div H2 +2 Rc, Rc 1 H2 ,  − 2 | | 2 − 4 as claimed. 

Lemma 5.12. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given t a solution to generalized Ricci flow,h i → one has G

k ∂ k k+2 2 j 2 k j ∆ Rm = H + Rm +H ⋆ − Rm, ∂t − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇   j=0 X  ∂ 2 2 ∆ k Rm = 2 k+1 Rm + k+2H2 ⋆ k Rm ∂t − ∇ gt − ∇ gt ∇ ∇   k j 2 k j k + Rm +H ⋆ − Rm ⋆ Rm . ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X 

Proof. We compute, using the result of Lemma 5.9,

∂ ∂ k Rm = (∂ + Γ) ... (∂ + Γ) Rm ∂t∇ ∂t { } k 1 − j ∂ k 1 j k ∂ = Γ ⋆ − − Rm + Rm ∇ ∂t ∇ ∇ ∂t j=0 X     k 1 − j 2 k 1 j k ⋆2 2 2 2 = Rc +H ⋆ − − Rm + ∆ Rm + Rm + Rm ⋆H + H ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X    k k k+2 2 j 2 k j = ∆Rm+ H + Rm +H ⋆ − Rm ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X  k k k+2 2 j 2 k j = ∆ Rm + H + Rm +H ⋆ − Rm, ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X  where the last line follows by commuting derivatives. This yields the first equation, and the second follows as an elementary exercise, noting that the terms arising from the variation of the inner product yield more terms of the form j = 0 in the final sum.  98 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

Lemma 5.13. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given t a solution to generalized Ricci flow,h i → one has G

k k ∂ k j k j j 2 k j ∆ H = Rm ⋆ − H + H ⋆ − H, ∂t − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 j=1   X X k ∂ k 2 k+1 2 j k j k ∆ H = 2 H + Rm ⋆ − H⋆ H ∂t − ∇ gt − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇   j=0 X k j 2 k j k + H ⋆ − H⋆ H. ∇ ∇ ∇ j=1 X

Proof. We compute, using the result of Lemma 4.4 and the Bochner formula,

∂ ∂ kH = (∂ + Γ) ... (∂ + Γ) H ∂t∇ ∂t { } k 1 − j ∂ k 1 j k ∂ = Γ ⋆ − − H + H ∇ ∂t ∇ ∇ ∂t j=0 X     k 1 − j 2 k 1 j k = Rc +H ⋆ − − H + (∆H + Rm ⋆H) ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X   k 1 k k − j+1 2 k 1 j j k j = ∆H + Rm +H ⋆ − − H + Rm ⋆ − H ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 j=0 X  X k k k j k j j 2 k j = ∆ H + Rm ⋆ − H + H ⋆ − H, ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 j=1 X X where in the last line we have reindexed one sum and commuted derivatives. This proves the first formula, and again we leave the derivation of the second equation as an exercise. 

5.3.2. Bismut curvature evolution.

Lemma 5.14. Let (M n,g) be a smooth manifold with closed three-form H. Then

∆+R+ = + + Rc+ + + + Rc+ + + + Rc+ + + Rc+ ijkl − ∇j ∇l ik ∇j ∇k il ∇i ∇l jk −∇i ∇k jl Rc+ R+ R+ R+ Q+ + Q+ − jq qikl − jpiq pqkl − jkil jlik R+ R+ Rc+ R+ + Q+ Q+ − ipjq qpkl − iq jqkl ikjl − iljk + ( + +(H2)) + ( +(H ⋆ R+)), T1 ∇ ∇ T2 ∇ 5.3. CURVATURE EVOLUTION EQUATIONS 99 where + + + Qijkl = Rpijq Rpklq , ( + +H2) = + + H H + + H H , T1 ∇ ∇ ijkl ∇i ∇p kpq ljq − ∇j ∇p kpq liq σX(kpl) σX(kpl) ( +(H ⋆ R+)) = T2 ∇ ijkl + Hq R+ + Hq R+ + Hq R+ − ∇p ij qpkl pi qjkl jp qikl   + + Hq R+ + Hq R+ + Hq Rc+ Rc+ H + R+ H + R+ H ∇j pk qlpi lp qkpi kl qi − kq qli pklq pqi pkiq plq  +R+ H + R+ H Rc+ H pliq qkp plkq iqp − lq ikq  + + Hq R+ + Hq R+ Hq Rc+ + Rc+ H R+ H R+ H ∇i pk qljp lp qkjp − kl qj kq qlj − pklq pqj − pkjq plq  R+ H R+ H + Rc+ H . − pljq qkp − plkq jqp lq jkq  Proof. We work in local coordinates. Also, we drop the superscript on the connection and curvature for notational simplicity, with all objects in this proof associated to the Bismut connection. First we note that, using that H is closed we can simplify formula (3.27) to R R = 1 ( H + H + H + H ) ijkl − klij 2 ∇k ilj ∇j kil ∇l jki ∇i ljk 1 = H + H (d∇H) ∇k ilj ∇l jki − 2 kilj = H + H + H H (5.18) ∇k ilj ∇l jki kip ljp σX(kil) = H + H + H H . ∇j kil ∇i ljk jkp ilp σX(jki) Using Proposition 3.20 and (5.18) we obtain, with all objects associated to the Bismut connection, (5.19) ∆R = R ijkl ∇p∇p ijkl = R R Hq R Hq R Hq R ∇p −∇j pikl − ∇i jpkl − ij qpkl − pi qjkl − jp qikl = R R R R R R R R R − ∇ j ∇p pikl − jppq qikl − jpiq pqkl − jpkq piql − jplq pikq R R R R R R R R R − ∇i∇p jpkl − ipjq qpkl − ippq jqkl − ipkq jpql − iplq jpkq Hq R + Hq R + Hq R − ∇p ij qpkl pi qjkl jp qikl  = R + H + H + H H − ∇j ∇p  klpi ∇k pli ∇l ikp kpq liq  σX(kpl)   R H H H H − ∇i∇p  kljp − ∇k plj − ∇l jkp − kpq ljq  σX(kpl) Rc R R R Q + Q  − jq qikl − jpiq pqkl − jkil jlik R R Rc R + Q Q − ipjq qpkl − iq jqkl ikjl − iljk Hq R + Hq R + Hq R . − ∇p ij qpkl pi qjkl jp qikl  100 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

We next analyze the highest order terms appearing in the first line of the final equality above. First, R = R R Hq R Hq R Hq R ∇p klpi − ∇l pkpi − ∇k lppi − pk qlpi − lp qkpi − kl qppi = Rc Rc Hq R Hq R Hq Rc . ∇l ki −∇k li − pk qlpi − lp qkpi − kl qi Next R = R R Hq R Hq R Hq R ∇p kljp − ∇l pkjp − ∇k lpjp − pk qljp − lp qkjp − kl qpjp = Rc + Rc Hq R Hq R + Hq Rc . − ∇l kj ∇k lj − pk qljp − lp qkjp kl qj Next H = H R H R H R H ∇p∇k pli ∇k∇p pli − pkpq qli − pklq pqi − pkiq plq = d∗H R H R H R H − ∇k li − pkpq qli − pklq pqi − pkiq plq = (Rc Rc ) R H R H R H . ∇k li − il − pkpq qli − pklq pqi − pkiq plq Next H = H R H R H R H ∇p∇l ikp ∇l∇p ikp − pliq qkp − plkq iqp − plpq ikq = d∗H R H R H R H − ∇l ik − pliq qkp − plkq iqp − plpq ikq = (Rc Rc ) R H R H R H . ∇l ik − ki − pliq qkp − plkq iqp − plpq ikq Next H = H R H R H R H ∇p∇k plj ∇k∇p plj − pkpq qlj − pklq pqj − pkjq plq = d∗H R H R H R H − ∇k lj − pkpq qlj − pklq pqj − pkjq plq = (Rc Rc ) R H R H R H . ∇k lj − jl − pkpq qlj − pklq pqj − pkjq plq Lastly H = H R H R H R H ∇p∇l jkp ∇l∇p jkp − pljq qkp − plkq jqp − plpq jkq = d∗H R H R H R H − ∇l jk − pljq qkp − plkq jqp − plpq jkq = (Rc Rc ) R H R H R H . ∇l jk − kj − pljq qkp − plkq jqp − plpq jkq Inserting the above computations into (5.19) gives the result. 

Lemma 5.15. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given t a solution to generalized Ricci flow,h i → one has G

∂ k + = gkl + Rc+ + + Rc+ + Rc+ + gkl Hp Rc+ Hp Rc+ Hp Rc+ . ∂t ∇ ij − ∇i lj ∇j il −∇l ij ij pl − il pj − jl ip      Proof. Using the result of Lemma 4.6 expressed in terms of the notation of Lemma 5.5, we have sym A = 2(Rc+) + 2(Rc+)skew ij − ij ij = Rc+ Rc+ + Rc+ Rc+ − ij − ji ij − ji = 2 Rc+ − ji Plugging this into the result of Lemma 5.5 gives the result.  5.4. SMOOTHING ESTIMATES 101

Proposition 5.16. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given a solution to generalized Ricci flow,h i one→ has Gt ∂ ∆+ R+ = R+ ⋆ R+ + + +(H2)+ +(H ⋆ R+). ∂t − ijkl ∇ ∇ ∇   Proof. Using Lemma 5.5 and the result of Lemma 5.15 we obtain ∂ ∂ R+ = (R+)q g ∂t ijkl ∂t ijk ql  q  q q  + ˙ + + ˙ + p ˙ + + q Sym = i j + Hij gql 2(R )ijk (Rc )ql ∇ ∇ jk − ∇ ∇ ik ∇ pk −         = + + Rc+ + + Rc+ + Rc+ + Hq Rc+ Hq Rc+ Hq Rc+ ∇i − ∇j lk ∇k jl −∇l jk jk lq − jl kq − kl qj      + + Rc+ + + Rc+ + Rc+ + Hq Rc+ Hq Rc+ Hq Rc+ − ∇j − ∇i lk ∇k il −∇l ik ik lq − il kq − kl qi    + Hp + Rc+ + + Rc+ + Rc+ + Hr Rc+ Hr Rc+ Hr Rc+ ij − ∇p kl ∇k lp −∇l kp pk lr − pl kr − kl rp 2(R+)q (RcSym)   − ijk ql 19 =: Ai. i=1 X We first simplify A + A = glp + + + + Rc+ = R+ Rc+ +R+ Rc+ . 1 7 ∇j ∇i − ∇i ∇j kp ijkq qp ijpq kq Next using Lemma 5.14 we have  A + A + A + A = ∆+R+ + Rc+ R+ + R+ R+ + Q+ Q+ 2 3 8 9 ijkl jq qikl jpiq pqkl jkil − jlik + R+ R+ + Rc+ R+ Q+ + Q+ ipjq qpkl iq jqkl − ikjl iljk ( 2(H2)) ( (H ⋆ R)). − T1 ∇ − T2 ∇ The claimed formula now follows, with the precise forms of the different expressions implicit by the formulas above.  Question 5.17. A fundamental property of the Ricci flow is that the holonomy of the Levi-Civita connection is preserved along the flow [95]. While the holonomy can reduce in singular or infinite time limits, it will not reduce in finite time for smooth solutions [117]. It is natural to ask if there is a similar behavior for the generalized Ricci flow, namely, if there is a natural notion of holonomy in generalized geometry which is preserved along the flow. Due to the lack of a canonical Levi- Civita connection in generalized geometry (see Chapter 3), it is not even completely clear what the correct notion of holonomy should be. A possible candidate is given by the holonomy of the classical Bismut connection.

5.4. Smoothing estimates A fundamental property of the heat equation on Rn is the concept of “smooth- ing,” namely that a solution with low regularity becomes instantaneously smooth and moreover obtains uniform estimates on all derivatives in terms of the elapsed time. This is a very general feature of parabolic equations, where typically in the nonlinear setting some kind of a priori control is needed before the smoothing ef- fect can take over. As a nonlinear degenerate parabolic equation, the generalized 102 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

Ricci flow exhibits this behavior, where a bound on the curvature tensor implies a smoothing effect for all derivatives of the curvature. This result sets the stage for obtaining long time existence results for the flow, indicating that a bound on the curvature tensor suffices to completely control the flow, which we prove in the next section. Theorem 5.18. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid with M h i → α compact. Let t be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on [0,T0], 0 < T0 K satisfying G ≤

(5.20) sup Rm + H + H 2 K. M [0,T0] | | |∇ | | | ≤ × n o Given k N, there exists C = C(n,k,α) such that ∈ k k+1 k CK (5.21) sup Rm + H + H H k/2 . M [0,T0] ∇ ∇ | | ∇ ≤ t ×  Proof. We begin with the case k = 1. Consider the test function 2 F = t Rm 2 + 2H + P Rm 2 + Q H 2 , |∇ | ∇ | | |∇ |   where P 1 is to be chosen below. Combining Lemmas 5.12, 5.13, and the Cauchy- Schwarz inequality≥ yields

1 ∂ 2 2 3 2 j 2 1 j ∆ F = t 2 Rm + H ⋆ Rm + Rm +H ⋆ − Rm ⋆ Rm ∂t − − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇    j=0 X   2 2  3 2 j 2 j 2 j 2 2 j 2 + t 2 H + Rm ⋆ − H⋆ H + H ⋆ − H⋆ H − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇  j=0 j=1 X X  2 2  + (1 2P ) Rm + (1 2P ) 2H − |∇ | − ∇ 2 2 2 + P H ⋆ Rm + Rm ⋆ Rm ⋆(Rm + H ) ∇ 1  j 1 j 2 + P Rm ⋆ − H⋆ H + H ⋆H⋆ H  ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇  j=0 X  1  3 2 j 2 1 j t C H H Rm + C Rm Rm + H − Rm Rm ≤  ∇ | | |∇ | |∇ | | | ∇ ∇ |∇ | j=0 X  2  2 j 2 j 2 j 2 2 j 2 3 2 + Rm − H H + H − H H 2 H ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇  − ∇  j=0 j=1 X X 2   P Rm 2 P 2H + P 2H2 Rm + Rm 3 + Rm 2 H 2 − |∇ | − ∇ ∇ | | | | | | | |   + P Rm H 2 + Rm H H + H2 H H . | | |∇ | |∇ | | | |∇ | ∇ | | |∇ |   Applying 5.20 and the arithmetic-geometric mean we obtain ∂ 2 P ∆ F Rm 2 (CKt P )+ 2H CKt + CPK3(1 + tK). ∂t − ≤ |∇ | − ∇ − 2    


α Using that t K , we can choose P large with respect to universal constants and α to obtain ≤

∂ ∆ F CK3. ∂t − ≤  

Applying the maximum principle on this time interval we obtain, for t α , ≤ K

sup F sup F + CK3t CK2(1 + α). M t ≤ M 0 ≤ ×{ } ×{ }

This finishes the proof for the case k = 1. We now prove the inductive step. Assuming the result holds for all values p k 1, define ≤ −

k 1 2 2 − 2 2 F = tk k Rm + k+1H + tjP j Rm + j+1H . ∇ ∇ j ∇ ∇ j=0   X  

We will derive the relevant differential inequality for F in stages. First of all we apply Lemmas 5.12 and 5.13 to obtain, for times t> 0,

(5.22) ∂ 2 2 ∆ k Rm + k+1H ∂t − ∇ ∇     k k+1 2 k +2 2 k j 2 k j k 2 Rm + H ⋆ Rm + Rm +H ⋆ − Rm ⋆ Rm ≤ − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X  k+1 k+1 k+2 2 j k+1 j k+1 j 2 k+1 j k+1 2 H + Rm ⋆ − H⋆ H + H ⋆ − H⋆ H. − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 j=1 X X

We now estimate some terms in (5.12), using the induction hypothesis. First

(5.23) k k+2 2 k k+2 k+1 j k+2 j k H ⋆ Rm C H H + H H + H − H Rm ∇ ∇ ≤  ∇ | | ∇ |∇ | ∇ ∇  ∇ j=2 X 1  2 2 2  2 k+2H + C H 2 k Rm + CK k+1H + k Rm ≤ 2 ∇ | | ∇ ∇ ∇   K K k + C (j 1) /2 (k+1 j)/2 Rm t − t − ∇ 3 1 2 2 2 K k+2H + CK k +1H + k Rm + C . ≤ 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ tk  


Similarly we estimate (5.24) k+1 j k+1 j k+1 Rm ⋆ − H⋆ H ∇ ∇ ∇ j=0 X

k 1 k+1 k − j k+1 j k+1 C Rm H + Rm H + Rm − H H ≤  ∇ | | ∇ |∇ | ∇ ∇  ∇ j=0 X  2 2 2 2 1 k+1 Rm + C H 2 k+1H + CK k Rm + k+1H ≤ 2 ∇ | | ∇ ∇ ∇ K K k+1 2   + C j/2 ( k j)/2 H t t − ∇ 3 2 2 2 K 1 k+1 Rm + CK k Rm + k+1H + C . ≤ 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ tk   We leave as an elementary exercise to estimate the two remaining terms of (5.22) using the induction hypothesis via (5.25)

k 3 j 2 k j k k 2 k+1 2 K Rm +H ⋆ − Rm ⋆ Rm CK Rm + H + C , ∇ ∇ ∇ ≤ ∇ ∇ tk j=0 X   

k+1 3 j 2 k+1 j k+1 k 2 k+1 2 K H ⋆ − H⋆ H CK Rm + H + C . ∇ ∇ ∇ ≤ ∇ ∇ tk j=1 X  

Plugging (5.23) - (5.25) into (5.22) yields the differential inequality

(5.26) ∂ 2 2 ∆ k Rm + k+1H ∂t − ∇ ∇     3 2 2 2 2 K k+1 Rm k+2 H + CK k+1H + k Rm + C . ≤ − ∇ − ∇ ∇ ∇ tk   Using this differential inequality, we can choose the constants Pj by an elementary induction argument to arrive at the differential inequality ∂ ∆ F CK3, ∂t − ≤   α α for all times t K . Applying the maximum principle on the time interval [0, K ] yields the estimate≤ sup F sup F + CK3t CK2(1 + α), M t ≤ M 0 ≤ ×{ } ×{ } which after rearranging yields the required estimate. 

5.5. Results on maximal existence time Having established the general short-time existence of solutions to generalized Ricci flow on compact manifolds, the natural follow-up question is, how far can this solution be extended? As we have seen in Example 4.10, the maximal interval of 5.5.RESULTSONMAXIMALEXISTENCETIME 105 existence can certainly be finite. In this section we provide a basic criterion for de- termining the singular time of a solution to generalized Ricci flow, namely showing that at a singular time for generalized Ricci flow, the norm of the Riemann curva- ture tensor must blow up. Verifying global existence of a solution to generalized Ricci flow thus reduces to establishing a bound on the Riemann curvature tensor. n 3 Lemma 5.19. Let M be a smooth manifold. Given H Λ T ∗ and g a Rie- mannian metric on M, one has ∈ 2 H2 1 H 4 . g ≥ n | |g 2 Proof. From the definition (3.23) it is clear that H is a positive semidefinite two tensor, and that one has tr H2 = H 2. Using the orthogonal decomposition g | | 2 ◦2 1 2 H = H + n trg H g into tracefree and diagonal tensors, we obtain 2 2 2 ◦2 1 2 H g = H + n trg H g

2 ◦2 1 2 2 2 = H + 2 tr H g n g | |g g  2 = H◦2 + 1 H 4 n | |g g

1 H 4 , ≥ n | |g as required.  Proposition 5.20. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Let be a solution to generalized Riccih flowi → on [0, α ] such that Gt K sup Rm K. α M [0, ] | |≤ × K Then there exists a constant C = C(n) such that for all t [0, α ], ∈ K sup t H 2 C max α, 1 . M t | | ≤ { } ×{ } Proof. Combining Lemma 4.4 with the Bochner formula and the estimate of Lemma 5.19 yields the differential inequality ∂ ∂ H 2 = 2 ∆ H,H 3 g ,H2 ∂t | | h d i− ∂t    = 2 ∆H + Rm ⋆H,H 3 2Rc+ 1 H2 ,H2 h i− − 2 2 = ∆ H 2 2 H 2 + Rm ⋆H ⋆2 3 H2  | | − |∇ | − 2 2 2 2 4 ∆ H 2 H + CK H 3 H , ≤ | | − |∇ | | | − 2n | | where C depends only on n. As a direct consequence we obtain, using that t α , ≤ K ∂ ∆ t H 2 (1 + CtK) H 2 3 t H 4 ∂t − | | ≤ | | − 2n | |   C max α, 1 H 2 3 t H 4 ≤ { } | | − 2n | | H 2 C max α, 1 3 t H 2 . ≤ | | { }− 2n | |   106 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

2 2C max α,1 We note that at any point where t H 3n{ } =: C1, the right hand side is 2 | | ≥ nonpositive. Since supM 0 t H is obviously zero, it follows from the maximum ×{ } | | α  principle that the estimate supM t C1 is preserved for t [0, K ]. ×{ } ≤ ∈ Proposition 5.21. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid with M compact. Suppose is a solutionh toi → generalized Ricci flow on [0, α ] such that Gt K sup Rm K. α M [0, ] | |≤ × K Then there exists a constant C = C(n) such that for all t [0, α ], ∈ K sup t H C max α, 1 . M t |∇ |≤ { } ×{ } Proof. Combining Lemma 4.4 with the Bochner formula we obtain ∂ ∂ ∂ H = H + H ∂t∇ ∂t∇ ∇ ∂t     = Rc 1 H2 ⋆H + (∆H + Rm ⋆H) ∇ − 4 ∇ = ∆ H + Rm ⋆ H + ( Rm + H⋆H) ⋆ H. ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ A further calculation then yields, using Lemma 5.19, ∂ ∂ H 2 = 2 H, H ∂t |∇ | ∂t∇ ∇   ij kl 2Rc+ 1 H2 gklgpqgrs +3 2Rc+ 1 H2 gij gpqgrs H H − − 2 − 2 ∇i kpr∇j lqs = 2 ∆n H + Rm ⋆ H + ( Rm + H⋆H ) ⋆ H, H o h ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ i + Rm ⋆ H⋆2 1 (H2)ij gklgpqgrs + 3(H2)klgij gpqgrs H H ∇ − 2 ∇i kpr∇j lqs 2 ∆ H 2 2 2H + C Rm H 2 + Rm H H + C H 2 H 2 ≤ |∇ | − ∇ | | |∇ | |∇ | | | |∇ | | | |∇ | where C depends only on n. As a direct consequence we obtain, using that t α , K and applying Proposition 5.20, ≤ ∂ ∆ t H 2 1+ CtK + Ct H 2 H 2 + t Rm 2 ∂t − |∇ | ≤ | | |∇ | |∇ |     C max α, 1 H 2 + t Rm 2 . ≤ { } |∇ | |∇ | 2 2C max α,1 We note that at any point where t H 3n{ } =: C1, the right hand side is 2 | | ≥ nonpositive. Since supM 0 t H is obviously zero, it follows from the maximum ×{ } | | 2 α  principle that the estimate supM t t H C1 is preserved for t [0, K ]. ×{ } | | ≤ ∈ n Lemma 5.22. Let M be a smooth manifold, and suppose (gt,Ht) is a smooth one-parameter family of pairs on [0,T ), T < , such that for any m ,m N, ∞ 1 2 ∈ ∂m2 ∂m2 sup m1 g + m1 H < . m2 m2 M [0,T ) ∇ ∂t ∇ ∂t ∞ ×  

Then there exists a smooth pair (gT ,HT ) such that (g ,H ) (g ,H ) t t → T T in the C∞ topology. 5.5.RESULTSONMAXIMALEXISTENCETIME 107

Proof. First we establish the existence of the limiting metric gT . Fix a vector V T M, 0 t t

C(T t1). ≤ − This shows that limt T gt(V, V ) exists, and by polarization we obtain gT = limt T gt. → → With this uniform equivalence of g established we can obtain the limit HT . In particular we fix V,X,Y T M, 0 t t

C(T t1). ≤ − This shows limt T H(V,X,Y ) exists, defining a continuous 3-form HT . → Showing strong convergence to and regularity of (gT ,HT ) requires inductively proving stronger estimates on the derivatives of g and H with respect to some fixed background connection. These technical details are identical to that for Ricci flow, and we refer the reader to ([51] Proposition 6.48) for the proof.  Theorem 5.23. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. Given a generalized metric, let T h iR → denote the maximal extended real G0 ∈ >0 ∪ {∞} number such that the solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition 0 exists smoothly on [0,T ). If T < , then G ∞ lim sup sup Rm = . t T M t | | ∞ → ×{ } Proof. We argue by contradiction, and suppose that (5.27) lim sup sup Rm = K < . t T M t | | ∞ → ×{ } Fix some 0 <δ

lim (gt,Ht) = (gT ,HT ). t T → 108 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

As M is compact, we may apply Theorem 5.6 to claim that there exists ǫ> 0 and a smooth solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (gT ,HT ) on [0,ǫ). Concatenating this solution with the original solution yields a smooth solution to generalized Ricci flow on [0,T + ǫ), contradicting the maximality of T . Thus (5.27) cannot hold, finishing the proof. 

5.6. Compactness results for generalized metrics In the study of generalized Ricci flow, as in any partial differential equation, it is very useful to have a compactness principle for taking limits of sequences of solutions. In the context of Riemannian geometry, the relevant limits are taken with respect to the Cheeger-Gromov topology (cf. [42], [143] Chapter 10). Hamilton later extended this definition to taking limits of one-parameter families of metrics satisfying certain geometric bounds [94], with the goal of applying it to solutions of Ricci flow. In this section we will briefly recall these notions, and sketch a proof of an elementary extension of Hamilton’s result to one-parameter families of generalized metrics, which will be instrumental in taking limits of solutions of generalized Ricci flow in various contexts. We begin with a fundamental definition: Definition 5.24. We say that a sequence (M ,g , O ) of complete pointed { k k k } Riemannian manifolds converges in the C∞ Cheeger-Gromov topology to a limit (M ,g , O ) if there exists an exhaustion of M by open sets Uk containing O ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ and a sequence of diffeomorphisms φk : Uk Vk Mk such that φk(O ) = Ok, → ⊂ ∞ and φ∗gk g uniformly on compact subsets in the C∞ topology. k → ∞ This definition highlights a fundamental point, which is that if we want to take limits of metrics satisfying natural geometric conditions, i.e. conditions invariant under the diffeomorphism group, then we must take the diffeomorphism invariance explicitly into account and choose an appropriate diffeomorphism gauge before the limits of the metric tensors can be taken in a classic sense. In view of our discussion in Proposition 2.15 of the enlarged gauge group relevant to generalized geometry, the following definition is inevitable. Definition 5.25. We say that a sequence (E ,M , , O ) of complete pointed { k k Gk k } generalized Riemannian manifolds converges in the C∞ generalized Cheeger-Gromov topology to a limit (E ,M , , O ) if there exists an exhaustion of M by open ∞ ∞ G∞ ∞ ∞ sets Uk containing O and a sequence of diffeomorphisms φk : Uk Vk Mk ∞ → ⊂ covered by Courant algebroid automorphisms Fk such that

(1) φk(O )= Ok, 1 ∞ (2) F − kFk uniformly on compact subsets in the C∞ topology. k G → G∞ We observe that if gk and Hk denote the metric and three-forms canonically asso- ciated to (Ek, k) by Proposition 2.40, with g ,H similarly defined, then G ∞ ∞ (1) φ∗gk g uniformly on compact subsets in the C∞ topology, k → ∞ (2) φ∗Hk H uniformly on compact subsets in the C∞ topology. k → ∞ Remark 5.26. A basic fact of Cheeger-Gromov convergence is invariance under the diffeomorphism group. It follows from Propositions 2.14 and 2.40 that the limiting process is invariant under the action of the enlarged symmetry group, in particular under the action of closed B-fields. In particular, if (E ,M , , O ) { k k Gk k } converges to (E ,M , , O ), and Fk denotes a Courant automorphism of Ek, ∞ ∞ G∞ ∞ 1 then the sequence (Ek,Mk, F − kFk, Ok) also converges to (E ,M , , O ). { k G } ∞ ∞ G∞ ∞ 5.6. COMPACTNESS RESULTS FOR GENERALIZED METRICS 109

Definitions 5.24 and 5.25 give a notion of sequential convergence, which by a standard method can be bootstrapped to define an actual topology on the space of generalized Riemannian manifolds. We point to [148] for recent further progress on understanding the moduli space of generalized metrics. However, the specifics of this topology are not as directly useful here as the notion of convergence and precompactness in this topology, which arises via the question of when a sequence of generalized metrics admits a convergent subsequence. In the context of Riemannian metrics, the fundamental question was answered by Cheeger [42]. We state here a simplified version which suffices for our purposes, proved by Hamilton [94]. Theorem 5.27. ([94] Theorem 2.3) Given a sequence (M ,g , O ) of com- { k k k } plete pointed Riemannian manifolds such that for all j N there exists Cj < such that ∈ ∞ j sup Rmgk Cj , gk gk Mk ∇ ≤ and such that there exists δ > 0 so that

inj (Ok) δ, gk ≥ then there exists a convergent subsequence. Building upon this fundamental theorem, we prove a related theorem on com- pactness for sequences of generalized metrics satisfying certain natural bounds. Corollary 5.28. Given a sequence (E ,M , , O of complete pointed gen- { k k Gk k} eralized Riemannian manifolds such that for all j N there exists Cj < such that ∈ ∞ j j sup g Rmgk + Hk Cj , k gk gk Mk ∇ ∇ ≤ n o and such that there exists δ > 0 so that

inj (Ok) δ, gk ≥ then there exists a convergent subsequence.

Proof. As the hypotheses of Theorem 5.27 are satisfied for the sequence gk , we can choose a subsequence such that the underlying Riemannian manifolds{ con-} verge in the C∞ Cheeger-Gromov topology to a limiting Riemannian manifold (M ,g ). Using the derivative estimates for H, it follows from the Arzela-Ascoli ∞ ∞ theorem that the sequence of pullbacks φk∗Hk converges uniformly on compact subsets of M to a limiting three-form H{ . As} discussed in 2.1, this tensor H defines a twisted∞ Dorfman bracket on M ∞, which determines§ the exact Courant∞ algebroid E . If we define on E ∞using g and the canonical splitting of ∞ G∞ ∞ ∞ TM T ∗M , then (Ek, k, Ok) converges to (E , , O ).  ∞ ⊕ ∞ { G } ∞ G∞ ∞ Remark 5.29. In Corollary 5.28, in addition to the topology of the limiting space changing, the topology of the Courant bracket structure can also change. In particular, fix M any smooth manifold which admits H a closed three-form such that [H] = 0 H3(M, R). We can define generalized metrics associated to g and the canonical6 ∈ splitting on the twisted Courant algebroid definedG by λH for any λ R. Sending λ 0 gives a sequence of generalized metrics with nontrivial Severaˇ ∈ classes converging→ to a generalized metric on a Courant algebroid with trivial Severaˇ class. 110 5. LOCAL EXISTENCE AND REGULARITY

What is most relevant for studying generalized Ricci flow is to take limits not just of generalized metrics, but of one-parameter families of generalized metrics. The relevant notion from Riemannian geometry was introduced by Hamilton [94]. Given the clear relationship between Definitions 5.24 and 5.25, in the interest of space we only state the definition in the context of generalized metrics. Definition 5.30. We say that a sequence (E ,M , t , O ) of one-parameter { k k Gk k } families of complete pointed generalized Riemannian manifolds converges in the C∞ generalized Cheeger-Gromov topology to a limiting one-parameter family (E ,M , t , O ), ∞ ∞ G∞ ∞ defined for t (α, ω), if there exists an exhaustion of M by open sets Uk contain- ∈ ∞ ing O and a sequence of diffeomorphisms φk : Uk Vk Mk covered by Courant ∞ → ⊂ automorphisms Fk such that

(1) φk(O )= Ok, 1 ∞ t t (2) Fk− ( k) Fk uniformly on compact subsets of M (α, ω) in the G → G∞ ∞ × C∞ topology. t t As before, if gk and Hk denote the families of metrics and three-forms canonically t t t associated to (Ek, k) by Proposition 2.40, with g ,H similarly defined, then t Gt ∞ ∞ (1) φk∗gk g uniformly on compact subsets of M (α, ω) in the C∞ topology,→ ∞ ∞ × t t (2) φk∗Hk H uniformly on compact subsets of M (α, ω) in the C∞ topology.→ ∞ ∞ × Theorem 5.31. Let (E ,M , t ) be a sequence of complete solutions to { k k Gk } generalized Ricci flow defined on time intervals Ik = (αk,ωk) R. Suppose α α, ω ω, and for all j N there exists C < such that ⊂ k → k → ∈ j ∞ j j sup g Rmgk + Hk Cj . k gk gk Mk Ik ∇ ∇ ≤ × n o Furthermore, suppose there exists Ok Mk, t0 (α, ω), and δ > 0 so that ∈ ∈ inj (Ok) δ, gk (t0) ≥ t for all sufficiently large k. Then there exists a subsequence of (Ek,Mk, k, Ok) converging to a pointed solution of generalized Ricci flow defined on{ the timeG interval} (α, β). Proof. We give a brief sketch of the proof, leaving technical arguments as t0 lengthy exercises. First, the sequence of generalized Riemannian manifolds (Ek,Mk, k , Ok) satisfies the hypotheses of Corollary 5.28, and thus there is a subsequence converg-{ G } ing to a limiting generalized Riemannian manifold (E ,M , , O ). Having established convergence of the given time slices, one must∞ use∞ theG∞ generalized∞ Ricci flow equation together with the uniform derivative estimates to show convergence for all times. The key point is to obtain uniform estimates for g and H on compact subsets of spacetime. These estimates follow as in the proof of Lemma 5.22. The uniform equivalence for the metrics is proved in Lemma 5.22, whereas for the higher regularity estimates we refer to ([51] Proposition 6.48).  CHAPTER 6

Energy and Entropy Functionals

In the previous two chapters we motivated the generalized Ricci flow by show- ing that it is a well-posed evolution equation with generalized Einstein metrics as fixed points, and establishing fundamental analytic structure along the flow stem- ming from its parabolic structure. For deeper applications it is natural to seek monotone quantities along the flow which provide further control of the metric, as well as convergence results for smooth long-time solutions. For the Ricci flow equa- tion the discovery of such quantities was among the fundamental breakthroughs of Perelman [140]. By the explicit incorporation of extra terms involving H, it is possible to modify these constructions to yield energy and entropy functionals for the generalized Ricci flow. 6.1. Generalized Ricci flow as a gradient flow 6.1.1. Energy Functional. As was discovered in [138] following Perelman’s construction, the generalized Ricci flow is the gradient flow for the first eigenvalue of a natural Schr¨odinger operator, directly generalizing Perelman’s energy mono- tonicity for Ricci flow. The energy functional below already appeared in Chapter 3 as the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional (cf. Definition 3.49). Definition 6.1. Let M n be a smooth manifold. Given g a Riemannian metric, 3 H Λ T ∗, dH = 0, and f C∞, let ∈ ∈ 1 2 2 f (g,H,f)= R 12 H + f e− dV. F M − | | |∇ | Z   Furthermore, let λ(g,H) = inf (g,H,f). f e−f dV =1 F { | RM } Remark 6.2. Note that we have chosen to define the functional using the F three-form H directly, as opposed to freezing a background H0 and defining the 2 functional using b Λ T ∗, with the convention that H = H0 + db, as is done for instance in [138]. ∈ Lemma 6.3. Given (M n,g,H) a smooth compact Riemannian manifold with 3 H Λ T ∗, dH = 0, the infimum defining λ(g,H) is uniquely achieved, and is the lowest∈ eigenvalue of the Schr¨odinger operator (6.1) 4∆+ R 1 H 2 . − − 12 | | f Proof. We note that we may reexpress the functional in terms of u = e− 2 as F

1 2 2 2 (g,H,u)= R 12 H u +4 u dV. F M − | | |∇ | Z h  i 111 112 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

2 If we minimize this functional over u satisfying M u dV = 1, a direct variational computation with Langrange multipliers shows that u must satisfy R 4∆+ R 1 H 2 u = λu. − − 12 | |   This minimizing function exists and is unique by ([145] XIII.12). 

Remark 6.4. The Schr¨odinger operator (6.1), introduced in [138], has been re- cently interpreted in [152] as an operator on half-densities to provide an alternative definition of the entropy functional in Definition 6.1. F 6.1.2. Conjugate heat equation. Note that the definition of requires the extra parameter f, whereas the infimum in the definition of λ removesF this parameter. Obtaining evolution equations for λ is challenging to achieve directly due to this infimum, since the function f achieving this infimum can change in a discontinuous way as g and H change. For this reason it is more effective to work with directly. It is natural then to couple an evolution equation for the parameter f toF the generalized Ricci flow, the most natural choice being the conjugate heat equation, which will preserve the unit volume condition.

n Definition 6.5. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow. A one-parameter family u C∞(M) is a solution to the conjugate heat equation if t ∈ ∂ (6.2) + ∆ u = Ru 1 H 2 u. ∂t gt − 4 | |   We summarize this equation in terms of the conjugate heat operator ∗, where

∂ 1 2 (6.3) ∗ := ∆ + R H . −∂t − gt − 4 | |

In particular, a function u solves the conjugate heat equation if and only if ∗u = 0. 2 The operator ∗ is the L adjoint of the time-dependent heat operator (cf. Lemma 6.6 below) ∂  := ∆ . ∂t − gt It is convenient to phrase many results below in terms of the generalized Ricci flow in a general gauge (cf. Remark 4.23). Given a solution to (Xt, kt)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow, the relevant conjugate heat equation becomes ∂ (6.4) + ∆ X u = Ru 1 H 2 u. ∂t gt − − 4 | |   Observe that the sign on the left hand side of (6.2) indicates that, as a heat equation, it is evolving in reverse time of the generalized Ricci flow. This is nat- ural from the point of view of understanding monotonicity for , as one wants to construct a test function at some forward time, and pass it in aF natural way to an earlier time, where one has some geometric understanding. The next lemma shows that the conjugate heat equation preserves the evolving f-weighted volume, and is the L2 adjoint of the heat equation with respect to the evolving metric.

n Lemma 6.6. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow.  d (1) If φt is a solution of ∗φ =0, then dt M φdVg =0. R 6.1. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW AS A GRADIENT FLOW 113

(2) Given φ , ψ C∞(M) such that φ = φ =0, one has t t ∈ 0 T T T (6.5) (φ) ψdV = φ (∗ψ) dV. Z0 ZM Z0 ZM Proof. For statement (1), differentiate directly using (6.2) and Lemma 5.2 to see

d ∂ 1 2 dt φdV = φ + φ R + 4 H dV M M ∂t − | | Z Z    = ( ∆φ)dV − ZM = 0. Similarly we compute for general φ, ψ using the self-adjointness of the Laplacian,

d ∂ ∂ 1 2 φψdV = φ ψ + φ ψ + φψ R + 4 H dV dt M M ∂t ∂t − | | Z Z       ∂ ∂ = ∆ φ ψ φ ∆+ R 1 H 2 ψ dV ∂t − − −∂t − − 4 | | ZM        = (φ) ψdV φ (∗ψ) dV. − ZM ZM Integrating this result over [0,T ] and applying the boundary condition yields the result. 

6.1.3. Monotonicity. We are now in a position to establish monotonicity of the -functional and also λ. We first require a general variational formula for . F F n 3 Lemma 6.7. Given (M ,g,H) a smooth manifold with H Λ T ∗, dH = 0, ∈ suppose gs,Hs,fs are one-parameter families such that ∂ ∂ g = h, g = g, H = dK, H = H ∂s 0 ∂s 0 s=0 s=0 ∂ f = φ, f = f. ∂s 0 s=0



d 1 2 2 1 (g ,H ,f )= Rc + H f,h + ( d∗H fyH) ,K ds F s s s − 4 − ∇ 2 − − ∇ s=0 ZM  1 2 2 1 f + R H + 2∆f f tr h φ e− dV. − 12 | | − |∇ | 2 g −   i Proof. Combining Lemmas 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 we obtain  (6.7) d (g ,H ,f )= ( ∆ tr h + div div h h, Rc ds F s s s − g − h i s=0 ZM 1 1 2 dK,H + H ,h +2 φ, f h, f f − 6 h i 4 h∇ ∇ i − h ∇ ⊗ ∇ i 1 2 2 1 f + R H + f tr h φ e− dV. − 12 | | |∇ | 2 g −    114 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

Integrating by parts yields the formulas (6.8) f f 2 f ( ∆ tr h + div div h) e− dV = tr h( ∆e− )+ h, e− dV − g g − ∇ ZM ZM 2  2 f = trg h(∆f f )+ h, f f f e− dV. M − |∇ | ∇ ⊗ ∇ − ∇ Z   Also

1 f 1 f dK,H e− dV = K H e− dV − 6 h i − 2 ∇i jk ijk ZM ZM 1 f = K H e− dV 2 jk∇i ijk (6.9) ZM 1  f = K ( d∗H ( fyH) ) e− dV 2 jk − jk − ∇ jk ZM 1 f = K, ( d∗H fyH) e− dV. 2 − − ∇ ZM Lastly we have

f 2 f (6.10) 2 φ, f e− dV = φ 2∆f +2 f e− dV. M h∇ ∇ i M − |∇ | Z Z   Inserting (6.8)-(6.10) into (6.7) and simplifying yields the result. 

Finally we are ready to establish the monotonicity of . The proof exploits the diffeomorphism invariance of in an essential way, andF we refer back to Remark F 4.23 for the notion of the general (Xt, kt)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow. n Proposition 6.8. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to the (Xt, kt)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow equations. Let ut denote a solution to the (Xt, kt)-gauge- fixed conjugate heat equation, and let f = log u . Then t − t d 1 2 2 2 1 2 f (g ,H ,f )= 2 Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV. dtF t t t − 4 ∇ 2 | ∇ | ZM h i Proof. Since the functional is gauge invariant, it suffices to prove the for- F mula for a specific choice of gauge. In particular, given ut and ft = log ut as in the statement, we can pull back g,H and f by time-dependent diffeomorphisms− to produce a solution of the ( f, 0)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow. Using equations (4.13) and (6.2) we see−∇ that this system of equations takes the form ∂ g = 2 Rc 1 H2 + 2f , ∂t − − 2 ∇ ∂  (6.11) H = d d∗H + fyH , ∂t − g ∇ ∂ 2 f = ∆f R + 1 H . ∂t − − 4 | | 1 ∂ ∂ Observing that, for this variation, 2 trg ∂t g ∂t f = 0, Lemma 6.7 implies the result. − 

Remark 6.9. As a curiosity, observe that if gt,Ht,ft is a solution of (6.11), f then the volume form µ = e− t dV is constant along the flow (cf. 3.7). Instead, t gt § 6.1. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW AS A GRADIENT FLOW 115 one could consider that µt evolves by the generalized scalar curvature in Definition 3.41 and then by Lemma 6.7 we still have monotonicity of along the flow. F Corollary 6.10. Suppose M is compact and let (M,gt,Ht) be a solution to the (Xt, kt)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow equations. Then for all t1 < t2, one has λ(g ,H ) λ(g ,H ). t1 t1 ≤ t2 t2

The case of equality holds if and only if (gt1 ,Ht1 ) is a steady generalized Ricci soliton with f realizing the infimum in the definition of λ. Moreover, the flow on [t ,t ] evolves by diffeomorphism pullback by the family generated by f. 1 2 ∇ Proof. ft2 Choose ft2 such that M e− dVgt2 = 1, and (gt2 ,Ht2 ,ft2 )= λ(gt2 ,Ht2 ), which exists by Lemma 6.3. As M is compact, there existsF a unique solution to R ft2 the conjugate heat equation on [t1,t2] with boundary condition ut2 = e . Using Proposition 6.8 we obtain − λ(g ,H ) (g ,H ,f ) t1 t1 ≤ F t1 t1 t1 = (g ,H ,f ) F t2 t2 t2 t2 1 2 2 2 1 2 f 2 Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV − − 4 ∇ 2 | ∇ | Zt1 ZM h i = λ(gt2 ,Ht2 ) t2 1 2 2 2 1 2 f 2 Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV. − − 4 ∇ 2 | ∇ | Zt1 ZM h i The final term appearing above is manifestly nonpositive, so the claimed inequality follows, with equality if and only if this term vanishes, which implies the soliton equations hold. 

