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8-16-1956 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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COURTESY BUJ... J... OCH TIMES To In Thuraday Au, 9 1956 Eight THE BULLOCH TIMES City Cooperate �ED PRINTER BY FAR II �E SERVES A TRADE AREA • . CIllOI � de 1\101 ns, BULLOCH ON HIGHWAY tan, Baddv, CI� OF MORE THAN COUNTrS NEED QuALITY PRINTING? nil of Atlnntn BEST MEDIUM OF Control DrIve Numher Or�Accrdenls wE'�E THE BEST IN THE SE 1\11 and 1\IIS John B Anderson 40,000 PERSONS. BULLOCH MosquIto PARTS QUICK NEWS AND SERVICE.TOO nnd spent the" cekend ut TIMES ADVERTISING fUl1l1ll This 'we ik Mnvor \\ t\ Bcweue Can Be Reduced By Yellow Bluff STATESBORO NEWS - STATESBORO EAGLB .. the full SUI )l01 t of the Nesmith "ph-dged pe] t c be ClthCl filled 01 drniued to MIs'S spent Flltinv Offtcu unci Cttv Govern I Pract icing Four Il.ules l\II und f'.lIs Lawson Ma)OI'!t prevent wmcr Irnm stunding Andel E_S_T_A_B_L_I_SH_E�D_l_8_92 __� mcnt In to ellmiunte the uu 1 �O_F_F_IC_I_A�L�C-O-U_N_T_Y�O_R�G_A_N� �S�T�A�T_E�S�B�O�R�O�,�A�,,�T_HU�R�S�D_A_Y�,�A�U�G�1�6�,�1�95�6� �P�R�IC�E�F�IV�E�'�CENTS � .... striving Should It not be posnible t.o Ii' 'l'ommv" Thompson ��\�h Scbool of O\��--r. ---V�O�L�,�6���N�O�,::26 mosqurt o which hns rencb We 30u..,aQ.:� 10\\ � c.1I ou...... J)lohlelll medlu tch fill 01 drnln these Georgln chnh-mun of the nu tlouul 1\11 nnd MIS Jim Tugurt und .tt.ntion of 4� In Resident tremendous - ed aueb propor-tions the l wil l sons left fOI \\ .... to the of the J.'!���tbales urens, lculth Depurtment 'Stow Down nud Live" cumpurgn, Sn turduj nS11l1l1! SCHOOL SURVEY .In...... db.p. FPFmer Statesboro the past fe\\ DR. F. D. RUSSELL dUlmg be glnd to check fOI tuosqutto toduv stressed the ImpOI tauce of ten, 0 C Mrs Tug-tilt and sons poI. ted feUo;' In .n .djoln'.1 col­ MYSTERY FARM weeks umn Here breeding nnd give ndvlce concern courtesv In cuu.uur the state's traf spent n month \\ ith her pilI ents, W., don't let th•• Visitor Remaih Good. The :Mayor's pledge came nfte r n IIIg lurvictdiuu Iic nccident denth toll 1\11 nnd MIS H W Nesmith IS CONTINUED happ.n to 'au 1 Edw m former Citizen of 'II Bland � Brady, TO BE SPEAKER With the II conference with Jumes Thllt nil lots (eapeciully 'U to the tnte i\1J nnd MIS James Jones and reports shewing that IS INTERESIJIING According Georgia Statesboro some 01 Hubert U cunt twenty years tobacco sales are stili and CllS Engineer ones) be clenred of weeds, Pu trol deutba son of Snvnnnnh Slate Educ.tors Malle ago, good Hig-hway 11Igh\\lI� spent Sundnv "as a recent G, T, C. Professor Is Bulloch vlaitor with hIS grand­ that the better Sea King Medical Db-ector, and g-rnss be cut regulurlv show 11 thirteen cent mcreuse "Ith MIS L Davis grades have been Island Bank pel A Mrs Lila 3 old Rec';,mmendatlons For POLIO PROGRAM mother, Brady and other that States Count,} Heultb Depnrtment: Thllt till cans, bottles the fust SIX months of this To bringing good prices thlough MISS Gull Burnham of Savannah here the Give Commencement Bulloch Times District relatives With hIS wife, boro market continues to be satl._ Sponsors smd L\1r .Juek \\ helchel, tiles and the like be removed from year as coui- All IS two weeks WIth bet County Schools • Bul spending former Nellie Lee Fellers of Mar Public Health Engtueer The andl the)ll opert.y ��;II,,===I pared w I t h Address August 25th factory Farm Pictures Each Week grandmother, Mrs C P Dnvia W Va and their three I IS IS true note This IS the Sixth STILL LAGS tlneburg, The that has It rhut rile Joeb COllnt\ Health Department these all small lust � en I (Editor's reported poundage i\I1 nnd Mrs Walton Nesmith reaide at 6910 40th Dr This marks u survev the u ot a on Bul­ children, they Fielding 0 Russell Will be been sold week the 33rd "Week curecmlj making of ttems, but suff'Icient number Tho III so 1\ in series of articles the I through Monday, August ' p ---- a Small Number Md and the m which areas In on n entertnlned Ft-idny evenmg with loch school Re­ Only Avenue. University Park, Commencement speaker at i. for a public attention and all City and surrounding such taken collectlv el) pi eseut pointed out County system 9,660,032 peunde value Those Edwin" orks 1I\ As an State ee have been fish �upper present were, a was made a Washmgton Georgia College for Women, of $4.308,234 43 It is estimated e) focused on some efJQn 10 Iocate mosqUIto big ploblem that It. IS not cently survey by Who Shots Mr 1\lls dlln Rnd sons Need he serves as an examiner Ilt at Bulloch \\ III contmuebleedll1g1 4 Thllt urea of Ilnd Tngnlt of state educators \�hlch attorney MIJledge\llle, summer gradu- that If the sales contmue III the County farm family In the plat5 ThiS SUI \ey an� susllected � et too Inte group In. 0 !