06/16/08 And Her Hair Went With Her.... by Zina Camblin 172 5th Ave #13 Bret Adams LTD Agency Brooklyn, NY 11217 448 West 44th St
[email protected] New York, NY 10036 (347) 564-6145 (212) 765-5640 2. Part One: WIGS AND WEAVES 3. THE SHOP Lights up on two large doors facing down stage center. A sign hangs on the left door that reads “Sorry We’re Closed”. Two ACTORS enter, open the two doors, and together they wheel on two barber chairs, a television set, a CD player, two stands loaded with beauty products, a variety of wigs on stands, and a table on which sits an old fashioned cash register. The ACTORS put on smocks. ACTOR ONE, who is now JASMINE, late forties/early fifties with relaxed hair, puts a CD in the player. Nina Simone’s “Love Me or Leave Me” plays loudly. JASMINE pulls a small envelope out of the pocket of her smock, holds it above her head, and dances around the shop, while the other ACTOR, who is now ANGIE, mid to late twenties with natural hair, sits in one of the barber chairs with her notebook sulking. JASMINE You ain’t gonna get these tickets, you ain’t gonna get these tickets! ANGIE I’m not paying you any attention. JASMINE I got tickets to Nina and you ain’t got none. ANGIE You’re not playing fair. Nina Simone herself wouldn’t know the answer to that question. JASMINE (singing) To be young gifted and black you need to get yourself some tickets..