Corollary 6.11. Given (M n,g,H) a compact steady generalized Ricci soliton with vector field X and two-form k, then k =0 and there exists f C∞(M) such that X = f, i.e it is a gradient soliton. ∈ ∇ Proof. As a steady soliton, the solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (g,H) evolves by pullback by a one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms. Thus λ(gt,Ht) is constant, and the result follows from Corollary 6.10.  6.1.4. Steady Harnack. The classical Harnack estimate for the heat equa- tion yields a definite improvement in the oscillation of the solution over certain domains in spacetime, and is a crucial point in establishing the regularity of this equation. In the setting of Ricci flow Harnack-type estimates were discovered by Perelman as pointwise versions of his energy and entropy monotonicity formulas, and again play a crucial role in understanding the singularity formation of Ricci flow. We extend these here to the setting of generalized Ricci flow.

n Theorem 6.12. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow and suppose ut satisfies the conjugate heat equation. Let f = log u and let v = u where (cf. (3.39)) − S 1 = 2∆f f 2 + R H 2 . S − |∇ | − 12 | | 116 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

Then 2 1 2 2 1 2 ∗v = 2 Rc H + f + d∗H fyH u. − −4 ∇ 2 | − ∇ | " #

Proof. Observe that f satisfies the equation ∂ 1 (6.12) f = ∆f + f 2 R + H 2 . ∂t − |∇ | − 4 | | We compute ∂ 1 1 + ∆ 2∆f = 2 2 Rc H2, 2f + ∆ ∆f + f 2 R + H 2 ∂t −2 ∇ − |∇ | − 4 | |       1 1 div H2 H 2 , f + ∆∆f − 2 − 4∇ | | ∇    1 1 = 4 Rc H2, 2f + 2∆ f 2 2∆R + ∆ H 2 + H 2 div H2, f . − ∇ |∇ | − 2 | | 2∇ | | − ∇   Next ∂ 1 + ∆ f 2 = 2 ( ∆f + f 2 R + H 2), f ∂t − |∇ | − ∇ − |∇ | − 4 | | ∇        1 + 2 Rc H2, f f + ∆ f 2 −2 ∇ ⊗ ∇ |∇ |    1 = 2 ∆f f 2 + R H 2 , f ∇ − |∇ | − 4 | | ∇     1 + H2 2 Rc, f f ∆ f 2 . 2 − ∇ ⊗ ∇ − |∇ |   Then we have ∂ 1 1 1 + ∆ R = 2∆R +2 Rc 2 ∆ H 2 + div div H2 Rc,H2 . ∂t | | − 2 | | 2 − 2   Next ∂ 1 1 3 + ∆ H 2 = 6 Rc H2,H2 +2 ∆ H,H + ∆ H 2 ∂t −12 | | − 12 −2 h d i | |        1 1 1 1 = H2 Rc,H2 ∆ H,H ∆ H 2 . 8 − 2 − 6 h d i− 12 | |   Combining these yields ∂ 1 1 1 + ∆ = ∆ f 2 ∆ H 2 ∆ H,H + div div H2 ∂t S |∇ | − 12 | | − 6 h d i 2   1 1 + H 2 div H2, f + H2 2 Rc, f f 2∇ | | − ∇ 2 − ∇ ⊗ ∇     2 1 2 +2 Rc H2 + 2f 2 2f −4 ∇ − ∇

1 +2 ∆f f 2 + R H 2 , f . ∇ − |∇ | − 4 | | ∇     6.1. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW AS A GRADIENT FLOW 117

Using Lemma 3.19 one has

1 2 1 1 2 1 2 div div H ∆ H,H ∆ H = d∗H , 2 − 6 h d i− 12 | | 2 | | and

1 2 2 1 2 H div H , f = H , f d∗H, fyH . 2∇ | | − ∇ 3 ∇ | | ∇ − h ∇ i   D E

Also one has

2 ∆ f 2 2 2f 2 Rc, f f =2 ∆f, f . |∇ | − ∇ − h ∇ ⊗ ∇ i h∇ ∇ i


2 ∂ 1 2 2 1 2 (6.13) + ∆ = 2 Rc H + f + d∗H fyH +2 , f . ∂t S −4 ∇ 2 | − ∇ | h∇S ∇ i  

It follows that

∂ ∂ + ∆ v = + ∆ ( u) ∂t ∂t S     ∂ ∂ = + ∆ u + + ∆ u +2 , u ∂t S S ∂t h∇S ∇ i      2 1 2 2 1 2 = 2 Rc H + f + d∗H fyH u −4 ∇ 2 | − ∇ | " #

1 + ∆f f 2 + R H 2 u + ∆f + f 2 u S − |∇ | − 4 | | S − |∇ |   2   1 2 2 1 2 1 2 = 2 Rc H + f + d∗H fyH u + v R H , −4 ∇ 2 | − ∇ | − 4 | | " #  

as claimed. 

One application of this fundamental calculation is a pointwise estimate for which can be interpreted as a kind of Harnack estimate for generalized Ricci flow.S

n Corollary 6.13. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on a compact manifold. With u and f defined as above, one has that sup is a nonde- creasing function of t. S 118 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

Proof. We let τ = t denote a backwards time parameter. Using Theorem 6.12 we compute −

∂ ∂ = ∂τ S − ∂tS 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 = 2 Rc H + f d∗H fyH R + H − −4 ∇ − 2 | − ∇ | − S 4 | | S

∆ v 1 + + S ∆f f 2 + R H 2 u u u − |∇ | − 4 | |   v, u v u 2 1 2 = ∆ +2h∇ ∇ i 2 |∇ | 2 Rc H2 + 2f S u2 − u3 − −4 ∇

1 2 d∗H fyH − 2 | − ∇ | 2 u, 1 2 2 1 2 = ∆ +2h∇ ∇Si 2 Rc H + f d∗H fyH . S u − −4 ∇ − 2 | − ∇ |

Thus, in terms of the backwards time parameter τ, the function is a subsolution of a parabolic equation, and so by the maximum principle (cf. PropositS ion 4.19), the supremum of is nonincreasing in τ, and is thus nondecreasing in t.  S Remark 6.14. We observe that Proposition 6.8 follows immediately from The- ∂ 1 2 orem 6.12. In particular, since ∂t dV = R + 4 H along a solution to generalized Ricci flow, it follows from Theorem 6.12− that | |

2 ∂ 1 2 2 1 2 ( udV )= ∆( u)+ 2 Rc H + f + d∗H fyH u dV. ∂t S − S −4 ∇ 2 | − ∇ | ( " # )

Integrating this result over M yields Proposition 6.8.

6.2. Expander entropy and Harnack estimate The quantities and results of 6.1 are designed to capture the behavior of steady solitons, which are flow lines which§ evolve purely by diffeomorphisms. By appro- priately modifying the solution to the conjugate heat equation, we can obtain an entropy functional and Harnack inequality as in 6.1 which is fixed on expand- ing solitons. We simplify the discussion however by§ deriving the main differential inequality and observing the monotonicity and Harnack inequalities as corollaries. These quantities were originally discovered in [157], generalizing Feldman-Ilmanen- Ni’s adaptation [64] of Perelman’s quantities to the expanding setting.

n Theorem 6.15. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on [T,T ′] and suppose ut is a solution to the conjugate heat equation. Let f+ be defined e−f+ by u = n , and let (4π(t T )) 2 − 1 v = (t T ) 2∆f f 2 + R H 2 f + n u. + − + − |∇ +| − 12 | | − +     6.2. EXPANDER ENTROPY AND HARNACK ESTIMATE 119

Then 2 1 2 2 g 1 2 ∗v = 2(t T ) Rc H + f + + d∗H f yH u + − − −4 ∇ + 2(t T ) 4 | − ∇ + | ! − 1 2 H u. − 6 | |

Proof. We assume without loss of generality that T = 0. Let V := 2∆f+ 2 2 − f + R 1 H . To compute the relevant evolution equation for V we first |∇ +| − 12 | | observe that f+ satisfies ∂f 1 n (6.14) + = ∆f + f 2 R + H 2 . ∂t − + |∇ +| − 4 | | − 2t Note that this differs from the variation of f in the steady setting only by the ∂ addition of the constant term (see (6.12), the computation of ( ∂t +∆)V is identical to that in Theorem 6.12, thus we may jump to line (6.13) to yield (6.15) 2 ∂ 1 2 2 1 2 + ∆ V =2 Rc H + f + d∗H f yτ +2 V, f . ∂t −4 ∇ + 2 | − ∇ + | h∇ ∇ +i  

Now let W := tV f + + n. Using (6.15) we get − 2 ∂ 1 2 2 t 2 + ∆ W = V +2t Rc H + f + d∗H f yH ∂t −4 ∇ + 2 | − ∇ + |   1 n +2t V, f f 2 + R H 2 h∇ ∇ +i − |∇ +| − 4 | | − 2t 1 n = 2∆f +2R H 2 + +2 W, f + − 3 | | 2t h∇ ∇ +i 2 1 2 2 t 2 2t Rc H + f + d∗H f yH . −4 ∇ + 2 | − ∇ + |

2 1 2 2 g t 2 = 2t Rc H + f + + d∗H f yH −4 ∇ + 2t 2 | − ∇ + |

1 + H 2 +2 W, f . 6 | | h∇ ∇ +i Finally we can compute ∂ ∂ + ∆ v = + ∆ (Wu) ∂t + ∂t     ∂ ∂ = + ∆ W u + W + ∆ u +2 W, u ∂t ∂t h∇ ∇ i      2 1 2 2 g t 2 = 2t Rc H + f + + d∗H f yH −4 ∇ + 2t 2 | − ∇ + |

1 1 + H 2 +2 W, f u + W Ru H 2 u 2 W, f u 6 | | h∇ ∇ +i − 4 | | − h∇ ∇ +i    2 1 2 2 g t 2 1 2 = 2t Rc H + f + u + d∗H f yH u + H u −4 ∇ + 2t 2 | − ∇ + | 6 | |

1 + Rv H 2 v + − 4 | | + 120 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS and the result follows. 

n 3 Definition 6.16. Let (M ,g,H) be a smooth manifold with H Λ T ∗, dH = e−f+ ∈ 0. Fix u C∞, u > 0, and define f+ via u = n . The expanding entropy ∈ (4π(t T )) 2 associated to this data is −

1 (g,H,f , σ) := σ f 2 + R H 2 f + n udV. W+ + |∇ +| − 12 | | − + ZM    

Furthermore, let

µ+ (g,H,σ) := inf + (g,H,f+, σ) , n −f+ − f+ e (4πσ) 2 dV =1 W n | RM o and

ν+(g,H) := sup µ+ (g,H,σ) . σ>0

n Corollary 6.17. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to the (Xt, kt)-gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow equations. Let ut denote a solution to the (Xt, kt)-gauge- e−f+ fixed conjugate heat equation, and define f+ via u = n . Then (4π(t T )) 2 −

d (g,H,f ,t T ) dtW+ + − 2 1 2 2 g 1 2 1 2 = (t T ) 2 Rc H + f + + d∗H + f yH + H udV. − − 4 ∇ + 2(t T ) 2 | ∇ + | 6 | | ZM " ! # −

Proof. As in the proof of Proposition 6.8, it suffices to consider the flow in any ∂ 1 2 specific gauge, and in this case we pick the standard gauge. Since ∂t dV = R 4 H along a solution to generalized Ricci flow, it follows from Theorem 6.15 that− | |

2 ∂ 1 2 2 g 1 2 1 2 (v dV )= (t T ) 2 Rc H + f + + d∗H + f yH + H udV. ∂t + − − 4 ∇ + 2(t T ) 2 | ∇ + | 6 | | " ! # −

Integrating this result over M yields the result. 

n Corollary 6.18. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on a compact manifold, t [T,T ′]. Let ut be a solution to the conjugate heat equation ∈ v+ and define v+ as in Theorem 6.15. Then sup u is nondecreasing in t. 6.2. EXPANDER ENTROPY AND HARNACK ESTIMATE 121

Proof. Without loss of generality assume T = 0. We compute with respect to the backwards time parameter τ = t, − ∂ v ∂ v + = + ∂τ u − ∂t u 2 1 2 2 g 1 2 1 2 = 2t Rc H + f + t d∗H f yH H − −4 ∇ + 2t − 2 | − ∇ + | − 6 | |

v 1 v ∆v v 1 R + + H 2 + + + + + ∆u + Ru H 2 u − u 4 | | u u u2 − 4 | |   v v , u v u 2 = ∆ + +2h∇ + ∇ i 2 + |∇ | u u2 − u3   2 1 2 2 g 1 2 1 2 2t Rc H + f + t d∗H f yH H − −4 ∇ + 2t − 2 | − ∇ + | − 6 | |

v+ 2 v+ u, 1 g = ∆ +2 ∇ ∇ u 2t Rc H2 + 2f + u u − −4 ∇ + 2t   1 2 1 2 t d∗H f yH H . − 2 | − ∇ + | − 6 | | The result follows by the maximum principle as in Corollary 6.13. 

n Proposition 6.19. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on a compact manifold. The infimum in the definition of µ+ is attained by a unique function f. Furthermore µ+(gt,Ht,t T ) is monotonically nondecreasing along generalized Ricci flow, and is constant− only on a generalized Ricci expander, i.e. H 0 and g is a Ricci expander. ≡ 1 e−f+ Proof. Using the relationship u = n and then setting w = u 2 , we (4π(t T ) 2 can express, up to a constant shift, − 1 (g,H,w,σ)= σ 4 w 2 + Rw2 H 2 w2 + w2 log w2 dV. W+ |∇ | − 12 | | ZM     This functional is coercive for the Sobolev space W 1,2 and convex. By [146] this functional has a unique smooth minimizer. Thus at any time t0 we can choose the smooth minimizer ut0 defining µ+, and construct a solution to the conjugate heat equation on [0,t0] with this final value. It follows using Corollary 6.17 that, at time t0, one has d µ (g ,H ,t T ) dt + t t − d = (g ,H ,u ,t T ) dtW+ t t t − 1 g 2 = 2 (t T ) Rc H2 + 2f + − −4 ∇ + 2(t T ) ZM " − 1 2 1 2 + d∗H f yH + H udV. 4 | − ∇ + | 12 | |   The monotonicity and rigidity statements follow easily from this formula, which holds for the corresponding choice of u at all times t.  122 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

6.3. Shrinking Entropy and local collapsing Having dealt with the steady and expanding soliton cases, it is natural to seek a monotone entropy quantity which is fixed along a shrinking soliton. Following the ideas of the previous sections, a natural entropy functional is suggested which is a generalization of Perelman’s original entropy which includes H. However, as we will see below, this entropy is not monotone along generalized Ricci flow. Nonetheless, by assuming the existence of a certain kind of subsolution to the heat equation along the solution, which exists in many applications, it is possible to further modify to obtain a monotone quantity. In this setting we adapt Perelman’s ideas to obtain a κ-noncollapsing result for solutions to generalized Ricci flow.

n Theorem 6.20. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on [0,T ] and suppose ut is a solution to the conjugate heat equation. Let f be defined − e−f− by u = n , and let (4π(T t)) 2 − 1 v = (T t) 2∆f f 2 + R H 2 + f n u. − − − − |∇ −| − 12 | | − −     Then 2 1 2 2 g 1 2 ∗v = 2(T t) Rc H + f + d∗H f yH u − − −4 ∇ − − 2(T t) 4 | − ∇ − | ! − 1 2 H u. − 6 | | Proof. This is an elementary modification of Theorem 6.15, and we leave the details as an exercise. 

1 2 Remark 6.21. The presence of the final term 6 H u above makes it more difficult to use Theorem 6.20 without further hypotheses.− | | Nonetheless we will be able to modify this quantity further to obtain a monotone entropy in some settings. The discovery of a monotone entropy quantity fixed on shrinking solitons for generalized Ricci flow in full generality remains an important open problem.

n 3 Definition 6.22. Let (M ,g,H) be a smooth manifold with H Λ T ∗, dH = e−f− ∈ 0. Fix u C∞, u > 0, and define f via u = n . The shrinking entropy ∈ − (4π(T t)) 2 associated to this data is − 1 (g,H,f , τ) := τ f 2 + R H 2 + f n udV. W− − |∇ −| − 12 | | − − ZM     Furthermore, let µ (g,H,τ) := inf (g,H,u,τ) , n − f e−f− (4πτ)− 2 dV =1 W− n −| RM o and ν (g,H) := sup µ (g,H,τ) . − τ>0 − The evolution equation for follows as an immediate application of Theorem 6.20, and will not be monotoneW in− general. To modify this to obtain a monotone energy we make a further definition. 6.3. SHRINKING ENTROPY AND LOCAL COLLAPSING 123

n Definition 6.23. Let M be a compact manifold, and suppose (gt,Ht) is a solution to generalized Ricci flow. We say that a one-parameter family of functions φ is a torsion-bounding subsolution if φ 0 and ≥ ∂ φ ∆φ H 2 . ∂t ≤ − | | The following basic lemma indicates the usefulness of a torsion-bounding sub- solution.

n Lemma 6.24. Let M be a compact manifold. Given (gt,Ht) a solution to generalized Ricci flow, ut a solution of the conjugate heat equation, and φt a solution to ∂ φ = ∆φ + ψ, ∂t one has ∂ φudV = ψudV. ∂t ZM ZM Proof. We compute

∂ ˙ 1 2 φudV = φu + φu˙ + φu R + 4 H dV ∂t M M − | | Z Z h  i = [(∆φ + ψ) u + φ∆u] ZM = ψudV, ZM as required. 

n Definition 6.25. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on a compact manifold, and suppose furthermore that φt is a smooth one-parameter family of functions. Let the augmented entropy be (g,H,φ,f , τ) W− − 2 1 2 n f := τ f + R H φ + f n (4πτ)− 2 e− − dV. |∇ −| − 12 | | − − − ZM     Moreover, let

µ (g,H,φ,τ) = inf n (g,H,φ,f , τ) − f (4πτ)− 2 e−f− =1 W− − { −| RM } n Proposition 6.26. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on a compact manifold, and suppose that φt is a torsion-bounding subsolution. Then, setting τ = T t for some time T we have − ∂ (g,H,φ,f , τ) ∂tW− − 2 n 1 2 2 1 τ 2 5 2 f− = 2τ Rc H + f g + d∗H + i f H + H (4πτ)− 2 e− dV. −4 ∇ − − 2τ 6 ∇ − 6 | | ZM " #

Proof. This follows immediately by combining the results of Theorem 6.20 and Lemma 6.24.  124 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

n Proposition 6.27. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on a compact manifold admitting a torsion-bounding subsolution φt. The infimum in the definition of µ is attained by a unique function f. Furthermore µ (gt,Ht,T t) is monotonically− nondecreasing along generalized Ricci flow, and is− constant only− on a generalized shrinking Ricci soliton, i.e. H 0 and g is a shrinking Ricci soliton. ≡ Proof. This proof is directly analogous to Proposition 6.19.  Thus in the presence of a torsion-bounding subsolution, we have constructed a monotone entropy functional. To end this section we give one key consequence of this result, namely that in the presence of a torsion-bounding subsolution, solutions to generalized Ricci flow are not locally collapsing.

Definition 6.28. A solution (gt,Ht) to generalized Ricci flow is locally col- lapsing at T if there is a sequence tk T and a sequence of metric balls Bk = 2 → 2 B(p , r ,g ) such that r /t is bounded, Rm (g ) r− in B , and k k tk k k | | tk ≤ k k n lim r− Vol(Bk)=0. k k →∞ This property, roughly speaking, says that if we rescale around the given se- quence so that the curvature is unit size, then the volume of unit balls around the basepoint in the blowup sequence approaches zero, indicating that the manifold is converging to a lower-dimensional space. If we want to apply the compactness the- orems of 5.6 to a blowup sequence of generalized Ricci flows, then we need to rule this behavior§ out. The augmented entropy monotonicity allows us to establish this key estimate. We indicate in Chapter 9 (see Remark 9.47) some natural situations where a torsion-bounding subsolution can be found and hence this estimate can be applied. n Theorem 6.29. Let (M ,gt,Ht) be a solution to generalized Ricci flow on [0,T ), T < . Suppose there exists a torsion-bounding subsolution φ on [0,T ). ∞ t Then (gt,Ht) is not locally collapsing at T .

Proof. Suppose there exists a sequence (pk,tk, rk) which exhibits local col- lapsing as in Definition 6.28. We fix η : [0, { ) [0, 1]} a nonincreasing function 1 ∞ → such that η(s)=1 for s [0, ], η(s)=0 for s 1, and η′(s) 4. Then let ∈ 2 ≥ | |≤ λ /2 U (x) := e− k η d (p , x)/r . k gtk k k

These functions Uk are scaled cutoff functions for the sequence of collapsing balls. f /2 We aim to use these as test functions in . Specifically, we define fk via e− k = W2 − Uk, and will show that (gtk ,Htk ,fk, rk) . Given this, by the monotonicity W− → −∞ 2 of µ (gt,Ht, φt,T t), it follows that µ (g0,H0,tk + rk) , which contradicts − − − → −∞ that µ(g0,H0, τ) is finite for all τ, yielding a contradiction. For fk to be a valid test function for µ, we need to ensure the unit volume condition, which is determined by the scaling factor λk. We observe that the necessary condition implies

n 2 2 − 2 1= Uk 4πrk dV ZM n λ 2 2 2 = e− k 4πr − η d (p , x)/r dV k gtk k k M n Z   λ 2 2 e− k 4πr − Vol(B ). ≤ k k  6.4. COROLLARIES ON NONSINGULAR SOLUTIONS 125

Thus, by the hypothesis of local collapsing, we have that λk . To esti- mate from above, we first observe using the assumed curvature→ −∞ bound, the W− normalization of fk and dropping some negative terms, 2 (gtk ,Htk , φtk ,fk, rk) W− n 2 2 2 2 f C + 4πr − r f + f e− k dV. ≤ k k |∇ k| k ZM  h i By using the lower bound on the Ricci curvature on Bk, the estimates on η, and Bishop-Gromov relative volume comparison one has, setting ηk = η(dg (pk, )/rk), tk · n 2 2 − 2 2 fk 4πrk rk fk + fk e− dV M |∇ | Z h i  n 2 2 − 2 λk 2 2 = 4πrk e− rk ηk 2ηk ln ηk dV + λk M |∇ | − Z h i Vol(B(pk, rk)) Vol(B(pk, rk/2)) C − + λk ≤ Vol(B(pk, rk/2)) C + λ . ≤ k 2 Thus (gt ,Ht , φt ,fk, r ) , as required.  W− k k k k → −∞ 6.4. Corollaries on nonsingular solutions The energy and entropy functionals above play an important role in under- standing singularities of generalized Ricci flow. The simplest application is to un- derstanding global solutions with some asymptotic control at infinite time.

n Definition 6.30. Given (M ,gt,Ht) a solution to generalized Ricci flow, we say that the solution is nonsingular if there exists Λ 1, 0, 1 such that the corresponding rescaled solution of ∈ {− } ∂ 1 g = 2Rc+ H2 +Λg, ∂t − 2 ∂ H = ∆ H +ΛH, ∂t d exists on [0, ) and satisfies ∞ sup Rmg g < . M [0, ) | | ∞ × ∞ Remark 6.31. (1) This definition differs slightly from the classical def- inition of nonsingular solution which asks for bounded curvature along the normalization which fixes the volume. In many cases nonsingular so- lutions in this sense will approach constant scalar curvature, rendering them nonsingular in our sense. However, in general the two notions are different. (2) Solitons are examples of nonsingular solutions. (3) From the point of view of analysis, it is natural to modify the flow of H as we have done, so that the resulting family (gt,Ht) is a spacetime scaling of the corresponding unnormalized flow. Note however that this operation will of course change the cohomology class of H, thus altering the underlying Courant algebroid structure. 126 6.ENERGYANDENTROPYFUNCTIONALS

n Theorem 6.32. Suppose (M ,gt,Ht) is a nonsingular solution of generalized Ricci flow with Λ=0, 1. Then exactly one of the following two statements holds: − (1) lim supt injgt =0. →∞ n (2) There exists a sequence (pj ,tj), tj such that (M ,gtj ,Htj ,pj ) con- verges in the generalized Cheeger-Gromov→ ∞ topology to a generalized Ricci soliton (M n ,g ,H ,p ). In the case Λ = 1, is a generalized ex- panding soliton,∞ ∞ i.e.∞H ∞ 0 and g is an expanding− G∞ Ricci soliton with negative scalar curvature.∞ ≡ ∞ Proof. If the first case does not hold, there exists δ > 0 and a sequence of points (pj ,tj ), tj such that injg (pj ) δ. Our goal is to modify this sequence → ∞ tj ≥ using the energy and entropy monotonicities to obtain the claimed limit. At this point we restrict the proof to the case Λ = 0 and apply the monotonicity of the - functional. In the case Λ = 1 one must use the functional, with the vanishingF − W+ of H following from the extra H 2 term in the monotonicity formula of Corollary 6.17. We leave the details to| the| reader. We first observe that by choosing the function f log Vol(g ), it follows that t ≡ t 1 1 2 λ(gt,Ht) (gt,Ht,ft) = Vol(gt)− R 12 H dV C, ≤F M − | | ≤ Z   where the last line follows since the curvature is uniformly bounded along the flow. As λ is now monotonically nondecreasing and bounded above, we expect convergence to a critical point provided we can establish regularity of the flow. Given one of the times tj above, as in the proof of Corollary 6.10 we construct a solution ft to the conjugate heat equation where

f +1 e− tj dV =1, (g ,H ,f )= λ(g ,H ). F tj +1 tj +1 tj +1 tj +1 tj +1 ZM Applying the argument of Corollary 6.10 then yields λ(g ,H ) λ(g ,H ) tj tj ≤ tj +1 tj +1 tj +1 1 2 2 2 1 2 f 2 Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV. − − 4 ∇ 2 | ∇ | Ztj ZM h i Without loss of generality we can assume tj+1 tj + 1, and then by summing the above inequalities we obtain, taking care with≥ the definition of f on each time interval and using that λ is bounded above, t +1 ∞ j 1 2 2 2 1 2 f 2 Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV < . − 4 ∇ 2 | ∇ | ∞ j=1 Ztj ZM X h i It follows that the terms in the sum must go to zero, and then in particular there exists t t′ t + 1 such that j ≤ j ≤ j 1 2 2 2 1 2 f (6.16) lim 2 Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV =0. j − 4 ∇ 2 | ∇ | →∞ ZM h n i It remains to take a smooth limit of (M ,gtj ,Htj ,ftj ,pj ). To obtain this, first observe that for all t 1, we can apply Theorem 5.18 on [t 1,t] to conclude uniform estimates on all derivatives≥ of curvature and of H. Since− we have a uniform ∂g estimate on ∂t , the first part of the argument of Lemma 5.22 applies to yield uniform equivalence of all metrics gt, tj t tj + 1. Since injg (pj ) δ, it follows that ≤ ≤ tj ≥ 6.4. COROLLARIES ON NONSINGULAR SOLUTIONS 127 there exists δ′ > 0 so that inj (pj ) δ′. We next sketch an argument that the gt′ j ≥ functions f ′ satisfy estimates of the form tj

k sup f ′ C(k, R). gt′ tj ∇ j ≤ BR(pj ,gt′ ) g ′ j t j

First, given the uniform curvature and derivative estimates, at any point we can work on the universal cover of the unit ball, which is then uniformly equivalent to ftj +1 a Euclidean ball by Jacobi field estimates. Since utj +1 = e− by construction realizes the infimum of λ, it satisfies the elliptic equation (cf. Lemma 6.3) 4∆+ R 1 H 2 λ u =0 − − 12 | | − tj +1 Since all derivatives of curvature and H are bounded and ∆ is uniformly elliptic, we can apply elliptic regularity to obtain estimates on all derivatives of utj +1 on any unit ball as described above. Moreover, the conjugate heat equation ∗u =0 1 2 is uniformly parabolic, and the linear term R 4 H has uniform estimates, so we can invoke parabolic regularity results to obtain− uniform| | control over all derivatives of ut, tj t tj +1. We can now apply Theorem 5.31 to conclude that the sequence of pointed≤ solutions≤ to generalized Ricci flow determined by (M n,g ,H ,p ),t { t t j ∈ [tj ,tj+1] admits a convergent subsequence, and that the associated functions f as defined above} converge as well. It follows from (6.16) that this limit is a generalized Ricci soliton.  Remark 6.33. (1) In the first case above where the injectivity radius goes to zero everywhere, the manifolds are collapsing with bounded cur- vature. Convergence results for the Ricci flow which yield geometric limits in this setting were proved by Lott [131, 132]. Further rigidity results for the generalized Ricci flow appeared in [84]. (2) The limit space M need not be diffeomorphic to M. An elementary example occurs for∞ hyperbolic three-manifolds (cf. Example 4.11), where the limit of the unrescaled flow will be flat R3 with H 0 (noting that ≡ while H is fixed in time as a tensor its gt-norm goes to zero along the flow). As described there the appropriately rescaled flow will converge back to the hyperbolic metric with H 0. Taking products of this example with a Bismut-flat structure on a semisimple≡ Lie group yields examples with a nontrivial limit for the unrenormalized flow, where the topology of the base manifold has changed. (3) A similar result can be obtained in the case Λ = 1, under the further assumption of the existence of a torsion-bounding subsolution, using the shrinking entropy. Remark 6.34. Perelman’s energy and entropy quantities are also related to certain formal metric constructions on the whole spacetime of a solution to Ricci flow. A related spacetime geometry approach for generalized Ricci flow was taken in [45], yielding certain canonical solitons associated to any solution.


Generalized Complex Geometry

In this chapter we introduce foundational concepts of generalized complex ge- ometry, following fundamental works of Hitchin [99] and Gualtieri [88]. A core conceit in this subject is the unification of complex and symplectic structures into a single, natural object most clearly defined using the language of Courant alge- broids. We begin with the basic definitions and indicate how complex and sym- plectic structures fit in as examples of generalized complex structures, and also illustrate nontrivial examples. We also express the geometry of pluriclosed Her- mitian structures in this language, and discuss their relation to Courant algebroids in the holomorphic category. We then turn to generalized K¨ahler geometry, first motivating and defining these structures in terms of generalized geometry, then discussing the equivalence to the classical description, which first arose in work of Gates-Hull-Roˇcek on supersymmetric σ-models [74]. We provide examples and a discussion of the associated Poisson geometry and conclude by exhibiting natural classes of variations of generalized K¨ahler structure.

7.1. Linear generalized complex structures Before beginning our study of generalized complex structures we briefly recall the conceptual buildup of complex structures on manifolds. Given M 2n a smooth manifold, an almost complex structure on M is an endomorphism J of the tangent bundle covering the identity map satisfying J 2 = Id . − The pair (M 2n,J) is called an almost complex manifold. The restriction to an even dimensional manifold is necessary for the existence of an endomorphism which squares to Id. The endomorphism J gives a splitting of the complexified tangent bundle into− √ 1 eigenbundles, and it is natural to ask when these subbundles are closed under± − the Lie bracket. This is measured precisely by the vanishing of the Nijenhuis tensor of J, defined by N(X, Y ) = [JX,JY ] [X, Y ] J[JX,Y ] J[X,JY ]. − − − We say that J is integrable if N 0. In this case we say that (M 2n,J) is a complex manifold. It follows from≡ the Newlander-Nirenberg Theorem [137] that the vanishing of the Nijenhuis tensor is equivalent to the existence of a complex coordinate atlas, i.e. complex coordinate charts covering the manifold with biholo- morphic transition maps. The story of generalized complex structures follows a similar path, first defining almost complex structures on T T ∗, then analyzing the geometric implications of the integrability of the associated⊕ splitting under the Dorfman bracket.


7.1.1. Definition and examples. To begin we give the definition of a linear generalized complex structure, which is a natural extension of the notion of com- plex structure to the generalized tangent bundle, further preserving the natural symmetric inner product. As for generalized metrics, we can also motivate this concept from the point of view of structure groups. Whereas a classical complex structure reduces the structure group of the tangent bundle to U(n), a generalized complex structure will be a reduction of the structure group of T T ∗ to U(n,n). Following our discussion in 2.3.1, we fix a pair of real vector⊕ spaces V and W which fit into a short exact sequence§ / / π / / (7.1) 0 V ∗ W V 0. We assume that W is endowed with a metric , of split signature (n,n) such that h1i the image of the first arrow in (7.1), given by π∗ : V ∗ W ∗ = W , is isotropic. 2 → ∼ Definition 7.1. A generalized complex structure on W is an endomorphism of W such that J (1) 2 = Id. (2) J is orthogonal− with respect to the symmetric inner product , on W . J h i When W = V V ∗ and , is given by (2.1), we will simply say that is a generalized complex⊕ structureh i on V . J Of course, any generalized complex structure on W defines a generalized com- plex structure on V upon a choice isotropic splitting of the sequence (7.1). Nonethe- less, in our discussion we will often find generalized complex structures interacting with generalized metrics, which determine a preferred isotropic splitting, and the abstract definition above will be useful. We next discuss two central examples which will inform the entire discussion, illustrating that classical complex structures as well as symplectic structures admit interpretations as generalized complex structures.

Example 7.2. Let W = V V ∗ and , given by (2.1). Let J : V V be a complex structure, and define ⊕ h i → J 0 J := − , J 0 J ∗   where the block diagonal structure comes from the natural decomposition of V V ∗ ⊕ and J ∗α is the natural induced action of J on V ∗, i.e. J ∗α(v) = α(Jv). The equation 2 = Id is immediate, and we can furthermore compute JJ − (X + ξ), (Y + η) = JX + J ∗ξ, JY + J ∗η hJJ JJ i h− − i 1 = ( J ∗ξ(JY ) J ∗η(JX)) 2 − − 1 = 2 (ξ(Y )+ η(X)) = X + ξ, Y + η . h i Thus defines a generalized complex structure on V . JJ 2 Example 7.3. Let ω Λ V ∗ be a symplectic structure on V . Observe that ω ∈ defines a canonical map ω : V V ∗ using interior product, i.e ω(v) := ivω. By → 1 assumption this map is invertible, and we denote the inverse map as ω− : V ∗ V . → 7.1. LINEAR GENERALIZED COMPLEX STRUCTURES 131

Now set 1 0 ω− ω := − . J ω 0   The equation 2 = Id is immediate, and we can furthermore compute Jω − 1 1 (X + ξ), (Y + η) = ω− ξ + ω(X), ω− η + ω(Y ) hJω Jω i − − 1 1 1 = ω(X,ω− η) ω(Y,ω− ξ) 2 − − 1 = 2 (η(X)+ ξ(Y ))  = X + ξ, Y + η . h i Thus defines a generalized complex structure on V . Jω Example 7.4. Given vector spaces Vi with generalized complex structures i, i = 1, 2, one defines the direct product = . A simple check shows thatJ J J1 ⊕ J2 this defines a generalized complex structure on V1 V2. Using this construction in conjunction with the two previous examples, one immediately⊕ obtains generalized complex structures which are not determined solely by a complex or symplectic structure. Example 7.5. An important generalization of these basic examples exploits b-field symmetries. Let V be a vector space with generalized complex structure 2 b b . Given b Λ (V ∗), let b := e e− . An elementary calculation shows that J 2 ∈ J J b = Id. Moreover, since b-field transformations are orthogonal for , by Lemma J2.13, as− is , it follows immediately that is orthogonal with respecth i to , , J Jb h i showing that b defines a new generalized complex structure. Observe that the J 2 different choices of b Λ (V ∗) can be regarded as different isotropic splittings of the sequence (7.1) and∈ therefore is, in a sense, equivalent to . Jb J Remark 7.6. Since every even-dimensional vector space V admits both com- plex and symplectic structures, it follows from the above examples that they admit generalized complex structures as well. In fact, if V admits a generalized complex structure , then V must be even dimensional. To see this, fix X + ξ V V ∗ a vector whichJ is null for the neutral inner product. As is a complex∈ structure⊕ J on V V ∗ orthogonal with respect to the neutral inner product, it follows that (X +⊕ξ) is null, and orthogonal to X + ξ. These two vectors span a -invariant J J isotropic plane S, and so we can choose a new vector X′ +ξ′ orthogonal to this plane and obtain that (X′ + ξ′) is null, and orthogonal to S and X′ + ξ′. Repeating this inductively weJ eventually construct a maximal isotropic subspace, which has even dimension. Since the inner product has signature (n,n) with n = dim V , it follows that V is even dimensional. Using this fact we can give the characterization of generalized complex struc- tures in terms of reduction of structure groups. Given W as in (7.1) we denote by O(2n, 2n) := O(W ) the group of linear isometries of W . Lemma 7.7. If W as in (7.1) admits a generalized complex structure, then dim V =2n. Furthermore, a generalized complex structure on W is equivalent to a choice of maximal compact subgroup U(n,n) O(2n, 2n). ≤ Proof. The first part follows from Remark 7.6 by identifying W = V V ∗ via a choice of isotropic splitting of (7.1). As for the second part, endomorphisms⊕ which 132 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY preserve will lie in GL(2n, C), and so a choice of generalized complex structure on W determinesJ a maximal compact O(2n, 2n) GL(2n, C)= U(n,n).  ∩ 7.1.2. Linear Dirac structures. To expand upon the examples above, we will show that a generalized complex structure is characterized in terms of Dirac structures. For simplicity, we will assume that W = V V ∗ with , given by (2.1). ⊕ h i Definition 7.8. Given V a vector space, a Dirac structure on V is a subspace L V V ∗ which is maximally isotropic for the pairing , . ⊂ ⊕ h i Example 7.9. Both V and V ∗ are clearly isotropic for , , and have the max- imal possible dimension for an isotropic subspace, dim V , andh i hence define Dirac structures.

Example 7.10. Fix U V a subspace, and consider L = U Ann(U) V V ∗, ⊂ ⊕ ⊂ ⊕ where Ann(U) denotes the annihilator of U in V ∗. It follows directly by construction that L is isotropic. Since dim Ann(U) = codim U, it follows that L has the maximal dimension, and so defines a Dirac structure.

Example 7.11. Let b : V V ∗ be a linear map such that the associated → element of V ∗ V ∗, also denoted b, is skew-symmetric. Then graph(b) V V ∗ is isotropic since⊗ for X, Y V , ⊂ ⊕ ∈ X + b(X, ), Y + b(Y, ) = 1 (b(X, Y )+ b(Y,X))=0. h · · i 2 Since the dim(graph(b)) = dim V , it follows that graph(b) is a Dirac structure. Example 7.12. The two previous examples can be unified by the following construction, which yields all possible Dirac structures. Fix U V any subspace, 2 ⊂ fix φ Λ U ∗, and let ∈ L(U, φ)= X + ξ U V ∗ ξ U = φ(X, ) . ∈ ⊕ | | · Analogous to the case of graph( b) above, we observe that for X +ξ, Y +η L(U, φ), ∈ X + ξ, Y + η = 1 (ξ(Y )+ η(X)) = 1 (φ(X, Y )+ φ(Y,X))=0. h i 2 2 Hence L(U, φ) is isotropic. Note that for each X, the ξ such that X +ξ L(U, φ) are prescribed on U, but arbitrary otherwise, and so the space of such ξ has∈ dimension equal to codim(U). Thus dim(L) = dim(U) + codim(U) = dim(V ), and so L is maximal.

Proposition 7.13. Every maximal isotropic subspace L V V ∗ is of the form L(U, φ). ⊂ ⊕

Proof. Fix L a maximal isotropic and let U = πV L, where πV denotes the canonical projection onto V . Since L is isotropic, it follows that L V ∗ = Ann(U). ∩ Since in general one has a canonical identification U ∗ = V ∗/ Ann(U), we may define a map φ : U U ∗ via → 1 φ(e)= π ∗ π− (e) L V ∗/ Ann(U). V V ∩ ∈ To check that this is well-defined, fix e+η,e+µ L, so that π (e+η)= π (e+µ)= ∈ V V e. It follows that η µ L V ∗, thus π ∗ (η µ) Ann(U), finishing the claim. − ∈ ∩ V − ∈ 7.1. LINEAR GENERALIZED COMPLEX STRUCTURES 133

Also the map is skew-symmetric with respect to the neutral inner product since, using that L is isotropic,

π ∗ (X + η), π (Y + µ) + π ∗ (Y + µ), π (X + η) h V V i h V V i = η(Y )+ µ(X)= X + η, Y + µ =0. h i 2 The tensor φ is canonically identified with a section of Λ U ∗, and it follows from the construction that L = L(U, φ). 

We give next our characterization of generalized complex structures in terms of complex Dirac structures on (V V ∗) C. ⊕ ⊗ Proposition 7.14. A generalized complex structure on V is equivalent to a choice of maximal isotropic complex subspace L (V V ∗) C satisfying L L = 0 . ⊂ ⊕ ⊗ ∩ { } Proof. Given a generalized complex structure, let L be the √ 1-eigenspace J − of the induced operator on (V V ∗) C. To show that L is isotropic, fix x, y L and use the orthogonality property⊕ of⊗ to obtain ∈ J x, y = x, y = √ 1x, √ 1y = x, y . h i hJ J i − − − h i Since is a real endomorphism, it follows immediately that L is the √ 1- eigenspaceJ for , implying moreover that L L = 0 , and that L is maximal.− − J ∩ { } Conversely, given such an L one defines as multiplication by √ 1 on L and √ 1 on L. An elementary calculation showsJ that this defines a real− endomor- phism,− − which by construction certainly satisfies 2 = Id. Moreover, to check orthogonality, since L is isotropic and an eigenspaceJ for− it suffices to check or- thogonality for x L,y L, in which case J ∈ ∈ x, y = √ 1x, √ 1y = x, y , hJ J i − − − h i as required. 

7.1.3. Spinor formulation. Generalized complex structures can also be ele- gantly described in terms of spinors. This point of view will also be useful in dealing with integrability issues for generalized complex structures on manifolds. We fix a vector space V and consider the pairing , on V V ∗ given by (2.1). h i ⊕ Definition 7.15. Let CL(V V ∗) denote the Clifford algebra defined by the relation ⊕

v v = v, v , v V V ∗. · h i ∈ ⊕ Furthermore define

Spin(V V ∗)= v ...v v V V ∗, v , v = 1, k even . ⊕ { 1 k | i ∈ ⊕ h i ii ± } The action of V V ∗ on the Λ∗V ∗, given by ⊕ (7.2) (X + ξ) ρ = i ρ + ξ ρ, · X ∧ extends to a natural action of CL(V V ∗) on Λ∗V ∗. ⊕ Lemma 7.16. The operation (7.2) defines an algebra representation of CL(V ⊕ V ∗) on Λ∗V ∗. 134 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Proof. We compute (X + ξ) (X + ξ) ρ = i (i ρ + ξ ρ)+ ξ (i ρ + ξ ρ) · · X X ∧ ∧ X ∧ = (iX ξ) ρ = X + ξ,X + ξ ρ, h i as required.  As a spin representation, the exterior algebra decomposes into a direct sum even odd Λ∗V ∗ =Λ V ∗ Λ V ∗ ⊕ corresponding to irreducible representations. Note that we have the double cover homomorphism ψ : Spin(V V ∗) SO(V V ∗) ⊕ → ⊕ defined by 1 ψ(x)(v)= x v x− , · · for x Spin(V V ∗) and v V V ∗. Using this map, a Lie algebra element of the form∈ ⊕ ∈ ⊕ A 0 (7.3) ζ = so(V V ∗) B A∗ ∈ ⊕  −  acts on Λ∗V ∗ via 1 ζ ρ = B ρ A∗ρ + tr Aρ. · − ∧ − 2 2 Here, A End(V ) and B Λ V ∗, and we have used the natural identification ∈ ∈ 2 2 2 so(V V ∗)=Λ (V V ∗) = End(V ) Λ V ∗ Λ V. ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ ⊕ Observe that elements of the form (7.3) are precisely those which preserve the flag (7.1), and will appear later as infinitesimal Courant algebroid automorphisms (see Proposition 2.15). Exponentiating ζ above we obtain spin group elements corresponding to B-field transformations, given by B B 1 e ρ = e− ρ = (1 B + B B + ...) ρ. · ∧ − 2 ∧ ∧ We also obtain spin group elements corresponding to linear automorphisms A GL+(V ) GL(V ) with positive determinant, ∈ ⊂ 1 A ρ = √det A(A− )∗ρ. · This indicates that, as a GL+(V ) representation, the spinors decompose as 1/2 S =Λ∗T ∗ (det V ) . ⊗ We turn next to the study of linear Dirac structures on V in terms of spinors.