\II and for the Interslate Commerce Com allon exercises Farm series al ens nenl of Wnshll\gtoll, C, board IS as Snturday, August local markct Au Mystery Beglnnine orner \(\ pm )I0lllt of hea\ y bl eedll1g mosqUitoes III or the to halt thiS the county school USing Have Responded through Friday MIS John Blllnes nnd son of Snv mission With �ears 25, 111 Russen AudItorium Dr with the first Issue In the be I ellorted to the lIcl\llh Dc Nevl"ls News a In their for the nearly l\\ent�' gust 17. the total pounds shOUld year. Cll� denth gUIde plannmg 113, mcr!HJUt1o brecdlng toll ]ence III cs IS the MISS Hall101l1ll Tesllllth of expel the he sen < Russell of and new series was to I Such arcns \\111 be 111 ...... annnh, PRICES GOOD THRU AUGUST 11th In June of thiS year, the Nullon field, professor Enghsh reachl designed The ny of Statesboro cOl\duds pUltmenl ...;;__....--Iund IlllplOVe �IRS DONALD MARTIN SAT, :future) � approximately 12.000,000 1\11 Ilnd l\11 s II W us an Adnllnlstn\tlve and Chilli mlln of the diVISion of focus attention on and to Flolldu .wd In weeks" e have diS 01 for Judge Inng· I Good grades of the leal are stili recogniae If lind lI1secl conllol \estlgated fOI the lust SIX prevIOus Foundation Infantile Paraly- mo.'uJuJIO pro GeOlgw's·lecord nl Nesmith VAC, PAK schools in al conducts hearlllgs and formal pro : unges Georgm TeuchcrM College. com to the "arehouses With farming as the big business that it dllec 'OUI nsslslnnce III thiS months of 1\11 Ilnd l\hs 1\T C Andelson COFFEE One Wrth eusstrd the gcnel were some :�flo.. 1 IIIII' each undel the 1956 of $5,00 SIS estltllated that there �mlJl �el\r plOglUnl (lrmrt Food'Order) v� IS • and Issues, IIllttnl dec IS Statesboro not In tel rns ThiS week "e eeedlllgs Moml!' of the poorer sho" only land, equipment and tlon Mr James Blnnd ThiS IS needed to eillm He thut the numhel begin study t grades Ing of plO ulgentl� help suggested 5640 chIldren III Bulloch county I Ions How lim•• cia•• fl,', I. p:tor fellow who An In controversies arlslllg under looklnl "Ia,n Ilcllve hlader 111 Scout 8S the han cst investment but also to pay tribute dlt nute thiS of aCCidents could be tnlf each school m the county, be­ Boy UI) nears complet gram Includes Inl\lcuhng of ploblelll dlastlcully ��t\��;�UI�]:(:S�;�� ���:l��; l��;;::I� Local Shrine Club will remember off "01 to needed the second the Interstate Commerce and Re you kept pa)'lftl hi. to k. Dr Russell IS ono Ion The thol!le Who make the farm lind 1\11 llnd with the Statesboro who to complete pUUIIj� 'UblCl'lplion presentl� local markets will contill­ up che:!! nnd spnce sprn)lllgof the en leduced If e,el� motOrist \\ould l\hs lIughlon Bro\\11 g]nnlng High lated Acts the Bulloch Tim.. The tell. th. If name of the vIce pl'esldellts of the Const- families of our l!Ieetlon School on West Street II1Jectton oC the Salk Jlolto vaccine Plelut ,tor7 ),our ue to have two sets of tire CIt) lind Illeas to Icmembel und IHuctlce these fOUl �lr .nd MIS Bu,e Nesmrth hlld I-LB VI.C PAK COFFEE Grady buyers SUIIOlllHllIlg Conference •••re clrcl.d al CounCil and chlurman The Sea Islantl are Teaching SI)ecial Meeting The local \\ hlte school IS located anel ,.n red lhl. week, ),our ...burlp EmpIre through thiS week Bank apon. one I1l1le be' ond the C]L� I ules us thell l\Il find to protect them against polio pc:nnts guests Sundn�, 7 of the thc sors of the conte�t •• _ Ogeehooppee District of popular and be­ Mrs on West Street on' a site "a��e� �a�;lc����e l�;I��:nL;ia lion to th. Bulloch Tim ha. luther .xplred or II about to •• R L Robel ts nnd duughter The Stutesbolo Shrine Club held Graqy In an effort to this pro- - ASTOR prOVide 8 returned home last Thurs­ Boy Scouts of America Sides the interest 79c that has .... They 13 17 FINEST SHORTENING JEWEL OR of about six acres on .the of Pos,.1 our the to p August Bobble, i\Jt and MIS Thomas Wat­ 11 culled !\Jondn\ ntght, $5" edge the Bulloch Health pire re.ul.tl0l!!' preclude undlnl paper ���I�o��lI��:�II:��::lt;II�II�I�tI�sUring es:rnll�ho:�enl�o::lIOt��I�:st;o�n(�\ ��1d meetlllg (L,m" tection, County day, August 9th He IS an elder 11\ the tcr val)ed by our readerl!l the a whIte reSIdential section The not on • Presb� generally ha\ e them sho\\ you ers, 1\11 and i\lIs Rob ut MIS Kit an intensive tho•• lu'ucrlben curr'ent ba.l. Therefore, If )'ou pre­ NEW car the Devuughn 6, Bnnnt's _ Ion INSURANCE Bowevc.r, lhl.9 � mosquito A conference on August Department began Church, has served liS clerk of contest \\111 serve to out "Teaching sIte IS dlliided a street Single for erts und 1\11 s Gllhs nnd by Cit) .. not to ml... ••• been so that 2 the and son, Rn� chen" Ith PI eSldent R H rhomp campaign the month of July 'e Iln,l. ,,,U., plea end ),Our check or mOb.,. the popn)nuon hus gleat SCIence 10 the Elementnl � Obe� letler