Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 8-16-1956 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1956). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2863. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2863 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .\ COURTESY BUJ... J... OCH TIMES To In Thuraday Au, 9 1956 Eight THE BULLOCH TIMES City Cooperate �ED PRINTER BY FAR II �E SERVES A TRADE AREA • . CIllOI � de 1\101 ns, BULLOCH ON HIGHWAY tan, Baddv, CI� OF MORE THAN COUNTrS NEED QuALITY PRINTING? nil of Atlnntn BEST MEDIUM OF Control DrIve Numher Or�Accrdenls wE'�E THE BEST IN THE SE 1\11 and 1\IIS John B Anderson 40,000 PERSONS. BULLOCH MosquIto PARTS QUICK NEWS AND SERVICE.TOO nnd spent the" cekend ut TIMES ADVERTISING fUl1l1ll This 'we ik Mnvor \\ t\ Bcweue Can Be Reduced By Yellow Bluff STATESBORO NEWS - STATESBORO EAGLB .. the full SUI )l01 t of the Nesmith "ph-dged pe] t c be ClthCl filled 01 drniued to MIs'S spent Flltinv Offtcu unci Cttv Govern I Pract icing Four Il.ules l\II und f'.lIs Lawson Ma)OI'!t prevent wmcr Irnm stunding Andel E_S_T_A_B_L_I_SH_E�D_l_8_92 __� mcnt In to ellmiunte the uu 1 �O_F_F_IC_I_A�L�C-O-U_N_T_Y�O_R�G_A_N� �S�T�A�T_E�S�B�O�R�O�,�A�,,�T_HU�R�S�D_A_Y�,�A�U�G�1�6�,�1�95�6� �P�R�IC�E�F�IV�E�'�CENTS � .... striving Should It not be posnible t.o Ii' 'l'ommv" Thompson ��\�h Scbool of O\��--r. ---V�O�L�,�6���N�O�,::26 mosqurt o which hns rencb We 30u..,aQ.:� 10\\ � c.1I ou...... J)lohlelll medlu tch fill 01 drnln these Georgln chnh-mun of the nu tlouul 1\11 nnd MIS Jim Tugurt und .tt.ntion of 4� In Resident tremendous - ed aueb propor-tions the l wil l sons left fOI \\ .... to the of the J.'!���tbales urens, lculth Depurtment 'Stow Down nud Live" cumpurgn, Sn turduj nS11l1l1! SCHOOL SURVEY .In...... db.p. FPFmer Statesboro the past fe\\ DR. F. D. RUSSELL dUlmg be glnd to check fOI tuosqutto toduv stressed the ImpOI tauce of ten, 0 C Mrs Tug-tilt and sons poI. ted feUo;' In .n .djoln'.1 col­ MYSTERY FARM weeks umn Here breeding nnd give ndvlce concern courtesv In cuu.uur the state's traf spent n month \\ ith her pilI ents, W. r.p.at, don't let th•• Visitor Remaih Good. The :Mayor's pledge came nfte r n IIIg lurvictdiuu Iic nccident denth toll 1\11 nnd MIS H W Nesmith IS CONTINUED happ.n to 'au 1 Edw m former Citizen of 'II Bland � Brady, TO BE SPEAKER With the II conference with Jumes Thllt nil lots (eapeciully 'U to the tnte i\1J nnd MIS James Jones and reports shewing that IS INTERESIJIING According Georgia Statesboro some 01 Hubert U cunt twenty years tobacco sales are stili and CllS Engineer ones) be clenred of weeds, Pu trol deutba son of Snvnnnnh Slate Educ.tors Malle ago, good Hig-hway 11Igh\\lI� spent Sundnv "as a recent G, T, C. Professor Is Bulloch vlaitor with hIS grand­ that the better Sea King Medical Db-ector, and g-rnss be cut regulurlv show 11 thirteen cent mcreuse "Ith MIS L Davis grades have been Island Bank pel A Mrs Lila 3 old Rec';,mmendatlons For POLIO PROGRAM mother, Brady and other that States Count,} Heultb Depnrtment: Thllt till cans, bottles the fust SIX months of this To bringing good prices thlough MISS Gull Burnham of Savannah here the Give Commencement Bulloch Times District relatives With hIS wife, boro market continues to be satl._ Sponsors smd L\1r .Juek \\ helchel, tiles and the like be removed from year as coui- All IS two weeks WIth bet County Schools • Bul spending former Nellie Lee Fellers of Mar Public Health Engtueer The andl the)ll opert.y ��;II,,===I pared w I t h Address August 25th factory Farm Pictures Each Week grandmother, Mrs C P Dnvia W Va and their three I IS IS true note This IS the Sixth STILL LAGS tlneburg, The that has It rhut rile Joeb COllnt\ Health Department these all small lust � en I (Editor's reported poundage i\I1 nnd Mrs Walton Nesmith reaide at 6910 40th Dr This marks u survev the u ot a on Bul­ children, they Fielding 0 Russell Will be been sold week the 33rd "Week curecmlj making of ttems, but suff'Icient number Tho III so 1\ in series of articles the I through Monday, August ' p ---- a Small Number Md