Definition 7.17. Given ρ Λ∗V ∗, define the associated null space by ∈ L := v V V ∗ v ρ =0 . ρ { ∈ ⊕ | · } Note that L is isotropic, since for v , v L , we have ρ 1 2 ∈ ρ v , v ρ = 1 (v v + v v ) ρ =0, h 1 2i 2 1 2 2 1 · thus v1, v2 = 0. The spinor ρ is called pure if Lρ is maximal, that is, has dimension equalh to dimi V . 7.1. LINEAR GENERALIZED COMPLEX STRUCTURES 135

The next result shows that every maximal isotropic subspace L V V ∗ is ⊂ ⊕ represented by a unique line K Λ∗V ∗ of pure spinors. L ⊂ Proposition 7.18. Every maximal isotropic subspace L = L(U, φ) is deter- mined by a pure spinor line KL Λ∗V ∗. If θ1,...,θk is a basis of Ann(U) and 2 ⊂ B Λ V ∗ is such that i∗B = φ, where i: U V is the inclusion, then the pure ∈ − → spinor line KL representing L(U, φ) is generated by ρ = eBθ ... θ . 1 ∧ ∧ k The integer k is called the type of the maximal isotropic. Proof. By Proposition 7.13, any maximal isotropic L = L(U, φ) may be ex- pressed as the B-field transform of L(U, 0) for B as in the statement. It is not diffi- cult to see that the pure spinor line with null space L(U, 0) is precisely det Ann(U). Thus, the statement follows from B B KL = Ke−B L(U,0) = e KL(U,0) = e det Ann(U). We refer to ([48] Chapter III) for further details.  Consider now a generalized complex structure on V and the associated com- plex Dirac structure (see Proposition 7.14) J

L (V V ∗) C. ⊂ ⊕ ⊗ Regarding Λ∗V ∗ C as a representation of the complex Clifford algebra of V V ∗ via (7.2), the analogue⊗ of Proposition 7.18 applies, and we obtain a complex⊕ pure spinor line K Λ∗V ∗ C generated by L ⊂ ⊗ B+√ 1ω ρ = e − θ ... θ 1 ∧ ∧ k 2 for B,ω Λ V ∗ and θ1,...,θk a basis of L (T ∗ C). To provide a convenient characterization∈ of the condition ∩ ⊗ L L = 0 ∩ { } in Proposition 7.14, let us recall the definition of the Mukai pairing,

(, ):Λ∗V ∗ Λ∗V ∗ det V ∗. ⊗ → Given α, β Λ∗V ∗ this is defined by ∈ (α, β) = (αT β) , ∧ top where α αT is the antiautomorphism of the Clifford algebra determined by the tensor map→ v ... v v ... v and () indicates taking the top degree 1 ⊗ ⊗ k → k ⊗ ⊗ 1 top component of the form. The Mukai pairing extends C-linearly to Λ∗V ∗ C and we have the following result, which we state without proof (see [48]). ⊗

Lemma 7.19. Maximal isotropics L,L′ (V V ∗) C satisfy L L′ = 0 if ⊂ ⊕ ⊗ ∩ { } and only if their pure spinor representatives ρ,ρ′ satisfy

(ρ,ρ′) =0. 6 The following characterization of linear generalized complex structures is now a direct consequence of Proposition 7.14 and Lemma 7.19. As a matter of fact, this was the original point of view on generalized Calabi-Yau manifolds taking by Hitchin in his seminal paper [99]. 136 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Proposition 7.20. A generalized complex structure on V is equivalent to a choice of complex pure spinor line K Λ∗V ∗ C such that any pure spinor repre- sentative ρ satisfies ⊂ ⊗ (ρ, ρ) =0. 6 7.2. Generalized complex structures on manifolds Having defined the appropriate linear algebraic structure in the previous sec- tion, we now extend this definition to manifolds following a common two-step pro- cess. First we define “almost generalized complex structures” as smooth sections of End(T T ∗) satisfying the appropriate algebraic conditions. We then define a natural notion⊕ of integrability for such structures, and discuss how classical inte- grability conditions for complex and symplectic structures fit into this picture. For the most recent developments on the subject we refer to [10, 11, 41] and references therein.

7.2.1. Almost generalized complex structures. Definition 7.21. Given M 2n a smooth manifold, an almost generalized com- plex structure on M is a section Γ(End(T T ∗)) such that defines a linear J ∈ ⊕ Jp generalized complex structure on Tp Tp∗ for all p M. More generally, given an exact Courant algebroid E over M, an⊕almost generalized∈ complex structure on E is a section Γ(End E) such that p defines a linear generalized complex structure on E forJ all ∈p M. J p ∈ Following Lemma 7.7, we can regard an almost generalized complex structure on M as a reduction of the O(2n, 2n)-bundle of frames of the generalized tangent bundle to the maximal compact U(n,n). Alternatively, by Proposition 7.14, is J equivalent to a maximal isotropic subbundle L (T T ∗) C satisfying L L = 0 . Yet another point of view on this structure is provided⊂ ⊕ by⊗ spinors. By the∩ discussion{ } in 7.1.3, the spinor bundle for T T ∗ corresponds to § ⊕ 1/2 S =Λ∗T ∗ det T , ⊗ | | where det T 1/2 denotes the line bundle of half-densities on M. Since det T 1/2 is trivializable,| | it will be more convenient to work with the twisted spinor| bundle|

S =Λ∗T ∗ endowed with the Clifford action (7.2). By the previous discussion, and also Propo- sition 7.20, we obtain the following result giving different formulations of the notion of almost generalized complex structure. Proposition 7.22. Given M 2n a smooth manifold, a choice of almost gener- alized complex structure is equivalent to J A reduction of structure for the O(2n, 2n)-bundle (T T ∗, , ) to the group • U(n,n). ⊕ h i A maximal isotropic subbundle L (T T ∗) C satisfying L L = 0 . • ⊂ ⊕ ⊗ ∩ { } A pure spinor line sub-bundle K Λ∗T ∗ C such that any pure spinor • representative ρ satisfies ⊂ ⊗


The previous result generalizes the fundamental fact that a complex structure can be thought of as a tensor field, a reduction of structure groups, or in terms of certain subbundles. Notice that (ρ, ρ) det T ∗ defines an orientation independent of the choice of ρ, giving a global orientation∈ on the manifold. Example 7.23. Continuing the discussion in Example 7.2, suppose M 2n admits an almost complex structure J, and then define an almost generalized complex structure on M via J 0 J = − . J 0 J ∗   It is clear by definition that the √ 1-eigenbundle takes the form − 0,1 L = T T ∗ . ⊕ 1,0 The pure spinor line in Proposition 7.22 corresponds to Λn,0 and is generated, locally, by a choice of non-vanishing (n, 0)-form. Example 7.24. Continuing the discussion in Example 7.3, suppose M admits an almost symplectic form ω, and then define an almost generalized complex struc- ture on M via 1 0 ω− ω = − . J ω 0   Given X T C, note that ∈ ⊗ X √ 1X ω = − , J √ 1ω(X) ω(X) − −    and hence such vectors lie in the √ 1-eigenspace of ω. Since the complex dimen- sion of the space of such vectors is−n, it follows thatJ such vectors determine the entire √ 1-eigenspace L, i.e. − √ 1ω L = e− − T. Observe that L is given by a B-field transformation of the tangent bundle, which is a Dirac structure with pure spinor line generated by 1 (Λ∗T ∗) C. Thus, by naturality of the Clifford action with respect to orthogonal∈ transformations⊗ it follows that the pure spinor line in Proposition 7.22 is generated in this case by the global section √ 1ω √ 1ω e− − 1= e − (Λ∗T ∗) C. · ∈ ⊗ 7.2.2. Integrability. We now turn to the question of integrability of almost generalized complex structures. Recall that the classical definition of integrabil- ity of an almost complex structure J asks for the √ 1-eigenbundle to be closed under the Lie bracket. For integrability of generalized− complex structures we will ask for involutivity of the √ 1-eigenbundle under the Dorfman bracket. As this eigenbundle is an example of− an almost Dirac structure by Proposition 7.14, we briefly work in greater generality and record fundamental definitions and results concerning Dirac structures on exact Courant algebroids. Our exposition follows [55, 88] closely. Definition 7.25. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth manifold M. An almost Dirac structure on E is a subbundle L E which is maximally ⊂ 138 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY isotropic with respect to the inner product , . We say that L is an integrable Dirac structure if L is closed under the Dorfmanh i bracket, i.e. [L,L] L. ⊂ Remark 7.26. It is important to note that, since L is isotropic with respect to the symmetric pairing, it follows from (2.4) that the Courant and Dorfman brackets agree on sections of L. Thus it is equivalent to ask that L is closed under the Courant bracket. To save on notation we will refer to brackets of sections of L as [e1,e2], where this can be equivalently chosen as either the Courant or Dorfman bracket. This integrability condition admits a tensorial characterization, which helps in verification. To begin we make a definition.

Definition 7.27. Given L an almost Dirac structure on E, define a map TL : 3 Γ L⊗ R via →  TL(e1,e2,e3) := [e1,e2],e3 . h i 2 Lemma 7.28. Given L an almost Dirac structure on E, T Γ Λ L∗ L∗ . L ∈ ⊗ Proof. We must check that the map is C∞(M)-linear. It is obviously C∞(M)- linear in the third position, and due to the skew-symmetry in the first two indices it suffices to check C∞-linearity in either. To that end fix e Γ(L) and f { i} ∈ ∈ C∞(M), and compute using Lemma 2.7, T (e ,fe ,e )= [e ,fe ],e L 1 2 3 h 1 2 3i = f[e ,e ] + (Xf)e e ,e df, e h 1 2 2 − h 1 2i 3i = fTL(e1,e2,e3), where the last line follows using that L is isotropic. The lemma follows.  Proposition 7.29. Given L an almost Dirac structure, L is integrable if and only if TL =0. Proof. If L is closed under the Courant bracket, then since L is isotropic it follows directly that TL = 0. Conversely, suppose TL = 0. Then given any e ,e Γ(L), it follows by hypothesis that [e ,e ] L⊥. But since L is maximal 1 2 ∈ 1 2 ∈ isotropic, it follows that L⊥ = L, and so L is closed under the bracket.  Furthermore, we can characterize the integrability of Dirac structures in terms of the description in Proposition 7.13.

3 Proposition 7.30. Given M a smooth manifold and H Λ T ∗, dH = 0, ∈ consider the exact Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ]H ). A Dirac structure L(U, φ) is integrable if and only if ⊕ h i (1) U is closed under the Lie bracket (2) i i (H + dφ)=0 for all X, Y Γ(U). Y X ∈ Proof. Following the main computation of Proposition 2.14, we obtain that φ [X + iX φ, Y + iX φ]= e [X, Y ]+ iY iX (H + dφ) . The result follows in a straightforward way from this equation.  7.2. GENERALIZED COMPLEX STRUCTURES ON MANIFOLDS 139

With these preliminaries in hand we can give the definition of integrability of an almost generalized complex structure. Following the previous discussion, we do this in the generality of arbitrary exact Courant algebroids. Definition 7.31. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth manifold M. An almost generalized complex structure on E is integrable if the √ 1- eigenbundle L E C is an integrable DiracJ structure. An integrable almost− generalized complex⊂ structure⊗ on E will be called a generalized complex structure. J In particular, an almost generalized complex structure on a smooth manifold is integrable if the √ 1-eigenbundle L (T T ∗) C is an integrable Dirac structure for the standard Dorfman− bracket.⊂ It is⊕ not difficult⊗ to see that the analogue of Proposition 7.22 holds for almost generalized complex structures on exact Courant algebroids. We leave the details as an exercise. Example 7.32. Continuing the discussion in Example 7.23, suppose M ad- mits an almost complex structure J, and consider the almost generalized complex structure . The √ 1-eigenbundle takes the form JJ − 0,1 L = T T ∗ , ⊕ 1,0 and it directly follows from this that L is closed under Courant bracket if and only if T 0,1 is closed under the Lie bracket, which is in turn equivalent to the classical integrability of J. Example 7.33. Continuing the discussion in Example 7.24, suppose M admits an almost symplectic form ω, and consider the almost generalized complex structure ω. Fix smooth complex vector field X, Y T C and observe, using an obvious Jextension of the proof of Proposition 2.14 to∈ the⊗ case of complex coefficients, √ 1ω √ 1ω [X √ 1ω(X), Y √ 1ω(Y )] = [e− − (X),e− − (Y )] − − − − √ 1ω = e− − [X, Y ]+ √ 1i i dω. − Y X It follows that L is integrable if and only if dω = 0. It is obvious from Definition 7.31 that if is an integrable generalized complex structure on an exact Courant algebroid E, thenJ conjugation by a Courant algebroid automorphism provides a new generalized complex structure. We state this for emphasis: Lemma 7.34. Let be a generalized complex structure on an exact Courant J 1 algebroid E. Then, for any Courant algebroid automorphism F : E E, F F − is also a generalized complex structure. → ◦J◦ Example 7.35. Let be an integrable generalized complex structure on M 2 J B B and suppose B Λ T ∗, dB = 0. Then B := e e− is a generalized complex structure by Proposition∈ 2.21 and LemmaJ 7.34. J The prior class of examples together indicate the naturality of the circle of definitions yielding the concept of generalized complex structure, as it beautifully encodes complex and symplectic structures both algebraically and in terms of inte- grability. To further indicate the manner in which generalized complex structures unify complex and symplectic structure, we give an example of a one-parameter family of generalized complex structures connecting one of complex type to one of symplectic type. 140 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Example 7.36. Fix (M 4n,g,I,J,K) a hyperK¨ahler manifold. Using the nota- tion of the previous examples, consider I and ωJ , where ωJ denotes the K¨ahler form associated to (g,J). These are generalizedJ complexJ structures by the previous examples. Now consider the one-parameter family = sin t + cos t , t [0, π ]. Jt JI JωJ ∈ 2 From the quaternion relation IJ = JI one can check directly that the endomor- phisms and anticommute, after− which it directly follows that 2 = Id. It JI JωJ Jt − remains to check the integrability of t. To that end let Bt = (tan t)ωK , which is a π J closed form defined for t [0, 2 ). A calculation using the hyperK¨ahler conditions shows that ∈ 1 B 0 (sec tωJ )− B t = e− − e , J sec tωJ 0   π thus for t< 2 , t is expressed as a B-field transformation of an integrable gener- alized complex structure,J and is hence integrable by Lemma 7.34. Following the line of thought in Proposition 7.22, we close this section with the characterization of integrability for almost generalized complex structures in terms of spinors. The preliminaries for this result amount to expressing the Dorfman bracket as a derived bracket. Let us consider the general setup of an exact Courant algebroid E over a smooth manifold M. Consider the Clifford bundle CL(E) given by the relation v v = v, v . · h i For a choice of isotropic splitting σ : T E, inducing an isomorphism E = T T ∗ → ∼ ⊕ with twisted bracket [, ]H for some closed three-form H, the bundle of polyforms

S =Λ∗T ∗ is an irreducible Clifford module for CL(E), via the Clifford action (X + ξ) ρ = i ρ + ξ ρ. · X ∧ B For a different choice of isotropic splitting σ′, we can write σ′ = e σ for B 2 ◦ ∈ Γ(Λ T ∗), and one has B B B (7.4) (e− (X + ξ)) e ρ = e ((X + ξ) ρ). · ∧ ∧ · Thus, the definition of S is independent of the choice of σ. Consider the twisted de Rham differential d : Γ(S) Γ(S) H → acting on the space of polyforms by (7.5) d ρ = dρ H ρ. H − ∧ Using formula (7.4), it is an exercise to check that dH is independent of the choice of isotropic splitting, defining a canonical map d/ : Γ(S) Γ(S). 0 → Via the decomposition of the exterior algebra as a spin representation, the spinor bundle S inherits a Z2-grading even odd S =Λ T ∗ Λ T ∗. ⊕ 7.2. GENERALIZED COMPLEX STRUCTURES ON MANIFOLDS 141

With respect to this grading, the operator d/0 has odd degree, as does the operator given by Clifford multiplication α v α for any element v E. Recall the → · ∈ definition of the super-commutator of operators on a Z2-graded vector space [L ,L ]= L L ( 1)deg L1 deg L2 L L . 1 2 1 2 − − 2 1 Similar to how the usual de Rham differential is related to the Lie bracket, we have the following formula for the Dorfman bracket. Lemma 7.37. For any v , v Γ(E) and ρ Γ(S), we have 1 2 ∈ ∈ [[d/ , v ], v ]ρ = [v , v ] ρ. 0 1· 2· 1 2 · Proof. Choose an isotropic splitting σ : T E and identify E = (T → ∼ ⊕ T ∗, , , [, ]H ) and d/0 = dH . Then, for example, setting v1 = X T and v2 = Y T we haveh i ∈ ∈ [[d/ , v ], v ]ρ = [d , v ](v ρ) v ([d , v ]ρ) 0 1· 2· H 1· 2 · − 2 · H 1· = d (v v ρ)+ v (d (v ρ)) v (d (v ρ)) v v d ρ H 1 · 2 · 1 · H 2 · − 2 · H 1 · − 2 · 1 · H = d(i i ρ)+ i d(i ρ) i d(i ρ) i i dρ X Y X Y − Y X − Y X H i i ρ i (H (i ρ)+ i (H (i ρ)) + i i (H ρ) − ∧ X Y − X ∧ Y Y ∧ X Y X ∧ = L (i ρ) i (L ρ) X Y − Y X i H i ρ + i H i ρ H i i ρ + i i (H ρ) − X ∧ Y Y ∧ X − ∧ Y X Y X ∧ = i ρ + (i i H) ρ [X,Y ] Y X ∧ = [v , v ] ρ 1 2 H · We leave the remaining cases as an exercise.  We are ready now to characterize the integrability of almost generalized com- plex structures in terms of the associated complex spinor line. We will use the third characterization of these objects from Proposition 7.22. Proposition 7.38. Let be an almost generalized complex structure on an J exact Courant algebroid E, with pure spinor line K Λ∗T ∗ C. Then, is integrable if and only if for any local trivialization ρ of K⊂there exists⊗ a local sectionJ v E such that ∈ (7.6) d/ ρ = v ρ. 0 · Proof. Choose an isotropic splitting σ : T E and identify E = (T → ∼ ⊕ T ∗, , , [, ] ) and d/ = d . Let L E C be the complex Dirac structure as- h i H 0 H ⊂ ⊗ sociated to , as in Proposition 7.22. Given v1, v2 L, applying Lemma 7.37, we calculate J ∈ [v , v ] ρ = v v d ρ = (v v 2 v , v ) d ρ = v v d ρ. 1 2 · − 2 · 1 · H 1 · 2 − h 1 2i · H 1 · 2 · H Assuming now (7.6), we have [v , v ] ρ = v v v ρ = v (2 v, v v v ) ρ =0, 1 2 · 1 · 2 · · 1 · h 2i− · 2 · and therefore [v , v ] L = L. Conversely, if [L,L] L, then 1 2 ∈ ρ ⊂ (7.7) v v d ρ =0, for any v , v L. 1 · 2 · H 1 2 ∈ Observe that the Dirac structure L induces a filtration

K = F F ...F =Λ∗T ∗ C L 0 ⊂ 1 ⊂ 2n ⊗ 142 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY where n = dim M and Fk is the subbundle annihilated by products of k +1 sections of L. The subbundle F1 decomposes in even and odd degree parts as F = F E F , 1 0 ⊕ · 0 and since d is of odd degree, we see from (7.7) that d ρ E K as claimed.  H H ∈ · L 7.2.3. Associated Poisson structures. Generalized complex geometry turns out to have many connections to Poisson geometry. As a first glimpse of this here we will recall the fundamental notions of Poisson geometry and one way in which they appear in generalized complex geometry. In 7.4 below we will see further interactions in the case of generalized K¨ahler geometry.§ Definition 7.39. Given M n a smooth manifold, a Poisson bracket on M is a map

, : C∞(M) C∞(M) C∞(M) {· ·} × → which satisfies (1) R-linearity: aφ, bψ = ab φ, ψ , (2) skew-symmetry:{ φ,} ψ ={ ψ,} φ , (3) Leibniz rule: φψ,{ η =} φ −{ψ, η +}ψ φ, η , (4) Jacobi identity:{ φ,}ψ, η { + }ψ, η,{ φ }+ η, φ, ψ = 0. { { }} { { }} { { }} Example 7.40. The most fundamental example of a Poisson bracket, and more- over the reason for defining this structure in the first place, comes from classical 2n i mechanics. In particular on R with variables pi, q , one defines n ∂φ ∂ψ ∂φ ∂ψ φ, ψ = . { } ∂p ∂qi − ∂qi ∂p i=1 i i X   Remark 7.41. By properties 1 and 2 one can show that for a given function f, the map f, is a derivation of C∞(M), i.e. a vector field, and that furthermore a Poisson{ bracket·} determines a section P Λ2T, ∈ which recovers the Poisson bracket via φ, ψ = P (dφ, dψ). { } This allows to define the rank of the Poisson structure at a point x M, as the ∈ rank of the induced map Px : Tx∗ Tx. In particular, for the example above one obtains → n ∂ ∂ P = ∂p ∧ ∂qi i=1 i X which has constant rank 2n. Using P , for any smooth function φ we can obtain the associated Hamiltonian vector field via

Xφ = P (dφ). Using these different descriptions we can obtain equivalent descriptions of the inte- grability condition. In view of this lemma below we will also refer to the tensor P as a Poisson structure. Lemma 7.42. Given a smooth manifold M, let P Λ2T with associated bracket φ, ψ := P (dφ, dψ). Then the following are equivalent:∈ { } 7.2. GENERALIZED COMPLEX STRUCTURES ON MANIFOLDS 143

(1) For any torsion-free connection , one has ∇ P li P jk + P lj P ki + P lk P ij =0. ∇l ∇l ∇l (2) , satisfies the Jacobi identity. (3) For{ } any φ, ψ, one has

X φ,ψ = [Xφ,Xψ]. { } Proof. Exercise. 

Proposition 7.43. Given M 2n and a generalized complex structure on M, J define P End(T ∗,T ) = T T via ∈ ∼ ⊗ P (ξ)= π ξ, J where π : T T ∗ T is the anchor map. Then P is a Poisson structure. ⊕ → Proof. First we check that P is skew-symmetric, following from η,Pξ = η, π ξ = η, ξ = η, ξ = π η, ξ = Pη,ξ . h i h J i h J i − hJ i − h J i − h i Next we check the integrability. To begin we give an alternate description of P . Given φ C∞(M) observe that we can uniquely express ∈ dφ = X + ξ + X + ξ, where X + ξ L. Observe that X + X = 0. With this we define ∈ X =2√ 1X = 2Im(X), ξ = 2Im(ξ). φ − − φ − Observe furthermore using the eigenspace decomposition that (dφ)= X + ξ + X + ξ J J = √ 1 (X + ξ) √ 1 X + ξ − − − = Xφ + ξφ.  It thus follows that the Poisson bracket associated to P is determined by the vector fields X . In particular, for φ, ψ C∞(M) we set φ ∈ φ, ψ = X ψ. { } φ To prove the integrability, we will show that

(7.8) X φ,ψ = [Xφ,Xψ], { } from which the Jacobi identity follows using Lemma 7.42. We express dφ = X + ξ + X + ξ, dψ = Y + η + Y + η, as above, with Xφ = 2√ 1X, Xψ = 2√ 1Y . Using that L is involutive we see that the bracket simplifies− as − 1 Z + µ := 2√ 1[X + ξ, Y + η]= [Xφ,Xψ]+ LX η iX dξ L, − 2√ 1 φ − ψ ∈ − 144 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY where the answer lies in L since L is involutive. The vector field component Z is pure imaginary, hence Z + Z = 0, whereas µ + µ = L (η + η) i dξ + dξ Xφ − Xψ = L dψ i ddφ Xφ − Xψ  = diXφ dψ = d φ, ψ . { } Hence (Z,µ) is the canonical section of L associated to the smooth function φ, ψ , and so 7.8 follows. { }

Building on this observation, we can construct a new class of examples by explicitly combining complex and Poisson structures. Example 7.44. Suppose (M 2n,J) is a complex manifold, and let σ Λ2,0T denote a holomorphic Poisson structure. Let Q denote the real part of∈ σ, i.e. σ = JQ + √ 1Q, and let − JQ Q = − . J 0 J ∗   Using integrability of J and the Poisson structure, it is possible to show that this defines an integrable generalized complex structure. This example is elucidated in [89, Proposition 5], where it is moreover shown that this is a kind of canonical form for a certain type of generalized complex structure.

7.3. Courant algebroids and pluriclosed metrics In this section we recall the basic notion of pluriclosed Hermitian metrics (also known as strong K¨ahler with torsion or SKT metrics). We interpret them in the language of generalized geometry and prove some basic results on their structure. We adopt here the point of view taken in [71, 72, 90] (cf. also [106]). Further results on SKT metrics and their relationship to generalized geometry appear in [38].

7.3.1. Pluriclosed metrics. We start by recalling the classical definition of pluriclosed metrics, and some basic facts on their structure. Definition 7.45. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. A Riemannian metric g is called Hermitian if g(JX,JY )= g(X, Y ) for all X, Y TM. Associated to a Hermitian metric is the K¨ahler form ∈ ω(X, Y )= g(JX,Y ).

1,1 2n It follows from the Hermitian condition that ω ΛR . The triple (M ,g,J) is a Hermitian manifold. ∈ When dealing with several complex structures on the same smooth manifold, we will often use the notation ω = g( ,J ). J · · 7.3. COURANT ALGEBROIDS AND PLURICLOSED METRICS 145

Definition 7.46. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. A Hermitian metric g on M is called pluriclosed if ddcω =0. Here dc = √ 1(∂ ∂) is the conjugate differential, and in particular dcω = dω(J, J, J). We− say− that the metric is K¨ahler if furthermore dω = 0. − We have a local description of pluriclosed metrics similar to the local ddc-lemma for K¨ahler metrics.

2n 1,1 Lemma 7.47. Let (M ,J) be a complex manifold and suppose ω ΛR satisfies ddcω = 0. Given p M, for any local complex coordinates defined∈ near p there exists α Λ1,0 defined∈ in this coordinate chart so that ∈ ω = ∂α + ∂α.

Proof. We give a sketch ignoring the relevant domains under consideration. The pluriclosed condition tells us that ∂ω Λ2,1 is holomorphic, and thus in a local coordinate chart one can apply the ∂-Poincar´elemma∈ to obtain µ Λ2,0 such that ∂ω = ∂µ. It follows by a straightforward computation that d (ω ∈µ µ)=0. As − − 1 ω µ µ is real, it follows from the d-Poincar´elemma that there exists a ΛR such− that− ω µ µ = da. Expressing a = α + α, it follows easily that α Λ∈1,0 is the required− potential.− ∈ 

Example 7.48. Let K denote a compact semisimple Lie group with dim K = 2n. Let g denote the unique bi-invariant metric on K. By a classical result of Samelson [149], we can choose a complex structure on the corresponding Lie algebra k compatible with g, and we obtain a left-invariant complex structure J. We claim that (g,J) is pluriclosed with dcω(X,Y,Z)= H(X,Y,Z)= g([X, Y ],Z). − Using the invariance properties and the integrability of J we compute dcω(X,Y,Z)= dω (JX,JY,JZ) − = ω ([JX,JY ],JZ) − σ(X,Y,ZX ) = g ([JX,JY ],Z) − σ(X,Y,ZX ) = g (J[JX,Y ]+ J[X,JY ] + [X, Y ],Z) − σ(X,Y,ZX ) = 3H(X,Y,Z)+2 g ([JX,JY ],Z) − σ(X,Y,ZX ) = 3H(X,Y,Z)+2dcω(X,Y,Z). − Rearranging yields dcω = H. It is left as an exercise to show dH = 0. − Example 7.49. Consider the compact four-dimensional manifold M = SU(2) U(1) as in Example 3.51. Using the same notation, for every non-zero constant× x R we define a left-invariant complex structure on M by ∈ Jxe4 = xe1, Jxe2 = e3. 146 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

We leave as an exercise to check that Jx is integrable. Then, the metric g = gk,x defined in Example 3.51 is Hermitian and the associated K¨ahler form is ω = kxe14 + ke23. k,x − Furthermore, we have that dc ω = dω (J ,J ,J )= kxe234(J ,J ,J )= ke123 x k,x − k,x x x x x x x − and therefore g is pluriclosed. We will find this family of pluriclosed structures in a different disguise in Theorem 8.26. A fundamental result of Gauduchon shows that all compact complex surfaces admit pluriclosed metrics: Theorem 7.50. ([77]) Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. There exists a unique u C∞(M) such that ∈ n 1 udV =0, ∂∂ e2uω ∧ − =0. M Z h i More specifically, in dimension n = 2 this theorem  says that on compact complex surfaces every Hermitian metric has a conformally related metric which is pluri- closed, and this metric is unique up to scale in the conformal class. In higher dimensions pluriclosed metrics need not exist. In [65] examples of compact com- plex nilmanifolds with invariant complex structure are given which do not admit compatible pluriclosed metrics.

7.3.2. Courant algebroids and liftings. The relation between pluriclosed metrics and generalized geometry has typically appeared in relation to generalized K¨ahler structures [90] (see also [38]). Following [72], here we shall adopt a dif- ferent viewpoint which uncovers gauge-theoretical aspects of pluriclosed metrics in interaction with Courant algebroids. Connecting to the classical perspective, we are interested in pluriclosed structures on a manifold endowed with closed three-form, as given in the following definition.

2n 3 Definition 7.51. Given M a smooth manifold and H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 = 0, a pluriclosed structure is a triple (g,b,J) consisting of a Riemannian∈ metric g, a two-form b, and an integrable complex structure J such that (1) The metric g is compatible with J, (2) One has dcω = H + db. − 0 Of course, the choice of closed three-form H0 determines an exact Courant algebroid E over M. Our goal in this section is to describe pluriclosed structures in terms of the geometry of E. We fix an exact Courant algebroid E over a smooth manifold M endowed with an integrable complex structure J. Definition 7.52. A lifting of T 0,1 to E is an isotropic, involutive subbundle ℓ E C mapping isomorphically to T 0,1 under the C-linear extension of the anchor⊂ ⊗ map π : E C T C. ⊗ → ⊗ By a choice of isotropic splitting on E, we can give an explicit characterization of liftings. 7.3. COURANT ALGEBROIDS AND PLURICLOSED METRICS 147

3 Lemma 7.53. Given H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 =0, consider the exact Courant algebroid ∈ 0,1 1,1+0,2 (T T ∗, , , [, ] ). Then, a lifting of T is equivalent to γ Ω satisfying ⊕ h i H0 ∈ 1,2+0,3 (7.9) (H0 + dγ) =0. More precisely, given γ satisfying (7.9), the lifting is (7.10) ℓ = eγ(X0,1), X0,1 T 0,1 , { ∈ } and, conversely, any lifting is uniquely expressed in this way.

Proof. An isotropic subbundle ℓ T T ∗ C mapping isomorphically to T 0,1X under π is necessarily of the form⊂ (7.10)⊕ for⊗ a suitable γ Λ1,1+0,2. By Proposition 2.14 we have ∈ γ 0,1 γ 0,1 γ 0,1 0,1 0 1 0 1 [e X ,e Y ]H0 = e [X , Y ]+ iY , iX , (H0 + dγ). Then, ℓ is involutive if and only if (7.9) holds.  As we will see in 7.3.3, a lifting relates to the complex Courant algebroid E C as a Dolbeault operator§ relates to a smooth complex vector bundle, in the sense⊗ that it will enable us to construct a Courant algebroid in the holomorphic category out of E C. With this idea in mind, and taking into account that we have a canonical⊗real structure E E C, ⊂ ⊗ it is natural to look for a Chern correspondence. This has been obtained in [72] in a much more general setup, and we summarise here the result for the case of our interest. Definition 7.54. A horizontal lift of T to E is given by a subbundle W E such that ⊂ rk W = dim M, and W T ∗ = 0 . ∩ { } By definition, a horizontal lift W E is equivalent to a (possibly degenerate) real symmetric 2-tensor g on X and an⊂ isotropic splitting σ : T E such that → (7.11) W = σ(V )+ g(V ) V T . { | ∈ } In particular, it induces a closed three-form H and an isomorphism E = (T ∼ ⊕ T ∗, , , [, ] ). h i H Lemma 7.55. Any lifting ℓ E C of T 0,1 determines a unique horizontal lift W E such that ⊂ ⊗ ⊂ (7.12) ℓ = e W C π(e) T 0,1 . { ∈ ⊗ | ∈ } 1,1 Furthermore, such W determines uniquely a two-form ω = g(J , ) ΛR , and 3 · · ∈ H Λ T ∗, dH =0, such that ∈ H = dcω. − Therefore, in particular, ddcω =0.

Proof. We choose an isotropic splitting σ0 : T E inducing an isomorphism E (T T , , , [, ] ) for some closed three-form→ H . By Lemma 7.53, ℓ is ∼= ∗ H0 0 uniquely⊕ determinedh i by γ Λ1,1+0,2 via (7.10). On the other hand, (7.11) implies ∈ 2 that there exists a uniquely defined real two-form b Λ T ∗ such that ∈ W = eb X + g(X) X T . { | ∈ } 148 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

The isotropic condition for (7.12) implies that g is a symmetric tensor of type (1, 1). Denote the associated (1, 1) form by 1,1 ω = g(J , ) ΛR . · · ∈ Then, condition (7.12) implies

γ 0,1 b+√ 1ω 0,1 e (T )= e − (T ), and therefore b1,1 + √ 1ω1,1 = γ1,1, b0,2 = γ0,2. − Take now σ0 to be the isotropic splitting determined by W . Then, b = 0 and H = H, and hence γ = √ 1ω, and thus (see (7.9)) 0 − H0,3+1,2 = √ 1 ∂ω. − − Since ω and H are real, this yields the result.  The previous lemma can be regarded as an analogue of the Chern correspon- dence for exact Courant algebroids. In particular, the horizontal subspace W E, and hence the associated real (1, 1)-form ω, can be thought of as a connection-like⊂ object. The pluriclosed condition on ω can be regarded as a Bianchi identity for W . The interpretation of two-forms as connections is reminiscent of higher gauge theory (see [72] for further insights on this relation). We close this subsection with a characterization of pluriclosed structures in terms of Courant algebroids.

3 Theorem 7.56. Let (M,J) be a complex manifold, and H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 =0. Then, a pluriclosed structure of the form (g,b,J) is equivalent to∈ a lifting

ℓ (T T ∗) C ⊂ ⊕ ⊗ 0,1 of T for the twisted Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ]H0 ), such that the real symmetric two-tensor obtained via Lemma 7.55⊕ is positiveh i definite. Proof. Given a lifting ℓ as in the statement, by Lemma 7.53 and the proof of Lemma 7.55 we have that g is a Hermitian metric on M and (H )0,3+1,2 + ∂(b1,1 + √ 1ω)+ db0,2 =0. 0 − c Since ω, b, and H0 are real, this yields d ω = H0 + db. The converse is left as an exercise. −  7.3.3. Metrics on holomorphic Courant algebroids. Motivated by the Chern correspondence in Lemma 7.55, we show next how a lifting of T 0,1 determines a Courant algebroid in the holomorphic category, following [90]. We will then go on and show that a pluriclosed structure yields a natural notion of Hermitian metric on these objects, following [71, 160]. Definition 7.57. Let (M,J) be a complex manifold. A holomorphic Courant algebroid is a holomorphic vector bundle M together with a nondegenerate holomorphic symmetric bilinear form , , aE bracket → [, ] on holomorphic sections of , and a holomorphic bundle map π : h i T 1,0 satisfying the axioms in Definition E2.8 (in the holomorphic category). WeE will → say that is exact if it fits into an exact sequence of holomorphic vector bundles E

∗ π π 1,0 0 T ∗ T 0. −→ 1,0 −→ E −→ −→ 7.3. COURANT ALGEBROIDS AND PLURICLOSED METRICS 149

A complete classification of exact holomorphic Courant algebroids was obtained by Gualtieri in [90]. Let us summarize the result which we will use. 2,0 Theorem 7.58. Let (M,J) be a complex manifold. Denote by Λcl the sheaf of closed (2, 0)-forms on M. Then, the set of isomorphism classes of exact holomor- ˇ 1 2,0 phic Courant algebroids on M is bijective to the first Cech cohomology H (Λcl ). Furthermore, there is a vector space isomorphism Ker d:Λ3,0+2,1 Λ4,0+3,1+2,2 (7.13) H1(Λ2,0) = → . cl ∼ Im d:Λ2,0 Λ3,0+2,1 → 2,0 The sheaf Λcl in the previous classification result plays an important role in various developments in mathematical physics (see [73] and references therein). A 1,0 one-cocycle for this sheaf determines local data for gluing the model T T1∗,0 by means of holomorphic B-field transformations. On the other hand, a representative⊕ of a cohomology class in the right hand side of (7.13) yields a convenient global description of a holomorphic Courant algebroid. Definition 7.59. Let (M,J) be a complex manifold. Given H Λ3,0+2,1, dH = 0, we denote by ∈ 1,0 = T T ∗ EH ⊕ 1,0 the exact holomorphic Courant algebroid with Dolbeault operator ∂(X + ξ)= ∂X + ∂ξ i H2,1, − X symmetric bilinear form X + ξ,X + ξ = ξ(X), h i bracket given by 3,0 [X + ξ, Y + η]H = [X, Y ]+ iX ∂η + ∂(η(Y )) + iY iX H , and anchor map π(X + ξ) = X. We leave as an exercise to check that H so defined satisfies the axioms in Definition 7.57. E

Given now an exact Courant algebroid E over M and a lifting ℓ (T T ∗) C of T 0,1 (see Definition 7.52), it is a formality to associate a holomorphic⊂ ⊕ Coura⊗nt algebroid, namely,

ℓ ℓ := 2√ 1∂ω →E E− − where ω is determined by ℓ as in Lemma 7.55. More invariantly, ℓ can be obtained from ℓ via a natural reduction procedure applied to E C, whichE explains the choice of normalization for ∂ω (see [90] for details). This illustrates⊗ further the fact that ℓ should be regarded as a Dolbeault operator on E C, while W in Lemma 7.55 plays the role of its Chern connection. ⊗ Taking now the holomorphic point of view, we introduce the notion of a metric on (cf. [71, 72]). E Definition 7.60. Let (M,J) be a complex manifold endowed with an exact holomorphic Courant algebroid . A metric on is given by a triple (E,ℓ,ϕ), where E E (1) E is an exact Courant algebroid over M, (2) ℓ E C is a lifting of T 0,1 with ω > 0, ⊂ ⊗ (3) ϕ: ℓ is an isomorphism of holomorphic Courant algebroids inducing theE identity→E on M. 150 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

We next unravel the previous definition in terms of the model in Definition 7.59. The following result illustrates the important role played by (2, 0)-forms in the theory of pluriclosed structures.

3,0+2,1 Lemma 7.61. Let (M,J) be a complex manifold, and H0 Λ , dH0 =0. Then, there is one to one correspondence between the set of me∈trics on and EH0 ω + β ω > 0, dβ = H +2√ 1∂ω Λ1,1 Λ2,0. | 0 − ⊂ R ⊕ n o Proof. By Lemma 7.55, the pair (E,ℓ) determines ω> 0 and an isomorphism E ∼= (T T ∗, , , [, ] dcω). By definition, ℓ = 2√ 1∂ω and, by Theorem 7.58, the isomorphism⊕ h iϕ: − correspondsE to E− − Eℓ →EH0 β 1,0 1,0 ϕ = e− : T T ∗ T T ∗ ⊕ 1,0 → ⊕ 1,0 for β Λ2,0 satisfying dβ = H +2√ 1∂ω. We refer to [72] for further details.  ∈ 0 − We close this section indicating how the fairly abstract Definition 7.60 produces a Hermitian metric on the holomorphic vector bundle underlying , in the classical sense. Let be an exact Courant algebroid endowed with a metricE (E,ℓ,ϕ). By Lemma 7.55E the pair (E,ℓ) determines a pluriclosed Hermitian metric g. Define a Hermitian metric G on ℓ = 2√ 1∂ω by E E− − g 0 G = ij . 0 glk  

Via the isomorphism ϕ: ℓ this construction yields a natural Hermitian metric 1 E →E (ϕ− )∗G on , which by direct computations is E lk lp 1 gij + βikβjlg βipg (ϕ− )∗G = pk lk . βjpg g !

This metric has an associated Chern connection, and associated Chern curvature. As we will discuss in 9.6, there a striking relationship between the curvature of the Chern connection§ associated to G and the curvature of the Bismut connection associated to the underlying pluriclosed structure, an idea which is briefly discussed in [18, Theorem 2.9]. This will play an important role in the higher regularity for the pluriclosed flow in Chapter 9 (cf. [160, 108]).

7.4. Generalized K¨ahler geometry In this section we will give two equivalent definitions of generalized K¨ahler struc- ture. This concept first arose in mathematical physics literature [74], expressed in terms of classical Hermitian geometry and not exploiting the structures of general- ized geometry. Later Gualtieri [88] rederived this definition motivated by natural reductions of the structure group of T T ∗. Further works appeared in mathe- matical physics [103, 104, 105, 127,⊕ 128, 129] which influence our discussion below. 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 151

7.4.1. Definitions and equivalences. We will begin with the classical for- mulation of generalized K¨ahler geometry in terms of biHermitian geometry, a con- dition not obviously motivated from the point of view of classical complex and K¨ahler geometry.

2n 3 Definition 7.62. Given M a smooth manifold and H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 =0, a generalized K¨ahler structure is a quadruple (g,b,I,J) consisting∈ of a Riemannian 2 metric g, b Λ T ∗, and two integrable complex structures I, J, such that ∈ (1) The metric g is compatible with I and J. (2) One has dc ω = H + db = dc ω . − I I 0 J J As the tensor b can be absorbed by redefining H0, at times we will refer to a generalized K¨ahler structure only using the data (g,I,J).