Sj) durmg seSSion, and as moderator of special recognlticn some two­ MIS games site fifty of all tlafflc IIl\\S son, Thelell TUlnel und son Ladles \\ ere IIlvlted OrganIzed rcqulrlng With the assIstance of the Statcs­ ord.r for '3 09 for a ,••rt, to the office of th. the nnd Heulth Department Schools" \\111 be held 1)1 eSldlllg lub.cnptlon the Sa\annah farm homes and farm dur.. Mayor nt Geolgm area are at another loca Plesbytery families dnughtel us fmu! \\erc played boro BuslIless & ProfeSSional ELKS AIDMORE CO:OPENS OlcnsUlCS prepulullons •• HERE teel thnt cxtrRordmnl \ Swte fOI Womch ut �I!ll 3 Don't tn' to drlvc to fur or gUl!sts Bulloch Tim NOW (Two ,.an SS 67) Dr Russell IS chalrmun of the ing the year OC mterest to the College 0: tlon The Slte area is conSidered Turnel of IS ::h l\JylU Savannnh fOI the Fall Women's RadiO Station nre nceded to combat this ploblem loo fast made fOllhcomtng Club, committee on readers it has edge\llIe <\ugust 1317 Anunge for school UnI\etslty System generally, especially II fe\\ da) StillS \\ eek "Ith emonllli be In States JIladequate high pur­ and the Bulloch Herald Metropolitan Life Ins, \\ spendlllg CCI to staged SPRY 3 WWNS, and has ar­ to be to the ments el 0 humul1Itles, proven with fann in orr]er bllng problem mude h� Dr 0 F' Fol 4 If �ou must celeblllle '\ltl\ i publt�hed popular the hel MI und NEW DETERGENT WHITE SOAP POWDERS 9; poses HOLDS grandpnlents, i\lIs on Odobel 9th FOI and MEETING bOlO 1uesdnl, Bulloch Times llcles In '! under Bland \\111 III gOl, chul! mUll of the dl\ ISlon of 1I1cholic the I'Georgl8 Revle" readers of the Bulloch Times who control,!\I, be,elnges. don't dll\e ut BUle Nesmith The plant contams (a) a three Opt!ns Agency; To Be t� nobels und guests" ere pi csent the Concert Master For us crmsc hiS und ditches lcachCl educntlOn nil As a part of this program, tell of to the progulIn, WlIlk brick building P..roJects For Future trying Identify Anderson of Sa\annah E .sto?y high �chool SUE HUNNICU'IT falm wilr be IUIVICldcd t'\ICC 11\ 1 homus I 00\\ mien 1I1ustiollS Potentate Robert Health Department held county In Charge E, L, Cook in each Issue \\eokl) hng supel u of constructed 111 1921 with 011 ad Pool To Be "Aclual1� mUJolity dll\CIS spent Wednesdny IlIght \\Ilh his of Open To SLiM of once l\ The dent of schools III een, Fnlllgnnt and !\Irs Fnlhgant "Ide cliniCS lost "eek Unfor Planned In Savannah Orchestra make the contest more inter. \\Cek� hugel 01 l11e S C, \\ III drl\ e dltlon construeted in 1950 con Effort safel� nnd COUI teou!Sh blolhel J La\\ son Andel son Ilnd The MetrOI)oillan Life Insurance dlJul!S Will bo clcnned oul The IS to be the cOllsultnnt SIl' nnnuh \\ el e guests of the club LARGE PKG tunately only a small number of estmg, as announced When the l!Ier. vl!utlng Without nny specml reminders," 1'1Is Anderson tammg t\\enty-flve Instructional TO LEAVE HERE Labor here \\ Ith Potentntc n those attendcd these clm To Raise Funds Through Day Oompony hegan operation les wns BlllJ� IIcI11th Depal t i\11 00'\ IS the Huthol of sov • Fulhgnnt Illllkmg a eligible launched, nobody know. County illlg rllOllIpson s�\ld The of lUll 1\11 nnd Mrs Andelson rooms Includmg t" 0 shops, this week and theIr fllllge Qumton on ICS the SOme 368 representatIve the men'S." III nsslst the clUl altlclcs on shol t oddl ess to the ussemblagc ARROW, week The Identity of the farm that 1I Cll� tho to Durmg Stntesboro Eng-weer bc - At Recreation 00- subJoct nt� dllvers the one ]1\ ten IC� und childl en- of SavHnnnh sCience laboratory, a homemaking The Elks Aidmore Popular Supervisor will be EdWin L Cook of Savan- spent the of n the STOKELY OR Del MONTE Sli or HVS children received the shots AUXIliary Jlublished The l.n ! for mosqUito hi eedlng discussed Illelllllllg Celcmonllll, -a commercial limited polio pal tment announced that photographer who ponslble fOI most lInfflC nccldents, ThUlsdny \\Ith 1\11 nnd 1\115 J Unit, unit, met at the home of Mrs Kermit today nllh, Georgia He was born and aTra� that. the con 01 good lllne It "Ill nffold, nrd the m the nme county clinics held Of Local the took the photo from the air doee Realizing Cit} rolgel stnted thot the could Luwson administrative space. an auditor· Center Accepts Memorlal'Park Pool this year eaSily JOin the snfe dr]vlng Anderson Carr, Tuesday night, August 7 reared in Candler County Mr not nIX.. mos \\ hnl d \\ 01 k that must Into ItS the 368 chIldren these kno\\ the or the do this Job nlone and tlmt 01 kshop on sCience \\ hlch hus go and a An old receiving would remam the identity farm. 90 PCI cent of the by the 5/4 Dal�l DeLoach and MIS IUrn cafeteria (b) The was In of the open through Cook st.arted to work for the com- populace The fOI the 35 the second meeting charge Position In Savannah the Sea Island Bank does not £)Uilolo