and the m which areas In on n entertnlned Ft-idny evenmg with loch school Re­ Only Avenue. University Park, Commencement speaker at i. for a public attention and all City and surrounding such taken collectlv el) pi eseut pointed out County system 9,660,032 peunde value Those Edwin" orks 1I\ As an State ee have been fish �upper present were, a was made a Washmgton Georgia College for Women, of $4.308,234 43 It is estimated e) focused on some efJQn 10 Iocate mosqUIto big ploblem that It. IS not cently survey by Who Shots Mr 1\lls dlln Rnd sons Need he serves as an examiner Ilt at Bulloch \\ III contmuebleedll1g1 4 Thllt urea of Ilnd Tngnlt of state educators \�hlch attorney MIJledge\llle, summer gradu- that If the sales contmue III the County farm family In the plat5 ThiS SUI \ey an� susllected � et too Inte group In. 0 !\II and for the Interslate Commerce Com allon exercises Farm series al ens nenl of Wnshll\gtoll, C, board IS as Snturday, August local markct Au Mystery Beglnnine orner \(\ pm )I0lllt of hea\ y bl eedll1g mosqUitoes III or the to halt thiS the county school USing Have Responded through Friday MIS John Blllnes nnd son of Snv mission With �ears 25, 111 Russen AudItorium Dr with the first Issue In the be I ellorted to the lIcl\llh Dc Nevl"ls News a In their for the nearly l\\ent�' gust 17. the total pounds shOUld year. Cll� denth gUIde plannmg 113, mcr!HJUt1o brecdlng toll ]ence III cs IS the MISS Hall101l1ll Tesllllth of expel the he sen < Russell of and new series was to I Such arcns \\111 be 111 ......... annnh, PRICES GOOD THRU AUGUST 11th In June of thiS year, the Nullon field, professor Enghsh reachl designed The ny of Statesboro cOl\duds pUltmenl ...;;__....--Iund IlllplOVe �IRS DONALD MARTIN SAT, :future) � approximately 12.000,000 1\11 Ilnd l\11 s II W us an Adnllnlstn\tlve and Chilli mlln of the diVISion of focus attention on and to Flolldu .wd In weeks" e have diS 01 for Judge Inng· I Good grades of the leal are stili recogniae If lind lI1secl conllol \estlgated fOI the lust SIX prevIOus Foundation Infantile Paraly- mo.'uJuJIO pro GeOlgw's·lecord nl Nesmith VAC, PAK schools in al conducts hearlllgs and formal pro : unges Georgm TeuchcrM College. com to the "arehouses With farming as the big business that it dllec 'OUI nsslslnnce III thiS months of 1\11 Ilnd l\hs 1\T C Andelson COFFEE One Wrth eusstrd the gcnel were some :�flo.. 1 IIIII' each undel the 1956 of $5,00 SIS estltllated that there �mlJl �el\r plOglUnl (lrmrt Food'Order) v� IS • and Issues, IIllttnl dec IS Statesboro not In tel rns ThiS week "e eeedlllgs Moml!' of the poorer sho" only land, equipment and tlon Mr James Blnnd ThiS IS needed to eillm He thut the numhel begin study t grades Ing of plO ulgentl� help suggested 5640 chIldren III Bulloch county I Ions How lim•• cia•• fl, H.re', I. p:tor fellow who An In controversies arlslllg under looklnl "Ia,n Ilcllve hlader 111 Scout 8S the han cst investment but also to pay tribute dlt nute thiS of aCCidents could be tnlf each school m the county, be­ Boy UI) nears complet gram Includes Inl\lcuhng of ploblelll dlastlcully ��t\��;�UI�]:(:S�;�� ���:l��; l��;;::I� Local Shrine Club will remember off "01 to needed the second the Interstate Commerce and Re you kept pa)'lftl hi. to k. Dr Russell IS ono Ion The thol!le Who make the farm lind 1\11 llnd with the Statesboro who to complete pUUIIj� 'UblCl'lplion presentl� local markets will contill­ up che:!! nnd spnce sprn)lllgof the en leduced If e,el� motOrist \\ould l\hs lIughlon Bro\\11 g]nnlng High lated Acts the Bulloch Tim.. The tell. th. If name of the vIce pl'esldellts of the Const- families of our l!Ieetlon School on West Street II1Jectton oC the Salk Jlolto vaccine Plelut ,tor7 ),our ue to have two sets of tire CIt) lind Illeas to Icmembel und IHuctlce these fOUl �lr .nd MIS Bu,e Nesmrth hlld I-LB VI.C PAK COFFEE Grady buyers SUIIOlllHllIlg Conference •••re clrcl.d al CounCil and chlurman The Sea Islantl are Teaching SI)ecial Meeting The local \\ hlte school IS located anel aclelr....bo ,.n red lhl.
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