Remark 7.63. We note that the definition allows for the possibility that [H0] = 0. In some literature, including [88], this is referred to as a twisted generalized6 K¨ahler structure, an extra distinction we will not make. We next give the definition of Gualtieri [88], expressed in terms of generalized complex geometry, and motivated from the point of view of reduction of structure groups. On a 2n-manifold, a choice of complex structure gives a reduction of the structure group to GL(n, C), whereas a K¨ahler metric is a reduction to the maximal compact subgroup U(n). Similarly, as explained in Lemma 7.7, the presence of a single generalized complex structure, together with the neutral inner product, reduces the structure group of E to U(n,n). By seeking a further reduction to the maximal compact subgroup U(n) U(n), it is possible to derive the following definition. × Definition 7.64. Let E be an exact Courant algebroid over a smooth manifold 2n M . A generalized K¨ahler structure is a pair ( 1, 2) of generalized complex structures such that J J

(1) [ 1, 2] = 0, (2) J= J defines a generalized metric. G −J1J2 The fundamental theorem of Gualtieri shows that Definitions 7.62 and 7.64 are equivalent. Before showing this we record some further basic structure associated to generalized K¨ahler structures as per Definition 7.64. In particular, given 1, 2 a generalized K¨ahler structure, the generalized metric = determinesJ J an G −J1J2 isotropic splitting of E, and therefore an isomorphism E = (T T ∗, [, ]H , , , π) for 3 ∼ ⊕ h i a uniquely determined H Λ T ∗, dH = 0. We also obtain two maximal isotropic subspaces L ,L , the √ 1-eigenbundles∈ of , , such that 1 2 − J1 J2 (T T ∗) C = L L = L L . ⊕ ⊗ 1 ⊕ 1 2 ⊕ 2 Furthermore, as 1 and 2 commute, L1 itself must admit a decomposition into the √ 1-eigenspacesJ forJ , yielding ± − J2 + + (T T ∗) C = L L− L L−. ⊕ ⊗ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 ⊕ 1 As intersections of isotropic, integrable subspaces, each of the four summands above is itself isotropic and integrable. We are now ready to prove the equivalence. 152 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

2n 3 Theorem 7.65 ([88]). Given M a smooth manifold and H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 = 0, a quadruple (g,b,I,J) as in Definition 7.62 determines a generalized∈ K¨ahler structure ( , ) on (T T ∗, [, ] , , , π) such that J1 J2 ⊕ H0 h i 1 1 1 1 0 I J (ωI− ωJ− ) 1 0 (7.14) 1,2 = 2 ± − ∓ . J b 1 ωI ωJ (I∗ J ∗) b 1    ∓ − ±  − 

Conversely, given a generalized K¨ahler structure ( 1, 2) on an exact Courant algebroid E, it determines, up to a choice of isotropicJ J splitting with associated 3 H0 Λ T ∗, dH0 =0, a quadruple (g,b,I,J) as in Definition 7.62 such that (7.14) holds.∈

Proof. To begin we define the relevant maps connecting the two definitions, then prove that the integrability conditions are the same. We begin by mapping a generalized K¨ahler pair ( , ) on an exact Courant algebroid identified with J1 J2 (T T ∗, [, ]H0 , , , π), to a biHermitian structure (g,b,I,J). Let = 1 2 denote the⊕ generalizedh metrici associated to this pair. As described in G2.3,−J associatedJ to § is an eigenspace decomposition E = V+ V of E. Observe that since V+ is Gpositive definite for the neutral inner product,⊕ whereas− T is a null space, it follows that

π : V T ± → are isomorphisms, and so we may interpret structures on V as structures on T using this map. ± In particular, the neutral symmetric inner product defines an inner product g on T , which is positive definite by construction. Similarly the neutral skew- symmetric inner product defines a two-form b. This is a manifestation of the fact that V are the graphs of b g as in Proposition 2.38. To construct the complex structures,± first note that since± [ , ] = 0 we get a fourfold decomposition of E J1 J2 according to the eigenspaces of the i, and from this it follows easily that V are J ± preserved by each i. We can transport 1 from both V to obtain the two almost J J ± complex structures I and J. Since 1 is orthogonal with respect to the neutral inner product, it follows that I and JJare compatible with g. To finish the proof we must check the integrability conditions, in particular that I and J are integrable and that dc ω = H + db = dc ω . To check the I I 0 − J J integrability of I, we must check that the √ 1-eigenbundle T 1,0 inside T C is − I ⊗ closed under the Lie bracket. By definition I is obtained by the action of 1 on V+, J1,0 using the isomorphism obtained by π. It follows that the preimage of TI in V+ C + + 1,0 must be L1 V+ = L1 . As remarked above L1 is integrable, which implies TI is closed under∩ Lie⊗ bracket. The proof for integrability of J is similar. Lastly we check the conditions on the torsion. In particular, using the explicit descriptions of the associated metric, one can compute an explicit description of the two Dirac C structures L1± V , specifically that ⊂ ± ⊗ L+ = X + (b √ 1ω )X X T 1,0 , 1 { − − I | ∈ I } (7.15) 1,0 L− = X + (b + √ 1ω )X X T . 1 { − J | ∈ J } 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 153

Having described these Dirac structures explicitly as graphs, by Proposition 7.30, we see that since L1± are both integrable, we obtain the equations (cf. Lemma 7.53) i i H + d(b √ 1ω ) = 0, for all X, Y T 1,0 Y X 0 − − I ∈ I 1,0 iY iX H0 + d(b + √ 1ωJ ) = 0, for all X, Y T − ∈ J 2,1 Considering the (2, 1) piece of the first equation above yields (H0 + db) = 1,2 √ 1∂I ωI . Conjugating and using that b is real yields (H0 + db) = √ 1∂I ωI , − c − c− and hence H0 + db dI ωI = 0, and similarly we can obtain H0 + db + dJ ωJ = 0. c − c We conclude dI ωI = H0 + db = dJ ωJ , as required (cf. Theorem 7.56). To reverse this construction,− fix (g,b,I,J) as above. Using g and b we determine a generalized metric via equation (2.20). With the metric in hand, we have access G to the various projection operators onto V , which allows us to rebuild the i by hand from the way we extracted I and J above.± In particular, one must haveJ 1 1 = π− Iππ + π− Jππ 1 V+ + V J | | − − 1 1 = π− Iππ π− Jππ . 2 V+ + V J | − | − − Unwinding these definitions is a lengthy computation left as an exercise. The answer is expressed cleanly in terms of the K¨ahler forms, defined by

ωI (X, Y )= g(IX,Y ), ωJ (X, Y )= g(JX,Y ). Using these one obtains (7.14). To finish the proof we must establish the integrability of , in other words J1,2 the Courant involutivity of L1,L2, and it suffices to check L1. To begin we note that, as the algebraic aspects of the correspondence have been established, it follows C that the Dirac structures L1± V take the form of (7.15). Moreover, each ⊂ ± ⊗ of L1± is also integrable by Proposition 7.30 as above. It remains to show that the + bracket of a pair of sections taken one each from L1± remains in L1 L1−. To that + ⊕ end we fix X + (b + g)X Γ(L ), Y + (b g)Y Γ(L−), and compute ∈ 1 − ∈ 1 [X + (b + g)X, Y + (b g)Y ] = [X, Y ] L (gY ) L (gX) − − X − Y + d(g(X, Y )) + b([X, Y ]) + iY iX H. To understand the Lie bracket term we will use the two natural Bismut connections associated to the generalized K¨ahler structure, namely I Y,Z = Y,Z 1 dc ω (X,Y,Z), ∇X h∇X i− 2 I I J 1 c X Y,Z = X Y,Z dJ ωJ (X,Y,Z). ∇ h∇ i− 2 These are connections compatible with I and J respectively, equivalent to the connections ± of Definition 3.12, whose properties are discussed more fully in 8.1. Using these∇ connections and letting H = dc ω = dc ω , we can express § − I I J J [X, Y ]= Y X ∇X − ∇Y J 1 1 I 1 = + g− H Y H X ∇X 2 X − ∇Y − 2 Y J I = X Y Y X.   ∇ − ∇ A further computation shows that one has L (gY ) L (gX)+ d(g(X, Y )) = g( Y + X). − X − Y − ∇X ∇Y 154 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Combining these observations now yields [X + (b + g)X,Y + (b g)Y ] − = J Y I Y g( Y + X)+ b([X, Y ]) + i i H ∇X − ∇X − ∇X ∇Y Y X = J Y I X + b( J Y I X) g( J Y + I X) ∇X − ∇Y ∇X − ∇Y − ∇X ∇Y = I X + (b + g) I X + J Y + (b g) J Y . − ∇Y ∇Y ∇X − ∇X 1,0 1,0 I 1,0 Noting that, by construction, X TI , Y TJ , it follows that Y X  TI and J 1,0 ∈ ∈ + ∇ ∈ X Y TJ , and thus the expression above is a section of L1 L1−, finishing the ∇proof.∈ ⊕  Remark 7.66. As is clear from the proof of Theorem 7.65, given a generalized + − 0,1 0,1 K¨ahler structure the subspace L1 (resp. L1 ) is a lifting of TI (resp. TJ ) in the sense of Definition 7.52. This point of view was taken in [90] to analyze generalized K¨ahler structures in terms of Morita equivalence for holomorphic Dirac structures, and has recently been exploited in [17] (cf. Remark 7.79). 7.4.2. Poisson structure. A remarkable fact about generalized K¨ahler struc- tures is that there is a further refinement of the Poisson tensors associated to the generalized complex structures. These play a strong role in determining the local geometry of a GK structure, and are moreover crucial to constructing certain nat- ural deformation classes of GK structure (cf. [85, 102]). The Poisson tensor σ below was originally discovered in [6], [144] in the four-dimensional case, and [101] in general dimensions. Definition 7.67. Given (M 2n,g,I,J) a generalized K¨ahler manifold, let 1 1 σ := 2 [I,J]g− . Already from Proposition 7.43 we know that a generalized K¨ahler structure will come equipped with Poisson tensors arising from the associated generalized complex structures, and one arrives at the tensor σ above by considering the type decomposition of these tensors according to the complex structures I and J. In particular, this tensor arises as the (2, 0) (0, 2) projection of the given Poisson tensors, with respect to either I or J: − σ = IπI π = JπJ π , 2,0+0,2 J1 2,0+0,2 J2 as follows from a short computation using the Gualtieri map (7.14). To establish that σ is indeed a Poisson structure, we first need to establish that it is the real part of a holomorphic (2, 0) tensor with respect to both I and J. Lemma 7.68. Let (V 2n,J) be a real vector space with almost complex structure 3 J. Given H Λ V ∗, ∈ (π H) = 1 H J pJ qH J pJ qH J pJ qH 3,0+0,3 ijk 4 ijk − j k ipq − i k pjq − i j pqk 3 1 p q p q p q (π2,1+1,2H)ijk = 4 H ijk + 4 Jj Jk Hipq + Ji Jk Hpjq + Ji Jj Hpqk . Proof. Exercise.   Proposition 7.69. Given (M 2n,g,I,J) a generalized K¨ahler manifold, one has that σ is a Poisson tensor, and furthermore σ Λ2,0+0,2(TM) Λ2,0+0,2(TM), ∂ σ2,0 =0, ∂ σ2,0 =0. ∈ I ∩ J I I J J 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 155

Proof. It already follows as discussed above that σ has the claimed algebraic structure, but we check this directly using the definition of σ. Given α, β T ∗M, using that I anticommutes with the commutator [I,J], and that g is compatible∈ with I we obtain

1 σ(Iα,Iβ) = (Iβ)([I,J]g− (Iα)) 1 = β(I[I,J]g− Iα) 1 = β([I,J]Ig− Iα) − 1 = β([I,J]g− α) − = σ(α, β).

2,0+0,2 2,0+0,2 Thus σ ΛI (TM), and an identical argument yields σ ΛJ (TM). To check∈ the holomorphicity, we first note that the (2,∈0) projection can be computed as

σ2,0(α, β)= σ(α, β)+ √ 1σ(Iα,β). I −

2,0 Thus to compute ∂I σI it suffices to take the I-Chern derivative in the direction of X + √ 1IX. We again refer to 8.1 for fundamental properties of the relevant Chern connections− associated to (g,§ I) and (g,J). Taking the real part of this it suffices to check that

0= g C,I [I,J]+ I C,I [I,J] Y,Z ∇X ∇IX  C,I C,I  C,I C,I = g I X J ( X J)I + I I IX J ( IX J)I Y,Z (7.16) ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇     = g ( C,I J)Y,IZ g ( C,I J)IY,Z − ∇X − ∇X     g ( C,I J)Y,Z + g ( C,I J)IY,IZ . − ∇IX ∇IX    

Now we note, using (8.1),

( C,I J)(Y ),Z ∇X D = ( C,I EC,J ) J)(Y ),Z ∇ − ∇ X C,I C,J C,I C,J = ( )X )(JY ) J( )X )(Y ),Z ∇ − ∇ − ∇ − ∇ C,I C,J C,I C,J = ( )X )(JY ) + ( )X )(Y ),JZ ∇ − ∇ ∇ − ∇ = 1 (H(X,IJY,IZ) H(X,Y,JZ)+ H(X,IY,IJZ) H(X,JY,Z)) . 2 − − 156 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Plugging this into (7.16) means that we must check 0= (H(X,IJY,IIZ) H(X,Y,JIZ)+ H(X,IY,IJIZ) H(X,JY,IZ)) − − − (H(X,IJIY,IZ) H(X,IY,JZ)+ H(X,IIY,IJZ) H(X,JIY,Z)) − − − (H(IX,IJY,IZ) H(IX,Y,JZ)+ H(IX,IY,IJZ) H(IX,JY,Z)) − − − + (H(IX,IJIY,IIZ) H(IX,IY,JIZ)+ H(IX,IIY,IJIZ) H(IX,JIY,IZ)) − − = H(X,IJY,Z)+ H(X,Y,JIZ) H(X,IY,IJIZ)+ H(X,JY,IZ) − H(X,IJIY,IZ)+ H(X,IY,JZ)+ H(X,Y,IJZ)+ H(X,JIY,Z) − H(IX,IJY,IZ)+ H(IX,Y,JZ) H(IX,IY,IJZ)+ H(IX,JY,Z) − − H(IX,IJIY,Z) H(IX,IY,JIZ) H(IX,Y,IJIZ) H(IX,JIY,IZ) − − − − 16 = Ai. i=1 X Using that H is of type (2, 1)+(1, 2) (cf. Lemma 7.68), one observes that A1 +A4 + A9+A12 = 0, A2+A3+A14+A15 = 0, A5+A8+A13+A16 = 0, A6+A7+A10+A11 = 0, finishing the claim. Now we can show that σ is a Poisson tensor. First note that P = π 1 is a Poisson tensor, and we have the type decomposition J 2,0 1,1 0,2 2,0 1,1 0,2 P = PI + PI + PI = σI I + PI + σI I. Since P is Poisson, item (1) of Lemma 7.42 holds for P , choosing the Levi-Civita connection of an arbitrarily chosen metric. The (3, 0) piece of that equation has 2,0 2,0 1,1 2,0 2,0 terms of the form σI ⋆ σI and also of the form PI ⋆ σ . Since σI is ∇ 1,1 2,0 ∇ I-holomorphic, the terms of the form PI ⋆ σ vanish, thus it follows that item 2,0 2,0 ∇ (1) of Lemma 7.42 holds for σI . Thus σI is Poisson, as is σ. A similar argument 2,0  holds for σJ . 7.4.3. Examples. We give here some fundamental examples of generalized K¨ahler structure which will guide the discussion to follow. Example 7.70. If (M 2n,g,J) is K¨ahler, it is clear that this also represents a generalized K¨ahler structure with H0 = 0,b = 0 and I = J. Note from (7.14) one has that one of the associated generalized complex structure± s comes from the complex structure I = J as in Example 7.32, whereas the other is associated to the K¨ahler form ω as in Example 7.33. Also, for this structure one has σ = 0.

2ni Example 7.71. Let (Mi ,gi,Ki),i = 1, 2 be two K¨ahler manifolds. Let M = M1 M2, g = π1∗g1 + π2∗g2. Note that each Ki defines in a natural way an endomorphism× of TM TM, and thus we may define i ⊂ K 0 K 0 I = 1 , J = 1 . 0 K 0 K  2  − 2 It is easy to check that these define integrable complex structures on M, which more- over are both compatible with g. One easily computes that dωI = dπ1∗ω1 +dπ2∗ω2 = 0 and dωJ = dπ1∗ω1 dπ2∗ω2 = 0 (note the sign change due to the sign change in the definition of J),− and so this defines a generalized K¨ahler structure. Here again the underlying pairs (g, I) and (g,J) are K¨ahler, but we will show in 7.4.4 below how to deform this example in general to produce non-K¨ahler structures.§ 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 157

4n Example 7.72. Let (M ,g,I,J) be a hyperK¨ahler manifold. Setting H0 = 0, it follows from the properties of hyperK¨ahler structures that (g, 0,I,J) defines a generalized K¨ahler structure. Note that even though the underlying Hermitian structures are K¨ahler, the associated generalized complex structures are not the standard ones as in Example 7.70. Furthermore, observe that in this setting one has using the quaternionic relations 1 1 1 1 σ = 2 [I,J]g− = Kg− = ωK− .

In particular, the Poisson structure σ defines a nondegenerate pairing on T ∗. In this sense this example and Example 7.71 represent the two extremes of generalized K¨ahler geometry, and their local structure and geometry vary considerably, as we will see in the remainder of this chapter. Example 7.73. Let K denote a compact semisimple Lie group. Let g de- note the unique bi-invariant metric on K. Fixing any complex structure on the corresponding Lie algebra k compatible with g, we obtain left- and right-invariant complex structures IL and IR. We claim that (g, IL, IR) is a generalized K¨ahler structure with H(X,Y,Z)= g([X, Y ],Z).

c As computed in Example 7.48, we know that dIL ωIL = H. Using that the right c Lie algebra is anti-isomorphic to the left Lie algebra, it follows that dIR ωIR = H, finishing the proof. − 7.4.4. Generalized K¨ahler structures with vanishing Poisson struc- ture. In this subsection we explore further the local structure of generalized K¨ahler manifolds in the case σ = 0, which is equivalent to [I,J] = 0. We set up and prove a basic structure theorem (cf. [7] Theorem 4) which yields a splitting of the tangent bundle in this setting, which in a very rough sense indicates that generalized K¨ahler geometry with σ = 0 behaves locally like a twisted product of K¨ahler structures. Theorem 7.74. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold with [I,J]=0. Let Π= IJ. Then the 1-eigenspaces of Π are g-orthogonal I- and J-holomorphic foliations on whose leaves± g restricts to a K¨ahler metric.

Proof. Let T denote the eigenspace decomposition of Π, whose eigenvalues are 1 as it is a real± endomorphism which squares to the identity. We note that T =± ker(Π Id) = ker(I J). But ker(I J) is the image of I J, thus T coincide± with∓ the images of± the associated Poisson± tensors ∓ ± 1 1 σ1 = π 1π = (I J)g− , σ2 = π 2π = (I + J)g− , J ∗ − J ∗ which are thus integrable. Since g is compatible with both I and J, the projection Π is orthogonal, and hence T are orthogonal. We refer to the restrictions of ωI to ± these subbundles ωI±, similarly g±,ωJ±. The complex structures preserve T , and thus we obtain a refinement T+ C = ± ⊗ A A,T C = B B, where ⊕ − ⊗ ⊕ A = T 1,0 T 0,1, B = T 1,0 T 1,0. I ∩ J I ∩ J 158 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

As intersections of integrable distributions, A and B are both integrable. To show A is a holomorphic subbundle we show it is preserved by the ∂ operator of I. Using the decompositions above, given X Γ(T 0,1) and Z Γ(A), ∈ I ∈ 1,0 ∂X Z = [X,Z] = [X,Z]A + [X,Z]B = [X,Z]A + [XA,Z]B + [XB,Z]B.

Since XA,Z Γ(T+) and T+ is integrable, the term [XA,Z]B vanishes. Also, since 0,1∈ A B = TJ is again involutive, it follows that the term [XB,Z] vanishes, finishing the⊕ claim that A is a holomorphic subbundle. c c Lastly, since I = J along the leaves of T , it follows that dI = dJ , and ωI− = ωJ−, c c − thus dI ωI− = dJ ωJ−, and hence the restriction of ωI− to the leaves of T is closed. Similarly, along the leaves of T we have I = J, and hence dc = − dc , while + − I − J ω+ = ω+. It follows that dc ω+ = dc ω+ and thus the restriction of ω+ to the I − J I I J J I leaves of T+ is closed.  This theorem yields a splitting of the holomorphic tangent bundle T 1,0 = T 1,0 + ⊕ T 1,0, yielding in turn a four-fold splitting − 1,0 1,0 0,1 0,1 TC = T+ T T+ T . ⊕ − ⊕ ⊕ − By duality we also obtain a splitting of the cotangent bundle, which we indicate as 1,0 1,0 0,1 0,1 TC∗ =Λ+ Λ Λ+ Λ . ⊕ − ⊕ ⊕ − Going further, this yields a splitting of all form spaces Λp,q. In particular, we define p r q s p,q 1,0 ∧ 1,0 ∧ 0,1 ∧ 0,1 ∧ Λr,s := Λ+ Λ Λ+ Λ . ∧ − ∧ ∧ − Using the natural projection  operators,  it follows that there is a further refinement of the exterior derivative d = ∂ + ∂ into d :Λp,q Λp+1,q Λp,q+1 Λp,q Λp,q r,s → r,s ⊕ r,s ⊕ r+1,s ⊕ r,s+1 d = ∂+ + ∂+ + ∂ + ∂ , − − where ∂ = π d, ∂ = π d, + p+1,q,r,s ◦ + p,q+1,r,s ◦ ∂ = πp,q,r+1,s d, ∂ = πp,q,r,s+1 d. − ◦ − ◦ A basic example of these structures occurs by taking products of K¨ahler mani- folds and changing the orientations of some factors, as in Example 7.71. More gen- erally we can take quotients of such examples to yield nontrivial, i.e. non-K¨ahler, examples. The first such occurs on Hopf surfaces. Definition 7.75. By definition, a Hopf surface is a compact complex sur- face whose universal cover is biholomorphic to C2 0 . The surface is primary if \{ } π1(M)= Z, and is otherwise secondary. For primary Hopf surfaces the fundamental group is generated by m γ(z1,z2) = (αz1,βz2 + λz1 ) where 0 < α β < 1, and | | ≤ | | (α βm) λ =0. − The map γ is obviously a biholomorphism, and thus one obtains a well-defined complex structure on the quotient, which by an exercise is always diffeomorphic 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 159 to S3 S1. The surface is class 1 if λ = 0, and is class 0 otherwise. Lastly, we say that the× Hopf surface is diagonal if α = β . For diagonal Hopf surfaces, a certain| | Hermitian| | metric, called the Boothby/Hopf metric, will play a key role. Let

gE(X, Y ) (7.17) g(X, Y )(z ,z ) = , 1 2 z 2 + z 2 | 1| | 2| 2 where gE is the standard Euclidean metric on C . This metric is Hermitian with respect to the standard complex structure on C2. It is pluriclosed, and its curvature and torsion properties are further explored in Proposition 8.25 below.

Example 7.76. Consider a diagonal Hopf surface as described above. First note that, if we set

0 1 J = , 1− 0   then the standard complex structure I on C2 0 can be expressed with respect to the standard coordinate basis ∂ , ∂ , ∂ , ∂\{ }as the block diagonal { x1 y1 x2 y2 } J 0 I = . 0 J  

We now define a second complex structure by changing the orientation of the z2 plane, analogously to Example 7.71. In particular, let

J 0 J = . 0 J  − 

This is easily checked to be integrable, and moreover the map γ(z1,z2) = (αz1,βz2), the generator of the group of Deck transformations for the Hopf surface, is certainly holomorphic for the complex structure J as well as I. It follows that both I and J descend to the quotient surface. We claim that if g denotes the metric of (7.17), then the triple (g,I,J) is generalized K¨ahler. The compatibility of g with I and J is immediate. Note that I and J commute, and so already we obtain the decomposition d = ∂+ +∂+ +∂ +∂ , and we observe that − −

c dI = √ 1(∂I ∂I )= √ 1(∂ + ∂+ ∂ ∂+), − − − − − − − c dJ = √ 1(∂J ∂J )= √ 1(∂ ∂+ ∂ + ∂+). − − − − − − − Thus we compute

c 1 dI ωI = √ 1(∂ + ∂+ ∂ ∂+) (dz1 dz1 + dz2 dz2) − − 2 2 − − − z1 + z2 ∧ ∧ ! | | | | √ 1 = − ((z2dz2 z2dz2)dz1 dz1 + (z1dz1 z1dz1) dz2 dz2) ( z 2 + z 2)2 − ∧ − ∧ ∧ | 1| | 2| 160 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY and

c 1 dJ ωJ = √ 1(∂ ∂+ ∂ + ∂+) (dz1 dz1 dz2 dz2) − − 2 2 − − − z1 + z2 ∧ − ∧ ! | | | | √ 1 = − ((z2dz2 z2dz2) dz1 dz1 (z1dz1 z1dz1) dz2 dz2) ( z 2 + z 2)2 − ∧ ∧ − − ∧ ∧ | 1| | 2| = dc ω , − I I c c c verifying that dI ωI = dJ ωJ . We leave the computation that ddI ωI = 0 to Propo- sition 8.25. This example− is notable since while every generalized K¨ahler manifold with [I,J] = 0 admits an integrable splitting of the tangent bundle, the manifold itself need not split as a product according to these leaves. Note that the S1 leaves are the projection of radial lines through the origin, the tangent space to which does not lie in either T . ± A key structural feature of K¨ahler metrics is the ∂∂-lemma, which says that locally every K¨ahler metric can be described as ω = √ 1∂∂f for a potential func- tion f. It turns out that generalized K¨ahler metrics with− vanishing Poisson tensor also admit local scalar potentials [164], and potential functions determine natural global deformations of generalized K¨ahler structures of this type [7]. Lemma 7.77. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold with [I,J]= 0. Given p M there exist local complex coordinates (z, w) such that T+ = ∂ ∈ ∂ span ∂zi , T = span ∂wi and a smooth function f defined in this coordinate chart{ so that} − { }

ωI = √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ f. − − − − Furthermore, given f C∞(M), suppose  ∈ f ω := ωI + √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ f > 0, I − − − − and let gf := ωf (I, ). Then (M 2n,gf ,I,J ) is a generalized K¨ahler structure. I · Proof. Using Theorem 7.74 we can choose local complex coordinates (z, w) near p as claimed in the statement. To derive f we first note that since d+ω+ = 0,on each w const plane we can apply the usual ∂∂-lemma to obtain a function ψ (z) ≡ + such that √ 1∂ ∂ ψ = ω on that plane. Since ω is smooth, we can moreover − + + + + + choose these on each slice so that the resulting function ψ+(z, w) is smooth, and thus satisfies √ 1∂ ∂ ψ = ω on all of U. Arguing similarly on the z const − + + + + ≡ planes we obtain a function ψ such that √ 1∂ ∂ ψ = ω everywhere on U. Using that ω is pluriclosed− we obtain − − − − −

0= √ 1∂+∂+ω + √ 1∂ ∂ ω+ = ∂+∂+∂ ∂ (ψ+ + ψ ) . − − − − − − − − − We next claim that, as an element in the kernel of the operator ∂+∂+∂ ∂ , the − − function ψ+ + ψ , can be expressed as − (7.18) ψ+ + ψ = λ1(z, z, w)+ λ1(z, z, w)+ λ2(w, w,z)+ λ2(w, w, z). − To see this we first note that for φ such that ∂+∂+∂ ∂ φ = 0, any component − − of ∂ ∂ φ can be expressed as the real part of a ∂+-holomorphic function, so − − ij ij (∂ ∂ φ)w w = µ (w, w,z)+ µ (w, w, z), where the indices on the µ refer to − − i j the fact that each component of the ∂ ∂ -Hessian can be expressed this way. It − − 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 161

follows that ∆ φ := √ 1φ,wiwi is the real part of a ∂+-holomorphic function. Applying the Greens− function− on each z-slice it follows that φ can be expressed as the real part of a ∂+-holomorphic function, up to the addition of an arbitrary ∂ -holomorphic function. Thus (7.18) follows. − We claim that f = ψ λ λ is the required potential function. In particular, + − 2 − 2 since √ 1∂+∂+ λ2 + λ2 = 0 it follows that √ 1∂+∂+f = ω+. Also, we compute using (7.18),− −  √ 1∂ ∂ f = √ 1∂ ∂ ψ + λ1 + λ1 − − − − − − − − − − = √ 1∂ ∂ ψ  − − − − = ω . − The first claim follows. To show the second claim we first observe that f ω := ωJ + √ 1 ∂+∂+ + ∂ ∂ f. J − − − It is clear by construction that d (ωf ) = d (ωf ) = 0. Also, since I = J along ± I ± ± J ± c c f f the leaves of T , we have (dI ) = (dJ ) , while (ω )+ = (ω )+, so − − − I − J c f c f c f c f dI (ω )+ = (dI ) (ω )+ = (dJ ) (ω )+ = dJ (ω )+. I − I − − J − J c f c f A similar computation shows that dI (ω ) = dJ (ω ) . It is elementary to check I − J − c f −  ddI ωI = 0, finishing the proof. Question 7.78. The natural global analogue of this scalar reduction is still open. Given (M 2n,g,I,J) a compact generalized K¨ahler manifold such that [I,J]= 1 2 2 0, suppose one has φ , φ Λ T ∗ such that i 1,1 1,1 ∈ (1) φ ΛI ΛJ , ∈i ∩ i (2) d+φ+ =0= d φ , c i − − (3) ddI φ = 0, (4) [φ1] = [φ2], where the final equality is an equation of Aeppli cohomology classes (cf. Definition 2n 9.14) on (M , I) (equivalently J). Conjecturally there exists f C∞(M) such that ∈

φ1 = φ2 + √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ f. − − − − Remark 7.79. Lemma 7.77 shows that a generalized K¨ahler metric is deter- mined by a local potential function in the special case [I,J] = 0. These local potentials conjecturally exist in full generality, with suggestive results appearing in [17, 129] dealing with most cases. 7.4.5. Generalized K¨ahler manifolds with nondegenerate Poisson struc- ture. The other extreme case of generalized K¨ahler geometry occurs when the Poisson structure σ defines a nondegenerate pairing on T ∗. In this setting we can 1 consider the inverse tensor Ω = σ− . We make this definition for an arbitrary gen- eralized K¨ahler structure, where one interprets it as existing on the locus where σ is invertible. Definition 7.80. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler structure, with associated Poisson tensor σ as in Definition 7.67. We set 1 Ω= σ− , 162 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY wherever this is well-defined. Observe as an immediate consequence of Proposition 7.69 that 2,0+0,2 2,0+0,2 2,0 2,0 Ω Λ T ∗ Λ T ∗, ∂ Ω =0, ∂ Ω =0. ∈ I ∩ J I J J If M is a manifold where Ω is globally defined, then the pairing σ is everywhere nondegenerate, and we call the generalized K¨ahler structure itself nondegenerate. As it turns out there are further natural symplectic structures associated to a generalized K¨ahler structure of this type. Lemma 7.81. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler struc- ture. Then 1 F = g (I J)− ± ± define symplectic forms on M. Furthermore, one has dc ω = db = dc ω where I I − J J b = F (I J) . + − 1 1 Proof. Since σ = 2 [I,J]g− is nondegenerate, the endomorphism [I,J] = 1 (I J)(I + J) is invertible, and thus so are I J. By Proposition 7.43 the 2 − ± generalized complex structures 1/2 induce Poisson tensors, which by (7.14) are 1 J given by (I J)g− . These are also nondegenerate, and thus the tensors F = 1 ± ± g (I J)− as in the statement are well-defined symplectic forms. Now set b = ± c F+ (I J). The claimed equation dI ωI = db follows by differentiating ωI + bI = 2F −and using that dF = 0, with dc ω = db following similarly.  − + + J J − We next construct a natural class of deformations using Ω-Hamiltonian dif- feomorphisms first appearing in [6] (cf. [16, 17, 85, 91, 102] for further de- velopments), indicating a fundamental difference between generalized K¨ahler and classical K¨ahler geometry, namely that the basic deformations occur in a nonlinear space. The starting point is to reduce the construction of nondegenerate general- ized K¨ahler structures purely in terms of the holomorphic symplectic structures. In fact every nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structure arises from the description below.

Proposition 7.82. Suppose (I, ΩI ) and (J, ΩJ ) are two holomorphic symplec- tic structures on M satisfying

(1) Re(ΩI ) = Re(ΩJ ), (2) πI ( Im(Ω )) is positive definite. 1,1 − J Then, setting g = 2Im(Ω )I, − J we have that (g,I,J) is a nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structure with Ω = Re(ΩI ).

Proof. Since the real parts of ΩI and ΩJ agree, we can express Ω =Ω+ √ 1IΩ, Ω =Ω+ √ 1JΩ. I − J − where Ω is a real symplectic form on M satisfying Ω Λ2,0+0,2 Λ2,0+0,2. Let ∈ I ∩ J F := 2 Im(Ω ) Im(Ω ) = 2(IΩ JΩ). I − J −  7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 163

This is a real symplectic form which, by condition (2), tames the complex structure I. We thus obtain (7.19) F (X,IY )= g(X, Y )+ b(X, Y ), as the decomposition of IF into its symmetric part, which is positive, and a skew- symmetric part b. Now− observe, using that Ω is type (2, 0)+(0, 2) with respect to I, that F I = 2(IΩI JΩI)= 2(Ω+ JIΩ) = JF. − It is an exercise to show using this that g is J-invariant, and furthermore (7.20) F (X,JY )= g(X, Y ) b(X, Y ). − Having constructed the metric and shown that it is biHermitian, we turn to the integrability condition. I J First, let ωI = π1,1F and ωJ = π1,1F denote the K¨ahler forms of (g, I) and (g,J), respectively. Note that we can re-express (7.19) and (7.20) as F = ω + Ib = ω Jb. I J − Since F is closed we obtain dω = dIb Λ2,1+1,2, dω = dJb Λ2,1+1,2. I − ∈ I J ∈ J Carrying out the pairing with the complex structure and using the type decompo- sition, it follows that dc ω = db, dc ω = db, I I J J − as required.  With this description in place we are now ready to exhibit a natural class of deformations of nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structures. Proposition 7.83. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler manifold. Let f C∞(M) be a one-parameter family of smooth functions M, and t ∈ let Xft be the one-parameter family of Ω-Hamiltonian vector fields associated to ft, i.e. df = X y Ω. t − ft Let φt be the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms of M generated by Xf . Then for all t such that I π Im(Ωφ∗J ) > 0, 1,1 − t the triple (I, φt∗J, Ω) are the complex structures and symplectic structure associated to a unique nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structure. Proof. For the given nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structure, we first construct the (2, 0) pieces of Ω via Ω =Ω+ √ 1IΩ, Ω =Ω+ √ 1JΩ. I − J − For φt as in the statement, let (ΩJ )t = φt∗(ΩJ ). The pair (φt∗J, φt∗ΩJ ) is certainly holomorphic symplectic, and since φt is Ω-Hamiltonian, it follows that

(Ω ) = φ∗(Ω + √ 1JΩ)=Ω+ √ 1(φ∗J)Ω. J t t − − t Thus Re((ΩJ )t) = Re(ΩI ) for all t, and the result follows from Proposition 7.82.  164 7. GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Remark 7.84. (1) Observe that while the complex structure J is acted on by a diffeomorphism, the metric gt will be expressed as per Proposition 7.82) via

gt = 2Im(Ωφ∗J )I, − t which is not a diffeomorphism pullback, and so these deformations are in general nontrivial for g. (2) This proposition is directly analogous to the ∂∂-lemma in K¨ahler geome- try, whereby a single scalar function naturally determines a deformation of K¨ahler structure. However, as remarked above, the scalar potentials drive a one-parameter family of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms, and so we do not in general have an explicit description of gt in terms of ft alone, rather it is determined by the whole path fs, 0 s t. (3) Even when starting at a hyperK¨ahler structure, as≤ long≤ as the functions f are not constant the deformation arising from Proposition 7.83 will yield structures which are not hyperK¨ahler. This can be checked by showing 1 that the angle function p = 4n tr(IJt) becomes nonconstant, ruling out that the structure is hyperK¨ahler.− 7.4.6. Generalized K¨ahler structures with Poisson tensor of mixed rank. In general, the rank of the associated Poisson tensor σ can vary across the manifold. Our first example of this is a different generalized K¨ahler structure on diagonal Hopf surfaces, where the Poisson tensor σ is nondegenerate away from a set of real codimension 2. Example 7.85. Let (g, I) denote the metric and complex structure as in Ex- ample 7.76. Whereas in that example the complex structure J was easily obtained by changing orientation on the z2 plane, here the second complex structure J is quite different. Consider the complex 1-forms on M,

µ1 = z1dz1 + z2dz2, µ = z dz z dz . 2 1 2 − 2 1 The complex structure J is defined by declaring T 0,1 = ker µ ker µ . This is indeed J 1∩ 2 integrable, as direct computations show that dµ1 µ1 µ2 = dµ2 µ1 µ2 = 0. ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ 1 The plane spanned by µ1,µ2 is easily checked to be isotropic with respect to g− , hence g is compatible with J. Further direct computations yield √ 1 ωJ = − (µ1 µ1 + µ2 µ2) . ( z 2 + z 2)2 ∧ ∧ | 1| | 2| c c Using this the integrability condition d ωI = d ωJ can be checked by a tedious but straightforward computation. − 0,1 We can interpret the standard complex structure I analogously via TI = ker dz ker dz . This makes clear that on the elliptic curve z =0 , one has I = J, 1 ∩ 2 { 2 } whereas along the elliptic curve z1 =0 , one has I = J. It follows that σ has rank 4 away from these two elliptic{ curves,} where it has rank− 0. Furthermore, observe that the Hopf metric is compatible with the standard hypercomplex structure on C2, but that the complex structure J is not part of this hypercomplex structure. By adapting the methods of the previous subsection we can produce deforma- tions of this structure by taking the vanishing locus of σ into account explicitly. 7.4. GENERALIZED KAHLER¨ GEOMETRY 165

Proposition 7.86. Let (M 4n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold such that σ is generically nondegenerate, and let K = p M rank σ < 2n . { ∈ | } Let f be a one-parameter family of smooth functions on M K, and let X be the t \ ft one-parameter family of Ω-Hamiltonian vector fields associated to ft, i.e. df = X yΩ. t − ft Suppose

(1) Xft extends to a smooth one-parameter family of vector fields Xft defined on M c (2) ddJ ft extends to a smooth one-parameter family of tensor fields eWt defined on M.

Let φt be the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by Xft . Then for all t such that I e π Im(Ωφ∗J ) > 0, 1,1 − t the triple (I, φt∗J, Ω) are the complex structures and symplectic structure associated to a unique nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structure defined on M K, which extends smoothly to a generalized K¨ahler structure on M. \ Proof. To show that the metric is well-defined across K we must compute the variation of the tensor Ft = 2(Im(ΩI ) Im(φt∗ΩJ )). Using the definitions above and the Cartan formula we see − ∂ c Ft = 2LX (JΩ) = 2dd ft = 2Wt. ∂t − ft − J − The above computation a priori only makes sense away from K, but since the right hand side is defined smoothly across K we take the equation to be the definition of the variation of g and b, using that F I = g + b away from K. The preservation of the generalized K¨ahler conditions holds on the complement of K by Proposition 7.83. Since this set is dense, it follows that the resulting structure is generalized K¨ahler, as claimed.  Remark 7.87. In [102], Hitchin constructed nontrivial generalized K¨ahler structures on del Pezzo surfaces. In particular, given (M 4,J) del Pezzo with K¨ahler metric g, one chooses a holomorphic Poisson tensor σJ , and then the construction follows as in Proposition 7.86, deforming the (K¨ahler) generalized K¨ahler structure 1 2 (g,J,J) using the function f = log σJ− . One has to check the behavior of f near the vanishing locus of σ to show that the associated diffeomorphisms φ are J t well-defined. Using that c1 > 0 it follows that J, φt∗J and J ωJ := π Im Ωφ∗J > 0 1,1 − t define a non-K¨ahler generalized K¨ahler structure. 


Canonical Metrics in Generalized Complex Geometry

Having defined the basic objects and deformations in pluriclosed and gener- alized K¨ahler geometry, we now turn to the question of motivating and defining notions of canonical pluriclosed and generalized K¨ahler structures. We begin by taking the classical point of view, defining connections associated to a given Her- mitian manifold, then analyzing their torsion and curvature. We use this to define an Einstein-type equation for certain Hermitian metrics, and then show that these structures define generalized Ricci solitons. We end the chapter by giving examples and classification results for these structures.

8.1. Connections, Torsion, and Curvature 8.1.1. Hermitian connections. Definition 8.1. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. We say that a connection on TM is Hermitian if it is compatible with both g and J, i.e. ∇ g 0, J 0. ∇ ≡ ∇ ≡ For a K¨ahler manifold, owing to the integrability of J and the fact that dω = 0, it is an exercise to show that the Levi-Civita connection is Hermitian. When these integrability conditions are weakened however, this will no longer be the case, and one must modify the Levi-Civita connection to obtain one which preserves both g and J. While many Hermitian connections are present in general (cf. [79]), we will focus on the two most relevant to generalized Ricci flow. Definition 8.2. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. Let ω(X, Y ) = g(JX,Y ) define the K¨ahler form, and let denote the Levi-Civita connection associated to g. The Chern connection is defined∇ by C Y,Z = Y,Z 1 dω(JX,Y,Z). ∇X h∇X i− 2 The Bismut connection is defined by B Y,Z = Y,Z 1 dcω(X,Y,Z). ∇X h∇X i− 2 Also, it is useful to express the Chern connection in terms of the Bismut torsion. Using that dcω(X,Y,Z)= dω(JX,JY,JZ) we obtain − (8.1) C Y,Z = Y,Z + 1 dcω(X,JY,JZ). ∇X h∇X i 2 These two connections admit characterizations in terms of natural conditions on the torsion of possible Hermitian connections. Lemma 8.3. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold.


(1) The Chern connection is the unique Hermitian connection such that

T 1,1 0, ≡ 2 that is, the (1, 1) piece of the torsion, interpreted as a section of Λ T ∗ T , vanishes. ⊗ (2) The Bismut connection is the unique Hermitian connection with torsion tensor T satisfying

3 Tg Λ T ∗. ∈ Proof. Exercise. 

In what follows below we will write

T = ∂ω Λ2,1 ∈ for the (2, 1) piece of the torsion tensor of the Chern connection, while

H = dcω Λ3 − ∈ denotes the torsion of the Bismut connection.

Remark 8.4. Note that of course the connection B is the same as the Bismut connection + of Definition 3.12, with H = dcω.∇ We keep the notation B in the context∇ of Hermitian geometry to emphasize− the distinction between it and∇ the Chern connection, and also since a duality appears in relation to many other constructions as well. Furthermore, in± the context of generalized K¨ahler geometry, c c we see that the two Bismut connections ± associated to H = dI ωI = dJ ωJ are in fact the Bismut connections associated∇ to the two pluriclosed− structures (g, I) and (g,J). Here again we will adopt specialized notation and name the associated Bismut connections I and J , i.e. ∇ ∇ I Y,Z = Y,Z 1 dc ω (X,Y,Z)= Y,Z + 1 H(X,Y,Z), ∇X h∇X i− 2 I I h∇X i 2 J 1 c 1 X Y,Z = X Y,Z dJ ωJ (X,Y,Z)= X Y,Z H(X,Y,Z). ∇ h∇ i− 2 h∇ i− 2 These connections already appeared in Chapter 7.

8.1.2. The Lee form. In generalized geometry, understanding the torsion is of central importance, and in the setting of complex geometry we have a natural contraction of the torsion tensor, classically called the Lee form. This tensor plays a central role in understanding the structure of pluriclosed flow and generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, entering as a modification of the underlying divergence operator.

Definition 8.5. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. The associated Lee form is defined by

θ = d∗ω J. − ◦ Lemma 8.6. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. Then 1 (1) θ(X)= 2 H(JX,ei,Jei), (2) If n =2, then θ = ⋆H. 8.1. CONNECTIONS, TORSION, AND CURVATURE 169

Proof. We first compute in local coordinates, using that J is parallel with respect to the Bismut connection, ω = (g J l ) ∇i jk ∇i jl k = ( B )J l g ∇i − ∇i k jl = 1 Hp J l Hl J p g . 2 ik p − ip k jl Contracting with respect to the indices i and j and using d∗ω = tr ω, yields  − g ∇ 1 d∗ω(X)= H(e ,Je ,X), − 2 i i from which item (1) follows. Item (2) is left as an exercise.  8.1.3. Curvature formulas. As we will see below, the curvatures of the Levi- Civita, Bismut, and Chern connections are all relevant to understanding canonical metrics in Hermitian geometry, and relationships between them are key. We record some relevant formulas here. Definition 8.7. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. We let RB,C denote the (3, 1)-curvature tensors of the Bismut and Chern connection, respectively. That is, RB,C(X, Y )Z = B,C B,C Z B,C B,C Z B,C Z. ∇X ∇Y − ∇Y ∇X − ∇[X,Y ] We furthermore adopt the standard notation for the (4, 0)-curvature tensor, RB,C (X,Y,Z,W )= RB,C(X, Y )Z, W . It is an elementary exercise to show that RB Λ2 Λ1,1, RC Λ1,1 Λ1,1, ∈ ⊗ ∈ ⊗ where RC is type (1, 1) in the first indices due to the torsion having no (1, 1) component. As with the Riemannian curvature tensor, there is only one natural trace (up to sign), yielding the Ricci tensor. We have already derived a formula for the Bismut Ricci curvature tensor in Proposition 3.18. In the complex setting, due to the complex structure many different traces are possible, and several are relevant to the sequel. Definition 8.8. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a Hermitian manifold. Let 1 B,C ρB,C(X, Y ) := 2 R (X, Y )Jei,ei , 1 B,C SB,C(X, Y ) := 2 R (Jei,ei)X, Y , where ei is any orthonormal basis for the tangent space at a given point. The ten- { } sors ρB,C are referred to as the (first) Bismut/Chern Ricci curvatures, and SB,C are the (second) Bismut/Chern Ricci curvatures. Furthermore we define the associated Bismut/Chern scalar curvatures

sB,C = ρB,C(Jei,ei)= SB,C (Jei,ei).

The tensors ρB,C admit a different interpretation which makes clearer their topological significance. Since the connections B,C preserve J, it is clear that they induce connections on Λn,0T , the anticanonical∇ line bundle associated to (M 2n,J). The two forms ρB,C are the curvature tensors of these connections, and as such are 170 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY closed and determine representatives of πc1(M,J). Furthermore, as noted above, for K¨ahler manifolds both the Chern and Bismut connections agree with the Levi- Civita connection, and moreover the tensors ρ and S are equal to each other, and satisfy ρ(X, Y )= S(X, Y ) = Rc(JX,Y )= Rc(X,JY ). − In the general non-K¨ahler setting the tensors ρB,C and SB,C are all different, but useful for different purposes. In the lemmas below we derive relationships between these different Ricci-type tensors needed for the sequel (cf. [107] for related formu- las, although with different conventions). Lemma 8.9. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a pluriclosed structure. Then

ρB (X, Y )= dd∗ω(X, Y )+ ρC (X, Y ), (8.2) ρ (X, Y )= RcB(X,JY ) B θ(JY ). B − − ∇X Proof. To compute the first item of (8.2) it suffices to compute the induced connection on the canonical bundle. To that end we compute, using (8.1) and Lemma 8.6, ( B C ) Je ,e = 1 dcω(X,Je ,e ) 1 dcω(X,JJe ,Je ) ∇ − ∇ X i i − 2 i i − 2 i i = dcω(X,Je ,e ) − i i = 2d∗ω(X).