breed c\ el y\\ hel c, M t been scheduled fOI the second mnktng Headqunltels con­ shots, completed Labor for the conven­ know of the DeLoach of FOI t II elementary brick building Mrs LeslIe Day holiday In the sllnplc I1ppllclltlOn goldon Benlllng spent com­ president, Witte and Illlny Sa\annah office in nor III e CCI emolllul and the 0] No, Hshot" and 97 does the pubhsher of the Bowen nnd I}r KlIlg mnklllg "eSSlon of summer school "111 delegates 2V2 CAN structed in 1903 which has been (mltlal series) Ience of the Citizens of thiS area Timea lulo of treating othels as they fc\\ days last \\ eek \\ Ith hiS par­ was opened by the chaplain, Mrs At the rel'ular meetlllg of the August, J954 and has been very nn von f] om Alee Will be at the third shot, know We on the Tcquest thot C\Clyone stage Its SCience Fnlr the Temple abandoned A brick pleted (complete The pool IS now open to the depend solely dUllng \\ould have ot.hel'" treat them ents. Mr and Mrs WlIlfled De­ (c) gymnas­ W G Neville Report.s were board of recreation thiS month, llublIc 8uccel!lsful in hIS work He has com- \\eek the Hotel Aldl cd series), 236 children received the each readers to identlf,. each farm in. the. assist In this of the conference Miltel­ Loach PEACH'ES Ium In condItion and mornmg from 10 to 12 R m pic" city program l\lr DeLollch ,,,II letHe In satisfactory the Mrs C B Board F Everett WIl­ ted the first shot given by secretary, Chairman, pie company's correspon- tured As a sort of incentive to IBis and aids" 111 be dls­ A In do" nt.()\\ n States liBBY OR STOKELEY'S a frame band and In the afternoon from 2 teaching 12 dn�'s for 2 � curs m the Far East pnrude 46 oz MUSSELMAN 15 oz (d) wood building and the Mrs announced to the board the to 6 dence course and II of Lire t)y remuvlng mosquito breedmg Ohaney treasurer, hams, part make the first correct Identi.fica. ed at the confel ence R. E. Southwell boro of the UllIformed BodIes \\Ith roomb and Results of the county clinics of p m In the from »!a� and MIS DeLoach \\11I remam III with prac�lce storage Lonnie of Mrs Sue evening 7 to underwriters course which :places from theIr propert� Young resignation training tlon, the a thel! colorful costumes and J.. Immuntzatlons given are as Hunnicutt 10 and Jlaper give. yean au'" Snvnnnah for thiS lllne age faCilities polIo except Monday Saturday IS conducted the Tomato Juice Cans A rummage sale WIll be held on of the recreation department each year uuder to The \\ere APPLE SAUCE 17c and the owner follOWing suggestions IN MEMORIAM old lllldltlOnnl splendol \\111 dueci­ 3 $100 The contains the follow- (ollo\\s nights when the Will be scription. of the Appointed Agent Mrs Tom NeVils n fe\\ plant 25 on West Mam Street III pool of the National Assocla- spent LAND 0' SUNSHINE August Mr Williams re· guidance farm a beautiful nutile to home and 0\\ n­ ececle thc mid meal fOI No 303 ROYAL PRINCE WHOLE f.WEET No, 21'. af- expressed deep closed goea 61:7 mount- property dnys last \\ eek \\ Ith her sister Mrs h III day tng tnstructlonal'faciittles (a) Reglster---4.4 Portal-53, Ne\­ next the bUlldlllg to Hodges &t and at the same time ed In 10\ of our dear Effective R E SoutJmeli cnndldales The gret congrat­ enlargement of· the el'S their role tr: this Ing nlemory todn)i nuke and Mr Flake of the Nobles and ter needed changes Iff"" the main 119-114 l\1lddleground-60, Lee­ Regular admiSSIon praces will original eonec:rnlng (IInd� Ca. Deal's Fish Market from 9 a m ulated Mrs Hunnicutt on her new ��de�:��e� opening husbnnd and futher, Chnl he H IS nppomted Itself" 111 be Ilt Cans evall tlo:s:fs��f: passenger representll Blooklet Ceremonml staged Green Peas 2 27c POT A TOE S 27c buIldmg plan, there should be 18 fleld-L1, Brooklet and Stllson­ pi nnd cveryone IS mVlted to this is Alton Fore· to 6 m \\Os announced 0 undertaking !\I Dcon , \\ho p An�'­ With the Savannah territory deported thIs hfe tlve for the SeabOlH d All Line the aSSignment In :�Ot�:r::: I':;�:d t��ii�omplimenta Genc of N G T V S GeorglR Teachers College, satisfactory Ulllts ho\ mg suffiCient 8a.. Jom the sWim assistant 1 10\\ areas Billy Hodges one for thiS sale will hand, district manager of That on the yeulS ago havlllg nnythmg Recr.eatlon Department She We feel thot it has a .. pro- todny, August 10. Railroad nt BI uns\\ Ick, GeOi gw First SectIon at McGronn"Audl for two a Each been popu 111 the \\eek space hbrar�, shops, In additIOn to the county cliniCS, afternoon at 3 II m 100 the Savannah a I Clnlksville. Ga, spent take to the home of Mrs as of office, veteran of lar ��g5hJ South\\ ell \\ as born U\ plense assume her duties supervIsor feature and that our readen Stntesboro, end" Ith IllS ents tOriUIIl und the Second Section 1\t sCience labolatory, a choral room, the Bulloch Health De penntes Will be thro""n mlo the We do not need a Pi\! 