Using this and the definitions of ρB,C gives the first item of (8.2). For the second item of (8.2) we first use the Bianchi identity for RB with H = dcω, specifically combining (3.24) and (3.26), to obtain − RB(X,Y,Z,U) σ(X,Y,ZX ) = H(H(X, Y ),Z,U) + ( B H)(Y,Z,U) ∇X σ(X,Y,Z) X  = H(H(X, Y ),Z,U) 2g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)) + ( B H)(X,Y,Z) { − } ∇U σ(X,Y,ZX ) = ( BH)(X,Y,Z) g(H(X, Y ),H(Z,U)). ∇U − σ(X,Y,ZX ) 1 Adding back 2 times (3.26) and using dH = 0 yields (8.3)

RB(X,Y,Z,U)= 1 ( B H)(Y,Z,U) + ( B H)(X,Y,Z) . 2  ∇X ∇U  σ(X,Y,ZX ) σ(X,Y,ZX ) Tracing the left hand side of this over Z and U with respect to J and using that RB takes values in (1, 1) forms, we obtain B B B R (X,Y,ei,Jei)+ R (Y,ei,X,Jei)+ R (ei,X,Y,Jei) = 2ρ (X, Y ) RB(Y,e ,JX,e ) RB(e ,X,JY,e ) − B − i i − i i = 2ρ (X, Y )+RcB(Y,JX) RcB(X,JY ). − B − 8.1. CONNECTIONS, TORSION, AND CURVATURE 171

Also, the right hand side of (8.3), when traced over Z and U with respect to J yields 1 ( B H)(Y,e ,Je ) + ( B H)(e ,X,Je ) + ( B H)(X,Y,Je ) + ( B H)(X,Y,e ) 2 ∇X i i ∇Y i i ∇ei i ∇Jei i 1 B 1 B = ( X H)(Y,ei,Jei)+ ( Y H)(ei,X,Jei)  2 ∇ 2 ∇ = B θ(JY ) B θ(JX), ∇X − ∇Y where the last line follows from Lemma 8.6. Putting these computations together yields (8.4) 2ρ (X, Y )+RcB(Y,JX) RcB (X,JY )= Bθ(JX)+ B θ(JY ). − B − −∇Y ∇X On the other hand we can contract (3.22) to obtain B B B B Rc (Y,JX)+Rc (X,JY ) = Rm (ei,Y,JX,ei) + Rm (ei,X,JY,ei) = RmB(e ,Y,X,Je ) RmB(e ,X,Y,Je ) − i i − i i B B = Rm (X,Jei,ei, Y ) Rm (ei,Y,X,Jei) (8.5) − = 1 B H(Je ,e , Y ) 1 B H(X,e , Y ) 2 ∇X i i − 2 ∇Jei i 1 B H(Y,X,Je )+ 1 B H(e ,X,Je ) − 2 ∇ei i 2 ∇Y i i = B θ(JY ) Bθ(JX). − ∇X − ∇Y Combining (8.4) and (8.5) gives the second item of (8.2). 

2n B Proposition 8.10. Let (M ,g,J) be a pluriclosed structure. Let d∇ denote the exterior derivative associated to the Bismut connection, and let (8.6) Q(X, Y )= XyT, Y yT , h i where T denote the torsion of the Chern connection. Then ρ1,1 = S Q, B C − 1,1 1 2 1 (8.7) ρ ( ,J )= Rc H + L ♯ g, B · · − 4 2 θ 2,0+0,2 1 1 B ρ ( ,J )= d∗H + d∇ θ. B · · − 2 2 Proof. The first item is left as an exercise. For the second item we compute using Lemma 8.9, ρ1,1(X,JY )= 1 (ρ (X,JY ) ρ (JX,Y )) B 2 B − B = 1 RcB (X, Y )+ B θ(Y )+RcB(JX,JY )+ B θ(JY ) . 2 ∇X ∇JX Using line (8.5) with X replaced by JX yields  RcB(JX,JY )= RcB(Y,X) B θ(JY )+ B θ(X). − ∇JX ∇Y Plugging this in above yields ρ1,1(X,JY )= 1 RcB(X, Y )+RcB(Y,X)+ B θ(Y )+ B θ(X) B 2 ∇X ∇Y 1 2 1 = Rc H + L ♯ g (X, Y ), − 4 2 θ  where the last line follows using Proposition 3.18 and the skew-symmetry of the torsion of B. ∇ 172 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

To show the last claim we again use Lemma 8.9 and line (8.5) and compute ρ2,0+0,2(X, Y )= 1 ρB(X, Y ) ρB(JX,JY ) B 2 − 1 B B B B = Rc (X,JY )+ X θ(JY )+Rc (JX,Y )+ JX θ(Y ) − 2 ∇ ∇ 1 B B B B = Rc (Y,JX) Rc (JX,Y )+ Y θ(JX) JX θ(Y )  2 − ∇ − ∇ 1 1 B = d∗H(JX,Y ) d∇ θ(JX,Y ),  2 − 2 where the last line follows using Proposition 3.18. The final claimed formula follows easily from this. 

8.2. Canonical metrics in complex geometry In this section we will give a define a notion of canonical pluriclosed metric us- ing the curvature of the associated Bismut connection. Recall that in Chapter 3 we began by investigating the curvature of the Bismut connection, then determining how the Bismut Ricci curvature fits into generalized geometry, eventually arriving at the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional which has generalized Einstein struc- tures as critical points. We proceed by using the Bismut curvature associated to a pluriclosed structure to define a kind of Einstein-type condition we call Bismut Hermitian-Einstein. We will quickly see that these structures are in fact generalized Ricci solitons. The relationship of this condition to generalized complex geometry will become clear through the rest of this chapter and the next. In particular, in the setting of generalized K¨ahler geometry we will see the relationship between the Bismut Ricci curvature and the spinor formulation of the associated generalized complex structures. Also in Chapter 9 (cf. Remark 9.53) we will see that Bismut Hermitian-Einstein structures naturally define an associated Hermitian metric on 1,0 T T ∗ which is Hermitian Yang-Mills. ⊕ 1,0 8.2.1. Bismut Hermitian-Einstein metrics. Definition 8.11. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a pluriclosed structure. We say that it is Bismut Hermitian-Einstein if

ρB =0. Remark 8.12. Bismut Hermitian-Einstein structures have been studied be- fore in mathematics and physics literature (cf. for instance [107] and references therein). We resist the terminology ‘Bismut Ricci flat’ as this is reserved for the vanishing of the Ricci tensor associated to the Bismut connection + as in Chap- ter 3. Furthermore, as we will see in Proposition 8.14 below these∇ structures are actually solitons. More generally it is possible to allow for an Einstein constant in this definition, 1,1 and consider either the equation ρB = λω or ρB = λω. The first automatically implies ω is K¨ahler if λ = 0 by taking exterior derivative. No known solutions to the second equation are6 known which are not already K¨ahler, and in fact rigidity results are known (cf. [166, Proposition 3.5]), in line with Proposition 4.28 above. 1,1 Even if one considers the more general equation ρB = fω for a smooth function f, then at least on a compact manifold the function f is forced to be constant. n 2 To see this, apply ω − √ 1∂∂ to both sides of the equation and use that ∧ − √ 1∂∂ρ1,1 = 0 to obtain a strictly elliptic linear equation for f, which forces f to − B  8.2. CANONICAL METRICS IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY 173 be constant by the maximum principle. For these reasons we focus here only on the equation ρB = 0. Lemma 8.13. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. The Bismut Hermitian- Einstein equation is a strictly elliptic equation for a pluriclosed metric g. Proof. Using the first equation of Proposition 8.10, we can rewrite the (1, 1) piece of the Bismut Hermitian-Einstein equation as S Q =0. C − Since Q is a first-order differential operator in g, and ω is zeroth order in g, we only need to consider the quantity SC . In local complex coordinates the Chern connection has Christoffel symbols

k lk Γij = g ∂igjl, and then one directly computes the curvature (S ) = √ 1glkRC = √ 1glk g ∂ Γm = √ 1glk∂ ∂ g + ∂g⋆2, C ij − klij − − jm l ki − − l k ij which is manifestly a strictly elliptic operator forg, and the lemma follows.  The next proposition indicates the key linkage between the Bismut Hermitian- Einstein condition and the generalized Ricci flow, namely that Bismut Hermitian- Einstein structures are automatically steady generalized Ricci solitons. Proposition 8.14. Let (M 2n,g,J) be Bismut Hermitian-Einstein. Then (g,H) ♯ is a steady generalized Ricci soliton with X = θ ,B = dθ i ♯ H. − θ Proof. Pairing the (1, 1) part of the Bismut Hermitian-Einstein equation with J and using the second equation of (8.7) gives 1 2 1 Rc H + L ♯ g =0, − 4 2 θ which is the metric component of the steady generalized Ricci soliton equation with ♯ 2,0+0,2 vector field X = θ . Using the vanishing of ρB and the third equation of (8.7) we obtain B 0= d∗H d∇ θ = d∗H dθ + i ♯ H. − − θ Thus we have verified the equations (4.14) of Proposition 4.28 for X = θ♯ and B = dθ i ♯ H, as claimed.  − θ 8.2.2. Bismut Ricci curvature in generalized K¨ahler geometry. In this subsection we derive explicit formulas for the Bismut Ricci curvature of a general- ized K¨ahler manifold. A central role is played by a natural scalar quantity associated to a generalized K¨ahler structure: Definition 8.15. Let (E, [, ], , ) be an exact Courant algebroid. Suppose h i ( 1, 2) is a generalized K¨ahler structure defined by pure spinors ψ1, ψ2. The BismutJ J Ricci potential is (ψ , ψ ) Φ = log 1 1 , (ψ2, ψ2) where (, ) is the Mukai pairing (cf. 7.1.3). § 174 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

We note that Gualtieri defined a special class of generalized K¨ahler structure called ‘generalized Calabi-Yau metric geometry’ [88, Definition 6.40] which in our notation is expressed Φ constant. ≡ As we will see below, in general this quantity determines both the Lee forms and the Bismut Ricci curvature of a given generalized K¨ahler structure. Furthermore, in Chapter 9 we will show that in a natural sense this scalar quantity determines the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow lines. To begin our computations, we recall the fundamental transgression formula, whose proof is left as an exercise. Proposition 8.16. Given (M 2n,J) a complex manifold, E M a holomor- → phic vector bundle, and Hermitian metrics h1,h2 on E with associated Chern cur- vature tensors Ω1, Ω2, one has

det h1 tr (Ω1 Ω2)= √ 1∂∂ log . − − − det h2 We first the scalar reduction for the K¨ahler-Einstein equation, and how it fits into generalized K¨ahler geometry. Remark 8.17. Suppose (M 2n,g,J) is a K¨ahler manifold. As noted above in this case the Bismut and Chern connections coincide. Using the transgression formula, in local complex coordinates we can express ρ = √ 1∂∂ log det g. C − − If M admits a holomorphic volume form Ω Λn,0, one instead obtains the global formula ∈ ωn (8.8) ρC = √ 1∂∂ log . − − Ω Ω ∧ In case M is compact, by the maximum principle we see that ρ 0 if and only if C ≡ ωn const. Ω Ω ≡ ∧ This equation admits a natural interpretation in terms of generalized K¨ahler geom- etry. First, we can set I = J and then it follows directly that (g,I,J) is generalized K¨ahler. Recall that the generalized complex structures associated to a K¨ahler structure interpreted this way are the structures J , ω from Examples 7.32, 7.33, J √J 1ω naturally induced by the two global spinors Ω and e − . Furthermore, the scalar equation above can be expressed as equality of the two associated spinor norms, up to scaling. That is, we see that ρ 0 if and only if C ≡ ωn (ω, ω) Φ = log = log const. Ω Ω Ω, Ω ≡ ∧ Moreover, we obtain the global expression  ρI = ρ = 1 dJdΦ, B C − 2 with the same equation holding with the roles of I and J exchanged. This same formula will determine the Bismut Ricci tensor in general, as we will see in examples below. 8.2. CANONICAL METRICS IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY 175

We now turn to the case of commuting generalized K¨ahler structures, adopting the notation of 7.4.4. Before deriving the formula for the Bismut Ricci curvature we make an observation§ about the associated Lee forms which we need in the sequel. Lemma 8.18. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold such that [I,J]=0. Letting θI ,θJ denote the Lee forms with respect to (g, I) and (g,J), then one has

θI = θJ . Proof. First we choose adapted complex coordinates for the complex struc- ture I as in Lemma 7.77. These coordinates can be furthermore chosen so that + ∂ ω = ∂ ω− = 0. It follows using a computation of the Christoffel symbols in zi jk wi jk these coordinates that

zj zi + wj wi (θI ) = (Id∗ωI ) = √ 1 g ∂z (ω ) + g ∂w (ω−) . k k − j I zik j I wik + + To compute θ , we use the same coordinates, and note that ω = ω ,ω− = ω−, J J − I J I whereas the action of J agrees with that of I on T , and differs by a sign on T+. It follows that −

zj zi + wj wi (θJ ) = √ 1 g ∂z (ω ) + g ∂w (ω−) = (θI ) . k − − j J zik j J wik k   Definition 8.19. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold with [I,J] = 0. Define the split canonical bundles by K =Λrank T± (Λ1,0). ± ± As holomorphic line bundles over M, these have first Chern classes with respect to the complex structure I, and we refer to these as c1± := c1(K , I). Given a Hermitian metric g on M, we obtain induced metrics on K , and± therefore ± representatives of c1±. We refer to these curvature representatives as

ρ± = ρC(g,K , I). ± These curvature tensors are real two-forms of type (1, 1) with respect to I. It will be useful for us to refer to the different components of these curvature operators with respect to the decomposition induced by T = T+ T . In particular we set ⊕ − + + ρ = πΛ1,1T ∗ ρ , ρ− = πΛ1,1 T ∗ ρ−. ± ± ± ± Proposition 8.20. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold with [I,J]=0. Then I 1,1 + + (8.9) (ρB) = ρ+ ρ + ρ− ρ+−. − − − − Furthermore, given h = h+ h a Hermitian metric, define ⊕ − P (h) := ρ+(h+) ρ (h+)+ ρ (h ) ρ+(h ), − − − − − − where ρ(h ) denotes the representative of c1(K , I) as above, and ρ±(h ) denote ± ± ± the projections as in Definition 8.19. Given h = h+ h another Hermitian metric, one has ⊕ − e e e h k h l (ω )∧ (ω ) + e (8.10) P (h) P (h)= √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ log ∧ − . − − − − − − h k h l (ω+)∧ (ω )∧  e ∧ − e 176 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Proof. The proof of (8.9) is left as a fairly lengthy but straightforward exer- 1,1 cise. The simplest way is to derive a general formula for ρB in arbitrary complex coordinates, choose split coordinates as per Lemma 7.77, and then compare against the usual formula for the curvature of a determinant line bundle. See [165, Propo- sition 3.2] for details. To check (8.10), we use the definitions as well as the transgression formula for the first Chern class (Proposition 8.16) to compute

P (h) P (h)= ρ+(h+) ρ+(h+) ρ (h+) ρ (h+) − − − − − − n o n o e + ρ (h ) ρe (h ) ρ+(h ) ρe+(h ) − − − − − − − − − n oh nk o h k (ω+)∧ (ω+)∧ 1,1 √ e 1,1 e√ = πΛ 1∂∂ log πΛ 1∂∂ log T ∗ h k T ∗ h k + (− − (ω ) ) − − (− − (ω ) ) +e ∧ +e ∧ h l h l (ω )∧ (ω )∧ 1,1 √ 1,1 √ + πΛ 1∂∂ log − πΛ 1∂∂ log − T ∗ h l T ∗ h l − (− − (ω )∧ ) − + (− − (ω )∧ ) −e −e h k h l (ω )∧ (ω ) + e = √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ log ∧ − , − − − − − h k h l (ω+)∧ (ω )∧  e ∧ − as claimed. 

Remark 8.21. This curvature formula reveals an interesting local description of the Bismut Ricci curvature in adapted local complex coordinates. In particular, implicit in the computations underlying Proposition 8.20 is the local coordinate description

I 1,1 det ω+ (ρB ) = √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ log , − − − − − det ω −  1,1 where ω are the restrictions of the K¨ahler form ωI to Λ T ∗ as above. This is an interesting± extension of the classical description of the Ricci± curvature of a K¨ahler manifold as √ 1∂∂ log det ω. − − The formula can in fact be globalized in case the split canonical bundles admit global sections. We do this next, summarizing the computations above.

Proposition 8.22. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold with [I,J]=0. Suppose there exist global nonvanishing holomorphic sections

Ω Λrank T± Λ1,0 . ± ∈ ±   Then one has l ω∧ Ω+ Ω+ Φ = log − ∧ ∧ , k ω+∧ Ω Ω ∧ − ∧ − and (θ θ )♯ = σdΦ, I − J ρI = 1 dJdΦ. B − 2 8.2. CANONICAL METRICS IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY 177

Proof. A computation using (7.14) shows that the two associated generalized complex structures are generated by the pure spinors

√ 1ω− √ 1ω+ ψ1 = e − Ω+, ψ2 = e− − Ω . ∧ ∧ − It follows that Φ takes the claimed form. We note that by Lemma 8.18, we have θJ θI = 0, and also σ = 0 by definition, so the claimed torsion formula follows immediately.− (We have chosen to express the result of Lemma 8.18 in this seem- ingly overcomplicated way to draw a similarity to the nondegenerate case below). Furthermore, by Proposition 8.20 it follows that l I 1,1 ω∧ Ω+ Ω+ (ρB ) = √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ log − ∧ ∧ − − k − − − ω+∧ Ω Ω ∧ − ∧ − 1,1  = 1 (dJdΦ) . − 2 I Checking the (2, 0)+(0, 2) piece of the Bismut Ricci curvature formula is left as an exercise. 

Next we address the nondegenerate setting, where it turns out that once again the quantity Φ determines several key formulas relevant to the Lee forms and Bismut Ricci curvature, and in fact will determine the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow lines in this setting (cf. 9.3). § Proposition 8.23. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler manifold. Then one has det(I + J) Φ = log . det(I J) − and (θ θ )♯ = σdΦ, I − J ρI = 1 dJdΦ. B − 2 Proof. We recall as in Lemma 7.81 that for a nondegenerate generalized 1 K¨ahler structure both I J are invertible, and the Poisson tensors g− (I J) associated to the generalized± K¨ahler structures (cf. Proposition 7.43) are also± non- degenerate, yielding symplectic forms 1 F = g(I J)− . ± − ± Furthermore, it is an exercise to check that the spinors defining the associated √ 1F generalized complex structures are e − ± , thus yielding the claimed formula for Φ. The torsion and Bismut Ricci curvature formulas are direct but lengthy compu- tations and we leave the details to [8] (n.b. the conventions for σ there differ from those here). 

By comparing the discusion of the Ricci curvature in the K¨ahler setting, and the results of Proposition 8.22 and 8.23, the general formula is now apparent. We give the statement here, the proof of which can be obtained by a combination of the different cases above. This can be thought of as a generalization of the classical transgression formula for the Ricci curvature on a K¨ahler manifold to the generalized K¨ahler setting. 178 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Proposition 8.24. Let (E, , , [, ]) be an exact Courant algebroid, and suppose ( , ) is a generalized K¨ahlerh structurei such that each is globally defined by a J1 J2 Ji d/0-closed pure spinor ψi. Then (θ θ )♯ = σdΦ, I − J ρI = 1 dJdΦ. B − 2

8.3. Examples and rigidity results We begin this section by explicitly describing the geometry of the Hopf/Boothby metric (7.17), previously also encountered in Example 3.51 . We will show that it is 3 in fact isometric to gS3 gS1 , the product of canonical spherical metrics on S and S1, and is Bismut Hermitian-Einstein.⊕ Remarkably, in complex dimension 2 this is the only compact non-K¨ahler example of a Bismut Hermitian-Einstein metric, as we will prove in Theorem 8.26 below (cf. [75, 78]). Even more remarkably, this metric is generalized K¨ahler, in two different ways! As exhibited in Example 7.76, the Hopf metric is compatible with the complex structure determined by changing the orientation of one of the complex planes on C2 0 , yielding a generalized K¨ahler structure. Also, in Example 7.85 we obtained another\{ } complex structure compati- ble with the Hopf metric which yields a generalized K¨ahler structure nondegenerate away from the two elliptic curves z1 =0,z2 = 0. Proposition 8.25. Consider the metric g defined on C2 0 via \{ } gE(X, Y ) (8.11) g(X, Y )(z ,z ) = , 1 2 z 2 + z 2 | 1| | 2| 2 where gE is the standard Euclidean metric on C . Let γ(z1,z2) = (αz1,βz2), α = β > 1 be the generator of the group of Deck transformations defining a diagonal| | |Hopf| surface (S3 S1,J) as in Definition 7.75. Then g is γ-invariant, and so descends to the quotient× to define a metric, also denoted g, such that (1) √ 1∂∂ω =0, (2) θ−=0, ∇ (3) RcB =0, (4) ρB =0.

Proof. The invariance under γ is easily computed using α = β . Next we can compute | | | | √ 1 ω = − (dz1 dz1 + dz2 dz2) , z 2 + z 2 ∧ ∧ | 1| | 2| hence

√ 1 2 2 dω = − 2 d z1 + z2 (dz1 dz1 + dz2 dz2) − 2 2 | | | | ∧ ∧ ∧ z + z | 1| | 2|    √ 1  = − 2 [(z2dz2 + z2dz2) dz1 dz1 + (z1dz1 + z1dz1) dz2 dz2] − 2 2 ∧ ∧ ∧ ∧ z + z | 1| | 2|   8.3. EXAMPLES AND RIGIDITY RESULTS 179

Thus one obtains dcω = dω(J ,J ,J ) − 1 1 1 1 = 2 [(z2dz2 z2dz2) dz1 dz1 + (z1dz1 z1dz1) dz2 dz2] . − 2 2 − ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ z + z | 1| | 2|   Thus lastly

c 2 2 2 dd ω = 3 d z1 + z2 2 2 | | | | ∧ z + z | 1| | 2|    [(z dz z dz ) dz dz + (z dz z dz ) dz dz ] 2 2 − 2 2 ∧ 1 ∧ 1 1 1 − 1 1 ∧ 2 ∧ 2 4 + 2 [dz1 dz1 dz2 dz2] 2 2 ∧ ∧ ∧ z + z | 1| | 2| = 0,   yielding property (1). If we let π denote the radial projection of C2 onto S3, then these formulas c also exhibit that H = d ω = 2π∗dVg , i.e. twice the standard volume form on − S3 S3. Observing that the metric on the universal cover C2 0 is isometric to the 3 2 \{ } standard cylinder (S R,gS3 dt ), it follows that H is parallel. Furthermore, using Lemma 8.6 it follows× that⊕θ = ⋆H = dt, which is also directly computable from the formula for dcω above. Thus θ is also parallel. As in Example 3.56, it 2 also folllows that Rc = 2gS3 , while H = 8gS3 . Referring to Proposition 3.18 we B see that Rc = 0, and it then follows from Proposition 8.10 that ρB = 0, finishing the proof. 

Theorem 8.26. Let (M 4,g,J) be a compact complex manifold with puriclosed 1,1 4 metric g such that ρB 0. Then ρB 0, and (M ,g,J) is biholomorphically isometric to either ≡ ≡ (1) A Calabi-Yau surface (M 4,J) with K¨ahler-Ricci flat metric g (2) A quotient of a diagonal Hopf surface (S3 S1,J), with Hopf metric g. ×

Proof. Using the curvature identities of Proposition 8.10, we see that the condition ρ1,1 0 implies the equations B ≡

1 2 1 0= Rc H + L ♯ g, − 4 2 θ (8.12) 1 0= dd∗H + 2 Lθ♯ H.

However, since the real dimension is 4 we may apply Lemma 8.6 to conclude that ♯ ⋆θ = H and thus θ yH = 0. Thus dd∗H = 0, and by pairing with H and integrating by parts we conclude d∗H = 0. Thus H is harmonic, and using again that ⋆θ = H it follows that θ is harmonic. Using the Bochner formula for 1-forms and integrating 180 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY by parts we conclude that

0= ∆ θ,θ dV h d i g ZM = ∗ θ + Rc(θ, ),θ dV h∇ ∇ · i g (8.13) ZM 2 1 2 1 = θ + 4 H 2 Lθ♯ g (θ,θ) dVg M |∇ | − Z h i 2 1  = θ 2 Lθ♯ g(θ,θ) dVg . M |∇ | − Z h i However we further observe, using that the Lee form is divergence-free since the metric is pluriclosed,

i j L ♯ g(θ,θ)dV = ( θ + θ ) θ θ dV θ g ∇i j ∇j i g ZM ZM = 2 θ θj θidV ∇i j g ZM = θ 2 θidV ∇i | | g ZM = θ 2 θidV − | | ∇i g ZM = 0.

Plugging this into (8.13) we conclude that θ =0. If θ vanishes, then the metric is K¨ahler, and Ricci flat, yielding case (1).∇ Assuming θ = 0, we have found a nontrivial parallel vector field. By the de Rham decomposition6 theorem, it follows that the universal cover with the pullback Hermitian structure splits isometrically as a product N R. It follows that H = ⋆θ is a multiple of the volume form on N, and so examining× the curvature equation of 8.12, it follows that the slice has constant positive Ricci curvature, and is thus isometric to a multiple of the round 3-sphere. It follows that the original structure (M 4,g) is isometric to a quotient of 3 1 (S S ,gS3 λgS1 ) for an appropriate constant λ. ×In particular,⊕ it follows that (M 4,J) is a Hopf surface. To obtain the precise complex structure, we note that, as a Hopf surface, it is first of all covered by a primary Hopf surface, and the universal cover is biholomorphic to C2 0 . We lift the metric, which is now cylindrical, to this space. The unit vector tan\{gent} to the 1 ∂ t S factor lifts to a global coordinate vector field ∂t . Setting r = e , we obtain the ∂ 2 radial vector field r ∂r , as well as an associated flat metric g0 = r− g. Furthermore, the generator of the fundamental group takes the form

γ(s,p) = (as,ψp), where (s,p) R S3, and ψ SO(4), as the map must preserve the cylindrical metric. Since∈γ is× also a biholomorphism,∈ it follows that in fact ψ U(2). The map ψ will be conjugate to an element of the maximal torus in U(2),∈ in other words is conjugate to a map

(z ,z ) (eiµ1 z ,eiµ2 z ). 1 2 → 1 2 8.3. EXAMPLES AND RIGIDITY RESULTS 181

By conjugating as required we assume ψ itself takes this form. It follows that, expressed in complex coordinates, γ(z ,z ) = (αz ,βz ), α = aeiµ1 , β = aeiµ2 , α = β , 1 2 1 2 | | | | as required.  Remark 8.27. It is possible to obtain this rigidity result in part using the en- ergy functional of 6.1. In particular, using Proposition 8.14 we know that (g,H) defines a generalized§ Ricci soliton with associated vector field θ♯. Since M is com- pact it follows from Corollary 6.11 that (g,H) is in fact a steady gradient soli- ton. We have thus obtained two expressions for RcB , and comparing them yields Lθ♯ f g 0. Since the Lee form is divergence-free one can trace this to obtain −∇ ≡ ∆f = 0, hence f is a constant. It follows that θ♯ is a Killing field, meaning the symmetric part of θ vanishes. But dθ = 0 as well, hence θ = 0, after which the argument proceeds∇ as above. ∇ Remark 8.28. It was recently shown [166] that the non-diagonal, class 1, Hopf surfaces admit pluriclosed metrics which are steady generalized Ricci solitons in the sense of Definition 4.27. Note that by Theorem 8.26 these surfaces cannot admit Bismut Hermitian-Einstein metrics. These solitons are conjecturally the global at- tractors for the pluriclosed flow on these surfaces. Also in [171] it was shown that in fact these solitons admit two distinct compatible generalized K¨ahler structures, one with vanishing Poisson tensor and another with generically nondegenerate Poisson tensor. These metrics form a continuous family extending the examples on diagonal Hopf surfaces discussed above. It is possible to show rigidity results in higher dimensions with additional topo- logical hypotheses. We begin with a general rigidity theorem which is a simplified version of a result of Gauduchon (cf. [76]). First we recall the definition of Bott- Chern cohomology. Definition 8.29. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. Define the real (1, 1) Bott-Chern cohomology via

1,1 3 Ker d :ΛR ΛR 1,1 → H R := . BC, n√ 1∂∂f f C o − | ∈ ∞ Proposition 8.30. Let (M 2n,g,J ) be a compact Hermitian manifold such that sC 0, with sC > 0 at some point. Then c1(M,J) =0 as an element of Bott-Chern cohomology.≥ 6 Proof. Let ω = e2uω be a Gauduchon metric conformally related to ω, which exists by Theorem 7.50. If c1(M,J) = 0 in Bott-Chern cohomology, then there exists f C∞(M) such that ρ (g)= √ 1∂∂f. It then follows that ∈ e C − n 1 2(n 1)u n 1 2(n 1)u n 0= √ 1∂∂f ω − = e − ρ (g) ω − = e − s ω > 0, − ∧ C ∧ C ZM ZM ZM a contradiction.  e Remark 8.31. We note for instance that, since the Hopf metric (7.17) has sC > 0 everywhere, this proposition in particular implies that c1(M,J) is nonzero in Bott-Chern cohomology, while of course it is zero in de Rham cohomology, which vanishes entirely. 182 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Proposition 8.32. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a compact Bismut Hermitian-Einstein manifold. If c1(M,J)=0 in Bott-Chern cohomology, then g is K¨ahler Calabi-Yau. Proof. Using Proposition 8.10, we see that a Bismut Hermitian-Einstein man- ifold satisfies 0= ρ1,1 = S Q. B C − 2 2 Taking the trace then yields 0 = sC T , and hence sC T 0. Since we have assumed c (M,J) = 0, it follows− directly | | from Proposition≥ | 8.30| ≥ that s 0, 1 C ≡ and hence T 2 0. The metric g is hence K¨ahler Calabi-Yau, as required.  | | ≡ Remark 8.33. In Proposition 9.64 below we use the strong maximum principle to improve Proposition 8.32 to cover steady solitons. Remark 8.34. In the nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler setting, the tensor 2,0 n (ΩI )∧ is a nonvanishing holomorphic section of the canonical bundle, and so c1(M,J) = 0. Thus in this setting any Hermitian generalized Einstein metric is automatically K¨ahler Calabi-Yau (cf. [8]). In fact, due to the presence of the 2,0 holomorphic symplectic form ΩI , it follows from the Beauville-Bogomolov-Yau theorem [13, 19, 186] that in fact (M 4n,g,I) is part of a hyperK¨ahler structure. Example 8.35. A higher-dimensional, simply-connected example of a Bismut Hermitian-Einstein structure is given by a Calabi-Eckmann manifold. For the gen- eral construction one considers Cn 0 Cm 0 , and consider the action of C given by \{ }× \{ } γ(z, w) = (eγz,eαγw), where α C R is a fixed non-real complex number. This action is free and proper, ∈ \ 2n 1 2m 1 and the quotient space is diffeomorphic to S − S − . We consider the special case of n = m = 2×, α = √ 1. Thus the manifold is S3 S3, and is the total space of a T 2 fibration over −CP1 CP1. This is the product× of the standard Hopf fibrations π : S3 CP1. Let ξ denote× the canonical i → i vector fields associated to this fibration on the two factors, with µi the associated canonical connections satisfying dµi = πi∗ωFS. Note that the complex structure further satisfies Jξ1 = ξ2. We consider the K¨ahler form associated to the product of round metrics, namely

ω = π∗ω + π∗ω + µ µ . 1 FS 2 FS 1 ∧ 2 It follows that

dω = dµ µ µ dµ = π∗ω µ µ π∗ω , 1 ∧ 2 − 1 ∧ 2 1 FS ∧ 2 − 1 ∧ 2 FS hence c H = d ω = dω(J, J, J)= π∗ω µ π∗ω µ − 1 FS ∧ 1 − 2 FS ∧ 2 It is clear then that the geometric structure is that of a product of two copies of the S3 factor of the Hopf metric, and furthermore that dH = 0. It now follows by computations similar to those in Proposition 8.25 that Rc 1 H2 =0. − 4 1 ♯ Furthermore, it follows from Lemma 8.6 that θ = 2 (µ1 + µ2). Thus θ is a Killing − 1,1 field which further preserves H, so by Proposition 8.10 it follows that ρB =0. We 2,0+0,2 leave as an exercise to further check that ρB = 0. 8.3. EXAMPLES AND RIGIDITY RESULTS 183

Question 8.36. Do Calabi-Eckmann manifolds for different choices of n,m, and α admit Bismut Hermitian-Einstein metrics? Do they admit steady generalized Ricci solitons? Question 8.37. How rigid are higher dimensional non-K¨ahler Bismut Hermitian- Einstein metrics? In complex dimension n = 3, is it possible to classify solutions with nonzero, (anti)self-dual torsion? Question 8.38. A natural class of Bismut Hermitian-Einstein manifolds has been introduced in [71, Section 2.3]. These equations impose the stronger condi- tions that the holonomy of the Bismut connections reduces to the special unitary group and dθ = 0, and admit a natural interpretation in generalized geometry in + terms of the operators D+ and D/ introduced in Chapter 3. A complete classifi- cation of this geometry on− complex surfaces has been obtained in [71, Proposition 2.11], but the higher-dimensional case is still open. It would be interesting to obtain a classification of solutions of these stronger equations in three complex dimensions, as a first step towards the classification of non-K¨ahler Bismut Hermitian-Einstein three-folds. A fundamental result of Samelson [149] shows that every compact Lie group of even dimension admits left-invariant complex structures which are compatible with a bi-invariant metric. Proposition 8.39. Let G be an even-dimensional connected Lie group with a bi-invariant metric g and left-invariant complex structure J compatible with g. Then (G,g,J) is Bismut flat. Proof. As noted in Proposition 3.53, the Levi-Civita connection of a bi- invariant metric takes the form Y = 1 [X, Y ]. ∇X 2 On the other hand, the computation of Example 7.48 shows that for a left-invariant complex structure, one has H = dcω = g([X, Y ],Z). Thus J is flat by Proposi- tion 3.53. − ∇  Definition 8.40. A Samelson space is a Hermitian manifold (G,g,J) where G is a simply-connected Lie group with g a bi-invariant metric, and J a left-invariant complex structure on G compatible with g. As it turns out, Samelson spaces are the only possible simply-connected Her- mitian Bismut-flat manifolds, and moreover the possible fundamental groups of compact Samelson spaces are quite restricted. k Definition 8.41. Let (G1 = G0 R ,g,J) be a Samelson space. Given ρ : Zk Isom(G) a homomorphism, define× a free and properly discontinuous action → Zk of Γρ ∼= on G1 via γ(g, x) = (ρ(γ)g, x + γ).

The manifold M = G1/Γρ inherits a complex structure and a Bismut flat Hermitian metric, and is called a local Samelson space. Theorem 8.42. ([183]) Let (M n,g,J) be a compact Bismut flat Hermitian manifold. Then there exists a finite unbranched cover M ′ of M which is a local Samelson space. 184 8. CANONICAL METRICS IN GENERALIZED COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Remark 8.43. Theorem 8.42 can be used to give a precise description of all compact Bismut flat Hermitian manifolds of complex dimension n = 2, 3. In par- ticular, in complex dimension n = 2 one recovers the standard Hopf surfaces as described in Theorem 8.26. Of course the result of Theorem 8.26 is stronger, giv- ing a classification among the a priori larger class of Bismut-Ricci flat metrics. In complex dimension 3, the universal cover is either a product of C2 0 C, with metric a product of the Hopf metric (7.17) and the flat metric, or a\{ central} × Calabi- Eckmann manifold, defined as SU(2) SU(2) with left-invariant complex structure and bi-invariant metric. × Question 8.44. What further restrictions apply if we ask that a Bismut flat pluriclosed metric is also part of a generalized K¨ahler structure? Note that as observed in 7.4.3, the Hopf metric is part of a generalized K¨ahler structure in two distinct ways.§ Furthermore, the Calabi-Eckmann metrics are compatible with a commuting-type generalized K¨ahler structure, with the second complex structure given by changing the orientation on the T 2 fiber. Question 8.45. Note that the final stage of the proof of Theorem 8.26 identifies the possible complex structures compatible with a particular flat Bismut connec- tion. It is natural to ask this question in higher dimensions: given an even dimen- sional Bismut flat structure (M 2n,g,H), can we describe all complex structures J (necessarily left-invariant) which are compatible with g, and satisfy B J 0? ∇ ≡ CHAPTER 9

Generalized Ricci Flow in Complex Geometry

In Chapter 7 we introduced the fundamental concepts of generalized com- plex geometry, including pluriclosed and generalized K¨ahler metrics. Furthermore, Chapter 8 yielded a definition of canonical metric in pluriclosed geometry related to the generalized Einstein condition. In this chapter we link together these ideas with the generalized Ricci flow by showing that, when coupled to evolution equations for the associated complex structures, the generalized Ricci flow preserves pluriclosed and generalized K¨ahler geometry. The presence of the extra structure coming from complex geometry renders these flows decidedly more tractable than the full generalized Ricci flow. To begin we show how to reduce the pluriclosed flow to a flow of (1, 0)-forms, and give a scalar reduction for the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in certain settings, generalizing the classical reduction of the K¨ahler-Ricci flow to a parabolic complex Monge-Amp`ere equation. Building on this we show smooth regularity of pluriclosed flow in the presence of uniform parabolicity bounds, generalizing Calabi/Yau’s C3 estimate for the Monge-Amp`ere equation. Using these estimates we end the chapter by showing global existence and convergence results for the pluriclosed flow and generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow and discuss their implications.

9.1. K¨ahler-Ricci flow The natural starting point for discussing geometric flows in complex geometry is K¨ahler-Ricci flow. Though we will not spend much time discussing the deep, detailed theory of K¨ahler-Ricci flow here, it is instructive to review the rudimentary aspects of the theory as a way of setting the stage for the more general flows we discuss below. We refer the reader to [22, 155] for more detailed accountings of the fundamental theory of K¨ahler-Ricci flow.

9.1.1. Basic properties.

Definition 9.1. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. A one parameter family of K¨ahler metrics gt is a solution of K¨ahler-Ricci flow if the associated K¨ahler forms ωt satisfy ∂ (9.1) ω = ρ . ∂t − C

Noting that ρC is a closed (1, 1) form, one can expect the equation above to preserve the K¨ahler conditions. Before proving this we observe the evolution equation for the underlying Riemannian metric.


2n Lemma 9.2. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to K¨ahler-Ricci flow. Then the metric gt satisfies ∂ g = Rc . ∂t −

Proof. Using Lemma 8.9, applied here to a K¨ahler metric so that ρC = ρB and θ = 0, we obtain ∂ ∂ g(X, Y )= ω(X,JY )= ρ (X,JY )= Rc(X, Y ), ∂t ∂t − C − as required.  We next establish the short-time existence of solutions to K¨ahler-Ricci flow. Note that this does not follow from Lemma 9.2 and the short-time existence of solutions to Ricci flow, as we do not yet know that the Ricci flow should preserve the K¨ahler conditions, which is rather a consequence of proving the short-time existence of solutions to (9.1). 2n Proposition 9.3. Given (M ,J) a compact complex manifold and g0 a K¨ahler metric, there exists a unique maximal solution gt of K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g on [0,T ) for some T R . In particular, the solution to Ricci 0 ∈ ∪ {∞} flow with initial condition g0 is a solution to K¨ahler-Ricci flow. Proof. We can compute in local complex coordinates, for a K¨ahler metric g, qp ρC (ω)ij = g ∂q∂pωij + ∂ω ⋆ ∂ω. It follows that equation (9.1), restricted to the open cone of positive tensors in the linear space of closed (1, 1)-forms, is strictly parabolic. Thus we can apply the standard theory for strictly parabolic equations to conclude the existence of a maximal solution ωt defined on [0,T ). By Lemma 9.2, the associated family of Riemannian metrics gt is a solution of Ricci flow with initial condition g0, which is unique by Theorem 5.6.  9.1.2. K¨ahler cone and formal existence time. To better understand the qualitative picture of the long time existence and singularity formation of K¨ahler- Ricci flow, we study the flow at the formal level of cohomology. We note that K¨ahler metrics will define classes in Bott-Chern cohomology as in Definition 8.29. Within this cohomology space lies the K¨ahler cone, which is the set of classes in H1,1 represented by K¨ahler metrics. Definition 9.4. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. Define the K¨ahler cone by := [ψ] H1,1 ω [ψ], ω> 0 . K ∈ BC,R | ∃ ∈ n o Example 9.5. Let (M 2,J) be a compact Riemann surface. Any metric g compatible with J is K¨ahler as the K¨ahler form ω is automatically closed since 3 dω Λ (M) ∼= 0 . The form ω induces an orientation on M, and it follows that 1,∈1 R { } HBC,R ∼= . It is clear by construction that λ[ω] admits the K¨ahler metric λω for λ 0. Alternatively, for λ< 0, any form η = λω + √ 1∂∂f must satisfy ≥ − η = λω + √ 1∂∂f = λ ω = λ Vol(g) 0. − ≤ ZM ZM ZM  9.2. PLURICLOSED FLOW 187

But if η was the K¨ahler form associated to a metric h one would have M η = Vol(h) > 0. It follows that the K¨ahler cone is precisely the half-line λ[ω] λ> 0 . { | R } The structure of the K¨ahler cone plays a fundamental role in understanding the singularity formation of the K¨ahler-Ricci flow, and first of all gives an upper bound for the possible smooth existence time of the flow.

2n Lemma 9.6. Let (M ,g0,J) be a complex manifold with K¨ahler metric. Let

τ ∗(g ) := sup t 0 [ω ] tc , 0 { ≥ | 0 − 1 ∈ K} and let T denote the maximal smooth existence time for the K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g . Then T τ ∗(g ). 0 ≤ 0

Proof. Let ωt denote the one-parameter family of K¨ahler forms evolving by K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition ω . It follows easily that [ω ] = [ω ] tc . 0 t 0 − 1 If the flow existed smoothly for some time t > τ ∗(g0), then in particular there exists a smooth positive definite metric in [ω ] tc , contradicting the definition of 0 − 1 τ ∗(g0). 

In view of this lemma, the natural question arises which is, given a K¨ahler metric g0, is τ ∗(g0) the maximal existence time of the flow? In other words, is the flow smooth until the K¨ahler class reaches the boundary of the K¨ahler cone? The answer is yes, and this is proved in Theorem 9.62 below.

9.2. Pluriclosed flow Given the rich geometric and analytic structure of K¨ahler-Ricci flow, one can ask if it can be extended to a natural flow of Hermitian, non-K¨ahler metrics. Though the world of Hermitian, non-K¨ahler geometry is large and diverse, in keeping with the thrust of this text we will focus our attention on the parts of the subject most closely linked to generalized complex geometry.

9.2.1. Basic properties.

2n 3 Definition 9.7. Let (M ,J) be a complex manifold, and fix H Λ T ∗, dH = 0 ∈ 0 0. A one parameter family of pluriclosed metrics (gt,bt) is a solution of pluriclosed flow if the associated K¨ahler forms ω and (2, 0)-forms β = √ 1b2,0 satisfy t t − ∂ ∂ (9.2) ω = ρ1,1, β = ρ2,0. ∂t − B ∂t − B The evolution equation for ω first appeared in [167]. We note that the equation for βt is not strictly speaking necessary to determine the metric or torsion, since H = dcω and ρ is closed. For this reason we will at times refer to a family of − B K¨ahler forms ωt alone as a solution to pluriclosed flow. Nonetheless, the equation for β plays an important role in deriving estimates and determining the relationship to generalized geometry. Indeed, as we have different ways of describing pluriclosed structures in terms of the underlying Riemannian metric, the K¨ahler form, or ob- jects in generalized geometry, so pluriclosed flow has different faces when expressed in terms of these underlying objects, each revealing different important analytic and geometric properties of the flow. In particular, pluriclosed flow turns out to be a gauge-modified version of generalized Ricci flow (up to a reparameterization 188 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY of time by a factor of 2). Another interesting aspect of the flow (9.2) is that, if we fix H˜ Λ3,0+2,1, dH˜ = 0, then the condition 0 ∈ 0 ∂ωt + dβt = H˜0 is preserved along the flow. Thus, pluriclosed flow can be regarded as a natural flow for metrics on a fixed holomorphic Courant algebroid, as defined in 7.3.3. § 2n Proposition 9.8. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow. Then

(1) The associated K¨ahler forms ωt satisfy ∂ ω = ∂∂∗ ω ∂∂∗ ω ρ (ω). ∂t − ω − ω − C (2) The associated K¨ahler forms ωt satisfy ∂ (9.3) ω = S + Q, ∂t − C where Q is as in (8.6). (3) The associated pairs (gt,bt) satisfy

∂ 1 2 1 g = Rc + 4 H 2 Lθ♯ g, (9.4) ∂t − − ∂ 1 1 1 b = d∗H + dθ i ♯ H. ∂t − 2 2 − 2 θ In particular, pluriclosed flow is a solution of ( θ♯, dθ)-gauge-fixed gener- alized Ricci flow (cf. 4.13). −

(4) The associated generalized metrics = (gt,bt) on (T T ∗, , , [, ]H0 , π) satisfy G G ⊕ h i 1 ∂ + − π = c ( , div) π , G ∂tG◦ − −R G ◦ − where div = divG 2 θ, . − h i Proof. The first equivalence follows directly by projecting the first equation from Lemma 8.9 onto the (1, 1) component. The second formulation follows directly from Proposition 8.10. For the third formulation, the evolution equation for the metric follows directly from Proposition 8.10, where the evolution equation for b follows from the third equation of Proposition 8.10 and the computations of Propo- sition 8.14. As for the last formulation, it follows from (3) and direct application of Proposition 4.24. 

2n Corollary 9.9. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow, and let φt 1 ♯ denote the one-parameter family of diffeomorphisms generated by 2 θt . Then for all t such that gt and φt are defined, let

gt′ = φt∗gt, Ht′ = φt∗Ht, Jt′ = φt∗J

Then (gt′,Ht′) is a solution of generalized Ricci flow, and Jt′ satisfies

∂ 1 1 J ′ = L ♯ J ′ = ∆J ′ + Rm′ ⋆H′ + H′ ⋆H′. ∂t 2 θ 2

Proof. The claim that (gt′,Ht′) is a solution of generalized Ricci flow is a direct consequence of (9.4) and the naturality properties of Lie derivatives. The claim that ∂ 1 ∂t J ′ = 2 Lθ♯ J ′ also follows by definition. The final formula is an exercise using properties of the Lee form on complex manifolds with pluriclosed metric.  9.2. PLURICLOSED FLOW 189

Remark 9.10. The fact that the Lie derivative operator Lθ♯ J is actually a heat operator in disguise is an interesting feature of pluriclosed flow, which plays an essential role in the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow to come. An explicit formula for the lower-order terms Rm ⋆H and H⋆H was computed in [169, Proposition 3.1], although it is quite unwieldy. It would be interesting to derive estimates for the pluriclosed flow directly from this formula. Remark 9.11. In view of Corollary 9.9, it is natural at times to express pluri- closed flow explicitly as a solution to generalized Ricci flow. The system of equations indicated there is ∂ g = Rc + 1 H2, ∂t − 4 ∂ 1 (9.5) b = d∗H, ∂t − 2 g ∂ 1 J = 2 Lθ♯ J, ∂t J At times we will refer to solutions to this system also as “pluriclosed flow,” even though it is related to the original definition by a nontrivial gauge transformation. Remark 9.12. Item (2) of Proposition 9.8 expresses pluriclosed flow in terms of the second Ricci curvature of the Chern connection, denoted SC in Definition 8.8, and a certain quadratic expression Q in the torsion of the Chern connection. Thus the pluriclosed flow fits into a general family of geometric flows of Hermitian metrics introduced in [168], which take the form ∂ ω = S + Q, ∂t − C where Q is an arbitrary quadratic expression in the torsion. This general family of equations is referred to as Hermitian curvature flow. Fundamental analytic properties such as short-time existence, smoothing estimates, and stability results were shown for this family of flows in [168]. Furthermore, a certain expression for Q was identified from the point of view of seeking a fixed-point equation for the flow which arises as the Euler-Lagrange equation for a Hilbert-type functional in the context of Hermitian geometry. Given the rich variety within Hermitian geometry, it seems natural to expect that different choices of Q may be better suited for different questions. In particular, recent work of Ustinovskiy [181] identifies a particular choice of Q such that the resulting flow preserves nonnegative holomorphic bisectional curvature, yielding a natural extension of the classic Frankel conjecture. This flow is also related to recent work on the Hull-Strominger system [63]. Also Lee [123] has shown that with Q = 0 the flow can be used to show that compact complex manifolds admitting a metric of non-positive bisectional curvature and nonpositive Chern-Ricci curvature which is negative at one point have ample canonical bundle. In a different direction, flowing a Hermitian metric by the Chern-Ricci curvature directly has been explored in [83, 179]. 9.2.2. Short-time existence. The proposition below establishes short-time existence for pluriclosed flow for smooth initial data on compact manifolds. Proposition 9.13. Given M a smooth compact manifold and (g,H,J) a pluri- closed structure, there exists a unique maximal solution (gt,Ht,J) to pluriclosed 190 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

flow with this initial condition on [0,T ) for some T R . Also, if g is ∈ ∪ {∞} 0 K¨ahler then Ht 0, and gt is the unique solution to K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g. ≡

Proof. Using Proposition 9.8 and the expression for the Chern curvature in complex coordinates we see that the pluriclosed flow can be expressed as ∂ ω = (SC ) + Q (9.6) ∂t ij − ij ij qp = g ∂p∂qωij + ∂ω ⋆ ∂ω. This is a strictly parabolic equation on the open cone of positive tensors in the linear space of pluriclosed (1, 1)-forms, and so by the theory of strictly parabolic PDE we can obtain unique short-time solution on compact manifolds. If g0 is K¨ahler, then let gt denote the unique solution of K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial data g0, whose existence is guaranteed by Proposition 9.3. As the metrics gt are all K¨ahler, it 1,1 followse easily by Lemma 8.9 that ρC(gt) = ρB (gt), and thus gt is a solution of pluriclosed flow as well. Since solutions to pluriclosed flow aree unique on compact  manifolds, it follows that gt = gt is thee solution toe K¨ahler-Riccie flow. 9.2.3. A positive cone and conjectural existence for pluriclosed flow. e Given the short-time existence of solutions to pluriclosed flow, we are again faced with the basic question of, what is the maximal smooth existence time, and what happens to the metric at that time? As these flows are special cases of generalized Ricci flow, the discussion of 5.5 certainly applies here, showing that the Riemann- ian curvature must blow up§ at a singular time. However due to the extra rigidity arising from the presence of complex structures, one expects sharper statements. In this section we formulate a conjecture on the maximal existence time for pluriclosed flow. Later in this chapter we verify these conjectures in various special cases. Definition 9.14. Let (M 2n,J) be a complex manifold. Define the real (1, 1)- Aeppli cohomology via

1,1 2,2 Ker √ 1∂∂ :ΛR ΛR 1,1 − → H R := . A, n ∂α + ∂α α Λ1,0 o | ∈ Furthermore, define the (1, 1)-Aeppli positive cone via

1,1 1,1 := [ψ] H R ω [ψ], ω> 0 . PA ∈ A, | ∃ ∈ n o In other words, this cone consists precisely of the (1, 1)-Aeppli cohomology classes which contain pluriclosed metrics. Remark 9.15. We observe here that in complex manifolds there is a natural map ι : H1,1 H1,1 , BC,R → A,R In particular we can apply this map to the first Chern class, yielding a well-defined 1,1 class in HA,R. In what follows we will not make a notational distinction between the first Chern class thought of in these two different contexts, as we will mean the 1,1 element of HA,R unless otherwise specified. 9.2. PLURICLOSED FLOW 191

2n Lemma 9.16. Let (M ,J) be a complex manifold, and suppose ωt is a one- parameter family of metrics satisfying the pluriclosed flow equation. Then [ωt] = [ω ] tc . 0 − 1 Proof. Fix a background Hermitian metric with K¨ahler form η, and note that [ω0 tρC (η)] = [ω0] tc1. We use the transgression formula of Proposition 8.16 to observe− that − t ∂ ωt = ω0 + ωds 0 ∂s Z t = ω + ∂∂∗ω ∂∂∗ω ρ (ω) ds 0 − − − C Z0 t   n ωt = ω + ∂∂∗ω ∂∂∗ω + √ 1∂∂ log ρ (η) ds 0 − − − ηn − C Z0   = ω tρ (η)+ ∂β + ∂β, 0 − C where t √ 1 ωn β := ∂∗ω − ∂ log ds. − − 2 ηn Z0   Hence [ω ] = [ω tc (η)] = [ω ] tc , as claimed.  t 0 − 1 0 − 1 2n Lemma 9.17. Let (M ,g0,J) be a complex manifold with pluriclosed metric. Let 1,1 τ ∗(g ) := sup t 0 [ω ] tc , 0 { ≥ | 0 − 1 ∈PA } and let T denote the maximal smooth existence time for the pluriclosed flow with initial condition g . Then T τ ∗(g ). 0 ≤ 0 Proof. The proof is directly analogous to that of Lemma 9.6.  What follows is the main conjecture guiding the study of pluriclosed flow. While Lemma 9.17 indicates the elementary fact that the maximal existence time for the flow can be no larger than τ ∗(g0), Conjecture 9.18 indicates that the flow is actually smooth up to time τ ∗(g0), i.e. that it equals the maximal existence time. 2n Conjecture 9.18. Let (M ,g0,J) be a compact complex manifold with pluri- closed metric. The unique maximal smooth solution to pluriclosed flow exists on [0, τ ∗(g0)). This conjecture first appeared in [170], inspired by a theorem of Tian-Zhang (Theorem 9.62 below). We will give a proof of this theorem as well as proofs of Conjecture 9.18 in various special cases below. As a guide for the nature of singularity formation it is useful to have a characterization of the necessary and sufficient conditions for cohomology classes to lie in the appropriate positive cone. In the remainder of this section we will record a theorem characterizing this cone in the case of complex surfaces. Lemma 9.19. Let (M 4,ω,J) be a compact complex surface with pluriclosed metric, and let 1,1 1,1 1 BR = µ ΛR a Λ ,µ = da . { ∈ | ∃ ∈ } 192 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

There is an exact sequence 0 1,1 0 √ 1∂∂ΛR B R, → − → R → where the final map above is given by the L2 inner product with ω. Proof. Exactness in the first two positions is clear. To check exactness in the third place, fix µ B1,1 satisfying ∈ R 0= µ,ω dV. h i ZM It follows from the maximum principle that the kernel of the L2 adjoint of tr √ 1∂∂ ω − consists of only the constant functions. Thus trω µ is orthogonal to the cokernel of tr √ 1∂∂, so by the Fredholm alternative we can find u such that ω − tr √ 1∂∂u = tr µ. ω − ω Thus √ 1∂∂u µ is exact, and also anti-self-dual since its inner product with ω vanishes.− Thus− it is harmonic, and exact, and hence vanishes, yielding µ = √ 1∂∂u, as required.  − In view of this lemma, we define B1,1 Γ= R . 0 i∂∂ΛR This is identified with a subspace of R, via the L2 inner product with ω as in Lemma 9.19. Note that if (M 4,J) is K¨ahler then the ∂∂-lemma holds and so Γ = 0 . Let γ0 denote a positive generator of Γ, which is well-defined since the space{ of} pluriclosed metrics on M is connected (cf. [176] for further detail). This 1,1 form γ0 plays a key role in the characterization of the positive cone A in the next theorem. P Theorem 9.20. ([170] Theorem 5.6, cf. [29, 30, 119]) Let (M 4,J) be a 1,1 1,1 complex non-K¨ahler surface. Suppose φ Λ is pluriclosed. Then [φ] A if and only if ∈ ∈ P (1) φ γ > 0 M ∧ 0 (2) φ> 0 for every effective divisor with negative self intersection. RD 1,1 QuestionR 9.21. Is there a natural characterization of A in higher dimen- sions? P

9.3. Generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow According to Definition 7.62, a generalized K¨ahler structure can be interpreted as a metric which is pluriclosed with respect to two distinct complex structures, c c satisfying the further relation that dI ωI = dJ ωJ . Given this it is natural to ask whether pluriclosed flow will preserve the generalized− K¨ahler condition. The answer is yes, but with a crucial and subtle caveat, namely that the complex structures must evolve as well, a feature not common to geometric evolution in complex geometry. Given that we have seen natural deformations of generalized K¨ahler structure using certain Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms acting on one of the complex structures in 7.4.5, this is actually quite natural in this setting. We will first describe the biHermitian§ formulation of the resulting flow, called generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, 9.3. GENERALIZED KAHLER-RICCI¨ FLOW 193 and give the proof that it does indeed preserve generalized K¨ahler geometry (cf. [169]). Following that we will describe the flow in terms of generalized metrics and complex structures. 9.3.1. BiHermitian formulation. Definition 9.22. Let M be a smooth manifold, we say that a one-parameter family of generalized K¨ahler structures (gt,Ht, It,Jt) is a solution of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow if ∂ g = Rc + 1 H2, ∂t − 4 ∂ 1 b = 2 dg∗H, (9.7) ∂t − ∂ 1 I = 2 Lθ♯ I, ∂t I ∂ 1 J = 2 Lθ♯ J. ∂t J Observe that this system of equations is in a certain sense two copies of the pluri- closed flow system (9.5) running simultaneously. Indeed this was how it was dis- covered, as we will indicate in Theorem 9.23 below. This formulation, while it has a pleasing symmetry to it, has the disadvantage that both complex structures are evolving. When it comes time to estimate solutions of this system, it will be to our advantage to freeze one of these complex structures by a gauge transformation. Of course it is not possible to fix both, since I and J are evolving by (in general) distinct gauge transformations. Gauge-fixing the flow to freeze I and comparing against Proposition 9.8 yields

∂ 1 2 1 ∂ I 1,1 g = Rc + 4 H 2 Lθ♯ g, ωI = (ρB) ∂t − − I ∂t − ∂ 1 1 1 ∂ I 2,0 (9.8) ♯ b = 2 dg∗H + 2 dθI 2 iθ H, βI = (ρB) ∂t − − I ←→ ∂t − ∂ 1 ∂ 1 J = 2 L θ♯ θ♯ J. J = 2 L θ♯ θ♯ J. ∂t ( J − I ) ∂t ( J − I ) 2,0 where βI = √ 1bI . We will refer to this system as generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the I-fixed gauge− . Of course one can also study the flow in the J-fixed gauge as well. 9.3.2. Short-time existence. Theorem 9.23. Given M a smooth compact manifold and (g,H,I,J) a gener- alized K¨ahler structure, there exists a unique maximal solution (gt,Ht, It,Jt) to gen- eralized K¨ahler-Ricci flow with this initial condition on [0,T ) for some T R . ∈ ∪{∞} Moreover, the pair (gt,Ht) is the unique solution to generalized Ricci flow with ini- tial condition (g,H). Proof. We know from the definition of generalized K¨ahler structure that (g,H,I) is a pluriclosed structure. Thus by Proposition 9.13 we obtain a solu- tion (gt,Ht, I) to pluriclosed flow on a maximal time interval [0,T ). This can be gauge-fixed as in Remark 9.11 to obtain (gt,Ht, It) a solution to pluriclosed flow in the form of (9.5). Similarly, the triple (g, H,J) is a pluriclosed structure, and − so we obtain (gt, Ht,Jt) a solution to gauge-fixed pluriclosed flow, where (gt, Ht) is

e e e e 194 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY the unique solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (g, H). We use − the notation g, H to emphasize that we do not yet know the relationship between (gt,Ht) and (gt, Ht). To link thesee e two families, we make a trivial yet crucial observation: if (gt,Ht) is a solution to generalizede e Ricci flow, so is (gt, Ht). This follows since the evolution equation for H is linear in H, whereas the evolution− equation for g is quadratic in H. In other words, ∂ g = Rc + 1 H2 = Rc + 1 ( H)2, ∂t − 4 − 4 − ∂ ( H)= 1 (∆ H)= 1 ∆ ( H). ∂t − − 2 d 2 d − Therefore, (g , H ) is the unique solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial t − t condition (g,H), and thus (g , H ) = (g ,H ). Examining the construction it t − t t t follows that (egt,Het, It,Jt) is a one-parameter family of generalized K¨ahler structures  which satisfies (9.7). e e 9.3.3. Generalized geometry formulation. Definition 9.24. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. We say h i → 1 2 that a one-parameter family of generalized K¨ahler structures ( t , t ) is a solution of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow if J J

∂ 1 ρI = [ 1,e− B 1], (9.9) ∂tJ J J ∂ 2 ρI = [ ,e− B ], ∂tJ J2 J2 I where ρB denotes the Bismut-Ricci form of the associated pluriclosed structure (g, I). We must show that this formulation of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow agrees with that arising in equations (9.8). The key points are a variational formula and a buildup of fundamental curvature identities for generalized K¨ahler manifolds.

Lemma 9.25. Given (E, [, ], , ) M an exact Courant algebroid, fix Kt 2 h i → ∈ Λ T ∗ a one-parameter family of two-forms. A one-parameter family of generalized K¨ahler structures ( t, t) satisfies J1 J2 ∂ = [ ,eK ], ∂tJi Ji Ji if and only if the associated one-parameter family of biHermitian structures (gt,bt, It,Jt) satisfies g˙ = 1 [K, I], b˙ = 1 (KI + IK) , − 2 − 2 ω˙ = 1 [K, I]I, ω˙ = 1 (KIJ + IJK) , I − 2 J − 2 ˙ ˙ 1 1 I =0, J = 2 [I,J]g− K.

Proof. This follows by differentiating the explicit expressions for i in equa- K J tion (7.14), and then comparing against the formulas for [ i,e i]. We leave the details as an exercise (cf. [81]). J J  9.3. GENERALIZED KAHLER-RICCI¨ FLOW 195

Lemma 9.26. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler structure. Let I , J denote the Bismut connections associated to the pluriclosed structures (g,∇ I) and∇ (g,J), with associated curvature tensors RI , RJ . Then

RI Λ1,1 Λ1,1, RJ Λ1,1 Λ1,1. ∈ J ⊗ I ∈ I ⊗ J

Proof. We give the proof for RI , the case of RJ being directly analogous. Since I preserves I it is easy to show that RI is of type (1, 1) with respect to I ∇ c in the last two indices. Using Remark 8.4, we know that if we set H = dI ωI then I + J − = , = − in the notation of Definition 3.12. Thus using Proposition ∇3.21 we∇ see∇ ∇

RI (JX,JY,Z,W )= R+(JX,JY,Z,W )

= R−(Z,W,JX,JY )

= R−(Z,W,X,Y ) = R+(X,Y,Z,W ) = RI (X,Y,Z,W ), as required. 

Lemma 9.27. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler structure. Then

I ρB(X, [I,J]Y )= g Lθ♯ θ♯ J X, Y . J − I   

Proof. As an exercise one can show that for a Hermitian manifold (M 2n,g,J) one has

(9.10) g((L J)Y,Z)= g(( J)Y X + J X,Z), X ∇X − ∇JY ∇Y where denotes the Levi-Civita connection. We will compute the symmetric and ∇ I 1,1 skew parts of the identity separately. First note, using that ρB ΛJ by Lemma 9.26, ∈

I I ρB([I,J]X,JY )+ ρB([I,J]JY,X) = ρI (IJX JIX,JY ) ρI (X,IJJY JIJY ) B − − B − = ρI (IJX,JY ) ρI (IX,Y )+ ρI (X,IY ) ρI (JX,IJY ) B − B B − B = ρI (JY,IJX)+ ρI (Y,IX)+ ρI (X,IY ) ρI (JX,IJY ). − B B B − B 196 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Applying Lemma 8.9 we further compute ρI (JY,IJX) ρI (Y,IX) ρI (X,IY )+ ρI (JX,IJY ) B − B − B B = RcI (JY,JX)+ I θI (JX) RcI (Y,X) I θI (X) ∇JY − − ∇Y RcI (X, Y ) I θI (Y )+RcI (JX,JY )+ I θI (JY ) − − ∇X ∇JX = RcJ (JY,JX)+RcJ (JX,JY ) RcJ (X, Y ) RcJ (Y,X) − − + I θI (JX) I θI (X) I θI (Y )+ I θI (JY ) ∇JY − ∇Y − ∇X ∇JX = ρJ (JY,X) ρJ (JX,Y ) ρJ (X,JY ) ρJ (Y,JX) − B − B − B − B J θJ (JX) J θJ (JY )+ J θJ (Y )+ J θJ (X) − ∇JY − ∇JX ∇X ∇Y + I θI (JX) I θI (X) I θI (Y )+ I θI (JY ) ∇JY − ∇Y − ∇X ∇JX = (θJ θI )(Y )+ (θJ θI )(X) ∇X − ∇Y − θJ θI (JY ) θJ θI (JX) − ∇JX − − ∇JY −

= g Lθ♯ θ♯ J X,JY + g Lθ♯ θ♯ J JY,X . J − I J − I where the last line follows by comparing  against (9.10).   I To address the skew-symmetric piece we first compute, again using that ρB 1,1 ∈ ΛJ , ρI ([I,J]X, Y ) ρI ([I,J]Y,X) B − B = ρI ((IJ JI)X, Y )+ ρI (X, (IJ JI)Y ) B − B − I I I I = ρB(IJX,Y )+ ρB(IX,JY )+ ρB(X,IJY )+ ρB(JX,IY ) I 2,0+0,2 I 2,0+0,2 = 2 ρB (JX,IY )+ ρB (IX,JY ) . Now we compute using Lemma 8.9, Proposition  8.10 and equation (9.10),

I 2,0+0,2 I 2,0+0,2 2 ρB (JX,IY )+ ρB (IX,JY )

 I I  I I = d∗H (JX,Y )+ d∗H (JY,X )+ d∇ θ (JX,Y ) d∇ θ (JY,X) − I I − I I I I = d∗H (JX,Y ) d∗H (JY,X)+ d∇ θ (JX,Y ) d∇ θ (JY,X) J − J − J 2,0+0,2 J J J 2,0+0,2 J J = 2(ρ ) (X, Y )+ d∇ θ (JX,Y )+2(ρ ) (Y,X) d∇ θ (JY,X) − B B − I I I I + d∇ θ (JX,Y ) d∇ θ (JY,X) − = dθJ (JX,Y )+ dθJ (JY,X)+ dθI (JX,Y ) dθI (JY,X) − −

= g Lθ♯ θ♯ J X, Y g Lθ♯ θ♯ J Y,X . J − I − J − I Adding together the two pieces above and rearranging yields the result. 

Proposition 9.28. Let (E, [, ], , ) M be an exact Courant algebroid. The family ( 1, 2) is a solution of generalizedh i → K¨ahler-Ricci flow as in (9.9) if and Jt Jt only if the associated family of biHermitian structures (gt,Ht, It,Jt) is a solution of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the I-fixed gauge as in (9.8).

Proof. We first assume that equations (9.9) hold. Using Lemma 9.25 with K = ρI one notes that I is fixed and one easily derives the evolution equation − B 9.3. GENERALIZED KAHLER-RICCI¨ FLOW 197

ω˙ = (ρI )1,1. By Lemma 9.27 it follows that I − B ˙ 1 1 I J = [I,J]g− ρ = L 1 ♯ ♯ J. 2 B θ θ − 2 ( J − I ) as required. Thus we have verified the evolution equations of (9.8). Note that the induced evolution equation for b is not strictly necessary in defining the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow from the biHermitian point of view. Nonetheless this torsion po- tential (cf. 9.5) plays an important role in obtaining estimates for even pluriclosed § ˙ I flow. Assuming equations (9.8) and further imposing b = ρB, I , equations (9.9) follow in a similar way using Lemma 9.25. −{ }  9.3.4. Evolution of the Poisson tensor. As described in 7.4.2, associated to every generalized K¨ahler structure we have the real Poisson structure§ σ. A basic question is how this tensor evolves along a solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow. Since the I-(2, 0) piece of σ is I-holomorphic by Proposition 7.69, the flow in the I-fixed gauge can move σ at most within the finite dimensional space of such holomorphic Poisson structures. As it turns out, it remains completely fixed, a consequence of the curvature identities of the previous subsection. 2n Proposition 9.29. Let (M ,gt,I,Jt) be a solution to generalized K¨ahler- 1 1 Ricci flow in the I-fixed gauge. Let σt = 2 gt− [I,Jt] be the one-parameter family of associated Poisson structures. Then σ σ . t ≡ 0 Proof. Using the evolution equations in the I-fixed gauge (9.8) we obtain

∂ ∂ 1 1 σ = [I,J]g− ∂t ∂t 2 1 1 1 I 1,1 1 = 2 [I,L 1 ♯ ♯ J]g− + [I,J]g− (ρB) ( , I )g− (θJ θI ) · ·  2 −  = 0, where the last line follows using Lemma 9.27.  1 Remark 9.30. Note that the tensor σ scales as g− , thus σ will change along different normalizations of the flow. In particular, considering the normalized flows as in Definition 6.30, it follows easily from Proposition 9.29 that the Poisson tensors σt will satisfy Λt σt = e− σ0. For instance, on CP 2 we expect the normalized pluriclosed flow (with Λ = 1) to exist globally and converge to the Fubini-Study metric, and this is verified in some cases. Thus for the generalized K¨ahler structures on CP 2 with nontrivial Poisson tensor described in Remark 7.87, the normalized flow causes σ to exponentially decay to zero, yielding K¨ahler structure for any smooth limit. 9.3.5. Positive cone in commuting generalized K¨ahler geometry. In this subsection we define a cohomological cone for generalized K¨ahler metrics with vanishing Poisson tensor, extending the idea of the K¨ahler cone in Definition 9.4 and specializing the positive cone in the pluriclosed setting in Definition 9.14. To begin we record a preliminary definition which captures all the properties of being a generalized K¨ahler metric in the commuting setting, aside from the positivity condition. 198 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Definition 9.31. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold with 1,1 [I,J]=0, and let Π= IJ. Given φ Λ R, let I ∈ I, φ = φ (Π , ) Λ1,1 . J − I · · ∈ J,R We say that φI is formally generalized K¨ahler if c c dI φI = dJ φJ , c − ddI φI = 0. It is a basic exercise using the computations of 7.4.4 to show that, for a smooth function f, the tensor §

√ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ f − − − − is formally generalized K¨ahler. Using these facts we can give the notion of positive cone in this setting.

Definition 9.32. Let (M 2n,g,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold such that [I,J]=0. Let

1,1 φI ΛI,R φI is formally generalized K¨ahler := ∈ | . H n √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ f f C∞ o − − − − | ∈ Furthermore, define the generalized K¨ahler cone by := [φ] ω [φ],ω> 0 . K { ∈H|∃ ∈ } 2n Definition 9.33. Let (M ,g0,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold satisfy- ing [I,J]=0. Let h denote Hermitian metrics on T CM, and let P = P (h ) as in Proposition 8.20. Then± set ± ±

τ ∗(g ) := sup t> 0 [ω tP ] . 0 { | 0 − ∈ K} Akin to Lemma 9.17, certainly τ ∗ represents the maximum possible existence time for a solution to pluriclosed flow in this setting. In analogy with the Theorem of Tian-Zhang [178] for K¨ahler-Ricci flow, and as a specialization of the corresponding general conjecture for pluriclosed flow [170] we make the conjecture that τ ∗ does indeed represent the smooth maximal existence time.

2n Conjecture 9.34. Let (M ,g0,I,J) be a generalized K¨ahler manifold sat- isfying [I,J]=0. Then the solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g0 exists on [0, τ ∗(g0)). Question 9.35. Is it possible to give a natural characterization of the gener- alized K¨ahler cone in terms of cohomological conditions and subvarieties? K Question 9.36. Recently, in [66] the notion of blowup is extended to certain cases in the context of pluriclosed metrics. Also, in [40, 182], the idea of blowup has been extended to generalized complex and generalized K¨ahler manifolds. A natural but broad question to ask is, what is the relationship of these blowups to pluriclosed flow and generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow? Do they inevitably produce finite time singularities of the flow? 9.4. REDUCED FLOWS 199

9.4. Reduced flows A fundamental observation in the analysis of K¨ahler-Ricci flow is the reduction of the flow to a parabolic partial differential equation for a potential function. In particular, as we show in Proposition 9.37 below, on any compact time interval in- side [0, τ ∗(g0)), the flow is determined by a function evolving by a kind of parabolic Monge-Amp`ere equation. As pluriclosed metrics are determined locally by a (1, 0)- tensor (cf. Lemma 7.47), we cannot expect a scalar reduction for pluriclosed flow, but rather a reduction to a flow of (1, 0)-forms, and this is carried out in Proposi- tion 9.38 (cf. [170], with refinements in [160]). For generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, in Chapter 7 we saw examples of variations of generalized K¨ahler metrics deter- mined by one function, and so we can again hope for a reduction of the flow to a scalar PDE. This is carried out below in some settings, although the nature of the scalar reduction varies considerably depending on the rank of the Poisson structure underlying the solution (cf. [8], [160], [163], [165]). 9.4.1. Scalar reduction of K¨ahler-Ricci flow.

2n Proposition 9.37. Let (M ,g0,J) be a compact K¨ahler manifold, and fix τ < τ ∗(g0). There exists a volume form Ω and a one-parameter family ωt of K¨ahler metrics, 0 t τ, such that ω [ω ] tc , and if u C∞(M) satisfies ≤ ≤ t ∈ 0 − 1 t ∈ n ∂ ωt + √ 1∂∂u (9.11) u = log − , u(0) = 0, ∂t Ω  then the one-parameter family of metrics ωu := ω +√ 1∂∂u is the unique solution t t − to K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition ω0.

Proof. Fix some background volume form Ω. Since τ < τ ∗ by hypothesis, we f/τ may fix f C∞(M) such that ω0 τρC (Ω) + √ 1∂∂f > 0. Setting Ω = e− Ω, this now reads∈ ω τρ (Ω) > 0. Now− set ω = ω e−tρ (Ω), which certainly satisfies 0 − C t 0 − C ωt [ω0] tc1. Now suppose ut satisfiese (9.11). By construction it is clear thate u ∈ − ω0 = ω0. Furthermore we compute using the transgression formula ∂ ∂ ωu = ω + √ 1∂∂u ∂t t ∂t t − n  ωt + √ 1∂∂u = ρC(Ω) + √ 1∂∂ log − − − Ω  = ρ (ωu), − C t as required.  9.4.2. 1-form reduction of pluriclosed flow.

2n Proposition 9.38. Let (M ,g0,J) be a compact manifold with pluriclosed 1,0 metric, and fix τ < τ ∗(g ). There exists a volume form Ω, µ Λ , and a one- 0 ∈ parameter family ωt of pluriclosed metrics, 0 t τ, satisfying ωt [ω0] tc1, such that if α Λ1,0 satisfies ≤ ≤ ∈ − t ∈ ∂α (ωα)n µ ∗ α √ 1 t (9.12) = ∂ωα ωt − ∂ log , α(0) = 0, ∂t − t − 2 Ω − τ where α ωt := ωt + (∂α + ∂α), 200 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

α then the one-parameter family of metrics ωt is the unique solution to pluriclosed flow with initial condition ω0.

Proof. Fix some background volume form Ω. Since τ < τ ∗ by hypothesis, we 1,0 may fix µ Λ such that ωτ := ω0 τρC (Ω) + ∂µ + ∂µ > 0. Now set ωt = t τ t ∈ − ω + − ω , which certainly satisfies ω [ω ] tc , interpreted as an equation τ τ τ 0 t ∈ 0 − 1  of Aeppli cohomology classes. Now suppose αt satisfies (9.12). By construction it α is clear that ω0 = ω0. Furthermore we compute ∂ ∂ ωα = ω + ∂α + ∂α ∂t t ∂t t α n 1  α √ 1 (ωt ) µ = ρC (Ω) + (∂µ + ∂µ)+ ∂ ∂∗ α ω − ∂ log − τ − ωt t − 2 Ω − τ   α n α √ 1 (ωt ) µ + ∂ ∂∗α ω + − ∂ log − ωt t 2 Ω − τ   α n α α (ωt ) = ∂∂∗α ω ∂∂∗ α ω + √ 1∂∂ log ρC (Ω) − ωt t − ωt t − Ω − α α α = ∂∂∗α ω ∂∂∗ α ω ρC (ω ) − ωt t − ωt t − t = ρ1,1(ωα), − B t as required.  Remark 9.39. We note that the local potential α in Proposition 9.38 also recovers the flow for the (2, 0)-form β. In particular, if the initial condition satisfies

(9.13) ∂ω0 + dβ0 = H˜0, ˜ 3,0+2,1 ˜ µ for H0 Λ , dH0 = 0, and we set βt = β0 + ∂ α + t τ then condition (9.13) is preserved∈ along the flow and furthermore  ∂ ∂ µ ∗ α 2,0 β = ∂ α + = ∂∂gα ωt = ρ , ∂t ∂t τ − t − B   as required. Thus, the one-form reduction in Proposition 9.38 can be regarded as a natural flow for metrics on a fixed holomorphic Courant algebroid, as defined in 7.3.3 (cf. [71]). § 9.4.3. Scalar reduction of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in commut- ing case.

2n Proposition 9.40. Let (M ,g0,I,J) be a compact generalized K¨ahler mani- fold satisfying [I,J]=0. Given τ < τ ∗(g0), there exist partial volume forms Ω and ± a one-parameter family of generalized K¨ahler metrics ωt such that if ut C∞(M) satisfies ∈

rank T+ ∂ (ω+)t + √ 1∂+∂+u Ω u = log − ∧ − , ∂t rank T− (9.14) Ω + (ω )t √ 1∂ ∂ u ∧ − − − − − u(0)= 0,  then the one-parameter family of metrics u ωt := ωt + √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ u − − − − is the unique solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow wit h initial condition ω0. 9.4. REDUCED FLOWS 201

Proof. Since τ < τ ∗(g0), if we fix h a Hermitian metric, then by definition [ω τP (h)] , 0 − e ∈ K thus there exists f C∞ such that ∈ e ω0 τP (h)+ √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ f > 0. − − − − − Using the transgression formula for P (equation 8.10), if we set h = ef h h , e + then this formula reads ⊕ − ω τP (h) > 0. e e 0 − It follows that ωt := ω0 tP (h) is positive for all 0 t τ. Define Ω = − ≤ ≤ ± (ωh )rank T± , and then we can compute for u satisfying (9.14), ± k ∂ (ω+)t + √ 1∂+∂+u Ω u − ωt = P (h)+ √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ log − ∧ , ∂t − − − − − l Ω+ (ω )t √ 1∂ ∂ u  ∧ − − − − − = P (ωu) − t  = ρ1,1(ωu), − B t as required.  Remark 9.41. This proposition indicates that in the commuting setting, the GRKF in the I-fixed gauge will fix the complex structure J as well (see also Lemma 8.18). By contrast, we will see in 9.4.4 below that, in the nondegenerate setting, the evolution of the complex structures§ determines the entire structure. 9.4.4. Scalar reduction of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in nondegen- erate case. As explained in Proposition 7.83, a natural class of deformations of generalized K¨ahler structure in the nondegenerate setting arises via families of Ω- Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. The proposition below shows that the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the nondegenerate setting is a deformation of this kind, with the family of diffeomorphisms driven by the Bismut-Ricci potential.

Proposition 9.42. Suppose (gt,I,Jt) is a smooth solution of the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the I-fixed gauge with σ0 nondegenerate, and let det(I + J ) Φ = log t . t det(I J ) − t Let φt denote the flow of the Ω-Hamiltonian vector field

Xt := σdΦt.

Then the induced family of generalized K¨ahler structures (gφt ,I,Jφt ) obtained via Proposition 7.83 coincides with (gt,I,Jt). t t ♯ t t Proof. By Proposition 8.23, Xt = (θJ θI ) , where θI and θJ are the Lee 1 − forms along the GKRF and ♯ denotes gt− . It thus follows that ∂ (J J )=0, ∂t φt − t ∗ showing that Jφt = Jt as they equal J at t = 0. Also, as φt are Ω-Hamiltonian, it follows that

Im(φt∗ΩJ ) = Im((φt∗J)Ω) = Im(JtΩ).  Taking (1, 1)-part with respect to I gives gt = gφt , as required. 202 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Remark 9.43. In many ways Proposition 9.42 serves as a natural analogue of the scalar reduction of K¨ahler-Ricci flow and generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the case [I,J] = 0. We have shown that the flow is determined at each time by a single scalar function, but it remains to be seen if the geometry can be described globally by a single function (cf. Remark 7.79). 9.5. Torsion potential evolution equations A key challenge in understanding solutions to the pluriclosed flow is to control the torsion tensor. As the 1-form potential α for the flow derived in Proposition 9.38 determines the metric tensor, it of course also determines the torsion tensors as well. Specifically, as explained in Remark 9.39, the tensor ∂α serves as a holomorphic potential for the torsion of the Chern connection, T = ∂ω, and is instrumental in bounding the torsion tensor. Somewhat miraculously, this torsion potential satisfies a very clean evolution equation, derived in Proposition 9.45 below. Here and in the remainder of this chapter, to save on notation, unless otherwise specified all connections will be Chern connections associated to a given time-dependent Hermitian metric. 2n Lemma 9.44. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow, and suppose β Λp,0 is a one-parameter family satisfying t ∈ ∂ β = ∆C β + µ, ∂t where µ Λp,0. Then t ∈ ∂ 2 ∆C β 2 = β 2 β p Q, tr β β +2 β, µ . ∂t − | | − |∇ | − ∇ − g ⊗ ℜ h i    Proof. We directly compute using the given evolution equation for β and the pluriclosed flow equation (9.3), ∂ ∂ 2 jiii jpip β = g ...g βi1...i βi1...i β ∂t | | ∂t p p  ∂g  C (9.15) = p , tr β β + ∆C β + µ, β + β, ∆ β + µ − ∂t g ⊗    D C E = p S Q, tr β β + ∆C β, β + β, ∆ β +2 β, µ . C − g ⊗ ℜ h i A standard computation using the Leibniz rule shows thatD E 2 ∆C β 2 = ∆C β, β + β, ∆C β + β 2 + β . | | |∇ | ∇ Also, using that β has pure type (p, 0), a computation using the definition of the Chern curvature tensor shows that C C sr ∆ ∆ β = g ( r s s r) βi1...ip − i1...ip ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ h  i p sr t = g Ωrsik βi1...ik−1tik+1...ip k=1 Xp t = (SC )ik βi1...ik−1tik+1...ip . Xk=1 9.5. TORSION POTENTIAL EVOLUTION EQUATIONS 203

It follows that C β, ∆ β = β, ∆C β p S , tr (β β) . − h C g ⊗ i Plugging these computationsD E into (9.15) yields the result.  2n Proposition 9.45. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow. Fix back- ground data gˆt, Ω,µ as in Proposition 9.38 and a solution αt to (9.12). Then

∂ C gα ∆ ∂α = tr α T + ∂µ, ∂t − − g ∇ gˆ   ∂ 2 ∆C ∂α 2 = ∂α 2 ∂α 2 Q, tr ∂α ∂α ∂t − | | − |∇ | − ∇ − ⊗   gα 2 tr α T + ∂µ, ∂α . − ℜ g ∇ gˆ Proof. The first equation followsD directly from a lengthyE computation using (9.12), see [160] for details. The second equation follows from the first and Lemma 9.44.  2n Proposition 9.46. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow. Fix back- ground data gˆt, Ω,µ =0 as in Proposition 9.38 and a solution αt to (9.12). Suppose furthermore that there exists η Λ2,0 such that ∈ (9.16) ∂ωˆt = ∂ωˆ0 = ∂η. Let φ = ∂α η. Then − ∂ ∆C φ = 0, ∂t − (9.17)   ∂ ∆C φ 2 = φ 2 T 2 2 Q, φ φ . ∂t − | | − |∇ | − | gt | − ⊗   Proof. We observe that (tr gα T ) = gqp ∂ωˆ = gqp η = ∆ η . gα ∇ gˆ ij α ∇p ijq α ∇p∇q ij gα ij Thus using Proposition 9.45 and the assumption that µ = 0 we obtain ∂ ∂ φ = ∂α = ∆ ∂α tr gT = ∆ (∂α η) = ∆ φ. ∂t ∂t gt − g ∇ gˆ gt − gt This yields the first claimed equation, and then the second follows from Lemma 9.44 and the fact that φ = ∂φ = ∂ (∂α η)= T . ∇ − − gt 

Remark 9.47. We observe that, in the setting of Proposition 9.46, the hypoth- esis of (9.16) will automatically be satisfied if the initial torsion ∂ω0 has vanishing ˇ 1 2,0 Cech cohomology class in H (Λcl ), so that the pluriclosed metrics are naturally defined on the trivial holomorphic Courant algebroid (cf. Theorem 7.58). One special case occurs when (M 2n,J) satisfies the √ 1∂∂ lemma. In this case we − observe that ∂ωˆ represents the zero cohomology class in H1,2, and thus by the 0 ∂ √ 1∂∂ lemma, it represents the zero cohomology class in the Bott-Chern cohomol- − 1,2 1,0 ogy HBC . Thus there exists ξ Λ such that ∂ωˆ0 = √ 1∂∂ξ = ∂ √ 1∂ξ . It is easy to see from the construction∈ of Proposition 9.38− that since µ−= 0,− we have  204 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

2 ∂ωˆt = ∂ωˆ0 = ∂ √ 1∂ξ . It furthermore follows in this setting that φ serves as a torsion-bounding− − subsolution in the sense of 6.3. | |  §

9.6. Higher regularity from uniform parabolicity In Theorem 5.23 we showed that the Riemann curvature tensor must blow up at any finite time singularity of generalized Ricci flow. The key point is that in the presence of a bound on the Riemann curvature one can obtain the higher- order estimates of all derivatives of curvature from Theorem 5.18. For the case of pluriclosed flow it is possible to significantly strengthen the characterization of finite time singularities using the special structure of generalized complex geometry. We first recall that in the setting of K¨ahler-Ricci flow we can reduce to the par- abolic complex Monge-Amp`ere equation using Proposition 9.37. Assuming uniform equivalence of the evolving metric with a background, one has a strictly parabolic, fully nonlinear, convex PDE, with coefficients in L∞. If these coefficients were slightly more regular, i.e. in Cα, then a standard bootstrapping argument using Schauder estimates would yield C∞ regularity of the flow. Thus improving the α 3 coefficients from L∞ to C becomes a crucial step. These C estimates for the potential function follow directly by applying the maximum principle to a precisely chosen geometric quantity, namely the difference between the evolving Chern con- nection and a background (cf. [33, 186]), which gives the needed regularity. This estimate can also follow in this setting following the classical works of Evans-Krylov [60, 118]. One faces a similar challenge in the setting of pluriclosed flow, where one seeks regularity of the flow assuming uniform equivalence of the metric tensor with some background. Comparing against equation (9.6), one then sees that the metric sat- isfies a uniformly parabolic equation with L∞ coefficients and quadratic first-order nonlinearity. By a combination of rescaling and Schauder estimates, it is possible to α show that a C estimate for the metric would suffice to obtain full C∞ estimates. Thus obtaining an a priori Cα estimate for the metric in the presence of upper and lower bounds on the metric becomes a crucial barrier. It is hard to initially guess what the right quantity to study is to obtain this estimate, as the pluriclosed flow is a system of equations, and for parabolic systems this regularity is known in general to be false. Moreover, we note that even in the restricted setting of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, the scalar reduction in (9.14) is a nonconvex scalar PDE, and thus the classical methods will not apply. Nonetheless, using ideas from generalized geometry, it is possible to obtain this regularity. As mentioned above, for K¨ahler-Ricci flow the appropriate quantity to study is the difference of Chern connections of the flowing metric and a background. For the pluriclosed flow, it turns out that there is a clean evolution equation for the difference of Chern connections associated to certain generalized Hermitian 1,0 1,0 metrics on T T ∗ defined using the underlying Hermitian metric on T and ⊕ 1,0 an associated torsion potential. We refer the reader to ([165, 172, 160, 108]) to see the conceptual buildup leading to the relatively simple formulation below. We first record the relevant regularity statement expressed using classical objects, then an equivalent version expressed using generalized metrics which is the version we will prove. 9.6. HIGHER REGULARITY FROM UNIFORM PARABOLICITY 205

Definition 9.48. Fix a complex manifold (M 2n,J), and let g, g denote Her- mitian metrics. Let Υ(g, g) := C C e ∇g − ∇g denote the difference of the Chern connections associatede to g and g. Furthermore, let e k 2 e f (g, g) := j Υ(g, g) 1+j . k ∇g j=0 X

The quantity fk is a natural measuree of the (k e+ 1)-st derivatives of the metric which scales as the inverse of the metric.