1\11 and Mrs Count� Cal r or and someone \\ III 27 years service" Ith the company specml day \\RS phone city playgrounds In the early fall generally look forward to it from 1'0 GeOlgtn. glnduRted flolU Lab Hubert the Old College Gym a Ulllt and rcgular palbnent 635 1I11IllUnt­ pool and fmders wUl be bltng hlln to OUI Illlnd Hodges homemakmg gave )1olto al to It keepers Mr Forehand began hiS career School Ilnd enteled range pick up Het reslinatlon here IS effective week to week The Times had the The s we olatOlY High MIS chulIlllan GRADE A classrooms zatlons dUI lit the Health ThiS event Will take each \\ dn� do not tJlInk of 111m L 0 Andclson and sons, COlllnllttec appolllt- FRESH mg Jui, were for the pillce Ith the cOlllpany III Savannah, Ga the SCI vice of Plojccts planned September 1 pictures I�ad(! nnd the Sea bland Ale Illud the 3enbOllld RUII The thl ee IS hent- Centel Of thiS numbel com­ unttl the closes \CIY to find MIS Dun LanIel \\ele shoPPlllg In ments made and uccepted Include stor� bUlldtng �09 Oldels for the day pool III July ID29 load III and COtnUlg yeul Bank sponsored the senes without August sild 1043, he hus selved III cd an 011 fIred centlal elthel the "lIl1tllll" or MIS I1unlllcutt has been em­ Labol 1)llngs memOlles of a Sn\llnnoh 'IhulSdll� Oanchdutes cOl11llllUee chullmnn, I by heutlng pletcd "com­ OhllStlllUS Dnd All Occasion Cards Day. Sept 3 Will be the The Metlo)lohtnn feels that eco- \ urlous benefit of l)fIor to La, ed one to I cnpncltles III the pussengel "illch IS I ne\\ selles ployed by the Reel cation Depat t­ last experience bale gone cst, 1\11 und Mrs L]tt Allell of B HOUSIng Resel\atlOn system eilltlvel� plAte" sWlmmllli day of the sCl\sQ._n n01111C conditions III StntcsbOl0 arc Robillson, should be taken no\\ Captains Its on Who "Ill nc'el bo tlllfflC depul tment He hus been The--artlflcllli III the old ment almost from the leecptlon fOIA'otten Stl1t�SbOIO spent the \\eekend \\Ith Chllllmun, f' J Alundel hA'ht pOI The henlth depal tment estlllllltes begmning and that business should lIugh wele appOinted to take of excellent, The we By the ones \\ ho loved hlln best stutloned Ilt chntge of the buck m 1948 and only way know. or the SIl\flllnah, (,cOIgm, 1\11 und MIS Wilton Ro\\e LucilcR Reg'lstlntlon Commlttce, tlon of the bUlldmg ill velY 111- that thele Ille sull apJlloxllllfttcly plogram REVIVAL S'::RVICES AT be hele thiS ploJect very good that the bank" Wife llnd Daughtels Cnmp nnd comes to The new has for brief lea\ es of absence onl� way 111 know Blanding, Fill. Jumcs HOlle IS Somc 1\1IS II P Jones SI, Chilli man, ..ndequnte portion 54(10 chlldl en til Bulloch Count� except GRACEWOOD BAPTIST MI to spendln,t An mtel estlllg film, brought Cook expects to mo\e of 1t.'S Interest Is AI uns" Ick fl om J"ckflol1vllle \\ hel C FRYERS :flourescent -and has her as from aUf read­ time \\Ith 1\11 nnll 1\IIS Wilton and 1\115 Hugh AllIl1del, Co Chall r--.. Itghts City "ho need to complete the held posItion ReVIVal services Statesboro Within next two Its )\ater se�ond pack from_the National ElM (;:on­ THEODORE HENKLE'" ""111 begm Au the en 11001 busmess to he hns been since Jf you Ilk. the Farm KENAN'S spend cll1J1lo�ed 1916 Ho\\e llncl mnn I\lo\IOS 1\115 John 'SeW:lge liu;I}Ol!al sY:!ltelll are uSt:d nnd third shots In nddltlon, of the Statesboro Recreation Cen- Mystery Blli Ro\\e Hostess. polto III gust 20 and contlllue weeks and at that time we "111 ad- mOIH!\ iOI tmle nnd feltllJzel nnd Soutlmell's I vt!ntlon ChIcago recently, "as through Au­ aenes Rnd want It continued-let office \\111 QO locnted 1\11 nncl Pnlude The 1U m IS heated t\\0 111- an estimated 3600 children \\ho ter slIlce that time MIS C J l\lultlll nnd Mooney, Decolnlions and by Inlge sho"n l\fts Ln"son concertmaster for the J 95G 57 gust 26 at the Gracewood ,Ise you of hiS locatIOn then lose 1lI0st It by In the b�' 1\lItchell, Bap the folks at the bank know that !,?f plo\\Illg Ogletholpc Ilotel. Billns dl\ fired Ulllts lind by coni ha\ e the second shot Sue. as she IS se!lson PRINT SHOP Bobb� 1\I11Itll\, 1\1] und !