2n Theorem 9.49. Let (M ,J) be a compact complex manifold. Suppose gt is a solution to the pluriclosed flow on [0, τ), τ 1, with αt a solution to the (ˆgt, Ω,µ)- reduced flow (see Proposition 9.38). Suppose≤ there exist constants λ, Λ such that λg g Λg , ∂α 2 Λ. 0 ≤ t ≤ 0 | | ≤ Given k N there exists a constant C = C(n,k,g , g,ˆ Ω, µ, λ, Λ) such that ∈ 0 sup tfk(gt,h) C. M t ≤ ×{ } As discussed above, this theorem is proved using a certain generalized metric 1,0 2n on T T ∗ . In particular, given (M ,J) a complex manifold, fix g a pluriclosed ⊕ 1,0 metric and β Λ2,0. Using these we define an associated generalized metric (cf. 7.3) ∈ § lk lp gij + βikβjlg βipg (9.18) G = pk lk . βjpg g ! 1,0 This is a Hermitian metric on T T1∗,0, and thus comes equipped with a Chern C⊕ connection, which we will denote G. Our estimates are phrased naturally in terms of these connections, so we make∇ a definition analogous to Definition 9.48: Definition 9.50. Fix a complex manifold (M 2n,J), let g denote a Hermitian 1,0 metric, and let G, G denote Hermitian metrics on T T ∗ . Let ⊕ 1,0 C C 1,0 1,0 Υ(G, G) := Γ T End(T T ∗ ) e ∇G − ∇G ∈ ⊗ ⊕ 1,0 e  denote the difference ofe the Chern connections associated to G and G. This is a nat- ural tensor which measures the first derivatives of G with respect to a background choice G. Furthermore, let e

k 2 e j 1+j fk(G, G) := g,GΥ(G, G) . ∇ g,G j=0 X e e 1,0 1,0 The connection denotes the Chern connection on T End(T T ∗ ) ∇g,G ⊗ ⊕ 1,0 induced naturally by the Chern connection of g on T 1,0 and the Chern connnection 1,0 associated to G on End(T T ∗ ). The quantity f is a natural measure of the ⊕ 1,0 k (k + 1)-st derivatives of the generalized metric which scales as the inverse of the metric. 206 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Theorem 9.51. Let (M 2n,J) be a compact complex manifold, and suppose (ω ,β ) is a solution of pluriclosed flow (9.2) on [0, τ), τ 1. Let G denote the t t ≤ t one-parameter family of associated generalized Hermitian metrics, fix G another generalized Hermitian metric, and suppose 1 e Λ− G G ΛG. ≤ ≤ Given k N there exists C = C(n, k, Λ, G) such that ∈ e e sup tfk(G, G) C. M t e ≤ ×{ } For the proof, which comprises the remaindere of this section, we will assume that our solution to pluriclosed flow satisfies

∂ω0 + ∂β0 =0, which implies that this equation holds at all times as discussed above. This is not necessary for the proof but simplifies the exposition (cf. Remark 9.47). The proof Theorem 9.51 relies principally on a very clean evolution equation for G along pluriclosed flow. To state this we note that given G as in (9.18), we have an G 1,1 1,0 associated curvature tensor Ω Λ End(T T1∗,0). Akin to Definition 8.8, we define the tensor ∈ ⊗ ⊕ G G 1,0 S = tr Ω End(T T ∗ ). ω ∈ ⊗ 1,0 Amazingly, while the evolution equations for g and β along pluriclosed flow are determined by the curvature of the Bismut connection, the evolution equation for the metric G is determined by the curvature of its associated Chern connection in a very simple way:

2n Proposition 9.52. Given (M ,J) a complex manifold, suppose (ωt,βt) is a solution of pluriclosed flow (9.2). Let Gt denote the one-parameter family of associated generalized metrics as in (9.18). Then

1 ∂ G G− G = S . ∂t − Proof. We leave this lengthy but straightforward computation as an exercise, 2√ 1β see [108] for details. The principal fact is that, by the proof of Lemma 7.61, e − can be regarded as defining an homomorphism of holomorphic Courant algebroids 2√ 1β 1,0 e − : 2√ 1∂ω T T1∗,0, E− − → ⊗ where the right hand-side is equipped with the trivial structure. Thus, for the calculation of the Chern connection of G we can assume β = 0, provided that we work with the twisted holomorphic structure in Definition 7.59. A lengthy calculation then shows that 1,1 2,0 1 G ρB ρB g− S G = 1 0,2 1 1,1 1 . g− ρ g− ρ g−  B − B  

Remark 9.53. The tensor SG as defined above is the same as that appearing in the Hermitian-Yang-Mills equations [113]. In that setting one chooses a background Hermitian metric ω on a given complex manifold, then solves for a Hermitian metric h h on an associated holomorphic vector bundle E such that Sω,h = trω Ω = λ IdE, 9.6. HIGHER REGULARITY FROM UNIFORM PARABOLICITY 207 where Ωh is the curvature of the canonically associated Chern connection. In our setting both metrics ω and h = G are determined by the same underlying pluriclosed metric on the base manifold M. Nonetheless, in this way the Bismut Hermitian- Einstein condition can be interpreted as SG = 0. The existence of Hermitian-Yang- Mills metrics is associated to the conditions of slope stability [57, 180], and one wonders what role these obstructions can play in understanding the existence and uniqueness of Bismut Hermitian-Einstein metrics.

2n Lemma 9.54. Given (M ,J) and (ωt,βt) a solution to pluriclosed flow (9.2) with associated generalized metric Gt and background generalized metric G, one has

∂ ∆C tr G = Υ 2 + gnmGBAΩ . e ∂t − G − | |g−1,G−1,G mnAB   e Proof. Using Propositione 9.52 we compute e

∂ ∂ tr G = (GBAG )= GCAGBDS G . ∂t G ∂t AB DC AB Furthermore, e e e

∆ tr G = gnm (GBAG ) G ∇m∇n AB C = gnmGBA (G Υ ) e − ∇m eAC nB nm BA D C C C = g G G ΥemAΥnB + G (Ω Ω ) DC AC nmB − nmB   = Υ 2 e+ GCAGBDS eG gnmGeBAΩ . | |g−1,G−1,G DC AB − mnAB e Combining the two equations above gives the result.e e 

2n Proposition 9.55. Given (M ,J) and (ωt,βt) a solution to pluriclosed flow (9.2), with associated generalized metric Gt and background generalized metric G, one has e ∂ ∆C Υ 2 = Υ 2 Υ+ T Υ 2 + T ⋆ Υ ⋆ Ω+Υ ⋆ Υ ⋆ Ω+Υ ⋆ Ω. ∂t − | | −|∇ | − |∇ · | ∇   e e e e Proof. We work in local complex coordinates, and adopt the convention that lower-case letters will be used for indices ranging over T 1,0 and capital letters will 1,0 be used to represent indices ranging over all T T1∗,0. A general calculation for the variation of the Chern connection associated to⊕ a Hermitian metric yields

∂ ∂ ΥB = GB. ∂t iA ∇i ∂t A Using Proposition 9.52 we obtain


Using this, we compute ∆C ΥB = gkl ΥB iA ∇l∇k iA = gkl ΩB ΩB ∇l kiA − kiA  p  (9.20) = gkl ΩB + gklT ΩB + gkl ΩB ∇i klA e il kpA ∇l ikA = ∂ ΥB gklT pΩB + gkl ΩB t iA − il pkA ∇l ikAe + gkl Υq ΩB +ΥD ΩB ΥB ΩD . li qkA lAe eikD − lD ikA Next we observe the commutation formula  e e e C B B ∆ Υ = glk Υ jA ∇l∇k jA lk B g q B C B B C (9.21) = g k Υ (Ω ) Υ Ω Υ +Ω Υ ∇ ∇l jA − klj qA − klA jC klC jA   B B B C = ∆C Υ (Sg)qΥ SCΥ + SBΥ . jA − j qA − A jC C jA Combining (9.20), (9.21), the evolution equations of Proposition 9.52 and the pluri- closed flow equation we obtain

∂ 2 ∂ ji CA B D Υ −1 −1 = g G G Υ Υ ∂t | |g ,G ,G ∂t BD iA jC   D D = gjk Sg + Q gliGCAG ΥB Υ gjiGCM SG GLAΥB Υ − − kl kl BD iA jC − − ML iA jC   D + gjiGCA SG ΥB Υ + gjiGCAG ∆C ΥB + gkl(Tg)p ΩB − BD iA jC BD iA il pkA  D gkl ΩB gkl Υq ΩB +ΥM ΩB ΥB ΩM Υ − ∇l ikA − li qkA lA ikM − lM ikA jC h C D g i + gjiGe CAe G ΥB ∆eΥ gkl(eT )q ΩD +egkl ΩD BD iA jC − kj lqC ∇k ljC  q L D gkl Υ ΩD + Υ ΩD Υ ΩL . e e − kj qlC kC jlL − kL jlC   e e e We furthermore compute

C 2 kl ji CA B D ∆ Υ −1 −1 = g g G G (Υ Υ ) | |g ,G ,G BD∇l∇k iA jC = ∆C Υ, Υ + Υ, ∆C Υ + Υ 2 + Υ 2 h i h i |∇ | |∇ | D D = (Sg)qΥ ΥB gjiGCAG + SΛΥ ΥB gjiGCAG j qC iA BD C jΛ iA BD Λ C SDΥ ΥB gjiGCAG + ∆C Υ, Υ + Υ, ∆ Υ + Υ 2 + Υ 2. − Λ jC iA BD h i h i |∇ | |∇ | Combining the two equations above yields ∂ ∆C Υ 2 = Υ 2 Υ 2 ∂t − | | − |∇ | − |∇ |   D D q + gjigklGCAG Q ΥB Υ + T p ΥB Υ T ΥD ΥB BD − ik lA jC il∇ pkA jC − kj ∇ lqC iA   + T ⋆ Υ ⋆ Ω+Υ ⋆ Υ ⋆ Ω+Υ ⋆ Ω. ∇ e e e e 9.7. METRIC EVOLUTION EQUATIONS 209

Then, observing that the second through fifth terms above form a perfect square we arrive at ∂ ∆C Υ 2 = Υ 2 Υ+ T Υ 2 + T ⋆ Υ ⋆ Ω+Υ ⋆ Υ ⋆ Ω+Υ ⋆ Ω, ∂t − | | −|∇ | − |∇ · | ∇   as claimed. e e e e  Proof of Theorem 9.51. To begin we prove the case k = 1. Fix a constant A> 0 and let Φ= t Υ 2 + A tr G. | | G Combining Proposition 9.55 and Lemma 9.54 we obtain e ∂ ∆C Φ= t Υ 2 Υ+ T Υ 2 + T Υ Ω+Υ Υ Ω+Υ Ω ∂t − −|∇ | − |∇ · | ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∇     + Υ 2 + A Υ 2 + gnmGBAeΩ e e e | | −| |g−1,G−1,G mnAB e Υ 2 (1+ tC A)+ CA  ≤ | | − e CA, ≤ where the last line follows using that t 1 and choosing A = C + 1. Applying the maximum principle we obtain ≤ sup Φ C(1 + t) C. M t ≤ ≤ ×{ } Since Φ Υ 2, the case k = 1 follows. Having≥ | established| the case k = 1, there are two ways to finish the general proof. Beginning with (9.19) one can derive natural heat equations for all derivatives j Υ, and derive smoothing estimates for these quantities in a manner similar to Theorem∇ 5.18. Alternatively one can use the scale invariance of the quantity tfk and apply a rescaling argument as carried out in [108]. We leave the details to the reader. 

9.7. Metric evolution equations Theorem 9.49 shows that solutions to pluriclosed flow can be extended smoothly as long as the equation remains uniformly parabolic. To measure this parabolicity requires obtaining uniform estimates on the metric tensor along the flow. In this section we derive reaction-diffusion equations for various quantities which measure the metric evolving by pluriclosed flow against a background metric. We will apply the maximum principle to these evolution equations in the next section to establish global existence results for the pluriclosed flow.

2n Lemma 9.56. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow, and let h denote another Hermitian metric on (M,J). Then ∂ det g ∆C log = T 2 tr ρ (h). ∂t − det h | | − g C   Proof. We compute in local complex coordinates. Here and below we will use the expression for the tensor SC in terms of local complex coordinates, which follows from a short computation, (9.22) (S ) = gqpg + gqpgsrg g . C ij − ij,pq is,p rj,q 210 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Using this and equation (9.3 for pluriclosed flow we obtain

∂ det g ∂ log = gji g ∂t det h ∂t  ij = gji gqpg gqpgsrg g + Q ij,pq − is,p rj,q ij h i = gji gqpg gqpgsrg g + T 2 . ij,pq − is,p rj,q | | h i Also det g det g ∆C log = gqp log det h det h  ,pq qp ji ji = g g gij,p h hij,p − ,q h i = gqp gjig gjkg glig hjih + hjkh hlih . ij,pq − kl,q ij,p − ij,pq kl,q ij,p h i Combining the above calculations and comparing against the transgression formula of Proposition 8.16 yields

∂ det g ∆C log = T 2 tr ρ (h), ∂t − det h | | − g C   as required. 

2n Lemma 9.57. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow, and let h denote another Hermitian metric on (M,J). Then

∂ C 2 1 1 ∆ tr h = Υ(g,h) −1 −1 h,Q +Ω (g− ,g− ). ∂t − g − | |g ,g ,h − h ig h   Proof. We directly compute

∂ ∂ tr h = gjih ∂t g ∂t ij ∂ = gjk g glih − ∂t kl ij   = gjkglih gqpg gqpgsrg g + Q . − ij kl,pq − ks,p rl,q kl h i On the other hand

C qp ji ∆ trg h = g g hij ,pq qp h jk i li ji = g g gkl,pg hij + g hij,p − ,q h i = gqp gjrg gskg glih gjkg glih + gjkg glrg gsih rs,q kl,p ij − kl,pq ij kl,p rs,q ij h gjkg glih gjkg glih + gjih . − kl,p ij,q − kl,q ij,p ij,pq i 9.7. METRIC EVOLUTION EQUATIONS 211

Combining the above calculations yields

∂ ∆C tr h = gqpgjrgskglih g g ∂t − g − ij rs,q kl,p   + gqp gjkg glih + gjkg glih gjih h,Q kl,p ij,q kl,q ij,p − ij,pq − h ig h 2 1 1 i = Υ(g,h) −1 −1 h,Q +Ω (g− ,g− ). − | |g ,g ,h − h ig h 

2n Lemma 9.58. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow, and let h denote another Hermitian metric on (M,J). Then

∂ h,Q ∆C log tr h h ig + K tr h, ∂t − g ≤ − tr h g   g where K = sup K(h), i.e. the supremum of all holomorphic bisectional curvatures.

Proof. We first observe the general fact that

2 ∂ C 1 ∂ C f ∆ log f = f − ∆ f + |∇ | . ∂t − ∂t − f 2    

Using this together with Lemma 9.57 yields

∂ ∆C log tr h ∂t − g   1 2 1 1 = Υ(g,h) g−1,g−1,h h,Q g +Ωh(g− ,g− ) trg h − | | − h i  2  trg h + |∇ 2| (trg h) = T1 + T2 + T3 + T4, where we have labeled the four terms appearing on the right hand side. To estimate the term T4, we first pick special coordinates at some given point p M. In partic- j ∈ ular, we can choose complex coordinates for which hij = δi and g is diagonalized. We furthermore observe then that, at the point p,

tr h = ∂ glkh ∇i g i kl   = glp∂ g gqkh + glk∂ h − i pq kl i kl k 1 p = Υ(g,h) (g− h) . − ip k 212 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Using this and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we can estimate 2 trg h T4 = |∇ | trg h 1 − = gii gjj tr h tr h ∇j g ∇j g i ! X 1 − ii jj kk k ll l = g g g Υjk g Υjl i ! j " # X X Xk Xl 1 − 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii jj 2 kk 2 k kk 2 jj 2 ll 2 l ll 2 = g (g ) (g ) Υjk (g ) (g ) (g ) Υjl (g ) ! " # i j k h i l h i X X X 1 X 1 1 2 1 2 1 − 2 2 gii gjj gkkΥk Υk gkk gjj gllΥl Υl gll ≤  jk jk  jl jl i ! ! ! X Xj,k Xk Xj,l Xl 2     Υ(g,h) −1 −1 = T . ≤ | |g ,h ,g 1 We also estimate, using the definition of A,

1 1 1 T3 = Ωh(g− ,g− ) trg h

1 ji lk = (Ωh)ijklg g trg h

1 ji lk K hij hklg g ≤ trg h = K trg h. Combining the above estimates, the lemma follows.  2n Lemma 9.59. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow. Then

∂ C 2 1 1 1 ∆ tr g = Υ(g,h) −1 −1 + tr Q Ω (h− gh− ,g− ). ∂t − h − | |g ,h ,g h − h   Proof. Using (9.22) we obtain ∂ ∂ tr g = hjig ∂t h ∂t ij = hji gqpg gqpgsrg g + Q ij,pq − is,p rj,q ij h i = hji gqpg gqpgsrg g + tr Q. ij,pq − is,p rj,q h On the other hand h i C qp ji ∆ trh g = g h gij ,pq qp h jk i li ji = g h hkl,ph gij + h gij,p − ,q h i = gqp hjrh hskh hlig hjkh hlig + hjkh hlrh hsig rs,q kl,p ij − kl,pq ij kl,p rs,q ij h hjkh hlig hjkh hlig + hjig . − kl,p ij,q − kl,q ij,p ij,pq i 9.8. SHARP EXISTENCE AND CONVERGENCE RESULTS 213

Combining the above calculations yields ∂ ∆C tr g = hjigqpgsrg g + tr Q ∂t − h − is,p rj,q h   gqp hjrh hskh hlig hjkh hlig + hjkh hlrh hsig − rs,q kl,p ij − kl,pq ij kl,p rs,q ij h hjkh hlig hjkh hlig − kl,p ij,q − kl,q ij,p 2 qp h lki = Υ(g,h) −1 −1 + tr Q g (Ω ) g , − | |g ,h ,g h − pq kl as required. 

2n Lemma 9.60. Let (M ,gt,J) be a solution to pluriclosed flow, and let h denote another Hermitian metric on (M,J). Then ∂ tr Q ∆C log tr g h + K tr h, ∂t − h ≤ tr g g   h where K = inf K(h), i.e. the negative of the infimum of all holomorphic bisec- tional curvatures.− Proof. The proof follows that of Lemma 9.58 closely, building off of Lemma 9.59. 

9.8. Sharp existence and convergence results In this section we combine the results of the previous sections to establish global existence and convergence results for the K¨ahler-Ricci flow, pluriclosed flow, and generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, and discuss their consequences. 9.8.1. A general regularity result. We prove a technical tool underpinning all of the global existence results to follow for the pluriclosed flow. In particular, we show that for times τ < τ ∗(g0), a lower bound on the metric suffices to obtain full C∞ regularity of the flow. The proof builds on the evolution equations of the previous sections as well as the sharp higher order regularity estimate of Theorem 9.49.

2n Proposition 9.61. Let (M ,g0,J) be a compact complex manifold with pluri- closed metric. Fix τ < τ ∗(g0). Suppose the solution to pluriclosed flow with initial condition g0 exists on [0, τ) and furthermore satisfies g δg t ≥ 0 for some constant δ, at all points (p,t) M [0, τ). Then gt has uniform C∞ estimates on [0, τ), and the solution to pluriclosed∈ × flow extends smoothly past τ.

Proof. We chooseg ˆt, Ω, µ, and a solution αt to (9.12) as in Proposition 9.38. For simplicity we assume that these background objects satisfy the hypotheses of Proposition 9.46, i.e µ = 0 and ∂ωˆt = ∂ωˆ0 = ∂η, and we set φ = ∂α η . The general case requires estimating a few more background terms but is effectively− the same (cf. [160] Theorem 1.8). We estimate, using Lemma 9.56, Proposition 9.46 and the assumed lower bound for gt,

∂ C det g 2 2 1 ∆ log + φ tr ρ (h) φ 2 Q, φ φ Cδ− . ∂t − det h | | ≤ g C − |∇ | − h ⊗ i≤   214 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

By applying the maximum principle we obtain a time-dependent upper bound for the metric as well as for φ 2 and hence ∂α 2. Applying Theorem 9.49 we obtain | | | | uniform C∞ bounds on [0, τ) and the result follows.  9.8.2. K¨ahler-Ricci flow.

2n Theorem 9.62. ([178]) Let (M ,ω0,J) be a compact K¨ahler manifold. Then the solution to K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition ω0 exists smoothly on [0, τ ∗(g0)).

Proof. Fix any time τ < τ ∗, and choose Ω, a family of background metrics ωt, and ut a solution of the reduced flow (9.11), i.e. n ∂ ωt + √ 1∂∂u (9.23) u = log − , u(0) = 0, ∂t Ω  as guaranteed by Proposition 9.37. It suffices to show that the one-parameter u family of metrics ωt = ωt + √ 1∂∂u remains smooth on the time interval [0, τ], as the uniqueness of solutions to− K¨ahler-Ricci flow then guarantees that the maximal solution must exist on [0, τ ∗(g0)). First, by a direct application of the maximum principle to (9.23) we obtain a ∂ uniform upper bound on ∂t u at maximum points of u, and thus a uniform upper bound for u on [0, τ]. Arguing similarly we obtain a lower bound as well. Next we obtain a uniform upper and lower bound for the volume form. Let (ωu)n Φ := log t Au, 1 Ω − where A is a constant to be determined. Combining Lemma 9.56 and (9.23) we compute, bounding the background curvature ρC (Ω), using the a priori estimate for u, and choosing A sufficiently large,

∂ C ∂ u ∆ Φ= trωu ρC (Ω) A u trωu (ω ωt) ∂t − − t − ∂t − t t −     B trωu ωt A Φ1 + Au n + trωu ωt ≤ t − − t 2 (B A) trωu ωt AΦ1 + CA + An ≤ − t −  AΦ + CA2 + An. ≤ − 1 A direct application of the maximum principle yields an a priori upper bound for u n (ωt ) Φ1, and hence for log Ω . A directly analogous argument yields the lower bound. We now obtain the lower bound for the metric. Fix a background metric h and let

Φ2 = log trωu ωh Au. t − ∂ Applying Lemma 9.57, (9.23), and the a priori estimate for ∂t u,

∂ C ∂ u ∆ Φ2 K trωu ωh A u trωu (ω ωt) ∂t − ≤ t − ∂t − t t −     K trωu ωh + AC Aδ trωu ωh ≤ t − t (K Aδ) trωu ωh + AC ≤ − t Aδ trωu ωh + A, ≤ − 2 t where the constant δ is such that ωt δωh, and A is chosen sufficiently large to obtain the final inequality. By the maximum≥ principle, at a sufficiently large u maximum for Φ2 we obtain an a priori upper bound for trωt ωh. It follows that Φ2 9.8. SHARP EXISTENCE AND CONVERGENCE RESULTS 215

u has an a priori upper bound and thus trωt ωh is bounded above, giving an a priori u lower bound for the metric ωt . The smooth existence now follows from Proposition 9.61, finishing the proof.  Note that Theorem 9.62 is confirmation of Conjecture 9.18 in the case the initial metric is K¨ahler, and was the inspiration for making Conjecture 9.18 in the first place. 9.8.3. Pluriclosed flow. Theorem 9.63. Let (M 2n,J) be a compact complex manifold admitting a Her- mitian metric h with nonpositive holomorphic bisectional curvature. Given g0 a pluriclosed metric on M, the solution to pluriclosed flow with initial condition g0 exists on [0, ). ∞ Proof. We first note that the formal existence time of the flow is infinite. In particular, using that h has nonpositive holomorphic bisectional curvature, it follows that lk ρC (h)ij = h Ωijkl is also nonpositive. Thus for any τ 0 we have ω τρ (h) 0, and hence ≥ 0 − C ≥ [ω0] tc1 , thus the formal existence time is infinite, as claimed. Using− ∈P that h has nonpositive holomorphic bisectional curvature, and that Q 0, we observe using Lemma 9.57 that ≥

∂ C 2 1 1 ∆ tr h = Υ(g,h) −1 −1 h,Q +Ω (g− ,g− ) ∂t − g − | |g ,g ,h − h ig h   0. ≤ From the maximum principle we conclude that for all times t such that the flow is defined, we have

sup trg h sup trg h. M t ≤ M 0 ×{ } ×{ } Having established a uniform lower bound for the metric for all times t, the result follows from Proposition 9.61  In general, the convergence behavior at infinity in the setting of Theorem 9.63 can be fairly complicated. In the case (M 2n,J) admits a K¨ahler-Einstein metric of negative scalar curvature, we should expect the normalized flow to converge to this K¨ahler-Einstein metric. Similar results are shown in the case the background metric has nonpositive curvature operator in [124]. The flow in these settings can also exhibit collapsing behavior at infinity. For instance, if Σ denotes a Riemann surface of genus g 2, consider the product manifold T 2 Σ with the product complex structure.≥ The product of a flat metric on T 2 with a× hyperbolic metric on Σ has nonpositive holomorphic bisectional curvature. The normalized pluriclosed flow (actually K¨ahler-Ricci flow) with this initial data will remain a product metric, keeping the metric on Σ fixed while homothetically shrinking the metric on T 2 at an exponential rate. In some cases the hypothesis of nonpositive curvature can be weakened to a topological condition, and global existence and convergence results can be obtained (cf. [161]). In the case (M 2n,J) is a torus, there is a Hermitian metric with vanishing Chern curvature, and the solution to (unnormalized) pluriclosed flow will converge 216 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY exponentially to a flat metric, as we prove in Theorem 9.65 below. First we need a rigidity result for steady solitons generalizing Proposition 8.32.

Proposition 9.64. Let (M 2n,g,J) be a compact complex manifold with pluri- closed metric g which is a steady generalized Ricci soliton. If c1(M,J) 0 in Bott-Chern cohomology, then g is K¨ahler Calabi-Yau. ≤

Proof. As c (M,J) 0 in Bott-Chern cohomology, we may choose a Hermit- 1 ≤ ian metric h such that ρC(h) 0. As g is a steady soliton, the pluriclosed flow will evolve by diffeomorphism pullback≤ by a vector field X. Using Lemma 9.56 we then obtain det g ∂ det g det g det g X log = log = ∆C log + T 2 ρ (h) ∆C log + T 2 . · det h ∂t det h det h | | − C ≥ det h | | det g Applying the strong maximum principle (Proposition 4.16), it follows that log det h is constant, and hence T 2 = 0, and so g is K¨ahler. Compact steady Ricci solitons are Einstein by Proposition| | 4.35, hence g is K¨ahler Calabi-Yau, as claimed. 

2n Theorem 9.65. Given ω0 a pluriclosed metric on a complex torus (T ,J), the solution to pluriclosed flow with initial condition ω0 exists on [0, ), and converges exponentially to a flat K¨ahler metric. ∞

Proof. The global existence of the flow, as well as an a priori lower bound for the metric, follows from Theorem 9.63. We claim that there exists a uniform a priori upper bound for the metric for all times t. To see this we can choose h to be the given flat metric, setω ˆt =ω ˆ0, µ = 0, and obtain a solution αt to the reduced pluriclosed flow equation (9.12) using Proposition 9.38. Furthermore, since T 2n is K¨ahler, the √ 1∂∂-lemma holds, and thus following Remark 9.47, we can verify the hypotheses− of Proposition 9.46, and obtain φ = ∂α η satisfying (9.17). Setting − Φ = log det g + φ 2, combining Lemma 9.56 with (9.17) yields det h | | ∂ ∆C Φ φ 2 2 Q, φ φ 0. ∂t − ≤ − |∇ | − ⊗ ≤  

Thus by the maximum principle we conclude sup Φ sup Φ. M t ≤ M 0 ×{ } ×{ } It follows that the determinant of g is bounded above, and thus since there is an a priori lower bound, it follows that there is an a priori upper bound for the metric. It follows that we can apply Theorem 9.49 to obtain uniform C∞ estimates for the metric at all times as well. Given these estimates, for any sequence t there exists a subsequence, { j} → ∞ also denoted t , such that g converges in C∞ to a smooth limiting metric { j } { tj } g . Corollary 6.10 implies that λ(gt,Ht) is monotonically increasing and more- ∞ over bounded above due to the C∞ control of g, thus there exists λ such that 1 limt λ(gt,Ht)= λ. Choose a sequence tj such that λ λ(g ,H ) j− . Let →∞ { } − tj tj ≤ e e ft f denote the unique minimizer of (g ,H , ), and let u = e− denote the tj +1 F tj +1 tj +1 · e e e e f +1 unique solution to the conjugate heat equation on [t , t + 1] with u = e− tj . j j tj +1 e e e e 9.8. SHARP EXISTENCE AND CONVERGENCE RESULTS 217

It follows from Proposition 6.8 that

tj +1 1 d j− e (g ,H ,f )dt ≥ dtF t t t Ztj e tj +1 1 2 2 2 1 2 f = e Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− dV dt. − 4 ∇ 4 | ∇ | Ztj ZM e h i It follows that there exists a sequence of times t [t , t + 1] such that j ∈ j j

1 2 2 2 1 2 ft (9.24) lim Rc H + f + d∗H + fyH e− j dV =0. 4 g 4 e e gt gtj j − ∇ tj | ∇ | j →∞ ZM  

Applying the argument above, the sequence g admits a further subsequence { tj } which converges in C∞ to a limiting metric g . Furthermore, the subsequence ∞ can be chosen so that the functions ftj , which admit C∞ estimates by elliptic regularity, also converge to a limit f{ .} By (9.24), the limit (g ,H ,f ) is a ∞ 2n ∞ ∞ ∞ steady generalized Ricci soliton. Since c1(T ,J) = 0 in Bott-Chern cohomology, it follows from Proposition 9.64 that the limit g is actually K¨ahler-Einstein, with f constant. As all K¨ahler-Einstein metrics on∞T 2n are flat, we have established subsequential∞ convergence to a flat K¨ahler metric. To finish the proof of exponential convergence of the entire flow we appeal to a general stability result for pluriclosed flow [168, Theorem 1.2] near K¨ahler, Ricci-flat metrics, which in this setting implies that the pluriclosed flow starting sufficiently close to a flat metric on a torus will converge exponentially to a flat metric, as required. 

9.8.4. Generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow: Commuting case. We first prove a sharp local existence theorem confirming Conjecture 9.34 for the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the commuting case with some topological hypotheses on the bundle splitting in place. As described in [165], this result covers almost all cases of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the commuting case on complex surfaces, in- cluding general type, properly elliptic, bi-elliptic, some ruled surfaces, and Inoue surfaces. The statement below was shown for the case n = 2 in [165], using various techniques special to that case.

2n Theorem 9.66. Let (M ,g0,I,J) be a compact generalized K¨ahler manifold satisfying [I,J]=0. Suppose (1) rank T 1,0 =1, 1,0− (2) c1(T ) 0. − ≤ Then the solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g0 exists on [0, τ ∗(g0)).

Proof. Choose a time τ < τ ∗(g0), and choose background partial volume forms Ω = det(ωh) , a family of background metricsω ˆt, and ut a solution of the reduced± equation (9.14)± by Proposition 9.40. Note that, by applying the maximum principle to (9.14), it follows that there exists a uniform constant C such that inf u inf u tC. M t ≥ M 0 − ×{ } ×{ } In particular, on the compact time interval [0, τ] there is a uniform lower bound for u. 218 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY

Next we obtain a lower bound for the metric. The first step is to estimate the metric on T . A general computation for the generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in this setting, closely− related to Lemma 9.56, shows that the partial volume forms satisfy

∂ C det g 1 2 (9.25) ∆ log ± = T trg ρC (h ), ∂t − det h 2 | | − ±   ± 1,0 where h are background Hermitian metrics on T . As c1(T ) 0, we can choose ± ± − ≤ h such that ρC(h ) 0. For such h it follows from the maximum principle applied− to (9.25) that− ≤ − det g det g (9.26) inf − inf − . M t det h ≥ M 0 det h ×{ } − ×{ } − Since the rank of T 1,0 is 1, we can rephrase this estimate as −

sup trg− h sup trg− h . M t − ≤ M 0 − ×{ } ×{ } ∂u Next we obtain a lower bound for ∂t . Using (9.25) we compute

∂ C ∂u ∂ C det g+ det h ∆ = ∆ log log − ∂t − ∂t ∂t − det h+ − det g (9.27)     −  = trg (ρC (h ) ρC (h+)) − − = tr P (h)+tr P (h). − g+ g− ∂u Now let Φ1 = (τ t) ∂t + u. Before computing an evolution equation for Φ we observe the basic fact− that ∆C u = tr √ 1∂∂u g −

= trω+ √ 1∂+∂+u + trω √ 1∂ ∂ u (9.28) − − − − − u = trω+ (ωt ωˆt)+ + trω− (ˆωt ωt ) − − − = k 1 trg+ gˆ+ + trg gˆ , − − − − where k is the rank of T+. Using this and (9.27) we obtain ∂ ∂ ∂u ∆C Φ = (τ t) ∆C ∆C u ∂t − 1 − ∂t − ∂t −     = trg+ (ˆg+ (τ t) P (h)) trg− (ˆg (τ t) P (h)) (9.29) − − − − − − + k 1 − = trg+ (ˆgτ )+ trg (ˆgτ ) + k 1 − − − − C, ≥ − where the final inequality uses the uniform lower bound on g of (9.26). It follows from the maximum principle that there exists a uniform constant− C such that

(9.30) inf Φ1 inf Φ1 tC. M t ≥ M 0 − ×{ } ×{ } ∂u Together with the uniform estimate for u, this yields a uniform lower bound for ∂t on [0, τ ǫ] for any ǫ> 0. Finally− we are ready to establish the lower bound for g. Fix a large constant A to be determined, and let Φ = log tr h Au. Using Lemma 9.57 and 9.28, we 2 g − 9.8. SHARP EXISTENCE AND CONVERGENCE RESULTS 219 estimate

∂ C ∂ ∆ Φ2 K trg h A u + A k 1 trg+ gˆ+ + trg gˆ ∂t − ≤ − ∂t − − − −   (C A) tr gˆ + CA  ≤ − g+ + CA, ≤ ∂u where the second line uses the equivalence ofg ˆ and h, the lower bound for ∂t , and the lower bound for g , and the final line follows by choosing A sufficiently large. It follows from the maximum− principle that

sup trg h sup trg h + Ct. M t ≤ M 0 ×{ } ×{ } Thus we have established a uniform lower bound for the metric on all time inter- vals of the form [0, τ ǫ]. Proposition 9.61 implies that the solution has uniform − estimates and hence exists on such intervals. Letting τ τ ∗(g ) and ǫ 0, we → 0 → obtain that the solution exists on [0, τ ∗(g0)), as required.  The proof of Theorem 9.66 makes clear a key difficulty in establishing a full confirmation of Conjecture 9.34, namely the fact that the resulting scalar PDE of (9.14) is not convex, which makes directly applying the classical Pogorelov method impossible. This is the reason for the topological hypotheses of Theorem 9.66, which give some a priori partial control over the metric, after which the Pogorelov method can be applied. We note that a global viscosity solution in this setting was established in [164]. We next establish convergence on tori.

2n Corollary 9.67. Given (T ,g0,I,J) a generalized K¨ahler structure on the torus satisfying [I,J]=0, the solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g exists on [0, ), and converges exponentially to a flat metric. In 0 ∞ particular, if gE denotes a flat metric compatible with I and J, given any function u0 such that ωE + √ 1 ∂+∂+ ∂ ∂ u> 0, the solution to − − − − E  k E l ∂ ω+ + √ 1∂+∂+u (ω ) − u = log − ∧ l , (9.31) ∂t E k E (ω+ ) ω √ 1∂ ∂ u ∧ − − − − − u(0) = u0,  exists on [0, ) and converges to u = const. ∞ ∞ Proof. Since the solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the I-fixed gauge is the same as the solution to pluriclosed flow (cf. 9.3.1), the claims of long time existence and convergence to a flat metric follow directly§ from Theorem 9.65. Using that I T = J T , it is easy to see that there exist flat metrics compatible with both | ± ∓ | ± I and J. Choosing one such, gE, and using this as the choice of background metric in Proposition 9.40, we see that equation (9.31) is the resulting scalar reduction of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow, and so the claims of global existence and convergence follow.  9.8.5. Generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow: Nondegenerate case.

2n Corollary 9.68. Given (T ,g0,I,J) a generalized K¨ahler structure on the torus such that [I,J] is nondegenerate, the solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow with initial condition g in the I-fixed gauge exists on [0, ), and converges 0 ∞ 220 9. GENERALIZED RICCI FLOW IN COMPLEX GEOMETRY exponentially to a triple (g ,I,J ) such that g is flat and (I,J ) are part of a hyperK¨ahler sphere of complex∞ structures∞ compatible∞ with g . ∞ ∞ Proof. Since the solution to generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow in the I-fixed gauge is the same as the solution to pluriclosed flow (cf. 9.3.1), the claims of long time existence and convergence to a flat K¨ahler metric§ follow directly from Theorem 1 1 9.65. By hypothesis, the initial Poisson tensor σ = 2 g− [I,J] is nondegenerate, and we denote its inverse by Ω. By Proposition 9.29 we know that σ, and hence Ω, 1 remain fixed along the flow, and so we can express Ω = 2g [I,J ]− . This form is of type (2, 0) (0, 2) with respect to both I and J , with∞ the∞ respective (2, 0) parts each holomorphic− with respect to the corresponding∞ complex structure by Proposition 7.69. By the Beauville-Bogomolov-Yau decomposition [13, 19, 186], the data (g ,I,J ) are part of a hyperK¨ahler structure.  ∞ ∞ This corollary shows the power of generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow to prove classifi- cation results for problems in complex and symplectic geometry. On the one hand, we have shown contractibility of the space of nondegenerate generalized K¨ahler structures on tori to the space of structures (g,I,J) with g flat, and I and J part of a compatible hyperK¨ahler structure. Using the interpretation of generalized K¨ahler- Ricci flow in this setting in terms of positive Ω-Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms in Proposition 9.42, we have determined the global topology of this nonlinear space as well. In principle one expects generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow to be able to yield further results on the structure of natural spaces arising in symplectic geometry. Despite the long time existence and convergence results described above, the global existence and convergence properties of pluriclosed flow and generalized K¨ahler-Ricci flow are still largely open. The main existence Conjecture 9.18 has only been established in special cases, the key missing point being to establish uni- form parabolicity of the equation in the positive cone. At the conjectural singular time τ ∗(g0) we expect a wide variety of behavior including convergence, blowdown of complex subvarities, collapse to a lower dimensional space, etc. In the setting of complex surfaces, a conjectural framework for the convergence properties of pluri- closed flow was described in [167, 170, 156]. In principle the limiting structure of pluriclosed flow can be used to detect the complex structure of the underlying complex manifold, resulting in a kind of geometrization conjecture for complex surfaces. CHAPTER 10


In this chapter we present a method to relate solutions of the generalized Ricci flow equation based on a natural symmetry of generalized geometry known as T- duality. Quite remarkably, these pairs of T-dual solutions of the flow may live in topologically distinct manifolds and typically have very different geometric features. The idea has its origins in the string theory literature [32, 111, 147]. The main result is the preservation of the generalized Ricci flow under T-duality, and builds on a fundamental result by Cavalcanti and Gualtieri [39], which states that topological T-duality for principal torus bundles–as defined by Bouwknegt, Evslin and Mathai [24]–induces a Courant algebroid isomorphism. One consequence of our discussion will be a mathematical explanation of the dilaton shift in string theory, as originally observed by Buscher [32]. Furthermore, we illustrate examples of global existence and convergence of generalized Ricci flows which are T-dual to solutions of classical Ricci flow.

10.1. Topological T-duality The goal of this section is to introduce some basic aspects of topological T- duality for principal torus bundles, as defined in [24]. First, let us briefly summarize the definition following [39]. Let T k be a k-dimensional torus acting freely and properly on a smooth manifold M, so that M is a principal T k-bundle over the smooth manifold B := M/T k. We denote by t the Lie algebra of T k. We endow M with a choice of T k-invariant cohomology class

k τ H3(M, R)T . ∈ If B happens to be non-compact, we can replace H3(M, R) by the cohomology with compact support on M. Consider the fiber product M = M Mˆ and the diagram ×B M ❅ ⑦⑦ ❅❅ q ⑦⑦ ❅❅qˆ ⑦⑦ ❅❅ ⑦~ ⑦ ❅ ˆ M ❆ M ❆❆ ⑥⑥ ❆❆ ⑥⑥ p ❆❆ ⑥⑥pˆ ❆ ⑥~ ⑥ B

Definition 10.1. We say that two pairs (M, τ) and (M,ˆ τˆ) as above are T-dual if there exist invariant representatives H τ and Hˆ τˆ such that ∈ ∈ (10.1)q ˆ∗Hˆ q∗H = dB, − 221 222 10. T-DUALITY

2 k k where B Γ(Λ T ∗M) is a T Tˆ -invariant 2-form such that ∈ × B : Ker dq Ker dqˆ R ⊗ → is non-degenerate. Remark 10.2. In the literature, one typically considers B to be unimodular, in the sense that it takes integer values for invariant period-1 elements of Γ(Ker dq) and Γ(Ker dqˆ). This condition is useful for interpreting the T-dual bundles as fibrations of mutually dual tori, but we will not use it explicitly in our discussion. We present next the most basic example of topological T-duality, given by the case where the base of our torus bundles is a point. Example 10.3. Consider the case where the base is a point B = and k = 1, 1 {•} so that M ∼= S . We regard M as the quotient M = R/ α , h i where α denotes the additive subgroup generated by 0 = α R. Consider the h i 6 ∈ dual torus Mˆ = R∗/ α ∗, where h i 1 α ∗ = u : R R u(α) Z = α− u u Z∗ . h i { → | ∈ } { | ∈ } R R Identifying ∼= ∗ we regard 1 Mˆ = R/ α− . h i For a choice of coordinate x on R, we can take B = dx dxˆ in (10.1), which realizes ∧ M and Mˆ (endowed with the trivial de Rham class) as topological T-dual circles. Observe that, by construction, B is unimodular in the sense of Remark 10.2. To obtain more interesting examples, which illustrate the topological nature of Definition 10.1, we derive further structure of T-dual pairs. Given such a pair, we can choose special representatives of the given de Rham classes which still satisfy (10.1). To see this, consider the natural exact sequence TM (10.2) 0 B t TB 0. → × → T k → → This induces a filtration 0 1 T k (10.3) Γ(Λ•T ∗B) = • = Γ(Λ•T ∗M) ∼ F ⊂F ⊂···⊂F where i = Ann( i+1t). The choice of a connection θ on p: M B induces an F ∧ k t → isomorphism TM/T ∼= TB and gives a splitting for the exact sequence (10.2), inducing isomorphisms ⊕ m m T k j m j T k (10.4) Γ(Λ T ∗M) = Γ(Λ T ∗B − t∗) . ∼ ⊗ ∧ j=0 M Remark 10.4. Throughout this section, θ will denote a connection on a prin- cipal torus bundle. Notice that in previous chapters we reserved this notation for the Lee form of a Hermitian structure, but as we will not use the Lee form in this chapter this should not lead to any confusion. Lemma 10.5. Let (M, τ) and (M,ˆ τˆ) be T-dual. Then, there exist representa- tives H τ and Hˆ τˆ in 1 of M and Mˆ , respectively, which satisfy the conditions in Definition∈ 10.1. ∈ F 10.1. TOPOLOGICAL T-DUALITY 223

Proof. Using the filtrations (10.3) applied to q andq ˆ, we can write the two- form B in Definition 10.1 as

B = q∗B +ˆq∗Bˆ + B0, 2 T k 2 Tˆk 2 T k Tˆk where B Γ(Λ T ∗M) , Bˆ Γ(Λ T ∗Mˆ ) and B Γ(Λ T ∗M) × satisfies ∈ ∈ 0 ∈ B Ker dq Ker dqˆ = B0 Ker dq Ker dqˆ | ⊗ | ⊗ 1 and furthermore B0 is in for both fibrations q andq ˆ. Hence, we have that B0 is non-degenerate on Ker dqF Ker dqˆ and ⊗ dB =q ˆ∗(Hˆ + dBˆ) q∗(H dB). 0 − − 1 Using the last equation and the fact that B0 is in for the fibration q, we leave as an exercise to see that H dB is in 1 for theF fibration p, and similarly for − F Hˆ + dBˆ.  The condition H 1 in the previous result means that, for a choice of con- nection θ on M, we can∈ F write (see (10.4))

(10.5) H = p∗h cˆ θ − h ∧ i 2 3 for suitablec ˆ Γ(Λ T ∗B t∗) satisfying dcˆ = 0 and h Γ(Λ T ∗B). Here, , ∈ ⊗ ∈ h i denotes the natural duality pairing between t and t∗. With this observation in hand, we can present a result about the existence of T-duals due to Bouwknegt, Hannabuss, and Mathai [25]. Proposition 10.6. Given a principal T k-bundle M over a base manifold B 1 3 T k and a closed three-form H Γ(Λ T ∗M) representing an integral cohomology class [H] H3(M, Z), there∈F exists∩ a T-dual for (M, [H]). ∈ Proof. Choose a connection θ on p: M B so that H is given by (10.5). The 3 → condition [H] H (M, Z) implies that the closed t∗-valued two-formc ˆ represents ∈ 2 k an integral cohomology class in H (B, t∗). Consider the dual torus Tˆ with Lie algebra t∗ and let Mˆ be a principal torus bundle over B with Chern class [ˆc]. Let θˆ be a connection onp ˆ: Mˆ B such that dθˆ =ˆc, and define → Hˆ =p ˆ∗h c θˆ − h ∧ i where c = dθ. We leave as an exercise to check that dHˆ = 0 and that (M, [H]) and (M,ˆ [Hˆ ]) are T-dual, taking B = θ θˆ in (10.1).  −h ∧ i We are ready to present two basic examples of topological T-duality, for a positive dimensional base (cf. Example 10.3). The first illustrates the topology change on the manifold M under T-duality. Example 10.7. Consider the Hopf fibration p: M = S3 B = S2 with H = 0. → Choose a connection θ such that dθ = ωS2 is the standard symplectic structure on S2 (suitably normalized). We claim that (M, 0) is T-dual to (S2 S1, [Hˆ ]), where ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 × ˆ H = θ ωS2 , where θ is the line element on S . To see this, take B = q∗θ qˆ∗θ and calculate− ∧ − ∧ dB = q∗dθ qˆ∗θˆ = q∗p∗ω 2 qˆ∗θˆ =q ˆ∗H.ˆ − ∧ − S ∧ The next example shows that T-duality is sensitive to the choice of cohomology class of the three-form H, as is implicit in the proof of Proposition 10.6. 224 10. T-DUALITY

Example 10.8. Consider again the Hopf fibration in the previous example, but regarding M as the compact Lie group M = SU(2). Consider generators for the Lie algebra su(2) = e ,e ,e as in Example 3.51 and the Cartan three-form h 1 2 3i H = e123. − We claim that (M, [H]) is self T-dual. Notice that e1 generates the circle action on 2 1 1 23 the fibers of p: M S and hence e is a connection on M with de = e = p∗ωS2 . Consider → 1 1 B = q∗e qˆ∗eˆ − ∧ wheree ˆ1 is a left-invariant one-form dual to the generator of the circle in Mˆ = SU(2). Then, 1 1 dB = q∗p∗ω 2 qˆ∗eˆ + q∗e qˆ∗pˆ∗ω 2 =p ˆ∗Hˆ p∗H, − S ∧ ∧ S − and hence B satisfies the conditions in 10.1. More generally, following the pre- vious argument one can prove that any semi-simple Lie group equipped with the cohomology class of its Cartan 3-form is self T-dual (see [39, Example 2.4]).