\IIS R J COlllnllttee. A 1\1 Sellgmun, r'ioat Idually completed affectionately This" III be i\lr Henkle's list ChUlch SeJvlces nt 8 and and do\\ n lull \\ who \\fth MI l\htchell attended beg-Ill you look fon, ard to It the next plnntll1g til> Ick, GeOl gin WHOLE-POUND stoves located 111 the no\\ need Je coiled all the folks ond soason MOIIIS and dnughtel, Debbie, of and 1'1 nnspOI tatlon Comllllttee, urel!lsmg IIle ehglble nn� to_ b� �oung foulth \\Ith the olchestrn pm. \\ lUI Rev SUIU Shaw of 1'1111 the con\ entlo!;) Refl eshments BOOK�fOBlLE SCHEDULE tllne you their We know Toom The frame bond 100m IS cel\ e has found a "ass way l\\ llnnllh spent Sundll�' With i\11 Pel cy BIllnd Ludles Luncheon the thl! d to complete the oldsters. too. spec181 hu\ mg sel ved as COIlCCl tlllnster len Elam Church \\e1e served by the program com­ BOI)tist FOR NEXT WEEK It I.ny. tribute to our farm frrend., nnd Mrs Wulton Neslllith l\l!s heated by a vcnted gas hen tel totnl SOlles place III the healts of thelSupervill!!1people \\Ith the sll1ce Its Conlllllttec, Pelc� Bland, olgnnlzutlOn 26 "111 murk the nuttec 11\ churge of 1\1I"S Normnn August first Monday. Aug Route 'Ye sort of IJke the series we IS Due COli of Stutesbolo and Bulloch 20-Esla, and 1\llsses Judy and Sundl[l Neslluth Celelllonllll Co Ol(hnutol. ElOIse Lightlllg Jloor to the necessity for Count} founding In 1963 of the CnmpbelJ nllJlJvelSul� church The I In the morning, Brooklet ot 3 30 want It We feel like our readers MUlI1tenance the on Max us of tllIee StOI� centiatlllg other publie henlth Lock\\ood. superilltendent 1\tr.. Henkle hud been .. spent Wednesda) !light guests Wille, ,und PubliCity COllullItlee, Carr and Mrs I IHe\lously public IS InVited to at­ In Mrs Witte at­ cordlDlIy the afternoon want It too flAG BRAND FANCY SLICED IS entllely the health of the Statesboro "as conceltmastel of 1\IIsses June and Juha R H Thompson HecoldCl E D bUlldmg ]nadequllte programs, department Department. of lhe l\llaml (Fiori tend the services Blngan tended a cliniC for preSidents and Tuesday, Aug 21-Esla, Route 1\11 and Mrs Tect! Wells of Alec and Broth The roof do\\nspollts and gultolS \\llJ be unaQle to dc\ote marc spec high In praise of \\ork done b� da and the lIulldel Nesnllth, Temple, secretaries In on S�lIlphon�' 2 In the Portal at 3 30 are In Celotox lUI eHolt thiS Augusta Sunday.. MI3 Hunnicutt and 1ll0rnlllg, McGLAMERY REUNION l\lolgnn, Sandlu, and Nesllnth el Kllk Cllftol1, Geneml Secletal� poor lepUlr ceiling to progmm Ho\\­ expressed S�mr>hony Soclet� Hc cnme to WOMEN'S Judy August 12 Mrs Curr, \\ho IS the SOCIETY TO MEET 111 the afternoon All descendanta of the late and 011 tlte walls al e 111 It IS that the at John \\ele \ISltlllg In Snvannnh SUl1d,,� fOI the YOlk und Scottish Rites, plastel ever, hoped parents dcep leg-ret her resignatIon At Sa\unnnh after t\\O years \\lth The Women's vice I)) eSldent for Georgtn East l\1ls�lonary Fel Wednesday, and Lnnnie are condition InterlOJ decoration chlhhen same Aug 22-0geechee McGlamery in- 1\11 nnd 1\lts Josh had as \\Cle nlso plesent fOI the meeting LB PKG 1I00r of needmg thiS Vital Ilro­ the time he congratulated the famous Longll1es Symphonette Riggs wuos In of thIS lo"shlp of the ChristIan Ohurch 111 the to "lS needed \\ood sash charge meetmg communIty 1ll0nllng, Reg'lll vltf!d attend a family reunion thel1 1\'11 nnd l\lls RecoldCl Wells closed the Old "mdo\\ tectlon \\11i take advantage of the 1\hs Hunlllcutt on hel new Job It Widely kno\\11 as a conceit Violin guests Sunda�. l11eetmg There were 34 III attendance WIll meet 21 at 8 m ter ut 330 m the afternoon at BACON are III August p Temple Hill Baptlat on condition The hnnd ImmunizatIOn Church, sevelill of hiS chOice nnec- pOOl regulnr cllllIes at thc Will be most difficult to fll1d a per 1st, Henkle hus llJllleared us solo at the home of MIS Paul Deoton, Thursda.y, I\ug 23-Leefleld 10 Basket Tails In the stU\l \\ ells ule loose and Health Center tho month son \\ Sunday, AUK'ust lunch �1��1 �; ����S dUllng to fill hel IJOsltlon he stated, 1st Ith the Sm Ulllluh Symphony 110 East ���f��eOfL�:Vt�����: �;Id Grady Street at 1 00 m "EAT-RITE" All BEEf- -need attention The IR III of COMMENCEMENT AT P \ anln bUIlding August who "III be able to do the cahble on selielul OCCIlSIOIIS the The Emma Kelly Kombo "III dutlng ___:_co_n_II_"_"n_'-'tY W_I_II_b_e_served .loor condition Polio ImmunizatIOns" 111 be \\ork done !\Irs Hunntcutt OHr three 1\.11 and Mrs 0 H Hodges had pla� fOI the Potentate's Ball to be °g(v_ G, T, C, NEXT FRIDAY by post yeArs The In ee -- thc tltl StOI en _ space � at the Health Center as follows the years as their guests for the ,\ eekend, held that night In the old College building can be mOle eaSily adop- l\1onda�s, Wednesday.s and Frl­ Ono hundred and thirteen stu­ Plitt. nnd her Rural Roads Mrs A B Crusselle and Sue, mother, Ga. Power Joins Georgia's Is Oft To-A GootI St.t a Program ted to a III I _ Juntor sohool pro- to 12 noon and 1 m receive so_n_J_u_I_-_G-'Y-'n_'' high days-9 I) dents their degrees at the Mrs Hagllls, Will leave Statesboro than to n sentor to gram hIgh pro 6 pm annual summer commencement to mnke therr home HAMBURGER 3 - because of the need for mOle Watchers LBPKG919c gram TlIesd8�s, Thu-sdays, Saturdays, program at Teachers Col :� Sky Georgtn �::a��;�st ::hIghly specl8hzcd areas III the sen 9 a III to 12 noon next Friday lege Sen ICC Ilnd construction em­ "lor high Jlrogrnm The selllor high P.arcnts are remmded that other E editor of Joseph Lambnght, ees from the local students should be for In humulllr.atlons slich plo� Georgm prOVided as dIphtheria, the Savannah Ne\\s and a Mornmg Po\\er Corppuny ha\e volunleered a ne" school - plant "hoopmg cough and tetanus are 1938 of "Ill make LIFE ON THE graduate GTC to aSSIst Ground Observer Corps There should be also en at thiS Improved light- gl\ tunc It IS IIll the graduation address In Me­ of the Cn II Defense \\ Ith BABY BEEF and re- that I)rogram mg, general remodeling portant chIldren entering Croan Auditorium at 10 a m PresI­ HORMEl'S SPICED SLICED their mobile units accoldmg to Estl agamst these dent Zach S Henderson \\111 a\\ald ENGLISH FARM CHUCK ROAST Ib,33c \ yrotected M Sgt J H Shelnutt of the Suv- Lb, ��:t�l�h��:�\:r�!h;�ob,���lI1g d��:�esbe the degrees LUNCH MEAT Mrss Creas� RelaLes annuh Air Defense FIlter Center You M I E Z l\Jul Un of Statesboro ,When EAT RITE WIENERS OR KINSERS SUPERB RAND FARM STYLE CAN YOU IDENTIFY THIS FARM? ManJ' Intereslrng l!j 111 chalge of the defense nctivi Lb, Lb, tiCS of the mobile umts \\ Ilieh be POTATO SALAD 39C And Unusual Facls CoHage Cheese 25c gun thiS \\ eek , 1'1l1l1t n said thut uli the Milke hn.�t \\ hi Ie the sun shmes" Georgm Po\\el mobile ct\lS III tillS ulen \\111 CALIFORNIA S�EDlESS IS a 81l� Ing \\ luch means n lot to be used ns mobile With the an English fUlnl(?! It IS no\\ IlU� units, lermed as nn out­ time on the fUlm "hele I um liv Engmeer Office post mg All the fllnul)! ucln It� IS cen The tered III e\ Georglu Po\\er l)erSonnel_ LBS ound thiS 1Il1POI tnnt ent "Ill not onh nct us of The fnllll "Ife IS kept bus\ "cut guardlUns the el I but of the skies 2 01 teas po" Illes, GRAPES tlllg bagglllgs' JlIepullIlg ulrcrnft for the (III III It takes agalJ1sl enclll� spotted b) RED \\olkers hny CALIFORNIA the fIeld \\olkers "hdc on qUite a \\ 'lIle to dl yonce It IS cut crUISing ,\ 111 be ted the out hele, the mOisture content of the duty, repol to post, \\hele the \\111 then nil bemg so lugh The ha� IS us dispatch be I eln� cd to the i\ it Defense F'II THAO( AT HOM( LBS uolh lurned mechullIcnlly se\ ernl tel Centel In Sn, annuh tlllles befole It IS baled On some 2 111 PLUMS 1\Inltlll slaled thnt fFlrms they usc hay or gl ass dl � ers, pr.()\lous OUR WANT ADS stlucttons had been leccl\ed ftnm BUYING OR SELLING? LET FRESH TEXAS hut they ore luthel expenSI\e to I mstull Augustn und these \\ el e put mto action follo\\ 11 diSCUSSion meet­ ROUND-UP ALL THE PROSPECTS FOR YOU! Clothes tuke qUite It t.IIl1e to dry mg "ItIt Sgt Shelnutt CELLO PKGS also U8uall� Il home hus one or Illg House-huntll1g? House selling? The town's more "alrmg cupboards", closets ' that are "hele the clothes Carrots, 2 19c "111m WAS THIS YOU? selectIOns of real estate are listed are local largest buys placed to completely dl y Many merchant are In a You mall led and II'e Support your builders and indI­ tunes a drYIng rnck IS hung fl0111 here!l1 our Want Ads, Brokers, attractive home outsIde DIXIANA FROZEN the celllllg ov(!r the stove m the very Just VIduals know that more folks turn to the Want kitchen the City hmlts Your husband IS a Ca., contractor STRAWBERRIES 4 Attended, along wlth a mllhon Mondoy mornlDg you to make their and needs were III a Ads selling buying people, the Royal Aglleuituiol town wearlllg blue dress AGEN FORDHOOK \\ Ith black straw corned known No other medIUm reaches so m-any people show of England lust" eek ThIS shoes and a led btllfold our Pk", show covers an area of se\eral advertisers - at one that's WANT ADS results! 4 acres • Patrol1;ize time why get FROZEN LIMAS ond IS held annually If the lady described above Will in LIBBY As you walk do" n one of the call at the Times office, 26 Sel­ There's not a busll1ess or service company bald avenues of the show grounds, you Street, she will be given two Ca., tlckcts to the to· Statesboro or 111 Bulloch county who would not FROZE. LEMONADE 8 might eaSily Im8gllle yourself III picture showJOg and tomorrow at the the cro\\ ds commg from a foot day GeorgIa The Farm" aho.e II 33..d PAR-KEN "MYltor, pictured the farm to appear In the Bulloch Time. and II a Theater find that the few cents invested in'regular weekly weele­ ball game back home at "Geor- f.ature I, Iponlored b, the Sea hland Balik III 3,nlZlni and pa,lnl tribute to the farm Alter receivJOg her tlckeu, it times over, Ca., famlhel gla" What drew such cro"ds' Want Ads for themselves many of our The flrlt to pay FROZEN LIMEADE 8 communlt, penon correctl, .denhf, the aho'f'e farm Will ..ecel•• one lub­ cat ,ear'. Top quality livestock, sheep, �hl� to the Bulloch Tamel and the oWlle.. of ..m ��:r:ld�;�� �!i��eb�tail��bnor: Advertis!) in our classified section, scription the fa Will r.cea'f'e • B..uliful Sa7 mount.d en­ tie, pigs. flower sho" s, and many l'egu�arly