10.2. T-duality and Courant algebroids Having described the most basic features about T-duality in the previous sec- tion, we now recall the relevant implications of the T-duality relation for the theory of generalized geometry [39]. For this, let us first interpret the data in Definition 10.1 in the language of Courant algebroids. Definition 10.9. An equivariant Courant algebroid is given by a triple (E,M,T k), where T k is a k-dimensional torus acting freely and properly on a smooth mani- fold M, so that M is a principal T k-bundle over a base M/T k = B, and E is an exact Courant algebroid over M with a T k-action, lifting the T k-action on M and preserving the Courant algebroid structure. Effectively, given an equivariant Courant algebroid (E,M,T k), since T k is com- pact we can choose an equivariant isotropic splitting σ : T E and hence the pre- → vious definition reduces to having the twisted Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ]H ) k k ⊕ 3h i T k over M with a T -action on T T ∗ and a T -invariant three-form H Γ(Λ T ∗M) . ⊕ ∈ Thus, any triple (E,M,T k) determines a T k-invariant Severaˇ class

k τ = [E] H3(M, R)T , ∈ leading to a pair (M, τ) as in Definition 10.1. Conversely, given a pair (M, τ) as in Definition 10.1 we can consider the equivariant Courant algebroid (T T ∗, , , [, ]H ) k ⊕ k h i over M, endowed with the canonical T -action on T T ∗, for a choice of T -invariant element H τ. ⊕ Our goal∈ here is to explain a theorem due to Cavalcanti and Gualtieri [39], which states that for any T-dual pairs one can associate an isomorphism of equi- variant Courant algebroids, upon reduction to the base B. The preliminaries for this result are contained in 7.2, where the Dorfman bracket on E is expressed as a derived bracket using the§ twisted de Rham differential (7.5). In the situa- k tion of our interest, assume that (T T ∗, , , [, ]H ) is equivariant over a T -bundle p: M B. Consider the twisted⊕ de Rhamh i complex of T k-invariant differential → T k forms (Γ(S) , dH ) given by the Z2-graded vector space T k even T k odd T k Γ(S) = Γ(Λ T ∗M) Γ(Λ T ∗M) ⊕ 10.2. T-DUALITY AND COURANT ALGEBROIDS 225 with differential dH in (7.5). The following result is due to Bouwknegt, Evslin, and Mathai [24]. Theorem 10.10 ([24]). Let (M, τ) and (M,ˆ τˆ) be T-dual. Let H τ and ∈ Hˆ τˆ be representatives as in Lemma 10.5 with qˆ∗Hˆ q∗H = dB. Then there is an∈ isomorphism of differential complexes − S T k Sˆ T k B τ : (Γ( ) , dH ) (Γ( ) , dHˆ ), τ(ρ)= e q∗ρ, → k ∧ ZT where the integration is along the fibers of qˆ: M Mˆ . → B Proof. First, let us make more explicit the definition of τ. Notice that e q∗ρ is linear in ρ, and hence it suffices to define the fiber-wise integral above for a degree-∧ m T k m element ρ Γ(Λ T ∗M) . For this choice of ρ, consider a connection θ on M and using (10.4)∈ we decompose m m j m j T k ρ = ρ Γ(Λ T ∗M − t∗) . j ∈ ⊗ ∧ j=0 j=0 X M B Then, τ is defined taking the component of e q∗ρ which has degree k along the fiber ofp ˆ and integrating, that is, ∧ m 1 k m+j τ(ρ)= B − q∗ρj . (k m + j)! k ∧ j=0 T X − Z To write this expression, we have used that H and Hˆ are as in Lemma 10.5, and therefore B belongs to 1 in the filtration (10.3) for p: M B. We prove next that τ is a morphism ofF differential complexes: →

B dHˆ (τ(ρ)) = dHˆ (e ρ) k ∧ ZT = (Hˆ H) eB ρ + eB dρ Hˆ eB ρ k − ∧ ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ ZT = eB dρ H eB ρ k ∧ − ∧ ∧ ZT = τ(dH ρ) where, for simplicity, we have omitted pull-backs in the formula above. It remains to show that τ so defined is an isomorphism. For this, one can work on a local k ˆk coordinate patch U on the base manifold B, so that M U = U T T , and take | k k × × a global frame for T ∗T and T ∗Tˆ . We leave the details as an exercise.  We are ready for the main result of this section, which states that T-duality induces an isomorphism of equivariant Courant algebroids, upon reduction to the base. Let (E,M,T k) be an equivariant Courant algebroid with base B. Consider the vector bundle E/T k B, → whose sheaf of sections is given by the invariant sections of E, that is, Γ(E/T k)= T k k k Γ(E) . We can endow E/T with a natural Courant algebroid (E/T , , , [, ], πE/T k ) k h i as in Definition 2.8, with anchor πE/T k : E/T TB and pairing and Dorf- man bracket given by the restriction of the neutral→ pairing and the Dorfman 226 10. T-DUALITY

k bracket on E to Γ(E)T . Observe that E/T k has the same rank as E, and hence E/T k is not an exact Courant algebroid over B (see Definition 2.9). We will call k k (E/T , , , [, ], π k ) the simple reduction of E by T . h i E/T Theorem 10.11 ([39]). Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]). Then, there exists a Courant algebroid isomorphism

ψ : E/T k E/ˆ Tˆk → which exchanges the twisted differentials in Lemma 7.37 and which is compatible with Clifford multiplication, that is,

τ(d/ ρ)= d/ˆ (τρ), and τ(e ρ)= ψ(e) τ(ρ) 0 0 · · k k for all e Γ(E)T and ρ Γ(S)T . ∈ ∈ Proof. We choose equivariant isotropic splittings of E and Eˆ, and B as in T k Definition 10.1. Given X + ξ Γ(TM T ∗M) , choose the unique lift X of X to T k Tˆk ∈ ⊕ Γ(T M) × such that

(10.6) q∗ξ(Y ) B(X, Y ) = 0 for all Y t. − ∈

Due to this condition the form q∗ξ B(X, ) is basic for the bundle determined by − · qˆ, and can therefore be pushed forward to Mˆ . We define a map

ψ(X + ξ)=ˆq (X + q∗ξ B(X, )). ∗ − · Let us see next that ψ is independent of the choice of isotropic splittings. For a different choice of isotropic splittings we have

H′ = H + dB, Hˆ ′ = Hˆ + dB,ˆ and hence

qˆ∗Hˆ ′ q∗H′ = d(B +ˆq∗Bˆ q∗B)= dB′ − − for B′ = B q∗B +ˆq∗Bˆ. Moreover, the action of q∗B andq ˆ∗Bˆ on t ˆt is trivial. − ⊗ Hence when lifting vectors to the configuration space, using either B or B′ yields the same result, as claimed. We check next that ψ preserves the Courant structure. First, ψ is an isometry by

ψ(X + ξ), ψ(X + ξ) = qˆ (X + q∗ξ B(X, )), qˆ (X + q∗ξ B(X, )) h i ∗ − · ∗ − · =q ˆ (q∗ξ B(X, ))(ˆq (X)) ∗ − · ∗ = (q∗ξ B(X, ))(X) − · = ξ(X).

To see that ψ preserves the Dorfman bracket, we prove first that it is compatible with Clifford multiplication

τ(e ρ)= ψ(e) τ(ρ). · · 10.3. GEOMETRIC T-DUALITY 227

T k For e = X + ξ Γ(TM T ∗M) , we have ∈ ⊕ ψ(e) τ(ρ)= ψ(e) eB ρ · · k ∧ ZT B = (X + q∗ξ B(X, )) (e ρ) k − · · ∧ ZT B B B = i B e ρ + e i ρ + (q∗ξ i B) e ρ X q∗X X k ∧ ∧ ∧ − ∧ ∧ ZT B = e (iX ρ + ξ ρ) k ∧ ∧ ZT = τ(e ρ). · T k Applying now Theorem 10.10 and Lemma 7.37, for any a,b Γ(TM T ∗M) , we have ∈ ⊕ ψ([a,b]) τ(ρ)= τ([v , v ] ρ) · 1 2 · = τ([[d/ ,a ],b ](ρ)) 0 · · = [[d/ˆ , ψ(a) ], ψ(b) ](τ(ρ)) 0 · · = [ψ(a), ψ(b)] τ(ρ). · The fact that ψ preserves the anchor map is left as an exercise.  Remark 10.12. Given T-dual pairs (M, [E]) and (M,ˆ [Eˆ]), the isomorphism ψ in Theorem 10.11 is not unique, as it depends on the choice of two-form B as in Definition 10.1. For instance, there is the freedom to modify B by adding a closed two-form on M B Mˆ . The change of ψ can be seen explicitly in Example 10.31 by introducing an extra× parameter multiplying the second summand in the definition of B.

10.3. Geometric T-duality In this section we explain the fundamental interplay between T-duality, the generalized Ricci tensor, and the generalized Ricci flow. For this, we need to in- troduce a notion of duality for pairs ( , div), given by a generalized metric and a divergence operator. Given an equivariantG Courant algebroid (E,M,T k) and a k T -invariant generalized metric on E, we can push-forward V+ along the bundle projection p: M B G → k p V+ E/T ∗ ⊂ to obtain a generalized metric p on the simple reduction. This way we obtain an identification between T k-invariant∗G generalized metrics on E and generalized metrics on E/T k. Similarly, given a T k-invariant divergence operator div: Γ(E) → C∞(M) it induces a first-order differential operator T k k T k p div : Γ(E) = Γ(E/T ) C∞(M) = C∞(B). ∗ → ∼ The πE-Leibniz rule for div restricted to p∗C∞(B) (see (2.26)) is precisely the k πE/T k -Leibniz rule for p div, which thus defines a divergence operator on E/T . ∗ Definition 10.13. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and fix an isomorphism ψ : E/T k E/ˆ Tˆk as in Theorem 10.11. We → 228 10. T-DUALITY will say that a Tˆk-invariant pair ( ˆ, div)ˆ on Eˆ is the T-dual via ψ of a T k-invariant pair ( , div) on E if G G ψ p =p ˆ ˆ ψ and p div = ψ∗pˆ divˆ , ◦ ∗G ∗G◦ ∗ ∗ where p: M B andp ˆ: Mˆ B are the bundle projections. → → The notion of T-dual pairs depends upon the choice of isomorphism ψ, which is by no means unique (see Remark 10.12). Nonetheless, we will often abuse notation and say that ( ˆ, div)ˆ is the T-dual of ( , div), assuming that some background isomorphism hasG been chosen. G In order to prove that the generalized Ricci tensor in Definition 3.31 is nat- urally exchanged under T-duality, we need to understand the relation between T k-invariant generalized connections on E and generalized connections on E/T k T k (see 3.1). Denote by E the space of generalized connections on E, by E E § k D D ⊂ D the space of T -invariant generalized connections, and by k the space of gen- DE/T eralized connections on the simple reduction E/T k.

T k Lemma 10.14. There is a canonical identification = k . DE DE/T Proof. The space E/T k is non-empty, since we can construct a generalized D k connection Dˇ out of an orthogonal connection E/T on E/T k by ∇ ˇ E/T k Dab = π (a)b. ∇ E/T k T k k Similarly, the space E is non-empty, since T is compact and hence we can T k D T k construct D E by averaging an arbitrary element in E. The affine spaces E ∈ D T k D kD and E/T k are both modeled on Γ(E∗ o(E)) , via the identification Γ(E/T )= D k ⊗ Γ(E)T , and therefore it is enough to prove that a generalized connection on E/T k induces an invariant connection on E. For this, we note that E is locally generated T k ˇ by Γ(E) , and therefore given D E/T k we can define a generalized connection ∈ D k D on E by extending its action from Γ(E)T to Γ(E) imposing the Leibniz rule with respect to the anchor πE. The generalized connection D is compatible with T the pairing, as for f C∞(M) and a,b,c Γ(E) we have ∈ ∈ π (a) fb,c = df(π (a)) b,c + fπ k (a)( b,c ) E h i E h i E/T h i = df(π (a)) + fDˇ b,c + f b, Dˇ c h E a i h a i = D (fb),c + b,D c . h a i h a i For the first equality we have used that b,c is the pull-back of a function on B and consequently h i

π (a) b,c = π k (a) b,c . E h i E/T h i 

The next result shows that the generalized Ricci tensor in Definition 3.31 is naturally exchanged under T-duality. Proposition 10.15. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual 10.3. GEOMETRIC T-DUALITY 229 to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and let ( ˆ, divˆ ) on Eˆ be the T-dual of an invariant pair ( , div) on E. Then G G (10.7) p c( , div) ψ = ψ pˆ c( ˆ, div)ˆ , ∗R G ◦ ◦ ∗R G where c is as in Definition 3.31. In particular, generalized Einstein pairs are exchangedR under T-duality (see Definition 3.52). Proof. By definition of the generalized Ricci tensor (see Definition 3.31) it suffices to prove that

p c±( , div) = ψ∗pˆ c±( ˆ, div)ˆ , ∗R G ∗R G k where c± are as in Definition 3.28. Given a T -invariant pair ( , div), let D 0 R k G T k∈ ( , div) (see Lemma 3.17). Averaging over T if necessary, we obtain D E . DUsingG the isomorphism ψ in Theorem 10.11 we have that ψ p D is a generalized∈ D ∗ ∗ connection on E/ˆ Tˆk, which induces a generalized connection Dˆ on Eˆ by Lemma 10.14. By hypothesis ( , div) and ( ˆ, div)ˆ are T-dual, and hence G G 1 1 1 pˆ Dˆ ˆ = (ψp Dψ− )(ψp ψ− )= ψp D ψ− =0, ∗ G ∗ ∗G ∗ G and also

1 1 1 pˆ div ˆ (a)=tr Daˆ = tr ψp Dψ− (a)=tr D(ψ− a) = (ψ− )∗ div(a)=ˆp div(ˆ a) ∗ D ∗ ∗ for any a Γ(E/ˆ Tˆk). Thus, it follows that Dˆ 0( ˆ, div),ˆ which implies (see Definition∈ 3.28) ∈ D G

p c±( , div) = p c± = ψ∗pˆ c± = ψ∗pˆ c±( ˆ, div)ˆ . ∗R G ∗R D ∗R Dˆ ∗R G 

Remark 10.16. A proof of the fact that generalized Ricci flat metrics are ex- changed under T-duality has been obtained by several authors and with different methods [12, 70, 162], some including an extension to more general Courant al- gebroids. A more general result, for Poisson-Lie T-duality, in the sense of Klimˇcik and Severaˇ [112], was proved in [151].

Our next goal is to understand the behavior of the scalar curvatures ± in (3.37) under T-duality. The reason why we do not consider here the generalizedS scalar curvature in Definition 3.41 is that, in principle, this would require showing that T-duality preservesS the notion of closed pair in Definition 3.40. This turns out to be a delicate question, related to a phenomenon known in the literature as dilaton shift, which will be discussed in the next section.

Proposition 10.17. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and let ( ˆ, div)ˆ on Eˆ be the T-dual of an invariant pair ( , div) on E. Then G G

(10.8) ±( , div) = ±( ˆ, div)ˆ , S G S G where ± is as in equation (3.37). In particular, solutions of the equation ± =0 are exchangedS under T-duality. S 230 10. T-DUALITY

Proof. Given a point on the base manifold B, we can consider a local spinor bundle S for the bundle V /T k. Via the duality isomorphism ψ in Theorem 10.11 ± ± k we can identify S with a local spinor bundle for Vˆ /Tˆk. Let D 0( , div)T ± k ± ∈ D G and consider Dˆ 0( ˆ, div)ˆ Tˆ the induced generalized connection on Eˆ via ψ, as in the proof of Proposition∈ D G 10.15. Then, (10.8) follows by Definition 3.37, using D and Dˆ to evaluate the scalar curvatures ± and applying Lemma 3.11 and Lemma 3.36. S 

Remark 10.18. A proof of the fact that solutions of the equations

c+ =0, + =0 R S are exchanged under T-duality was first given in [110, 152] for the case of exact pairs. Notice that when ( , div) is a compatible pair, so is the T-dual ( ˆ, div),ˆ and in this case the equation G c+ = 0 is equivalent to c = 0 (see LemmaG 3.32). R R We state next our main result of this section, which follows as a consequence of the proof of Proposition 10.15.

Theorem 10.19. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]). Then, if ( , div ) is a T k-invariant solution of the flow Gt t 1 ∂ (10.9) − = 2 c( , div ) G ∂tG − R Gt t

k and ( ˆt, divˆ t) is the family of Tˆ -invariant T-dual pairs, then ( ˆt, divˆ t) is also a solutionG of (10.9). In particular, solutions of gauge-fixed generalizedG Ricci flow, and generalized Einstein pairs, are exchanged under T-duality.

Proof. The proof is a direct consequence of Definition 10.13 and equation (10.7). 

Remark 10.20. Preservation of the flow (10.9) under T-duality, as defined in the present work, was proved in [70] following [162]. A more general result for Poisson-Lie T-duality was proved in [151].

It is important to notice that, in the strictest sense, the generalized Ricci flow (4.1) is not necessarily preserved under T-duality, since it is formulated in terms of the generalized Ricci tensor for the special class of pairs ( , divG). This is due to G the fact that the Riemannian divergence divG of a generalized metric is defined in terms of the anchor map πE : E TM (see Definition 2.46), which is not preserved under T-duality. Instead, a solution→ of (4.1) is typically exchanged with a solution of the gauge-fixed generalized Ricci flow, corresponding to an exact pair ( , div) (see Definition 3.48). This is again related to the dilaton shift, which will beG discussed in the next section.

Remark 10.21. As observed in [39], pluriclosed metrics and generalized K¨ahler structures are preserved under T-duality. Relying on Theorem 10.19, we expect that flow lines for pluriclosed flow and generalized K¨ahler Ricci flow are also preserved by the T-duality isomorphism. 10.4. BUSCHER RULES AND THE DILATON SHIFT 231

10.4. Buscher rules and the dilaton shift In the present section we describe more explicitly the T-dual of a pair ( , div), as considered in Definition 10.13. The specific local formulae for calculatingG the T-dual are the famous “Buscher rules”, discovered in [32], which we will express here in terms of global tensors. Our discussion will illustrate further the simplicity of Definition 10.13, and the value of adopting the viewpoint of Courant algebroids. For the sake of clarity, we will assume that the torus T k is one-dimensional. The discussion can be easily generalized to the case of higher dimensional tori. We set the notation T 1 = S1. Let (E,M,S1) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Sˆ1) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/S1 = B = M/ˆ Sˆ1. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]). Let H [E] and Hˆ [Eˆ] be representatives as in Lemma ∈ ∈ 10.5 withq ˆ∗Hˆ q∗H = dB. Then, we can choose equivariant isotropic splittings − σ : TM E, σ : T Mˆ Eˆ → → such that E is given by the twisted Courant algebroid (TM T ∗M, , , [, ] ) over ⊕ h i H M, and similarly for Eˆ. Recall from Proposition 2.38 that an S1-invariant gener- alized metric on E is determined by an S1-invariant pair (g,b) of metric g and two-form potentialG b on M. Upon a choice of connection θ on p: M B, the pair (g,b) can be expressed as →

g = g0θ θ + g1 θ + g2 (10.10) ⊙ ⊙ b = b θ + b 1 ∧ 2 where bi are basic forms of degree i and gi are symmetric tensors of degree i. By Lemma 10.5, we can assume that

B = q∗θ qˆ∗θˆ − ∧ for a suitable connection θˆ onp ˆ: Mˆ B. With this explicit decomposition→ of the data (g,b) in hand we can now give the Buscher rules, which determine their relationship under T-duality. We give two versions of this relationship, first expressed as an explicit formula for the associated pair (ˆg, ˆb), then expressed as a mapping of the invariant decomposition of (g,b).

1 Lemma 10.22. Given an S -invariant generalized metric on (TM T ∗M, , , [, ]H ), G ˆ ˆ ˆ ⊕ h i consider the T-dual generalized metric on (T M T ∗M, , , [, ]Hˆ ), as in Defini- tion 10.13. Then, if the pair (g,b) associatedG to is⊕ given byh i (10.10), then the pair G (ˆg, ˆb) determined by ˆ takes the form G 1 b b b g g gˆ = θˆ θˆ 1 θˆ + g + 1 ⊙ 1 − 1 ⊙ 1 g ⊙ − g ⊙ 2 g (10.11) 0 0 0 g1 g1 b1 ˆb = θˆ+ b2 + ∧ . − g0 ∧ g0

Proof. We denote by eθ the canonical vector field of θ, given by the unique 1 S1 S -invariant vertical vector field such that θ(eθ)=1. Let X +ξ Γ(TM T ∗M) . Then, we can write ∈ ⊕

X = θ⊥Y + fX eθ,

ξ = p∗ζ + fξθ, 232 10. T-DUALITY where Y + ζ Γ(TB T ∗B), and θ⊥Y denotes the horizontal lift with respect to ∈ ⊕ θ, and f ,f C∞(B). Going back to the definition of ψ in the proof of Theorem X ξ ∈ 10.11, the vector X on M satisfying (10.6) is given by ˆ X = θ⊥X + fξeθˆ, and therefore ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ψ(X + ξ)= θ⊥Y + fξeθˆ +ˆp∗ζ + fX θ = X + ξ. Using now that b e (X + g(X)) = θ⊥Y + f e + (f g + i g f b + i b ) X θ X 1 Y 2 − X 1 Y 2 + (fX g0 + g1(Y )+ b1(Y ))θ, it is not difficult to see that ˆ ψ(eb(X + g(X))) = eb(Xˆ +ˆg(Xˆ)), where (ˆg, ˆb) are as in (10.11). The explicit calculation is left as an exercise. 

For the calculations to come later, it will be useful to give the T-duality rela- tionship explicitly in terms of the canonical decomposition of an S1-invariant pair (g,b) on a principal bundle which we recall next. Lemma 10.23. Given M a principal S1 bundle over B with canonical vector 1 field eθ, an S -invariant metric on M is uniquely determined by a metric h on B, a smooth function φ C∞(B), and a principal connection θ. More precisely, g may be expressed ∈

g = φθ θ + p∗h, ⊙ where

g(eθ, ) θ θ φ = g(eθ,eθ), θ = · , h( , )= g(π , π ), g(eθ,eθ) · · · · and πθ is the horizontal projection determined by θ, i.e. πθ(X)= X θ(X)e . − θ Also, an S1-invariant two-form b is uniquely determined by basic forms η,µ. More precisely, b may be expressed b = θ η + µ, ∧ where η = e yb, µ = b θ η. θ − ∧ Proof. Exercise. 

The following result provides a version of the T-duality relationship which is adapted to the canonical connections determined by the S1-invariant metrics. Proposition 10.24. Given an S1-invariant generalized metric on (TM G ⊕ T ∗M, , , [, ] ), consider the T-dual generalized metric ˆ on (T Mˆ T ∗M,ˆ , , [, ] ), h i H G ⊕ h i Hˆ as in Definition 10.13. Let (g,b) and (ˆg, ˆb) be the pairs associated to and ˆ, G G 10.4. BUSCHER RULES AND THE DILATON SHIFT 233 respectively. Let θg, φg,hg, ηg,µg denote the decomposition determined by (g,b) via Lemma 10.23, with θgˆ, etc. associated to (ˆg, ˆb). Then 1 φgˆ = φg

θgˆ = θˆ + ηg

hgˆ = hg η = θ θ gˆ g − µ = µ η η . gˆ g − g ∧ gˆ Proof. First we compute g1 θg = θ + . g0 Then we obtain η = e yb = b . g θ − 1 Then we may express µ = b θ η g − g ∧ g g = b θ θ + 1 ( b )+ b 1 ∧ − g ∧ − 1 2  0  g1 = b2 + b1. g0 ∧ Furthermore we obtain θˆ = θˆ b = θˆ + η gˆ − 1 g Then, according to the Buscher rules, yˆ g1 ηgˆ = eθˆ b = = θg θ. g0 − Then we obtain µ = ˆb θˆ η gˆ − gˆ ∧ gˆ g1 g1 b1 = θˆ + b2 + ∧ θˆ + ηg (θg θ) − g0 ∧ g0 − ∧ − g1 g1  = (θˆ b1) + b2 θˆgˆ ( ) − ∧ g0 − ∧ g0 = b2 g1 = µg b1 − g0 ∧ = µ η η . g − g ∧ gˆ 

Having described explicitly the change of a generalized metric in terms of the Buscher rules in Lemma 10.22 and Proposition 10.24, we turn next to the interplay between divergences and T-duality. Our discussion provides a theoretical framework to understand the so-called dilaton shift in string theory. To provide a more invari- ant description, we shall work in the generality of Definition 10.1 and Definition 10.13, for arbitrary torus bundles. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant 234 10. T-DUALITY exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and consider T-dual pairs ( , div) and ( ˆ, div).ˆ As in Proposition 10.24, the T k-invariant metric g on M inducedG by isG equivalent G to a triple (gV ,θg,hg), where hg is a metric on B, θ is a principal connection on M B, and g is a family of metrics on the fibers of M, that is, → V g = gV (θg,θg)+ p∗hg.

Using the Riemannian divergence divG of (see Definition 2.46), we can express G div(a) = divG(a) e,a − h i T k for a suitable e Γ(E) . We denote by ν Γ( det VM ∗ ) the density induced by g on the vertical∈ bundle VM TM. Identifying∈ | | V ⊂ VM = M t, ∼ × k we regard ν = det gV as an equivariant map ν : M det t∗ and, using that T is unimodular,| we obtain| a well-defined map → | |

ν : B det t∗ . → | | Observe that the following expression defines a well-defined one-form on the base manifold 1 d log ν := ν− dν Γ(T ∗B). ∈ Similarly, we denote by (ˆe, g,hˆ gˆ,θgˆ, gˆV , νˆ) the corresponding data associated to ( ˆ, div).ˆ By Proposition 10.24, we have an equality h = hg = hgˆ for the induced metricG on the base manifold B. Proposition 10.25 (Dilaton shift). Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equi- variant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and consider T-dual pairs ( , div) and ( ˆ, div)ˆ . Then, G G (10.12)e ˆ = ψ(e)+2d log(ˆν/ν), where d log(ˆν/ν) := d logν ˆ d log ν is regarded as a section of E/ˆ Tˆk using the anchor map. −

Proof. We denote π = πE/T k . The statement follows from the formula h Lπ(a)µ 1 div(a)= +2 ν− dν,a e,a , µh h i − h i k for any a Γ(E)T , since the metric h on B induced by g andg ˆ coincide and ψ is the identity∈ along the kernel of the anchor map π. To prove this formula, we calculate g h ′ LπE(a)µ Lπ(e )µ 1 = + ν− dν(π(e′)), µg µh using the natural decomposition µg = µh ν.  ⊗ Note that if e = ϕ ande ˆ =ϕ ˆ for invariant 1-forms ϕ on M andϕ ˆ on Mˆ , respectively, then (10.12) is equivalent to det g (10.13)ϕ ˆ = ϕ 2d log | V | = ϕ 4d log det g . − detg ˆ − | V | | V |! 10.5. EINSTEIN-HILBERT ACTION 235 where we have used Proposition 10.24 for 1 detg ˆ = det g − . | V | | V | Assuming that ϕ andϕ ˆ are exact, with the normalization ϕ = 8dφ andϕ ˆ = 8dφˆ, we obtain 1 φˆ = φ log det g . − 2 | V | This equation was encountered by physicists in their computations of the dual Rie- mannian metric and dilaton field for T-dual sigma-models [32] and carries the name of dilaton shift. Formula (10.12) was first obtained in [70], and later generalized to the context of Poisson-Lie T-duality in [110]. It would be interesting to compare our formula (10.12) with [56, Eq. (3.16)], in the context of non-abelian duality in physics. 10.5. Einstein-Hilbert action In this section we derive the preservation of the Einstein-Hilbert action 3.49 under T-duality. The main point is to complete our analysis of the interplay between T-duality and the generalized scalar curvature initiated in Proposition 10.17. We will use in an essential way the dilaton shift formula (10.12). Proposition 10.26. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and let ( ˆ, div)ˆ on Eˆ be the T-dual of an invariant pair ( , div) on E, in the sense of DefinitionG 10.13. Then, ( , div) is exact in the senseG of Definition G 3.48 if and only if ( ˆ, div)ˆ is exact. Furthermore, if this is the case, then G ( , div) = ( ˆ, div)ˆ , S G S G where is the generalized scalar curvature in Definition 3.37. In particular, gen- eralizedS scalar flat metrics with exact divergence are exchanged under T-duality.

Proof. If ( , div) is exact, e = dφ for φ C∞(M). But then φ must be T k-invariant andG consequently e is basic. By the∈ dilaton shift formula (10.12) eˆ = ψ(e)= dφ. Therefore, ( , div) is exact if and only if ( ˆ, div)ˆ is exact. The last part of the statement followsG from Proposition 10.17. G  Remark 10.27. In general, the T-dual of a closed pair, in the sense of Definition 3.40, may not be closed. A counterexample is given in Example 10.31. Nonetheless, if ( , div) is closed then it must be a compatible pair, and hence the T-dual ( ˆ, div)ˆ is alsoG compatible. This suggests an extension of the notion of generalizedG scalar curvature in Definition 3.41 to the case of compatible pairs. Observe that by combining Proposition 10.26, Proposition 10.15, and Theorem 3.50, it follows that critical points of the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional (3.41), given by the solutions of (3.43), are exchanged under T-duality. This in- dicates that the generalized Einstein-Hilbert functional is itself preserved by T- duality, and this is the content of our last result. Notice from 3.7 that the diver- gence of a T k-invariant exact pair ( , div) on M is of the form§ G div = divµ for some T k-invariant volume form µ on M. 236 10. T-DUALITY

Theorem 10.28. Let (E,M,T k) and (E,ˆ M,ˆ Tˆk) be equivariant exact Courant algebroids over the same base M/T k = B = M/ˆ Tˆk. Assume that (M, [E]) is T-dual to (M,ˆ [Eˆ]) and let ( , divµ) and ( ˆ, divµˆ) be exact T-dual invariant pairs on E and G G Eˆ, respectively, such that µ = µ.ˆ ˆ ZM ZM Then, (10.14) ( , divµ)= ( ˆ, divµˆ). EH G EH G

Proof. By hypothesis there exist smooth functions f, fˆ C∞(B) such that ∈ f g fˆ gˆ µ = e− µ , µˆ = e− µ .

Using the decompositions µg = µhg ν and µgˆ = µhgˆ νˆ as in the proof of Proposition 10.25, it follows from (10.12)⊗ that ⊗ (10.15) dfˆ = df + d log(ˆν/ν).

Define functions t, tˆ C∞(B) by integration along the fibers of p andp ˆ, that is, ∈ t(b)= ν, tˆ(b)= ν.ˆ −1 −1 Zp (b) Zpˆ (b) Then, (10.15) now reads f h fˆ h e− tµ = Ce− tµˆ and hence

f h fˆ h fˆ h µ = e− tµ = C e− tµˆ = C e− tµˆ = C µ.ˆ ˆ ZM ZB ZB ZB ZM

The normalization M µ = Mˆ µˆ implies C = 1, and applying Proposition 10.26 we conclude R R µ f h µˆ fˆ h ( , div) = ( , div )e− tµ = ( ˆ, div )e− tµˆ = ( ˆ, div)ˆ , EH G S G S G EH G ZB ZB as claimed. 

The equality (10.14) gives geometric content to the dilaton shift equation (10.12), and provides a conceptual explanation of why critical points of the gener- alized Einstein-Hilbert functional (3.41), given by generalized Ricci flat and scalar flat metrics with exact divergence (3.43), are exchanged under T-duality. From the point of view of the analysis in Chapter 6, Theorem 10.28 implies that the energy functional and the invariant of generalized metrics λ( ) in Definition 6.1 are compatible with topological T-duality. G Remark 10.29. In the context of type II string theory (see Remark 3.43), Theorem 10.28 shows that the low-energy string effective action functional (3.42) is invariant under T-duality, as observed originally in [15]. In this physics setup, T- duality is regarded as a symmetry of the Σ-model action (2.25), while the functional (3.42) is obtained from (2.25) via a complicated Feynman diagram expansion. Thus, Theorem 10.28 can be regarded as a ‘quantum effect’ of T-duality. 10.6. EXAMPLES 237

10.6. Examples We start with examples of T-dual generalized Ricci flat and scalar flat metrics. The first example is classical, and shows that T-duality recovers ‘topological mirror symmetry’ for semi-flat Calabi-Yau metrics. Example 10.30. Consider the non-compact manifold M = D T k, where D Rk is the unit disk. We wish to endow M with a T k-invariant× Ricci flat metric⊂ and apply T-duality to it. For this, we take coordinates (x1,...xk) on D 1 k k 1 k k and (y , ,y ) on T , so that dy ,...,dy is a global frame for T ∗T . Bya theorem··· by Cheng and Yau [46],{ given a positive} constant C there exists a unique solution φ: D R → to the real Monge-Amp`ere equation ∂2φ det i j = C, ∂x ∂x ! satisfying the boundary condition and convexity property ∂2φ φ ∂D =0, i j > 0. | ∂x ∂x ! We define a T k-invariant metric on M by g = φ (dxi dxj + dyi dyj ), ij ⊗ ⊗ i,j X 2 ∂ φ j j j where φij = ∂xi∂xj . Taking complex coordinates z = x + √ 1y it turns out that g is K¨ahler, with K¨ahler form − √ 1 ω = − φ dzi dzj , 2 ij ∧ i,j X and hence its Chern Ricci form is ρ = √ 1∂∂ log det(φ )=0. C − − ij Therefore, g is Ricci flat. Observe that g is flat along the k-dimensional torus fibers, and dim M =2k, and hence g receives the name of semi-flat Calabi-Yau metric on M [125]. k Consider now the T -invariant standard exact Courant algebroid TM T ∗M ⊕ over M with vanishing three-form H = 0. Take Tˆk another k-dimensional torus with coordinates (ˆy1,..., yˆk) and define Mˆ = D Tˆk. Taking the closed two-form × B = dyj dyˆj ∧ j X on M = D T k Tˆk, it follows directly from Definition 10.1 that (M, 0) is T-dual × × to (M,ˆ 0). Arguing as in the proof of Lemma 10.22, the isomorphism ψ in the proof of Theorem 10.11 is given by

∂ ∂ j j ∂ j j ∂ ψ j = j , ψ(dx )= dx , ψ j = dyˆ , ψ(dy )= j . ∂x ! ∂x ∂y ! − −∂yˆ 238 10. T-DUALITY

Define the generalized metric on TM T ∗M by G ⊕ V = X + g(X) X TM TM T ∗M, + { | ∈ }⊂ ⊕ and notice that

∂ k ∂ k V+ = + φjkdx , + φjkdy . *∂xj ∂yj + Therefore, the T-dual generalized metric ˆ is determined by G ∂ k ∂ jk k Vˆ+ = ψ(V+)= + φjk dx , + φ dyˆ T Mˆ T ∗Mˆ *∂xj ∂yˆj + ⊂ ⊕ jk 1 where (φ ) = (φ )− . From this, Vˆ = X +ˆg(X) X T Mˆ where jk + { | ∈ } gˆ = φ dxi dxj + φij dyˆi dyˆj . ij ⊗ ⊗ i,j X Consider next the pair ( , divG), where is the generalized metric above and divG is the associated RiemannianG divergenceG (see Definition 2.46). By Propositions 3.30 and 3.39, this pair is trivially Ricci flat and scalar flat, and hence so is the corresponding T-dual pair ( ˆ, div)ˆ by Propositions 10.15 and 10.26. We already G have a formula for ˆ, so let us calculate divˆ applying the dilaton shift formula in Proposition 10.25. ForG this, notice that ν = det(φ )1/2dy ...dy = C1/2dy ... dy , ij 1 ∧ k 1 ∧ ∧ k ij 1/2 1/2 νˆ = det(φ ) dyˆ ... dyˆ = C− dyˆ ... dyˆ , 1 ∧ ∧ k 1 ∧ ∧ k and therefore by (10.12) eˆ = 2d log C =0. − By Proposition 3.30, we conclude thatg ˆ is a Ricci flat metric in the standard sense. To see this more explicitly, we apply the Legendre transform to the base coor- dinates, defining new coordinatesx ˆj on the disk D by ∂xˆ i = φ . ∂xj ij In these new coordinates, the T-dual metric reads gˆ = φij (dxˆi dxˆj + dyˆi dyˆj ), ⊗ ⊗ i,j X and taking complex coordinatesz ˆj =x ˆj + √ 1ˆyj we conclude as before thatg ˆ is − a semi-flat Calabi-Yau metric on Mˆ . Our second example shows the effect of T-duality on the generalized Ricci flat and scalar flat metrics on S3 S1 considered in Example 3.51. × Example 10.31. Consider the compact four-dimensional manifold M = SU(2) 2 2 × U(1) in Example 3.51. We regard M as a principal T -bundle over S ∼= U(1) SU(2), via the natural left action of the abelian subgroup \ T 2 = U(1) U(1) SU(2) U(1). × ⊂ × 2 Consider the T -equivariant Courant algebroid (TM T ∗M, , , [, ]H ) over M, where ⊕ h i H = ke123 − 10.6. EXAMPLES 239 for k R. We∈ claim that (M, [H]) is self-T-dual. To see this, we regard the correspondence space M in Definition 10.1 inside the Lie group ˆ,ι: M ֒ M M → × where Mˆ denotes another copy of M endowed with the three-form Hˆ = keˆ123. Then, define B as the pull-back to M of a left-invariant two-form − 1 1 4 4 B = ι∗(ke eˆ + e eˆ ). − ∧ ∧ Then, we have 23 1 1 23 123 123 dB = ι∗(ke eˆ ke eˆ )= ι∗(keˆ ke )=ˆp∗Hˆ p∗H − ∧ − ∧ − − − 1 23 23 1 23 23 where we used that ι∗de = ι∗e = ι∗eˆ = ι∗deˆ , since e ande ˆ are basic. Consider now the Ricci flat and scalar flat closed pair ( , div) defined in Exam- G ple 3.51. By Propositions 10.15 and 10.17 the corresponding T-dual pair ( ˆ, div)ˆ G is also Ricci flat, and has vanishing scalar curvatures ± = 0. Let us calculate the T-dual pair explicitly. A direct calculation as in the proofS of Lemma 10.22 shows that the isomorphism ψ in Theorem 10.11 satisfies j j ψ(ej )=ˆej, ψ(e )=ˆe , for j =2, 3. 1 ψ(e )= keˆ1, ψ(e )=ˆe4, ψ(e1)= eˆ , ψ(e4)=ˆe . 1 4 k 1 4 By definition of we have G 2 3 1 2 4 V = e + ke ,e + ke ,e + ke ,e + kx e TM T ∗M, + h 2 3 1 4 i⊂ ⊕ and therefore the T-dual generalized metric ˆ is G 2 3 1 2 4 Vˆ := ψ(V )= eˆ + keˆ , eˆ + keˆ , eˆ + keˆ , kx eˆ +ˆe T Mˆ T ∗M.ˆ + + h 2 3 1 4 i⊂ ⊕ Notice that Vˆ := X +ˆg(X) X T Mˆ , + { | ∈ } where 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 4 4 gˆ = k(ˆe eˆ +ˆe eˆ +ˆe eˆ + (kx)− e e ). ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ Finally, we calculate the T-dual divergence ˆ divˆ = divG e,ˆ − h ·i applying the dilaton shift formula in Proposition 10.25. Note that 14 1 14 ν = kxe , νˆ = x− eˆ , and therefore ν andν ˆ are constant on B = S2. By (10.12) we conclude eˆ = ψ(ϕ)= ψ( xe4)= xeˆ . − − 4 Observe that ( ˆ, div)ˆ is a compatible pair, but it is no longer closed. Similarly as G in Example 3.51, one can check now explicitly that the pair ( ˆ, div)ˆ is Ricci flat, G and has vanishing scalar curvatures ± = 0. We leave this last part as an exercise for the reader. S We finish this section with two explicit examples of T-dual solutions of the generalized Ricci flow. 240 10. T-DUALITY

Example 10.32. Consider M = S3 with the Hopf fibration S1 S3 S2, ∼ 3 → → and let θ denote the connection one-form on S satisfying dθ = ωS2 , where ωS2 denotes the standard area form on S2, and furthermore let H = 0. Next let Mˆ = S2 S1, and consider the trivial fibration S1 S1 S2 S2. Let θˆ denote ∼ × → × → the pullback of the canonical line element on S1 to Mˆ , so that dθˆ = 0. Furthermore let Hˆ = θˆ ω 2 , which is closed. As observed in Example 10.7, − ∧ S p∗H pˆ∗Hˆ =p ˆ∗ ω 2 θˆ = dp∗θ θˆ = d p∗θ pˆ∗θˆ , − S ∧ ∧ ∧ ˆ ˆ ˆ     hence (M,H,θ) and (M, H, θ) are topologically T-dual. Let gS2 denote the round metric on S2 and consider an S1-invariant metric on S3 of the form

g = Kθ θ + Lg 2 . ⊗ S Observe that by applying Proposition 10.24 we obtain that (g, 0) is T-dual to (ˆg, ˆb) with 1 ˆ ˆ gˆ = K− θ θ + LgS2 , (10.16) ⊗ ˆb = 0. The solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (g, 0) on S3 has b 0 for all time, and takes the form ≡ K2 K K˙ = , L˙ = 2+ . − L2 − L ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Expressing the T-dual data asg ˆ = Kθ θ + LgS2 and using (10.16) we obtain the evolution equation forg ˆ as ⊗ ˙ 1 ˙ 1 Kˆ = , Lˆ = 2+ , Lˆ2 − Kˆ Lˆ which one can check is a solution to generalized Ricci flow. Observe that S3 shrinks to a round point under the flow, whereas on S2 S1 the S2 shrinks to a point while the S1 fiber blows up. × Example . 2n+1 1 10.33 Let M ∼= S and consider the Hopf fibration S S2n+1 CPn, and let θ denote the connection one-form on S2n+1 satisfying→ → n dθ = ωFS, where ωFS is the K¨ahler form of the Fubini-Study metric on CP , and furthermore let H = 0. Next let Mˆ = CPn S1, and consider the trivial ∼ × fibration S1 S1 CPn CPn. Let θˆ denote the pullback of the canonical line →1 × → element on S to Mˆ , and let Hˆ = θˆ ω 2 . As in the previous example one easily − ∧ S checks that (M,H,θ) and (M,ˆ H,ˆ θˆ) are topologically T-dual. 2n+1 Now let g0 denote any metric on S with positive curvature operator. Choose H0 = 0, and let (gt,bt) denote the solution to generalized Ricci flow with initial condition (g0, 0). By Proposition 4.20 we know that Ht = 0 for all time and (gt,bt) = (gt, 0), where gt is the unique solution to Ricci flow with initial condition g0. By the theorem of Bohm-Wilking [20], we have that gt exists on some finite time interval [0,T ), and converges to a round point as t T . It follows from Theo- → rem 10.19 and Proposition 10.24 that the dual solution (ˆgt, ˆbt) to generalized Ricci flow also exists on a finite time interval, asymptotically converging to a solution which homothetically shrinks the CPn base and expanding the S1 fiber, analogously to the previous example. In fact, any of the Ricci flow ‘sphere theorems’ in odd 10.6. EXAMPLES 241 dimension (for instance [27], [92]) can be applied to invariant metrics satisfying curvature positivity conditions to generate similar examples.


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