lovely orchid with the of the educational eomplimenta Bulloch lar,ment orl,lhal photolraph ahlolutel, free, comphmenh of the S.a hland Banle Identlfi. exhibits These exhlb of The Times Bill the slrad.d lines on ..bove ,how Want Ads make news, read them and Holloway, proprietor. Heavy which is People e.tIo•• Its map gram scheduled for liter mud be made in perlon at the Sea hland Bank If w ranged from a hve exhibit of ,ou Itke the ••kl, f.ature .nd de.lre For a free balr call Chrw. location of on comrlelion I stylinl' project, Gov, Marvin Griffin', the next out of the 2Y, yean, results, '0 ••• It contillued, then an expre.. iod from the .... d.rl who look forward to chickens, hatching eggs tine'. for an Georgia, highway they get It with the offlcl.l. of Beaut, Shop appoint. atatewide rural road con. on $loo·miIlion.aollar schedule this tbe bank .ome to right to blacksmith shoeing ment. building year, State Will ,Ive Index al .t. receptIon our read.n. Lal' ! including hy we.k'. M,,'er, Farm wa. the Itruction These .....nt 30 horsel!l Tile week program, "'p only funda and increased fed.raI wUI total CANS farm of JOlh of Statelboro and Wal flrd lady described last aid, TIMES H.lln Idontlfled b, -hi. '011, Jam•• Edward H.,.D. percent, or out of the tolal PHONE 4·2514 TODAY-THE BULLOCH (Oontinued on w.. Mn, Dan mI, $30,000,000, pro- $155 million. PallO 8) I WWi _ I iiEscBiJi�s· 4 49c on the Plaza has given It required l tomb of the unknown soldier placed adjoining �LOOH TIMES Final and Will be Wheeler snid, the Penta- Resting Allington National Cemetery, 1Il- the present tomb Thursday, AUlus. 16, 1958 Two must stili usk Ior the Brooklet News Congress BULLOCH TIMES stead, wheeler enid, the crypt III scribed onh with the dates of euch gon I funds with prompt np- MRS. JOHN A. AND Place For Vets which the world Wm l l und 1(0101\ '\ni period necessury ROBERTSON Rend on Pine AIt.3 expected th� Classified Ads THE S1'AT��SI10RO NEWS I unknown entombedutlandThe Can mlesion IHOVIlI npPlovnl\BUI The two selected unknowns of \� _w_'II_be m-\Howe\er. StAluboro Consolidated Wllh Engle WOIh.l Wal II and Koren huve been assured theh final J SHIELDS KENAN I}f resthur Nutlonul Editor and Publisher pluee lit Allington Clime­ tery. The nssuranec came with t.he or Bulloch County OlllqlRI O_rgan npprovn l of Public Law G52, 84th takes to the road like a -Congress Nothing Chevy! Office: 23-25 Selbnld Stt eet Burial fOI the unknowns IS to Phone 4-2514 be 10 the Plazn udjclnlng the IHeS­ Once III a blue moon a cur like this siveness to YOUI' touch on the wheel, MEMBER OF ent tomb nt Allington 'l'he cere­ comes so advanced brakes and accelerator, ASSOCIATION along-a design OEORGIA PRESS the two mony to honor unknowns so bal­ FARM BUREAU in performance, beautifully see that the '56 is IULLOCH COUNTY ' fOI YOII can Chevy hus been set Mumorlnl Dny, that It stands out above anced a for But until 1968. standout style. you evervother; car on the highway. the Pete Wheeler, Dlrectot of the have driven one you're rrussmg - You'H appreciate the State Depm-tment of Veterans lt has a solid, sure-footed way of best part of the news the fact quiet dig. I olet is the mty and thoughtfulnell 01 our Service, stated that the recent r: gorng that makes driving safer that Che. smoothest, Amenca's car- sta!f and the 01 plans -\\ III not chnnge the pi esent and more pleasant on any road, solidest, most wedded-to-the-road largest seiling lasting beauty 2 million more owners than our final tribute. And you feel a very special sense automobile you ever bossed. Try It 8ny other make! Statesboro tomorrow mot mng for o� security III Its rapid-fire respon- and see. 'Phomson to nttend 1\ nme-oounty BARNES FUNERAL salwe the ]'011 more car when YOII bUllli .• more dollars wllell you 8'ellltl CherlY 11(18 the JIIglle8t resale 0/ leadwf/ IOIlJ-prlced modelsl rnfly fOI Dick Russell, seeking re­ (Jct xtercn EMeted nil IICCQnd clAn mnuer election to the United Stutes sen­ HOME_ 1905 ",t the ocetorrtce at Statu­ PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE REPORT FROM IS, ate. or boro, OR. under me Act Congress NEW YORK CITY IN 1955 22 STATES AND 'I'hu t vnluuble I eu! estate on ot March 3, 1879 Enst Muiu Street known as the Rountree property, now tho Nor­ JJ. CHEVROLET! "I Want To Write rts Hotel, was this week sold bl UNVACCINATED 29.2 (oses per 100,000 1\119 J \V Rountree to Lnnnie F' My Congressman" muuons and Hoke BI unson • B Gny of the Portnl com­ In the dave of Uncle Slim's SCI­ muntty, WIIS declureu nmoni:' the 1\ cases mnstet vice It \\U!I rnther uncommon fOi VACCINATED 6.3 per 100,000 Iour Georgin Inrmers by the of nt Ath­ person who hud eomc pett) m-iev­ College Agriculture 12 nnce to rccerv e the suggcsuon ens. on August from 1115 Irtends to "see the chnp­ POLIO SHOTS AS SOON I